Volume 5, Issue 2
In This Issue: • • • • • • • • • •
Clifton Transit initiative...1 Tenant Referral Prog.....2 Gazebo Design Contest...2 Birth Announcement.......3 Wedding Announcement....3 Smith Carter Win...........3 Zonolite Intersection.....3 Boi Tips.......................4 Cleanup update............4 Tenant of the QTR..........4
* TRANSIT ALTERNATIVES: The 7 original transit alternatives included multiple alternatives for each of these modes of transit: • Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) • Light Raid Transit (LRT) • Heavy Raid Transit (HRT) ** POTENTIAL SERVICE CORRIDORS: The 3 proposed service corridors were: • CSX Rail Line • Briarcliff Road (eliminated) • North Druid Hills (eliminated)
SEPT/OCT, 2011
ince Spring 2009, MARTA has been quietly advancing a transit initiative for service to the Clifton corridor. The project team has taken its time, dotting i’s, crossing t’s and soliciting community feedback at every step along the way. In March 2010, the project team presented the public with “Screen 1”, a batch of 7 transit alternatives* for service to 3 potential service corridors.** Using various screening criteria, the project team narrowed the location of proposed future transit to a route that will parallel existing CSX railroad tracks. Marta also narrowed transit alternatives down to 3 possibilities: BRT (bus), LRT (streetcars) and HRT (modified MARTA trains.) This information, “Screen 2,” was
presented at a public meeting in May 2011. View a virtual town hall of this presentation at: http://www.itsmarta. com/Virtual_PIOH_%2007-21-2011. swf. Later this month, the project team will make final recommendations to MARTA. Certain factors, including CSX setbacks and the hilly topography will make construction expensive and challenging, no matter which alternative or combination of alternatives is recommended. A final public meeting for business owners in the Zonolite area is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 13, 3pm - 5pm at Nakato (1776 Cheshire Bridge Rd.) For more info or to access a survey, call Gerlinda at 404.872.7538 x 3 or visit: http://www. itsmarta.com/Clifton-Corr.aspx