FloatAway Flash

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Volume 5, Issue 4

In This Issue: • • • • • • • • •

EPA Cleanup..................1 Quarterly Social.........1-2 TuckerMott Twins...........2 Matchbox 5...................2 Tenant Referral Prog.....2 Wreath decorating.........3 CCTI Update..................3 Boi Tips.......................4 Tenant of the QTR..........4




he saga of the EPA cleanup in Zonolite Park continues. As we’ve previously reported, he polluter, W.R. Grace is under an EPA order to remove all visible vermiculite. The vermiculite that they are removing doesn’t necessarily contain asbestos; however it is cheaper to remove all visible vermiculite than it would be to soil test and remove only the asbestoscontaining portions -- thus the evergrowing pit behind 1145 Zonolite. At this point, most of the vermiculite has been excavated, and several old concrete slabs have been unearthed at the bottom of the pit. The EPA is digging 3’ under those slabs and testing for vermiculite. Tests on the south end of the pit have come back clean.

As soon as next week, the contractor will begin backfilling the pit with clean dirt. The berm around the “creek” behind 1145 has been taken down. A portion of it will be rebuilt, but the elevation will remain lower than our parking lot. This means no more having to move cars out of flood danger every time it rains! Hallelujah! Though most of the pit will be filled in, a small portion will remain; Dekalb County plans to come in behind the EPA to create a permanent water retention pond, which we all hope will help to prevent flooding in the future. Once that has been installed, work can begin on the much anticipated Zonolite community garden!

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TuckerMott is pleased to announce the arrival of our new twins


e know we keep bragging about these girls as if they were the first little girls ever to be born. Forgive us! We’re pretty excited about them. Meet Sutton (left) and Donovan (right), the beautiful, healthy baby girls born to TuckerMott director of operations Donna Rooks on December 22nd. As you can see, Donovan is the plumper of the two. She weighed well over six pounds while her sister Sutton weighed about a pound less. Donna is on maternity leave through February. Every time we talk to her, she sounds like she’s smiling ear to ear.


In case you missed the call-out on page one, mark your calendars for our next community Social, February 15 at FloatAway Café from 4:30pm - 5:30pm


nce again TuckerMott and FloatAway Café are teaming up to throw a kicking social for the FloatAway community. FloatAway is providing all the appetizers, and drinks are on TuckerMott from 4:30pm to 5:30pm February 15. Arrive early to hear Sally Sears and Susan Stainback give a short talk on the future of Zonolite Park. Susan, a landscape architect with Sylvatica Studio has generously donated her time to design a beautiful master plan for the park. She has recently revamped the plan to include the new water retention solution Dekalb County will be implementing. You won’t want to miss her new design or the chance to quiz Susan and Sally on the future community garden.


Auto detail 1155 Zonolite Road: Mention ad to Lamont


The tenant referral program received such a great response that we’re keeping it in effect through 03/31/12. Refer a great neighbor, and receive a reward!


e have a few vacancies we’d like to fill by the end of the year, and our need is your gain. Send us a lead, and if your referral signs a 3-year lease by 03/31/12, we’ll give you a Visa gift card.

will receive a $500 gift card. Email Matt Levin at levinm@svn.com for a flyer listing available rentals. The program is open to tenants and their employees. Happy referring!

Referrals for spaces up to 2,500 square feet will receive a $250 gift card. Referrals for spaces 2,500+ 2


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This year’s wreath decorating contest winner celebrated the “true” meaning of Christmas


his year’s wreath decorating contest might have been the hardest wreath-decorating decision Team TuckerMott has ever had to make. Everyone was so creative! From the Steve Job’s inspired “i-Wreath” from Artagrafik to the “Twin Wreath” from Love & Light (featuring all things twins, including breasts and Twix candy bars!), you guys just really outdid yourselves this year. In the end, we awarded top Honors to Tedco who stated that they were donating any prize money won to Lifeline Animal Shelter. Second prize went to Solaris, whose “Angry Birds” wreath featured hand-built electronic interactive components. Fenuxe took third prize for creative use of space. Thanks to everyone who participated!


A decision on proposed alternative transit through the Lindbergh Lavista Corridor (including a MARTA station Zonolite Road) is slated to come in first quarter 2012


hen last we gave news of the CCTI, a final public meeting had just been held and the CCTMA project team was adjusting maps to reflect public comment. The team is slated to make their LPA (locally preferred alternative) recommendation to MARTA any day now. According to the CCTI Facebook page, the project team’s recommendations will include a proposed technology and route for alt-transportation through the Clifton Corridor. We expect the recommended route to include tracks and possibly a tunnel along existing CSX tracks on Zonolite Road; the technology could be anything from bus rapid transit to heavy rail. Funding for the project hinges on a penny For more info, follow CCTI on Facebook at: facebook.com/pages/Clifton- sales tax - to be voted on this coming July. Corridor-Transit-Initiative/154114080040



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Wit and wisdom by property manager Jan McCurry’s emotionally evolved alter ego “Boi.”


hey say if you repeat something 21 times in a row, it will become ingrained. I think I’m on the 21,000th reminder about picking up after your pets. Maybe this time’s the charm! Since humor and the installation of pet waste stations hasn’t seemed to make much difference, I’m-a put the fear of God into you with this article I found in the Huffington Post, “Dog Poop Poses Disease Risk: Scoop Fido’s Feces While It’s Still Fresh,” December 9, 2011. As the article states, “A long list of potentially infectious agents are known to live in dog and cat feces -- from E. coli to tapeworms. But perhaps less well known is the fact that a lot of these parasites actually become more infectious as the poop ages.” Apparently, toxoplasmosis and roundworms are among the many nasties in dog poo that take a while to ripen. And for those of you who dismiss disease risk because you prefer to think of dog waste as “organic fertilizer,” think again. Dog feces can infect a water supply with E. coli and other horrible things. I’m not sure what it’s gonna take to get you guys to pick up your piles, but I don’t plan to hush up until you do. So start scooping!

love dogs! hate Poo!


ongratulations to TedCo Worldwide, our tenant of the quarter for Q1 2012! Tedco specializes in strategic and creative brand development. They eschew gimmicky, “clever” communication tools and focus on transformation to reinvent companies, revitalize brands and reverse industry trends. Owner Ted Nelson blogs about branding occasionally at tednelson.typepad. com/tedcoworldwide. Learn more about Tedco at tedcoworldwide.com. 4

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