Volume 5, Issue 3
In This Issue: • • • • • • • • •
EPA CLEANUP.................1 Tenant Referral Prog.....2 Monarch Beverage.........2 Matchbox 5...................2 Natural Body.................2 Wreath decorating..........3 Zonolite Park................3 Boi Tips.......................4 Tenant of the QTR..........4
removal to an appropriate dumping facility.
The EPA has been working hard since the end of October to remove potentially asbestos-containing vermiculite from an old abandoned WR Grace facility that used to exist behind 1145 Zonolite Road. To ensure that no asbestos fibers become airborne during the remediation (fibers are only harmful if inhaled), they are lightly spraying the soil with water as it is excavated and then loading it into trucks where it is “burrito wrapped” for
Dekalb County, who owns the land which is being remediated, will be coming in behind the EPA to install a water retention pond. This will control flooding in the area. The South Fork Conservancy, Lindbergh Lavisita Corridor Coalition and FloatAway are working hand in hand with both the EPA and Dekalb County to make sure that the site is left graded in accordance with the Zonolite Park master plan, which we reported on in the last issue of the Flash. Stay tuned for updates as work progresses. For photos and full information on the EPA cleanup, visit: http://www.epaosc.org/ site/site_profile.aspx?site_id=5926
kay, that was a cruel and misleading headline. No, we are not getting a swimming pool. However, as many of you have probably noticed, the landscape behind 1145 Zonolite is definitely changing. Here’s the scoop:
This historical aerial from 1972 clearly shows WR Grace concrete pads and structures behind 1145 Zonolite that have since been buried or demolished