BINAS 2021

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BINAS Belangrijke Informatie Naar Aankomende Studenten

OWee 2021

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BINAS 2021 Belangrijke Informatie Naar Aankomende Studenten (Important Information for Prospective Students) Editors: Eline van der Stoep Feline Steup Sophie Bleekemolen Tim Raijmakers

BINAS 2021 is an edition of: OWee Board 2021 Mijnbouwstraat 120 2628 RX Delft 015-2786709 This BINAS is written by the editors of the OWee Board. ©Copyright 2021 All rights reserved. No rights can be derived from the content of this printed matter. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission from the OWee Board, Delft University of Technology, Inholland Delft University of Applied Sciences and The Hague University of Applied Sciences.


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OWee 2021

Preface Dear student of Delft, There you are, at the start of your student days. The moment where your life kicks into the next gear. You’ve recently made the best choice of your life. Because you’ve chosen Delft, one of the best cities in the world to study! On my first day in Delft, I was riding on my bicycle through the city to the Campus. I saw the students and residents of Delft walking with and past each other everywhere in the historic city. I was riding past swamped terraces and through busy streets and I felt how this city sparkled. A few minutes later I reached the bridge leading to the campus and I rode there with thousands of other students on our way to the university. The moment was finally there: the beginning of my student days was in the starting blocks! Time for the next gear! You’re also going to experience this, you’re next! Together with thousands of other students you, too, will kick into the next gear. You’re going to make new friends and discover the city. This BINAS is going to help you with this. Here you can read everything about Delft, thé city of your student days. You’ll find out where to go for the best pubs or sandwiches. You’ll get to know the ‘rector magnificus’ and the mayor. You’ll find out where the best spots to hangout are and where you can practice your hobby. You’ll discover the study-, sport-, and student associations of Delft, and, possibly, which one is the best fit for you. The past year a lot has changed. Usually I would go to the campus, I’d follow my courses and made plans with people in person. Now that is all different and even you have to go to the open days and Orientation days online. We can’t ignore that COVID19 has had a huge impact on our lives. But because of the coronavirus people have gotten even more creative and driven to find solutions. The OWee

is no exception. By now we have developed a couple of different scenarios for the OWee and we’re conversing with several parties so that, besides the digital events, we may also make some physical events happen for your next gear. Aside from this, we offer something new this year, so your OWee can start even faster. The moment you’ll enroll for the OWee, you’ll immediately have access to our platform. Here, all kinds of interesting things will appear in order to make the transition to becoming a student even easier. You’ll get to know the city and the associations have the opportunity to introduce themselves to you even sooner. We’ll show you how you can prepare yourself to go to college and we’ll teach you the ins and outs of being a student. The next gear is already on its way. Keep yourselves posted on our website and social media for updates! The OWee will be crucial for the start of your student days, so be sure to enroll! I can’t wait to welcome you when you arrive in Delft. Have fun reading! Jules de Backer Voorzitter OWee Bestuur 2021



Wellbeing and studies in times of Covid Wellbeing during your studies: required for success. As I write this foreword, the coronavirus pandemic still has us firmly in its grip. The vaccination programme has started to speed up, although we still have a long and uncertain road ahead of us. In a best-case scenario, we will once more be able to make proper use of our campus and run many of the teaching activities as normal in September. In a less optimistic scenario, we will still have to do a lot online and activities on campus may be limited. However things turn out, we have learnt a lot from the coronavirus crisis, although the lessons have been hard. It has become clear that successful study goes hand-in-hand with a sense of well-being. Of course, we knew that already, but the coronavirus crisis has forced us to face the facts head-on. In the year ahead, there will no doubt still be measures in force relating to coronavirus. We will be welladvised to observe them as far as possible. At the same time, it is extremely important that we limit the negative effects, or even better, completely eradicate then. One area on which we will particularly need to focus is the social community of which we are all a part. As a new student at our university, it is even more important that you make good connections. The good news is that TU Delft has a vibrant and flourishing student life, rich in diversity. Be sure to find out all that is on offer and try to connect with

other students. Being lonely is not good for your wellbeing and has a direct influence on your motivation and your results. I encourage everyone to take the time and effort to make new friends, both on your degree programme and beyond it. And remember: everyone counts, everyone matters. Covid has taught us an important lesson: if there’s a problem, raise the alarm. You’re certainly not the only one facing difficulties and there’s also nothing to be ashamed of! The people around you can help and the university can help. For useful tips, also take a look at Of course, as well as your mental health, your physical well-being also matters. There are also countless opportunities for you in that respect. Take a look at our wide-ranging sports programme. There are plenty of organised options or less formal arrangements. There’s something for everyone (but you need to get involved!). All of us are entering a new academic year. It may still be rife with uncertainty, but we’re heading in the right direction. In recent times, the TU Delft community has proved that it can achieve a lot: as individuals and especially as a community. Take care of each other and help each other. We will all benefit from it and, perhaps equally importantly: working together in all kinds of ways is what makes life at TU Delft so rich and wonderful. I wish you a great year. Prof. Dr. Rob Mudde Vice President of Education


Social Media Follow the OWee on social media!

Read this BINAS online!

You can follow the OWee on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Snapchat. This is where we keep you up to date about the programme and updates, as well as giving sneak peeks for the upcoming OWee!

This BINAS is also available online, through our website On this website we will post all new updates (also concerning the Covid-19 pandemic). This is also the place to sign up for the OWee. Besides, the website has all relevant and important information that you should know about when you are interested in joining the OWee!

OWee Delft

OWee Delft

@oweedelft OWee Delft





Introduction Mayor of Delft Rector Magnificus TU Delft OWee Board 2021 Starting your studies during Covid OWee Programme 2021 Studying in Delft, how does that start? Alcohol Policy

8 9 10 11 12 14 15

Delft Welcome in Delft History of Delft Delft in Numbers City highlights & Map VR OWee Open dining and horeca Healthcare

18 19 20 21 22 23 25

Being a student Interviews with students in Delft Housing in Delft Rent and student loan system

28 32 33

Education TU Delft


Studentenorganisaties Lijst Bèta ORAS YES!Delft Students D:Dream Teams Studium Generale STIP VSSD VeRa Studenten Vrijwilligerswerk Delft Xtend STUD Students4Sustainability

42 42 43 43 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48

Rode Kruis Studentendesk Delft Unicef Student Team Delft Integrand SVR AIESEC DISS IAESTE Student Onbeperkt Study Associations TU Delft Aerospace Engineering Applied Earth Sciences Bouwkunde Civiele Techniek Technische Wiskunde & Computer Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrieel Ontwerpen Klinische Techologie Life Science & Technologie Maritieme Techniek Molecular Science & Technology Nanobiologie Technische Bestuurskunde Werktuigbouwkunde

48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52

54 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60

Studieverenigingen HBO Technische Natuurkunde Groene Studies HBO-ICT Technische Bedrijfskunde Luchtvaarttechnologie

62 62 63 63 64

Studentenverenigingen AEGEE-Delft BEST Delft ESN C.S.F.R. - Johannes Calvijn C.S.R.

66 66 67 67 68

Index D.S.V. De Knor D.S.V. Sint Jansbrug D.S.V. Nieuwe Delft (De Bolk) Delftsch Studenten Corps De Delftsche Zwervers K.S.V. Sanctus Virgilius Delftsche Studenten Bond Navigators S.V. NOVA Outsite VGSD O.J.V. Koornbeurs Wolbodo Moeder Delftsche RKJ Delft Aldgillis Wyvern

68 69 69 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 73 74 74 75 75 76 76

Sport en Cultuur V.V. Ariston ‘ 80 F.C. Tutor D.S.R. Proteus D.S.R.V. Laga D.S.T.V. Obvius Vrienden van Trui S.H.C. Scoop D.S.A.V. Dodeka Shot Punch Krashna Musika Groover S.W.V. Plankenkoorts DROP D.S.W.Z. Broach D.S.Z. Wave SoSalsa X TU Delft D.S.D.A. Blue Suede Shoes D.S.D.A. Dynamic

80 80 81 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 85 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 89 89

Delft Improv Group S.R.C. Thor D.S.S.V. ELS D.S.T. Pegasus D.S.K.V. Paal Centraal Slopend WTOS H.S.V. Hitmanics Blue Falcons Torius Delftsche Studenten Aeroclub Delft Lacrosse Force Elektro DSBA-USSR HSSK “Pro Libertate” D.S.B.V. Punch D.S.B.V. Yoroshi D.S.K.V. IJzersterk S.V.A.C. Yeti Delft Fencing Club Delft E-Sports Association

90 90 91 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 95 96 96 97 97 98 98 99 99 100

Redactioneel Veelgestelde Vragen Duurzaamheid Colofon

102 103 105



Mayor of Delft ‘How time flies!’

Here are five things I could mention.

That’s something I often say when yet another week has flown past. Or a month, or even a year. Especially in this time of coronavirus. I think to myself: have I really been working from home for a year already? I’m sure – as a prospective student of our great university – you must have had the same feeling. The transition to secondary school probably feels just like last year.

1. Gears need maintenance. Otherwise, things can go wrong. In other words: take good care of yourself in Delft and don’t forget your fellow students. You’re going to need them as you embark on this exciting new step in your life.

And now you’ve ended up in Delft. Suddenly, you’re no longer a school student. Almost overnight, you’ve put secondary school behind you, are no longer living at home (or maybe not for much longer) and you’re in a strange city. But there’s no need to worry. Help is on its way, and it’s called BINAS: a Dutch acronym that translates as ‘Important Information for Prospective Students’. You’re going to need it, because your life is moving up a gear. That’s why the theme of this year’s Welcoming Week (OWee) is: ‘Delft, the next gearshift’. You probably know quite a bit about gears.

2. If you need to, shift up to the next gear. As you become accustomed to Delft, you can make real progress in your life and enjoy your degree programme. 3. Shift into top gear when you can. Then you can progress steadily through Delft student life without overstretching yourself. You already know your way around, because you’ve carefully read this BINAS. 4. It’s always possible to step down a gear. Take it easy. Move more slowly or even stop for a moment. Think about what went well recently and what could be better. And also enjoy your new life in Delft. 5. Forget the automatic gearshift. It may seem an easy option, but you need to make the gear changes yourself and in your own way. It’s the best road ahead to a successful period of study in Delft. I wish you a lot of love, happiness and pleasure in Delft, the Netherlands’ most beautiful city. And, from now on, your city too. Your fellow Delft citizen, Marja van Bijsterveldt Mayor of Delft


Rector Magnificus TU Delft

Dear TU Delft student, First of all, welcome, and congratulations on choosing Delft. Here, you will find excellent higher education in technology taught by motivated lecturers, and outstanding facilities for your study and your free time. This year, I hope to be able to welcome you to our great campus in the traditional way. When, just a year ago, I was writing a word of welcome to the cohort of students before you, the coronavirus outbreak had just begun and all of the teaching was online. I would advise some degree of caution, however, because if normal life is to resume by August, the vaccination programme still really needs to step up a gear. But let’s remain optimistic. My current preoccupation, and no doubt yours as well, is about what the world will look like after the crisis. In the last year, we’ve seen what we’re capable of achieving if we all make concerted efforts and join forces.

is in your own hands. It’s you who decides how much effort you make and when, you decide which direction you take. Although that may sound like a lot of freedom, take care: the pace is challenging and the bar is set high. We expect you to give of your best.

Think of the speed at which vaccines have been developed, partly thanks to worldwide cooperation by scientists sharing knowledge and data.

But, when you’re in top gear, the hardest thing is to cycle uphill. So, step down a gear occasionally and listen to yourself. If we’ve learnt anything from the coronavirus crisis, it’s that well-being is just as important as success in study. If you find that things are getting you down, ask for help, because we also have plenty of that to offer at TU Delft.

Wouldn’t it be great if, moving forward, we could also all step up a gear in tackling problems like climate change? If we could actually move towards a sustainable and more caring society? That would be a positive outcome of a crisis that has brought so much pain and misery so far.

Professor Tim van der Hagen Rector Magnificus Delft University of Technology

Crisis or not, one thing is certain: as a student, your life will step up a gear. Of course, studying is very different from being at school. Perhaps the biggest difference is that, as a student, much of the control



OWee Board 2021 Dear prospective student, You are at the start of a new, exciting time and phase of your life: your time as a student in Delft! To make sure you feel at homa as quickly as possible, the OWee Board of 2021 organises the Opening Week (Owee) to welcome al new students in Delft. During this week, you will encounter all aspects of the life as a student in Delft, from student culture and highlights, up to the campus and student associations: everything is implemented in the programme. Independent of which study you chose and where you come from, the OWee will guide you in this introduction period: into the next gear! We, as organisors, do everything in our power to give you an unforgettable start of this new phase of your life! We have been busy since February to organise this week in August.

The OWee Board consists of eight students from different studies and associations. We are guided by two supervisors, Alexander Lokhorst and Elma Lutz, and two advisors, Veronique Meerdink and Barbara de Vries. The 48th OWee Board consists of the following eight students: Jules de Backer President (TPM) Sophie Bleekemolen Secretary & Head Participants (ID) Feline Steup Vice-president & Head Communication (CT) Tim Raijmakers Treasurer (Arch) Anisha Jhinkoe-Rai External Relationd (TPM) Ricardo Boon Logistics I (TPM) Eline van der Stoep Logistics II (ID) Livia Nuijts Head Acquisition (TPM)

F.l.t.r.: Ricardo, Feline, Eline, Sophie, Jules, Anisha, Tim, Livia


Starting your studies during Covid March 2020 was the moment that Covid caused an incredible change in all our lives. The government implemented the first intelligent lockdown. In the summer of 2020 the government eased some of the Covid measures, which gave back some freedom. People were once again allowed to sit on the terraces of restaurants and were able to go on holidays outside of the Netherlands. The government also took first year students into account: they were allowed to come to the campus to discover their new education facilities during the introduction periods. The previous board of the OWee arranged a hybrid introduction week, with a partially digital and physical. Corona proof programme. For many first years this was the first moment in Delft. The OWee had a great impact on the good start of their student journey. A few weeks later, on the first of September, the academic year started for all students. The TU Delft had been busy all summer in order to be able to open their doors for all students. This facilitated that many first year students were able to follow their classes in real life. Even older students were allowed to visit the campus in intervals. In December the government made the decision to go into the second lockdown. This had an immense impact on all students and the student life in general. Physical education was no longer allowed and a curfew was installed. This was quite a hardship for many students, but also made for some great initiatives from student societies. For example, many student houses joined digitally to organize a grand coronaproof silent disco.

Despite the enthousiasm and great efforts, studying and staying in their rooms was very tough. Many indicated this at their student advisors. This put pressure on the university to open up study places on the campus. Meanwhile, the curfew has been cancelled and slowly but surely the government is evaluating possibilities to relax the Covid measures. While I am writing this, possibilities for test events and vaccination passports are being evaluated. This might mean that soon more measures will be let go, but we can of course not be certain. The only thing we are certain of is that this summer the next gear of your life will begin. That is why we are working very hard to make the shift from pupil to student as good and smooth as possible, despite the current situation. We try to ensure as much certainty as possible in these insecure times, and hope to be able to invite you in Delft physically during the OWee in August. Besides, a lot of content and information will be spread through our social media accounts (Instagram: @ oweedelft), and our website This year we also set up a digital platform, where everything about studying in Delft is put together so you can prepare for your student life!



OWee Programme 2021 It comes as no surprise that this year will be different than others. The same likely goes for your first year as a student. Similarly, the OWee also has to cope with quite a lot of uncertainty because of covid. This page will give you an overview of our plans for the coming year, also indicating what we can and cannot reasonably expect.

Self tests At the moment of writing this BINAS, self tests have only just become available in apothecaries and drugstores. It may be possible to start using self tests at the start of the OWee to reduce the risk of covid-19 spreading. Currently, however, this is still undetermined, so keep an eye on our social media channels to receive up to date information! Test event In the past months, several test events were organized with the aim of researching whether it is possible to host large-scale events during this pandemic without keeping 1.5m distance. Naturally, the OWee would like to make use of this opportunity, but we are still awaiting the results of past test events and we do not know if a test event can be hosted for the OWee yet.

Proofs of Vaccination Proofs of vaccination for the purpose of being admitted entrance to an event are all over the news at the moment. Besides the concern of whether this is fair, justified and offers everyone equal opportunity to participate, it is also undetermined to what extent the vaccination campaign will have progressed by the end of the summer. In addition, we know that most soon to be students will be around 18 years old, so the chances of everyone being vaccinated in time for the OWee are slim. Overnight accommodations during the OWee Usually the OWee facilitates overnight accomodations in houses of student associations or at other locations in Delft. Currently, it is difficult to determine whether this will be possible for this year. Unfortunately, we cannot make any promises at this time, and we will have to strictly adhere to the recommendations and rules of the National Institute for Public Health (RIVM). The Programme We can reveal some aspects of our plans for this year! Our instagram page (@oweedelft) will feature multiple short, fun videos, and if you sign up for the OWee you will also get access to our digital platform. This platform will feature all sorts of content about studying, student life, and all the associations and organizations Delft has to offer! There will also be digital days at the end of the summer, and it might even be possible to invite you to come to Delft in person for one or more days so you can explore our beautiful city. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best! During these physical days, we are very dependent on the measures that apply in August. In order to provide


OWee Programme 2021 some sort of indication/framework, we are working with five scenarios. This ensures that if regulations become more strict or lenient, we can scale up or down to adjust the program accordingly. In order to build and prepare for reasonable scenarios, we are currently in deliberation with multiple external parties, who help us ensure that the OWee can take place safely. Through this approach we want to make sure that we can organize an OWee that is as fun as possible! The OWee could last for one or two days per person, and maybe even three, but again, this is highly dependent on covid regulations. We are doing everything we can to provide more certainty and information as soon as possible. Keep an eye on the website and mark the 7th of June in your planner, because registrations open that day! Lastly, we want to express our empathy and encouragement. As the OWee Board, we understand like no other how important it is for new students to be off to a good start at the beginning of your studies, and we will do our very best to support you in this journey. We hope that despite all the uncertainty (and setbacks) we can still help you shift to The Next Gear of your life this summer!



Studying in Delft, how does that start? These are of course strange times to start a new studie and to start this new chapter of your life. Due to the coronavirus precoutions it is still uncertain how the start of your time as a student will go. During the OWee, you will discover Delft: from the ciry and campus up to the associations and places to entertain yourself, and last but certainly not least: meeting new friends. The transition from scholar to student can be a large step, which is why the OWee will guide you to the next gear of your life! Firstly, you will register for a new study in Delft. If you have this BINAS in front of you right now, that means you completed this first step. Next, it is wise to register for the OWee. This is the one and only introduction week in Delft for students of the Delft University of Technology.This year the OWee will consist of three parts: a preparatory track course, a digital day, and a physical welcome in Delft. The digital day will take place on the 10th of August, and the physical days will take place from the 15th up to the 20th of August. So write this down in agenda and take this into account when planning your holidays! Preparatory track course The preparatory track course consists of this BINAS and our digital platform. During this course, you will be guided in preparing for your studies, but also your student life. The digital platform will provide you with the necessary information and tips to be certain of a good start in Delft! You will gain access to the digital platform from the moment you register for the OWee, which is why you should not wait too long! This is the place where you can find much content ranging from fun videos by Delft students to podcasts, up to useful tips and websites, and much more!


The EJW, OWee en KMT Next to the OWee, there are also the freshman weekends (EJW, in advance of the OWee), introduction periods of associations (KMT, after the OWee) which also take place in August. The EJWs are the freshman weekends organised by the study association, and is the place to meet your fellow first year students. On this weekend you will meet your first to-be friends, and form your group for during the OWee. In case you would like to join a sports, social, cultural or other student association, there is a chance there is an introduction period (KMT) in advance. These take place in the week(s) after the OWee, and it depends on the specific association whether this is or is not neccessary to participate in. Registration for the OWee Using our online platform, we would like to give you lots of useful information in the months in advance of your study start. This is where you will find all information to be ready for your time as a student. From the moment you register for the OWee, you will gain acces. This is why we advise you not to wait! Registrations open on the 7h of June, through www. Besides that, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram (@oweedelft)!

Alcohol Policy It’s already been seven years since the legal drinking age was raised from 16 to 18. Many of you are 18 or over and are old enough to buy and consume alcohol. Those still under 18 may not do so. Drinking alcohol may sometimes seem an inextricable part of student culture. Such consumption often takes place away from regular cafés and pubs, and within student associations, in student accommodation and during events for students. Regular and/or excessive consumption of alcohol by students, who tend to be young, can pose considerable health risks. Apart from that, it may lead to nuisance for and physical damage to the surroundings, negative effects on study results as well as damaging the image of students in general.

For this reason, a co-operation was launched in mid2018 between five student associations: Stichting Jeugd en Alcohol (youth and alcohol foundation), the Delft and Midden-Delfland Red Cross, the municipality of Delft and TU Delft. It had been observed more attention needed to be paid to alcohol use among students. Educational institutions in Delft do not permit students under 18 to consume alcohol. When they turn 18, they are considered responsible for their own actions. All events providing drinks during the Welcoming Week will have 0.0 places where nonalcoholic drinks can be purchased.

During the OWee the following house rules apply: 1. By law, the TU Delft Campus is a no-smoking area. If you would like more information about areas where smoking is not permitted, or if you want to stop smoking, visit 2. Alcohol will not be served to anyone under the age of 18. Those under 18 will be given a different wristband to those aged 18 or over. You cannot take part in any Welcoming Week event, including the evening programme, unless you are wearing a wristband. This will be checked at all events and student clubs. 3. You should always have a valid ID card on you during Welcoming Week activities and at the evening events – even if you are over 18. 4. Any Welcoming Week participant under the age of 18 caught consuming alcohol will be immediately removed from the activities/evening programme and their wristband will be confiscated. 5. A note will be made of the name of the Welcoming Week participant in question. A decision will then be taken on whether the person in question can buy back their wristband. 6. It is not permitted to pass on alcoholic drinks to underage participants. Any breach of this rule will result in both parties having their wristbands confiscated on the spot. They will then no longer be able to take part. 7. Participants may not bring their own alcoholic drinks to Welcoming Week events. 8. There will be a zero tolerance policy towards underage drinking and the use of drugs during the 2020 Welcoming Week. 9. It is not permitted to use drugs, including laughing gas, during the Welcoming Week.


Journalistiek met een ingenieursmentaliteit

Wat gebeurt er op de TU-campus en in het studentenleven? Blijf op de hoogte met Delta, het journalistieke online platform van de TU Delft. Volg ons ook tijdens de OWee voor het laatste nieuws.

@tudelta /tudelta /tudelta /tudelta



Welcome to Delft Many people refer to their time as a student as the best period of their lives. Leaving your parents, having your own place, new impressions, new friends, and of course a new city where so much remains to be discovered. So we are pleased to welcome you to Delft, the student city par excellence. You may well have some of the best years of your life here. Much of your time as a student will be spent on the campus, of course, but Delft has so much more to offer. Leisure time Delft has countless bars, cafés, and outdoor terraces where you can go for a refreshing drink on hot sunny days, and restaurants where you can enjoy a great meal at a decent price. Have you just sat down on one of the four large squares in Delft, but do you actually need to do something online? No problem! Free Wi-Fi is available on all four squares, and you can log onto Eduroam (European network for students). Or do you fancy doing something more active? Wander along the canals, catch a boat tour, and discover Delft from the water. Or why not climb the 376 steps of the Nieuwe Kerk and take in the breathtaking views of the city. You can even see The Hague and Rotterdam from the church. Rotterdam and The Hague Delft is halfway between Rotterdam and The Hague. This makes shopping in either city (10 minutes away by train) dead easy, while a day at the beach at Scheveningen or Kijkduin is just a 45-minute tram ride away.


Iconen van Delft Delft, of course, is also well known for its worldfamous Delft Blue, its close ties with the House of Orange- Nassau, and the painter Johannes Vermeer. Every year, the city attracts around three million visitors from all over the world. Among the attractions they come for are Royal Delft, the last remaining Delft Blue earthenware factory, where you can see master painters at work every day. They also come to visit Museum Prinsenhof Delft, where the Father of the Fatherland, William of Orange, was murdered by Balthasar Gérard. The Vermeer Centre is another popular attraction. Here the story of the artist Johannes Vermeer is told, and you can admire a copy of the world-famous Girl with a Pearl Earring painting.

Schrijf geschiedenis We still continue to write history every day. Every year, Delft makes the front pages of the world news thanks to a brilliant idea or invention coming from you, its students. Examples that come to mind are the solar- powered NUNA vehicle or Boyan Slat, who made headlines with his invention for ridding the world oceans of plastic, and who has already raised millions in investment.

History of Delft History For the next few years, Delft will be your city. A city with a rich history which has been home to many important people. It is certainly worth the effort to learn more about it. The roots In around the year 1000, it was discovered that peat bogs become dryer by digging a ditch. This digging process is referred to as ‘delving’. The name ‘Delft’ is taken from this English word. A ditch was delved, and a settlement was established at the point where Delft is now located. A hundred years later, the village had grown so big that a new ditch was needed; the New Delft. Delft became a major market centre, as evidenced by the size of the central market square. In 1246, Delft was granted city rights by the Count of Holland, William II. Middle Ages The Middle Ages were difficult times for Delft; in the fourteenth century, it was besieged, and in 1536, a severe fire reduced the whole city to ashes. The biggest disaster was the ‘Delftse Donderslag’, a massive gunpowder explosion. In 1654, the gunpowder cellar exploded at the location of the present-day Paardenmarkt. 200 houses lay in ruins and another 300 were severely damaged. William of Orange came to live in Delft in the sixteenth century. “I cannot approve of monarchs who want to rule over the conscience of the people, and take away their freedom of choice and religion” is one of his statements that has found its way into the vernacular. This was the cause of his conflict with Philip II and the start of the Eighty Years War. In 1580, William of Orange was declared an outlaw by Philip II and, in 1584, he was

assassinated in the Delft Prinsenhof by Balthasar Gérard.

17th century During this century, Delft experienced a period of economic boom, partly because of the presence of the Dutch East India Company and the porcelain trade, Delft Blue. A war in China cut off the supply of Chinese porcelain, and Delft gained a monopoly in the porcelain market. This was also the time of one of the finest artists of the Golden Age, Johannes Vermeer. This great painter was born in 1632 in Delft, and lived there all his life. Relapse From the “disaster year” of 1672, when England, France, Cologne, and Munster invaded the Dutch Republic, the Delft economy went into decline. The city was increasingly overshadowed by The Hague (seat of government) and Rotterdam (port). City of knowledge By 1842, there was a strong need for people with engineering skills, leading to the foundation of the ‘Koninklijke Academie voor Burgerlijke Ingenieurs’ (the forerunner of TU Delft). And that is how Delft became a booming student city. The establishment of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research in 1932 and other knowledge-intensive institutes and businesses transformed Delft from a cultural and Princes’ city into a knowledge city.




Delft in numbers Number of residents on January 1, 2021:


Number of students in Delft: 17.829 Male/Female devision students:

75% male 25% female

Average rent price of a student room in Delft: €405,Number of students in Delft: 28.664

Amount of BSc degree programmes: 35

67 cafés in Delft 200 bikes are fished out of the canals in Delft each year

Number of residents per age: 30.000 25.000

+0.8 m Height of Delft

20.000 15.000

10.000 5.000

0 - 15 jaar


15 - 25 jaar

25 - 45 jaar

45 - 65 jaar

65 jaar >

City Highlights & Map 1. Old Church Geestkerkhof 53 2. New Church Markt 80 3. Prinsenhof Sint Agathaplein 1 4. Town Hall Markt 87 5. Science Centre Mijnbouwstraat 120 6. Vermeer Centre Voldersgracht 21 7. Beestenmarkt Beestenmarkt 8. Oostpoort Oostpoort 1 9. Botanical Garden Poortlandplein 6 10. De Porceleyne Fles Rotterdamseweg 196 11. Delft Windmill de Roos Phoenixstraat 111 12. Theater de Veste Asvest 1

Delft once had 18 windmills. Molen de Roos is the only remaining mill that grinds organic grain into flour.

The town hall of Delft dates from 1200 and has since been renovated a number of times. Today the old torture chamber and prison are still located in the building.



VR OWee To get an impression of the city center and the campus of Delft, a virtual tour is available on In the city center you can visit associations with their own premises, so you can take a look at the reception rooms or dining tables of these associations. In addition, you can visit all faculties on the campus, which also includes study places and the study associations. So take a quick look at for a first impression of Delft!


Open Dining and Horeca Open Dining Besides the fact that the associations bring a lot of fun for their members, some student associations also offer a solution for the hungry hard-working student or Delft citizen after a long day! The associations with an Open Dining table also offer the tastiest meals to non-members for a cheap price. This is the ideal opportunity to avoid having to cook and to taste the atmosphere at different associations throughout the year! This page lists the most important information about these Open Dining Tables.

Eettafel Tyche (DSB) Oude Delft 123 Mon till Thu 18:00-19:30 €4,00 (basic) of €5,50 (luxe) PIN & CASH No sign up required

Eettafel D.S.V. Sint Jansbrug Oude Delft 50-52 Mon till Fri 17:45-19:30 €4,15 of €4,40 (inc. soup) PIN & CASH No sign up required

Eettafel De Delftsche Zwervers Schiekade 3 Tue & Thu 18:00 €4,00 PIN Before 12:00 via

Alcuin (K.S.V. Sanctus Virgilius) Oude Delft 57 Mon till Thu 18:30-19:30 €4,20 CASH No sign up required

Eettafel De Bolk Buitenwatersloot 1-3 Mon till Thu 18:30-19:30 €3,50 PIN & CASH Before 15:00 via

Eettafel S.V. NOVA Rotterdamseweg 137 Wed & Thu 19:30 €2,50 CASH Before 17:00 via



Open Dining and Horeca Horeca There are also plenty of tasty options in Delft for lunch. Just for lunch or because you are studying hard! All sandwiches are freshly made for you and are affordable.

Broodje Delft Verkade & Jacques Verkade & Jacques is the specialty store in cheese, wine, meats and delicacies in the heart of Delft. But what you Broodje Delft is a sandwich shop in the Paradijspoort

can also get here are delicious sandwiches with all kinds

where you can get sandwiches with fresh ingredients. You

of fillings. From Parma ham to brie, with spreads such as

order the sandwiches via, for delivery at

pesto, tapanades and chutneys. So highly recommended!

competitive prices! In addition, you can always stop by and personally order the most delicious sandwiches.

Brabantse Turfmarkt 77

Paradijspoort 2 (kiosk)

Il Tartufo

Broodje Leo Broodje Leo is Delft-standard. Leo van Vliet has had a butcher here for years, but also sells delicious sandwiches. All sandwiches are freshly made and only cost €3.40! You Il Tartufo is a special Italian delicacies & caterer located in

can drop by here in person to pick up your sandwiches or

the historic center of Delft. On one of the most beautiful

pre-order if you want 8 or more sandwiches.

canals, behind the Old Church, you will find a piece of authentic Italy! Get your panino of the best Italian quality here.

Oude Kerkstraat 9 Minderbroerstraat 2


Healthcare Student Healthcare Service When you start living in Delft, it makes sense to register with a GP in Delft. It can often take a lot of time travelling to your old GP at home. If you register with a GP in Delft, it will always be easy to deal with any issues you may have. You can also register with the Student Healthcare Service (SGZ). This official body is committed to student health. The SGZ student practice is a regular GP practice. You can register online at or at the practice itself, for a consultation by appointment Adress: Kampveld 10A, 2611DA Telephone: 015-215 8442

telephone for advice or an appointment. Before going to the out-of-hours GP service, always make sure you ring +31(0)15- 251 1930!

Regular healthcare In addition to the student practice, there are numerous other GP practices in Delft. For a good overview of the various practices, take a look at the website: delft. If you find a good one, contact them to check if places are still available, because they are quite often already full!

GGZ Delfland GGZ Delfland treats people with temporary or permanent psychological disorders, irrespective of the patient’s age or the complexity of the disorder. Where possible, they work to prevent the disorder occurring or having negative consequences.

Healthcare insurance By law, you must have basic healthcare insurance cover. You can also opt for additional insurance. Costs and services vary according to the insurance company. The healthcare allowance (zorgtoeslag) will generally cover most of the costs of your basic insurance.

Delft pharmacies If your GP prescribes medication, you can collect it from a pharmacy of your choice. You can choose a pharmacy yourself that is conveniently located for you. If you urgently need medication in the evenings, at night, at weekends or during public holidays, you can use the out-of-hours pharmacy at the Reinier de Graaf hospital. This pharmacy is open when your own pharmacy is closed. For details, visit

‘Reinier de Graaf’ hospital If you need hospital care, the Reinier de Graaf hospital is there for you. They have several different medical wards and more than 2,600 staff. Adres: Reinier de Graafweg 5, 2625AD Telefoonnummer: 015-260 3060

Urgent cases In urgent cases, you can go to the out-of-hours GP service at the Reinier de Graaf hospital. Please note: the out-of-hours GP service is for urgent cases only when your own GP practice is closed. It is only for urgent cases that really cannot wait until the next day. If your case is urgent, you can



Met 18 zelfstandige ondernemingen en ruim 6300 collega’s is TBI een van Nederlands grootste bouw-, techniek- en infraconcerns. Wat wij vandaag maken, bepaalt hoe Nederland er in de toekomst uitziet. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de renovatie van de Domtoren, de bouw en ontwikkeling van Little C, de uitbreiding van station Geldermalsen en de aanleg van de Rijnlandroute. Allemaal projecten die door TBI-ondernemingen zijn bedacht, begeleid, ontworpen of gerealiseerd. En we hebben er nog veel meer, die stuk voor stuk Nederland een beetje mooier, duurzamer en innovatiever maken. Dat is waar wij het voor doen. Elke dag weer. Doe je mee? Kijk voor stages, traineeships en vacatures op

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09-04-2021 17:33


Being a student

Student living at home

Nina The, 2nd year Computer Science and Engineering I was actually planning to move. That’s now all been put on hold because of a certain pandemic, but I’m definitely looking forward to it!

Why do you still live with your parents? I opted to stay living at home so that I could focus more on my degree programme. I was unsure whether a new environment with more ‘temptations’ was a good idea because my degree programme was notorious for its difficult first year. In any case, my home is only slightly more than 30 minutes away from Delft. Since I now have the first year behind me,

Would you advise any prospective students to continue living at home? If you think that you want to focus more on your degree and can easily handle the travel, I’d say yes. Of course, it’s more fun being closer to your fellow students and moving out also means you don’t always have to rush to catch the last train on nights out in Delft (which leaves far too early in my view). Summarise your time as a student in one sentence! Procrastination :)

Student living in Delft

Mickey Gielen, 1st year HBO Mechanical Engineering What type of house do you live in? I live in a large, ‘double-mixed’ DSC/Virgiel association house with 18 housemates – ‘double-mixed’ means that there’s more than one student association involved and both male and female students. I think that really adds a lot to the dynamics in the house.

Why did you leave home? My parents live in Rijswijk, less than 30 minutes away from Delft. But I still moved out, because living in a student house is a much more varied experience than you might think. You also have much more freedom to come and go as you please. That freedom also comes with responsibilities, but you actually learn a huge amount from that anyway.


How do you choose a house? Firstly, it’s a good idea to think about the size of house you’d prefer. Whether you choose big or small, mixed or not, be sure to search with an open mind. Don’t let your prejudices distract you too much. Summarise your time as a student in one sentence! A student’s life can be hectic and full on, but it only happens once, so make sure you enjoy it!

Honours student

Eline Franke, 4th year Architecture Why did you opt to join the Honours programme? The range of courses really appealed to me and that was why I decided to do the programme. For example, I went on a group trip to Naples for a week and made a video about dilemmas, that’s also a reason I’d really recommend it. The courses were just that bit different from my normal courses and that really increased my enthusiasm. What exactly is the Honours Programme ? Alongside your degree programme, you can also do the Honours Programme: 20 additional ECTS credits that you need to obtain in your 2nd and 3th year. The great thing is that you can configure the programme to suit your preferences. That means you can opt for courses to explore something that interests you in greater depth or actually try something totally new.

How do you combine the Honours programme with other activities? Because you have a two-year period to obtain the extra credits, you’re free to organise it as you see fit. Summarise your time as a student in one sentence! Get everything out of it that you can and enjoy it!

Sporty student

Thijs Verreck, 4th year Technology, Policy and Management including a marathon! Working towards your goals, training with friends and seeing your improvement is really satisfying and enjoyable.

Why did you start actively doing sports? I’ve always enjoyed a lot of sport since I was young; I’ve always liked to keep busy and to train with my friends. That’s why, in Delft, I decided to join a club where I could do sport as well a going for a drink. In the first two years, I sat on several committees and mainly focused on sport for pleasure. Then I started to get the itch and signed up for several things,

What was the OWee like in your year? In my year, the OWee was fantastic. You see various clubs and associations, meet lots of nice people and experience an incredible amount of fun and hilarious things. Summarise your time as a student in one sentence! As a student, I made good friends and now have a great group around me with whom I can enjoy the rest of my life and experience some great stories!


Student Being a student Zijn

Member of a study association

Tim Poppe, 3th year Technology, Policy and Management To what extent has being an active member of your study association affected your studies? Being an active member of the study association has enabled me to get to know lots of people in my faculty. For example, I’ve improved my personal skill set thanks to the various study association committees I’ve been a member of. Why did you decide to join your study association? Joining a study association has numerous advantages. The associations work to improve the quality of education and organise numerous activities aimed at students, ranging from social events to activities focused on careers!

How did you experience your OWee? ? My OWee was an unforgettable experience! During that week the doors are thrown open for students to gain a good impression of what Delft student life has to offer. Summarise your time as a student in one sentence! It’s great, it really is fantastic!

Member of a student association

Madelief Knijnenburg, 1st year Industrial Design Engineering

Why did you decide to become a member of a student association? I’m used to hearing what great times my parents had in their student associations. That meant deciding whether or not to join was an easy choice for me to make. Getting to know your city while having fun, making friends for life and enjoying fun experiences.


How do you know which association to choose? Find out about as many associations as possible by sampling the atmosphere and asking more senior students about their experiences. It’s also worthwhile talking to students who are already association members. They’ll be in the association in the same year as you, so if you can get on with most of them, you’ll probably fit well into the association. It’s also important to pay a visit to some student houses, because that will give you a better idea of what student life is really like in that association. Summarise your time as a student in one sentence! A fun party, but all carefully socially distanced.

Housing in Delft You come to study in Delft, but you are not the only one looking for a room. In this chapter you will find useful tips for finding a home! Make sure to arrange your accommodation before arriving in the Netherlands, as you are officially required to register a valid Dutch address within 5 days after arrival in the Netherlands. Registering a valid Dutch address at the local municipality is a legal obligation for all who intend to stay in the Netherlands for 4 months or more, irrespective of nationality or purpose of stay. A valid and registered address allows you to obtain a BSN (Citizen Service Number), which is needed to interact with Dutch authorities. TU Delft suggests three ways to arrange accommodation. See below for information on each of these options. Finding accommoddation thorugh rental agencies or private landlords Prioritize finding accommodation once you know that you will attend TU Delft. Finding a room in Delft can be difficult and time-consuming. As most university cities in the Netherlands, Delft has a shortage of affordable student accommodations. The following information may prove to be useful when looking for accommodation:

• Delft is a relatively small city, therefore neighbouring municipalities can provide good alternatives within reasonable travel distance from TU Delft’s campus. • Groups on Facebook could aid the search for accommodation; e.g. “Find a room(mate) in Delft” & “Find an international roommate in Delft”. Keep the following in mind when looking for accommodation: • There are fewer (affordable) accommodations available, in the months leading up to the start of a new academic year • Most accommodations on offer are unfurnished and rent often does not include utilities and municipal taxes. • Make sure the owner provides you with a declaration of permission to register the address with the municipality. • Read the rental agreement carefully. • Be aware of rental frauds. After finding accommodation register your Dutch address as soon as possible in Studielink. Lodging with family, friends, and other acquaintances Moving in with someone? Make sure to have permission from the primary resident as well as the owner of the residence to register the address with the municipality, for which you can use this


Being a student

Housing in Delft authorisation form. Fill in the authorisation form and have it signed by the primary resident and the owner of the residence. Bring the form with the necessary documents, as mentioned in the form, to your registration with the municipality.

Indicate in Osiris when submitting your Confirmation Statement if you would like to apply for this service. Procedural information will follow after TU Delft has processed the receipt of your full payment as specified in your Financial Letter.

Additionally, register your Dutch address as soon as possible in Studielink.

After finding accommodation register your Dutch address as soon as possible in Studielink.

Finding accommodation using TU Delft’s housing service TU Delft has partnered with various housing agencies in the greater-Delft region to offer accommodation to students coming from abroad. Accommodations will become available prior to the start of each semester and can only be reserved through TU Delft’s housing portal.

Conditions • Considering the difficult housing market, TU Delft advises you to consider re-applying for next year if you cannot secure an accommodation before the start of your study programme. • For Non-EU/EFTA nationals being registered is a requirement for maintaining their Residence Permit for Study.

TU Delft determines the order in which students gain access to the housing portal based on the order in which full payments are received. Note that TU Delft cannot guarantee to accommodate everyone who applies for this service nor that the available accommodations will meet your preferences; it remains your responsibility to find suitable accommodation in time before the start of your studies when TU Delft’s accommodation supply runs out.


Rent and student loan system Student loan system In order to pay for your degree programme and life as a student, you can take out a loan with DUO. It has a very low interest rate and you have 30 years in which to repay your loan. If you apply for a loan, the money will be paid into your account on the 24th of every month. Take a look at particulier for more information! Healthcare allowance Because students generally receive a low income, you are often entitled to benefits or allowances. If you are aged 18 or older, of Dutch nationality and are a low earner, you can apply for the healthcare allowance to contribute to the costs of your healthcare insurance. For further information and to apply, see www. Rent allowance If you are renting a room or flat of your own, you may be entitled to rent allowance. To qualify, you must have Dutch nationality, be aged 18 or older and be renting self-contained accommodation. You also need to be registered at your residential address and your rent, income and assets must not exceed a certain amount. For further information and to apply, see Study delay There is a possibility that you may fall behind with your studies because of exceptional circumstances. TU Delft, Inholland University of Applied Sciences Delft and The Hague University of Applied Science have financial arrangements to support you in situations of this kind. As a student, the reasons why you fall behind may be foreseen or unforeseen. There are arrangements in place to cover both scenarios. Unforeseen circumstances involve situations like illness or family circumstances. Foreseen

circumstances tend to be administrative activities such as an administrative year in an association or work on a committee. Supplementary grant The supplementary grant is aimed at students whose parents have a low income. From 1 January 2021, this is set at a maximum of €413.78 a month. The grant will become a gift if you obtain your degree within ten years. Even if you do not complete your degree within ten years, the first five months of this supplementary grant will also become a gift and will not need to be repaid. For further information, see particulier/aanvullende-beurs-oftoelage. Student travel pass Your student travel pass allows you to travel on public transport free of charge or at a discount. To qualify, you first need to order a personal OV (public transport) card. You can purchase one at Once you have received it, you can link it up to your student travel pass at www. For your student travel pass, you need to choose between a weekday or weekend subscription. The money you would normally spend travelling on public transport is borrowed from DUO. The loan will be written off if you complete your degree within ten years. In that case, you will actually be travelling free of charge.


Student Zijn







TU Delft The world of TU Delft Choosing to go to TU Delft is about so much more than your choice of study. TU Delft offers high-quality teaching and an inspiring, fascinating, and attractive study environment that allows you, as a student, to develop into a critical, results oriented, and socially responsible engineer. You will find yourself in an international setting in which everyone is welcome, regardless of sexual orientation, functional impairment, or cultural, political, or religious background. There are more than 125 nationalities at the university, and almost a quarter of all students are from outside the Netherlands. During your first weeks at TU Delft, you will no doubt have all kinds of questions about your degree programme and everything related to it. From information about enrolment and termination of enrolment, tuition fees, and financial assistance (Profiling Fund) to lecture times and where to find your timetable. To help get you off to a good start, we have posted a range of useful information for you on the ‘ welcome.tudelft’.nl website. Here, you will find information about the academic calendar and a map of the campus showing where teaching buildings and catering facilities are located, as well as information about the laptop project, study support and all the other amenities available at TU Delft. Faculties and degree programmes TU Delft has eight faculties. These are departments at the university that focus on particular subjects and offer Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in these subjects.


Wellbeing during your studies The TU Delft provides support to students through several ways. You can use the E-Health tool ‘Gezondeboel’ and workshops on the field of personal development at the Career & Counseling Services. At the Wellbeing & Study page ( en/student/well-being-and-study) you can read more about it. Each study programme has one or more academic counsellors. You can contact an academic counsellor if you have any questions about or related to your degree programme. If it looks as though you are falling behind, it is particularly important to contact an academic counsellor as soon as possible. TU Delft also offers specific types of support to students with a functional impairment, such as dyslexia, but also to ambitious top-level athletes. For short-term help with psychological problems that are directly related to your studies, you can contact the TU Delft student psychologists. Study culture and teaching methods The study culture at TU Delft is ambitious and enterprising. Our students follow a relatively challenging and intensive study programme, by Dutch standards. You need a positive and active attitude to studying and you have to be able to plan

TU Delft and organise your time properly. Studying at TU Delft means a great deal of independence. Are you looking for a good place to study? Then the TU Delft library is the perfect spot. There are more locations with study spots, you can find them at ‘’. As well as being good at leadership, analytical, and critical, TU Delft students enjoy a reputation for showing initiative and setting up projects. That enterprising character is part and parcel of the makeup of TU Delft students and engineers. As a TU Delft student, you ask yourself not only how something works, but how it could be improved upon; you see a problem in society and find a solution to it. You will spend much of your time working alone when studying, but you will also learn how to work well in groups. You will carry out many projects as part of a group and experience several different teaching formats during your studies. We strive to provide as much face-to-face classes as possible. However it is that some teaching will take place online. Depending on your studies some classes will take place in a laboratory. Of course everything will be set up regarding the current Covid-guidelines. Structure of Bachelor’s degree programme The academical year has an official opening ceremony, this year the event takes place on September 6th. Roughly the year is divided in 4 quarters. You have exams multiple times throughout the year and you are obliged to sign up for the exams yourself. Prior to your exams you occasionally have a ‘witte week’; a lecture free week. This week students are provided time to revisit material from the past quarter.

A Bachelor’s degree programme lasts three years, as is the case at all other universities. Most of the engineering programmes have lots of theoretical classes that demands lots of knowledge and selfstudy and mathematics like linear algebra, calculus and analytics. Apart from that you will participate in experimental learning which often takes place in groups. This way you will use your theoretical knowledge in a practical situation. At the end of your first year, you will be given a binding recommendation on whether or not to continue with your studies. If you have obtained less than 45 of your 60 credits, you may not continue with the same programme the following year. During your second year you will deepen your knowledge and then choose a minor in your third year. During this half year you can focus on a specific topic within your Bachelor’s programme or broaden your horizon. You can choose a minor at another TU Delft faculty or other universities in the Netherlands or even abroad. In other words, you have a lot of freedom in terms of what you do in these six months. We encourage international mobility by offering options for doing part of your programme at another university, in or outside the Netherlands. TU Delft has partnerships with various other universities and international companies, which makes it easy



TU Delft for you to go on an (online) exchange programme. In your third year you will work on your Bachelor’s thesis project (BEP). After completing this project you will receive your Bachelor’s degree and you can call yourself a bachelor of science. You will then have

the choice of continuing to study or starting work. Following on from your Bachelor’s programme, you can take a Master’s programme. At universities of technology, they take two years. Studying at times of the Corona pandemic Because of the Corona-measurements studying was very different last year. We hope to provide more face-to-face classes from the start of September 2021. Check our website ‘’ to stay up to date on the guidelines. After completing the Bachelor’s thesis project (BEP), you will receive your Bachelor’s degree. You will then have the choice of continuing to study, or starting work. Following on from your Bachelor’s programme, you can take a Master’s programme. At universities of technology, they take two years. Honours Programme Bachelor’s students who are capable of handling more than the regular degree programme and who perform at an above average level can take part in the TU Delft Honours Programme, a challenging supplementary programme in which you carry out


research or do projects independently. You can design much of the programme yourself. Together with Honours students from other Bachelor’s programmes, you may find yourself working on research for a professor, for example, or writing a business plan, carrying out an assignment for a company, or organising scientific lectures for fellow students. Activities besides your studies TU Delft offers various student projects – separate from the degree programmes – that give you the opportunity to further develop your talents. These student projects are also referred to as ‘dream teams’. Examples include the Delft Hyperloop and the TU Delft Solar Boat Team. This is a great way to learn, and the experience gained is invaluable for your future career. Do you have ideas to start your own company of do you want to learn more about entrepreneurship? The Delft Centre for Entrepreneurship develops your entrepreneurial skills met classes, competitions and the start-up night. Personal development During your studies, we will encourage you to develop personally as well as academically. By doing voluntary work, for example, or by being an active member of one or more of the many study or student associations that we have in Delft. You can find more information about these further on in the BINAS.

Contact ESA Contact Centre Tel: +31 (0)15 27 88012 Postbus 5 2600 AA Delft

TU Delft TU Delft Calendar, Academic Year 2021-2022 1st SEMESTER Week no.























Week type























Teaching week

X-mas Holidays






















Start Acad. year

Open. Acad. year





































































































































































2nd SEMESTER Week no.





















Week type






















Spring break

































Easter Monday







Whit Monday






































Kings day








22 23

Teaching week















Liberation day



Ascension Day















Good Friday




























































Week type










Summer period week


















































































Week no.












Lectures and other teaching activities



Lectures and examinations BSc-programmes



Lectures / free week; varies per study programme



Lectures/free week/examinations/resits; varies per study programme



Examinations / Resits



No Teaching, Vacation or public holiday


Week 5.1 and 5.2: free weeks only for resits, no regular teaching.

29 August 2022: start academic year 2022-2023, week 35 (to be confirmed) 5 September 2022: Opening Academic Year




Application Trainings 4 events

Orientation Days Coffee Dates In-house Days

3500 students

150+ companies

The largest technical career events for jobs, internships and graduation projects in the Netherlands


Student Organizations

Lijst Bèta Studentenraad

Did you know that university isn’t ruled by just the Executive Board but that there’s also a democratic element? The Central Student Council! The council consists of 10 students who are elected each year to represent the interests of students towards the university. In this role, Lijst Bèta has been fighting for better education for ten years. What are our main priorities? That which concerns all students: education, diversity & inclusion, student wellbeing and sustainability.

In addition to this, we also have an association which organizes fun activities for involved students. In this way we stay in touch with students. Do you want to know more about this or you also want to be involved? Go to our website at and become a member (for free!?!)! You can also follow us on Instagram: @lijstbeta.


Studentenraad Hi prospective student! Next year you will be represented at TU Delft by the Central Student Council. ORAS is a party in this student council. Every month we meet with the board of TU Delft to discuss issues playing part at the university. ORAS maintains close contact with students through study-, sports-, and student associations to represent them as well as possible. At ORAS we have a clear vision: we believe that

you become the best engineer through top-notch education, supported by the right facilities, and with sufficient opportunities to develop themselves within or outside their study. Does this sound interesting to you? You can also become a member of the ORAS association! This way you can think along about how you can be represented best as an active student. Within the association, you can gain experience within committees. In this way, you learn to organize activities, run acquisitions or set up a campaign. For more information, visit!


YES!Delft Students Incubator

YES! Delft Students is all about students entrepreneurship! With more than 70 events, 9 part time committees and 36+ student startups we bridge the gap for students to become entrepreneurs. Located in Europe’s largest Tech Incubator, YES!Delft we open the gates to the most innovative ecosystem of the Netherlands. Get in touch with high tech startups and corporate giants to get inspired!

D:Dream teams Dreamteams

World wide the TU Delft is famous for its successfull student teams. These teams, in Delft also known as the Dream Teams, are fully organized by the driven students themselves. From team management up to design and production of their inventions, all happens on and around the university campus.

As a first year student this all might seemfar away, but the teams are open for all students. The succes does not only depend on the technical knowledge and prestations, as a large dose of motivation and perseverance might be of even more importance. So don’t hesitate to discover and take a look!

The acronym DREAM stands for “Delft: Dream Realisation of Extremely Advanced Machines’. In these teams, young engineers make their dreams come true. Well-known teams such as the Vattenfall Solar Team, Delft Hyperloop, Project MARCH, Forze Hydrogen Racing and many others have been built up out of the shared principle of wanting to realise technical innovations.


Student Organizations

Studium Generale Verbredende activiteiten

How dangerous is AI? Can we already become immortal? How can philosophy help you to be happier? Studium Generale (SG) organizes lectures, workshops, talk shows and film screenings about the role of technology in our society and about social developments and questions them critically. With the aim broadening the academic horizon of the students.

Visit our (online) events with the most diverse subjects with well-known and unknown writers, scientists, journalists of politicians. Think about famous speakers for example Arjen Lubach, Diederik Jekel, Joris Luyendijk and Jeroen Dijsselbloem. We are also part of the Bèta Balie – a Delft platform where technical and social challenges are connected. Take a look at for our current program and sign up for our newsletter. If you have a question or an idea, please let us know!

Universiteitsfonds Delft Studentenfonds

Het Universiteitsfonds Delft ondersteunt de TU Delft door bij te dragen aan onderzoek, onderwijs en talentontwikkeling. Het Universiteitsfonds heeft speciaal voor studenten FAST in het leven geroepen. FAST is de studentencommissie van het Universiteitsfonds en staat voor Funding Ambitious Students TU Delft. FAST is het aanspreekpunt voor alle TU Delft studenten met vragen over grants voor bijvoorbeeld studeren in het buitenland, competities, congres presentaties of andere ambitieuze projectvoorstellen. Meer weten? Kijk op

indienen? Daarnaast wordt toptalent aan de TU Delft regelmatig door het Universiteitsfonds in het zonnetje gezet door middel van prijzen zoals de TU Delft Best Graduate en de Leermeesterprijs. Meer weten? Kijk op

En wist je dat het Universiteitsfonds ook het crowfundingsplatform beheert en dat studenten daar ook projecten voor kunnen

OWee Board 2021 44

Students of Technology In Politics, in short STIP, is a political party in the city council ran by students. The party has 6 of the 39 seats and is a part of the coalition. In doing so STIP fulfils an active role in governing our beautiful city. With a youthful and pragmatic vision for Delft we work towards a more sustainable, innovative, and lively city. Throughout the year the party organises activities for its members and supporters. You can share your thoughts on different issues by joining one of our focus groups. Would you like to share your vision, organize activities, or govern Delft? Let us know via our website (stipdelft. nl)!


Studentenvakbond Like in any other place in the world, in Delft there are constant changes which have direct consequences for you. But how do you ensure that you have influence over these decisions which affect you? That’s what we’re here for!

So is there something that could be improved for the students of Delft, do you need legal advice or do you just want to buy study books at a discount? Then come and visit the VSSD!

VSSD is the Student Union of Delft. We work to improve the life of all Delft students. For example, we set up the Walk & Talk campaign during Corona so students could have more social contact with each other while respecting Corona rules. We also sell study books at a discount and even offer free legal advice! In addition, we discuss matters which directly affect us with the TU Delft, the Universities of Applied Sciences in Delft, the Delft municipality and even the Dutch Parliament so no Delft student is left unheard.


Student Organizations


Verenigingsraad Dear reader, The OWee is the start of a new adventure and during the OWee all student association will open their doors for you. Visiting all the associations that the beautiful city of Delft has to offer, is the most interesting and best thing you can do during the OWee. We are convinced that almost everyone in the BINAS agrees with us.

(LKvV). Especially in times like these it is important that the communication proceeds smoothly. Our advice is to become a member of a student association, to be able to live your experience in Delft at its fullest.

We are the 5 members of the board of the VerenigingsRaad Delft. We are responsible for a weekly meeting between the eighteen affiliated student associations. We also maintain the connection between important parties as the TU Delft, the municipality and the national association board

Studenten vrijwilligerswerk Delft Vrijwilligersorganisatie

Studenten Vrijwilligerswerk Delft (SVD) is a platform where you, as a student, can find volunteer work in the city of Delft. From reading to small children to helping out at a festival in the city centre, you can find it all on our website. This way, we try to connect students and other residents of Delft. On our website you can register as a student for a volunteer job vacancy that appeals to you!


In addition, SVD organizes cool events where you can really contribute to Delft. So, do you want to earn some extra karma points in the coming academic year, and do you not feel like sitting down on the couch? Or are you just curious about the possibilities? Check out our website www. and our social media @stichtingsvd


Studentenuitzendbureau Xtend is a large employment agency for students situated in the city center of Delft, focused on finding suitable (side)jobs for students. Ran by four enthusiast students, they know exactly what you could be looking for. The common features between the jobs are that they are all educational, flexible and have a great salary!

Are you a technical draftsman, programmer or junior engineer and would you like to expand your knowledge and/or experience at a real company? We are ready to help you do this! Go to our website for all of the latest vacancies and additional information about us and our activities. You can also register yourself, without any commitment, on our website, to let us know what you might be looking for. Together we can find a job that really suits you. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay informed of all of our promotions, activities and vacancies. Questions about us or the vacancies? Don’t hesitate to call us, send an e-mail or drop by at our office on the Binnenwatersloot!


Studentenuitzendbureau Stud is the employment agency for students and by students in Delft. Each year, Stud is run by seven students, coming together from different studies and associations. The common goal is to link students in Delft to technical companies. Students come into contact with companies they have an affinity with and they can earn some extra money for their studies and all the fun things they do! Because Stud is run by students, we make it our goal to give the profits we make back to the students in Delft. So in addition to work experience and extra money, you can also contact Stud for sponsorships and other events in Delft. Everyone from Dreamteams to small initiatives are eligible for this!

So do you have a great idea or an event with which you can help student life in Delft grow? Come to Stud!


Student Organizations

Students4Sustainability Innovatie op duurzaamheidsgebied Students4Sustainability (S4S) is a student organisation with the goal to stimulate Delft students to apply innovative techniques to a more sustainable world. We do this both at a small and larger scale. On one hand, S4S aims to inform and inspire students about the possibilities of sustainability, with activities like lectures, movie nights, cooking shows and a festival! These activities are partly organized by our committees: Symposium, De Groene Pint, S4S Business and Festable.

the growing gap between western and developing countries. Sound appealing? Follow us on social media and come and have a look at our events!

Second, S4S offers students the chance to realize their ideas globally through development projects. With 100% of the money that we receive from our donors, we are able to provide students with financial support for their prototypes. This way, we can bridge

Rode Kruis Studentendesk Delft Hulpverlening

The Red Cross is always there for everyone. Wherever you are and whatever the situation is. This was also the situation last year, where unfortunately, not everything always went as planned. The Red Cross Student Desk Delft has been able to continue to work due to her active board and the committees.


The Red Cross Student Desk Delft is part om the Red Cross Netherlands. The Student Desk ensures that also students get the opportunity to be involved in the Red Cross. CPR courses are given in collaboration with X for an affordable price, pick-up beer crates from student houses to collect donations and a podcast about mental health, are some of the activities organized. In addition to the part-time board, the Student Desk also has various committees. These include the Alcohol Symposium committee that works together with the student associations and the hospital, the Awareness committee which creates more awareness in certain situations, the Red Cross Week committee, and finally the International Committee!

UNICEF Student Team Delft Hulpverlening

UNICEF studententeam Delft is een studentenorganisatie die zich inzet voor kinderrechten wereldwijd. Ons team organiseert evenementen om geld op te halen voor UNICEF en studenten bewust te maken van problemen in ontwikkelingslanden. Dit doen wij door middel van het organiseren van bijvoorbeeld een symposium, festival en andere

kleinere evenementen zoals een VR experience, pubquiz, crazy 88 etc. Bij UNICEF leer je ervaring op doen in commissies door activiteiten te organiseren, maar ook leer je studenten kennen van andere studies en culturen. Wil jij je graag naast je studie actief inzetten om kinderen wereldwijd te helpen? Kom dan bij het UNICEF studententeam Delft! Volg onze social media om je in te schrijven als commissielid of vrijwilliger: unicefstudentteamdelft, of stuur een mailtje naar


Non-profit stagebemiddelaar Een mooie carriére houdt niet natuurlijk op bij alleen een mooie opleiding. Je TU-brein wordt geprikkeld en je wilt meer dan alleen simpelweg wiskundesommetjes oplossen. Je gaat opzoek naar een uitdaging en je komt snel tot de conclusie dat je eens moet kijken hoe het in de echte wereld er aan toe gaat…. Een stage! Ben je een strategisch denker? Consultant? Of heb je ronduit nog geen idee maar lijkt je leuk ooit van de bedrijfssfeer te mogen proeven? Dan kan Integrand nog wel eens een hele goede optie zijn voor jou! Integrand is een onafhankelijke non-profit organisatie bedoeld jou op weg te helpen naar een succesvolle carrière. Onze missie is dan ook het verbinden en stimuleren van jouw ambities. Mede dankzij onze landelijke dekking zijn wij de grootste academische stage bemiddelaar van

Nederland en organiseren we daarnaast veel uiteenlopende evenementen zoals Inhousedagen tot sollicitatietrainingen. Dus effe een keer wat anders dan alleen met je neus in de boeken zitten en zien hoe het er in de praktijk aan toe gaat? Dan ben je bij ons op het juiste adres!


Student Organizations


StudieVerenigingenRaad Beste aankomende student, Tijdens je studententijd zal je veel te maken krijgen met je studievereniging. Dat begint al met het eerstejaarsweekend dat wordt georganiseerd. Maar ook later zal je voor het kopen van een studieboek, het bijwonen van Carrière evenementen, en voor het drinken van een kopje koffie of een biertje ook bij je studievereniging terechtkomen.

In Delft zijn er welgeteld 15 verschillende studieverenigingen. De taak van het Dagelijks bestuur van de SVR is om onderling het contact tussen de studieverenigingen te verbeteren, en ook om deze studieverenigingen te vertegenwoordigen in een aantal werkgroepen en commissies van de TU Delft. Het dagelijks bestuur initieert en organiseert door het jaar heen verschillende vergaderingen waar studieverenigingen zaken delen die hen bezighouden. De SVR vormt het overkoepelend orgaan van alle studieverenigingen in Delft. Dit wordt gedaan door drie parttime studenten van verschillende studieverenigingen. We wensen je een geweldige start van je studietijd toe!


Stages en vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland Hey students, We are AIESEC, the biggest non-profit student organisation in the world, we provide professional volunteer projects and internships abroad for students in Delft. AIESEC is located in 114 different countries and together we strive to improve leadership qualities amongst the youth. Together with you we will help to find the best project that suits your wishes and help guide you through the entire process. The AIESEC establishment at your destination shall provide a social network, making it very easy to meet new people and giving you an unforgettable time abroad. With our internships you will develop and practise your knowledge and skills. For our volunteering projects you will work with one of the SDG’s and stimulate positive change.


Interested in doing a project with us and want to know more, visit our office at Kanaalweg 4 or go to our website We look forward to seeing you!


Representment international students The Delft International Student Society is “from students, to students and for students.” DISS aims to represent the needs of international students at TU Delft. They support students when it comes to housing, career and education. DISS is created by international group of motivated students. Their goal is to bring students from all

nationalities together and improve their stay in Delft. Not only does DISS deal with the day-to-day problems of the university‘s international community, they also organize activities, workshops and events. The calendar includes everything from a monthly movie night and bowling to cooking workshops excursions. It’s a fun and easy way to meet other students (mainly online) - even during corona times. Find out all you need to know about DISS and keep up to date with their calendar of events at and on their Instagram @diss_tud.


Internationale stage en uitzendorganisatie Ervaringen, dat is waar het leven om draait. Ervaringen zijn ook de reden om te studeren en om het studentenleven te betreden. Deze ervaringen zijn overal te halen. Andere culturen meemaken, landen ontdekken, gebruiken leren van exotische ondernemingen en dit allemaal terwijl je betaald krijgt. Deze ervaringen en nog veel meer is wat IAESTE jou kan bieden. IAESTE is een student-run organisatie die internationale betaalde technische stages regelt voor studenten. Dit doen we door lokaal stages te werven en deze uit te wisselen met IAESTE organisaties verdeeld over 86 landen in de wereld. Nederlanders krijgen de mogelijkheid om naar het buitenland te gaan en buitenlanders kunnen de cultuur van Nederland ervaren.

Binnen IAESTE kunnen wij altijd nieuwe leden die uitdagingen aandurven gebruiken. Lijkt het jou dus leuk om je global mind te vergroten, je internationale netwerk te vergroten, te leren van andere culturen en nieuwe ervaringen op te bouwen? Neem dan contact met ons op via www.facebook. com/iaestedelft2, Insta: @iaestenl of IAESTE: “Kickstart your Global Career”


Student Organizations

Student Onbeperkt

Voor studenten met een functiebeperking Elk jaar schrijven meer dan 500 nieuwe studenten zich in met een functiebeperking, van dyslexie tot spierziektes. Er zijn nog veel meer studenten die ergens mee worstelen waardoor ze niet op een standaard manier hun studie kunnen doorlopen, of ze nou gediagnosticeerd zijn of niet.

Iedereen bij ons is anders en heeft verschillende behoeften. Er zijn geen kosten of verplichtingen aan verbonden. Denk je dat dit jou kan helpen? Kom vrijblijvend langs bij onze interesseavond! Vind ons op Instagram of Facebook onder StudentOnbeperkt!

Student Onbeperkt is een platform voor en door studenten met een functiebeperking. Wij vinden dat álle studenten zich thuis moeten kunnen voelen aan de TU. Wij helpen je jouw weg vinden in Delft, brengen je in contact met ouderejaars om samen tips uit te wisselen over dingen zoals het aanvragen van voorzieningen. Daarnaast werken we samen met de TU op het beleid rondom studeren met een functiebeperking.





Study Associations TU

V.S.V. Leonardo da Vinci Aerospace Engineering

The society of Aerospace Engineering students VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’, founded in 1945, is the society for students of the Aerospace Engineering faculty in Delft. With a total member count of 2500, of which more than 200 active members, the VSV is the largest Aerospace Engineering study society in the Benelux. The society is managed by a board of

seven students, who postpone their studies for a full year in order to put all their time and energy in the development of the society. The VSV has various committees and departments who, during the whole year, organize a range of excursions, lectures, parties, dinners and drinks. Besides this, the VSV organizes a freshmen weekend for all newly arriving aerospace engineering students. During the weekend you will get to know your fellow students via entertaining games and amazing parties. For more information, see

Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging Applied Earth Sciences

The ‘Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging’ is the student association of Applied Earth Sciences and will help you with many things during your studies. For example by organizing workshops, tutoring and for a free cup of coffee in the ‘MV room’. Next to all of this we organize lots of activities and drinks that often take place in our own bar ‘het Noorden’, which is located in the city center of Delft.

AES students form a tightly-knit group of students. One of the major reasons for this is ‘Het Noorden’ where weekly drinks give you the opportunity to chat with fellow students or even your professors while enjoying a beer. The first excursion you experience during your studies is the Freshmen weekend! Make sure you register for this weekend to get to know your fellow students and the study you’re about to start! We’re looking forward to meeting you this summer! Glück Auf!


D.S.B.G. Stylos

Architecture and the Built Environment Great that you will be studying in Delft soon! Upcoming period you will get to know the student life in Delft and study associations are also a part of that! D.B.S.G. Stylos is the study association from the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. Stylos is there to serve the needs of architecture students. Our doors are always opened so feel free to walk by for a cup of coffee! You can become a Stylos member by participating in the SteeOwee, the Stylos Freshman Welcoming Weekend. During this weekend, prior to the Owee, Stylos organizes an introduction for all Bachelor freshmen to get to know your fellow architecture students and to form a friend group to spend the Owee with. We would love to see you at the SteeOwee!

Vereniging voor Technische Physica Applied Physics

De Vereniging voor Technische Physica (VvTP) is the study association for students of the Bachelor of Applied Physics and the Master of Applied Physics at Delft University of Technology. The VvTP is an active and well-organized study association run entirely by students. Of the more than 1300 members, about 150 are active in committees or on the board, which oversees the association full time for a year.

We organize various activities for career orientation and broadening in the form of (company) excursions, study trips and lunch lectures, and other social activities such as a field day, cultural activities and drinks in our café at the faculty. In addition, two of our board members are involved in education by collecting feedback and, as the voice of the students, passing this on to the faculty. Furthermore, you are always welcome in our members’ lounge for coffee and tea.


Study Associations TU

W.I.S.V. Christiaan Huygens

Applied Mathematics & Computer Science and Engineering Will you be studying Applied Mathematics or Computer Science & Engineering this year? Then W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens’- CH for short- is the study association for you! During the freshmen weekend you will get to know CH, our committees and your fellow freshmen through fun activities and parties. Sign up for this awesome weekend through CH organizes educational, social and career-related activities to guide you through your student life, such as lunch lectures, symposia, study trips, parties and career colleges. We also sell study books for a discount. Get involved this year by joining one of our many committees, and feel free to drop by CH for free coffee and tea between your lectures!

Electrotechnische Vereeniging Electrical Engineering

This summer, your adventure in Delft will start. However, in order to call yourself a real student, you need to learn a thing or two. The OWee is a great opportunity to learn everything there is to know about Delft, the university, and being a student.

To assist you during your studies, the study association for Electrical Engineering students called the “ETV” is available. You can buy your books here, ask questions about your education, or enjoy a free cup of coffee! To get to know your fellow students, your faculty and the ETV better, the ETV organizes a freshmen weekend. We will see you there!


ID study association Industrial Design Engineering

Hey you! ID is the study association of Industrial Design Engineering. We don’t want to exaggerate, but actually, you can do everything here! Have a lot of fun during ID Kafee on Wednesdays, trips, activities such as a ‘zeepkisten’ race, summer games on the IDE square or a freshman lunch. Besides that, you can develop new skills and challenge yourself professionally with one of our committees or workshops. You will definitely meet ID during the ID Education Input Weeks, in which they collect your feedback to improve our education, but also during the two big events in the main hall: IO Festival and the IDE Business Fair. Want to stay up-to-date? Follow us on the gram via @idstudyassociation or visit

Stop by for a cup of tea and a game of table foosball. We look forward to seeing you, groetjes and liefs!

S.V.K.T. Variscopic Clinical Technology

Clinical Technology is a young study programme at three universities. The study association Variscopic operates from Delft. Variscopic helps you with the start of your year by organising a freshman weekend and by providing you with a discount on your study books.

The association also organises mixers, sporty activities and Heartbeat, a yearly party that’s attended by about 800 people. Variscopic also organises study and career related activities such as lunch lectures, case nights and a career day, CCE. Variscopic is a fun place to get to know people, partake in committees and attend fun activities. You can find us at, send us an e-mail to, or whatsapp the VarisPhone. See you soon!


Study Associations TU


Life Science & Technology Both the LST study program and its study association LIFE were founded on 9/9/’99. Compared to other study associations in Leiden and Delft we’re relatively young, but we’re growing fast and we for sure are just as fun!

S.A. LIFE has 33 committees run by students, each with their own responsibility. There are committees that organize trips and company visits inside and outside of Europe, others organize countless parties and drinks, and we also have multiple brewing committees. As a LIFE member you receive a discount on your books, labcoat and protective glasses too. Contrary to student associations, there are no obligations when joining a study association. Of course we would love to see you at our activities an we wish you a good time during the OWee!

S.G. “William Froude” Maritime Engineering

The Scheepsbouwkundig Gezelschap “William Froude” is the study association for Maritime Engineering students. The association is over 117 years old and has always been focused on improving the quality of education, organizing excursions and lectures from various companies from the (maritime) sector in the Netherlands and abroad, and organizing other social activities. Our goal at Froude is to broaden your horizon and provide study assistance. We provide support in your education, not only by indirectly monitoring the quality of education but also by offering study books at a discount and with constant contact between the students and the faculty.Finally, the association is committed to student development through various committees, which includes organizing various social activities and professional events.


Technologisch Gezelschap Molecular Science & Technology

The Technologisch Gezelschap (TG) is the study association for the bachelor Molecular Science & Technology and for the masters of Chemical Engineering. Unlike all other studies, at MST we have two study associations, the TG and the Chemisch Dispuut Leiden, with whom we work together closely.

As a study association, we are here to help you with your studies by offering study books, keeping the quality of education up to standard and getting to know companies in the field. Besides studying, we are also there for fun. By organizing activities and parties, we bring you and your fellow students closer together and hopefully contribute a little to your unforgettable student years.

S.V.N.B. Hooke Nanobiology

Did you just get selected for Nanobiology? Then you should definitely join the most amazing weekend of your study career! At IntroN, the freshmen weekend of Nanobiology, you will not only get to know many first year students, but also a lot of older Nanobiology students. During this weekend, you will make friends for life! The latest info about the IntroN can be found on, make sure to also take a look around our website to see what we do. We hope to meet many of you! With very small regards, IntroN


Study Associations TU

S.V.T.B. Curius

Technology, Policy and Management Curius is the study association for students at the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. Almost all students join Curius every year! Curius strives to offer an optimal environment for the development of its members. The core practices of Curius are information exchange, facilities in the faculty and organising study-related and entertaining activities! Curius is a young, diverse and dynamic student association. Over the past few years, Curius has strengthened its foundation in the faculty of TPM and in Delft. Since Curius is celebrating her twenty ninth birthday this year, it is time to profile ourselves as a grown-up and professional organisation. We hope to see you at the Curius office, which can be found at TPM in wing A on the ground floor.

For any questions, call Tim: 015-2783406.

Gezelschap Leeghwater Mechanical Engineering

Gezelschap Leeghwater is the study association for Mechanical Engineering. We are not only the largest study association in Delft, but also the oldest. Last year we celebrated our 153rd birthday. Gezelschap Leeghwater organizes various activities for all Mechanical Engineering students. For example, there are several study-supporting activities such


as exam-trainings. In addition, we ensure that our students can broaden and orientate themselves to the business community through excursions and lectures. We also organize a lot of social activities, because your studies should also be fun. Furthermore our association has someone who distinguishes us from all other study associations: the Elephant. This animal has many qualities. For example, Elephants are known for their power but they can also use their trunk to crack something small like a peanut. Elephants, like mechanical engineers, are a Jack of all trades.

ZOEK JE EEN KAMER? BIJ DUWO ZIT JE GOED! DUWO heeft studentenwoningen in de regio Amsterdam in Delft, Den Haag, Deventer, Leiden en Wageningen. Ons aanbod staat op Zoek en huur online, snel en makkelijk. Alleen nog de deur uit om je nieuwe kamer te bekijken.


Study Associations HBO

S.V. Ångström Applied Physics

Ångström is the study association for Applied Physics at The Hague University of Applied Sciences in Delft. In addition to educational lectures, technical company visits and symposia, we also organize social activities, which even continue during the corona crisis! We organize pub crawls, evenings at the pool hall and during this time we occasionally enjoy different activities online, like an exciting game of Jackbox. Besides being active in the Netherlands, where we organize a fun weekend away, called the Ångweekend, we also go on a study trip abroad once a year. And to make sure the new students aren’t thrown into the deep end, we also organize a very exciting freshman weekend for you and your fellow students.

For more information, please visit www.angstrom. nl or email See you soon at the freshman weekend!

S.V. FMC Green studies

S.V. FMC is the study association of the green studies at Inholland Delft, which contains Food Commerce & Technology, Animal in Sustainable Society, Landscape & Environment Management and Horticulture.

Every month, FMC organizes social events and activities. FMC also makes it possible to get to know your future workfield better by organizing field trips, events, lectures and a symposium with a job fair. For the new first-years, FMC plans an amazing, unforgettable weekend with lots of activities. It’s the opportunity to meet your classmates of the coming year. Don’t miss out on this chance! For more info, check or follow @ svfmc_ejw on Instagram. We are looking forward to the weekend and hope to see you there!


S.V. Equinox HBO-ICT

Equinox is the study association for HBO-ICT on The Hague University of Applied Sciences. Equinox is by students for students. Our goal as a study association is to improve our students’ success rate and offer both a wider and deeper knowledgebase to draw support from. Equinox also a good way to come in to contact with relevant companies for both internships and general learning. On top of that we also put a high emphasis on the social side of studying. A good group of friends drastically improves your studying experience. Equinox ensures that both aspects do not fall short. For the study side of things we organise extra study sessions, workshops and company excursions. And for the social activities we organise events such as

LAN-parties, movie nights or other get-togethers. Through all of these activities we try to make the study a fun place.

Bedrijfskundig Genootschap Business Engineering

Bedrijfskundig Genootschap Delft has been the study association of Business Engineering. In our association, study, career and recreation combine to make it a wonderful addition to your study. Our association is supported by different committees, such as the activities committee, and the external committee. We also organize fun activities such as drinks, guest colleges and company visits. BG Delft wants to connect Business Engineering students and

support them during their study. A group of senior students will organize the first years weekend. They will make sure that you get an amazing weekend and you will have a fantastic start to your study! During this weekend, multiple activities will be organized to make sure you get to know Delft and your fellow students. We are looking forward to it and hope to see you there!


Study Associations HBO TU

Sipke Wynia

Aeronautical Engineering and Precision Engineering V.S.V. Sipke Wynia is the study association for Aeronautical Engineering and Precision Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences InHolland Delft. Our association is turning 55 next year, which means it will be a lustrum year! This year will be filled with amazing drinks, but also with many study related events. Among these are excursions to companies in


the business, such as KLM, Boeing or Fokker. These excursions can teach you a lot, as these companies apply the knowledge we are taught. Next to fun events such as these, the association also helps you during your studies. We provide tutoring for those extra difficult courses, and can also give you a major discount on your study books!



Student Associations

AEGEE-Delft Travel association

AEGEE-Delft is the student travel society of Delft! Every week we get together as an open and close group to have a drink. Besides that, we organize events like gala’s, BBQ’s and a blacklightfestival with the theme art, music and technology. Do you have a good idea for an activity or trip? Turn your ideas into reality in a fun committee, no matter where your

interests lie! We are part of one of the largest student networks in Europe with up to 10,000 members across 190 sister associations that we often visit. Throughout the year we organise exciting trips within Europe, where our sister associations show us the most beautiful spots of their city. Examples are a boatparty on the Danube or Oktoberfest in May at our favourite sister association AEGEE-Passau. Are you enthusiastic or curious what else AEGEE can offer you? Check out our insta, app Rosa (0645468811) or surf to for more information!

BEST Delft

International travel association BEST is a rapidly growing European network of technical students spread over 34 countries. All students at TU Delft can register for different BEST Courses every season via BEST Delft. What is a BEST Course? One week to delve into an interesting subject in engineering and make friends from all over Europe! Do you also want to gain access to the hundreds of internal and local events in the BEST network? Then become an active member! During the year, we offer our members over 200 opportunities to expand their network in Europe, as well as amazing training opportunities to help them gain knowledge and improve themselves.


Would you like to make friends all over the world? Or would you rather help organize events? Whether you want some cosiness and friendship or knowledge and experience, BEST can do it all! So feel free to contact us and drop by!

ESN Delft

International association Erasmus Student Network Delft (ESN Delft) has one goal: making sure students in Delft have the most awesome time of their life. We organise activities for students, like drinks and parties but also dinners and trips to several cities in- and outside the Netherlands. In this way students make friends from all over the world and make memories they will never forget. Delft

Maybe you are thinking, what should I do with this? Well, you can help us! Our organisation is running on volunteers that do several things: committees that organise activities and parties, but also buddies that show new exchange students around in Delft. Besides that, we always can use a helping hand, or just come around to our drinks to make new international friends!

Does this seem fun to you and do you want to get to know more about the activities we organise? Check out our Facebook page ‘ESN Delft’ or go to our website where you can find all information you need.

C.S.F.R - Johannes Calvijn Christian-reformatory association We are Johannes Calvijn, a Christian student association with approximately 80 members. Our association is part of the nationwide C.S.F.R. (Civitas Studiosorum in Fundamento Reformato). Johannes Calvijn consists of members who are involved and interested in one another. Besides sociability, acquiring knowledge in all kinds of matter, is also one of the main goals of our association. In

order to acquire this knowledge, we have readings, Bible studies and studies about, for example (Christian) authors. Sociability is obtained by having some drinks or eating together and by going on weekend trips. Due to the current covid measures, our activities take place online. Come visit our stand during the OWee, or visit an activity taking place at a Tuesday. These activities are our main activities and will therefore show the best who we are. Will we see you soon? For more information see our website:, or look us up on Facebook or Instagram. You can also contact am. Erwin (06-30319023 or send an e-mail to


Student Associations


Christian student association Do you, as a Christian student in Delft, want to make friends for life? Then C.S.R. is great for you! C.S.R. is the largest Christian student association in Delft with over 250 members. From our own association building ‘Confide’ we organize all sorts of activities based on faith, personal growth and fun. Every other week we discuss our faith and do Bible study together in small groups. Besides, we host interesting lectures and you can take part in workshops on a specific topic of your choice. Every Thursday evening Confide is open for diner and drinks, or you can go crazy at one of our regular parties. Within C.S.R. there are subgroups of members who enjoy hobbies like football, sailing or skiing together.

us during the OWee or visit our website ( or Instagram page (@csrdelft) for more information!

Would you like to know more about C.S.R.? Come visit

D.S.V. De Knor Oink association

The Delftsche Studenten Vereeniging ‘De Knor’ is the largest association in Delft, about 45% of the students in Delft are a member of our association! D.S.V. de Knor is mainly characterized by the relaxed athmosphere that is created when we are together. Therefore, there is no initiation. Because the association is so big, many members don’t know each other, so there are always new people from the association that you can meet.

There is not really a board or a leading group within our association because we stand for equality among the members. It is this equality that is the fundamental characteristic of the association, it is also central to all activities that are organized. There is no registration system, so the exact number of ‘knorren’ is unknown. D.S.V. de Knor does have a large number of houses. Does this sound like something to you and do you want to join our association? Then look up what it means to be a ‘knor’ in the Delftsche Dictionary and join us!

Knor Hoogh! Riknordo Boon, Vice-president of D.S.V. de Knor


D.S.V. Sint Jansbrug Social association

D.S.V. Sint Jansbrug is a student association with 700 members focused on social activities. Our home is a beautiful historic building in the city centre of Delft and members are always welcome to have dinner and a drink with their friends.

Take a look on our Instagram (@oweesintjansbrug) for an impression. If you have any questions about Sint Jansbrug, student life, or our events during the OWee, you can send a message via WhatsApp to Fee (+31 6 17264991).

Throughout the year various parties, vacations and other activities are organised for and by our members. Numerous hobbies, like climbing, board games or music, can be practised in our ‘subassociations’. During exams we also offer guidance and a place to study. International students are very welcome to join our association, however we do recommend understanding and learning the Dutch language as soon as possible, since most of our members are Dutch.

D.S.V. Nieuwe Delft (De Bolk) Social association

De Bolk is one of the smaller student associations in Delft. We do not have fraternities or an initiation. Our members are very diverse and we all know one another, therefore many different activities are organised.

You can sing along during our karaoke for instance, play some (board)games or sail along on our boat Trui*. Additionally, you can get a tasty three course meal on weekdays, which is prepared by our members. Also, you can always have a chat at our bar while enjoying a nice (specialty) beer, one of our many cocktails or a genuine Bolkish grilled sandwich. And if a Bolker wants to do something, they just do it! Since we do not have any obligations, you can easily be an active member ánd study well. After the OWee we are organising an acquainting period (KMT) for you, during which you can experience Bolkish hospitality and sail with Trui*. That way you’ll have an amazing end to your summer break! * See Vereniging Vrienden van Trui


Student Associations

Delftsch Studenten Corps Social association

You are at the beginning of a huge adventure! You are going to start university, you’ll enter a new city with new people and endless possibilities. The DSC is there to help you out and offer you a challenge to get the most out of yourself and your student days. Soon, you will begin to make new connections and friends for life. What makes the DSC the most active and leading student association in Delft is the large number of sub-associations. Would you like to play rugby, go tour skiing in France, go surfing in Morocco, go gliding, do a boxing course or drink a beer at the association? At DSC, you make that choice yourself. Everything is possible, nothing is required.

and at DSC we take that seriously. Combining study with your student life is strongly encouraged. Do you have any more questions about studying in Delft or about DSC? Or would you like to sleep in one of the DSC-houses during the OWee? Send an email to or go to See you in Delft in a few months!

In the first place, you obviously came to Delft to study

De Delftsche Zwervers Social association

Are you looking for a small but active student association, then the Delftsche Zwervers are for you! We are like one big friend group, everyone knows everyone. On tuesday and thursday we have dinner and organize an activity. We play board games, watch movies, make campfires, canoe through Delft, play D&D, do scavenger hunts and make pillow forts, always followed by a nice drink. Secretly we are also a scouting group so we often go camping! But usually you can find us in the ‘Kruithuis’, which is surrounded by beautiful nature. So do you want to undertake something? There are always like minded people who want to join. In our association there are no mandatory activities. You


can choose what you want to join and when you come and go. Even if you aren’t a member you’re always welcome. We hope to see you soon!

K.S.V. Sanctus Virgilius Social association

Are you a new student in Delft? Virgiel is the start of an amazing student life! With more than 2000 members, K.S.V Sanctus Virgilius is the largest student association in Delft. At Virgiel you can participate in sports and cultural activities at the different sub-associations. Brew your own beer, perform theatre, play soccer, tennis and rugby and so on: all of that is possible at Virgiel! We have a greatly diverse student body, many different activities we organize and have more than 140 student houses affiliated with our association; meaning you will feel at home right away. You can eat at the largest open dining place in the Netherlands four days a week and drink beers at the bar with fellow members. From 16:55 we open our doors for all members, meaning you can take a break from studying and

enjoy a legendary evening! All our activities are organized by members of Virgiel themselves. Are you interested in organizing a festival, working as a bartender with your best friends or set up a career day? Everything is possible at Virgiel, so just drop by!

Delftsche Studenten Bond Social association

At the DSB, you combine recreation, personal growth and studying seamlessly. After a busy day of studying you can unwind at our society building for a drink in the most amazing atmosphere and the greatest parties. Outside of the get-togethers we have internal associations for music, sports, acting and much more! Where many associations have so-called ‘jaargroepen’ (year-groups), we define ourselves with groupings consisting of members of all annual

layers. Because of this structure, it is much more fun to stay involved with the DSB until you graduate, and the contact between a young member and an older one is also much more accessible. The DSB actively supports studying. Our ‘Eerstejaarscommissie’ (First-year-committee) provides study counseling throughout the entirety of the year. We also have multiple ‘Bondshuizen’ (Houses of the Bond) where our members live, and first-year members also can enroll easily. Pay a visit to our magnificent society building Tyche at the Oude Delft and taste the atmosphere that makes our association as sociable as it is! You can already take a look at our Facebook page, our Instagram or the website:


Student Associations

Navigators Delft Christian association

We are the Navigators Student Association Delft (in short NS-Delft). We are an open and small association with a big heart for Jesus. Here you will find growth in your faith as well as conviviality and real friendships. Also, if you’re not sure about your faith yet, you’re more than welcome to join us! NS-Delft is a part of a national organization, with 14 student associations throughout the country. This organization is part of Navigators, an international and interdenominational organization with the goal to get to know Jesus and to make Him known.

to the growth and visibility of Gods Kingdom in all parts of our society.

We, NS-Delft, share that dream, to help every student to meet Jesus and to challenge them to follow Him in every aspect of life so that their actions contribute

Moeder Delftsche Belgian social association

Nos iungit amicitia Friendship binds us! This is the slogan of Mother Delftsche, because you are a member for life. Moeder Delftsche is the Belgian student association, founded in 2011 and with almost 100 active members by now! It aims to ensure lifelong friendships between its members and to promote the social, academic and professional development of its members. Activities Mother Delftsche organises the best activities! Social activities are organised in a cultural, party or sports theme such as beer canisters, party buses to other student cities, a Tour de France, etc.! In addition, academic and professional activities are not neglected either by organising, for example, study-


abroad sessions and an annual company evening. Some other highlights from the Moeder Delft arsenal are the annual ski trip, the club weekend or the legendary open parties! Ut vivat, crescat et floreat Moeder Delftsche!


LGTBQ+ association ATTENTION ALL QUEERS! OUTSITE IS THE MOST FUN LGBT+ ASSOCIATION IN THE NETHERLANDS! Outsite is a close-knit association that shatters all stereotypes! The relaxed atmosphere and members of all years and faculties makes everyone feel at home; lesbian, bi, gay, trans, still in the closet or out and proud.

Member or not, you are welcome at our bar and parties. But for the real Outsite experience, this is the time to join: after the OWee is our OUTcamp and all sorts of fun intro activities, where you’ll make friends for life!

We gather for drinks each Thursday and regularly have dinner together. We organise lots of activities, from dance parties to karaoke, from gaming together to drag workshops, all in our own building. We also visit parties in Amsterdam, our fellow LGBT+ organisations and of course Prides, and go on vacation together to for example Prague or Berlin.


Christian association The Vereniging van Gereformeerde Studenten te Delft (reformed student association in Delft) is an vivid Christian student association with approximately 70 members. We are a small, close and enthusiastic group of students. The VGSD was founded in 1961, so we have lots of traditions and manners. For example, every activity we wear our associationtie. During our activities we praise God together, do Bible studies or attend lectures and workshops about different subjects to broaden our horizons. Furthermore, VGSD is the place where you can grow in faith, make friends, enjoy some beers and most of all have a great time!


Student Associations

O.J.V. De Koornbeurs Public youth association

O.J.V. De Koornbeurs is the open youth association located in the heart of Delft. As a youth association we are very similar to student associations, but with one big difference: we welcome everyone over sixteen. So although we are with many students, there are also other young adults. Get out of your student bubble! We say: the freer, the happier. That is why you can do anything you want at the


Menschen association Practice your arithmetic skills with the Wolbodo OWEE crypto puzzle. Each step: multiply and add. The secret code can be found on the Wolbodo website. Suppose the secret code for the puzzle is (45, 7, 3). Then you start at point 45 and work out: 45 times 7 plus 3, that’s 318, take the last two numbers, then the next point is 18.


Koornbeurs: Pour beers, make music, organize parties, learn to DJ... Or anything that puts you over the moon! Every Wednesday night we all get together for drinks and fun, but besides that we have all sorts of events on a regular basis. Events such as drum & bass nights, themed parties, metal evenings and much more! Busy? No problem! Commit yourself to your studies and we will see you again next week. Anything goes!




hange your study environment by reserving a place at the TU Delft or at one of the student associations. Don’t forget to take a well earned break from time to time.

Talk about it! The people around you are happy to help. You can reach out to classmates, housemates or via other routes such as your educational institution.




Go outside for a change of scenery! Going for a run and getting some fresh air leaves you more relaxed and in a better headspace.



Ask how they’re doing and offer to have a talk about it. Let them know that you are there for them and that their feelings are allowed. Ask them what you can do for them and look for help together if necessary.


ACT? SOCIAL CONT In Delft there are a lot of opportunities to meet new people, such as the Walk and Talk organized by VSSD. Have a look at the study and student associations’ websites and social media to find out what they have to offer!







Zoek ons op tijdens de OWee!



Sport- en Cultuur

V.V. Ariston ‘80 Voetbal

v.v. Ariston ‘80 is the largest student football association in Delft with no fewer than 5 women’s teams (playing between 2nd class and 5th class) and 16 men’s teams (playing between 3rd class standard and 8th class reserve). So you can play football at any level! In addition to the activities on the field, we appreciate the activities outside the field just as much. Every Wednesday and Saturday plenty of Aristoni have a drink in our own building in the center of Delft; the TAP! In addition, many more activities are organized for our 500 members: a Club weekend, the open party: The Quarter Finals, a trip abroad and the open football tournament: The Final! This, and much more, is organized by enthusiastic members from all kinds of different teams, who get to know everyone.

So do you want to come and play football and build a social life in Delft? Then come and visit us! If you want more information, go to our site www.!

F.C. Tutor Voetbal

FC Tutor is the one and only student futsal club in Delft, with around 120 members. Futsal is an indoor variant of football, played on a hard court that is smaller than a regular football pitch. Futsal games are generally full of action with lots of goals! Right now, Tutor has ten men’s teams and one women’s team. Our first team plays in the third highest futsal level of The Netherlands, and our F.C. Tutor Voetbal lowest teams play at the lowest leagues.


All teams have a great team-spirit and often grow into groups of friends that also meet outside the pitch. If you think about joining us, you are very much welcome to join one of our trial training sessions or to watch one of our teams on Friday nights! Whatever your level is, we will find you a suitable team to join. Please check the schedule on our website!

D.S.R. Proteus-Eretes Roeien

Rowing is thé connective force at our tight-knit and driven association. Between striving for olympic gold or enjoying sports and parties with friends, at Proteus-Eretes everything is possible! Rowing suits students wonderfully well. Many of our 900+ members only started rowing during their studies. At Proteus-Eretes you choose how active and involved you are. Together we pursue achievements at every level.

For instance, learn photography, barkeeping or coordinating a regatta. Enhance your experience in Delft at Proteus-Eretes! Come see us during the OWee, check www. and follow our instagram: proteusroei!

Simultaneously you’ll meet friends for life at ProteusEretes, with whom you’ll study, eat, and party. Every week we host two small parties at which food is served and fun doesn’t stop until dawn. Besides going to regattas, parties and other activities, you could join one of 53 groups in organising them.

D.S.R.V. LAGA Roeien

This summer you will discover all the student associations in Delft, and you will certainly come across D.S.R.V. Laga. With almost 900 members Laga has grown to one of the largest students rowing association in the country and is the perfect place to start your student life!

that, it is possible to develop yourself in all kinds of areas; organizing parties or rowing competitions, tapping behind the bar or working in the equipment committee. All of this takes place from the heart of Laga, the magnificent historic boathouse in the center of Delft.

For many first year’s students rowing is unknown territory, but once you’ve started you won’t quit! Knocking out the competition in heavy races or making some easy strokes in the sun with your teammates, the choice is yours at Laga. Being a member of D.S.R.V. Laga means more than just rowing. With dinners, drinks and other activities you can fully immerse yourself in student life. Besides


Sport- en Cultuur

D.S.T.V. Obvius Tennis

D.S.T.V. Obvius is thé open student tennis association of Delft. With Obvius, there are a lot of possibilities, but nothing is mandatory. Both on and off the tennis court activities are organised by and for interested members. Tennis is of course the most important part of Obvius. Every week on Monday and Tuesday training is given by experienced players for players of every level.

Furthermore, everyone can play in the competition. Besides training and competition, tournaments and other fun activities are organised. There is a drink every month and during the year there are different parties. There are also trips, such as a ski trip and weekend tournaments of other tennis clubs. If you want to play tennis during your study, Obvius is the right place for you! Want to know more? Visit

Vrienden van Trui Vissen

A firm breeze, wind in your hair, salt in your face, hands at the helm and sails to the wind. No modern techniques or materials. Sailing on a 146 year old ship is unique. Traverse the IJsselmeer, run dry in the Waddenzee and have a drink with the group at the pub. You can also train to become a first mate or even skipper, or help us with the restauration and maintenance of a sailing monument. This is only a selection of the epic experiences you can have on board of Trui. Trui – also called BU130 – is a ‘botter’, a type of fishing vessel that was used frequently on the Zuiderzee (now the IJsselmeer and Markermeer). Most people who sail on Trui are also member at ‘De Bolk’.


We mostly sail in weekends between the many harbours of the IJsselmeer, sometimes there is more time and the Waddenislands, Germany and even Denmark are explored.

S.H.C. Scoop Hockey

Has hockey always been your sport or do you want to try something new in Delft? Then come and play hockey with S.H.C. Scoop, the open student hockey club in Delft. With six men’s teams and five women’s teams, we offer hockey at various levels. Besides playing hockey, we organise lots of other fun activities, such as TDs, monthly drinks, winter sports and a Scoop weekend! The trainings and games take place at X, the sports complex of the TU. You can always go to the cafè for a beer or a limo afterwards! Also our TD’s take place here.

S.H.C. Scoop stand at the info market. Visit our insta: @shcscoopdelft or our website: www. for more information!

Do you have any questions or are you interested in becoming a member? Then come visit us at our

D.S.A.V. Dodeka Atletiek

DSAV Dodeka is the student athletics association of Delft and your start to an awesome student time. DSAV Dodeka trains on Monday and Wednesday from 18:00-19:30 and on Saturday from 10:15-11:45 on the track in the north of Delft. During training sessions, you can train for all events, from sprint to long distance and from high jump to javelin. We also go to championships together, like the Dutch Student Championships, where we defend the honour of the students from Delft.

STARTweekend and many more. You can stop by anytime! For questions, you can always send us an insta DM @dsavdodeka, or email to

Besides athletics, DSAV Dodeka also organises many other activities. For example, we have weekly drinks with dinner, where you can really get to know our members and the student life in Delft. We also regularly have activities, like a Christmas Dinner, a


Sport- en Cultuur


Beachvolleybal This is the beach volleyball association for students in Delft. We organize four training series every year, two outdoor series, in spring and summer and two indoor series, in autumn and winter. Besides training series we organise a competition with two other volleyball associations in Delft from May till July. We also organise some clinics, tournaments and social activities to get to know your fellow beachers. For every activity, groups are made based on skill level, so everybody is welcome, from beginners to experienced players. As a member, you can decide yourself which activities you want to join throughout the year. Therefore, it is possible to play beach volleyball at Shot year-round but also to join for only one training session.

Do you want to try beach volleyball first? You can join one of our try-outs! For more information about Shot and the try-outs visit our website:

Punch Volleybal

Do you like volleyball and do you want to experience the student lifestyle to its fullest? Then Punch is the ultimate match for you! You will come in a team of twelve people, with which you will practice weekly, play matches, drink shower beer and celebrate your wins at our own society building. Get to know other Punchers during multiple epic events, like the first year weekend, the Christmas gala, our grass volleyball tournament, pub quizzes, techno parties, team weekends, coach dinners and a lot more! Are you excited to prepare one of these activities, or get involved with Punch in a different way? Then show off your skills in one of our twenty committees! We welcome volleyball players and party people of


all levels. Stop by during the OWee, we’d love to tell you more!

Krashna Musika Muziek

Do you play an instrument or do you sing, and would you prefer to do that together with over a hundred others with the same enthusiasm? At Krashna Musika, you can give free rein to your musicality in our symphony orchestra, choir or one of the many chamber music ensembles!

music concerts (KaMu’s). We also go on rehearsal weekends several times a year and we go on tour every two years. If you don’t want to miss out on this and want to make cool music in your student years, then become a member of Krashna! Can we see you at the open rehearsals?

The D.S.M.G. Krashna Musika is the student orchestra and choir of Delft. In weekly rehearsals of the orchestra and choir, we work each semester in project form towards a series of concerts. Next year will be epic with, among others, a concert in the Concert Building! Of course, the rehearsals are concluded with a good drink. In addition, there are the monthly chamber


Muziek/Gezelligheid Are you a music lover? Do you like to spend all your free time playing songs and listening to your favourite playlist? Or do you think it’s time to get your instrument out of your bottom drawer? Then maybe the Student Jazz Association Groover is THE place for you!

tastings and experience our annual Just Jazz festival, making us THE music and social association of Delft. Does this sound like music to your ears? Then join us during the epic OWee!

As a starting musician you learn to play the coolest solos with projects like Muppet Music. Experienced jazz artists can already start a great combo. Next to this, everyone is highly encouraged to come jam at the ‘pandavond’. Music lovers in general can also ‘get in the Groove’ here. At Groover you can have drinks with friends, see lectures from professional jazz artists, join whiskey


Sport- en Cultuur

S.W.V. Plankenkoorts Boardsport

S.W.V. Plankenkoorts is, with more than 600 members, the largest windsurfing association in the Netherlands! Our motto is: let students windsurf as much as possible for as cheap as possible (95 euros a year). Above all, everyone is welcome, whether you are already a pro surfer or can barely get both feet on the board.

of surf trips and camps each year. In the summer we go to Leucate, Morocco and have camps for beginners, while in the winter we have a wave surf trip to Peniche and arrange a winter sports vacation. Lastly, we have drinks together every week! In short, Plankenkoorts = no obligations, lots of surfing and lots of fun.

At our own windsurf centre next to the Valkenburgse Meer you can attend free lessons to learn the ins and outs of windsurfing. For our experienced surfers we have three surf busses that can bring you to waters inland or at sea for epic surf sessions. We also have a location in Delft, the Homespot, where you can store all your gear and chill with other members. Besides all this, Plankenkoorts organizes a bunch



DROP is made up of a big group of friends. At DROP it’s all about snowboarding, wakeboarding, skateboarding, surfing, kite surfing and of course partying. Here everyone is treated equally and there are almost no obligations. To us its most important that everyone has fun and that everyone is hyped to hit the waves, slide on the slopes and have a good time!


To make sure that a DROPer doesn’t get bored, we have drinks every week together and organize about two activities per week. In these activities we usually do one of the sports mentioned but we also often organize activities like beachgames or a blind-date dinner. Because only activities isn’t enough we organize a minimum of 10 trips every year! With these trips you can, for example, go snowboarding in France or go surfing in Morocco. If, after all this, you’re still bored, you can also join a comittee where you take part in organizing the activities and trips. If this all sounds like something you’re interested in, become a member of our DROP community! During the OWee you can register in our regular café “ ’t Boterhuis ”. Instagram: @dropdelft

D.S.W.Z. Broach Zeilen

D.S.W.Z. Broach is de enige studentenwedstrijdzeilvereniging van Nederland. Bij ons is het mogelijk om met een zelf opgezet team te trainen en wedstrijden door heel Nederland in de J22, SB20 of RS500 te varen.

Ben jij niet zo’n wedstrijdfanaat? Dan kun je bij Broach ook gewoon lekker een dagje zeilen om de stress van je studie te vergeten. Maar Broach is meer dan alleen zeilen. Elke week wordt er gezellig geborreld in het cultuurlab en regelmatig zijn er leuke activiteiten, zoals lezingen, feestjes en in februari op wintersport! Mocht je daarna nog vol energie zitten, dan zijn er tal van commissies waar je je bij kunt aansluiten. Van het organiseren van epische activiteiten tot aan het onderhouden van onze vloot. Het kan allemaal! Dus, houd jij van (wedstrijd)zeilen en van borrelen, dan is Broach de plek waar je moet zijn gedurende jouw studententijd!

D.S.Z. Wave

Zwemmen, Waterpolo en Triatlon DSZ WAVE is a student sports association with three sports: Swimming, Water polo and Triathlon. With a membership at DSZ WAVE you can practice all these sports! Every weekday there is a swimming practice for all levels. Next to the practices you can participate in the student competition five times a year, which is always followed by a big party. Our water polo branch trains weekly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On top of that three of our teams also have a game during the weekends in the regular competition (including our women’s team). If you have never played water polo before, don’t worry! Our beginners teams competes four times a year during student competitions! The triathletes at DSZ Wave can also join the

swimming practices, have a running practice once a week and a cycling practice once a month. We also have a division team that participates in the NTBcompetition. Fun outside-the-pool activities are being organized in addition to sports activities and each Thursday we have a drink at our own drinking location: the Badtrand!


Sport- en Cultuur

SoSalsa Dansen

A family of experienced and beginning dancers, that is SoSalsa. We all share a passion for dancing, social gatherings with a nice beverage, and we are open to anybody. Currently, we are the largest student dance association in Delft. With a man-woman ratio of 55%- 45%, respectively, there is always someone with whom you can dance!

Furthermore, each month we offer drinks (Trío D’s), member activities and all kinds of workshops throughout the year. Come and see how it is to be a SoSalsero!

Never danced before? That is not a problem. At SoSalsa, we offer lessons in various styles: Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba and Rueda, for both beginners and advanced dancers. The moves you learn during the lessons, can directly be applied at one of our parties and Social Dancings.

X TU Delft X is a place on the campus where you can develop yourself in different fields that do not always return in the academic curriculum, but are of incredible value for your personal development. X offers a broad spectrum of activities in the area of sports, games, arts, crafts, reflection and lifestyle. This goes from

courses and ticket hours up to events and projects, but also free use of the student kitchen and living room and being able to initiate your own activities. X stands for diversity; discover your talents and challenge yourself to see what is possible.


D.S.D.A. Blue Suede Shoes Dansen

Ballroom and Argentine Tango, you can do it too! We have all experienced it. You are standing with a drink next to the dancefloor, where two people steal the show. Secretly you want that too, and you can! At Blue Suede Shoes we dance different dance styles. The pretty, elegant and romantic Ballroom Standard, and the catching rhythm with swinging hips of Ballroom Latin. Argentine Tango is pure passion. Whichever style you choose, partner dancing is a fantastic way to get to know people. Everyone is welcome with us! It does not matter whether you have years of experience or you are a beginner, we offer training opportunities for all levels.

international association with English as the main language. We have no introduction period and you can sign up with us year-round. Many of our activities are open for not-members, so drop by sometime!

We also regularly organise dance parties, social events and masterclasses. We are an open,

D.S.D.A. Dynamic Dans

D.S.D.A. Dynamic is a brand new initiative in Delft: we are the first student dance association in Delft representing hiphop, ballet, jazz, contemporary and much more! It all started in September 2020, when five enthusiastic students took this initiative and set up this association for all dance-lovers in Delft. It is our mission to create a community where students can meet each other and try something new. This is why Dynamic organizes all kinds of events, such as dance courses, workshops and social activities. We want to make sure there is a place for everyone, regardless whether you are a beginner, or already an experienced dancer! Would you like to dance with your fellow students, teach others your own creations, or just want to try a different sport or dance style?

Hopefully, we will welcome you as a member at the start of Dynamic’s first official year!


Sport- en Cultuur

Delft Improv Group Have you always wanted to stand in the spotlight, but do you hate reciting lines from a script? Be sure to check out Delft Improv Group! We’re an international association entirely focused around improvisational theatre, or “improv” in short.

Every week we organise sessions, the “improv jams”, in which members come together to do improv exercises and games. These sessions aren’t only useful for ironing out your improv skills but are also just fun and laid-back evenings full of humor and energy – the perfect break from your studies! If you’re interested, make sure to drop by! Trying out doesn’t cost anything!* *except time, oxygen and your good consciousness

S.R.C. Thor Rugby

SRC Thor is the association when it comes to student rugby in Delft. An association where sport and sociability go hand in hand. Rugby is for everyone; big, small, fast or less fast, everyone has a place on the field. Rugby is one of the fastest growing sports in the Netherlands. In no other sport do you experience the adrenaline and teamwork that comes with rugby. You always have each other’s back, which means that you make friends for life, not only on the field, but also off it. Thor is active in the league with one women’s team, two men’s teams and one cluster team. Are you curious what this sport is about and would you like to come and train with us? Visit our website and Instagram or mail to At the


start of the academic year we organise free training sessions, are you coming too?

D.S.S.V. ELS Schaatsen

ELS is thé student skating association of Delft. ELS is a very active sports association with around 200 members who all love doing sports. During the winter season you have the possibility to go speedskating 4 times a week at the Uithof, two times of which are training sessions for skaters of any level! Next to that we have dryland training, this is like a bootcamp, once a week where you work on your booty and legs while laughing, talking and thoroughly enjoying life with your training buddy. Tough marathoners, and vigorous sprinters come together here, because the dryland training is so much more than just a workout. But there is more! ELS grows booties in the summer too! We have inline skating and cycling. Where one is sad to see the skating season ending, another

can’t wait for the summer season to start. Are you inexperienced in these sports? No worries, because our association provides sports for all levels! But why would you believe some words written by ELS’ers who would love to see you joining ELS? Come take a look, have a chat at social distance and join a training! Because EFFE LEKKER SCHAATSEN, THAT’S WHAT WE DO!

D.S.T. Pegasus Turnen

D.S.T. Pegasus is the student gymnastics association of Delft. At this moment we are one of the youngest student gymnastics associations in the Netherlands but also one of the largest with almost 150 members! Pegasus is suitable for students of all levels. We offer training sessions for both (complete) beginner and advanced gymnasts, so whether you want to learn a handstand or a double somersault, everything is possible!

social activities at Pegasus! Think of monthly drinks, city trips, BBQs and a gala. In addition, the activities committee organizes a fun activity every month. Interested? Visit our site at or send an email to

Pegasus participates in student gymnastics competitions. These competitions are organized four times a year by us or by one of our sister associations throughout the country, from Groningen to Maastricht. Every competition always ends with a good party. Besides gymnastics there are also a lot of


Sport- en Cultuur

D.S.K.V. Paal Centraal Korfbal

D.S.K.V. Paal Centraal is the student korfball club of Delft. At Paal Centraal there are many ways to get involved in korfball. Two times a week there are trainings led by an enthusiastic trainer. These training sessions are attended not only by competition players, but also by many recreational players. They often still play with their home club or only come along to activities and tournaments. Everything is possible! What makes playing korfball at Paal Centraal fun is, of course, the korfball itself, but also all the activities, tournaments and get-togethers that are organised in addition to playing korfball.

at or come and watch a (instuif)training or match on X! Of course we would love to see you at the OWEE, where it is possible to experience table korfball for pub tigers.

If you would like to get a taste of the atmosphere, please visit our website, mail us

Slopend Buitensport

Slopend is an association which is all about being active, outside together. Almost every day of the week there is a Survivalrun training on our obstacle course at X. Survivalrun is a sport where running and doing obstacles are combined. These obstacles are made with wooden beams, ropes, nets, and all kinds of hanging obstacles. At our open Survivalrun trainings in September you will learn to tackle these obstacles, where we will combine playful games, with going to the limit! Here you can see if the sport is something for you. Besides survivalrunning we organise weekends where we are going on a hike, or build our own shelters, or go on an adventure with a mountain bike or canoe. There are also plenty of “gezellige” activities, like monthly dinners and themed drinks. Besides


this, every holiday a group of Slopers goes on an expedition. These epic holidays can be anything from climbing mountains in Iran, to horse riding in Kyrgyzstan. Besides all this there are even more activities, like orienteering, going to an indoor trampoline park, lasergaming… Just that bit extra!


Wielrennen WTOS is the student cycling association in Delft, for all students who like cycling, cyclocross and/ or mountain biking. We organise several internal competitions; club championships, time trials, pair races. Furthermore there are other events like drinks parties, clinics, cycling weekends in Limburg and Belgium and other activities.

join WTOS. Every Wednesday there is a mountain bike training. We also organise MTB tours every year. We have a large group of racers who compete in the national student cup, but also in criteriums and classics in the region and throughout the Netherlands. A few of them even belong to the elite combination team WASP!

During the summer season WTOS organizes training on Monday and Thursday. We then ride in different speed groups. In winter every Thursday evening we ride a well lit round trip of 40 km to 50 km. Regularly, at the weekend, we ride a longer bike ride, with of course a coffee/apple pie stop. Students with a crosser or mountain bike can also

H.S.V. Hitmaniacs Slag- & honkbal

Hitmanics is the student association for both baseball and softball players. We consist of 5 teams, ranging from teams with starting players, to a competitive 2nd class baseball team. So it doesn’t matter if you are just starting out, or if you are already hitting home runs with your eyes closed! Our 2 fields are located right next to X, and we also have our own hall where we can train all winter long. But we also do more than just playing baseball and softball. Every year, we organize a freshmen weekend for all our new members, we often barbecue after our games in summer and we have regular drinks. Also, we participate every year in the best tournaments throughout the country!

training session, you can find us at or mail us at

For more information or if you want to join us for a


Sport- en Cultuur

Blue Falcons Floorball

Do you want to play the best team sport in the Netherlands? Would you like to try a new, fast sport? Then join the floorball club in Delft. D.S.F.V. Blue Falcons is the place in Delft to play floorball. Floorball is an indoor sport that originated in Sweden in 1971

as a variation on ice hockey. The game resembles both indoor hockey and ice hockey. Many people know it from playing unihockey in high school. With 60 members we are relatively small, so everyone knows each other well. We train twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Members can also play competition matches. On Fridays, we often have dinner together after training in café X and then have a drink. Curious about a sneak preview? Scan the QR code to see us in action!

Torius Handball

Dear OWee-goers! We are DSHV Torius, the student handball association of Delft. We’re a fun and active association open to everyone, with an equal focus on sports and fun social activities. We have a good mixture of new and experienced handball players amongst us. We train at X twice weekly and have a gents and ladies competition team playing official matches. Even during the times when we could not play handball we still had a lot going on, as Torius has a multitude of different committees that organize fun social events. Every first Monday of the month we have drinks at beer cafe ‘Het Klooster’. In the second semester the normal competition season ends and


we go to the various student tournaments around the country, showing off both our party skills and our handball talents. And once the weather turns sunny, we’re also big fans of playing some beach handball at X or on the beach, and relaxing afterwards with a nice cold drink! @torius.delft (Instagram)

Delftsche Studenten Aeroclub Zweefvliegen

The ‘Student’s City’ of Delft features a large number of associations at which you can broaden your horizon. While thinking of these options, you probably wouldn’t have reckoned a student gliding society to be one of these associations. Since 1931, however, the Delftsche Studenten Aeroclub is active in Delft. This makes it the oldest active aeroclub in the Netherlands with its 90 years. Fun fact: the society also had a role in the founding of Aerospace Engineering as a study at the TU Delft, as well as building their own plane (PH-DSA) together with some of these students in the 1940s.

Good luck with your studies and see you in the sky!

If you want to experience this ultimately ‘free’ feeling and pure form of flying for yourself, you can contact us at to arrange a flight.

Delft Lacrosse Lacrosse

Lacrosse, an emerging sport in the Netherlands, can be played in Delft at our association! There is a wide range of experience represented in the club. So whether you are experienced or just eager to try the fastest sport on two legs, our club is definitely for you. Lacrosse is a team sport that involves playing 10 against 10 on an outdoor field. Each player has a stick with a net that can be used to catch, throw or hold the ball. The object of the game is to score the ball into the opponent’s goal. In men’s lacrosse, physical contact is allowed and extra protection is worn, while in women’s lacrosse it is more about speed and agility.

In addition to sports, the DSLV is also a social association, with a fortnightly drink and many other activities.


Sport- en Cultuur

Force Elektro Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate frisbee is a fast, non-contact sport that includes a lot of agility and tactics. The goal of the game is to catch the disc in the endzone of your opponent. Because you cannot walk with the disc you have to pass it to your teammates to score. There are no referees in ultimate, players have to call violations and resolve the issues together. We have more than 100 members who play at different levels. The highest teams play in first division but we also have casual players and everything in between.

during the night. To keep it fun we also organise other activities like parties, pizza night or club weekend.

Practice is multiple times a week and competition days are once every month. We also compete in tournaments where you play during the day and party

DSBA-USSR Badminton

DSBA-USSR is the student badminton association in Delft. The club is 15 years old and the last years the amount of members grew rapidly. At the moment we have around 120 members. Our main activity is playing badminton, so we offer our members training, competition and tournaments. Training takes place at Tuesday evenings at four different levels, of which the highest two are being trained by a professional trainer. We also play competition at different levels during the autumn and spring competition. Besides that, we regularly join tournaments across the whole country with a group of USSR members. Next to badminton, our activity committee organises


monthly events. Every month a totally different activity is organised, variating from a Christmas dinner to bowling to a weekend away. If you are interested in playing badminton at DSBA-USSR, feel free to come by once! More information can be found on We hope to see you soon!


HSSK “Pro Libertate” Weerbaarheid

Your student days will be a time for new influences and development. The Haagsch Studenten Schutters Korps “Pro Libertate” offers you the conviviality and challenge that comes with it. As a member you can take part in all kinds of Defence related activities, without having to be a soldier. For example, we parachute, have shooting days and our members act as practice enemies during military exercises. There is also a lot of sport. Every year the Nijmegen Marches are held and they are always looking for challenges like fencing, climbing, horse riding and rowing. In addition, the corps has ceremonial tasks, such as the honor guard on Prinsjesdag. Of course, there are also monthly socials and activities, such as a whisky

tasting and game or film nights. Is this something for you? Then come along to a drink or activity! Leave your e-mail address at HSSK. nl/interesse or send an e-mail to and we will see you soon!

D.S.B.V. Punch Basketbal

Welcome to D.S.B.V Punch! We are the student basketball association in Delft. Whether you are big, small, new, or an experienced player, we have room for all basketballers. With 8 men and 2 women teams we have something for everyone. Our highest team plays 2nd division and has serious trainings. On the other hand, the lower teams are great to get to know some people and learn basketball. However, we are way more than just a basketball association. Every month we host some drinks in the X-café and throughout the year we will have activities such as pubquizzes, beerpong tournaments and internal tournaments. As icing on the cake, we host the international tournament, for a weekend full of basketball, parties and fun.

If you want to come see what Punch is like or show off your basketball skills, we would love to see you at our open trainings!


Sport- en Cultuur

D.S.B.V. Yoroshi Vechtsport

DSBV Yoroshi is the student self-defense association at the TU Sports Center ‘X’. Our focus lies on the Japanese budo sports (Judo, Jiujitsu and Karate) and the Israeli Krav Maga. We train at X four days a week, with classes for both beginners and advanced practitioners. As student association, we organise the advanced classes and belt exams, as well as clinics in other martial art styles, beginner tryouts, outdoor training, and social events such as drinks, dinners, and movie nights.

Due to Corona, X could not offer any of our normal classes last year, so we organised everything ourselves: online, outside, and with a safe distance on the mat. Thanks to Yoroshi, our members were still able to train and stay in touch.

Yoroshi is a small association, with members from all study phases and with many international students. Membership is only €20 per year, with no obligations whatsoever. To train at X, you will need an X card as well.

D.S.K.V. IJzersterk Powerliften

DSKV IJzersterk is the strength sports association in Delft. With approximately 70 members, we are a small association full of students with a passion for strength sports. Be it Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting, or Strongman; every kind of strength sports enthusiast is most welcome! At IJzersterk you will have the possibility to learn more about strength sports in a team environment. We offer help and coaching for aspiring lifters and we also compete ourselves, on the collegiate and (inter) national level. In addition to training and competing, we also organize events such as dinners, pub-quizzes, BBQ’s and holidays. Members most often meet each other


in the X TU Delft gym, where we train together and motivate each other to become stronger. As an association, we are very diverse, with English as our main language and students from various countries and academic backgrounds. Our passion for strength sports and fitness is what brings us together!

S.V.A.C. Yeti Klimmen

S.V.A.C. Yeti is the student rock- and mountain climbing association in Delft. This means that we practice mountain sports in the broadest sense possible. Climbing on rock faces, bouldering in gyms, expeditions on glaciers, ice climbing, tour skiing, you name it: Yeti’s got it all! Every year we organise climbing weekends to the Ardennes, climbing weeks

to Southern Europe and alpine tours in the winter and summer seasons. Never climbed before? No problem! Yeti has its own instructors that will get you from absolute beginner to climbing the highest peaks in no time. Already have some more experience? Yeti also challenges you to take the dopest expeditions, for example with the alpine courses our members can follow at the NSAC, our sports association. To keep all this affordable for a student with little to spend Yeti exploits an extensive gear depot, with all the gear you need for your expeditions.

Delft Fencing Club Fencing

Delft Fencing Club (Engels) Hello! Welcome to the most beautiful sport in the world and the best fencing club in the Netherlands! Fencing boasts a long history and incredible iconic figures, like the Three Musketeers and Zorro. The sport is characterised by the combination of agility, technique and responsiveness, like living chess and explosive

movements. A match between professional fencers quickly looks choreographed. But the one thing that still beats watching a fencing match is fencing yourself, of course! Have you never fenced before? No worries! Our beginner courses will teach you the sports basics in a single quarter. We practice two out of the three fencing weapons: epee, where the focus is on technique, and sabre, where explosiveness and surprise are most important. If you are wondering if fencing is something for you, then be sure to stop by some time, we would gladly let you experience everything we’ve got!


Sport- en Cultuur

Delft E-sports association Esport

Whether you are a casual or competitive player, there’s room for you at DSEA! Our weekly LAN party is the best opportunity to meet other like-minded students. Come play popular games like LoL, Smash or CS:GO, or something more laid-back like Pokémon. No matter the game, you’re sure to get someone excited to play it with you. Alternatively you can come hang out and play some board games. Really passionate members can join competitive teams to compete in various tournaments and leagues. We strive to help these teams improve by providing coaching and organizing our own competitions. For the less ambitious we host plenty of social events as well. Community events, viewing parties, livestreams and party games are some of the main

highlights you don’t want to miss. Be sure to drop by, check out or join the Discord! Fun facts: DSEA is the oldest student esports association in the Netherlands DSEA was founded in a MacDonalds






Important questions Information about the OWee What is the OWee and when does it take place? OWee stands for ‘OntvangstWeek’, which translates as ‘Opening Week’. During this week, you will get to know a great deal about the student city of Delft. You will find out about the various student associations, go on a tour of the city and visit special places on the campus! The exact date and content of this week has to be figured out. Check our website to see the latest updates. Is the OWee really that important? Yes, it is important that you feel at home in the city where you will be studying. And because there is so much to see of what Delft has to offer in one week, everyone is sure to find something that suits them. Having doubts about signing up for the OWee Suppose you are not too bothered with all this student stuff - do you still need to go to the OWee? Yes, we really recommend that you do! The OWee is not just about partying and all the student associations, but also about getting to know Delft. For example, we organise a tour of the campus, a challenge through the city, an information market, and a sports and culture day. You will get to know so many people during the course of the week. Whether or not you join a student association, it is always great to start off your time as a student with friends around you! Is it valuable to join the OWee during COVID-19? Previous years the new students got to know Delft by following a tour around the campus, a challenge in the city of Delft, an information market and a sports and culture market. These elements will be organised differently this year, but that does not make them less valuable and fun! We hope physical events can


take place next to our digital events. So it definitely is valuable to join the OWee this year, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. I don’t know anyone who is going to study in Delft. Is coming to the OWee really that much fun, in that case? The OWee is precisely intended for people in your position! This week, you will take part in the programme in your own OWee group. The groups consist of ten prospective first-year students who are in exactly the same position. They are all new in Delft. So if you want to get to know people, this week is the perfect way to embark on this new phase of your life! There is bound to be someone who you get along with! Part of my degree programme is given in another city. Do I really need to come to the OWee? Some programmes at TU Delft are given in combination with other universities. Molecular Science & Technology and Life Science & Technology are given partly in Leiden, while Nanobiology students sometimes have to go to Rotterdam. If you are about to start on the Clinical Technology programme, then part of it is in both cities! At this moment, the introduction programmes of the other three cities are not clear yet. So it is still unclear whether the three introduction programmes can be combined. We will do our best to let everybody be able to join everything, but it may be the case that you have to choose at a certain point. In that case, we recommend you to choose the city which appeals to you the most or where you want to live. Can you participate in the OWee if you are under 18? Yes, you can certainly participate in the OWee if you

Important questions are under 18. I will be studying at a University of Applied Sciences in Delft - can I come to the OWee? Yes, certainly! The OWee is for every prospective student at TU Delft and all universities of applied sciences in Delft. More and more HBO students are coming to the OWee. Last year, there were 400. During the OWee What is an OWee group and how are they formed? OWee groups have ten prospective students and two mentors. You participate in your own OWee programme as part of this group. The mentors have already been studying in Delft for a year or more, so they know what’s what in the city. Is the OWee some kind of initation? No, the OWee is not an initiation. The OWee is for every student in Delft and every part is accessible to everyone on a voluntary basis. You are not obliged to do anything. Practical information Is it recommended to start looking for a room in Delft before or during summer holiday? At the larger student associations, a lot of rooms usually become available in September. So, when you are planning on joining a larger student association, you can choose to postpone your search for a room a little while. Are you not planning to join a larger student association and do you parents live far from Delft? Then we advise you to start looking for a room before or during the summer break. Student associations How do I figure out which student association fits me best?

One of the most important goals of the OWee is to show the incoming students what student associations Delft has to offer. Although the OWee will look differently this year, this goal remains. When can you sign up to a student association? The OWee is intended to let you get to know all the student associations and to sign up to the one that appeals to you. Some student associations have limits on their membership numbers, so if you want to sign up for one, don’t wait too long. In many cases, you can only sign up to a student association during the OWee, either in the daytime or in the evenings. If you would like to become a member but cannot come to the OWee, you should contact the student association in question. What is the introduction period? This is a period in which new members of a student association get to know each other and the association itself. How the period is filled in, and how long it lasts, differs from one association to the next, but it usually starts immediately after the OWee. If you are planning to join a student association, it is a good idea to keep the week after the OWee free. Other I have another question! If you still have questions about the OWee after reading this BINAS, send an email to, or call +31 (0) 15 278 6709! More information? When do I get more information about the OWee 2021? Visit our website ( and the social media platforms (@oweedelft) for more information about the OWee 2021!


Redactioneel Hoofdstuktitel

This BINAS is financially made possible by the acquisition team of the OWee Board

This BINAS is designed and made possible by the press-work team of the OWee Board


Sustainability What do we do? Every year, the OWee Board is trying to make the Introduction week as sustainable as possible. All student associations, whether they are small or big, contribute to reduce the ecological footprint as much as possible. For example, this BINAS has been shortened by 24 pages in comparison to last year. This may seem not much, but 225 kilograms of paper is saved in this way. In the previous years, we have been working hard to seperate the waste streams of every single event organised during the OWee. And we appreciate your help! Together we can ensure that the waste of thousands of incoming students will end up in the right place. So put you waste, during and after the OWee, in the right waste bin!

Next to the previously mentioned points, we have a few more main priorities concerning sustainability: • We will never throw away remaining stuff of previous years. Reusable products like t-shirts or bags are donated to the Leger des Heils. And our remaining food is given to the Voedselbank (Food bank). • At all our events, we use plastic hard cups. In this way, cups can be reused which results in much less plastic use. • This year, the TU Delft and sustainability organisations are working together to write a common sustainability plan for events. In this way, the OWee Board can make another part of the OWee more sustainable each year. How can you help? You can contribute to a sustainable environment too! Once you start studying, you will get more responsibility. Are you aware how sustainable you are living? You can check it below! • Are you seperating your waste? Does this contain only glass products or also organic waste? • How much meat do you eat? Can this be reduced? • Are you aware of the amount of food you throw away in a week? • Do you leave the light on throughout the day? Or can it be turned off too? • At what degree is your heater on? Can this maybe be reduced by two degrees?



Colofon This is it! After reading many pages, you have arrived at the end of this BINAS. You are now familiar with all the ins and outs of the beautiful city of Delft, the possibilities within your educational institution and the madness of student life! Everything needed to start your life in Delft as complete as possible. At the moment of writing we are busy working on the finishing touch! The 48th BINAS is almost finished!

Livia Nuijts, but also all our sponsors, we were able to print this BINAS. We would like to thank our advisors, Veronique Meerdink and Barbara de Vries, for their wise advice, experience and advice and for reflecting on all aspects of this BINAS. We also want to put Alexander Lokhorst and Elma Lutz in the limelight because they always assist us as supervisors with their knowledge and tips.

Like other years, we have given this BINAS a personal touch. It is for example shortened and we have emphasized the topic of well-being and selfsustainability. Besides that, the transition of being a scholar to becoming a student is one of our main themes, which has also been emphasized in this BINAS.

We would like to thank all study, student, sports, cultural and international associations for helping us to make BINAS as complete as possible with their original pieces, photos, stories and impressions. You have highlighted all the beautiful moments of student life in Delft. We also thank all other (student) organizations and individuals for their contribution to BINAS.

We hope to give incoming students an even more smoother start in Delft than before to ensure a good switch from their scholar to student life. Due to COVID-19, it is still unclear what the OWee will look like this year. But one thing is sure, the OWee will continue and we will do our best to make a fantastic week! This BINAS would not exist without the help of all external parties. We want to thank the acquisition team of the OWee Board. Thanks to Ricardo Boon, Jules de Backer, Anisha Jhinkoe-Rai and


The editors of this BINAS consist of Eline van der Stoep, Tim Raijmakers, Sophie Bleekemolen en Feline Steup. The BINAS 2020 was printed by Drukkerij Quantes in Rijswijk on behalf of the OWee Board. The circulation is 6500 copies.

OWee Bestuur 2021


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