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Portfolio QA cycle
The educational content of the ES courses is guaranteed by faculty members; whereas the processes that facilitate education, including the QA process, are under the responsibility of ES. Therefore, the Portfolio QA Cycle can only be realized in close consultation between these two parties.
Ensure the development of relevant strategies for the educational themes of the ES portfolio, including their alignment and coherency, and the existence of an appropriate management and governance structure to allow the realization of the strategy for each educational theme. The Director of ES Education is primarily accountable for the development of a portfolio of courses and programmes offered by ES that meets academic standards societal demand, market relevance, and the needs of external learners. The Academic Portfolio Directors (APDs) advise on the direction and opportunities within their portfolio theme in close collaboration with TU Delft faculties and the ES Portfolio & Product Managers (PPMs). The Faculty Coordinators are key in safeguarding alignment with faculty strategy, while the APDs guarantee portfolio alignment with the university-wide strategic themes.
Do Check Act
Make recommendations regarding the ES portfolio offering and overall strategy based on the assessments and consultation on the abovementioned information and data analysis. The Portfolio Review will indicate which categories of courses require a more in-depth review and which should be prioritized. Strategic recommendations may address portfolio development, business and education strategies, and the availability of data and information management.
Conduct a yearly Portfolio Review covering the entire ES offering; this is executed by the PPMs who assess information and data about these five perspectives:
• pedagogical quality
• business performance
• course relevance for the portfolio theme
• relevance for faculty
• learner feedback.
Faculty Coordinators are crucial in providing data on the impact of courses for campus education and their relevance for faculty. In this process, Learning Developers provide input concerning the didactic aspects of all courses. The Portfolio & Marketing Team provide input on the business performance against industry benchmarks. APDs check whether courses align with the portfolio themes (fit with portfolio). The Educational Data Analysis Team provides learner feedback through the elaboration of aggregated survey results. Put into practice the recommendations from the Portfolio Review, including executing improvement plans for the revision and update of individual courses, or for (dis) continuing them. Strategy sessions are planned regularly to review and update the portfolio strategies for relevance and alignment; the ES Management Team will consider recommendations regarding policy and procedures as well as information management. Included in such sessions are also the recommendations from the analysis on the impact of online education on campus education to facilitate further integration between the two.
Portfolio Themes Strategy and Alignment
LLL Strategy Management structure
LLL Strategy Review
Campus Impact Report
Portfolio Strategy Report
Portfolio Review Report
Campus Impact Evaluation
Portfolio Review Recommendations
Portfolio Strategy Review
LLL Projects Evaluations
Market Research
Portfolio Review
Learners’ and Platform Data