Annual Research Report 2013

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Energy Annual Research Report 2013

Where innovation starts

Energy Rethinking Power

Annual Research Report 2013

/ Eindhoven Energy Institute (EEI)


Table of content





Research theme leaders



Research projects


3.1 Future fuels


3.2 Energy conversion


3.3 Built environment


3.4 Fusion energy


3.5 Human capital



Contact persons



Overview research topics


Annual Research Report 2013



1. Introduction This booklet gives an overview of the energy-related PhD research projects at the Eindhoven University of Technology, TU/e. Energy research at TU/e comprises five themes:

Ŷ Future fuels Fossil fuels still cover 80% of our energy demand and we will continue to depend on them. Heavy transport ships or trucks require energy densities that can only be achieved with hydrocarbons. That is why we need to design new fuels and new engine techniques.

Ŷ Energy conversion The sun offers more than enough energy to power our entire civilization. The Earth’s surface receives 10,000 times the amount that we consume. A new approach is needed to better exploit and store this energy. Photovoltaic systems, along with smart grids and heat storage systems will shape the era of renewable energy.

Ŷ Built environment Improving buildings is not only about new materials, cooling techniques, or heat storage devices. We also need to optimize comfort. A more comfortable building may be more productive, and hence: the energy used in the building is used more efficiently. Research at TU/e is aimed at integrating energy technologies in buildings and their environment.

Ŷ Fusion energy Fusion is an endgame solution. It holds the promise of inexhaustible energy – clean, safe and available to all. With one drawback: it is an exceedingly complex scientific and technical challenge. Yet recent decades have seen rapid progress. Today, 34 countries are building the first power-generating fusion reactor, ITER, in a worldwide collaboration. In ITER, a ‘burning’ plasma is kept at a temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, suspended in a magnetic field.

Ŷ Human capital The human capital agenda ensures the future strength of the Dutch economy by investing in energy education and training at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level, and by developing a political, economical and societal energy agenda. Energy research at TU/e is institutionalized at the Eindhoven Energy Institute (EEI) whose mission is ‘to establish an energy ecosystem for science, society and industry’. For this, we cooperate with cities and provinces, on a national level with the Dutch Topsectors where also industry partners participate, and internationally within European University Alliances. However, such an ecosystem can only thrive if within TU/e itself, gaps between individual departments are bridged and PhD students are actively encouraged to learn about existing energy research at other departments. It is for that reason that this booklet was put together so that from existing knowledge new cooperation and scientific breakthroughs are initiated.

David Smeulders Scientific Director, Strategic Area Energy

Annual Research Report 2013



2. Research theme leaders Future fuels, Philip de Goey ’Sustainable energy sources constitute only a fifth of our total energy production today. All the rest is from the combustion of fossil fuels. We therefore focus on ultra-clean and highly efficient conversion of fuels from biomass waste and ultimately fuels produced from solar energy.’

Energy conversion, René Jansen ‘The sun offers us more than enough energy to power our entire civilization. The Earth’s surface receives 10,000 times the amount of energy we consume and hence solar power has enormous potential.’

Built environment, Jan Hensen ‘About forty percent of the global fossil fuel consumption is for operating buildings. Our ultimate goal is a sustainable energy-positive built environment with indoor environmental quality optimized for health, comfort and productivity.’

Fusion energy, Niek Lopes Cardozo ’Clean, safe, zero carbon dioxide, for all and forever: that’s the great promise of fusion power. The entire world is collaborating in the development of fusion, an effort culminating in the ITER project: a 500 MW fusion reactor presently under construction in France.’

Human capital, Geert Verbong ‘Educating professionals is the core business of universities. TU/e provides society with highly qualified engineers for the energy domain, covering a broad range of energy research and development, innovation and entrepreneurship.’

Annual Research Report 2013



3.1 Research projects Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

We need to master technologies for zero-impact use of fuels.

Annual Research Report 2013


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Department Mechanical Engineering

Numerical study of mild combustion from laminar flames to large eddy simulation of turbulent flames with flamelet generated manifolds

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

SE (Ebrahim) Abtahizadeh

Project leaders JA van Oijen LPH de Goey

Participants SE Abtahizadeh

Cooperations University of Groningen TATA Steel NUMECA


In this project, MILD combustion by using highly preheated and diluted oxidizer and/or fuel streams will be studied to provide lower peak temperatures and as a result, low NOx emissions. Towards this end, 1D simulations of counterflow diffusion flames will be done to study the consequences of the composition of the fuel and/or oxidizer on spatial flame structure. Two-dimensional simulations of a coflow burner will be performed to compare with measurements. Based on the computational results obtained, a reduced chemical model for MILD combustion will then be developed and implemented in codes for simulation of turbulent combustion in JHC burners.

Progress Simulations of the laminar coflow burner of RuG have been performed with a detailed chemistry and transport model and radiative heat losses. A body-fitted multi-block parallel code has been adopted to speed up the simulations. The numerical results show a very good agreement of flame temperature and major species against the experiments. NO concentrations are also predicted reasonably well. The impact of burned gases on autoignition and flame stabilization is also studied in a turbulent jet-in-hot-coflow (JHC) burner. In this burner, Dutch Natural Gas (DNG) is mixed with various amounts of H2. The FGM tabulation has been performed using igniting laminar counterflow diffusion flames. Due to the presence of H2 in the fuel, preferential diffusion effects should be included the FGM table. Current results show that the FGM table is capable of prediciting the autoignition of fuel mixtures containing H2.

Scientific publications

Funding % per moneystream STW Industry

Project aim

72 % 28 %

Start of the project 2010

Information JA van Oijen +31 (0)40 247 3133

Abtahizadeh, S.E., Oijen, J.A. van & Goey, L.P.H. de. Numerical study of mild combustion with entrainment of burned gas into oxidizer and/or fuel streams. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 159(6), 2155-2165 (2012). Abtahizadeh, S.E., Oijen, J.A. van & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). Numerical study of a jet-in-hot-coflow burner with hydrogen-addition using the Flamelet Generated Manifolds technique. Bulletin of the 65th American Physical Society (APS) Division of Fluid Dynamics, 18 - 20 November 2012, San Diego, CA, USA. S.E. Abtahizadeh, A. Sepman, J.A. van Oijen, L.P.H. de Goey. Fuel flexibility and NO Formation in dilute combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Research and Application (COMBURA 2012), 3 - 4 October 2011, Maastricht, The Netherlands. F. Pouyandeh, S.E. Abtahizadeh, J.A. van Oijen, L.P.H. de Goey. Investigation of fuel flexibility on the autoignition behavior of MILD combustion in jet-in-hot-coflow burners. Proceedings of the Combustion Research and Application (COMBURA 2012), 3 - 4 October 2011, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

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Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis to Alcohols

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders

AAH (Abdul) Almutairi

Project aim Currently, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis technology is mainly used to convert syngas, a mixture of CO and H2 that can be obtained from a wide range of hydrocarbons sources (gas, oil, coal), to liquid transportation fuels. This projects aims to develop catalysts for the production of alcohols, mainly ethanol, from syngas. Ethanol is a versatile platform molecule from which a large number of chemicals can be derived.

EJM Hensen


I. Understanding the contribution of the metal and support on catalytic activity by preparation of well-defined catalysts. II. The role of the surface metal atom coordination on the activity and selectivity will be investigated in detail. III. The role of the support (reducibility of the active metal phase, the metal-support interface) and of promoters will be studied.

Funded by


Participants AAH Almutairi



Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information Abdul Almutairi

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Different sets of various promoters on Rh catalysts were prepared to study the effect of promotion and support on ethanol production from syngas. Substantial differences in ethanol selectivity are detected by variation of the support per type of promoter. The synthesis of some essential catalysts is in preparation in order to correlate results to literature and get additional insight on the relation with ethanol selectivity. Subsequently, a selected set will be characterized in more detail (XPS, XAS).

Scientific publications First paper on the effect of particle size and support in FT is in progress.

Department Mechanical Engineering

Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Development and application of a laminar coflow burner for combustion studies at high pressure PhD student MH (Marcelo) de Andrade Oliveira

Project aim

CCM Luijten LPH de Goey M Aldén

This project attempts to build a bridge between laminar flames and the much more complex and demanding environment found in practical combustion engines. This was accomplished by designing and constructing a High Pressure Vessel and Burner (HPVB) and integrating these with an evaporation system. This setup enables study of automotive (bio-) fuels, applying advanced optical diagnostics techniques. The latter are assessed in cooperation with the Lund Institute of Technology, shedding light on the applicability of these methods in sooty environments at high pressure.



MH de Andrade Oliveira

TU/e (Large Scale Facility at Lund University)

The first half of 2012 was used for writing the PhD thesis. The experimental measurements and data analysis carried out with the HPVB setup had already been finalized in 2011. Laser diagnostic techniques were applied to characterize flames of gaseous fuels, doped with very small amounts (± 2000 ppm) of liquid compounds, and flames of vaporized liquid fuels. The data obtained with the doped flames approach was used by modelers involved in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) at TU/e resulting in an article which was accepted for presentation at the International Combustion Symposium (2012, paper published in 2013). In May 2012, the project was finished with the PhD defense of Marcelo de Andrade Oliveira MSc. Early 2013 the last paper resulting from his PhD research was conditionally accepted (pending language revision) for publication in Fuel.

Funding % per money stream

Scientific publications

University 100 %

Vogels - Verhoeven, L.M., Andrade Oliveira, M.H. de, Lantz, A., Li, B., Li, Z.S., Luijten, C.C.M., Oijen, J.A. van, Aldén, M. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). A numerical and experimental study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a laminar diffusion flame. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34(1), 1819-1826. Andrade Oliveira, M.H. de, Olofsson, N.-E. , Johnsson, J., Bladh, H., Lantz, A., Li, B., Li, Z.S., Aldén, M., Bengtsson, P.-E., Luijten, C.C.M., Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Soot, PAH and OH measurements in vaporized liquid fuel flames. Fuel (conditionally accepted). Andrade Oliveira, M.H. de (2012, May 8). Development and application of a laminar coflow burner for combustion studies at high pressure. TUE: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (141 pag.) (Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven). Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. L.P.H. de Goey, prof. L.E.M. Aldén & C.C.M. Luijten.

Project leaders

Cooperations Lund Institute of Technology (Sweden)

Funded by

Start of the project 2007

Information MH de Andrade Oliveira +31 (0)40 247 5995

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Department Mechanical Engineering

Developing comprehensive diesel combustion model for HDDI to predict heat release rate and emissions (mainly soot)

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders LMT Somers LPH de Goey

S (Sridhar) Ayyapureddi

Project aim The prime aim of the current project is; Enhance FGM methodology to model diesel engine combustion, in a way to reduce the cost and time involved in numerical simulations x Accurate predictions of ignition delay using counterflow diffusion flamelets x Accounting pressure change, heat losses using pressure and enthalpy as additional dimension in FGM x Modeling diesel soot formation

Participants S Ayyapureddi

Cooperations DAF Trucks, Eindhoven, NL TNO, Eindhoven, NL

Funded by Senter Novem

Funding % per money stream NWO

100 %

Start of the project 2009 (October)

Information S Ayyapureddi MSc +31 (0)40 247 5995

Progress 1. ECN Spray Modeling: The in-cylinder combustion process in engines is greatly influenced by the igniting characteristics of a single diesel spray. The auto ignition phenomenon in a conditioned constant volume combustion chamber has been modeled using FGM approach. A wide set of experimental data from Engine Combustion Network (ECN) at various ambient conditions of the chamber are used for model validation. Spray H and Spray A are the two target flames used with nheptane and n-dodecane as diesel surrogate fuel, respectively. Grid independence study, selection of spray sub models, optimization of the chemistry table’s resolution and the study on the effect of the turbulence closure of tables on ignition are carriedout, in this context. Refined FGM model showed decent match with the experimental observations. 2. Engine Cycle Simulations: Engine cycle simulations performed with moving mesh in STAR-CD, by coupling FGM tables using subroutines. A prior study for enthalpy integration has been carried out to understand the various levels of enthalpy for both oxidizer and fuel during entire cycle. Pressure based FGM implemented and concluded that 5 pressure levels (between start of injection and peak cylinder pressure) are required to achieve converged ignition delay predictions for both conventional and early injection timing. In order to account for the heat loss, enthalpy is used as additional dimension along with the pressure dependent FGM. The simulations with pressure dependent FGM, pressure and enthalpy dependent FGM is compared with an average pressure and enthalpy FGM. The model is also extended with NOx and 2-step soot model. This work is in progress. 3. Soot Modeling: With the recent norms on soot particle size along with the soot volume fraction, the detailed soot modelling is more focused to predict the size of soot accurately. In the current work, a soot model based on two (soot volume fraction, particle number density) equations is implemented and validated with equivalence-temperature (ʔ-T) maps to evaluate the model at various ʔ-T conditions. The model results are validated with the published ʔ-T maps in literature. Then, the model is applied in Spray H case to validate against available experimental data from ECN. This work is in progress.

Scientific publications Egüz, U., Ayyapureddi, S., Bekdemir, C., Somers, L.M.T. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Manifold resolution study of the FGM method for an igniting diesel spray. Fuel, 113, 228-238. Ayyapureddi, S., Egüz, U. , Bekdemir, C. , et al.,(2012). Application of the FGM method to Spray A conditions of the ECN database. ID1285, ICLASS 2012 (ISBN 978-88-903712-1-9), Heidelberg, Germany, September 2-6, 2012. Egüz, U., Ayyapureddi, S., Bekdemir, C., Somers, L.M.T. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). Modeling fuel spray auto-ignition using the FGM approach: effect of tabulation method. SAE Technical Papers, 1-10.

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Glowing droplets in turbulence

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

H (Humberto) Bocanegra Evans

Project aim The aim of the project is to develop and test an experimental technique for particle-laden flows. The technique consists of generating phosphorescent droplets which will be introduced into a turbulence chamber. The droplets will be tagged by a laser, and the evolution of the tagged cloud will be recorded using a high-speed camera.

Project leaders W van de Water GJF van Heijst

Participants H Bocanegra Evans

Cooperations TU/e-Mechanical Engineering (NJ Dam)

Funded by

Progress The fabrication and commision of the turbulence chamber has been completed. The chamber is capable of generating a homogeneous, isotropic turbulent flow with zero-mean flow. A monodisperse droplet generator has been built and tested. Additionally, a processing algorithm for interferometric particle imaging has been developed. The phosphorescent solution has been characterized and adapted for the use in our experiment. The phosphorescent agent is Europium. We have carried out two sets of experiments: dispersion of droplet clouds and preferential concentration of droplets. Both of this experiments have looked at the effects of inertia on the dynamics of particle suspensions in turbulent flows. The figure below shows the width of a turbulent cloud as a function of time (left) and the width of a cloud as a function of Stokes number (normalized inertia) at a fixed point in time.


Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information W van de Water +31 (0)40 247 3443

Scientific publications -

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Determine optimal torrefaction parameters for various biomass feedstocks

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders DMJ Smeulders HJ Veringa

Participants ZC Bourgonje H van Griensven GAJ van Hoek FHJC Seegers TGAP de Groot Cooperations M de Graaf (Biolake)

Funded by Biolake

Funding % per money stream University 95 % Industry 5%

Start of the project 2012


ZC (Kees) Bourgonje

Project aim Torrefaction is a promising technology to convert low quality biomass into a high quality fuel which can be (co)fired in conventional power plants without major modifications to the infrastructure and operation of a power plant. After torrefaction, the various types of biomass obtain properties similar to coal in terms of homogeneity, calorific value, grindabilty and hydrophobic nature. One major constraint at the moment is that due to variations in the biomass feedstocks, which depends on many parameters like the type, origin, particle size, degradation over time and even daily parameters like the weather condition, the most optimal torrefaction conditions in terms of temperature, particle size and residence time are unknown to the large scale torrefaction companies. This limits companies to use large quantities of a feedstock type of which the optimal conditions are known. This study aims to develop a small scale automatic testing system which determines the optimal torrefaction process parameters to achieve the best possible quality output (specifications set by the end user) while taking into consideration the overall energy balance of the torrefaction system to operate auto thermal. Secondly, the torrefied biomass samples produced by the testing system are used for pelletising and grinding tests to determine the optimal torrefaction settings to produce a durable pellet which requires a low grinding energy when pulverized.

Progress 2 High temperature ovens were installed vertically, see the schematic drawing below. In this system the temperature, residence time can be varied as well as the gas composition in the reactors. The system gives the following information which is useful for the large scale torrefaction plant operators: x calorific value of the torrefied product and the produced torrefaction gas (important for continuous and auto thermal operation and the end user preference); x pyrophoric behavior of the solid end product (important for transport, storage and fuel handling); x thermal behavior of the torrefied product, use full for the end user; x optimal particle size of the raw biomass to obtain a high throughput of the system; x required grinding and pelletising energy of the torrefied product; x durability of the produced torrefied pellets.

DMJ Smeulders

Product gas combustion/ catalytic processing Torrefaction gas heating

T3 T2 T2

Temperature controller

thermocouple Heat exchanger

O2/air Temperature controller

Biomass drying/ torrefaction pyrolysis/ gasification /combustion


Condensed water Reactor 2, temperature range 800-1200°C


Reactor 1, temperature range 200-900°C Biomass sample Thermal insulation Heating coils mass flow


Pressure controller

Schematic picture of the torrefaction tester. While the lower oven is at the desired torrefaction temperature, the biomass is inserted from below. The torrefaction gas produced in led through the upper oven to the desired combustion temperature. The torrefaction gas is mixed with air/O2 and then combusted. The exhaust gasses are led through the heat exchanger and the condensed water vapor is collected in a measuring cup. The temperature rise of the medium in the heat exchanger is a measure of the calorific value of the combusted gas.

Scientific publications -

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A novel approach to solar fuels: plasma assisted CO2 to CO conversion

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders MCM van de Sanden R Engeln

Participants FK Brehmer S Ponduri S Welzel

FK (Florian) Brehmer

Project aim The aim of this project is to perform the dissociation of CO2 to CO and O2 with high energy efficiency. One promising route to do this is to use an atmospheric-pressure dielectric-barrier discharge (DBD) plasma. In the initial phase of the project, the parameter window for stable operation of the DBD for the used gas mixtures will be studied. For this an appropriate measurement system for the discharge current, power and gas temperature will be built. Subsequently, the densities of CO2 and CO will be monitored by means of infrared absorption spectroscopy. Moreover the optical emission of the plasma will be recorded. Using this diagnostics the effect of frequency and amplitude of the applied electrical Įeld, of the pressure and of the Ňow speed of the gas on the CO2-to-CO conversion yield will be determined. When renewable energy sources are used to power the DBD, this approach might be a promising alternative route for the production of solar fuels.


The progress during the last year involved the finishing of the first reactor design as well as testing and using all of the planned diagnostical tools: voltage, charge and current measurements, a time FOM DIFFER (NL) AFS Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH synchronization of diagnostics (optical emission and in-situ IR absorption spectroscopy) to the plasma excitation, infrared ex-situ absorption spectroscopy in the exhaust and temperature (Germany) measurements. The latter was proven to work in a proof-of-principle study using Raman spectroscopy at FOM DIFFER and a system for the group at TU/e is currently being built. The Funded by AFS Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH conversion of CO2 into CO shows energy efficiencies around 4% at conversion rates in the same order of magnitude, as can be seen in the figure. Since this energy efficiency is too low for large (Germany) scale application, the system is used for fundamental studies of the plasma physics and chemistry to support research on plasma assisted CO2 utilization at FOM DIFFER and TU Eindhoven.


Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Richard Engeln +31 (0)40 2475786

Scientific publications Plasma-assisted CO2 processing for energy storage, R. Engeln, S. Welzel, F. Brehmer, S. Ponduri, M. Creatore, M.C.M. van de Sanden, proceedings of ESCAMPIG XXI, Portugal, July 10-14, 2012.

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Mechanical Engineering

MoST: Multi-scale Modification of Swirling Combustion for Optimized Gas Turbines Combustion Model

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project aim


Project leaders RJM Bastiaans LPH de Goey BJ Geurts

Participants T Cardoso de Souza

Cooperations Twente University Ansaldo-Thomassen

T (Thiago) Cardoso de Souza

Considering the range of turbulent scales that occur in situations involving turbulent premixed combustion and the interaction of these scales with the flame front, the goal of this project is to investigate the response of a flame front embedded in a turbulent flow where certain conditions referred as ‘resonant’ turbulence are occurring. It is expected that an increase on the flame surface density can be achieved when the flow is subject to these ‘resonant’ conditions.

Progress Currently, DNS simulations of resonant turbulence in premixed combustion are currently investigated considering a Bunsen flame subject to these forcing conditions. For such simulations, we use our in-house CFD code, which was also already applied in other situations associated with premixed combustion. The forcing is introduced at the inflow plane of our numerical grid using sinusoidal modes related with a given wave number and amplitude, then we characterize the flame response to these resonant flow by looking into the conversion rate and the effects of the turbulent scales in the flame structure, considering a situation with and without such flow perturbations.

Funded by STW

Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information Thiago Cardoso de Souza +31 (0)40 2473731

Figure: Turbulent Kinetic energy spectrum Left: spectrum obtained using random perturbations applied at the inflow plane to generate turbulence in the DNS simulations of the Bunsen flame. Right: Sinusoidal modes related with a certain length scale introduced jointly with the inflow random algorithm used to generate turbulence.

Scientific publications Cardoso de Souza, T., Bastiaans, R.J.M., Geurts, B.J. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). DNS of large scale forcing in premixed Bunsen flames. Proceedings of the 9th International Ercoftac Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM9), 6-8 June 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.

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Mechanism of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants W Chen

Cooperations Funded by NRSC-C

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

W (Wei) Chen

Project aim The main aim of this research project is to develop the mechanistic and kinetic understanding of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) reaction, taking into account the influence of nanoparticle surface structure. The main technique to be used is transient kinetic modeling including steady-state isotopic transient kinetic analysis (SSITKA) and chemical transient kinetic analysis (CTKA) to reveal mechanistic information from the complex chemical FTS reaction network. Different from earlier approaches, we will describe the transient kinetics with detailed microkinetic models that are able to simulate the transient experiments based on the elementary reaction steps underlying the FTS process.

Progress A combination of SSITKA and CTKA was carried to investigate the CO activation in supported Co catalyst. The results show that an extra amount of methane, which is roughly equal to that of reversibly absorbed CO in steady state (by SSITKA), is released in backward chemical transient step (CO was replaced abruptly). We propose that the extra-CH4 is due to the accelerated CO dissociation on low-active sites. This interpretation is confirmed by a two-site model simulation. The transient technique was employed to probe the Fischer-Tropsch reaction as well. The chain growth of higher hydrocarbon is studied by analyzing the transient response curves. To obtain more kinetic information, mechanistic model fitting is in process.

Start of the project 2012

Information Wei Chen

Scientific publications Zhang, D., Guan, Y., Hensen, E.J.M., Chen, W. & Wang, Y.M. (2013). Porous MOFs supported palladium catalysts for phenol hydrogenation: a comparative study on MIL-101 and MIL-53. Catalysis Communications, 41, 47-51.

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Reactivity of (bi)metallic catalysts for reforming of biomass derived alcohols

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants A Ciftci

Cooperations -

Funded by -

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2009


A (Aysegul) Ciftci

Project aim This project is focused on understanding the origin of reactivity in catalytic systems based on noble metals for the valorization of biomass derived molecules. The feedstock of the chemical industry has to go through a transition from finite fossil fuel resources to renewable resources for sustainable energy generation. Reforming of alcoholic portions of biomass in aqueous phase is a promising approach which provides an energy efficient alternative route to yield CO-free H2 as well as alkanes and alcohols. Glycerol is a reasonable model compound as it contains the same functional groups as the heavier polyols. Besides, it is produced in large amounts as a by-product of biodiesel production process. Pt is the preferred metal in APR as it has high activity in C-C breaking. Although the major part of this research work is focused on the conversion of glycerol in liquid phase, decomposition of ethanol and formic acid has also been studied using noble metal based oxide-supported materials.

Progress Alloying precious metals with other transition metals such as Re increases the overall activity in APR and leads to significant changes in the product distribution. In order to understand the nature of the active sites in the PtRe bimetallic system, a set of PtRe catalysts with varying Pt:Re molar ratios (0.2-2) supported on carbon were prepared and extensively characterized using in situ spectroscopic techniques. The catalysts were also evaluated in CO stripping voltammetry, water-gas shift reaction in a fixed-bed reactor and APR of glycerol in a batch reactor. The results suggest that the promotional effect of Re on Pt/C mainly stems from (i) the higher WGS rate due to the presence of OH-covered Re surface atoms, resulting in lower CO surface coverage and higher reforming activity; (ii) the acidity generated by the Re-OH species, which facilitates dehydration reactions, increasing the rate of C-O bond cleavage reactions.

EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

Figure: Glycerol conversion values with time on stream for the Pt/C, Re/C and PtRe/C catalysts at 225°C.

Scientific publications Ciftci, A., Ligthart, D.A.J.M., Pastorino, P. & Hensen, E.J.M. (2013). Nanostructured ceria supported Pt and Au catalysts for the reactions of ethanol and formic acid. Applied Catalysis. B, Environmental, 130-131, 325-335. Ciftci, A., Peng, B., Jentys, A., Lercher, J.A. & Hensen, E.J.M. (2012). Support effects in the aqueous phase reforming of glycerol over supported platinum catalysts. Applied Catalysis. A, General, 431432, 113-119. A. Ciftci, T. Zhu, D.A.J.M. Ligthart, E.J.M. Hensen, ‘Promotional effect of Re on catalytic performance of Pt/C in water-gas shift and aqueous phase reforming of glycerol’, oral presentation, EUROPACAT XI ‘20 years of European Catalysis... and beyond, 1-6 September 2013, Lyon, France. A. Ciftci, S. Eren, T. Zhu, D.A.J.M. Ligthart, E.J.M. Hensen, ‘Enhanced activity of platinum-based bimetallic catalysts in aqueous phase reforming of glycerol’, oral presentation, Catalysis for Renewable Sources: Fuel, Energy, Chemicals, 22-28 July 2013, Lund, Sweden. A. Ciftci. T. Zhu, D.A.J.M. Ligthart, E.J.M. Hensen, ‘Pt-Re synergy in aqueous phase reforming of glycerol and water-gas shift reaction’, oral presentation, 2nd Summer School on Catalysis for Sustainability, Rolduc Abbey, The Netherlands, 23-26 June 2013, Rolduc Abbey, The Netherlands. A. Ciftci, D.A.J.M. Ligthart, E.J.M. Hensen, ‘Aqueous phase reforming of glycerol over PtRe/C catalysts’, oral presentation, 14th Netherlands' Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC XIV), 11-13 March 2013, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.

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Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

A Kinitic model for triglyceride hydrogenation to biodiesel: from mechanistic understanding to improved catalysts

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

AE (Alessandro) Coumans

Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants AE Coumans

Cooperations Shell

Funded by Shell

Environmental concerns and declining petroleum reserves have shifted attention to the valorisation of renewable resources such as biomass into transportation fuels. Compared to the oxygenates obtained by transesterification, hydrotreating of vegetable oils, animal fats and waste greases produces long-chain hydrocarbons with excellent fuel properties in blends with regular diesel. Since this process is compatible with current refinery infrastructure and employs similar catalyst technology as employed for crude oil desulfurisation, it constitutes an economically viable, intermediate solution to the legislated partial replacement of fossil-fuel based by biorenewablesbased diesel in the coming years. Kinetics of the catalytic hydrogenation of methyloleate are investigated in order to understand triglyceride hydrogenation in more detail. The catalyst is a supported NiMo sulfide. This information will be the basis for the kinetic model, which will then be extended by testing a model triglyceride. Additional characterization procedures (XPS, EXAFS, COIR) of the catalyst with respect to the long-term stability will be done.


Funding % per money stream Industry

Project aim

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Kinetic measurements of the catalytic hydrogenation of methyloleate and reaction intermediates were done in order to understand triglyceride hydrogenation and catalyst deactivation in more detail. The experimental setup has been adapted to accommodate measurements with trioleate, which are needed to bridge the gap between model compounds and real feedstocks. Parallel to this, series of catalysts have been prepared in order to investigate catalysts under working conditions. As a first characterization, these catalysts have been evaluated for their performance in gas phase thiophene hydrodesulfurization.

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

Figure: distribution of oxygenates in products over time, showing a loss of hydrogenation activity.

Scientific publications

Oral presentation at the 6th International Symposium on Molecular Aspects of Catalysis by Sulfides (MACS, Satillieu, France, 2013 May 12-16). Poster presentation at the 14th Netherlands' Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 2013 March 11-13).

Annual Research Report 2013

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Advanced Low NOx Flexible Fuel Gas Turbine Combustion, Aero and Stationary

Mechanical Engineering

PhD students Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Andrea) Donini S (Sudipto) Mukhopadhyay

Project aim

RJM Bastiaans LPH de Goey JA van Oijen

In the current project detailed knowledge for modeling of combustion with alternative fuels will be developed. This is done by means of detailed descriptions in the framework of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The ultimate goal is to predict the combustion process of gas turbines, including complex physical real fuel phenomena (temperature-traverse, NOx, preferential diffusion, thermo diffusive effects, extinction etc.). To that end the promising flamelet generated manifolds (FGM) technique will be extended in this project. The technique is developed in its basic form at TU/e and has been continuously tested and extended to more general situations over the last years.



A Donini S Mukhopadhyay

A Donini: Implementation of heat loss inclusion in the tool FGM construction. Ansys-CFX implementation of this technique for the 2D manifold. Testing in a simple 2D geometry. Inclusion of turbulence effects in the FGM construction tool. Ansys-CFX implementation of the 3D manifold. Begin with mixture fraction inclusion in the current implementation. Internship at Siemens Orlando (two months). S Mukhopadhyay: Development of Filtered FGM (FFGM) with correction factors, internship at Rolls Royce Berlin (two months), implementation of enthalpy as additional controlling variable in manifold generation tool at Rolls Royce. Validation of enthalpy as controlling variable in manifold, DNS of premixed Bunsen burner.

Project leaders

Cooperations Siemens Power Generation (SPG) Rolls Royce Deutschland (RRD)

Funded by University STW SPG RRD

Scientific publications

Funding % per money stream STW Industry

75 % 25 %

Start of the project 2010

Information RJM Bastiaans +31 (0)40 2474836

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Donini, A., Martin, S.M., Bastiaans, R.J.M., Oijen, J.A. van & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Numerical simulations of a premixed turbulent confined jet flame using the flamelet generated manifold approach with heat loss inclusion. Conference Paper : Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, 3-7 June 2013, San Antonio, Texas, (pp. GT201394363-1/10). ASME. Donini, A., Martin, S.M., Bastiaans, R.J.M., Oijen, J.A. van & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). High pressure jet flame numerical analysis of CO emissions by means of the flamelet generated manifolds technique. In T. Simos, G. Psihoyios & Ch. Tsitouras (Eds.), Conference Paper: 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2013 (ICNAAM-2013), 21-27 September 2013, Rhodes, (AIP Conference Proceedings, 1558, pp. 136-139). Rhodes: AIP Publishing. Donini, A., Bastiaans, R.J.M., Oijen, J.A. van & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). Numerical simulations of premixed turbulent combustion using the flamelet generated manifold approach With Heat Loss Inclusion. Poster: Proceedings of the Combustion Research and Application (COMBURA 2012), 3-4 October 2012, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Donini, A., Bastiaans, R.J.M., Oijen, J.A. van & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). Advanced low NOx flexible fuel gas turbine combustion, aero and stationary. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the Combustion Research and Application (COMBURA 2012), 3-4 October 2012, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Department Mechanical Engineering

Crystallization, nucleation and droplet growth for the combined gas treatment and liquefaction of natural gas

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

LR (Raluca) Dumitrescu

Project aim

LR Dumitrescu

Liquefaction of natural gas involves several pre-treatment steps to remove contaminants from raw natural gas, such as: water, carbon dioxide, ethane, butane, nitrogen. These components are being removed to prevent their deposition at cryogenic conditions on equipment during actual liquefaction process, meet the international LNG sales and purchase agreements. In this research project we evaluate the feasibility of liquefaction of natural gas, with very limited gas treatment or heavy carbons removal, by investigating phase transitions (crystallization points, nucleation rates and Wilson points) for multi-component gas mixtures. The goal is to acquire the adequate description of nucleation phenomena, build the corresponding computational model and then validate it with experimental techniques.



TU/e Shell TKI Gas


Project leaders DMJ Smeulders JAM Dam


Scientific publications -

Funded by TU/e Shell TKI Gas

Funding % per money stream Agentschap NL 75 % Industry 25 %

Start of the project 2013

Information DMJ Smeulders +31 (0)40 247 3167

Annual Research Report 2013

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Crossing the Combustion Modes in Diesel Engines (XCiDE)

Mechanical Engineering

PhD students Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders LPH de Goey LMT Somers NJ Dam

Participants U Egüz CAJ Leermakers

Cooperations DAF

Funded by

U (Ulas) Egüz CAJ (Niels) Leermakers

Project aim The development of a well-established understanding of the processes occurring in the cylinder in different combustion regimes will be indispensable since new combustion concepts make diesel engines much more complex. The project aims to gain a better understanding of the new combustion concepts and develop numerical models that capture the complex combustion phenomena in these concepts. For the latter the FGM approach will be extended and applied in a CFD approach. To validate the models and even more to increase the fundamental knowledge of the new combustion concepts, high speed laser diagnostic techniques are developed. Application of these techniques to an optically accessible engine will help to understand and possibly explore new pathways for future engines and combustion concepts.

Progress The FGM approach is implemented on an engine setup. The database for chemistry generation is created by homogeneous reactors and igniting counter-flow diffusion flamelets. The method is validated by comparing the ignition delay results with the experimental data. Many tests have been done on the metal engine, consisting of fuel tests with bio-derived oxygenates, low-reactive naphtha blends, and gasoline-diesel dual fuel combustion. Initial tests have been done for the high-speed visualization of minor combustion species and a start has been made with experiments on the optical engine.

STW DAF Delphi Shell Avantium

Public defense Egüz: September 18th, 2013. Public defense Leermakers: scheduled for February 25th, 2014.

Funding % per money stream

Scientific publications

NWO (FOM, STW) 70 % Industry, GTI, EU 30 %

Start of the project 2009 (November)

Information U Egüz CAJ Leermakers +31 (0)40 247 5995

Egüz, U. (2013). Crossing the combustion modes in diesel engines. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: prof.dr. L.P.H. de Goey & L.M.T. Somers). Egüz, U., Ayyapureddi, S., Bekdemir, C., Somers, L.M.T. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Manifold resolution study of the FGM method for an igniting diesel spray. Fuel, 113, 228-238. Egüz, U., Maes, N.C.J., Leermakers, C.A.J., Somers, L.M.T. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Predicting autoignition characteristics of RCCI combustion using a multi-zone model. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 14(5), 693-699. Egüz, U., Leermakers, C.A.J., Somers, L.M.T. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Premixed charge compression ignition combustion modeling with a multi-zone approach including inter-zonal mixing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 227(9), 1313-1324. Egüz, U., Ayyapureddi, S., Bekdemir, C., Somers, L.M.T. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). Modeling fuel spray auto-ignition using the FGM approach: effect of tabulation method. SAE Technical Papers 2012-01-0157. Zhou, L., Boot, M.D., Luijten, C.C.M., Leermakers, C.A.J., Dam, N.J. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). Emission performance of lignin-derived cyclic oxygenates in a heavy-duty diesel engine. SAE Technical Papers 2012-01-1056. Leermakers, C.A.J., Somers, L.M.T. & Johansson, B.H. (2012). Combustion phasing controllability with dual fuel injection timings. SAE Technical Papers, 2012-01-1575. Wagemakers, A.M.L.M. & Leermakers, C.A.J. (2012). Review on the effects of dual-fuel operation, using diesel and gaseous fuels, on emissions and performance. SAE Technical Papers 2012-010869. Conference contributions which the researchers have (co-)authored: COMBURA ’12, October 3&4 2012, Kasteel Vaeshartelt, Maastricht, The Netherlands: Bakker, P.C., Leermakers, C.A.J. & Johansson, B.H. (2012). Application of Partially Premixed Combustion using low octane fuels in a heavy duty engine. (pp. 34-35). Corvers, M.M.H., Leermakers, C.A.J., Dam, N.J., Albrecht, B.A., Goey, L.P.H. de & Johansson, B.H. (2012). Development of optical diagnostics on Partially Premixed Combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine. (pp. 36-37). Leermakers, C.A.J., Somers, L.M.T. & Johansson, B.H. (2012). Combustion phasing controllability with dual fuel injection timings. (pp. 21-22).

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Fracture evaluation using shock-induced borehole waves

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

H (Huajun) Fan

Project aim The dispersive properties of surface acoustic waves propagating along poroelastic media and fractures are studied experimentally and theoretically. Fractured formations strongly affect the wave propagation. These effects are studied in a shock tube set-up, where surface waves are generated by means of shock impact.

Project leaders DMJ Smeulders

Participants H Fan J Etienne HKJ Heller

Cooperations TU Delft

Funded by

Progress Theoretical and experimental investigations in boreholes surrounded by poroelastic formations give information of fractures around the borehole. These effects will be studied in this project by means of a shock tube facility. A logging probe will be installed in the borehole to measure the pressure profiles. Fluid wave regimes inside the fracture are taken into account to compute the attenuation and reflection at the fracture region of the Stoneley wave in the borehole. Full wave theory predicts the same results as simplified dynamic Darcy flow, for small fracture widths. Our shock tube setup generates borehole Stoneley waves that are used for fracture characterization. Experiments on PVC samples with one single horizontal fracture show that varying fracture widths significantly alter the recorded Stoneley wave pressure signal at fixed depth. The technique is easily extensible to fractured porous samples for hydrocarbon reservoir applications.

TU Delft China Research Council

Funding % per money stream University 10 % Scholarship 90 %

Start of the project 2008

Information H Fan DMJ Smeulders +31 (0)40 2473167

Figure: Schematic of the experimental shock tube facility. The fractured test cylinder is placed in the bottom section of the tube and wave impact is recorded by the pressure probe.

Scientific publications Fan, H., D.M.J. Smeulders (2012): Shock-induced borehole waves and fracture effects. Transport in Porous Media. 93, 263–270. Fan, H., D.M.J. Smeulders (2012): Fracture evaluation using shock-induced borehole waves. 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves. 805-810.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Department Mechanical Engineering

Numerical Simulation using Flamelet Generated Manifold Technique on Hydrogen Combustion for Gas Turbines

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Alessio) Fancello

Project aim

A Fancello

The H2-IGCC project, co-funded by the European Union's 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development, is based on the initiative outlined in the European Turbine Network's (ETN). The subproject regarding TU Eindhoven is divided in two parts: Numerical (I) and Experimental (II). My tasks will cover the Numerical part: Development of RANS and LES models will be based on Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) techniques with a special focus on preferential diffusion effects, partial unpremixedness and local extinction. These effects govern thermodiffusive instabilities which interact with turbulence in a complicated way. The simulations will be done with the use of the open source software Open FOAM.



H2-IGCC Consortium Siemens AG

- Extension of Flamelet Generated Manifold technique on Open FOAM from 1D to 2D case using either a laminar and a turbulent manifold. - Work in progress is now on the: - 3D/4D table case in order to include heat loss, turbulence and mixture fraction. - Inclusion of beta PDF for turbulent combustion using a 3D geometry (DLR jet flame). - Addition of hydrogen effects in the mixture and investigation on preferential diffusion .

Project leaders RJM Bastiaans LPH de Goey


Funded by EU-FP7 project

Funding % per money stream EU

100 %

Start of the project 2010 (February)

Information Alessio Fancello +31 40 2473621

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Scientific publications A. Fancello, R.J.M. Bastiaans, and L.P.H. de Goey – A Flamelet Generated Manifolds LookUp table tool for premixed turbulent combustion -7th OpenFOAM Workshop - Darmstadt (Germany) - June 2012.

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Creating artificial trees: multifunctional catalysts for harvesting atmospheric CO2 and sustainable fuel production

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

G (Georgy) Filonenko


Project leaders EJM Hensen

Project aim The project aims at developing reliable techniques for fixation and transformation of carbon dioxide and further use of CO2 as a hydrogen storage agent. We propose to store H2 in the form of formic acid (FA) that can be further decomposed catalytically to yield pure CO-free mixture of H2 and CO2 to be used in fuel cell applications. Important part of the project is the development of the molecular understanding of the hydrogenation reaction targeted eventually at synthesis of better catalysts.

Participants G Filonenko


University 100 %

Initially we established that heterogeneous catalysts cannot provide sufficient activity in CO2 hydrogenation. Afterwards the main focus was shifted towards homogeneous systems, namely, ruthenium cooperative pincer catalysts. Starting from the known RuPNP catalyst we found a likely mechanism of CO2 hydrogenation over this type of catalysts and provided the best example of ruthenium based catalyst, operating under mild conditions. A new catalyst, featuring N-heterocyclic carbenes was designed and proved to be active in hydrogenation of CO2. Interestingly these catalysts are active in hydrogenation of esters – a rather challenging substrate. Our efforts at the moment are focused on in depth catalytic investigation of NHCs activity and publishing our findings in their coordination chemistry.

Start of the project

Scientific publications

Cooperations -

Funded by ICMS

Funding % per money stream


Information Georgy Filonenko +31 (0)40 2478153

Almutairi, S.M.T., Mezari, B., Filonenko, G., Magusin, P.C.M.M., Pidko, E.A. & Hensen, E.J.M. (2013). Influence of extraframework aluminium on the Brønsted acidity and catalytic reactivity of faujasite zeolite. ChemCatChem, 5(2), 452-466. Filonenko, G., Conley, M.P., Copéret, C., Lutz, M., Hensen, E.J.M. & Pidko, E.A. (2013). The impact of metal-ligand cooperation in hydrogenation of carbon dioxide catalyzed by ruthenium PNP pincer. ACS Catalysis, 3, 2522-2526.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 27

Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Theoretical investigation of Fischer-Tropsch catalysis on Rh and Ru metal surfaces and particles

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

IAW (Ivo) Filot

Project leaders EJM Hensen


Project aim We aim to elucidate the intrinsic mechanism of Fischer-Tropsch (FT) catalysis. A multi-scale approach is used, where we try to assert the relationship between the size and shape of the catalytic nanoparticles and the exposed crystal facets on the one hand, and the elementary reaction steps leading to macroscopic observables such as reaction order, apparent activation energies, selectivity and activity on the other hand. Due to the significantly different nature of Ru and Rhbased FT synthesis (the former produces mainly long hydrocarbons, whereas the latter tends to produce relatively short oxygenates), we focus our research on these two metals.

IAW Filot

Progress Cooperations None

Funded by NRSC-C

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project

Currently, we have been able to describe FT synthesis on Ru nanoparticles in terms of its constituting elementary reaction paths. We identified the dominant building block for the Rucatalyzed C1-self-assembly as well as several industrially observed specificities which prior to our research were un-explained. Furthermore, we have elucidated the role of water in this process. Below, a schematic overview has been given showing the nodal fluxes in the FT process on Ru. From this graph, we can see that the dominant chain-growth catalytic cycle is the CH insertion, whereas the dominant de-polymerization route is the C-decoupling. This particular catalyst produces mainly ɲ-olefins of which the chain-termination pathway originates from a node lying in the chainpropagation cycle. This research contributes to our understanding of FT processes in general as well as to the development of the next-generation FT catalysts.


Information Ivo Filot

Scientific publications Van Santen, R.; Markvoort, A.J.; Filot, I.A.W.; Ghouri, M.M.; Hensen, E.J.M., PCCP, 2013. Zhu, T.W.; van Grootel, P.W.; Filot, I.A.W.; Sun, S.G.; van Santen, R.A.; Hensen, E.J.M., J. Catal., 2013, 297, 227-235. Filot, I.A.W.; Shetty, S.G.; Hensen, E.J.M.; van Santen, R.A., J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115 (29), 1420414212.

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Homogeneous nucleation of water and carbondioxide

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

MALJ (Maurice) Fransen

Project aim Condensation of water is important for cloud formation in meteorological and climate models. Condensation of carbondioxide is important in industrial applications such as natural gas cleaning and CO2 sequestration. This study aims to experimentally investigate homogeneous nucleation of water and carbondioxide in an expansion wave tube.

Project leaders DMJ Smeulders

Participants MALJ Fransen E Sachteleben PR Bloemen GJ Hoek H van Griensven

Cooperations MEH van Dongen (TU/e) H Hruby (Prague)

Progress An horizontal expansion wave tube was installed which can be used for the optical detection of microscopically small condensate droplets. A 532 nm laser line-of-sight attenuation (LOSA) measurement is combined with 90 degrees constant angle Mie scattering (CAMS) to measure the concentration and growth of a cloud of condensate droplets over time. The condensation process is triggered by a rapid decrease of pressure and temperature in the setup where typical temperatures of 240 K are reached. This process is controlled by the pressure-time profile which can be selected to obtain a monodisperse cloud of droplets of identical size. It was shown that water nucleation in air and nitrogen is not significantly depending on carrier gas, but that the condensation rates are orders of magnitude above predictions by classical nucleation theory, which confirms findings from other publications on different gas-vapor mixtures.

Funded by TU/e Twister BV

Funding % per money stream University Industry

95 % 5%

Start of the project 2011

Information Maurice Fransen +31 40 2472816 David Smeulders +31 40 2473167

Schematic picture of the expansion wave tube. Condensate is formed in the high-pressure section (HPS). The laser (L) signal is attenuated/scattered and measured by photodetector PD and photomultiplier PM. Pressure decrease is initiated by the rupture of the diaphragm that separates the HPS from the low-pressure section LPS, and profiled by the local widening section W. The gas mixture is preconditioned in the mixture preparation device MPD. Additional valves and pressure sensors are also shown.

Scientific publications Fransen, M.A.L.J., Sachteleben, E., Hruby, J. & Smeulders, D.M.J. (2013). Homogeneous nucleation of water in synthetic air. In P.J. DeMott & C.D. O'Dowd (Eds.), Oral: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 23-28 June 2013, Fort Collins, Colorado, (AIP Conference Proceedings, 1527, pp. 124-127). New York: AIP Publishing. Dam, E.A. van, Wijnheijmer, A.P., Fransen, M.A.L.J., Marin Zapata, P.A. & Saes, L.H. (2013). Dynamics of moisture penetration into paper. Fransen, M.A.L.J., Sachteleben, E. & Smeulders, D.M.J. (2013). Wave-induced droplet growth measurement by laser light. Fransen, M.A.L.J., Hruby, J. & Smeulders, D.M.J. (2013). Characterisation of critical clusters of supercooled water. Oral : 16th International conference on the properties of water and steam (ICPWS'16), 1-5 September 2013, Greenwich, London, UK. Vins, V., Hruby, J., Fransen, M.A.L.J., Smid, B. & Hosek, J. (2013). Modification of an experimental apparatus and new measurements of the surface tension of supercooled water. Oral: 16th International conference on the properties of water and steam(ICPWS'16), 1-5 September 2013, Greenwich, London, UK. Fransen, M.A.L.J., Hruby, J. & Smeulders, D.M.J. (2012). Nucleation and droplet growth measured by a pulse-expansion wave tube. Oral: Abstract presented at the europena aerosol conference 2012 (EAC-2012), 2-7 september 2012, Granada, Spain. Marin Zapata, P.A., Fransen, M.A.L.J., Thije Boonkkamp, J.H.M. ten & Saes, L.H. (2012). Heat and moisture transport in a paper sheet moving over a hot print surface. (External Report, CASA Report, No. 12-22). Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 17 pp. Fransen, M.A.L.J., Sachteleben, E., Hruby, J. & Smeulders, D.M.J. (2012). Pulse-expansion wave tube for measuring nucleation and droplet growth. In N. Apazidis (Ed.), Oral: 20th International Shock Interaction Symposium - Book of Proceedings, (pp. 27-30). Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Stockholm. Annual Research Report 2013

| 29


Clean combustion of future fuels

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders JA van Oijen

Participants MU Göktolga

Cooperations -

Funded by NWO (VIDI)

Funding % per money stream NWO/STW 100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information JA van Oijen +31 (0)40 2473133

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MU (Ugur) Göktolga

Project aim The focus of this project is on MILD combustion, which is characterized by a high degree of preheating and dilution of the reactants and offers the possibility of a sustainable, emission-free energy production. The project encompasses a multi-scale approach that starts with an exploration of the small-scale fundamental processes causing the outstanding properties of MILD combustion. This fundamental knowledge is then translated via numerical studies of lab-scale burners into design tools for large-scale industrial combustion devices. To investigate the reaction structures that arise in MILD combustion, high-fidelity numerical models will be employed.

Progress Combustion at MILD conditions has been investigated in numerical simulations of one-dimensional laminar counterflow diffusion flames employing detailed chemistry and transport models. These so-called flamelets will be used to generate look-up tables for accurate and efficient modeling of chemical kinetics in direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulent jet-in-hot-coflow flames. DNS of mixing layers under MILD conditions are performed with detailed chemistry. The results show that preferential diffusion effects are of paramount importance for the ignition behaviour. In addition, a large-eddy simulation (LES) solver has been extended with transport equations for two conserved scalars and their variances, which are used in conjunction with flamelet-generated manifolds (FGM). Preliminary LES simulations of the Delft jet-in-hot-coflow (DJHC) burner have been performed.

Publications -

Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Metal oxide based semiconductor photoelectrodes for solar hydrogen production: mechanism – stability - reactivity

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Andrey) Goryachev

Project leaders EJM Hensen JP Hofmann

Participants A Goryachev

Project aim The aims of the research project are development, synthesis and modification of oxide semiconductor systems able to drive photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting with high efficiency and stability to photocorrosion. Investigations are aimed on controlled preparation (Chemical Vapor Deposition, Chemical Bath Deposition, Atomic Layer Deposition, sol-gel) and advanced spectroscopy characterization (dynamic XPS, On-Line Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry, Raman, Transient Absorption Spectroscopy) of multilayer systems for PEC water splitting. As a model system a multilayer structure comprising light absorber (Cu2O), barrier oxide (TiO2) and metal or metal oxide cocatalyst was chosen. The role of interfaces between Cu2O/TiO2, TiO2/cocatalyst and the mechanism of water splitting will be studied.

Cooperations -


Funded by

Scientific publications


The project was started September 2013. Currently, literature search is in progress.


Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2013 (September)

Information Jan-Philipp Hofmann

Annual Research Report 2013

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Department Mechanical Engineering

Laminar Burning Velocity Measurements and Chemical Reaction Mechanism Evaluation of H2 Rich Syngas at Elevated Pressures

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

M (Mayuri) Goswami

Project leaders RJM Bastiaans AA Konnov LPH de Goey

Participants M Goswami

Cooperations H2-IGCC Consortium

Funded by EU-FP7 project

Funding % per money stream EU

100 %

Start of the project 2010 (January)

Information Mayuri Goswami

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Project aim The project aims to evaluate flame speed (laminar) of syngas-air mixtures with high H2 content at conditions of high pressure (30 bars) and temperature (200 ȗC) that are relevant for gas turbine applications. The heat flux burner will be used in the project. Based on results derived from these experiments a chemical reaction mechanism will be evaluated.

Progress 1. Laminar burning velocity measurements of pressure upto 9 atm with syngas mixtures (50:50% and 85:15% H2:CO) with a variety of oxidizers at lean conditions using heat flux method. 2. A high pressure setup has been set up in the laboratory for measurements up to 30 bar (conditions relevant for gas turbine applications). The system has been tested with a flame up to 5 atm. 3. Heat flux method was studied with thermophosphors to measure burner plate temperature by replacing thermocouples. The spectral ratio method was applied to relate intensity to temperature.

Scientific publications Goswami, M., Derks, S.C.R., Coumans, K., Slikker, W.J., De Andrade Oliveira, M.H., Bastiaans, R.J.M., Luijten, C.C.M., Goey, L.P.H. de & Konnov, A. (2013). The effect of elevated pressures on the laminar burning velocity of methane + air mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 160(9), 1627-1635. Goswami, M., Bastiaans, R.J.M., Goey, L.P.H. de & Konnov, A. (2013). Laminar burning velocity of lean H2-CO mixtures at elevated pressure using the heat flux method. In S.Shy (Ed.), Oral: Presentation at the 24th International colloquim on dynamics of explosions and reactive systems: ICDERS 2013, 28 July -2 August 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, Taipei: ICDERS. Goswami, M., Coumans, K., Bastiaans, R.J.M., Goey, L.P.H. de & Konnov, A. (2013). Numerical simulations of flat laminar premixed CH4/air flames at elevated pressure. In S. Shy (Ed.), Oral: Presentation at the 24th International colloquim on dynamics of explosions and reactive systems: ICDERS 2013, 28 July -2 August 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, Taipei: ICDERS. Goswami, M., Wustmans, M., Dam, N.J., Bastiaans, R.J.M., Konnov, A. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Temperature measurement for the heat flux method using ZnO:Zn thermophosphor. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2013 (ECM), 25-28 June 2013, Lund, Sweden. Wustmans, M., Goey, L.P.H. de, Dam, N.J. & Goswami, M. (2012). Thermophosphors as a probe for surface temperature measurements. (Master Thesis, WVT, No. 2012.12). Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 102 pp.


Hybrid organic-inorganic mesoporous materials for the valorization of biomass

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants WNP van der Graaff

Cooperations Dalian Insitute of Chemical Physics (China) Utrecht University (NL)

Funded by NWO

Funding % per money stream NWO

WNP (William) van der Graaff

Project aim The aim of the project is the development of and application of catalytic ensembles – with a focus on solid acids - relevant for the valorization of cellulosic biomass to platform molecules which can be used as base chemicals for industry as well as fuel components. To this end, several routes towards such compounds are considered. The routes under investigation in this study comprise the dehydration of hexose sugars to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) as well as the chemocatalytic conversion of hexoses to lactate derivatives. Hereby the aim is to gain fundamental understanding of the chemistry behind these transformations.

Progress In the past year, the development of nano-sized Sn-*BEA catalysts has been the main focus of the research project, main application being the Lewis acid-catalyzed transformation of hexoses to lactate derivatives, methyl lactate. A route has been designed to obtain nano-sized Sn-*BEA with different Sn-content (2-10 wt%). Full characterization including XRD, TEM, Ar sorption, NMR, UV-Vis, FTIR as well as catalytic activity measurements are currently being carried out. In cooperation with Dalian University (CN) a highly active Sn-MWW zeolite was developed which shows high selectivities for lactates from hexoses, as well as superiorstability. Furthermore, a second theme regarding the utilization in the lacate synthesis of less scarce Lewis acidic metal ions such as Al3+ is being addressed. Surprising results were found for Al-POSS complexes, obtaining lactate yields from glucose similar to state-of-the-art Sn-*BEA (43%).

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

Scientific publications Graaff, W.N.P. van der, Garrido Olvera, K., Pidko, E.A. & Hensen, E.J.M. (2013). Stability and catalytic properties of porous acidic (organo)silica materials for conversion of carbohydrates. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, accepted or in press. Guo, Q., Fan, F., Pidko, E.A., Graaff, W.N.P. van der, Feng, Z., Li, C. & Hensen, E.J.M. (2013). Highly active and recyclable Sn-MWW zeolite catalyst for sugar conversion to methyl lactate and lactic acid. ChemSusChem, 6(8), 1352-1356. Weemers, J.J.M., Graaff, W.N.P. van der, Pidko, E.A., Lutz, M. & Müller, C. (2013). Bulky phosphinines : from a molecular design to an application in homogeneous catalysis. Chemistry - A European Journal, 19, 8991-9004.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Photo-bioreactors: saving algae from turbulence!

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Abhineet) Gupta

Project aim


This project is aimed at clarifying the influence of turbulence on algae growth to effectively scale-up photobioreactors and to operate them reliably for long periods. Turbulence in photo-bioreactors plays a key role for algae growth by enhancing mixing, allowing a homogeneous distribution of nutrients and an appropriate exposure of algae to sunlight (bioreactors exterior). However too intense turbulence will damage algae and will reduce productivity. We will investigate numerically the effects of turbulence and algae concentration, from dilute to dense suspensions. The knowledge of the multi-scale statistics of turbulent fluctuations, down to the individual alga, is key to develop models necessary to up-scale photo-bioreactor, select algae strain, optimize algae productivity and reduce bioreactors energy consumption.

A Gupta RPJ Kunnen


Project leaders F Toschi HJH Clercx

The project started August 2013.

Cooperations P Perlekar (India)

Scientific publications -

Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2013 (August)

Information F Toschi +31 (0)40 247 3911 HJH Clercx +31 (0)40 247 2680

34 |


Depolymerization of Lignin: towards gasoline fuel components

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EJM Hensen EA Pidko E Heeres

Participants B Güvenatam

Cooperations University of Groningen

Funded by CatchBio

Funding % per money stream NWO

100 %

B (Burcu) Güvenatam

Project aim The goal of the project is to produce aromatic fuel components from lignin by depolymerization route applying efficient, clean and economically viable method. To produce stable, nonpolar, petroleum soluble liquid products with high energy efficiency, it is aimed to reduce amount of the oxygen present in the original structure and prevent hydrogenation of aromatic rings. Accordingly, catalytic activity for this reaction should be selective towards C-O cleavage over C=C hydrogenation. The study started by focusing on catalyst screening and reaction condition optimization by the use of simple model compounds. Afterwards, lignin conversion tested on selected Lewis acids under optimized conditions. In the coming term, formic acid will be combined as an additive in this reaction system.

Progress Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of lignin model compounds is completed in the presence of hydrogen. We have investigated HDO reaction mechanisms on different noble metals. Secondly, we have completed screening study on depolymerization of lignin model compounds in the presence of Lewis acidic metal salts. This part of the study specifically adopted on Protobind lignin conversion. It was found that Lewis acidic property promotes lignin conversion under supercritical conditions in alcohol. We achieved to produce gasoline fuel content in our system as shown in figure below. Recently, our aim is to extensively understand the reaction mechanisms of the lignin conversion catalyzed by Lewis acids. As a final stage, formic acid studies are started to be combined with investigated processes.

Start of the project 2010

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

Figure: 2D gas chromatogram of Protobind lignin conversion under on-water condition.

Scientific publications -

Annual Research Report 2013

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Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Liquid phase vs gas phase sulfidation - influence on structural, activation and deactivation properties of commercial ULSD catalysts

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

L (Lennart) van Haandel

Project leaders EJM Hensen T Weber

Project aim A crucial step in the preparation of hydrotreating catalysts is the generation of the catalytically active MS2-phase (M = Mo, W) from an oxide precursor. The majority of the results available on the sulfidation mechanism are based on either surface-science studies or on studies using model catalysts. The aim of this project is to provide insight into the sulfidation mechanism of Mo-based oxidic precursors, with a composition that is representative for commercial catalysts, under industrially relevant conditions. The differences between gas-phase and liquid-phase sulfidation procedures will be explored by means of XPS, TEM, IR and EXAFS.

Participants L van Haandel

Cooperations Shell

Funded by Shell

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Progress An experimental hydrotreatment setup has been designed and built for the sulfidation and catalytic activity tests of hydrotreating catalysts. In addition, an in situ EXAFS cell has been designed and used (at ESRF) to study the sulfidation mechanism of hydrotreating catalysts in a mixed gas/oil feed with pressures up to 20 bar and temperatures up to 400°C. The results of XPS and EXAFS studies of Copromoted Mo-based hydrotreating catalysts prepared via various different routes show that the operating parameters of the sulfidation procedure play an important role. High pressure (20 bar) sulfidation in all cases leads to a higher degree of sulfidation. Additionally, it was found that H2S is more efficient as a sulfiding agent than dimethyldisulfide (DMDS). Additives such as phosphates and citric acid can significantly enhance the sulfidation of Co and Mo and the Co-Mo interaction, indicating that the type of oxide precursor plays a pivotal role in the sulfidation mechanism.

Start of the project 2012

Information Thomas Weber +31 (0)40 2478174

Figure: Mo K edge EXAFS spectra of the sulfidation of a calcined CoMo/Al2O3 precursor at 20 bar pressure. a) liquid-phase sulfidation in H2S(10%)/H2 and n-hexadecane. b) liquid-phase sulfidation in H2 and a solution of DMDS in n-hexadecane. The spectra show that the oxide precursor starts to sulfide at temperatures as low as 50°C in the presence of H2S, whereas in the presence of DMDS the oxide precursor stays intact up to temperatures of 150°C.

Scientific publications Groote, R., Haandel, L. van & Sijbesma, R.P. (2012). The effect of molecular weight and catalyst concentration on catalytic activity in mechanochemically activated transesterification using silver(I)-N-heterocyclic carbene latent catalysts. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 50(23), 4929-2935.

36 |


How gravity, shear and coalescence modify the droplet size distribution

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

MAT (Michel) van Hinsberg

Project aim The goal is to address the basic phenomenology of droplets under realistic situations. The focus being on large scale behavior. In this study the focus will be on the effects of gravity and of shear on droplet transport and collision rates.

Project leaders


HJH Clercx F Toschi GJF van Heijst

A new fast method has been developed for the computation of the Basset force. An article on the implementation of the Basset history force computation has been published (J. Comput. Phys. 230, 1465 (2011)). A new interpolation method for application in spectral codes has been proposed and successfully compared with several standard interpolation methods. The new interpolation method has been implemented in the spectral code. Additionally, an alternative version for the hydro dynamical forces has been implemented. Some test simulations have been performed. The code has been extended to integrate homogenous shear flows and to evolve Lagrangian particles in homogeneous shear turbulence.

Participants MAT van Hinsberg

Cooperations L Biferale (Rome, Italy) P Perlekar (India) J ten Thije Boonkkamp (TU/e)

Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information HJH Clercx +31 (0)40 2472680 F Toschi +31 (0)40 2473911

Scientific publications Hinsberg, M.A.T. van, Thije Boonkkamp, J.H.M. ten, Toschi, F. & Clercx, H.J.H. (2013). Optimal interpolation schemes for particle tracking in turbulence. Physical Review E, 87(4), 043307. Hinsberg, M.A.T. van, Thije Boonkkamp, J.H.M. ten, Toschi, F. & Clercx, H.J.H. (2012). On the efficiency and accuracy of interpolation methods for spectral codes. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 34(4), B479-B498. Hinsberg, M.A.T. van, Thije Boonkkamp, J.H.M. ten, Toschi, F. & Clercx, H.J.H. (2012). On optimal interpolation schemes for particle tracking in turbulence. (CASA Report, No. 12-40). Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 8 pp. Hinsberg, M.A.T. van, J.H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp & H.J.H. Clercx - An efficient, second order method for the approximation of the Basset history force, J. Comp. Phys. 230, 1465-1478 (2011). Hinsberg, M.A.T. van, J.H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp, B.J.H. van de Wiel, F. Toschi and H.J.H. Clercx, Interpolation error in DNS simulations of turbulence: consequences for particle tracking. In: Advances in Turbulence XIII. Proceedings of the 13th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, September 12-15, 2011, Warsaw, Poland. Eds. K. Bajer. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 318, 052022 1-6 (2011).

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Lignin depolymerization and upgrading to fuel component: cyclic oxygenates

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants X Huang

Cooperations Novel SYNthesis process CONcepts for efficient chemicals / Fuel production from biomass

Funded by Province Noord-Brabant

Funding % per money stream Province Noord-Brabant 100 %

X (Xiaoming) Huang

Project aim Recent studies showed that a small amount of cyclic oxygenates added to diesel fuel results in a significant decrease of soot and NOx emissions. Cyclic oxygenates can be produced from lignin, which is known as the most abundant aromatic renewable raw material available on the earth. In this project, the overall objective is to develop an efficient route to convert lignin at rather mild reaction conditions into oxygenated compounds. The first aim of the project is to develop an efficient catalytic system for lignin depolymerization. The second aim of the project is to partially remove some oxygen atoms of the phenolic compounds by a hydrodeoxygenation process with or without molecular hydrogen. The final aim is to scale up the reaction and perform engine test.

Progress We have developed an effective approach that enables to depolymerize and lower the oxygen content of lignin in a single step with little amount of coke formation and with mostly aromaticity remained intact. In this work, Cu-doped MgAl mixed oxides was added to utilize the hydrogen generated in situ from ethanol by reforming under supercritical conditions. A comprehensive workup procedure was developed, which allows calculating the yield of monomers, lignin residue and coke. Lignin residue was characterized by both 1D and 2D HSQC NMR in order to trace the structural change before and after reaction. The results revealed that esterification and alkylation are more characteristic than hydrogenation. Alkylation was found to play more important role on suppressing repolymerization reactions than hydrogenation. A general reaction network involved reactions between ethanol and lignin fragments has been proposed.

Start of the project 2012

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

Scientific publications -

38 |


Development paths of biomass gasification

Industrial Engineering & Innovation Science

PhD student AF (Arjan) Kirkels

Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders AF Kirkels

Participants AF Kirkels GPJ Verbong

Project aim Biomass gasification has been seen as promising for large scale, advanced applications (like high efficiency power, chemicals and biofuels) for many years. As such, it received funding and there has been continuous RD&D over the past three decades. Nevertheless, application remained limited to a few RD&D niches. Feedstock and pretreatment x Wood x Crop residues x Peat x Black liquor x Waste

Gasifiers x fixed bed - downdraft - updraft x fluid bed x entrained flow

Gas cleaning

Applications x Heat x Electricity x Chemicals x Transport fuels

Cooperations -

Funded by University

This research explores the underlying causes. It does so from multiple innovation perspectives (technological progress, role promise of technology, competing technologies). It explicitly addresses issues of system boundaries, actors involved, and cross-over between technologies. It might help understand this empirical case, as well draw more general lessons relevant to long term technological innovation paths.

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2008

Progress In 2012 I published ‘Discursive shifts in energy from biomass: A 30 year European overview’. By applying discourse analyses, it shows the upcoming of socio-economic driving forces, and how over time the promise of and competition between different feedstock, conversion technologies and end-use applications changes.

Information Knowledge intensive Biotechnology / bio-based economy

Renewable energy (solid, liquid, power)

Small local systems


Knowledge extensive

Large scale

Small scale

Arjan Kirkels +31 (0)40 2475761

Current work involves an almost finished paper on the technological trajectories of advanced biomass gasifiers. Next step is a paper on the promise surrounding the technology, based on the concept of hype-disappointment cycles - to be finished in 2013.

Scientific publications Arjan F. Kirkels, Geert P.J. Verbong; ‘Biomass gasification: Still promising? A 30-year global overview’; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 471-481. Arjan F. Kirkels; ‘Discursive shifts in energy from biomass: A 30 year European overview’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 16, Issue 6, August 2012, Pages 4105-4115. Wouter Drinkwaard, Arjan Kirkels, Henny Romijn; ‘A learning-based approach to understanding success in rural electrification: Insights from Micro Hydro projects in Bolivia’; Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume 14, Issue 3, September 2010, Pages 232-237.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Transition-metal phosphides in hydrotreating catalysis

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders Th Weber EJM Hensen

Participants X Lan

Cooperations -

Funded by Government of China (CSC)

Funding % per money stream Scholarship 100 %

Start of the project

X (Xuefang) Lan

Project aim Metal–rich phosphides show excellent activity for hydrogenation reaction and an increasing number of publications is concerned with their hydrotreating properties. Compared to traditional MoS2 catalysts, metal phosphides are believed to expose more active sites due to its globular structure. And because of their compact crystal structure, they are hard and strong and have high thermal and chemical stability. Meanwhile, the hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) properties of metal phosphides have begun attracting attention, in recently years, because of the importance of HDO processing for the upgrading of biomass feedstocks to renewable transportation fuels. Hence, the object of this study is to developing a novel metal phosphide (e.g. Ni2P, MoP, CoP, Fe2P,WP) based catalysts for the upgrading of biomass (HDO). Effort will also be dedicated to exploring their application in clean transportation fuel production from oil and fischer-tropsch processes.

Progress Phosphate and hypophosphite methods are employed to prepare bulk and supported metal phosphides. Both methods require reduction of oxidic precursors. The specific reduction conditions are individually determined by temperature programmed reduction (TPR) and thermogravimetry (TG). Phosphate samples are reduced in H2 and hypophosphite samples are reduced in He atmosphere. After the reduction, samples are passivated and then characterized by XRD. HDS activity tests are carried out on the thiophene setup. A simple comparision of HDS ability among Ni2P/SiO2, MoP/SiO2, hypo MoP/SiO2 and CoMo/Al2O3 have been conducted.

2012 (September) 25

Information Thomas Weber +31 (0)40-2478174

Ni2P/SiO2 thiophene Ni2P/SiO2 H2 MoP/SiO2 shell 448

conversion %





0 0



time/ hour

Scientific publications -

40 |




Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Development of metal-sulfide-based photocatalysts for water splitting and reduction of carbon dioxide under visible light irradiation

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Anton) Litke

Project aim

EJM Hensen

The aim of the project is to link preparation techniques and conditions with the properties of the resulted photocatalytic materials. The project is focused on the synthesis and detailed characterization of new and improvement of the existing semiconductor photocatalytic materials based on metal sulfides which can be used for the production of hydrogen from water and reduction of carbon dioxide.



A Litke

In the course of the year the thorough analysis of the achievements in the field of the photocatalytic materials was done. The most promising material were selected. The setup for the testing of the photocatalytic activity was upgraded. The investigation of the mechanism of the formation of the highly active nano-twinned mixed sulfide particles (Zn0.5Cd0.5S) is in progress.

Project leaders

Cooperations Funded by NanoNextNL

Funding % per money stream NWO

100 %

Start of the project 2012

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

Scientific publications -

Annual Research Report 2013

| 41


Catalytic conversion of lactic acid into commodity chemicals

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants K Liu

Project aim In this project, the main aim is to explore novel catalyst materials for the dehydrogenation or decarboxylation of lactic acid to commodity chemicals. The starting point is the dehydrogenation of lactic acid or methyl lactate to produce pyruvic acid or methyl pyruvate. In this respect, gold doped hydrotalcite proved to be efficient catalyst for dehydrogenation. Some higher alcohols production from ethanol will also be studied afterwards. For this Guerbet reaction, CuO/MgO-SiO2, ZnO/MgOSiO2, Ag/MgO-SiO2, CuO/hydroxyapatite(HAP), Au/CuO/basic supports etc. will be employed. Ultimately, the goal is to combine the renewable feedstocks and some commodity chemicals with lactic acid.


Cooperations Funded by EU

Funding % per money stream EU

K (Kaituo) Liu

100 %

In the past year, the dehydrogenation of lactic acid/methyl lactate had been the main focus of the research project. To carry out this part, many reactions had been performed in mini-autoclave and the activity of Au/HT-Co.p, Au/HT-HDP, Au/Cr-HT were compared. It was found that Au/HT-Co.p has the best activity of dehydrogenation of methyl lactate. The highest selectivity of pyruvate is 45.2%. Meanwhile, the decarboxylation of lactic acid was also studied. In theory, lactic acid can be decomposed into CO2 and EtOH. We have tried this reaction for three hours in the photocatalytic setup in the very beginning. The yield of CO2 was 2.25%. We plan to do deep research of this area in future. 50

Start of the project


ML conversion(%) MP selectivity (%) MP yield (%)



40 35




EJM Hensen +31 (0)40-2475178

25 20 15 10 5 0 0







Scientific publications -

42 |






Plasma assisted clean energy

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders RAH Engeln MCM van de Sanden

Participants S Ponduri

S (Srinath) Ponduri

Project aim Solar fuels is an innovative strategy to address the issue of carbon dioxide neutral, high energy density energy storage in order to make renewable energy ubiquitous. At PMP (Plasma & Materials Planning) we harness the power of non equilibrium plasma potentially generated by solar energy to convert CO2 into a fuel. Solar fuels is implemented under the framework of Plasma Assisted Clean Energy or PACE. The principle goals of PACE are: 1. to develop a highly energy efficient dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) or other similar plasma sources working at atmospheric pressures; 2. to investigate the limiting steps in converting CO2 into fuel in a plasma; 3. to study the synergistic effects of plasma and catalyst in optimizing the fuel production; 4. to develop/implement novel spectroscopic techniques to reach the above ends.

Cooperations DIFFER (S Welzel) INP Griefswald, Germany


European Graduate School for Sustainability

The importance of syngas (CO + H2) like precursor to make hydrocarbons even when plasma is used has been established. A dielectric barrier discharge has been set up as a test bed to study fundamental processes in CO2 non thermal plasma. Vibrational distribution of CO2+ ions has been studied and a link to the ground state vibrational distribution of CO2 is being investigated. A complete plasma chemical model is being set up to understand the discharge chemistry in detail.

Funding % per money stream

Scientific publications

Funded by

University 100 %

Plasma Assisted CO2 reduction for synthetic fuels, IPS-2012 Conference talk. Fuel production from CO2 using plasma catalysis, EGS-2012 Poster.

Start of the project 2011

Information RAH Engeln

Annual Research Report 2013

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Numerical modeling of hydraulic fracturing

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

EW (Ernst) Remij

Project aim The aim of this project is to develop a numerical model to predict the propagating fracture patterns that grow during hydraulic fracturing. Such a numerical model may be useful to identify key parameters in the hydraulic fracturing process and may be helpful to optimize the fracture process.

Project leaders


JJC Remmers JM Huyghe DMJ Smeulders

We developed a 2D numerical fracture model. This model includes poroelastic effects in the rock formation, the tangential flow in the fracture, the exchange of fluid between the fracture and the formation, and fracture propagation in arbitrary directions. As an example we consider the growth of an initial fracture from a circular borehole. The confining stress in horizontal direction is twice as large as the stress in vertical direction. The result of an initial fracture perpendicular to the maximum confining stress is shown in figure a). It can be seen that the fracture bends towards the direction of minimum confining stress. This is expected because it is energetically favorable for a fracture to grow in this direction. In figure b) we also included an initial fracture perpendicular to the minimum confining stress. Here we show that only this fracture grows while the fracture perpendicular to the maximum confining stress remains closed.

Participants EW Remij

Cooperations TKI Gas TUDelft GDF Suez Wintershall Total EBN

Funded by TKI Upstream Gas GDF Suez Wintershall EBN Total

Funding % per money stream TKI Industry

75 % 25 %

Start of the project



2013 (February)

Figure: Contour plots of the hydrostatic pressure in the rock formation. The deformed mesh is magnified 100 times.


Next steps in this research will be to implement fracture branching/merging and investigate the possibility to extend the model to 3D situations.

Ernst Remij

Scientific publications Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics, July 10-12, 2013, Vienna. E.W.Remij, F.Pizzocolo, J.J.C. Remmers, D.M.J. Smeulders, and J.M.Huyghe, (2013), ‘Nulceation and mixed mode crack propagation in a porous material’, Poromechanics V, 2260-2269.

44 |


Experimenting for sustainable urban mobility in Thailand

Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

PhD student F (Frans) Sengers

Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders

Project aim To provide a geography informed perspective on sustainability transitions at large and in particular on the experimentation new urban mobility configurations in Thailand.

Progress Good. Fieldwork has been conducted, papers are being written and published, results presented at conferences, practitioner workshops are being organized.

RPJM Raven

Scientific publications Participants F Sengers HA Romijn J Schot

Cooperations Chiang Mai University (Thailand) Jadavpur University (India)

Sengers, F., Raven, R.P.J.M. (2013) ‘Metering motorbike mobility: informal transport in transition?’ 4th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, Zurich 19-21 June 2013. Sawongse, S., Sengers, F., Raven, R.P.J.M. (2012) ‘The Multi-level Perspective and the Scope for Sustainable Land use Planning in Chiang Mai City’, Environmental and Natural Resources journal, 10(2): 21-30. Sengers, F., Raven, R.P.J.M., Romijn. H., (2012) ‘Bangkok’s transport ecosystem: some thoughts on transitions to sustainable urban mobility in an Asian megacity’ 3rd International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, Copenhagen 29-31 August 2012.

Funded by NWO WOTRO

Funding % per money stream NWO

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Rob Raven

Annual Research Report 2013

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Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Hydrogen from biomass via catalytic steam reforming of flash-pyrolysis oil: how to enhance the activation of water

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

WY (Weiyu) Song

Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants WY Song

Cooperations ADEM

Funded by ADEM

Funding % per money stream NWO

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Project aim Reforming of biomass to hydrogen provides an alternative for the production of hydrogen from fossil fuels. For this process one requires a metal function to activate the C-C, C-H and O-H bonds. Very often a reactive support is required to cope with catalyst deactivation. A well-known example is the use of ceria which limits carbon deposition during reforming. Ceria has redox activity which can gasify the coke deposits in the presence of oxygen or water. The goal of this project is to determine structure-performance relationships: how does the composition and surface structure of the ceria determine the reactivity for water dissociation as well as the reactivity of the resulting OH groups with model compounds representing coke deposits. The influence of metals on C-C, C-H, O-H and C-O bond activation will be investigated.

Progress The morphology and oxidation state of ceria supported Rh under CO oxidation conditions have been determined. Under reducing conditions, Rh prefers three dimensional metallic morphology, while changes to two dimentional oxide film under CO oxidation conditions, which was speculated to be active sites. The CO oxidation mechanism has been determined based on the ceria supported Rh oxide filme. The particapation of surface oxygen is explained. The activity of single site Rh supported on three typical ceria surface towards CO oxidation has been studied. The results explains the surface depandence of reactivity. The ceria supported single Au and Au metallic cluster models have been employed to examined the experimentally dabated active sites for CO oxidation and water-gas shift reaction and understand how the surface depandence of activity.

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

Figure: Schematic reaction diagram of CO oxidation on ceria supported rhodium oxide.

Scientific publications W.Y. Song, Emiel J.M. Hensen, ‘Structure Sensitivity in CO Oxidation by a Single Au Atom Supported on Ceria’. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, 7721. W.Y. Song, A.P.J. Jansen, Emiel J.M. Hensen, ‘A computational study of the influence of the ceria surface termination on the mechanism of CO oxidation of isolated Rh atoms’. Faraday Discussion, 2013, 162, 281-292. W.Y. Song, V. Degirmenci, D.A.J. Michel Ligthart, A.P.J. Jansen, Emiel J.M. Hensen, ‘A computational study of the mechanism of CO Oxidation by A ceria supported surface rhodium oxide Layer’. Chemical Communication, 2013, 49, 3851. W.Y. Song, C. Popa, A.P.J. Jansen, Emiel J.M. Hensen, ‘Formation of a Rhodium Surface Oxide Film in Rhn/CeO2(111) Relevant for Catalytic CO Oxidation: A Computational Study’. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 22904. W.Y. Song, Emiel J.M. Hensen, ‘A computational DFT study of CO oxidation on a Au nanorod supported on CeO2(110): on the role of the support termination’. Catalysis Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00319A.

46 |


CFD modeling for the optimization of a flame ionization sensor

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

N (Nico) Speelman

Project aim

JA van Oijen LPH de Goey

The purpose of this research is to develop a combustion control and diagnostics sensor based on flame ionization for condensing boiler applications. The flame ionization sensor measures the electrical conduction of the charged species generated during the combustion process to detect flashback and combustion instabilities, and to monitor equivalence ratio. In particular, the focus is on developing models to integrate the electric field emanating from the electrode with the lean premixed combustion process and ion reaction/transport submodels to simulate the electrode test results and optimize its position and shape.



N Speelman

The project was started in October 2010 and since then literature in the field of combustion in the presence of electrical fields has been studied. The electrical potential calculation has been incorporated into the existing one-dimensional model through Poisson’s equation together with models for electrically charged species. The one-dimensional numerical model is currently being validated especially with regards to its boundary conditions. Furthermore a basic implementation of a flamelet-based chemistry model (FGM) in the commercial solver used by Bosch Thermotechnik has been realized. The theoretical extension to the inclusion of electric fields and charged species has been made, but furthering this awaits validation of the one-dimensional model.

Project leaders

Cooperations Bosch Thermotechnik

Funded by Bosch Thermotechnik

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2010 (October)

Scientific publications Speelman, N., Oijen, J.A. van & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Development of a flame ionization model for the prediction of electric currents in methane-air flames. Oral: Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2013 (ECM), 25-28 June 2013, Lund, Sweden, (pp. P2-84).

Information JA van Oijen +31 (0)40 247 3133

Annual Research Report 2013

| 47


Non-oxidative methane dehydroaromatization

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

CHL (Christiaan) Tempelman

Project aim


The aim of the project is to improve catalysts for the valorization of cheap natural gas into high value aromatics which can act as fuel and chemical feedstock. This is very much desired to monetize on the vast reserves of natural gas in remote areas. The construction of logistic facilities like pipelines to transport methane to the civilized world is usually not economically feasible unless very large gas fields are exploited. Altenatively, the non-oxidative methane dehydroaromatization reaction (MDA) converting low-value methane towards high-value liquid benzene (figure b) could be an interesting alternative. The specific catalyst studied in this process is a Molybdenum-modified ZSM-5 zeolite which is unfortunately prone to fast deactivation. In this project the reason for deactivation is investigated using a broad range of characterization techniques. Furthermore, alternative zeolites and catalyst preparation methods are proposed to improve the stability and selectivity.

Various European Partners Bayer Technology services


Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants CHL Tempelman

Funded by EU FP7 integrated project NEXT-GTL

Funding % per money stream EU

100 %

Start of the project 2010

The main challenge in the MDA reaction is to reduce the deactivation of the catalyst. Therefore progress was made in the understanding of the deactivation mechanism and improvement of the catalytic performance. The formation of polyaromatic carbon deposits (hard coke) blocking the micropores were found to be the main reason for catalyst deactivation. The Brønsted Acid Sites (BAS) located at the external surface were identified as the cause for the polyaromatic carbon formation. Hence, to improve catalytic performance, the reduction of hard coke formation was identified to be the most obvious solution. The external surface BAS were deactivated by silylation, depositing a small amount of SiO2 at these BAS. It was found that the benzene selectivity was increased substantially for both microporous and hierarchical catalysts (figure a) after deactivation of the externally located BAS.

Information (a)

EJM Hensen +31 (0)40-2475178


Figure: Graphical abstract containing (a) the benzene selectivity and the (b) MDA reaction scheme

Scientific publications Koekkoek, A.J.J., Tempelman, C.H.L., Degirmenci, V., Guo, M., Feng, Z., Li, C. & Hensen, E.J.M. (2011). Hierarchical zeolites prepared by organosilane templating: a study of the synthesis mechanism and catalytic activity. Catalysis Today, 168(1), 96-111. Oral presentations: NCCC XIII, 11-13 March 2013, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands. EnMAT II Karlsruhe, 11-16 May 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany. Europacat, 1-7 September 2013, Lyon, France. Poster presentations: International Zeolite Conference, 7-12 July 2013, Moscow (Russia).

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Biomass to Biofuels

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders LPH de Goey MD Boot

M (Miao) Tian

Project aim Conversely, in this PhD project we reverse engineer, from the engine’s perspective, which compounds should ideally be added to conventional fossil fuels to arrive at a more favorable overall engine performance (i.e. in terms of fuel economy and emissions). Second, a production route from biomass should be developed to produce these desired compounds from biomass. This project builds further on existing knowledge that so-called cyclic oxygenates should be targeted, specifically from lignin, a renewable waste-stream available in large volumes in the paper industry.

Progress Participants

Literature review on knock phenomenon and installation of Volvo test engine.

M Tian

Publications Cooperations -


Funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC)

Funding % per money stream Scholarship 100 %

Start of the project 2012 (September)

Information MD Boot m.d.boot@tue. nl

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Dynamics of droplets in turbulent sprays

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders HJH Clercx GJF van Heijst W van de Water

DD (Dennis) van der Voort

Project aim This subproject of the DROP programme mainly concerns an experimental study of the dynamics of droplets in turbulent sprays and flows. In the field of direct injection engines, there is a great need for optical techniques to characterize the dynamics of the droplet breakup in a turbulent jet spray. Using a spectroscopic method using phosphorescent droplets and tiny fluorescent tracer particles, the turbulent velocity field and concentration field of the droplets will be measured. In addition, the effects of gravity and droplet size distributions in homogeneous and isotropic flows will be investigated with an already working experimental setup.



Over the past months an experimental setup has been created to create sprays with sufficient Weber numbers to be comparable to diesel injection sprays. A novel setup has been created to excite the phosphorescent fluid inside the capillary of the nozzle. Successful recordings have been made of the high speed jets. However, the long exposure time of the camera/intensifier resulted in streak lines in the images. Using different high speed camera’s, this is currently being resolved.

TU/e-Mechanical Engineering (NJ Dam )

Scientific publications

Participants DD van der Voort H Bocanegra Evans

Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2013

Information W van de Water +31 (0)40 2473443 HJH Clercx +31 (0)40 2472680

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Atomic layer deposition of noble metal nanoparticles

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders MWW Kessels M Verheijen A Bol

Participants MJ Weber

Project aim Supported noble metal nanoparticles are known to be very efficient catalysts, which enable the reduction of energy use in chemical industry and the development of new products. The aim of this PhD project is the development, characterization and understanding of noble metal atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes. The nucleation stages of palladium and platinum thermal and plasmaassisted ALD processes are investigated and used in order to deposit nanoparticles on oxide substrates. ALD is a promising technique to synthesize these nanocatalysts. The versatility of this innovative approach led to the development of an innovative process enabling the synthesis of bimetallic Pd/Pt and Pt/Pd core-shell structured nanoparticles. This type of nanostructures exhibit excellent catalytic performance for oxygen reduction and for methanol electro-oxidation, which are two key reactions in methanol fuel cells.


Cooperations Marie Curie ENHANCE projects

Funded by FP7-ERC-Initial Training Network

Funding % per money stream EU

MJ (Matthieu) Weber

100 %

In the first year, I developed palladium metal ALD processes, both thermal and plasma assisted. Although ALD is a thin film deposition technique, many metals have however the tendency to form highly dispersed nanoparticles on oxide substrates during the initial stage of the ALD process. My research in the second year was more focused on the study of the synthesis of these nanoparticles. The nucleation of palladium and platinum ALD have been investigated, and a proof-of-concept allowing for the synthesis of bimetallic core/shell structured nanoparticles has been developed. This research work has been enriched and made possible by the collaboration with other group members and by the participation to different training and teaching activities, workshops, and international conferences.

Start of the project 2010

Information MJ Weber

Scientific publications Matthieu Weber et al., Supported Core/Shell Bimetallic Nanoparticles Synthesis by Atomic Layer Deposition. Chemistry of Materials 24, 15, 2973 (2012).

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Dynamics, collisions and coalescence of droplets in turbulence

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders HJH Clercx GJF van Heijst

MA (Altug) Yavuz

Project aim In this experimental project the motion of droplets with diameter of 10 to 50 micrometer in an airfilled turbulence chamber are tracked with 3D particle tracking velocimetry (PTV). The focus is on interactions between droplets (collision or coalescence) and the effect of gravity. We also study the evolution in time of the droplet size distribution with phase-Doppler anemometry (PDA). Turbulence-induced droplet coalescence is the process responsible for rapid precipitation formation; it is, however, not well understood.

Progress Participants MA Yavuz MAT van Hinsberg PRJ Kunnen F Toschi

The turbulence chamber manufactured and first PIV measurements performed in order to see the turbulence characteristics of the setup. Also some preliminary tests performed with different methods that are our candidates to detect the number of collision events in a fully developed turbulence. These methods are Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and chemiluminescence techniques and preliminary tests showed both are quiet promising for our aim.

Cooperations BJ Geurts (UT) D Lohse (UT) BJ Boersma (TUD) RF Mudde (TUD) L Portela (TUD) J Westerweel (TUD)

Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information HJH Clercx +31 (0)40 2472680 RPJ Kunnen +31 (0)40 2473194

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Demonstration of turbulence chamber which is in use of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements that is for turbulence characterization.

Scientific publications MA Yavuz, R Kunnen, HJH Clercx, GJF van Heijst, Bringing clouds into our lab, ‘Particles in Turbulence’ Workshop, TU Eindhoven, July 2013. MA Yavuz, R Kunnen, HJH Clercx, Tracking glowing particles, Lorentz centre workshop ‘Particles in Turbulence’, Leiden, May 2012.


Towards clean diesel engine combustion

Mechanical Engineering

(Sub project: PCCI Spray Combustion in High Pressure Cell)

Research theme

PhD student

Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

M (Miao) Yu

Project aim

LPH de Goey NJ Dam CCM Luijten

Premixed charge compression ignition (PCCI) is a promising combustion strategy for engines, since it enables to realize very low soot and nitric oxide emissions while maintaining high fuel efficiency. To obtain a more detailed understanding of the PCCI combustion process, we aim to investigate a limit set of fuel spray mixing/reacting events. The objectives include: x Characterization of the temperature field prior to fuel injection (using thermographic phosphor); x Characterization of the temperature field during/after injection (using toluene LIF); x Build an experimental database for numerical models.



M Yu

Lund University Radboud University Nijmegen DAF Shell global solutions Wärtsilä TNO

In November 2012, the sub project on PCCI Spray combustion in the Eindhoven High Pressure Cell (EHPC) was succesfully finished with the defense of Miao Yu, MSc. The temperature field in the EHPC prior to fuel injection has been studied using thermographic phosphors. It was the first time that this method was succesfully deployed in the gas phase. The temperature field during spray injection has been studied using toluene-LIF (laser induced fluorescence), in a joint effort with ir. RPC Zegers, who studied the same technique for application in an optical engine. An assessment of the toluene-LIF method and first results were the subject of a second paper. Both papers were submitted for publication in ‘Applied Physics B: lasers and optics’, and have in the meantime been accepted for publication.


Scientific publications


Lipzig, J.P.J. van, Yu, M., Dam, N.J., Luijten, C.C.M., de Goey L.P.H. (2013). Gas phase thermometry in a high pressure cell using BaMgAl10O17:Eu as a thermographic phosphor. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics). Zegers, R.P.C., Yu, M., Bekdemir, C., Dam, N.J., Luijten, C.C.M, Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Temperature measurements of the gas-phase during surrogate diesel injection using two-color toluene LIF. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. Yu, M. (2012, November 19). Two dimensional gas temperature measurements of fuel sprays in a high pressure cell. TUE: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (125 pag.) (Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven). Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. L.P.H. de Goey, C.C.M. Luijten & dr. N.J. Dam.

Project leader


Funding % per money stream NWO (Senter novem) Industry, GTI, EU

Start of the project 2007


85 % 15 %

Miao Yu +31 (0)40 2475995

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Towards novel solid acids: exploring zirconosilicates and other promising materials

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EJM Hensen

C (Chaochao) Yue

Project aim Solid acids find widespread use in refining, gas conversion and chemical processes. Some inorganic materials with the structure of octahedral-tetrahedral display strong Brønsted acidity and exhibit more favorable properties than zeolites towards transport of reactant and product molecules. In this project, zirconium silicate based on tetrahedral SiO4 and octahedral ZrO6 will be firstly synthesized by using template. Mixed oxides NbWx will be prepared and their acid activities will be tested by the hydroismerization of n-heptane.



C Yue

Zirconium silicate with the structure of tetrahedral SiO4 and octahedral ZrO6 was synthesized in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide. The obtained zirconosilicate has good activities on the isomerization of glucose to fructose. Mixed oxides NbWx with different ratio of W to Nb were prepared at different temperature. By addition of novel metal Pd, the obtained NbWx prepared at 450oC show high activities on the hydroismerization of n-heptane which is linked to the presence of amounts of Brønsted acid sites. The mechanism of the acidic active sites formation is shown as in the figure:

Cooperations Shell

Funded by Shell

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

Figure: Mechanism for the formation of Brønsted acid sites

Scientific publications Yue, C., Magusin, P.C.M.M., Mezari, B., Rigutto, M.S. & Hensen, E.J.M., 'Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of a layered zirconium silicate', Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 180, 48-55. Yue, C., Rigutto, M.S. & Hensen, E.J.M., 'Direct dehydration of glucose to HMF by NbWx mixed oxides', oral presentation, 14th Netherlands' Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC XIV), 1113 March 2013, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.

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Towards clean diesel engine combustion

Mechanical Engineering

(Sub project: Characterization of PCCI combustion and mixture stratification in an optically accessible engine)

Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders LPH de Goey NJ Dam CCM Luijten

Participants RPC Zegers

Cooperations Radboud University Nijmegen DAF Shell global solutions Wärtsilä TNO

Funded by STW

Funding % per money stream NWO (FOM, STW) 90 % Industry, GTI, EU 10 %

Start of the project 2007

Information RPC Zegers +31 (0) 40 247 2393

PhD student RPC (Ron) Zegers

Project aim Premixed charge compression ignition (PCCI) is a promising combustion strategy for engines, since it enables to realize very low soot and nitric oxide emissions while maintaining high fuel efficiency. To achieve PCCI combustion with limited heat release rates, the influence of charge stratification on combustion was investigated. The mixing process is investigated by measuring in-cylinder velocities during fuel injection using high speed particle image velocimetry (HS-PIV). In-cylinder temperatures are measured using Toluene Laser induced fluorescence. PCCI combustion has been further studied by determining flame position versus ignition delay using high speed OH chemiluminescence.

Progress In 2012, the results of this project were finalized and described in the PhD thesis of RPC Zegers, which he defended in August. All experiments were already finished in the course of 2011. The HSPIV results during injection of fuel were published in Experiments in fluids. The work on toluene LIF was published in Applied Physics B: lasers and optics, combining the results with those of the subproject of M Yu, who used the same method for temperature characterization of fuel sprays in a high pressure cell.

Scientific publications Zegers, R.P.C., Yu, M., Bekdemir, C., Dam, N.J., Luijten, C.C.M, Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Temperature measurements of the gas-phase during surrogate diesel injection using two-color toluene LIF. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. Zegers, R.P.C. (2012, August 28). Unraveling advanced compression ignition combustion using optical diagnostics. TUE: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (122 pag.) (Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven). Prom./coprom.: prof.dr. L.P.H. de Goey, C.C.M. Luijten & dr. N.J. Dam. Zegers, R.P.C., Luijten, C.C.M., Dam, N.J. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). Pre- and post-injection flow characterization in a heavy-duty diesel engine using high-speed PIV. Experiments in Fluids, 53(3), 731-746. Zegers, R., Aussems, J., Somers, L., Dam, N.J., Luijten, C.C.M., Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). Correlating Flame Location and Ignition Delay in Partially Premixed Combustion, SAE Technical Paper 2012-011579.

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Nanostructured transition metal oxide films for photocatalysis

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants Y Zhang

Cooperations Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China

Funded by KNAW Programme Strategic Alliances, China

Funding % per money stream NWO

100 %

Y (Yi) Zhang

Project aim Nowadays to find a new energy source becomes a stressing issue due to the depletion of conventional fossil fuels. Photocatalytic water splitting is an environmental-friendly technology to produce hydrogen by using a sustainable energy resource. To perform water splitting under visible light, a common strategy is to dope nitrogen into photocatalysts to increase the visible light harvesting. On the other hand, noble metal/metal oxide nanoparticle modification of semiconductor is also an important method of improving photocatalytic activity. The aim of the project includes (a) systematically investigations of the effects of doped nitrogen content and oxidation states in terms of different experimental parameters during chemical and physical treatments, and (b) studies of nanoparticle structure sensitivity on photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic performance of semiconductor materials.

Progress The recent project was cooperated with Applied Physics department to synthesize a thin layer of TiO2-xNx on top of calcined titanium foils and TiO2 nanotubular arrays by plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition (PA-ALD). Different N contents and chemical bond configurations were obtained by varying the carrier gas (O2 or N2) and the plasma time (2 to 20 s). On calcined titanium foil, a positive effect from nitrogen doping on photocurrent density is observed for O2 as the carrier gas with short plasma time (5 and 10 s). Such effect correlates with the presence of interstitial N state with a binding energy of 400 eV (Ninterst). Longer plasma times or the use of N2 as carrier gas give rise to N state with a binding energy at 396 eV (Nsubst) and very low photocurrents.

Start of the project


EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178


blank1 after PE-ALD (O2 flow) after PE-ALD (N2 flow)

14 12 10




6 0.010 4 0.005

2 0



Surface nitrogen content (at%)


Photocurrent Density(mA/cm2)


1 blank

2 2s

3 5s

4 10s

5 20s





Figure: Relation of surface nitrogen content, Ninterst fraction of the total N and photocurrent density as a function of the deposition condition for PA-ALD of TiO2-xNx thin layer on calcined Ti foil.

Scientific publications Zhang, Y., Ma, Q., Gao, L. & Hensen, E.J.M. (2013). Preparation and photoelectrochemical properties of nitrogen doped nanotubular TiO2 arrays. Applied Surface Science, 282, 174-180. Oral presentation: Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition of N-doped TiO2 thin layers on TiO2 nanotubes, Y. Zhang, A. El Boukili, M. Creatore, Q.-B. Ma, E.J.M. Hensen, 2nd International Summer School, Catalysis for sustainability, Rolduc Abbey, 23-26 June 2013, Kerkrade, the Netherlands. Poster presentation: PEALD of N-doped TiO2 thin layers on TiO2 nanotubes for PEC water splitting, Y. Zhang. A. El Boukili, M. Creatore, Q.-B. Ma, E.J.M. Hensen, XIVth N3C, March 11-13, 2013, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands.

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Numerical research of lean combustion in micro gas turbine

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Y (Yuchun) Zhao

Project aim The aim of this project is to study the fluid and combustion in micro gas turbine to reduce NOx emission, improve combustion status and increase efficiency. Optimal injection location will be found to make air and gas mixed well and lean combustion in small scale combustor will be developed to achieve the low NOx emission of the value below 10 ppm.

Project leaders RJM Bastiaans LPH de Goey V Kornilov



Scientific publications

Y Zhao


Numerical methods (Fluent) are being explored to calculate the fluid status in the combustor to find optimal injection location which will reduce NOx emission.

Cooperations -

Funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC)

Funding % per money stream Scholarship 100 %

Start of the project 2012

Information Yuchun Zhao +31 (0)40 2472877

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Emission reduction in compression-ignition engines by fuel tuning

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

L (Lei) Zhou

Project aim

L Zhou

In order to adopt appropriate bio-fuels as alternatives of diesel for lower soot emission, this project is focused on the exploration of the mechanisms of soot formation by using advanced measurement methods by combining fundamental investigation and application research. The fundamental research is accomplished by a special designed High Pressure Vessel and Burner (HPVB) with an optical accessibility for laser diagnostic techniques. It provides capabilities of burning vaporized liquid fuels in laminar diffusion flames and research focuses on the impact of fuel molecular structures on the sooting tendencies of relevant fuels and bio-fuels. Besides, the HPVB setup is designed to allow measurements at elevated pressures. For the prospective of applications of relevant fuels in compression ignition engines, the research is focused on the effect of molecular structures on the soot-NOx emissions trade-off and corresponding engine performance. This is realized by means of experiments on a modified DAF heavy-duty diesel engine.



Project leaders LPH de Goey NJ Dam MD Boot


Technical University of Munich Denmark Technical University

Funded by TU/e, European Graduate School on Sustainable Energy

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information Lei Zhou +31 (0)40 2475995

Soot volume fraction measurements in laminar diffusion flames of n-heptane from atmospheric to elevated pressure by Laser Induced Incandescence (LII) and Line-Of-Sight Attenuation (LOSA) have been finalized. Moreover, in order to evaluate the effect of molecular structures on the soot formation of laminar diffusion flames at elevated pressure, fuels with two kinds of molecular structures, straight line and cyclic, have been studied. Fuels in question here are from the nonoxygenates group: n-hexane and cyclohexane, and the oxygenates group: 1-hexanol and cyclohexanol. Using a particular designed ‘doped flame’ system, sooting tendencies of laminar diffusion flames of these fuels blended in n-heptane at elevated pressure have been measured. In addition, the effect of the molecular structure of the bio-fuels on emission performance in a heavyduty diesel engine, where the same group of the fuels which was studied in HPVB has been used. Then, as an extended research on bio-fuels from 2nd generation biomass, three lignin-derived aromatic oxygenates, including anisole, benzyl alcohol and 2-phenyl ethanol, have been presented, and the effect of the position of oxygen group to the aromatic ring on emission performance in a diesel engine has been investigated not only at one fixed engine operation points, but also on a wider engine operation range which is realized by (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) EGR sweeps and load sweeps. Furthermore, a comparison of emission performance between 2-phenyl ethanol belonging to aromatic oxygenates and cyclohexane ethanol belonging to saturated cyclic oxygenate in a diesel engine has been studied and discussed. th Public defense: September 30 , 2013.

Scientific publications Zhou, L. (2013). Emission reduction in compression-ignition engines by fuel tuning. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: prof.dr. L.P.H. de Goey, dr. N.J. Dam & M.D. Boot). Zhou, L., Boot, M.D. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Gasoline – ignition improver – oxygenate blends as fuels for advanced compression ignition combustion. SAE Technical Papers:2013-01-0529 Zhou, L., Boot, M.D. & Johansson, B.H. (2013). Comparison of emissions and performance between saturated cyclic oxygenates and aromatics in a heavy-duty diesel engine. Fuel, 113, 239-247. Zhou, L., Dam, N.J., Boot, M.D. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). Measurements of sooting tendency in laminar diffusion flames of n-heptane at elevated pressure. Combustion and Flame, 160(11), 25072516. Zhou, L., Boot, M.D. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2013). The effect of molecular structure on emissions and performance of a heavy-duty compression-ignition engine. SAE Technical Papers: 2013-01-2693. Zhou Lei, Boot, M.D. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). The effect of the position of oxygen group to the aromatic ring to emission performance in a heavy-duty biodiesel engine. SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. November 2012 5:1216-1239. Zhou Lei, Boot, M.D., Luijten, C.C.M., Leermakers, C.A.J., Dam, N.J. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). Emission performance of lignin-derived cyclic oxygenates in a heavy-duty diesel engine. SAE Technical Papers, 2012-01-1056. Zhou Lei, Dam, N.J. & Goey, L.P.H. de (2012). Soot/PAHs Measurements in Laminar Diffusion Flames of Pre-vaporized Liquid Fuels. Poster presented at the 34th International Symposium on Combustion, 29 July -3 August. 2012, Warsaw, Poland, (pp. W4P037). Warsaw. The Combustion Institute.

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Mesopore generation in zeolites with applications in catalysis

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme Ŷ Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

X (Xiaochun) Zhu

Project aim


Amongst the current developments in the field of hierarchical pore structures, the introduction of mesopores in zeolite crystals is the most frequently employed way to combine micropores with mesopores in one material and promote the properties of catalysts. Mesopores can be created via several routes from which acid leaching and base leaching are the most frequently applied. However, the selective removal of framework Al or Si by acid or alkali will change the structure properties and lead to a decrease in crystallinity. Novel approach using templates that create mesopores during synthesis have recently been launched. This strategy enables one to tune the mesoporosity, size, shape, and connectivity of the mesopore system in the zeolite by choosing the proper templates. The application of this technology is sought in improvement of catalyst stability for the conversion of methanol to olefins, in essence a flexible process to convert feedstock including coal, gas, oil and biomass to building blocks for the polymer industry.

Utrecht University TU Delft


Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants X Zhu

Funded by Government of China (CSC)

Funding % per money stream Scholarship 100 %

A set of highly crystallized mesoporous SSZ-13 was successfully synthesized in the presence of a diquarternary ammonium template C22-4-4·Br2 and fluoride anion. All catalysts have similar Si/Al ratio, Brønsted acid sites density and same acid strength. With the adding of fluoride in the synthesis, the obtained SSZ-13 showed lower intensity of internal silanols and higher resistance to the deactivation than the Reference SSZ-13. Mesoporous SSZ-13 zeolites have more shortened diffusion length which gives rise to the maximum lifetime (14 hours) in the MTO reaction.

Start of the project 2011

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40-2475178

Figure: Catalytic performance in the MTO reaction (WHSV = 0.8 g g-1 h-1; T = 350 Ԩ) of zeolites.

Scientific publications X. Zhu, L. Wu, E.J.M. Hensen, ‘Improved SSZ-13 zeolite catalysts for the Methanol-to-Olefin reaction’, oral presentation, XIth European Congress on Catalysis, 1-6 September 2013, Lyon, France.

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3.2 Research projects ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

We are moving towards a society that runs on materials, not on fossil fuels.

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Particle-particle interaction in biomass co-firing power plants

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders JGM Kuerten

Participants A Awasthi

A (Abhijay) Awasthi

Project aim A computational method will be developed to simulate the combined combustion of biomass and coal in biomass co-fired power plants. Realistic operation conditions of power plants involve particle -4 volume fractions (typically 3x10 ) that require incorporation of two-way interaction between particles and surrounding gas in terms of mass, momentum and energy, and particle-particle interaction by radiative heat transfer. The method enables optimization of the combustion time, ash quality and emissions of the power plant by varying the particle composition and size. Effects of increased biomass fraction on the process efficiency will be quantified.

Progress The project just started.

Cooperations Shell BJ Geurts (UT)

Scientific publications -

Funded by FOM Shell

Funding % per money stream NWO Industry

50 % 50 %

Start of the project 2013

Information JGM Kuerten +31 (0)40 2472362

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Department Mechanical Engineering

Effects of cross-section variation and bubble-bubble interaction on bubble detachment in convective flow

Research theme

PhD students

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

CHM (Coen) Baltis JL (Julian) Desmarais

Project aim

Project leaders

The effect of flow on boiling bubble detachment from a heated plane wall is investigated for the effects mentioned in the title. Experiments serve to validate a model based on the diffuse interface method that will be further developed.

CWM van der Geld JGM Kuerten


Participants CHM Baltis J Desmarais

Cooperations DAF Spirotech B.V.

Funded by

Scientific publications


Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information CWM van der Geld +31 (0)40 2472923

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In 2012 a start has been made with the development of a multi-scale method for phase-transitional flow in which the small scales are modeled by the diffuse interface model. To this end open boundary conditions for this model have been developed based on extensions of the characteristic method and the method of perfectly matched layers. In 2012 a new measuring technique of instantaneous temperature fields in liquid, based on the use of phosphoric tracers, has been further developed and a paper has been written about it. A new test section with multiple bubble generators at artificial sites has been commissioned. The electric conditioning has been further developed with modern electric components. The analyzing technique of axisymmetric bubbles has been published in 2012.

Geld, C.W.M. van der, Colin, C., Segers, Q.I.E., Pereira da Rosa, V.H., & Yoshikawa, H.N., 2012, Forces on a boiling bubble in a developing boundary layer, in microgravity with g-jitter and in terrestrial conditions. Physics of Fluids, 24 (8), 082104-1/29.


Humidity harvesting using water vapor selective membranes

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

D (Daniel) Bergmair

Project aim

Project leaders

Design and optimize a wind driven humidity harvesting device with the use of water-vapor selective membranes. For this purpose a thermodynamic model has to be built by which the optimal design can be determined as well as the linking of this design to the already existing components. A lab scale model should serve to validate the thermodynamic model and design choices which should eventually be upscaled to a demo- and a full scale system.

HC de Lange AA van Steenhoven


Participants D Bergmair H Ouwerkerk

Cooperations Wetsus - Center of Excellence for Ssustainable Water Technology

Funded by

A simulation model for the movement of a diluted gas (water vapor) in a hollow fiber membrane was further developed. The routine based on the statistical representation of numerous molecules by simulation particles (Statistical Particle Displacement Model) allows for the prediction of the water vapor concentration distribution within, and the permeation out of a fiber (see figure). The result was compared to commercial CFD software and submitted to the CMES journal Furthermore the water vapor transport towards the condenser on the permeate side for various input parameters was analyzed. One of the options more closely considered was working with different permeate-side pressures while maintaining the driving force across the membrane via a recirculation stream. To validate these considerations an experimental setup has been built, and different selective coatings for membrane modules are tried.


Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information HC de Lange +31 (0)40 2472129

Figure: Water vapor concentration in hollow fiber membranes with various permeabilities (P in Barrer)

Scientific publication Bergmair, D; Metz, S J; Lange, H C de; Steenhoven, A.A. van (2012). Modeling of a water vapor selective membrane unit to increase the energy efficiency of humidity harvesting. 6th European Thermal Sciences Conference (Eurotherm 2012), Poitiers, France. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 395 (2012) 012161.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 65


Surface Passivation by Al2O3-based Film Stacks for Si Solar Cells

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders WMM Kessels

Participants S Bordihn

Cooperations Hanwha Q Cells GmbH – Germany

S (Stefan) Bordihn

Project aim The aim of this project is to investigate the surface passivation performance of Al2O3-based stacks with the purpose to use these stacks as a dielectric rear side passivation material in next-generation industrial solar cells. The impact of established manufacturing steps on the performance of Al2O3based stacks is studied, i.e. the effect of pre-deposition cleaning steps, deposition conditions and post-deposition temperature treatments. In particular, the surface passivation mechanism is addressed to gain a more fundamental understanding. The passivation by Al2O3-stacks is also + studied on highly doped n -type Si surfaces as this surface type is an essential part of Si solar cells. The optimal layer thicknesses of Al2O3/SiNx stacks are evaluated by means of combined optical and electrical simulations. Furthermore the performance of the investigated Al2O3-based stacks will be demonstrated on solar cell device level.


In last year the experimental work has been finished and the focus was set on publication of the project results. The figure below illustrates a solar cell in a cross-sectional view. The structure (a) is Funded by used for the optical and the structure of (b) for electrical performance simulation, for more details Hanwha Q Cells & German Ministry for see 3rd publication below ‘Surface Passivation and Simulated Performance of Solar Cells with Environment, Nature Conservation Al O /SiN Rear Dielectric Stacks’. 2 3 x and Nuclear Safety (BMU) under Contract No. 0325150.

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information S Bordihn +49 (0)3494 6699 52118

Scientific publications S. Bordihn, V. Mertens, P. Engelhart, F. Kersten, M.M. Mandoc, J.W. Müller and W.M.M. Kessels, Surface Passivation by Al2O3 and a-SiNx:H Films Deposited on Wet-Chemically Conditioned Si Surfaces, J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 1, 6 (2013) pp. P320–P325. S. Bordihn, G. Dingemans, V. Mertens, J.W. Müller and W.M.M. Kessels, Passivation of n+-type Si Surfaces by Low Temperature Processed SiO2/Al2O3 Stacks, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 3, 3 (2013) pp. 925–929. S. Bordihn, J.A. van Delft, M.M. Mandoc, J.W. Müller and W.M.M. Kessels, Surface Passivation and Simulated Performance of Solar Cells with Al2O3/SiNx Rear Dielectric Stacks, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 3, 3 (2013) pp. 970–975. S. Bordihn, I. Kiesow, V. Mertens, P. Engelhart, J.W. Müller and W.M.M. Kessels, Impact of the Deposition and Annealing Temperature on the Silicon Surface Passivation of ALD Al2O3 Films, Energy Proc. 27 (2012) pp. 396–401. S. Bordihn, P. Engelhart, V. Mertens, G. Kesser, D. Köhn, G. Dingemans, J.W. Müller and W.M.M. Kessels, High Surface Passivation Quality and Thermal Stability of ALD Al2O3 on Wet-Chemically Grown Ultra-Thin SiO2 on Silicon, Energy Proc. 8 (2011) pp. 654–659.

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Department Applied Physics

Atomic level understanding of semiconductor/dielectric interfaces by nonlinear spectroscopy

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

REHC (Roger) Bosch

Project leaders WMM Kessels

Participants REHC Bosch

Cooperations ASM FEI Company Oxford Instruments Q-Cells SERIS

Funded by STW-Vici scheme

Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

Project aim The project focusses on the fundamental investigation of industry relevant interfaces between semiconductors and dielectrics. A well-studied example is the c-Si/Al2O3 interface, which is relevant for surface passivation layers in silicon-based solar cells. The aim is to get an atomic level understanding of defect passivation and fixed charge generation at the interface, to address the dependence of chemical and field-effect passivation on processing conditions and film properties, and to investigate the interplay between materials when combined in novel advanced passivation schemes (as used for example in hetero-junction silicon solar cells). These interface studies are carried out by nonlinear spectroscopy (in particular second-harmonic generation) and are complemented by infrared spectroscopy (in situ FTIR) and thermal programmed desorption spectroscopy.

Progress Second-harmonic generation (SHG) is a nonlinear optical technique which can be used as a contactless probe to study the properties of interfaces and surfaces. In figure below, one can see the principle of SHG, where in this example of c-Si/Al2O3 the incoming laser beam (red) generates a second-harmonic beam at the interface (blue). Within the past year a new SHG setup has been developed, with an extended wavelength range compared to the old setup. Henceforth, it is possible to determine the SH response up to a SH photon energy of 4.5 eV. Recently investigations have started with respect to the nonlinear response of atomic layer deposited ZnO. Furthermore, an in situ FTIR setup has been developed, which can be used to get more insight into the surface groups present during thin-film growth. The goal is to determine the reaction mechanism involved during the growth of a thin film by atomic layer deposition.

Start of the project 2012

Information WMM (Erwin) Kessels +31 (0)40 2473477 RHEC (Roger) Bosch +31 (0)40 2475770

Figure: Principle of Second-Harmonic Generation (SHG). In this example of Al2O3 deposited on silicon, the second-harmonic signal is generated at the c-Si/SiOx interface.

Scientific Publications -

Annual Research Report 2013

| 67


Flexible very high efficiency solar cells

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Alessandro) Cavalli

Project aim We will develop high efficiency solar cells in which the actual harvesting of the solar energy is performed in III/V semiconductor nanowires. We will investigate the light management in these nanowire solar cells using a Fourier microscope and a rotating stage setup.

Project leaders


JEM Haverkort EPAM Bakkers J Gomez-Rivas

We have developed solar cells based on NW in 111 growth direction with larger diameter, to increase the absorption of the nanowire array. We managed to obtain almost perfect homogeneity and yield of vertical nanowire growth. We have developed <100> p-n nanowires grown in the <100> direction with high yield as shown in figure (left). We achieved >80% vertical growth. We have studied the directional photoluminescence of arrays of InP nanowires, varying the nanowire diameter and inter-wire distance. We can distinguish three different regimes of light coupling to the nanowires or nanowire arrays (figure, right). Fourier microscopy has also been used to investigate the angular dependence of solar cell behaviour. We have performed the first measurements in the world of solar cell photocurrent when excited in a Fourier microscope set-up.

Participants A Cavalli D van Dam

Cooperations Philips

Funded by STW

Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

Start of the project 2012

Information JEM Haverkort +31 (0)40 2474205 EPAM Bakkers

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Scientific publications Y. Cui, J. Wang, S.R. Plissard, A. Cavalli, T.T.T. Vu, R.P.J. van Veldhoven, L. Gao, M. Trainor, M.A. Verheijen, J.E.M. Haverkort, E.P.A.M. Bakkers, Efficiency enhancement of InP nanowire solar cells by surface cleaning, Nano Lett. 2013. A. Cavalli, J. Wang, T. Vu, R. Plantenga, M.A. Verheijen, S. Plissard, J.E.M. Haverkort and E.P.A.M. Bakkers. Doping of <100> InP NW towards single crystal NW solar cells. Poster presented at the Nanowire Growth Workshop, June 10-12, 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland. J. Wang, S.R. Plissard, M.A. Verheijen, L.F. Feiner, A. Cavalli, and E.P.A.M. Bakkers, Reversible Switching of InP Nanowire Growth Direction by Catalyst Engineering, Nano Lett 2013.


Creeping Sparks

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders AJM Pemen


AV (Anna) Chvyreva

Project aim The goal of the project is to understand the mechanisms of surface flashover, which is nowadays the most critical cause of failure of all high voltage technology. Existing design rules on surface flashover are based on long experience, but not on deep scientific understanding. Within the project the macroscopic behaviour on very short (nanoseconds) times are being characterized experimentally, and new design rules will be developed. Physical understanding of processes leading to ‘creeping sparks’ is based on three stages of discharge evolution: discharge inception, streamer propagation, and formation of an electric arc. Within the research all three stages will be investigated experimentally.

AV Chvyreva

Progress Cooperations ABB Switzerland Ltd (T Christen, M Seeger) FEI Company (EGT Bosch, AAS Sluyterman)

Funded by STW ABB

Experimental set-up for investigation of discharge process under different conditions was designed and built. Experiments for breakdown voltage and time-resolved current shapes detection were performed under different conditions (Ar, N2, N2-SF6 mixtures at different pressures and SF6 concentrations). Experimental results were analyzed, providing with the data of critical voltages of inception, ionization rates, and electric field estimation. Decision was made to replace experiments for determining secondary electron emission (SEE) yield to UV-induced electron emission due to insignificance of the SEE-process under streamer conditions.

Funding % per money stream STW Industry

80 % 20 %

Start of the project 2012

Information AV (Anna) Chvyreva +31 (0)40 247 5526

Scientific publications A.Chvyreva, A.J.M. Pemen and T. Christen, Investigation of Streamer Propagation along Insulating Surfaces, Proc. 31 Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, PS2-068.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 69


Lagrangian ‘mixing analysis’ of heat transfer: a new way for thermal optimisation

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders MFM Speetjens HJH Clercx AA van Steenhoven

Participants EA Demissie

Cooperations Ö Baskan (TU/e) G Metcalfe (CSIRO-MMT, Melbourne, Australia) F Posthuma-Scholtes (Primix BV, Mijdrecht) B Ohlmeier (DSM Research, Geleen) W Maas (Mecal NV, Veldhoven) A Reusken (RWTH, Aachen, Germany)

EA (Esubalew Alemayehu) Demissie

Project aim Heat transfer admits representation in terms of the ‘motion’ of a ‘fluid’. This fundamental change in thermal modelling enables thermal analysis in terms of the thermal trajectories (thermal counterpart to fluid trajectories) by well-established – and very successful – methods from mixing studies. This Lagrangian mixing analysis of heat transfer offers promising new thermo fluidsengineering capabilities beyond those of conventional Eulerian approaches based on e.g. temperature fields. Aim of the study is further development of this concept for practical utilisation by way of representative industrial heat exchangers based on the static-mixing principle.

Progress The computational toolbox for simulation of 3D Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs) in flow fields has been extended by a volume-preserving integration algorithm. This proved essential to reliably determine LCSs. This extended toolbox has been tested on a number of analytical case studies and is currently being employed for simulation and analysis of 3D LCSs and their role in the transport properties of the Rotated Arc Mixer (RAM), a representative industrial heat-exchanger/mixer. Subjects of investigation are the role of the flow transition between consecutive mixer segments and fluid inertia on these LCSs.


Funded by STW-11054

Funding % per money stream NWO (FOM, STW) 100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Michel Speetjens +31 (0)40 2475428

b) Bifurcation in 3D Lagrangian flow structure induced by fluid inertia (Re): (a) one familiy of concentric streamtubes for Re=10; (b) multiple families of streamtubes for Re=100. Shown are 3D streamlines (left) and the corresponding cross-sections with the inlet (right). Colours indicate individual streamlines.

Scientific publications Speetjens, M.F.M. (2012). A generalised Lagrangian formalism for thermal analysis of laminar convective heat transfer. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 61, 79-93. Gorodetskyi, O., Speetjens, M.F.M. & Anderson, P.D. (2012). An efficient approach for eigenmode analysis of transient distributive mixing by the mapping method. Physics of Fluids, 24(5), 0536021/16. Metcalfe, G., Speetjens, M.F.M., Lester, D.R. & Clercx, H.J.H. (2012). Beyond passive: chaotic transport in stirred fluids. Advances in Applied Mechanics, 45, 109-188. Znaien, J.G., Speetjens, M.F.M., Trieling, R.R. & Clercx, H.J.H. (2012). On the observability of periodic lines in 3D lid-driven cylindrical cavity flows. Physical Review E, 85(6), 066320-1/14'. Speetjens, M.F.M. (2012). A Lagrangian formalism for thermal analysis of laminar convective heat transfer. Proceedings of the 6th Termal Sciences Conference (Eurotherm 2012), 4-9 September 2012, Poitiers, France, (Journal of Physics: Conference Series). IOP. Giessen, E. van der, Aref, H., Clercx, H.J.H. & Speetjens, M.F.M. (Eds.). (2012). Advances in applied mechanics. San Diego: Academic Press, 264 pp.

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Department Applied Physics

Remote plasma synthesis of silicon nanocrystals plasma processes, nanocrystal growth, and diagnosis

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

I (Ilker) Dogan

Project aim

I Dogan

The aim is to investigate novel plasma processing routes for improved growth and surface functionality of silicon nanocrystals (NCs) for photovoltaic applications. We aim for the synthesis of NCs (< 4 nm) and the optimization of the NC size distribution by controlling the residence time of the NCs in well defined, configured plasma environments. The synthesis of NCs using a plasma approach also allows new post-processing approaches to improve the NC surface passivation. The ability to process surface passivated nanocrystals with reliable optical properties is crucial in establishing silicon NC solar cell concepts based on multi-exciton-generation (MEG). This approach can result in improved stability of plasma processed thin silicon film solar cell devices with higher efficiencies, while further reduction in processing costs of thin film silicon solar cells is foreseen.




Bimodal size distribution is analyzed by means of Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy is shown to be able to distinguish small and large Si-NCs. In addition, quantitative analysis of the size distribution of small Si-NCs and volume fraction of small and large Si-NCs are successfully analyzed from Raman data. Time scale modulation of silane flow demonstrates the role of growth precursors on the formation of small and large Si-NCs. We find that ion based growth reactions are dominant in the plasma beam, where small Si-NCs are synthesized. On the other hand, radical based growth reactions are dominant in the recirculation cells where large particles are formed. We conclude that, together with shorter residence time in the plasma, a high ion to radical density ratio is essential for preventing the formation of larger nanocrystals.

Project leaders MCM van de Sanden WMM Kessels


Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information I Dogan +31 (0)6 30839504

Scientific publications Dogan, I. & Sanden, M.C.M. van de (2013). Direct characterization of nanocrystal size distribution using Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(13), 134310-1/8. Dogan, I., Kramer, N.J., Westermann, R.H.J., Dohnalova, K., Smets, A.H.M., Verheijen, M.A., Gregorkiewicz, T. & Sanden, M.C.M. van de (2013). Ultrahigh throughput plasma processing of free standing silicon nanocrystals with lognormal size distribution. Journal of Applied Physics, 113(13):134306.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 71


WETREN (WEDACS True Environment)

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

RHL (Ruud) Eichhorn

Project aim A conventional Otto (gasoline) engine is controlled by a throttle valve which induces throttle losses. These throttle losses can be recovered when the throttle valve is replaced by a turbine. The energy recovered by the turbine will be converted to electricity using a generator. The aim of the project is to develop this technology for maximum performance and controllability.

Project leaders MD Boot DMJ Smeulders

Participants RHL Eichhorn S Markinov

Progress Last year the research was focused on improving the efficiency of a Variable Geometry Turbine. Earlier it was proven that this type of turbine is best for controlling the engine but the efficiency at low load operating points was extremely low. Alternative geometries to improve the efficiency at this point were proposed and tested.

Scientific publications Cooperations Volvo

Funded by EU STW Volvo Inverto Progression Industry PsiControl

Funding % per money stream Industry EU

60 % 40 %

Start of the project 2010

Information RHL Eichhorn +31 (0)652018259

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Eichhorn, R.H.L., Willekens, T.H.W., Boot, M.D. & Smeulders, D.M.J. (2013). Experimental validation of vanes with reduced vaneless space to improve transient behavior of variable geometry turbines. SAE Technical Papers:2013-24-0121. Dijkstra, R., Boot, M.D., Eichhorn, R.H.L., Smeulders, D.M.J., Lennblad, J. & Serrarens, A.F.A. (2012). Experimental analysis of engine exhaust waste energy recovery using power turbine technology for light duty application. SAE Technical Papers: 2012-01-1749. Rijk, L. de, Eichhorn, R.H.L., Boot, M.D. & Smeulders, D.M.J. (2012). Flow analysis of a radial-inflow variable geometry turbine stator vane ring using particle image velocimetry. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 19(3), 195-213. Eichhorn, R.H.L., Boot, M.D. & Luijten, C.C.M. (2010). Throttle loss recovery using a variable geometry turbine. SAE Technical Papers, 2010-01-1441-1/19.

Department Mechanical Engineering

Characterization of the water vapor sorption process in salt hydrates used as thermochemical materials for seasonal heat storage

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

C (Clair) Ferchaud

Project leaders HA Zondag CCM Rindt

Participants C Ferchaud

Project aim A promising concept for seasonal heat storage in residential environment is based on the reversible water vapor sorption process into crystalline salt hydrates. In order to develop an adequate sorption material, identification and a control of the parameters influencing the heat and vapor transport in the material and the kinetics of reaction during the sorption process are required. It could be established during the first year of the project that two parameters influence the sorption process: the material properties of the salt hydrates and the operational conditions imposed by the storage system design (figure). Therefore, an experimental investigation was carried out to understand and control the kinetics of the process and the material stability of the salt hydrates under operating conditions of seasonal heat storage.

Cooperations ECN (Energy research Centre of the Netherlands)

Funded by ADEM Innovation Lab Program

Funding % per money stream ADEM ECN

77 % 23 %

Start of the project 2010

Information Herbert Zondag TU/e : +31 (0)40 2472719 ECN : +31 (0)224 564941

Progress The two salt hydrates MgSO4.7H2O and MgCl2.6H2O, selected prior to this study for their high theoretical energy densities, showed promising performances under operating conditions of seasonal heat storage. MgSO4.7H2O can reach a storage density in packed bed around 1 GJ/m3 during the charging phase of the material. However, the slow kinetics of reactions of the material under the operating conditions showed a low heat release during the heat discharge. MgCl2.6H2O can store and release heat with fast kinetics of reaction at adequate operating temperatures with a 3 storage density around 0.8 GJ/m . However, the material presents some issues for a long term chemical stability. Presently, a modification of the material properties of these two salt hydrates and an adjustment of the operating conditions are carried out to improve their long term storage capacity.

Scientific publications Ferchaud, C., Zondag, H.A., Veldhuis, J.B.J. & Boer, R. de (2012). Study of the reversible water vapour sorption process of MgSO4.7H2O and MgCl2.6H2O under the conditions of seasonal solar heat storage. Proceedings of the 6th European Thermal Sciences Conference (Eurotherm 2012), 4–7 September 2012, Poitiers, France. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 395, pp. 0120691/10). Bristol: IOP Publishing. Ferchaud, C., Zondag, H.A., Boer, R. de & Rindt, C.C.M. (2012). Characterization of the sorption process in thermochemical materials for seasonal solar heat storage application. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 12th International conference on Energy Storage (Innostock 2012), 16-18 May 2012, Lleida, Spain, (pp. 1-10). Ferchaud C, Zondag HA, Rubino A, de Boer R, Proceedings 450 of the 6th Heat Powered Cycle conference, HPC 2012, 10-12 September 2012, Alkmaar, NL.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 73

Department Applied Physics

Novel multifunctional antireflecting, transparent, and conductive emitters for heterojunction cells

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

HA (Henriette) Gatz

Project leaders REI Schropp

Participants HA Gatz

Cooperations Utrecht University

Funded by Technology Foundation STW

Funding % per money stream STW

Project aim Silicon heterojunction solar cells hold the potential of high efficiency at low manufacturing costs. Their main part consists of amorphous silicon layers deposited on a crystalline silicon wafer. On top of the silicon wafer a passivation layer, a thin emitter layer, and a Transparent Conductive Oxide (TCO) layer are deposited. The TCO layer acts as a perfect window for the incoming light and moreover provides sufficient conductivity to transport the current to the front contact of the cell. The commonly used TCOs have considerable disadvantages, such as a narrow range of refractive index and work function. In order to simplify the heterojunction silicon cell structure and its fabrication process, we aim to develop a novel two-phase transparent doped nanocrystalline silicon oxide (nc-SiOx:H) by a chemical vapor deposition process to replace the TCO layer and combine the properties of the emitter layer, the TCO, and the antireflective function.

Progress During the last year, the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition reactor, and the necessary characterization equipment have been set up at the High Tech Campus Eindhoven. The reactor is in the starting phase where first silicon layer are being produced and its properties and qualities are being tested by the PhD student in close collaboration with Utrecht University.

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information Henriette A Gatz +31 (0)40 2478381

Figure: illustrates of the different layers of a silicon heterojunction solar cell (drawn not to scale). On the left, the current heterojunction solar cell is shown. The proposed new heterojunction solar cell is depicted on the right. Its novel combined emitter, conduction, and antireflective function are highlighted.

Scientific publications -

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Integrated micro-fluidic cooling in laminated flexible micro-systems

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

G (Gökalp) Gürsel

Project aim

Project leaders

Electronic devices will in the future be made more and more also as flexible system-in-foil (SIF) which can contain ultra-thin (15 – 50 micron) flexible embedded silicon chips. A challenge is given by the low thermal conductivity of the very thin polymeric package aggravating the heat management problem. The aim of this project to develop an integrated micro-fluidic cooling system in a laminated flexible micro-system.

AJH Frijns AA van Steenhoven


Participants G Gürsel


Numerical method is developed to understand the working principles of Pulsating Heat Pipes. Results of this study reveal that as the diameter is decreased the oscillatory motion comes to an end due to the increased effect of shear stress. However, with enough heat flux periodic oscillatory motion can be achieved even at very small diameters. Further studies will be conducted to investigate the effect of frequency and dynamic contact angle.

Holst Centre IMEC Philips

Funded by STW

Funding % per money stream NWO (FOM, STW) 100 %

Start of the project 2011

Left, the effect of shear stress (Fʏ) and capillary (Fʍ) forces on oscillation. Right, effect of diameter on oscillation.

Information Arjan Frijns +31 (0)40 2474825

Displacement of the interface at high heat flux.

Scientific publications Gürsel, G., Frijns, A.J.H., Homburg, F.G.A. & Steenhoven, A. A. van (2012). Analysis of the onset of the oscillation motion in a pulsating heat pipe. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Microfluidics, December 3-5 2012, Heidelberg, Germany. Kalteh, M., Abbassi, A., Saffar-Avval, M., Frijns, A.J.H., Darhuber, A.A. & Harting, J.D.R. (2012). Experimental and numerical investigation of nanofluid forced convection inside a wide microchannel heat sink. Applied Thermal Engineering, 36(april), 260-268.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 75


Parallel Flux Switching Machines

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

E (Esin) Ilhan MFJ (Maarten) Kremers

Project aim


This project aims to get fundamental insight in the operation principles of parallel flux switching machines. The first ideas regarding these machines were conceived by Rauch and Johnson back in 1955. With the bipolar changes in the flux linkage and a 4-quadrant operation, these machines are next generation motors for high power density electrical drives. Application areas of these machines vary from high dynamic servo drives, high-tech automotive sector to energy sector. Two main research topics are selected being rotary and linear parallel flux switching machines. Both research directions specialize in their own path from the design rules to design tools brought to light. These tools will be beneficial to both industry and research environment.

E Ilhan MFJ Kremers


Project leaders E Lomonova JJH Paulides

Cooperations IOP-EMVT

Funded by IOP-EMVT

Funding % per money stream Industry

Electromagnetic and thermal models necessary for the design have been completed. The prototype design requirements and constraints are laid down. Based on the requirements, an initial FSPM design is proposed. The concept for the testing environment is also investigated. This part has been conducted by E. Ilhan. The expansion of the charge model to model relative permeability of the magnets to allow accurate analytical 3D modeling of the magnetic field generated by the magnets has been done in the previous period. Using this expansion of the charge model, the method is verified by modeling a transverse flux machine. This work was done by MFJ Kremers.

100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information +31 (0)40 247 5552/2310

Figure: Parallel Flux Switching Project.

Scientific publications Ilhan, E., Kremers, M.F.J., Motoasca, T.E., Paulides, J.J.H. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Nonlinear performance characteristics of flux-switching PM motors. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2013:593434. Kremers, M.F.J., Paulides, J.J.H., Ilhan, E., Janssen, J.L.G. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Relative permeability in a 3D analytical surface charge model of permanent magnets. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49(5), 2299-2302. Kremers, M.F.J., Paulides, J.J.H., Motoasca, T.E. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Analysis of a fractional slot permanent magnet machine for a series hybrid truck. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 32(1), 108-125. Kremers, M.F.J., Paulides, J.J.H., Janssen, J.L.G. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Design considerations for coreless linear actuators. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49(5), 2271-2274. Ilhan, E., Kremers, M.F.J., Motoasca, T.E., Paulides, J.J.H. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Transient thermal analysis of flux switching PM machines. Oral : Paper presented at Proceedings of the 2013 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 27-30 March 2013, Monte Carlo, Monaco, (pp. 1-7). Piscataway: IEEE Service Center.

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Molecular Simulations to study the Compact Heat Storage materials

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders CCM Rindt SV Nedea AA van Steenhoven

E (Eldhose) Iype

Project aim This study focuses on the dynamics of hydration and dehydration reactions of salt hydrates (MgSO4.7H2O, MgCl2.xH2O etc) from a molecular point of view. The project aims to identify the molecular and structural parameters which limit the kinetics and usability of salt hydrates as thermochemical heat storage materials. This study will help to classify such materials based on their storage efficiency, usability, kinetics, reusability etc. This information can be used to identify the best suitable material for thermochemical heat storage.

Participants E Iype

Cooperations M Huetter (TU/e)

Funded by European Graduate School

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information Camilo Rindt +31 (0)40 247 2978 Silvia Nedea +31 (0)40 247 5410

Figure: A snapshot of molecular dynamic simulation of MgSO4 and water system.

Progress Molecular and crystalline structures of MgSO4 hydrates have been refined using Quantum Chemical (DFT) methods. Presence of an extensive network of hydrogen bonds in the structures seem to be influencing the kinetics of hydration and dehydration reactions. Thus, the meta-stability of sulfate based hydrates can be attributed to these strong hydrogen bonds. A reactive molecular dynamics force-field is developed using a newly developed application of Metropolis Monte-Carlo algorithm with simulated annealing. DFT data such as optimized geometries, equations of states, binding energy etc were used for parameterizing the force-field. The force-field appeared to reproduce the characteristics of the complicated potential energy surface of magnesium sulfate-water system. Simulation results show evidences for the decomposition of water molecules during the dehydration process. It also reproduces the famous Topley-Smith effect in the dehydration simulations of MgSO4. More simulations are being performed to investigate the details of molecular and structure changes during hydration and dehydration reactions.

Scientific publications Iype, E., Hütter, M., Jansen, A.P.J., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V. & Rindt, C.C.M. (2013). Parameterization of a reactive force field using a monte carlo algorithm. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 34(13), 1143-1154. Smeets, B., Iype, E., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V., Zondag, H.A. & Rindt, C.C.M. (2013). A DFT based equilibrium study on the hydrolysis and the dehydration reactions of MgCl2 hydrates. Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(12):124312. Zhang, H., Iype, E., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V. & Rindt, C.C.M. (2013). Molecular dynamics study on thermal dehydration process of epsomite (MgSO4.7H2O). Molecular Simulation, accepted or in press. Iype, E., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V., Rindt, C.C.M., Steenhoven, A.A. van, Zondag, H.A. & Jansen, A.P.J. (2012). DFT study on characterization of hydrogen bonds in the hydrates of MgSO4. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(35), 18584-18590. Iype, E., Arlemark, E., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V., Rindt, C.C.M. & Zondag, H.A. (2012). Molecular dynamics simulation of heat transfer through a water layer between two platinum slabs. 6th European Thermal Sciences Conference (Eurotherm 2012), Poitiers, France, (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 395, pp. 012111). IOP Publishing. Iype, E., Ozen, C., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V., Rindt, C.C.M. & Zondag, H.A. (2012). Quantum chemical analysis of the structures of MgSO4 hydrates. Proceedings of the 12th International conference on Energy Storage (Innostock 2012), 16-18 May 2012, Lleida, Spain.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Microchannel Cooling

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders AJH Frijns AA van Steenhoven

Participants J Kim SV Gaastra-Nedea

Cooperations University of Stratchclyde, UK (J Reese, Y Zhang) INFICON, Liechtenstein (M West)

J (Junghan) Kim

Project aim There is a tendency that mechanical and electrical component become smaller and smaller. Since most components produce heat when operating, local, enhanced microchannel cooling becomes essential in order to ensure its performance and to ensure the life span of such a micro-component. Macroscopic models for heat transfer are not sufficient to describe the cooling mechanisms on this scale anymore. Therefore particle-based models have to be used. The goal of this project is to study the convective heat transfer and evaporative cooling in micro-devices by Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) techniques and to develop a multi-scale simulation method.

Progress Interaction between water and Silicon/Silica are very often present in many applications from the semiconductor industry. To accurately simulate these interactions on larger scale, tabulated models for the interactions between these molecules have been developed. Firstly, a new model for water was developed by tabulated potential using ReaxFF including hydrogen bonding energy. Water model was optimized in order to match the experimental results of diffusion coefficient and density.

Funded by GASMEMS (Marie-Curie, PF7)

Funding % per money stream University 25 % EU 75 %

Start of the project 2009

Information Arjan Frijns +31 (0)40 247 4825

Figure: MD simulation of new water model to calculate liquid density of a water droplet (left), a development of tabulated potential for silicon wall and water atom interaction (right). Secondly, a new implicit potential wall model has been developed by tabulating the ReaxFF potential between bulk wall molecules and one water atom. Silicon and Silica were modeled by using this method. Contact angle simulations were performed in order to optimize the potentials by configuring the energy well depth.

Scientific publications Kim, J., Frijns, A.J.H., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V. & Steenhoven, A.A. van (2013). Geometry effects on rarefied nanochannel flows. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 15(5), 661-673. Kim, J., Frijns, A.J.H., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V. & Steenhoven, A.A. van (2012). Pressure calculations in nanochannel gas flows. 1st European Conference on Gas Micro Flows (GasMems 2012), (362). Bristol: IOP Science. Kim, J., Frijns, A.J.H., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V. & Steenhoven, A.A. van (2012). Effects of expansion flow in nanochannels. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Microfluidics (Microfluidics 2012), 3-5 December 2012, Heidelberg, Germany, (pp. FLU12-182-1/10). Kim, J., Frijns, A.J.H., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V. & Steenhoven, A.A. van (2012). The effects of geometry and Knudsen numbers on micro- and nanochannel flows. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels (ICNMM 2011), June 19-22, 2011, Edmonton, Canada, (pp. 1-8). ASM. Akker, E.A.T. van den, Frijns, A.J.H., Kunkelmann, C., Hilbers, P.A.J., Stephan, P. & Steenhoven, A.A. van (2012). Molecular dynamics simulation of the microregion. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 59, 21-28. Frijns, A.J.H., Valougeorgis, D., Colin, S. & Baldas, L. (Eds.). (2012). Proceedings 1st European Conference on Gas Micro Flows (GasMems 2012). Bristol: IOP Science.

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Control of Transitional Flow

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

J (Joy) Klinkenberg

Project aim Bypass transition of a boundary layer takes place at high mainstream turbulence levels. It is governed by the intrusion of non-linear disturbances into the viscous sublayer. This study aims at understanding the nature of the transition process and the control of the transition process.

Project leaders


HC de Lange AA van Steenhoven

Flows laden with hard, spherical particles have been considered as control of transitional channel flow. Numerical analysis of a channel flow has been performed using both modal and non-modal analysis for heavy and light particles to investigate the initial stages to transition using a two-fluid model. Another aspect we investigated is the effect of heavy particles during the total transition in channel flow until turbulence is reached. This is done using a pseudo-spectral code (developed by M Chevalier at KTH) with two-way coupled Lagrangian particles. The results confirm the transient growth from the non-modal analysis and they also show that particles delay turbulence, when the particle mass fraction is large enough. The same numerical code is also used to investigate particle clustering in a transitional boundary layer, except that the particles are one-way coupled. An instantaneous flow field is shown in the figure below. This is a result from a LES-simulation. To improve the accuracy, a PRACE project started to do the same analysis with Direct Numerical Simulations and a large domain. For the inclusion of light particles, where particle volume is more important, a coupled EulerLagrangian code (developed by WP Breugem at TU Delft) is used. We found that particles migrate laterally in a channel flow towards an equilibrium position. This position shifts towards the wall, when the interparticle spacing is smaller: when particle-particle interactions become important. Next to the numerical efforts, experiments in a water channel are performed. A boundary layer develops along a flat plate and we investigate the onset and development of this boundary layer both with and without particles. Particular interest is given to the positioning, whether particles have a preferential position. These results will be combined with those from numerical studies.

Participants J Klinkenberg PR Bloemen

Cooperations KTH Stockholm, Sweden (L Brandt, DS Henningson, P Schlatter) TU Delft (WP Breugem)

Funded by TU/e KTH

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2000

Information Rick de Lange +31 (0)40 2472129

Instantaneous streamwise velocity field in bypass transition of a one-way coupled particlesuspended flow at wall-parallel plane y=1. White dots represent the particle positions (top view) Public defense: October 22nd, 2013.

Scientific publications Klinkenberg, J., Lange, H.C. de & Brandt, L. (2013). Linear stability of particle laden flows: the influence of added mass, fluid acceleration and Basset history force. Meccanica, accepted or in press. Klinkenberg, J. (2013). Transition in particle-laden flows. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: A.A. van Steenhoven & H.C. de Lange). Klinkenberg, J., Lange, H.C. de, Brandt, L. Sardina, G.. Transition delay in particle-laden channel flow. EFMC9 conference, September 2012, Rome. Klinkenberg, J., Breugem, W.P., Lange, H.C. de, Brandt, L . Particle equilibrium in 3D-channel flow for one and two particles. APS, division of Fluid Dynamics conference, November 2012, San Diego.

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Novel Inorganic zeolite-based membranes

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

N (Nikolay) Kosinov

Project aim The main aim of the project is to synthesize and characterize novel zeolite membranes for separation of liquids and gases. Zeolite as very robust, thermally and hydrothermally stable materials with uniform pores and channels are perfect candidates for molecular separations based on size and adsorption strength discrimination.

Project leaders Progress

EJM Hensen

Participants N Kosinov V Sripathi

Cooperations Hyflyx Singapore

The main result of the last year is the preparation of SSZ-13 (CHA) membrane for the first time. SSZ13 material with high Si/Al ratio (50) and pores of 0,38 nm can be used to separate many gas mixtures. The synthesized membranes showed selectivity of 100 for CO2/CH4 equimolar mixture separation at a CO2 permeance of 5x10-7 mol/(m2sPa) which is higher than Robeson upper bound for polymer materials. The membrane has proven to be stable and keep separation properties at hydrothermal conditions (2500C, 6 bar, 10% steam), which is very important from industrial point of view.

Funded by STW Hyflux Partnership

Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

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Scientific publications N. Kosinov, E.J.M. Hensen, Synthesis and separation properties of a-alumina- supported high-silica MEL membrane, J. Membr. Sci. 447 (2013) 12-18.

Department Mechanical Engineering

Development of micro- and meso-scale models for thermo-chemical heat storage materials

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

S (Shuiquan) Lan

Project leaders CCM Rindt HA Zondag AA van Steenhoven

Project aim For the purpose of the development of solid sorption materials, micro- and meso-scale models will be developed for the hydration and dehydration processes taking place in powdery samples. These processes are a combination of heat and vapor transport in the grains constituting the powdery sample and in the voids between the grains of the powdery sample. A complication in the modeling is that due to the hydration and dehydration processes the macro- and micro-mechanical and transport properties will change.

Progress Participants S Lan

Cooperations ECN (Energy research Center of the Netherlands)

Funded by ADEM Innovation Lab Program

In order to develop a grain model for the hydration and dehydration processes, reaction kinetics of solid-state reactions is studied. It is found in experiments that nucleation and nucli growth models could be the best candidate for our task. Thus, the Mampel model describing surface nucleation and nuclei growth processes is investigated both analytically and numerically. A stochastic approach is implemented in a Matlab code and validated by analytical solutions of grains with different geometries. Based on the observation from experiments, see figure (left), essential parameters including nucleation rate and growth rate are quantified and reaction kinetics (fractional conversion) is calculated. As shown in figure (right), a good agreement between experimental and numerical results is achieved. Moreover, several flow and heat simulations in OpenFOAM are practiced.

Funding % per money stream ADEM

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Camilo Rindt +31 (0)40 2472978

Figure: Evolution of dehydration of Li2SO4·H2O crystal both from experiment and simulation (left) and comparison of the total fractional conversion (right)

Scientic publications Beek, T.J.J. van, Rindt, C.C.M. & Zondag, H.A. (2012). Performance analysis of an atmospheric packed bed thermo-chemical heat storage system. Proceedings of the 12th International conference on Energy Storage (Innostock 2012), 16-18 May 2012, Lleida, Spain.

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Flow topology and heat transfer in microchannels

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders MFM Speetjens AJH Frijns AA van Steenhoven

Participants Z Liu PR Bloemen

Z (Zhipeng) Liu

Project aim The heat transfer in (laminar) micro-flows depends essentially on the topology of the Lagrangian fluid paths. Aim of the study is to investigate the fundamental connection between heat transfer and flow topology and to explore its potential with regard to control and optimisation of heat transfer in micro-flows.

Progress Experimental studies on the 3D flow structure of a micro-flow driven by way of AC electro-osmosis (ACEO) have been continued. Goal was further experimental characterization of the 3D velocity field and flow structure and its comparison with numerical simulations. To this end 3D flow measurements using 3D micro-Particle-Tracking Velocimetry (3DPPTV) have been performed. This exposed electrode-wise symmetric pairs of 3D vortical structures and corresponding quasi-2D primary circulations that are in good qualitative agreement with numerical observations. More detailed (quantitative) investigations are in progress.

Cooperations Universität der Bundeswehr, München, Germany (C Cierpka)

Funded by TU/e - Mechanical Engineering

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2007

Information Michel Speetjens +31 (0)40 2475428

Vortical structure of a 3D ACEO micro-flow measured by 3DPPTV:3D trajectories visualizing electrode-wise symmetric pairs of 3D vortices (black vs. blue; red indicates trajectories crossing the symmetry plane).

(a) (b) Quasi-2D primary circulation measured by 3DPPTV: (a) raw velocity data); (b) field interpolated on a regular grid including streamlines (colours indicate magnitude).

Scientific publications Liu, Z., Speetjens, M.F.M., Frijns, A.J.H. & Steenhoven, A.A. van (2012). Heat-transfer enhancement in AC electro-osmotic micro-flows, Proc. 6th Thermal Sciences Conference (Eurotherm, Poitiers, France, 2012), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 395, pp. 012094. Liu, Z., Speetjens, M.F.M., Frijns, A.J.H. & Steenhoven, A.A. van (2012). Experimental and numerical observations on vortical structures in 3D AC electro-osmotic flows. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Microfluidics (Microfluidics 2012), 3-5 December 2012, Heidelberg, Germany, (pp. FLU12-80-1/12).

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Department Applied Physics

Surface passivation of next-generation commercial solar cells by atomic layer deposited films

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

BWH (Bas) van de Loo

Project leaders

Project aim The aim is to enhance the efficiency of commercial crystalline silicon solar cells by implementing atomic-layer deposited thin films. Furthermore we aim to understand the underlying passivation mechanisms (e.g. the role of chemical and field-effect passivation) and the influence of back surface-fields and emitters on surface passivation.

WMM Kessels

Progress Participants

Cooperations ECN Tempress MECO ASM Levitech Roth&Rau

Funded by TKI DutchNess


Total Saturation Current Density (fA/cm2)

BWH van de Loo HCM Knoops

600 500 400 300

1: positive charging 2: negative charging


100 -20











Corona Charge Density (1012/cm2)

Funding % per money stream TKI

100 %

Start of the project 2012

Information BWH van de Loo +31 (0)40 2474095

In the first year, a new ozone-based atomic layer deposition process of SiO2 has been developed. This SiO2 can be used films stacks, e.g., with Al2O3, for passivating silicon surfaces. Furthermore, detailed insight into the passivation mechanisms of SiO2/Al2O3 stacks has been obtained by corona charging experiments. In the figure, the saturation current density of a symmetrically n+/p/n+ sample is plotted as a function of the deposited corona charge density. It shows that the surface passivation, and hence the solar cell efficiency, is greatly dependent on the charges on the surface. By adding negative charges, the surface passivation is deteriorating, leading to a large increase of the saturation current density. By adding positive charge on the other hand, the field-effect passivation is enhanced. Therefore, this plot also provides insights into the limiting lossmechanisms of solar cell emitters, e.g. Auger recombination or surface recombination.

Scientific publications Wu, Y., Hermkens, P.M., Loo, B.W.H. van de, Knoops, H.C.M., Potts, S.E., Verheijen, M.A., Roozeboom, F. & Kessels, W.M.M. (2013). Electrical transport and Al doping efficiency in nanoscale ZnO films prepared by atomic layer deposition. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(2): 024308. Loo, B.W.H. van de, Knoops, H.C.M., Ponomarev, M., Kessels, W.M.M. & Creatore, M. (2013). De relatie tussen de elektrische en optische eigenschappen van plasma-gedeponeerd zinkoxide. Nevac Blad, 51(2), 14-18.

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Department Applied Physics

Amorphous silicon growth kinetics and interface engineering for Si heterojunction solar cells

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

B (Bart) Macco

Project leaders WMM Kessels

Participants B Macco

Cooperations Roth & Rau Tempress TU Delft Hanwha Q Cells

Funded by STW (with contributions from cooperation partners)

Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

Project aim In this project we focus on the contact schemes typically found in heterojunction solar cells. The front contact consists typically of a stack of undoped and doped amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) for surface passivation and hole collection and of a transparent conductive oxide (TCO) for lateral conduction. The surface passivation is not only dependent on the as-deposited properties of the crystalline silicon/a-Si:H interface, but is also affected by damage during the TCO deposition (e.g. heat, UV-damage and ion-bombardment), as well as by the band-bending induced at the interface due to the presence of the TCO. Conversely, the presence of a-Si:H underneath the TCO influences its opto-electronic properties. This complex interplay between the a-Si:H and TCO will be studied systematically using various thin-film analysis tools, complemented with modeling. The found insights should provide guidelines for the optimization of the front contact scheme.

Progress During the first year of this project, the deposition conditions for effective surface passivation by a-Si:H using an ICP-CVD tool have been optimized. The resistance of this a-Si:H passivation with respect to two different TCO (ZnO:Al) deposition techniques (i.e. industrial ETP-CVD and ALD) has been evaluated, and relevant a-Si:H properties that influence this resistance have been identified. Additionally, the effect of the presence of an a-Si:H layer on the opto-electronic properties of ALDdeposited ZnO:Al has been investigated, and the a-Si:H was found to improve the TCO properties. For further fundamental studies, an UHV deposition/analysis chamber is under construction and is almost operational. Additionally, in a side-project a novel nano-patterned coating was developed, which exhibits both excellent surface passivation and antireflection properties.

Start of the project 2012

Information Bart Macco +31 (0)40 2474882

Scientific publications Spinelli, P., Macco, B., Verschuuren, M.A., Kessels, W.M.M. & Polman, A. (2013). Al2O3/TiO2 nanopattern antireflection coating with ultralow surface recombination. Applied Physics Letters, 102(23), 233902. Macco, B., Sharma, K., Kessels, W.M.M. & Creatore, M. (2013). Depositie van polykristallijn silicium voor dunne-film zonnecellen. Nevac Blad, 51(1), 6-11.

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Department Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

Methane oxidation to methanol – development of a AuPd/Fe-ZSM-5 nanosheet catalyst system

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

L (Lingqian) Meng

Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants L Meng

Project aim The aim of the project is to develop catalysts for the direct oxidation of methane to methanol. The catalyst will be bifunctional. Au/Pd ensembles will catalyze the reaction between H2 and O2 to H2O2 which will act as an oxidant on nearby Fe complexes embedded in a zeolite matrix for the oxidation of methane to methanol. In order to have both functionalities in close proximity the research will make use of nanostructured zeolites. A successful catalyst will be on the basis of a new process in which part of the product methanol is converted downstream to H2 through reforming and fed together with methane and air to the methane-to-methanol reactor. In this way an overall process can be obtained in which CH4 is oxidized to methanol with a maximum selectivity of 66%.

Cooperations -

Funded by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC)

Progress During the last 10 months I have successfully doped different iron content on different thickness of nanosheets to synthesize Fe-ZSM-5 nanosheets and characterized these samples by TEM, BET, XRD, UV-Vis, ICP and UV-Raman. Typically, the TEM images of Fe/ZSM-5 nanosheets synthesized by C22-6-3 and C22-6-6-6-3 are showed below.

Funding % per money stream Scholarship 100 %

Start of the project 2012 (November)

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

Figure: TEM images of Fe/ZSM-5 nanosheets synthesized by C22-6-3 (left image) and C22-6-6-6-3 (right image) with the molar ratio of Si/Fe as 360.

Scientific publications -

Annual Research Report 2013

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KIC MTT micro CHP: Electromechanical aspects of a micro – CHP system

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders LPH de Goey

Participants M Merdzan A Borisavljevic EA Lomonova

Cooperations MTT (Micro Turbine Technology BV)

Funded by KIC InnoEnergy

M (Marko) Merdzan

Project aim The aim of the project is to develop a micro – CHP (Combined Heat and Power) system capable of producing both heating and electric power for use in homes and small enterprises. Particularly, the project is focused on development of electromechanical subsystem, especially electrical components (high – speed generator and high – frequency converter). In order to make the CHP system cost – effective at the desired power level (3 kW of electric power), efficiency of the electromechanical conversion has to be at a very high level, and efficiency improvement represents the main project aim.

Progress During the previous year, since the start of the PhD project, a test setup for testing of high speed permanent magnet generator has been built in TU/e EPE laboratory, and preparations for further development of the full setup (which will include 2 mechanically connected high – speed generators) have started. The research has mostly been focused on modeling of an influence of power electronics converter (high – frequency inverter) switching on rotor loss. Analytical models have been verified with finite element analysis, and current plans include writing a publication about previously done research and performing laboratory measurements for further verification of analytical models.

Funding % per money stream University Industry TNO

37 % 58 % 5%

Start of the project 2012

Information Marko Merdzan +31 (0)40 2473554

Scientific publications Merdzan, M., Borisavljevic, A. & Lomonova, E.A. (2012). Electromechanical aspects of a micro chip system. Poster presented at the 1st KIC InnoEngery Scientist Conference, November 4-9 2012, Leuven, Belgium, Leuven.

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The Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube as a device for separating droplets from gases

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders JCH Zeegers JGM Kuerten

Participants WR Michalek R Liew

Cooperations Shell RWE Twister KEMA

Project aim Developing a vortex tube swirling flow system to separate condensate out of gas flow.

Progress In the past two years the phenomenon of temperature separation with vortex tubes has been unraveled via a thorough experimental study which was combined with an analytical model, leading to a good description. This work was published in Phys. Rev. Lett. in 2012 and will be published in a more comprehensive paper. Detailed velocity and droplet size measurements have been made in the vortex tube using PDPA and Laser Doppler techniques, part of which was recently published in a paper in Experiments in Fluids. This has become possible using the advanced TSI equipment that was purchased in the first year of the project. Since July 2012 ongoing research has demonstrated the first results of separation of water droplets using vortex tubes. This is a first step towards the end goal of the project. The PhD student is preparing his thesis and finishing the last measurements. Since 1st April the project is carried out by a postdoc who focuses on the separation study.

Scientific publications

Funded by STW

Funding % per money stream STW

WR (Wiktor) Michalek

100 %

R. Liew, J.C.H. Zeegers, J.G.M. Kuerten, W.R. Michaųek, 3D Velocimetry and droplet sizing in the Ranque-Hilsch Vortex tube, Exp. Fluids, 54, 1416 (2013). R. Liew, J.C.H. Zeegers, J.G.M. Kuerten, W.R. Michaųek, Maxwell’s Demon in the Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube, Phys. Rev. Lett, 109, 054503, (2012). W.R. Michaųek, R. Liew, J.G.M. Kuerten, J.C.H. Zeegers, LES of droplet-laden non-isothermal channel flow, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 318, 042056, (2011). R. Liew, W.R. Michaųek, J.C.H. Zeegers, J.G.M. Kuerten, Droplet behavior in a Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 318, 052013, (2011).

Start of the project 2009

Information JGM Kuerten +31 (0)40 2472362

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Motion controlled arm support, McARM

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders D van der Pijl (Focal Meditech B.V.) EA Lomonova (TU/e)

Participants B van Ninhuijs JW Jansen BLJ Gysen

B (Bob) van Ninhuijs

Project aim Impairments of the upper limbs caused by neuromuscular diseases and aging affect a large number of people; hence, they become more dependent on caregivers. The majority of the commercially available electromechanical assistive devices that can compensate for movement impairment are mechanical devices. These devices take over the functions of the affected limbs instead of supporting and enhancing the still existent functions of the limbs. Among the assistive devices, arm support systems are an important class of assistive devices, since they provide support in most of the daily activities. Because the commercially available arm support systems have still restrictions and limited functionality, this project aims at the design of a novel arm support system allowing most of the daily living activities.


Cooperations Focal Meditech B.V. Zuyd University Heerlen Maastrich University Medical Center, MUMC+ Maastricht Radboud Revalidatie, Nijmegen M2Control, Uden Eurocarbon B.V. National Aerospace Laboratory, NLR, Marknesse

The smart arm support system is placed on a conventional wheelchair and both enhancement and training of the still existent arm functions is required. Furthermore, the arm support system must be easy to use, flexible and energy efficient. Such a smart system requires an optimal combination of gravity compensation and actuation to provide the necessary human arm movements. A patented multi-degree-of-freedom spherical gravity compensator is proposed and designed as shown in figure. Furthermore, a multi-degree-of-freedom actuator is researched which consists of two layers, one layer that contains the patented gravity compensator and a second active layer to produce the dynamical behavior.

Funded by Agentschap NL Province of Noord-Brabant Province of Limburg

Funding % per money stream Government

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Bob van Ninhuijs +31 (0)40 2473554

Figure: Multi-degrees-of-freedom gravity compensator

Scientific publications Ninhuijs, B. van, Motoasca, T.E., Gysen, B.L.J. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Modeling of spherical magnets arrays using the magnetic charge model. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49(7), 41094112. Ninhuijs, B. van, Motoasca, T.E., Gysen, B.L.J. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Modeling of spherical magnetic structures using the magnetic charge model. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 12th joint MMM-Intermag Conference, January 14-18 2013, Chicago, USA, (pp. 824-825). Chicago, USA. Ninhuijs, B. van, Gysen, B.L.J., Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Multi-degree-of-freedom spherical permanent magnet gravity compensator for mobile arm support systems. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), Chicago, Illinois, May 12–15, 2013, (pp. 697-703). Ninhuijs, B. van, Motoasca, T.E. & Lomonova, E. (2012). Accurate analytical computation of magnetic flux density of spherical permanent magnet arrays. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2012), September 2-5, 2012, Marseille, France, (pp. 2746-2751). Ninhuijs, B. van, Motoasca, T.E., Pijl, D.J. van der, Verstegen, P. & Lomonova, E. (2012). Development of a smart arm support for daily-life activities and entertainment. Journal of Gerontology, 11(2), 226-227.

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Autonomous Ceiling Robot

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

TT (Timo) Overboom

Project aim

Project leaders

The aim of the project is to demonstrate the principle of a contactless xy-positioning system which is suspended underneath a stationary frame, called the ceiling. The project focuses on a system where multiple anti-gravity high-performance robots are magnetically suspended from and magnetically propelled along the surface of the ceiling. To wirelessly control and power the moving robots, contactless data and energy transfer systems are implemented.

EA Lomonova JW Jansen


Participants TT Overboom JPC Smeets

Cooperations ASML Assembleon Philips SKF Tecnotion

In the past four years, different topologies and principles for magnetic suspension, planar actuation and inductive transfer of energy have been analyzed and compared. A trade-off between actuation and contactless energy transfer has resulted in a design for the ceiling robot. In the proposed design, the moving robots contain four linear actuators while a checkerboard permanent array is fixed to the ceiling. The contactless energy transfer system contains an array of thin primary coils which is fixed to the ceiling. Four secondary coils are fixed to the moving robot and pick up the high frequent magnet field produced by the primary coils. To improve the efficiency of the system, only the primary coils above a secondary coil are activated. Three-dimensional analytical models have been derived and used to optimize the design of the ceiling actuator. A prototype of the autonomous ceiling robot is currently being built.

Funded by IOP - EMVT

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2009

Figure: Illustration of the autonomous ceiling robot

Information +31 (0)40-2475552

Scientific publications Smeets, J.P.C., Overboom, T.T., Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E. (2013). 3D Analytical Modeling Technique of Electromagnetic Fields of Air-Cored Coils Surrounded by Different Ferromagnetic Boundaries. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Accepted for publication in future issue of this journal. Overboom, T.T., Smeets, J.P.C., Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Decoupled control of thrust and normal force in a double-layer single-sided linear induction motor. Mechatronics, 23(2), 213221. Smeets, J.P.C., Overboom, T.T., Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Comparison of position independent contactless energy transfer systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 28(4), 2059-2067. Smeets, J.P.C., Overboom, T.T., Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Modeling framework for contactless energy transfer systems for linear actuators. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60(1), 391-399. Overboom, T.T., Smeets, J.P.C., Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E.A. (2012). Semianalytical calculation of the torque in a linear permanent-magnet motor with finite yoke length. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(11), 3575-3578. Smeets, J.P.C., Overboom, T.T., Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E.A. (2012). Mode-matching technique applied to three-dimensional magnetic field modeling. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(11), 3383-3386.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Nanocrystalline silicon at high-rate for multi-junction solar cells

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders WMM Kessels M Creatore

Participants J Palmans LW Veldhuizen

Cooperations Utrecht University OM&T FZ Jülich

Funded by NanoNextNL

Funding % per money stream University 53.5 % STW 46.5 %

J (Jurgen) Palmans

Project aim The overall objective is to develop high quality/uniformity plasma-deposited nc-Si:H layers, exhibiting high absorption and low band-gap, necessary for the implementation of nc-Si:H in thin film tandem solar cells. This objective is supported by an extensive in situ (real time) diagnostic approach, which includes plasma and plasma-surface interaction studies. The results achieved within these studies will be discussed with and coupled to the research and development activities of the partners involved in the project, i.e. Utrecht University and OM&T. Here the focus is on the development of high rate stable nc-Si:H for high efficiency tandem solar cells. Furthermore, the project will provide a basis for further collaboration with the IPV group at the FZ Julich, where the focus is on the development of process control tools during the deposition of the absorber as well as on the testing of solar cell devices.

Progress The role of ions in both low and high pressure regimes employed during microcrystalline silicon deposition is investigated in terms of ion flux and energy in order to relate ion-surface interaction with solar cell performance as solar-grade material is obtained in the amorphous-tomicrocrystalline silicon transition regime. The ion flux has been measured by the implementation of a capacitive probe which also allows measurements in depositing plasmas. Ion energy measurements, performed with a retarding field energy analyzer, are limited to low pressures, but are applied in H2/SiH4 plasmas. A correlation between material properties and the plasma-surface interaction is found by identifying the ion bombardment effect as well as the atomic hydrogen flux, known to play a key role, detected by optical emission spectroscopy. The knowledge obtained under both low and high pressure conditions assists in understanding the microcrystalline silicon film growth.

Start of the project 2011

Information M Creatore +31 40 247 4223

Scientific publications Bronneberg, A.C., Kang, X., Palmans, J., Janssen, P.H.J., Lorne, T., Creatore, M. & Sanden, M.C.M. van de (2013). Direct ion flux measurements at high-pressure-depletion conditions for microcrystalline silicon deposition. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(6):063305. Aresta, G., Palmans, J., Sanden, M.C.M. van de & Creatore, M. (2012). Evidence of the filling of nano-porosity in SiO2-like layers by an initiated-CVD monomer. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 151, 434-439. Aresta, G., Palmans, J., Sanden, M.C.M. van de & Creatore, M. (2012). Initiated-chemical vapor deposition of organosilicon layers: Monomer adsorption bulk growth and process window definition. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 30(4):041503.

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Department Mechanical Engineering

Multiscale simulations for thermo chemical heat storage using new composite materials

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

AD (Amar) Pathak

Project leaders SV Gaastra-Nedea HA Zondag CCM Rindt DMJ Smeulders

Project aim The promising concept for seasonal solar heat storage in the built environment is based on the reversible sorption process of water vapor into the crystalline structure of salt hydrates (MgSO4, MgCl2, LiSO4, etc). Their main advantages are a high energy density, a reaction temperature in the proper range for domestic applications and their low price. However, the rate of heat release of these materials is low due to the low rate of hydration under atmospheric conditions. Composite and doped materials based on salt hydrates show better performance compared to pure materials. A detailed study on molecular level of the involved processes is necessary in order to gain insight into the dynamics of the hydration/dehydration processes and their limiting factors in these systems.

Participants AD Pathak

Cooperations ECN FOM

Funded by Shell-FOM

Funding % per money stream Shell-FOM 100 %

Start of the project

Progress Composite material based on salt mixtures (MgSO4,MgCl2) are first targeted. An important point now is to develop the force field necessary for such simulations of these new molecules. As past work including force field for MgSO4 and its hydrates force field (Eldhose), current work includes the force field for MgCl2 and its hydrates. Aim of present study is to develop a force field for MgCl2 hydrates which can be used for understanding dehydration behavior of MgCl2 hydrate and further could be extended for mixture. The equation of state (EOS) for crystal structures describes the energy of the collection of atoms in the unit cell as function of the volume of the unit cell. The EOS for MgCl2, MgCl2.H20 and MgCl2.2H20 was calculated from DFT and used for force field optimizations. The EOS obtained from force field is in close agreement with EOS obtained from DFT as shown in below figure 1. The force field is used to understand the dehydration behavior. Figure 2 shows dehydration of MgCl2.2H20 crystal.

2013 (June)

Information AD Pathak

Figure1: Comparison between DFT and ReaxFF force field of the EOS for MgCl2.

Dehydration reaction

a) Initial crystal

b) During dehydration

Figure 2: A snapshot of MgCl2.2H20 crystal in the MD simulation at 450K.

Scientific publications A DFT based equilibrium study on the hydrolysis and the dehydration reactions of MgCl2 hydrates, B.Smeets, E.Iype, S.V.Nedea, H.A Zondag and C.C.M.Rindt, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 124312 (2013). Computer Simulations on the Dehydration and Hydrolysis reactions of Magnesium Chloride Hydrates, M.Sc Thesis, Bas Smeets, 2013. Annual Research Report 2013

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Gas Sensor Membrane

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders AJH Frijns R Mandamparambil A Dietzel

Participants S van Pelt

Cooperations Holst Centre

S (Stijn) van Pelt

Project aim The PASTEUR project aims to build a disposable tag for food monitoring. Our work focusses on a membrane that will be used to enhance the functionality of the micro-scale gas sensors. The membrane will block solid particles and droplets and remove them from the sensor surface while still allowing the target gas to be transported to the sensor. Additionally it will enhance both the sensitivity and selectivity of the sensor using a perm-selective membrane in combination with a pumping system.

Progress The membrane was patterned using excimer laser ablation. The ablation redeposits create a roughness on nano- and micro-scale that causes the membrane to become super-hydrophobic. Permeation experiments were carried out to characterize the created membranes. Also a new system was designed and simulated to use a perm-selective membrane to locally increase the concentration of the target gas. It is composed of several cascaded membranes and pumps. After each stage, the concentration of the target gas is increased depending on the perm-selectivity of the membrane material.


Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information Stijn van Pelt +31 (0)40 2472186

Figure: Droplets on patterned membrane and SEM image of the pattern.

Scientific publications Pelt, S. van, Frijns, A.J.H., Mandamparambil, R., Dietzel, A.H. & Toonder, J.M.J. den (2013). Local wettability tuning with PDMS laser ablation redeposits. Eindhoven: TUE : Materials Technology (Mate) group. Annual Mate Poster Award. Pelt, S. van, Eggermont, J., Frijns, A.J.H. & Dietzel, A.H. (2012). Patterning of super-hydrophobic structures on permeable sensor membranes.Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Microfluidics (Microfluidics 2012), 3-5 December 2012, Heidelberg, Germany, (pp. FLU12-1211/9).

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Department Applied Physics

Looking down the rabbit hole: impact of porosity in the (in)organic layers on the performance of moisture permeation multi-layer barriers

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Alberto) Perrotta

Project aim


This research project aims to investigate the relation between the microstructure (i.e. meso/ microporosity) of the layers composing a moisture permeation barrier system, the intrinsic barrier properties of the system and the control on the pinhole density in (flexible) OLED and OPV devices. The project pursues: 1 – The identification of the (open) porosity defining the microstructure of the inorganic layer in terms of size (micro/mesoporosity), size distribution and chemical affinity with the permeant molecule for single/multi barrier solutions; 2 – The identification of the permeant diffusion modes through single/multi barrier layers, as opposite to the ideal solubility/diffusion mode generally adopted; 3 – The influence of the organic and inorganic layer growth (mechanism) on the multilayer barrier properties in terms of conformality and pinhole encapsulation.

Philips - Holst Centre and its industrial partners


Project leaders M Creatore

Participants A Perrotta W Keuning

Funded by Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI)

Funding % per money stream University 25 % DPI 75 %

Start of the project 2012 (November)

Several oxide layers deposited by means of various deposition tools have been investigated. The opto-chemical properties and moisture barrier performance of plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PE-ALD) and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PE-CVD) inorganic (i.e. Al2O3 and SiO2) barrier layers have been thoroughly studied. Ellipsometric porosimetry (EP) has been applied to determine the open porosity and pore size range of the layers. A correlation between the residual nanoporosity and the intrinsic barrier properties of moisture barriers has been found, regardless the chemistry of the layer and deposition technique used. Pores larger than 1 nm with a relative content above 1% have been found responsible for poor barrier layers (water vapor -2 -3 -2 -1 transmission rate-WVTR- in the range of 10 -10 gm day ). Furthermore, the pore size range of -4 -6 [0.3-1] nm and its relative content have been found to drive the transition in WVTR from 10 to 10 -2 -1 gm day (figure).

Information Alberto Perrotta +31 (0)40 2478382

Figure: Open porosity values for different adsorptives and WVTR values for the SiO2 and Al2O3 layers. A threshold in the pore size content in the range [0.3-1] nm was found to account for the transition from 10-4 gm-2day-1 to10-6 gm-2day-1.

Scientific publications -

Annual Research Report 2013

| 93

Department Electrical Engineering

X-Talk: Investigation of electromagnetic crosstalks in high-precision mechatronic systems

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

KJW (Kevin) Pluk

Project leaders EA Lomonova

Participants KJW Pluk JW Jansen

Cooperations ASML

Funded by ASML

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Project aim In the high-end semiconductor industry and high precision systems, (sub) nanometer accuracy is required. The currently applied motion systems consist of two stages with actuators. The longstroke stage is used for the large movements and rough positioning, while a short-stroke stage is present for the accurate positioning. The positioning accuracy is gained in the high predictability and control of the short-stroke stage. The long-stroke actuator contains large permanent magnets which produce a large magnetic flux density. These strong magnetic fields influence the shortstroke actuators and, therefore, reduce the predictability of the short-stroke stage. To reduce the positioning errors, the crosstalk effects in a two-stage machine from the high-end industry are indicated. Compensational techniques to reduce the crosstalk (for instance shielding) are investigated and of the applicability of different modeling methods is researched.

Progress A semi-analytical modeling method (Fourier modeling extended with mode-matching) has been developed to model the electromagnetic crosstalk behavior. The modeling method is generically implemented such that many different, two-dimensional, Cartesian topologies can be calculated with minimal user effort. The modeling method can calculate the magnetic flux density in the full geometry as well as the electromagnetic force acting on a part of the geometry. In the figure, the force acting on a permanent magnet is shown. This force is measured in a test setup and the force is modeled using the implemented semi-analytical modeling method as well as commercially available 2D finite-element software. As can be seen, the models are in good agreement with each other. The discrepancy with the measurements is caused by saturation which is not incorporated in the models.

Information KJW (Kevin) Pluk +31 (0)40 2473554

Scientific publications Pluk, K.J.W., Jansen, J.W., Gersem, G. de & Lomonova, E. (2013). Fourier modeling of magnetic shields with linear permeable material and finite dimensions. Poster: Proceedings of the 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference, January 14-18, 2013, Chicago, Illinois, (pp. 885-885). Pluk, K.J.W., Gysen, B.L.J., Janssen, J.L.G., Lomonova, E. & Jansen, J.W. (2012). Modeling of a finite, rectangular, conducting plate in an eddy current damper. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of Electrical Machines (ICEM 2012), September 2-5 2012, Marseille, France, (pp. 2846-2851). Marseille: IEEE Service Center. Pluk, K.J.W., Jansen, J.W., Lomonova, E. & Sprangers, R.L.J. (2012). Field calculations for magnetic shielding : fourier modeling extended with mode-matching technique applied to a shield with finite dimensions. Poster: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2012), November 11-14, 2012, Oita, Japan, (pp. 351). Piscataway: IEEE Service Center. Pluk, K.J.W., Gersem, G. de, Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Field calculations for magnetic shielding : fourier modeling extended with mode-matching technique applied on a shield with finite dimensions. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49(5), 1593-1596. Pluk, K.J.W., Gersem, G. de, Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E. (2013). Fourier modeling of magnetic shields with linear permeable material and finite dimensions. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49:7. Pluk, K.; van Beek, T.; Jansen, J.; Lomonova, E. (2013). ‘Modeling and Measurements on a Finite, Rectangular, Conducting Plate in an Eddy Current Damper,’ IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Accepted for publication.

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SMArt systems Co-design / Acoustic Energy Transfer

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EA Lomonova

Participants MGL Roes JL Duarte MAM Hendrix

Cooperations -

Funded by European Union

Funding % per money stream EU

100 %

Start of the project

MGL (Maurice) Roes

Project aim The SMAC project is aimed at the development of innovative design methods and tools, to create a co-design and integration environment which enables multi-physics, multi-layer, multi-scale and multi-domain full Smart System simulation and optimization. Its application is a respiratory sensor for use in an MRI scanner that can be used to improve movement blur in MRI scans. One of the domains of interest is that of energy harvesting for the sensors. The large magnetic field inside the MRI machine prohibits the use of electromagnetic fields for energy harvesting. Energy harvesting from ultrasound pressure waves is proposed as a solution. Using sound waves for the wireless transfer of energy is a new field and has several advantages with respect to more established contactless energy transfer methods: A high directionality, no electromagnetic fields and the use of low frequencies, implying simple electronics.

Progress An acoustic energy transfer system (figure) consists of a transmitting transducer, which converts electrical energy into a pressure wave. The wave travels through a medium towards a receiving transducer, which in turn converts the mechanical energy back into electrical energy. Piezoelectric transducers are currently used for this purpose. These transducers can achieve high efficiencies but suffer, just as any loudspeaker, from the large impedance mismatch between the transducer and the medium. This mismatch also introduces unwanted reflections between the two transducers. Recent research on the topic has been aimed at decreasing this mismatch and increasing the power throughput of the system. Horns, acting as mechanical impedance transformers, are used for this purpose. Modelling of the system is extremely critical to arrive at a good design. Current research is aimed at increasing the attained power levels by using bolt-clamped piezoelectric transducers.


Information Maurice Roes +31 (0)40 2473504 Elena Lomonova +31 (0)40 2473573

Figure: An Acoustic Energy Transfer system consists of a transmitting transducer that generates sound waves in a medium, and a receiving transducer that converts them back to electrical energy.

Scientific publications M.G.L. Roes, J. L. Duarte, M.A.M. Hendrix, and E.A. Lomonova, ‘Acoustic energy transfer: A review,’ IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 242–248, Jan. 2013. M.G.L. Roes, J.L. Duarte, and M.A.M. Hendrix, ‘Design of Stepped Exponential Horns for Acoustic Energy Transfer Systems,’ in Proceedings of the International Ultrasonics Symposium, Jul. 2013. V. Klymko, M. Roes, J. van Duivenbode, E. Lomonova, ‘Phased transducer array for acoustic energy harvesting inside an MRI machine,’ in Proceedings of the International Ultrasonics Symposium, Jul. 2013. M.G.L. Roes, M. A. M. Hendrix, and J.L. Duarte, ‘Contactless energy transfer through air by means of ultrasound,’ in Proceedings of IECON 2011 - 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, Nov. 2011, pp. 1238–1243. M.G.L. Roes, M.A.M. Hendrix, and J.L. Duarte, ‘The effect of reflections on the performance of an acoustic energy transfer system,’ in Proceedings of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Sep. 2012, pp. 388–393.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Department Mechanical Engineering

BiOxyFuel: Torrefied Biomass Combustion under Oxy-fuel Conditions in Coal-Fired Power Plan

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

E (Emanuele) Russo

Project aim

JGM Kuerten

In this project interaction between different kinds of particles and between particles and flow will be studied in which the properties of the particles, such as size, shape, temperature and chemical composition change in time because of combustion and flow of the surrounding gas. Particles will be treated as point particles, but detailed numerical simulations will be carried out to obtain correlations for the forces on a particle.



E Russo CWM van der Geld

An existing DNS code for Lagrangian simulations of point particles has been extended with equations for temperature and species concentration. Two-way coupling between gas and particle temperature has been incorporated. In 2012 simulations of droplet-laden turbulent channel flow with evaporation and condensation have been performed for several cases. A compressible DNS code has been developed with particles and two-way coupling in which the particles represent biomass particles and undergo pyrolysis. The effect of varying particle mass load on the pyrolysis time has been studied. Recently, co-pyrolysis of coal and biomass particles has been implemented and studied.

Project leaders

Cooperations JA van Oijen, Y Haseli (TU/e) EM Gucho, G Brem, BJ Geurts (UT)

Funded by STW

Scientific publications

Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information JGM Kuerten +31 (0)40 2472362

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E. Russo, J.G.M. Kuerten, C.W.M. van der Geld, B.J. Geurts, Modeling water droplet condensation and evaporation in DNS of turbulent channel flow, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 318, 052019, (2011).


Biochip Design for Algae Monitoring

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders Y Bellouard AH Dietzel

AM (Allison) Schaap

Project aim The identification of algae species is useful and important for monitoring water quality and conditions for health and environmental applications. This project aims to develop a chip-based approach to identifying and classifying algae species in water in real-time, using microfluidics with integrated optical and/or other sensors. We use a femtosecond laser to create microchannels and optical waveguides in fused silica, to create integrated optofluidic microdevices on a single substrate.

Progress Participants AM Schaap

Cooperations Norwegian Water Research Institute

Funded by TU/e - Mechanical Engineering EC Project ‘Femtoprint’ (FP7)

After demonstrating that our current system can successfully identify the species of individual algae in a mixture of a few species, we have been working in two directions. First, to better understand the relevant optical properties of the algae and the meaning of the signals we obtain from our sensing system, we are developing optical models of the algae and the optofluidic system. Secondly, we are simultaneously designing the next-generation system, and exploring how the unique fabrication facilities we have available can be exploited for a novel and yet simple, robust system for identifying algae in real-time. We have also written a few papers: one on the design of and results from the first prototype, one exploring the results obtained by using different pattern recognition techniques, and a literature review on the use of algae in lab-on-a-chip devices.

Funding % per money stream University 90 % Industry 10 %

Start of the project 2010

Information Yves Bellouard +31 (0)40 2473715

Figure: Some of the algae we have tested with our system: microscale algae have a wide range of shapes which makes them suitable for optofluidic manipulation and detection.

Scientific publications Schaap, A.M. & Bellouard, Y.J. (2013). Molding topologically-complex 3D polymer microstructures from femtosecond laser machined glass. Optical Materials Express, 3(9), 1428-1437. Schaap, A.M., Bellouard, Y.J. & Rohrlack, T. (2013). An optofluidic microdevice for phytoplankton identification. Eindhoven: TUE: Materials Technology (MaTe) group. Annual Mate Poster Award. A. Schaap, T. Rohrlack, and Y. Bellouard, ‘Lab on a chip technologies for algae detection: a review,’ Journal of Biophotonics, 5(8–9), 661–672, 2012. A. Schaap, T. Rohrlack, and Y. Bellouard, ‘Optical classification of algae species with a glass lab-on-achip,’ Lab on a Chip, 12(8), 1527–1532. A. Schaap, T. Rohrlack, and Y. Bellouard, ‘Optofluidic microdevice for algae classification: a comparison of results from discriminant analysis and neural network pattern recognition,’ in Proceedings of SPIE, 8251, 2012.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Ultra High-precision Power Amplifier (UHPA)

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders MAM Hendrix


JM (Jan) Schellekens

Project aim When looking at the trends of the technology roadmap in the semiconductor industry, it can be recognized that the high power switching amplifiers used in lithographic equipment are rapidly becoming a limiting factor. In order to satisfy the future requirements the generated noise and other disturbances are required to decrease by an order of magnitude. The UHPA project aims at investigating energy transfer, control and sensor technologies needed to improve the existing amplifiers at these essential points. This can only be achieved by utilizing state-of-the-art electronic components, together with advanced converter topology concepts, combined with state-of-the-art measurement and control systems.

JM Schellekens

Progress Cooperations Philips ASML Prodrive

Funded by Agentschap NL

Funding % per money stream Agentschap NL 100 %

The project in its final stage and the PhD student is finalizing his thesis. The UHPA project has led to a switched mode DC to AC power converter concept that does not significantly suffer from zero crossing distortion. This is due to the elimination of the two most common causes of zero crossing distortion in conventional switched mode converters, which are switch blanking time and forward voltage drop of the switching devices. Over 100 times improvement of signal quality has been demonstrated on an experimental setup. Also different modulation and closed loop control methods are proposed, which lead to increased power density at the cost of a slightly reduced signal quality. Figure depicts the voltage error due to blanking time and forward voltage drop, scaled to input power supply voltage, without feedback-control, for conventional converters (a) and the proposed converter (b).

Start of the project 2009

Information MAM Hendrix



Figure: Scaled voltage error due to blanking time and forward voltage drop for conventional converters (a) and the proposed converter (b).

Scientific publications Schellekens, J.M., Caris, M.L.A., Duarte, J.L., Huisman, H., Hendrix, M.A.M. & Lomonova, E.A. (2013). High precision switched mode ampliĮer with an auxiliary bias circuit. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE ECCE Europe 2013), 3-5 September 2013, IEEE. Spinu, V., Schellekens, J.M., Lazar, M. & Hendrix, M.A.M. (2013). On real-time optimal control of high-precision switching amplifiers. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), October 11-13 2013, Sinaia, Romania, (pp. 507-514). Piscataway: IEEE Service System. Caris, M.L.A., Huisman, H., Schellekens, J.M. & Duarte, J.L., ‘Generalized harmonic elimination method for interleaved power amplifiers’. In proc. of the 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2012), 25-28 Oct. 2012, Montreal, Canada, (pp. 4979-4984). Schellekens, J.M., Duarte, J.L., Huisman, H. & Hendrix, M.A.M., ‘Volume reduction of opposed current converters through coupling of inductors and interleaved switching’. In proc. of the 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2012), 25-28 Oct. 2012, Montreal, Canada, (pp. 852-857). Schellekens, J.M., Duarte, J.L., Huisman, H. & Hendrix, M.A.M., ‘Harmonics in opposed current converters’. In proc. of the 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2012), 25-28 Oct. 2012, Montreal, Canada, (pp. 440-446).

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Persuasive Technology, Allocation of Control, and Social Values

Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

PhD students

Research theme

J (Jilles) Smids FMF (Frank) Verberne

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders AWM Meijers

Participants J Smids (PhD) FMF Verberne (PhD) CJH Midden M Steinbuch T Hofman J Ham A Spahn

Cooperations DAF Trucks NV TNO Rathenau Instituut

Funded by

This research program investigates the psychological mechanisms and the ethical dilemmas of persuasive technology in two ways. First, we develop an in-depth empirical study of a concrete case where persuasive technology is under development: the energy management and safety of vehicles (cars, trucks). Vehicle simulators will be used to observe human agents using various forms of persuasive technology, where the most important variable will be the amount of control transferred from the user to the technological system. Second, we analyze the general psychological mechanisms and ethical dilemmas at stake, which will result in design recommendations for developers of persuasive technology. Since persuasive technology is a perfectly generic technology our results will be important for many other areas as well.

Progress Mechanical Engineering showed in an experiment with real drivers that significant fuel savings (6-10%) can be achieved with acceptable shifting strategies in cars and braking strategies in trucks. Psychology is now focusing on exploring the effect of appearance, behavioral, and cognitive similarity cues on trust in automation technology. Participants gave more trust to a mimicking digital agent than a non-mimicking one. Ethics has done work on the nature of persuasion. In addition, ethical evaluation of the use of similarity cues to induce trust in users of technology claims that this use is sometimes manipulative, but in other cases can be justified. Finally, it was argued that driver autonomy may be limited in order to gain in safety and sustainability.

Scientific publications


Funding % per money stream NWO

Project aim

100 %

Start of the project 2009 (November)

Information Andreas Spahn +31 (0)40 2472746

Spahn, A. (2012). And lead us (not) into persuasion…? : persuasive technology and the ethics of communication. Science and Engineering Ethics, 18(4), 633-650. Verberne, F.M.F., Ham, J., & Midden, C.J.H. (2012) Trust in smart systems: Sharing driving goals and giving information to increase trustworthiness and acceptability of smart systems in cars. Human Facors, 54, 799-810, doi: 10.1177/0018720812443825. Ham, J., Esch, M. van, Limpens, Y., Pee, J. de, Cabibihan, J.-J., & Ge, S. S. (2012). The automaticity of social behavior towards robots: The influence of cognitive load on interpersonal distance to approachable versus less approachable robots. In S.S. Ge et al. (Eds.): ICSR 2012, LNAI 7621, pp. 15–25, 2012. Liu, C., Ham, J., Postma, E., Midden, C., Joosten, B., Goudbeek, M. (2012). How to make a robot smile? Perception of emotional expressions from digitally-extracted facial landmark configurations. In S.S. Ge et al. (Eds.): ICSR 2012, LNAI 7621, pp. 26–34, 2012. Midden, C., & Ham, J. (2012). The illusion of agency: The influence of the agency of an artificial agent on its persuasive power. In M. Bang & E. L. Ragnemalm (Eds): Persuasive 2012, LNCS 7284, pp. 90-99, 2012. Midden, C., & Ham, J. (2012). The illusion of agency: The influence of the agency of an artificial agent on its persuasive power. In M. Bang & E. L. Ragnemalm (Eds): Persuasive 2012, LNCS 7284, pp. 90-99, 2012. Smids, J. (2012). The voluntariness of persuasive technology. In Bang, M. & Ragnemalm, E.L. (Eds.), Persuasive technology : design for health and safety : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, PERSUASIVE 2012, June 6-8, 2012, Linköping, Sweden, (pp. 123-132). Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Spahn, A. & Nickel, P.J. (2012). Trust, discourse ethics, and persuasive technology. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, Persuasive 2012, 6-8 June 2012, Linkoping, Sweden, (pp. 37-40). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. Verberne, F. M. F., Ham, J., Midden, C. J. H. (2012) Trusting automation technology for safer roads: The effect of shareriving goals. Adjunct Proceedings Persuasive 2012, 57-60.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Advanced Interface Engineering for Si Heterojunction Solar Cells

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

S (Sjoerd) Smit

Project aim This project aims at increasing the functionality and improving the performance of Si heterojunction solar cells by exploring approaches which are novel to the field. This is done by introducing new material systems; extending the available thin film preparation methods and using advanced interface analysis techniques.

Project leaders WMM Kessels

Participants S Smit C van Helvoirt

Cooperations ECN Tempress Hanwha QCells Oxford Instruments TU Delft

Progress Stacks of ZnO and ultrathin (< 2 nm) Al2O3 have been identified as potential candidates for passivating, transparent and hole-selective contacts in silicon heterojunction cells. These stacks are expected to have less parasitic absorption than the stacks based on doped amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) used in ordinary heterojunction silicon solar cells. The passivating performance of Al2O3/ZnO stacks on silicon wafers has been investigated, as well as the tunneling current through the Al2O3. Key interface properties have been identified that can be addressed to improve the passivation performance and contact resistance of the selective contact.

Funded by STW

Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Sjoerd Smit +31 (0)40 2474919

Scientific publications D. Garcia-Alonso, S. Smit, S. Bordihn, W.M.M. Kessels, Silicon passivation and tunneling contact formation by atomic layer deposited Al2O3/ZnO stacks, Semiconductor Science and Technology 28 (2013) 082002. S. Smit, D. Garcia-Alonso, S. Bordihn, M.S. Hanssen, W.M.M. Kessels, Metal-oxide-based holeselective tunneling contacts for crystalline silicon solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, in press (

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Nanowire solar energy conversion

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

AJ (Anthony) Standing

Project aim

JEM Haverkort EPAM Bakkers PHL Notten

We investigate III/V semiconductor nanowire photo electrochemical (PEC) cells. Nanowires promise to combine a very high solar harvesting efficiency (41.6% photovoltaic conversion efficiency reported) with a large active surface for attaching the multi-electron catalyst. We propose to synthesize nanowires with multiple junctions to effectively harvest the entire solar spectrum and to attach a catalyts to the nanowire surface for efficient hydrogen production or CO2 conversion. Although III/V multi-junction cells are expensive, we will present a simple and economic approach for large scale direct hydrogen production or direct CO2 conversion, which also strongly limits the required amount of scarce materials.



AJ Standing

In the last year a large amount of work has been performed on the dopant and geometry optimization of p-GaP nanowires for water reduction. By optimizing the zinc dopant concentration the efficiency was able to be improved by orders of magnitude. By adjusting the length current and voltage were studied to find a maximum. And finally by increasing diameter, absorption was maximized, to enable very high efficiencies. Catalysts (Pt, and MoSx) were studied in an effort to reduce surface recombination which is a large factor for nanowires. The final wires yield an efficiency of 1.5%, this is very promising when compared to the initial wires with an efficiency of 1x10-4%. The figure shows linear sweep voltammograms of the initial wires, optimized length, optimized diameter, catalyst and also a planar sample.

Project leaders

Cooperations TU/e, Dept of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Energy Materials and Devices (EMD) group

Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

1 0

Start of the project Information JEMHaverkort +31 (0)40 2474205 EPAMBakkers


I (mA/cm2)


Long Short Thick Catalyst Planar

-2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -0.2






V (vs. NHE)

Scientific publications High yield transfer of ordered nanowire arrays into transparent flexible polymer films. AJ Standing, S Assali, JEM Haverkort and EPAM Bakkers, Nanotechnology, 2012, vol. 23, page 495305.

Annual Research Report 2013

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HTAS: Light weight in-wheel module

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders

Y (Yang) Tang

Project aim Optimal design of a novel type of electrical motor for the light-weight in-wheel module, including: - Development of an automated design tool using the chosen modeling method; - Optimal electromagnetic design using the developed design tool; - Optimal winding design based on study of winding topology; - Prototype realization and practical validation.

EA Lomonova

Participants Y Tang JHJ Paulides

Cooperations Teamwork Technology Teamwork Sustainable Investment Wolters Engineering Light Weight Structures Vredestein Apollo (a) (b) Figure: dc-excited flux-switching motor (DCEFSM) design for the light-weight in-wheel module

Funded by HTAS

Progress Funding % per money stream NWO


Start of the project 2010


Investigated different motor topologies for DCEFSM Investigated the correlations between certain design parameters and the motor performance Investigated the field weakening in DCEFSM Defined design requirements and specification Proposed a design procedure Tested the benchmark motor

Information Yang Tang +31 (0)40 2473553

Scientific publications Y. Tang, J. J. H. Paulides, E. Lomonova, ‘Topologies of flux-switching machines for in-wheel traction’, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, to be published. Y. Tang, T. E. Motoasca, J. J. H. Paulides, E. Lomonova, ‘Comparison of flux-switching machines and permanent magnet synchronous machines in an in-wheel traction application’, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 32(1),153 – 165, 2013. Y. Tang, J. J. H. Paulides, T. E. Motoasca, E. Lomonova, ‘Flux-switching machine with DC excitation’, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(11), 3583-3586, 2012. Y. Tang, J. J. H. Paulides, K. V. Kazmin, E. Lomonova, ‘Investigation of winding topologies for permanent magnet in-wheel motors’, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 31(1), 88-107, 2012. Conferences: Y. Tang, J. J. H. Paulides, I. J. M. Besselink, F. Gardner, E. Lomonova, ‘Indirect drive in-wheel system for HEV/EV Traction’, EVS27 International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, November 17-20, 2013. Y. Tang, E. Ilhan, J. J. H. Paulides, E. Lomonova, ‘Design considerations of flux-switching machines with permanent magnet or dc excitation’, EPE, Lille, France, 1-5 September, 2013. Y. Tang, J. J. H. Paulides, E. Lomonova, ‘Topologies of flux-switching machines for in-wheel traction’, Proceedings Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER 2013), Monaco, 27 – 30 March, 2013. Y. Tang, T. E. Motoasca, J. J. H. Paulides, E. Lomonova, ‘Analytical modeling of flux-switching machines using variable global reluctance networks’, Proceedings of the 20th International conference on Electrical machines (ICEM), pp. 2792 – 2789, 2-5 Sept., 2012. Y. Tang, J. J. H. Paulides, T. E. Motoasca, E. Lomonova, ‘Flux-switching machine with DC excitation’, Proceedings of the IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2012), Vancouver, Canada, 7-11 May 2012.

102 |


Nanostructuring of metal surfaces by high fluxes of low energy He ion irradiation


PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

I (Irem) Tanyeli

Project aim In this project, we investigate the surface modification on different metal surfaces (Fe, Ti, Al, Cu) under high flux of low energetic He ion irradiation. The nanostructured metal surfaces will be oxidized in the intended phase and then their photocatalytic activities will be tested.

Project leaders


GC de Temmerman R van de Sanden

Nanostructure formation on Fe surface was obtained. The effects of surface temperature and He ion fluence on surface modification were studied. Ti, Al, Cu surfaces were exposed to He plasma to compare the surface modification on different metals.

Participants I Tanyeli

Cooperations Centre for Energy Research, University of California San Diego, USA Delft University of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage, The Netherlands

Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Figure: SEM image of Fe surface after plasma exposure with the surface temperature of 700C for 20 minutes.

Scientific publications -


Annual Research Report 2013

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Nanocrystalline silicon at high rate for multi-junction solar cells

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders REI Schropp (TU/e - ECN) WMM Kessels R van Erven (OM&T)

Participants LW Veldhuizen M Creatore J Palmans

Cooperations OM&T

Funded by NanonextNL

LW (Pim) Veldhuizen

Project aim Nanocrystalline silicon (nc Si:H) is a highly absorbing, low band-gap semiconductor that can be used in thin film tandem solar cells. This research studies nc Si:H deposited using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) and hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD) on randomly and periodically textured surfaces on the nanoscale. These textures increase the path length of light in solar cell, and hence the photocurrent and the energy conversion efficiency. Previous work showed that crystal growth of nc Si:H on steep surfaces of narrow valleys gives rise to grain boundary formation and cracks, compromising the performance of solar cells. This research aims to mitigate this effect as well as other effects that decrease the quality of nc Si:H layers by optimizing deposition techniques and surface textures. Using HWCVD, we also aim for conformal coverage on designed nanosized features such as nanorods.

Progress - Participation in the installation of characterization and deposition laboratory. - Training in cluster deposition tool and several characterization tools as FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. - Participation in International School on Cat-CVD, Kanazawa. - Start of cooperation with project partners (TU/e, OM&T). - Characterization of nanoimprint-lithography textures on glass. - FDTD simulation of Flattened Light-Scattering Substrates.

Funding % per money stream University 25 % NWO 50 % Industry 25 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Ruud Schropp

Figure: AFM image of a 500nm ZnO layer deposited on a nanoimprinted texture that can function as a substrate for thin film Si solar cells

Scientific publications -

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Demostrator High-Power Converter

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

BJD (Bas) Vermulst

Project aim Research and prototyping of next-generation power converters with improved efficiency and high power density.

Progress Project leaders

New topology defined. Prototype building in progress.

EA Lomonova

Scientific publications Participants BJD Vermulst

Cooperations EU ENIAC program

Isolated high-efficiency DC/DC converter for photovoltaic applications, IECON2012. Control of a hysteretic electromagnetic electron lens system, IECON2012. Losses evaluation of two-level and three-level PFC topologies based on semiconductor measurements, ECCE2013. Design, simulation and evaluation of self-oscillating GLIM-type audio amplifier, EPE2013.

Funded by EPT300

Funding % per money stream University 50.0 % EU 16.5 % National Funding 33.5 %

Start of the project 2012

Information Bas Vermulst +31 (0)6 54235855

Annual Research Report 2013

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XTreme Motion

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders JPMB Vermeulen (ASML)

Participants NH Vrijsen JW Jansen EA Lomonova

Cooperations ASML Bosch Rexroth Heidenhain Numeric Magnetic Innovations MI-Partners Philips Apptech Prodrive TU/e TU Delft Vision Dynamics

Funded by Senternovem Province of Noord-Brabant Province of Limburg SRE

Funding % per money stream University NWO Industry

22.5 % 51.0 % 26.5 %

Start of the project 2009

Information EA Lomonova

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NH (Nilles) Vrijsen

Project aim Fundamental and applied research, for improvement of positioning devices that are compatible with demands of the next generation semiconductor systems (inspection and lithography). The following sub-targets have been identified; 1. Dynamic optimization of actuator and sensor locations for over-actuation and over-sensing of NRB structures. 2. Development of control strategies for dynamic effects in NRB structures. 3. Development of an actuator concept with optimal force distribution and predictability despite of non-linearity with regard to current and position. In this project electric energy is converged to thermal and magnetic energy, which is converged to mechanic energy. 4. Development of control strategies for electromagnetic effects with spatial distribution in NRB structures. 5. Development of transient thermal models for frequency dependent thermal sensitivity (drift) and real-time compensation strategies.

Progress The performed research regarding sub-target 3; Comparison between voice coil and reluctance actuators. An analytical reluctance actuator model is obtained, based on the magnetic equivalent circuit method describing the convergence from electric to thermal and magnetic energy, which results finally in mechanic energy. This actuator model is extended with a dynamic Preisach hysteresis model, which describes the magnetic energy inside the ferromagnetic core. This core magnetics is included to improve the force prediction for the high-precision application. Simulations including magnetic hysteresis effects are performed with a 2d/3d finite element method software. Finally, dynamic measurements are performed on an Ecore reluctance actuator with a piezoelectric load cell and measurements are performed on a Ccore actuator with an actuator test-rig based on a position feed-back loop with voice coil actuators.

Scientific publications Vrijsen, N.H., Jansen, J.W. and Lomonova, E.A. (2013). ‘Prediction of Magnetic Hysteresis in the Force of a Pre-biased E-core Reluctance Actuator,’ Proceedings of the IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), 2013, Chicago, Illinois, May 12–15, pp.704-711. Bao, J., Gysen, B.L.J., Vrijsen, N.H., Sprangers, R.L.J. & Lomonova, E.A. (2013). Optimization of the force density for medium-stroke reluctance actuators. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), May 12–15, 2013, Chicago, Illinois (pp. 712-719). Piscataway: IEEE Service Center. Vrijsen, N.H., Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E.A. (2013). Force prediction including hysteresis effects in a short-stroke reluctance actuator using a 3d-FEM and the preisach model. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA13), 7-10 July 2013, Hangzhou, China (pp. ID 362). Vrijsen, N.H., Jansen, J.W., Compter, J.C. & Lomonova, E.A. (2013). Measurement method for determining the magnetic hysteresis effects of reluctance actuators by evaluation of the force and flux variation. Review of Scientific Instruments, 84 (7):075003. Vrijsen, N.H., Jansen J.W., and Lomonova, E.A., ‘Force Prediction Including Hysteresis Effects in a Short-Stroke Reluctance Actuator Using a3d-FEM and the Preisach Model,’ Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 416-417 (2013) pp. 187-194. Vrijsen, N.H., Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E.A. (2012). ‘Finite element analysis and Preisach hysteresis model compared to measurements on a toroid’. Proceedings of the Sitxth IEEE Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering: challenges in sustainable electrical energy, 16 - 17 April, 2012, Delft, The Netherlands, (pp. 1-5). Vrijsen, N.H., Jansen, J.W. & Lomonova, E.A. (2012). ‘Comparison of magnetic hysteresis obtained from a 3D Finite element method, a Presiach hystesis model and measurements: Proceedings of IEEE Energy conversion congress and exhibition (ECCE), Sept 15-20, 2012 (pp.1-6). Vrijsen, N.H.; Jansen, J.W. and Lomonova, E.A. ‘Analysis of Magnetic Hysteresis in a High-Precision E-core Reluctance Actuator Compared to Measurements,’ IEEE Proceedings of CEFC 2012, Oita, Japan, Nov. 2012.


High efficiency nano-structured solar cells

Applied Physics

PhD students Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

TTT (Thuy) Vu Y (Yingchao) Cui

Project aim

Project leaders

We aim to fabricate high efficiency solar cells by using III-V semiconductor nanowires by optimizing the growth, optical and electrical quality of the nanowires; employing the advantages of nanowires for enhancing solar absorption. Finally, nanowire solar cells can more easily be stacked into a multijunction cell.

JEM Haverkort EPAM Bakkers


Participants TTT Vu Y Cui

During the last year we have successfully achieved 11% efficiency InP solar cells by surface cleaning. We are now working on reducing the stacking fault (using different growth orientations) in the nanowires and optimizing the nanowire quality, dopants and geometry. Further steps are flexible and multi-junction cells.

Cooperations Philips

Funded by Agentschap NL

Funding % per money stream Agentschap NL 100 %

Start of the project 2010

Scientific publications Information JEM Haverkort +31 (0)40 2474205 EPAM Bakkers

Y. Cui, J. Wang, S. Plissard, A. Cavalli, Thuy T.T. Vu, R. Veldhoven , L Gao , M. Trainor, M. A. Verheijen, J.E.M. Haverkort and E.P.A.M. Bakkers, Efficiency Enhancement of InP Nanowire Solar Cells by Surface Cleaning, Nano Lett. 2013 (10.1021/nl4016182). Y.Cui, S. Plissard, J. Wang, Thuy T.T. Vu, E. Smalbrugge, E.J. Geluk, T. de Vries, J. Bolk, M. Trainor, M.A. Verheijen, J.E.M. Haverkort and E.P.A.M. Bakkers, InP nanowire array solar cell with cleaned sidewalls, 39th IEEE Photovoltaics specialist conference, Tampa, Florida 2013. Thuy T.T. Vu, T. Zehender, M.A. Verheijen, J. Haverkort, E.P.A.M. Bakkers, High optical quality of single crystal phase wurtzite and zincblende InP nanowires, Nanotechnology 24, 115705 (2013). Y. Cui, J. Wang, S. Plissard, M. Trainor, Thuy T.T. Vu, T. Zehender, G. Immink, M.A. Verheijen, J. Haverkort and E.P.A.M Bakkers, InP nanowire solar cell with high open circuit voltage and high filling factor, Conference Paper: Optical Instrumentation for Energy and Environmental Applications, OSA 2012. J. Wang, S. Plissard, M. Hocevar, Thuy T.T. Vu, T. Zehender, G. Immink, M. A. Verheijen, J. Haverkort, E. P. A. M. Bakkers, Position-controlled [100] InP Nanowire Arrays, Applied Physics Letters 100, 053107 (2012).

Annual Research Report 2013

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EV Turbocharger

Electrical Engineering

PhD students Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EA Lomonova JL Duarte

Participants G Waltrich T Gerrits CGE Wijnands JJH Paulides MAM Hendrix

Cooperations -

Funded by

G (Gierri) Waltrich T (Thomas) Gerrits

Project aim To develop and implement a fast charging system for electrical vehicles. The novelty of the project is that the charging power available is larger than the power supplied by the grid. To achieve this, an additional source in the form of a stationary battery is added to the system. With the grid and the stationary battery as input power sources, a vehicle battery can be charged faster. The three bidirectional power converters used to transfer the power from both input sources to the vehicle battery via a high frequency transformer are a grid connected matrix converter (AC-AC), a six leg inverter (DC-AC), and a three leg inverter(AC-DC). The research has been continued by Thomas Gerrits. The main focus of the second part of the research is on integration of a high power charger onto the vehicle by re-using the traction inverter components available in the EV.


Monday April 22nd, 2013 Gierri Waltrich successfully defended his thesis on the aforementioned system. All simulations, implementation and measurements on a full scale 40 kW setup are finished. About the second part of the research: Simulations on the chosen approach are executed successfully and required parts for the setup are being developed.


Public defense: April 22nd, 2013.

Funding % per money stream

Scientific publications


100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information T Gerrits +31 (0)40 2473504

108 |

All written by: Waltrich, G.; Duarte, J.L.; Hendrix, M.A.M.: x Power steering for electric vehicle fast charging station (2012) x Multiport converter for fast charging of EV battery; focus on DC/AC converter (2011) x Multiport converter for fast charging of EV battery; focus on HF coaxial transformer (2010) x Multiport converter for fast charging of EV battery (2012) x Multiport converter for fast charging of EV battery (2011) Written by Waltrich, G.; Barbi, I.: x Three-phase cascade multilevel inverter using commutation sub-cells (2009) x Three-phase cascaded multilevel inverter using power cells with two inverter legs in series (2009)

Department Built Environment

Effects of dramatically increasing energy prices on dynamic repertoires of activity-travel behavior

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

D (Dujuan) Yang

Project leaders HJP Timmermans


Project aim 1. Better understanding of the effect a dramatically increasing energy prices on sustainable urban environments in terms of a series of indicators (mobility, accessibility, economic performance, energy use, social inclusion, etc), based on the dynamics of repertoires of activity-travel patterns; 2. Develop a model to measure the dynamics of activity-travel patterns under the impact of dramatically increasing energy price; 3. Guidelines about how effectiveness of energy pricing strategies can be improved, considering both primary and secondary effects.

D Yang

Cooperations -

Funded by European Research Council

Funding % per money stream EU

100 %

Progress Constructed a dynamic activity-travel model with pseudo panel data and analysis the dynamic effects of energy price on their activity-travel patterns; Constructed a dynamic model with genius panel data collected by GPS and analysis the dynamics of their activity-travel patterns is influenced by energy price; Developed a web-based stated adaptation experiment to measure people’s responses to accumulative energy charges under different contexts; Designed and developed a comprehensive web-based stated adaptation experiment to collect respondents’ repertoires of in-home and out-of-home activity-travel patterns and energy consumption.

Start of the project 2009

Information D Yang +31 (0)40 2473044

Scientific publications Yang, D. and Timmermans, H.J.P., 2013. Analysis of influence of fuel price on individual activitytravel time expenditure. Transport Policy, in press. Yang, D. 2013. Individual adaptation to activity-travel repertoires in response to energy price policies: A computerized stated adaptation survey and modeling approach, Presented at 13th WCTR conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Yang, D. and Timmermans, H.J.P., 2013. Modelling the impact of fuel price fluctuation on individual’S SHOPPING travel behaviour: evidence from national travel survey data. Presented at EIRASS conference, Philadelphia, USA. Yang, D. and H.J.P. Timmermans (2013), Estimation of influence of fuel price on individual dynamic travel behavior: Evidence from a pseudo panel data. IATBR book, in press. Yang, D. and G. Dane, H.J.P. Timmermans (2013), Mixture amount experiments for measuring consumer preferences of energy-saving adaptation strategies: principles and illustration. Vanoutrive, T. and Verhetsel, A. (Eds.) Smart Transport Networks: market structure, sustainability and decision making, pp. 222-238. Yang, D. Timmermans, H.J.P. and Borgers, A.W.J. (2013). Mixture amount stated adaptation experiment of Activity-travel behavior dynamics in adaptive response to energy conservation strategies. Presented at 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Record, Washington, DC, 2013. Khademi, E., Dane, G.Z., Timmermans, H.J.P. and Yang, D. 2013. Consumer Response to Accumulated Transport Charges: Developing Single Attribute Mixture-Amount Preference Experiments. Chapter 8 of Strategies for Sustainable Mobilities (Book).

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Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders

R (Reyhan) Zanis

Project aim System design and realization of a robotic finger. The research emphasis at our group is on the design and realization of a compliant electromagnetic actuator for the robotic finger joint.


EA Lomonova

A pre-prototype of the proposed actuator concept has been realized and characterized. Refinements of the actuator model will be conducted soon so that the final prototype design can be performed.


Scientific publications

R Zanis A Borisavljevic JW Jansen

R. Zanis, A. Borisavljevic, J. W. Jansen and E. A. Lomonova, ‘Modeling, design and experimental validation of a small-sized magnetic gear,’ Accepted at the International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS) 2013, 26-29 Oct. 2013, Busan, South Korea. R. Zanis, T. E. Motoasca and E. A. Lomonova, ‘Trade-offs in the implementation of rigid and intrinsically compliant actuators in biorobotic applications,’ Proceedings of the 2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 24-27 June 2012, Rome Italy.

Cooperations -

Funded by SMAC – Moving Coil Actuators

Funding % per money stream Industry


Start of the project 2011

Information Reyhan Zanis +31 (0)40 2475552

110 |


Molecular Dynamics Study on Sugar Alcohol based Phase Change Materials

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders SV Nedea CCM Rindt AA van Steenhoven DMJ Smeulders

Participants H Zhang


H (Huaichen) Zhang

Project aim This study focuses on the thermodynamics and kinetics of the nucleation and crystallization processes of molecular-alloy-based sugar alcohols (MASA) and derived carbon-MASA and encapsulated MASAs by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The nucleation mechanism of these materials is directly linked to their thermal performances in thermal energy storage applications. Several representative sugar alcohols (xylitol, erithritol, manitol, etc.) will be studied to explore their nucleation kinetics and associated heat and mass transfer processes. This will help to categorize MASAs based on their storage efficiency, heat power and recycling behavior. Order parameters will be extracted from the newly developed models to scale up the calculations in both space and time, and eventually provide guidance to reactor (heat exchanger) design. The figure below shows a crystallization simulation of liquid water into hexagonal ice at 230K and 1.0 bar. The crystal/melt interface is located in the middle at the beginning of the simulation, and grows when interfacial liquid molecules crystallize. This simulation serves as a validation to future sugar alcohol studies.


Funded by European Union

Funding % per money stream EU

100 %

Start of the project 2012 (September)

Information Silvia Nedea +31 (0)40 2475410 Camilo Rindt +31 (0)40 2472978 CCM

(a) (b) Figure: Initial (a) and final (b) configuration of simulated crystallization of water at 230K, 1.0 bar.

Progress Generalized AMBER force field has been selected to perform MD simulations. The coordinates of several representative sugar alcohols are generated from selected neutron diffraction data. Topologies are generated according to the force field. The TIP4P-2005 water model is used to validate the methodologies. Viscosity, heat conductivity calculations are performed based on nonequilibrium simulations. A test case simulation of crystallization is conducted with water, and the snapshots are shown in the figure above. Methodologies of studying nucleation and crystallization by MD simulations are systematically investigated, and will be implemented in near future.

Scientific publications Zhang, H., Iype, E., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V. & Rindt, C.C.M. (2013). Molecular dynamics study on thermal dehydration process of epsomite (MgSO4.7H2O). Molecular Simulation, accepted or in press. Goga, N., Rzepiela, A., Melo, M.N., Vries, A.H. de, Hadar, A., Markvoort, A.J., Gaastra - Nedea, S.V. & Berendsen, H. (2012). Methods for multiscale modeling of membranes. In Iglic, A. (Ed.), Advances in planar lipid bilayers and liposomes, (pp. 139-170). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Computational modeling of synthesis gas conversion reactions

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels Ŷ Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EJM Hensen

Participants T Zhu T Koranyi

Project aim This project is focused on developing fundamental understanding about the structure sensitivity of catalysis by Pt for synthesis gas conversion reactions such as the steam methane reforming (SMR). SMR is one of the principle routes to produce synthesis gas from natural gas by use of transition metal based catalysts. Due to the complex molecular chemistry occurring on metal surfaces and the complex composition of the catalyst system, the structure-activity relationships for the SMR reaction of the reaction mechanism of SMK remains a challenge. The approach involves quantum-chemical studies of the reaction mechanism and microkinetic simulations to compute macroscopic rates. The main focus of this work is on high-index Pt surfaces such as Pt(210), Pt(520), Pt(730) and Pt(533) surfaces which are compared with Rh surfaces.


Cooperations -

Funded by KIC InnoEnergy

Funding % per money stream EU

T (Tianwei) Zhu

100 %

We found that CH4 dissociative adsorption is always the rate limiting step for SMR on planer and stepped surfaces of both Pt and Re. Pt is less active than Rh due to the differences in metal-carbon bond strength. The concomitant lower metal-O bond strength of Pt also causes deactivation due to C-poisoning since at a certain temperature the equilibrium O coverage will become too low and the rate of methane dissociation become too high. All this agrees with slightly positive reaction order for Pt and negative for Rh. In all cases but for Pt(210) C+O recombination is the dominant pathway. For Pt(210) the COH pathway is important because for that pathway C can recombine with OH whose formation is more favorable (less endothermic) than formation of Oads.

Start of the project 2009

Information EJM Hensen +31 (0)40 2475178

Figure: Turnover frequency (in s-1) of steam methane reforming on the Pt (210) (rhombus), Pt (533) (triangles), Rh(111) (circles and square) and Rh(211) (circles) surfaces as a function of temperature (in K).

Scientific publications Zhu, T, Shi-Gang Sun, Rutger A. van Santen & Emiel J.M. Hensen. Reconstruction of clean and oxygen-covered Pt(110) surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 2013, 117, 11251-11257. Zhu, T, Hensen, EJM , Santen, RA , Tian, N., Sun, S.-G., Jacob, T. & Kaghazchi, P. (2012). Roughing or Pt nanoparticles induced by surface oxide formation. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2013 Feb 21; 15(7):2268-72. Zhu, T, Grootel, PW, Filot, IAW , Sun, S.-G., Santen, RA & Hensen, EJM (2012). Micro Kinetics of steam reforming methaner on platinum and rhodium metal surfaces. Journal of Catalysis, 297 (2013), 227–235.

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3.3 Research projects ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

About forty percent of all the world’s fossil fuels is used for operating buildings. There is so much to gain !

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Department Built Environment

Smart Grid - BEMS: the art of optimizing the connection between comfort demand and energy supply

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

KO (Kennedy) Aduda

Project aim


The aim is to investigate and implement multi-agent systems based process control strategies at building level as a way of managing and reducing energy demand from the Smart Grid. This entails identification of critical performance indicators for energy consumption of buildings in relation to Smart Grid strategies, modelling building level energy flows and interactions in relation to Smart Grid strategies and integrating them into overall process control strategies using multi-agent system technology. This will eventually lead to real time based Building Energy Management System with ability to interact with the grid, environment and users.

KO Aduda G Boxem


Project leaders W Zeiler

Cooperations Kropman Almende CVI

This is the initial part of the study (first 6 months). Literature review is currently being undertaken.. Literature based critical parameters or building/smart grid interactions have been identified. Initial experimental design for the study has been conceptualized, its refinement and organization for setting up of the test building is currently on going.

Funded by TKI Switch2Smart Grid

Funding % per money stream TKI

100 %

Start of the project 2013

Opportunity for exploiting building flexibility for improved energy & comfort management using MAS

Information W Zeiler +31 (0)40 2473714

Figure: Conceptual Framework for energy & informational flow.

Scientific publications Aduda, K. and Zeiler, W., 2013, Smart Grid-BEMS: the art of optimizing the connection between comfort demand and energy supply, Proceeding of the International Conference on Digital Design and Automatic Measurement Technology (DDAMT2013), Zhangjiajie, 7-9 November 7-9. Zeiler, W., Aduda, K. and Boxem, G., 2013, To cope with the uncertainty in smart energy systems: office buildings as a source for energy flexibility, Proceedings of the 13th annual International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO 2013), Montréal, 8-11 October.

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Storage integrated Multi agent controlled Smartgrid (PV SiMS)

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

M (Michail) Ampatzis

Project aim

M Ampatzis AAG van Zwam

Within the PV SiMS project the partners Mastervolt, TU Eindhoven, Alliander, Amsterdam Smart City and Greenspread InEnergie are collaborating in the development of new technologies and new business models, which enable the storage and trade of electrical energy to provide a framework of optimal financial economic performance of investments in small scale renewable energy. Smart cooperation of solar PVs, energy storages, and flexible loads will become necessary to exploit their potential to facilitate both network operators and local customers. Utilization of intelligent agents is a key to support processes of power quality of supply and energy trading. Main focus of the PhD research is to develop Agent-based control strategies for the storage integrated PV system. The project is not only intended to deliver theoretical concepts, but also to demonstrate the feasibility of these concepts in different scales of laboratory set-ups and field tests.



Mastervolt International B.V. TU Eindhoven Alliander Amsterdam Smart City Greenspread InEnergie

PhD research began February 2013. A local electricity market to enable the trading between the households participating in the field test has been designed. The literature review exploring the topic and possible solutions is delivered in November 2013, and a publication in the ISGT Conference 2013 in Copenhagen was awarded with an oral presentation. Two MSc students are currently doing their internships, to be followed later by their graduation project, for the needs of the project.

Project leaders WL Kling


Funded by Agentschap NL as part of the TKI Switch2SmartGrids 2012

Funding % per money stream Industry Government

25 % 75 %

Start of the project 2013

Information AAG van Zwam +31 (0)6 1068 8654

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Scientific publications M. Ampatzis, P.H. Nguyen, W.L. Kling, ‘Introduction of Storage Integrated PV systems as an Enabling Technology for Smart Energy Grids’, 4th European Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Conference in Kopenhagen, 6-9 October 2013, at DTU, Lyngby, Denmark.


Intelligent Energy Management at Housing Level

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders WL Kling PF Ribeiro

Participants B Asare-Bediako


B (Ballard) Asare-Bediako

Project aim Development of an integrated framework for energy management system in the housing/built environment, where decentralized and renewable energy sources are intelligently integrated with various smart loads and intelligently managed in a sustainable way. x x x

Functional description of integrated energy management system at housing level. A framework for an energy management system with the appropriate detailed configurations. Simulation and test results that provide insight into the feasibility of an integrated energy management system.

Progress The project is near completion. The main tasks as mentioned under the project aims have been fulfilled. The past year was dedicated to designing the control strategy and simulating and testing a multi-agent based home energy management system.

Laborelec GDF SVEZ DWA installaties en energieadvies Eaton

Funded by Agentschap NL

Funding % per money stream Agentschap NL 100 %

Start of the project 2010 (September)

Information B Asare-Bediako +31 (0)40 2475726

Figure: Agent-based home energy management systems integrating with smart meters, smart loads and external parties

Scientific publications B. Asare-Bediako, P.F Ribeiro, W.L. Kling, (2013). ‘Multi-agent system architecture for smart home energy optimization’, 4th IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Europe), 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. B. Asare-Bediako, P.F Ribeiro, W.L. Kling, (2013). ‘Integrated Home Energy Management Systems for Smart Grid Applications’, 4th IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Europe), 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. B. Asare-Bediako, P.F Ribeiro, W.L. Kling, (2013). ‘Day-Ahead Residential Load Forecasting with Artificial Neural Network using Smart Meter Data’, Proceedings of IEEE PES PowerTech, 16 – 20 June 2013, Grenoble, France. Asare-Bediako, B., Ribeiro, P.F. & Kling, W.L. (2012). Integrated energy optimization with smart home energy management systems. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe Conference, 14-17 October 2012, Berlin, Germany, (pp. 1-8). Baghina, N. G., Lampropoulos, I., Asare-Bediako, B., Kling, W.L. & Ribeiro, P.F. (2012). Predictive Control of a Domestic Freezer for Real-Time Demand Response Applications. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe Conference, 14-17 October 2012, Berlin, Germany, (pp. 1-8). Asare-Bediako, B., Kling, W.L. & Ribeiro, P.F. (2012). Home energy management systems : evolutions, trends and frameworks. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 47th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2012), 4-7 September 2012, London, UK, (pp. 1-5). Gopakumar, R., Asare-Bediako, B., Slootweg, J.G., Ribeiro, P.F. & Haytema, A.P. (2012). Realisation of smart grid employing powerrouter. Poster: Proceedings of the 47th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2012), 4-7 September 2012, London, UK, (pp. 1-5). Asare-Bediako, B., Ramirez Elizondo, L. M, Ribeiro, P.F., Paap, G.C. & Kling, W.L. (2011). Consideration of electricity and heat load profiles for intelligent energy management systems. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 46th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2011), 5-8 September 2011, Soest, Germany, Soest Germany.

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Personal Control over Indoor Climate in Office Buildings

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders

A (Atze) Boerstra

Project aim The primary aim of this PhD study is to investigate the mechanism behind availability and (objective and perceived) quality of indoor climate control devices and comfort, health and productivity of office building users. The second aim is to allow for better informed design decisions to better position personal control over indoor climate in the design process of office buildings.

JLM Hensen

Progress A Boerstra MGLC Loomans

Cooperations Danish Technical University: International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy

Funded by BBA Binnenmilieu

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Atze Boerstra +31 (0)10 2447025

A field study (that already started in 2011) in 9 office buildings has been concluded mid 2012; the study was conducted in cooperation with 2 Master students. A lab study (done in cooperation and at the Danish University of Technology) has been initiated and executed, in cooperation with 1 Master student. Several conference papers were published and presented at international conferences (see below). Also 1 journal paper was written and published. For an example of the figures presented in the scientific paper: see the figure below.

Perceived temperature in winter (uncomfortable 1-7 comfortable)


7 ȡs = 0.40 2-tailed p < 0.00 n = 64 buildings

6 5 4 3 2 1 1


3 4 5 6 Perceived control over temperature (none 1-7 full)


Figure: Perceived control over temperature versus perceived temperature (comfortable uncomfortable) during winter (figure from the Architectural Science Review article mentioned in the main text).

Scientific publications Boerstra A.C., Beuker T.C., Loomans M.G.L.C. & Hensen J.L.M. (2013). Impact of available and perceived control on comfort and health in European offices. Architectural Science Review, Vol. 56, Issue 1, 2013. Boerstra, A.C., Beuker, T.C., Loomans, M.G.L.C. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Impact of perceived control on comfort and health in European office buildings. Proceedings paper: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012, 8-12 July 2012, Brisbane, Queensland, (pp. 1-6). Brisbane: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate - ISIAQ. Boerstra, A.C., Loomans, M.G.L.C. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Modelling personal control over indoor climate. Proceedings paper: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012, 8-12 July 2012, Brisbane, Queensland, (pp. 1-6). Brisbane: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate - ISIAQ. Boerstra, A.C., Beuker, T.C., Loomans, M.G.L.C. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Impact of available and perceived control on comfort and health in European office buildings. (pp. 1-9). Windsor: Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings. Creemers, P., Claessen, R., Boerstra, A.C., Loomans, M.G.L.C. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Exercised control in Dutch office buildings and its effect on temperature, CO2 concentration and other IEQ parameters. Proceedings paper: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012, 8-12 July 2012, Brisbane, Queensland, (pp. 1-6). Brisbane: International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate - ISIAQ.

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Environmental Sensors for Energy Efficiency (ESEE)

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders AJM Pemen

VR (Vindhya) Chirumamilla

Project aim ESEE – Environment Sensors for Energy Efficiency targets markets, where with highly reliable information regarding environmental conditions measures can be deducted, which reduce the use of energy. Intention is to provide solutions for energy efficient management and to introduce new solutions into the market of building control, air craft cabin monitoring and for electric cars indoor air control. The societal benefit will be the provision of healthy air in indoor environments in combination with a huge amount of reduction in the use of energy due to the avoidance of preparing unnecessarily new fresh air.

Participants VR Chirumamilla

Progress Started since September 2013.

Cooperations -

Funded by EU

Funding % per money stream EU

100 %

Start of the project 2013 (September)

Information VR Chirumamilla

Scientific publications -

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Development of sustainable and functionalized inorganic binder-biofiber composites

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders HJH Brouwers

Participants GCH Doudart de la Grée Q Yu

Cooperations Wageningen UR

Funded by Knauf ENCI Eltomation STW

Funding % per money stream STW Industry

68 % 32 %

Start of the project 2012 (October)


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GCH (Guillaume) Doudart de la Grée

Project aim To develop wood/plant board with lower environmental impact, but with the same or improved properties as the wood-wool cement boards produced by Knauf. The properties of the Knauf board 3 are for example: low density (450 kg/m ), low thermal conductivity (ʄ ± 0.085 W/(mʞK)), sound absorption, fire resistance (B2) and fungi resistance. The improvement of the board can be achieved by: firstly, replacing cement by more environmentally friendly binders and using minerals classified as waste; secondly, replacing the spruce wood originating from PEFC certificated logs with waste wood and plant fibers that otherwise would go to landfill or incineration plants. Moreover, those methods of disposal would release methane gasses and CO2. To summarize: lower the environmental impact and make a product that is market competitive.

Progress x x x x x x

Literature study on wood-fiber binder boards. Physical-chemical analyses of wood-wool cement boards. Particle packing of ingredients. Treatment of potential binders. Production of wood-wool cement boards at TU/e. Performing relevant tests (equipment purchasing/set-up installations) to investigate the board properties (mechanical property, density, thermal conductivity). x Implementation of waste/more environmentally friendly cement/binder replacements.

Scientific publications

Two conference papers submitted to the 1st International Conference on the Chemistry of Construction Materials– Berlin; 7th – 9th October 2013; Berlin, Germany: x Physical-chemical upgrading and use of bio-energy fly ashes as building material. x Paper sludge fly ash- From industrial wastes to new cementitious mixes.


Thermochemical Seasonal Heat Storage for Built Environment

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

M (Mohammadreza) Gaeini

Project aim Heat is stored by an endothermic reaction in thermo-chemical material (dehydration of salt) in summer and in winter released energy from exothermic reaction (hydration of salt) is used to provide hot tap water and space heating.

Project leaders HA Zondag CCM Rindt

The goal of the project is to develop and optimize a prototype thermo-chemical heat storage system in scale of 0.25 m3.

Participants M Gaeini

Cooperations ECN

Funded by Smart Energy Regions - Brabant

Funding % per money stream Government

100 %

Start of the project 2013

Information Mohammadreza Gaeini

Progress A model is built and it is still developing for the reactor part of the system; reactor design will be done and optimized based on the model. Hydration and dehydration experiments can be done in the existing setup; it is divided in two passes for hydration and dehydration processes (blue and red passes in figure). A preliminary setup is built as a proof of principle, to show the ability of the system for providing hot tap water.

Scientific publications Lau, Y.M., Thiruvalluvan Sujatha, K., Gaeini, M., Deen, N.G. & Kuipers, J.A.M. (2013). Experimental study of the bubble size distribution in a pseudo-2D bubble column. Chemical Engineering Science, 98, 203-211.

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Computational Capacity Planning in Electricity Networks

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders

MOW (Marinus) Grond

Project aim The project focuses on computational optimization in power distribution network capacity planning and develops novel ICT tools for scenario simulation and decision making in network planning. The goal of this project is to develop an adequate power system modeling approach for future distribution network planning and to investigate how to embed this in an optimization environment for scenario simulation and decision making.

JG Slootweg

Progress Participants MOW Grond (PhD at TU/e, EES) H Luong (PhD at CWI) J Morren P Bosman H La Poutré

A distribution network planning approach is developed which meets requirements originating from network planning practice in order to guarantee realistic outcomes. This approach uses a state-ofthe-art evolutionary algorithm: Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm. The performance of this solution algorithm, as well as the proposed model, has been illustrated using real-world case studies.

Scientific publications Cooperations Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI)

Funded by NWO – SES program STW ICT regie

Funding % per money stream NWO

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information MOW Grond +31 (0)6 31 90 58 16

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Luong, N.H., Grond, M.O.W., Bosman, P.A.N. & La Poutré, H. (2013). Medium-Voltage Distribution Network Expansion Planning with Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithms. The Biennial International Conference on Artificial Evolution (EA-2013), 21 -23 October 2013, Bordeaux, France. Grond, M.O.W., Morren, J. & Slootweg, J.G. (2013). Requirements for advanced decision support tools in future distribution network planning. Oral: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2013), 10 -13 June, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden., (pp. 1-6). Grond, M.O.W., Morren, J. & Slootweg, J.G. (2013). Integrating smart grid solution into distribution network planning. Oral: Proceedings of the IEEE PES PowerTech 2013 Conference, 16 - 20 June, 2013, Grenoble, France. Grond, M.O.W., Luong, N.H., Morren, J. & Slootweg, J.G. (2012). Multi-objective optimization techniques and applications in electric power systems. Oral: Proceedings of the 47th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2012), 4 - 7 September, 2012, London, UK, (pp. 1-6). Grond, M.O.W., Morren, J. & Slootweg, J.G. (2012). Survey of power system planning models and optimization techniques. Conference Paper : Proceedings of the Sitxth IEEE Young Researchers Symposium in Electrical Power Engineering: Challenges in Sustainable Electrical Energy, 16 - 17 April, 2012, Delft, The Netherlands, (pp. 1-6). Piscataway: IEEE Service Center. Verzijlbergh, R.A., Grond, M.O.W., Verwater - Lukszo, Z., Slootweg, J.G. & Ilic, M (2012). Network Impacts and Cost Savings of Controlled EV Charging. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, 3(3), 12031212.


Self-healing grids

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

RJW (Robert) de Groot

Project aim The aim of the project is to investigate the impact of mainly distribution automation and other (ingrid) smart grid technologies such as storage on distribution aspects such as reliability and efficiency. Focus is put on the optimal placement of these technologies within the medium voltage distribution grid.

Project leaders JG Slootweg J Morren



In the last year, progress has been made in developing a method for optimal placement of distribution automation systems within the distribution grid. Furthermore, the impact of storage systems on the operation of MV and LV distribution grids has been investigated.

RJW de Groot

Scientific publications Cooperations Enexis B.V. , ‘s-Hertogenbosch, NL

Funded by Enexis B.V. , ‘s-Hertogenbosch, NL

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2011 (December)

Information RJW de Groot +31 (0)6 154 191 05

Overbeeke, F. van, Groot, R.J.W. de, Bozelie, J. & Slootweg, J.G. (2013). Thermal optimization of an integrated LV battery energy storage station. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED2013), 10-13 June 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, (pp. 1-4). Stockholm. Groot, R.J.W. de, Karaliolios, P., Slootweg, J.G., Jong, E.C.W. de & Overbeeke, F. van (2013). Smart storage : embedding local storage in the distribution grid. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the IEEE PES PowerTech 2013, 16-20 June 2013, Grenoble, France, Grenoble. Groot, R.J.W. de, Overbeeke, F. van, Schouwenaar, A.J.M. & Slootweg, J.G. (2013). Smart storage in the LV distribution grid. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED2013), 10-13 June 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, (pp. 1-4), Stockholm. Vonk, B.M.J., Groot, R.J.W. de & Slootweg, J.G. (2013). Putting neurons in the smart grid. ERCIM News, 92, 12-13. Groot, R.J.W. de, Morren, J. & Slootweg, J.G. (2012). Smart integration of distribution automation applications. Oral: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe Conference, 14-17 October 2012, Berlin, Germany, (pp. 1-7). Piscataway: IEEE Service Center. Groot, R.J.W. de, Morren, J. & Slootweg, J.G. (2012). Investigation of siimultaneity in distribution networks for the assessment of DA feasibility. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 47th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2012), 4-7 September 2012, London, UK, (pp. 1-6). Piscataway: IEEE Service Center.

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Cross Border Exchange of Balancing Services

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders WL Kling M Gibescu


JES (Jerom) de Haan

Project aim The aim of the project is to identify the consequences of cross border balancing on power networks. In a power system with large scale wind and solar generation, more imbalances are experienced by Transmission System Operators (TSOs). In order to maintain security of supply and cost-efficiency, reserves could be exchanged cross border. However, the impact on the loading of transmission networks is unclear, especially nowadays when the system is operated closer to its limits. Therefore, system variables are identified and their impact is assessed. The results could contribute to setting rules regarding the extension of coordinated balancing areas, the acceptance of control areas reducing their reserves because they can be deployed across border, and at last the need of a balance reliability margin to cope with uncertainties.

JES de Haan

Progress Cooperations TenneT TSO B.V.

Funded by TenneT TSO B.V.

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information JES de Haan +31 (0)40 2472707

The project is now in its third year. Literature background has been performed, and the load flow and load frequency models to represent Europe are developed. Furthermore results have been achieved with respect to the analysis of power imbalances, their causes and result/impact. The consequences of cross border balancing on transmission networks are defined, now the next step is to go more in depth by changing the aggregation levels from areas/countries to intra-areas. The model coupling of Continental Europe with Nordic and with UK is achieved, now worst case conditions are defined to be assessed in near future.

Scientific publications J.E.S. de Haan, A.Virag, W.L. Kling, ‘Analysis of Predictability and Variability Challenges of Wind and Solar Power’, to be presented at the Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power Transmission Networks Offshore Wind Farms, London, United Kingdom, 2013. J.E.S. de Haan, M. Aliano, J. Frunt, W.L. Kling, ‘Consideration of the Load-Frequency Control and Performance of the Continental European Power System During Large Imbalances’, presented at the Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power Transmission Networks Offshore Wind Farms, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012. J.E.S. de Haan, A. Virag, I. Lampropoulos, J. Frunt, W.L. Kling, ‘ACE-netting of Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland’, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power Transmission Networks Offshore Wind Farms, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012. J.E.S. de Haan, J. Frunt, W.L. Kling, ‘Mitigation of Grid Frequency Excursions at Hourly Transitions by Wind Power’, presented at the Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power Transmission Networks Offshore Wind Farms, Aarhus, Denmark, 2011. J.E.S. de Haan, J. Frunt, W.L. Kling, ‘Grid Frequency Responses of Wind Power Variability and Predictability’, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power Transmission Networks Offshore Wind Farms, Aarhus, Denmark, 2011. J.E.S. de Haan, J. Frunt, W.L. Kling, ‘Grid Frequency Response of Different Sized Wind Turbines’, Proceedings of the International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) 2011, Soest, Germany, 5 – 8 September, 2011. J.E.S. de Haan, J. Frunt, W.L. Kling, ‘Wind Turbines' Kinetic Energy Storage Potential for Frequency Support’, European Wind Energy Conference EWEC 2011, Brussel, Belgium, 14-17 March, 2011.

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Passive + active adaptability for structural optimization

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders PM Teuffel

Participants APHW Habraken ASJ Suiker CPW Geurts F Moonen

Cooperations To organize

Funded by University

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project

APHW (Arjan) Habraken

Project aim The current status is that in general buildings are built unsustainable and inefficient. Stiff and static objects are built with a lot of materials while the external environment acting on it is highly dynamic and changes in time and loading type, -level and -location. Also structures are overdesigned for most of its working live because the dominating design parameter (like wind force 11) which require the high amount of material, are very rare occurring. To improve this, buildings must be designed as adaptive structures, capable to react in a specific way to the environmental circumstances of that moment and in that way increase their efficiency. The generally used optimization of static structures is therefore within this research extended by passive adaptive and active adaptive optimization to decrease material use.

Progress In the year 2012 and 2013 a concept research plan is written ready to submit for approval. Multiple analytic research projects have been done. Research is done on: - wind load reduction on a passive adaptable banner, in which large wind form factor reduction is achieved by using flexibility. - active adaptable Load Path Management (LPM) within high rise building in which actuators are used to adapt the internal force distribution in line with the external environmental loading to achieve large reduction in material use. - using dynamic active adaptability to control the structural dynamic behavior to further extending the limits on material savings. Also two research projects have started in the laboratory and multiple papers are written.


Information APHW Habraken +31 (0)6-48128179

Scientific publications Habraken A.P.H.W., Sleddens W., Teuffel P.M. Adaptable lightweight structures to minimize material use. Proceedings of the International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, 9-11 October, 2013, Munich, Germany. Habraken A.P.H.W., Flexible Structural Façade. Proceedings of the International Conference Advanced Building Skins, 14-15 June, 2012, Graz, Austria.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 125


Smart energy open framework

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders WL Kling PH Nguyen

ANMM (Niyam) Haque

Project aim The project aim is to develop a Universal Smart Energy Framework (USEF) which will provide a set of specifications, designs and implementation guidelines that helps to establish a fully functional smart energy system. USEF allows each partner to develop smart energy products and services that together form a commercially viable smart energy system that allows large-scale international deployment. The framework will be validated and improved in a number of large-scale demonstration projects to commercialize these products and services.

Progress Participants ANMM Haque

Cooperations KEMA (F Bliek)

Funded by Agentschap NL

Funding % per money stream Agentschap NL 100 %

Start of the project 2013 (October)

Information ANMM Haque F Bliek

As part of the research an active market based control mechanism is being developed. This mechanism will allow participants to join electricity market more freely. Different grid operating regimes are being studied. The process of graceful degradation is proposed and being studied to manage the congestion in the distribution network.

Scientific publications -

126 |

Department Built Environment

Hybrid Adaptable Thermal Storage (HATS) – A novel lightweight low-energy house concept

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

PJ (Pieter-Jan) Hoes

Project aim

JLM Hensen M Trcka

In conventional buildings thermal mass is a permanent building characteristic depending on the building design. However, none of the permanent thermal mass concepts are optimal in all operational conditions. A concept is proposed that combines the thermophysical benefits of buildings with low and high thermal mass by applying hybrid adaptable thermal storage systems and materials to a lightweight building. This concept increases building performance and the robustness to changing user behavior, seasonal variations and future climate changes.



PJ Hoes

Draft PhD dissertation is currently being reviewed by the doctoral committee. The public defense is expected to take place April 2014.

Project leaders

Cooperations M2i - Materials innovation institute TATA Steel

Funded by M2i - Materials innovation institute TATA Steel

Funding % per money stream M2i Industry

50 % 50 %

Start of the project

Scientific publications Hoes, P., Trcka, M., Hensen, J.L.M., Hoekstra Bonnema, B. (2013). Computational performance prediction of an adaptable thermal storage concept. CLIMA 2013, June 2013, Prague, Czech. Hoes, P., Loonen, R.C.G.M., Trcka, M., Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Performance prediction of advanced building controls in the design phase using ESP-r, BCVTB and Matlab. Building Simulation and Optimization 2012, September 2012, Loughborough, Engeland. Hoes, P., Trcka, M., Hensen, J.L.M., Hoekstra Bonnema, B. (2011). Optimizing building designs using a robustness indicator with respect to user behavior. Building Simulation 2011, November 2011, Sydney, Australia. P. Hoes, M. Trcka, J.L.M. Hensen and B. Hoekstra-Bonnema. Investigating the potential of a novel low-energy house concept with hybrid adaptable thermal storage. Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 52 (2011) 2442-2447.


Information Pieter-Jan Hoes +31 (0)40 2472577

Annual Research Report 2013

| 127

Department Built environment

Numerical assessment of the impact of climate change on the indoor environment in monumental buildings and damage potential for collections

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Z (Zara) Huijbregts

Project leaders BJE Blocken HL Schellen

Participants Z Huijbregts

Cooperations Cultural Heritage Agency, The Netherlands Department of Material Science and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands National Trust, United Kingdom Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, Germany

Funded by EU Climate for Culture project 226973 within FP7-ENV-2008-1

Project aim The main aim of the project is to investigate the impact of future climate change on the indoor environment in monumental buildings throughout Europe and damage potential to their collections. Historical environmental data are used to reconstruct the historic indoor climate in a selection of generic historic building types and hygrothermal whole-building simulation models are coupled with future outdoor climate scenarios to assess the impact of future climate change on the indoor climate conditions in these buildings. In addition, a model is created to evaluate the damage potential of the predicted indoor climate variations to objects of arts, based on the chemical, physical and mechanical properties of materials. The results include an evaluation of the required energy consumption for climate control systems under changing conditions and an assessment of the effect of active and passive measures for sustainable conservation of buildings and collections.

Progress Part of the research during the last year focused on the reconstruction of possible indoor climate scenarios that may have caused damage to the interior and collections of historic buildings in the past. As flooding events have occurred in many historic buildings and may take place more often in future due to increased precipitation and sea level rise, a hygrothermal simulation model was created to analyze the impact of flooding events in historic buildings and to assess different drying regimes. In addition, a finite element model coupling heat and moisture transfer and hygrothermal stress and strain was created to assess the impact of climate variations on mechanical degradation of wooden objects of art. Furthermore, measurement campaigns were started in two monumental buildings in The Netherlands to derive possible relationships between microclimate conditions in a room and the occurrence of biological, chemical and mechanical degradation of wall paintings and paint layers on canvas.

Funding % per money stream EU

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information Zara Huijbregts +31 (0)40 2473523

Figure: A graphical representation of the method that is applied to assess the impact of indoor climate variations in a monumental building on the risk on mechanical degradation of a historic wooden cabinet.

Scientific publications Huijbregts, Z., Schijndel, A.W.M. van & Schellen, H.L. (2013). Hygrothermal modelling of flooding events within historic buildings. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics (CESBP), September 9-11 2013, Vienna, Austria, (pp. 1-8). Accepted or in press. Schellen, H.L., Huijbregts, Z., Schijndel, A.W.M. van & Martens, M.H.J. (2013). Computer modeling to evaluate the risks on damage to objects exposed to varying indoor climate conditions in the past, present, and future. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics (CESBP), September 9-11 2013, Vienna, Austria, (pp. 1-8). Accepted or in press. Leissner, J., Kilian, R., Antretter, F., Huijbregts, Z., Schellen, H.L. & Schijndel, A.W.M. van (2013). Impact of climate change on historic buildings and future energy demand by using whole building simulation tools. In: Implementing Sustainability - Barriers and Chances: Proceedings of SB13, 2426 April 2013, Munich, Germany, (pp. 1-10). Huijbregts, Z., Martens, M.H.J., Schijndel, A.W.M. van & Schellen, H.L. (2013). The use of computer simulation models to evaluate the risks on damage to objects exposed to varying indoor climate conditions in the past, present, and future. In: Climate for Collections, Standards and Uncertainties, Postprints of the Munich Climate Conference, 7-9 November 2012, Munich, Germany, (pp. 375-387). 128 |

Department Electrical Engineering

SG-BEMS: The art of optimizing the connection between comfort and energy demand supply

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

LA (Luis) Hurtado Munoz

Project leaders WL Kling HP Nguyen

Project aim The project aims to the development and realization of a platform for the integration Smart Buildings through the use of Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS), with the Smart Grid to ensure and optimize the building's energy efficiency while maintaining the minimum comfort levels. Such a system should be: autonomous, proactive, flexible, open, distributed, user friendly and embedded. And, it should be able to cope with the functional and structural requirements and changes of different buildings.

Participants LA Hurtado Munoz

Progress The general framework for the project, i.e. SG-BEMS, has been proposed. A first general platform has been developed with 4 agent instances; the communication of the platform and the control of a virtual environment has been tested using Matlab and similar software’s, using a fuzzy set of rules. A heuristic optimization technique, i.e. PSO, has been tested to optimize both, comfort and energy. Different control strategies, using this optimization technique, have been tested in a LV network, analyzing the different effects on the grid. Finally, a research proposal, including a first literature review, the project planning, methodology, working packages and possible experiments has been presented.

Cooperations Kropman Almende CWI TU/e

Funded by Smart Energy Regions - Brabant

Scientific publications Funding % per money stream Government

100 %

Start of the project 2013

Information LA Hurtado Munoz +31 (0)40 2473297

Hurtado Munoz, L.A., Nguyen, Phuong H., Kling, W.L. & Zeiler, W. (2013). Building energy management systems: optimization of comfort and energy use. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 48th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2013), 2-5 September 2013, Dublin, Ireland, Dublin-Ireland. Maruf, M.N.I, Hurtado Munoz, L.A., Nguyen, Phuong H., Lopes Ferreira, H.M. & Kling, W.L. (2013). An enhancement of agent-based power supply-demand matching by using ANN-based forecaster. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe Conference (ISGT 2013), 2-6 October 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 129

Department Built Environment

Computational modeling of wind environmental conditions over complex heterogeneous terrain

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

WD (Wendy) Janssen

Project leaders BJE Blocken

Participants WD Janssen

Cooperations Port of Rotterdam Heijmans SPF beheer

Funded by Port of Rotterdam Heijmans SPF beheer

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Project aim The project is divided in two separate parts: 1) Wind comfort in urban areas and 2) Micro-scale wind conditions in the Port of Rotterdam. For both topics experimental data are collected on-site and used for a comparison with numerical data obtained with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Deliverables for part 1 are obtaining the exceedance probability of pedestrian wind nuisance (% of hours per year) in the current situation and suggesting measures to improve the local wind climate based on CFD simulations. Special focus lies on the use of canopies attached to high-rise buildings. Deliverables for part 2 are a real-time software application that translates the macro-scale wind conditions at a near-shore reference station (Noorderhoofd) to the local (micro-scale) wind conditions in the harbor basins. This can be used for maneuvering simulations to evaluate accessing the harbor with larger ships and to train tugboat pilots.

Progress The wind comfort study for the Nieuwe Emmasingel in the city of Eindhoven is completed. An extra case study of the La Guardiaweg in Amsterdam started July 2013. Further a high-resolution computational grid has been prepared for a more generic study of the effect of canopies on wind comfort at pedestrian level with a comparison with wind tunnel data. However simulations should still be started. The Port of Rotterdam Authority is very pleased with the first version of the delivered software application. A large database with wind velocities and directions has been established based on high-resolution validated CFD simulations. The project is recently being extended by expanding the area of interest, the addition of ships in the computational domain and by simulating additional wind directions.

Start of the project 2010

Information WD Janssen +31 (0)40-2478444 BJE Blocken +31 (0)40-2472138

Scientific publications Janssen WD, Blocken B & van Wijhe HJ (2013). An experimental and numerical study of microscale wind conditions in the Port of Rotterdam. Proceedings of EACWE6, Cambridge. Janssen WD, Blocken B & van Hooff T (2013). Improving pedestrian wind comfort around a high rise building in an urban area: a case study by CFD simulations and on-site measurements. Proceedings of EACWE6, Cambridge. Janssen WD, Blocken B & van Hooff T (2013). Pedestrian wind comfort around buildings: comparison of wind comfort criteria based on whole-flow field data for a complex case study. Building and Environment 59, 547-562. Blocken B, Janssen WD & van Hooff T (2012). CFD simulations for pedestrian wind comfort and wind safety in urban areas: general decision framework and case study for the Eindhoven University campus. Environmental Modeling and Software 30, 15-34. Janssen WD, Blocken B & van Wijhe HJ (2012). Experimental and computational analysis of microscale wind environmental conditions in the Port of Rotterdam. Proceedings of iEMSs 2012, Leipzig. Wijhe HJ, Blocken B & Janssen WD (2012). Simulating wind and currents to improve future ship operations in the Port of Rotterdam. Proceedings of the 2012 MARSI, Singapore.

130 |

Department Built Environment

Dynamics of plane impinging jets at high Reynolds numbers – with applications to air curtains

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Adelya) Khayrullina

Project aim

A Khayrullina

1) To provide insight in and knowledge of the relationship between jet separation efficiency and the wide range of jet and environmental parameters, to support air curtain applications with less energy demand (figure). The investigated jet parameters include issuing nozzle configuration, velocity, turbulence intensity, height and width of the jet, jet temperature and spatial/temporal forcing of the jet. The investigated environmental parameters are temperature and pressure differences across the jet. 2) The research will be performed by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and PIV measurement in water channel. Results will provide evaluation of different turbulence models applied in modeling of impinging jets/air curtains. 3) Provide guidelines for air curtain applications in different applications.



Not defined yet

Literature study on air jets and air curtain studies (currently working on literature review for journal publication). CFD validation studies on impinging jets. Construction of experimental set-up which will be applied to water channel installed in Applied Physics department. PIV experiments are planned to be started in September, 2013.

Project leaders BJE Blocken GJF van Heijst T van Hooff


Funded by Industry

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2012 (October)

Information Adelya Khayrullina +31 (0)40 247 4834

Figure: Aerodynamic sealing provided by air curtain and structure of impinging jet.

Scientific publications Khayrullina, A., van Hooff, T., Blocken, B. (2013). A study on the wind energy potential in passages th between parallel buildings. In C. Baker, D. Hargreaves, H. Hemida & M. Jesson (Eds.) 6 European-African Conference on Wind Engineering. Cambridge, UK 7-11 July 2013.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 131


Influencing energy consumption/production of households through smart grids

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders JG Slootweg J Frunt

Participants EAM Klaassen

Cooperations Enexis B.V. (Dutch Distribution System Operator)

EAM (Elke) Klaassen

Project aim To support decision-making for implementing Demand Side Management (DSM) technologies, insights into the opportunities of smart grids as well as into the impact of the large-scale application of these technologies on the grid is needed. To investigate and quantify the DSM potential of consumers, Enexis is involved in several smart grid pilot projects. This research focusses on two of them, namely: (i) Jouw Energie Moment (JEM), and (ii) PowerMatching City II (PMC II). Both pilots, JEM and PMC II, have a different DSM architecture, in which also the role of the DSO is different. Research goal is to define a concrete plan for the evaluation of the two pilot projects, in order to evaluate the benefits of the projects for grid operators, energy market participants and project participants. Including an evaluation of the benefits of scaling up the project would provide for the same parties and an estimation on the perspectives for the implementation of smart grids in the Netherlands.


Funded by Enexis B.V. (Dutch Distribution System Operator)

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2012 (October)

Information EAM Klaassen +31 (0)6 46 43 27 86

Scientific publications Klaassen, E.A.M., Balkema, A., Asare-Bediako, B., Kling, W.L. (2013). Application of Smart Grid Technologies in Developing Areas. Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, 21-25 July 2013, Vancouver, Canada. Klaassen, E.A.M., Veldman, E., Slootweg J.G., Kling, W.L. (2013). Energy Efficient Residential Areas trough Smart Grids. Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, 21-25 July 2013, Vancouver, Canada. Klaassen, E.A.M., Kobus, C.B.A., van Huijkelom, M., Frunt, J., Slootweg, J.G. (2013). Evaluation of Washing Machine Load Potential for Smart Grid Integration. Proceedings of the 48th International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2-5 September 2013, Dublin, Ireland. Kobus, C.B.A., Klaassen, E.A.M., Kohlmann, J., Knigge, J.D., Boots, S. (2013). Sharing Lessons Learned on Developing and Operating Smart Grid Pilots with Households. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe Conference, 6-9 October 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. Klaassen, E.A.M., Zhang, Y., Lampropoulos, I., Slootweg, J.G. (2012). Demand side management of electric boilers. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe Conference, 14-17 October 2012, Berlin, Germany.

132 |

Department Built Environment

Multi-scale computational assessment of ventilative cooling as an energy-efficient measure to avoid indoor overheating

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

K (Katarina) Kosutova

Project leaders BJE Blocken JLM Hensen

Participants K Kosutova

Cooperations Technical University of Denmark TU Munich EPF Lausanne

Funded by

Project aim The PhD project aims to explore the potential of ventilative cooling as an attractive and energyefficient solution to avoid overheating of both new and renovated buildings, as it can contribute to high indoor quality, thermal comfort and productivity. The overall objective of this PhD project is to develop and apply optimal ventilative cooling strategies for four case study buildings. This objective can be split into three main tasks: 1. Model development: developing a coupling strategy between CFD, Building Energy Simulation (BES) and Building-Envelope Heat and Moisture (BE-HM) transfer models for the analysis of ventilative cooling. 2. Model application: applying the developed coupled model to assess the potential of ventilative cooling for case study buildings. 3. Strategy development: suggesting optimal building design and renovation strategies and suggesting optimal ventilative cooling strategies for these case studies buildings.

Progress Literature study on climate change, the urban heat island effect, indoor overheating, energyefficiency in buildings, CFD, BES and BE-HM models.

EuroTech EEBC

Funding % per money stream University 67 % Industry 23 %

Scientific publications -

Start of the project 2013 (Augustus)

Information Katarina Kosutova +31 (0)40 247 3523

Annual Research Report 2013

| 133

Department Built Environment

Clever Climate Control For Culture: Energy conservation in museums by optimizing climate control while preserving collection, building and thermal comfort

Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders BJE Blocken HL Schellen

Participants RP Kramer

Cooperations EU Climate for Culture

Funded by Stichting PIT Kuijpers Building Services Zeeuws Museum Strukton Worksphere EU Climate for Culture

Funding % per money stream Industry EU

82 % 18 %

Start of the project 2012

Information RP Kramer +31 (0)40 2475613

134 |

PhD student RP (Rick) Kramer

Project aim Developing an optimal control strategy for heating, cooling and (de)humidification of museums’ indoor climates that: minimizes energy consumption; provides an indoor climate that is suitable for the preservation of typical museum objects; provides the required thermal comfort for visitors and staff.

Progress A former PhD student developed damage functions that can be used to assess the quality of an indoor climate to preserve a typical collection, and he demonstrated that strict indoor climate control is not always necessary and is often responsible for the high energy consumption of many museums. The first year of this PhD consisted mostly of the development of inverse modeling to construct building models from indoor and outdoor measurements. This method will be used to conduct computational research in the upcoming years of the PhD-project.

Scientific publications Kramer, R.P. & Schijndel, A.W.M. van (2013). Inverse modeling for the prediction and characterization of indoor climates. In 2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics(CESB), September 9-11, 2013 Vienna, Austria (In Press). International Association of Building Physics. Schijndel, A.W.M. van & Kramer, R.P. (2013). The benefits of FEM-SS-BES (Finite Element Method, State-Space, Building Energy Simulation) modeling exchange for building physics. In 2nd Central European Symposium on Building Physics(CESB), September 9-11, 2013 Vienna, Austria (In Press). International Association of Building Physics. Kramer, R.P., Schijndel, A.W.M. van & Schellen, H.L. (2013). Inverse modeling of simplified hygrothermal building models to predict and characterize indoor climates. Building and Environment, Kramer, R.P., Schijndel, A.W.M. van & Schellen, H.L. (2012). Simplified thermal and hygric building models : a literature review. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 1(4), 318-325. Kramer, R.P., Schijndel, A.W.M. van & Schellen, H.L. (2012). Inverse modeling of climate responses of monumental buildings. In Proceedings of Climate for Collections: Standards and Uncertainties, 7-9 November 2012, Munich, Germany (pp. 1-12). Huijbregts, Z., Kramer, R.P., Martens, M.H.J., Schijndel, A.W.M. van & Schellen, H.L. (2012). A proposed method to assess the damage risk of future climate change to museum objects in historic buildings. Building and Environment, 55 (sept), 43-56. Kramer, R.P., Schijndel, A.W.M. van & Schellen, H.L. (2012). Simplified thermal and hygric building models: a literature review. In Proceedings of the 5th International Building Conference, 28-31 May 2012, Kyoto, Japan (pp. 1-8).


Technology for distribution area situational awareness in electrical networks (tDASA)

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EF Steennis PAAF Wouters

B (Bart) Kruizinga

Project aim This project aims towards a better grip on Low-Voltage(LV) cable system condition and reliability. As currently over 200.000 Km of LV cable is installed, this grid section contains a high asset value. These systems are known to have lifespans of many decades and faults have a low impact on customer-minutes-lost. However, little is known about degradation and fault development. This project aims to build an understanding of these aspects, and to investigate the possibilities to develop a system to assess cable system condition on-line.

Progress Participants B Kruizinga

Cooperations Locamation Enexis TNO

This project was started about nine months from this point. A literature study was conducted into all relevant aspects of this project. Interview with grid operators and engineers have been held. Experience from the field was taken into account. As the system is aimed to work on-line, high frequency signal transport in these cables was investigated. A model was set-up and compared to measurements on an actual cable. Furthermore, development of faults due to moisture was investigated.

Funded by Locamation Enexis

Funding % per money stream NWO Industry

50 % 50 %

Start of the project 2013

Information B Kruizinga

Scientific publications -

Annual Research Report 2013

| 135


Development of a Micro-Grid strategy for process control on Room-level

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

TM (Timilehin) Labeodan

Project aim Development and evaluation of a new process control method to optimize perceived comfort and energy use by applying Multi Agent systems, to make the step towards an integral comfort and energy building management system based on real occupants preferences and behavior.

Project leaders


W Zeiler WL Kling

Background study to determine key factors impacting comfort of inhabitants and energy consumption in buildings. Coordination and planning with partners on initial experimental setup.

Participants TM Labeodan

Centralized energy Smart Top generation down Grid Micro Grid

Cooperations Kropman Sense

Funded by Smart Energy Regions - Brabant

Funding % per money stream Government

100 %

Building Energy Management System


Start of the project 2013


Bottom up Scientific publications The Human Behavior: A Tracking System to Follow Human Occupancy. CISBAT 2013. Intelligent Agent Application in the Built Environmental: Case Study of Process Control in buildings with Glass Facades. ICEBO 2013. Building occupants positioning: track and trace for optimal process control. ICEBO 2013. Towards multi-agent systems in building automation and control for improved occupant comfort and energy efficiency- state of the art, challenges DDAMT2013.

136 |


Price-based control of electrical power systems (E-Price project)

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders PJJ van den Bosch WL Kling

Participants I Lampropoulos WHA Hendrix A Virag

I (Ioannis) Lampropoulos

Project aim E-Price is a three-year European research project aiming to develop a reliable, an efficient and a societally-acceptable control concept for the EU energy market. E-Price sets a new standard by introducing a feasible price-based control strategy. Its ambition is to be at the very heart of future developments that fully facilitate the increasing amounts of less-predictable renewable energy sources. E-Price uses expertise to develop innovative products and methods in co-creation with private and public parties. The interdisciplinary team of specialists from European universities and industry will look beyond present boundaries and fixed structures. E-Price will offer an integral solution as the standard framework for trade in electrical energy, satisfying European Union policy goals. This will bring about a market and control concept that gives incentives to all participants to follow their own interests while still satisfying the societal requirements on reliability, efficiency and transparency. It will bring about a structural change in the way electricity will be produced and used in the future.

Cooperations E-Price Project Consortium: - Eindhoven University of Technology - University of Trento - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - KEMA Nederland B.V. - ABB Schweiz AG - APX B.V. - Operational Research Systems - TenneT TSO B.V.

Funded by E.U. FP7

Funding % per money stream EU 75 % University 25 %

Progress The project has finished in February 2013. The main results are about a proposal for the pricebased control approach as a coherent methodological framework to ensure the feasibility, the reliability and the efficiency of the future European power system, anticipate and support market based operation and decentralized decision making. It is enabled by state-of-the-art ICT technologies and by utilizing (beyond-) state-of-the-art decentralized and distributed control systems theory and modern optimization techniques. In our approach, ICT interfaces, control laws and behavioural protocols will be holistically analyzed and systematically designed as distributed solutions to time-varying global optimization problems. In the E-PRICE project we proposed a systematic scientific approach to formulate ICT and control requirements and solutions for price-based control of future power systems. In the heart of our approach were modelling, analysis and synthesis of the interplays between: 1. The interconnected physical power system (C and D in figure), with time varying power requirements as prominent signals; and the economical layer (A and B in figure) with time varying price signals as the prominent information carriers. 2. Local objectives of producers/consumers (prosumers) (B and C in figure) and global balance, transmission network limits and reliability constraints (A and D in figure).

Start of the project 2010

Information WHA Hendrix +31 (0)40 2473309

Scientific publications I. Lampropoulos, W.L. Kling, P.P.J. van den Bosch, Paulo Ribeiro, and J. van den Berg, ‘Criteria for Demand Response Systems,’ in Proc. of the 2013 IEEE PES General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 21 - 25 July 2013. I. Lampropoulos, W.L. Kling, Paulo Ribeiro, and J. van den Berg, ‘History of Demand Side Management and Classification of Demand Response control Schemes,’ in Proc. of the 2013 IEEE PES General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 21 - 25 July 2013. I. Lampropoulos, N.Baghinĉ, W.L. Kling, and P.F. Ribeiro, ‘A Predictive Control Scheme for Real-Time Demand Response Applications,’ IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, special issue on Real-Time Demand Response, May 29, 2013, in Press.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 137

Department Built Environment

Towards E+ steel frame industrial hall: simulation support for objective prediction of energy in use

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

B (Bruno) Lee

Project aim

Project leaders

The main aims of the project are to explore different configurations of energy-producing industrial halls and develop computational models for such using building performance simulation tools, to advance a design support method that is meant to optimize energy performance of industrial halls, and to propose an assessment method that mitigate possible bias in the assessment process.

JLM Hensen HH Snijder


Participants B Lee M Trcka

Cooperations IEA Annex 54 Integration of Micro-Generation and Related Energy Technologies in Buildings

The last year, and almost the final year of the project, the focuses were in defining deliverables for the industrial partners, and advancing the computational simulation support method that could achieve the goal of designing energy producing industrial halls. A full factorial design approach was proposed. Energy performance of tens of thousands of different configurations of industrial halls was evaluated with building performance simulation. The results were assembled in the form of databases of energy performance, and the corresponding environmental impact and cost-benefit. The following figure depicts a snapshot of the results:

Funded by Tata Steel Bekaert Bouwen met Staal

Funding % per money stream M2i

100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information Bruno Lee +31 (0)40 2475760

Figure: Design solutions that minimize new CO2 emission and minimize annualized additional cost.

Scientific publications Lee, B., Trcka, M. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2013). Rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems: a cost–benefit analysis study of industrial halls. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 0, 1-8 Lee, B., Trcka, M. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2013). Building energy simulation and optimization of industrial halls. Oral : Paper presented at Paper presented at the ASHRAE 2013 Winter Conference: Shaping tomorrow's build environment today, 26-30 January 2013, Dallas, Texas, USA, (pp. 1-8). Lee, B., Trcka, M. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems for industrial halls: Achieving economic benefit via lowering energy demand. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 1(4), 326-333. Lee, B., Trcka, M. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Are Optimized Design Solutions Robust? A Case in Point — Industrial Halls with Varying Process Loads and Occupancy Patterns. Oral: Paper presented at ASim 2012 - 1st Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, 25-27 November 2012, Shanghai, China, (pp. 1-8). Shanghai: IBPSA Asia. Lee, B., Trcka, M. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Optimizing economic benefit of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems through lowering energy demand of industrial halls. Oral: Paper presented at Presentation at the 5th International Building Physics Conference(5thIBPC), 28-31 May 2012, Kyoto, Japan, (pp. 727-732). Kyoto, Japan. Lee, B., Trcka, M. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2011). Embodied energy of building materials and green building rating systems: a case study for industrial halls. Sustainable Cities and Society, 1(2), 6771. Lee, B., Trcka, M. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2011). Economic Performance Assessment of the Deployment of Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems for Industrial Halls. Oral: Paper presented at Building Simulation 2011 - 12th Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Sydney, November 2011, (pp. 2024-2031). Sydney, Australia.

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Inverse modeling of climate adaptive greenhouse shells

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders JLM Hensen

Participants CS Lee D Cóstola PJ Hoes

Cooperations EOS-lt CAGIM (WUR, HHS, TNO, TUD, Kenlog)

Funded by Agentschap NL EOS-LT CAGIM

Funding % per money stream

CS (Chul-sung) Lee

Project aim The project develops simulation methodology for climate adaptive greenhouse shells and explores potentials of adaption which focuses on not only minimizing energy consumption but also maximizing crop production. The aims of the project are: 1) To develop and test a computational approach via building energy simulation (BES) with optimization techniques. 2) To demonstrate how this approach is used to identify high performance greenhouse shells by case-study. 3) To provide better understanding of correlation between adaptive shell parameters and Performance.

Progress 1) BES(ESP-r) was modified and include additional model for greenhouse simulation: - Photosynthesis model: calculate crop production based on greenhouse indoor condition - Evaporative cooling: calculate moisture generation and latent heat loss from the crop - Condensation: calculate moisture reduction and latent heat gain to the cold surface 2) Modified version of BES(ESP-r) was validated with existing greenhouse simulation (GES). 3) Finished development and testing of a software tool-chain for optimization of climate adaptive greenhouse shells. 4) Implemented sensitivity analysis and determined 5 of most sensitive design parameters. 5) Investigated long-term and short-term adaption for crop and determined optimum thermal and optical greenhouse shell properties.

Agentschap NL 100 %

Start of the project 2011 (March)

Information Chul-sung Lee +31 (0)40 247 2577

Scientific publications Lee, C., Cóstola, D., Loonen, R.C.G.M. & Hensen, J.L.M. 2013. ‘Energy saving potential of long-term climate adaptive greenhouse shell’, BS2013, Proceedings of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 25-28 August, Chambery, IBPSA, pp. 1-8. Lee, C., Cóstola, D., Swinkels, G.L.A.M., & Hensen, J.L.M. 2012. ‘On the use of building energy simulation programs in the performance assessment of agricultural greenhouses’, ASim, Proceedings of the 1st Asia Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, 25-27 November, Shanghai, IBPSA-Asia, pp. 1-8.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Extended functionality SCG

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EF Steennis PAAF Wouters

Participants Y Li


Y (Yan) Li

Project aim - What is the working principle to perform calibration, accessory location, monitoring for water ingress and temperature changes? - What are the possibilities and limitations of the various options aiming to achieve the above? - Can this information be gathered with measuring from one side or is a two sided approach needed? - Is it possible to locate also PD’s with only one sided measuring system based on the above found cable and reflection characteristics; what are the limits and constraints for single-sided measurement to be used and under what circumstances is a double sided technique absolutely required? - What are the compromises in the sense that how much accuracy and sensitivity is gained or lost by each option?



Funded by

Cable and joint modeling, frequency limit study, temperature effect on partial discharge propagation along cable.

DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability Enexis Alliander Locamation

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Scientific publications Information Y Li +31 (0)6 1501122

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Li, Y., Wouters, P.A.A.F., Wagenaars, P., Wielen, P.C.J.M. van der & Steennis, F. (2013). Estimating transmission line parameters of three-core power cables with common earth screen. Conference Paper: Nordic Insulation Symposium (Nord-IS 13), 9-12 June 2013, Trondheim, (pp. 127-130). Trondheim. Li, Y., Wouters, P.A.A.F., Wagenaars, P., Wielen, P.C.J.M. van der & Steennis, F. (2013). Detection limitation of high frequency signal travelling along underground power cable. Conference Paper: 11th IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD 2013), June 30-July 4 2013, Bologna, (pp. 133-136). Bologna. Li, Y., Wouters, P.A.A.F., Wagenaars, P., Wielen, P.C.J.M. van der & Steennis, F. (2013). Using ferrite to improve directional sensing for pulse travelling in MV power cables with two inductive sensors. Conference Paper: 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2013), August 25-30 2013, Seoul, (pp. 2103-2108). Seoul. Li, Y., Wouters, P.A.A.F., Wagenaars, P., Wielen, P.C.J.M. van der & Steennis, F. (2013). Temperature dependency of wave propagation velocity in MV power cable. Conference Paper: 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2013), August 25-30 2013, Seoul, (pp. 1861-1866). Seoul. Awarded Paper. Li, Y., Wagenaars, P., Wouters, P.A.A.F., Wielen, P.C.J.M. van der & Steennis, F. (2012). Power cable joint model: based on lumped components and cascaded transmission line approach. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 4(4), 536-552. Li, Y., Wouters, P.A.A.F., Wagenaars, P., Wielen, P.C.J.M. van der & Steennis, F. (2012). Power cable joint model in high frequency. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, 23-27 September 2012, Bali, Indonesia, (pp. 76-79). Piscataway: IEEE Service Center. Li, Y., Wouters, P.A.A.F., Wagenaars, P., Wielen, P.C.J.M. van der & Steennis, F. (2012). Estimation of transmission line parameters single-core XLPE cables considering semiconducting layer. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, 23-27 September 2012, Bali, Indonesia, (pp. 967-970).


Inverse modeling of climate adaptive building shells

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

RCGM (Roel) Loonen

Project aim

RCGM Loonen D Cóstola M Trēka

This project investigates the potential of climate adaptive building shells (CABS) in terms of (i) improving indoor environmental quality, and (ii) reducing energy consumption. The aims of this project are: - To develop a simulation strategy for integrated performance prediction of buildings with adaptable building shell properties; - To develop and test a computational approach, based on simulation and optimization techniques, that is capable of quantifying the (full) performance potential of CABS; - To demonstrate, on a case study basis, how this approach can be used to identify high-potential, i.e. high-performance, low-complexity, directions for future CABS concepts; - To better understand the relationships between adaptability of building shell parameters and performance in a number of demonstration examples.



Project leaders JLM Hensen


EOS-lt FACET (TNO, TU Delft, ECN, Cauberg-Huygen Raadgevende Ingenieurs)

Funded by Agentschap NL EOS-LT FACET

Funding % per money stream Agentschap NL 100 %

- Finished development and testing of a software toolchain for integrated performance optimization of CABS; - Quantification of the full performance potential of CABS on a case study basis; - Investigation of approaches to reduce CABS complexity (number of adaptable elements, number and range of adaptable element, switching frequency) on the basis of the same case study; - Simulation-based assessment of a new approach for high-performance solar shading control; - Development and demonstration of a framework of for quantifying the potential of buildings with seasonal facade adaptation; - Update and extension of a database with (>200) examples of CABS concepts; - Research and development of a new way of performing dynamic sensitivity analysis, and application to the case of designing shading fins.

Start of the project 2010

Information Roel Loonen +31 (0)40 247 2571

Scientific publications Loonen, R.C.G.M., Trcka, M., Cóstola, D. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2013). Climate adaptive building shells: state-of-the-art and future challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 25, 483-493. Boer, B.J. de, Bakker, L., Oeffelen, E.C.M. van, Loonen, R.C.G.M., Cóstola, D. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Future climate adaptive building shells - Optimizing energy and comfort by inverse modeling. Proceedings of the 8th Energy Forum on Solar Building Skins, 6-7 December 2012, Bressanone, Italy, (pp. 15-19). Hoes, P., Loonen, R.C.G.M., Trcka, M. & Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Performance prediction of advanced building controls in the design phase using ESP-r, BCVTB and Matlab. First IBPSA-Engeland conference Building Simulation and Optimization (BSO12) 10-11 September 2012, Loughborough, UK, (pp. 229-236). Boer, B.J. de, Ruijg, G.J., Bakker, L.G., Kornaat, W., Zonneveldt, L., Kurvers, S.R., Alders, E.E., Raue, A., Hensen, J.L.M., Loonen, R.C.G.M. & Trcka, M. (2011). Energy saving potential of climate adaptive building shells - Inverse modelling of optimal thermal and visual behaviour. Adaptive Architecture, an international conference, London.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Department Electrical Engineering

Assessment of innovative technologies integration in electricity markets and networks: energy storage case study

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

HM (Helder) Lopes Ferreira

Project leaders WL Kling

Project aim In a world aiming towards high renewable energy integration, it is more and more relevant to be aware of the real technological situation. As well, it is also important to evaluate the potential deployment of those different technical solutions in an energy world where regulation and markets are keystones. In this framework, this project assessed several technologies (e.g., distributed generation and FACTS), and currently is performing a closer analysis of energy storage and its potential of playing a strong role on the evolution towards smart grids.

Participants HM Lopes Ferreira

Cooperations KIC InnoEnergy JRC-EC INESC Porto

Progress A paper on the characterization on energy storage technologies was published this year, as well as a chapter on a book on innovative technologies, addressing FACTS (power electronics devices) usage in electrical networks. Currently, the work is focused on evaluating the potential economic benefits of energy storage in the Dutch electricity markets.

Scientific publications Funded by Industry

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information HM Lopes Ferreira +31 (0)40 247 5779

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Lopes Ferreira, H.M., Garde, R., Fulli, G., Kling, W.L. & Pecas Lopes, J. (2013). Characterisation of electrical energy storage technologies.Energy, 53, 288-298. Lopes Ferreira, H.M., L'Abbate, A., Fulli, G. & Hager, U. (2013). Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) Devices. Advanced Technologies for Future Transmission Grids (pp. 119-156). London: Springer. Maruf, M.N.I, Hurtado Munoz, L.A., Nguyen, Phuong H., Lopes Ferreira, H.M. & Kling, W.L. (2013). An enhancement of agent-based power supply-demand matching by using ANNbased forecaster. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe Conference (ISGT 2013), 2-6 October 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. Lopes Ferreira, H.M., Costescu, A, L'Abbate, A., Minnebo, P. & Fulli, G. (2011). Distributed generation and distribution market diversity in Europe. Energy Policy, 39(9), 5561-5571. Lopes Ferreira, H.M., Fulli, G., Kling, W.L. & Pecas Lopes, J. (2011). Storage devices impact on electricity distribution. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2011), 6-9 June 2011, Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany. Lopes Ferreira, H.M., Fulli, G., L'Abbate, A., Vandenbergh, M., Gabrieli Francescato, M., Dicuonzo, F., Carlini, E. & Vergine, C. (2011). The impact of distributed generation on the European power system: the Italian experience. Proceedings of the CIGRE Symposium 2011 on Assessing and Improving Power System Security, Reliability and Performance in Light of Changing Energy Sources (CIGRE 2011), 3-6 April 2011, Recife, Recife, Brazil. Lopes Ferreira, H.M. (2011). Evaluating the direct and indirect benefits, strengths and weaknesses of distributed energy storage in Europe. Proceedings of the 3rd Energy Storage Forum (ESF), 1719 May 2011, Paris, Paris, France. Lopes Ferreira, H.M., Faas, H., Fulli, G., Kling, W.L. & Pecas Lopes, J. (2010). Reliability analyses on distribution networks with dispersed generation: a review of the state of the art. Proceedings of the Powergrid Europe Conference, June 8-10-2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (pp. 1-17). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: PennWell. Lopes Ferreira, H.M., Fulli, G., Kling, W.L., L'Abbate, A., Faas, H. & Pecas Lopes, J. (2010). Distributed Generation in Europe: the European regulatory framework and the evolution of the distribution grids towards Smart Grids. Proceedings of the Young Researcher Symposium, 29-30 March 2010, Leuven Belgium, (pp. 1-6). Leuven, Belgium: YRS. L'Abbate, A., Migliavacca, G., Hager, U., Rehtanz, C., Ruberg, S., Lopes Ferreira, H.M., Fulli, G. & Purvins, A. (2010). The role of facts and HVDC in the future pan-European transmission system development. Proceedings of the 9th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission, 19-21 October 2010, London, United Kingdom, (pp. 1-8). London: IET.


Modeling of virtual natural lighting solutions in buildings

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

RA (Rizki) Mangkuto

Project aim The aim of the research is predicting the potential of virtual natural lighting solution (VNLS) system for application in various building types. The main objectives of the research are investigating and enabling innovative application of modeling approaches for VNLS.

Project leaders JLM Hensen



- Measurement and simulation of lighting performance of an existing virtual window (figure a). - Modeling and simulation of non-existing VNLS configurations with simplified and complex views, evaluated based on the space availability, uniformity, ground contribution on the ceiling, and probability of discomfort glare (figure b, c).

RA Mangkuto EJ van Loenen MBC Aries

Cooperations -

Funded by Intelligent Lighting Institute – TU/e

Funding % per money stream University 100 %



Start of the project 2010


Information RA Mangkuto +31 (0)40 2472302

Scientific publications Mangkuto, R.A., Aries, M.B.C., Loenen, E.J. van & Hensen, J.L.M. (2013). Simulation of virtual natural lighting solutions with a simplified view. Lighting Research and Technology. Published online 20 February 2013 as DOI: 10.1177/1477153513476875. Mangkuto, R.A., Aries, M.B.C., Loenen, E.J. van & Hensen, J.L.M. (2012). Lighting performance of virtual natural lighting solutions with a simplified image in a reference office space. Proceedings of Experiencing Light 2012, 12-13 November 2012. Eindhoven, the Netherlands: Eindhoven University of Technology. Mangkuto, R.A., Ochoa Morales, C.E., Aries, M.B.C., Loenen, E.J. van & Hensen, J.L.M. (2011). Review of Modelling Approaches for Developing Virtual Natural Lighting Solutions. Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011, Sydney, November 2011, (pp. 2643-2650). Sydney, Australia: IBPSA Australasia & AIRAH. Mangkuto, R.A., Aries, M.B.C., Loenen, E.J. van & Hensen, J.L.M. (2011). Properties and Performance Indicators of Virtual Natural Lighting Solutions. Proceedings of CISBAT, Lausanne, September 2011, (pp. 379-384). Lausanne, Switzerland: Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory (LESO-PB), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Annual Research Report 2013

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City Energy Networks

Built Environment

Integrated modeling and simulation of electricity, gas and heat networks underlying a sustainable city infrastructure

Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders B de Vries (TU/e) WF Schaefer (TU/e) J Desmedt (VITO)

Participants LAJ Mazairac

Cooperations -

Funded by VITO

Funding % per money stream VITO

PhD student LAJ (Wiet) Mazairac

Project aim To secure the future supply of energy (electricity, gas, and/or heat) it is important to study possible changes in the patterns of energy demand and generation. This information is necessary to be able to anticipate on necessary interventions and investments in current and new networks. The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of technical developments and energy price variations on the energy networks, and to determine the most sustainable network infrastructure to adapt to these changes. The main deliverable of this research is an energy networks simulation model that is applicable to European cities. With this model, cities are supported in designing energy policies in which generation, distribution and consumption play equally important roles, and which are sustainable with regard to changes in availability of energy sources.

Progress In the last few months we have been working on a method which makes it possible to find the optimal layout for a district heating network. Heat is one of three carries we will focus on during this project. We can now calculate the construction costs of the network and we can also calculate the operational energy losses. These two interests are conflicting. By applying a genetic optimization algorithm the optimal, least expensive solution can be found.

100 %

Start of the project 2013

Information LAJ Mazairac +31 (0)681220502

Scientific publications -

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Perceived control in automated daylight control systems

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders EJ van Loenen EHL Aarts

Participants BW Meerbeek

BW (Bernt) Meerbeek

Project aim Investigate how 'expressive interfaces' can increase users' acceptance and perception of control while interacting with intelligent systems such as domestic robots and automated blinds in offices.

Progress In a five-month field study, qualitative and quantitative methods were used to investigate how office workers in 40 offices experience and use automatically controlled exterior venetian blinds. In total, 3433 blinds adjustments (average of 0.86 per office per day) were recorded, of which 73.6% was initiated by the user. Four blinds usage profiles were identified and the underlying motivations for the different users were described. In the majority of offices, the automatic mode was switched off. Contrary to the expectations, the comfort ratings for daylight of office workers using the manual mode were slightly lower than the ratings of automatic mode users.

Cooperations Philips Research

Funded by NOP Philips Research

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2009

Information EJ van Loenen +31 (0)06 55874721

Scientific publications B W Meerbeek, E J Van Loenen, M Te Kulve, M Aarts: User Experience of Automated Blinds in Offices. Experiencing Light; 01/2012. Bernt Meerbeek, MSc. PDEng.; Marije Te Kulve; Tommaso Gritti; Mariëlle Aarts; Evert Van Loenen; Emile Aarts (in review). Building automation and user control: A field study into the usage of automatic blinds in Dutch offices. Journal of Environmental Psychology. Bernt Meerbeek, Martin Saerbeck: Designing domestic robots with personality. In: Dautenhahn, Kerstin and Joe Saunders (eds.), New Frontiers in Human–Robot Interaction. 01/2011: pages 257278; ISBN: ISBN 9789027204554. Meerbeek, B.W., Saerbeck, M. (2010). User-centered design of robot personality and behavior. In proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Designing robotic artefacts with user- and experience-centred perspectives (at NordiChi’10), Reykjavik, Iceland. Bram Hendriks, Bernt Meerbeek, Stella Boess, Steffen Pauws, Marieke Sonneveld: Robot Vacuum Cleaner Personality and Behavior.. International Journal of Social Robotics 01/2011; 3:187-195. B. Meerbeek, Martin Saerbeck, Christoph Bartneck: Iterative Design Process for Robots With Personality. In K. Dautenhahn (Ed.) AISB2009 Symposium on New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction , (pp. 94-101). Dzmitry Aliakseyeu, Jon Mason, Bernt Meerbeek, Harm Essen, Serge Offermans, Andrea Alessandrini, Valentina Sanesi, Paulo Carreira, Chad Eby, Reiner Wichert, Kristof Laerhoven, Jean Gelissen: Results of the `User Interaction Techniques for Future Lighting Systems' Workshop at INTERACT 2011. 01/2012: pages 29-34; , ISBN: 9783642314797. Dzmitry Aliakseyeu, Jon Mason, Bernt Meerbeek, Harm van Essen, Serge Offermans: The Role of Ambient Intelligence in Future Lighting Systems.. Ambient Intelligence - Second International Joint Conference on AmI 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 16-18, 2011. Proceedings; 01/2011. Dzmitry Aliakseyeu, Jon Mason, Bernt Meerbeek, Harm van Essen, Serge Offermans, Andrés Lucero: User Interaction Techniques for Future Lighting Systems. INTERACT Lisbon, Portugal, September 5-9, 2011, Proceedings, Part IV; 01/2011.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 145


SG (B2B & B2C) BEMS - The art of optimizing

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders WL Kling H Nguyen

Participants E Mocanu

Cooperations Kropman Installatietechniek Almende CWI TU/e - Built Environment

Funded by Agentschap NL – TKI Switch2SmartGrids of Top Sector Energy

Funding % per money stream Agentschap NL 100 %

Start of the project 2013

Information W Zeiler +31 (0)40 247 3714

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E (Elena) Mocanu

Project aim Within the SG (B2B & B2C) BEMS project the partners are collaborating on B2B and B2C applications based on an interface with the BEMS, which focuses on optimizing the energy flows between building user, building installations and the public electrical grid. The concept of SG is a key technology and strategy to realize the optimization. It is of great importance, in addition to the interactive energy connection between the infrastructure and the buildings, in particular to optimize the interaction with the end users. Through the introduction of ICT and the use of Agentbased control technology supported energy management platform as a link between the Smart Grid and the building/home automation systems, more opportunities for balancing supply and demand arise. This will be the main focus of the EE research. A fundamental research (TU/e and CWI) coupled to experiments (Kropman and Almende) will lead to strong synergistic effect of theory and practice.

Progress Begin to investigate different methods for prediction of energy consumption. Load forecasting decomposition helps analyze energy consumption patterns and identify the prime targets for energy conservation. Moreover, prediction of temporal energy consumption enables building managers to plan out the energy usage over time, shift energy usage to off-peak periods, and make more effective energy purchase plans.

Scientific publications -

Department Built Environment

Green Cities, Modeling the spatial transformation into energy efficient cities using synthetical data

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

S (Saleh) Mohammadi

Project leaders B de Vries WF Schaefer

Participants S Mohammadi

Cooperations -

Funded by MSRT (Ministry of Science and Technology)

Funding % per money stream Scholarship 100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Saleh Mohammadi +31 (0)624969861

Project aim The aim of this project is to develop an urban energy simulation, optimization model that allows for studying the effects of applying renewable energy (RE) policies that promoting renewable energy technology in urban areas. For application and validation of the model, a syntactical case is used. In brief the main objectives of project are: 1) Development of a generative algorithm that can generate different syntactical city maps based on the infrastructure configurations and urban descriptive parameters. 2) Development of a RE simulation model that can allocate RET’s up to what is spatially feasible and financially most profitable in urban areas based on the yearly average demand and supply. 3) Development of an optimization model for balancing electricity grid based on the suitability map on an hourly and yearly basis. It also allows for analyzing the effects of applying renewable energy policies on the overall urban energy system.

Progress During the second year of the PhD project the following progress has been achieved: - Narrow down the project boundary to the urban electricity grid. - Identifying and making list of the main renewable energy technologies (RETs) and policies - Designing and implementing the main structure of the project (system design) in terms of three main modules (scheme): 1. generate syntactical city 2. simulation and suitability analysis 3. power balancing and optimization - In the simulation part: defining the installation conditions and main spatial requirements for RETs implementations defining energy load profiles designing the allocation mechanism Implementing in Netlogo - Optimization: examining the main optimization approaches include genetic algorithm, simulated annealing and multi objective optimization approach. determining the main energy dynamics regards supply and demand identifying the main energy storage technologies as a tools for energy balancing

Scientific publications Mohammadi, S., Vries, B. de & Schaefer, W.F. (2013). A comprehensive review of existing urban energy simulation models. Book chapter of the International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), 2-5 July 2013, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Mohammadi, S., Vries, B. de & Schaefer, W.F. (2013). Analyzing the decision making process of property owners in the built environment under different renewable energy policies. International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), 2-5 July 2013, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Mohammadi, S., Vries, B. de & Schaefer, W.F. (2012). Urban energy simulation, a new modeling approach to achieve energy neutral cities: a comprehensive review of existing urban energy models. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning (DDSS2012), 27-29 August 2012, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Department Built Environment

Computational modeling of evaporative cooling as a climate change adaptation measure at the spatial scale of buildings and streets

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

H (Hamid) Montazeri

Project leaders BJE Blocken JLM Hensen


Project aim The PhD project aims to explore the potential benefits of evaporative cooling as a micro-scale climate change adaptation measure. The overall objective of this research project is to develop, validate and apply high-resolution computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models to investigate the performance of evaporative cooling in urban areas. This objective can be split up in the following sub-objectives: 1. Develop and validate CFD models for wind flow in urban areas; 2. Develop and validate CFD models for evaporative cooling performance assessment; 3. Apply evaporative cooling for a real complex case study.

H Montazeri

Progress Cooperations Climate Proof Cities consortium: - TNO - Manchester University - Kassel University - Freiburg University - Delft University of Technology - Wageningen University - Utrecht University - Nijmegen University - Deltares - KWR - Unesco IHE

1. CFD modeling of evaporative cooling: validation and sensitivity analysis. The results show that CFD is a useful and accurate tool to predict the performance of evaporative cooling systems. 2. Computational modeling of convective heat transfer coefficients (CHTC) at the surfaces of a surface-mounted obstacle. It can be concluded that transient simulations with LES are capable of predicting the CHTC at the facade of low- and medium-rise buildings. CFD simulation of wind-induced pressure coefficients on buildings with and without balconies. The results show that building components, such as balconies, can lead to very strong changes in wind pressure distribution on building facades and need to be taken into account in computational modeling of urban environment.

Funded by Knowledge for Climate FES and companies

Funding % per money stream Industry FES

25 % 75 %

Start of the project

(a) Direct evaporative cooling (by spray nozzles) in an urban environment. (b) Schematic view of case study including spray nozzles.


Information Hamid Montazeri +31 (0)40 247 4374

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Scientific publications Montazeri H., Blocken B. 2013. CFD simulation of wind-induced pressure coefficients on buildings with and without balconies: validation and sensitivity analysis. Building and Environment 60: 137149. Montazeri H., Blocken B., Janssen W.D., van Hooff T. 2013. CFD evaluation of a new second-skin facade concept for wind comfort on building balconies: Case study for the Park Tower in Antwerp. Building and Environment 68: 179–192. Montazeri H., Blocken B., Hensen J.L.M. Numerical simulation of convective heat transfer at the surfaces of a cube. Eurotherm Seminar on Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement. Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 2013. Montazeri H., Blocken B. CFD analysis of surface pressure coefficients for a building with balconies. Proceedings of the 6th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE). July 2013, Cambridge, UK. Toparlar, Y., Blocken, B., Janssen, W., Montazeri, H., van Hooff, T., Timmermans, H. Computational modeling of evaporative cooling to reduce air temperatures during heat waves with application to Bergpolder Zuid. Proceedings of the 6th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering (EACWE). July 2013, Cambridge, UK. Gilani S., Montazeri H., Blocken B. CFD simulation of temperature stratification for a building space: validation and sensitivity analysis. 13th International IBPSA Conference. Chambéry, France, Aug. 2013. Toparlar, Y., Blocken, B., Janssen, W., van Hooff, T., Montazeri, H., Timmermans, H. Numerical study of evaporative cooling as a climate change adaptation measure at the building and street scale: Case study for Bergpolder Zuid. 13th International IBPSA Conference. Chambéry, France, Aug. 2013.


Next generation distribution grid topology

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders

M (Michiel) Nijhuis

Project aim The distribution grid is subjected to many uncertainties, with the introduction of PV for instance it has become clear that the current system topology will no longer suffice. The distribution grid needs to become more flexible to be able to deal with the known and unknown uncertainties in the coming 50 years. A change in grid topology is needed to be able to implement this flexibility in the distribution grid.

M Nijhuis

Progress Participants


M Nijhuis

Scientific publications Cooperations



Funded by Alliander

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2013

Information M Nijhuis +31 (0)6 48526804

Annual Research Report 2013

| 149


Application of nano-silica in concrete

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

G (George) Quercia Bianchi

Project aim The aim of this research is to create a practical application method and a mix design tool to apply a newly developed nano-silica (nS) in concrete.

Progress Project leaders

Utrecht University (JW Geus) FP7 ProMine Project

The activities, according to the approved project plan, have been completed in 80%. The results demonstrated that the optimum replacement level of olivine nano-silica in concrete is between 3.8 to 5.0% by vol. Nevertheless, the addition of nano-silica causes always an increase in the required SP amount to obtain the same workability class. In addition, it was demonstrated that 1 kg of nano-silica can replace 5 kg of cement and the total binder can be decreased, while maintaining the required properties (in fresh and hardened state). Also, it was demonstrated, in laboratory and pilot scale that it is possible to decrease the CO2 footprint of concrete in 18%. Supplementary research is needed to modify and to improve the optimization algorithm developed by Hüsken and Brouwers in order to predict the expected behavior of the cement paste with higher accuracy, when nano particles are added.

Funded by

Scientific publications

HJH Brouwers

Participants G Quercia Bianchi G Hüsken


Materials innovation institute (M2i) Selor EEIG (SEMI)

Funding % per money stream University 20 % M2i 40 % Industry 40 %

Start of the project 2010 (February)

Information Derk Bol M2i +31 (0)15 27 82535 Virginie Heidweiller Geochem Research B.V. part of Selor EEIG +31 (0)20 671 10 44

150 |

Quercia, G., Lazaro, A., Geus, J.W. and Brouwers, H.J.H. (2013). Characterization of morphology and texture of several amorphous nano-silica particles used in concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites (Accepted). Lazaro, A., Brouwers, H.J.H. and Quercia, G. (2013). Synthesis of a green nano-silica material using beneficiated waste dunites and its application in concrete, World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering (3) 2013. Quercia, G., Van der Putten, J.J.G., Husken, G. and Brouwers, H.J.H. (2013). Photo-voltaic silica-rich waste sludge as cementitious supplementary materials (SCM), Cement and Concrete Research. Quercia, G., Van der Putten, J.J.G., and Brouwers, H.J.H. (2013). Photovoltaic’s silicarich waste sludge as supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), Advances in Cement and Concrete Technology in Africa (ACCTA 2013), Johannesburg, South-Africa, January 2013. Buregyeya, A., Quercia, G. Spiesz, P., Florea, M.V.A. and Nassingwa, R. (2013). Exploratory Characterization of Volcanic Ash sourced from Uganda as a Pozzolanic Material in Portland Cement Concrete, Advances in Cement and Concrete Technology in Africa (ACCTA 2013), Johannesburg, South-Africa, January 2013. Quercia, G., Brouwers, H.J.H. and Hüsken, G. (2013). Effect of olivine nano-silica additions on the fresh and hardened behaviour of cement pastes and mortars, 1st International Conference on the Chemistry of Construction Materials, Berlin, Germany 7-9 October.


Combined material and energy assessment in the building envelope

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

MJ (Michiel) Ritzen

Project aim The aim of this research is to develop an assessment model for the building envelope based on physical quantities that are underlying the generation of both materials and energy; solar energy input and land footprint.

Project leaders


CPW Geurts (TU/e, TNO)

The activities undertaken within the first year of this project have followed two lines. The first is an inventory of building envelope functions and methods to assess the material and energy aspects of these functions. The second line is an experimental approach in which a first field-test was defined and realized concentrating on a number of building envelope functions, their interaction and environmental impact. Different options for integration of PV are installed, and their effectiveness with respect to energy performance and material aspects are being monitored.

Participants MJ Ritzen (Zuyd, TU/e) Z Vroon (Zuyd, TNO) R Rovers (Zuyd, TNO)

Cooperations Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Funded by Zuyd University of Applied Sciences NWO

Funding % per money stream Zuyd University of Applied Sciences 70 % NWO 30 %

Start of the project 2012

Information Michiel Ritzen +31 (0)6-24460817

Field test at the ‘District of Tomorrow’; monitoring the PV performance under different conditions for backside ventilation.

Scientific publications SB13 Munich conference proceedings, Munich, 2013. Energy Forum on Advanced Building Skins, Bressanone, 2012.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 151


Development of Eco Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

C (Chris) Straub

Project aim The aim of this research is divided into two parts. Part one is a better understanding of the production process of AAC and involved reactions. This will be applied in part two, the substitution or replacement of raw materials by materials with an lower ecological impact, like industrial byproducts, landfill materials, other natural resources.

Project leaders HJH Brouwers

Participants C Straub G Quercia Bianchi


Progress The progress from the beginning of the project till now is mainly literature study and ordering the specific laboratory set up (autoclave and steam generator, ready end of 2013) as theoretical part. The (pre-)selection of possible replacement materials and ordinary raw materials, their ordering and characterization has been done. All materials have been characterized for chemical (LOI, XRF) and physical properties (density, particle size distribution, water demand). Theoretically considerations were collected about obtaining the greenbody properties.

HESS AAC systems B.V.

Funded by M2i

Funding % per money stream M2i

100 %

Start of the project 2013

Information Chris Straub +31 (0)40 247 5795

Scientific publications -

152 |


Chloride penetration in cracked and uncracked concrete structures

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Azee) Taher

Project aim

A Taher AJJ van der Zanden

The aim of this project is to improve/develop a model, which describes moisture transport in porous materials, in order to improve the durability of concrete. This model should also include chloride and heat transport. Many coupled differential equations of moisture, chloride and heat can be found in the literature. In these models one or more parameters are neglected. To validate and improve these models, experimental work is needed to estimate the relevance of these parameters. In order to accomplish the goal of the project, the following subtasks should be carried out: 1. Theoretical: a) Validate and improve existing moisture transport models. b) Extend moisture models with chloride and heat transport. 2. Experimental: a) Experimental work regarding the sensitivity of the model parameters. b) Material parameters which are essential in the model must be assessed or measured.



Project leaders HJH Brouwers


TU Delft

Funded by STW

Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

The most important results of the last year were: a. Chloride has a large influence on moisture transport in sand-lime. From these experimental data, a journal paper has been written. b.The calculated diffusion coefficient from the experiment is in good agreement with the diffusion coefficient found in the literature. c. Chloride transport as the result of moisture transport has been demonstrated by measuring chloride concentrations before and after the experiment.

Start of the project 2010

Information A Taher +31 (0)40 2472323

Scientific publications Taher, A.; Brouwers, H.J.H.; Zanden, A.J.J. van der. The influence of chloride on the moisture transport in mortar and sand-lime. 12th International conference on building materials (IBAUSIL), Weimar, September 2012, pp. 2-0609-2-0616. Taher, A.; Brouwers, H.J.H.; Zanden, A.J.J. van der. Towards more durable concrete. Simon Steven Gezel prize (STW annual congress), Nieuwegein, October 2012. Taher, A. Blagojevic, A. Chloride penetration in cracked and uncracked concrete structures. IS2Cprogram. Woerden, May 2011.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 153

Department Built Environment

A multi-scale analysis of the urban heat island effect: From city averaged temperatures to the energy demand of individual buildings

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Y (Yasin) Toparlar

Project leaders BJE Blocken GJF van Heijst P Vos


Project aim In this study, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling techniques will be used to assess the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. The aim is to analyze the UHI effect from the meteorological mesoscale to the building scale by performing simulations and relevant validation studies. Bridging the gap between these scales is important in order to assess the implications of the UHI effect on building energy consumption. Unlike most previous research in this field, this study will evaluate the UHI phenomenon deterministically, rather than statistically. Apart from the analysis of the UHI effect, the deterministic analysis at the urban regions will allow for a scientifically based design and assessment of climate change adaptation measures. With this research, energy in the built environment will be subject to analysis from a local climate point of view.

Y Toparlar

Progress Cooperations TU/e Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)

Funded by TU/e VITO Funding % per money stream Government 100 %

Start of the project 2013

Information Bert Blocken +31 (0)40 2472138 Yasin Toparlar +31 (0)40 2478444

154 |

The project has started in January 2013 and is scheduled for 48 months. In general, the project is divided into several work packages (WP) and begins with the literature study and some training regarding the software used (Work package 1). After this initial phase, a micro-scale analysis model based on CFD simulations will be developed (Work package 2). Later on, the developed model will be coupled with an existing meso-scale model (Work package 3) and will be validated with a case study (Work package 4). In the final phase, climate change adaptation measures will be evaluated with the model (Work package 5) and building energy performance simulations will be performed for assessing the effect of climate change adaptation measures on building energy demand (Work package 6).

Scientific publications Toparlar, Y., Blocken, B.J.E., Janssen, W.D., Hooff, T.A.J. van, Montazeri, H. & Timmermans, H.J.P. (2013). Computational modeling of evaporative cooling to reduce air temperatures during heat waves with application to Bergpolder Zuid. In C. Baker, D. Hargreaves, J. Owen & M. Sterling (Eds.), Oral : Paper presented at Proceedings of European African Conference on Wind Engineering, Cambridge.


Process Control on Workplace Level – User Centered Energy Reduction

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders W Zeiler

Participants JCG Verhaart G Boxem

Cooperations Maastricht University Delft University of Technology TNO Bouw Kropman Priva Vabi NXP

JCG (Jacob) Verhaart

Project aim Within this project, the system of personal climate control will be made practically applicable. Individual Comfort Systems (ICS) offer an increased comfort level on the workplace, directly around the building occupant. This system is only using energy when the occupant is present and uncomfortable and the energy that is used, is used directly at the person. In this way, the comfort level and productivity of each individual is increased and energy use for the whole office building can be reduced. The performance can be increased further when the system would intelligently determine the occupant’s comfort level using remote (optical) sensing. With that, actions for increasing comfort can be coordinated with other ICSs and the global climate system on building level.

Progress A literature review is being written on the benefits of an ICS in terms of thermal comfort and energy reduction. The mechanism and method of detecting the onset of sweating as an indicator of warm discomfort is being studied and experimented on.

Funded by Agentschap NL

Funding % per money stream TKI Energo 100 %

Start of the project 2013

Information JCG Verhaart

Figure: Lay-out of ICS including subsystems

Scientific publications Process Control on Workplace Level – User Centered Energy Reduction ICEBO 2013.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 155


Smart Energy for Building Comfort

Built Environment

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders W Zeiler

Participants M Veselý

Cooperations Kropman

Project aim The non-industrial buildings represent about one third of the primary energy consumption in the developed countries, but despite the high energy consumption a high quality of the indoor environment is often not achieved. These problems lead to the development of personalized conditioning systems. Personalized conditioning represents a way how to overcome both of these problems. The individual approach to the buildings’ occupants with respect to their different needs makes it possible to satisfy everybody in the building. The fact that the energy is deployed in an effective way only on the place of its actual need allows to relax the indoor environmental conditions in the room and thus to save energy. However, the personalized conditioning systems are still controlled in a rather traditional way. Incorporating physiological parameters as critical indicators of peoples’ comfort can thus significantly improve the performance of personalized conditioning.


Funded by NWO-STW

Funding % per money stream NWO

M (Michal) Veselý

100 %

Start of the project 2013

As a result of the literature study a comprehensive literature review will be published covering the topic of personalized conditioning and its impacts on thermal comfort and building energy performance. A set of experiments is prepared to verify the applicability of remotely sensed fingertip skin temperature as a control signal for local radiant heating. These experiments aim to test the control principle on a panel of more than ten test subjects. The automated finger tracking in the infrared images will be used to obtain the temperature value. Furthermore the individual differences between the test subjects will be investigated. The experimental results will become a basis for application of the system in the real office conditions.

Information Michal Veselý +31 (0)40 247 2039

Scientific publications Veselý, M., Boxem, G., & Zeiler, W. (2013). Personalized conditioning with human-in-the-loop control approach. In Proceedings of ICEBO. Montreal. Veselý, M., Zeiler, W., Boxem, G., & Vissers, D. R. (2013). The human body as its own sensor for thermal comfort. In Proceedings of CISBAT. Lausanne. Zeiler, W., Vissers, D., Boxem, G., & Veselý, M. (2013). Reduced Energy Consumption and Increase Comfortථ: the User in the Loop Approach. In Proceedings of Clima. Prague.

156 |

Department Electrical Engineering

System Development Methodology for smart microgrids within the business to business market

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

FD (Frits) Wattjes

Project leaders JG Slootweg

Participants FD Wattjes


Project aim The sustainable transition towards a smarter electricity system with an emphasis on decentralized systems and additional functionalities will be facilitated in the near future by smart microgrids. Smart microgrids are complex systems which must be developed in an efficient, effective and transparent way. A smart microgrid isn’t ‘just’ a technological concept but a multi-, inter- and trans disciplinary theme that can only succeed with a common effort of all involved actors. These actors vary in education, background, beliefs, etc., and are seeking for a pragmatic method to develop a smart microgrid in a complex and non-transparent sector. A new method is proposed for developing smart microgrids. This method will be applied in a pilot project for the development of a smart energy supply system for a commercial and industrial site in a Dutch municipality. This project is subsidized by the Agentschap NL.


Progress Funded by Cofely Energy & Infra

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information FD Wattjes +31 (0)6 20012573

The proposed system development framework is 90% completed and ready to be applied within smart microgrids. The smart microgrid is divided into several themes, each developed by the proposed framework. These themes are almost (95%) completed, the next step is to develop an integral part, which combines all themes into a holistic vision on smart microgrids system development and to draw conclusions on the feasibility of smart microgrids.

Scientific publications IEEE ISGT 2013 Copenhagen, ‘a framework for estimating flexibility for commercial and industrial customers in smart grids’. 48th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC) 2013 Dublin Institute for Technology, ‘Design Considerations for Smart Microgrids’. Utilities, ‘met intelligente netten naar een duurzame energievoorziening’, September 2011.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 157


Power Quality Regulation within European framework

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

LE (Leake) Weldemariam

Project aim

Project leaders

The objective of the research is to develop a way of monitoring PQ and the way the quality should be reported; to propose the best way of voltage dips measurements in the MV network; to calculate and analyze the voltage dips; to identify the voltage dips and transient requirements; to study the classification of voltage dips; and to study the requirement of network impedance at the MV network. In this research, the MV network of the Netherlands will be considered.

JFG Cobben V uk

Progress Literature study is underway.

Participants LE Weldemariam











Grid source

NMA Alliander


L0-1 150/10KV 100MVA








NMA Alliander



3 11

100 %

Start of the project 2013 (June)

Information LE Weldemariam

158 |

Scientific publications -







0.4 MVA 10/0.4 kV


L13 LV






Funding % per money stream



L6 L2


L5-6 L6-11

Funded by




L0 2




Department Electrical Engineering

Effect of Substitution EHV/HV Overhead Lines by EHV/HV Underground Cables on Resonant Grid Behavior

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

L (Lei) Wu

Project aim Categorize causes over-voltage resonances Investigate how power cable affects these events Use Randstad380 project as case study Investigate limits of introducing power cable

Project leaders


EF Steennis PAAF Wouters


Participants L Wu


Based on mathematics, a frequency domain method is developed to analyze transients (upto 10 kHz) in complex transmission systems (combined overhead line and underground cables). Models of transformer and shunt reactor are checked by sweep frequency response analysis. Models of combined overhead lines and underground cables are checked by sequence-impedance measurement.


Scientific publications Funded by TenneT

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information L Wu +31 (0)40 2473973

Bruyn, B.J.H de, Wu, L., Wouters, P.A.A.F. & Steennis, F. (2013). Equivalent single-layer power cable sheath for transient modeling of double-layer sheaths. Conference Paper: IEEE PES PowerTech conference, 16-20 June 2013, Grenoble, (pp. 1-6). Grenoble. Wu, L., Wouters, P.A.A.F. & Steennis, F. (2013). Application of frequency domain analysis to fault transients in complex HV transmission lines. Conference Paper: 8th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE 2013), May 23-25 2013, Bucharest, (pp. 1-6). Bucharest. Wu, L., Wouters, P.A.A.F. & Steennis, F. (2013). Frequency domain transient analysis of resonant behavior for different HV overhead line and underground cable configurations. Conference Paper: 10th International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST 2013), 18-20 July 2013, Vancouver, (pp. 1-6). Vancouver. Wu, L., Fonk, H., Wouters, P.A.A.F. & Steennis, F. (2013). Influence by parasitic capacitances on frequency response of a 380-150-50 kV transformer with shunt reactor. Conference Paper: 18th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2013), August 25-30 2013, Seoul, (pp. 56-60). Seoul. Wu, L., Wouters, P.A.A.F. & Steennis, F. (2012). Model of a double circuit with parallel cables for each phase in a HV cable connection. Conference Paper: IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology, 30 Oktober - 2 November 2012, Auckland, New Zealand, (pp. 1-5). Piscataway: IEEE Service Center. Wu, L., Wouters, P.A.A.F. & Steennis, F. (2011). Aspects related to replacing HV lines by HV cables on resonant grid behavior. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST '11), 14-17 June 2011, Delft, The Netherlands, (pp. 1-6). Delft. Wu, L., Wouters, P.A.A.F., Heesch, E.J.M. van & Steennis, F. (2011). On-site voltage measurement with capacitive sensors on high voltage systems. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the IEEE PES PowerTech 2011 Conference, 19-23 June 2011, Trondheim, Norway, (pp. 1-6). IEEE Service Center.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 159

Department Electrical Engineering

Functionalities of Future Distribution Grid, Necessary Measurement and Data Management

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Y (Yu) Xiang

Project leaders JFG Cobben PF Ribero


Project aim The aim of the project is to investigate the minimum measurements needed in distribution grid for autonomous operation, and to develop an innovative operation framework with the proposed measurement scheme. The following research questions are proposed: 1. How many measurements in distribution grid are necessary for the future smart operation, including where to measure, what to measure and the timescale? 2. How can we make use of the measurement data to improve the operation of distribution grid? 3. How can we make the proposed operation framework so reliable and robust that a certain amount of false data cannot disturb the whole operation?

Y Xiang

Progress Cooperations Alliander N.V.

As the first research topic of the project, an operation framework is proposed for MV grid based on a state estimator. The diagram of the framework is shown in the figure below.

Funded by Alliander N.V.

Network parameters

Voltage regulation


Switching consequence assessment

Funding % per money stream Industry

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Load estimation (Pseudo measurements)

Information Yu Xiang +31 40 2475978

Stochastic load characteristics

State estimator

Loss estimation Other operation activities

Firstly, important aspects regarding measurements are analyzed. For additional inputs for state estimator, load estimation is applied, and its accuracy is analyzed based on statistics. Finally, a probabilistic approach is given to determine the minimum necessary measurement scheme.

Scientific publications Yu Xiang, J.F.G. Cobben, ‘Probabilistic Analysis on Measurement Timescale in Medium Voltage Grid’, 13. International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw, 2013.

160 |

Department Built Environment

Hybrid Adaptable Thermal Storage (HATS) – A novel lightweight low-energy house concept

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Azzedine) Yahiaoui

Project leaders JLM Hensen

Project aim The research aims to achieve better control in building performance simulation by integrating distributed computer programs. Currently there exists domain for automation and systems modeling very advanced in control and simulation features. On the other hand, domain specific for building performance simulation is usually relatively basic in terms of control and simulation capabilities. Marrying two approaches by run-time coupling would potentially enable integrated performance assessment of innovative control strategies for integrated building systems.

Participants A Yahiaoui


Public defense: October 15th, 2013.

Cooperations TU Delft Vabi Software

Funded by Unfunded since 2006

Funding % per money stream n.a.

Start of the project 2002

Information Azzedine Yahiaoui +31 (0)40 247 2577

Scientific publications Yahiaoui, A. (2013). A distributed dynamic simulation mechanism for buildings automation and control systems. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: J.L.M. Hensen & Dr. L.L. Soethout). Yahiaoui, A., Hensen, J., Soethout, L., & Paassen, A. H. C. v. 2007. ‘Developing web-services for distributed control and building performance simulation using run-time coupling’, Proceedings of the 10th IBPSA Building Simulation Conference, 3-5 September, Tsinghua University, Beijing, pp. 1327-1333. Yahiaoui, A., Ulukavak Harputlugil, G., Sahraoui, A. E. K., & Hensen, J. 2006. ‘The application of systems engineering on the building design process’, Proceedings of the 1st Int. CIB Student Chapters Postgraduate Conf. ‘Built Environment and Information Technologies’, 16 - 18 March, Ankara, Middle East Technical University, p. 11 pages on CD. Yahiaoui, A., Hensen, J., Soethout, L., & Paassen, A. H. C. v. 2006. ‘Design of model based LQG control for integrated building systems’, Proceedings of the 8th IASTED Int. Conf. on Control and Applications, 24-26 May, Montreal, International Association of Science and Technology for Development, p. 6 pages on CD.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 161


Metrology in Future Smart Grids

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders

G (Gu) Ye

Project aim -

To investigate on the power quality phenomenon propagation in the network; To research on the metrology approaches in smart grids, e.g. what to measure, where to measure, how to measure, etc.; To study with the field measurement data from Livelab Alliander; To analyze the impacts of measurement accuracy.

JFG Cobben

Participants G Ye V uk

Cooperations Alliander VSL (Dutch Metrology Institute)

Progress The project just started few months. 1. Literature study, prepare the background knowledge, to know the current situation of related research, to think about the future working objectives. 2. A research plan is made in order to follow in the following 4 years. 3. Voltage Dip, as the first power quality phenomenon concerned in this project, starts to be studied.

Funded by TU/e

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2013 (September)

Information G Ye

Figure: Voltage Dip Phenomenon

Scientific publications Cuk, V. (2013). Low-frequency distortion in distribution networks. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: W.L. Kling & J.F.G. Cobben). ‘Statistical Approach to Investigate the Voltage Level and Losses with Photovoltaic and Electric Vehicle in Low Voltage Network’, Submitted to the Power System Computation Conference, 2014, Poland (abstract accepted. Cuk, V., Cobben, J.F.G., Kling, W.L. & Ribeiro, P.F. (2013). Analysis of harmonic current summation based on field measurements. IEE Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 7(12), 1391-1400. Cuk, V., Cobben, J.F.G., Ribeiro, P.F. & Kling, W.L. (2013). Summation of harmonic currents of variable-speed induction motor drives. Conference Paper: Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting 2013, July 21 - 25, 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Piscataway: IEEE Service Center.

162 |


Exploring a new medium for high-power switching: supercritical fluids

Electrical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion Ŷ Built environment ප Fusion energy ප Human capital

J (Jin) Zhang

Project aim Study the high power switching phenomena in supercritical fluids, as well as the recovery velocity of the supercritical medium after the breakdown. Feasibility of circuit breakers with supercritical fluid insulating will be studied on the bases of knowledge gained via experiments and modelling.

Project leaders


EJM van Heesch

Jin Zhang has intensively worked on experiment on air-blown switch and developing methods for recovery rate evaluation for both air-blown switch and supercritical switch. One simple-model and one multi-functional-model supercritical fluid switch are designed and constructed. Experiments on both supercritical switches are processed. Thermodynamic model for estimating the recovery phenomena of the spark after breakdown inside the supercritical fluid is drafted. Improvement of the model is processed together with the PhD student Aram Markosyan.

Participants J Zhang J Teunissen

Cooperations Scientific publications


Funded by Oranjewoud KEMA ABB Siemens

Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

Breakdown voltage study of a supercritical medium switch based on experiment, Zhang, J.; Beckers, F.J.C.M, van Heesch, E.J.M. Proceedings of EAPPC-BEAMS2012-Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany. Recovery rate analysis of plasma switch and comparison with experimental results, J. Zhang, E.J.M. van Heesch, Proceedings of XXth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc-FSO 2013, Czech Republic, Sep. 2013. Study of breakdown inside a supercritical fluid plasma switch, J. Zhang, T. Furusato, F.J.C.M. Beckers, E.J.M. van Heesch, E.M. van Veldhuizen, Proceedings of IEEE Pulsed Power & Plasma Science Conference – PPPS 2013, San Francisco, CA USA, June 2013. Streamer to spark transition in supercritical N2 [4 pages]. A.H. Markosyan, J. Zhang, B. van Heesch, U. Ebert. Proceedings of the XXth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, FSO 2013, September 2-6, 2013, Nove Mesto na Morave, Czech Republic.

Start of the project 2010

Information EJM van Heesch +31 (0)6 21268881 J Zhang +31 (0)40 2474494

Annual Research Report 2013

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3.4 Research projects ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

Fusion is an endgame solution. We work on it for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

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Modeling of the stabilization of tearing modes by ECRH and ECCD


PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

B (Bircan) Ayten

Project aim

E Westerhof AJH Donné

To study the stabilization of rotating tearing modes by electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) and electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) through integrated modeling of the nonlinear MHD describing the evolution of the tearing mode and of the quasi-linear plasma response resulting from the effects of ECRH and ECCD.



B Ayten

The topics covered by the thesis: (1) simulations of the TEXTOR tearing mode suppression experiments by means of the generalized Rutherford equation; (2) a theoretical study of the oscillations caused by rotation of the tearing mode in the stabilizing term from ECCD in the generalized Rutherford equation; (3) bounce-averaged, quasi-linear Fokker-Planck code calculations for the study of the threshold for and consequences of non-linear effects of ECCD inside magnetic islands. The figure illustrates the power deposition inside a 3/2 magnetic island in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak.

Project leaders

Cooperations Within FP120: R Boot

Funded by Euratom/FOM NWO

Funding % per money stream FOM EU

85 % 15 %

Start of the project 2009

Information Bircan Ayten +31 (0)30-6096972

Public defense: December 16th, 2013.

Scientific publications Ayten, B. (2013). Dynamical aspects of tearing mode suppression by electron cyclotron heating and current drive in tokamak plasmas. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. ((Co-)promot.: prof.dr. A.J.H. Donné, prof.dr. M.R. de Baar & E. Westerhof). Ayten, B. & Westerhof, E. (2012). Consequences of plasma rotation for neoclassical tearing mode suppression by electron cyclotron current drive. Physics of Plasmas, 19(9):092506. B. Ayten, E. Westerhof, Dynamical Modelling of Neoclassical Tearing Mode Suppression by ECCD, 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 2012/07/02, Stockholm, Sweden, P4-049. B. Ayten, E. Westerhof, Dynamical modelling of neoclassical tearing mode suppression by ECCD, 17th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (EC-17), EPJ Conf. 32 (2012) 01010. B. Ayten, E. Westerhof, Consequences of plasma rotation for neoclassical tearing mode suppression by electron cyclotron current drive, Phys. Plasmas 19 (2012) 092506. B. Ayten, E. Westerhof, Non-linear effects in electron cyclotron current drive applied for the stabilization of neoclassical tearing modes, 40th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, 1 - 5 July, Espoo, Finland, P2.148. Ayten, B., Lazzari, D. De, Baar, M.R. de, Hennen, B.A. & Westerhof, E. (2011). Modelling of tearing mode suppression experiments in TEXTOR based on the generalized Rutherford equation. Nuclear Fusion, 51(4):043007.

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System identification for MHD and thermal transport in nuclear fusion plasmas

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders MR de Baar

Participants M van Berkel

Cooperations Asdex Upgrade (DE) TCV (Sw.) LHD (JA)

Funded by FOM programme 120

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Matthijs van Berkel +31 (0)40 247 2058

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M (Matthijs) van Berkel

Project aim -

Progress Low latency sawtooth period detector established. Tried on TCV. Analysis for optimal identification of the thermal transport in fusion plasmas while taking the effect of noise into account carried out. Draft publication ready submission to submit to AUG pinboard. Estimator for thermal transport in thermal transport submitted to Automatica.

Scientific publications Berkel, M. van, Baar, M.R. de & Vandersteen, G. (2013). Identification of heat transport in fusion plasmas. Meeting Abstract : Abstract presented at the 32nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, March 26-28, 2013, Houffalize, Belgium, Bruxelles: Université Libre de Bruxelles. Heijmans, S.H.J., Steinbuch, M. & Berkel, M. van (2013). Heat transport modeling in tokamaks : for acquiring a simulation model by using different spatial discretization methods. (Internal Report, CST, No. 2013.043). Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology. Berkel, M. van, Witvoet, G., Baar, M.R. de, Nuij, P.W.J.M., Morsche, H.G. ter & Steinbuch, M. (2011). Real-time wavelet detection of crashes in limit cycles of non-stationary fusion plasmas. Fusion Engineering and Design, 86(12), 2908-2919.


Edge Localized Mode (ELM) studies with Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE) Imaging


PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

A (Anton) Bogomolov

Project aim Utilize ECE imaging diagnostic, in combination with other diagnostics, to study the development of ELM mode, providing a detailed description of the main characteristics, and the plasma parameters on which these depend. Look into the impact of ELM control coils. Make a comparison between the experimentally observed characteristics and those predicted by ELM theory and models.

Project leaders AJH Donné PC de Vries IGJ Classen

Progress A method of automated ELM analysis is developed which provides such ELM characteristics as duration and averaged mode velocity (see the publication).

Participants A Bogomolov

Cooperations Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association, Garching, Germany

Funded by FOM DIFFER (NWO)

Funding % per money stream FOM EU

85 % 15 %

Scientific publications Start of the project 2011

Information Anton Bogomolov +49 (0)17627553866

Classen, I.G.J., Boom, J.E., Bogomolov, A., Wolfrum, E., Maraschek, M., Suttrop, W., Vries, P.C. de, Donné, A.J.H., Tobias, B.J., Domier, C.W. & Luhmann, N.C. (2013). The role of temperature fluctuations in the dynamics of type-I and type-II edge localized modes at ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion, 53(7):073005. ‘Variation of ELM signatures observed by ECE Imaging on ASDEX Upgrade’ (4 pages), EPS 2013 conference paper.

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In-line ECE for NTM control at AUG

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

H (Hugo) van de Brand

Project aim To build an ITER relevant MHD control system at AUG. To demonstrate the functionality of the radial tracking system based on mm-wave cavity FADIS and Mach-Zehnder interferometer. To establish control over the mm-wave cavity round path length. To modulate the power source in phase with the island’s O-point, as determined with a Kalman filter.

Project leaders MR de Baar


Participants H van de Brand

Cooperations Asdex Upgrade IFP Stuttgart TNO Delft

Funded by FOM programme 120

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Hugo van de Brand +31 (0)40-247 2058

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Experiments were done. Island can be appreciated in the data, but phase jump required for radial tracking not seen. This is due to the geometry of the AUG configuration. An modified set-up is proposed, which will show the phase jump. Control of the mm-wave cavity FADIS MKII (500 kW) is achieved, and a FADIS MKIII (water cooled, CW, full power) is set up. Offline analysis to determine the island phase and frequency with a Kalman filter demonstrated.

Scientific publications Brand, H. van den, Baar, M.R. de, Lopes Cardozo, N.J. & Westerhof, E. (2013). Evaluating neoclassical tearing mode detection with ECE for control on ITER. Nuclear Fusion, 53(1):013005. Brand, H. van den, Baar, M.R. de, Lopes Cardozo, N.J. & Westerhof, E. (2012). Integrated modelling of island growth, stabilization and mode locking consequences for NTM control on ITER. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 54(9):094003.

Department DIFFER

Erosion and morphology changes of graphite under high flux and low temperature plasma bombardment

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

KE (Kirill) Bystrov

Project leaders GC de Temmerman MCM van de Sanden

Project aim The project aim is to study carbon migration under plasma conditions relevant for ITER divertor. Quantify graphite sputtering by hydrogen and nitrogen plasmas. Analyze hydrocarbon impurities transport patterns in high density plasmas. Determine the extent of local re-deposition of sputtered species. Analyze morphology changes on graphite surfaces due to high density plasma bombardment. Provide benchmark data for numerical simulations.

Progress Participants KE Bystrov

Cooperations Internal: G van Swaaij (CPP-LT) External: L Marot (U. Basel, Switzerland) C Arnas (Aix-Marseille U., France) F Liu (Luoyang Ship Material Institute, China)

Carbon gross and net sputtering yields and their time evolution are described in [1]. CH emission plumes are localized near injection point. Their correlation with sputtering and redeposition patterns are discussed in [2, 3]. Up to 90% of redeposited carbon returns to the surface and leads to synthesis of novel carbon micro- and nanostructures (see Figure) [4]. Papers about sputtering in nitrogen and in-depth analysis of synthesized nanostructures [5,6] are submitted. Several talks given.

Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM


Start of the project 2009

Information Kirill Bystrov 030 6096 930

Scientific publications [1] K. Bystrov, J. Westerhout, M. Matveeva, et al., Erosion yields of carbon under various plasma conditions in Pilot-PSI, Journal of Nuclear Materials 415 (1 SUPPL), pp. S149-S152, 2011. [2] K. Bystrov, L.B. van der Vegt, G. A. van Swaaij, et al., Carbon Migration During Methane Injection Experiments Under ITER Divertor-Relevant Conditions, Journal of Nuclear Materials 438, S686-S689, 2013. [3] G.A. van Swaaij, K. Bystrov, D. Borodin, et al., Carbon Transport and Escape Fraction in a High Density Plasma Beam, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 438, S629-S632, 2013. [4] K. Bystrov, L. van der Vegt, G. De Temmerman, et al., Reorganization of graphite surfaces into carbon micro- and nanoparticles under high flux hydrogen plasma bombardment, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 31 (1), art. no. 011303, 2013. [5] K. Bystrov, T. W. Morgan, I. Tanyeli, G. De Temmerman, and M.C.M. van de Sanden, Chemical sputtering of graphite by low temperature nitrogen plasmas at various substrate temperatures and ion ux densities, Submitted to J Appl Phys. [6] K. Bystrov, G. De Temmerman, M. C. M. van de Sanden, et al., Spontaneous synthesis of carbon nanowalls, nanotubes and nanotips using high flux density plasmas, Submitted to Carbon.

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Department Applied Physics

Control and mitigation of Edge Localized Modes by further development and application of computational tools

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

B (Bram) van Es

Project aim

Project leaders

Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) are disruptive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities observed in torus-shaped fusion devices in which an extremely hot plasma is confined magnetically (tokamaks) for the eventual goal of energy production. The project aim is to find ways to control and mitigate ELMs in an early stage of their development.

B Koren HJ de Blank



New finite-difference methods for extreme anisotropic diffusion were developed. The methods were tested on various discriminating benchmark problems. Results were presented at three international scientific conferences in 2012. In 2013 finite-volume schemes have been developed. Two journal papers regarding the finite-difference and finite-volume scheme submitted, as well as a poster presentation at the APS conference for plasma physics in November.


Scientific Publications

Participants B van Es

Funded by FOM (FOM Program 120, ‘Active Control of Magnetic Hydrodynamic Modes in Burning Plasmas’)

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information B van Es +31 (0)20 5924166

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B. van Es, B. Koren and H. de Blank, Discretization methods for extremely anisotropic diffusion, ebook, Advanced numerical methods for complex environmental problems, Bentham publishing, 2013. B. van Es, B. Koren and H. de Blank, Discretization methods for extremely anisotropic diffusion, Proceedings Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Big Island, Hawaii, 2012, ICCFD7-1401, B. van Es, B. Koren and H. de Blank, Numerical modelling of strongly anisotropic dissipative effects in MHD, Proceedings 39th European Physical Society Conference and 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics, Stockholm, 2012, B. van Es, B. Koren and H. de Blank, Special finite-difference methods for extremely anisotropic diffusion, Proceedings ECCOMAS 2012 – European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vienna, 2012, e-Book Full Papers, 3871-3888.

Department DIFFER

Assessing reaction kinetics by (active) spectroscopy: from fusion boundary plasma to solar fuel plasma reactors

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

N (Niek) den Harder

Project aim

GJ van Rooij MCM van de Sanden

Develop spectroscopic methodology to determine plasma physical and chemical reaction kinetics. Initially, atomic and molecular spectroscopy as well as laser scattering are employed in fusion boundary plasma (mimicking) conditions to characterize transport, ionization and dissociation of neutral atoms and molecules. These techniques are transferred in the second part of the project to a low temperature plasma reactor for solar fuels production to study the reaction kinetics underlying the reduction of CO2.



N den Harder

Tungsten erosion, migration and redeposition was investigated in a low-temperature plasma laboratory experiment to determine inverse photon efficiencies. These results will be used to monitor divertor erosion in JET in-situ. A probe was designed to introduce a controlled amount of tungsten into a linear plasma experiment. The known sputter yield of tungsten for low temperature argon ions was used to benchmark the probe (left figure below). After a successful calibration, the tungsten migration in the low-temperature plasma was studied using spectroscopy on the neutral tungsten 400.9 nm emission line (right figure below). An oral presentation about recent results was given at FLTPD-10.

Project leaders

Cooperations -

Funded by FOM STW

Funding % per money stream FOM/STW 100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Niek den Harder +31 (0)30 6096756

Molecular spectroscopy was employed at the same plasma to determine temperature and density of the residual background gas. This information was used to quantify ionization and energy losses via molecular channels.

Scientific publications -

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Department DIFFER

1. Optical design and viewing geometry for divertor Thomson scattering on MAST Upgrade 2. Effect of RMPs on L-H Transition, First ELM and with power near L-H threshold

Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders AJH Donné P de Vries

PhD student JN (Joshua) Hawke

Project aim’s 1. The aim of this project is to further the design for the super-X divertor Thomson scattering diagnostic for MAST-Upgrade and examine the expected operation/performance of the diagnostic to make sure that the design meets specifications. 2. The aim of this project is to quantify the effect that Resonance Magnetic Perturbations have on the L-H transition on the MAST Tokamak while also looking into the mitigation of the first ELM and the behavior of the plasma near the L-H Threshold.

Participants JN Hawke


Cooperations R.Scannell, M. Maslov, J. Harrison (EURATOM/CCFE Fusion Association, UK) P. Bohm (Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, Czech Republic)

1. For this work an outline of the optical design and viewing geometry has been partially completed with the current collection cell design, placement, and the associated viewing geometry optimized. The optimization was done to avoid vignetting losses, especially in the detachment region near the divertor tile strike point. Calculations and modelling of the diagnostics performance have been done including studies into the expected fractional error, effectiveness of the laser imaging onto the fiber bundle, calculation of the radial resolution of the system, the depth of field effects of a multi-laser system, and some studies on the beam dump lifetime.

Funded by FOM/ITER-NL

Funding % per money stream FOM ITER-NL EU

65 % 20 % 15 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Joshua Hawke +44 (0)7876777117 2. The effect of RMPs on the L-H transition is in the early stages of analysis with the experiment still active in the current MAST campaign (M9). The experimental results so far highlights the delay of the L-H transition and the threshold input power level with various RMP configurations n = 2,3,4, and 6 at various levels of current in the RMP coils. What we have obeserved is a much stronger suppression as higher Bres with long periods of dithery H-mode with application of the RMP coils at high Bres. Also, with a q95 scan ( different IP ) we saw that it is easier to supress the L-H transition at lower IP values but still need to examine if this is a Bres or q95 effect. From results it seems that the n = 2 pertibation is acting on a different bit of physics than the other pertibations, likely dominated by effects of the rotation and thus does not follow the trend of the other perterbations.

Scientific publications Hawke, J.N., Scannell, R., Maslov, M. & Migozzi, J.B. (2013). Correction of the spectral calibration of the Joint European Torus core light detecting and ranging Thomson scattering diagnostic using ray tracing. Review of Scientific Instruments, 84(10):103507.

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Department DIFFER

Imaging for Fusion: System requirements for visible light imaging as an intelligent sensor for plasma position control

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

G (Gillis) Hommen

Project leaders MR de Baar

Project aim Develop a real-time plasma boundary reconstruction system for use in the shape control system of a tokamak. Explore potential and limitations and provide a design guidelines for real-time imaging systems in fusion devices.


Participants G Hommen

A setup was built using two high-speed cameras, for use at the TCV tokamak at the CRPP Lausanne. Development and testing is completed, a feedback control experiment with Vision-in-the-loop was performed, demonstrating the feasibility of the diagnostic for feedback control of the plasma shape.

Cooperations CRPP Lausanne (Basil Duval)

Shot 48858, t=0.378, Img number 200 0.8

Funded by FOM/EFDA 0.6

Funding % per money stream FOM EFDA (EU)

60 % 40 % 0.4

Start of the project 2010 0.2

Information Gillis Hommen +31 6 47171375





-0.8 0.6




Figure: Example image showing boundary reconstruction on a plasma image from the TCV tokamak

Scientific publications Hommen, G., Baar, M.R. de, Citrin, J., Blank, H.J. de, Voorhoeve, R.J., Bock, M.F.M. de & Steinbuch, M. (2013). A fast, magnetics-free flux surface estimation and q-profile reconstruction algorithm for feedback control of plasma profiles. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 55:025007. Steinbuch, Y.F., Steinbuch, M., Baar, M.R. de & Hommen, G. (2013). Static calibration of a visuallight camera for plasma boundary reconstruction. (Internal Report, CST, No. 2013.029). Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, 45 pp. Hennen, B.A., Lauret, M., Hommen, G., Heemels, W.P.M.H., Baar, M.R. de & Westerhof, E. (2012). Nonlinear control for stabilization of small neoclassical tearing modes in ITER. Nuclear Fusion, 52(12):063007. Pérez Munoz, J.C., Baar, M.R. de, Hommen, G. & Steinbuch, M. (2012). Camera movement compensation for real-time optical plasma boundary. (Master Thesis, CST, No. 2012.069). Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, 57 pp. G. Hommen et al Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 113504 (2010).

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MHD flows for turbulence suppression in fusion plasmas

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

MA (Merlijn) Jakobs

Project aim

NJ Lopes Cardozo RJE Jaspers

The efficiency of future fusion reactors is to a large extent determined by their ability to confine the energy in the plasma. The large gradients in the plasma are a source of free energy that drives turbulence. This turbulence can be reduced by creating shear flows in the plasma, or by removing the driving force, i.e. the gradient, by increasing the plasma temperature at the edge. This project aims to assess the possibilities for flow control as an actuator for energy confinement, as well establishing stability boundaries for liquid metal flows that can be applied in fusion reactors to allow higher plasma edge temperatures.



MA Jakobs

A model to simulate the effect of changes in confinement time on the burn contours of a fusion reactor was developed, which shows that the system is very sensitive to changes in confinement time. Different possibilities for momentum injection in tokamaks were assessed, and the effect of rotation shear on ion profile stiffness was investigated using experimental data from the TEXTOR tokamak. A start was made in developing an MHD simulation to study the effect of heat loads on thin film liquid metal MHD flows in a spanwise magnetic field.

Project leaders

Cooperations WDY, Applied Physics, TU/e Systems and Control, Mechanical Engineering, TU/e

Funded by TU/e high potential program

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information Merlijn Jakobs +31 (0)40 2474047

Scientific publications Kappatou, A., Jaspers, R.J.E., Delabie, E.G., Marchuk, O., Biel, W. & Jakobs, M.A. (2012). Method to obtain absolute impurity density profiles combining charge exchange and beam emission spectroscopy without absolute intensity calibration. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(10):10D519.

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Department DIFFER

Interaction of a controlled sawtooth cycle with the distribution of helium in a fusion reactor and study of related MHD activity

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

F (Fabien) Jaulmes

Project aim The aim of the project is to investigate the transport of thermal and energetic helium in a tokamak plasma undergoing field line reconnection. The consequences of such a redistribution in a fusion reactor will also be investigated.

Project leaders AJH Donné E Westerhof



A numerical code has been developed to model the evolution of fast ions during field line reconnection events. This computational tool has been successfully applied to the modelling of the motions of fusion-born ɲ-particles during a sawtooth collapse in a JET-like equilibrium.

F Jaulmes

Cooperations External: EFDA

Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM EU

85 % 15 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Fabien Jaulmes +31 (0)30 6096948

The next steps will address the effect of energetic ions on the other MHD activity and also consider the application of this technique to ITER scenarios.

Scientific publications F. Jaulmes, E. Westerhof, H. J. de Blank, Redistribution of fast ions during sawtooth reconnection, Proceedings of 13th IAEA Technical Meeting, Beijing, (2013) P1.5.

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Alpha particle detection with Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy


PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders AJH Donné P de Vries RJE Jaspers

A (Athena) Kappatou

Project aim The aim of the project is to investigate the transport properties of thermal and energetic helium in a tokamak plasma using charge exchange recombination spectroscopy. Specifically, the effect of sawteeth on the redistribution of thermal and fast helium is studied. For accurate interpretation of the helium charge exchange spectra, implementation of a reliable model for the helium plume effect, which has a strong impact on the measurement, is required.


Participants A Kappatou

Cooperations Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik – Germany (RM McDermott, R Dux, T Pütterich)

A high optical throughput spectrometer suitable for core charge exchange measurements on ITER has been installed and operated on ASDEX Upgrade. The capabilities of the system have been examined and evaluated. In the physics front, an analytic model for the helium plume emission has been implemented for ASDEX Upgrade and it has been shown that the plume corrections to the helium densities extracted from HeII CX (see figure) are roughly a factor of 2 and cannot be neglected. A validation of the model with experimental data has been undertaken. Furthermore, fast helium ions injected with a helium-doped deuterium beam have been successfully measured with charge exchange spectroscopy at ASDEX Upgrade.

Funded by FOM/ITER-NL

Funding % per money stream FOM ITER-NL EU

65 % 20 % 15 %

Start of the project 2010

Information Athena Kappatou +49 (0)1708347589

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Scientific publications A. Kappatou, R.M. McDermott, R.J.E. Jaspers, T. Pütterich, R. Dux, Interpretation of helium charge exchange spectra for transport studies in fusion plasmas, Proceedings of 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, (2013) P5.111. A. Kappatou, R.J.E. Jaspers, E. Delabie, O. Marchuk, W. Biel, M.A. Jakobs, Method to obtain absolute impurity density profiles combining charge exchange and beam emission spectroscopy without absolute intensity calibration, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 (2012) 10D519. A. Kappatou, E. Delabie, R.J.E. Jaspers, M.G. von Hellermann, Feasibility of non-thermal helium measurements with charge exchange spectroscopy on ITER, Nucl. Fusion 52 (2012) 043007. G. Pautasso, M. Bernert, A. Mlynek, M. Maraschek, W. Suttrop, A. Kappatou, K. Gal, M. Hoelzl, ASDEX Upgrade team, MGI in plasmas with locked modes, Proceedings of 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, (2013) O5.104. R.J.E. Jaspers, M. Scheffer, A. Kappatou, N.C.J. van der Valk, M. Durkut, B. Snijders, O. Marchuk, W. Biel, G.I. Pokol, G. Erdei et al., A high etendue spectrometer suitable for core charge eXchange recombination spectroscopy on ITER, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83 (2012) 10D515.


Locking for open loop control of fluids and plasmas

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

M (Menno) Lauret

Project aim To demonstrate locking as a method that can be applied in fluids and plasmas for flow and MHD control.

Progress Project leaders MR de Baar

Locking of the sawtooth instability predicted. Locking of the sawtooth demonstrated experimentally in TCV. Locking of fluid flows established (paper submitted). In addition work on mixing was done in collaboration with Prof. Heemels.

Participants Scientific publications

M Lauret

Cooperations -

Funded by FOM programme 120

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Menno Lauret +31 (0)40 247 2072

Lauret, M., Kamp, L.P.J., Heijst, G.J.F. van, Baar, M.R. de & Nijmeijer, H. (2013). Experimental stabilisation of 2D vortex patterns using time-dependent forcing. Europhysics Letters, 104(2):24003. Speetjens, M.F.M., Lauret, M., Nijmeijer, H. & Anderson, P.D. (2013). Footprints of Lagrangian flow structures in Eulerian concentration distributions in periodic mixing flows. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 250, 20-33. Hennen, B.A., Lauret, M., Hommen, G., Heemels, W.P.M.H., Baar, M.R. de & Westerhof, E. (2012). Nonlinear control for stabilization of small neoclassical tearing modes in ITER. Nuclear Fusion, 52(12):063007. Lauret, M., Felici, F.A.A., Witvoet, G., Goodman, T.P., Vandersteen, G., Sauter, O. & Baar, M.R. de (2012). Demonstration of sawtooth period locking with power modulation in TCV plasmas. Nuclear Fusion, 52(6):062002. Lauret, M., Baar, M.R. de, Westerhof, E. & Steinbuch, M. (2011). Numerical demonstration of injection locking of the sawtooth period by means of modulated EC current drive. Nuclear Fusion, 51(10):103043.

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Tokamak divertor modelling with EUNOMIA


PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders HJ de Blank WJ Goedheer AJH Donné

Participants W Lu

Cooperations Schizuan University (China) Cooperation with various experimentalists

W (Wei) Lu

Project aim The nonlinear Monte-Carlo transport code Eunomia [1] has been developed for kinetic modelling of neutral particles in plasmas. Its design ensures high flexibility to treat different geometries, in particular linear plasma devices such as Magnum-PSI and Pilot-PSI, and tokamak divertors. Eunomia, coupled to the plasma multi-fluid code B2.5 following the SOLPS standards [2], has successfully modelled Magnum-PSI and Pilot-PSI plasma beams interacting with conducting targets [3], revealing the global consequences of e.g. local electric currents and populations of vibrationally excited molecules. The goal of this project is to use B2.5-Eunomia as a predictive modelling tool for tokamak divertor plasmas. A role of Magnum-PSI and Pilot-PSI modelling is to provide validation of reaction rates and collision cross sections at the relatively low temperatures of 2–5 eV expected in front of ITER divertor target plates in the detached regime.

Progress The project started on 9 September 2013.

Scientific publications Funded by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC)

Funding % per money stream Scholarship 100 %

Start of the project 2013 (September)

Information Wei Lu

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MPC for plasma profile control

Mechanical Engineering

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

E (Bert) Maljaars

Project aim To establish a model predictive controller for the distribution of the current density in tokamak plasmas. To use the MPC in control scenarios to avoid actuator limits. Implement in AUG. or TCV.

Progress Project leaders

MPC is set-up. First negotiation of actuators limits demonstrated.

MR de Baar

Scientific publications Participants


E Maljaars

Cooperations Not relevant yet

Funded by TU/e

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2012

Information Bert Maljaars +31 (0)40 247 3578

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Turbulence and zonal flows in tokamak plasmas

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders HJH Clercx GJF van Heijst

Participants VH Marques Rosas Fernandes LPJ Kamp

VH (Vitor) Marques Rosas Fernandes

Project aim Large scale coherent flows play an important role both in geophysical fluids and in fusion since they interact with the turbulence and can give rise to transport barriers. It turns out that these phenomena in fluids and plasmas can be described by the same equation. Therefore a relatively simple fluid dynamics experiment is proposed with the aim to study how zonal flows affect turbulence and turbulent transport and how these flows are sustained in the improved confinement mode. Comparisons fluid–plasmas by experiments and numerical simulations are an integral part of this research. In this project visualisation of the effect of flow on turbulence is a key element, whereas the fluid dynamics experiment will also serve as a test bed for control methods (link with project ‘Control of plasma transport by plasma flow’ which is being conducted at department of Mechanical Engineering, TU/e).

Progress Cooperations N Lopes Cardozo (TU/e) R Jaspers (TU/e) M Steinbuch (TU/e-Mechanical Eng.) MR de Baar (FOM; TU/e-Mech.Eng.)

Funded by TU/e

In the last year progress has been made on understanding the behavior of vortices (monopoles and dipoles) when embedded in shear flows. The basic mechanisms of interaction have been systematically studied and (at a certain extend) understood. The investigation of the interaction of 2D turbulence with shear flows, which is the main core of our project, has been stared. The conclusions derived from the study of vortex embedded in shear flows have been extrapolated to the 2D turbulent case and have contributed for its understanding. As an outcome of the current work a scientific paper is currently being written, with the possibility of more scientific publication to follow.

Funding % per money stream University 100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information HJH Clercx + 31 (0)40 247 2680 GJF van Heijst +31 (0)40 247 2722

Scientific publications -

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Department DIFFER

Studies of impurity transport in high-density, low-temperature plasma with the ERO code

Research theme

PhD student

ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

GA (Gijs) van Swaaij

Project leaders WJ Goedheer

Participants GA van Swaaij

Project aim High heat and particle fluxes at a tokamak wall cause erosion of the wall material. The subsequent transport and redeposition can reduce net erosion (which is beneficial), but remote redeposition and layer formation can retain large amounts of radioactive tritium, creating a potential safety hazard. This project aims at understanding impurity transport through numerical simulations, which are benchmarked against experimental results obtained in the Pilot-PSI and Magnum-PSI linear plasma devices at FOM Institute DIFFER.


Cooperations EFDA TEC NWO

Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM EU

85 % 15 %

Start of the project 2010

Information Gijs van Swaaij +31 (0)30-6096839

In the last year, carbon redeposition profiles during an erosion experiment were benchmarked against experiment. Particular attention was paid to the cross-field transport, which is determined in part by the collisions between impurity ions and plasma ions. The collisionality was found to be very high in the Pilot-PSI and Magnum-PSI conditions. Therefore, an electric field in the direction of the center of the beam causes radially inward transport; an example redeposition pattern is shown in the figure above. The high collisionality also causes entrainment of the impurity ions in the beam, making their impact energy on the target much greater than what would be expected from standard sheath considerations. A BSc thesis was completed in which a solver of the Fokker-Planck equation was developed to study the effects of the collisionality in more detail.

Scientific publications G.A. van Swaaij, K. Bystrov, D. Borodin, A. Kirschner, L.B. van der Vegt, G.J. van Rooij, G. De Temmerman and W.J. Goedheer, Dissociative recombination and electron-impact de-excitation in CH photon emission under ITER divertor-relevant plasma conditions’, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 (2012) 095013. G.A. van Swaaij, K. Bystrov, D. Borodin, A. Kirschner, T. Zaharia, L.B. van der Vegt, G. De Temmerman and W.J. Goedheer, J. Nucl. Mater. 438, Suppl. (2013) S629-S632 K. Bystrov, L.B. van der Vegt, G.A. van Swaaij, T. Zaharia, Y. Kuang, W.J. Goedheer, G. De Temmerman, J. Nucl. Mater. 438, Suppl. (2013) S686-S689.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 183


Bifurcation theory of the L-H transition in fusion plasmas


PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders HJ de Blank GMD Hogeweij AJH Donne

W (Wolf) Weymiens

Project aim Extend the mathematical field of bifurcation theory to be applicable to one-dimensional dynamical systems, such that it can be applied to one-dimensional transport models for the L-H transition observed in fusion plasmas. Apply this extended bifurcation theory to known L-H transition models and deduce their transition dynamics and corresponding control parameters. Extend these models with additional relevant physics, and analyze the influence of these changes on their bifurcation structure. To the aim of building a model that contains all the different fundamental dynamics of the L-H transition.

Progress Participants W Weymiens

Cooperations Within FP120: Delyan Zhelyazov (PhD) Stefan Paquay (MSc)

The fundamental bifurcation organizing the three different types of transition dynamics (see figure) is identified as the co-dimension 3 bifurcation. The mathematical field of bifurcation theory is extended to find this bifurcation in one-dimensional dynamical models (see publication 1). This bifurcation analysis is applied to existing transport models for the L-H transition (see publication 2 & 3). The L-H transition model is extended in two fundamentally different ways, and their bifurcation structures are compared (see publication 4).

Funded by Euratom/FOM NWO

Funding % per money stream FOM EU

85 % 15 %

Start of the project 2010

Information Wolf Weymiens +31 (0)30 6096908

Scientific publications [1] W.Weymiens, Blank, G.M.D.Hogeweij, Valença. ‘Bifurcation theory for the L-H transition in magnetically confined fusion plasmas’ Phys. Plasmas 19 072309 (2012). [2] W.Weymiens, Blank, G.M.D.Hogeweij. ‘Bifurcation theory for the L-H transition’ 38th EPS conference on plasma physics, Strasbourg, France (2011). [3] W.Weymiens. Blank, G.M.D. Hogeweij. ‘Bifurcation theory of a one-dimensional transport model for the L-H transition’ Phys. Plasmas 20 082306 (2013). [4] W.Weymiens, Blank, G.M.D.Hogeweij, S.Paquay. ‘Comparison of L-H transition models by their bifurcation structure’, in progress.

184 |


Tungsten surface modifications under ITER-relevant plasma fluxes


PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

Project leaders GC de Temmerman AJH Donné

Participants HY Xu

Cooperations Within FP75: R ‘t Hoen (PhD, DIFFER) H Schut (Delft)

Funded by Euratom/FOM Tsinghua University

Funding % per money stream FOM 50 % Scholarship 50 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Haiyan Xu

HY (Haiyan) Xu

Project aim Tungsten has been chosen as plasma-facing material for ITER divertor and is currently considered as a leading candidate for future fusion devices such as DEMO. However, strong morphology changes can result from the exposure of metals to energetic particles and those may compromise the thermo-mechanical properties of the materials and lead to a reduction of their lifetime. The plasma conditions in the ITER divertor are such that the particle flux to the surfaces are unprecedented and most of the studies were performed using particle flux densities orders of magnitude lower than those expected in ITER. The question of the influence of the particle flux on the appearance of morphology changes on tungsten remains to be clarified and this provides the main research question of this work.

Progress The experimental work was performed in the Pilot-PSI linear plasma device, which is uniquely capable of producing plasma parameters (ne ~0.1–10×1020 mо3, Te ~1–5 eV) similar to those expected in the ITER divertor. A broad range of material analysis techniques, scanning electron microscope (SEM), transaction electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Doppler Broadening spectrum (DBS) of positron annihilation, was used to understand the material behaviour under such extreme conditions. The most striking result is the observation of the formation of nano-structures which was observed for the first time on W surfaces after D plasma exposure, when the ion flux density is higher than 24 -2 -1 10 m s . The surface temperature, ion energy, ion fluence and grain orientation strongly influence the plasma-induced nanostructure formation. Based on the experimental results, the mechanism(s) of formation of blisters and nanostructures are discussed based on the analysis of FIB-SEM and PA-DBS. High concentration of vacancies/vacancy clusters are created on W surface after exposure to low energy high flux D plasmas, corresponding to a porous layer on the top surface. Formation of nano-structures by mechanism of vacancy clustering was provoked due to supersaturation of vacancies. The vacancies clustered into unsaturable traps, such as voids and cavities, which trapped a large number of D and establish high stresses, leading to the growth of nano-structures by plastic deformation. The mechanism of plastic deformation was responsible for the formation of blisters, due to D supersaturation during high flux D plasma exposure.

Scientific publications H.Y. Xu, Y.B. Zhang, N.R. Tao, Y. Yuan, B.Q. Fu, A. Godfrey and W. Liu, Surface mechanical attrition treatment of tungsten and its behavior under low energy deuterium plasma relevant to ITERdivertor conditions, In:, Vol.33, 2012, 385-390 (proceedings). H.Y. Xu, Y.B. Zhang, Y. Yuan, B.Q. Fu, A. Godfrey, G. De Temmerman, W. Liu, and X.Huang, orientation dependence of surface morphology in W implanted by low energy and high flux D plasma, accepted by Journal of Nuclear Materials.

Annual Research Report 2013

| 185


Modelling and analysis of ELM losses and L-H transition


PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment Ŷ Fusion energy ප Human capital

D (Delyan) Zhelyazov

Project aim Identify suitable mathematical models for L-H transition and ELMs with focus on one dimensional transport models for the plasma edge. Mathematically and numerically analyze the existence, stability and bifurcation of relevant solutions. Identify and analyze the organizing center for different types of L-H transition and the interaction with ELMs. Provide a parameter study.

Project leaders U Ebert H de Blanck J Rademacher

Progress Novel results for detailed bifurcation structure in a simple, non-radial tokamak model revealed (see publication below). Series of two papers in preparation concerning the analysis of radial Zohmmodel and extensions. Several talks given.

Participants D Zhelyazov

Cooperations Within FP120: W Weymiens External: D Han-Kwan (ENS Paris)

Funded by FOM/STW

Funding % per money stream FOM/STW 100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Delyan Zhelyazov +49 (0)1628801542

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Scientific publications D. Zhelyazov, D. Han-Kwan, J.D.M. Rademacher, ‘Global stability and local bifurcations in a two-fluid model for tokamak plasma’. (25 pages.) Submitted to SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems in 3/2013.

3.5 Research projects ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy Ŷ Human capital

TU/e provides society with highly qualified engineers for the energy domain, covering a broad range of energy research and development.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Lagrangian mixing analysis of heat transfer: a new way for thermal optimisation

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels mail Clerx ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy Ŷ Human capital

Project leaders HJH Clercx

Participants Ö Baskan

Cooperations TU/e, Mechanical Engineering (MFM Speetjens, EA Demissie) CSIRO, Australia (G Metcalfe)

Funded by STW

Funding % per money stream STW

100 %

Ö (Özge) Baskan

Project aim Principle objective of the project is an in-depth analysis of the Kenics static mixer by Lagrangian mixing analysis of heat transfer. The study is divided into two subprojects: 1. Topological mixing analysis of heat transfer in the Kenics mixer (E Demissie). 2. Experimental heat-transfer and mixing analysis of the Kenics mixer (O Baskan). This project focuses on the experimental characterisation of Lagrangian mixing properties in case studies by measurement of 3D fluid trajectories and the evolution of 3D concentration/temperature fields using advanced optical measurement techniques. Benchmarking of numerical thermal mixing analyses and testing of the prototype thermal-analysis tools for advanced data processing. Experimental performance tests of optimized Kenics mixers in the laboratory set-up and in industrial test facilities.

Progress An experimental facility of simplified Rotated Arc Mixer (RAM) has been built and made operational for 2D Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Infrared Thermography (IRT) to acquire velocity fields and temperature fields, respectively. Experimental results, notwithstanding 3D flow field effects and heat losses in the facility, have been proven to be in good agreement with 2D numerical simulation results in terms of flow patterns and thermal patterns, revealing that simplified RAM facility is representing 2D RAM well. Results have exposed a clear correlation between temperature and flow fields: thermal patterns evolve in accordance with the time-periodic flow patterns and become persistent ultimately. These persistent patterns are called eigenmodes.

Start of the project 2010

Information HJH Clercx +31 (0)40 247 2680

Persistent (or repeating) thermal patterns form during the evolution of temperature fields due to time-periodic flow fields. This picture shows the asymptotic time-periodic temperature field at end of thermal transient for Pe=103.

Scientific publications -

Annual Research Report 2013

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Department Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

Development of New Successful Business Models and Products in New Ventures: The Case of the Energy Sector PhD student

Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy Ŷ Human capital

Project leaders K Podoynitsyna F Langerak

Participants M Brehmer

Cooperations KTH, Stockholm Aalto, Helsinki

Funded by Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (SELECT+ program)

Funding % per money stream Scholarship 100 %

Start of the project 2012

Information Meike Brehmer +31 (0)6-42805240

M (Meike) Brehmer

Project aim Each new business, venture or commercialization effort has to have at least one functional business model. Business model is a representation of how firms create and appropriate (i.e. monetize) value (Morris et al., 2005; Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2009). In other words, a business model is how businesses translate technology into economic outputs: how they earn money. The same basic technological idea can have many applicable business models and the choice for particular business models (although often it is implicit) determines to a large extent the success of the commercialization efforts. One of the reasons why the commercialization efforts for the sustainable energy technologies have had limited success is that they tend to involve traditional business models. At the same time, research shows that business model innovation pays off (e.g. Zott and Amit, 2007). Emerging yet scattered evidence from particular firms suggest that business model innovation rather than pure technology and R&D innovation tend to drive success of firms within the sustainable energy setting. However, how exactly the business model innovations should be conducted still remains unclear. This project aims to analyse the development of innovative business models within new green ventures. This will result in a framework for representing business models and a method for systematic business model design that is based on business model innovations that have occurred in the sustainable energy, mobility and healthcare sectors in Northern Europe in the past ten years.

Progress In the first year more than half of the time was spent on education (896 hours) in line with the project requirements. About a quarter of the last year was spent on an extensive literature review to gain an overview of the research conducted on business model innovation, entrepreneurship and new product development. Based on the literature analyses gap(s) were identified and a detailed research proposal for the entire project drafted. One fifth of the last year was spent on developing the setup for Study 1 and testing the principle of the business model templates for Study 3 by extracting initial templates from firm-specific structural business model structures. In addition to Study 3, a detailed setup of the experiments for template testing was developed and the first parts of the paper were written.

Scientific publications -

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High efficiency nanowire solar cells

Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

PhD student JCCM (Boukje) Huijben

Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy Ŷ Human capital

Project aim

JEM Haverkort

This PhD project is part of the larger project High efficiency nanowire solar cells. It focuses on the market implementation of PV which at this point in time is still in a niche phase. In particular, the project’s aim is to obtain a better understanding of the role of PV business models in PV market development. (i.e. a business model can be considered as the way in which an organization ‘creates, delivers and captures value’; Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010, pp 14). Ref: Osterwalder, A.,Pigneur,Y.,2010. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers and Challengers, first ed.John Wiley& Sons, Inc., Hoboken.



JCCM Huijben E Bakker TTT Vu Y Sui GPJ Verbong

Over the last year both scientific and non-scientific publications were an output of the PhD project (see below). Two conferences were attended, at both an oral presentation was held. Additionally, various presentations about research outcomes were held for parties outside the university (e.g. local renewable energy cooperatives, KEMA). Also, guest lectures for (high school) students about the project were given.

Project leaders

Cooperations -

Funded by EOS-LT

Funding % per money stream Government

100 %

Start of the project 2010

Information Boukje Huijben +31 (0)40 2475579 Source: Peter Segaar, 2012. Presentation held at the Solar Future conference. PV market growth in the Netherlands, we took the exponential growth since 2008 as a starting point for our research.

Scientific publications The Dutch Sunrise: Catalyzing solar energy market growth by Creating Shared Value Abstract for the 4th International conference of Sustainability Transitions, June 19-21 2013, Zurich, Switzerland. Huijben, J.C.C.M., Vleuten, E.B.A. van der, Raven, R.P.J.M. & Verbong, G.P.J. (2012). Implementation strategies for desert solar power plants: strategic niche management, social acceptance, and business models. In K. Komoto, C. Breyer, E. Cunow, K. Megherbi, D. Dariman & P. van der Vleuten (Eds.), Energy from the desert volume 4 (pp. 209-218). Routledge. Lemmens, J.H.J., van den Ende, C.A.M., Swens, J.J., Verbong, G.P.J. and Huijben, J.C.C.M. (2011). Statusrapport PV 2010 voor Agentschap NL. KEMA, J-OB and TUe (2010). National Survey Report of PV power applications in the Netherlands 2009. Report for the International Energy Agency, task 1: Exchange and dissemination of information on PV power systems. Huijben, J.C.C.M. and Verbong, G.P.J., 2013. Breakthrough without subsidies? PV business model experiments in the Netherlands. Energy Policy 56, pp 362-370. Hurtado, L., Huijben, J.C.C.M., Verbong, G.P.J. and Verhees, B., The Power of Grid Parity: a discursive approach. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. The Dutch Sunrise: Solar energy business model opportunities for SMEs in the Netherlands. Abstract for the 2nd International Conference in Socially Responsible and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 24-25 October 2012, Southampton.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Department Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy Ŷ Human capital

Sustainable energy transitions and the role of collective institutional entrepreneurship: Studies on PV solar and wind energy in India PhD student S (Suyash) Jolly

Project aim

S Jolly

The aim of the project is to develop novel perspective on sustainable energy transitions in the context of developing countries by emphasizing the role of institutional innovation and agency, power and politics in the process. This research particularly looks at development of wind and PV solar energy in India through the lens of 'collective institutional entrepreneurship' i.e. actions and activities of actors in transforming institutional contexts, in enabling sustainable energy transitions. Relevant case studies include development of wind and solar energy at the national and sub-national level i.e. states in India. The project aims to provide insights into governance of sustainable energy innovations by harnessing conflicts and contestations emerging in the process.



Jadavpur University Chiang Mai University VU University

During the last year, a lot of effort went in developing a novel conceptual perspective for understanding sustainable energy transitions in India according to the theme of the research along with first field work in India, secondary data collection and desk research. The project is on track with case studies on wind energy in India under completion and ready for submission to journals. Currently data collection is in progress for research work on PV solar energy case studies in India. By the beginning of 2014, all case studies are expected to be completed. This is to be followed by systematically combining all the insights from the case studies for the final PhD thesis.

Project leaders RPJM Raven


Funded by NWO - WOTRO

Funding % per money stream NWO

100 %

Start of the project 2011

Information Suyash Jolly +31 (0)40 2475579

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Scientific publications Jolly, S., Raven, R.P.J.M. (2013), Empowering niche innovations: Case of PV solar energy in India, Presented at the 4th International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, 19-21 June, 2013, Zurich. Jolly, S., Raven, R.P.J.M. & Verbong, G.P.J. (2012). Upscaling of wind energy niches in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and the role for collective institutional entrepreneurship. Abstract presented at Proceedings of the STRN Conference Sustainable Transitions: Navigating Theories and Challenging Realities, August 29-31 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. Jolly, S., Raven, R.P.J.M. & Romijn, H.A. (2012). Upscaling of business model experiments in off-grid PV solar energy in India. Sustainability Science, 7(2), 199-212.


Energy Technology Commercialization

Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

PhD student WF (Freek) Meulman

Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy Ŷ Human capital

Project leaders IMMJ Reymen

Participants WF Meulman K Podoynitsyna

Cooperations KIC InnoEnergy S.E.

Funded by

Project aim This project contributes to realize the KIC’s objective to generate economic activity and societal benefits based on technological innovations in the area of sustainable energy, by improving the success rate from proof of concept technology to serial production. The project objectives are: 1. Provide insight into how to stimulate technology commercialization (TC) and provide insight into practical guidelines and instruments for crossing the ‘valley of death’. 2. Map current technology commercialization activities performed by KIC InnoEnergy S.E. 3. Create insight into potential boosting factors and barriers regarding technology commercialization in the KIC InnoEnergy community. 4. Redesign commercialization efforts and processes in KIC InnoEnergy and facilitate the implementation of this redesign in CC Benelux.

Progress The PhD project is organized in 3 studies (see figure 1). The focus is on KIC InnoEnergy S.E. as a business Incubator (BI), and more specific a hybrid business incubator (public-mission incubator that is combined with public business promoters and private companies). For the first study, the data collection and analysis is in progress. This study deals with the first 3 project goals.

KIC InnoEnergy S.E.

Funding % per money stream EU

100 %

Start of the project 2012

Information Isabelle Reymen +31 (0)40 2474283

Scientific publications Dolmans, S.A.M., Meulman, W.F., & Reymen, I.M.M.J. (2013). Inter-institutional conflicts in technology commercialization ecosystems. Proceedings of the 1st International Entrepreneurship Research Exemplars Conference, 23-25 May 2013, Catania, Italy. (pp. 1-11). Catania, Italy: The University of Catania.

Annual Research Report 2013

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Lagrangian analysis of rotating turbulent convection

Applied Physics

PhD student Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy Ŷ Human capital

Project leaders HJH Clercx F Toschi


H (Hadi) Rajaei

Project aim Up to now different turbulent states in Rayleigh-Benard (RB) convection are mainly explored by global parameters such as the overall heat flux. However, it is clear that e.g. the sharp transition from weakly rotating RB flow to strongly rotating RB flow, recently observed in experimental and numerical studies, must also be reflected in the Lagrangian dynamics of immersed particles. This subproject of the FOM-programme ‘Towards Ultimate Turbulence’ focusses therefore on exploring with 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (3D-PTV) how the Lagrangian dynamics of (fluid) particles can be utilized for turbulent state characterization, how the flow transition from one state to the other in rotating convection will affect the Lagrangian statistics of (fluid) particles, and how particle and thermal inertia affect particle dynamics in (rotating) convection.

H Rajaei RPJ Kunnen GJF van Heijst



Scientific publications

D Lohse (UT) C Sun (UT) BJ Geurts (UT) G Ahlers (UCSB)


Funded by FOM

Funding % per money stream FOM

100 %

Start of the project 2013 (September)

Information HJH Clercx +31 (0)40 247 2680 F Toschi +31 (0)40 247 3911

194 |

Start September 2013.

Department Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

Smart Integrated Energy Communities: Business Model Innovation Based on Ecosystem Development and Transition Management PhD student

Research theme ප Future fuels ප Energy conversion ප Built environment ප Fusion energy Ŷ Human capital

Project leaders B Walrave AGL Romme

Participants M Talmar

Cooperations Aalto, Helsinki

Funded by Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

Funding % per money stream Scholarship 100 %

Start of the project 2013

Information Madis Talmar +31 (0)40 2474195

M (Madis) Talmar

Project aim Recent research into innovation success has emphasized that in the modern ‘connected’ world, more and more industries exhibit indirect network externalities: settings in which the value of a particular product or service depends on other products or services (Podoynitsyna et al., 2013; Srinivasan et al., 2004; Stremersch et al., 2010; Wuyts et al., 2010). Therefore, in order to create and appropriate societal value by way of technologies, one needs to collaborate with many partners in the business network and ecosystem around the new technology/product. Entrepreneurs in such settings are therefore expected to adopt a dual focus where on one hand, they concentrate on managing their own efforts in establishing a successful business model, and on the other, the interdependencies and efforts of their ecosystem partners (Adner 2012). But to make matters more difficult still, the novel technologies and business concepts of new ventures and their ecosystems often contradict with the dominant socio-technical regime which resists them from achieving widespread acceptance (Van der Vleuten and Raven 2006). This complexity of environment serves as one of the key reasons why new venture success continues to remain low. The current research studies show new sustainable energy ventures manage the dual focus between their own effort and the effort of their ecosystem partners, while also aiming wider societal acceptance by means of transition management. The research will result in a framework that binds together the topics of business model innovation (e.g. Osterwalder & Pigneur 2009), ecosystem research (e.g. Adner & Kapoor 2010) and socio-technical transition management (e.g. Raven et al 2009) to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of how can sustainable energy ventures increase their success in the contemporary complex interconnected business environment.


The particular project started 1st September 2013. A literature review is being conducted to identify a more specific course for the PhD project and arrive at a PhD proposal by mid 2014.

Scientific publications -

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4. Contact persons

Department Applied Physics

Built Environment

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry DIFFER Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

Mechanical Engineering



prof.dr. H.J.H. (Herman) Clercx

dr. J.E.M. (Jos) Haverkort (GertJan) G.J.F. van Heijst W.M.M. (Erwin) Kessels

prof.dr. N.J. (Niek) Lopes Cardozo B.J.E. (Bert) Blocken H.J.H. (Jos) Brouwers

prof.dr. B.J.F. (Bernard) Colenbrander C.P.W. (Chris) Geurts J.L.M. (Jan) Hensen E.J. (Evert) van Loenen

prof.Dr.-Ing. P.M. (Patrick) Teuffel

prof.dr. H.J.P. (Harrie) Timmermans B. (Bauke) de Vries W. (Wim) Zeiler E.J.M. (Emiel) Hensen R.A.J. (René) Janssen

prof.dr. M.R. (Marco) de Baar

dr. G.C. (Greg) de Temmerman W.L. (Wil) Kling

prof.dr. E.A. (Elena) Lomonova

prof.dr. F. (Fred) Langerak A.W.M. (Anthonie) Meijers

dr. K.S. (Ksenia) Podoynitsyna R.P.J.M. (Rob) Raven I.M.M.J. (Isabelle) Reymen

prof.dr. A.G.L. (Sjoerd) Romme G.P.J. (Geert) Verbong

prof.dr. M.R. (Marco) de Baar

prof.dr. L.P.H. (Philip) de Goey

prof.dr. J.G.M. (Hans) Kuerten C.C.M. (Camilo) Rindt D.M.J. (David) Smeulders M. (Maarten) Steinbuch

prof.dr. H.A. (Herbert) Zondag

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5. Overview research topics Future fuels Abtahizadeh Almutairi

9 Numerical study of mild combustion from laminar flames to large eddy simulation of turbulent flames with flamelet generated manifolds Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis to Alcohols

11 12

Andrade Oliveira Development and application of a laminar coflow burner for combustion studies at high pressure




Developing comprehensive diesel combustion model for HDDI to predict heat release rate and emissions (mainly soot) Bocanegra Evans Glowing droplets in turbulence



Determine optimal torrefaction parameters for various biomass feedstocks



A novel approach to solar fuels: plasma assisted CO2 to CO conversion


Cardoso de Souza Chen

MoST: Multi-scale Modification of Swirling Combustion for Optimized Gas Turbines Combustion Model Mechanism of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis

18 19


Reactivity of (bi)metallic catalysts for reforming of biomass derived alcohols



A Kinitic model for triglyceride hydrogenation to biodiesel: from mechanistic understanding to improved catalysts Advanced Low NOx Flexible Fuel Gas Turbine Combustion, Aero and Stationary


Donini Mukhopadhyay Dumitrescu


Crystallization, nucleation and droplet growth for the combined gas treatment and liquefaction of natural gas Crossing the Combustion Modes in Diesel Engines (XCiDE)


Fracture evaluation using shock-induced borehole waves

25 26


Numerical Simulation using Flamelet Generated Manifold Technique on Hydrogen Combustion for Gas Turbines Creating artificial trees: multifunctional catalysts for harvesting atmospheric CO2 and sustainable fuel production Theoretical investigation of Fischer-Tropsch catalysis on Rh and Ru metal surfaces and particles



Homogeneous nucleation of water and carbondioxide



Clean combustion of future fuels



31 32

Graaff, van der

Metal oxide based semiconductor photoelectrodes for solar hydrogen production: mechanism stability - reactivity Laminar Burning Velocity Measurements and Chemical Reaction Mechanism Evaluation of H2 Rich Syngas at Elevated Pressures Hybrid organic-inorganic mesoporous materials for the valorization of biomass


Photo-bioreactors: saving algae from turbulence!



Depolymerization of Lignin: towards gasoline fuel components


Haandel, van


Hinsberg, van

Liquid phase vs gas phase sulfidation - influence on structural, activation and deactivation properties of commercial ULSD catalysts How gravity, shear and coalescence modify the droplet size distribution



Lignin depolymerization and upgrading to fuel component: cyclic oxygenates



Development paths of biomass gasification



Transition-metal phosphides in hydrotreating catalysis





Development of metal-sulfide-based photocatalysts for water splitting and reduction of carbon dioxide under visible light irradiation Catalytic conversion of lactic acid into commodity chemicals


Plasma assisted clean energy


Egüz Leermakers Fan Fancello Filonenko


Annual Research Report 2013





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Numerical modeling of hydraulic fracturing



Experimenting for sustainable urban mobility in Thailand





Hydrogen from biomass via catalytic steam reforming of flash-pyrolysis oil: how to enhance the activation of water CFD modeling for the optimization of a flame ionization sensor



Non-oxidative methane dehydroaromatization



Biomass to Biofuels


Voort, van der

Dynamics of droplets in turbulent sprays



Atomic layer deposition of noble metal nanoparticles



Dynamics, collisions and coalessence of droplets in turbulence



Towards clean diesel engine combustion (Sub project: PCCI Spray Combustion in High Pressure Cell) Towards novel solid acids: exploring zirconosilicates and other promising materials


Yue Zegers Zhang, Y

Towards clean diesel engine combustion (Sub project: Characterization of PCCI combustion and mixture stratification in an optically accessible engine) Nanostructured transition metal oxide films for photocatalysis



Numerical research of lean combustion in micro gas turbine



Emission reduction in compression-ignition engines by fuel tuning



Mesopore generation in zeolites with applications in catalysis


Energy conversion




Particle-particle interaction in biomass co-firing power plants


Baltis Desmarais Bergmair

Effects of cross-section variation and bubble-bubble interaction on bubble detachment in convective flow Humidity harvesting using water vapor selective membranes

64 65


Surface passivation by Al2O3-based Film Stacks for Si Solar Cells



Atomic level understanding of semiconductor/dielectric interfaces by nonlinear spectroscopy



Flexible very high efficiency solar cells



Creeping Sparks



Lagrangian ‘mixing analysis’ of heat transfer: a new way for thermal optimisation



Remote plasma synthesis of silicon nanocrystals plasma processes, nanocrystal growth, and diagnosis WETREN (WEDACS True Environment)




Characterization of the water vapor sorption process in salt hydrates used as thermochemical materials for seasonal heat storage Novel multifunctional antireflecting, transparent, and conductive emitters for heterojunction cells



Integrated micro-fluidic cooling in laminated flexible micro-systems


Ilhan Kremers Iype

Parallel Flux Switching Machines


Molecular Simulations to study the Compact Heat Storage materials



Mircochannel Cooling



Control of Transitional Flow



Novel Inorganic zeolite-based membranes



Development of micro- and meso-scale models for thermo-chemical heat storage materials



Flow topology and heat transfer in microchannels


Loo, van de

Surface passivation of next-generation commercial solar cells by atomic layer deposited films



Amorphous silicon growth kinetics and interface engineering for Si heterojunction solar cells



Methane oxidation to methanol - development of a AuPd/Fe-ZSM-5 nanosheet catalyst system



KIC MTT micro CHP: Electromechanical aspects of a micro – CHP system


Eichhorn Ferchaud

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The Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube as a device for separating droplets from gases


Ninhuijs, van

Motion controlled arm support, McARM



Autonomos Ceiling Robot



Nanocrystalline silicon for at high-rate for multi-junction solar cells



Multiscale simulations for thermo chemical heat storage using new composite materials


Pelt, van

Gas Sensor Membrane





Looking down the rabbit hole: impact of porosity in the (in)organic layers on the performance of moisture permeation multi-layer barriers X-Talk: Investigation of electromagnetic crosstalks in high-precision mechatronic systems



SMArt systems Co-design / Acoustic Energy Transfer



BiOxyFuel: Torrefied Biomass Combustion under Oxy-fuel Conditions in Coal-Fired Power Plan



Biochip Design for Algae Monitoring



Ultra High-precision Power Amplifier (UHPA)


Smids Verberne Smit

Persuasive Technology, Allocation of Control, and Social Values


Advanced Interface Engineering for Si Heterojunction Solar Cells



Nanowire solar energy conversion



HTAS: Light weight in-wheel module



Nanostructuring of metal surfaces by high fluxes of low energy He ion irradiation



Nanocrystalline silicon at high-rate for multi-junction solar cells



Demonstrator High-Power Converter



XTreme Motion


High efficiency nano-structured solar cells


EV Turbocharger


Effects of dramatically increasing energy prices on dynamic repertoires of activity-travel behavior





Zhang, H

Molecular Dynamics Study on Sugar Alcohol based Phase Change Materials



Computational modeling of synthesis gas conversion reactions


Vu Cui Waltrich Gerrits Yang

Built environment Aduda



Smart Grid - BEMS: the art of optimizing the connection between comfort demand and energy supply Storage integrated Multi agent controlled Smart grid (PV SiMS)



Intelligent Energy Management System at Housing Level



Personal Control over Indoor Climate in Office Buildings



Environment Sensors for Energy Efficiency (ESEE)


Doudart de la Grée Gaeini

Development of sustainable and functionalized inorganic binder-biofiber composites


Thermochemical Seasonal Heat Storage for Built Environment



Computational Capacity Planning in Electricity Networks


Groot, de

Self-healing grids


Haan, de

Cross Border Exchange of Balancing Services



Passive + active adaptability for structural optimization



Smart energy open framework



Hybrid Adaptable Thermal Storage (HATS) - A novel lightweight low-energy house concept



Numerical assessment of the impact of climate change on the indoor environment in monumental buildings and damage potential for collections


Annual Research Report 2013


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Hurtado Munoz

SG-BEMS: The art of optimizing the connection between comfort and energy demand supply



Computational modeling of wind environmental conditions over complex heterogeneous terrain



Dynamics of plane impinging jets at high Reynolds numbers – with applications to air curtains



Influencing energy consumption/production of households through smart grids





Multi-scale computational assessment of ventilative cooling as an energy-efficient measure to avoid indoor overheating Clever Climate Control For Culture: Energy conservation in museums by optimizing climate control while preserving collection, building and thermal comfort Technology for distribution area situational awareness in electrical networks (tDASA)


Development of a Micro-Grid strategy for process control on room-level



Price-based control of electrical power systems (E-Price project)


Lee, B

Towards E+ steelframe industrial hall: simulation support for objective prediction of energy use


Lee, CS

Inverse modeling of climate adaptive greenhouse shells



Extended functionality SCG



Inverse modeling of climate adaptive building shells


Lopes Ferreira

Assessment of innovative technologies integration in electricity markets and networks: energy storage case study Modeling of virtual natural lighting solutions in buildings



Mungkuto Mazairac




City Energy Networks: Integrated modeling and simulation of electricity, gas and heat networks underlying a sustainable city infrastructure Perceived control in automated daylight control systems



SG (B2B & B2C) BEMS - The art of optimizing



Green Cities: Modeling the spatial transformation into energy efficient cities using synthetical data





Computational modeling of evaporative cooling as a climate change adaption measures at the spatial scale of buildings and streets Next generation distribution grid topology

Quercia Bianchi

Application of nano-silica in concrete



Combined material and energy assessment in the building envelope



Development of Eco Autoclaved Aerated Concrete



Chloride penetration in cracked and uncracked concrete structures





A multi-scale analysis of the urban heat island effect: From city averaged temperatures to the energy demand of individual buildings Proces Control on Workplace Level - User Centered Energy Reduction


Smart Energy for Building Comfort



System Development Methodology for smart microgrids within the business to business market



Power Quality Regulation within European framework





Effect of Substitution EHV/HV Overhead Lines by EHV/HV Underground Cables on Resonant Grid Behavior Functionalities of Future Distribution Grid, Necessary Measurement and Data Management


Hybrid Adaptable Thermal Storage (HATS) - A novel lightweight low-energy house concept



Metrology in Future Smart Grids


Zhang, J

Exploring a new medium for high-power switching: supercritical fluids


Fusion energy

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Modeling of the stabilization of tearing modes by ECRH and ECCD


Berkel, van

System identification for MHD and thermal transport in nuclear fusion plasmas



Edge Localized Mode (ELM) studies with Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE) Imaging


Brand, van de

In-line ECE for NTM control at AUG


Bystrov Es, van Harder, den Hawke Hommen Jakobs Jaulmes

Erosion and morphology changes of graphite under high flux and low temperature plasma bombardment Control and mitigation of Edge Localized Modes by further development and application of computational tools Assessing reaction kinetics by (active) spectroscopy: from fusion boundary plasma to solar fuel plasma reactors 1.Optical design and viewing geometry for divertor Thomson scattering on MAST Upgrade 2.Effect of RMPs on L-H Transition, First ELM and with power near L-H threshold Imaging for Fusion: System requirements for visible light imaging as an intelligent sensor for plasma position control MHD flows for turbulence suppression in fusion plasmas

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Interaction of a controlled sawtooth cycle with the distribution of helium in a fusion reactor and study of related MHD activity Alpha particle detection with Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy


Locking for open loop control of fluids and plasmas



Tokamak divertor modelling with EUNOMIA



MPC for plasma profile control


Marques Rosas Fernandes Swaaij, van

Turbulence and zonal flows in tokamak plasmas


Studies of impurity transport in high-density, low-temperature plasma with the ERO code



Bifurcation theory of the L-H transition in fusion plasmas



Tungsten surface modifications under ITER-relevant plasma fluxes



Modelling and analysis of ELM losses and L-H transition


Human capital




Lagrangian mixing analysis of heat transfer: a new way for thermal optimisation


Brehmer, M

Development of New Successful Business Models and Products in New Ventures: The Case of the Energy Sector High efficiency nanowire solar cells




Sustainable energy transitions and the role of collective institutional entrepreneurship: Studies on PV solar and wind energy in India Energy Technology Commercialization



Lagrangian analysis of rotating turbulent convection



Smart Integrated Energy Communities: Business Model Innovation Based on Ecosystem Development and Transition Management


Huijben Jolly

Annual Research Report 2013


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Strategic Area Energy Eindhoven University of Technology PO box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands T +31 (0)40 247 44 63 E Coordination, production and layout Eindhoven Energy Institute (EEI)

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