Shedding New Light to the Assumption, A Journey to the center of the Soul

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Many things in this world are fleeting, perishable, fragile and some things, when we see them fit, honorable, and valuable enough, we e xert all efforts to preserve.�

This August 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary tells us the incredible vs. the incorruptible, the pampered vs. the pure, and the ascended vs. the assumed.

Ascended vs. Assumed

The Assumption of Mary was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII in 1950: the Blessed Virgin Mary was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven at the end of her life. Unlike the Ascension of Christ, PEELING this was not BACK THE LAYE R S done through M a r y ’ s Shedding New light ability,as

to the Assumption

A Journey to the center of the Soul By Del Almanzor

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Peeling back the layers (from page 1)

Mary’s ability, as it was a gift bestowed by the Lord and a result of Christ’s redemptive power. How? From the time she replied “yes” to the angel and conceived without sin, she has maintained her relationship with her son and lived a virtuous life; and so because of this connection, even in death her body was redeemed from the stain of sin. In the same way, we cannot force ourselves up the ladder of purity like how we ascend in society; it is through God that we are assumed in this state of higher being. And once He grants it, we will know and feel it with all our hearts.

Incredible vs. Incorruptible

You may ask, “why is this important to me?” And it is fair to wonder. Mary’s Assumption was not a gift easily granted and we cannot all conceive immaculately in order to be handed the exact same ticket to heaven. Recognizing Mary’s Assumption sends a different message: as we are human beings today like Mary was, there is a path to living and dying in virtue and honor. We may take the example of some saints whose bodies did not decay even after death: they did not all have to bear the Son of God as if it were a prerequisite, they made mistakes as humans like you and I, but they lived piously enough

“ The shiniest, most vibrantcolored fruit with a fancy tag price sitting on a high market pedestal is condemned to a trash bin if found rotten at its core.” PARISH OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY

P I H M2a nt i p o l o

to deserve a similar tribute. It was not because their life stories were sensational and incredible (most lived simple, humble lives), but because their spirits were incorruptible.

People in power get the notion that with their titles come the right to a godly treatment. What they often fail to realize is that this title is a title of their service to others and not the other way around; so bear in mind that even you and I can be kings and queens, no matter how we call ourselves, as long as we, like Mary, proclaim, “I am the handmaid of the Lord.” We do not get anything of authentic value in pampering ourselves with wordly exultation - it’s only when we purify ourselves that we become worthy of redemption.

P a m p e r e d v s . Pure

Mary was assumed into heaven as a queen, and Pope Benedict teaches: “Just as the kingship of Jesus has nothing to do with that of the powerful of this world,” as evidenced by his washing of the Disciple’s feet or death on the cross, so the Queenship of Mary “is not (one of) wealth and power” but is “a service of love.”

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DID YOU KNOW? Enoch and Elijah in the Old Testament were also assumed in heaven. Genesis 5:24 and 2Kings 2:1,11

Mary is often referred to as the new “Ark of the Covenant:” as the Old Covenant contained the Ten Commandments (Law), a pot of manna (heavenly bread) and the staff of Aaron (symbol of Priesthood), so did Mary carry Christ who is the Law, the Bread of Life, and the Royal High Priest. Exodus 25:16, Hebrew 9:4 and Luke 1:35

Although the bodily assumption of Mary is not explicitly recorded in Scripture, Catholic tradition identifies her with the “woman clothed with the sun” who is described in the 12th chapter of the Book of Revelation. Revelation 12:1-2

The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary has been celebrated in the East since the sixth century. It was introduced in Rome in the seventh century. 3


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Peeling back the layers (from page 3)

The shiniest, most vibrant-colored fruit with a fancy tag price sitting on a high market pedestal is condemned to a trash bin if found rotten at its core. The same goes with us. Understanding Mary’s Assumption gives us a slice of how to remove the worm that corrupts us from within. Pope John Paul II tells us, “Let Mary lead us to the Eucharist.” Does your soul show the work of God at its center? And with Christ at our core, who’s to say we can ever spoil?

DATES TO REMEMBER PIHMAntipolo AUGUST 4, Sun St. John Baptiste Marie Vianney AUGUST 12-14, Mon-Wed 7:00am Mass at PIHM Church Triduum Mass for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary AUGUST 15, Thurs 7:00am Mass at PIHM Church Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary AUGUST 22, Thurs 7:00am Mass at PIHM Church Feast of the Queenship of Mary SEPTEMBER 8, Sun Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary SEPTEMBER 12, Thurs Memorial of the Holy Name of Mary



Our Lady of the Assumption

mmaculate Virgin, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, we believe in your triumphant assumption into heaven where the angels and saints acclaim you as Queen. We join them in praising you and bless the Lord who raised you above all creatures. With them we offer you our devotion and love. We are confident that you watch over our daily efforts and needs, and we take comfort from the faith in the coming resurrection. We look to you, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. After this earthly life, show us Jesus, the blest fruit of your womb, O kind, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Amen. SOURCES “Incorruptible Roman Catholic Saints.” Yahoo Voices. Valerie Ferrari, 26 Oct. 2006. 9 Jun. 2013. “The Incorruptibility of Saints.” Mystics of the Church. Jim Dunning, n.d. 9 Jun. 2013 “Queenship of Mary.” Catholic News Agency. n.p. n.d. 9 Jun. 2013 “The Assumption.” Catholic News Agency. n.p. n.d. 9 Jun. 2013 “Pope Explains How Mary’s Queenship Points to Jesus.” Catholic News Agency. David Kerr, 22 Aug. 2012. 9 Jun. 2013 Gandolfo, Castel. “Pope: Mary Queen of Heaven, but also our Mother Who Listens to Us.” Asia News 22 Aug. 2012. Web. 9 Jun. 2013 Hart, Mark. “Missing – Jesus’ Mom: The Assumption Explained.” Lifeteen 15 Aug. 2011. Web. 9 Jun. 2013


MEDIA | WORSHIP| EVANGELIZATION writer Del Almanzor | designer Natz Mendoza Parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

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