Vol. IX No. 1
Hinulugan Taktak Road, Fairmount Hills Subd. Antipolo City
January 2012
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Photo credit: Karina Mendoza
brings about the inevitable: growth. Growth of anything brings about changes; these changes, big or small, become an essential part of any organism. Though transformations don’t necessarily change the very nature of someone or anything, it strengthens it for what it has been initially created for. For the now parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, growth began twelve years ago, when the then St. John Marie Vianney Seminary opened its doors to the quiet community that surrounded it.
Last year’s 30th of December became yet another milestone for the Parish. It was not just a celebration of another year since its foundation, but it was especially marked by the blessing and raising of the 18-meter cross that now tops the church construction. Presided by Fr. Sandy Enhaynes and Fr. Ian Rosal, attended by Fr. Joel Victorino, Arch. Dominic Galicia, Arch. Jun Cheng, Engr. Lito Mendoza, Engr. Carlito Villarasa, Engr. Eduardo Paras, and the rest of the parishioners, the parish construction site was filled with an air of unexplainable amazement.
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Amazement with the fact that there was an enormous cross in the middle of scaffoldings being pulled up could be one explanation. Another possible explanation, which I believe was more predominant, was the fact that after years of prayers and hard work, we were finally witnessing the raising of the pinnacle of our church — a sight that almost felt like a glorious tangible gift of a miracle before our very eyes There it was — one of the most important symbols of all our continued on page 2