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Voith Increases Winder Performance with Integrated Technology Service and Automatic Format Change

Voith's FastFormat offers a return on investment of only a few months and helps paper manufacturers avoid capacity losses due to frequent format changes.


Voith has introduced an integrated service offering which will increase winder performance in all applications, besides FastFormat – a new solution for automatic format changes. The performance of the winder is crucial for the efficiency of the paper machine, because winder operation that is not optimal can lead to capacity bottlenecks across the entirepaperproductionprocess.

With this, the paper technology group provides an integrated technology service for higher winder availability. FastFormat, a new product for automatic format changes, also increases winderperformanceandensuresgreatersafetyforoperators.

An extensive winder service enables quick identification of bottlenecks and increases capacity, paper quality, and safety. Customers benefit from comprehensive technology service to improve winder availability, increase productivity and cut costs. The scope and content of the service offering are individually adapted to the respective requirements of each customer. Thus, key production figures, such as set change time and acceleration, can be demonstrably improved. An

Image Source: Voith important part of the service offering is a 24/7 hotline support that provides customers with rapid assistance and solutions to problems. At its PM1 in Munksund, Sweden, forest industry company SCA already relies on Voith's winder technology service.

“The biggest benefit of our winder service partnership with Voith is the fact that it can't be simply narrowed down to a single advantage,” says Mr. Urban Marklund, Production Technician at SCA Munksund AB in Sweden.“It's the complete package that makes it so valuable to us. It's everything from Voith's unrivaled expertise in the areas of automation and technology to the annual on-site visits and 24/7 hotline support. Allthisaddsuptoadealthatisveryusefulandimportanttous.”

“With our comprehensive service offering, we support our customers even better in continuously improving the performance of their winder,” adds Mr. Sven Franke, Senior AutomationEngineeratVoithPaper.

In FastFormat,Voith brings its first product for fast and safe format changes. It has a return on investment of only a few months and particularly helps paper manufacturers avoid capacity losses due to frequent format changes. Further, it also allows the winder's engaging edge slitters to be moved at crawl speed and the web width to be changed, enabling automated format changes without operator intervention. This not only increases safety for theoperatorbutalsoboostswinderproduction.

“Approximately one minute can be saved per format change, which really makes a difference, especially for customers with frequent format changes,”says Fabian Köberle, Global Product Manager atVoith Paper.“In addition, FastFormat eliminates the need for operator interventionpreviously required on a regular basis.”n

Mondi's Science-Based Net-Zero Targets for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Validated by SBTi

In January 2022, Mondi expressed its commitment to Net-Zero Greenhouse gas emissions' reduction and is amongst the first companies in the paper and packaging industry to have confirmed Net-Zero targets from the SBTi.


Mondi Group has announced that the Science Based

Targets initiative (SBTi) has given its approval to the science-based Net-Zero targets. The targets covering Greenhouse gas emissions from the group's operations and supplychain(Scopes1,2,and3)areconsistentwithareduction required to keep global warming to 1.5°C, stated in their official pressrelease.

In January 2022, Mondi expressed its commitment to Net-Zero GHG emissions reduction. Further, it is amongst the first companies in the paper and packaging industry to have confirmedNet-ZerotargetsfromtheSBTi.

The global paper and packaging leader has asserted its commitment to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 46.2 percent and Scope 3 GHG emissions by 27.5 percent by 2030. However, its long-term goal is to reduce absolute Scope 1,2,and3GHGemissionsby90percentby2050.

Since 2015, Mondi Group has made a number of strategic energy-related investments across its pulp and paper mills of more than EUR 650 million. Thus, these investments are directedtowardsfulfillingtheenergy-relatedrequirementsonsiteanditspulpandpapermills.

In the words of Mr. Andrew King, CEO, Mondi Group, “The approval of our science-based Net-Zero targets according to SBTi's Net-Zero Standard underlines our long-term commitmenttotakingactiononclimate.”n

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