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A Season for Changes

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In Memory of

In Memory of

A Message from the President

Kimberly K. Moore


A Season for Changes


As we enter October, I see signs of Fall all aroundme. Pumpkinsstackedaroundthesupermarket, recipes for apple cider appear on Pinterest, arts and crafts projects abound with ideas for Halloween and Thanksgiving, not to mention the leaves begin their colorful journey to signify this calendar year draws closer to its end. Perhaps for some, it’s none too soon, yet forothers, the desire to turn backthe sun and have just one more day to spend with family, friends, and colleagues(orcatch-uponthatoverdueproject).

As nature reveals a change in seasons, we recognize that life is always changing. We as a community must embrace the challenging shifts in our life –both personal and work. While many changes maybejoyful,wemustalsorecognizethattheypresent challengesinshiftingourworldview. Itisallthejoyand challenges combinedthatprovide us the opportunityto reflect, grow, appreciateandlearn.

OurBarisnotwithoutchangeeither. TheTCBA unveiledanewlogoattheAnnualMeetingluncheon,the interiorrenovationis movingforward, ourmembership numbers surpassed our numbers from this time last year, andwe recentlylaunchedourFree Job Bank. We expandedourmemberbenefitsasaresultof yourresponsestooursurveyearlierintheyear. Wewill nevergetitall right. We will have greatachievements, yetwemayfacesetbacksaswell. Togetherasmembers oftheTCBA, itis importantto be aware andtake each momentasagift, anopportunitytolearnandgrow.

Staff Updates

Whileweonthetopicofgrowth,pleasewelcometoour recentadditionsandtransitionswithintheTCBAstaff:

Lisa Laughrey, CVA – Membership Director

Lisa joined us in February and brings Human Resources, Human Relations and Volunteer Management experience with her. She has done tremendous implementing live streaming CLE for our membersthroughthepandemic.

Jeril Haug - Lawyer Referral and Community Resource Navigator

Jeril is newto theTCBA. She spentthe last10 yearsworkingasacivilandcriminallawparalegal. Her passions are community and helping people. She is resourceful and caring and the TCBAis lucky to have foundher. Shehasalreadyprovenagreatasset.

Mallory Sanstra – Front Desk Coordinator

Mallory comes to us with experience in the communicationsarenawhereshespent9yearswithCox Communications as a Revenue & Margin Assurance Specialist. Mallory has been assisting the TCBAwith varioustasksforthelastyearbutisnowofficial.


As I stated above, our membership numbers to date increased over this time last year, but we’re still missing some ofyou in our ranks. It’s time to renew those memberships. If you have not sent in your renewal to the TCBA or ifyou were still debating it, NOWisthetimetojoin! Manychangeswillbetaking place this year, so you definitely don’t want to miss out. TheTCBAhasmuchtoofferitsmembers,suchas: free CLE; free live streaming yogaclasses; discounted event tickets; expanded member benefits; member appreciation month chock full offree activities for the members and their families; O.R. Cards and discounts on Courthouse Access Badges; and our newly added Free Job Bank. As amemberyoualso have the option to get directly involved through our Court Assistance Program, LawyerReferralServiceorMentorProgram. Iencourageyoutogetinvolvedbyjoiningacommittee orsectionOR,betteryet,chairacommitteeorasection. Wehavesomeopeningsleft,sopleaseletTamiWilliams ormyselfknowwhereyou’dliketoengagewithTCBA.

Also, please remember to check the TCBA website often as our TCBA staff will keep updates regarding COVID-19 information and updates, Tulsa County Courthouse Administrative Orders, and Oklahoma Supreme CourtAdministrative Orders. We are here to assist in any way we can. Ifyou have any questions orcomments orbelieve there is anything we couldbe doing better, please do nothesitate to contact meatkimberly.moore@laok.org.

Sincerely, Kimberly K. Moore TCBA President, 2020-2021

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