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VP's Corner - Handled Out of the Courtroom Philip Hixon


Philip Hixon TCBA Vice President



We’reinthelastquarterofthecalendaryear.It’s time to start thinking about CLE. I don’t know about you, butofthe manythings onmymindin2020, CLE has not been a primary focus. TCBA to the rescue! The Association has introduced a new platform for virtual CLE: VocalMeet (www.tcba.vocalmeet.com). Live events are free formembers, and recorded events are available at a discounted rate. Whether you’re working from home or—like me—barricaded in your office withamaskandajug ofhandsanitizer, youcan learn “How Not to Be Dumb on Social Media” over yourlunchhourforthe reasonable price of$35. Ifyou prefertheliveevents,thereareseveralconfirmedCLEs for October, including “Annual Immigration Law” (October21; 6.0 hour/1.0 hourethics), “PeakAttorney Performance: Eating Smart” (October 27; 1.0 hour), “PeakPerformance:PhysicalActivity”(October28;1.0 hour); and “Medical Marijuana Employment Issues” (October29; 1.0hour).

The fourth quarter also brings the holiday season. Ifyouhaven’tpreviously thoughtaboutgiving to others, whichis notlikelyforAssociationmembers, 2020istherighttimestart.Again,TCBAtotherescue! The Association’s annual Holiday Challenge has been well-supportedinthepast,benefittinganumberoflocal families and children who may otherwise have missed out on holiday cheer. I suspect this year’s pandemicrelated illnesses, job losses, and social unrest will provide even greater opportunities for the Tulsa legal communityto provide forfamilies inneed. Please plan to participate in the Holiday Challenge as eithera firm oranindividual.

On a lighter note, ifyou have a person in your life—anddon’tweall—whoinspiresannualgift-giving angst, you should seriously consider the Animal Law Committee’s professional pet portrait fundraiser. Who wouldn’t delight in opening a professional pet portrait ofFido, Lulu, Lily, Teeny, Whiskers, etc. onChristmas morning? Sessions are available for your pet through October21.Additionaldetails maybefoundelsewhere inthispublication.

On an even lighter note (and because I’ve depleted my supply of germane topics), who doesn’t enjoy a good pro se litigant story? I was recently contacted by such a person—we’ll call her Ms. Guided—who was tangentially involved in a litigation matter with which she was dissatisfied. An attorney involvedinthematteradvocatedforlegallysupportable, good faith positions abhorrent to Ms. Guided. After a failed OBAcomplaint, Ms. Guided reached out to me, as an officer ofthe TCBA, to take “bold” action. Her ask was simple: she wanted me to find the attorney in contemptforsuccessfuladvocacyandimposemonetary sanctions. As an enticement to accept the engagement, Ms. Guided suggested that her desired remedy “could probably all be handled out ofthe court room.” Bold, indeed! I declined the engagement and referred Ms. Guided to the Association’s Lawyer Referral Service, which would be able to connect her with an attorney whomayhaveanin-courtsolutionforherconcerns.

Your Association membership provides ample fourth-quarter opportunities. Ifyou’re looking for free orreducedcostCLE,you’reintherightplace. Ifyou’re lookingtohelpafamily(orfamilies)inneedduringthe holidays, you’reintherightplace. Ifyouwanttoadorn yourmantlewithprofessionalpetportraiture, you’rein therightplace. Ifyouneedtoassistaprospectiveclient withanattorneyreferral, you’re inthe rightplace.And itcan“allbehandledoutofthecourtroom.”

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