Hunter Zeitung 1

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Dear participants of IELMUN 2015,

Here we are. After months of academic and organisational preparations, we are all finally in the beautiful school of Istanbul Erkek Lisesi for the upcoming days of debate, building friendships and having fun.

The press team is here to accompany you in that journey by providing you articles that would provoke your thoughts, by talking to you at the session and making your voice heard in the issues and videos and by recording all the moments of the conference for you.

In this issue, you will find some articles on the topics that you will be discussing in the upcoming days like Dennis' North Korea article, Alihan's articles on corruption and millenium goals, Ece's article on the women rights. You will also find articles that have a critical approach to the UN such as Aleks' article on how the UN dealth with the Balkan War, Eilat's article on how corruption effects the work and Ece's article on how the UN is not able to react to the ongoing Ukraine conflict. We have chosen these topics, because we think it's important that you see what is not going well and what still has to be done. Remember that MUN is more than a simulation of the actual UN but it is a place where young people come together to understand what can be done better and how the most urgent problems of the world can be solved if only the countries are bolder in their action and if only one could try to emphatise with other stakeholders.

We all know that MUN does not change the world but it surely changes you, and that's just as important. Participate, think, speak up and let this experience change you. I am more than looking forward to see the results of your work and wish you lots of fun, viel SpaĂ&#x; ve iyi e?lenceler, Tuna

TABLEOFCONTENT K REM L I N 'S REA L PU RPO SE.............................................. 4- 5 D I E U N EN D L I C H E G ESC H I C H T E: N O RD K O REA .............. 6- 7 A 50- 50 PL A N ET ...................................................................... 8- 9 T H E M Y T H O F PEA C EK EEPI N G ...................................10- 11 BEY A Z Y A K A L I L A RI N EN BÜ Y Ü K SO RU N U : Y O L SU Z L U K ...12 U N REA L I T Y ..................................................................13 BI N Y I L L I K H ED EF E I K I D O L A R..................................15

WRITTENBY: KREMLIN'SREALPURPOSE ECEÇAKIR The situation of Ukraine is terribly mixed concerning the multiple stakeholders. There are abundantly many questions in people?s minds regarding the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Should Ukraine separate into regions one under the pluralism of Europe and the other one under the enhanced nationalism of Mother Russia? Is it prominent to ponder the situation of a significant portion of the local population that would not want to go in case of a separation? Will the sanctions against Russia have hazardous effect on European markets concerning their consumerism relations with Russian industry? Delivering the insufficient progression, why does the UN not take immediate actions and put more emphasis on the subject? Ukraine was always at the heart of the discussions because of its location right in the middle of Europe and Russian Federation as well as because of its military forces which is the second most powerful in Europe. Add extensive fertile farmlands and grain stocks to that, no wonder why Ukraine has always been one of the countries that draw attention. Thus, its deviation had always been a matter of concern whether it should lead towards European Union or it should reiterate its loyalty to Russian Federation, protecting its background as Post-Soviet state. The discussions have been boosted when Ukraine gained its independence from Soviet Union in the aftermath of its dissolution at the end of the Cold War. Since the independence, Ukraine has kept ties both to EU and Russian Federation, but has always tended to expand its economic ties with Mother Russia. In spite of these actions, the society has declared its demand of broader European integration best shown at the wave of demonstrations of Euromaidan. This bunch of protests and civil unrest in Ukraine escalated into a revolution that resulted in overthrowing of Yanukovych. Denoting the effects of the public demonstrations and the establishment of the new government, Crimean Crisis with Russia has been erupted as well as the War in Donbass. The questions about the forthcoming status of Ukraine arise. First and foremost, the presence of the various ethnic groups in Ukraine has been shown as the indicator of the split. Starting from early ages, Ukraine has welcomed almost 130 nationalities forming a multiethnic and multicultural country. Since the first day of its independence, the government of Ukraine has failed to build a national identity uniting the country, and empowered its division. Additionally annexation of Crimea and Russia?s destabilisation activities are the main causes of current Ukrainian crisis. Aftermath of the

Euromaidan protests gathered people of many different nationalities, yet ended up in regional political power struggle. Signifying the escape of then-president Yanukovich, the new government has taken ultra-nationalist and fascist steps that raise concern among minority groups, especially the Russian-speaking regions. Escalating nationalist movements and not assuring that every Ukrainian citizen?s rights would be protected, Kiev government increased apprehension among community. Even though the new president has been on the top of the criticisms, he declared bills to repeal ethnic diversity. In consequence, the new government has not followed recommendations but confused their nationalist ideas with patriotism and caused a civil war. A government is only useful if it shows consideration for the interests of all people in its country. Therefore Ukraine should solve the crisis on its own without blaming Russia because it merely fueled and exploited the situation. Denoting Russia?s position on the situation, it mostly sped up the demonstrations, overthrowing of the past president and conflicts in Ukraine. Russia wants to terminate Ukraine?s closer relations with EU and give Eastern Ukraine a voice. Russia seeks for a foreign policy goal over Ukraine benefiting from its economic sources and military forces. A theory suggests that Russia wants Europe and US to feel threatened by a possibility of a war with itself, that is why it expands militarily. Another analysis poses a different perspective conveying that Putin cares about its negotiations not the war. When Russia exploited the demonstrations, Putin?s purpose was to create new facts to be used as leverage in the impending talks. In the aftermath of the protests and overthrowing of the president in Ukraine, Russia used force in the country promising to sustain stability.

Then, 97 percent of voters in Crimea agreed to join Russia in the referendum. At the end, Putin signed a bill absorbing Crimea into Mother Russia. Even though huge part of Crimea seems to be pleased from the result, especially post-Soviet nations still cannot accept Russia?s actions on splitting Ukraine apart and see the conflict as harsh forced division. In Georgia, (a quote to be added with the picture). These nations feel insecure and deceived. Commenting on the ways to stop Russia?s military actions and bring peace back to the country, the UN and UN Security Council have done little to terminate the war and stabilize Ukraine on the other aspect. Having examined the Resolution 2166, UN Security Council demands ??that all military activities, including by armed groups, be immediately ceased in the immediate area surrounding the crash site to allow for the security and safety of the international investigation.??. The document also ??reiterates its deepest sympathies to the families of the victims of the incident?? however does not take any further action other than relieving the society with statements. Both the US and the UN are extremely fearful when taking a step against Russia, considering the threat of a Russian veto that blocked them from taking action in close to 30 meetings on the crisis. Similarly, US was contented only with denouncing the proposed resolutions by Russia calling for a ceasefire as ?hypocritical?. Stating the inadequate aspects of the UN actions, EU strives to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine. EU sanctions announced on 12 September targeted Russia?s state finances, energy and arms sectors. Additionally, EU has blacklisted lots of senior Russian officials, separatist commanders, and Russian firms. Russian state banks are also

banned to raise long-term loans in the EU. However, gas industry, space technology, and nuclear energy are excluded from sanctions. In spite of the accusations towards the West of imposing sanctions on Russia just to topple Putin, the EU sets embargo on the import and export of arms and related materials. Moreover, the EU called on Russia to immediately withdraw its armed forces to the areas of their permanent stationing, in accordance with the Agreement on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet stationing on the territory of Ukraine of 1997. It is a matter of fact that actions that are already in process are inadequate to solve this problem. Therefore the possible solutions may regard the military aspects: stopping the separatists breaking out into a wider area. Furthermore, the creation of a new border between Kiev-controlled and separatist-controlled Ukraine would be key component in stabilising peace in the region. Other than EU re-assessing the sanctions and further condemning the Russian Federation, restrictions should be extended. The call for NATO and European Commission in order to strengthen Ukraine?s position by increasing military support would be beneficial. Respectively, these forces can also create an immediate emergency action plan to prevent further conflicts. The possible solutions listed above are to show the fact that the UN has not fulfilled its duty of stabilizing peace in the region. In comparison with the UN, the EU has taken a greater part in de-escalating the conflicts. However, there are still ongoing meetings due to both clarify and reinforce the position of the UN in this concept.


NORDKOREA Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un ? wir Europäer haben schon mit den Namen ein Problem. Dabei zählen die drei zu den grausamsten Tyrannen der jüngsten Vergangenheit. Seit dem Koreakrieg 1950-53 verläuft entlang des 38. Breitengrades die sogenannte ?demilitarisierte Zone? als Grenze zwischen Nord- und Südkorea. Es gab nie einen Friedensschluss, lediglich einen Waffenstillstand. Während sich der Süden den USA zuwandte und mittlerweile globale Wirtschaftsmacht mit demokratischer Regierung nach westlichem Vorbild ist, hat sich der Norden insbesondere nach Ende des Kalten Krieges immer weiter isoliert.

DIEANFÄNGEDESPERSONENKULTS Die Unabhängigkeit der ?Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea? wurde am 26. August 1948 von Kim il-Sung proklamiert und wird bis heute nach sowjetisch-stalinistischem Vorbild regiert. Laut Verfassung ist er der Staatsgründer und ewiger Präsident Nordkoreas. Die nordkoreanische Kultur ist von der Verherrlichung des Kim-Clans geprägt. Im Land wurden über 30.000 Statuen von ihnen aufgestellt; üblich sind zudem Militärparaden und Massengymnastiken, an denen Tausende von Menschen mitwirken und die zu allen Feiertagen, also im Durchschnitt alle zehn Tage(!), begangen werden, um die unerschütterliche Treue und Opferbereitschaft für die Staatsführung zu bekunden.



Nordkoreaner, die unter Lebensgefahr nach China flüchten konnten, beschreiben das Leben dort als äußerst demokratisch und freiheitlich. Denn Jahr für Jahr werden Tausende, meist öffentlich, hingerichtet und in Umerziehungslager gesperrt; hunderttausende Menschen verhungern. Es ist unumstritten, dass Arbeitslager existieren. Nur das Ausmaß ist ungewiss ? schätzungsweise sind 100.000 bis 250.000 Menschen inhaftiert, vom politischen Oppositionellen über bekennende Gläubige aller Religionen bis hin zum kleinen Dieb. Es gibt kaum Gerichte. Der zuständige Polizeibeamte entscheidet über Wohl und Wehe des Kriminalisierten. Die Lagerwärter handeln willkürlich, beschließen den Nahrungsmittelentzug, foltern auch. Sie morden nach Belieben, außerdem soll es Menschenversuche an Gefangenen geben.

ÖFFENTLICHKEITSWIRKSAMERAKETENTESTSSOLLENSTÄRKEDEMONSTRIEREN Nordkorea entwickelt und verteilt hocheffektive militärische Raketentechnologie. Nach eigenen Angaben verfügt Nordkorea über mehrere einsatzbereite Atombomben, die angeblich die USA erreichen könnten. Diese wiederum überlegen derzeit, weitere Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea zu verhängen, da es den vereinbarten Standards bei der Anreicherung von Uran und Plutonium ?nicht einmal nahe gekommen? sei (Außenminister John Kerry, 18. Mai 2015). Die USA seien an einer friedlichen Lösung interessiert. Nordkorea hingegen feuert immer wieder Raketen mit unterschiedlicher Reichweite zu Testzwecken ab. Im letzten Jahr empfahl ein UN-Gremium dem Sicherheitsrat, Kim Yong-un vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof für Menschenrechte anzuklagen. Seit 2009 sind die ?Sechser-Gespräche? zwischen den USA, China, Japan, Russland, Nordkorea und Südkorea über das nordkoreanische Atomprogramms eingestellt. Schon seit nun über 70 Jahren ist die Demarkationslinie einer der gefährlichsten Krisenherde der Welt. Und das weiß das Regime auch geschickt auszunutzen: Es erpresst internationale Hilfe, indem es mit der Destabilisierung Ostasiens droht. Nach China, den USA, Indien und Russland unterhalten sie mit etwa 1,2 Millionen Soldaten die größte Armee der Welt. Jeder zwanzigste Nordkoreaner ist also Mitglied des Militärs und wichtigstes Rückgrat der Diktatoren, denn es gilt die ?Songun?-, d.h. ?Armee zuerst?-Politik: Alle Belange des Staates sind der Entwicklung und Verbesserung des Militärs unterzuordnen. Experten warnen zudem vor möglichen Cyberwar-Aktivitäten. Für Internetangriffe werden schätzungsweise zehn bis 20 Prozent der Verteidigungsausgaben verwendet. Mittlerweile soll das Land eine 6000 Mann starke Hacker-Armee haben, die kritische Infrastruktur weltweit (v.a. Kraftwerke und Banken in Südkorea) angreifen und sogar Menschen töten könnten. Der letzte aufsehenerregende Fall war der Hack ins Computersystem von Sony in den USA, der zu einer Verzögerung des Filmstarts von ?The Interview?, einer Satire über Kim Jong-un, führte.

CHUCH?E-IDEOLOGIEPROPAGIERT AUTARKIE, DABEI HÄNGT NORDKOREA AM TROPFDERUN Wirtschaftliche Eigenversorgung ist das oberste Ziel der nordkoreanischen Chuch'e-Ideologie. Im völligen

Kontrast dazu hat das Land der Selbstversorgung die internationale Gemeinschaft 1995 um Hilfe gebeten. Im Jahr 2001 ist Nordkorea, welches seinen Nachbarn regelmäßig drohte sie ?in einem Flammenmeer? zu ertränken, das Land, dem weltweit am meisten geholfen werden muss. Das BIP pro Kopf beläuft sich auf lediglich 1150 US-Dollar, kurioserweise verdient der Durchschnittssüdkoreaner 15 Mal mehr. Aber das darf das Volk im Norden der Halbinsel nicht wissen. Alle Medien werden staatlich gelenkt zensiert, es gibt so gut wie keinen Internetzugang, über den man sich Informationen von ausländischen Quellen einholen könnte. Sämtliche Radio- und Fernsehkanäle, Zeitungen und auch der Buchmarkt sind von der staatlichen Propaganda überschwemmt. Zurzeit macht sich der Umbruch in einem spontanen Wechsel der Zeitzone bemerkbar: Anfang August 2015 gab die KCNA bekannt, dass Nordkorea zum 15. August in die Zeitzone UTC +8:30h (statt vorher +9:00h) wechseln wurde, um dieses Relikt aus japanischer Kolonialzeit abzustreifen.

SCHUSSWECHSELANDERGRENZEZUSÜDKOREA In den letzten Monaten hatten sich China und besonders Russland bei den USA dafür eingesetzt, alle Wiederaufnahmebedingungen für einen Dialog fallen zu lassen, damit die Sechser-Gespräche fortgeführt werden können. China ist schon jetzt besorgt über die Entwicklungen in Nordkorea und beginnt zunehmend, Distanz zu Pjöngjang zu wahren. Peking geht davon aus, dass der Nachbar schon 20 Atomsprengköpfe und ausreichende Kapazitäten zur Produktion von waffenfähigem Uran haben könnte, um das Arsenal bis nächstes Jahr zu verdoppeln. Am 20. August 2015 erklärte Kim Jong-un einen ?Semi-State Of War? und mobilisierte alle Truppen, nachdem es vorher zu einem Schusswechsel an der Grenze zu Südkorea kam. Auslöser war die Verletzung zweier südkoreanischer Soldaten durch eine Anti-Personen-Mine, die Nordkorea zugeschrieben wird. Daraufhin hatte der Süden erstmals seit 2004 wieder begonnen, per Lautsprecher Propaganda an der Grenze zu verbreiten, was Nordkorea wiederum erzürnte. Mangels eigener guter Lautsprecher konnte man nicht mit entsprechender psychologischer Kriegsführung antworten, sondern griff gleich zu einer härteren Gangart. Ob sich der Konflikt weiter verschärfen wird, bleibt also mehr als offen.

??We-you-will accept nothing less than a 50-50 Planet.??At Chatham House,London UN Women Executive Director, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka delivered a lecture focusing on the challenge of achieving a 50:50 planet by the year 2030.

A50-50 PLANET a

First and foremost, UN Women has done an astonishing job providing substantive equality where women are able to enjoy their human rights and tackling unequal power relations in order to achieve women?s rights and empowerment of women. While most of the Millennium Development Goals face a deadline of 2015, the gender parity target was set to be achieved ten years earlier, back in 2005, acknowledging that gender equality is at the core of accomplishing all of the other goals. However, considering the ongoing violence against women and the still existing gender pay gap and unequal distribution of the economic productivity, have the relevant commissions and governments managed to reach a consensus on eliminating the discrimination against women? The outcome of the treaties, public awareness raising campaigns, and agreed conclusions is promising, yet absolutely inadequate. 143 out of 195 countries guarantee substantive equality between women and men in their constitutions as of 2014. Notwithstanding promises, there have to be established sets of laws to prevent discrimination persists through social norms, practices, and gender-based stereotypes. Gender equality before the law does not necessarily mean that women in practice have equal opportunities. Unrevealing the prominent role of EU gender equality legislation, the article follows as; ??Each MS shall ensure and subsequently maintain the application of the principle that men and women should receive equal

pay for equal work.??.

Nonetheless, the increase of the chance or ratio of women to participate in business world is not a reality in today?s conditions. In terms of employment, women earn between 10 and 30% less than men resulting in higher incidence of poverty among women and lower propensity to save and invest.

WRITTENBY: ECEÇAKIR ?Today we celebrate, but we still have a long way to go.? Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.

Affirming the part icipat ion of women t o pol it ics, the number of women represented in the European Parliament has been increased by 2% , which makes women now have 37 percent of the seats. The ratio of the percentage of women in the parliament to that of in respective national parliaments has been boosted with the recent change. Of 22 parliamentary committees, 8 are chaired by a woman who establishes a 36,4 to 63,6 percent ratio between women and men. Except the countries like Belgium, Austria, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, Finland, and Luxembourg all Member States have more male than female representatives.

??Women?s and girls?voices too often go unheard, their talents and initiative unused??said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. The smaller ratio of illiteracy of women, the greater amount of participation in business and politics. When the education of toddlers is concerned, women and girls are particularly challenged due to anticipated works of doing housework, taking care of younger siblings. The Commission along with UN Women should identify gaps in education and career pathways and encourage women to work in different fields of science and technology and other relevant disciplines. Correspondingly, respective constitutions should be in charge of increasing enrolment and retention rates of girls in education. In order to speed up this process, the steps that should be followed are enlisting the support of parents and community, then minimising the costs of education, and scheduling the school timetables accordingly. When these simple steps are taken by a huge ratio, the literacy of girls fastens up and starting from a little age girls learn more about their own rights and its relations concerning the human rights and fundamental

freedoms. After further examining the gender inequality and practices already in process to sustain parity, there are still formidable obstacles on the road to gender equality: sexual

harassment and viol ence against women. Having UN Women and UNICEF in the front seats, abundance of conferences have been organized to raise public awareness and prevent the violence against women. 2014 Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, as well as the multi-stakeholder Call to Action to End Violence against Women and Girls in Emergencies have been in process with the help of the work of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. All of these constitutions constantly organise summits, and conferences in addition to run campaigns, yet the work that is already in process has not concluded and reached up to a sufficient level. In spite of these current examinations, 35 percent of women worldwide have experienced physical and sexual intimate partner violence. A study based on interviews with 42.000 women across the 28 MS of the EU revealed that only 14 percent of women reported their most serious incident of intimate

partner violence to the police, while 13 percent reported that of non-partner violence to the police. Some say, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is doing adequate in terms of ending domestic violence. Apart from the public campaigns and summits that the public is barely heard of, UN together with the UN Women should come up with more concrete solutions, if possible, including men and boys as well. For instance, Partners for Prevention (P4P) should not stay at a regional level but improve and spread among the world, because the violence can only end if men are educated. Correspondingly, UN Women, in partnership with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) has developed a non-formal education curriculum to engage young people in efforts to end violence. The curriculum should not keep its status of being non-formal but should be enriched with the cooperation of the governments. ??In 2030 we want to be able to talk about a world that has achieved gender equality.??UN Women Executive Director delivers her concerns and hopes about future. If we do, there is still a long way to go.


The failures of the United Nations owe much to the idea of the UN as an institutional solution to problems in the world. Unfortunately, when negotiation is exhausted, the UN becomes pathetic: A debating society, a humanitarian relief organisation and a pastime for diplomats, but far away from being an effective and viable force. In Bosnia, the United Nation Protection Force was to protect the Muslim population. However, they were as useless as the countless UN resolutions and blue helmets only served as hostages to the Bosnian Serbs in order to deter military intervention from the West. Here is a story that might reveal the myth of peacekeeping. Jul y 11 t h 2015 Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina It is the 20 th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre during which the Bosnian Serb paramilitary units murdered 8,000 Muslim men and boys. It took 10 years for the Serbian political elite to consider attending this ceremony: Boris Tadi?, PM of Serbia at that time, was the first Serbian politician ever to take part in the commemoration in order to normalise relations with Bosnia and the international community. Unsurprisingly, it took another 10 years for another PM to come: Aleksandar Vu?i?, former Minister of Information under Slobodan Milo?evi? and Vojislav ?e?elj?s right hand. Both, Milo?evi? and ?e?elj, were accused of crime against humanity and violation of martial law during the Bosnian war, in which the massacre of Srebrenica only represented the peak of cruelty and barbarity. So, Vu?i? arrives at the memorial site, already having declared that there are no words ?expressing the anger and bitterness towards those who committed this monstrous crime?. But as soon as he got out of the car that took him to the site, people started booing and whistling, trying to express what is ? supposedly ? so inexpressible. Vu?i? is prepared, he knows how media works and ignores the negative atmosphere while easily talking to mothers that lost their husbands and sons during the massacre in 1995. 50,000 people, 90 international delegations and 800 journalists have gathered in Srebrenica when suddenly a stone hits Vu?i?. The situation escalated: people started shouting, insulting him, throwing more stones and plastic bottles, finally driving away the Serbian PM. He was evacuated by his security.


Jul y 11 t h, 1995 Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thomas Karremans is the commander of the Dutchbat III battalion participating in peacekeeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the command of the United Nations. His responsibility is to protect the Muslim population in Srebrenica that is surrounded by Bosnian Serbs trying to conquer the city. Srebrenica was declared a ?safe area? in 1993 by UNSC Resolution 819 demanding ?the immediate cessation of armed attacks by Bosnian Serb paramilitary units against Srebrenica and their immediate withdrawal from the areas surrounding Srebrenica?. However, the Bosnian Serb paramilitary units overrun the city in the early morning of July 11 th under the command of Ratko Mladi?. No UN resistance. Besides Karremans?existing Dutchbat III battalion. After the Serbian occupation and hours before the actual massacre, Thomas Karremans meets Ratko Mladi?: ?You have only one life, and I don?t believe you want to lose it here?, Mladi? says during the first meeting that was taped. ?I am the piano player? Karremans stammers, ?don?t shoot the piano player.? ?You are a lousy piano player?, Mladi? replies sharply. Utterly helpless Karremans raises a glass of liquor together with the Serbian commander celebrating the conquest of Srebrenica. Karremans??safe area?. They agreed on the handover of Srebrenica to the Bosnian Serb paramilitary units and thus on the recognition of Mladi??s authority. Hours later, under the pretext of evacuation, all women and children were transferred in Serbian outside Srebrenica. Mladi? assured Karremans that the men would be transferred later. They never were. After years the UN actually can see its failures but never really realise them. Yes, maybe mass murder was halted and refugees returned ? but no, the UN intervention in Bosnia was a success. What comes after failed peacekeeping? In 2013, Thomas Karremans is sentenced for complicity in the death of Muslim men in Srebrenica. Concerning his liquor with Mladi? he said: ?It caused misunderstandings, and the military men did not know what to do. It was embarrassing.? Peace is not restored in the Balkans. The most striking example is Vu?i? appearance in Srebrenica: What had happened? In the video of the attack a banner is visible: ?If you kill a Serb, we will kill 100 Muslims?. It is a quotation of Vu?i? during the ?90s. And by the way, letting genocide happen during a peacekeeping mission is more than embarrassing.

BEYAZYAKALILARIN ENBÜYÜKSORUNU: YOLSUZLUK ALIHANEYÜBOGLU Küreselle?en dünyada, toplumlar?n sosyo-ekonomik, politik alanlarda ya?ad??? geli?meler bize yeni bir sorun yaratm??t?r; yolsuzluk. Buna kar??l?k pek çok ülke yolsuzluklar?ortadan kald?rmaya yönelik ad?mlar atm?? ve bu çözümleri uluslar aras?arenaya da ta??m??t?r. Geçmi?te sorunun çözümüne yönelik yap?lan çal??malara bakt???m?z zaman ilk olarak Amerika Birle?ik Devletleri?ni görmekteyiz. Ülkede 1977?de ç?kar?lan kanun ile i?adamlar?n?n yabanc? ülkelerde yolsuzluklar yapmas?n?n önüne geçmeyi hedeflemi?tir. Di?er ülkeler ise ba?ta bu konu üzerine yo?unla?masa da günümüzde yolsuzlukla mücadele birçok devletin gündeminde ön s?ralarda yer almakta. 1997 y?l?na gelindi?inde ise OECD taraf?ndan haz?rlanm?? olan Uluslararas? ?? ?li?kilerinde Yabanc? Devlet Görevlilerine Rü?vet Verilmesine Kar?? Mücadele Konvansiyonu üye ülkeler ve be? üye olmayan ülke taraf?ndan imzalanm??t?r. Ayr?ca Dünya Bankas?, Uluslararas? Para Fonu, Birle?mi? Milletler gibi evrensel kurulu?lar da yolsuzluk üzerine kendi programlar?n? ba?latm??t?r. Yolsuzlukla alakal? kurum ve kurulu?lara bakt???m?z zaman kar??m?za ilk olarak ?Yolsuzlu?a Kar?? Devletler Grubu? (GRECO) ç?kar. Eylül 1994?de temeli at?lan kurum 1999 y?l?nda bugünkü halini alm??t?r. Kurum kendisine üye olan devletlerin yolsuzlukla mücadele mekanizmalar?n? inceler ve gerekti?i zaman yard?mc? olur. Üye kabul ?art? ise GRECO taraf?ndan de?erlendirmeye al?nmay? hiçbir ?art olmaks?z?n kabul etmektir. 2003 y?l? itibariyle 35 üyeye sahiptir. Bir di?er kurum ise Avrupa Sahtecilik Mücadele Ofisi (OLAF). Avrupa Komisyonu?na ba?l? olarak kurulan kurum di?erlerine göre daha geni? yetkilere sahiptir. 1999 y?l?nda Komisyon bünyesinde ba??ms?z soru?turmalar yap?lmaya ba?lanm??, sahtecilik, yolsuzluk ve di?er yasad??? durumlarda AB?nin ç?karlar?n?n korunmas? hedeflenmi?tir. Kurum dâhili ve harici olmak üzere iki tip

soru?turma yapar. Dâhili soru?turmada birlik ülkelerinin kendi içerisinde gerçekle?tirdi?i her türlü antla?ma ve i?lemlerin uygunlu?u denetlenir. Harici soru?turmada ise, üye ülkelerin üye olmayan ülkelerle yapt?klar? antla?malar?n denetimi sa?lan?r. Mali Eylem Görev Grubu (FATF) bir di?er yolsuzlukla mücadele amac?yla kurulmu? bir kurulu?tur. Temelinde kara para aklama ve terörist faaliyetlerinin finansman?yla mücadele etmek vard?r. 1989 y?l?nda G-7 zirvesinde kurulmu?tur ve günümüzde 31 üye ülke, iki bölgesel örgüt üyedir. Amac? çözüm için yeni politikalar üretip bunlar?n hayata geçirilmesine destek olmakt?r. 1990 y?l?nda kurum ?hareket ad?mlar?? olarak tan?mlanan 40 tavsiyenin oldu?u ilk raporunu yay?nlam??t?r. Kara para aklanmas?n? önlenmesi için hukuk sisteminin reformu, mali sistemin güçlendirilmesi, ülkelerin i?birli?inin artt?r?lmas? ana ba?l?klar?d?r. Kurum düzenli toplant?lar düzenleyerek raporlar haz?rlar ve bunu di?er üye ülkelerinde kat?ld???kurullarda tart??maya açar. 1993 y?l?nda Berlin merkezli kurulan Uluslar aras? Saydaml?k Örgütü (IT) as?l amac? yolsuzlukla mücadele olan ilk ve tek sivil toplum kurulu?udur. Doksan ülkede te?kilatlanm?? olan kurulu?; sivil toplumu, i? dünyas?n?, hükümetleri bir araya getirerek ortak bir koalisyonda çözüm aramakt?r. Günümüzde ABD, Irak, ?ran, Danimarka, Almanya, Rusya, Fransa ve AB gibi geli?mi? yap?ya sahip ülke ve birliklerde dahi yolsuzluklar görünmekte. Ayn? zamanda Somali, Kuzey Kore ve Afganistan gibi ülkeler dü?ük seviyede ekonomiye sahip olmalar?na ra?men yolsuzlu?un en çok oldu?u ilk üç ülkeyi olu?turmaktad?r. Sonuca ba?larsak yolsuzlukla mücadele edinilmesi isteniyorsa kararl? ve planl? olunmas? ?artt?r. Ticari hayat?n yan? s?ra demokratik bir sisteme de olumsuz etkileri olan yolsuzlukla topyekûn bir mücadele ?artt?r.

UNREALITY EILATAVIV The United Nations. 193 member states, with many bodies, councils, organizations and commissions, established as part of the UN during the decades. Everyone would say they would love to have world peace finally happening, starvation come to an end and complete equality reached. But what is it really like at the heart of the UN? Criticism has been heard over the years about the UN, pointing out its inability to solve world problems. All nations know that the actions of the UN, besides its Security Council ? are not binding, lacking the required tools to enforce its own resolutions. For a couple of years now, there has been a call for a major reform of the UN, but until now, nothing has changed. Not only is the UN facing problems to enforce its decisions and agendas, it is also infected with corruption and scandals. Here are some of the examples you probably never heard about: The Oil -f or-Food program in Iraq. This program was established by the Security Council in 1995, and dissolved in 2003. The deal in that program was that Iraq would sell its oil on the world market, in exchange for food, aid and other humanitarian needs. The program suffered from abuse and corruption ? the investigation into the program showed that UN officials enjoyed unlawful profits, the documentation of the program was continuously being shredded, the chairman of the commission accepted 150,000$ in bribes, and the food supplied was unfit for humans. Peacekeepers are not that peaceful as we might think. During their missions in devel oping count ries like Congo, Haiti, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Sudan, peacekeepers abused their power by exchanging food, medical aid and other humanitarian aid for sex.

They were also accused of rape, prostitution and even pedophilia, with reports on sex with minor boys and girls, and refugees. Some of their actions were even found on video tapes. From the creation of the United Nations Human Rights Council in June 2006 until today, there have been 62 condemnat ions against Israel , whilst relatively negl ect ing t he rest of t he worl d with only 59 condemnations combined. The Israeli is the only to have an agenda item for itself ? agenda item number 7. Ironically, the HRC includes human rights violators such as Iran, Syria, Saudi-Arabia, China and Pakistan - which the council seems to neglect with almost 0 condemnations and resolutions against them. The United Nations World Conference against Racism was boycotted by many western countries including Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands and the United States. The western countries expressed their concern that the conference is being used to promot e ant i-Semit ism. Instead of being a conference against racism, it has become a racist conference hijacked by countries wishing to shame Israel, the US and the rest of the western world. For example, former Iranian President Ahmadinejad held a speech condemning Israel and denying the Holocaust. While doing so, the European Union delegates left the conference room. While it is busy denying the Holocaust, it refuses to deal with discrimination against homosexuals. These are just some of what is happening inside the United Nations. Learn not to believe everything you hear or read, ask questions and investigate when needed. ?You can do a lot with diplomacy, but with diplomacy backed up by force you can get a lot more done.? - Kofi Annan.


Birle?mi? Milletler (BM) 2000 y?l?nda New York'ta bir toplant?sonucu yay?nlad?klar?"Biny?l Bildirgesi" ile tüm dünya için kalk?nma hedefleri belirlemi?ti. Hedefler, yoksullu?un azalt?lmas? ve üye ülkelerin sürdüreli bilir bir kalk?nmay?sa?lamas?amac?yla sekiz ana ba?l?k alt?nda belirlenmi?tir. Söz konusu maddelerin uygulanmas?sonucu ülkelerde yoksullukla mücadelede bir iyile?menin ya?anmas?beklenmi?tir. Bu sekiz maddeyi incelemek gerekirse, a??r?yoksulluk ve açl???n çözüm bulmas?gibi temel bir mesele ç?kar. Amaç açl?k çeken ve günlük kazanc?bir dolar olan insan nüfusunun toplant?m?n yap?ld???zaman?n verilerine göre yar?yar?ya azalt?lmas?d?r. ?kinci madde bireyin temel e?itimini yani di?er bir deyi?le ilkö?retimini eksiksiz tamamlamas?d?r. Üçüncü madde kad?n erkek f?rsat e?itsizli?inin ortadan kald?r?lmas?, dördüncü madde ise be? ya??ndan küçük çocuklar?n ölümlerinin mevcut duruma göre üçte iki oranda azaltmakt?r. Sa?l?kla alakal?olan bir di?er madde olan alt?da ise HIV/ AIDS gibi bula??c? hastal?klar?n görülme oran?n?s?f?ra indirmeyi amaçlanmaktad?r. Yedinci maddede çevresel kaynaklar?n daha verimli kullan?lmas?n?ve temiz içme suyuna ula?an insan nüfusunun artt?r?lmas?n?öngörülür. Son madde olan sekizinci maddede ise geli?memi?/ geli?mekte olan ülkelerin kalk?nmas?için ticaret ve mali düzenlemelerin yap?lmas?önerilir. Kalk?nma hedeflerine temel ba?l?klarda inceledikten sonra ?u an ne a?amada olundu?unu görmek, sorunun çözümüne daha da katk?sa?lamaya faydal?olacakt?r. Geçti?imiz y?l Birle?mi? Milletler 2000 y?l?ndan hedeflerin belirlenmesinden itibaren ki süreçte ne a?amaya gelindi?ini içeren raporu yay?nlad?. Raporda ilk göze çarpan nokta dünyada temiz tuvalete ula?ma oran?n?n 2015?de % 75 olmas?n?n amaçlanm?? olmas?na ra?men yat?r?m eksikli?inden bu hedefe ula??lamayaca??.

ALIHANEYÜBOGLU Raporda ilk göze çarpan nokta dünyada temiz tuvalete ula?ma oran?n?n 2015?de % 75 olmas?n?n amaçlanm?? olmas?na ra?men yat?r?m eksikli?inden bu hedefe ula??lamayaca??. Ayr?ca düzgün beslenme noktas?nda da halen 162 milyon çocu?un kronik yetersiz beslenme ile kar??kar??ya kald???ve bu noktada da hedefe ula?man?n çok zor göründü?ü ortaya ç?k?yor. Bu hedeflere mevcut ?artlar içerisinde ula??lamayaca??asl?nda ba??ndan beri bilinen bir gerçekti. 2005 y?l?nda haz?rlanan raporda yard?m konusunda en cimri ülkenin ABD oldu?u kaydedilmi?ti. Buna göre 2000 y?l?nda hedefler belirlenirken milli gelirinin % 0,7?sini ba???lamay?söz veren devlet, o y?la kadar henüz % 0,2 oran?nda bir yard?mda bulunmu?tu. Günümüzde de bu oran % 0,18 civar?ndad?r. BM Genel Sekreteri Özel Dan??man?Jeffrey D. Sachs ele ald???raporlarda bu oranlar? aç?klayarak 2015 sonras?için bunlar?n mutlaka artt?r?lmas?gerekti?ini vurguluyor. Ayr?ca yay?nlad???raporlarda 2000 y?l?nda ba?ta ABD olmak üzere sanayisi geli?mi?, güçlü ekonomiye sahip ülkelerin ba?ta taahhüt etti?i oran?(milli gelirin % 0,7?si) ba???lad???takdirde zaten sorunlar?n ortadan kalkaca??n?ortaya koymu?tur. Ne yaz?k ki ülkelerin ba???lad???yard?m oranlar? milli gelirlerine göre oranlar??u ?ekildedir ?talya yüzde 0,17, Almanya ise 0,27. ?uan ki yard?mlarla Afrika?da bir insan?n y?ll?k sa?l?k harcamas?n?n 2$??n alt?nda oldu?unu dü?ünürsek küresel uzla??sa?land???takdirde sorunun çözülebilece?i kesindir. Bakt???m?z zaman uzmanlar i?in içindeki sorunlar?derin bir ?ekilde analiz etmi? ve ortaya koymu?tur. Bu a?amadan sonra yap?lmas?gereken asl?nda nettir. Geli?mi? ülkeler gelirlerinin belli oran?n?ba?ta verdikleri sözler do?rultusunda ba??? için kullanmalar?ve ula??lmam?? hedefe h?zl?ad?mlarla gitmesi kesin çözümlerin ba??nda yer almaktad?r.

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