GSWPA Girl Scout Year 2013-14

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S’more Girl Scout Year 2013-14

what’s inside: Just for Parents - page 3 Troop Adventure - page 11-12 Programs by Request & Kits - page 13-16 S’more Fun Programs - page 17-53 Older Girls & Indie Girls - page 54 Volunteers - page 61-62

Welcome to a new issue of S’more! If you’re a Girl Scout, a parent, brand-new volunteer or longtime volunteer, we’ve included information in this issue to help you navigate and customize your entire Girl Scout year. We’ve combined our Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer issues of S’more into one larger issue to last through the Girl Scout year. Our special Camp S’more will still be published in early December, so you have enough time to make your summer plans. Opportunities for programs are available all year, so we have a special section on our website ( called Brand New Things to Do. It’s located under Quick Links. Be sure to check it often. We also include new programs in G.O. Girls Online, our e-newsletter designed for girls. If you have any questions, contact and we’ll find an answer for you.

Where can I find info especially for me? Since this issue of S’more will be with you all year, we’ve added special information sections for parents, older Girl Scouts, Indie Girl Scouts and volunteers. • Parents (page 3) • Older Girl Scouts — Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors (page 54) • Indie Girl Scouts (that’s any Girl Scout not associated with a troop) (page 54) • Volunteers (page 61)

Table of Contents

Parent Page...............................................................3 Product Sales......................................................... 4 Programs by Date..................................................5 Programs by County........................................... 8 Troop Adventures................................................11 Save the Dates......................................................12 Programs by Request List...............................13 Program Kits...........................................................16 S’more Fun Programs List...............................17 Older Girls...............................................................54 Indie Girl Scouts..................................................54 Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards..................55 Event Registration Form..................................57 Event Scholarship Form..................................59 Volunteers...............................................................61 Summer Employment Opportunities.....63 Town Hall Meetings............................................63 Camp Work Weekends................................... 64

How can I easily find programs for specific ages?

To make it easier to navigate through S’more, we added colored dots to each program listing and description. They match each grade level – and a key is located on the bottom of each even-numbered page. So, for example, if you’re looking for programs for Juniors, just scan the program listings and look for purple dots like this �.

What can girls do through Girl Scouting?

S’more is part of the great things that can happen in Girl Scouting, but there’s so much more! Visit to learn about other programs through the year on our Brand New Things to Do page, under the Quick Links tab. Or, grab a Journey or Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting (available at our Council Shops) and chart your own adventure.

What are you waiting for? Dive in – the adventure starts here!

Girl Scout Grade Levels Grades K-1

Grades 6-8

Grades 2-3

Grades 9-10

Grades 4-5

Grades 11-12

Cover photo courtesy of Scholastica, Inc.

2 � daisy � brownie � junior � cadette � senior � ambassador


Yes – Girl Scouting can fit into your busy schedule! Your daughter can attend programs individually or as a troop or group. It’s up to you.

Think About Volunteering!

No matter how your daughter is connected to Girl Scouts, there are tons of ways to get involved so you can enjoy Girl Scouts together. For an entire list of our volunteer opportunities, visit, but here are a few ideas to get you started: • Look for the hand icon throughout this publication to find programs that need volunteer help. • Run a short series pathway for about 4-6 weeks. We provide all the training and materials. • Good with math and finance? Lend a hand during the Cookie or MagNut Programs. (See page 4) • Are you a people person? Help out with Girl Scout recruitment in your community. • For more volunteer information, see pages 61.

Celebrate Volunteerism

Adult Awards (awards for Girl Scout volunteers) are a great way to recognize an exceptional Girl Scout volunteer in your daughter’s life. For more information about how to start the process, see page 61. You can also check out our Pinterest page for other great ideas on how you can say thank you to a Girl Scout volunteer! Dates to Remember: • April 6-13 - National Volunteer Week • April 22 - Girl Scout Leader’s Day

Since Girl Scouting is flexible, there are a variety of ways girls can participate: • attend events listed in this publication and online, • go to Girl Scout Camp (our Camp S’more is sent out in December!), • travel domestically and internationally, • participate in a series (short 4-8 week session) at or after school, or • be part of a troop. Girls Scouts participating in other ways besides a troop are known as Indie Girl Scouts. You can learn more about Indie Girls on page 54.

How to use this publication 1. Programs in S’more, G.O. Girls Online and our Things to Do Calendar at are available to all registered Girl Scouts, not just troops. Whether attending with a troop, independently without her troop, or as an Indie Girl, if your daughter is interested and meets the age and program requirements, register her! 2. Some of our programs are also great things to do with your Girl Scout or as a family. Look for this pink family icon to find our Family Events. 3. Worried about the cost? Scholarships are available. Turn to page 59 for details. 4. The MagNut and Cookie Programs can help offset costs for programs in this publication and Camp S’more. See page 4 for details. 5. If your daughter is interested in working on a Journey, our programs can help her meet requirements for Journeys and badges — even if she’s not in a troop or if she’s interested in something beyond what her troop is doing. (Just make sure you check with your troop leader if you’re affiliated with a troop.) Look for the Journey Jumpstart icon (at right) for programs that provide Journey components. 6. Want to be more involved in your daughter’s Girl Scout experience? Look for the volunteer icon and follow instructions for who to contact. Also see page 61 for more details. 7. Look for more resources for parents at Let us know what you think! E-mail us at


volunteer needed

journey jumpstarts


overnight 3

Product Sales

Learn and Earn: the Cookie and MagNut Programs pave the way for Girl Scouts to have fun and learn important skills. Whether you are a member of a troop, an Indie Girl, or in one of our educational programs, the proceeds you earn from the Cookie and MagNut Programs help you pay for activities, camp, uniforms, travel and your Girl Scout membership.

Here are a few examples of how some Girl Scouts used their proceeds: • Troop 56153 voted to give a donation to an animal shelter, buy Brownie Starter kits for all the girls, and have a big pool party for the whole troop! • Troop 50609 donated books they purchased at their book fair to a city school and will be going to Splash Lagoon. • Troop 40025 went to the Chesapeake Bay. They toured a lighthouse and found sharks teeth at Calvert Cliff State Park. • One group of girls voted to help out two Girl Scout sisters who lost their house and all of their family’s possessions in Hurricane Sandy. • Two Indie Girls in Shaler used their Program Reward Credits from the Cookie Program to attend “Artistic Expressions” camp at Camp Conshatawba. They also used their credits to register for the 2013-14 Girl Scout year. • Another Indie Girl saved $465 in multiple years program reward certificates to put toward a trip to the Big Apple with her mom. • Girls in Troop 50833 are saving up for a big trip next spring to NEW YORK CITY!

While you are striving to reach your goals, you learn important skills that will last a lifetime. Both the Cookie and MagNut Programs teach: • Goal setting • Money management • Decision making • People skills • Business ethics This year, you’ll receive double the value of your Cookie Dough and NutBucks if you use them toward any GSWPA sponsored camp.


Sweet! Details on our exciting programs for this Girl Scout year:

MagNut Program

Cookie Program

Who: All registered Girl Scouts can participate in MagNut.

Who: All registered Girl Scouts can sell cookies!

What: Great product selections including candy varieties in commemorative tins, magazines (available for sale online, too) and military donations. When: Sale begins October 1, 2013. Why: Proceeds from MagNut are great start-up funds for an awesome Girl Scout year! There are fun recognitions as well. What’s new: Dulce de Leche Owls, Chocolate Covered Almonds, and Chocolate Toffee Almonds and two new tins – Caramel Treasures in a “Helping Girls Grow” tin and Chocolate Covered Pretzels in a “Skating Penguins” tin. Sales tip: With a mid-November delivery date, MagNut candy and nuts make great teacher gifts – especially the varieties that come in special decorative tins! Did you know you can connect your MagNut magazine sale to your Facebook account? It’s easy! For more information, contact Indie Girls, please contact


What: All eight varieties are back for 2014 – Samoas, Thin Mints, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Tagalongs, Thank You Berry Munch, Dulce de Leche, and Savannah Smiles. When: Sale starts January 3, 2014. Make sure you check out any cookie rallies in your area! Why: Earn fun recognitions and proceeds for projects, programs, or summer camp! Troops earn 70-80 cents per box. What’s new: Watch for 2014 Cookies Live!, a virtual cookie rally! Sales tip: Don’t forget about Operation: Sweet Appreciation! Last year, Girl Scouts sent more than 30,000 boxes of cookies to people currently serving in the military and veterans. Be sure to check out Cookie Club, too, a special online program that lets you notify friends and family by e-mail that it’s cookie season. For more information about the Cookie Program, please contact Indie Girls, please contact

Programs by Date September:

12: Silver Award Workshop, pg 55 � 20: LEGO© Animation Workshop, pg 38 �� 21: Calling all Cowgirls, pg 21 � � � 23: Silver & Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 ��� 26: Silver Award Workshop, pg 55 � 27-29: Tiki Mystery Weekend, pg 49 � � 28: Day at the Ranch, pg 25 � � � � � 28: Electric Transit: Journey to the Trolley Museum!, pg 27 � � 28: Forest Helpers, pg 29 � � � 28: National Public Lands Day – Day of Service, pg 39 � � � � � � 28: Nuclear Power = Girl Power, pg 41 ��� 28: Program Aide Training, pg 42 �


1: Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � 3: Decorate It! Cake Series, pg 25 ���� 5: Hopscotch to Health, pg 35 � � � 5: Thinking About the Medical Field?, pg 48 � � � 5: Urban Forests of Pittsburgh, pg 50 � 6: Savvy Cinderellas Speak Out!, pg 43 � 6: You Too Can Canoe, pg 53 � � 8: Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � 10: Decorate It! Cake Series, pg 25 ���� 10: Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � 11: Fresh Coats of Imagination, pg 29 � 12: Ballet FUNdamentals I, pg 18 � � 12: Camp Creepy, pg 21 � � � 12: Find the Dancer in You!, pg 28 � 12: Haunted Hollow, pg 33 � � � 12: Introduction to Camp Conshatawba’s Adventure Bound, pg 36 � � � 12: iOwn My Business…My Life, pg 37 � � 12: Outdoor Cooking, pg 41 � � � 12: Puff – It’s a Pumpkin!, pg 42 � � � 12: The Stars Have Aligned!, pg 48 ����� 12: Treasure Hunters, pg 49 � 13: High Adventurers, pg 34 � � 13: Introduction to Camp Conshatawba’s Adventure Bound, pg 36 � � �

13: Pendant Productions, pg 41 � 13: Savvy Cinderellas Speak Out!, pg 43 � 15: Trashion Show, pg 49 � � � 16: Girl Scout Sampler, pg 30 ������ 17: Decorate It! Cake Series, pg 25 ���� 18: Brownie Sisterhood and Traditions, pg 20 � 18: Theater Techies, pg 48 � � � 19: Calling all Cowgirls, pg 21 � � 19: Fly Fishing Fun – Me and My Guy, pg 29 � � � � � � 19: Get Moving to Yellow Creek, pg 30 � � 19: H2O What Fun!, pg 33 � � � � � 19: Habitats, Havens, Holes and Homes, pg 33 � 19: Juliette Low Birthday Celebration, pg 37 � � � 19: Junior Green Thumbs, pg 37 � 20: Animal Safari Adventure!, pg 18 � � � 20: Attitude of Gratitude, pg 18 � � 20: Ballet FUNdamentals II, pg 18 � � 21: Simple Self Defense, pg 44 � � � 22: Silver Award Workshop, pg 55 � 22: U.S. Border Patrol Tour, pg 50 � � � 23: Girl Scout Sampler, pg 30 � � � � � � 23: Program Aide Training, pg 42 � 26: Camp Creepy, pg 21 � � � 26: Daisy Journey Kickoff, pg 24 � 26: Spa Treatment, pg 45 � � � 26: Stories with Alice, pg 46 � � �

November: 1: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2:

Drawing Dames, pg 26 � Calendar Scrapbooking, pg 21 � � � � Canine Adventures, pg 22 � � � Creative Campfire Cooking, pg 24 � � Dig-It!, pg 25 � � � Doll and Me Tea, pg 26 � � Exploring Engineering, pg 27 � Funergized!, pg 29 � Introduction to Skin – Diving and Snorkeling!, pg 36 � � � � 2: Mini Adventurers, pg 39 � 2: Native American Awareness, pg 39 �� 2: On the Move, pg 41 �

See an exciting program, but the date, time or location doesn’t work for you? See our Programs by Request and Program Kits on pages 13-16.

2: 2: 3: 3: 5: 6: 6: 7:

Spa Treatment, pg 45 � � � Thinking Big!, pg 48 � Savvy Cinderellas Speak Out!, pg 43 � Wings of the World, pg 50 � � K9 Careers, pg 38 � � � � � � Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � World Center Series, pg 53 � � � Silver & Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 ��� 8: Put Your Best Face Forward!, pg 42 � �� 8: The Mona LEGO©, pg 48 � � � 9: Calendar Scrapbooking, pg 21 � � � � 9: GSWPA Outing Club Testing Camp, pg 32 � � 9: Cooking Chemistry!, pg 23 � � � 9: Duct Tape Creations, pg 26 ������ 9: Fit at Phipps, pg 29 � 9: Great to be a Girl!, pg 31 � � � 9: Hear Me!, pg 33 � � 9: Indian Summer Experience, pg 36 � � 9: Intro to Outdoors, pg 36 � � 9: iOwn My Business…My Life, pg 37 � � 9: It’s Your Planet – Love It! at the Carnegie Science Center, pg 37 ������ 9: S.M.A.R.T. Shooting Level 1, pg 45 ��� 9: Style, Confidence & Flair, pg 47 � � � 10: Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � 10: Savvy Cinderellas Speak Out!, pg 43 � 10: She CAN Do Anything!, pg 44 � � 10: Silver Award Workshop, pg 55 � 16: Bricks 4 Kids–LEGO© Energy, pg 19 � 16: Celebrate the Harvest – Mom & Me, pg 22 � � �


Troops wait on the steps outside of PNC Park, preparing for Girl Scout Day.

16: Easy as Cut & Paste!, pg 27 � 16: Girl Scout Traditions, pg 31 � � � � 16: Holiday Sampler, pg 34 � � � � � � 16: I Can’t Wait to Create & Animate!, pg 35 � � 16: I Like to Move It, Move It, pg 35 ������ 16: Introducing Improv Insanity!, pg 36 � 16: Use Your Energy Wisely, pg 50 � 19: U.S. Border Patrol Tour, pg 50 � 21: Silver & Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 ��� 22: A Tribute in Training, pg 17 � 23: Advocates in Action!, pg 18 � � 23: Stories with Alice, pg 46 � � � 23: U.S. Border Patrol – Career Path, pg 50 �� 23-24: NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course, pg 41 � � � 24: Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � 24: Scouting for Sales, pg 44 � 24: Silver Award Workshop, pg 55 �


3: Crazy for Christmas Cards, pg 23 ��� 4: Crazy for Christmas Cards, pg 23 ��� 4: Holiday Gift Extravaganza, pg 34 ������ 5: Holiday Gift Maker, pg 34 � � � � � � 7: Christmas Celebrations Around the World, pg 22 � � � � 7: Find the Dancer in You!, pg 28 � 7: First Aid Made!, pg 28 � � 7: Future Filmmakers, pg 30 � 7: iOwn My Business…My Life, pg 37 � � 7: S.A.F.E. and More!, pg 43 � � � 8: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, pg 35 � � � � � � 11: World Center Series, pg 53 � � �

13-15: Troop Adventure – Cross Country Skiing at Coopers Rock, pg 11 � � 14: Future Filmmakers, pg 30 � 17: When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth!, pg 50 � � � 21: Women in Law Enforcement, pg 52 ���


5: Dog Sledding at Nemacolin Woodlands, pg 26 � � � � � � 7: Learn to Ice Skate, pg 38 � � � � � � 8: World Center Series, pg 53 � � � 10-12: Junior Winter Weekend, pg 38 � 11: GSWPA Outing Club Day Hike, pg 32 �� 11: Hibernation Habits, pg 34 � � 11: Snowshoes and S’mores, pg 45 � � 11: Youth Fitness and Self Defense, pg 53 ����� 14: Learn to Ice Skate, pg 38 � � � � � � 14: Trashion Show, pg 49 � � � 17: LEGO© Animation Workshop, pg 38 �� 18: Girl Scout Songs, Games and Traditions, pg 30 � � � 18: It’s Not What You Say – It’s How You Say It, pg 37 � � 18: Netiquette & Niceties, pg 40 � 18: When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth!, pg 50 � � � 18: Winter Delight, pg 51 � � � � � � 18: Winter Survival Skills, pg 51 � � 18-19: Winter Twilight, pg 51 � � � 19-20: Sweet Service Overnight, pg 47 �� 21: Learn to Ice Skate, pg 38 � � � � � � 25: Daisy Olympics, pg 25 � 25: Hard-Hatted Women, pg 33 � � � 25: It’s Not What You Say – It’s How You Say It, pg 37 � �

6 � daisy � brownie � junior � cadette � senior � ambassador

25: Snow Tubing at Denton Hills, pg 45 ���� 25: Speak Up!, pg 46 � � � 28: Learn to Ice Skate, pg 38 � � � � � �


1: Birds of a Feather Explore Together!, pg 19 � � 1: Hip Hop Hooray, pg 34 � � � � � 1: Teach Me to Toon!, pg 47 � � � 1: Winter Animals, pg 51 � 1: Winter Luau Swim, pg 51 � � � � � � 1-2: Winter Sports, pg 51 � � � 2: Savvy Cinderellas Speak Out!, pg 43 � 4: Learn to Ice Skate, pg 38 � � � � � � 5: World Center Series, pg 53 � � � 6: Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success, pg 52 � � 7-8: Brownie Blue Knob, pg 20 � 7-9: Troop Adventure – Winter Adventure at Wisp, pg 12 � � 8: Cross Country Skiing, pg 24 � � 8: Girls and Women in Sports Day, pg 31 ���� 8: Super Scrapbooking, pg 47 ������ 8-9: Winter Sports, pg 51 � � � 9: Savvy Cinderellas Speak Out!, pg 43 � 11: Learn to Ice Skate, pg 38 � � � � � � 13: Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success, pg 52 � � 15: Blooming Brownie Badges at Phipps, pg 19 � 15: Crafty Carvers – Lumberjills Wanted!, pg 23 � 15: Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Adventure, pg 24 � � � � � 15: Green Chemists!, pg 32 � � � 15: World Centers Experience, pg 53 � � 16: Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � 16: Silver Award Workshop, pg 55 � 20: Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success, pg 52 � �

21-23: Breathe Journey Weekend, pg 19 � 22: Beads of Fire, pg 18 � 22: First Aid for PAs and CITs, pg 28 � � � 22: Teaching Traditions, pg 48 � � � 22: World Thinking Day, pg 53 ������ 23: A Garden of Glass, pg 17 � 23: Savvy Cinderellas Speak Out!, pg 43 � 23: Snow Tubing at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, pg 45 ������ 23: Taking Health to Heart, pg 47 � � 27: Silver & Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 ��� 27: Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success, pg 52 � �


1: Introducing Improv Insanity!, pg 36 �� 1: Stories with Alice, pg 46 � � � 1: Winter Animals, pg 51 � � � 2: Savvy Cinderellas Speak Out!, pg 43 � 7: Put Your Best Face Forward!, pg 42 ��� 7-9: Troop Adventure – Backcountry Hiking Adventure at Coopers Rock, pg 11 � � 8: Advanced Self Defense S.A.F.E., pg 17 �� 8: Natural Beauties, pg 39 � 8: Secret Agent, pg 44 � 8: Sledding and S’mores, pg 44 ����� 11: Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success, pg 52 � � 15: From Sap to Syrup, pg 29 � � � 15: GSWPA Outing Club Testing Camp, pg 32 � � 18: Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success, pg 52 � � 19: Creative Crafts: Duct Tape Edition, pg 24 � � � � � � 20: Program Aide Training, pg 42 � 21: Drawing Dames, pg 26 � 21: Robo-LEGO©-Mania, pg 43 � � � 22: Cleaning & Caring, pg 23 � � � 22: Duct Tape Creations, pg 26 � � � � 22: Making Waves, pg 39 � � � � � � 22: Princesses in Hiking Boots, pg 42 � � 22: Tajar Tails, pg 47 � � 22: Three Cheers for LEGOS© – Bricks 4 Kids, pg 49 � � 25: Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success, pg 52 � � 26: Just Jewelry, pg 38 � 28-30: Environmental Leadership Summit, pg 27 � � �

29: Find the Fire, pg 28 � � 29: Future Filmmakers, pg 30 � 29: Introduction to Skin – Diving and Snorkeling!, pg 36 � � � �


1: Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success, pg 52 � � 3: Silver & Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 ��� 4-6: Adventure Bound Weekend, pg 17 � � � 5: Couture, Cosmetics and Chemistry, pg 23 � � � 5: Daisy Scout Open House, pg 25 � 5: Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo – How Do I Budget My Dough?, pg 27 � 5: Future Filmmakers, pg 30 � 5-6: Elk Extravaganza, pg 27 � � � 5: Native American Lore, pg 39 � 5: Princess Spa Day, pg 42 � � � 6: In the Panther’s Path: Exploring Pitt’s Campus, pg 36 � � 8: Digital Photographer Series, pg 25 � 15: Digital Photographer Series, pg 25 � 19: Brownie Explorer, pg 20 � 19: Build-A-Beast, pg 21 � � 19: Nature Days, pg 40 � � � � 19-20: No Lights Required, pg 41 � 22: Digital Photographer Series, pg 25 � 25: Fresh Coats of Imagination, pg 29 � 25-26: No Lights Required, pg 41 � 25-26: Spring Forward to Fallingwater, pg 46 � � 25-27: Troop Adventure – Whitewater Rafting in the Cheat Canyon, pg 12 � � 26: Build-A-Boat, pg 21 � � � 26: Can It!, pg 22 � � � � � � 26: Discovering the Animals Outdoors, pg 26 � � � � 26: Geocaching Adventure, pg 30 � 26: Growing in the Garden, pg 32 � 26: Nature Days, pg 40 � � � � 27: Geocaching Adventure, pg 30 � 27: Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � 27: Silver Award Workshop, pg 55 � 27: Zoo Careers, pg 53 � � � 29: Digital Photographer Series, pg 25 �

3: Snacks, Meal, or New Cuisines, pg 45 � � � 3: Stories with Alice II, pg 46 � � � 3: Workin’ the Wheels, pg 52 � � � � 10: Canoe the Allegheny, pg 22 � � � � 10: Nature Days, pg 40 � � � � 10: Urban Forests of Pittsburgh, pg 50 � 11: High Tea at Goodell Gardens, pg 34 ������ 16-17: Get Energized!, pg 30 � 17: Belly Dancing, pg 19 � � � � � � 17: Brownie Spring Activity Day at Asbury Woods, pg 20 � 17: Bugs for Brownies, pg 20 � 17: Habitats, Havens, Holes and Homes, pg 33 � 17: Night Noises, pg 40 � � � 18: Bringing Literature to Life!, pg 20 ��� 20: Scattin’ and Swingin’ – A Jazz Exploration, pg 44 � � � � 30-June 1: Ride, Relax and Rejuvenate – A Golden Reward, pg 43 � � 31: Night Noises, pg 40 � � �


7: Caving Adventure, pg 22 � � 7: Clean Start Makeover, pg 23 � � � 14: A “Hoot” of an Evening, pg 17 � � 21: Digital Scavenger Hunt, pg 26 �


19: Yoga, pg 53 � � � � � �


12: 28th Annual Kennywood Day, pg 12 ������


7: GRANDgardening, pg 31 � � � � � � 20: Nature Days, pg 40 � � � � 27: Nature Days, pg 40 � � � �


4: Nature Days, pg 40 � � � � 11: Nature Days, pg 40 � � � �


2: Fishing for Crawdads, pg 29 ������ 3: Geocacher, pg 30 � 3: Junior Spring Activity Day at Asbury Woods, pg 38 � 3: Nature Days, pg 40 � � � � 7

See an exciting program, but the date, time or location doesn’t work for you? See our Programs by Request and Program Kits on pages 13-16.

Programs by County Allegheny:

• 28th Annual Kennywood Day, pg 12 ������ • A Garden of Glass, pg 17 � • Advocates in Action!, pg 18 � � • Ballet FUNdamentals I, pg 18 � � • Ballet FUNdamentals II, pg 18 � � • Beads of Fire, pg 18 � • Birds of a Feather Explore Together!, pg 19 � � • Blooming Brownie Badges at Phipps, pg 19 � • Bringing Literature to Life, pg 20 � � � • Couture, Cosmetics and Chemistry, pg 23 � � � • Drawing Dames, pg 26 � • Easy as Cut & Paste, pg 27 � • Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo – How do I Budget My Dough?, pg 27 � • Fit at Phipps, pg 29 � • Fresh Coats of Imagination, pg 29 � • Future Filmmakers, pg 30 � • Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � • Habitats, Havens, Holes and Homes, pg 33 � • Hard-Hatted Women, pg 33 � � � • Hear Me!, pg 33 � � • I Can’t Wait to Create & Animate!, pg 35 � � • In the Panther’s Path, pg 36 � � • Introducing Improv Insanity!, pg 36 ��� • It’s Your Planet – Love It! At the Carnegie Science Center, pg 37 ������ • Junior Green Thumbs, pg 37 � • LEGO© Animation Workshop, pg 38 �� • Natural Beauties, pg 39 � • Netiquette & Niceties, pg 40 � • Pendant Productions, pg 41 � • Puff – It’s a Pumpkin!, pg 42 � � � • Robo-LEGO©-Mania!, pg 43 � � � • Savvy Cinderella’s Speak Out, pg 43 � • Scattin’ & Swingin’ – A Jazz Exploration, pg 44 � � � � • Scouting for Sales, pg 44 � • She CAN Do Anything!, pg 44 � � • Snowshoes and S’mores, pg 45 � � • Taking Health to Heart, pg 47 � � • Teach Me to Toon!, pg 47 � � � • The Mona LEGO©, pg 48 � � � • Thinking Big!, pg 48 � • Urban Forests of Pittsburgh, pg 50 �

• Wings of the World, pg 50 � � • Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success, pg 52 � � • Workin’ the Wheels, pg 52 � � � � • Zoo Careers, pg 53 � � �


• Breathe Journey Weekend, pg 19 � • Brownie Sisterhood and Traditions, pg 20 � • Creative Campfire Cooking, pg 24 � � • GSWPA Outing Club Day Hike, pg 32 � � • GSWPA Outing Club Testing Camp, pg 32 � � • No Lights Required, pg 41 � • Princesses in Hiking Boots, pg 42 � � • When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth!, pg 50 � � � • Winter Delight, pg 51 � � � � � � • Winter Twilight, pg 51 � � � • You Too Can Canoe, pg 53 � �

Beaver: • • • •

Cleaning & Caring, pg 23 � � � iOwn My Business…My Life, pg 37 � � Native American Awareness, pg 39 � � The Stars Have Aligned!, pg 48 �����


• Creative Crafts: Duct Tape Edition, pg 24 � � � � � � • Girl Scout Sampler, pg 30 � � � � � � • Holiday Gift Maker, pg 34 � � � � � � • Introduction to Camp Conshatawba’s Adventure Bound, pg 36 � � �


• • • • • • • • • •

Belly Dancing, pg 19 � � � � � � Bugs for Brownies, pg 20 � Clean Start Makeover, pg 23 � � � H2O What Fun!, pg 33 � � � � � Hip Hop Hooray, pg 34 � � � � � I Like to Move It, Move It, pg 35 ������ Making Waves, pg 39 � � � � � � Princess Spa Day, pg 42 � � � Yoga, pg 53 � � � � � � Youth Fitness and Self Defense, pg 53 �����


• Build-A-Beast, pg 21 � � • Camp Creepy, pg 21 � � � • Find the Fire, pg 28 � �

8 � daisy � brownie � junior � cadette � senior � ambassador

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

First Aid for PAs and CITs, pg 28 � � � Funergized!, pg 29 � Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � Haunted Hollow, pg 33 � � � It’s Not What You Say – It’s How You Say It!, pg 37 � � Night Noises, pg 40 � � � Nuclear Power = Girl Power, pg 41 ��� Silver Award Workshop, pg 55 � Stories with Alice, pg 46 � � � Stories with Alice II, pg 46 � � � Teaching Traditions, pg 48 � � � Theater Techies, pg 48 � � � Winter Animals, pg 51 � � �


• Canine Adventures, pg 22 � � �


• A Tribute in Training, pg 17 � • Adventure Bound Weekend, pg 17 ��� • Brownie Blue Knob, pg 20 � • Camp Creepy, pg 21 � � � • Daisy Scout Open House, pg 25 � • Indian Summer Experience, pg 36 � � • Junior Winter Weekend, pg 38 � • On the Move, pg 41 � • S.A.F.E. and More!, pg 43 � � � • Silver & Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 ��� • Tajar Tails, pg 47 � � • Tiki Mystery Weekend, pg 49 � �

Clarion: • • • • •

Doll and Me Tea, pg 26 � � Find the Dancer in You, pg 28 � Use Your Energy Wisely, pg 50 � Winter Luau Swim, pg 51 � � � � � � World Thinking Day, pg 53 � � � � � �

Clearfield: • • • •

Calling all Cowgirls, pg 21 � � � � � Digital Photographer Series, pg 25 � Holiday Sampler, pg 34 � � � � � � Style, Confidence & Flair, pg 47 ����


• Attitude of Gratitude, pg 18 � � • Crafty Carvers – Lumberjills Wanted!, pg 23 � • Crazy for Christmas Cards, pg 23 � � �


• A “Hoot” of an Evening, pg 17 � � • Brownie Spring Activity Day at Asbury Woods, pg 20 � • Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Adventure, pg 24 � � � � � • Cross Country Skiing, pg 24 � � • Decorate It! Cake Series, pg 25 � � � � • Duct Tape Creations, pg 26 ������ • Exploring Engineering, pg 27 � • Fishing for Crawdads, pg 29 ������ • Girls and Women in Sports Day, pg 31 ���� • GRANDgardening, pg 31 � � � � � � • Hibernation Habits, pg 34 � � • High Tea at Goodell Gardens, pg 34 ������ • How the Grinch Stole Christmas, pg 35 ������ • Junior Spring Activity Day at Asbury Woods, pg 38 � • K9 Careers, pg 38 � � � � � � • Outdoor Cooking, pg 41 � � � • Program Aide Training, pg 42 � • Sledding and S’mores, pg 44 � � � � � • Spa Treatment, pg 45 � � � � � � • Thinking About the Medical Field?, pg 48 � � � • Trashion Show, pg 49 � � � • U.S. Border Patrol – Career Path, pg 50 �� • U.S. Border Patrol, pg 50 � � � � • Women in Law Enforcement, pg 52 ��� • Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success, pg 52 � �


Animal Safari Adventure, pg 18 � � � Build-A-Boat, pg 21 � � � Caving Adventure, pg 22 � � Digital Scavenger Hunt, pg 26 � Dog Sledding at Nemacolin Woodlands, pg 26 � � � � � � • Intro to Outdoors, pg 36 � � • Snow Tubing at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, pg 45 � � � � � �

• • • • •


• Forest Helpers, pg 29 � � �


• Cooking Chemistry!, pg 23 � � � • Green Chemists, pg 32 � � � • National Public Lands Day – Day of Service, pg 39 � � � � � �

Harrison County (OH):

• Day at the Ranch, pg 25 � � � � �


• Advanced Self Defense S.A.F.E., pg 17 �� • From Sap to Syrup, pg 29 � � � • Get Moving to Yellow Creek, pg 30 � � • Program Aide Training, pg 42 � • When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth, pg 50 ���


• • • • • • • • •

• • • •

Brownie Explorer, pg 20 � Daisy Journey Kickoff, pg 24 � Daisy Olympics, pg 25 � Elk Extravaganza, pg 27 � � � Find the Dancer in You, pg 28 � Geocaching Adventure, pg 30 � Girl Scout Traditions, pg 31 � � � � Just Jewelry, pg 38 � NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course, pg 41 ��� Secret Agent, pg 44 � Silver & Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 ��� Winter Survival Skills, pg 51 � � World Centers Experience, pg 53 � �


• Great to be a Girl!, pg 31 � � � • Hopscoth to Health!, pg 35 � � � • Night Noises, pg 40 � � �


• Calendar Scrapbooking, pg 21 � � � � • Can It!, pg 22 � � � � � � • Fly Fishing Fun – Me and My Guy, pg 29 ������ • Winter Sports, pg 51 � � � � � �


• Simple Self Defense, pg 44 � � � • S.M.A.R.T. Shooting Level 1, pg 45 � � � • Speak Up!, pg 46 � � �

Morgan County (WV):

• Ride, Relax, Rejuvenate – A Golden Reward, pg 43 � � �


• Growing in the Garden, pg 32 � • Snow Tubing at Denton Hill, pg 45 ����

Preston County, West Virginia:

• Celebrate the Harvest – Mom & Me, pg 22 � � � • Discovering the Animals Outdoors, pg 26 � � � � • Environmental Leadership Summit, pg 27 � � � • Nature Days, pg 40 � � � � • Spring Forward to Fallingwater, pg 46 ��

• Sweet Service Overnight, pg 47 � � • Troop Adventure – Backcountry Hiking Adventure at Coopers Rock, pg 11 � � • Troop Adventure – Cross Country Skiing at Coopers Rock, pg 11 � � • Troop Adventure – Whitewater Rafting in the Cheat Canyon, pg 12 � � • Troop Adventure – Winter Adventure at Wisp, pg 12 � �


• Girl Scout Sampler, pg 30 � � � � � � • Holiday Gift Extravaganza, pg 34 ������ • Introduction to Camp Conshatawba’s Adventure Bound, pg 36 � � � • Silver & Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 ��� • Super Scrapbooking, pg 47 � � � � � �


• • • • • •

Geocaching Adventure, pg 30 � Get Energized!, pg 30 � High Adventurers, pg 34 � � Mini Adventurers, pg 39 � No Lights Required, pg 41 � Trashion Show, pg 49 � � �


• Canoe the Allegheny, pg 22 � � � � • Duct Tape Creations, pg 26 � � � � • Girl Scout Songs, Games and Traditions, pg 30 � � � • Snacks, Meals or New Cuisines, pg 45 ��� • Treasure Hunters, pg 49 �


• Dig-It!, pg 25 � � � • Electric Transit: Journey to the Trolley Museum!, pg 27 � � • First Aid Made, pg 28 � � • Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � • Introduction to Skin – Diving and Snorkeling, pg 36 � � � � • Native American Lore, pg 39 � • Put Your Best Face Forward, pg 42 ��� • Silver Award Workshop, pg 55 �


• Bricks 4 Kids – LEGO© Energy, pg 19 � • Christmas Celebrations Around the World, pg 22 � � � � • Geocacher, pg 30 � • Gold Award Workshop, pg 56 � � • Juliette Low Birthday Celebration, pg 37 ��� • Learn to Ice Skate Series, pg 38 ������ • Silver Award Workshop, pg 55 � • Three Cheers for LEGOS© – Bricks 4 Kids, pg 49 � � • Winter Animals, pg 51 � • World Center Series, pg 53 � � � 9

GSWPA Offices, Camps and Shops To find the most up-to-date addresses for each of our camps, service centers, offices and shops, visit or contact or 800-248-3355 x1007.

Lake Erie



Monroeville Mckeesport


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What is a

Troop Adventure? NEW! Troop Adventures at Roy Weller

We handle the details; you get all the fun!

Troop Adventures are the perfect option for troops that want to be active but don’t want or have the time to organize all of the details. Think of GSWPA as your concierge.

Troop Adventure — Backcountry Hiking Adventure at Coopers Rock

Take a half-day hike with an expert guide around Coopers Rock and learn about Leave No Trace, a set of outdoor ethics that help you learn how to live, hike and play in the outdoors responsibly. This is perfect for the beginner hiker and for girls who completed the GSWPA Outing Club Testing Camp. Fees for this activity include the guided hike, a snack Friday night, breakfast, a brown-bag lunch on Saturday and lodging. Additional meals and activities are the responsibility of the troop. Troop leaders will provide transportation to and from this destination.

What is included in your Troop Adventure? Stress-Free Planning: Since everything is handled up front, there’s no need to worry about reservations, phone calls or payment days ahead of time.

Welcome Packet: Includes reservations, group passes, directions and contact information to begin your adventure. Suggestions for places to eat, as well as other local attractions, are included in the welcome packet. Flexibility: Your troop will be free to come and go as you please and can add onto your trip if you’d like.

Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: March 7-9, Fri. 8 p.m.-Sun. 10 a.m. Location: Camp Roy Weller, 32 Trilium Ln., Brucetown Mills, WV 26525 – Preston County Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 14 Registration Deadline: February 24 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

S’mores & More: Supplies for s’mores and a continental breakfast (as well as a brown bag lunch if noted in the description) will be in the lodge with a proposed itinerary for your weekend.

How can I lead my Troop’s Adventure?

An event chaperone is in charge of checking everyone in and making sure everyone receives a welcome packet. They will also be in charge of handing out and collecting evaluations. Event chaperones will get the program fee returned to them at the completion of the event.

Troop Adventure — Cross Country Skiing at Coopers Rock

No experience is necessary for a full day of cross country skiing at Coopers Rock State Forest. Work with an expert guide to get comfortable with your gear, then head out on the scenic trails. Learn a new skill or improve an old one while you take in the picturesque views of West Virginia. Fees for this activity include the guided hike, a snack Friday night, breakfast, a brownbag lunch on Saturday and lodging. Additional meals and activities are the responsibility of the troop. Troop leaders will provide transportation to and from this destination. Participants should dress for a full day outside and be in moderate shape for this adventure.

Troops must have appropriate training and certifications required for lodge camping and maintain proper ratio for the duration of the event. Opportunities for volunteer event chaperones will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, please contact

Let the adventure begin!

Girls Grades: 6-10 � � Date/Time: Dec. 13-15, Fri. 8 p.m.-Sun. 10 a.m. Location: Camp Roy Weller, 32 Trilium Ln., Brucetown Mills, WV 26525 – Preston County Cost: $125 per person Minimum Capacity: 14 Registration Deadline: December 2 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact


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Troop Adventure — Whitewater Rafting in the Cheat Canyon

All hands on deck for the ultimate whitewater Troop Adventure! The Cheat Canyon’s 13-mile section of river contains more than 30 rapids rated Class III to Class V, surrounded by the beauty of a spectacular wilderness canyon. While taking a break from the intense whitewater action, you’ll see waterfalls coming into the canyon and unique rock formations. Don’t let the beauty of the Cheat Canyon fool you. She can dish out some pretty serious rafting. Fees for this activity include a full day of whitewater rafting, all necessary equipment like helmets and wetsuits, Friday night snack and Saturday’s breakfast, lunch and lodging. (Participants must be 14 years old, be in relatively good shape and be free of medical conditions that might conflict with whitewater rafting. Participants should also have prior rafting or canoeing experience. Camp programs such as Canoe U or Thrill Seekers would count toward this trip. Please contact if you’re unsure if you qualify.) Additional meals and activities are the responsibility of the troop. Troop leaders will provide transportation to and from this destination. Girls Grades: 9-12 � � Date/Time: April 25-27, Fri. 8 p.m.-Sun. 10 a.m. Location: Camp Roy Weller, 32 Trilium Ln., Brucetown Mills, WV 26525 – Preston County Cost: $150 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: April 11 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Troop Adventure — Winter Adventure at Wisp

Do you like snow tubing? What about ice skating? Have you ever been on a mountain coaster? What is a mountain coaster? The Mountain Coaster at Wisp Resort is a gravitational hybrid of an Alpine Slide and a Roller Coaster boasting a 1,300 foot uphill track while twisting, turning, dipping and rolling for 3,500 feet downhill over 350 vertical feet on the eastern side of Wisp Mountain. Experience all three of these events on this GSWPA Troop Adventure! Included in the fee for this event is a snow tubing session, an ice skating session, ice skate rental and a ride on the only mountain coaster in the Mid-Atlantic region! Also included is a Friday night snack, breakfast, brown-bag lunch on Saturday and lodging. Additional meals and activities are the responsibility of the troop. Troop leaders will provide transportation to and from this destination. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Feb. 7-9, Fri. 8 p.m.-Sun. 10 a.m. Location: Camp Roy Weller, 32 Trilium Ln., Brucetown Mills, WV 26525 – Preston County Cost: $95 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: January 24 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Save the Date 28TH Annual Kennywood Day

Celebrate all things Girl Scouts at Kennywood! With your friends and family, enjoy a day of thrills and spills as you participate in sing-a-longs, trivia, SWAPs, contests and, of course, the parade! Troops that purchase tickets May 1-June 1 are automatically entered into a drawing to win refreshment coupons for their entire troop on Girl Scouts Kennywood Day! Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date:/Time Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014, 10 a.m.-park closing Location: Kennywood Amusement Park, 4800 Kennywood Blvd., West Mifflin, PA 15122 – Allegheny County Cost: $25.50 per person (ticket prices may change) Parade Information: Troops participating in the parade are encouraged to bring a decorated troop banner.

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Other Upcoming Events to Note Basketball Skills Clinic with Allegheny Women’s Basketball........................November 2013 Game On!....................................................................January/February 2014 Meet with Pitt Women Athletic Teams and enjoy balloon artists, face painters, sign makers and more! Pittsburgh Power....................................................April 2014 Volunteer with the Pittsburgh Marathon....May 2014 Girl Scout Day at PNC Park.................................June 2014

Programs by Request

See an exciting program, but the date, time or location doesn’t work for you? Call 800-248-3355 x1007 or e-mail and request a program that can be delivered to you when and where you want it! Chose from the programs below, or work with council staff to design a program that meets your needs. Visit the Quick Links section at for more information. *All Programs by Request include a refundable deposit in addition to the program cost.


Learn the customs and culture of Hawaii while making volcanoes, dancing the hula and savoring snacks of the islands. Girls Grades: 1-10 � � � � � Deposit: $72 Cost: $20 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 20

Basic Eight (Level 1)

Girls and leaders gain a basic foundation in outdoor skills, so together you can find the fun of camping and outdoor life. The activities are designed to be age-appropriate building blocks to assist girls’ comfort in each skill area. Skills include knots, knives, orienteering, Leave No Trace, dressing for the weather, fires, outdoor cooking and first aid. Girls Grades: K-3 � � Deposit: $36 Cost: $10 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 20

Basic Eight (Level 2)

Girls and leaders gain a basic foundation in outdoor skills, so together you can find the fun of camping and outdoor life. The activities are designed to be age-appropriate building blocks to assist girls’ comfort in each skill area. Skills include knots, knives, orienteering, Leave No Trace, dressing for the weather, fires, outdoor cooking and first aid. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Deposit: $108 Cost: $30 per girl/$15 per adult Minimum Capacity: 20

“Making Herstory” — Girls come up with design ideas for the Girl Scout uniform of the future.

Basic Eight (Level 3)

Girls and leaders continue to perfect outdoor skills, so together you feel comfortable in camping and outdoor life. The activities are designed to be age-appropriate and add to girls’ knowledge in each skill area. Skills include knots, knives, orienteering, Leave No Trace, dressing for the weather, fires, outdoor cooking and first aid. Girls Grades: 9-12 � � Deposit: $68 Cost: $25 per person Minimum Capacity: 15

Camp Champ Scramble

Work with your team to see which group will be crowned the Camp Champs! Participate in a series of high-energy active challenges and accomplish a goal together. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Deposit: $27 Cost: $5 per girl Minimum Capacity: 30

Canoe (Level 1)

Learn the basics of safety and paddling skills on flat water. Skills include choosing proper personal gear, basic strokes in both positions, parts of the boat and basic boat maneuvering. Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Deposit: $22 Cost: $10 per girl/$6 per adult Minimum Capacity: 12

Canoe (Level 2)

Become comfortable learning and practicing the needed strokes to progress to moving water. Practice water safety and rescue skills and become skilled at maneuvering the boat as a team in the water. Girls Grades: 5-12 � � � � Deposit: $37 Cost: $17 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 12


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NEW! Customize Me! PBR

Want a program, but don’t see it listed here? Work with GSWPA program staff to design a program that fits your needs! Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Deposit: $35 Cost: Varies depending on program Minimum Capacity: Dependent on program

Fashion Designer

Create custom designs, mix and match colors and sew sophisticated styles! Girls Grades: 2-12 � � � � � Deposit: $54 Cost: $20 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15

Find the Fire

Learn the basics of fire building and geocaching. Use your new skills to race against other teams to build a fire for your group. Use handheld GPS units to find caches with the supplies you’ll need to build your fire. At the end, reward yourself with gourmet s’mores roasted over a fire. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Deposit: $27 Cost: $10 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15

Food Chemistry

Learn basic food chemistry while having fun! How do you make an egg bounce? Can you put an egg in a baby bottle? Discover the answers to these questions and many more while you make oobleck and other silly science projects. Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Deposit: $41 Cost: $15 per person Minimum Capacity Required: 15

For Goodness Cakes

Decorate cakes like a pro using professional cake decorating tips and bags. Take home a cake decorating kit and packet to practice at home, as well as a couple of cookies you’ll decorate at the workshop. Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Deposit: $68 Cost: $15 per person Minimum Capacity: 25

Geocaching 101

Discover and learn about hidden caches – hidden items – at camp. Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Deposit: $54 Cost: $12 per girl Minimum Capacity: 25

14 � daisy � brownie � junior � cadette � senior � ambassador

Gingerbread Houses

Visit a local senior living center, make graham cracker “gingerbread” houses together, and learn some ginger history as a great holiday activity. Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Deposit: $22 Cost: $12 per person Minimum Capacity: 10

NEW! Girls Around the World

Konichiwa, Privet, Guten tag, Hola! Choose three countries in this wondrous world, and through engaging activities, discover their customs and culture. Girls Grades: 2-10 � � � � Deposit: $35 Cost: $20 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15

Insane Improv

Ad-libbing, character-building and quick thinking are all part of this program on Improvisational Theater. Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Deposit: $41 Cost: $15 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15

Intro to Robotics

Ignite your enthusiasm for science and technology by working with our LEGO© robots. Learn how ultrasonic, light, sound and touch sensors work. Test your programming skills to teach your robot how to navigate through mazes and tasks. Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Deposit: $54 Cost: $30 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10

NEW! Introducing Daisy

This program will tell you more about our fantastic founder as we play games, make crafts, sing songs and learn more about the world of Girl Scouting! Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Deposit: $41 Cost: $15 per girl Minimum Capacity: 15


Prepare for local or international travel by creating itineraries, researching destinations and packing efficiently. Girls Grades: 2-12 � � � � � Deposit: $33 Cost: $12 per girl/$3 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15

Journey Weekends

Not sure how or where to begin a Girl Scout Journey? Work with us to customize your very own Journey weekend at camp. Girls Grades: 2-12 � � � � � Deposit: $181 Cost: $56 per girl/$32 per adult Minimum Capacity: 18

Leave No Trace Workshop

Learn how to use the seven principles of Leave No Trace outdoor ethics and apply them to your everyday life. Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Deposit: $18 Cost: $10 per person Minimum Capacity: 10

Legacy: Naturalist Badge

Complete the steps necessary to earn your Legacy: Naturalist badge for your age level. Badges include Bugs, Flowers, Trees, Sky and Water. Girls Grades: 2-12 � � � � � Deposit: $27 Cost: $15 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10

Nature Walks

Take a walk with nature while connecting with the world around you. Learn plant and tree identification and make plant rubbings. Girls Grades: K-8 � � � � Deposit: $22 Cost: $8 per girl Minimum Capacity: 15

Outdoor Cooking (Level 1)

fires. Use dutch ovens to make dinner and desserts. Choose golden French toast, chicken parmesan or beef stew. Build your own fire and prepare and cook your own food under the guidance of a trained professional. For dessert, experiment with apple crisp or s’more brownies. Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Deposit: $38 Cost: $14 per girl/$8 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15

Outdoor Cooking (Level 3)

Level Three Outdoor Cooking includes a fire safety overview. Make foil packet dinners for one by preparing your ingredients (vegetables and hamburger or hot dog), building your fire and learning how to properly assemble your foil packet and the most efficient way to cook it over coals. For dessert, make mock angel food, banana boats or gourmet s’mores. Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Deposit: $38 Cost: $14 per girl/$8 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15

Outdoor Cooking (Level 4)

Level Four Outdoor Cooking includes a fire safety overview and skillet fire cooking. Choose bacon and eggs, can-opener chicken over noodles or an Asian inspired stir-fry for your skillet meal. Dessert includes scrambles brownies or campfire coffee cake. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Deposit: $38 Cost: $14 per girl/$8 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15


Discover all of the different species of penguins (where they live and how they survive), and play penguin games. Girls Grades: K-8 � � � � Deposit: $24 Cost: $9 per girl Minimum Capacity: 15

Pet Care 101

Learn the basics of small animal care. Find out which small pet would be right for you and give back to your local shelter.

Level One Outdoor Cooking includes an introduction to fire building and fire safety. Under the guidance of a trained professional, make Mountain Pies for dinner (either pizza, ham or turkey melt) and dessert (with fruit filling). Optionally, choose baked apples or orange brownies for dessert.

Girls Grades: K-3 � � Deposit: $25 Cost: $14 per person Minimum Capacity: 10

Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Deposit: $35 Cost: $13 per girl/$7 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15

Experiment with adaptations of arctic animals and learn about the intense environments in the North and South Poles. Enjoy arctic animal activities, games and crafts.

Outdoor Cooking (Level 2)

Level Two Outdoor Cooking includes a fire safety overview and practice with building different structure

Pole to Pole

Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Deposit: $27 Cost: $10 per person Minimum Capacity: 15


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PPG — The Science of Color

Register for each session individually or register for the entire series. PPG’s Color of Science — Learn about color theory, design your dream room and explore careers in color. PPG’s Chemistry of Color — Delve into mixtures, create chromatography tees and investigate pH levels through color. PPG’s Physics of Color — Understand how we see color and its spectrum, reflect and refract JELL-OR JIGGLERSR and examine waves of light. Go Green with PPG — Comprehend corporate responsibility, consider the life-cycle of products, and try your hand at developing a product. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Deposit: $42 Cost: $22 per girl per session/$5 per adult per session $75 per girl for series/$15 per adult for series Minimum Capacity: 10

Recycled Crafts

Turn junk into something cool. Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Deposit: $14 Cost: $8 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10

Program Kits

Want to run programs on your own? Need materials, instructions, support and advice? Rent Program Kits from GSWPA and conduct a program with your troop, group or service unit on your own time! Program Kits include written instructions and non-consumable materials used to conduct the program. Contact ProgramKit@gswpa. org or call 800-248-3355 x1007 for kit availability and more information. Program Kits are currently available at the following GSWPA offices: Beaver, Edinboro, Greensburg, Johnstown, Kittanning and Pittsburgh.

Robot Rovers

Solve a challenge by building an autonomous robot. (Girls must have completed Intro to Robotics or have experience with LEGO© robots to participate.) Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Deposit: $65 Cost: $36 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10


Make your own personalized skin care products, learn about healthy skin habits and participate in self-esteem building exercises. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Deposit: $38 Cost: $21 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately SWAPS Pinned Somewhere Girl Scouts love SWAPS! Learn how or Shared with a Pal to make SWAPS and SWAP holders.


Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Deposit: $14 Cost: $8 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10

Winter Survival

Learn knife safety and how to dress for cold weather, build shelters, and prepare your backpack for a cold weather hike. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Deposit: $43 Cost: $12 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 20 16 � daisy � brownie � junior � cadette � senior � ambassador

Available Program Kits: Bow Wows and Meows

Advance your knowledge of animal care. Find out which pet would be right for you, how much it costs to take care of a pet and choose a way to give back to your local shelter. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Cost: $15


Find out what brand of bubble gum makes the best bubbles, and learn some of the biggest bubble tricks! Make bubble solution and test different bubble wands. Girls Grades: K-3 � � Cost: $25

Ms. President

Would you like to live in the White House? Learn about the First Ladies of the past and dream about the female presidents of tomorrow. Design your own presidential china, find out if you have what it takes to be a leader and get ready for the campaign trail! Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Cost: $15

Underground Railroad

Uncover the secrets and successes of the Underground Railroad and see how the past has shaped our world today. Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Cost: $25 *All Program Kits include a $25 refundable deposit in addition to the rental cost.


Fun Events Advanced Self Defense S.A.F.E.

A Garden of Glass

In Pittsburgh Glass Center’s (PGC) hot shop, flowers are sprouting everywhere! Join PGC to make your own colorful glass flower for display inside or outside. Work with a variety of tools to color, shape and form bits of molten glass into a floral work of art. Experience a professional glassblowing demonstration and take a tour. Come prepared to ask questions about glass blowing and the glass art making process! Girls Grades: 6-8 � Date/Time: Sunday, Feb. 23, 1-4 p.m. Location: Pittsburgh Glass Center, 5472 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206 – Allegheny County Cost: $45 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 9 Registration Deadline: February 12

A “Hoot” of an Evening

Bring your flashlight and your families for an evening full of fun and adventure! Learn all about wild owls whooo live in our area and go on an owl prowl night hike. Explorer Post Leader Steve will use his voice to sound like an owl in an attempt to call in wild barred owls for you to see. Work with the Explorer Post members to dissect an owl pellet. Later, make a s’more at the bonfire. Juniors will also work on the Animal Habitats badge! Girls Grades: 2-5 and families � � Date/Time: Saturday, June 14, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Location: Browns Farm, Asbury Woods, 5774 Sterrettania Rd., Fairview, PA 16415 – Erie County Cost: $10 per person Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: June 4

In this advanced self-defense class, you’ll learn the principles of S.A.F.E. – Self Defense Awareness and Familiarization Exchange. S.A.F.E. will teach strategies, techniques and options for self-defense and provide crime prevention tips. This program will also address how to survive an attack. A snack and self-defense fun patch are provided. Girls Grades: 9-12 � � Date/Time: Saturday, March 8, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: Trinity United Methodist Church, 398 Church St., Indiana, PA 15701 – Indiana County Cost: $18 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: February 21

Adventure Bound Weekend

Spend the weekend learning about the summer wilderness and high-adventure experiences offered through Camp Conshatawba’s Adventure Bound summer program. Meet your adventure counselors and brush up on your outdoor skills in fire building, knife safety, knot tying, outdoor cooking, trip planning and Leave No Trace outdoor ethics. Participate in low ropes team-building challenges and try out our four-sided climbing wall! This weekend is perfect for those interested in Adventure Bound summer programs. Adults are welcome, but do not need to stay. Girls Grades: 6-11 � � � Date/Time: April 4-6, Fri. 7 p.m.-Sun. 3 p.m. Location: Camp Conshatawba, 288 Oaks Rd., Summerhill, PA 15958 – Cambria County Cost: $40 per girl/$25 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: March 22 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

A Tribute in Training

Are you a huge fan of The Hunger Games? Then this program is for you! Come visit the Johnstown Heritage Discovery Center to brush up on your survival skills. Prepare like a tribute as you learn about plants, animals and other survival skills that will aid you in this special real life adventure! Get ready, get set and explore Johnstown!

Camp Conshatawba’s Adventure Bound

Trips are wilderness experiences designed for small groups of girls entering grades 7-12. Although most trips are designed for any outdoor skill level, each camper needs to have the willingness and enthusiasm to fully participate and contribute to the program. All trips are based out of Camp Conshatawba’s Seneca Unit and include backpacking, biking, rock climbing, hiking and boating. Turn to page 36 for the Introduction to Camp Conshatawba’s Adventure Bound.

Girls Grades: 6-8 � Date/Time: Friday, Nov. 22, 5-7 p.m. Location: Johnstown Area Heritage Discovery Center/ Johnstown Children’s Museum, 201 6th Ave., Johnstown, PA 15906 – Cambria County Cost: $20 per person Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: November 7 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact series

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Advocates in Action!

Be your own advocate by becoming inspired by pioneers of women’s rights, and learn about a federal law, Title IX, that requires schools to provide equal opportunities to both young women and young men. Through special guest speakers, lively discussions and group activities, learn what you can do if you or your friends are experiencing harassment or unfair treatment at school and how to advocate for change. Hosted by the Women’s Law Project, this is a perfect program to work on Girltopia and Your Voice, Your World Journey awards. Girls Grades: 9-12 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 23, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Mt. Lebanon Public Library, 16 Castle Shannon Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15228 – Allegheny County Cost: $15 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 9 Registration Deadline: November 3

Animal Safari Adventure!

Explore animals like never before on a special safari tour. See many animal habitats and get up-close-and-personal with many of the wild animals housed at Nemacolin Woodlands Wildlife Academy. On the safari tour, stop by Billy Goat Mountain to feed sheep and goats and see tigers, hyenas and other animal enclosures. This program also counts toward the animal badges. Lunch is included in the cost of this program. Girls Grades: K-5 and families � � � Date/Time: Sunday, Oct. 20, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Location: Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, 1001 Lafayette Dr., Farmington, PA 15437 – Fayette County Cost: $57 per person Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: October 7 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Attitude of Gratitude

Let’s give thanks! Learn how to arrange a beautiful bouquet and make a creative thank you note. Then, surprise a friend, teacher, neighbor or someone special with the gifts you’ve created! Daisies, your gratitude project will help you earn your Considerate and Caring petal, and Brownies can complete step 2 of the Making Friends badge. Girls Grades: K-3 � � Date/Time: Sunday, Oct. 20, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Location: South Street Botanical Designs, 130 South St., Ridgway, PA 15853 – Elk County Cost: $10 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: October 6

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Ballet FUNdamentals I

Join a real ballerina for some dance fun at the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater! Participate in an interactive ballet story time, learn about pointe shoes and tutus, and take a basic ballet class in a dance studio. A light, healthy snack will be provided. This program completes steps 1-4 for the Brownie Dancer badge. Girls Grades: K-3 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 12, 2-3:15 p.m. Location: Pittsburgh Ballet Theater, 2900 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15201 – Allegheny County Cost: $8 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: October 2

Ballet FUNdamentals II

Have you successfully demi-pliéd through Ballet FUNdamentals I? Enjoy more dancing at the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater during this class designed to build on the skills learned in level I. Warm-up your bodies during a basic ballet class, stimulate your imaginations by choreographing your own short dance piece and fuel your bodies with a light, healthy snack. This program is an ideal supplement to your It’s Your Story-Tell It! Journey. Girls Grades: 2-5 � � Date/Time: Sunday, Oct. 20, 1-3 p.m. Location: Pittsburgh Ballet Theater, 2900 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15201 – Allegheny County Cost: $9 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: October 9

Beads of Fire

Are you mesmerized by intricate, colorful, glass beads and jewelry? Learn the secrets of how beads are made in this introductory session at the Pittsburgh Glass Center’s flame shop. Make a glass bead to take home and learn the basic skills of heating glass and shaping it with tools and decorative techniques. Experience a professional glassblowing demonstration, a private tour and complete step 1 your Jewelers badge. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 22, 2-5 p.m. Location: Pittsburgh Glass Center, 5472 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206 – Allegheny County Cost: $28 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: February 12

Belly Dancing

Discover the beauty of belly dancing while increasing coordination and flexibility. Afterward, cool off with some fun in the pool. You’ll also receive a fun patch. Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, May 17, 1-3 p.m. Location: Summit Athletic & Tennis Club, 2900 Plank Rd., Altoona, PA 16602 – Blair County Cost: $9 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: May 11

Birds of a Feather Explore Together!

Enjoy an afternoon at the National Aviary where you’ll discover a world of birds! Complementing the It’s your Story – Tell It! Journey, encounter real birds, participate in a bird feeder craft, be immersed in various habitats of the world and go on an exclusive scavenger hunt! Enjoy family and feathers at this great program! Girls Grades: K-3 and families � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 1, 1-4 p.m. Location: National Aviary, 700 Arch St., Pittsburgh PA, 15212 – Allegheny County Cost: $15 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 17 Registration Deadline: January 22

Blooming Brownie Badges at Phipps

Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens welcomes you to earn three badges: Bugs, Senses and Household Elf. Handle live bugs and learn how they help plants. Also, explore the conservatory with your five senses and learn how to care for your body in safe and healthy ways. Badges will be provided on-site and you’ll even receive an exclusive Phipps fun patch! Girls Grades: 2-3 � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 15, 1-4 p.m. Location: Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, 1 Schenley Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 – Allegheny County Cost: $30 per girl/$14 per adult Minimum Capacity: 36 Registration Deadline: February 5

Girls at Community Day School in Squirrel Hill receive trees to plant in the community while working on their Breathe Journey.

Breathe Journey Weekend

Breathing is at the center of life. Billions of living things breathe every moment of every day. That’s why the Breathe Journey calls on girls across the country and around the world to use their leadership skills and values to protect our air. Engage your mind and heart as you explore air with all your senses. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Date/Time: Feb. 21-23, 7 p.m. Fri.-11:30 a.m. Sun. Location: Camp Skymeadow, 164 Skymeadow Ln., Avonmore, PA 15618 – Armstrong County Cost: $56 per girl/$32 per adult Minimum Capacity: 18 Registration Deadline: February 12

Bricks 4 Kids – LEGO© Energy

Bricks 4 Kids is a brand-new program that teaches fun, interactive science concepts with LEGO Building. Energy is everywhere and is essential in everything we do, from lights in our homes to the gasoline that fuels our cars. Get a jumpstart on your Get Moving Journey as you learn about the various forms of energy (solar, wind, fossil fuel and bio fuels). Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 16, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: GSWPA Greensburg Office, 126 East Otterman St., Greensburg, PA 15601 – Westmoreland County Cost: $42 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: October 31


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Brownie Explorer

Come to Camp Curry Creek and explore the pond, stream and wetlands. Begin your Wonders of Water Journey by discovering more about the science of water and how to protect it. While trekking around camp, learn about trail signs and how to pack for a hike. You’ll also earn your Brownie Hiker badge. Picnic lunch included. Girls Grades: 2-3 � Date/Time: Saturday, April 19, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Camp Curry Creek, 60 Girl Scout Dr., Brockway, PA 15824 – Jefferson County Cost: $12 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: April 9

Brownie Sisterhood and Traditions

Bringing Literature to Life!

Prime Stage Theater presents the world premiere stage adaptation of Jane Yolan’s Newbery Award winning novel, The Devil’s Arithmetic. The play follows the adventures of a teenage Jewish girl, Hannah, who discovers her family’s history and faith by finding herself back in Poland during the Holocaust. Go on a tour of the theater after the show and receive a theater fun patch. You’re encouraged to bring non-Girl Scout friends and family. Girls Grades: 6-12 and families � � � Date/Time: Sunday, May 18, show begins at 2 p.m. Location: New Hazlett Theater, 6 Allegheny Square East, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 – Allegheny County Cost: $15 per person Minimum Capacity: 11 Registration Deadline: May 7

Brownie Blue Knob

As a Brownie, you’re part of an international sisterhood. Brownies worldwide share traditions and do good things to make the world a better place. In this badge workshop, try some special Brownie traditions and, of course, have a world of Brownie fun! You’ll receive the Girl Scout Ways badge and a snack. Girls Grades: 2-3 � Date/Time: Friday, Oct. 18, 6-8 p.m. Location: Zion United Methodist Church, 438 Bear Creek Rd., Sarver, PA 16058 – Armstrong County Cost: $10 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: October 3

Brownie Spring Activity Day at Asbury Woods

Do we really need bugs? Come to Asbury Woods Nature Center for a day designed just for Brownies and find out! At Asbury Woods, see and explore real habitats and bugs and get to touch native animals. Rotate through four, 40-minute fun activities and fulfill the requirements for the Bugs badge! All materials, an Asbury Woods participation patch and a refreshing drink are included.

Experience the Laurel Highlands in winter! Take a winter night hike on Friday, make a self-expressive craft and enjoy snacks and hot chocolate. After breakfast on Saturday, try cross country skiing before heading out to Blue Knob All Seasons Resort for a snow tubing adventure! Bus transportation will be provided to/from Camp Conshatawba and Blue Knob. Price includes meals, lodging, bus transportation and snow tubing fees.

Girls Grades: 2-3 � Session 1: Saturday, May 17, 8:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Session 2: Saturday, May 17, 12:45-4:15 p.m. Location: Asbury Woods Nature Center, 4105 Asbury Rd., Erie, PA 16506 – Erie County Cost: $10 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: May 7

Girls Grades: 2-3 � Date/Time: Feb. 7-8, Fri. 7 p.m.-Sat. 6 p.m. Location: Camp Conshatawba, 288 Oaks Rd., Summerhill, PA 15958 – Cambria County Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 30 Registration Deadline: January 26 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

Bugs for Brownies

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Bugs help us in a lot of cool ways. Explore the world of bugs and learn more about these little creatures that do so much! Take a walk through the park, make a craft and learn to identify the bugs you see along the way. Relax with your new friends and enjoy a snack after all the hard work you’ve put into earning your Bugs badge! Girls Grades: 2-3 � Date/Time: Saturday, May 17, 1-4 p.m. Location: Canoe Creek State Park, 205 Canoe Creek Rd., Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 – Blair County Cost: $10 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: May 3


Calling All Cowgirls

Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Saturday, April 19, 1-4 p.m. Location: Camp Redwing, 103 Rader School Rd., Renfrew, PA 16053 – Butler County Cost: $8 per girl/$3 per adult Minimum Capacity: 30 Registration Deadline: April 5

Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 1: Saturday, Sept. 21, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Another session will be added if waitlist reaches 8) Registration Deadline: September 11 Girls Grades: 2-5 � � Session 2: Saturday, Oct. 19, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Another session will be added if waitlist reaches 8) Registration Deadline: October 9 Location: Hutton Farm, 326 Hutton Rd., Mahaffey, PA 15757 – Clearfield County Cost: $28 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 8


Camp Creepy

Get you and your troop ready for summer camping trips by spending a little time growing as a team. See how well you communicate with each other in order to accomplish tasks. Participate in team challenge activities like Build-A-Beast and others, all designed to help you bond and show off your leadership skills. Juniors can work toward the Power of Team Award from the Agents of Change Journey, and Cadettes can work toward the Interact Award from the aMAZE Journey.

Test your craftsman skills as you work in teams to build a boat with duct tape, cardboard and other decorating supplies. Test the waters to see if your creation can transport your team as you race toward the fastest time. You’ll be amazed at how many boats actually complete the trip! This fantastic event is sure to bring out your creativity! Lunch is included. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, April 26, 1:30-4 p.m. Location: Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, 1001 Lafayette Dr., Farmington, PA 15437 – Fayette County Cost: $32 per girl/$8 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: April 10 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Calendar Scrapbooking

Take a 12-month calendar and decorate it with scrapbook materials to incorporate special photo memories into every month of the year! Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Session 1: Saturday, Nov. 2, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Session 2: Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Asbury United Methodist Church, 385 E. Main St., Bradford, PA 16701 – McKean County Cost: $30 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: October 21

Saddle up for a trail ride and horsemanship class. While at the horse farm, learn how to groom and care for horses, then put on your gear for a one hour trail ride through the meadow and woods. Yee haw!

At this Halloween festival featuring games, crafts and activity stations, go trick-or-treating, play glow-in-the-dark games, take a haunted hike, visit the mad scientist’s lab for spooky science experiments, make s’mores and hear stories at the campfire. Come as a troop or with family (chaperoned siblings are welcome, too)! Plan to spend at least two to three hours to see everything. A meal option of a hotdog, chips and a drink is available. Looking for more scare? Turn to Haunted Hollow for information on our older girl event at Camp Redwing. Please note: registrants for Camp Creepy will not be allowed to cross the bridge into Haunted Hollow unless they are registered for that event. Girls Grades: K-5 and families � � � Session 1: Saturday, Oct. 12, 5-9 p.m. Location: Camp Redwing, 103 Rader School Rd., Renfrew, PA 16053 – Butler County Minimum Capacity: 300 Registration Deadline: September 30 Session 2: Saturday, Oct. 26, 5-9 p.m. Location: Camp Conshatawba, 288 Oaks Rd., Summerhill, PA 15958 – Cambria County Minimum Capacity: 75 Registration Deadline: October 11 Cost Option 1: Event Only $15 per girl/No adult fee Cost Option 2: Event and Meal $19 per girl/$4 per adult Bussing Options: Look online for pick up and drop off locations. Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer for session 1, please contact


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Can It!

Learn how to prepare and preserve fresh fruits and vegetables to be used at a later date. Take home your own preserved samples and also receive a fun canning patch! Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Session 1: Saturday, April 26, 9 a.m.-noon. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 2: Saturday, April 26, 1-4 p.m. Location: Asbury United Methodist Church, 385 E. Main St., Bradford, PA 16701 – McKean County Cost: $12 per person Minimum Capacity: 5 Registration Deadline: April 11

Canine Adventures

Join the fun at Sinnemahoning State Park as they host the annual Dryland Dog Sled Race. Watch and learn about the multiple types of dog racing, including canine-cross, bikejoring and cart races. Visit the dogs and learn about the art of mushing. While at the park, take a tour of the Wildlife Center to view interactive animal exhibits. Girls Grades: K-5 and families � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 2, 9 a.m.-noon Location: Sinnemahoning State Park, 4843 Park Rd., Austin, PA 16720 – Cameron County Cost: $5 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: October 23 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Canoe the Allegheny

Enjoy the stunning scenery along the banks of the Allegheny River as you paddle seven miles from Kinzua Dam to Warren. Relax for a picnic lunch on one of the many islands along this calm stretch of the Allegheny River. Girls Grades: 4-12 and families � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, May 10, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Kinzua Dam, 1205 Kinzua Rd., Warren, PA 16365 – Warren County Cost: $35 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: May 1 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Caving Adventure

Come for a great caving adventure at Laurel Caverns. Visit some of the largest rooms and crawl through passages off of the lighted area. You’ll also “mine” your own take-home pottery clay. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Saturday, June 7, 2-5:30 p.m. Location: Laurel Caverns, 200 Caverns Park Rd., Farmington, PA 15425 – Fayette County Cost: $30 per girl/$20 per adult Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: May 28

Celebrate the Harvest – Mom & Me

Spend quality time with your significant female adult (18 and older) and celebrate the harvest season at Camp Roy Weller. Explore Native American culture through themed games and crafts and search for tracks during a scavenger hunt. Then, visit StarLAB to learn about the constellations tribes looked at years ago and hear stories handed down through generations. Drinks and a snack will be provided, but please bring a brown-bag lunch. You’ll also receive a fun patch. Girls Grades: K-5 and families � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 16, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Camp Roy Weller, 32 Trilium Ln., Brucetown Mills, WV 26525 – Preston County Cost: $12 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: November 1

Christmas Celebrations Around the World

Have you ever wanted to learn how Christmas is celebrated in different countries? This program is for you! Learn about different traditions, make a craft and sample food from each country. This program also fits well with the It’s Your Story Journeys. You’ll also receive a special fun patch. Girls Grades: K-8 � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Dec. 7, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: St. Mathias Evangelical Church, 100 Chapel View Dr., Greensburg, PA 15601 – Westmoreland County Cost: $10 per girl/$3 per adult Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: November 25

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Clean Start Makeover

Say goodbye to problematic skin! Make a clean start and learn to take care of your face. Participate in a class on how to properly care for your skin. You’ll also learn makeup application and tricks. Take home the clean start kit which includes cleanser, toner, exfoliant and more! Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 1: Saturday, June 7, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Session 2: Saturday, June 7, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Session 3: Saturday, June 7, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Location: Altoona Beauty School, 1528 Valley View Blvd., Altoona, PA 16602 – Blair County Cost: $47 per person Minimum Capacity: 5 Registration Deadline: May 16

Cleaning & Caring

Volunteer your time and help get ready for spring at Friendship Ridge Nursing Home. You and your family will help the residents clean, weed and garden their enclosed courtyard. Receive a community service fun patch and a snack. Girls Grades: K-5 and families � � � Date: Saturday, March 22, noon-3 p.m. Location: Friendship Ridge Nursing Home, 246 Friendship Circle, Beaver, PA 15009 – Beaver County Cost: $8 per person Minimum Capacity: 17 Registration Deadline: March 12

Cooking Chemistry!

Science is a hidden, yet integral part of cooking. Hosted by the American Chemical Society at Waynesburg University, you’ll explore this relationship through a discussion of chemicals in common ingredients, followed by hands-on laboratory experiments. Answer puzzling cooking mysteries like: Why does bread rise? How do you get the juiciest thanksgiving turkey? This is a perfect program to compliment your Breathe and Sow What! Journeys. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 9, 1-2:30 p.m. Location: Waynesburg University, 51 West College St., Waynesburg,PA 15370 – Greene County Cost: $8 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: October 30

Couture, Cosmetics and Chemistry

Girl Scout Seniors and bridging Cadettes will spend an afternoon as cosmetic chemists while earning the Science of Style badge. Sponsored by The Greater Pittsburgh Area Women Chemists Committee, earn the badge while rotating through stations led by female chemists. Make your own lip gloss and perfume, all while learning the chemistry behind their recently produced products. At completion of the workshop, you’ll also receive a certificate from The Greater Pittsburgh Area Women Chemists Committee. Girls Grades: 8-10 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, April 5, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: University of Pittsburgh’s Chevron Science Center, 219 Parkman Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15260 – Allegheny County Cost: $4 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: March 26

Crafty Carvers – Lumberjills Wanted!

Come and see the artwork of more than 200 chainsaw carvers from around the world at the Ridgway Chainsaw Carver Rendezvous. Watch as blocks of wood are transformed into amazing sculptures. Become a woodworker yourself and build a project of your own while earning the Woodworker badge. Also enjoy a lumberjill lunch. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 15, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 215 Cook Ave., Ridgway, PA 15853 – Elk County Cost: $20 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: February 5

Crazy for Christmas Cards

Give a greeting that will be cherished for a lifetime. Learn about card making and the tools of the trade. Then, design and make your own fun holiday cards to send to family and friends. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 1: Tuesday, Dec. 3, 6-8 p.m. Session 2: Wednesday, Dec. 4, 6-8 p.m. Location: Proctor House, 271 N. St. Marys St., St. Marys, PA 15857 – Elk County Cost: $8 per person Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: November 18 series

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Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Adventure

Bring your families and enjoy a day of snowshoeing and/ or cross country skiing at Asbury Woods Nature Center. All of the equipment, snack and instruction are provided by Asbury Woods and the Center’s Explorer Scout Post 808. Post members will lead you on the trails through the snow-covered forest. Those who want to try both skiing and snowshoeing will switch equipment part way through the session. This program will not be cancelled due to lack of snow. An alternative program will be provided. Girls Grades: 2-12 and families � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 15, 10 a.m.-noon (Session 2 will be added if waitlist reaches 20) Location: Asbury Woods Nature Center, 4105 Asbury Rd., Erie, PA 16506 – Erie County Cost: $10 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: February 8

Cross Country Skiing

Learn the basics of cross country skiing and its special equipment. Hit the trails of Hawthorne Ridge to give it a try, then enjoy some hot chocolate back at the lodge. This program is dependent on snowfall.

Creative Campfire Cooking

Mastered the art of the one-pot meal? Take it to the next level and learn how to make amazing food over the campfire – the possibilities are endless! You’ll be making a little bit of each course, so come hungry. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 2, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Camp Skymeadow, 164 Skymeadow Ln., Avonmore, PA 15618 – Armstrong County Cost: $30 per person Minimum Capacity: 25 Registration Deadline: October 23

Creative Crafts: Duct Tape Edition

Come get crafty at this program designed just for duct tape crafts. Get creative with your crafts and make some fun things to take home. Don’t forget to bring two rolls of your favorite duct tape, other duct tape needed will be provided. Start thinking of ideas now – the possibilities are endless! Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Date/Time: Wednesday, March 19, 6-8 p.m. Location: Hyndman Scout Hall, 184 Schellsburg St., Hyndman, PA 15545 – Bedford County Cost: $10 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: March 4

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Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 8, 1-3 p.m. Location: Camp Hawthorne Ridge, 7755 Hawthorne Ridge Rd., Girard, PA 16417 – Erie County Cost: $11 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: February 1

Daisy Journey Kickoff

Bring your family, friends and troop to begin the 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals Journey. Visit different stations around Camp Curry Creek while making a team birdbath and animal mural. Then, hike around camp for a plant and animal scavenger hunt and enjoy animal-themed snacks. You’ll also earn your Birdbath award. Interested in spending the night? Sign up for the overnight option with dinner. Girls Grades: K-1 and families � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 26, 1-4 p.m. Cost Option 1: Event only $25 per girl/$5 per adult Cost Option 2: Event and overnight lodging + dinner $37 per girl/$17 per adult Location: Camp Curry Creek, 60 Girl Scout Dr., Brockway, PA 15824 – Jefferson County Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: October 16 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station leader; to volunteer, please contact

Daisy Scout Open House

Bring an adult to camp with you to see just how magical camp can be! Tour camp while trying new activities, make crafts in cozy lodges, sing songs in tent units and play games in the cabin unit! Make a few new friends and a gooey s’more or two! Girls Grades: K-1 and families � Date/Time: Saturday, April 5, 1:30-4 p.m. Location: Camp Conshatawba, 288 Oaks Rd., Summerhill, PA 15958 – Cambria County Cost: $3 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: March 31 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

Daisy Olympics

Have you ever thought about competing in the Olympics, or do you just love watching them? Compete in the Daisy Olympics and feel like an Olympic athlete – maybe even win a medal! Work toward earning your Lupe petal by practicing good sportsmanship. You’ll even eat like a champion with an energizing snack. Girls Grades: K-1 � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 25, 9 a.m.-noon Location: Camp Curry Creek, 60 Girl Scout Dr., Brockway, PA 15824 – Jefferson County Cost: $10 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: January 15

Day at the Ranch

Come out to Faith Ranch for a day of fun on the farm! Enjoy a horseback trail ride and a tractor-drawn hayride. Pet the farm animals, play lawn games (horseshoes, walking stilts and corn hole toss) and bring your own lunch to cook outdoors. You must be at least seven years old to register. Girls Grades: 2-12 and families � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Sept. 28, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Location: Faith Ranch, 89500 Jewett-Germano Rd., Jewett, OH 43986 – Harrison County Cost: $36 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: September 14

Decorate It! Cake Series

Start with cake decorating basics and receive a Wilton cake decorating kit in Part 1 of the series. Then, learn the art of creating flowers and leaves with new frosting tips and new skills (be sure to bring along the kit you received in Part 1). Top it off by creating your own cake to take home. This series is sure to make you a cake decorating pro! Girls Grades: 4-12 and families � � � � Part 1: Thursday, Oct. 3 Part 2: Thursday, Oct. 10 Part 3: Thursday, Oct. 17 Time: 6-9 p.m. Location: GSWPA Edinboro Office, 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412 – Erie County Cost: $45 per person Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: September 23


Take a trip back in time to explore an Eastern Woodland Indian village and explore one of the oldest archaeological sites in North America, the Meadowcroft Rockshelter. Participate in a variety of hands-on activities, such as grinding corn and using an at’latl. In the afternoon, learn the basics of archaeological investigation and roll-up your sleeves to excavate a mock-dig, uncovering artifacts and analyzing them! Conclude with a college pathways and career exploration! Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 2, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Location: Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Historic Village, 401 Meadowcroft Rd., Avella, PA 15312 – Washington County Cost: $22 per girl/$6 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: October 18 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Digital Photographer Series

Photography is the beauty of life captured! Earn your Digital Photography badge while learning to take award-winning photos from an expert during this four-part series. Capture photos and learn easy ways to edit them. Spend time crafting two unique photo projects just in time for Mother’s Day! Please bring your own digital camera to each session. You are also responsible for printing your photos after Part 2 and bringing them to Part 3 to complete the photo project. You must attend all parts of the series in order to earn the badge. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Part 1: Tuesday, April 8 Part 2: Tuesday, April 15 Part 3: Tuesday, April 22 Part 4: Tuesday, April 29 Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Location: Shaw Public Library, 1 South Front St., Clearfield, PA 16830 – Clearfield County Cost: $20 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: April 4


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Digital Scavenger Hunt

Work in teams to decipher clues as you explore Nemacolin Woodlands Resort. A variety of clues will require your team to learn something new and to take a photo of your team with that clue. Explore the resort and make new friends in the process! Digital cameras, maps, clues and lunch will be provided. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, June 21, 1:30-4 p.m. Location: Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, 1001 Lafayette Dr., Farmington, PA 15437 – Fayette County Cost: $31 per girl/$8 per adult Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: June 5 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Discovering the Animals Outdoors

Learn all about animals native to Camp Roy Weller. Hike to the secret pond to look for frogs, check out animal nests and see if you can find any animal tracks. Visit the indoor planetarium, StarLAB, and learn all about the animals in our night sky. Bring your friends to play animal games and take home an animal craft. Before you leave, participate in a service project to help our flying animal friends. You’ll also work on components of your It’s Your Planet - Love it! Journey. Girls Grades: K-8 � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, April 26, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Camp Roy Weller, 32 Trilium Ln., Brucetown Mills, WV 26525 – Preston County Cost: $17 per person Minimum Capacity: 25 Registration Deadline: April 11

Doll and Me Tea

Experience the charm of Victorian tea in the ambiance of the Historic Sutton-Ditz House. Bring your favorite doll or stuffed animal for a tea party and make lasting memories while enjoying a cup of tea and tasty tidbits. Then, take a tour of the museum, celebrate Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday and view Girl Scout uniforms from the past. You’ll also receive a birthday patch. Girls Grades: K-3 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 2, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Location: Historic Sutton-Ditz House, 17 S. 5th Ave., Clarion, PA 16214 – Clarion County Cost: $8 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: October 26

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Dog Sledding at Nemacolin Woodlands

Dog sledding is an experience for the entire family. Come meet the exclusive team of sled dogs who are jumping at the chance to give everyone an experience you’ll never forget. Fee includes a kennel tour, sled ride and lunch. Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Sunday, Jan. 5, 2-4 p.m. Location: Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, 1001 Lafayette Dr., Farmington, PA 15437 – Fayette County Cost: $48 per person Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: December 20 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Drawing Dames

Sharpen those pencils, Juniors! Sweetwater Center for the Arts is hosting a workshop for doodling Juniors to earn the Drawing badge in a series of creative activities to enhance your sketchin’ skill! Experiment with different drawing materials, learn shading techniques, practice perspective, grapple with graphic arts and design a drawing scrapbook to take with you! Girls Grades: 4-5 � Session 1: Friday, Nov. 1, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 23 Session 2: Friday, March 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: March 12 Location: Sweetwater Center for the Arts, 200 Broad St., Sewickley, PA 15143 – Allegheny County Cost: $16 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 13

Duct Tape Creations

Bring two rolls of your favorite duct tape and create some cool items to take home. Make a few items you can use and even one you can wear! Other duct tape needed will be provided. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Session 1: Saturday, Nov. 9, 9 a.m.-noon Registration Deadline: October 30 Location: GSWPA Edinboro Office, 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412 – Erie County Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 2: Saturday, Nov. 9, 1-4 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 30 Location: GSWPA Edinboro Office, 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412 – Erie County Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Session 3: Saturday, March 22, 1-4 p.m. Registration Deadline: March 7 Location: GSWPA Warren Office, 185 Hospital Dr., Warren, PA 16365 – Warren County Cost: $12 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 15

Easy As Cut & Paste!

Unstick those glue sticks, Seniors! Sweetwater Center for the Arts is hosting a workshop for stylistic Seniors to earn their Collage Artist badge in a series of creative, hands-on activities. Explore collage time periods, craft collages of various styles and colors and develop a collage that calls for change. This program will also tie nicely into your Girltopia Journey. Girls Grades: 9-10 � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 16, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Location: Sweetwater Center for the Arts, 200 Broad St., Sewickley, PA 15143 – Allegheny County Cost: $16 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 13 Registration Deadline: November 6

Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo – How Do I Budget My Dough?

Does your money seem to just “disappear?” Learn to get in the habit of asking yourself “do I need this or do I want this?” before depleting your available money resources. Along with a certified financial planner, explore proven, successful ways to share, save and spend in line with your own values and goals. Earn the Budget badge and learn how to track spending and set personal budgets. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Date/Time: Saturday, April 5, 9-11:30 a.m. Location: Clearview Federal Credit Union, 8805 University Blvd., Moon Township, PA 15108 – Allegheny County Cost: $12 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 14 Registration Deadline: March 26

Electric Transit: Journey to the Trolley Museum!

Boogie woogie woogie on over to the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum because – it’s electric! During this program about electricity, learn how first-aid relates to electric injuries, how to read an electric meter, discuss energy conservation, build a rheostat and discover the history of technology in transit. This energizing program will help Juniors earn the Energize award from the Get Moving Journey, and Cadettes earn the Aware award for the Breathe Journey. Please bring your own lunches. You’ll also receive an exclusive Trolley Museum fun patch. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Sept. 28, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Pennsylvania Trolley Museum, 1 Museum Rd., Washington, PA 15301 – Washington County Cost: $12 per girl/$6 per adult Minimum Capacity: 17 Registration Deadline: September 20

Elk Extravaganza

Explore the wonders of Pennsylvania’s Elk herd. Spend the afternoon at the Elk County Visitor’s Center, learn facts about the herd, enjoy a 4-D immersive theater experience, and view elk in their natural habitat. Once at Camp Curry Creek, cozy up and create camp crafts, play games and make s’mores. All meals are included. Girls Grades: 2-8 � � � Date/Time: April 5-6, bus will pick up Saturday 9:15 a.m. and drop off Sunday 2:30 p.m. Transportation will pick up and drop off at the following locations: GSWPA Southpointe Office –Washington County and Walmart Super Center, 2501 West State Street, New Castle, PA 16101 – Lawrence County Location: Camp Curry Creek, 60 Girl Scout Dr., Brockway, PA 15824 – Jefferson County Cost: $65 per girl/$40 per adult Minimum Capacity: 30 Registration Deadline: March 24

Environmental Leadership Summit

It’s YOUR Planet - Love It! Join us for a jam-packed, fun-filled and fast moving Environmental Leadership Summit at Camp Roy Weller. We’ll have sessions to help you explore career options in outdoor fields and environmental advocacy groups. Participate in hands-on citizen science projects and showcase your own It’s Your Planet Take Action projects to inspire other conference-goers. Participants will be doing activities indoors as well as out, so please dress for the weather! Contact with questions or to submit a Take Action project. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: March 28-30, Fri. 6 p.m.-Sun. 10 a.m. Location: Camp Roy Weller, 32 Trilium Ln., Brucetown Mills, WV 26525 – Preston Count Cost: $46 per person Minimum Capacity: 50 Registration Deadline: March 5

Exploring Engineering

Explore career opportunities the engineering field has to offer and work with female students who are part of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) at Gannon University. Make a polymer and electrical connections, practice reverse engineering, solve problems, discover new ideas and more! You’ll also receive a fun patch. If you have an old appliance (hair dryer, blender, etc.) that is ready for scrap, bring it with you. You’ll also have the option to take a campus tour. This is a great addition to the Get Moving Journey. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 2, 9 a.m.-noon Location: Gannon University, Zurn Science Center Room 101, 109 University Sq., Erie, PA 16541 – Erie County Cost: $5 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: October 23

Girl Scout Juniors attended the program “Troop AdventureDogsledding” at Husky Power Dogsledding in Maryland. Girls earned the Dog Sledding Badge developed by the Alaska GS Council and were able to go on a working-dog ride. series

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Girls at the program “Elk Extravaganza” design their own pillow cases.

Find the Dancer in You!

First Aid for PAs and CITs

Girls Grades: 2-3 � Session 1: Saturday, Oct. 12, 9-11 a.m. Location: Dancers Studio, 609 Main St., Clarion, PA 16214 – Clarion County Registration Deadline: October 8 Session 2: Saturday, Dec. 7, 10 a.m.-noon Location: VanDyke and Company, 101 E. Mahoning St., Punxsutawney, PA 15767 – Jefferson County Registration Deadline: December 1 Cost: $3 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 10

Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 22, 1:30- 5 p.m. Location: Camp Redwing, 103 Rader School Rd., Renfrew, PA 16053 – Butler County Cost Option 1: $25 per person Cost Option 2: First Aid for PAs and CITs and Teaching Traditions: $30 per person Minimum Capacity: 25 Registration Deadline: February 8

Explore the world of dance. Learn different styles and practice the skills you’ve learned. Then, put on a short recital with your Girl Scout sisters to show off your new dance moves while earning your Dancers badge.

Find the Fire

Learn the basics of fire building and geocaching. Then, use your new skills to race against other teams to build a fire for your group. Use handheld GPS units to find caches with the supplies you’ll need to build your fire. Finally, reward yourself with s’mores roasted over your fire. This program is a great start for the Geocacher and Camper badges! Girls Grades: 4-5 � Session 1: Saturday, March 29, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Session 2: Saturday, March 29, 1:30 p.m.-4 p.m. Location: Camp Redwing, 103 Rader School Rd., Renfrew, PA 16053 – Butler County Cost: $12 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: March 15 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

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Part of being a leader is being able to respond to emergencies. Learn basic first-aid skills like using universal precautions, bandaging and splinting. Become certified in American Red Cross First Aid. This does not include CPR. Further your skills by joining us for the Teaching Traditions in the morning (10 a.m.-1 p.m.). (see page 48)

First-Aid Made!

With instruction from Children’s Hospital Educators, learn the basics of first-aid, how to use a first-aid kit and how and when to call for emergency help. Class topics will include choking rescue, injury prevention, bandaging practice, heat and cold emergencies and more. Make a first-aid kit to take home, and receive your First Aid badge at program completion. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Dec. 7, 9-noon Location: North Strabane Municipal Building, 1929 Pennsylvania 519, Canonsburg, PA 15317 – Washington County Cost: $24 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 16 Registration Deadline: April 24

Fishing for Crawdads

Bring your special male adult (18 and older) to camp for an evening of crawdadding. Using a hand line, test your patience and see if you have the skill to catch some crayfish in the gorge. Learn how to tell how healthy the stream is just by seeing what lives in it. Don’t forget to bring your water shoes! Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Friday, May 2, 6-8 p.m. Location: Camp Hawthorne Ridge, 7755 Hawthorne Ridge Rd., Girard, PA 16417 – Erie County Cost: $8 per person Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: April 25

Fit at Phipps

Phipps Conservatory knows the importance of being fit. Celebrate the perks of leading a healthy lifestyle, and learn how to keep healthy through exercise and food choices while practicing new exercises, making snacks your body will love and creating a jump rope from recycled material. Earn steps to your Staying Fit badge in the scenic setting of Phipps!

Fresh Coats of Imagination

Bring out those brushes, Brownies! Sweetwater Center for the Arts is hosting a workshop for expressive Brownies to earn the Painters badge in a series of creative and imaginative activities. Meet with a real painter, examine an exhibition, paint a still life, try out different painting techniques and create a one-of-a-kind mural that showcases the story of an event or person. Get artists ideas for your Tell a Story award from the World of Girls Journey and receive your Painters badge.

Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-noon Location: Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, 1 Schenley Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 – Allegheny County Cost: $14 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: October 30

Girls Grades: 2-3 � Session 1: Friday, Oct. 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 2 Session 2: Friday, April 25, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: April 16 Location: Sweetwater Center for the Arts, 200 Broad St., Sewickley, PA 15143 – Allegheny County Cost: $16 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 13

Fly Fishing Fun – Me and My Guy

From Sap to Syrup

Bring your special male adult (18 and older) with you for a day of fishing fun. Learn about the basic fundamentals of fly casting and equipment used to fly fish. Spend time trying out your new skills and see what you can catch! Fun prizes will be awarded in multiple categories. Pack a picnic or bagged lunch to enjoy in the pavilion before fishing. All equipment is provided. Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 19, 12:30-5 p.m. Location: Camp Resting Waters, 2566 Campbelltown Rd., Kane, PA 16735 – McKean County Cost: $8 per person Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: October 15

Forest Helpers

Celebrate the 20th anniversary of National Public Lands Day in Allegheny National Forest. Participate in projects, which could include habitat restoration, bird house construction and trail maintenance. Transportation from Allegheny National Forest office to the work site is the participant’s responsibility. Participants must bring a bagged lunch and will receive a fun patch. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Sept. 28, 10 a.m-2 p.m. Location: Allegheny National Forest, 131 Smokey Ln., Marienville, PA, 16239 – Forest County Cost: $2 per person Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: September 18 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Everyone loves pancakes with syrup, but do you know how syrup is made? Learn what goes into making one of our favorite breakfast toppings. See the production of syrup from the tree all the way to the syrup bottle. Cadettes will also work toward the Tree badge. Girls Grades: 2-8 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, March 15, 2 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Location: Kinter Farms, 2400 Musser Rd., Indiana, PA 15701 – Indiana County Cost: $10 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: March 5


Energy moves us all and helps us enjoy our world. Whether it is your body, your house or your car, we all need a little power to get us going. Participate in activities to see how each of these things are powered and how we keep them going. Get your Get Moving Journey jumpstarted at this event! Come away with more energy for your mind, home and soul. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 2, 1- 4 p.m. Location: Camp Redwing, 103 Rader School Rd., Renfrew, PA 16053 – Butler County Cost: $10 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 30 Registration Deadline: October 19 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact


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Future Filmmakers

Quiet on the set! Rolling. Action! Cinematic Cadettes will become digital movie makers in this exclusive series with Pittsburgh Filmmakers. Learn from film professionals on how to use camera angles, lighting, sound and editing to tell stories. Also, have a turn at being a videographer, director, editor and actor on a short film developed in the class. The second class will culminate in a family screening of the films. You’ll be equipped to become the next great filmmaker! You must attend both parts of a session to receive the Digital Movie Maker badge. This is a great connection to the MEdia Journey. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Session 1 Part 1: Saturday, Dec. 7, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Part 2: Saturday, Dec. 14, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Registration Deadline: November 27 Session 2 Part 1: Saturday, March 29, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Part 2: Saturday, April 5, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Registration Deadline: March 19 Location: Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, 1047 Shady Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15232 – Allegheny County Cost: $63 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 4


Spend a day at the wonderful Winnie Palmer Nature Preserve learning how to use GPS units and the great activity of geocaching. Make a trade item to leave in a cache or even start your very own. You’ll also earn the Geocacher badge. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, May 3, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Winnie Palmer, 744 Walzer Way, Latrobe, PA 15650 – Westmoreland County Cost: $10 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: April 23

Geocaching Adventure

Join in the fun and excitement of geocaching. Learn how to use a GPS unit and take part in finding hidden treasures while earning your Geocaching badge. This is an outside event and will get you moving! Girls Grades: 4-5 � Session 1: Saturday, April 26, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Location: Emlenton Presbyterian Church, Main St., Emlenton, PA 16373 – Venango County Session 2: Sunday, April 27, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Location: Jenkins Run Rails to Trails Parking Area, 7th Avenue Ext., Brockway, PA 15824 – Jefferson County Cost: $6 per person Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: April 12

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Get Energized!

Save some energy by going camping and staying off the grid. Learn more about how to conserve Earth’s energy by working on the Energize award of the Get Moving Journey. Practice making energizing snacks by the campfire. Learn how to use a map, tie knots and Leave No Trace outdoor ethics. Play flashlight tag and sleep outside in the Evening Star tent units. Earn the Camper badge upon completion of program. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: May 16-17, Fri. 7 p.m.-Sat. 4 p.m. Location: Camp Singing Hills, 114 Singing Hills Rd., Oil City, PA 16301 – Venango County Cost: $40 per girl/$30 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: May 7

Get Moving To Yellow Creek

Come to Yellow Creek State Park and learn what to do to lessen your carbon footprint. Work on parts of your Investigate award of the Get Moving Journey by seeing the wind turbines and develop ways to move your effort further. Girls Grades: 2-5 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 19, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Yellow Creek State Park, 170 Route 259 Highway, Penn Run, PA 15765 – Indiana County Cost: $10 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: October 9

Girl Scout Sampler

Sing songs, play games and enjoy traditions – all to fill your year with the fun and excitement of Girl Scouts! Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Session 1: Wednesday, Oct. 16, 6-8 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 8 Location: Laurel Trinity Church, 7520 Somerset Pike, Boswell, PA 15531 – Somerset County Session 2: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 6-8 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 15 Location: Hyndman Scout Hall, 184 Schellsburg St., Hyndman, PA 15545 – Bedford County Cost: $5 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 20

Girl Scout Songs, Games and Traditions Spend the day learning everything you need to know about Girl Scouts, including songs, games, and traditions that have been part of the Girl Scout experience for years. Please bring a lunch. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 18, 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: GSWPA Warren Office, 185 Hospital Dr., Warren, PA 16365 – Warren County Cost: $10 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: January 6

Girl Scout Traditions

Make your own Girl Scout memories when you explore Girl Scout history. Participate in traditional Girl Scout activities such as SWAPs, camp songs, kapers and games. Try GORP, a traditional Girl Scout snack and work toward your Girl Scout Way badge. Fun patch included. Girls Grades: 1-3 � � Session 1: Saturday, Nov. 16, 9-11:30 a.m. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Session 2: Saturday, Nov. 16, 1-4 p.m. Location: Camp Curry Creek, 60 Girl Scout Dr., Brockway, PA 15824 – Jefferson County Cost: $10 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: November 6

Girls and Women in Sports Day

Mercyhurst University’s 3rd annual Girls and Women in Sports Day allows you to interact with female athletes from more than 12 teams, including field hockey, water polo and rowing! Pass a volleyball, shoot a hockey puck, bounce a tennis ball, throw a softball and participate in other activities with Mercyhurst athletes. Then, cheer on the Lady Lakers basketball team as they take on the Gannon University Knights. Free giveaways, halftime events and pizza rounds out the day as you’re introduced to sports at the collegiate level, and celebrate being a Mercyhurst Laker for the day! This is a great opportunity to work on the Brownie Fair Play badge, the Junior Practice With Purpose badge or the Cadette Good Sportsmanship badge. Girls Grades: K-8 � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 8, 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. (subject to change based on season basketball schedule, check for updates) Location: Mercyhurst University, REC Gym, 501 East 38th St., Erie, PA 16546 – Erie County Cost: $5 per person Minimum Capacity: 7 Registration Deadline: January 29

Girl Scouts try out the rowing machine with the Lady Laker Rowing Team at Mercyhurst University during Girls and Women in Sports Day 2012.


September 7, 2014, is Grandparents’ Day. What a great opportunity to bring your grandparent out to Goodell Gardens! Plant some fall bulbs, tour the Pollinator Garden, plant milkweed seeds to take home and tag monarch butterflies! You and your grandparent will also enjoy a “high tea” with hot tea and scones as an afternoon snack. Please dress for the weather and in clothing you do not mind getting dirty as you will be outside. Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Sunday, Sept. 7, 2014, 3-4:30 p.m. Location: Goodell Gardens and Homestead, 221 Waterford St., Edinboro, PA 16412 – Erie County Cost: $6 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: August 31

Great to be a Girl!

Have an afternoon of fun and silliness as you celebrate International Girl’s Day with Westminster’s Kappa Delta Sorority. Participate in a photo shoot, decorate picture frames and chat with the sisters about confidence and realizing how wonderful you are! Receive an exclusive Kappa Delta International Girl’s Day patch at program completion to remember your day of play! This counts toward Daisy Vi Petal, Brownie Making Friends badge and Junior Power of One Journey Award. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 9, 1-3 p.m. Location: Westminster College, 319 S Market St., New Wilmington, PA 16142 – Lawrence County Cost: $5 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 7 Registration Deadline: October 30


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This Girl Scout Cadette from Service Unit NA WEST works on her aMAZE Journey at camp.

Green Chemists!

GSWPA Outing Club Day Hike

Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 15, 1-2:30 p.m. Location: Waynesburg University, 51 West College St., Waynesburg, PA 15370 – Greene County Cost: $8 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: February 5

Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 11, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Location: Camp Skymeadow, 164 Skymeadow Ln., Avonmore, PA 15618 – Armstrong County Cost: $7 per person Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: January 10

Growing in the Garden

GSWPA Outing Club Testing Camp

Discover the “Green Chemistry” movement where chemists strive to replace environmentally detrimental chemicals with more “friendly” substances and use chemistry to innovate solutions to environmental hazards. A Q&A session will be held on green chemistry, followed by a number of hands-on experiments to let the girls discover how chemistry can make a difference. Dissect science perplexities regarding solar plants, soilless plants and alternative fuels while working on your Sow What and Justice Journeys.

Explore your inner gardener at the Genesee Environmental Center and complete steps 1-3 of the Gardener badge. Tour the Pyramid Greenhouse featuring goldfish ponds, tropical and desert plants and a variety of fruit trees. While there, earn your Simple Meals badge as you prepare fresh salads, ice cream waffles and homemade pizzas in an outdoor brick oven. Want to attend but it’s too far to drive in one day? Consider staying overnight at Camp Resting Waters and make a weekend of it. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, April 26, 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Location: Genesee Environmental Center, 682 Ellisburg Rd., Genesee, PA 16923 – Potter County Cost: $ 18 per girl/$12 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: April 16

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Congratulations to the GSWPA Outing Club! Our first winter adventure will take us to a local park. We’ll start at Camp Skymeadow where you’ll study the park map and decide on our day’s adventure. Make sure to bring a brown-bag lunch and water bottle in your backpacks and wear sturdy shoes. Attending adults will provide transportation for this event between locations. Haven’t joined the Outing Club yet? Check out the GSWPA Outing Club Testing Camp program listed below.

Earn your way into the GSWPA Outing Club by participating in this fun-filled activity packed program! Demonstrate skills in firebuilding, outdoor cooking, shelter building, compass reading and basic first aid. These skills will prepare you for Outing Club-only trips throughout the year. Trip locations will be determined by you so sign up today and have your say in our next adventure! Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Session 1: Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 25 Session 2: Saturday, March 15, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration Deadline: February 28 Location: Camp Skymeadow, 164 Skymeadow Ln., Avonmore, PA 15618 – Armstrong County Cost: $25 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Volunteer Needed: Program Facilitator and Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

Hard-Hatted Women

Ever considered a career working in carpentry? This program gives insight into the full range of non-traditional and high-demand growth industries of the future. Eighth grade Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors are invited to tour the Greater Pittsburgh Carpenter’s Union training facilities to discover opportunities for women in carpentry. Work with experienced woodworkers on small home demonstrations and construct your own carpentry creations. Girls Grades: 8-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 25, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Location: Greater Pittsburgh Carpenter’s Union Training Facility, 652 Ridge Rd., Suite 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 – Allegheny County Cost: $5 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 5 Registration Deadline: January 15

Haunted Hollow

H20 What Fun!

Have you ever tried aqua aerobics? Now’s your chance! Learn how to keep fit in the water and spend some free time in the pool. You’ll also receive a fun patch. Girls Grades: 2-12 � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 19, 1-3 p.m. Location: Summit Athletic & Tennis Club, 2900 Plank Rd., Altoona, PA 16602 – Blair County Cost: $9 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: October 13

Habitats, Havens, Holes and Homes

Jump, crawl or creep to the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden to experience an afternoon earning your Animal Habitats badge in nature. Explore and survey wild animals living in the Garden’s Woodlands, visit a child-size bird’s nest, construct an animal house and help to remove invasive plant species to make healthier habitats. Badge will be provided at program completion, and participants are asked to bring brown-bag lunches. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Session 1: Saturday, Oct. 19, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 9 Session 2: Saturday, May 17, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: May 7 Location: Pittsburgh Botanic Garden, 798 Pinkerton Run Rd., Oakdale, PA 15071 – Allegheny County Cost: $15 per girl/$6 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10

After you’ve visited all of the activities at Camp Creepy, older girls are invited to cross the spooky bridge into Haunted Hollow, where you can hike a haunted trail or visit our ghostly carnival, complete with scary fun-house maze and creepy carnival games. Experts will be on-hand to talk about ghost hunting and ghost hunting equipment. Haunted Hollow is not appropriate for kids under the age of 13 or those who scare easily. Plan on spending at least 2-3 hours to see everything. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 12, 8-11 p.m. Location: Camp Redwing, 103 Rader School Rd., Renfrew, PA 16053 – Butler County Cost Option 1: Event Only $15 per girl/No adult fee Cost Option 2: Event and Meal $19 per girl/$4 per adult Minimum Capacity: 100 Registration Deadline: September 30 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

Hear Me!

Tune into your It’s Your World - Change It! Journey in this media-centered workshop with Hear Me! at Carnegie Mellon University. Learn what makes your voice important and why your stories and opinions need to be shared. While learning basic interviewing techniques, practice interviewing each other on issues facing girls and leadership or other topics of your choice. Using Hear Me’s audio recorders, create short audio pieces ready to share, and learn to edit them using Audacity. To prepare for the Journey Take Action projects, potential audiences and uses for your created media will be identified. If possible, participants should bring a laptop or netbook, but they are not required! Girls Grades: 9-12 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 – Allegheny County Cost: $8 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: October 30


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Hip Hop Hooray Hibernation Habits

The forest is pretty quiet during the winter. Where did everyone go? Learn about hibernation and take a winter walk to see if you can guess where the animals went. Enjoy some snacks while learning what you need to sleep in the cold. Girls Grades: K-3 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 11, 1-3 p.m. Location: Camp Hawthorne Ridge, 7755 Hawthorne Ridge Rd., Girard, PA 16417 – Erie County Cost: $12 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: January 7

High Adventurers

Reach for the sky! Work together as you conquer the high ropes course at Camp Singing Hills. Earn a ropes course fun patch and help your fellow Girl Scouts walk through the clouds. Juniors can work toward the Power of Team Award from the Agents of Change Journey. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Sunday, Oct. 13, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Camp Singing Hills, 114 Singing Hills Rd., Oil City, PA 16301 – Venango County Cost: $18 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: October 7

High Tea at Goodell Gardens

Bring your mothers (or significant female adult) to Goodell Gardens to visit the “Garden of Eden” created by Carrie and Margaret, two sisters who valued conservation, education and the beauty of Nature. Tour the Gardens, plant a pot of spring annuals to take home and have “high tea” in the event barn to celebrate Mother’s Day. Please dress for the weather and wear clothes you do not mind getting dirty, you will be outside. Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Sunday, May 11, 1-3 p.m. Location: Goodell Gardens and Homestead, 221 Waterford St., Edinboro, PA 16412 – Erie County Cost: $6 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: May 4

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Jump into this hip hop dance program and learn from the experts! Learn two different dance styles while having a hip swaying good time. You’ll also receive a fun patch! Girls Grades: 2-12 � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 1, 1-2:30 p.m. Location: Star Performance Dance Academy, 1341 Plank Rd. Suite 105, Duncansville, PA 16635 – Blair County Cost: $5 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: January 25

Holiday Gift Extravaganza

Make holiday cards and gifts to give to others for the holidays. Enjoy a light snack and hot chocolate and leave with your gifts to give to friends and family. Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Date/Time: Wednesday, Dec. 4, 6-8 p.m. Location: Laurel Trinity Church, 7520 Somerset Pike, Boswell, PA 15531 – Somerset County Cost: $10 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: November 22

Holiday Gift Maker

Are you crafty and like making gifts? Make special holiday gifts for your friends and family at this holiday gift-making event! Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Date/Time: Thursday, Dec. 5, 5-7 p.m. Location: Bedford County Fair Grounds, 4-H Building, 108 Telegraph Rd., Bedford, PA 15522 – Bedford County Cost: $6 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: November 22

Holiday Sampler

Get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas the easy way! Join us in creating a Thanksgiving centerpiece, a Christmas ornament, a holiday card and a wreath gift. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Session 1: Saturday, Nov. 16, 9-11:30 a.m. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 2: Saturday, Nov. 16, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Location: St. Timothy Roman Catholic Church, 306 Walnut St., Curwensville, PA 16833 – Clearfield County Cost: $15 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 25 Registration Deadline: November 12

Hopscotch to Health

Have an afternoon of fun and healthy living with Westminster’s Kappa Delta Sorority. Build confidence as you chat with the sisters about the importance of being healthy and fuel your body with hearty snacks! Together with the sisters, make a hopscotch board and discover new things about your troop and yourself. You’ll also receive an exclusive Kappa Delta patch! Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 5, 1-3 p.m. Location: Westminster College, 319 S Market St., New Wilmington, PA 16142 – Lawrence County Cost: $5 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 7 Registration Deadline: September 25

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Join us for the Erie Dance Conservatory’s performance of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Enjoy a backstage tour following the performance, and one randomly chosen Girl Scout will have her hair done up like Cindy Lou Who! This is a great opportunity for Juniors to work on the aMUSE Journey, and Seniors can work on the Troupe Performer badge. Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Sunday, Dec. 8, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Location: Cathedral Prep’s H. David Bowes Auditorium, Myrtle St. and West 10th, Erie, PA 16501 – Erie County Cost: $8 per person Minimum Capacity: 50 Registration Deadline: November 24 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Girls practice the correct archery positioning before trying out their bow at camp.

I Can’t Wait to Create & Animate!

Join Pittsburgh Filmmakers at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts as they guide you through the step-by-step process of stop-motion animation. Work with paper materials, digital cameras and computers while being encouraged to let your minds explore the imaginative possibilities of animation! Girls Grades: 2-5 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 16, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, 1047 Shady Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15232 – Allegheny County Cost: $38 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 5 Registration Deadline: November 6

I Like to Move It, Move It

Learn some fun ways to exercise and keep in shape. Afterward, cool off with a relaxing dip in the pool. You’ll receive a fun patch! Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 16, 1-3 p.m. Location: Summit Athletic & Tennis Club, 2900 Plank Rd., Altoona, PA 16602 – Blair County Cost: $9 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: November 10


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In the Panther’s Path: Exploring Pitt’s Campus

Join the University of Pittsburgh’s Kappa Delta Sorority on a campus tour led by an official Pitt Pathfinder. The tour will be followed by a presentation from the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid. Kappa Delta will then host an activities and majors fair, letting you meet and speak to college women studying business, health sciences, social sciences, foreign languages and political science. Learn about the classes students in various fields take, what careers they lead to, as well as, learn about possible extracurricular activities at Pitt. You’ll also receive a snack and Kappa Delta patch. Girls Grades: 9-12 � � Date/Time: Sunday, April 6, 1-3 p.m. Location: University of Pittsburgh’s William Pitt Union, 4200 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 – Allegheny County Cost: $6 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum capacity: 23 Registration Deadline: March 26

Indian Summer Experience

Connect with the It’s Your Planet- Love It! Journey while experiencing Native American practices, traditions and lore. Rotate through stations and make traditional leather-stamped headpieces, shoot archery and try Native American dancing. Learn how Native Americans connect with the elements of the earth and find out how you can connect with the world around you! Girls Grades: 4-5 � Session 1: Saturday, Nov. 9, 9 a.m.-noon Girls Grades: 6-8 � Session 2: Saturday, Nov. 9, 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Location: Camp Conshatawba, 288 Oaks Rd., Summerhill, PA 15958 – Cambria County Cost: $8 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: October 26 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

Intro to Outdoors

Every Girl Scout should have some basic outdoor skills, so spend an afternoon learning the beginning of the Girl Scouts Basic Eight: basic first aid, Leave No Trace outdoor ethics, dressing for the weather, knots, knives, compasses, campfires and outdoor cooking. Girls Grades: K-3 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 9, 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Location: The Connellsville Little House, 144 East Crawford Ave., Connellsville, PA 15425 – Fayette County Cost: $10 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: October 30

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Introducing Improv Insanity!

Have a blast learning the basics of improvisation at the Arcade Comedy Theater! Whether it’s your first time on stage, or if you’ve been on stage since birth, this youthoriented improv theater workshop is a great way to have fun and grow your imagination. Learn improv games and exercises that emphasize teamwork, “Yes AND” cooperation, group play and, of course, lots and lots of laughing! This program is perfect to work on your Public Speaking or Troupe Performer badges. You can apply lessons learned to your aMAZE, Girltopia and Your Voice, Your World Journeys! Girls Grades: 6-8 � Session 1: Saturday, Nov. 16, noon-3 p.m. Registration Deadline: November 6 Girls Grades: 9-12 � � Session 2: Saturday, March 1, noon-3 p.m. Registration Deadline: February 19 Location: Arcade Comedy Theater, 811 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15222 – Allegheny County Cost: $25 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 8

Introduction to Camp Conshatawba’s Adventure Bound

Connect with the outdoors in your own backyard while learning what Camp Conshatawba has to offer through Adventure Bound summer programs. Brush up on outdoor skills, work on team building challenges, play get-to-knowyou games, try outdoor cooking and learn the principles of Leave No Trace outdoor ethics. If you enjoy this intro, turn to page 17 and join us for the Adventure Bound Weekend. Girls Grades: 6-11 � � � Session 1: Saturday, Oct. 12, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Shawnee State Park, 132 State Park Rd., Schellsburg, PA 15559 – Bedford County Session 2: Sunday, Oct. 13, 1-5 p.m. Location: Laurel Hill State Park, 1454 Laurel Hill Park Rd., Somerset, PA 15501 – Somerset County Cost: $10 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: September 28

Introduction to Skin Diving and Snorkeling!

Join us for an exciting introduction into Skin-Diving and Snorkeling! Learn how to select a dive site, be safe in the water and how to use diving and snorkeling equipment. Learn about suits and how to take photos while snorkeling and skindiving, as well as different types of kicks and surface dives. Please note: swimming ability is required. Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Session 1: Saturday, Nov. 2, 4-7 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 26 Session 2: Saturday, March 29, 4-7 p.m. Registration Deadline: March 22 Location: Wilfred R Cameron Wellness Center, 240 Wellness Way, Washington PA 15301 – Washington County Cost: $35 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15

Journey Jumpstart for all ages! It’s Your Planet - Love It! at the Carnegie Science Center

Join the Carnegie Science Center for your Journey jumpstart! Explore the Science Center’s exhibits and apply what you learn toward your It’s Your Planet - Love It! Journey. Receive a map of exhibits that suit your particular Journey needs and explore the exhibits pertaining to your Journey. You’ll also receive a Science Center patch. Please note: Journeys will not be completed in their entirety, and no Girl Scout badges will be awarded this day. Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Location: Carnegie Science Center, 1 Allegheny Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 – Allegheny County Cost: $30 per girl/$16 per adult Minimum Capacity: 130 Registration Deadline: October 25

It’s Not What You Say – It’s How You Say It!

Are you afraid to speak or perform in front of an audience? Are you born to perform and would you like to showcase your talent? Now is the time! The Butler Community College Theater Department invites you to become a competent communicator. Whether you showcase a monologue or express your own opinion, this series will help you find the courage to speak up in front of an audience. Cadettes will earn the Public Speaking badge, and Seniors will earn the Troupe Performer badge. Outside work will be required for the final performance, and badges will be handed out at program completion. Please note, you must attend both parts. Girls Grades: 6-10 � � Part 1: Saturday, Jan. 18, 2-4 p.m. Part 2: Saturday, Jan. 25, 2-4 p.m. Location: Succop Theater at Butler Community College, 250 College Dr., Butler, PA 16001 – Butler County Cost: $20 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 6 Registration Deadline: January 8

Juliette Low Birthday Celebration

Celebrate our founder Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday! Juliette was born on Halloween, so you’re welcome to wear a costume. Have fun while you decorate cakes, learn about Juliette Low, sing songs and play games. You’ll also receive a special Juliette Low fun patch.

iOWN My Business … My Life

This program is designed to empower you in creating your future opportunities. Through the framework of the Girl Scout Cookie Program, this six-hour interactive workshop is designed to help you think and act as a business owner, enabling you to: build self-esteem and confidence, set goals for academic success and ignite career exploration. You’ll also learn the basics of starting and operating a viable business. This is a great opportunity to get ready for Cookie Season! Cadettes will also earn the Business Plan badge. Box lunches will be provided for participants. Girls Grades: 6-10 � � Session 1: Saturday, Oct. 12, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 2 Session 2: Saturday, Nov. 9, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 30 Session 3: Saturday, Dec. 7, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Registration Deadline: November 27 Location: Community College of Beaver County, 1 Campus Dr., Monaca, PA 15061 – Beaver County Cost: $32 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 7

Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 19, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: St. Mathias Evangelical Church, 100 Chapel View Dr., Greensburg, PA 15601 – Westmoreland County Cost: $10 per girl/$3 per adult Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: October 3

Junior Green Thumbs

Come grow at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Garden and earn your Flowers and Gardener badges! Learn all about flowers, how they grow, and how to plant them. You’ll complete the Gardener badge by exploring garden designs, creating plant habitats to take home and making crafts from plant material. Earn your badges at program completion and receive a special Phipps fun patch! Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 19, 1-4 p.m. Location: Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Garden, 1 Schenley Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 – Allegheny County Cost: $28 per girl/$14 per adult Minimum Capacity: 36 Registration Deadline: October 9


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Junior Spring Activity Day at Asbury Woods

Is a habitat a home for just animals? Visit Asbury Woods Nature Center to find out! At Asbury Woods, see and explore real habitats and the animals and plants that live there and touch native animals! Rotate through four, 40-minute activities designed so you’ll have fun while learning and fulfilling the requirements for the Animal Habitats badge. All materials, an Asbury Woods participation patch and a refreshing drink are included. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, May 3, 8:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. (Session 2 will be added if waitlist reaches 15) Location: Asbury Woods Nature Center, 4105 Asbury Rd., Erie, PA 16506 – Erie County Cost: $10 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: April 23

Junior Winter Weekend

Spend the weekend exploring Camp Conshatawba’s winter wonderland! Stay in a cozy lodge, sled ride, cross country ski and make snow art. Take a break from the cold to bake cookies, make SWAPs and earn your Simple Meals badge. Please note, this event will not be canceled due to lack of snow. An alternative program will be offered. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Jan. 10-12, Fri. 7 p.m.-Sun. 10 a.m. Location: Camp Conshatawba, 288 Oaks Rd., Summerhill, PA 15958 – Cambria County Cost: $35 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: December 29 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

Just Jewelry

Want more sparkle in your life? Try making jewelry! It’s easy and inexpensive to do. Design necklaces, bracelets or earrings for yourself or to give to other people. Not only will you learn how to make different kinds of jewelry and make a gift for a friend, you’ll also earn your Jeweler badge. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Wednesday, March 26, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Location: Brookville Borough Building, 18 Western Ave., Brookville, PA 15825 – Jefferson County Cost: $15 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: March 12

K9 Careers

Meet some special dogs that help provide comfort and support after a disaster! HOPE is a national organization of animal-assisted crisis response teams. Learn about the jobs they do, the crises they have responded to and interact with these incredible dogs! Cadettes, this is a great time to work on your Animal Helpers badge. Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Tuesday, Nov. 5, 6-7 p.m. Location: GSWPA Edinboro Office, 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412 – Erie County Cost: $6 per person Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: October 29

Learn to Ice Skate

Have you ever wanted to learn how to ice skate? Work with a trained ice skating coach at Center Ice and see your skills progress each week. Attend as many or few of the sessions as you like (no refund for sessions missed). The cost of this program covers all sessions, ice skate rentals and a fun patch. Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Session 1: Tuesday, Jan. 7, 5:30-7 p.m. Session 2: Tuesday, Jan. 14, 5:30-7 p.m. Session 3: Tuesday, Jan. 21, 5:30-7 p.m. Session 4: Tuesday, Jan. 28, 5:30-7 p.m. Session 5: Tuesday, Feb. 4, 5:30-7 p.m. Session 6: Tuesday, Feb. 11, 5:30-7 p.m. Location: Center Ice, 100 Center Ice Dr., Delmont, PA 15626 – Westmoreland County Cost: $35 per person Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: December 23

LEGO© Animation Workshop

Create amazing stop-motion animation movies using LEGO bricks at Snapology. Create your own short movie, complete with dialogue and sound effects! Be a proud director by showing off your films to friends and family. Girls Grades: 2-5 � � Session 1: Friday, Sept. 20, 6-9 p.m. Registration Deadline: September 13 Session 2: Friday, Jan. 17, 6-9 p.m. Registration Deadline: January 8 Location: Snapology, 70 Fort Couch Rd., Bethel Park, PA 15241 – Allegheny County Cost: $31 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 9

Girls at the program “Elk Extravaganza” explore the Elk Visitor’s center.

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Making Waves

Learn some basic swim moves and have a blast in the heated pool. Afterward, use what you learned during some fun free time in the pool. You’ll also receive a fun patch. Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, March 22, 1-3 p.m. Location: Summit Athletic & Tennis Club, 2900 Plank Rd., Altoona, PA 16602 – Blair County Cost: $9 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: March 16

Mini Adventurers

Take on the Brownie Fun Course at Camp Singing Hills. Using teamwork, communication and a whole lot of fun, earn a Low Ropes fun patch! Girls Grades: 2-3 � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 2, noon-2 p.m. Location: Camp Singing Hills, 114 Singing Hills Rd., Oil City, PA 16301 – Venango County Cost: $11 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: October 10

National Public Lands Day – Day of Service

Celebrate one of our great state parks by joining us for a day of service as part of National Public Lands Day. Come early to hike the trails, and we’ll meet at noon to do service projects identified by the park staff. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Girls Grades: K-12, and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, September 28, noon-4 p.m. Location: Ryerson Station State Park, 361 Bristoria Rd., Wind Ridge, PA 15380 – Greene County Cost: $4 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: September 20 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone, to volunteer please contact

Native American Awareness

Before our ancestors arrived, the lands of western Pennsylvania were inhabited by strong Native American tribes. Learn about their culture and how it compares to ours today. Try out Native American cooking techniques, traditional clothes and games. Girls Grades: 6-10 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 2, 9 a.m.-noon Location: Raccoon Creek State Park, 3000 State Rt. 18, Hookstown, PA 15050 – Beaver County Cost: $10 per girl/$3 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: October 26

Native American Lore

Take a trip back through time to the year 1770 to visit a Native American Frontier Cabin. Learn about ways of life and traditions of the Colonial Native Americans, and then explore an Eastern Woodland Indian Village. Participate in a variety of hands-on activities such as grinding corn, trying a Native American recipe around a camp fire and making your own Native American game. End the day making a Native American beaded necklace! You’ll also work on step three of the Snacks badge. Girls Grades: 2-3 � Date/Time: Saturday, April 5, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Historic Village, 401 Meadowcroft Rd., Avella, PA 15312 – Washington County Cost: $17 per girl/$6 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: March 21 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Natural Beauties

Be a natural beauty at Phipps Conservatory! Learn to create your own chemical-free beauty products like lip balm and perfume, and learn helpful tips about organic beauty. Put together healthy snacks from the gardens to keep your inside as beautiful as your outside, and use recycled material and natural dyes to create striking tie-dye! Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, March 8, 10 a.m.-noon Location: Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, 1 Schenley Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 – Allegheny County Cost: $14 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: February 26


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Girls at the program “Junior Joyfest” at Camp Yough. Girl Scout Juniors were able to earn their Detective, Animal Habitats and Gardener badges as part of this event.

Nature Days

Join the Lou Henry Hoover (LHH) Rangers for this “For Girls, By Girls” program where older Girl Scouts (grades 7-12) share their incredible knowledge of plants and animals. Rangers will lead you and your family on an inspiring and informative hike through the LHH Nature Sanctuary while teaching you how to identify trees, plants and animals you’ll discover along the way. By participating in this program, you’ll increase your awareness of your natural surroundings and also take home a plant, tree identification booklet, Nature Day patch and great memories. Please bring a bagged lunch. Nature Days has the following badge and Journey links: steps 1 and 2 of the Junior Habitats badge; step 1 of the Junior Gardener and Flowers badges; Daisy 5 Flowers, 4 Stories and 3 Cheers for Animals Journey; and Cadettes Trees badge and Breathe Journey. Girls Grades: K-6 and families � � � � Session 1: Saturday, April 19 Registration Deadline: April 16 Session 2: Saturday, April 26 Registration Deadline: April 23 Session 3: Saturday, May 3 Registration Deadline: April 30 Session 4: Saturday, May 10 Registration Deadline: May 7 Session 5: Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014 Registration Deadline: September 17 Session 6: Saturday, Sept. 27, 2014 Registration Deadline: September 24 Session 7: Saturday, Oct. 4, 2014 Registration Deadline: October 1 Session 8: Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 Registration Deadline: October 8 Time: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Camp Roy Weller – Preston County Cost: $8 per girl/$4 per adult Minimum Capacity: 5

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Netiquette & Niceties

Our digital world makes it easy to stay in touch and share friendships, memories and ideas, but we’ve all heard embarrassing stories in which people wish they’d never hit the “send” button. Once you’ve put it out there, it never goes away! Join the students and faculty at LaRoche College to explore how to make positive choices in your online world and earn your Cadette Netiquette badge. This program helps you earn the Cultivate award for the MEdia Journey and the Interact award for the aMAZE Journey. You will receive your badge at program completion. Please bring your own lunch. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 18, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: LaRoche College, 9000 Babcock Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15237 – Allegheny County Cost: $15 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 11 Registration Deadline: January 8

Night Noises

Bring your family to experience camp at night. We’ll take an educational night hike and see how fun the outdoors can be when the sun goes down. There will also be s’mores and songs to enjoy for everyone. After this program, you’ll be ready to try your first overnight summer camp, consider coming back to “Me and My Gal” or “Me and My Guy.” Girls Grades: K-5 and families � � � Session 1: Saturday, May 17, 8.-10 p.m. Location: Camp Elliott, 289 Camp Elliott Ln., Volant, PA 16156 – Lawrence County Registration Deadline: May 3 Session 2: Saturday, May 31, 8-10 p.m. Location: Camp Redwing, 103 Rader School Rd., Renfrew, PA 16053 – Butler County Cost: $7 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: May 17 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

If you enjoy having fun at camp, be sure to check out Camp S’more, due out in December, for more summer camp programs.

No Lights Required

Nighttime is the right time to earn your Night Owl badge. Spend an evening at camp and work together to accomplish this goal. Go on a night hike and plan an extreme night party. Wake up and talk about your nighttime adventure with friends over breakfast. If you enjoy your time at camp, check out Camp S’more for exciting summer camp programs. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Session 1: April 19-20, Sat. 6 p.m.-Sun. 10 a.m. Location: Camp Singing Hills – Venango County Registration Deadline: April 11 Session 2: April 25-26, Fri. 7 p.m.-Sat. 11:30 a.m. Location: Camp Skymeadow, 164 Skymeadow Ln., Avonmore, PA 15618 – Armstrong County Registration Deadline: April 16 Cost: $25 per person Minimum Capacity: 15

NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course

Learn NRA rules for safe gun handling, shooting fundamentals, range rules and continued opportunities for skill development. The course includes classroom and range time learning to shoot rifles. Participants must be at least 12 years old at time of program. This course is a prerequisite to join competitive rifle shooting teams Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Nov. 23-24, Sat. 10 a.m.-Sun. 2 p.m. Location: Camp Curry Creek, 60 Girl Scout Dr., Brockway, PA 15824 – Jefferson County Cost: $37 per person Minimum Capacity: 5 Registration Deadline: October 30

Nuclear Power = Girl Power

Sponsored by Westinghouse Women in Nuclear chapter, enjoy fun, hands-on activities, tour the Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear power plant training facility and have discussions with expert career panelists to support the It’s Your Planet – Love It Journey series. Participants will receive a snack, gifts and a fun patch. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Sept. 28, 1-4 p.m. Location: Westinghouse Electrical Company Headquarters, 1000 Westinghouse Dr., Cranberry Twp., PA 16066 – Butler County Cost: $5 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: September 20

On the Move

Bring your bike and personal safety gear to Prince Gallitzin State Park for one last ride of the season. Connect with the Get Moving Journey and discover how fun and environmentally friendly biking can be! Cycle a 2.3 mile trail and brainstorm ways to make biking more popular in your area. All participants will receive a fun patch. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 2, 9 a.m.-noon Location: Prince Gallitzin State Park, 966 Marina Rd., Patton, PA 16668 – Cambria County Cost: $3 per person Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: October 19

Outdoor Cooking

Spend a day learning how to cook in the outdoors. Enjoy the food you prepare in a Dutch oven, pie iron and box oven. Walk away with a full stomach and a fun patch. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 12, 9 a.m.-noon Location: Camp Hawthorne Ridge, 7755 Hawthorne Ridge Rd., Girard, PA 16417 – Erie County Cost: $24 per girl/$6 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: October 7

Pendant Productions

Flame work your own Precious Pendant out of borosilicate glass in this workshop at the renowned Pittsburgh Glass Center. Learn how to gather, apply color and shape your own wearable piece. You’ll also experience a professional glassblowing demonstration, a private tour and complete steps 1 and 2 of your Jewelers badge. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Sunday, Oct. 13, 1-4 p.m. Location: Pittsburgh Glass Center, 5472 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206 – Allegheny County Cost: $28 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: October 7


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Princess Spa Day

Grab you princess dress and join us for this magical day at the spa for the royal treatment. This pixie dust makeover will transform you into the princess of your dreams. Get a new hairstyle, polished nails and more! Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Session 1: Saturday, April 5, 8:30-10 a.m. Session 2: Saturday, April 5, 10-11:30 a.m. Session 3: Saturday, April 5, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: Altoona Beauty School, 1528 Valley View Blvd., Altoona, PA 16602 – Blair County Cost: $14 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 5 Registration Deadline: March 14

Princesses in Hiking Boots

Do princesses wear hiking boots? At Camp Skymeadow they do! Grab your boots and join us for a tour of the camp. During your visit, you’ll do some great activities, have a princessworthy snack and make a royal SWAP. Girls Grades: K-3 � � Date/Time: Saturday, March 22, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Location: Camp Skymeadow, 164 Skymeadow Ln., Avonmore, PA 15618 – Armstrong County Cost: $8 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 25 Registration Deadline: March 12

Program Aide Training

Be a Girl Scout Mentor! Girls grades 7-8 who are interested in working with Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie and Junior troops can learn leadership skills for working with younger Girl Scouts in a troop or at camp. This is step 2 of the Program Aide leadership training (attending a council-sponsored leadership course). Leader In Action (LIA) is a prerequisite. This is a basic training for Troop PA and Day Camp PA. Make sure you bring your health forms. Parents and troop leaders should plan to drop off and pick up their girls. Specialty camp will be offered at a later time. Girls Grades: 7-8 � Session 1: Saturday, Sept. 28, 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Location: Camp Hawthorne Ridge, 7755 Hawthorne Ridge Rd., Girard, PA 16417 – Erie County Cost: $15 per girl Session 2: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 7:30-9 p.m. Location: GSWPA Indiana Office, The Atrium, 665 Philadelphia St., Suite 011, Indiana, PA 15701 – Indiana County Cost: No Fee

In addition to Program Aide Training, check out Teaching Girl Scout Camp Traditions on page 48 for additional skills.

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Puff – It’s a Pumpkin!

Real pumpkins come in all shapes and sizes and so will the one that you’ll create in this class at the Pittsburgh Glass Center. Watch as the instructor gathers glass, adds your color and shapes the glass while you blow air into the bubble of hot glass to form a pumpkin. Experience a professional glassblowing demonstration and take a tour of the Pittsburgh Glass Center. Come prepared to ask questions about glass blowing and the glass art making process. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 12, 2-5 p.m. Location: Pittsburgh Glass Center, 5472 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206 – Allegheny County Cost: $45 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 9 Registration Deadline: October 2

Put Your Best Face Forward!

Join us for a fun-filled evening of skin care. Learn how to keep your skin looking great, avoid blemishes and the proper application of color. There will be facials, makeovers, fun, food and prizes! Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 1: Friday, Nov. 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Mt. Pleasant Township Fire Hall, 106 Main St., Hickory, PA 15340 – Washington County Registration Deadline: November 2 Session 2: Friday, March 7, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, 392 Ridgewood Dr., Fredericktown, PA 15333 – Washington County Registration Deadline: March 1 Cost: $6 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Daisies used their Cookie Program proceeds to enjoy a spa day at Little Diva Day Spa in Erie, including cupcake facials!

S.A.F.E. and More!

Learn how to protect yourself at this crime/victim prevention program S.A.F.E. (Self-Defense Awareness and Familiarization Exchange). Learn strategies, techniques and options for self-defense, and receive crime prevention tips. Each session will be ageappropriate and will discuss how to survive an attack. A healthy snack and fun patch will be provided.

Ride, Relax and Rejuvenate – A Golden Reward

Congratulations on a successful Girl Scout year. Did you successfully complete a Gold or Silver Award? Perhaps you completed a journey with an amazing take action project? Whatever your significant achievement was this year, plan to celebrate it at America’s First Spa in Berkeley Springs, WV. Stay in modern, air conditioned cabins at Cacapon State Park (cabins have cable TV!). We’ll enjoy a one-hour horseback ride, relax by the beach and visit Harper’s Ferry National Historical Park. Enjoy a catered buffet breakfast each morning, a cookout by the lake with s’mores each evening and lunch on Sunday at Harper’s Ferry. Spend Saturday grabbing lunch and shopping in the historic town of Berkeley Springs. So grab your ipod, your favorite book, a beach bag (don’t forget your hiking boots) and hop on the bus. Transportation will pick up and drop off at the following locations: Cranberry Township, Monroeville, Greensburg and Breezewood. Girls Grades: 6-12 and Alumnea � � � Date/Time: Friday, May 30-Sunday, June 1 Location: Cacapon State Park, 818 Cacapon Lodge Dr., Berkeley Springs, WV 25411 – Morgan County Cost: $250 per person. Price includes bus transportation, all meals (excluding Saturday lunch), horseback riding fees, supplies and lodging. Important Dates: February 3: Non-refundable deposit ($75) and registration deadline. April 18: Final payment ($175) deadline. Minimum Capacity: 40 Registration Deadline: February 3


Like robots? Love LEGOS? Come to Snapology for this dynamic workshop creating robotic models featuring working motors and sensors. Work in teams under guided instructions to build and program LEGO models of dancing birds and drumming monkeys. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Date/Time: Friday, March 21, 6-8 p.m. Location: Snapology, 70 Fort Couch Rd., Bethel Park, PA 15241 – Allegheny County Cost: $25 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 9 Registration Deadline: March 12

Girls Grades: 3-5 � � Session 1: Saturday, Dec. 7, 10 a.m.-noon Girls Grades: 6-8 � Session 2: Saturday, Dec. 7, 1-3 p.m. Location: GSWPA Johnstown Office, 612 Locust St., Johnstown, PA 15901 – Cambria County Cost: $18 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: November 21

Savvy Cinderellas Speak Out!

The Savvy Cinderella Storytellers and Chatham University interns invite you to experience an amazing storytelling adventure. The heroes in popular fairy tales kill dragons, rescue princesses and outwit giants. As for the heroines … they wait patiently for a prince, get eaten by wolves, have wicked stepmothers and fall asleep. They are beautiful, sweet and helpless. Let’s break this stereotype and empower girls to be strong, clever, brave and resilient! Speak Out! Power Up! Select, learn, and perform girl-powered fairy tales at a community performance and earn your Speak Out! award as part of the aMUSE Journey. You must attend both parts of a session to fulfill the Speak Out! award requirements. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Session 1 Part 1: Sunday, Oct. 6, 2-4:30 p.m. Part 2: Sunday, Oct. 13, 2-5 p.m. Registration Deadline: September 25 Session 2 Part 1: Sunday, Nov. 3, 2-4:30 p.m. Part 2: Sunday, Nov. 10, 2-5 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 23 Session 3 Part 1: Sunday, Feb. 2, 2-4:30 p.m. Part 2: Sunday, Feb. 9, 2-5 p.m. Registration Deadline: January 22 Session 4 Part 1: Sunday, Feb. 23, 2-4:30 p.m. Part 2: Sunday, March 2, 2-5 p.m. Registration Deadline: February 19 Location: Chatham University, Shadyside Campus, Woodland Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15232 – Allegheny County Cost: $20 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 9


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Scattin’ and Swingin’ – A Jazz Exploration

Enjoy this interactive jazz education event at the worldrenowned Manchester Craftsman’s Guild. Led by local jazz educators, experience jazz music through a series of short performances with audience participation components. Learn about the origins of jazz, musical improvisation, and how jazz musicians work collaboratively for a unique sound. You’ll also receive a Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild participation patch. Girls Grades: K-8 and families � � � � Date/Time: Tuesday, May 20, 7-8 p.m. Cost: $9 per girl/$7 per adult Location: Manchester Craftsman Guild, 1815 Metropolitan St., Pittsburgh, PA 15233 – Allegheny County Minimum Capacity: 30 Registration Deadline: May 14

Scouting for Sales

The University of Pittsburgh’s Kappa Delta Sorority is excited to teach marketing techniques as Girl Scout Cookie season approaches! With insight from sisters in Pitt’s College of Business, explore brand identity, market competition, philanthropic businesses and make your own campaign slogan for your cookie sales. Kappa Delta will provide a snack, sorority fun patch and Marketing badge. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Date/Time: Sunday, Nov. 24, 1-3 p.m. Location: University of Pittsburgh’s William Pitt Union, 4200 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 – Allegheny County Cost: $10 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum capacity: 23 Registration Deadline: November 13

Secret Agent

Earn your Special Agent badge! Get ready to peek around corners and over tabletops, write secret messages in invisible ink and solve a mystery story. Wear your favorite “sleuth” hat. Lunch is included. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Date/Time: Saturday, March 8, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Camp Curry Creek, 60 Girl Scout Dr., Brockway, PA 15824 – Jefferson County Cost: $16 per girl/$8 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: February 21

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She CAN do Anything!

Kappa Delta Sorority founded International Girls Day, celebrated every year on November 14. With the goal of instilling the belief that “She CAN do anything” in girls at a young age, Kappa Delta invites you to view the movie,Tangled, create a crown or hat and attend a empowerment mini-workshop. During the workshop, you’ll explore what you want to be when you grow up, hear about careers that Kappa Delta sisters plan to pursue and hear how college is helping to achieve their dreams. Receive Kappa Delta’s International Girl’s Day patch. You’re encouraged to come dressed as your future profession. Girls Grades: 2-5 � � Date/Time: Sunday, Nov. 10, 1-3:30 p.m. Location: University of Pittsburgh’s William Pitt Union, 4200 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 – Allegheny County Cost: $6 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum capacity: 23 Registration Deadline: October 30

Simple Self Defense

Your safety is important, and this class is designed to help make you aware of potential dangers in modern society. Learn about methods of awareness and avoidance, including preventative techniques and daily practices, simple self-defense techniques, environmental weapons and much more. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Monday, Oct. 21,5:30-7:30 p.m. Location: Shoto Ikki Kai Dojo, 211 West Ridge Ave., Sharpsville, PA 16150 – Mercer County Cost: $8 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 5 Registration Deadline: October 9

Sledding and S’mores

Grab your sled and hit the slopes for a fun day outdoors! Enjoy some laughs as you cruise down the hills at Camp Hawthorne Ridge. Warm up by the fire and create your own s’mores using unconventional ingredients. Girls Grades: 2-12 � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, March 8, 1-3 p.m. Location: Camp Hawthorne Ridge, 7755 Hawthorne Ridge Rd., Girard, PA 16417 – Erie County Cost: $11 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: March 1

S.M.A.R.T. Shooting Level 1

Take your first shot or improve on your skills. Learn parts of a gun and safety basics. Practice shooting 22s on an indoor range, then venture outside for archery practice. Have lunch and complete an obstacle course designed to challenge you. (Girls must be at least 12 years old at the time of program to participate.) Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 9, 1-4 p.m. Location: Harthegig Conservation Club, 600 Rogers Hill Rd., Fredonia, PA 16124 – Mercer County Cost: $10 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: October 26

Snacks, Meals or New Cuisines

Make and create delicious snacks, learn about meal planning and earn the Legacy badge. Then, taste test your own creations. Girls Grades: 2-8 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, May 3, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: St. Paul Lutheran Church, 306 Conewango Ave., Warren, PA 16365 – Warren County Cost: $10 per person/$4 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: April 18

Snow Tubing at Denton Hill

Hit the slopes at Ski Denton for an afternoon of snow tubing. Zip down the mountain on one of the five possible runs, and then zoom back up the mountain on the snow tube lift. How many times will you glide down the mountain? Girls Grades: 4-12 � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 25, 1-3:30 p.m. Location: Ski Denton, 5661 US Route 6, Coudersport, PA 16915 – Potter County Cost: $15 per person Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: January 15 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Snow Tubing at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort

Join us for our third annual snow tubing event at Nemacolin Woodlands. Spend the afternoon snow tubing on a private tubing hill, then enjoy pizza and a beverage. You’ll also receive a snow tubing fun patch. Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Sunday, Feb. 23, 1:30-5:30 p.m. Location: Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, 1001 Lafayette Dr., Farmington, PA 15437 – Fayette County Cost: $30 per person Minimum Capacity: 25 Registration Deadline: February 17 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone; to volunteer, please contact

Snowshoes and S’mores

Learn about the different types of snowshoes as you try them on and practice walking. (No need for snow. We’ll have a special mat to simulate being on real snow, just in case.) Take a winter hike, guided by trained and certified Venture Outdoors trip leaders, explore nature and look for signs of winter wildlife. End the day by warming up with hot chocolate and gourmet s’mores. Please note, this event will not be canceled due to lack of snow. An alternative program will be offered. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Session 1: Saturday, Jan. 11, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Session 2: Saturday, Jan. 11, 3-5 p.m. Location: Frick Park, 2005 Beechwood Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15217 – Allegheny County Cost: $21 per girl/$19 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: January 3 Volunteer Needed: Event Chaperone and Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

Spa Treatment

Bring your mom (or significant female adult) to Fortis Institute’s Cosmetology School for a day at the spa! Choose two of the following services: manicure/ pedicure, shampoo and style or a facial. The two of you can relax and have a care free day of getting pampered. You deserve it! Girls Grades: K-5 and families � � � Session 1: Saturday, Oct. 26, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 16 Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 2: Saturday, Nov. 2, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 23 Location: Fortis Institute, Building B, 5757 West 26th St., Erie, PA 16506 – Erie County Cost: $15 per person Minimum Capacity: 5


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Speak Up!

Take the first steps to improving your communication, public speaking and leadership skills! Toastmasters International is an organization devoted to helping you do just that. Join local Toastmasters members as they introduce you to the Youth Leadership Program which will help to prepare you for college interviews, job interviews, presentations, speaking up for a cause (taking action!) and more. You’ll increase your self-confidence and have fun doing it! This program allows Cadettes to work on the Public Speaker badge. This is great preparation for Journey Take Action projects. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 25, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Grove City Medical Center, Conference Room, 631 N. Broad Street Ext., Grove City, PA 16127 – Mercer County Cost: $6 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 6 Registration Deadline: January 15

Spring Forward to Fallingwater

View the beautiful spring buds at Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural masterpiece! Enjoy an overnight at Camp Roy Weller, and after a hearty breakfast, head out for a day filled with refreshing views of spring! You’ll visit a local wind farm and learn about windmills and how they harvest the power of nature to create electricity for our homes, schools and offices. Then, set off to Fallingwater, take a tour of the organic construction and participate in a workshop where you’ll learn how the structure is able to remain standing despite being built over a waterfall. This trip compliments the Juniors’ Get Moving and Cadettes’ Breathe Journeys. The fee includes all materials, admission to Fallingwater, breakfast, lunch, snacks, overnight accommodations and a Fallingwater fun patch. Troop leaders are responsible for transporting girls to and from program sites. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: April 25-26, Fri. 7:30 p.m.-Sat. 3:30 p.m. Location: Camp Roy Weller, 32 Trilium Ln., Brucetown Mills, WV 26525 – Preston County Cost: $60 per girl/$45 per adult Minimum Capacity: 30 Registration Deadline: April 16

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Stories with Alice

Tell stories by creating 3-D animated cartoons while learning the basics of computer programming using Alice software from Carnegie Mellon University. Please bring a USB flash memory stick or “jump drive,” and a bag lunch. You’ll be provided with a copy of the Alice software for installation on your home computer. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 1: Saturday, Oct. 26, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 16 Session 2: Saturday, Nov. 23, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration Deadline: November 13 Session 3: Saturday, March 1, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration Deadline: February 19 Location: Advanced Science and Technology Hall, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA 16059 – Butler County Cost: $15 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 8

Stories with Alice II

Explore more sophisticated worlds in this class for girls interested in computer programming. In Alice II, you’ll learn how to add sound to your worlds and the basics of creating video games. Please bring a flash memory stick and a bag lunch. Girls who register for Alice II should have attended an introductory Alice workshop at Slippery Rock University or elsewhere. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, May 3, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Location: Advanced Science and Technology Hall, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA 16059 – Butler County Cost: $15 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: April 23

Style, Confidence & Flair

Tajar Tails

Girls Grades: 6-8 � Session 1: Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Girls Grades: 9-12 � � Session 2: Saturday, Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Location: DuBois Business College, 1 Beaver Dr., DuBois, PA, 15801 – Clearfield County Cost: $12 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: November 1

Girls Grades: 2-3 � Session 1: Saturday, March 22, 9:30 a.m.-noon Girls Grades: 4-5 � Session 2: Saturday, March 22, 1:30-4 p.m. Location: Camp Conshatawba, 288 Oaks Rd., Summerhill, PA 15958 – Cambria County Cost: $10 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: March 8 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

Super Scrapbooking

Taking Health to Heart

Interested in learning more about you? Join us for an opportunity to speak and work with experts in the fields of nutrition, health and beauty. Interact with professionals and increase your awareness of current issues that affect you. Learn more about social media, interview skills, health issues and trends and how nutrition plays a part in our everyday lives. Cadettes will earn the Eating for Beauty and Netiquette badges, and Seniors will earn the Women’s Health and Business Etiquette badges. A healthy lunch and badges will be provided.

Put together a scrapbook and share your Girl Scout memories. Decorate a paper bag scrapbook, learn how to crop pictures and make scrapbook page designs. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Session 1: Saturday, Feb. 8, noon-2 p.m. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 2: Saturday, Feb. 8, 2-4 p.m. Location: Laurel Trinity Church, 7520 Somerset Pike, Boswell, PA 15531 – Somerset County Cost: $10 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: February 1

Sweet Service Overnight

Ever wonder what it would be like to be Charlie in his Chocolate Factory? Join us for a super sweet overnight as we experiment with different kinds of candy making. We’ll start with dinner on Sunday and through dessert watch the 2005 version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. After all that sugar, it’ll be nice to sleep in before preparing a sweet and savory brunch. Make the most of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as we participate in our nation’s National Day of Service by completing a sweet service project. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Jan. 19-20, Sun. 4 p.m.-Mon. 3 p.m. Location: Camp Roy Weller – Preston County Cost: $25 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: January 3

What is a Tajar? Well he’s something like a tiger, something like a jaguar and something like a badger. He’s a magical creature that lives somewhere at camp. Come and learn about him and camp while learning to build an edible campfire. Earn a fun patch! This is a great introduction to the world of Girl Scout Summer Camp. After the program, check out the Camp S’more for a summer camp program of your choice.

Join the University of Pittsburgh’s Kappa Delta Sorority in recognizing Heart Health Month! Create a heart healthy snack for your family, test how hard your heart works by participating in some cool cardio activities and empower women you love to keep their hearts strong! Earn the Heart Health patch in addition to receiving a Kappa Delta fun patch. Girls Grades: K-3 � � Date/Time: Sunday, Feb. 23, 1-3 p.m. Location: University of Pittsburgh’s William Pitt Union, 4200 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 – Allegheny County Cost: $5 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: February 12

Teach Me to Toon!

Test your cartooning creativity at Pittsburgh’s museum dedicated to cartooning, the Toonseum! Cartoons are more than just lines on a page. Learn about and develop your own comic strips! Juniors will work toward their Drawing badge, and Cadettes will earn portions of their Comic Artist badge. Also, you’ll receive a Toonseum participation pin. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to ‘toon!’ Girls Grades: 2-8 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 1, 2-4 p.m. Location: The Toonseum, 945 Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15222 – Allegheny County Cost: $18 per girl/$8 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: January 22


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Teaching Traditions

This is a great opportunity for girls who are interested in enhancing their Program Aide (PA) and Counselor In Training (CIT) experience. Learn tricks of the trade in keeping girls excited and helping them to get the most out of each activity. Further your learning by joining us for First Aid later in the afternoon (1:30-5 p.m. See page 28.) Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 22, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: Camp Redwing, 103 Rader School Rd., Renfrew, PA 16053 – Butler County Cost Option 1: Teaching Camp Traditions: $8 per girl/ No adult fee Cost Option 2: Teaching Camp Traditions and First Aid for PAs and CITs: $30 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: February 8 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

The Mona LEGO©

Calling all artists! Come to Snapology and create amazing works of art using LEGO bricks as your paintbrush! You’ll have fun while developing color, artistic and creative skills with this unique new system of LEGO building. The possibilities are endless when using this innovative way of creating original works of art. Create the next Mona Lisa with LEGOS! Brownies will also complete step 4 of the Painting badge. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Date/Time: Friday, Nov. 8, 6-8 p.m. Location: Snapology, 70 Fort Couch Rd., Bethel Park, PA 15241 – Allegheny County Cost: $25 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 9 Registration Deadline: October 30

The Stars Have Aligned!

Join the Beaver Valley Space Sciences Interest Group for an evening of star gazing and planet identification. Using state of the art telescopes, spy Saturn and its rings, view the second planet from the sun (Venus), learn about ‘double stars’ and examine another galaxy containing billions of stars. This program will complete step 4 of the Night Owl badge for Cadettes and steps 1 and 2 of the Sky badge for Seniors. Girls Grades: K-10 � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 12, dusk (6:40 p.m.)-11 p.m. Location: Brady’s Run Baseball Field Complex, Brady Run Rd., Beaver, PA 15009 – Beaver County Cost: $3 per person Minimum Capacity: 5 Registration Deadline: September 25

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Theater Techies

Always been interested in theater, but don’t want to act? Come to this exclusive look into where the action really happens – backstage! This program includes a tour of Butler Community College’s Succop Theater, hands-on instruction with the lighting and sound consoles and an overview of other backstage elements. The tour will be with a professional director, so come prepared to ask questions about this creative career! You will receive a theater fun patch at program completion. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Friday, Oct. 18, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Succop Theater at Butler Community College, 2500 College Dr., Butler, PA 16001 – Butler County Cost: $15 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 6 Registration Deadline: October 9

Thinking About the Medical Field?

Come out to Gannon University to find out what it takes to train for a medical career. Learn how to administer an IV through an IV simulator, listen to heart and lungs, participate in an asthma scenario, learn more about what it takes to go into a medical profession and much more. You’ll also receive a tour of Gannon’s campus and lunch in the cafeteria. This counts toward the Breathe Journey. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Location: Gannon University, Morosky Academic Center, 150 W. 10th St., Erie, PA 16501 – Erie County Cost: $15 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: September 25

Thinking Big!

Get ready for Cookie Season by attending this workshop to earn your Think Big badge, and take your Cookie Program sales to a whole new level! Experts from The Hill Group Inc. will help you set goals and develop a business plan, turning your dreams into reality! Pitch your plan to real business leaders from the community and learn innovative ways to spread the word about your cookie sale to current and new customers. You’ll receive your badge at program completion. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 2, 1-3:30 p.m. Location: Andrew Carnegie Free Library and Music Hall, 300 Beechwood Ave., Carnegie, PA 15106 – Allegheny County Cost: $12 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 11 Registration Deadline: October 23

Girls practice some football moves at Monsters University drive-in night in Erie County.

Three Cheers for LEGOS© – Bricks 4 Kids

Bricks 4 Kids is a brand-new program that teaches fun, interactive science concepts with LEGO© Building. It’s a zoo in here! This LEGO program will be a wild adventure as you learn about creatures. Build models of snakes, insects, mammals and more as we celebrate the wonders of the animal kingdom. This program also meets requirements of the Daisy It’s Your Story Tell It, Three Cheers for Animals Journey. Girls Grades: K-3 � � Date/Time: Saturday, March 22, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: GSWPA Greensburg Office, 126 East Otterman St., Greensburg, PA 15601 – Westmoreland County Cost: $42 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: March 6

Tiki Mystery Weekend

Join us for a weekend where we turn Camp Conshatawba into Tiki Hollow Resort! Play the role of a detective by collecting clues scattered around camp to solve the mystery of the missing Tiki Pole. Extra camp activities and prizes await you during this action-packed mystery weekend. Juniors attending will earn the Detective badge, and Cadettes will earn the Special Agent badge. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Sept. 27-29, Fri. 7 p.m.-Sun. 11 a.m. Location: Camp Conshatawba, 288 Oaks Rd., Summerhill, PA 15958 – Cambria County Cost: $35 per girl/$30 per adult Minimum Capacity: 25 Registration Deadline: September 14 Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer, please contact

Trashion Show

Come see what the GSWPA North Green Team has been up to and work on your It’s Your Planet – Love It Journeys. Learn about different types of recycling with some hands-on activities, then join in the ‘trashion” show, modeling clothes made of recyclables and take home a recycling fun patch. This is a great opportunity for Daisies to work on the Between Earth and Sky Journey, for Brownies to work on the WOW Journey and for Juniors to work on the Get Moving Journey. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Session 1: Tuesday, Oct. 15, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 4 Location: GSWPA Edinboro Office, 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412 – Erie County Session 2: Tuesday, Jan. 14, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: January 2 Location: Camp Singing Hills, 114 Singing Hills Rd., Oil City, PA 16301 – Venango County Cost: $5 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10

Treasure Hunters

Go on an adventure in search of geocaches, or treasure chests, at Chapman State Park. While hiking around the park, learn how to zero in on coordinates with your GPS. Once you’ve found a geocache, leave behind your own treasure to share. Finally, make a travel bug and set goals for places around the world for it to travel. Earn and receive the Geocacher badge. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 12, 9 a.m.-noon Location: Chapman State Park, 4790 Chapman Dam Rd., Clarendon, PA 16313 – Warren County Cost: $6 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 8 Registration Deadline: October 2


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Urban Forests of Pittsburgh

Earn your Tree badge and work on your Breathe Journey at Tree Pittsburgh’s very own Tree Nursery. Join the nursery staff and learn the basics of the nursery operation, what species are growing and from what seed sources. Discover the many benefits that trees provide and take time to study a tree in the nursery. Included in the class will be time to journal about a species, a root pruning demo and assisting the staff with winterizing the trees or potting them up for spring. Badges will be given at program completion. Girls Grades: 6-8 � Session 1: Saturday, Oct. 5, 2-4 p.m. Registration Deadline: September 27 Session 2: Saturday, May 10, 2-4 p.m. Registration Deadline: April 30 Location: Tree Pittsburgh Nursery, North Point Breeze, Pittsburgh, PA 15208 – Allegheny County Cost: $10 per girl/$2 per adult Minimum Capacity: 17

U.S. Border Patrol – Career Path

Interested in learning more about the career possibilities available to women in the U.S. Border Patrol? Take a tour of the Fairview Border Patrol station and learn about technologies they use like night vision goggles, canine demonstration, video surveillance and vehicles. Then, get an inside look at what it takes to become an agent, find out what careers are available to you and ask real agents about their experiences. You’ll receive a custom Border Patrol Girl Scout T-shirt and a brand-new custom USBP Career Path patch. Be sure to enter your T-shirt size at registration. Too far to travel for two hours? Consider spending the night at one of the many winterized lodges at Camp Hawthorne Ridge. Girls Grades: 9-12 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 23, 10 a.m.-noon Location: U.S. Border Patrol Facility, 7851 Traut Dr., Fairview, PA 16415 – Erie County Cost: $20 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: November 16

U.S. Border Patrol Tour

Explore the technologies used by the U.S. Border Patrol, including night vision goggles, video surveillance and vehicles, as you tour the new U.S. Border Patrol Facility in Fairview. Watch a canine team demonstration and discover the career opportunities for women within the U.S. Border Patrol. You’ll also receive an exclusive fun patch. Girls Grades: K-5 and families � � � Session 1: Tuesday, Oct. 22, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: October 15 Girls Grades: 6-8 and families � Session 2: Tuesday, Nov. 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: November 12 Location: U.S. Border Patrol Facility, 7851 Traut Dr., Fairview, PA 164150 – Erie County Cost: $5 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 50 � daisy � brownie � junior � cadette � senior � ambassador

Use Your Energy Wisely

This program hosted by the Clarion University Western PA BIOS Chapter is an exciting opportunity to learn more about energy. Get energized by participating in fun, interactive activities like making paper, learning how packaging works and how we and animals use energy. Make your energy pledge and conduct a building audit while investigating and touring the science building. This program allows you to discover and connect with energy and work on your Get Moving Journey. Girls Grades: 4-5 � Date/Time: Saturday, Nov. 16, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Clarion University, Science and Technology Building, 840 Wood St., Clarion, PA 16214 – Clarion County Cost: $3 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: November 5

When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth!

Learn about the time when dinosaurs ruled the earth. Take home a dinosaur egg, play fun games and make other dinosaur crafts. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Session 1: Tuesday, Dec. 17, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Location: Trinity United Methodist Church, 398 Church St., Indiana, PA 15701 – Indiana County Registration Deadline: November 21 Session 2: Saturday, Jan. 18, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: GSWPA Kittanning Office, 2359 Freeport Rd., Kittanning, PA 16201 – Armstrong County Cost: $18 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: January 2

Wings of the World

In this afternoon program at the National Aviary, experience a world of birds! Receive an in-depth comparison of different world habitats and the birds that reside in them, meet and greet with African penguins and participate in the National Aviary Free-Flight show. Portions of the program can go toward the Cadettes Animal Helpers badge and Juniors will earn steps 1, 2, and 4 of the Animal Habitats badge. This is a great complement to the Breathe Journey. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Sunday, Nov. 3, 1-4 p.m. Location: National Aviary, 700 Arch St., Pittsburgh PA, 15212 – Allegheny County Cost: $15 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 17 Registration Deadline: October 16

Winter Animals

How do animals make it through a tough winter? Bears, bunnies and wolves all have great have special skills that help them. Now is your chance to see firsthand how they camouflage themselves, make special habitats and live in the wilderness. We will play games, build forts and get the animal experience for ourselves. This is a great addition to the Daisy Three Cheers for Animals Journey! Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Session 1: Saturday, March 1, 1-4 p.m. Location: Camp Redwing, 103 Rader School Rd., Renfrew, PA 16053 – Butler County Minimum Capacity: 30 Registration Deadline: January 10 Girls Grades: 2-3 � Session 2: Saturday, Feb. 1, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: Keystone State Park, 1150 Keystone Park Rd., Derry, PA 15627 – Westmoreland County Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: January 22 Cost: $10 per girl/$5 per adult Volunteer Needed: Activity Station Leader; to volunteer for Session 1, please contact

Winter Delight

Back by popular demand! Spend the day sledding on Camp Skymeadow’s hills. Have a campfire, make a s’more and drink hot chocolate. Also, learn basic skills to stay warm outdoors in the winter. And don’t forget to spend a little time making a SWAP to remember the event or to trade with a friend. Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 18, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Camp Skymeadow, 164 Skymeadow Ln., Avonmore, PA 15618 – Armstrong County Cost: $8 per person Minimum Capacity: 25 Registration Deadline: January 8

Winter Luau Swim

Shake off those winter blues and take a dip in the pool. While at the pool, learn about volcanoes, make a Hawaiian lei, play games and dance. Food and snack are provided. Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 1, 1-4 p.m. Location: Holiday Inn of Clarion, 45 Holiday Inn Rd., Clarion, PA 15767 – Clarion County Cost: $15 per girl/$7 per adult Minimum Capacity:40 Registration Deadline: January 24

Winter Sports

Experience a variety of winter sports like snowshoeing and cross-country skiing at Camp Resting Waters. Enjoy nighttime ice skating and discover new constellations in the winter sky. Cozy up in the lodge with a hot cup of cocoa by the fireplace. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Session 1: Feb. 1-2, Sat. 10 a.m.-Sun. 10 a.m. Registration Deadline: January 22 Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Session 2: Feb. 8-9, Sat. 10 a.m.-Sun. 10 a.m. Registration Deadline: January 29 Location: Camp Resting Waters, 2566 Campbelltown Rd., Kane, PA 16735 – McKean County Cost: $33 per person Minimum Capacity: 15

Winter Survival Skills

Discover how cozy a shelter can be while learning winter survival skills. Try out tracking skills, experience a winter lunch cook out and learn all about snow science. Make your own first-aid kit as you work toward your First Aid badge. Take action and teach others about how to be prepared in the wilderness. Girls Grades: 4-8 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 18, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Location: Camp Curry Creek, 60 Girl Scout Dr., Brockway, PA 15824 – Jefferson County Cost: $12 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: January 8

Winter Twilight

If you plan to attend Winter Delight and you just don’t want the fun to end, or if you only want to come for the evening fun – stay the night! Watch movies and have some well-deserved fun. It will be a great opportunity to hang out with your Girl Scout friends – both new and old. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Jan. 18-19, Sat. 3 p.m.-Sun. 11 a.m. Location: Camp Skymeadow, 164 Skymeadow Ln., Avonmore, PA 15618 – Armstrong County Cost: $25 per person Minimum Capacity: 20 Registration Deadline: January 8


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Women in Law Enforcement

Spend a few hours with women from various law enforcement agencies. Hear about the challenges and rewards of being a female CSI from the forensic services unit, a trooper from patrol, an officer from criminal investigation and a community services officer. Ask questions and find out what it takes! You’ll also leave with a fun patch. Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Dec. 21, noon-2 p.m. Location: Pennsylvania State Police Troop E. Erie, 4320 Iroquois Ave., Erie, PA 16511 – Erie County Cost: $5 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: December 11

Don’t forget scholarships are available! Girls can apply for a scholarship for each of the following, once per membership year: • Girl Scouts of the USA membership registration fee • Two council-sponsored events as listed on our online calendar and registration website, or in the current issue of S’more • One council-sponsored summer Resident Camp (including CORE, Family camp (girls only) and Summer Troop Camping Programs as listed in the Camp S’more) • GSUSA Destinations. For more information, turn to page 59.

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Women of the Workforce – Prepare for Career Success

GSWPA is excited to partner with Youthworks, Inc. to offer its JumpStart career readiness program. In this four-part series, learn skills you can use to become successful professionals. In part one, learn about your strengths, complete a lifestyle budget and construct a vision statement for your future. Part 2 will build on what you learned about your strengths as you discover relevant career paths to meet your needs, also being introduced to the JumpStart online portfolio. Entrepreneurship, business plans and marketing are taught in Part 3 through a succession of collaborative exercises. The series is finalized by learning soft skills for the workplace: resume writing, interview tips and professionalism. Snacks will be provided for all parts, and girls will receive a Youthworks certificate of completion (perfect to put on a college application!). After this program, continue to access the online career portfolio and reference the information you learned in your take-home Youthworks binder. Don’t miss this opportunity to JumpStart your way to a successful career! Must attend all parts of a session. This program is for girls only. Girls Grades: 9-12 � � Session 1 Part 1: Thursday, Feb. 6 Part 2: Thursday, Feb. 13 Part 3: Thursday, Feb. 20 Part 4: Thursday, Feb. 27 Time: 6-9 p.m. Registration Deadline: January 29 Location: GSWPA Pittsburgh Office, 30 Isabella St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 – Allegheny County Session 2 Part 1: Tuesday, March 11 Part 2: Tuesday, March 18 Part 3: Tuesday, March 25 Part 4: Tuesday, April 1 Time: 5:30-8:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: March 5 Location: GSWPA Edinboro Office, 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412 - Erie County Cost: $95 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 12 Volunteer Needed: Program Facilitator; to volunteer, please contact

Workin’ the Wheels

Calling all bicycle enthusiasts to The Wheel Mill for an active, full circle bike program! This three-hour program will cover understanding the mechanics of a bicycle, small trailside repairs, as well as instruction and tips on bike handling. Explore The Wheel Mill’s 80,000 sq. ft. indoor cycling facility while getting reacquainted with your bike and racing around the track. (Participants must bring their own bikes and helmets.) Girls Grades: 4-12 and families � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, May 3, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Location: The Wheel Mill, 6815 Hamilton Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15201 – Allegheny County Cost: $50 per person Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: April 23

World Centers Experience

No need to bring your passport! We’ll take you on a trip to the four World Centers. Learn about the centers, make a craft, play games, sing songs and do more fun activities from Switzerland, Mexico, India and England. Sample some international snacks along the way too. Girls Grades: 2-5 � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 15, 9 a.m.-noon. Location: Camp Curry Creek, 60 Girl Scout Dr., Brockway, PA 15824 – Jefferson County Cost: $12 per girl/$5 per adult Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: February 1

World Center Series

Explore our International Girl Scout Centers with this fun interactive series program. In each session, explore one of the four World Centers: Pax Lodge (England), Our Cabana (Mexico), Our Chalet (Switzerland) and Sangam (India). Each session will explore the culture, traditions and food of that featured World Center. This program also works toward many components of the Brownie World of Girls Journey. Attendance at all four sessions is not required though encouraged. Girls Grades: K-5 � � � Session 1-England: Wednesday, Nov. 6, 6-8 p.m. Session 2-Mexico: Wednesday, Dec. 11, 6-8 p.m. Session 3-Switzerland: Wednesday, Jan. 8, 6-8 p.m. Session 4-India: Wednesday, Feb. 5, 6-8 p.m. Location: GSWPA Greensburg Office, 126 East Otterman St., Greensburg, PA 15601 – Westmoreland County Cost: $20 per girl per session/$5 per adult per session Cost: $60 per girl for all sessions/$15 per adult all sessions Minimum Capacity: 15 Registration Deadline: October 24

World Thinking Day

Clarion University Campus Girl Scouts invites you to this special day for troops of all levels. Display information about a country you’ve learned about and teach people about its culture, industry, food, population and people. Plus, provide SWAPs related to the country to share with other Girl Scouts at the event. Girls Grades: K-12 and families � � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Feb. 22, 1-4 p.m. Location: Clarion University, Gemmell Hall, 840 Wood St., Clarion, PA 16214 – Clarion County Cost: No fee Minimum Capacity: 30 Registration Deadline: February 7


Relax and learn some basic yoga positions and land aerobics. Afterward, relax those muscles with a dip in the pool. You’ll also receive a fun patch. Girls Grades: K-12 � � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, July 19, 1-3 p.m. Location: Summit Athletic & Tennis Club, 2900 Plank Rd., Altoona, PA 16602 – Blair County Cost: $9 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: July 13

Youth Fitness and Self Defense

This program will put a new spin on learning the basics of self-defense and fitness. Afterward, cool off with a relaxing dip in the pool. You’ll also receive a fun patch! Girls Grades: 2-12 � � � � � Date/Time: Saturday, Jan. 11, 1-3 p.m. Location: Summit Athletic & Tennis Club, 2900 Plank Rd., Altoona, PA 16602 – Blair County Cost: $9 per girl/No adult fee Minimum Capacity: 10 Registration Deadline: January 5

You Too Can Canoe

Come to Camp Skymeadow (or stick around after the work weekend) and build a strong canoeing foundation. Learn the different strokes, when to use them, how to work as a team in a canoe and what to do if something goes wrong. This is a level 1 canoe program and will qualify you to participate in a level 2 program in the summer. Girls Grades: 4-6 � � Date/Time: Sunday, Oct. 6, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Location: Camp Skymeadow, 164 Skymeadow Ln., Avonmore, PA 15618 – Armstrong County Cost: $10 per girl/$6 per adult Minimum Capacity: 12 Registration Deadline: September 25

Zoo Careers

Fly in to Pittsburgh’s National Aviary for a day of discovering the ins and outs of working with animals! Receive an overview of zoo careers, practice bird training techniques, receive a tour of the avian hospital and explore aviculture and bird husbandry. You’ll earn steps toward the Animal Helpers and Voice for Animals badges, while thinking about possible Take Action projects to support your feathered friends. You’ll also experience the National Aviary’s Free-Flight show! Girls Grades: 6-12 � � � Date/Time: Sunday, April 27, 1-4 p.m. Location: National Aviary, 700 Arch St., Pittsburgh PA, 15212 – Allegheny County Cost: $15 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 17 Registration Deadline: April 16


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Older Girls –

Cadettes, Seniors & Ambassadors As an older Girl Scout, YOU decide what YOU want to do! You’re busy. You know what you like – and what you don’t like. You’ve got a million things going on right now. How does Girl Scouting fit into the picture? Do you like to travel? Create? Make a difference through community service? Love high adventure? Look for these colored dots for programs especially for you � � �. They mark your age levels – and there are a wide range of activities to choose from. Explore a Journey! Take a look at the Journey series and see what interests you. If you’re not in a troop, contact to learn how you can complete a Journey. Proceeds you earn through the MagNut and Cookie Programs can help you attend any of the programs you see in this issue of S’more or Camp S’more. They are also a great way to make travel possible. Earn awards — which help your college r�sum� stand out! (see page 55-56). Through the Gold Award process, girls gain skills in leadership, project planning, time management and budgeting, plus confidence that lasts a lifetime. University research indicates that adding the Gold Award to a college application is a critical element in the admissions decision process, and Gold Awardees who join the armed services enter one rank higher than other recruits.

Travel -

Older girls can travel in a variety of ways through their participation in Girl Scouts. Local travel clubs within a geographic area may be organized by adult Girl Scout leaders, through council-sponsored opportunities both domestic and abroad and through GSUSA’s Destinations. The world is yours to explore! Learn more by e-mailing

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Indie Girl Scouts Here’s a flexible approach to Girl Scouting for girls not in a troop! What do Indie Girls do? They are girls of all ages doing things they like that fit in their schedule. They camp. They attend Girl Scout programs. Some Indie Girls meet for Girl Scouts during school through an educational program, or after school at a community center. There are lots of great ways to participate in Girl Scouts – and we’re starting a new Indie Girls e-newsletter to help guide the way for Indie Girl families. Each month, we’ll keep you up-to-date on what’s going on in Girl Scouting, and we’ll let you know about great programs and other opportunities – some only for Indie Girls! You can earn Nut Bucks and Cookie Dough through the MagNut and Cookie Programs for all the fun things you want to do in S’more or Camp S’more.

Want to learn more about Indie Girl Scouts? 1. Call 800.248.3355 x1209 or e-mail 2. Visit 3. Make sure you’re getting our e-newsletter. Contact the above e-mail or phone if you’re not.

Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards The Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards are Girl Scouting’s highest awards. These awards offer girls relevant, grade-levelappropriate challenges related to teamwork, goal setting, community networking and leadership. They also engage girls in building networks that not only support them in their award projects, but in new educational and career opportunities.

Bronze Award Workshop Webinar*

Silver Award Workshop

Adults (Leaders, Co-Leaders & Parents welcome) Session 1: Tuesday, Sept. 24, 7-8:30 p.m. Session 2: Tuesday, Feb. 18, 7-8:30 p.m. Session 3: Wednesday, March 12, 7-8:30 p.m. Cost: No fee

Girls Grades: 6-8 and adults (Leaders, Co-Leaders & Parents welcome) � Session 1: Thursday, Sept. 12, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Family Away Bowling, 540 Fairground Rd., Butler, PA 16001 – Butler County Session 2: Thursday, Sept. 26, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Shop N Save (meeting room), 1197 Freedom Rd., Cranberry Township, PA 16066 – Butler County Session 3: Tuesday, Oct. 22, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Shop N Save (meeting room), 1197 Freedom Rd., Cranberry Township, PA 16066 – Butler County Session 4: Sunday, Nov. 10, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Location: Strabane Trails, Activity Room, 317 Wellness Way, Washington, PA 15301 – Washington County Session 5: Sunday, Nov. 24, 1-3 p.m. Location: GSWPA Greensburg Office, 126 East Otterman St., Greensburg, PA 15601 – Westmoreland County Session 6: Sunday, Feb. 16, 1-3 p.m. Location: GSWPA Greensburg Office, 126 East Otterman St., Greensburg, PA 15601 – Westmoreland County Session 7: Sunday, April 27, 4-6 p.m. Location: Strabane Trails, Activity Room, 317 Wellness Way, Washington, PA 15301 – Washington County Cost: No fee

Get answers to your Bronze Award questions! Your Bronze Award begins with learning the Journey process. Join this webinar to explore the project requirements for the Girl Scout Bronze Award.

Silver & Gold Award Workshop Webinar* Get answers to your Silver and Gold Award questions! Join this webinar to explore the project requirements for the Girl Scout Silver and Gold Award and review the process. Adults (Leaders, Co-Leaders & Parents welcome) Session 1: Wednesday, Sept. 11 Session 2: Wednesday, Oct. 23 Session 3: Tuesday, Nov. 19 Session 4: Wednesday, Dec. 11 Session 5: Wednesday, Jan. 15 Session 6: Wednesday, Feb. 19 Session 7: Wednesday, April 16 Time: 7-9 p.m. Cost: No fee

*Girls are encouraged to attend a workshop instead of a webinar whenever possible.

What is the highest honor a Girl Scout Cadette can earn? Get answers to your Silver Award questions! Your Girl Scout Silver Award begins with a Journey as a pre-requisite. Explore the project requirements of the Girl Scout Silver Award.

If you do not see a workshop in your area and you have a site and room for others to join you call 800-248-3355 x1418 or e-mail to schedule one.


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Gold Award Workshop

Get the answers to your Gold Award questions. How do I start? What are the pre-requisites? Your Girl Scout Gold Award begins with a Journey. Come explore the project requirements of the Girl Scout Gold Award. It will change your life! A Gold Award Workshop is a mandatory pre-requisite.

Silver & Gold Award Workshop

Get the answers to your Silver and Gold Award questions! Explore the project requirements of the Girl Scout Silver and Gold Award and review the process. Girls Grades: 6-12 and adults (Leaders, Co-Leaders & Parents welcome) � � � Session 1: Monday, Sept. 23, 6-8 p.m. Location: First United Methodist Church, Church and Mahoning St. Punxsutawney, PA 15767 – Jefferson County Session 2: Thursday, Nov. 7, 6-8 p.m. Location: GSWPA Johnstown Office, 612 Locust St., Johnstown, PA 15901 – Cambria County Session 3: Thursday, Nov. 21, 6-8 p.m. Location: Grace United Methodist Church, 320 Felgar Rd., Somerset, PA 15501 – Somerset County Session 4: Thursday, Feb. 27, 6-8 p.m. Location: GSWPA Johnstown Office, 612 Locust St., Johnstown, PA 15901 – Cambria County Session 5: Thursday, April 3, 6-8 p.m. Location: Laurel Trinity Lutheran Church, 7520 Somerset Pk., Boswell, PA 15531 – Somerset County Cost: No fee If you do not see a workshop in your area and you have a site and room for others to join you call 800-248-3355 x1418 or e-mail to schedule one.

Girls Grades: 9-12 and adults (Leaders, Co-Leaders, and Parents welcome) � � Session 1: Tuesday, Oct. 1, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Shop N Save (meeting room), 1197 Freedom Rd., Cranberry Township, PA 16066 – Butler County Session 2: Tuesday Oct. 8, 6:30.-8:30 p.m. Location: William Anderson Library, 1037 Stotler Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15235 – Allegheny County Session 3: Thursday, Oct. 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Family Bowl Away, 540 Fairground Rd., Butler, PA 16001 - Butler County Session 4: Wednesday, Nov. 6, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Location: Shop N Save (meeting room), 1197 Freedom Rd., Cranberry Township, PA 16066 – Butler County Session 5: Sunday, Nov. 10, 4-6 p.m. Location: Strabane Trails, Activity Room, 317 Wellness Way, Washington, PA 15301 – Washington County Session 6: Sunday, Nov. 24, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Location: GSWPA Greensburg Office, 126 East Otterman St., Greensburg, PA 15601 – Westmoreland County Session 7: Sunday, Feb. 16, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Location: GSWPA Greensburg Office, 126 East Otterman St., Greensburg, PA 15601 – Westmoreland County Session 8: Sunday, April 27, 4-6 p.m. Location: Strabane Trails, Activity room, 317 Wellness Way, Washington, PA 15301 – Washington County Cost: No fee If you do not see a workshop in your area and you have a site and room for others to join you call 800-248-3355 x1418 or e-mail to schedule one.

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You must be a member of Girl Scouts to register for program and/or training opportunities.

S’more Fun Events Registration Form 1. Use this form to register for S’more Fun Events. List each participant’s information on the back of the form. 2. Select your event. Use one form per event. You may make photocopies of this form as needed or download more forms at 3. You can register three ways: • Visit our Online Registration System at and click “Program & Camp Registration” on the right side of the homepage. • Mail the completed form and payment to: GSWPA, 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412 at least two (2) weeks prior to the program. Late registrations will be taken after the deadline only if space is available. • Fax the completed form and credit card information to cover the cost of the event. The fax number is 814-734-7701. 4. E-mail, verbal and telephone reservations will not be accepted. Participant: __ Individual __ Troop/Group

Service Unit:

Adult/Volunteer/Participant’s Name: Address: Street




Phone: (

Zip Code


(If girl is younger than 13 years of age, please provide family/parent e-mail address.)

Program Information 1st Choice: Location:

Event Name

Place/ Location

2nd Choice: Location:


Event Name

Session #


Session #



Place/ Location

Health History Please list any health-related information that may be useful to the adult in charge (allergies, activity restrictions, etc.):

You are required to complete a full Health History Form and bring it with you to the event. This form will be included in your confirmation materials and is available for download at # Girls attending # Adults attending

X per girl/person fee: $ X per adult/person fee: $

Total girl fee: $ Total adult fees: $ Total enclosed $

__Check/Money Order (Make checks payable to GSWPA) __ Cookie Dough/Nut Bucks $ __ Scholarship request (please complete and attach Scholarship form) __ $15 Membership (If currently not a Girl Scout, please include $15 to cover membership.) Charge My: __ Visa __ MasterCard __ AMEX __ Discover $ Card number:

Exp. date:


Print Name:

3-digit code:


Roster - S’more Fun Events Adults Attending: 1. Name





2. Name Address


3. Name

Phone (



Zip Code

Phone (


Phone (


Phone (


E-mail Street


4. Name Address

Zip Code

E-mail Street




Zip Code

E-mail Street



Zip Code

Girls Attending: 1. Name





2. Name Address


3. Name City

4. Name City

5. Name City

6. Name Street




8. Name Address



Grade Zip Code

Phone (



Grade Zip Code

Phone (



Grade Zip Code

Phone (



Grade Zip Code

Phone (



Grade Zip Code

Phone (


E-mail Street


9. Name Street



Grade Zip Code

Phone (


E-mail City

10. Name


Phone (




Zip Code


7. Name




E-mail Street



E-mail Street


Phone (

E-mail Street


Zip Code

E-mail Street





Grade Zip Code

Phone (


E-mail City


Grade Zip Code

Phone (


Scholarship Form SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Scholarships are available to GIRLS ONLY who: • Are registered members of Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania (GSWPA). • Are new to GSWPA for the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) membership registration. Scholarships may be requested at any time at least three (3) weeks prior to an event. Scholarships for the membership fee may be requested at any time. Scholarships may be requested and awarded for each of the following, once per membership year: • Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) membership registration fee • Two council-sponsored events as listed on our online calendar and registration website, or in the current issue of S’more • One council-Sponsored summer Resident Camp (including CORE, Family camp (girls only) and Summer Troop Camping Programs as listed in the Camp S’more) • GSUSA Destinations Scholarships may be granted for other national or council girl opportunities and will be made available based on the availability of funds. Parents/guardians are to complete the scholarship application and include it with the membership and/or event/camp registration form. Submit them together along with the appropriate deposit and/or fee. For Membership registrants can opt to pay a portion of $10.00, $5.00, $2.00 or $0.00 of the $15.00 membership fee. For events/programs, the Girl Scout family will be expected to pay a minimum of 10 percent of the fee. For summer camp (including Resident, CORE, Family camp and Summer Troop Camping Programs as listed in the Camp S’more), the Girl Scout family will be expected to pay the registration deposit plus 10% percent of the total camp fee. Indicate total annual household income and all income sources. All information provided on the application is strictly confidential. Scholarships are awarded based both on apparent need and the availability of funds. GSWPA will determine the grant amount based on the family income, council circumstances and budgetary limitations. Scholarships will not be granted when there is an outstanding debt (i.e. NSF check, delinquent fall product or cookie sale monies and/or debts to the council shop). Scholarships are non-transferable and not redeemable for cash. The parent/guardian will be notified by letter regarding the scholarship amount granted. Fill out the other side of this form to apply for a scholarship. If you need assistance completing the form, contact the Help Desk at 800-248-3355 ext. 1460. Notification for Accounts Receivable Conversion (ARC): Checks received by Girl Scout Western Pennsylvania may be converted into an electronic debit for clearing. The creation of an electronic debit requires Girl Scout Western Pennsylvania to destroy the original check for privacy reasons. You will not be receiving your check back from the bank.


Scholarship Form Scholarships are available to GIRLS ONLY. All information provided is strictly confidential. For event/camp registration, send this form along with the event/camp registration form(s) and all applicable payments to: Council Registrar, 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412. For membership registration, attach this form to the member’s registration form and submit to your Service Unit Registrar or Membership Manager. Deadline date: For all events, three (3) weeks prior to the start date. For Membership Registration, no deadline date. Girl Name: Troop #: Girl Scout Service Unit: Parent/Guardian Name(s): Parent/Guardian Occupation(s): Address: Street

Home Phone: E-mail:



Work Phone:

Girl lives with: ___ both parents __ one parent Number of children (under 18) in household: Sources of income (check all applicable): __Salaries Investments __ Pensions __ Social Security __ Other source(s):

Zip Code

Cell Phone:

__ other (specify): Number of adults in household: Alimony __ Public Assistance

__ Child Support __ Food Stamps __ Unemployment Compensation __ SSI

Total annual household income combining all sources: __ Less than $10,000 __ $10,000 - $15,000 __ $15,001 - $20,000 __ $20,001 - $30,000 __ $30,001 - $40,000 __ $40,001 - $50,000 __ $50,001 - $60,000 __ $60,001 - $70,000 __ $70,000+ Does your family qualify for the free- or reduced-lunch program? __ Yes __ No Please check box __ if you have previously applied for a scholarship in this year or any past year. How many girls in your family are applying for a scholarship this year? I am applying for a scholarship for: (Check one and complete the appropriate section.) __ Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) membership registration __ Event/Program __ Camp Title/name: Date(s): Time/Session: Event/Program Fee:


10% of the total event/program fee (enclosed) $ Additional amount family can pay (enclosed) $ Amount troop can pay (enclosed) $ Nut Bucks, Cookie Dough, Program Rewards credit (enclosed)$ Scholarship amount requested


GSUSA Membership Registration: Additional amount family can pay (enclosed) $10.00 $5.00 $2.00 $0.00 Additional amount Troop can pay (enclosed) Nut Bucks, Cookie Dough, Program Rewards credit Scholarship amount requested =

$ $ $ $ $ $ $


Camp Fee: Camp deposit (enclosed) 10% of the total camp fee (enclosed) Additional amount family can pay (enclosed) Amount Troop can pay (enclosed) Nut Bucks, Cookie Dough, and/or Program Rewards credit

$ $ $ $ $ $

Scholarship amount requested



Describe specific reasons/circumstances for requesting a scholarship. Must be completed. (Attach additional sheet if necessary.)

I certify that all information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. False information is a basis for disqualification for current and future consideration. Scholarships will not be considered for any girls/family with delinquent monies due to the council. All outstanding monies owed to the council must be paid prior to distribution of the scholarship awards. Signature of Parent / Guardian:



Volunteers A very quick resource for the new and “not-so-new” volunteer!

Every day, we hear of amazing things our volunteers do to guide and support their Girl Scouts. Girl Scout volunteers look forward to teaching girls something new, showing them what’s possible, being their role models and helping them shine. If you’re brand new to Girl Scouts and you’re considering becoming a volunteer – or if you’ve been an active volunteer for 20 years, there’s always something new to learn – and there are tons of ways to share your time and talents in Girl Scouts! Whether you want to take girls camping to share your love of the great outdoors, impart your passion during a half-day or oneday Girl Scout event, hold dance lessons on four consecutive Sundays or travel with girls to see the world, you’ll be making a positive and lasting impact on the lives of young girls. We’ll give you all the support that you need to ensure you’ll have a fun and rewarding experience. And since this issue of S’more is your companion for this Girl Scout year, here are some opportunities we’ve gathered to help you all year.

Where can I find Volunteer Trainings? Get the training you need to be a GSWPA volunteer by visiting We also list trainings in our quarterly e-newsletter, Lead On, distributed in September, December, March and July. You can also check out trainings in your area on our Things to Do calendar at

Don’t miss our annual Adult Fall Enrichment! Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013; 9 a.m. -3 p.m. Location: Christ United Methodist Church, 44 Highland Road, Bethel Park, PA – Allegheny County Topics: Grade-levels, Journeys, Take Action projects, team-building, crafts, Outdoor 101 and much more! Cost: $30

Find us on Pinterest

Don’t forget to check out our Pinterest board for great grade level ideas! Dates to Remember: • April 6-13 — National Volunteer Week • April 22 — Girl Scouts Leader’s Day

Adults can Earn Awards Too! Girls love earning badges and awards. After all, what would sashes be like without them? But did you know that adults can be recognized in Girl Scouting too? It’s a great way to thank our volunteers for their hard work and dedication. Anyone can nominate a volunteer for an award, and there are a variety of Adult Awards with categories that make sense for new volunteers and longtime volunteers alike. Deadlines vary depending upon the award (with most falling on August 10 or February 1 each year). For a detailed list of the awards and applications, please visit or contact or 800-248-3355 x1214.

Journeys Made Easy Many of the programs throughout this publication are what we’re calling “Journey Jumpstarts.” Look for the Journey icon (at right) throughout S’more to help you find them. These programs help earn parts of Journey awards. We hope it makes working on Journeys easier Did you know? for you as a volunteer. (Lots of programs The Journey Series also focus on badge work, so make sure and Girls Guide to to check them out as the girls decide Girl Scouting books the badges they want to earn.) The keys to making Girl Scout Journeys or badges leap off the page, instead of feeling flat or school-like, are what we call the Three Processes. That might sound like schoolwork in its own right, but trust us, it’s the key to making Girl Scouting great:

were designed to be keepsakes for the girls. The MagNut Program is a great way for girls to earn proceeds to pay for these important resources.

1. Girl Led 2. Learning by Doing, and 3. Cooperative Learning. Here’s a link to a six-minute cartoon on the Three Processes: You can also check out some examples of how other Girl Scouts have had fun with a purpose through Journeys on the same page. Tip: After you check out the video, spend an hour or two on your Journey Adult Guide. Then, set it aside and start to guide the girls on the Journey’s theme. Remember – the books are the ticket to the Journey … and the Journey is what girls create! Have a Journey question? Need more advice? Contact series

volunteer needed

journey jumpstarts


overnight 61

Volunteer Spotlights Life Lessons Learned

Roxanne Plater

By Contributing Writer, Erin Burnheimer (former Girl Scout)

By Anya Sostek, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Throughout the many pathways I have taken in my life, I have one person that stands out as an inspiration and a true leader to me. Fran Jacobs was my Girl Scout leader for approximately four years. She was known to her girls as “Ms. J.” I met her a few years before I was part of her troop. My older sister was one of her girls and my mother took on the role as an assistant leader. Ms. J had a passion to help these girls learn skills to take with them as they grew. She was always a rock among the group. She took her girls to different campgrounds and adventures to continue to keep us interested in the group. Ms. J would always listen to her troop and continually incorporated our ideas to influence our group’s projects. Fran held a full-time job along with planning and organizing her troop. Her dedication remains an astonishment to me as I grow older. It has been about 15 years since I was her scout and I have had a hard time comparing any other leader’s passion to hers. Looking back at the years I spent as a Girl Scout in her troop, I can remember complaining about certain activities we took part in. Now I see that I was a stubborn teenager and her lessons have stuck with me, and will always help me push further when I run into a dilemma. One time that sticks with me is when we went camping outside of our dedicated campground. During this trip we were only able to pack a Ziploc bag of belongings we would need and our tents were borrowed from our council’s home office. When we went to assemble our tents we instantly became aware that there were many pieces missing that were needed to make it operational. Without hesitating Ms. J went to her car and came out with tape and a shower curtain. She worked her magic and made the tent functional to stay in for the next two evenings. Ms. J was very strict on her one Ziploc bag rule this trip as well. We only were able to take necessities. We were camping, what else did we need? Now when I pack or am organizing I will think back to that Ziploc bag and retrain my thoughts to what is essential to what I am trying to achieve. They may have seemed insignificant to me as a child, but as an adult the little life lessons she persistently installed in us continue to carry with me. Erin Burnheimer

Volunteer Opportunities!

Many of our upcoming programs have cool opportunities to volunteer. See individual program descriptions for specifics. For more information about volunteering in other ways, see pages 3 and 61, visit or e-mail

62 � daisy � brownie � junior � cadette � senior � ambassador

Eleven years ago, Roxanne Plater was just another Girl Scout mom — her two daughters participated in a troop near their home in Penn Hills. Then she found out that her church, Bidwell Presbyterian in Manchester, sponsored a Boy Scout troop but not a Girl Scout troop. So Ms. Plater, a former Girl Scout herself, decided to start one. “Girls need to see and be educated by someone ‘just like them,’ “ she said. “I want to make sure that all the girls that want to be Girl Scouts get a chance to be.” That troop has had up to 50 girls in it — currently representing more than 4 percent of the female population attending local schools. In the meantime, she had stepped up to be a co-leader of her daughters’ troop in Penn Hills. When the troop leader stepped down and nobody else volunteered to lead it, Ms. Plater felt she had no choice but to lead the troop herself. “That would have meant that these girls who had been together since kindergarten wouldn’t have a troop,” she said. She’s enlisted more than 100 adult volunteers to help with that troop of Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts. As more volunteer opportunities became available, Plater kept stepping up. She’s been a community service manager for nine years, a recruiter for 10 years and a facilitator for seven years, training other adult volunteers and other troop leaders. She attends national conferences. And she has gone through training to lead various Girl Scout activities, from camping to canoeing. Plater was one of six finalists for the Jefferson Award. The Jefferson program is administered locally by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette with sponsorship by Highmark, BNY Mellon, The Pittsburgh Foundation and the Heinz Endowments. Ms. Plater also works full time as a claims supervisor for Lehigh Hanson, a building materials manufacturer. “She’s a busy lady — She does a great job of balancing life and work,” said GSWPA Director of Volunteer Management Jane Horetsky. “She’s somebody that you truly aspire to be like.” Ms. Plater got involved with the Girl Scouts more than a decade ago, when her daughters, now 14 and 15, became old enough to join. Her favorite part is pushing them toward experiences such as camping that they wouldn’t get in their everyday lives. “Before they try it, they don’t want to do it,” she said. “It’s an experience that they find out they like after they try it.” For a mother, working full time, the volunteer commitment can seem overwhelming at times. “I always think about quitting,” she laughs, “and I just can’t seem to do it. I would lose that benefit of being able to give girls these experiences, and it seems like new girls come on all the time.” And once those new girls start, Ms. Plater gets to watch them mature. “These girls that started off as kids — I’m looking at them and they’re young ladies,” she said. “Watching them grow is phenomenal.”

Join the GSWPA Summer Camp Staff! This is a wonderful opportunity for girls and adults to develop and maintain leadership skills, camping skills and people skills. We’re looking for dedicated, enthusiastic individuals to work in our five camps in summer 2014.

Join us for Fall 2013 Town Hall Meetings All girls ages 14 and older and adult members are encouraged to participate in Town Hall meetings. These important, interactive meetings are your chance to share your ideas and keep up with important council issues. Choose a location closest to you. All meetings are 6:30-8:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Come early before all Fall Town Halls, from 5:30-6:15 p.m. to learn more about the Travel Pathway. Pizza dinner will be provided for all registered participants.

Summer Camp positions will be open at Camps Skymeadow, Conshatawba, Redwing, Hawthorne Ridge and Singing Hills. Summer camp employees will participate in pre-camp training and assist in the daily operations of camp; must have the ability to work as a team member; be able to work a flexible schedule and live in a camp community. All meals and boarding are provided.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Ages 16 and up positions include:

Thursday, October 10, 2013

• • • •

Junior Counselor Kitchen Aides Barn Aides Lifeguards

Ages 18 and older positions include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Assistant Camp Director Health Supervisor Equestrian Positions Waterfront Positions Canoe Instructor Kitchen Positions Program Director Activity Specialists Adventure Staff Unit Leader Unit Counselor

Join our staff, where you can create memories, make new discoveries, develop lifelong friends and learn new skills! Visit for more details or call 800-248-3355 x1305.

Trinity Lutheran Church 2500 Brandt School Road • Wexford, PA 15090

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Greensburg Office 126 East Otterman Street • Greensburg, PA 15601

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jefferson DeFries Meeting Room 207 Second Ave. • Warren, PA 16365 Potluck at 5:30 p.m. Canonsburg General Hospital 100 Medical Boulevard • Canonsburg, 15317

Thursday, October 10, 2013 Edinboro Office Activity Wing 681 Route 6N • Edinboro, PA 16412 Potluck at 5:30 p.m.

Monday, October 14, 2013

First United Church of Christ 217 High Street • Ebensburg, PA 15931

Monday, October 14, 2013

Allegheny Intermediate Unit 475 East Waterfront Drive • Homestead PA 15120

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Beulah Presbyterian Church 2500 McCrady Road • Churchill, PA 15235

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Brookville Borough Complex, Large Meeting Room 18 Western Ave. • Brookville, PA 15825 Potluck at 5:30 p.m.

Thursday, October 17, 2013 First United Methodist Church 2801 Brodhead Road Aliquippa, PA 15001

Save the Date!

GSWPA Annual Meeting April 12, 2014 63

Camp Work Weekends October 3-5, 2013

Spring Work Weekend at Camp Elliott. Girls observe Ranger Chad as he teaches them how to make a knot to secure the tent flaps.

Join us at a camp near you for the Fall Volunteer Work Weekend October 3-5, 2013. A Work Weekend is two great opportunities in one — you get to enjoy staying at your favorite camp while helping maintain and improve the property for all campers to enjoy. There is no charge to participate in Volunteer Work Weekends. Your stay is on us as a “thank you” from the Volunteer Property Site Team and GSWPA for sharing your time and skills in improving our properties. All meals will be served on Saturday, with a continental breakfast on Sunday morning. After helping with the variety of projects on Saturday, enjoy the free time in late afternoon and evening. Relax with program activities and an evening campfire after a busy day at camp. Program activities will vary from camp to camp. This is a great opportunity for program aides to gain hands-on experience as well! While there is no fee, registration is required to attend a Volunteer Work Weekend. Visit the Things to Do section of to choose a camp and register. You can also use the printed S’more Fun Events Registration Form on page 56-57. Registration for this event has two options: the entire weekend (Friday evening at 7 p.m.-Sunday at 11 a.m.) or just Saturday (9 a.m.-5 p.m.) including the program activities.

64 � daisy � brownie � junior � cadette � senior � ambassador

Fall Volunteer Work Weekends are available at the following camps: • • • • • • • • •

Conshatawba (Cambria County) Curry Creek (Jefferson County) Elliott (Lawrence County) Hawthorne Ridge (Erie County) Resting Waters (McKean County) Redwing (Butler County) Roy Weller (Preston County, WV) Singing Hills (Venango County) Skymeadow (Armstrong County)

Important Details All adults attending with a troop are required to complete the volunteer application process. Troops attending must meet the adult/girl ratio as outlined in GSWPA’s Volunteer Essentials. All Girl Scouts registering must attend with their troop or a parent/guardian. Plan ahead and mark your calendars for May 2-4, 2014 for our Spring Volunteer Work Weekend!

S’more Fun Stuff Please support the businesses and organizations who support Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania.

Junior Girl Scouts:

Let the Society of Women Engineers help you with your

Women Engineering the Future Program Saturday, February 15, 2014 During Carnegie Science Center’s Celebration of National Engineers Week 412.884.9354

Take it to the Bank Get financial literacy lessons from experts at the Pennsylvania Institute of CPAs!


The PICPA’s “Take it to the Bank” programs are presented by local CPAs and complement the work your troop is doing to earn their financial literacy badges. Programs are free and available for all levels of Scouts.

For more information, contact Jacqueline Barnard at, call (888) 272-2001, or visit 65

Supporting organizations that benefit our community is the one policy we’re most proud of.




Building a healthy future UPMC Health Plan is proud to support Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania.

Through programs and services to promote health and wellbeing, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield is working to ensuring the children of our communities have the support they need to live healthy, active lives. Proudly giving our most valuable resource a helping hand in the places we call home.


03140_Kids_3.75x4875_B&W.indd 1

Girl Scout programs for all ages and

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

8/23/13 Fr PA ie ’s nd S ly co C ut av interests! e!

3:27 PM

Jr. Ghosts & Goblins Party with Geocacher (10/5-6/2013) Jr. Ghosts & Goblins Party with Going Batty (10/19-20/2013) Teen Ghosts & Goblins Party with Directions Matter (10/26-27/2013) Jr. Cave Explorer and Geocacher (11/2-3/2013) Brownie Rocks Rock and Fossil Fun (11/9-10/2013) Teen Going Batty and Geology Rocks (11/15-17/2013) Brownie & Jr. Cave Explorer (11/23/2013) Jr. Geology Rocks and Animal Habitats (11/23-24/2013) Brownie WOW – Wonders of Water (12/7-8/2013) Teen Going Batty and Directions Matter (2/21-23/2014) Jr. Geology Rocks and Animal Habitat (3/8-9/2014) Brownie WOW – Wonders of Water (3/15-16/2014) Jr. Cave Explorer and Geocacher (3/22-23/2014) Brownie Rocks Rock and Fossil Fun (3/29-30/2014)

Visit our website for additional spring program dates!

gdon, Pennsylvani a Huntin

814-643-0268 7703 William Penn Hwy. / U.S. Route 22 3 miles West of Huntingdon, PA

& Whisper Rocks

DELIVERING LEADERSHIP FedEx Ground proudly supports Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania


Summer Camp Edition for 2013

FRICK 7.75 x 4.87

Friendly booking + personalized attention + fascinating collections + small groups + cozy beautiful site = the best Girl Scout field trip you’ll take!


ands-on workshops for Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts, custom-designed opportunities for Senior and Cadette troops and even programs for Daisy scouts — the Frick Art & Historical Center welcomes all levels! At the Frick you can see beautiful artwork, turn-of-the-century carriages, antique automobiles, and a 150-year-old mansion, all on five acres of lawns and gardens in Pittsburgh’s East End.

Touch history and listen to the past. Paint, print, and explore the visual arts. Learn to find your way with map and compass. Create your own fun learning experience. For more information on all the Girl Scout programming, visit

Frick Art & Historical Center • 7227 Reynolds Street • Pittsburgh, PA 15208 • 412-371-0600 •

FACE THE FURNACE FIRE UP THE TORCH Forget sitting in a classroom. Classes and workshops at Pittsburgh Glass Center take place in one of the top glass studios in the U.S. with a furnace full of molten glass at 2200°. This is your opportunity to create glass art at the furnace or torch, blowing and sculpting on the very first day! • • • •

12-Week After School Classes Weekend Workshops Scholarships Available Tours & Demonstrations for your Troop or Class For details, call Ashley at 412.365.2145 x201 or email


Nov. 9, 2013 | 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Join the Girl Scouts of Western Pennsylvania and Carnegie Science Center to discover how to navigate the new Girl Scout journeys! Girl Scout Daisies through Ambassadors will participate in a variety of science activities to earn their “It’s Your Planet – Love It!” journey and receive a Science Center patch! Cost: $30 (Girl Scouts), $16 (Leaders & Adults)

Register on ebiz or use the S’More Fun Event Registration form found in the back of the magazine!

Want more science fun ? Design a field trip or book a sleepover!

1197 West Carson St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 PHONE: 412-381-1665 FAX: 412-381-1943 E-MAIL: WEBSITE:


The Pittsburgh Cultural District Pittsburgh’s Showplace

The Cultural District Group Sales Departments are committed to providing you with easy and affordable ways to facilitate a Scout event and enjoy the multitude of art and entertainment choices available within Pittsburgh’s Cultural District.

The Nutcracker

December 6 - 29, 2013 Benedum Center

A Musical Christmas Carol December 6 - 22, 2013 Byham Theater

The magic of the holidays comes alive with The Nutcracker. Surrender to the grand sweep of Tchaikovsky's score and the wonders of childhood.

Contact us about our special Girl Scouts Pizza Parties & our annual Lock-In



Ina Garten

Thursday, October 17, 2013 Benedum Center Ina Garten shares her natural approach to food, sharing tips, stories, and maybe even some recipes.


Free “Brown Bag Concerts” at Pittsburgh Opera

Select Saturdays at Noon 2425 Liberty Ave in the Strip District 412-281-0912 ext. 213

Our Town

Highmark Holiday Pops

Tom Atkins stars in Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer-prize winning play, often considered America’s best.

Celebrate the season with this spectacular Pittsburgh tradition!

September 26 - October 27, 2013 O’Reilly Theater

412.316.8200 x704 Your Troop can purchase the Cultural District Patch with any show your group attends in the Cultural District.

December 12 - 21, 2013 Heinz Hall


The above shows are just a highlight of our upcoming seasons. With more than 1,500 shows throughout the year the curtain is always up in Pittsburgh’s Cultural District. Check out for a complete listing of upcoming shows and events. 70


Disney’s the lion king BENEDUM CENTER • SEpTEMBER 3-29 we will rock You BENEDUM CENTER • OCTOBER 29-NOvEMBER 3 elF the musical BENEDUM CENTER • NOvEMBER 26-DECEMBER 1 christmas with the rat pack HEINZ HALL • DECEMBER 24-29 ghost the musical HEINZ HALL • DECEMBER 31-jANUARy 5 wickeD BENEDUM CENTER • jANUARy 15-FEBRUARy 9 mamma mia! HEINZ HALL • FEBRUARy 11-16 the gershwin’s porgY anD bess


once the musical BENEDUM CENTER • MARCH 11-16 peter anD the starcatcher HEINZ HALL • MAy 20-25


peter pan OCTOBER 20-27 time For Fun NOvEMBER 17-24 stuck jANUARy 12-19 teacher From the black lagoon FEBRUARy 16-23 Junie b. Jones MARCH 14 & 15 swimmY, FreDerick & inch bY inch ApRIL 11 & 12


miss saigon STUDENT EDITION OCTOBER 24-27 shrek the musical FEBRUARy 6-16 les miserables MARCH 27-ApRIL 6 seussical the musical MAy 1-11

For a c om plete list oF pe rF o r m a n c e s & more in Formati on

10 or more tickets to most shows is all it takes to be a group!

email • call 412-471-6930 Some performances are not suitable for all ages


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Ask for your Girl Scout discount!

Year-Round Patch and Badge activities for

GIRL SCOUTS • Hands on Workshops • Interactive Field Trips • Exclusive After Hours Events Studio Night - Sept. 27, 2013 Movie Making Night - Oct. 11, 2013

For more information and upcoming events:

412.322.5058 x 240 or 72

GirlScouts2013 7.75x4.875.indd 1

6/28/13 3:06 PM

EARN THE SPLASH PATCH OF FUN! 2013/14 Girl Scout Discount Days Fall: Spring:


October 19th & 20th 2013 April 5th & 6th 2014

Two Great Ways To Save on Scout Discount Days • Make a troop reservation for the best discount $19.95 each (rate available to friends and family when made as a reservation) • Wear your uniform at the gate $29.95 admission

• Ask About Our Waterpark In The Dark Overnight Program!

Largest Indoor Wavepool In The Eastern United States

(for Service Units or multiple scout troops)

• Splash Lagoon Scout Patches Available • Group Dining Options Available

Group Rates Available All Year Long, Overnight Packages And Group Discounts Available! 8091 Peach Street, Erie PA • • Group Sales: 1-866-3-SPLASH 73

Be theeverybody one that makes makes everybody giggle giggle Be the star of my Be the star of my own story own Be anstory explorer on a Be an explorer on a real-life adventure real-life adventure Be a superhero with Be a superhero powers I choose with powers I choose

Be a Girl Scout Be a Girl Scout When you just can’t wait for what you’ll do next, you can do anything. When you just can’t wait for what you’ll do next, Start the fun now at you can do anything.


or call 800-248-3355. Start the fun now at or call 800-248-3355.

Cut here to share with your BFF who’s not a Girl Scout! Cut here to share with your BFF who’s not a Girl Scout!

I can’t wait to I can’t wait to Be the one that

Ask a Ask ato friend friend join theto join the fun! fun!

Starter Kits

Getting ready for a new Girl Scout year at a new grade level, or just getting started in Girl Scouting? Starter Kits are a great way to begin! Every Girl Scout deserves her own! Get a FREE drawstring Eurosack with each Starter Kit purchase! Starter kids include all the basic items every girl needs to begin her Girl Scout adventure or to move to the next grade level. Pricing starts at $50. Offer valid while supplies last.

All Kits Include:

Ask us about our new Volunteer Resource Kits and Senior and Ambassador Kits, perfect for a bridging girl that already has her khaki sash or vest!

• • • • • • •

Flag Patch Troop Numerals (5) Council ID Set Insignia Tab Tunic, Vest or Sash Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Journey Book: (Choose one from any series: It’s Your World Change It!, It’s Your Planet-Love It!, or It’s Your Story-Tell It!) Purchase yours now at

Shop Hours

Our shops in Beaver, Edinboro, Greensburg, Johnstown, Kittanning, and Pittsburgh are open Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. –4:30 p.m., Friday 9 a.m.–noon. Please note: On occasion, the shops may be closed from 1–1:30 p.m. Please call ahead if you plan to visit during this time. Please call in advance before traveling to our Duncansville or Warren shops. For your convenience Saturday hours will be held on September 28, October 12, and October 19, 2013 from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Spring Saturday hours will be announced online. Council Shop Open Houses will be held on Saturday, November 16, 2013 from 9 a.m.–1 p.m. at most GSWPA shop locations. Check with your local shop to ensure location participation.

New GSWPA item:

Whether you fill it with coffee, tea, or your favorite smoothie, this new GSWPA 16-ounce Bistro Mug will help you start your day off right. Stop by a shop today to purchase one for only $7!

Visit our new online shop at! 75

Non-Profit U.S. Postage

PAID 30 Isabella St., Suite 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15212

We would love to include you in our . Our goal is to identify and engage our alumnae in the mission, tradition, life and future growth of Girl Scouting.

Alumnae Association

Visit to sign up

to receive information about upcoming Alumnae events, learn about opportunities available in your area, and to receive discounts on select items! Whether you spent one summer at camp, were a Brownie or earned your Gold Award ... whatever your connection, we want to hear from you! Click on the “Share My Story” icon and tell us about your experience — what was it about the Girl Scout Experience that changed your life? Who was your troop leader, and how did she influence you? Contact the Manager of Volunteer Retention at 800-248-3355 x1214 or to learn more about the Alumnae Association in your area.

76 � daisy � brownie � junior � cadette � senior � ambassador

Permit No. 370 Pittsburgh, PA

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