Hamot Health Foundation Annual Report 2014

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“The generosity of Hamot Health Foundation donors and volunteers is remarkable. It’s a testament to their vision and compassion.

It defines who we are.” V. James Fiorenzo, president, UPMC Hamot




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The past year was characterized by significant achievements influencing the delivery of the highest quality of care at UPMC Hamot — and securing our role as the leading provider in our area. Underlying these achievements is the vision of our leadership, their ability to anticipate and respond to changing community health care needs. These achievements are also the product of the unflagging commitment and generosity of Hamot Health Foundation supporters, people who embrace the challenge of advancing our mission. Like seasons in the year, philanthropy supporting Hamot Health Foundation moves in a circle. Regardless of the project at hand, a short line can be drawn back to those who will reap the rewards when it reaches fruition: the people of our community. This is what completes the circle. This report reviews the highlights of a year of giving — at the center of which are generous people like you. Sincerely,

Ann M. Tredway, president and chief development officer, Hamot Health Foundation

Clarence W. Kearney, chairman, Hamot Health Foundation

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Caden Gilson attended Health Career Scholars Academy






SUMMER Next Generation Fund Three years after its creation, the Next Generation Fund continues to be remarkably successful in creating awareness and providing opportunities for regional youth to explore careers in health care. Last summer, two area high school students used fund scholarships to participate in sophisticated health care career development programs. Caden Gilson, of Ft. LeBoeuf High School, attended the four-week Health Career Scholars Academy at the University of Pittsburgh where he attended lectures, shadowed physicians, and learned about current topics and issues in health care. “I had the best experience at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC,” said Caden. “Not only did I experience what it was like to be an interventional radiologist, I also learned about the more personal side of being a doctor, the side that requires compassion and empathy. This month was life changing.” The Next Generation Fund also enabled Daniel Macaluso, of Cathedral Preparatory School, to spend 10 days at American University in Washington, D.C., as part of the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine. He interacted with physicians, met with patients, and explored life as a medical resident during the program. He also participated in simulations and activities focused on medical career options, clinical practice, and contemporary ethical and legal issues in the health care profession. “Before going, I wasn’t sure that a career in medicine was for me,” said Daniel. “Now I know it is, and I’d like to thank Hamot Health Foundation for this wonderful opportunity.”


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Since its inception six years ago, the Health Career Explorers Camp at Mercyhurst North East has enabled more than 500 culturally diverse middle and high school students from Erie to explore health care careers. This year, an additional 50 students experienced handson learning at the one-week camp, thanks to the Foundation’s support. Mercyhurst faculty members and community professionals introduced participating students to health occupations such as respiratory therapy, medical lab technology, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and EMT/paramedic medicine. “Students find that health care offers opportunities in a wide variety of career paths, that they can take progressive steps suited to their particular interests and skills,” says Linda Colvin Rhodes, EdD, director of the Hirtzel Institute on Health Education and Aging at Mercyhurst University. “We show them career options that offer the opportunity to reach their individual potential … to provide motivation to reach their goals.” Students were given hands-on trials with patient simulation models and lab equipment that parallel actual working devices and environments. Students are treated as potential professionals throughout the week, each receiving personal scrubs and a stethoscope at the outset. “You see a change in them when they receive these items,” says Rhodes, “They become aware that this is possible. You see their confidence begin to grow.” The Next Generation Fund also helped to sponsor EmergyCare’s inaugural Camp EMS at Allegheny College this past year. Over the six-day career development program, 28 regional high school students took part in lifesaving stabilization and resuscitation drills, along with interactive lectures, career counseling, and a visit from a LifeStar helicopter. Upon graduation, each attendee was certified in CPR and prepared to take additional EMT courses.


Eight students went on to enroll in subsequent training, and 10 engaged in ride-alongs to further their familiarity with the profession. “Hamot Health Foundation’s sponsorship ensures that the camp is affordable for students and that there are no economic barriers to attending,” said EmergyCare’s Director of Development, Jennifer Farrar. “For many, it’s the first step on the path to a rewarding career in health care.” Hamot Health Foundation will again sponsor the event this year.

Pediatric Care Unit A tenet of the UPMC Hamot Women’s Hospital is to bring the entire family into the circle of care — to make parents, children, and siblings an integral part of the therapeutic and healing process. In keeping with this philosophy, the Pediatric Care Unit has been integrated into the Women’s Hospital, a $700,000 undertaking that was made possible in large part by gifts provided through Hamot Health Foundation. The new unit is now a resource for medical, surgical, orthopaedic, urology, and trauma services for infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatric patients and their families are now united in an environment that ensures comfort, confidence, and security — and facilitates optimal outcomes. “The integration of pediatrics fulfills our vision of having all of our maternal and child health services together in one place,” said Debbie Burbules, president of the UPMC Hamot Women’s Hospital. “It’s a vision that could not have been realized without the support of the Foundation. Their generosity is ensuring our pediatric patients and families a warm and welcoming environment that enhances their care.”


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2013–14 Corporator Campaign:

UPMC Hamot Patient Simulation Lab Since it was introduced at UPMC Hamot in 2005, patient simulation technology has become an indispensible tool for developing basic and advanced clinical skills. The Patient Simulation Lab, which moved to the fifth floor of the UPMC Hamot Women’s Hospital in 2011, is now a strategic resource for nurse orientation, emergency resident skills training, obstetrics and neonatal adverse events drills, medical-surgical nurse training, and sexual assault training.

This year, thanks to the generosity of the Hamot Health Foundation Board of Corporators, UPMC Hamot purchased a new Adult HAL® simulator manufactured by Gaumard® Scientific. The new technology complements other simulation equipment in the lab including Newborn HAL®, Premie HAL®, and NOELLE®. “The purchase of Adult HAL was made possible exclusively with Corporator donations amounting to $57,000,” said Nell Nipper, RNC, nurse educator at the UPMC Hamot Women’s Hospital. “It’s absolutely vital to have this equipment. The simulator provides training experience that affects both individuals and care teams. It ensures standardized skill levels, knowledge, and proficiencies that simply can’t be achieved in any other way.” Simulation training is directly linked to the quality of patient care at UPMC Hamot. It optimizes patient safety by preparing providers for a wide range of patient variables and quantifies individual and team performance. “We’re taking safety, teamwork, and quality to a new level with this sophisticated equipment,” says Nipper. “And having it available here also attracts high-level candidates for employment. Philanthropy has elevated our lab to a level surpassing any other in the region … we’re all excited about what’s to come.”



UPMC Hamot Patient Simulation Lab

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Extending vital services throughout the region:

Parkinson Partners Northwest Pennsylvania has a high incidence of Parkinson’s disease and people with Parkinson’srelated disorders. Parkinson Partners is dedicated to encouraging, educating, and supporting these patients and their caregivers as they cope with the challenges of the disease. In 2012, Parkinson Partners of Northwest Pennsylvania celebrated its 20th anniversary. The local chapter was founded in 1992 by five couples to encourage, educate, and support those affected with the disease. The group now has a mailing list of over 675 people and 350 active members. Meetings are held the fourth Sunday of every month and feature a variety of speakers, support opportunities, and social activities. Foundation funding this year is enabling a care coordinator to be employed through Parkinson Partners who will conduct a clinic for people in the community suffering from Parkinson’s

disease and Parkinson’s-related disorders. The goal is to establish benchmarks and identify associated problems such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and related emotional and behavioral health issues. “We value Parkinson Partners for the support it provides patients and families, along with special projects it conducts such as the annual clinic,” said neurologist James DeMatteis, MD, of UPMC Northshore Neurology. “The philanthropic support that we receive through Hamot Health Foundation is vital to the well-being of our patients. It raises our level of care.”

Guiding women to resources for care:

Health navigator

The health navigator for the UPMC Hamot Health Connection was created in 2012 through funding provided by Hamot Health Foundation. The navigator’s mission is to steer women through the UPMC Hamot network and secure referrals to appropriate resources for health care and information. “Many women don’t know exactly what they need or where to turn for services or assistance,” says Colleen Wallace, RN, BSN, the program’s health navigator for the past three years. “It’s rewarding to guide them to resources, and see them get on a path that can improve their health and quality of life.” Over the past two years, the program has substantially increased awareness and utilization of UPMC Hamot women’s health services in the region. Wallace has expanded the role to include community assessment, outreach, and education, and new programs have been added addressing topics such as menopause, osteoporosis, stress management, childbirth education for ESL (English as a second language) women, babysitting, and mother-and-daughter classes. The Stork Support program, founded by the executive team to provide education and counseling to expectant women, is also part of the health navigator’s responsibility. “The health

Colleen Wallace, RN, BSN, health navigator 10 | A YEAR OF GIVING


navigator ensures that women are getting the best information in the most efficient ways,” said Lucia Conti, director of community education and outreach at UPMC Hamot, “and it also reinforces our role as the region’s leading women’s health experts.”

Ongoing education and career development The Foundation remains a vital resource for nursing career development by annually awarding scholarships to nursing students and individuals aspiring to attend nursing school. These scholarships are awarded based upon financial need and are crucial in defraying the costs of tuition, paying for books, expenses, and reducing loan amounts. Annual nursing scholarship excellence awards, named for their donors, are also funded through the Foundation and the UPMC Hamot Aid Society. “Philanthropy is essential in the development of nursing at UPMC Hamot,” said Jean Bulmer, DNP, RN-BC, director of organizational development and training. “These funds help aspiring nurses realize their dreams, and also increase the percentage of staff with bachelor’s and higher degrees. Because of the critical connection between nursing, patient satisfaction, and improved outcomes, philanthropy in this arena directly affects quality care at UPMC Hamot.”

Memorializing our loved ones:

Brighten the Night

Great Lakes Hospice ensures dignity, comfort, and respect for the terminally ill in our community. In turn, Brighten the Night is the signature event that supports this service by honoring friends or loved ones, and memorializing the lives of those who have passed, with an awe-inspiring holiday ceremony. The third annual event was attended by approximately 200 people and was chaired by Joy Sherred.

Three thousand lights adorned the 20-foot evergreen tree, donated by the UPMC Hamot Women’s Hospital President Debbie Burbules and family. White lights served as a memoriam for the deceased, and purple lights signified an honorarium. “Brighten the Night brings families, loved ones, and friends together in a truly beautiful and moving ceremony,” said Hamot Health Foundation Development Officer Kelly Reams. “It’s a commemoration and a celebration that illuminates the night and the spirit.” Great Lakes Hospice touches the lives of approximately 400 people and their families and loved ones each year. The hospice team includes physicians, registered nurses, medical social workers, clinical pharmacologists, bereavement counselors, dietitians, home health aides, clergy, physical/occupational/speech therapists, and volunteers. Their mission is to ensure quality care at the end of life. Services include medication management, education, family involvement, and access to medical equipment and supplies. In 2012, the group celebrated its 20th anniversary. “Brighten the Night funds the purchase of care items that directly benefit our patients and the quality of their lives,” said LuAnne MacIsaac, executive director. “It’s an uplifting event that shares Great Lakes Hospice with the community,” said Hospice Program Manager Heather McLaughlin. “Brighten the Night provides peace and comfort to the grieving, and increases awareness of our services among people who can benefit from them.”

Jean Bulmer, DNP, RN-BC, director of organizational development and training

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Recognizing our deserving nurses Hamot Health Foundation’s 4th Annual Gala celebrated UPMC Hamot’s corps of nurses — more than 775 people distinguished by overwhelming commitment to their professions and dedication to their patients. Guest speaker Nathan M. Moore, MD, of Heritage Primary Care, delivered remarks, providing unique insight into the role of nursing from the perspective of physicians. Dr. Moore described the nursing staff as “not just another group of caregivers, but the backbone of our backbone, the core within the core, the care within the care that is all things UPMC Hamot.” More than half of the nursing staff holds bachelor’s degrees or higher, and approximately one in three has at least 25 years of experience in the profession. Proceeds from the gala were applied to urgent health care needs, a fitting gift that will have an ongoing effect on patient lives, just like the incredible staff of UPMC Hamot nurses. Chief Nursing and Quality Officer Jim Donnelly offered a profound testament to the value of these cherished people. “During the most significant moments in my life, a nurse has been at my side. The births of my sons represent the greatest joys in my life and a nurse was there as I welcomed them into the world. In similar fashion, when I lost my first wife to cancer, a nurse was there to comfort and care for my wife, my family, Nathan M. Moore, MD, Heritage Primary Care

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and me. These experiences are not unique, and UPMC Hamot nurses distinguish themselves with exceptional commitment, compassion, and clinical expertise. I am proud to be a nurse and, more importantly, a UPMC Hamot nurse.”

Ensuring advanced technologies:

Stereotactic head frame and bedside ultrasound

The Foundation continued to commit to ensuring the availability of the most advanced medical equipment at UPMC Hamot by supporting two vital acquisitions, a stereotactic head frame for neurosurgery, and bedside ultrasound equipment for the Intensive Care Unit. Stereotactic brain surgery uses images of the brain to guide the surgeon to a precise target. This technique, neuronavigation, can entail the use of an external frame attached to a patient’s head that provides reference points to orient the surgeon through the brain’s anatomy. The patient’s head is imaged using CT, MRI, or angiographic equipment to identify the target in relation to the stereotactic frame, and threedimensional coordinates are provided to guide the surgeon’s probe. Stereotactic neurosurgery is frequently used to perform biopsies of tissue deep within the brain, and also to place electrodes in the deep brain to treat movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. Bedside ultrasound is quickly becoming a preferred method for conducting unscheduled


diagnostic exams on critically ill or unstable patients outside of the traditional radiology suite. At UPMC Hamot, clinicians in the Medical Intensive Care Unit are currently using SonoSite Edge® ultrasound technology to perform bedside imaging, lumbar punctures, and fluid aspirations, and also to place venous and arterial lines. UPMC Hamot is the only area medical center staffing its intensive care units with board-certified critical care specialists, and portable bedside ultrasound is indispensible to providing this level of service. “Hamot Health Foundation comprises a body of people who want to contribute to our mission, and their help in securing this technology is the coming together of desire and need,” said Chief Nursing and Quality Officer Jim Donnelly. “This is another case where philanthropy enables us to sustain the highest level of critical care. Great tools, great craftsmen, great outcomes.”

Continuing progress in reaching the underserved:

Wayne Primary Care Over the past year, Wayne Primary Care continued to increase accessibility to health care, information, and prevention services for our community’s underserved, breaking down barriers and making inroads to improving the overall health of this segment. The mission of this project is not only to reach underserved children and families, but also to network with area community groups and churches to spread awareness, increase utilization, and coordinate


health education programs on issues such as personal hygiene, self-esteem, and prenatal and postnatal care. The Wayne Primary Care staff has also initiated grass roots services for immigrants such as interpreting, ordering and using medications, and administering required immunizations. Patient visits increased significantly over the past year, and the community room is becoming a focal point for visits from an array of organizations such as Safe Harbor, the Diabetes Association of Erie, All About Smiles, Reading Buddies, and the Second Harvest Food Bank. “We continue to see new patients daily from Emergency Department and hospital referrals,” said Kristen Chandler, DO, of Wayne Primary Care. “Our most substantial growth is coming from large families and refugees relocating to our community.”

UPMC Hamot Champion of Diversity and Inclusion, Kelly Carson, applauds the Foundation for its ongoing support, along with the versatility it displays in meeting a variety of needs. “Our community room was devoid of resources. It needed educational materials — books, games, and other items related to health and self-esteem. To the delight of our kids and counselors, the Foundation came to the rescue and stocked it with some wonderful items. They’re always listening. Their door is always open.”

Fresh produce for those in need Wayne School also serves as the distribution site for the Second Harvest Food Bank’s Produce Express service, yet another cause benefiting Erie’s needy that is funded through Hamot Health Foundation. The goal of the service is to provide free fresh produce and other food items for community residents who live below federal poverty guidelines. Qualified individuals receive approximately 40 pounds of food that is distributed by volunteers. When the project was launched in March, approximately 120 families received donated food. Six distributions will be conducted at the Wayne School parking area this year. “We wanted to really focus on nutrition and provide fresh produce to those who wouldn’t normally have access to it,” said Heather Musacchio, communications manager for Second Harvest. “Produce is very expensive, and it’s hard to get in the winter. Many of these folks don’t have the transportation to get to grocery stores and other markets that have the produce.” Second Harvest annually supplies food to 285 agencies in 11 counties, with the bulk of the food distributed in Erie County. The Erie-based agency distributed 11.6 million pounds of food between July 2012 and this past June, the largest fiscal year total since the food bank opened in 1982.

Karen Seggi, Second Harvest Food Bank executive director, and Ann Tredway, president and chief development officer of Hamot Health Foundation

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Proposed rendering of UPMC Hamot Medical Staff Healing Garden







A place for reflection:

UPMC Hamot Medical Staff Healing G arden

This coming year, the new Suzanne and William Conner Lobby renovation project at UPMC Hamot will transform the face of the medical center like no other improvement in recent history. Not only will it improve access to the hospital for patients, visitors, and staff, but it will also inspire an impression of quality, confidence, and comfort. The caliber of the design and its aesthetic appeal will serve as a reflection of the level of care that can be expected at UPMC Hamot. An integral part of this renovation will be the UPMC Hamot Medical Staff Healing Garden, an area where the welcoming attributes of the new lobby will be extended outdoors, enabling people to gather among plants and trees to enjoy the peace and solitude of nature. The healing garden will connect to the new lobby physically and visually, serving as a natural counterpart adjacent to the main entry. Meandering pathways will guide people through the garden courtyard and various portions of the landscape. Pergolas and private seating areas will be available to provide a sense of enclosure and seclusion, permitting visitors to relax and pursue private thoughts or conversation. “The collaboration

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between hospital administration, community partners, and our health care providers has set UPMC Hamot apart in the community, and this project is reflective of this partnership,” said Dr. Peter Depowski, vice president of the medical staff. UPMC Hamot’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Richard Long, echoed that sentiment, saying, “The new lobby and healing garden will make a statement that reinforces UPMC Hamot’s quality of care and the excellence of our medical staff.”

Physicians and volunteers (HAS)


The effect of UPMC Hamot providers on our patients is profound, and many express their gratitude by making donations to the Foundation through the annual Doctors’ Day celebration and our Guardian Angel program. Last year, 120 patients contributed $6,700, and 70 physicians were honored through the Guardian Angel program. Since its inception, 900 donors have given approximately $69,000 in honor of their UPMC Hamot caregivers.


The UPMC Hamot Aid Society celebrated 108 years of service this year. In addition to the invaluable volunteer service hours that members give to UPMC Hamot, the society also engages in vital fund-raising efforts supporting the Medical Education Assistance Fund that grants interest-free loans to students to help pay tuition for graduate or undergraduate course work, and other vital programs such as the UPMC Hamot for Women Lecture Series. The society is also a monumental force in its support of capital improvements at UPMC Hamot, raising approximately $750,000 for the Suzanne and William Conner Lobby.

Ongoing progress in employee education: Research Days UPMC Hamot Research Days is an annual event sponsored by Hamot Health Foundation and directed by Justine Schober, MD, and Tim Cooney, manager of basic science research, that showcases research and quality improvement studies implemented by fellows, residents, nurses,


faculty, and medical students. Keynote speakers present their findings and conclusions to medical center staff and students, and attendees from various disciplines exchange ideas, fostering interinstitutional learning. “The primary educational focus of Research Days is to impart requisite presentation skills and knowledge to our staff and students,” said Tim Cooney. “Because our residents and nurses routinely present studies at national meetings, carrying the UPMC Hamot banner as they do, the importance of this event can’t be overemphasized. We’re indebted to the Foundation. Without their assistance, this educational endeavor would not be possible.”

Justine Schober, MD

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GIFTS The following list represents gifts received between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.


Mike Agresti Mark Alexa and Susan Moyer All About Smiles Edward C. Althof Daniel T. Altman, MD American Trauma Society K. Stephen Anderson, CRNA, MEd Robert G. Angelucci Family Anonymous (6) Christopher A. Arnold, MD Michael and Elena Arnold Mrs. Prudence J. Artello Asbury Social Committee Jeans Fund Account Mrs. Yvonne D. Atkinson-Mishrell Cle Austin


B & L Wholesale Supply, Inc. Jay Badams Scott L. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Baldwin Zella Baldwin, RN Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Balsan Jeff Balzer, PhD Patrick J. Bannon, MD Bayada Home Health Care Carol and Jeff Beach Dr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Beard Dr. Pamela S. Beck Cathy and Bob Becker Mrs. Elizabeth Beckman J. Brad Bellotte, MD and Pamela S. Beck, DO Joseph A. and Berit I. Benacci Douglas and Randi Bert Joan and Boyd Bert Black’s Outdoor Services Blatt and Stilson Families John and Suzanne Bleil Ed and Dee Dee Bolt John and Julia Bongiovanni Betsy and Dennis Bort Bostwick Design Partnership Charles and Barbara Bracken Fund of The Erie Community Foundation Noel and Marci Bradley Clarke S. Bressler Britton Family Foundation Brugger Funeral Homes and Crematory, LLP Leo J. and Teresa Brugger Bruns Insurance Services, LLC


Mr. Robert J. Bucko Builder’s Hardware Building Systems, Inc. Mary C. Bula Debbie and George Burbules Mr. Ted Burkhart Nat and Beth Burnside Peter Burton Mr. and Mrs. Clair Butler


Dr. and Mrs. Philip M. Cacchione Callista Salon, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carlson District Judge Tom Carney Charles and Renee Caryl Delores Catalde Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Cavanaugh Church & Murdock Electric, Inc. CJL Engineering John and Sherry Cline CMIT Solutions of Erie COE Community Service Dennis G. Cole, MD W. John Collins Aylin and Efkan Colpan Committee to Elect Joseph E. Sinnott Mary Concoby Suzanne and William Conner Considine Biebel & Company Dr. Joshua and Stacey Constable Conway and O’Malley Country Fair Deaconess Heidi Cowey Lisa and Rick Crandall Mr. and Mrs. M. Robert Cross Crossfit FBO Ms. Ann J. Czajka Frank and Shirley Czulewicz


Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Dahlkemper Kathy and Steve Danch Dr. Joseph M. Darby Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Decker Jim and Dorie DeMatteis Paul and Janet Demjanenko The Depowski Family Paul R. Detzel Neal and Daria Devlin Bill and Sally DeWitt Dr. and Mrs. David W. Dexter Tracey and Paul Diefenbach Dr. Joseph M. and Laura DiFranco Mr. and Mrs. Bradley N. Dinger Ronald D. DiSantis Lauren Donatelli-Seyler and Clarke Seyler Jim and Kristen Donnelly

Mr. Michael Dougan Mr. and Mrs. George D. Dufala Brian Durniok Ann M. and Robert G. Dwyer Fund of The Erie Community Foundation Atty. and Mrs. Robert G. Dwyer


Edinboro University Foundation Destiny M. Egnot Elliott J. Ehrenreich B. Scott Eighmy Atty. John B. Enders Dr. and Mrs. Greg Engel Steven and Sara Erhartic Erie Bank Erie/Crawford County Funeral Directors Association, Inc. Erie Community Foundation Erie Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #7 Erie Women’s Fund Dr. Jeffrey J. Esper Jeff and Emily Evans Karen and John Evans


Thomas J. Falconer Christine A. Falk Jody Farrell William J. Farrell, MD Mr. and Mrs. Darren Ferrare Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferraro Bob and Christie Ferrier Erin Doolin Fessler Finish Thompson, Inc. Joanne Finn, MD Annette and Jim Fiorenzo Henry and Laurana Fish Dr. and Mrs. Leo D. Fitzgibbon Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Foster Dr. and Mrs. Francis P. Foti Fralo Industries, Inc. Mr. Robert P. Frenzel Kim Frey Carrie Froess Garrett and Peggy Fuhrman Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Furr


Thomas J. Gamble, Mercyhurst University Diane Garcia GE Foundation Kevin and Sally Gearity Elizabeth M. Geer

Geiger & Sons Phylus Genaway Frank M. Gerlach David P. Gibbons David S. Gifford Fund of The Erie Community Foundation Atty. Paul J. Gitnik Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Glass Robert and Mary Alice Glowacki Atty. M. Fletcher and Elsie O. Gornall Donor Designated Fund of The Erie Community Foundation M. Fletcher Gornall, Esq. A.J. and Dory Grack Mr. John Grazioli and Dr. Erica Grazioli Great Lakes Home Health and Hospice Great Lakes Insurance Services Group, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gredler Rick and Noreen Frances Griffith Michelle Griffith-Aresco John H. Groh Henry L. Guelfi, Jr.


Susan Hagen Aimee and Boo Hagerty Kim M. Hampy Tom and Mili Hanes Walter O. Harf Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Harris Dr. Kelly and Mr. Eric Hayes Cheryl Hermann Hertel and Brown Physical Therapy, PC Rebbecca L. Hertel, DO Garth and Peggy Hetz Hagan and Kelly Hetz Historic Square Agency Howard Hanna Real Estate Services Howard Industries Howard and Dee Howlett Bob and Sue Humes Danh, Crystal and Nico Huynh


Brian Iavarone Mrs. Mary Catharine Imboden Marj and Don Inderlied


Bill Jackson Elinor (Punky) and Robert Jeffrey John Fries Auto Sales, Inc. John R. Orlando Funeral Home, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny C. Johnson Chuck and Dawn Joy


Carolyn S. Kaiser Kelly K. Kalkhof Jay and Mona Kang Clarence and Sandy Kearney Ms. Patricia J. Kennedy Kern Family Foundation B. Scott Kern and Amy Cuzzola-Kern Mrs. Nancy R. Kern John William Kloss Donald E. Knepper Knights of Saint George Mrs. Arlene A. Knoll Knox McLaughlin Gornall & Sennett, P.C. Alex and Anna Kosenko


Mr. and Mrs. John B. Laird Lakeside Auto Sales, Inc. Chris and Vickie Lampe Richard and Danielle Lang Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lanzillo Chris and Patti Larson John H. Laver, III My Le Mary Leach Fette LECOM Ms. Dawn M. Levin Jeffrey H. Levine, MD Bill and Linda Lillis William Lillis, Jr. Lincoln Recycling Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lincoln Liz Dwyer Lincoln Mary and Howard Lincoln Dr. Richard and Jeanie Long Denise Lopez Lord Corporation Thomas Lord Fund of The Erie Community Foundation F. Brady Louis Mark B. and Lisa R. Louis LTL Properties Dana R. Lundquist Jim and Jennifer Lyons


MacDonald Illig Jones & Britton, LLP Deborah and John Maciak Dr. and Mrs. Robert Maholic Bill and Barb Makarowski John and Karen Malone Mary L. Manno Marquette Savings Bank Marsha Marsh Real Estate Services

Jack Martin, Dusckas-Martin Funeral Home Jim Martin Michael P. Martin Janet Martinez Carolynn Masters, PhD, RN Dr. Thomas R. Masters and Dr. Carolynn B. Masters David and Margaret Matthews Mr. and Mrs. David D. McBrier Mr. and Mrs. James P. McBrier Lynn and Dale McBrier Des and Deb McDonald James D. McDonald Jr. MDA Michael and Adele Mead Medicor Associates, Inc. Mr. Timothy J. Mehl Colleen Moore Mezler Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Miller Mary E. Miller Mr. Matthew J. Minnaugh Dr. and Mrs. Ferdinando L. Mirarchi Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Mirone Dr. and Mrs. Forrest C. Mischler Kent W. Mitchell Peter M. Mitchell Family Moniuszko Singing Society Carl and Barbara Moore Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Moore Richard E. Moore Homer and Marlene Mosco Jess M. Murdock Dr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy


J. Gordon and Debra Naughton Joseph and Darlyne Nedresky Laura S. Nelson, Esq. Nellann Nipper Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Noble North American Partners in Anesthesia Northwest Savings Bank Judge and Mrs. Richard L. Nygaard


OB/GYN Associates of Erie Jim and Sue Ohrn Oral Surgery of Erie Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine of Erie PC Joe and Lara Ott


Ryan Palm The Honorable Michael M. Palmisano John Papalia Pathology Associates of Erie Mr. and Mrs. Jon J. Patsy H A M O T H E A LT H F O U N D AT I O N | 2 1


Anne Pedersen Richard C. Perkins Personal Lines Activites Committee at Erie Insurance Chuck Peters Peterson’s Property Maintenance, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Petrella Margaret Pett PHEAA Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Caleb M. Pifer Patrick A. Pinder, CRNA Plymouth Tavern, Inc. PNC Bank PNC Foundation Police and Fireman’s Insurance Association Barbara R. Pollock Matthew G. Porsch, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Power, Jr. Premier Conduit Presque Isle Tent and Table Prudential Financial Dividend Account


Bruce and K.D. Raimy Fund of The Erie Community Foundation Tom and Kelly Reams Ross E. Rectenwald, AIA Dr. John and Bette Reilly Ms. Inara Renkis Revive Laser Spa, PC Gary Rhodes James H. Richardson, Jr., Esq. Walter E. Rizzoni, MD Estate of Jean F. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Jason N. Roeback Eric and Gail Root Deborah Roper, CRNA Dr. Jan and Barbara Rothman Sally B. Rouch, DrPh Walter P. Rybka


Steve Saber, PharmD Mr. and Mrs. David Sadaly Kelly Salvo-Morey Fund of The Erie Community Foundation Jessica Saunders T. Savchuk Jim and Meg Schneider Schultz Marketing and Communications, Inc. Robert Schultz Mr. and Mrs. William C. Schulz Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Schwartz Atty. Jeffrey D. Scibetta


Dr. and Mrs. M. Peter Scibetta Chris and Maria Scott Nicholas and Barbara Scott Nick and Karen Scott Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Scully Mr. Scott Sebulak Norman and Margaret Seip Raymond F. Sekula, MD Dr. Lisa M. Semple and Dr. Gregg C. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Severo Dr. and Mrs. Sukh Dev Sharma Ruth Shindledecker Shriners Hospitals for Children Derf and Sandy Sieber Donald and Laure Sieber Rev. and Mrs. Steven P. Simon Cynthia M. Simpson Joanne L. Sorensen South Erie Turners John A. and Margaret E. Spaeder Fund of The Erie Community Foundation Robert Spaulding Mr. James B. Spiegel Dr. and Mrs. Barry D. Stamm Brian and Kate Stark State Farm Insurance Company Steamfitters Local Union 449 F. Cole Stearns Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Allen Steele Dr. and Mrs. William H. Steinbrink Mark and Diane Stenclick Ms. Jacqueline H. Swanson Dr. Leo and Linda Swantek


Matthew A. Testrake, DPM Heidi L. Thayer Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Thomas Stephen J. Thomas, MD TJ and EA Thompson Dr. Melanie Titzel Dawn and David Tofel, II Shirley Torrance Dr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Trageser Ann M. Tredway Phil Tredway Tom Tredway Bernard J. Trejchel Tungsten Creative Group Atty. and Mrs. Thomas A. Tupitza


Mrs. Janice D. Underhill UPMC UPMC Hamot UPMC Hamot Aid Society

UPMC Hamot Heart and Vascular Unit UPMC Hamot Imaging Center UPMC Hamot Medical Staff UPMC Health Plan


Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Verdecchia R. Michael Vincent Karen L. Virgilio John and Shirley Vommaro


W. James Scott Funeral Home Bob and JoAnn Wagner Ashley Walker Everett D. Walker Family Robert M. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Walton Mark T. Wassell, Esq. Ramon and Lisa Watkins Amy and Don Weaver Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Weindorf Ted and Gail Welch John A. Wells Wheelchairs and More Robert C. White WICU, WSEE and CW Ms. Linda J. Wilkinson Patti Lynn Williams George and Cindy Willis Mitch and Christel Willis Ronda J. Winnecour Scott K. Wright


Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Yahn Patricia S. and Walter J. Yahn Lois and Richard Yeager Peter Yoars, Jr., Esq. Maryann C. Yochim


Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. David J. Zimmer David M. Zurn Frank W. Zurn Roger W. Zurn

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our donor list. If you discover an error, please accept our apology and notify us at 814-877-7020 so we can correct our records. Thank you.

MEMORIALS The following list represents gifts received between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. In Memory of Evelyn Adams Ms. Arlene S. Salorino In Memory of Jeffrey Baker Jim and Dorie DeMatteis In Memory of Frank Benes, DO Jim and Dorie DeMatteis In Memory of Rosemary Bernato Ms. Mary J. Bernato In Memory of Karen Brzuz, RN Karen and Larry Adams Mary Jane Antoon Autism Society Northwestern Pennsylvania Autism Society of Pittsburgh, Inc. Jim and Peggy Barnes Bay City Orthocare, LLC Kim Beyer Tom and Lupe Billingsley Laurie Bowe Bill Campbell Terry A. Campbell The Dalton Family Joe and Debbie Deimel Rick and Stevie Dwyer Mike and Meg Eisert Curt Elkin and Sherry Warren Karl F. Frankovitch, MD Violet Frost Joe and Judy Glennon Lisa A. Hetrick, RPn Delores A. Huefner Rose M. Konsel Lyle and Rita Maldoon McDowell Intermediate High School Jim and Pam McLeod Pat and Kevin McMullen Cousins Dan and Brenda McNeill Dennis M. W. Michalak, MD Jack and Dot Monahan Valerie Newara Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nowicki Alva O’Donnell David and Priscilla O’Donnell Mrs. Nancy O’Donnell William and Patricia O’Donnell Kay Popovich Ted and Carol Reichert Sigma Theta Tau - Eta XI Chapter

M. St.John Lois and Jeff Swanseger and Family Arnold and Dorena Traud UPMC Hamot Anesthesia Department Jen, Joe and Ryann Wernicki Rebecca Wilson

In Memory of Robert C. and Jean D. Chambers Robert W. Chambers

In Memory of Samantha Kylie Slye The Family of Samantha Kylie Slye In Memory of Donald L. Smith Jim and Dorie DeMatteis In Memory of Diane DeLuca Thompson Delores Catalde In Memory of William Weborg Jim and Dorie DeMatteis

In Memory of Olivia Corey Julie Corey

In Memory of Walter Young Jim and Dorie DeMatteis

In Memory of Virginia D’Agostino Kathleen A. McCall

In Memory of Paul Zarenko Ellen M. Patterson

In Memory of Dale L. Hartman Sara J. Hartman In Memory of Anne P. Kloss John William Kloss In Memory of Hilda Komovic Mary Jarosik In Memory of Dash Makowski Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Mays Charles and Sally Mcguire Millcreek Police Association Millcreek Township Employees Association In Memory of Susan McCall Kathleen A. McCall In Memory of Wayne McCart Peggy McCart In Memory of Sharene E. Moore Richard E. Moore In Memory of Ervin C. Pickard Narita C. Pickard In Memory of Chick Pickens Douglas M. Fuller In Memory of Gerry Pomeroy and Joyce Gieza KC Pomeroy In Memory of Josephine A. Savelli KC Pomeroy In Memory of Audrey R. Sieber Brandon and Kelly Sieber Derf and Sandy Sieber Ramon and Lisa Watkins Kim and Mark Wykoff

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our donor list. If you discover an error, please accept our apology and notify us at 814-877-7020 so we can correct our records. Thank you.

H A M O T H E A LT H F O U N D AT I O N | 2 3

HONORS The following list represents gifts received between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. In Honor of 8 South Clifford J. Speck

In Honor of Michael D. Butler, MD Henry L. Guelfi, Jr. Gerry Madison Mrs. Ann L. Orinko Margaret Ruth Leonard W. Schuppenhauer

In Honor of Pamela Agostini Anonymous

In Honor of Phillip M. Cacchione, DO Judy Pratt

In Honor of Patty Albaugh Jan Zillman

In Honor of Sean R. Cain, MD Margaret McMahon Collins

In Honor of Cierra Atkinson Jan Zillman

In Honor of Jeffrey A. Caldwell, MD Hans and Barbara Torbjornsen

In Honor of J. Bradley Bellotte, MD Rosemarie Green In Honor of Amy Bender Anonymous In Honor of Eric W. Bernstein, MD Julie Lasher In Honor of Gary Berringer Anonymous In Honor of Karen Betcher Jan Zillman In Honor of Gerald J. Bishop, MD Cecelia Petrella In Honor of Roman E. Bojewski, DO Delores Catalde In Honor of Mary Bova Josephine Bova In Honor of Marci Bradley Darlene Rihel In Honor of Elizabeth Bray Anonymous In Honor of Gary T. Brotherson, MD Anonymous In Honor of Tara Brown Anonymous In Honor of Sharon M. Bruno, MD Patricia E. Borelli In Honor of Don Bucher Sarah Lisi In Honor of Liz Bugbee Jan Zillman In Honor of Jeanne Burns Anonymous


In Honor of William P. Diefenbach, MD Theresa A. Hare Roxie A. Johnson Cheryl A. Winslow In Honor of Jim Donnelly Marci Bradley Anne Pedersen Darlene Rihel Joanne Sorrensen In Honor of Erica Drake Seereen Baassem In Honor of Christina Dunbar Anonymous

In Honor of Mary Beth Cermak, MD Gerald Donovan Caroline Dorn Employees of Hand, Microsurgery and Reconstructive Orthopaedics, LLP Daryl Weaver

In Honor of Tara Durfee Seereen Baassem

In Honor of Albert E. Charron, MD Brenda Morrison

In Honor of Michelle Easly Anonymous

In Honor of Evonne Cooner Anonymous

In Honor of Gregory S. Engel, MD Dorothy S. Kozy

In Honor of Tim Cooney Rosanne and John Jaworski In Honor of Gary J. Cortina, MD Anonymous

In Honor of Gregory R. English, MD Carol Ball’s Family Glenn C. Rodgers

In Honor of Chaplain Heidi Cowey Shirley Chaney W. James Scott Funeral Home

In Honor of Jeffrey J. Esper, DO Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Savko

In Honor of Karen Crane Jan Zillman

In Honor of Karly Fatica Desiree Gabel

In Honor of Emily Cummings Anonymous

In Honor of Robert J. Ferraro, MD Mary C. Bula Robert and Donna Powell Ron and Fran Ross

In Honor of Richard L. Decker, MD Mark Alexa and Susan Moyer Rinaldo G. Pellizzari, MD In Honor of James DeLullo, MD Bernadette Ferrick Barbara French In Honor of James A. DeMatteis, MD Dan and Donna Werle In Honor of Ralph and Carol DeMatteis Anonymous In Honor of Danielle Dickson Anonymous

In Honor of Holly Dwyer, RN Ray Conner Family In Honor of Valerie Earls Anonymous

In Honor of Joanne Finn, MD Anonymous In Honor of Leo D. Fitzgibbon, MD Anonymous Patricia A. Straight In Honor of Francis P. Foti, MD Tim and Nancy Sennett In Honor of Charles M. Furr, MD Anonymous In Honor of Lyndsey Gadsby Ray Conner Family

In Honor of Robert W. Geiger, DO Chet Giermak

In Honor Erik Iszkula The Gaston Family

In Honor of Sherri Krautter Anonymous

In Honor of Laurie Glass Anonymous

In Honor of Rebecca Jeanette Ray Conner Family

In Honor of Krystal Krawczyk Anonymous

In Honor of Kirstin Gleason Anonymous

In Honor of Craig T. Johnston, DO Anonymous

In Honor of Ray Gomez Andrew P. Karlen and Yana Arutyunyan

In Honor of Kelley Jones Anonymous

In Honor of Kevin M. Kuric, MD Larry and Cindy Geddes Mark, Alexa and Susan Moyer Viola B. Perry

In Honor of Christina Gorski Seereen Baassem In Honor of Michelle Grandinetti Anonymous

In Honor of Lisa Judy Anonymous In Honor of Ajaipal S. Kang, MD Julie Lasher

In Honor of Erica Grazioli, DO Anonymous

In Honor of Gurjaipal S. Kang, MD Anonymous Joe (Bill) Bentley

In Honor of Matthew Gutierrez, MD Daniel and Dianne Nelson

In Honor of Deanna Katsadas Anonymous

In Honor of Cassie Harrington, MD Gary and Mary Bliss and Lillie Mae

In Honor of Katelyn Kaveney Seereen Baassem

In Honor of Kathy Hartman Anonymous

In Honor of Clarence W. Kearney Anonymous Northwest Savings Bank

In Honor of Dolores Hatch Christina Kessler In Honor of Kelly L. Hayes, MD Anonymous Richard R. Feldbauer Roxanne L. Smith In Honor of Lorraine Heltzel Anonymous In Honor of Emily Hirsch Anonymous In Honor of Sharon Hoke Anonymous

In Honor Ron Keene Debbie DeAngelo In Honor of Bill Kepel Jan Zillman In Honor of Isam A. Khoja, DO Valentine Condio In Honor of Dan and Debra Kinem Anonymous In Honor of Daniel J. Kinem, DO Ray Conner Family In Honor of Leah King Anonymous

In Honor of Jody Lambert Frank Fosco Family In Honor of William D. Lamberton, MD Anonymous In Honor of Deana Lasher Anonymous Seereen Baassem In Honor of Ronald P. Leemhuis, MD Dolores Lyons In Honor of Lisa Letkiewicz Blair D. Blose In Honor of Jeffrey H. Levine, MD Marci Rogers In Honor of David J. Levy, MD Anonymous Donald Hagg In Honor of Richard W. Long, MD Sara A. Erhartic Trudy Mueller Ann and Steve Scutella Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Verdecchia In Honor of Stephanie and Craig Lowry Anonymous

In Honor of Susan Kinter Anonymous

In Honor of John D. Lubahn, MD Employees of Hand, Microsurgery and Reconstructive Orthopaedics, LLP

In Honor of Howard L. Hudson, MD Employee Community Service Fund

In Honor of Joseph Kitts, PA-C Barbara French

In Honor of Richard Lukose, DO Ray Conner Family

In Honor of Amber Humennyj Frank Fosco Family

In Honor of Christina Klemm Anonymous

In Honor of Adnan Mahmood, DO Anonymous

In Honor of Aubrey Humennyj Frank Fosco Family

In Honor of Greg Knecht Debbie DeAngelo

In Honor of David C. Hutzel, MD Marj and Don Inderlied Paul and Katherine Kohler Betty J. Krysiak Harry and Martha Sinden

In Honor of James D. Kocjancic, DO Lawrence M. Orr

In Honor of Robert L. Maholic, DO Lorelei B. Campbell Ray Conner Family Richard R. Feldbauer Marj and Don Inderlied Keith and Anne Reynolds

In Honor of John M. Hood, MD Employees of Hand, Microsurgery and Reconstructive Orthopaedics, LLP

In Honor of Tami Kordes Anonymous

H A M O T H E A LT H F O U N D AT I O N | 2 5

In Honor of Allison B. Mailliard, DO Bonnie and George Tarcia

In Honor of Jean B. Moubarak, MD Esther M. Sullivan

In Honor of Sarah Pollick Jan Zillman

In Honor of Paul J. Malaspina, MD Anonymous (2) Ann Krajnik

In Honor of Lisa and Pat Mullen Anonymous

In Honor of Michele L. Polon, DO Beth Burnside

In Honor of Brenda Mandic Jan Zillman

In Honor of Patrick J. Murphy, MD Bill (William) DeDionisio Janice Coon Smith

In Honor of Ed Maras Debbie DeAngelo

In Honor of Dr. Joseph Nedresky Judy Pratt

In Honor of Cordell V. Preciado, MD Ray Conner Family Julie Lasher Lisa Pearson

In Honor of Christopher R. Marsh, MD John and Monica Masterson

In Honor of Gary L. Neer, MD Deacon Dennis and Lynn Kudlak Peggy McCart Gary Narbut, MEd

In Honor of Lauren Martin Anonymous Seereen Baassem In Honor of Thomas R. Masters, DO Carolynn Masters, PhD, RN In Honor of Heather Maus Seereen Baassem In Honor of Raymond W. McAllister, MD Charles and Nancy Campagne Rabbi Leonard and Faith Lifshen In Honor of Lori McDonald Anonymous In Honor of Margaret McGraw Anonymous In Honor of Gloria McHenry Jan Zillman In Honor of Janice McMahon Jan Zillman In Honor of Sara Mehler Anonymous In Honor of Mary Lou Metzger, RN Family of David R. Cole

In Honor of Jennifer Newson Anonymous In Honor of Christa Nishnick Anonymous In Honor of Brian Y. Ng, MD Lawrence Stoddard In Honor or Noma Nkomo Jeanne Kleene In Honor of Aubrey O’Hara Jan Zillman In Honor of Laura Omark Anonymous In Honor of James E. Oskin, DO Mrs. Benjawon Kilgallon In Honor of Gary E. Pasqualicchio, DO and Staff Frederick L. Graf Julie Lasher In Honor of Kathy Peapples Jan Zillman In Honor of James A. Pepicello, MD Ann and Steve Scutella

In Honor of Frank C. Pregler, DO Tom and Stella Carney In Honor of Elizabeth and Jason Puffenberger Anonymous In Honor of Janet Quinn Anonymous In Honor of John C. Reilly, MD Trudy Mueller In Honor of Laurel Reinwald Anonymous In Honor of Larua and Jim Restivo Anonymous In Honor of Michelle Rice Anonymous In Honor of Heidi Rich Anonymous In Honor of Walter E. Rizzoni, MD and His Nurses Anita Leon In Honor of Susan Rodgers Anonymous Seereen Baassem In Honor of Amanda Rouke Anonymous In Honor of Aaron T. Rucks, DO Marj and Don Inderlied In Honor of Lynn Rupp Anonymous

In Honor of Noelle Miller Anonymous

In Honor of Richard W. Petrella, MD Richard R. Feldbauer Thomas H. Goetz Richard Harper Margaret Ruth Leonard W. Schuppenhauer

In Honor of Paul J. Mirone, MD R.E. Collman

In Honor of Sandra Pinzon Anonymous

In Honor of Nancy Sauers, DMD Anonymous

In Honor of Lesley and Pete Mitchell John and Kaaren Antoun

In Honor of Kim Platz Kim Lee

In Honor of Natalie Sauers Jan Zillman

In Honor of Lisa Miller Anonymous In Honor of Melissa Miller Tanner Black


In Honor of Louis Russo, MD Charles Alaimo Mr. Scott P. Marton Keith and Anne Reynolds


In Honor of Julie Schaefer, PA-C Dan and Sharon Foster In Honor of Ellen Schauerman Anonymous In Honor of Kathleen Schroeck Anonymous In Honor of Peter C. Sciarrino, MD Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Drzymala In Honor of Bridget A. Shanahan, DO Justin Heath In Honor of Jingzi Shang, MD Anonymous In Honor of Richard A. Sheppeck, MD Nancy Condio Lewis McIntyre In Honor of Mark J. Shulkosky, MD Andrew P. Karlen and Yana Arutyunyan

In Honor of Michelle A. Stevens, DO Anonymous In Honor of Maureen Sullivan Frank Fosco Family In Honor of Linda Sundberg Anonymous In Honor of Melinda Thompson Anonymous In Honor of Christine Tighe Desiree Gabel In Honor of Timothy C. Trageser, MD Anonymous Linda L. Edwards Arlene Traut In Honor of Sandy Turko-Welhelm Debbie DeAngelo

In Honor of Erica Venesky Anonymous

In Honor of Patti Sitter Frank Fosco Family

In Honor of Tina Vergotz Anonymous

In Honor of Karin Siverd Jan Zillman

In Honor of Karen Virgilio Frank Fosco Family

In Honor of Tom Skelly Anonymous

In Honor of Michelle Vitale Andrew P. Karlen and Yana Arutyunyan

In Honor of Anne Sokoloff Anonymous In Honor of Shantell Spronatti Anonymous In Honor of Conrad J. Stachelek, MD Paul J. Craker In Honor of Barry D. Stamm. MD Mr. and Mrs. Garrett A. Fuhrman In Honor of Brian J. Stark, DO Bonnie and George Tarcia In Honor of Nick J. Stefanovski, MD Helen and Norm Merrill In Honor of David M. Strasser, MD Betty M. Holst Narita C. Pickard

In Honor of Precious Wilson Frank Fosco Family In Honor of Mark F. Yost, MD Tim Downing, MD In Honor of Andrea Zappitella Anonymous In Honor of Bonnie Zebrowski Lewis T. (Bud) Briggs In Honor of Donald D. Zone, MD Erie County Medical Society Alliance Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferraro In Honor of Halina M. Zyczynski, MD Margaret M. Paul

In Honor of Frank Tursi, DO Anonymous

In Honor of the Sieber Family Michael and Elena Arnold

In Honor of Erin Smocheck Jan Zillman

In Honor of Ann Willard Anonymous

In Honor of Anne-France Walczak, MD Anonymous In Honor of Karen Walker Seereen Baassem In Honor of April Warner Anonymous In Honor of Lisa Wasielewski Anonymous In Honor of Michael L. Webster Sara A. Erhartic In Honor of Vicky Weisner Anonymous In Honor of Don and Donna Werle Anonymous In Honor of Patricia Whaley Seereen Baassem

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our donor list. If you discover an error, please accept our apology and notify us at 814-877-7020 so we can correct our records. Thank you.

H A M O T H E A LT H F O U N D AT I O N | 2 7

FINANCIALS Statement of Financial Position*

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets*

As of June 30, 2014

For year ended June 30, 2014

(In thousands)

(In thousands)


Cash and Cash Equivalents $ Pledges Receivable

4,830 669

Total Current Assets


Long-Term Investments and Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trusts Property, Plant and Equipment, Net Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS

Liabilities and Net Assets Due to Affiliates

19,997 247 146

$ 25,889


Total Liabilities

1,177 1,177

Revenues and Other Supports

Gifts, Bequests, and Grants $ Investment and Endowment Income Other Income

1,778 2,327 1

Total Revenues and Other Supports



Distributions to Affiliates Endowment Disbursements $ Other Education Community Benefit Equipment and Technology Programs and Services Hospice/Home Care Charity Care Bad Debt

263 261 243 211 166 148 47 27 109

Net Assets Unrestricted 710 Temporary Restricted 10,063 Permanently Restricted 13,939

Total Expenses


Total Net Assets


Increase in Net Assets


$ 25,889

NET ASSETS — Beginning of Year



*Preliminary results — final audited financial statements will be available on or after Dec. 1, 2014.


NET ASSETS — End of Year

$ 24,712

OUR TEAM 2013-14

Board of Trustees

Gregory S. Baldwin, Esq. Baldwin Brothers, Inc.

Robert J. Ferraro, MD Medicor Associates

Linda S. Myers Myers Trucking Company

Jeffrey E. Beach, CPA Malin Bergquist & Co. LLP

Claire A. Foster UPMC Hamot Aid Society

J. Gordon Naughton J.H. Bennett Moving & Storage

Mary C. Bula United Way of Erie County

Garrett A. Fuhrman Fuhrman Brown Precision Tool

Beth Burnside CMIT Solutions of Erie

William Jeffress Booker T. Washington Center

The Honorable Richard L. Nygaard Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals

Peter L. Depowski, MD Pathology Associates of Erie

Johnny C. Johnson Helping You...Helping Me

B. Scott Eighmy American Turned Products

Clarence W. Kearney, CPA Malin Bergquist & Co. LLP

Thomas A. Tupitza, Esq. Knox Law Firm

Mary S. Lincoln Lincoln Metal Processing

Janice D. Underhill

Carolynn Masters, PhD Gannon University

Mark H. Raimy Welders Supply Company Dennis M. Scully, MD

Sarah L. Warner, MD OB/GYN Associates of Erie David J. Zimmer Erie Bank



Clarence W. Kearney, CPA Chair Garrett A. Fuhrman Vice Chair Ann M. Tredway President and Chief Development Officer Carrie E. Ennis Secretary Bradley N. Dinger Treasurer



Jaimee L. Black Manager of Development Operations Ann M. Tredway President and Chief Development Officer Emily A. Kahler Executive Assistant Kelly A. Reams Development Officer

L to R: Clarence Kearney, Ann Tredway, and Garrett Fuhrman H A M O T H E A LT H F O U N D AT I O N | 2 9

302 French St. | Erie, PA 16507 814-877-7020 | HamotHealthFoundation.org

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