GSWPA Camp S'more Summer 2013 Magazine

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Vol. 5, Issue 2 Summer 2013

CAMP ISSUE Learn about:

CORE Camps, page 7 Resident Camps, page 8 Scholarship Info, page 35 Register Online! page 37

What can a girl do? A world of good.

2013 Cookie Program All Girl Scouts benefit from the 5 Skills they learn while participating in the Cookie Program: • • • • •

goal-setting decision making people skills business ethics and money management

But did you know that the proceeds your daughter earns by selling Girl Scout cookies can help pay for her Girl Scout camping experience? Last year, the girls in Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania earned more than $2 million in proceeds. They used these proceeds to attend camp, programs, events and troop trips to help others in their communities and more.

Troop Members

• Troop members use goal-setting and decision making skills to work with their leader and other troop members when deciding how they want to use their Cookie Program proceeds. • Troops can earn $.70-$.80 per box. • For more information on your Girl Scout’s participation in the 2013 Cookie Program, please contact your leader.

Individually Registered Girl Scouts (Indie Girls)

An Indie Girl can participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program and earn credits for the camp programs of her choice, trading post purchases, membership registration or purchases at the council shops. Please contact Debbie Hazlett at 800-248-3355 ext. 1209 or Visit the Indie Girl section of our Web site for more information about Indie Girls.

Cookie Dough Recognition Option

Cookie Dough is a great way to help a girl pay for her camping experience. Girls can choose to earn Cookie Dough in lieu of the merchandise recognitions for their cookie sales. Cookie Dough can be used toward camp, purchases at camp Trading Posts and Council Shops, and even for membership registration.

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Table of Contents

Who can go to Camp?


Girl Scouts is for every girl … and you don’t need to join a troop. Girl Scouts is customizable to meet the busy schedule of today’s active girl. Simply become an Individually Registered Girl Scout — Indie Girl — and you can enjoy all of the activities, programs and projects that make Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania so much fun – including camp! P.S. Cookies can make it happen! For more information about our Cookie Program, see previous page.

Life at Camp................................................................. 5 Volunteer-led Day Camps....................................... 6 Troop Camp Schedule.............................................. 6 CORE Camp Schedule.............................................. 7 Resident Camp Schedule........................................ 8 Resident & CORE Camps................................. 10-31 Conshatawba..................................................... 10 Curry Creek ........................................................ 14 Elliott.....................................................................15 Hawthorne Ridge.............................................. 16 Redwing............................................................... 19 Resting Waters...................................................23 Roy Weller ...........................................................24 Singing Hills.........................................................25 Skymeadow........................................................28 Yough................................................................... 30 FAQ About Camp.....................................................32 Camp Registration Form........................................33 Scholarship Form.....................................................35 Online Registration..................................................37 Volunteer Management..........................................38 Program Partner Showcase..................................39 Important Dates........................................................51 Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania is proud to feature our own girls, adult members and camp properties in this publication.

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Camp Trading Posts

Stop by the Trading Post at camp this summer! We’ll have all of your favorites: T-shirts, stuffed animals, flashlights, water bottles, jewelry and much more. Cookie Dough and Nut Bucks are accepted at all Trading Posts. The Trading Post gives girls a chance to make choices, learn money management and feel confident about their purchasing decisions. It’s also a great way to grab a memento from her exciting time at camp!

BFF Necklace — $14

Quilted Bag — $20

Council Shop Extended Hours and Sales

Get your camping gear early by shopping extended Saturday hours at most GSWPA Council Shop locations: April 27, May 11 and May 18. Check with your local shop for shop hours and to ensure participation.

Archery is Fun — $1.50

Sing Along — $2

Receive FREE shipping online Thursday, February 14.

Look for discounts in shops during the Green Sale on Girl Scout’s 101st Birthday, Tuesday, March 12.

GSWPA Camp Locations Camp Key

These symbols will appear throughout the issue next to a camp program name.

Day- or Evening-Only Activities CORE CORE Camp

Troop Camp Family Camp Bus Transportation Available

NEW! Bus transportation is available for select Resident Camp programs. Look for the bus icon to identify which camp sessions have a transportation option. Girls can sign up for round-trip or one-way bus service. Cost: $50 round-trip; $35 one-way Please check for the most up-to-date bus information.

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Life at Camp Types of Camps CORE Camp

Enjoy the fun, friendship and adventure of CORE Camp! Girls* or groups, along with their adult chaperones,** participate in camp program opportunities designed and organized by GSWPA staff members. The CORE Camp experience provides well-balanced meals, project supplies and experienced instructors.

Summer Troop Camping New!

Resident Camp

Grow, explore and have fun with your troop at a GSWPA Camp! Troops design their own programs, provide their own supplies and prepare their own meals, but are given access to specific camp amenities with experienced instructors provided by GSWPA. Troops must provide an adult with the appropriate outdoor and first aid/CPR training.

Experience the fun and adventure of summer Resident Camp! ALL girls* can register for Resident Camp and may even bring a friend. These overnight camping experiences offer a wide variety of activities at several of GSWPA’s properties. Staff and volunteers provide 24-hour supervision, prepare well-balanced meals and conduct specialized activities like horseback riding, swimming and canoeing.

*Girls who are not registered as a Girl Scout will pay $12 in addition to the camp fee for the annual Girl Scout membership. **Must go through GSWPA volunteer approval process.

General Camp Info Who Are the Camp Staff?

Camps are staffed with activity specialists, a cook, a health supervisor and specialty staff for the horse program and adventure program. These staff members are carefully selected for their skills, as well as how they work with children and adults. They participate in extensive training sessions where they earn appropriate certifications. At CORE Camp, troop or group leaders (or adult volunteers) assume responsibility of girls for Girl Scouts’ Safety Activity Checkpoint ratio and ACA (American Camping Association) standards. We provide lifeguards, NRA instructors and boating instructors — depending upon your camp’s features. You just show up and have fun!

Health and Safety

Your camper’s health/safety is our first priority. Programs are planned and staffed according to the high standards of Girl Scouts of the USA. Healthcare managers direct the health centers at each camp and are supported by on-call services of a local physician and emergency medical center. If your camper is on medication, the healthcare manager will administer and document it. Campers (regardless of age) must turn in all medication (in the original container) to the healthcare manager upon arrival at camp.

Meals at Camp

All camp meals are prepared by camp staff and served in a dining hall facility. Menus are kid-friendly with options. Based on the camp session’s theme, a cookout may occur. All campers receive an evening snack. Milk is available at all meals. Campers will participate in cleanup activities after each meal. All summer camp programs provide meals unless otherwise noted.

Program Disclaimer

We reserve the right to cancel any program activity when weather conditions are unsuitable, to include but not limited to, extreme heat, thunderstorms, etc. Refunds are not given when activities are cancelled as a result of Acts of God.

Visitors and Phone Calls

For safety reasons, access to camp properties is limited when camp is in session. Mail from home is welcome and will be delivered daily. Parents may leave mail at check-in for delivery during the session. Please include the following information in all mail you send: session name, session date and camper’s name. In the event of any emergency or change in plans, please call the camp director. Camp phone numbers will be provided with your confirmation materials, and camp directors will contact the parents in case of an emergency or illness. Please note: camp phones are limited to camp business only.

Want to plan your own camping experience for your troop or service unit this summer? Check out Camps Elliott, Resting Waters and Curry Creek. Even GSWPA properties hosting summer camp may have space available for troops or service units. Please check camp availability calendars at Contact for more details, or simply send in your Campsite Reservation form, available at or in Volunteer Essentials.

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Volunteer-Led Day Camps In 2013, Day Camps previously ran by GSWPA will transition to volunteer-led Day Camps. These talented and enthusiastic volunteers have experience organizing camping experiences for Girl Scouts. Overwhelmingly in our council, Day Camps are managed by volunteers. Going forward, we think it is best for all of our Day Camps to be managed the same way — locally, with older girl and volunteer decision-making and planning, with support from council staff. Each Day Camp has a unique theme and specialized activities. Many volunteer-led Day Camps feature teen mentoring opportunities for older girls. These camps use a variety of sites for their programming, including state, county and community parks, forest preserves and, of course, Girl Scout camps. All volunteer-led Day Camps are supported by council staff through training and ongoing support.

A list of Day Camp opportunities will be included in the 2013 spring/ summer issue of S’more, and on Please contact Debbie Hazlett at or 800-248-3355 ext. 1209 to connect with the volunteer team leading the camp in your community — and to learn about volunteer opportunities.

Troop Camp Schedule DATE


6/14-16 6/14-16 6/21-23

Summer Troop Camping at Curry Creek – Mohawk Tent Unit Summer Troop Camping at Curry Creek – Seneca Tent Unit Summer Troop Camping at Curry Creek – Mohawk Tent Unit




K-12 K-12 K-12

Curry Creek Curry Creek Curry Creek

$40 $40 $40

6/21-23 6/21-23 6/28-30 6/28-30 6/28-30 6/28-30 7/4-7 7/5-7 7/12-14 7/12-14 7/12-14 7/19-21 7/19-21 7/26-28 8/2-4 8/2-4 8/2-4 8/2-4 8/2-4

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Summer Troop Camping at Curry Creek – Seneca Tent Unit


Curry Creek



Summer Troop Camping at Singing Hills – Springsong Tent Unit Summer Troop Camping at Curry Creek – Mohawk Tent Unit Summer Troop Camping at Curry Creek – Seneca Tent Unit Summer Troop Camping at Camp Elliott – Morningside and Bayberry Tent Units Summer Troop Camping at Singing Hills – Springsong Tent Unit Celebrate Independence Day in Brockway! Summer Troop Camping at Camp Conshatawba – Overlook Lodge Summer Troop Camping at Camp Conshatawba – Overlook Lodge Summer Troop Camping at Camp Elliott – Morningside and Bayberry Tent Units Summer Troop Camping at Singing Hills – Springsong Tent Unit Summer Troop Camping at Camp Conshatawba – Overlook Lodge Summer Troop Camping at Singing Hills – Springsong Tent Unit Summer Troop Camping at Camp Elliott – Morningside and Bayberry Tent Units Summer Troop Camping at Camp Conshatawba – Overlook Lodge Summer Troop Camping at Curry Creek – Mohawk Tent Unit Summer Troop Camping at Curry Creek – Seneca Tent Unit Summer Troop Camping at Camp Elliott – Morningside and Bayberry Tent Units Summer Troop Camping at Singing Hills – Springsong Tent Unit

2-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 2-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 2-12 K-12 2-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 2-12

Singing Hills Curry Creek Curry Creek Elliott Singing Hills Curry Creek Conshatawba Conshatawba Elliott Singing Hills Conshatawba Singing Hills Elliott Conshatawba Curry Creek Curry Creek Elliott Singing Hills

$50 $40 $40 $30 $50 $40 $30 $30 $30 $50 $30 $50 $30 $30 $40 $40 $30 $50

27 14 14 15 27 14 13 13 15 27 13 27 15 13 14 14 15 27

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CORE Camp Schedule DATE 6/16-18 6/16-18 6/16-18 6/20-22 6/20-22 6/21-23 6/23-25 6/23-25 6/23-25 6/27-29 6/27-29 6/27-29 6/27-30 6/28-29 6/28-30 6/29-30 6/30-7/1 6/30-7/3 6/30-7/3 7/5-6 7/5-7 7/7-8 7/7-8 7/9 7/10-13 7/11-13 7/11-13 7/12-14 7/14-16 7/14-16 7/18-20 7/18-20 7/19-21 7/19-21 7/19-21 7/21-23 7/21-23 7/21-23 7/25 7/25-27 7/26-27 7/26-28 7/26-28 7/28-30 7/28-30 8/1-3 8/1-3 8/2-4 8/2-4 8/5-7 8/6-9 8/7-10 8/9-11 8/9-11 8/12-14

EVENT Canoe U — Level 1 CORE Horse Lover CORE Outdoor Adventurer CORE Canoe U — Level 1 CORE Treasure Hunt CORE Energize, Investigate, Innovate CORE Color Me Green! CORE Canoe & Climb CORE Dances with Branches CORE Camp & Cave CORE Elves in the Woods CORE Take the Reins CORE Infinity and Beyond CORE My First Camp Overnight CORE Camp Skillz CORE My First Camp Overnight CORE Daisy Discovery CORE Picture Perfect CORE Junior Jamboree CORE Trail Mix CORE All Fired Up CORE Giddy Up CORE Tajar Trails CORE Corral Day CORE Queen of the Hills CORE Horse Lover CORE Outdoor Chef CORE Junior Detectives CORE Troop Challenge and Games CORE Take the Reins CORE Canoe U — Level 2 CORE Dances with Branches CORE Riding at Redwing CORE Make a Splash CORE Princess Party CORE High Adventure CORE Horse Lover CORE She's Crafty CORE Drip, Drip, Splash CORE Boat, Bike…Say "Cheese!" CORE Daisy Discovery CORE Fancy Nancy Sees Stars CORE Mermaid Mayhem CORE Aim, Shoot and Climb CORE Dances with Branches CORE Take the Reins CORE Into the Woods CORE I Did It My Way! CORE Water Wonders CORE Survivor CORE Zip to It! CORE The Camp Olympics CORE Back to the Future CORE Top Camp Chef CORE Kickin' it at Kennywood CORE

GRADES 4-8 2-5 4-5 9-12 1-3 4-5 6-8 9-12 2-5 6-12 1-3 3-5 4-8 1-3 4-5 1-3 1-2 4-5 4-5 1-3 6-8 1-4 1-2 2-5 7-12 2-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 3-5 6-12 2-5 4-5 2-5 1-3 6-12 2-5 2-3 2-5 6-12 1-2 1-3 4-5 7-12 2-5 3-5 4-5 2-5 1-3 K-12 4-5 6-12 2-5 4-5 1-5



Singing Hills $130 Skymeadow $125 Skymeadow $100 Singing Hills $130 Skymeadow $100 Roy Weller $100 Roy Weller $115 Singing Hills $100 Skymeadow $115 Singing Hills $115 Skymeadow $100 Skymeadow $125 Roy Weller $150 Hawthorne Ridge $50 Hawthorne Ridge $100 Hawthorne Ridge $50 Skymeadow $50 Roy Weller $165 Singing Hills $150 Skymeadow $50 Roy Weller $100 Skymeadow $65 Skymeadow $50 $35/girl; $10/adult Skymeadow Singing Hills $150 Skymeadow $125 Skymeadow $100 Hawthorne Ridge $100 Singing Hills $100 Skymeadow $125 Singing Hills $130 Skymeadow $115 Hawthorne Ridge $175 Hawthorne Ridge $115 Hawthorne Ridge $100 Singing Hills $100 Skymeadow $125 Skymeadow $100 Skymeadow $15 Singing Hills $110 Skymeadow $50 Hawthorne Ridge $110 Hawthorne Ridge $130 Singing Hills $125 Skymeadow $115 Skymeadow $125 Skymeadow $100 Hawthorne Ridge $100 Hawthorne Ridge $150 Redwing $100 Hawthorne Ridge $175 Singing Hills $150 Hawthorne Ridge $100 Hawthorne Ridge $100 Hawthorne Ridge $150

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Resident Camp Schedule DATE 6/16-21 6/16-18 6/16-19 6/16-21 6/16-21 6/16-21 6/16-21 6/16-21 6/19-21 6/20-21 6/20-22 6/21-23 6/21-23 6/22 6/23-25 6/23-25 6/23-26 6/23-27 6/23-28 6/23-28 6/23-28 6/23-28 6/23-28 6/23-28 6/23-28 6/23-30 6/25-28 6/25-28 6/27-28 6/27-29 6/28-29 6/28-30 6/28-30 6/29-30 6/29-30 6/30-7/1 6/30-7/2 6/30-7/3 6/30-7/3 6/30-7/3 6/30-7-3 7/2-3 7/5-6 7/5-6 7/5-7 7/5-7 7/5-7 7/7-9 7/7-10 7/7-12 7/7-12 7/7-12 7/7-12 7/7-12 7/7-12 7/7-12 7/7-12 7/7-12

EVENT Lazy River (Level 1) Brownies Go Buggy Yurt Adventures Art Mania Blazing Saddles (Level 3) Entertaining Science Horsin' Around (Level 1) Ultimate High Adventure Splish Splash Imagination Station Pony Pals Just the Two of Us (Mother/Daughter Camp) Express Yourself Adventure Day Pony Pals Penguin Palooza Camp Sampler Summer Chillin' Crazy for Canoes Back in the Saddle (Level 2) Iron Chefs Redwing Rocks Spy Girls Top Talents Shoot, Splash & Spelunk Western Fun and Games (Level 5) Easing Into Summer Splashing Into Summer Daisy Magnetism My First Mom and Me Family Rafting Stay Over Weekend Just the Two of Us – Daisy Mom & Me Me and My Gal Lower Yough Family Rafting Trip Middle Yough Family Rafting Trip Saddle Up CSI-Camp Scene Investigation Back 2 Basics Camp Chef Wonders of Water Color Wet ’N Wild Brownie Badge Bonanza Cowpokes Explorers Me and My Gal Me and My Guy Just the Two of Us – Brownie Mom & Me Daisy Days Game On Camp U Choose Trip Sampler Beginning Backpacker Horsin' Around (Level 1) Creeks and Critters Super Soakers Thrill Seekers Trailblazers (Level 4) Smooth Sailing at Resting Waters

GRADES 4-7 2-3 4-7 5-8 6-9 4-6 4-7 9-12 4-7 2-3 1-5 K-8 2-3 4-10 1-5 K-1 2-5 6-8 8-10 5-9 5-8 4-7 4-7 5-9 7-12 9-12 2-5 2-5 K-1 K-4 2-12, F K-1 K-12 7-12, F 2-6, F 1-3 2-3 6-10 5-8 3-6 4-5 2-3 1-5 1-4 K-12 K-12 2-3 K-1 4-5 4-10 4-6 7-9 4-7 5-8 4-7 6-9 7-10 9-12

LOCATION Redwing Yough Redwing Redwing Redwing Redwing Redwing Singing Hills Redwing Yough Skymeadow Elliott Yough Conshatawba Skymeadow Yough Conshatawba Conshatawba Conshatawba Redwing Redwing Redwing Redwing Redwing Singing Hills Redwing Hawthorne Ridge Hawthorne Ridge Yough Conshatawba Conshatawba Yough Redwing Conshatawba Conshatawba Skymeadow Yough Conshatawba Conshatawba Conshatawba Conshatawba Yough Skymeadow Skymeadow Redwing Singing Hills Yough Yough Redwing Conshatawba Conshatawba Conshatawba Redwing Redwing Redwing Redwing Redwing Resting Waters



$325 $110 $165 $275 $350 $275 $350 $300 $110 $55 $75 $75 $110 $35 $75 $110 $165 $220 $375 $350 $275 $275 $275 $275 $290 $490 $165 $200 $55 $75 $30 $75 $75 $180 $150 $40 $110 $165 $200 $175 $165 $55 $40 $40 $75 $75 $75 $110 $165 $300 $330 $350 $350 $275 $300 $350 $350 $350

19 30 19 19 19 19 19 25 20 30 28 15 30 10 28 30 10 10 13 20 20 20 20 20 25 20 16 16 30 10 10 30 20 10 11 29 30 11 11 11 11 31 29 29 20 26 31 31 20 11 11 13 19 20 21 21 21 23

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DATE 7/7-19 7/7-19 7/9-12 7/9-12 7/10-12 7/11-12 7/12-14 7/13-14 7/13-14 7/14-16 7/14-16 7/14-19 7/14-19 7/14-19 7/14-19 7/14-19 7/14-19 7/14-19 7/14-20 7/14-20 7/14-26 7/14-26 7/16 7/16-19 7/16-19 7/17-19 7/18 7/18-19 7/18-20 7/19-21 7/19-21 7/19-21 7/19-21 7/20-21 7/21-23 7/21-24 7/21-26 7/21-26 7/21-26 7/21-26 7/21-26 7/21-26 7/21-26 7/21-26 7/21-27 7/23-26 7/23-26 7/24-26 7/26-27 7/26-28 7/28-30 7/28-8/1 7/28-8/1 7/28-8/1 7/28-8/2 7/28-8/2 7/28-8/2 7/28-8/2 7/29-8/3 7/30-8/2 8/2-4 8/2-4 8/6-9 8/6-9

EVENT Baxter State Park – Mt. Katahdin Camp My Way Bubble Fun Camp Sampler CORE Daring Designs Space is the Place Fireflies and Fairytales Brownie Sleepover Daisy Sleepover Ready, Set, Camp! Swim and Saddle Sampler Babysitter Bootcamp Earth Art Blazing Saddles (Level 3) Boat and Bike (Level 1) Footloose Movie Makers Survivor Ceramics 101 Sailing School Counselor-In-Training 1 (CIT) Wrangler-In-Training (WIT) Evening Adventures Get Messy Can You Find It Now? Super Sleuths Daisy Day Slumber Party — Daisy and Brownie Mom & Me Pony Pals Stay Over Weekend Staff Alumni Weekend Stay Over Weekend Rainforest Adventures Teddy Bear Tea Sleepover Petal Power! Redwing Spa Artistic Expression Camp Katniss Take the Stage Back in the Saddle (Level 2) Trailblazers (Level 4) Night Crawlers River Runners (Level 2) PA, Naturally Intermediate Backpacking Rockin' Robots Nature Explorers Splish Splash Saddle Up Girl Time Mom and Me Pony Pals Horsin' Around (Level 1) Sea Horses Traditional Camp Camp D.I.Y. (Do IT Yourself) Next Stop – Hogwarts! Team Extreme Climb, Row, Cave and Ride Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Renaissance Faire Me and My Guy Me and My Gal Pirate Island Simply Summer

GRADES 6-8 9-12 2-5 1-3 4-5 2-3 2-3 2-3 K-1 2-5 2-3 6-9 2-5 6-9 5-8 4-7 4-7 4-7 6-10 7-10 10-12 10-12 K-5 2-5 2-5 4-8 K-1 K-3 1-5 4-10 Adults 4-12 2-3 K-2 K-1 4-7 4-8 7-10 5-9 5-9 7-10 5-8 7-12 6-12 9-12 4-5 1-3 4-7 1-3 4-10 1-5 4-7 4-5 4-12 6-10 5-8 9-12 6-12 4-5 2-5 K-12 K-12 2-5 1-3

LOCATION Elliott Singing Hills Hawthorne Ridge Hawthorne Ridge Redwing Yough Yough Hawthorne Ridge Hawthorne Ridge Skymeadow Yough Conshatawba Conshatawba Redwing Redwing Redwing Redwing Redwing Conshatawba Conshatawba Redwing Redwing Conshatawba Hawthorne Ridge Hawthorne Ridge Conshatawba Conshatawba Yough Skymeadow Conshatawba Redwing Redwing Yough Conshatawba Yough Redwing Conshatawba Conshatawba Conshatawba Redwing Redwing Redwing Redwing Singing Hills Conshatawba Hawthorne Ridge Hawthorne Ridge Redwing Skymeadow Conshatawba Skymeadow Redwing Redwing Redwing Conshatawba Conshatawba Conshatawba Singing Hills Elliott Hawthorne Ridge Redwing Singing Hills Hawthorne Ridge Hawthorne Ridge



$725 $660 $165 $165 $110 $55 $110 $55 $55 $75 $125 $315 $180 $350 $325 $275 $275 $275 $350 $450 $365 $520 $8 $165 $165 $110 $15 $40 $75 $60 $30 $60 $110 $55 $110 $165 $315 $275 $300 $350 $350 $275 $325 $350 $430 $190 $165 $110 $40 $75 $75 $280 $260 $220 $275 $275 $460 $350 $325 $175 $75 $75 $165 $165

15 26 16 16 21 31 31 17 17 29 31 11 11 19 21 21 21 21 12 13 21 22 12 17 17 12 12 31 28 12 22 22 31 12 31 22 12 12 12 20 21 22 22 26 13 17 17 20 29 12 28 19 22 22 12 13 13 27 15 18 22 27 18 18

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Bus Locations:

Open House Saturday, June 15, 2013 1-3 p.m.

Camp Conshatawba Camp Conshatawba, located in Summerhill, Cambria County, sits on 300+ acres and is an excellent place for campers of all ages to find who they are and who they want to be. While each program has a focused theme, girls can choose to participate in traditional Conshatawba camp activities that give them a well-rounded experience. Activities include: a climbing tower and zip line, a low ropes course, archery, arts and crafts, swimming, creek hiking, fire building and outdoor cooking, nature programming and campfires with songs, skits and s’mores! For specific camp questions, e-mail

Adventure Day

Enjoy a day at camp doing some of camp’s coolest things: the climbing tower, zip line, swimming and cooking over the fire! Challenge yourself on our four-sided climbing tower and enjoy the breeze as you zip down our 40 foot zip line. Enjoy a campfire lunch and then cool off at the pool! Girls Grades: 4-10 Date: Saturday, June 22, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $35 per girl Minimum Capacity: 15

Summer Chillin’

Bring some of your “besties” to camp with you and plan to make some new best friends in this laid-back session of camp. Stay in a lodge and pamper yourself with manicures, pedicures, facial masks, fruity frozen drinks and poolside lounging. Make a T-shirt pillow with our sewing craft expert and enjoy a girl’s night with a movie and homemade kettle-cooked popcorn! Girls Grades: 6-8 Dates: June 23-27, Sun.-Thurs. (4 nights) Cost: $220 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Camp Sampler

Kick off your summer by coming out to camp to explore all there is to do! Spend your first night at camp enjoying a campfire with songs, skits and s’mores, and wake up refreshed to start your activities the next morning. Sample arts and crafts, sports, creek hiking, swimming, the climbing tower and so much more! Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: June 23-26, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

• Macy’s Parking Lot Monroeville Mall 200 Monroeville Mall Dr., Monroeville, PA 15146 • Blairsville Walmart 300 Resort Plaza Dr., Blairsville, PA 15717 • Somerset Walmart 2028 N. Center Ave., Somerset, PA 15501 • Windber Community Building 1605 Graham Ave., Windber, PA 15963

Minimum Capacity: 20 per bus Cost: $50 round-trip; $35 one-way My First Mom and Me

Bring your mom (or significant female adult) to camp with you for a weekend of memories that will last a lifetime. This session is perfect for new campers and is a sampler of all the great things at camp! Stay in a lodge or cabin and enjoy campfires with skits, songs and s’mores. Spend time together making crafts, exploring camp, testing out the climbing tower, playing field games and hanging out by the pool. Grade exceptions can be made for families with girls at different age levels. Girls Grades: K-4 Dates: June 27-29, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 30

Family Rafting Stay Over Weekend

Signed up for the Lower Yough or Middle Yough Family Rafting Trip sessions and want to spend an extra night at camp? Join us for the Stay Over Weekend! Check in Friday evening at Conshatawba and meet the staff, enjoy an evening activity and have a snack before hitting the sack to rest up for your big rafting trip. Enjoy a warm, hearty breakfast Saturday morning before meeting the rest of the crew and heading out to Ohiopyle State Park. Bring your own family tent to pitch or stay in one of our platform tents or cabins. Girls Grades: 2-12 and their families Dates: June 28-29, Fri.-Sat. (1 night) Cost: $30 per person Minimum Capacity: no minimum

Lower Yough Family Rafting Trip

Join us for one of our most beloved Laurel Highlands activities – white water rafting! Check in Saturday morning at Camp Conshatawba and jump on the bus to Ohiopyle State Park. The Lower Youghiogheny River is 7.5 miles of Class III-IV whitewater rapids. It is considered a drop and pool river; the rapids are separated by calm, deep pools, allowing you to catch your breath and enjoy the scenery. No prior experience is needed for this session, but the minimum age requirement is 12 years. After a challenging day on the river, return to Camp Conshatawba for a hearty dinner, as well as a campfire and evening activities. Bring your own family tent to pitch or stay in one of our platform tents or cabins. Cost includes transportation, Lower Yough rafting fee and all meals. (Please note: The Lower Yough and Middle Yough have different pricing.) Girls Grades: 7-12 and their families Dates: June 29-30, Sat.-Sun. (1 night) Cost: $180 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

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Middle Yough Family Rafting Trip

Join us for one of our most beloved Laurel Highlands activities – white water rafting! Check in Saturday morning at Camp Conshatawba and jump on the bus to Ohiopyle State Park. The Middle Youghiogheny River has Class I-II rapids; there are some ripples and a little splashy water, but no large whitewater rapids. You can expect a relaxing day as you paddle down the river, dropping in for an occasional swim and taking in the sights. After your day on the river, return to Camp Conshatawba for a hearty dinner as well as a campfire and evening activities. Bring your own family tent to pitch or stay in one of our platform tents or cabins! Cost includes all transportation, Middle Yough rafting fee and all meals. (Please note: The Lower Yough and Middle Yough have different pricing.) Girls Grades: 2-6 and their families Dates: June 29-30, Sat.-Sun. (1 night) Cost: $150 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Back 2 Basics

Get back to basics doing everything you love at camp. Go hiking and brook snooping, learn survival skills along with fire building and spend a night sleeping under the stars. Make earth candles, tie dye and try your aim at archery! Girls Grades: 6-10 Dates: June 30-July 3, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Camp Chef

Channel your inner chef and experiment with new recipes at camp! Design your own chef hat and apron and get your hands dirty in the kitchen and at the campfire while learning outdoor cooking. Meet with a professional chef to learn standard kitchen practices and techniques and create a recipe book to take home with you. After all this practice, assist in preparing a meal for your fellow campers! Girls Grades: 5-8 Dates: June 30-July 3, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $200 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Wet ‘N Wild

Enjoy this super soaked session of camp while getting wet ‘n wild with your new friends! Have an evening pool party luau, ride the jumbo slip ‘n slide and try to avoid the water bombs as you soar down the zip line after climbing the tower! Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: June 30-July 3, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Wonders of Watercolor

Get inspired by the colors around you when you come to camp! Spend time in the painting studio learning watercolor painting techniques. Create your own art and take home your own paint set so that you can continue to harvest your talent after camp is over! Girls Grades: 3-6 Dates: June 30-July 3, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $175 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Camp U Choose

Join us for one of Camp Conshatawba’s most popular summer programs where YOU design your own camping experience by participating in a week of camp activities that YOU choose! Select four tracks for the week and participate in activities that interest you most. Tracks will vary depending on summer staff talents and girl interest: Ceramics, Outdoor Cooking, Camp-ology, Drama, Sewing, Team Sports, Creative Writing, Climbing, Spa Fitness and so much more! Girls Grades: 4-10 Dates: July 7-12, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $300 per girl Minimum Capacity: 15

Trip Sampler

Get the opportunity to see what it’s like to go out of camp on trips during this sampler session. Take day trips to mountain bike on beginner trails, white water raft the Middle Youghiogheny River and spend a day horseback riding. Back at camp, you’ll participate in all your favorite activities! Girls Grades: 4-6 Dates: July 7-12, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $330 per girl Minimum Capacity: 6

Babysitter Bootcamp

Get the training and experience you need to be an all-star babysitter while having a blast doing everything you love at camp! Girls will participate in the Red Cross Babysitter Course and, upon completion, will have the training necessary to start their own babysitting business. Girls will make a drawstring bag and fill it with activities that will become their babysitting bag of tricks. They will also get hands-on experience at camp working with kindergarten and first grade campers! Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 6-9 Dates: July 14-19, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $315 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Earth Art

Create natural and earth-inspired pieces of art at camp. Discover the ways organic, natural materials can be used to make some of the coolest art you’ve seen. Experiment with fruits, vegetables and plant life to create pigments and patterns on cotton, canvas and paper. By the end of the session, you’ll have plenty of earth art to show off at home! Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: July 14-19, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $180 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Disposable cameras are best to bring to camp. They take great pictures that you can share with your friends and family.

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Camp Conshatawba (cont.) Ceramics 101

Pottery and ceramics have been an important part of human culture for thousands of years. Spend a week at camp expanding your knowledge on pottery and ceramics and learn how they have shaped our world. Use various techniques during the session to create unique pieces in our studio to take home with you. No experience is necessary for this session, only a willingness to learn, create and grow your artistic abilities! Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 6-10 Dates: July 14-20, Sun.-Sat. (6 nights) Cost: $350 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Evening Adventures

Join us for an evening of adventures at camp! Play field games, take a hike, enjoy arts and crafts and have snack around the campfire while singing songs! Girls Grades: K-5 Date: Tuesday, July 16, 6-9 p.m. Cost: $8 per girl Minimum Capacity: 10

Super Sleuths

Do you have what it takes to be a super sleuth? Collect clues and put them together to solve camp mysteries. You’ll have a chance to learn how to dust for fingerprints, interview witnesses and secure a crime scene. Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 4-8 Dates: July 17-19, Wed.-Fri. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Daisy Day

Enjoy a day of camp fun and try a variety of activities with other Girl Scout friends! Enjoy field games with a parachute, make crafts to take home, go swimming and have a cookout lunch! Girls Grades: K-1 Date: Thursday, July 18, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost: $15 per girl Minimum Capacity: 10

Stay Over Weekend

Extend your stay at camp by spending two back-to-back weeks at camp or by just adding some extra time before or after your session. Spend the weekend at camp swimming and hanging out, along with a special event Saturday night! This is for campers who are registered for programs the weeks of July 14-19 and July 21-26. Girls Grades: 4-10 Dates: July 19-21, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $60 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Teddy Bear Tea Sleepover

Bring your favorite teddy bear to camp to spend the night with you! Sleep in a lodge, enjoy arts and crafts, take a nature hike, go swimming and have an afternoon tea party with your new friends! Girls Grades: K-2 Dates: July 20-21, Sat.-Sun. (1 night) Cost: $55 per girl Minimum Capacity: 10

Artistic Expression

Camp is one of the best places to express yourself, and Camp Conshatawba’s art program has plenty of activities for you to try! Discover the beauty of oil painting on canvas and working with raw clay to create a unique piece of your own. Try your hand at sewing, jewelry-making and creative writing. Express yourself in as many ways as you can! Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 4-8 Dates: July 21-26, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $315 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Camp Katniss

The popular Hunger Games heroine has inspired us to do all of her favorite things at camp! You’ll feel like you’re walking in Katniss’ boots as you practice plant identification and tracking, basic first aid and, of course, archery! Learn to braid hair, take a creek hike, cook over a fire, build a shelter and spend a night sleeping under the stars! Play a campwide game of hide-andseek and see if you have what it takes to be the winning tribute! And as always, may the odds be ever in your favor! Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 7-10 Dates: July 21-26, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Take the Stage

Whether your talent is acting, singing, playing music, or all three – showcase your skills while making new friends at camp! Increase your knowledge of stage direction, set design and creation, writing, directing and theater make-up. Work together with your group to develop your own play or musical that you will perform on stage for your fellow campers and family at the end of the week! Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 5-9 Dates: July 21-26, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $300 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Girl Time Mom and Me

This session is great for older girls who want to share what camp is all about with their special female adult. Challenge yourselves on the climbing tower, take your aim at archery, test your fire building and outdoor cooking skills, play capture the flag, relax by the pool and make crafts. Grade exceptions can be made for families with girls at different age levels. However, activities in this session are intended for older girls. Girls Grades: 4-10 Dates: July 26-28, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 30

Camp D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself)

Walk away from this session with the ability to Do It Yourself! Learn to use basic tools to construct and upholster a picture frame, along with learning basic sewing skills. Plant a mini garden of herbs and vegetables to take home with you and cook a recipe at camp with those ingredients. Create your own designer stationery and make your own beauty supplies! Girls Grades: 6-10 Dates: July 28-Aug. 2, Sun.-Fri. (5 of nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

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Next Stop – Hogwarts!

Beginning Backpacker

Summer Troop Camping at Camp Conshatawba - Overlook Lodge

Sailing School

Harry Potter fans won’t want to miss a chance to stay at Camp Conshatawba’s Accelerated Wizarding Academy! Arrive at camp and get sorted into a “house” in our cabin unit and work together with your housemates to win the House Cup through daily challenges. There will be plenty of activities to keep you busy: wand-making and charms, potions, ancient runes, history of magic, transfiguration and of course, Quidditch! Girls Grades: 5-8 Dates: July 28-Aug. 2, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Bring your troop to Camp Conshatawba this summer to work on badges, get started on a leadership journey or simply strengthen the bonds of sisterhood while still getting to swim in the pool and enjoy camp activities. Troops must provide their own first aid/CPR certified and outdoor trained adults. Fee includes four hours in the pool with a lifeguard provided and one hour of archery (Brownies or older) with instructor provided. Troops are responsible for their own meals. Lodging is provided in Overlook Lodge and sleeps 32. Girls Grades: K-12 Session 1: July 5-7, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 2: July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 3: July 19-21, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 4: Aug. 2-4, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $30 per person Minimum Capacity: 10

Adventure Bound Trips

Camp Conshatawba’s Adventure Bound Trips are wilderness experiences designed for small groups of girls entering grades 7-12. Although most trips are designed for any outdoor skill level, each camper needs to have the willingness and enthusiasm to fully participate and contribute to the program. All trips are based out of Camp Conshatawba’s Seneca Unit and include backpacking, biking, rock climbing, hiking and boating.

Crazy for Canoes

Start your week at Camp Conshatawba getting to know one another and working together as a team on the low ropes course and climbing tower. Learn Leave No Trace principles to plan, pack and prepare for your canoe trip. Mid-week, you’ll head out of camp to practice flat water canoeing and moving water canoeing on the river. Pull over halfway through your river trip to tent camp on a designated part of the river bank before finishing your canoe trek the next day. Return to camp experienced and full of memories! Girls Grades: 8-10 Dates: June 23-28, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $375 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Spend time in camp learning the skills of a backpacker. Learn the proper way to pack your pack, discover what items are essential to backpacking and practice hiking around camp and taking day hikes around the area. Later in the week, when you’re confident with your skills, head out on the Laurel Highlands trail to hike, spend a night camping in a designated area along the trail and hike out the next day. Girls Grades: 7-9 Dates: July 7-12, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $350 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5 Sailing is one of the best ways to spend the summer, and you can learn all there is to know about sailing in this session! Start your week at Camp Conshatawba getting to know one another and working together as a team on the low ropes course and climbing tower. Then, pack up and travel to Camp Resting Waters for a four-day sailing course. On your way to Camp Resting Waters, you’ll make a pit stop at Camp Curry Creek to spend a night in Adirondack shelters and try out target sports such as archery and rifle shooting. (There is no experience needed for this session.) Girls Grades: 7-10 Dates: July 14-20, Sun.-Sat. (6 nights) Cost: $450 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Intermediate Backpacking

Hike the Laurel Highlands Trail and gain backpacking knowledge and experience while taking in the views of some of the area’s best scenic spots. Start your experience at Camp Conshatawba brushing up on your backpacking knowledge. Packs will be provided and you’ll learn how to pack the essential items needed for yourself and the group. Work together as a team on the low ropes course and climbing tower before heading out of camp to the Trailhead. Spend three nights camping along the trail in designated areas. After you’ve hiked almost 30 miles, you’ll be picked up and taken back to camp to relax and unwind. Previous backpacking experience is necessary for this session. Girls Grades: 9-12 Dates: July 21-27, Sun.-Sat. (6 nights) Cost: $430 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Team Extreme

Join Team Extreme on an extreme adventure through the Laurel Highlands – mountain biking, rock climbing and white water rafting. Start your trip at Camp Conshatawba as you work as a team on the low ropes course and climbing tower. Plan your meals as a group and check and pack your gear before heading out of camp. Spend two nights in walled tents or yurts in Ohiopyle State Park as you explore the area and participate in extreme sports! Girls Grades 9-12 Dates: July 28-Aug. 2, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $460 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

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Camp Curry Creek Open House

Saturday, May 18, 2013 1-4 p.m.

Camp Curry Creek is situated on 63 acres in the picturesque town of Brockway in Jefferson County. Accommodations include lodges, platform tents and Adirondacks. Curry Creek, the creek the camp is named after, flows through the property, forming a pond and creating conditions that support diverse animal and plant populations. You can view this amazing variety along the bird walk which extends out into the camp wetlands area. The camp also features a swimming pool, archery range, unique nature center and indoor rifle range. The pond is a great location for learning to canoe. Camp Curry Creek is ideal for troops, service units and other groups looking to offer outdoor and environmental education to girls. For specific camp questions, e-mail To rent this camp for your group, e-mail

Celebrate Independence Day in Brockway!

Summer Troop Camping at Curry Creek – Mohawk and Seneca Tent Units

Bring your troop to Camp Curry Creek this summer to work on badges, get started on a Journey or simply strengthen the bonds of sisterhood while getting to jump in the pool, take aim at a target or paddle on the pond. Troops must provide their own first aid/CPR certified and tent/yurt outdoor trained adults. Fee includes two hours in the pool, two hours of canoe instruction and either archery (Brownies or older) or rifles (must be 12 years old to shoot rifles). Troops are responsible for their own meals. Lodging is provided in the Mohawk and Seneca Tent Units. Girls Grades: K-12 Session 1: June 14-16, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 2: June 21-23, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 3: June 28-30, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 4: Aug. 2-4, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $40 per person Minimum Capacity: 10

Bring your troop or family to Camp Curry Creek this summer to enjoy Brockway’s Old-Fashioned 4th of July Celebration. The festivities include a parade, a 10K, a bicycle race and fun run, arts and crafts, activities for the kids and good old-fashioned fun. Spend the rest of the weekend enjoying activities available at Camp Curry Creek like archery, riflery, canoeing, swimming, nature programs, hiking, orienteering, bird watching, arts and crafts and enjoying the summer with your family and friends. Come and make Camp Curry Creek and Brockway a new 4th of July tradition. An optional meal plan is available and must be registered for separately. No meals are provided on July 4. Lodging for males is provided in a separate unit. Overflow males may be accommodated; please e-mail request to Transportation from Camp Curry Creek to celebration is the responsibility of participants. All adults must be approved GSWPA volunteers to stay overnight at GSWPA camps. There is no fee for clearances. Males attending must register separately for camp titled “Celebrate Independence Day in Brockway! Males Attending.” Girls Grades: K-12 Dates: July 4-7, Thurs.-Sun. (3 nights) Cost Option 1: Camp Only-$75 per person Cost Option 2: Camp and Meal Plan-$125 per person (This optional meal plan includes breakfast, lunch and dinner for Friday and Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. No meals provided on July 4.) Minimum Capacity: 20

Drinking water at camp is very important to keep you going and happy, so remember to bring a water bottle that is at least 16oz.

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Camp Elliott

Camp Elliott is located in Lawrence County, just outside of the picturesque town of Volant. The camp is situated on 101 acres nestled in the rolling hills of scenic western Pennsylvania Amish country. Camp Elliott has lodge, platform tent and Adirondack camping available for troops. This is a great camp for troops and service units to get a taste of camping or just spend time together. There are lots of program activities to choose from such as swimming, archery, nature hikes, sports and more. For specific camp questions, e-mail

Open Hou0s13e ,2 Sunday, May 5 Noon-1 p.m.

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (Camp Elliott Outing Club for Juniors)

Look for more great events happening at Camp Elliott this summer in the Spring S’more! Just The Two of Us (Mother/Daughter Camp) Bring your mom (or significant female adult) to camp! Experience a ton of activities like arts and crafts, nature hikes, archery, swimming, outdoor cooking and more! Girls Grades: K-8 Dates: June 21-23, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 10

Baxter State Park – Mt. Katahdin (Camp Elliott Outing Club for Cadettes)

Ready for a challenge? Join us as we travel far north to Maine and visit Baxter State Park, home to the highest mountain in Maine at 5,268 feet, Mt. Katahdin. Named Katahdin by the Penobscot Native Americans, the term means “The Greatest Mountain.” Challenge yourself to climb to the top of Katahdin, the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail! Girls interested in this trip must have successfully completed the prerequisite testing camp at Camp Elliott on April 20-21. If you are a Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador interested in going on this trip in a leadership role for a discounted rate, or if you have any questions about this trip, please contact Girls Grades: 6-8 Dates: July 7-19, Sun.-Fri. (12 nights) Cost: $725 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

After you’ve successfully completed the prerequisite testing camp at Camp Elliott on April 20-21, you’ll earn the right to join us for a trip to the “Gap.” The Delaware Water Gap is on the border of New Jersey and Pennsylvania where the Delaware River cuts through a large ridge of the Appalachian Mountains. You’ll use your outdoor skills as you hike, swim and play on the trails throughout this scenic area. Explore and learn about this scenic natural wonder. If you are a Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador interested in going on this trip in a leadership role for a discounted rate, or if you have any questions about this trip, please contact Girls Grades: 4-5 Date: July 29-Aug. 3, Mon.-Sat. (5 nights) Cost: $325 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Summer Troop Camping at Camp Elliott — Morningside and Bayberry Tent Units

Bring your troop to Camp Elliott this summer to work on badges, get started on a Journey or simply strengthen the bonds of sisterhood while getting to jump in the pool, take aim at a target or hike a trail. Troops must provide their own first aid/CPR certified and tent/yurt outdoor trained adults. Fee includes two hours in the pool and two hours of archery (Brownies or older). Troops are responsible for their own meals. Lodging is provided in the Morningside or Bayberry Tent Units. Girls Grades: K-12 Session 1: June 28-30, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 2: July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 3: July 26-28, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 4: Aug. 2-4, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $30 per person Minimum Capacity: 10

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Camp Hawthorne Ridge

Camp Hawthorne Ridge is located in Fairview Township, Erie County. The camp has 207 beautiful acres with a variety of housing options – tents, cabins and lodges. Hawthorne Ridge is a great place for new or less experienced campers looking to develop their outdoor skills. This variety of sleeping accommodations provides the perfect setup for summer camp progression for younger Girl Scouts. Daisies can begin their camp progression in a cabin unit sleeping in bunks and then progress to sleeping in a tent as a Junior. The camp’s amenities (gorge, hiking trails, pool with slide, playing field and archery range) provide a progressive outdoor education and experience from Daisies to Juniors that will prepare younger Girl Scouts to take on the more challenging programs offered at other GSWPA camps like Singing Hills and Redwing. It’s close proximity to Erie makes Hawthorne Ridge an economical place to stay for those troops traveling to the many cultural and entertainment attractions the area has to offer (such as Splash Lagoon, Presque Isle, Waldameer and many others). Several units are left available during the summer for this purpose. Contact to book your troop’s summer adventure. For specific camp questions, e-mail

Easing Into Summer

Hang out at camp as you put homework and tests behind you. Lounge by the pool with fruity drinks, get manicures, make facial masks and relax. Bring a good book and let your cares ease away. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: June 25-28, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Splashing Into Summer

Learn to canoe, visit Splash Lagoon, battle with Super Soakers and have a rockin’ pool party. When you’re dry, enjoy traditional camp activities like archery and arts and crafts. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: June 25-28, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $200 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

My First Camp Overnight

Get your first taste of the great things Camp Hawthorne Ridge has to offer! Join us for songs, swimming, arts and crafts, games, hiking and outdoor education. Learn Leave No Trace principles, fire safety and how to toast your marshmallow to perfection. Girls Grades: 1-3 Session 1: June 28-29, Fri.-Sat. (1 night) Session 2: June 29-30, Sat.-Sun. (1 night) Cost: $50 per person Minimum Capacity: 18

Sunday, Ma y 19, 2 Noon-3 p.m 013 . Bus Locations

• Wattsburg Area Middle School 10780 Wattsburg Rd., Wattsburg, PA 16509 • Harding Elementary School 820 Lincoln Ave., Erie, PA 16505 • Springfiled Elementary School 11911 Bond St., East Springfield, PA 16411 • Warren Walmart 2901 Market St., Warren, PA 16365 • Corry Peebles 370 West Columbus Ave., Corry, PA 16407

Minimum Capacity: 20 per bus Cost: $50 round-trip; $35 one-way Camp Skillz

Put your troop to the challenge as they master outdoor skills in fire building, trail marking, shelter building, plant and tree identification and cooking over a campfire. After perfecting your skillz, relax by the pool and enjoy hanging out with your sister Girl Scouts. Girls will earn their Camper badge. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: June 28-30, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 14

Camp Sampler

Girl Scout camp offers so many fun things that sometimes it’s hard to choose what to do. Don’t worry, because at this session, you won’t have to make a choice – you’ll get to sample it all. Sample arts and crafts, swimming, hiking, games, songs, s’mores and much more. Girls Grades: 1-3 Dates: July 9-12, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per person Minimum Capacity: 18

Bubble Fun

Experiment with bubble science and make bubble bath, bubble art and bubbly campfire desserts. You’ll just bubble over with all the fun stuff there is to do at camp. Take part in traditional camp activities like swimming, hiking, and arts and crafts. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: July 9-12, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

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Junior Detectives

Bring your troop to camp and help solve the mystery of Camp Hawthorne Ridge while earning your Detective badge. In addition to searching for clues and performing forensic experiments, you’ll also enjoy other camp activities like swimming, s’mores and more. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 14

Brownie Sleepover

Come to camp and hike the gorge as you earn your Hiker badge. You’ll also make brownies and ice cream to enjoy after a refreshing swim in the pool. Feel free to bring your favorite stuffed friend along with you. Girls Grades: 2-3 Dates: July 13-14, Sat.-Sun. (1 night) Cost: $55 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Daisy Sleepover

Grab your BFF and head to camp where you’ll celebrate all things Daisy. Learn about Juliette Low, play field games, make a great craft to take home, go on a short hike and swim in the pool. You’ll even get to sleep in Daisy Lodge! Girls Grades: K-1 Dates: July 13-14, Sat.-Sun. (1 night) Cost: $55 per girl Minimum Capacity: 6

Get Messy

Come get messy and make slime, tie dye, stomp in mud puddles and make (and eat) messy desserts. When you’re not making a mess, you can play games, try your hand at archery and take a refreshing dip in the pool. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: July 16-19, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Can You Find It Now?

Find hidden items at camp and hide some yourself while learning to use a compass or GPS unit. Make your own stamp and have fun letterboxing at camp. When you’ve found all the hidden items, make cool snacks and relax around the pool. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: July 16-19, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Riding at Redwing

Spend the first night of camp at Camp Hawthorne Ridge learning songs around the campfire. Get up early the next day and head to Butler County to take part in two Camp Redwing traditions — creek stomping and horseback riding. After spending the night in a yurt at Camp Redwing, head back to Camp Hawthorne Ridge for an afternoon cookout and one final swim in the pool before going home. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: July 19-21, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $175 per person Minimum Capacity: 24

Make a Splash

Bring your troop and learn to canoe at Presque Isle. We’ll also picnic on the beach and splash and play in the surf. Back at camp, you’ll take a dip in the pool, have a battle with water balloons and make a splashy dessert. Troop leaders will transport girls to Presque Isle. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: July 19-21, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $115 per person Minimum Capacity: 14

Princess Party

Be a camp princess! Make a royal outfit and accessories, learn how to be a proper princess, sing princess songs and read princess stories. Take a swim in the pool, have fun with princess crafts and sleep in the royal castle. Girls Grades: 1-3 Dates: July 19-21, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 12

Rockin’ Robots

Learn to build and program a robot using LEGO® robotics kits. Work in pairs to strategize together and complete programming challenges. You’ll also get to enjoy all of the fun and excitement of camp like: swimming, archery, hiking, s’mores and much more. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: July 23-26, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $190 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Nature Explorers

Explore the woods and discover what creatures live at camp. Search the gorge for crayfish and other animals while you learn all about animal habitats and make nature-themed crafts. Girls will earn the Bugs badge while at camp. Girls Grades: 1-3 Dates: July 23-26, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Fancy Nancy Sees Stars

Just like Fancy Nancy, your troop can learn all about the stars and constellations. While at camp, girls can look through a telescope at the night sky, make fancy star-themed crafts (including a fancy star-shaped wand), decorate star-shaped cookies and do other fun star-themed activities. Each girl will go home with a copy of the Fancy Nancy Sees Stars book. Girls Grades: 1-3 Dates: July 26-28, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per person Minimum Capacity: 18

Mermaid Mayhem

Do you like the water and being wet? Well, this is the camp for you! Join us for as much wet, wild and crazy fun as we can cram into your time at camp. Camp session will include a trip to Splash Lagoon, a night swim and as much wet, watery mayhem as we can muster. Troop leaders will transport girls to Splash Lagoon. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: July 26-28, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $130 per person Minimum Capacity: 14

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Camp Hawthorne Ridge (cont.) Renaissance Faire

Hear ye! Hear ye! Calling all Fair Ladies! Come and join us as we go back in time and experience what it was like in the days of knights and princesses. You will get to make paint with eggs, play renaissance games such as “Get the Hat” and participate in a Shakespearian play. Come and see Camp Hawthorne Ridge transformed into Renaissance England. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: July 30-Aug. 2, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $175 per girl Minimum Capacity: 40

I Did It My Way!

Pick the camp activities that interest you the most and camp YOUR way. Select from traditional activities such as hiking, archery, swimming and arts and crafts, as well as cool science experiments, outdoor cooking, star gazing, animal track identification and many others. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: Aug. 2-4, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 14

Simply Summer

School will be starting soon but you still have time to enjoy some of the simple pleasures of summer. Relax by the pool, make and drink delicious smoothies, participate in a sing-a-long, play old-fashioned games such as jacks, pick-up-sticks, hop scotch, Chinese jump rope and hula hoops. Girls Grades: 1-3 Dates: Aug. 6-9, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 14

Back to the Future

Come with your troop and help us turn back the clock to the 1950s, where we’ll make poodle skirts and root beer floats, listen to rock ‘n roll at our camp sock hop, stay up late and visit the Erie County Historical Museum to learn about life in Erie County in the 1950s and before. You’ll also enjoy swimming and other traditional camp activities. Troop leaders will transport girls to museum. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: Aug. 9-11, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 12

Top Camp Chef

Enjoy water-filled fun at Camp Hawthorne Ridge while you work toward the Wonders of Water Journey. On day two of camp, you’ll board the bus for a trip to the Aquarium of Niagara in Niagara Falls for a day of ocean investigations. We’ll also visit the Niagara Falls Discovery Center before returning to camp. Girls Grades: 1-3 Dates: Aug. 2-4, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $150 per person Minimum Capacity: 16

Learn how to cook using several different outdoor cooking methods such as stick cooking, box oven, Dutch oven, pie irons and more. You’ll get to make breakfast, lunch and dinner over the campfire, taking home your favorite recipes. When camp is over, you’ll have earned your Simple Meals and Camper badges. Don’t worry, you’ll also get to swim and do other traditional camp activities as well. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: Aug. 9-11, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 14

Zip to It!

Kickin’ it at Kennywood

Water Wonders

Start out at Camp Hawthorne Ridge hiking the gorge and taking a dip in the pool. The next day you’ll head to Camp Singing Hills to challenge yourself on the Brownie Fun Course, then tackle the high ropes and zoom down the zip line. You’ll return to Camp Hawthorne Ridge for archery and arts and crafts before heading home. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: Aug. 6-9, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $175 per person Minimum Capacity: 30

Pirate Island

Ahoy, Mateys! Help uncover the treasure buried deep in the gorge at Camp Hawthorne Ridge. You’ll make your own pirate maps, shoot bow and arrows like a swashbuckler and even do some arts and crafts! Walking the plank is the best kind of fun on a hot summer day. Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: Aug. 6-9, Tues.-Fri. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Spend time at Camp Hawthorne Ridge swimming and hiking before getting on a bus and heading down to Pittsburgh to take part in Girl Scout Day at Kennywood Amusement Park. You’ll get to ride rollercoasters, eat cheesy fries and trade SWAPS with Girl Scouts from around the council. After spending the night at Camp Yough, you’ll get to ride the incline before heading back north to Camp Hawthorne Ridge. Girls Grades: 1-5 Dates: Aug. 12-14, Mon.-Wed. (2 nights) Cost: $150 per person Minimum Capacity: 14

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Camp Redwing

Since 1923, Camp Redwing has been the place where girls go for the traditional Resident Camp experience. Campfires, cookouts, songs, art, nature, canoeing and archery are a part of every session at Camp Redwing. Campers live in platform tents or yurts, with each camper having their own cot or bunk bed. Whether it is a two-night or two-week program, Camp Redwing allows girls to choose their level of adventure, make new friends and become a part of our rich traditions. For specific questions about this camp, e-mail

Bus Locations:

• GSWPA Edinboro Office 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412 • South Hills Village 1900 Washington Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15241

Minimum Capacity: 20 per bus Cost: $50 round-trip; $35 one-way

Open House

Saturday, June 8, 2013 2-4 p.m.

Yurt Ventures

Sleep in a yurt and try lots of swimming, archery, arts and crafts, canoeing and creek exploration. Make each day an adventure! Girls Grades: 4-7 Dates: June 16-19, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Art Mania

Painting, dying, weaving and molding will be a part of all the creations you make. Spend your week at camp using your creative genius. Whether you are a beginner or master, there is something for everyone. Girls Grades: 5-8 Dates: June 16-21, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Blazing Saddles (Level 3)

Polish your skills at a walk and trot and learn to canter and expand your horsemanship know-how by riding in the ring and on the trail. Tack up your own horse and help with the complete care of the horses. Prerequisite: Camper must have experience steering her horse independently at a trot. Completion of Back in the Saddle (Level 2) or documented riding lessons. Girls Grades: 6-9 Session 1: June 16-21, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Session 2: July 14-19, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $350 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Entertaining Science

All the cool things you love, like roller coasters, video games, movies and music have science behind them. Work on your Entertainment Technology badge as you create and discover how those things happen. You’ll still have time for great camp activities like swimming, archery and canoeing too. Girls Grades: 4-6 Dates: June 16-21, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Horsin’ Around (Level 1)

This is for girls who love horses, but have little or no experience with them. Learn the basics of Western riding, horse safety and grooming techniques, and enjoy cowgirl crafts, games and activities. Girls Grades: 4-7 Session 1: June 16-21, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Session 2: July 7-12, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $350 per girl Session 3: July 28-Aug. 1, Sun.-Thurs. (4 nights) Cost: $280 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Lazy River (Level 1)

Spend lots of time paddling your way down the Connoquenessing Creek. You’ll perfect your strokes, play canoe games and go on a day trip canoeing on the lake at Morraine State Park. (This is a prerequisite session for River Runners). Girls Grades: 4-7 Dates: June 16-21, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $325 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

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Camp Redwing (cont.) Splish Splash

Hang out at the pool and play water games. Check out our super soakers, water balloons, and slip ‘n slide. Have a pool party and spend some time exploring the creek. Plus, enjoy regular camp activities like nature and arts and crafts. Girls Grades: 4-7 Session 1: June 19-21, Wed.-Fri. (2 nights) Session 2: July 24-26, Wed.-Fri. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Back in the Saddle (Level 2)

Improve your riding skills by learning to trot, and increase your knowledge of horses by helping groom and care for them. Enjoy cowgirl crafts, games and activities. Prerequisite: Completion of Horsin’ Around (Level 1) or equivalent documented riding experience. Camper must have experience steering her horse independently at a walk. Girls Grades: 5-9 Session 1: June 23-28, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Session 2: July 21-26, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $350 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Iron Chefs

Whether it is in a kitchen or over a fire, stir up delicious meals. Learn how to create a great menu and then prepare it for your friends. Try your hand in our very own food challenge that will put your newfound skills to the test. After working over a hot fire, chill out and relax by the pool with smoothies. Girls Grades: 5-8 Dates: June 23-28, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Redwing Rocks

Come to camp and do all of the things that make Camp Redwing so fun! Archery, geocaching, creek swimming, arts and crafts, dances, sports and nature will all be a part of the fun. There is no need to choose what to do when you get to do everything! Girls Grades: 4-7 Dates: June 23-28, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Spy Girls

Make spy tools, track suspects, crack codes and solve a mystery using your new skills. You’ll work on your Detective and Special Agent badges. Plus, enjoy regular camp activities like arts and crafts, swimming and nature. Girls Grades: 4-7 Dates: June 23-28, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Riding horses is a great experience for girls to build confidence and try new things. To keep her safe, make sure she has long pants like jeans to protect her legs.

Top Talents

Whether it is singing, acting, juggling or dancing, Camp Redwing is the place to showcase your talents. Throughout the week, you’ll perfect your acts or create new ones. End the week with a showcase of performances for the whole camp. When you’re not working on your show stoppers, enjoy all the great things camp has to offer like swimming, archery and arts and crafts. Girls Grades: 5-9 Dates: June 23-28, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Western Fun and Games (Level 5)

Learn to run barrels, poles, keyhole and more. Refine your riding skills and compete in Redwing’s rodeo. Take your skills to new heights as you star in Redwing’s own horse show. Prerequisite: Camper must be comfortable riding at a canter for extended times and should be able to steer her horse while trotting and cantering. Completion of Trailblazers (Level 4) or equivalent documented riding experience. Girls Grades: 9-12 Dates: June 23-30, Sun.-Sun. (7 nights) Cost: $490 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Me and My Gal

Bring your favorite cowgirl – your mom (or significant female adult) – to camp for the weekend! Go on a staff-led horse ride, enjoy cowgirl-themed games, make crafts and dance at the all-camp hoedown! There’s something for everyone, including swimming, nature and arts and crafts. Girls Grades: K-12 Session 1: June 28- 30, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 2: July 5-7, Fri.-Sat. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 5

Game On

Get your body moving with great sports like soccer, kickball, dancing and, of course, Ga-Ga. Keep your energy up and earn part of your Get Moving Journey while you’re at it. Great traditional camp activities, like campfires and swimming, will also be a part of this fast moving few days. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: July 7-10, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Creeks and Critters

Get outside and see what nature has to offer. Go on a creek hike and explore the woods around Camp Redwing. Get your hands dirty, learn about wild edibles and search for critters. You’ll even spend the night sleeping among the stars and fireflies at a campout. Also, participate in great camp activities like swimming and arts and crafts. Girls Grades: 5-8 Dates: July 7-12, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

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Counselor-In-Training 1 (CIT) This exciting two-week program helps CITs develop skills by learning from experienced staff and putting your skills into practice immediately. Girls gain valuable experience in working with children, such as program development, the creation of a great camp culture and behavior management. As of 2014, CIT 1 will become a prerequisite for WIT (Wrangler-in-Training). Girls Grades: 10-12 Dates: July 14-26, Sun.-Fri. (12 nights) Cost: $365 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Daring Designs

This is art you’ll love to wear. Come home with tie-dye, hair wraps and jewelry you made yourself. You’ll create pictures with exploding paint and art inspired by nature. Also enjoy regular camp activities like nature and swimming. Please bring a white shirt to tie-dye. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: July 10-12, Wed.-Fri. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Boat and Bike (Level 1)

Explore Pennsylvania by land and water! Zoom down the beautiful biking trails at Morraine State Park. Let the adventure continue as you canoe and have a picnic on an overnight trip. You’ll also have lots of time to hang out with your friends by the campfire and cool off in the pool. Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 5-8 Dates: July 14-19, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $325 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Footloose Super Soakers

You’ll be the coolest kids in camp when you spend tons of time splashing in the water. From creek swimming and canoeing to water slides at Sand Castle Water Park, your whole week will be one giant pool party. You will also get to kick back and relax while doing some arts and crafts and creek stomping. Girls Grades: 4-7 Dates: July 7-12, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $300 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Thrill Seekers

Set off in search of great thrills! Ride roller coasters at Kennywood Amusement Park, go white-water rafting and fly down a zip line! Plus, enjoy regular camp activities like swimming and arts and crafts. Girls Grades: 6-9 Dates: July 7-12, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $350 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Trailblazers (Level 4)

Spend time trotting and cantering on Redwing’s trails and compete in our very own trail class. Adventure with your horse to Outpost and stay overnight at the barn. Prerequisite: Camper must have experience steering her horse independently at a trot and canter. Completion of Level 3 or equivalent documented riding experience. Girls Grades: 7-10 Session 1: July 7-12, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Session 2: July 21-26, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Busing available for Session 2 only. Cost: $350 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Get your dancing shoes on and your feet moving. While at camp, you’ll create awesome dance routines and perform them for the entire camp. Whether it’s hip hop or ballet that you love, there is a place for everyone. Plus, enjoy great activities like arts and crafts, swimming and archery. Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 4-7 Dates: July 14-19, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Movie Makers

Become the star of the show on Redwing’s stage. You and your friends will make videos, starring YOU! Learn how to create a production all your own. You’ll still have time for the pool, arts and crafts and nature as well. Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 4-7 Dates: July 14-19, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5


Participate in mental and physical challenges while trying to win group rewards and tribal immunity. Lose a challenge and you may face “Exile Island.” Plus, enjoy regular camp activities like swimming, arts and crafts and nature. Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 4-7 Dates: July 14-19, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

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Camp Redwing (cont.) Staff Alumni Weekend — Family Event! Calling all Redwing Staff Alumni! Come to camp and see what we’ve been up to, catch up with old friends and meet some new ones. Your favorite things about camp will all be included, like horseback riding, swimming and our Candlelight Ceremony. Please contact Karla Schell at or 1-800-248-3355 ext. 1703 to RSVP. Dates: July 19-21, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $30 per person • Minimum Capacity: 5

Wrangler-In-Training (WIT)

Share your love of horses by helping out younger campers and learn what it’s like to work as barn staff. Increase your knowledge of horsemanship and learn about lesson instruction, program planning and barn operations. Prerequisite: Completion of Western Fun and Games or equivalent documented experience. Note: For the summer of 2014, CIT 1 will be required prior to attending WIT. Girls Grades: 10-12 Dates: July 14-26, Sun.-Fri. (12 nights) Cost: $520 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Stay Over Weekend

If you love camp and want to spend two back-to-back weeks, this is the perfect opportunity. Spend the weekend at camp swimming and hanging out, along with a special event Saturday night. This is for campers who are registered for programs the weeks of July 14-19 and July 21-26. Girls Grades: 4-12 Dates: July 19-21, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $60 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Redwing Spa

River Runners (Level 2)

Get ready, get set, go canoeing! Perfect your paddling skills at camp, “swamp” your canoe in the safety of the pool and paddle to a picnic lunch. Then, embark on a two-night canoe trip on the Allegheny River. Prerequisite: completion of a Level 1 canoeing program or have equivalent documented experience. Must have experience canoeing for at least 3 miles in one day on moving water. Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 7-12 Dates: July 21-26, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $325 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Sea Horses

Spend time at two favorite spots at Camp Redwing, the pool and the barn. Learn horse care and safety, take a staff-led horse ride and enjoy a pool party. Plus, enjoy regular camp activities like arts and crafts and nature. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: July 28-Aug. 1, Sun.-Thurs. (4 nights) Cost: $260 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Traditional Camp

Come to camp and make all your own choices. All of your favorites, like canoeing, creek swimming, hiking, arts and crafts, archery, campfires, cookouts, songs and more will be included. This is for the girl who loves everything about camp or wants to experience something new. Girls will earn badges and parts of Journeys, but the choice is all yours. (Girls will be split into units based on grade.) Girls Grades: 4-12 Dates: July 28-Aug. 1, Sun.-Thurs. (4 nights) Cost: $220 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Me and My Guy

Relax and get in touch with your glamorous side. Make fruit smoothies, try yoga and create your own cosmetics. You’ll also make hair wraps and do all the things that make you feel good! Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 4-7 Dates: July 21-24, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Bring your favorite cowboy – your dad (or significant male adult) – to camp for the weekend! Go on a staffled horse ride, enjoy cowgirl-themed games, make crafts and dance at the all-camp hoedown! There’s something for everyone including swimming, nature and arts and crafts. Girls Grades: K-12 Dates: Aug. 2-4, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 5

Night Crawlers


See all the cool things that happen at camp when the sun goes down. You’ll get to stay up late, sleep in and go night swimming. Camp under the stars in Firefly Field and earn your Night Owls badge. Plus, enjoy great camp activities like nature and arts and crafts. Increase your fun by taking advantage of our Stay Over Weekend. Girls Grades: 5-8 Dates: July 21-26, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $275 per girl Minimum Capacity: 5

Participate in mental and physical challenges while trying to win group rewards and tribal immunity. Lose a challenge and you may face “Exile Island.” Plus, enjoy regular camp activities like swimming, arts and crafts and nature. Girls Grades: K-12 Dates: Aug. 5-7, Mon.-Wed. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 10

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Camp Resting Waters

se Open Ho11u, 2013 ay Saturday, M p.m. 11 a.m.-4

Camp Resting Waters sits on 430 beautiful acres in Kane, McKean County. During the winter months, Camp Resting Waters is known for cross country skiing, sled riding, snowshoeing, and ice skating. During the summer months, Camp Resting Waters offers sailing, canoeing, funyaking, fishing, swimming and archery for troops and service units looking to develop and offer their own outdoor and camping experience. Enjoy Camp Resting Water’s many hiking trails, permanent orienteering course, outdoor cooking, primitive camping and wildlife studies year-round. A limited summer camp program is offered, but a lifeguard will be available from the second weekend of June through the second weekend of August for troops, service units and other groups who use the camp. Rental groups are responsible for any additional lifeguards needed depending on your group size. For specific camp questions, contact To rent this camp for your group, e-mail

Smooth Sailing at Resting Waters

Spend a week at Camp Resting Waters enjoying sailing, beach volleyball, archery and relaxation by the lake. You’ll learn basic sailing, how to recover from a capsize quickly and how to recover an overboard crewmate. At the end of the week, showcase what you’ve learned in a regatta. Girls Grades: 9-12 Dates: July 7-12, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $350 per Girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Socks are the item found most often in the lost and found! Labeling everything that comes to camp helps to get items returned.

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Camp Roy Weller

Sitting on an impressive 792 acres in Preston County, West Virginia, Camp Roy Weller is the ideal location for Juniors and Cadettes, with their troops, to explore the outdoors. Focusing on environmental topics, such as alternative energy, outdoor skills, including canoeing, as well as being host to an extensive pottery program, girls can find everything they need to get back-to-basics here. This camp is flexible for different campers’ needs. We have primitive camping sites as well as winterized, indoor bunk houses to suit everyone’s camping style. Roy Weller is ideally located in close proximity to local attractions such as WISP, Nemacolin, Sandy Creek State Park, Swallow Falls State Park, Fallingwater, Laurel Caverns, etc. The Arctic Swamp at Deep Creek Lake is a short drive from our property. Our trained staff looks forward to meeting you this summer! For specific camp questions, e-mail

Energize, Investigate, Innovate CORE

Get off the grid as we explore the many different ways we use energy in our lives. We will construct solar panels and wind turbines while exploring different sources of energy like solar and wind. Visit a local wind farm to look at largescale wind turbines up close and work toward your Get Moving Journey award! Enjoy all Camp Roy Weller has to offer, like archery, canoeing and hiking trails. Girls Grades: 4-5 Date: June 21-23, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 28

Color Me Green! CORE

Care about the environment, but not sure how you can make a difference? Love the outdoors, but don’t like being uncomfortable? No worries — no experience is necessary! Just come with a love of the outdoors and a willingness to learn as we explore ways to make outdoor living more comfortable and make items to help you be greener at home. We’ll visit an organic farm, experiment with gourmet outdoor cooking, enjoy the art and ease of canoeing and the beauty of natural dyes. You’ll get to use your dyes to make tie-dyed T-shirts! (A white shirt will be provided). Troop leaders will transport girls to the farm. Girls Grades: 6-8 Date: June 23-25, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $115 per person Minimum Capacity: 28

Open Ho use Saturday, M ay 18, 2013 1-4 p.m.

Infinity and Beyond CORE

Leap light years into an amazing experience in science. Enjoy a magnified look at the planets, moons and asteroids. Visit StarLAB for a spectacular view of the night sky and learn how to identify constellations. Next, learn about the James Webb Space Telescope that has “Go Girl Scouts!” printed on the side and how its near-infrared camera is going to help us see farther into space than we ever have before! Build and launch a simple rocket of your own and team up to design and build a LEGO® Robot. Then, test your robotic design in a mini-competition. The end of your experience brings you to the wild and wacky world of science experiments, for out-of-this-world fun! Girls Grades: 4-8 Date: June 27-30, Thurs.-Sun. (3 nights) Cost: $150 per person Minimum Capacity: 28

Picture Perfect CORE

Bring a friend and meet with a photographer to learn the tricks of the trade to get the absolute best shots. Take what you’ve learned and fill up a disposable camera with amazing shots of you and your friends around camp. To provide further inspiration for your inner photographer, we’ll take a trip to visit Swallow Falls State Park, home to Maryland’s highest waterfall, Muddy Creek Falls. After the photos are developed, you’ll learn from an expert how to make a memorable scrapbook to remember your time at camp. Your photos may even get featured in a future issue of S’more! Troop leaders will transport girls to Swallow Falls State Park. Girls Grades: 4-5 Date: June 30-July 3, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $165 per person Minimum Capacity: 28

All Fired Up CORE

Express your creativity and learn different ways to make pottery such as pinch pots, coil pots and molding. Get energized by the beautiful natural surroundings at Camp Roy Weller as you hike the trails for inspiration. You’ll also paint and take home your very own mug with glaze to be fired in the kiln at Camp Roy Weller. Girls Grades: 6-8 Date: July 5-7, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 28

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Camp Singing Hills

Camp Singing Hills is located in Venango County, between Franklin and Oil City, in the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains and near the confluence of the Allegheny River and Oil Creek. The 221-acre camp is GSWPA’s high-adventure camp, challenging girls in archery, target shooting, high and low-ropes and canoeing (off-site). This camp is ideally suited for older Girl Scouts who are ready to take on new physical and mental challenges, individually and with their troop. Singing Hills has beautiful wooded hiking trails and a lovely outdoor amphitheater with a melodic babbling brook running alongside. Summer camp accommodations are in tents with either bunks or cots. For specific camp questions, e-mail Singing Hills is also a great place to bring your troop, group or service unit. Please check the availability calendar at To make a reservation for your troop, service unit or group, please contact

se Open Ho11u, 2013 ay Saturday, M p.m. 10 a.m.-2

Canoe U – Level 1 CORE

Play team games and work together on the challenge course low elements. Participate in an on-river canoe trip and camp out along the Allegheny River overnight! Troop leaders will transport girls to canoe livery. Girls Grades: 4-8 Session 1: June 16-18, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Girls Grades: 9-12 Session 2: June 20-22, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Cost: $130 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Ultimate High Adventure

Learn the process of facilitating the multilevel challenge course, as well as the knots, safety equipment and procedures that will ensure safe participation of all campers on the ropes course. Complete as many low and high elements as you can, then end camp with an experience rappelling and bouldering in the Allegheny National Forest and Panther Caves. When you’re not on the ropes, you can relax by the pool, make refreshing smoothies and/or go for a ride along the beautiful Samuel Justus Bike Trail. You can either bring your own bike or borrow one from camp (a limited number are available). Girls Grades: 9-12 Dates: June 16-21, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $300 per girl Minimum Capacity: 14

Canoe & Climb CORE

Come to camp and hang out on the high ropes! Play and work as a team on the challenge course low elements and learn advanced canoe strokes, rescues and maneuvers. Girls Grades: 9-12 Dates: June 23-25, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Shoot, Splash & Spelunk

Most activities are done outside, so make sunscreen and bug spray a priority.

Spend time on the rifle range and work toward earning your NRA rifle rocker (must be 12 years old to shoot rifles). Lounge around the pool, go spelunking and explore the natural wonder of Panther Caves. Girls Grades: 7-12 Dates: June 23-28, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $290 per girl Minimum Capacity: 14

Camp & Cave CORE

Enjoy camp and learn traditional Girl Scout outdoor skills. Practice rappelling off the challenge course tower, go spelunking or enjoy hiking. Troop leaders will need to transport girls offsite to caves. Girls Grades: 6-12 Dates: June 27-29, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Cost: $115 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

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Junior Jamboree CORE

Bring your troop to camp to learn traditional Girl Scout outdoor skills while earning their Camper, First Aid and Simple Meals badges. Skills taught will include fire building, basic first aid, outdoor cooking, emergency shelter building, compass reading, knots and basic survival techniques. You’ll also get to splash in the pool, shoot archery and do team building activities on the Brownie fun course. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: June 30-July 3, Sun.-Wed. (3 nights) Cost: $150 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Me and My Guy

Bring your favorite guy – dad (or significant male adult 18 years or older) – to camp for the weekend. Participate in age-appropriate activities such as the Brownie fun course, low and high ropes, archery, riflery, hiking, nature exploration, a scavenger hunt, canoeing and more! (Girls must be 12 years old to shoot rifles.) Adults participating in canoeing will need to transport girls to Two-Mile Park. Girls Grades: K-12 Dates: July 5-7, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 25

Camp My Way

Enjoy two awesome weeks of camp as you work with other girls your age and design your own camp experience, including an out-of-camp trip. Choose from high and low ropes, the Brownie fun course, riflery, archery, swimming in the pool or at Justus Lake, hiking around camp, brushing up on your environmental knowledge at the nature center, canoeing at Two-Mile Park or just relaxing – you get to set your own schedule. When your friends ask what you did this summer, you can say “I got to camp my way.” Girls Grades: 9-12 Dates: July 7-19, Sun.-Fri. (12 nights) Cost: $660 per girl Minimum Capacity: 14

Queen of the Hills CORE

For the true camp enthusiast! Participate in all of the camp amenities offered at Camp Singing Hills. At the end of camp you will have earned a special “Queen of the Hills” patch. Girls Grades: 7-12 Dates: July 10-13, Wed.-Sat. (3 nights) Cost:$150 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Troop Challenge and Games CORE

Put your game face on and challenge yourself with teambased games such as all-camp Tug-O-War, Capture the Flag and the Brownie fun course. You’ll also have fun splashing in the pool and launching water balloons. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: July 14-16, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Canoe U – Level 2 CORE

Play team games and work together on the challenge course low elements. Participate in an on-river canoe trip and camp out along the river for two nights. Girls must have previously participated in a GSWPA Level 1 canoe program. Tents, cooking and other group camping gear will be provided by GSWPA. Participants are responsible for personal camping gear. Troop leaders will transport girls to canoe livery. Girls Grades: 6-12 Dates: July 18-20, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Cost: $130 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

High Adventure CORE

Play team-based games, work together to problem solve and learn to better trust your sister Girl Scouts! Complete low-course elements and challenge yourself on the high ropes. Girls Grades: 6-12 Dates: July 21-23, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

PA, Naturally

Join us as we head east to explore the natural beauty of Pennsylvania through visits to several of our great state parks! First, meet at Camp Singing Hills and load the bus as we embark on a week of exploration traveling to some of our state’s most scenic natural wonders. We will spend two nights each at Black Moshannon State Park and Hickory Run State Park with an overnight stop at Knoebels Amusement Park for a fun break in the middle of the week. The return trip to Camp Singing Hills will include a stop at Bald Eagle State Park for a picnic lunch and swim in the lake. Girls Grades: 6-12 Dates: July 21-26, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $350 per girl Minimum Capacity: 14

Boat, Bike … Say “Cheese!” CORE

Bring your bike to camp and spend a day traveling along a naturally beautiful and historic 9.7 mile paved bike path, the Oil Creek State Park Trail. Don’t have a bike? No problem. A limited number of bikes are available for rent. We’ll enjoy a fabulous picnic lunch along the trail and practice nature photography as we travel along the path. The rest of your time at camp will be spent mastering canoe strokes on Justus Lake and relaxing by the pool while sipping cool, refreshing smoothies. Bring a camera if you want to take pictures. Troop leaders will transport girls to the bike path. Girls Grades: 6-12 Dates: July 25-27, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

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Aim, Shoot and Climb CORE

Practice archery using different equipment, including recurve and compound bows. Then, learn the parts of a rifle and exercise control and precision on the range. Round out your camp experience by reaching the top of the climbing wall, zooming down the zip line, taking a refreshing dip in the pool and making great memories with your troop. Girls Grades: 7-12 Dates: July 28-30, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $125 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Climb, Row, Cave and Ride

This camp is for those thrill seekers looking for an action packed summer adventure. You’ll spend the first night at Camp Singing Hills getting to know your fellow campers by playing team-based games. Next, you’ll travel to Camp Curry Creek to work on your canoe strokes before heading to Penn’s Cave, America’s only all-water cavern. Continue on to Knoebels Amusement Park where you’ll spend two nights floating in the Crystal Pool and riding the rides. Finally, spend your last night of camp at Camp Singing Hills challenging yourself on the high ropes and telling stories about your adventures ‘round the campfire. Girls Grades: 6-12 Dates: July 28-Aug. 2, Sun.-Fri. (5 nights) Cost: $350 per girl Minimum Capacity: 14

Me and My Gal

The Camp Olympics CORE

Put your game face on and challenge yourself with team-based games you can only play at camp, such as all-camp Tug-O-War, Capture the Flag and the low and high ropes courses. Learn outdoor cooking skills and compete in a one-pot cook-off! Also, enjoy canoeing, archery and swimming. Girls Grades: 6-12 Dates: Aug. 7-10, Wed.-Sat. (3 nights) Cost: $150 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Summer Troop Camping at Singing Hills

Bring your troop to Camp Singing Hills this summer to work on badges, get started on a Journey or to simply strengthen the bonds of sisterhood while getting to jump in the pool, take aim at a target or hit the high ropes. Troops must provide their own first aid/CPR certified and tent/yurt outdoor trained adults. Fee includes two hours in the pool and either archery or rifles (must be 12 years old to shoot rifles), and four hours on the ropes course. Troops are responsible for their own meals. Lodging is provided in the Springsong tent unit. Girls Grades: 2-12 Session 1: June 21-23, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 2: June 28-30, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 3: July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 4: July 19-21, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Session 5: Aug. 2-4, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $50 per person Minimum Capacity: 8

Bring your favorite gal – your mom (or significant female adult) – to camp for the weekend. Participate in ageappropriate activities such as the Brownie fun course, low and high ropes, archery, riflery, hiking, nature exploration, a scavenger hunt, canoeing and more! (Girls must be 12 years old to shoot rifles.) Adults participating in canoeing will need to transport girls to Two-Mile Park. Girls Grades: K-12 Dates: Aug. 2-4, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person When sending letters to your Minimum Capacity: 25

camper, make sure messages are positive. Highlight how much fun your camper is having and how excited you are to hear all about her cool experiences.

28 / camp issue 2013

Camp Skymeadow

Camp Skymeadow sits on 371 acres of grassy meadows and a stand of evergreens at the southern tip of Armstrong County, near Avonmore. This camp is a beautiful property with everything a beginner camper would want to try. Camp Skymeadow has modern lodges with indoor facilities, power and full kitchens. Depending on the program you signed up for, you may also have the option of staying in platform tents. Enjoy great camp activities like canoeing, archery, hayrides, fishing, swimming and of course s’mores and songs around a campfire. Camp Skymeadow is the camp for girls to experience CORE Camp and Family Camps. The horse program is a great way to learn the basics of horses and what it’s like being in the saddle. If you have specific questions about Camp Skymeadow, e-mail

Horse Lover CORE

This is for girls who love horses but have little or no riding experience with them. Enjoy an adult-led trail ride and still have time to participate in great camp activities like archery, canoeing and swimming. Remember, barn and riding time take priority. Girls Grades: 2-5 Session 1: June 16-18, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Session 2: July 11-13, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Session 3: July 21-23, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $125 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Open House Saturday

, May 18, 2013 1-3 p.m.

Dances with Branches CORE

Outdoor Adventurer CORE

Experience the thrill of climbing and go as high as you can into the trees of Skymeadow’s great oaks! You will be fully harnessed and helmeted while using ropes to climb however high you feel comfortable. Try flipping upside down to show off your tree-climbing skills. Girls Grades: 2-5 Session 1: June 23-25, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Session 2: July 18-20, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Session 3: July 28-30, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $115 per person Minimum Capacity: 24

Pony Pals

Summer camp is a place of traditions like singing, hiking and making s’mores. Come to Camp Skymeadow and learn more about camp traditions while earning your Brownie Girl Scout Ways badge. Girls Grades: 1-3 Dates: June 27- 29, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 16

Girl Scouts is a place of both new ideas and great traditions. Be a part of singing songs, doing a “Scouts Own” or helping to build an all-camp game at Camp Skymeadow. You will take home great memories and earn your Junior Girl Scout Ways badge. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: June 16-18, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 24

Elves in the Woods CORE

Bring your mom (or significant female adult) to camp for horse fun! Girls go on a mom-led trail ride and then get to go riding in the arena too. Participate in other camp activities like swimming and crafts. Girls Grades: 1-5 Session 1: June 20-22, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Session 2: June 23-25, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Session 3: July 18-20, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Session 4: July 28-30, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Take the Reins CORE

Treasure Hunt CORE

Daisy Discovery CORE

Letterboxing is a great hobby where you will follow clues and create rubber stamps in an outdoor quest. Go on a Camp Skymeadow treasure hunt to find letterboxes right at camp, as well as make your own. Learn about this fun activity and do other activities at camp like swimming and canoeing. Girls will earn their Brownie Letterboxer badge. Girls Grades: 1-3 Dates: June 20- 22, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 24

This camp is for beginner riders. Increase you knowledge of horses and improve your riding skills by participating in a lesson. Plus, enjoy regular camp activities like swimming and archery. Remember, barn and riding time take priority. Girls Grades: 3-5 Session 1: June 27-29, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Session 2: July 14-16, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Session 3: Aug. 1-3, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Cost: $125 per person Minimum Capacity: 18 Hike around camp and learn the principles of “energy in-energy out” while working on parts of the Between Earth and Sky Journey. You’ll get to practice healthy habits while at camp. Plus, enjoy regular camp activities like swimming and learning camp songs. Girls Grades: 1-2 Session 1: June 30-July 1, Sun.-Mon. (1 night) Session 2: July 26- 27, Fri.-Sat. (1 night) Cost: $50 per person Minimum Capacity: 16

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Saddle Up

Bring your mom (or significant female adult) to camp for horse fun! Girls go on a mom-led trail ride and then get to go riding in the arena too. Participate in other camp activities like swimming and crafts. Girls Grades: 1-3 Session 1: June 30-July 1, Sun.-Mon. (1 night) Session 2: July 26-27, Fri.-Sat. (1 night) Cost: $40 per person Minimum Capacity: 22


Bring your dad (or significant male adult) to camp for some fun! Go on a dad-led trail ride, and dads get riding time in the arena too. Participate in other camp activities like swimming, shooting archery and sleeping in a tent. Girls Grades: 1-5 Dates: July 5-6, Fri.-Sat. (1 night) Cost: $40 per person Minimum Capacity: 12


First time camping? Bring your mom (or significant female adult) to this overnight and experience some traditional camp activities together. Ride the hay wagon, hike a trail and roast s’mores over a campfire while singing songs. You’ll want to come back for more! Girls Grades: 1-4 Dates: July 5-6, Fri.-Sat. (1 night) Cost: $40 per person Minimum Capacity: 26

Trail Mix CORE

Come to camp and learn the basics of traveling outside, whether in your neighborhood or on a trail. Learn about trail signs while working on your Brownie Hiker badge. Girls Grades: 1-3 Dates: July 5- 6, Fri.-Mon. (1 night) Cost: $50 per person Minimum Capacity: 16

Giddy Up CORE

Corral Day CORE

If you have little or no horse experience and just want to try it out, this session is perfect for you. Take an adult-led trail ride, eat lunch, make a craft, go swimming and visit the Trading Post. Girls Grades: 2-5 Date: Tuesday, July 9, 8:45 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $35 per girl/$10 per adult Minimum Capacity: 15

Outdoor Chef CORE

Test your outdoor cooking skills while spending time enjoying all of Camp Skymeadow’s great activities. You’ll learn different methods of outdoor cooking and take home your Junior Simple Meals badge. Plus, enjoy camp activities like swimming and archery. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: July 11-13, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 24

Ready, Set, Camp!

First time camping? Bring your mom (or significant female adult) to camp and experience traditional camp activities together. Go canoeing, shoot archery, hike a trail and roast s’mores over a campfire while singing songs. You’ll want to come back for more! Girls Grades: 2-5 Dates: July 14-16, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 22

She’s Crafty CORE

Artists take what they see and make it beautiful. Come to Camp Skymeadow and learn how to do this yourself. Work on different ways to paint and take home your beautiful new artwork. Girls will earn their Brownie Painting badge. Girls Grades: 2-3 Dates: July 21- 23, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 24

Drip, Drip, Splash CORE

If you have little or no experience with horses and two nights just seems a little too long, this camp is for you! Learn to shoot a bow and arrow, go on a hay ride and enjoy an adult-led trail ride around camp. Girls Grades: 1-4 Dates: July 7-8, Sun.-Mon. (1 night) Cost: $65 per person Minimum Capacity: 22

Water and summer go together! Come out to Camp Skymeadow for the day and enjoy our water activities. Go canoeing, have a water balloon fight, swim in the pool and then take some time to dry off for lunch. Enjoy the day cooling off and have a great time doing it. Girls Grades: 2-5 Date: Thursday, July 25, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $15 per person Minimum Capacity: 20

Tajar Trails CORE

Into the Woods CORE

The Tajar is a special creature that lives near camp and looks something like a tiger, jaguar and badger combined. Join us and have a great time learning about him and some of the fun stuff to do at Camp Skymeadow, like swimming and making s’mores. Girls Grades 1-2 Dates: July 7- 8, Sun.-Mon. (1 night) Cost: $50 per person Minimum Capacity: 16

Go on an adventure and make new friends with your Girl Scout sisters. Learn the basics of camping and Leave No Trace principles and learn to build a campfire. While at camp, participate on a night hike and earn your Junior Camper badge. Girls Grades: 4-5 Dates: Aug. 1-3, Thurs.-Sat. (2 nights) Cost: $100 per person Minimum Capacity: 24

30 / camp issue 2013

Camp Yough

se Open Ho19u, 2013

Located just outside of Pittsburgh, in Elizabeth Township, Camp Yough is the perfect introduction to camp for your Daisies and Brownies. Home to two winterized lodges, your young camper will feel right at home with her new best friends in our bunk rooms. This camp is easy to navigate but offers plenty to explore. Your girls will get to pretend they’re the next American Idol as they perform in our amphitheater. They can take a walk on the trails to overlook the Youghiogheny River or head in the other direction to see Brownie Falls. Not ready to let your daughter go on her own? Have her bring a friend or come to one of our Mom & Me sessions. Our trained staff are ready for you! For more information, e-mail

y Sunday, Ma . 2-4 p.m

Brownies Go Buggy

Go buggy as you earn your Bugs Legacy badge. You’ll explore the world of bugs as you create bug boxes, go on a big hike around camp and create fabulous bug art. Get “up close and personal” with the bugs at Camp Yough. So, whether you hop like a grasshopper, fly like a butterfly or roll like a roly poly, come out to Camp Yough and bug out! Girls will earn the Bugs, Making Friends and Hiker badges. Girls Grades: 2-3 Date: June 16-18, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per girl Minimum Capacity: 12

Imagination Station

Meet us on Duncan Station Road at Camp Yough as we put on our inventor’s caps to come up with our own silly camp songs, games for any occasion and inventions for the future! We’ll have a scavenger hunt through the woods, make s’mores over the fire and play our new games. Girls will earn and receive their Making Friends, Making Games and Inventor badges. Girls Grades: 2-3 Date: June 20-21, Thurs.-Fri. (1 night) Cost: $55 per girl Minimum Capacity: 12

Express Yourself

Show your artistic side while earning your Potter and Painting badges at Camp Yough! Girls will also earn their Making Friends badge by working with each other to create works of art! Experiment with different techniques to make a clay pot and other pieces of painted art to take home. You’ll even get to make a mural with your new friends to hang for the summer at Camp Yough! Please bring a white shirt to tie dye. Girls Grades: 2-3 Date: June 21-23, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per girl Minimum Capacity: 12

Penguin Palooza

Join us as we play, waddle and eat just like penguins! We’ll learn about penguins around the world and even get to meet an endangered African penguin with the help of the National Aviary! Girls will earn and receive their Gloria and Rosie petals. Girls Grades: K-1 Date: June 23-25, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Daisy Magnetism

Join us at Camp Yough for an overnight of science, discovery and fun for girls! Have fun creating a magnet painting and a magnet propelled car, as well as “running” our magnet marathon race and wondering at the mystery of our dazzling doughnuts of magnetism! Come and feel the force – of magnetism, that is. Girls will earn and receive their Clover petal. Girls Grades: K-1 Date: June 27-28, Thurs.-Fri. (1 night) Cost: $55 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Just the Two of Us - Daisy Mom & Me

Get away from it all and bring your mom (or significant female adult) to Camp Yough! During this session, we’ll sing songs and experiment with gourmet outdoor cooking recipes. During arts and crafts, make a mom and me craft to remember your special time together. Girls who participate in this program will earn and receive their Gloria petal. Girls Grades: K-1 Date: June 28-30, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 24

CSI - Camp Scene Investigation

Solve the mystery of “Who Stole the Samoas?” at Camp Yough! We’ll work together in teams to learn some of the investigative tools forensic analysts use to solve crimes! Check out your own skin cells under a microscope and extract your DNA from them! Study the crime scene, collect the evidence and find out once and for all – who stole the Samoas? Girls Grades: 2-3 Date: June 30-July 2, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per girl Minimum Capacity: 12

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Brownie Badge Bonanza

Do you love earning badges? If so, then this fast-paced program is for you! We’ll start our badge bonanza by learning all about First Aid and what to pack to go on a hike. We’ll make good choices for our snacks and dance the night away with our new friends at Camp Yough. Girls will earn and receive their First Aid, Hiker, Making Friends, Dancer and Snacks badges. Girls Grades: 2-3 Date: July 2-3, Tues.-Wed. (1 night) Cost: $55 per girl Minimum Capacity: 12

Just the Two of Us - Brownie Mom & Me

Get away from it all and bring your mom (or significant female adult) to Camp Yough! During this session, we’ll sing songs and experiment with gourmet outdoor cooking recipes. During arts and crafts, make a mom and me craft to remember your special time together. Girls will earn and receive their Making Friends and Snacks badges. Girls Grades: 2-3 Date: July 5-7, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $75 per person Minimum Capacity: 24

Daisy Days

Bring a friend and be ready to make new ones at this program great for first-time campers. We’ll enjoy all that Camp Yough has to offer while making memories that will last a lifetime. Hike on the trails, explore the creek bed and take home a unique camp arts and crafts project. Girls Grades: K-1 Date: July 7-9, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Space is the Place

We’ll learn all about the stars, planets and galaxies that exist beyond our Solar System in this fun-filled camp. Learn the basics of constellation identification as we make our own planispheres. Weather permitting, we’ll stay up late to check out the Big Dipper through a telescope! We’ll also hear stories around the campfire that were passed down through generations of Native Americans, telling how the constellations get their names. Girls will earn their Home Scientist and Making Friends badges. Girls Grades: 2-3 Date: July 11-12, Thurs.-Fri. (1 night) Cost: $55 per girl Minimum Capacity: 12

Fireflies and Fairytales

Swim and Saddle Sampler

Bring a friend as we take this opportunity to travel from Camp Yough to Camp Redwing! You’ll take a staff-led horse ride and swim in the pool. Explore the Connoquenessing Creek and enjoy the flutter of butterflies near Camp Redwing’s nature center. If you love your visit, check out the Sea Horses camp for Girl Scout Juniors next summer! Girls will earn and receive their Making Friends badge. Girls Grades: 2-3 Date: July 14-16, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $125 per girl Minimum Capacity: 12

Slumber Party - Daisy and Brownie Mom & Me Bring your favorite pajamas as we cozy into a fun-filled slumber party adventure at Camp Yough! We’ll play games and sing songs as we explore the trails that overlook the Youghiogheny River and the creek bed that leads to it. You and your mom (or significant female adult) will also get to decorate your own pillowcases to commemorate the fun you have together. Girls Grades: K-3 Date: July 18-19, Thurs.-Fri. (1 night) Cost: $40 per person Minimum Capacity: 24

Rainforest Adventures

Discover rainforests through the eyes of birds with help from the National Aviary. Home to nearly half of the world’s plant and animal species, campers will examine how rainforests support ecological balance as well as global economies, and why it is important for us to conserve this valuable natural resource. Get up close with several live birds representing the rainforest community and help turn our dining hall into our very own rainforest café. Girls Grades: 2-3 Date: July 19-21, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per girl Minimum Capacity: 12

Petal Power!

Enjoy all that Camp Yough has to offer at this fun-filled camp for Girl Scout Daisies. Show your creative side while celebrating the power of girls and earn your petals at the same time! Create your own art gallery and show it off to your parents before pick-up on Tuesday! Girls will earn and receive their Sunny, Darla and Gloria petals. Girls Grades: K-1 Date: July 21-23, Sun.-Tues. (2 nights) Cost: $110 per girl Minimum Capacity: 8

Enter the land of make believe at Camp Yough for this magically-inspired program. We’ll catch fireflies in mason jars, make s’mores and tell stories around the campfire. We’ll build our own fairy houses and even visit the Fairy Queen of Camp Yough! Girls Grades: 2-3 Date: July 12-14, Fri.-Sun. (2 nights) Camp menus are full of kid-friendly Cost: $110 per girl options like fruit, pancakes, Minimum Capacity: 8

hamburgers, spaghetti and more! Contact the Camp Director if your child has any special dietary needs.

32 / camp issue 2013

Frequently Asked Questions About Camp How will camper placement occur? Girls are placed in camp sessions for which they are eligible (grade level, prerequisites, etc.). Placement will be made on a first-come, first-served basis until the camp session is full. Additional registrants will have an option of being placed on a wait list.

My camper wants to designate a buddy. How does this work?

Each girl can designate a single buddy. Both girls must sign up for the same camp session (not just the same date) and list each other on their individual registrations. Every effort is made to honor buddy requests, but we cannot guarantee placement.

How will I know what time to be at camp and what to bring?

A registration receipt will be sent stating the session(s) and date(s) for which you are registered. These packets will be sent electronically if an e-mail address is provided. Please check your junk mail/spam for filtered e-mails. Confirmation packets are sent once full payment is received and include required forms and information.

Can I apply for a scholarship to send my daughter to camp?

Yes. Please fill out the scholarship form on page 36 and submit appropriate payments, including the $50 deposit to: 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412. You may also submit your deposit of $50 online. However, you still need to complete the scholarship form and send it to 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412. Once a scholarship is awarded, a refund may be approved, depending upon the amount of the financial assistance.

Is my deposit refundable?

The deposit must be paid for each camp session when you submit your registration, and it’s only refundable if the camp session(s) is cancelled or the girl is unable to be placed in a camp session. If you pay in full when you register, the deposit is still non-refundable if you cancel at a later date. After May 1, full payment is due at the time of registration.

My daughter isn’t currently a Girl Scout. Can she still attend? Yes! For girls not currently Girl Scouts, please include the $12 membership fee in addition to the deposit.

When is final payment due?

Parents will receive an invoice once a camper is placed in a camp session. Final payment is due by May 1, 2013, and girls will not be able to attend unless complete payment is made. If final payment is not made by May 1, 2013, the space will be opened to others. Confirmation packets will be sent once full payment has been received.

What is the Summer Camp refund policy? A full refund, including the membership registration fee and deposit, will be given for a filled or cancelled camp session OR if financial assistance is not granted. Otherwise, full camp fees (exclusive of membership registration fee and deposit) will be refunded only upon written request when:

• a camper is not able to attend a full camp session due to illness and a physician’s statement accompanies the written request for a refund. This request must be received within two weeks of the end of the camp session. • GSWPA receives a written notification within two weeks of the end of the camp session stating the girl cannot attend due to a family emergency. • a girl must leave early because of an illness or family emergency. Refunds will be granted on a per-diem basis Refunds will not be given for late arrivals, no-shows or campers dismissed for behavior issues.

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2013 Resident or CORE Camp Registration Form Camp registration starts January 7, 2013. Register online for faster processing. (See page 37 for details.)

Please register online at Click ‘‘Register/Renew Membership.’’ Either select ‘‘New Visitor’’ or ‘‘Returning Visitor,’’ then select Camp Activities (left-hand on task bar). Complete instructions for online registrations are found on page 37. You can also mail your completed registration form and payment to: GSWPA, Registrar, 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412, or fax with credit card information to 814-734-7701. See back for additional spaces to register other people. For commonly asked questions about camp registration, please see page 32. Last Name

First Name

Middle Name

School Name

Grade Completed 2011/2012 yr

Troop #



Zip Code

Mother/guardian’s name

E-mail Address

Home Phone ( )

Work Phone ( )

Cell Phone ( )

Father/guardian’s name Home Phone ( )

E-mail Address Work Phone ( )

Cell Phone ( )

Buddy Information Please list only one buddy name for each camp. Please understand that girls’ buddy placement is dependent upon space availability and is not guaranteed. Buddies must be in the same camp session. Camp Buddy Name

Camp Session

Health History: To best serve our campers, the camp directors appreciate being made aware of any health and/or behavioral concerns, dietary needs or allergies in advance of your arrival. Please contact the camp’s director at least two weeks prior to your session. Additionally, a health history form must be completed and sent to the camp director for every person attending or the camp. Contact information will be in your confirmation packet. A health history form will be sent to you in your camp confirmation packet. Session Information: Register for each of the camp sessions your daughter plans to attend by filling in the camp name, session name and date of her firstchoice session. In the case that her first-choice session is full, please select an alternate choice or she will be placed on the wait list for the first choice. 1st Choice ---- Camp Name

Session Name

Session Date

2nd Choice ---- Camp Name

Session Name

Session Date

Bus Transportation (where bus icon listed)

one way ($35.00)

round trip ($50.00)

pick-up/drop off location: (See camp listing)

Payment: Camps require a $50 non-refundable deposit per session. If the total due is less than $50, please send the total fee. Final payments are due by May 1, 2013. Make checks payable to GSWPA. Non-registered Girl Scouts must include the $12 registration fee. • • •

Check/Money order (make checks payable to GSWPA ) $ Cookie Dough/Nut Bucks/Program Award $ (please attach) Scholarship request (Please compete the Scholarship Form on pages 35-36, and attach.) Membership Fee ($12) $ Credit Card (circle one) Visa MasterCard AMEX Discover $

Card number Signature

Exp. Date

3-digit code (on back of card) Print Name

I have read and understand the camp information, including payment fee and refund policies. I give permission for my daughter to attend camp and to participate in all activities both on and off the camp property, including transportation out of camp for planned program activities. When participating in camp, she may be photographed for print, video or electronic imaging. We agree that the images may be used in promotional material, news releases and other published formats for the council. Signature of Parent/Guardian


Resident or CORE Camp Roster Use this side only if registering for more than one girl for Resident or CORE Camp. Adults Attending: 1. Name


Address Street



Phone (


Phone (


Phone (


Phone (


Zip Code

2. Name


Address Street



Zip Code

3. Name


Address Street



Zip Code

4. Name


Address Street



Zip Code

Girls Attending: 1. Name




Phone ( Street



2. Name


Zip Code




Phone ( Street



3. Name


Zip Code


Grade Phone (

Address Street



4. Name


Zip Code


Grade Phone (

Address Street



5. Name


Zip Code




Phone ( Street



6. Name




Phone ( Street


Zip Code



7. Name


Zip Code


Grade Phone (

Address Street



8. Name

Zip Code


Grade Phone (

Address Street



9. Name


Grade Phone (



10. Name


Zip Code


Grade Phone (

Address Street


Zip Code

Address Street




Zip Code


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Scholarship Form SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Scholarships are available to GIRLS ONLY who: • Are registered members of Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania (GSWPA). • Are new to GSWPA for the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) membership registration. Scholarships may be requested at any time at least three (3) weeks prior to an event. Scholarships for the membership fee may be requested at any time. Scholarships may be requested and awarded for each of the following, once per membership year: • Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) membership registration fee • One council-operated event as listed on our online calendar and registration Web site, or in the fall/winter or spring/summer issues of S’more • One council-sponsored summer Resident Camp (including CORE and Family camp and Summer Troop Camping Programs as listed in S’more) • GSUSA destinations Scholarships may be granted for other national or council girl opportunities and will be made available based on the availability of funds. Parents/guardians are to complete the scholarship application and include it with the membership and/or event/camp registration form. Submit them together along with the appropriate deposit and/or fee. For events/programs, the Girl Scout family will be expected to pay a minimum of 10 % of the fee. For summer camp (including resident, CORE, Family camp and Summer Troop Camping Programs as listed in S’more), the Girl Scout family will be expected to pay the registration deposit plus 10 % of the total camp fee. Indicate total annual household income and all income sources. All information provided on the application is strictly confidential. Scholarships are awarded based both on apparent need and the availability of funds. GSWPA will determine the grant amount based on the family income, circumstances and budgetary limitations. Scholarships will not be granted when there is an outstanding debt (i.e. NSF check, delinquent MagNut or Cookie Program monies and/or debts to any Council Shop). Scholarships are non-transferable and not redeemable for cash. The parent/guardian will be notified by letter regarding the scholarship amount granted. Fill out the other side of this form to apply for a scholarship. If you need assistance completing the form, contact the Help Desk at 800-248-3355 ext. 1460. Notification for Accounts Receivable Conversion (ARC): Checks received by Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania may be converted into an electronic debit for clearing. The creation of an electronic debit requires Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania to destroy the original check for privacy reasons. You will not be receiving your check back from the bank.

Scholarship Form Scholarships are available to GIRLS ONLY. All information provided is strictly confidential. For event/camp registration, send this form along with the event/camp registration form(s) and all applicable payments to: Council Registrar, 5681 Route 6N, Edinboro, PA 16412. For membership registration, attach this form to the member’s registration form and submit to your Service Unit Registrar or Membership Manager. Deadline date: For all events, three (3) weeks prior to the start date. For Membership Registration, there is no deadline date. Girl Name: Troop #:

Girl Scout Service Unit:

Parent/Guardian Name(s): Parent/Guardian Occupation(s): Address:


Home Phone:



Work Phone:

Zip Code

Cell Phone:

E-mail:  both parents  one parent  other (specify): Girl lives with: Number of children (under 18) in household:

Sources of income (check all applicable): Investments Social Security

Salaries Pensions Other source

Number of adults in household:

Alimony Public Assistance

Child Support Unemployment Compensation

Total annual household income combining all sources: Less than $10,000 $10,000-$15,000 $15,001-$20,000 $30,001-$40,000 $40,001-$50,000 $50,001-$60,000 Does your family qualify for the free or reduced-lunch program?


$20,001-$30,000 $60,001-$70,000

Food Stamps SSI



Please check box  if you have previously applied for a scholarship in this year or any past year. How many girls in your family are applying for a scholarship this year? I am applying for a scholarship for: (Check one and complete the appropriate section.)  Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) membership registration  Event/Program  Camp

Title/name: Date(s):


Event/Program Fee: 10 % of the total event/program fee (enclosed) Additional amount family can pay (enclosed) Amount troop can pay (enclosed) Nut Bucks and/or Cookie Dough credit (enclosed)


Scholarship amount requested:


GSUSA Membership Registration: Additional amount family can pay (enclosed)

$ $ $ $

$ - $

Amount troop can pay (enclosed) - $ Nut Bucks and/or Cookie Dough credit (enclosed) - $ Scholarship amount requested:

Camp Fee: Camp deposit (enclosed) 10 % of the total camp fee (enclosed) Additional amount family can pay (enclosed) Amount troop can pay (enclosed) Nut Bucks and/or Cookie Dough credit (enclosed) -


Scholarship amount requested: 12

$ $ $ $ $ $


Describe specific reasons/circumstances for requesting a scholarship. Must be completed. (Attach additional sheet if necessary.)


I certify that all information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. False information is a basis for disqualification for current and future consideration. Scholarships will not be considered for any girls/family with delinquent monies due to the council. All outstanding monies owed to the council must be paid prior to distribution of the scholarship awards. Signature of Parent / Guardian:


girl scouts western pennsylvania / 37

Register Online Step 1—Sign up • Go to • Click the “Register/Renew Membership” button on the right side of your screen.

Step 2—Log-in/Activate account • Each member within the same family has her/his own account with a unique username and password. • If you OR your daughter has ever been a registered Girl Scout or has attended a program, event, camp or training, you have an account in our database. (Parents/Guardians have an account if their daughter is in our database.)

Step 3—Select camp activities • Choose “Camp Activities” from menu on the left. • Make your selection. • Click “Add To Cart.”

Step 4—Verify your shopping cart • Click on “Continue Shopping” or “Check Out.”

Step 5—Pay for your order If you’re registering your daughter for an event, her name and address must appear in the “Ship to Address” field. • Enter payment information. • Select “Process My Order.” • Print your receipt. Congratulations! You’ve successfully registered for an activity! *If you’re paying with Cookie Dough, Nut Bucks, Program Award Certificates, or if applying for a scholarship, please use registration forms.

If you have any difficulty registering online, please contact the GSWPA Help Desk at 800-248-3355 ext. 1460 or

Registration Tips Registration Deadlines

• Camp Registration starts January 7, 2013 (unless noted otherwise). Most registration deadlines are three weeks in advance of the start date, so please check each camp listing carefully. • Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Camps fill quickly — so be sure to register early. Add-ons after the registration deadline will be made as space is available. • Troop leaders: when going with girls to an event, please keep in mind adequate adultto-girl ratios. (You can find this on page 15 of Volunteer Essentials.)

Payment Options

A $50 deposit is due at the time of registration. Full payment is due by May 1, 2013. If you’re mailing in your registration, please send your payment or scholarship request (see the Scholarship Form on page 35) with the Registration Form. If reserving multiple events, please send one check per event. Girls ages 5-17 who aren’t currently Girl Scouts must add $12 to the event fee to cover the annual membership dues for Girl Scouts of the USA. The membership year runs from Oct. 1-Sept. 30. Once she’s registered as a Girl Scout, she’ll receive information about many more Girl Scout events and opportunities. (Scholarships are also available for this fee. See page 35 for details.)

Camp-Specific Details

Detailed confirmation materials will be sent directly to each participant — after we receive your final camp payment. Receipt of confirmation materials doesn’t mean we’ve met the minimum participants for the event to take place. When attending an event, please bring the completed Camp Health History form with you. You can download this form at in our Quick Links. It’s also included in the Camp Confirmation Packet you receive after registration. All registration correspondence, including confirmation materials, happens via e-mail if one has been provided. (If you’re using paper forms, thank you for writing neatly.) All incoming registration checks are receipted/ processed before being entered into our registration system. Please do not assume that you’re registered for an event if the check is cashed. Once an event is full, registrations are placed on a waiting list. If this happens to you, we’ll notify you of this status and you’ll be able to (1) remain on the waiting list, (2) reschedule or (3) cancel. New sessions may be added if the camp fills quickly. If for some reason your Girl Scout is unable to attend camp, please contact 800-248-3355 ext. 1460 or so someone else on the waiting list can enjoy camp.

38 / camp issue 2013

Volunteer Management Volunteer Support Adult Webinars

Want to learn something new to make your volunteer role easier? As volunteers, you can join our Volunteer Support Webinars.

Register online for your favorite webinars! New! In 2013, we will be inviting YOU, our volunteers, to be part of the webinars. Guest volunteers will be asked to share their knowledge, skills and expertise alongside GSWPA staff and be a part of these interactive support webinars. What a great concept, right? We thought you’d think so! We can’t wait to talk with you in January 2013 when the Volunteer Webinars begin! Let us know your suggestions for 2013 webinar topics. To see a list of 2012 topics and access past webinars for your Service Unit meetings and any other volunteer needs, visit our Web site. Send topic suggestions to by December 21, 2012.

Be sure to nominate that special volunteer who goes above and beyond on behalf of Girl Scouts! Board Approved Volunteer Recognitions for spring or summer recognition are due February 1. Who can nominate someone for an award? • Fellow Volunteers • GSWPA Staff Members Not a current volunteer or GSWPA staff member? Initiate the process by e-mailing and telling us about that special volunteer! For forms or more information, visit

Outdoor Certification Roll Call! Help Girls Experience Outdoor Programs.

If you already have documented experience or training in various outdoor skills, this is your time to get the verification that is needed to instruct for a GSWPA program or event. (This is intended as a verification of previous skills only and not as an initial training in these areas.)

Verify your skills and training in the following areas:

• Basic Water Rescue, Canoeing, Archery (adults only). • Swimming Level (girls and adults that plan to attend any water-based activity in the future, excluding summer camp). The swim level that each person attains will be kept on file. All participants that successfully complete a Skills Verification will receive documentation of that check. For more information about the Skills Checks, please contact the appropriate Camp Pathway Manager or visit

Certification/Skills Checks: Camp Redwing: July 1, 2013 Basic Water Rescue — 4-5 p.m. (This does not include Lifeguarding.) Swimming Level — ­ 4-8 p.m. Archery — 6-8 p.m. Canoeing — ­ 5-8 p.m.

Additional Volunteer Training Opportunities: Interested? Contact for more information.

Lifeguard Training

Location: Camp Redwing

Wilderness First Aid Training Location: Camp Hawthorne Ridge

PA CAMPGROUNDS Supporting Today’s Girl Scouts and Tomorrow’s Leaders

Alumnae Cookbooks Now Available! Pick up your Alumnae Cookbook at your local shop for only $15 or online at This special commemorative cookbook, filled with recipes from GSWPA Girl Scout Alumnae, will make a great gift for a fellow alumna, volunteer and/or friend. You won’t want to miss these great recipes that will be treasured for years to come.

Get Yours today!

Leader’s Day T-shirts are still available and also make a great gift!

y Fun Famil ! Getaways ANIA PENNSYLV


und a Campgro Pennsylvani Association Owners




Years PA C am p i ng I n

With hundreds of campgrounds —each in its own unique setting — ready for your troop’s next adventure.

              

For more information or to order a FREE 2013 Directory go to:

Pennsylvania Campground Owners Association


Year-Round Patch and Badge activities for

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Health Professions 24 | Undergraduate Programs

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Education 6 | Undergraduate Programs

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Humanities 17 | Undergraduate Programs

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Science 5 | Undergraduate Programs


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Make your reservation now for Camp-In 2013 AND PAY LATER! 333 West Broad Street | Columbus, Ohio 43215 888.819.2674 | |



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FACE THE FURNACE FIRE UP THE TORCH Forget sitting in a classroom. Classes and workshops at Pittsburgh Glass Center take place in one of the top glass studios in the U.S. With a furnace full of molten glass at 2200°. This is your opportunity to create glass art at the furnace or torch, blowing and sculpting on the very first day! • • • •

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Mad Science is a creative educational supplement for children in grades K-6. Our mission is to spark the imaginations of children everywhere by providing an interesting, interactive science experience by offering a variety of exciting programs to schools, libraries, museums, fairs, scouting groups and children's organizations.

Like marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers, Mad Science and Girl Scouts are a perfect combination. Once you’ve experienced us, you’ll want s’more!

Mad Science of Pittsburgh is the answer to all your science needs.

to your Troop? Mad Science Programs are:

Invite Mad Science to your next meeting!

Whether summer camp or troop meeting, we bring science to you!

Highly interactive with fascination science demonstrations such as chemical reactions, bubbling potions and even an air-pressure powered hovercraft!

Ask about our: • Hands-on workshops • Spectacular science shows • Women in Science programs

Action packed programs can range from 30 minutes to a full day of activities. Grade appropriate each presentation is tailored to the age of children present. Affordable call for pricing; ask about discounts for multiple presentations. Adaptable can be adapted to any size group. Whether you are looking for content for your next meeting or want to bring more excitement to a camp or jamboree, Mad Science offers a complete range of flexible and affordable presentations.

Ask about our other Mad Science Activities:

Call us and find out how we can help make your next meeting ...

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Mad Science can help your scouts meet their program requirements!

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*Inquire about which programs are available in your area.

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The Mercyhurst University Dance Department presents

La Fille Mal Gardée

with The Mercyhurst Dancers and The Mercyhurst Symphony Orchestra

Friday, May 3, 4:30 p.m.* Saturday, May 4, 2 & 7 p.m. Sunday, May 5, 2 p.m.

Call (814) 824-3000 for tickets.

First presented in 1789, this revival of The Badly Guarded Daughter revolves around a lovesick young lady challenged by an arranged marriage to the very rich town simpleton. Families can laugh together at this two-act comedic ballet dedicated to freedom of choice. Support for this program is provided in part by an ArtsErie Project Grant made possible by community contributions to ArtsErie and The Erie Arts Endowment.

Adult: $15.50 • Senior/Student: $12.50 PC: $7.50 • Youth: $5 Mercyhurst Student: $3.50 * Preview concert, $5 balcony seating only


FRICK 7.75 x 4.87 | Group Sales 724.238.6784 Summer Camp Edition for 2013

Friendly booking + personalized attention + fascinating collections + small groups + cozy beautiful site = the best Girl Scout field trip you’ll take!


ands-on workshops for Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts, custom-designed opportunities for Senior and Cadette troops and even programs for Daisy scouts — the Frick Art & Historical Center welcomes all levels! At the Frick you can see beautiful artwork, turn-of-the-century carriages, antique automobiles, and a 150-year-old mansion, all on five acres of lawns and gardens in Pittsburgh’s East End.

Touch history and listen to the past. Paint, print, and explore the visual arts. Learn to find your way with map and compass. Create your own fun learning experience. For more information on all the Girl Scout programming, visit

Frick Art & Historical Center • 7227 Reynolds Street • Pittsburgh, PA 15208 • 412-371-0600 •

Take it to the Bank Get financial literacy lessons from experts at the Pennsylvania Institute of CPAs! The PICPA’s “Take it to the Bank” programs are presented by local CPAs and compliment the work your troop is doing to earn their financial literacy badges. Programs are free and available for all levels of Scouts.


For more information, contact Jacqueline Barnard at or (888) 272-2001.

Journey Programs

Informed Decisions Through Education

Specialty Programs

Daisies “Earth & Sky” -Blue Bucket Award -Clover Award -Firefly Award

Spring Programs -All About Birds Spring Count -Mother/Daughter Geocaching -Water Drops -Eco Hiking

Brownies “Wonders of Water” -Love Water -Save Water -Share Water

Summer Programs -Campfires -Amazing Insects -Spiders 101 -Creek Ecology Fall Programs -Leaf Day -UN-Spooky Hike -Geocaching Autumn Adventure -Bounty at Boyce Mayview Park

Juniors “Get Moving” -Energize Award

Jessica L. Kester Program Manager 412.838.0064

Boyce Mayview Park, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241

Hands-on, outdoor family, school, scout & community programs! Scout projects, volunteer opportunities and more!

Winter Programs -Winter Fun Day for Brownies -Frosty Fun Day for Juniors -Outdoor Fun for Babysitters -Christmas Bird Count

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Unique field trips and workshops! Your girls can explore outer space, the depths of the ocean, and everything in between! Visit or call 412.237.1637 for more details.

*Free Parking at Lower Station (1197 West Carson) *A Walk-Through Museum (New in 2004) *The Museum Displays The Original 1877 Hoisting Mechanism *An Observation Deck Offering The Best View of Pittsburgh *Gift Shop *Group Rates ($3.00 round trip per adult) *Scouting tours are guided *Call or mail for details




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girl scouts western pennsylvania / 51

Join us for Spring 2013 Town Hall Meetings All girls ages 14 and older and adult members are encouraged to participate in Town Hall meetings. This important, interactive meeting is your chance to share your ideas and keep up with important council issues. All meetings are 6:30-8:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Monday, March 4 Edinboro Office 5681 Route 6N Edinboro, PA 16412

Tuesday, March 5

Canonsburg General Hospital 100 Medical Boulevard Canonsburg, PA 15317

Wednesday, March 6 Greensburg Office 126 East Otterman Street Greensburg, PA 15601

Tuesday, March 12 Johnstown Office 612 Locust Street Johnstown, PA 15901

Wednesday, March 13

Brookville Borough Complex 18 Western Ave. Brookville, PA 15825

Thursday, March 14

Beulah Presbyterian Church 2500 McCrady Road Churchill, PA 15235

Monday, March 18

Graystone Presbyterian 640 Church Street Indiana, PA 15701

Tuesday, March 19 First United Methodist Church of Aliquippa 2816 Brodhead Road Aliquippa, PA 15001

Wednesday, March 20 Smethport Office 217 West Main Street Smethport, PA 16749

Thursday, March 21

Allegheny Intermediate Unit 475 East Waterfront Drive Homestead, PA 15120

Don’t Miss Our Volunteer Camp Work Weekend! Spring is beautiful at camp! Here’s your chance to spend a day or the weekend in a beautiful camp setting at no charge – while giving your favorite camp a little TLC. Team up with other girls* and registered adults while working on projects at GSWPA camp properties, May 3-5, from 7 p.m. Friday until 11 a.m. Sunday. Bring your Girl Scouts and join the Camp Volunteer Site Teams while they repair and refresh the camp properties.

Choose where and how long you stay Camp work weekends are also a great time to explore a new camp. Choose from the following camps: • Conshatawba (Cambria County) • Curry Creek (Jefferson County) • Elliott (Lawrence County) • Hawthorne Ridge (Erie County) • Redwing (Butler County) • Resting Waters (McKean County) • Roy Weller (Preston, WV) • Singing Hills (Venango County) • Skymeadow (Armstrong County)

Can’t stay all weekend?

No problem! Pick the weekend schedule that works best for you and register on line through the Things to Do section of our Web site, • Friday evening (overnight) and Saturday, • Saturday only (including program activities), • Saturday-Sunday, or • All weekend. All meals will be served on Saturday, with a continental breakfast on Sunday. After you get your hands dirty with a variety of projects, enjoy free time at the camp each late afternoon and evening. Program activities will also include an evening campfire.

Important Details

*All volunteers are required to complete a volunteer application, disclosure, background check and interview. Troops attending must meet the girl/adult ratio as outlined in GSWPA’s Volunteer Essentials. All Girl Scouts attending must either register with their troop or an approved registered adult. For more information, contact Pamela Balas at or Tom Benoit at

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Permit No. 370 Pittsburgh, PA

30 Isabella St., Suite 107 Pittsburgh, PA 15212

What are you going to do this summer? Don’t just sit around. … Have fun while you earn money. We have the job for YOU!

Have you checked out the new Featuring: Things To Do — an interactive calendar with upcoming programs, trainings, events. Quick Links — a homepage link to let you get to timely information and forms fast! GSWPA Blog — highlighting the great things happening in Girl Scouts. • Visit our Web site,, and let us know what’s working and what we need in order to provide the best online experience with GSWPA. • Follow us on Facebook and Twitter so you’ll know all the great things happening in Girl Scouting as soon as we post it. • Check in each Monday for Amazing Mondays, spotlighting something great a local Girl Scout or troop is doing. • Follow us on Pinterest and pin your favorite SWAP and craft ideas, Girl Scout Cookie and camp recipes and more!

HELP WANTED: Summer camp positions will be open at Camps Skymeadow, Conshatawba, Redwing, Hawthorne Ridge, Roy Weller, Singing Hills and Yough for summer 2013. Summer camp employees will participate in pre-camp training and assist in the daily operations of camp; must successfully pass the required background checks; have the ability to work as a team member; and be able to work a flexible schedule and live in a camp community. All meals and boarding are provided. Ages 16 and up: If you love the outdoors and are looking to share your love of camp while making some money over the summer, we have summer employment opportunities just for you! Positions include Junior Counselors, Kitchen Aides, Barn Aides, Office Aides and Lifeguards. Ages 18 and older: Positions include Assistant Camp Director, Health Supervisor, Horseback Riding Director, Assistant Horseback Riding Director, Horseback Riding Instructor, Waterfront Director, Assistant Waterfront Director, Canoe Instructor, Kitchen Manager, Cook, Program Director, Nature Instructor, Arts and Crafts Instructor, Activity Specialist, Adventure Staff, Trip Director, Unit Leader, Unit Counselor (not all positions are available at every camp).

You can get to all of our social media sites through the icons on the top, right-hand side of each page on our Web site.

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