ENGLISH Organ for Studentsamfunnet in Ås
No. 2 \ February 20th 2020
Tuntreet Year 75
Issue 02 Year 75
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30.01 20.02 12.03 02.04 07.05
EDITORIAL STAFF SENIOR EDITOR IN CHIEF Anne Tove Græsdal Tornes Våge JUNIOR EDITOR IN CHIEF Herman Bjørnson Hagen JOURNALISTS Jane Bergan Guro Størdal Marit Andrisdotter Kvam Sofia Basma Moen Julie Westergaard Karlsen Petter Nielsen Tilde Birgitte Dalberg Vegard Høgi Olsen Caroline Lensjø-Alvin
Anne Tove Græsdal Tornes Våge Editor in Chief tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no
The Big Commitment Nowadays, there is talk of commitment in most every setting. Whether it is committing to being an UKAvolunteer, being at Samfunnet General Assembly or commitment to find a solution to the problems in the world. Everyone that knows me, knows that I am very committed to something - namely coffee. This is why commitment is so beautiful, you get to choose what you commit to. This same commitment is central in a book I recently read, with the name “The Monk of Moka”. The book follows 25-year-old Mokthar, who gave up his job as a doorman to import coffee. It might sound strange, but one day Mokthar had
a revelation. He wanted to bring back pride to his home country; Yemen. He committed to this and made it happen. Even though he dealt with diversity and hardship, he never gave up his hope. Now, he is one of the best in the field he loves so strongly - coffee. It is in times like these one has to commit, whether it is locally, nationally or internationally. Find something you are interested in, see what you can do and do it. Never give up on commitment, it is what makes the world move forward!
HEAD OF PHOTOGRAPHY Nathalie Genevieve Bjørneby PHOTOGRAPHY Tord Kristian F. Andersen Hanna Bruun Tørnby Simen Walbækken Tangen Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Emma Andrea Sørensen HEAD OF PROOFREADING Kristin Gilboe PROOFREADING Ida Lunde Naalsund Mari Saure Bogen Rebecca Biong Julie Andrea Glemminge HEAD OF LAYOUT Martin Reigstad LAYOUT Runa Gjerland Martine Hana Løken Sunniva Herrestad Hanna Torsteinsen GAME PAGE MASTER Andreas Bjørne Jacobsen HEAD OF TRANSLATION Kaja Mie Botnen TRANSLATION Nora Helgeland Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Kristian Bones Enger Tilde Milia Skaatun Astrid Kisen DISTRIBUTION Ingvild Munz Annlaug Gerritdina Pijfers ILLUSTRATION Oda Braar Wæge Ina Kristine Rykkelid
Tuntreet, an organ for Studentsamfunnet in Ås Tuntreet, Postbox 1211 1432 Ås E-mail: tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no www.tuntreet.org
Issue 02 Year 75
Edition: Print: BK Grafisk, Sandefjord
Cover: Simen Walbækken Tangen & Ina Kristine Rykkelid. Centerfold: Magnhild Hummel
How much schoolwork should you really do?
Backstage with Valentourettes
Get to know Hunkatten society
The jazz has arrived in Ås
Two beers with Anne Gladsø Wibe
Is porno a moral problem?
Two salamis with Brede the Cat
Kondomeriet has got something for everyone!
Tips for a fun and educational student life
Review of society posters
Dag Sørås: Sexrobots and 22 suicide
Semesterkickoff with Valentourettes
Travelstories from far, far away..
Herman’s Wax World
Issue 02 Year 75
Graskurs .5 –
The Miniature Version of Graskurs Part 1 Sofia Basma Moen Journalist
Natalie Genvieve Bjørneby Photographer
Kristian Bones Enger Translator
Most of the inhabitants of Ås has probably heard of Graskurs part 1, which takes place during fadderuka (buddy week). Graskurs part 0.5, which is held after the new year starts, is unknown to many. This “mini Graskurs” was first held in 2019, and on Friday the 31st of January, the success from the previous year was passed on with a total of 30 student societies on stand.
Is Held Mainly for Our International Students Ruben Rygh, head of organising arrangements for Samfunnet, tells us that Graskurs part 0.5 is mainly held to give the international students some insight on what the student life in Ås has to offer. “Apart from this, both Norwegian and international students that feel like they missed out on Graskurs part 1 can come along for this, and it provides an opportunity for them to get to know the student life a bit better. For many student societies, the deadline for applying usually ends after Graskurset.” Important for Students Both Old and New It was Lish Earnest that took initiative to arrange Graskurs part 0.5 for the first time. She was the “Buddy week general”, and thought it quite sad that the international students who arrived during autumn had a better opportunity to learn and experience the different communities, societies and organisations compared to those who arrived during for the spring semester. Even the international students who arrived for the spring semester, might only stay for that one semester, so she thought that they should receive the same privilege that the ones that arrive earlier does, to maximise their welcoming experience here at NMBU. “I am thrilled to hear that Graskurset returned this year, and I hope it can grow into something
successful and meaningful for both old and new students.” From Acroyoga to Swing I had a little chat with two international students to figure out what might seem attractive to get involved with here in Ås. Susan tells me that she is drawn to Acroyoga, Ås Grønne Studenter (The Green Students in Ås) and N M BU Fr i l u f t s l i v ( N M BU Ou t d o o r s ) that is tempting for her to join. She adds that Graskurset provides a positive impression on the Ås student life. Vsevolod tells us that he is surprised that there is so much variety, and that he believes that everyone can find something they like here. He would love to learn how to dance swing, so Swingklubben Snurrebass could be exactly what he is looking for. I also found Acroyoga to be quite intriguing.
Possibility of Being a Volunteer During MiniUKA The atmosphere was great, and a broad selection of teams and societies were on stand. Prior to miniUKA, UKA’s stand may seem appropriate for many. The head of recruitment for UKA informs that everyone, especially considering the internationals may have more of these volunteer positions for miniUKA without any commitment to UKA which is arranged during autumn. Should it be UKA, or something completely different, I still believe that Graskurs part 0.5 contributes to many students finding their place here at NMBU.
Four at the Buddy Week The international Buddy Week had a varied and party-filled program, but our choice fell on the movie night when we headed out to get to know the new students better. 1. What surprised you about Norway? 2. What do you miss from home? 3. What are you most looking forward to?
Julie Westergaard Karlsen Journalist
Natalie Genvieve Bjørneby Photographer
Vsevolod (23) Ukraine, Food technology
1. It’s surprised me that there is a kitchen in your dorm.
And that there’s no snow. And that people are so helpful. And that the fruit is packed in plastic.
2. I won’t miss anything, I’m used to being away from home.
3. New people and going out of my comfort zone.
Oskari (23) Finland, Agroecology
1. The language is a lot harder than I thought. 2. My girlfriend, of course. 3. Hiking!
Susan (20) Holland, Food technology 1. It surprised me how much it’s the same. But the sunsets are really different, it’s earlier and really bright.
2. I’m gonna miss cycling. And my kitchen ware! 3. Seasonal things at the countryside. And vikings! And meeting new people and hiking. And more sunsets.
Paulin (23) France, Agriculture and landscape
1. That there’s no snow. 2. The parties at home. 3. I’m excited to meet new people from other cultures and countries. I’d like to improve my English.
Issue 02 Year 75
How much time should one spend on studying? Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Translator Caroline Lensjø-Alvin Journalist Emma Andrea Sørensen Photographer
900 hours of work each semester sounds like a lot, even to the most diligent student. Tuntreet met with Pro-principal Solve Sæbø to gain a better understand of the reasoning behind the nominal workload.
Issue 02 Year 75
How is the nominal workload determined? In our study regulations there is a specified number of expected working hours per credit. Expected workload per year is 60 credits, and each credit takes about 30 hours. That gives us 1800 working hours per year, which we can divide by the students’ number of working weeks. This workload is a little below what a typical employer would expect, but students don’t work for that many weeks throughout the year. Are we expected to work during weekends and holidays? We do not expect students to work at any particular times, but rather that they are interested in doing what is needed to succeed in the courses. Whether a student works 15 or 40 hours per week depends largely on the student, their study skills and motivation. We cannot regulate this, but we’ve got to have a paragraph determining a nominal workload so that we don’t impose an unreasonable workload on our students. We should rather focus on ensuring high quality tuition, good descriptions of the courses and that our learning activities give efficient and proper learning for as many students as possible. Taking this spring parallel as an example, the nominated workload is slightly above 11 hours per day, excluding weekends and holidays. What are your thoughts on this? I do not expect a student to work 11 hours every day. That sounds excessive, and I can’t demand that. I hope the students live a life outside of their studies and that they regulate this themselves. We offer organized learning activities and a lot of independent studies, and I’m sure that how much work each student puts in varies a lot. But from my own studies, I remember working approximately an ordinary work week, and the majority finished on time.
How is the credit yield from each course determined? We need to design study programs that in total cover a field of study. It is up to those responsible for the program to divide the total curriculum and the subjects into suitable courses and determine how many credits the courses are worth. They also have to adjust the content and the workload of each course according to the number of credits. It’s an overall assessment, and it also has to go along with our existing semester structure. Each course consists of modules that can be removed or added for adjustment. A module can also be moved to another course, if it’s a consecutive course in the program.
Do you think that the label of nominal workload is a bit outdated? I consider it an approximation of how much work each course demands. There are large individual differences in how each student works, and surely there’s a slight variance in the workload of the different courses. So, it is an estimate, but we need that in order to plan the schedules and the workloads so that things don’t crumble completely. Of course, we’re all ears if the students think that the estimated workload of a course is completely amiss. Feel free to bring it up if you feel like a course doesn’t have the right estimate.
Do you find the requirements of the nominated workload realistic? I think it’s realistic as an estimated workload. But as I mentioned earlier the importance lies in creating good learning activities for the students. It has to be encouraging, relevant and stimulating. Active learning is more effective than lectures, for example. So rather than worrying about the working time, we should think about how the time is spent. If we ensure high study quality and good methods, the workload isn’t necessarily an important matter.
Do students have any say in how many credits a course should be worth? All study programs have a program council of student representatives. If it is observed that the workload of a course doesn’t correspond to what’s expected, it’s possible to change this through the councils. Students are also free to tell the teachers directly, and they can mention it in the course evaluations that follow every course. I think the voice of the students is strong here at NMBU, they are highly represented in the councils and committees. The students in Norway have a large influence, maybe larger than they realize.
Issue 02 Year 75
has something for everyone! During sex-week at Samfunnet, it was the sex shop Kondomeriet’s turn to talk at Tirsdagspåfyll. Halvors hybel was filled with people, but there are probably even more people who would like to know what was said that evening. There were two representatives from Kondomeriet present, and they gave an introduction in sex toys and their best-selling items. Every third Norwegian owns a vibrator, and two out of three has tried a sex toy. The customers at Kondomeriet ranges from giddy teenagers to elderly with walkers. It is clear that sex toys are something that interests most people. What varies is the rate that people seek information about this topic. In the category “For her”, Womanizer has in recent years been a huge hit, as it differs from other vibrators. The Womanizer uses pulses that stimulates the 8000 nerves found in the clitoris. The Rabbit is also a best seller, after it was made famous through its appearance in “Sex and the City” in 1998. In the category “For him” the Fleshlight and penis vibrators are the most sold. Sex toys aren’t only used by single people. It is also frequently used by couples. The couple vibrator lies inside the vagina during intercourse, and stimulates the clitoris, vagina and the penis. The intensity is determined by how hard you squeeze the remote control. Penis rings with vibrations gives pleasure to both him and her. Sex toys for anal use has become very popular in recent years, especially prostate vibrators, butt plugs and anal beads. It is emphasised that cleanliness is important, use lube, and take it slow during anal sex. This is not for everyone and should only be explored if you feel the desire to. Don’t forget that you can recycle your used sex toy at Kondomeriet and get -20% off your next purchase!
Issue 02 Year 75
Sofia Basma Moen Journalist
Oda Braar Wæge Illustratør
Astrid Kisen Translator
Things you might not know about sex toys: A male orgasm lasts on average 6 seconds A female orgasm can last from seconds and up to two minutes 75% f women depend on clitoral stimuli to achieve an orgasm More than half of women have faked on orgasm The first electronic vibrator was created in the early 1900’s and was originally made to treat “hysteria” The most common sexual fantasy is bondage Vibrator sales increased by 208% after the movie “Fifty Shades of Grey” The brand “Kondomeriet” is as known to Norwegians as “Coca-Cola”
Quiet please! I have long been annoyed with something I consider bad manners at Samfunnet. It’s about those who have long conversations during concerts and shows happening at Samfunnet in Ås. Petter Nielsen Journalist
Quiet! When a band is on stage playing it can sometimes be difficult to hear the music or the lyrics. This is not just the fault of the sound system in Aud Max and Festsalen, but also the group of students standing around shouting at each other from several meters away. Is it really too much to ask them to please respect the artist and the people listening? If you’re going to speak to your friends, there are plenty of suitable places at Samfunnet where they’re not holding a concert. For example the Bodega or in Johannes. It is also much easier to hear what the other person is saying when they don’t have to compete with the lead singer, the band, or the person entertaining. I perfectly understand if you want to comment on something to your friend, or ask if they want another beer. This is not the problem. The problem are the long conversations lasting several minutes that could have taken place somewhere else.
Did you get the economy grade yet?
Emma Andrea Sørensen Photografer
Thanks! My issue with this became very clear when I was at a show with Dag Sørås, and someone shushed the people chatting during the show. I was genuinely happy to see people standing together to make the chatterboxes stay quiet. People wanted to experience the show, and when someone disrupts it’s nice to see them get corrected. To you, who shush people chatting about their dinner plans while others are trying to pay attention, thank you.
Yep, got it yesterday!
Shut up!
Utgåve 02 Årgang 75
Backstage withValentourettes
Issue 02 Year 75
TUNTREET Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Translator
Jane Bergan Journalist
Simen Walbækken Tangen Photographer
Backstage, the wine glasses are half empty, the guitars are tuned, and the spirit is high. According to the band the room is too bright, but that doesn’t stop them from beaming even brighter when they speak about their great passion: music. A new beginning The members of Valentourettes started playing together a long time ago (“It feels like at least 80 years”, one utters jokingly from a corner), and they are the remaining active members who played along with Joachim Nielsen, both in “Jokke & Valentinerne” and “Jokke Med Tourettes”. Frontman Jokke passed away in 2000, and this brought the musical careers of the other members to a temporary holt. Valentourettes was formed in 2003, at complete random, when the members were booked as backing band at the Stavanger Punk Rock Festival. This proved to be a great success, and they ended up playing a few more venues, finding that the enthusiasm for Jokke’s music was still very much alive. And thus, the journey began anew – this time as a tribute band. Classics are classics When I asked the band if they had a favorite song to play, they looked as if they had fallen from the moon. Apparently, it wasn’t reasonable to ask them to pick one song, but after some reflection they agreed that it
depends on the atmosphere of the crowd. Usually it’s “Spenn” that brings forth the best reactions, and maybe that makes it the most fun song to play? Other times it’s “Action”, but the entire setlist is so good that it’s difficult to choose. For the past 17 years they’ve played more or less the same songs every time, and they’ve done about 550 concerts with the same set. “After all, we love Jokke as much as the rest of the Norwegian people, and you shouldn’t screw with things that already work well.” “Ut på tur, aldri sur” – Never a bad mood when out on a trip The committed fans, as well as the life on tour, was some of the best parts, the members insisted. Free alcohol was a plus (as proved by them being rather tipsy on wine from Samfunnet, which I was warned about as I was accompanied backstage for the interview), and also being able to just take off in the morning. “Waking up and knowing you’ll see new places and play on new stages is the best, and it’s never the same even though it’s the same songs”. It’s also quite the exercise to play for one and
a half hour, and despite being well over 50 they felt hearty as ever. Having played together for so long they’ve seen a thing or two while touring, but they claimed that the most memorable moment happened last time they were in Ås. The drummer had supposedly been beaten up and gotten a concussion, and the sound engineer (“the unofficial fifth member”) had to step in as drummer. Despite the continuously increasing tempo, they got through all the songs in one piece, and they’ve never finished a set quicker, neither before nor since then. More exciting times to come In addition to playing in Valentourettes all the members release albums with other bands, but the homage to Jokke will always be their center of attention. This year alone they’ve planned over 50 concerts (bringing them up to 600 times with the same setlist, they express with different levels of enthusiasm), and they have no plan of retiring anytime soon. “As long as Joachim’s family wants us to, we’ll keep on playing”, they conclude.
Issue 02 Year 75
Tips for a nice and educational student life Hi first year students! Those of you who started your studies this autumn have hopefully already started with your subjects for this spring. The last semester probably brought with it both positive and negative experiences, but the road to graduation is still long. Your time as a student is rarely problem-free, but student life is still said to be one of the most fun and rewarding times of your lives! Your professors (including us :) ) all have in common that they were once students as well. We see ourselves in many of you. An important part of our job now is to create a motivating and good learning environment. We want each of you to develop a wide array of skillsets, ranging from theoretical knowledge and practical abilities, to the ability to see the bigger picture and think critically. Reflection and curiosity is also very important. Our main goal is to help you become good problem solvers (that can compete with others on the market). We also have a vision that your studies here at NMBU will help you continue to learn and grow, even long after you’ve graduated. Our professors are people, and people are different, but our passion for our respective subjects and our wish to share this with you is something we all have in common. We wish to achieve this through interesting lectures that pique your curiosity and make you want to learn more. Basically, we want to be good educators. Here are some good tips on how to have fun while learning:
Take an interest in your subjects!
Issue 02 Year 75
If possible- be socia l and get together with your peers for both group work an discussion about the d subject. Most of us learn mor e explaining to others by , either it’s a term, a theory or a difficult problem, th an just reading it by ourselv es.
Try to keep up with lectures on a weekly ba and try to read thro sis, ug the contents before h the lecture. This is time well spent!
Make use of the whole array of study help that is offered:
ere is Outside of lectures, th you e practice groups wher rs he ac can get help from te r assistants and othe ferent students to work on dif assignments.
Show up to lect ur are being stream es, even if they meet others st ed. Here you can ud thing, and may ying the same be make some new study partners .I us professors to t is also nice for we know what see you, so that m to understand ight be difficult or get other fo rms of feedback.
Some subjects offer an “oracle” hour, where yo get most of your qu u can estions answered. Even ques tio several different su ns in bjects.
aid Don’t be afr to ask your r professors o tants sis teaching as questions.
ities in social activ Get involved studies .It’s ur outside of yo fun at university e v a h to er si ea t is t environmen Eika, en if the stud t a s ie it iv e act fun. Try som ies, fraternities, et ci so ed rn er Lea kshop, or oth Eika idea-wor y. jo things you en The advice above will make it fun to learn, and make you well prepared for your exams! Ulf Indahl (RealTek), Siri Fjellheim (BioVit), Hilde Vinje (KBM), Mette Wik (Handelshøyskolen)
Issue 02 Year 75
Get to Know Hunkatten Society Caroline Lensjø-Alvin Journalist
Tord Kristian F. Andersen Photographer Kaja Mie Botnen Translator
The Structure Hunkattene have a board consisting of FFD (president), Skriver (secretary) and $paregris (Treasury). FFD is recognizable by a red Hunkatt sack and black cap. The new members, pusekattene, are recognizable by a red band in their hair. As soon as the sack is on, everyone in the society plays a specific part, and the spirit of society is high. All Hunkatter have different responsibilities
and tasks, but these too are confidential. Pusekatter have no tasks, and are instead in apprenticeship to become Hunkatter. Good behavior is expected from all within the society, so the society will be viewed as good and funny girls. Traditions Old societies means old traditions. Every year, the society holds “Akekonk” (a kind of sledding race) – a soapbox car race down Ringeskleiva at Pentagon. They also celebrate St. Lucia Day every year, giving out home made Saffron buns (“Lussekatter”) and singing. They also invite themselves to lunch with the principal. This year, seen as there is a new principal, they asked nicely, but he greeted them warmly. They also have a revue at Samfunnet every other year.
The Hunkatten society was established in 1960 by 10 student women at NLH. They were tired of the maledominated community and their society would become a counterweight to that. The Beginning They lived at Circus for four years before moving house to Pentagon, where “Qlturens Høiborg”(The Hunkatt Loft) has been a fact since 1964. The loft houses six Hunkatter, and they enjoy each others company. Hunkattene sport a black skirt, black top that cover the shoulders and the Hunkatt sack. The sack was conceived the same night Hunkattene was established, and they are made of burlap sacks. Partly because it was the only thing available at the moment, and partly because it is economic. Over time, many an item has come to adorn the sack, though what they all mean is confidential. An older Hunkatt that met Hunkattene this fall, pointed out that: “In my time, we didn’t have all this stuff”.
Issue 02 Year 75
and tasks, but these too are confidential. Pusekatter have no tasks, and are instead in apprenticeship to become Hunkatter. Good behavior is expected from all within the society, so the society will be viewed as good and funny girls. Feminists Hunkattene have a board consisting of FFD (president), Skriver (secretary) and $paregris (Treasury). FFD is recognizable by a red Hunkatt sack and black cap. The new members, pusekattene, are recognizable by a red band in their hair. As soon as the sack is on, everyone in the society plays a specific part, and the spirit of society is high. All Hunkatter have different responsibilities
Hunkattene have their own life brew, Ringnes. They have a good relationship with Tore “Ringnes” Hage, the Chief of Development at Ringnes Breweries, and they visit the brewery to execute a biennial Life Brew Inspection.
The Trinity Hunkattene, PB and Hankattene together make up the Qltural Trinity. They view themselves as the very core of society at Ås, and have always had a strong bond. It is natural that they help each other out and do fun stuff together. They also visit Regi (Sound and lights) at Studentersamfundet in Trondheim during UKA in Trondheim. Hunkattene describe themselves as a band of friends that take care of each other as they spread their shimmer and joy (“Glans og Glæde”). They are 60 years old this fall – congratulations and skål for anniversary.
This is Felix the Cat 2.0, Felix 1.0 was stolen and missing. Felix was stolen by the band Purified in Blood during UKA in Ås 2010, renamed Hellcat and brought to Trondheim. He toured with the band for a while after this, but in the end he was smashed. Today it is said that his head is placed on a robot body somewhere at Studentersamfundet in Trondheim.
Judging the Preparty Informative Posters - Is graphic design the passion of our student societies? Truth be told, design is not always easy. We have seen this again and again on the student society posters. As self proclaimed design experts, and with an expert skillset with rolling dice, Tuntreet has judged and critiqued the info preparty/afterparty posters.
Collegium Alfa Art deco was founded in the 1920s, and has risen again in 2020. There are countless shades of gold, something which is on brand for Collegium Alfa. Ås is not a large place, and this shows; when Eika is fully booked, the clock building comes as a strong second place for the background design. Score: 3/6
Feminin & Fornem It might be possible that F&F and Collegium Alfa collaborated when making their posters. The difference is that Eika var still available when F&F took their group photo. Was this planned for? Score: 3/6
Koneklubben Freidig This poster shows movement, through imagery. There are both smaller and larger photos which makes you pause. Unfortunately, they tied the tie at the wrong place, as it ended up in the middle of the most important information; where and when. Their logo is not the main focus here, but the members of the society are. Score: 3/6
Sangkoret Noe Ganske Annet A mixed choir, where they decided not to mix on the posters – do the girls and boys sing separately? They have decided to go with a classic, “basic” font, which is clearly the way to go. The only things missing now is that it is double spaced with font size 12. Score: 4/6
Issue 02 Year 75
Sangkoret Lærken: Lærken is back at it again. No poster is the same. That’s a plus in our book. Self-made is well made, and we couldn’t agree more. This is a poster where the soul of the student society shines through. They have saved both the environment and money on the creation – maybe that’s used for something else? Score: 6/6
Pikekoret IVAR They spared no expense here, but is there ever too much of something? The poster lives up to IVAR’s image, with glitter and glamour. There is little symmetry, and a collection of different fonts – it seems everything is included here?
PB This poster is anonymous and mysterious, just like the fraternity itself. It is symmetrically pleasing, which pleases the eye. If the text is written in runes, or some fraternity language, we don’t know – like everything else in PB.
Foreningen Hunkatten Hunkattene followed the AIDAS-model, with their interests align with the anonymity. The KEBB-model, however, seems to have been lost, as there is no sense of balance in their poster. Their colour palette is both tactical and practical – if one wants to lure in new cats.
Score: 4/6
Score: 5/6
Score: 4/6
All in all, the posters are nice with what the student societies represent in mind. If Tuntreet is banned or on probation is yet to be announced. But remember that we have judged the posters on their design only, and graphical design isn’t necessarily everyone’s cup of tea. Fortunately, that isn’t what makes the student societies famous. Some facts about AIDAS and KEBB:
Marit Andrisdotter Kvam Journalist and photographer
A – Attention: The point of this is to grab a potential readers attention. I – Interest:The goal here is to snatch and keep the interest of the reader. D – Desire: It is important to create a need or wish to join the student society. A – Action: Is important to include text which tells you where, when and what, so that one can be there when it happens. S – Satisfaction: Does the poster satisfy the reader? Hopefully.
Anne Tove Græsdal Tornes Våge Journalist
Kristian Bones Enger Translator
K – Kontrast (Contrast): Contrast is important, so that looking at a poster doesn’t become boring. E – Eining (On theme): Making sure that the poster makes sense and stays on theme, without including too many other elements. B – Bevegelse (movement): Together with contrast, movement is an important tool in order to prevent a poster from becoming boring. B – Balanse (Balance): Less is more in this case, as too much clutter makes you more inclined to look away Issue 02 Year 75
Samfunnet needs you! Marit Andrisdotter Kvam Journalist
Every semester, Samfunnet holds their General Assembly, known as GF. Here one can run for the election. There are different positions open for election in the spring and autumn semester. In the spring semester, the following positions are open.
Samfunnet’s Board: President Treasurer Marketing
The Business Committee at NMBU (NU): Head of Sponsors Head of Events Head of the Career day
Election Officials: Two representatives
Core members board: One representative
Issue 02 Year 75
Astrid Kisen Translator
What do the positions entail? President The president of Samfunnet has the responsibility for the daily running of Samfunnet’s Board. As the leader, you are Samfunnet’s public face, representative in Core members board, The student parliament’s Student Board in collaboration with SiÅs. As President, you need to have full control, and provide progress with the Student Board.
Head of The Career Day The head of the Career Day has the responsibility to host the Career Day in the autumn semester. The Career Day is supposed to contain a wide variety of businesses, where a meeting between students and businesses is created. One is also responsible for hosting the dinner and entertainment for the Career Day. Tuntreet - Editor As editor in Tuntreet, you first work half a year as journalist editor, before you take on the full responsibility for the student newspaper. You lead the editorial and have the responsibility for finances, and coordinate both internal and external work for the student newspaper.
Treasurer The treasurer at the Board at Samfunnet has the responsibility for all financial activities. You have the last word when it comes to financial decisions. That makes you responsible for the semester programme, ticket prices, bar prices, etc. You are The Election Committee - Two responsible for everyday expenses like representatives paying bills, budgets, and invoices. You also The election committee is responsible for have a seat at the Board and are responsible finding candidates for the positions at GF, as for making sure the wheels are turning. well as spreading the word about the open positions at GF. The election committee Head of Marketing consists of four people that receive tips, Head of Marketing is responsible for suggestions and work with candidates marketing at Samfunnet. You coordinate to make them run for positions at GF. the committees below you. You also have an executive role in ticket sales, Representative for Kjernestyret (Core social media, sponsors and layout. Board) Kjernestyret (The core board) consists The Business Committee of the president of Samfunnet, the head at NMBU (NU) of UKA, leader of the business committee, Head of Sponsors editor of Tuntreet and three external As head of sponsors, you lead the sponsor representatives. These external representatives team at Samfunnet. You supervise are elected at GF. Kjernestyret (the core the businesses and create sponsor deals. board) has the highest authority for core In addition, you support sponsor work cases between Samfunnet and GF. They at NU and the other parts of Samfunnet. are also responsible for the management of Samfunnet, the finances and property. Head of Events The head of events in NU has the responsibility to organise the Career Day More info: in the spring semester, get in touch with http://www.samfunnetiaas.no/ businesses and host a different event vervbeskrivelser-til-gf than careers day in the autumn semester. http://www.samfunnetiaas.no/vedtekter
What do the positions entail?
Oscar Mork- President of Samfunnet Being the president of Samfunnet is a job that never stops giving! As president, you meet a lot of different people, both within Samfunnet, but also from other parts of NMBU – like the heads of the university, the Student Parliament and SiÅs. As president, you have the responsibility to hold and lead board meetings at Samfunnet once a week. You also have the responsibility to make sure the development of Samfunnet keeps a steady course. You learn a lot about yourself and about teamwork. It must be said that you’re never alone in the challenges, and through a close cooperation with the rest of the board and the office wing you get friends for life. Synnøve Vonen Kvaal – head of career day in the Business Committee The work towards the career days consists of finding potential employers for the students at NMBU, contacting the respective businesses and offer them a stand at the career day. As head of career day, you get an insight into the vast diversity of businesses and knowledge of specific businesses. You work closely with the other members of the business committee, the members of the student board, and the other parts of Samfunnet as well as the career center at NMBU. The work is both fun and you learn a lot. Thea Sanner – head of sponsors in the business committee. The position is incredibly important because the sponsor deals are an important income for Samfunnet. The most important work you do in this position is to get to know the already existing deals and get an overview of Samfunnet’s duties in these deals. It is important that they are cared for in the best way possible. As head of sponsors in NU, your role is also to create a good cooperation across the different parts of Samfunnet (Samfunnet, UKA, NU and Tuntreet), because we must come across as one unit for other businesses. This is a position that has a lot of potential and it is an advantage if you are creative and have ambitions on behalf of Samfunnet. It takes a bit of time to get the full picture of the situation, but it is better to ask one time too much, rather than one too few.
Ingrid Staveland Reppe – Head of events at NU The position has been to plan and carry through the events related to the semester programme at the Business Committee and participate in the continuation of NU. As responsible for all the «smaller» career events, together with the Event Assistant, had a great opportunity to decide what should be included in our semester programme. This has included everything from traditional business presentations to different courses and inspirational presentations. The position entails a lot of contact with different businesses, and you quickly learn to present yourself as professional in different settings. The job has been challenging, but at the same time incredibly educational and fun! As head of events, you are also a board member at NU, which involves learning a lot about cooperation. I have through this position gotten to know a lot of great people. Both within the NU, but also the rest of the office wing. I wish everybody the opportunity to take on this position, because it is something you will never regret. Solveig Borkenhagen – head of marketing The position as head of marketing at Samfunnet is very educational, fun and varied. You get to work together with a group that does marketing in all areas, from photo to social media. It has been very fun to see how much that already has been done and learn a lot of new stuff from the committee chiefs, as well as coming up with new things. In addition to all the interesting things happening within NU, it has been fun to work with the rest of the board at Samfunnet and the other committees. It is very fun to see how many talented people that involve themselves, and the number of hours they put down, all voluntarily. Issue 02 Year 75
Jazz Has Entered Ås During the shift between January and February, the Ås Kulturhus scene was filled to the brim with different jazz musicians. On Friday the 31st of January, Tuntreet visited the first edition of the Ås Jazz festival. The concert began with the Ås related song
Jazz is a music genre with roots that stretch to the afro-american community in USA. It came to be in the early 1900s, and has stayed an important musical genre with a big community of dedicated artists and listeners. It took Ås over 100 years after the genre arose, to get its own jazz festival. Ås Jazz was arranged for the first time in 2020, and was visited by the likes of Jazzetaten, Arild Andersen and Jan Erik Vold. Lunch Time Acoustics with Ella Fitzgerald Classics At 11:30AM the festival opened with a lyttelunsj (listeners lunch). The artist Harriet Müller-Tyl performed songs by the jazz legend herself, Ella Fitzgerald. She was joined by Lorenzo Nardocci, who also plays for Jazzetaten, on piano. The concert began with the classic “The Lady is a Tramp”, and the duo continued on with songs such as “One Note Samba” and “Cry Me a River”. Müller-Tyl pointed out between some of the songs that Fitzgerald didn’t only just sing Jazz, but covered a variety of genres. This came through as she performed the songs in her chosen portfolio. Typical jazz
20 Issue 02 Year 75
characteristics like scatting and improvising were also showcased here.
Lyttelunsj is a concept which mainly targets the older demographic of a municipality where one would normally play classical music. The majority of the audience for this concert were above the retirement age, with a dash of students who brought their lunches to Kulturhuset. If one didn’t have any classes at the time, then this was a nice place to eat lunch on a Friday afternoon. Communal Jazz We headed down to Kulturhuset again that same evening for another concert. It was time for Jazzetaten to take over the stage. This Ås-band consists of Svein Erik Martinsen Ånestad on guitar, Daniel Lind on bass, Lorenzo Nardocci on piano and Terje Evensen on the drums. They play songs inspired by the municipal administration and have a recurring theme which includes their logos on cups, jokes, pens and their own stamp.
“Can’t judge a book”. The lyrics go as follows “I may look like a farmer, but I’m a lover”, something we are sure that many Ås inhabitants may resonate with. This was followed by the song “Red Baron”, which was dedicated to the previous Mayor for AP (Arbeiderpartiet), Johan Alnes. Later, the guitarist brings out a banjo and says they were asked to perform a song with a banjo by Ås Bygdeungdomslag (Rural Youth, Ås). After the banjo performance of Willie Nelsons song “I Gotta Get Drunk”, the band takes a break, and the audience, which lacks students at this point, gets up to get in line at the bar to buy some beers.
After the break, the band continued with their concert, and a new round of communal jazz songs. However, they were joined on stage by guests this time. The band proclaims they want to target the younger generations, which is proven as Mathea Nicolaisen joins the stage as their guest. The songs with this young artist is one of the highlights of the night. Towards the end of the night, the bands frontliner begins to talk about how they had applied for “free marijuana”
TUNTREET during their concert, but was denied by their case handler. They will definitely try again next year, though. With the song “Let’s Go Get Stoned”, the concert approaches their final song, and the band finished off the night with a bonus performance of “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles. “The most important thing for me is to give the audience something extra” Between the concerts, we had a chat with Terje Evensen, the drummer of Jazzetaten, and the one who took initiative for the festival. We started by asking him where this initiative came from. “We wanted to create a jazz festival in Ås, and to give the audience a better opportunity”, Evensen answers. It becomes clear that he is quite enthusiastic about Jazz and the cultural offer for the local community. “We wish for the festival to be a thing every year”, he replies to our question of whether or not the Ås Jazz festival will be a reoccurring
event in the municipalities cultural program. He adds that he would like to see a jazz club in the future. “Ås has many musicians, artists and other creative individuals”, Evensen answers after I ask if Ås has a good community for Jazz. He really believes in Jazz at Ås. We continue on by talking about whether or not the festival can improve on reaching out to students. Evensen says he likes the students, and he acknowledges that the students are a target audience that should be reached. This year, the festival clashed with the Semester kickoff event at Samfunnet, and we came to an agreement that the student program and agenda should be taken into account for future editions of the concert. Regardless of us not being able to make it to the main concert on Saturday, Ås Jazz was an amazing experience, and I believe it can become a powerful, yet small jazzfestival. I do wish they
get better at including the students in the years to come, and don’t set the day for the headliner on the same day as a bigger event at Samfunnet.
Herman Bjørnson Hagen Journalist Sunniva Buvarp Schmitz Photographer Kristian Bones Enger Translator
Organizers: Myfanwy K. Moore og Terje Evensen
Issue 02 Year 75
Dag Sørås: Sex robots and suicide Petter Nielsen Journalist
Tord Kristian F. Andersen Photographer
Nora Helgaland Translator
“ I pressed the
button that makes the toilet use 3 liters less water when flushing. It wasn’t clean, but I expect those 3 liters to go directly to Somalia as drinking water or something.
22 Issue 02 Year 75
TUNTREET Dag Sørås started working with humour during his studies. As he finished his studies, he had the choice of becoming a comedian or an academic. He is now regarded one of the best comedians in Norway. We had the chance to meet him before he went on stage at Samfunnet. Test show We meet Dag backstage of “Festsalen” and start talking about tonight’s show. He is not touring with a show at the moment, and has brought with him a lot of material he wants to test out. This will be a test show to figure out what material is good, and what needs to be replaced and worked on further. “So that’s what people have to suffer through tonight”, says Dag. “Even with years of experience it can be hard to figure out what’s funny, and the only way to find out is to test it out with an audience”. Dag himself finds this phase of the show the most fun, but it takes a lot of work to make a good comedy show. He tells us that there are special clubs in Oslo where people can try out their material, and he is excited to see if he is able to find mutual references with the students in Ås. “From experience, the student jobs are very pleasant”, Dag says. “The students are often interested in current events out in the world, so they understand most of the jokes”.
Podcast In addition to his shows, Dag tells us that he is currently releasing two podcasts: “Debrief med Dag” and “Dialogisk”. “Dialogisk is a podcast that I am making together with a buddy named Gunnar Tjomlid, a former blogger and such a big nerd that he’s sometimes on the border of autism”, Dag explains. “We can talk about everything from animal sex to space travel”. Debrief med Dag depicts the events of Dag’s life from the past week. The show in Festsalen Festsalen was packed, and Dag was met by loud applause as he entered the stage. He started off by talking about how the backstage smelled like sewage and had writings on the walls. “This is how one can tell that this is a building with history”. He carried on telling about the first time he drank, death and Petter Stordalen’s climate politics at his hotels. Many topics were raised, and when he ventured into the subject of suicide, the audience tensed up noticeably. Difficult subject There are many topics that are difficult to make fun of, and this is a subject that many students in Ås have seen up close. Dag Søras has experience with talking about this kind of things on his shows, and made sure to emphasize the gravity of suicide, while still delivering funny moments in-between the seriousness. It seems he noticed the tense
mood and tried to deliver it in a way that would upset the least amount of people. Greta Thunberg Greta Thunberg came to be a continuous topic, well received by the audience. Laughter set out while Dag made jokes about Greta and the climate situation. “If Greta Thunberg posted a duck face on Instagram, the two degree goal would have been reached ages ago”, and “If the thought of Greta as a dominatrix doesn’t turn you on in the slightest, you’re already dead on the inside” are funny quotes from this topic. To wrap it all up, Dag Sørås brings up sex robots and artificial intelligence. Something he thinks could potentially create scary and funny situations. Anyways, he concluded, sex robots ought to be seen as a step up from the vacuum cleaner.
Photo: Marianne Mjelde
Issue 02 Year 75 23
LØRDAG 22. FEBRUAR 15.30 Little Women (A) SØNDAG 23. FEBRUAR 13.00 Dronningens corgi (6) 15.10 Flukten over grensen (9) 17.30 Fjols til fjells 19.40 Parasitt (15) ONSDAG 26. FEBRUAR 17.45 Fjols til fjells 20.00 Kunst på kino: Lucian Freud: A Self Portrait (18)
TORSDAG 27. FEBRUAR 17.30 Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of one Harley Quinn) (15) 20.00 The Lighthouse (15) FREDAG 28. FEBRUAR 17.45 Fjols til fjells 20.00 The Gentlemen Follow Ås kinoteater on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest on our events and screenings, and go to www.askulturhus.no/kino to find our programme. PS. In early march we will finally get to have a screening of Parasite with english subtitles! Stay
KULTUR LØRDAG 22. FEBRUAR 20.00 Åpen mikrofon i Ås. Gratis inngang! LØRDAG 29. FEBRUAR 20.00 Konsert: Oscar Danielson. Av mange ansett for å være Sveriges beste tekstforfatter! Studentpris: 150 kr. Fullstendig program for kultur og kino, samt priser og billettsalg Þnner du pŒ vŒre hjemmesider www.askulturhus.no
afgruppen.no/karriere Issue 02 Year 75 24
Photo: Tilde Birgitte Dalberg
Photo: Tilde Birgitte Dalberg
Issue 02 Year 75 25
The Business Committee at NMBU, spring 2020 – 26 Issue 02 Year 75 The milking cow of Studentsamfunnet Thanks to SFH for lending us th
the byre
Issue 02 Year 75 27
Photo: Tord Kristian F. Andersen
Photo: Tord Kristian F. Andersen
28 Issue 02 Year 75
miniUKE release
Issue 02 Year 75 29
Two beers with Anne Gladsø Wibe - A pessimist with grit
Guro Størdal Journalist
Simen Walbækken Tangen Photographer
30 UtgåveNora 02 Helgaland Årgang 75 Translator
I apparently have a hard time sticking to one thing, both when it comes to dialect and positions!
Let’s be honest. Life is not a bed of time sticking to one thing, both when it are tasks, I can easily distribute one rock to each person, but I am still left with a pile for roses, and if you take on too many comes to dialect and positions!” myself. When other people come wanting positions it will be at the expense more rocks, I refuse to give them away. In Becomes a monster as a leader of other things. To Anne this is an important message. But it’s also important to remember that the world doesn’t stop turning, even if you ‘re a pessimist. She is on her fifth year in Ås, and on the fourth year of her bachelor in livestock science, and during this time she’s managed to stop by committees at Samfunnet, the learned society, “Trøndernes Fagforening”, Student Council and Parliament, deputy position in AU and several other positions in other associations. A passion for sound and music It all started in the sound-committee. This was her first committee, and she has stayed ever since. Even during a break from her studies, working full time with student politics after several positions in the student democracy. “I work with sound because I really want to, not just because it needs to be done”. She says it’s often forgotten that this is where she’s been the longest, but that’s actually just a good sign. “Nobody pays much attention to the sound before it goes bad, so the fact that no one notices me must mean I do a good job”, she laughs. Music has always been a huge interest, especially metal. The main reason she ended up at Ås and not Steinkjer, was that she can attend concerts in Oslo. However she also misses Trøndelag. She grew up in Namsos, “maybe best known as the birthplace of Åge”, she says with a suddenly broadened dialect. She admits being linguistically confused sometimes; “I seem to have a hard
She started missing Trøndelag already the first semester and when TF, Trøndernes Fagforening did a show at Graskurs del 1 saying: “Do you miss Trøndelag? So do we!”, she knew she had to join. This autumn she was revue general for the TFrevue. “They weren’t the two worst weeks of my life, but top ten, maybe even top five”. It was a lot of work and she is very grateful that they were two people sharing the load, but she says that she shouldn’t be a leader. Everyone in TF did a great job, but she found it difficult allowing people to do as much as they wanted. “I become sort of like a monster. I am used to going about things a certain way, and I am bad at distributing the workload. If I have a pile of rocks that
a way this is because I want the control, but also because I know how easy it is to take on too much, and I want to spare other people from this”. She is familiar with the concept of taking on too much. Several positions at the same time have affected her studies, and she has failed many exams! She hopes to be able to go on to a master’s degree this autumn, but she is unsure of how realistic this is. “I think that’s because I tend to give lower priority to what affects me personally, like my studies. But after all this time I do feel guilty towards my faculty, since they are losing money from me not finishing on ordinary time”, she says.
Issue 02 Year 75
TUNTREET incredulous to what other people mean anyways. The messages must be very clear, otherwise she’ll just perceive them as jokes. “I often find animals easier to be around, if they want attention or cuddles, they will lick you in the face and send a clear message. Not that I encourage others to lick me in the face!” she says. Sometimes she forgets that she is a person: “Many actually accuse me of being a vampire”, she laughs.
Low motivation and low impulse control She doesn’t know where her motivation stems from. “I am probably the person I know who is the most active with such a big lack of motivation”. She says that it is not about challenging oneself, or that it is built on grand ideas. It is more a feeling of responsibility, and after being pulled in, it’s hard not to commit oneself when you realise the amount of important stuff that needs to be done”. One of her favourite quotes is by Gunnar Haarr: “Volunteer positions are like heroin. The first shot is free, and then you’re hooked”. She also tells that a low impulse control can make things build up. “If someone asks. Can you lift this chair? I answer: Yes, of course! But then I’m forgetting that I’m already juggling a table and an elephant”. At times, it has been too much, and she has felt that things aren’t always great. “You can’t do everything well. I am able to do it OK, but not well”. She emphasizes that it’s still important to get committed, but you need to know your limits. She says that she is bad at receiving grand words and compliments, because she feels like she doesn’t deserve it and considers it pointless information. She would rather receive constructive criticism, so she gets something to work with. However, she would make an exception if someone calls her cool or funny. “I am the funniest and coolest person that I know of, so if anyone compliments me on those matters it’s fine, because then they would be right!”, she laughs. Vampire? What other people think is of very little concern to her, and she says that she is often 32 Utgåve 02 Årgang 75
At times she has wondered herself. “I am a very cold person, physically speaking”. She also prefers strolls in the dark, and the act of looking like a corpse. Also her general pessimism and her aversion to being happy has increased the suspicion. She also has a skull named Theodor in her room. She got it after becoming the leader of Husdyrklanen, since the logo depicts the skull of a boar. She tells us that she does a lot of weird stuff that could make people wonder. “It could have been beneficial to pause for a moment and think ‘hmm, is this normal?’, but then I wouldn’t have been me, and then I wouldn’t have been as interesting”, she says. “I am the one who has to live with me, so the most important thing is that I like myself ”. Involuntary NRK-Celebrity She isn’t really too fond of attention, but she has proven to have a talent of attracting it anyways. Among other things, she got her own news report on NRK the spring of 2019. The reason: She wears a dust mask to protect herself from pollen, something that gained reactions from many passers-by. She had already been interviewed by a couple of other newspapers, and was going on the radio, so when they came with a camera as well she thought “why not?”. In retrospect she carries a bit of regret, since it led to a lot of attention, but it has worked well. She met a mother with a stroller, and the child pointed at her and wondered why she was wearing a mask. The mother could explain
that it was because of allergies, and Anne could be left alone. She has later learned that The Norwegian Association for Asthma and Allergies have special masks that protect against pollen and are a bit more discreet, but to her the most important thing is that they work. Aesthetics is the last thing on her mind, if on her mind at all. Lucky with her friends Even though she thinks she does a lot of weird stuff that makes her different, she has been lucky with her friends, and says she is surrounded by fantastic people. “I should be better at letting them now, but I’m afraid they will realize how much better than me they are”, she admits. Some of them she has gotten to know simply by approaching them and listing all the reasons why they should get acquainted, or they have worn a t-shirt from a band she likes. “It’s incredible how easy it is getting to know people if you just talk to them!”, she says. She did it for the joke All the volunteering and the commitment have taken its toll, and she wants to be honest about this. But it has also been beneficial in the form of good friends, and that things have gotten done. She knows she can get annoyed a lot, but she tries to not let it out on other people too much. She kind of feels like she has to be cranky on behalf of everyone else, as she feels that many people are overly positive at times. The humour is still on point, despite a lot of negativity. It is mostly based on bad puns and insults. “I want my tombstone to say something like ‘she did it for the joke’”, she laughs.
With regards from... Honourable Wibe I had the joy of meeting you on a warm and sunny day in the last decade, yes… more accurately the fall of 2015. We stood there as some lost Trønders on the flat Østlandet on about to start a new adventure as livestock students. Little did we know that this was the beginning of a magical friendship, to say the least. Your heart is made of metal, a flawless style (whether you go all black or Pokémon) and a dark sense of humour that gets me chuckling every time. You are good to the bone and you seldom say no - which has resulted in your VERY active student career on the Agrarmetropole, god damn! Or as our dear Åge sings; “You are a star, a king. You are a treasure. You are small but big, you are biggest on our planet” I look forward to our future adventures in the ‘windy and cold’ Trøndelag.. - Old Secretary Holmen
§3 No dash without a ‘stash.
Anne the Cactus Many Norwegians are often considered social coconuts. They have hard shells, but soft insides. Anne is no coconut. Anne is a cactus. During your first interaction you reach out with one hand, and end up with spikes in your fingers. But just like a cactus, Anne is worth all the spikes to get to what’s on the inside. My friendship with Anne started in the sound committee. When we met for the first time at the intern party in 2016, I was wearing a dress and Anne was wearing a beard. I had no idea back then that this bearded woman would come to mean so much to me throughout the years. Together we have worked countless sound shifts, often known as “the bearded guy who yells” and “The angry one”. When I took on the position as head of revue-sound for UKA in Ås 2018, Anne was the first I asked to be NK (Second in command). Anne made it clear that she didn’t want to. Deep down I know that she eventually accepted solely to help (read: save) me. But this didn’t come without a few spikes in my hand. Anne’s only condition was that I, during the artist reveal for miniUKA, would get down on one knee and ask her to be my NK. I “redeemed”. She said yes. During our time as KS and NK, Anne saved my ass more times than I can count. As sound technician she did more for the UKErevue 2018 than anyone can understand. As a friend I credit her for averting my many possible mental breakdowns. Regards - Bjørn-Eirik Roald
Anne Gladstø Wibe, it is difficult to start a text about that gal. Not everybody knows that she is actually a pretty snobbish person and feels the most at home in a dark suite in Oslo, with a pizza box from Peppes on her lap. She is also a person whose sides you will never fully understand. If it is the boar’s head in her bedroom or the joy of touching a hot pipe. The worst thing you can do in regards to Anne is to appear insecure and shifty, knowing this it’s quite incredible that we survived a year in the same office. Anne doesn’t care for gibberish and would rather not listen to long explanations for why you chose as you did, which makes it even more impressive that we survived for a whole year in the same office. At the same time, Anne is maybe the most energetic gal at this university. Because no one keeps their word like Anne does. She presents a mix of fear and safety and you never know what to expect. -Tord Hauge
Issue 02 Year 75 33
The student parliament
- the highest function of the student democracy In the last issue you got to know the student democracy, so this time we’ll take a dive into the student parliament. This article will explain what the student parliament is and what their meetings consist of. The morphology and function of the student parliament The student parliament is the highest function of the student democracy. The student democracy consists of all the students at NMBU, whereas the student parliament consists of 25 student representatives. These representatives are chosen during each faculty’s general assembly. The amount of student representatives at the student parliament is chosen by the size of each faculty. This means that for example REALTEK has more representatives than for example MINA. Other representatives at the student parliament are the student board, the control committee, election officials and meeting leaders. The student parliament’s main task is having the student’s best interest in mind and electing representatives for different boards and committees. All of NMBUs students can voice their opinion at the meetings, but only the representatives may vote. The student parliament will act on behalf of the students. A peek into a meeting The first meeting of the century was held 34 Issue 02 Year 75
February 10th at Adamstuen. Ås county wanted some input on how to reach the countys goals of emission cuts, and they raised this as one of the issues during the meeting. Many of the suggestions were about bicycles, such as parking spaces, free repairs and a bike road. A specific suggestion from the Student Parliament to better the availability of bicycle use, was to replace the parking spaces in the city centre with bicycle parking. Other suggestions were to reduce food waste, either by general attitude campains, or through other stores such as Holdbart (“Long lasting”). Many students are shopping in these kind of stores, and this might be relevant for Ås city centre. A MINA representative suggested charging stations for students with electrical cars. The currents charging stations on campus are reserved for the employees. A more specific suggestion came from a representative of the veterinary school. He thought that Ås county should consider developing nuclear plants. On one side this is a good way to reduce emission, but it is
Vegard Høgi Olsen Journalist and photographer Tilde Milia Skaatun Translator
also widely known for its instability and massive repercussions if something were to go wrong. Yours truly acknowledges their lack of insight into Ås countys economy, but I highly doubt that they have several billion NOK to spend on nuclear plants. In addition, these sorts of projects more than ten years to finish (bloody bureaucracy). Even student representatives need food The representatives spend their break lobbying through small talk with other representatives from other faculties, usually with a hidden agenda of fronting their issues. A good old-fashioned fight for power. Otherwise the break is spent consuming nourishment to keep you going for the 4 hours the meeting takes. A student rarely turns down free food, wether it is pizza from Babylon or a stew from SiÅs. If you’re curious as to which cases were discussed during the meeting, all reference sheets are availiable at NMBUs homepage. The student parliament is held 3-4 times each semester. The next one will be the March 9th.
36 Issue 02 Year 75
r e t s h e m wit s e S off te k ret c i k tou n e l Va
TUNTREET Saturday February 1st, it was time anew for semester kickoff at NMBU. This time it was the good old members of «Jokke & Valentinerne” and “Jokke med Tourettes” who stopped by Ås to honour the music of Joachim Nielsen, and neither new nor old fans were left unsatisfied. The boys are well seasoned, and this was roughly the 550th time they played the setlist with Jokke’s songs. They opened the evening with Tida er inne, Alt kan repareres, Sitter på en bombe and Aldri stol på en fyllik, and as soon as Aud. Max. started filling up properly, one could really feel the atmosphere. They started playing Hvis jeg var deg, and my notes describe it as a “hype singalong”, so you can probably imagine what it was like. After that came Suksess, En skål, Da har du driti deg ut igjen and Enda en skål for Jokke. One thing is for sure, they can’t be accused of forgetting what got them together in the first place.
during my interview with them a few hours earlier I asked them what their favorite song to play was, and they agreed it had to be Spenn. Then they played a few more songs before they offered their thanks and left the stage, but the students were far from done with the boys. For seven full minutes they stood their ground and called out for more, and finally Valentourettes returned to play one more track. When the singalong reverbed through all of Aud. Max. one last time, it was clear that the band had brought all of the spirit they could carry to Ås. Let’s just cross our fingers and hope it was enough to get us through another semester.
Then followed my personal favorite – Her kommer vinteren, a truly impressive drum solo, and then Action and Spenn. I feel like I should get to brag a little about how they gave me a small shoutout before they began;
Photo: The Photo committee by Anne Guro Røsæg
Jane Bergan Journalist
Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Translator
Issue 02 Year 75 37
Is pornography morally wrong? Porno. Everyone has watched it, and is it really a problem? Porn can give you an opportunity to get to know your sexuality better, and leads to a normalisation of sex, which previously was taboo. On the other hand, watching porn may lead to a twisted view on sex, and can cause body image issues. Many people involved in the porn industry may be viewed as victims, as they often are people struggling financially. A huge industry Porn sites get more visitors every month than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined. Every year, 13,000 porn videos are produced, and the porn industry in the USA alone, earns almost 17 billion NOK. Men between 35 and 49 years old are the most frequent viewers, and 1 in 3 viewers 38 Issue 02 Year 75
are women. Between 5-8% of viewers are addicted, meaning they watch more than 11 hours a week. Amateur porn Amateur pornos give the impression that they are like of a “real” movie. The girls are usually between 18 and 21. This is an age that sells well, as “teen” is the most searched word on the porn sites. “Hot Girls Wanted” is a Netflix show that tells the story of young girls that choose to get into the amateur porn industry. The girls tell that their biggest motivation to join the industry was the pay. “I became a porn actress to pay my bills” was a typical comment. For one sex scene, the girls earn $800 on average. Running away from home and experiencing the freedom is another reason for going into the industry. Some even say that they have a wish to become a
porn star, even though it’s difficult. “18 and abused” Abuse porn had in 2014 as much as 60 million hits a month. In this category, the girl is beaten, verbally abused, and forced to perform an aggressive “blowjob” where the end goal is her throwing up. Studies show that almost 40% of pornography online includes violence against women. First sexual experience Youth are especially influenced by watching a lot of porn. They are on average 11 years old when they start watching porno, and more boys than girls watch porn in their early years. A lot of porn doesn’t reflect sex in real life, and this can give the youth a twisted impression of what sex is like. This effect is enhanced through porn sometimes being the only sexual education the youth
receive. An unrealistic body image might develop too, as a lot of the women in the industry have had plastic surgery done to their boobs and genitalia. The men in the industry have larger penises than the average man.
Sofia Basma Moen Journalist
Oda Braar Wæge Illustratør
Astrid Kisen Translator
Does the mystery surrounding sex belong in the past? Through the internet, we have access to watch the kind of sex we desire, whenever we want. This may lead to sex in real life feeling less special. In the past, an erotic short story or a playboy magazine would have been enough, but this seems a bit boring in current times. Whether the constant access to watch live-sex can lead to a less romantic and mysterious sexual world, could be further discussed. Porn also provides positive effects Statistics show that in the USA, the age of first physical sexual experience has increased, and there are less teenage pregnancies. This correlates with the increasing availability and access to porn. The number of cases of rape by force has fallen by 85% since 1980. A theory is that when people have an outlet through porn for their sexual fantasies that would otherwise be illegal, the likelihood of doing them in real life decreases. Porn has also led to the normalisation of sex and gives access to a sexual world that not everyone would have had access to in real life. It is a platform where one can discover one’s sexual desires before one decides to try them out in real life. Respect and mutual responsibility Porn has led to more openness and consciousness around people’s own sexuality. If we search for morally correct porn that isn’t discriminating or oppressive to women, we have come a long way. We should also work towards showing the youth a sex culture consisting of mutual responsibility and respect, rather than their first meeting with sex being violent and unrealistic porn.
A comment from Ås Feministiske Studenter: First and foremost, it is important to state that porn isn’t wrong or discriminating against women. There is a lot of feminist porn, where the people involved in the production are treated well before, during and after the making of the video. And they are also given a fair pay. We are not against all forms of porno but think that a lot of aspects of the porn industry is problematic. Sex work is quite risky when it comes to health, and the working conditions can potentially be very bad. A lot of work in the porn industry can be compared to prostitution, as both making porn and prostitution is sex work. Talking about sex work is very important. Many men and women working in the industry are treated badly, receives minimal pay, and do not receive physical or mental health care. The employment rights of porn actors/actresses and prostitutes are in other words terrible. There are several problematic aspects with the most accessible porn online (e.g. Pornhub). They are usually extremely racist, oppressive to women, and gives a twisted image of sex and intimacy. A lot of people start watching porn at a young age, and for some, porn is the only sexual education they get. By watching a lot of porn when young and suggestible, one can get an abnormal image of sex, women and pleasure.
Issue 02 Year 75 39
A travel letter from far far away Tilde Birgitte Dalberg Journalist
Astrid Kisen Translator
Can you guess where I am now? In one of the most colourful countries in the world, where cattle aren’t fenced in, but are wandering the streets (a vegan’s dream?). The food here is so spicy that my taste buds are almost exploding. “Namasté”, is no longer exclusive to the yoga class, but instead something you say as “hello” and “goodbye”. I am of course talking about India, more exactly Udaipur. Not alone But I’m not here alone. I’m travelling with 19 wonderful fellow students from NMBU. We are all taking the “Development Challenges in Rural India”, EDS272. The course is meant for people doing their bachelor’s degree in international Environment and Development Studies but is also open for other students as well. After a month here, our journey is coming to an end, and I feel both excited and sad. Looking back at the trip, choosing what to write about in this letter is difficult. We have experienced so much!
40 Issue 02 Year 75
Where exactly was I going? We were let loose in India, with no timetable, and barely knowing where we were going. I remember walking through customs and the police asked me where I was going -I didn’t know how to pronounce the city we were going to. Slightly embarrassing to be honest, but it made the trip extra exciting. My first days in India I arrived on New Years Eve, and don’t ask me how they celebrate it here. I was so exhausted I slept my way into the new decade… Oh well. The lectures started the morning after, and they were really interesting. We were taught by many knowledgeable guest lecturers and went on field trips to see how one works on developmental studies in practice. It was interesting, but also hard hearing about the challenges many face in rural India.
Life without a warm shower A warm shower is something I will never take for granted ever again. EVER. If I wanted a warm shower, I had to boil several pots of water, and pour it in a bucket together with cold water (it took forever). Then I had to take a bowl and scoop up water and pour it over my head. For every scoop, I felt the warm water pour down and heat up several parts of my body. It felt like being blessed. It kind of felt like I got a connection to the water. It’s hard to describe but working on something and experiencing the reward teaches you to appreciate it more. The highlight during the trip Obviously, it wasn’t all terrible. The highlight of the trip was when we spent an entire week in the field. Here, we got to try out as scientists. We were split into groups and sent out to small villages to collect information through interviews and use it as data for our chosen project. The people here are relatively poor, and it was interesting comparing their life with how we live in Norway. What surprised me the most, was how friendly they all were. You could just walk straight into their gardens, and ask to interview them, and they said yes without hesitation. We were also invited in for meals and tea. A few times we also got gifts in the form of vegetables straight from the earth. Farewell Soon I will be on my way home, and I’m experiencing mixed emotions. One part of me is going to miss the people here, their culture and the cattle in the streets. The other part of me CAN’T WAIT for a warm shower, a normal stomach, and my own, comfy bed. However, I don’t see this as the end of my journey. I will always bring with me the experience and knowledge I gained here. And who knows, maybe I’ll return one day?
Issue 02 Year 75
Two salamis with Pspspspspspspss
Brede the kitty Jane Bergan Journalist
sp spsp
sp Psp
Astrid Kisen Translator
If you have spent more than 15 minutes at Pentagon, you have probably seen a calico cat wandering around in her hunt for mice, salami and cuddles. This is Brede, and she is what we may call an influencer. She is probably most known for sneaking into the student apartments as soon as she can. Many have probably also seen her instagram, @pusenbrede, where she posts memes and photos of herself. With more than 600 followers, she is without a doubt a role model among the students. Tuntreet wondered how she managed to balance her influencer life with being a cat. 1. Why did you start your Instagram account? To find love! After 2 years, I found Vulkanpusen (From Oslo School of Architecture and Design), and since then we have been happy together. 2. What do you like to do in your spare time? Break into students’ apartments, go on night hunts, and otherwise sleep as much as possible.
ss Chasing mice in in the Hankatt loft. Photo: private
3. As a local celebrity, you are probably recognised and stopped in the streets. What do you think of this attention? Getting stopped in the streets is only positive. As long as they don’t call “pspspsps”. I will not walk over to them if they do. 4. Do you have any tips on how to become an Instagram influencer? My best tip is “fake it until you make it”. It is about spewing out content until you have a good few followers. From there, it’s straight forward.
Up in the treetops. Photo: private
March 23rd
Coffee? coffee. Oda Braar Wæge Illustrator
Anne Tove Græsdal Tornes Våge Journalist
Kristian Bones Enger Translator
After reading the coffee column for a semester, you have learnt to make filter coffee, French press coffee and AeroPress coffee. This time, we will visit a new part of the coffee world: The espresso universe. Brewing Method: Espresso 1. Use coffee that is ground to espresso, which is the finest level of grind (more about levels of grinds in the next edition) 2. Dismantle your espresso machine, if it is a Bialetti, Mokapot or some other form for espresso machine. 3. Fill the bottom part with water. 4. Fill the coffee container with coffee, and smooth it out. 5. Re-assemble your espresso machine. 6. Put it on the stove and wait for it to let you know that it is done. There are a variety of different coffee drinks that you can make after making an espresso. One can drink it as a regular espresso or add some water to it in order to make an americano. If you own a milk steamer, one can make a mocha, latte, cappuccino, cortado or a flat white, depending on what you would wish to make.
What an Espresso Is Made of: - Crema: The top layer of an espresso shot. It is thin, golden brown with a hint of red at times. It is in this layer that the sweeter tones of an espresso are found, given that this is where the concentrated sugar and oils take place. - The body: The middle layer of an espresso shot. It is typically a caramel brown in colour. - The heart: The bottom layer of an espresso, which is a darker brown in colour. The heart contains the bitterness which balances out the sweetness of the crema.
Some Espresso Facts: - The word espresso stems from Italian (along with lots of other coffee terms) and means "when something is forced out”. This is due to how the coffee is brewed. It relies on pressure to force water through the coffee holder. - It takes around 42 to 50 coffee beans to make one single shot of espresso.
44 Issue 02 Year 75
Source: https://coffeebros.com/blog/facts-about-espresso/
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Miles Davis – Kind of Blue
Seen as this is the first installation of Herman’s wax world, I felt it was appropriate to start us off with some classics. In 1970, Black Sabbath released their second studio album Paranoid. This is a slow, heavy, thick epos giving me mental pictures of flare pants, psychedelics and bleak, british mining villages. Not without reason, the members of Black Sabbath have become known as the grandparents of heavy metal. Songs like War Pigs, Paranoid and Iron Man have become some of the most recognizable in the history of the genre. Together, Ozzy’s tired vocals, Tony Iommis blues-inspired guitar, Geezer Butlers bassline and Bill Wards percussion make this album one of my personal favorites.
Herman Bjørnson Hagen Vinyl Enthusiast
Kaja Mie Botnen Translator
Any jazz-enthusiast have probably heard of and listened to Miles Davis’ album Kind of Blue. It was released in 1959 and is, by many, regarded as the superior jazz-album throughout history. It was a breakthrough in the genre and had a combination of musicians beyond compare. The band consisted of Davis himself, Bill Evans, Cannonball Adderley, Coltrane, Wynton Kelly, Paul Chambers, Jimmy Cobb. All legends in the genre. Kind of Blue is a masterpiece in improvisation and innovation, and will always be a fine introduction to the genre for all those who want to dip their toe in the pool of jazz.
Sports Column Vegard Høgi Olsen Sports Editorial
Petter Nielsen Sports Editorial
Herman Bjørnson Hagen Sports Editorial
Kristian Bones Enger Translator
In this edition of our sports column, we want to dedicate some attention to our two recent handball matches and the ÅS-NMBU Orienteering. Last in from NMBUI Handball On Tuesday the 4th of February, the womens NMBUI handball team played a fifth division home game against Tune Handball, where NMBUI lost by a tiny margin. The score was 10-13 by pause to the other team, but started the second round with a great defensive tactic, some good saves and effective counters. NMBUI had the match in the palm of their hand, until the last five minutes when they unfortunately lost the game. The final result was 24-25, meaning that NMBUI is now on 10th place on the scoreboards. The male NMBUI team played against Norstrand 2 in the third division on Thursday the 6th of February. They played an amazing match, and won with a score
of 35-20. The Tholstrup brothers aimed for a last second flight, followed by Petter Nielsen who snatched the ball and scored the final goal of the match. Orienting the Orienteering group For many years, the Ås IL (sports team) has shared their running practices with the orienteering group and the cross country skiers. NMBUI has no athletics team, and have therefore decided to work with the orienteering group at NMBU and ÅS IL. The goal of Ås-NMBU Orienteering is to create as much physical activity and a thriving social atmosphere for the students and inhabitants of Ås. The team practices twice every week, an are known to arrange for extra practices for those extra eager individuals. The practices are designed to suit every runners level of fitness. Ås-
NMBU Orienteering have shown to do quite well in multiple orienteering runs. Please send in your thoughts and ideas to our sports column if you believe that some other sports deserves some extra attention! Email: tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no Issue 02 Year 75 45
A pillar has checked out Samfunnet in Ås will always be the primary memorial of a NMBU candidate’s life, of the time when one experienced the greatest joys – a birthplace of culture that has given tens of thousands of young, promising individuals a social upper hand at the gates of adulthood for nearly 156 years. From a historical viewpoint is the student’s stay at Samfunnet short, but one among us literally held the fort for 52 remarkable years. Karl Martin Henriksen performed his first sweeps with the broom and rag on Samfunnet as early as 1968. He was there when the cornerstone for Aud.Max. was put down in 1969, and with only short breaks he has cleaned the grand hall every single day since the honorable part of the building stood finished in 1970. He cleaned Samfunnet back when the Rosehage was an actual Rose garden, and has readied Samfunnet for both King and Prime Minister. Karl Martin was present at Samfunnet for a whole third of its proud history. I got well acquainted with Karl Martin
46 Issue 02 Year 75
during my time as Operations Manager at Samfunnet. I don’t think it’s an insult to anyone to say the man with the broom was one of a kind. Despite an age gap of two generations, speaking with Karl Martin was like talking to a 25 year old. His young mindset, his festive and at times mean-ish but totally innocent comments was a great enrichment to the workday. I dare say that some may have a thing or two to learn from Karl Martin in a present time where the community ideal is to take anything that befalls one seriously, and where being offended is a preferred card to play. Karl Martin had a work ethic from out of this world. He knew his place, both literally and figuratively (even if he sometimes messed up pretty hard). He had humor- a boundlessly great humor. He was always positive, and worked constantly on weekends, holidays, Christmas eve or May 17th if it was needed. Often up to the knees in beer, in a place where household soap and napkins won’t serve much use. His job wasn’t just a job to “Kalle” – it was his purpose in life. He loved Samfunnet,
and he loved the students. And believe me, the old giant was by no means ready to wring up his rag for good. Karl Martin Henriksen passed away February 1st. 2020, with his closest ones around him. There are none that have invested more hours at Samfunnet than Karl Martin Henriksen. Karl Martin’s son Henning has now inherited the company with the fetching name, Multiservice A/S. He did so because that was his father’s greatest wish. I dare say this illustrates just how much we meant to Karl Martin. And it especially shows what kind of people follow in his footsteps. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the collaboration, the good stories and a unique companionship. On behalf of generations of Thorvald and Tora, the past - and present students. - Lars Berg Raaen
The Place
Is it possible to find a place to rest? A place of peace? Where I may feel at home. Where I feel that I belong. A place to be calm. Find strength, courage and energy in life. A place to come back to myself. Drink from the source that quenches my thirst. A place to rest in the desert. A hidingplace in the wilderness. A safehouse in the storm of my inner self. Luckily, I have found such a place. When the storm is on, my cabin by the sea gives me shelter. When sub zero temperatures come creeping, my fire gives me warmth. When the darkness looms, I have candles to burn that will not go out. I have a hidingplace there, in the mouth of the sea. Here, I am comfortable in all kinds of weather. Storm or calm. Alone or together. In good times and bad. When I was a child, and now when I am working. And one day, when old age comes for me. This is my space. My place. An anchor. A view toward open horizons, where the sun comes in winter. Seagulls squawking, blackbirds singing, sparrows twittering. I can live here, and die. I want to live and die here! My place is a holy place. It is my paradise, my garden, my place on earth. I exist here. I emerge here. I am who I am here. I believe in God here. When I fall to rest here, I want for nothing. This is my place on earth. I am a restless human. I often feel rootless and lonely. But I am never placeless. I know where to go. My place is a limit to eternity. Time and eternity meet here. Here, I become what I search for. This is my home. The heavens come to me.
“My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh sing for joy for the living God. The bird also has found a house, And the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, Even Your altars, O Lord of hosts, My King and my God.” - The Psalm of David, 84.
Sigurd A. Bakke is the student priest at NMBU. You will find Sigurd’s office in the basement to the left in the clock building. the student priest is available if you should need somebody to speak to. He is available for drop-ins on wednesdays 11:00-15:00, and is also available for appointments on other days. Appointments can be made to sigurd.bakke@as.kommune.no
Utgåve Issue 01 Årgang 02 Year 74 75 47
GAME PAGES by Andreas Bjørne Jacobsen
by quizmaster Andreas Bjørne Jacobsen
1. Who won the Golden Barbie of the year? 2. Who invented biodynamic agriculture? 3. How old will King Harald be in 2020? 4. If a person has phimosis, what is too small? 5. How many stores does Kondomeriet have? 6. How long is the average erect penis? 7. In 2015, the sales of sex toys rose with 208%. Why? 8. How long does the average male orgasm last? 9. When did it become normal to have a picture of the Royal Family in the bathroom? 10. Which film in a foreign language was the first to win an Oscar for best picture?
Boobs Clitoris Cock Condom
48 Issue 02 Year 75
Dildo Fuck Lube MILF Octopus Porn Protection Sex Sodomy Vagina Vibrator
ERROR SEARCH: 10 Solutions at page 50
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Killer Sudoku follows the same rules as normal Sudoku, but the sum of the numbers in the stipled areas must be the same as the small number in the corner. There can only be one of each number in every area.
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5 8
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Issue 02 Year 75 49
Xoxo, Forfatterfrøken
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50 Issue 02 Year 75
Qlturell Hilsen Jurist Andrea, Hurrakatt Gjertrud, Spilledaase Mildrid samt Pusekatt Celina
Er du interessert i Start, ønsker å bli lære mer om innovasjon og vil utvide nettverk ditt? Søk Start NMBU i dag ved å følge QR-koden.
Skaal for at bade i Kildebrygg!
Vi ser frem til fremtidige fester, der vi alltid presterer som en mester. Vi gleder oss til nye vennskap skal dyrkes, og ikke minst styrkes.
Foreningen Hunkatten drar snart afgaarde paa internasjonalt Farvand, samt det kommer til at gaa vilt for sig paa Badeland! Det bliver i hvertfall en heidundranes Fest, samt det er jo der Vi er best!
Nye frøkner er nå tatt opp i våre rekker, og vi garanterer at sjarm og talent blant de Feminine Frøkner tilstrekker. Fire nye frøkner er nå å finne i blått, vi håper dere tar de imot godt.
Skaal for bedre Lykke neste Gang!
I 2020 fyller Start NMBU 20 år, og i den anledning kommer vi til å arrangere «prosjekt x» eller «Klar, Ferdig, Start!» som skal handle om essensen av det å være en starter; en gründer eller en som er modig nok til å satse på seg selv og sine egne ideer. Arrangementet holdes i April og vil være åpent for alle studenter. Følg med på sosiale medier for mer info! #start.nmbu
Sene Kvelder paa Samfunnet haver bydd paa Festligheter i fleng, Sex- samt Kjærlighetsuken haver kanskje givet dig Selskap i din Seng? Mange haver prøvd Lykken paa Qlturens Høiborg, Dog haver de fleste dratt hjem i Sorg.
Veldedighet er noe vi verdsetter høyt, og i samarbeid med UnitedAid og UNICEF samlet vi inn mengder med pant der summen ble rekordhøyt. Resultatet av panten doneres direkte til Makani-prosjektet, der psykisk støtte og skolegang blant barn i flukt er hovedaspektet.
Skaal for deilig Vaarvær!
Vår-semesteret er godt i gang, vårens festligheter har jo startet med et stormsprang.
Februar flyr forbi i en Fei, samt Kattene rusler afgaarde med Lua paa snei. Nu er Vaaren rett rundt Svingen, samt Solen er saa deilig saa da klager vel ingen.
Hva er Start NMBU? Start NMBU er en studentorganisasjon som jobber for å fremme innovasjon og entreprenørskap blant studentene på campus. Målet vårt er å få flere studenter til å tenke kreativt og øke kunnskapen om innovasjon. For en bærekraftig- og nyskapende fremtid vil vi at flere skal tenke utenfor boksen; dette gjøres ved at vi arrangerer prosjekter og arrangementer knyttet til innovasjon, entreprenørskap, problemløsing og nettverksbygging.
Skaal FFD! Skaal Skriver! Skaal $paregris! Skaal Hunkatter! Skaal Qlturelle samt Xklusive! Skaal Pusekatter! Skaal Tora samt Thorvald!
Verden er en serie av under, og det er mye å undre seg på. Hva skal jeg spise? Hva er det der? Hvorfor er himmelen blå? Altfor ofte havner man i en situasjon der man sier ”Hva nå?” Da må man lytte, stoppe og tenke ”Hva er det jeg egentlig må?” Filosofer har prøvd, og de klarte det nesten, men de kom ikke helt i mål med å finne et svar som bare var klokt og ikke hørtes ut som gnål Et lyspunkt er det at til et hvert spørsmål finnes det tusener av svar Det er bare å velge og lytte til den magen og det hjertet man har Og lykkes du likevel ikke med dette, og ønsker litt hjelp med ditt svar Så gis det til den som 21.februar til Festsalen på revy drar
1. Blogg.no 2. Rudolf Steiner 3. 83 years 4. The opening of the foreskin 5. 10 6. 13 cm 7. “Fifty Shades of Grey” came out 8. Six seconds 9. During the 2nd World War 10. “Parasite” (South-Korea)
Fysj! Studenter ved Agrametropolen: Vi har observert noe ufyselig, arten hybelkanin blir ikke lengre blitt tatt hånd om skikkelig Hva skjedde med de gode gamle dagene? Når vi satt mer pris på disse skapningene, og ga de husly og fòr i den revolusjonerende støvsugeren? Dyrene fortjener bedre! Man tar ikke lengre hensyn! Kaninene har som kjent umenneskelig sterke lyster, og dette får de ikke lengre utløp for Nei, samle dem igjen slik at de kan formere seg i det uendelige. Så kjære studenter og studentiner: Ta gjerne Konehuset til inspirasjon, her er et trygt og godt samlingssted for de kjære kaninene. Husk at vi må ta vare på denne arten, spesielt i disse masseutryddelse-tidene
Et lite tankekors: I TT01 tok artikkelen «Historien vi passerer» for seg alle statuer og minnesmerker knyttet til NMBU. Samtlige av disse (8 stk.) er reist til ære for «viktige personer i historien til landbruksundervisningen». Spørsmålet vi stiller oss er som følger: Er det ingen kvinner som har gjort seg fortjent til å få et minnesmerke på NMBU? Men! Kanskje du har lagt merke til statuen utenfor REMA1000? Det er en kvinne! Eneste problemet er at hun er navnløs og naken... Trenger du noen å snakke med om denne typen observasjoner eller andre saker knyttet til kjønn og likestilling? Neste møte med Ås feministiske studenter er 26 mars kl. 19! Arrangement og mer info om sted kommer på facebook-gruppa «Ås Feministiske Studenter». Vel møtt!
Vi har et problem, vi er stort sett bare 4. og 5. årsstudenter. Det er rett og slett ikke bærekraftig, og vi tar bærekraft på alvor. Er du medlem i Natur og Ungdom eller Naturvernforbundet? Eller har du lyst til å bli medlem? Da er naturvernstudentene ved NMBU det rette for deg. Vi er studentforening for begge. Tidligere har vi blant annet jobbet med bier og humler, utbygging av 3. rullebane, naturmix og sykling i Ås. Fremover ser vi for oss å jobbe med iskantsonen og vindkraft. Vi er veldig åpne for dine ideer. Issue 02 Year 75
Did you hear that... BEtrayed woman “The men” in Rævne obviously don’t know the difference between faithful and unfaithful...
Tireeeedddd 2er-knekken er undervurdert! Unity Stipeeeeeeeeeeeeend!!!!!!!! Have you noticed that There are so many students still in the closet. Why can’t everyone just come out when they move away from home!! And save the rest of us the trouble. noisecancer “I actually read the curriculum, hehehe” <3 The miniUKEposter is so pretty! Great work! UKA delivers! Emsa The board at samfunnet has upped their game with the program this semester. First Valentourettes and now actually interesting cultural talks mid-week? Catastrofe Eneste fordel med fjorårets semesterprogram var at det ikke kunne bli noe dårligere i år. The Angel Gabriel UKA in Ås has joined forces with kirkens bymisjon Press F for condolances The samfunn board strikes again and demands tickets for the quiz. Are they that desperate for money? Paragrafnerd § 1.1 The purpose of Studentsamfunnet The purpose of the student society in Ås is to work for a good cameradery between their members. Seminars, debates and entertainment shall be for joy and development of these. Unknown What in the world is an external party?
Vinnar av fotokonkurranse TT01: Bendik Hassel