Part of Studentsamfunnet i Ã…s
NR. 1 \ 04.02 2021
Tuntreet Volume 76
There are no perfect moments. There are no perfect moments. There are the right moments, and the bad moments, but no perfect ones. To wait for them will bring no reward. We are entering a new year, and some of us might have decided on what New Year’s Resolutions to pursue. Now is the moment to do everything you wish to do, for there are always excuses for not starting earlier. Things will be different, that is part of what marks the life of a student. One term is seldom like the previous, but what really changes as one walks around the corner at that magical moment of time, the night before January 1st? The thought of what you might do differently does not suddenly emerge. It is likely something you have been pondering on for a while. The possibilities you have are the possibilities you have, when you have them. Even though nothing is perfect, it is not certain it could ever be better. Who knows, maybe they might get worse? Maybe a global pandemic bears down upon us, closing down society? As the situation looks like today, it does not look like we have the chance to do much. We live in one of the three municipalities
with the strictest infection control measures in the country. We cannot visit Eika, campus or meet our friends as we wish. We are constantly notified of the things we cannot do. It is easy to say, but try to see the possibilities present. If it is not wrong to do it now, why not do it? Grab hold of your possibilities, and try. Du will never achieve that which you never attempt to achieve. You cannot wait for the perfect moment, that everything is in place, for that moment will never come. Sometimes you must make do with what you have, and grasp the possibility while it is still there.
Guro Størdal Editor-in-chief tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no
translated by: Benjamin A. Faulkner
Edition 1 2 3 4 5
Deadline 27.01 17.02 10.03 07.04 28.04
Published 04.02 25.02 18.03 15.04 06.05
Utgåve 01 Årgang 76
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Guro Størdal MANAGING EDITOR Tord Kristian Fjellheim Andersen
JOURNALISTS Petter Nielsen Sofie Bergset Janols Iris van Brunschot Bjørnar Djupevik Hagen Elina Turbiná CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Nathalie Genevieve Bjørneby PHOTOGRAPHERS Simen Walbækken Tangen
Åsne Sørlie-Nordnes Margreta Brunborg CHIEF OF PROOF READING Kristin Gilboe PROOF READERS Rebecca Biong Hedda Mathilde Jørgensen Sunniva Steiro Solveig Johansen
Six on Zoom
Review of the social clubs’ web sites
Opening of Bicuben
Christmas in quarantine
Accomplished lecturers
Damn straight we’re sad!
New drug policy for students / employees
January restrictions
Pictures: empty campus
Ski trails in Ås
Skating ice i Ås
25 29
Readers’ letter: The swans in Skogsdammen Poetry by Thomas
Two Beers: Helge Mathisen
On a stroll with Tuntreet
Book Review: Agricultural History of NLH
Readers’ letter: Pig farming business
Tuntreet decade by decade: the 40s
Wrath of the cat
Covid mesures popquiz
Thoughts from the Priest
Club banter
CHIEF OF LAYOUT Andrea Øverland Skagsoset LAYOUT Linnea Laubo Sara Thu Jon Eivin Kivle MISTRESS OF GAMES Tilde Skåtun
CHIEF OF TRANSLATION Benjamin Alexander Faulkner TRANSLATION Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Sofie Palmstrøm Thea Samskott Vetle Rakkestad Celine Våga Pauline Marie Søndenå
DISTRIBUTION Annlaug Pijfers Ingvild Munz ILLUSTRATION Oda Braar Wæge Pauline Hovland POMME DE TERRE Herman Bjørnson Hagen
Tuntreet, part of Studentsamfunnet i Ås Tuntreet, Postboks 1211 1432 Ås E-mail: tuntreet@samfunnetiaas.no www.tuntreet.org Printed: 100 Printing press: BK Grafisk, Sandefjord Front page: Åsne Sørlie-Nordnes Edition VolumeGenevieve 76 3 Middle page:01Nathalie Bjørneby
6 on Zoom Iris van Brunschot Journalist
Pauline Marie Søndenå Translator
In the January block of 2021 students spent much of their time inside, participating in their online classes. Covid or not – starting the year off like this can be quite tough. We wanted to find out how it is to participate digitally in these intensive courses. Tuntreet spoke to 6 people on Zoom to find out how it actually is to only have online lessons. We asked the students the following questions? 1. What do you study? 2. Which subject did you take in the January block? 3. Do you think the bar is high or low when it comes to participating orally in class? 4. How do you rate the online lectures? 5. Do you do anything to be social and to compensate for the digital everyday life?
Mari Vold Hansen Study: International Environment & Development Studies Subject: EDS279 (Writing course) Bar for participation: I think the bar is quite low, because you can always write in the chat. The bar is higher in an auditorium. Rating: 3. I am not a big fan of the online classes. I pay more attention when I can participate physically, and it´s easier to discuss in a classroom rather than being split up in breakout rooms. I also like to meet my fellow students at campus. Compensation for the digital everyday life: I spend a lot of time with my collective, and I often go to the Ur building to study. I’ve also been skiing quite a lot and try to do this every day.
Photo: private
Helene Bergo Mund
Photo: Iris van Brunschot
Edition 01 Volume 76
Studie: International Environment & Development Studies Subject: EDS279 (Writing seminar) Bar for participation: I think it’s easier to talk in the Zoom classes than in the physical ones, but It’s always a bit higher if we are many people in the class. Rating: 4. It’s harder for me to get something out of the lessons when they are digital. They’re not as catchy, and you quickly find yourself doing other things. Compensation for the digital everyday life: I try to meet people outside, for example to go ice skating, go to the forest to light a fire or go for a walk. You can also spend the night outside, go swimming, make a snowman, go sledding etc. There are so many possibilities!
TUNTREET Elisabeth Risjord Study: Landscape Architecture Subject: LAD100 (Introduction to Digital Tools in Landscape Architecture) Bar for participation: I think the bar is higher in a Zoom class than in a physical class. Rating: 4. It’s easy to keep up and to understand the subject, and the workload is quite nice. Compensation for the digital everyday life: I talk a lot on the phone with my friends and find exciting things to do on my own. Photo: private
Maren Vedvik Dammen
Foto: Privat
Study: Environment and natural resources Subject: HFX133 (Challenges for Future Food Production) Bar for participation: I think the bar is much higher in a Zoom class. Rating: 4. It can be hard to keep up the concentration level, because lessons online tend to be heavy and monotonous. Luckily the professors are good at sticking to the schedule and give us breaks. The prerecorded classes also give us more flexibility, because we get the opportunity to see them when we have the time. Nevertheless, I prefer to follow the classes directly to not miss any questions. Compensation for the digital everyday life: I’m spending time outside walking, skiing and sledding every day, as well as going to the gym.
Gisle Orheim Study: Forest science Subject: TRE200 (Wood Technology I) Bar for participation: It varies. I think the professors open up for oral input, but this is mostly as questions towards the end of class or during breaks. Still, people come with their own inputs which creates a small feeling of being in an actual classroom. Rating: 5. It’s brilliant to be able to see lectures over again at my own speed. This is something that suits me very well, especially in subjects where I have less basic knowledge. I’m also very pleased with the understanding the professors show us. Even though it would have been better for all of us to have physical and recorded classes, the professors do everything they can to make the best out of the situation. Compensation for the digital everyday life: I can become a bit restless of all the screen time, so I go for a lot of walks. Luckily, I have friends who can join me if I wish.
Photo: private
Tord Kristian Andersen Study: Geomatics Subject: INF200 (Advanced programming) Bar for participation: Generally, I think it’s quite easy to participate, especially since the lessons are mandatory. Rating: 3. I would say it’s quite mediocre. The days are long and it’s very intensive. Sometimes it takes quite a long time before you get help. Compensation for the digital everyday life: We work together a lot online after class. I also spend time in my collective’s common area. In addition, I try to go outside, but I usually don’t have time before it gets dark. Photo: private
Edition 01 Volume 76
social clubs’ web sites These recents times we have seen less of the social clubs on campus than we usually do. Luckily, many of them have websites we can visit if you miss them. At the same time as I browsed through them, I took the liberty of rolling the dice on design, information and how well the website suits the general characteristic of the club. Petter Nielsen Journalist
Thea Samskott Translator
Den X-Clusive Stiftelse PB Our tour begins with a roaring “Pskaal!” as we enter the X-clusive foundation PB´s home page. The front page portrays a photo of PB-men in shades of gray, walking through the streets. There is also a congratulation by every PB-man; “Aahh!!! Glorious day, PB-men!”. The number of PB-men is regularly updated on their web site right by a delightful photo of an older and younger PB-man. Under PB´s cybernews it appears their only events are informational pre-games, as these are the only announcements available. If you take the time to go through the page´s folders, you can find photos of the different adventures and voyages PB previously has been up to.
The page is in the colors red and black, particularly appropriate for this specific social club. In addition, everything in their web page is in their own written language, of course a big plus. Parts of the web page are only available if you are a member of PB, which adds to the social club´s feeling of x-clusivity.
Hankattforeningen st. 1902 Our next stop is the web page where boys become gentlemen. Their page is well organized and shares the most important information. Especially for those interested in learning more about the Hankatt social club, who they are and what they stand for. The journalist had to put on their glasses to read what was written on their page because of a peculiar color choice on the text. Under the folders, you can enter “kulturelle bilder” to get a glance at the Hankatters activities though the different cultural years. It could also be mentioned that either the body of members has changed drastically since the last time I saw them, or they should update their web site. The Hankattforening gets a plus for mentioning that you can find their vision in Tuntreet. The Hankattforening receives a strong four.
Edition 01 Volume 76
TUNTREET Foreningen Hunkatten
The social club Hunnkatten, along with Hankatteforeningen and PB, form the Qltural trinity. They might have the least impressive front page of the three, but their web page is still of quality. The page is very well organized, and it is easy to find information on the social club´s history, members and ambitions. Other than photos from previous years, it is not possible to find out what the social club does the rest of the year, but the thought might be that a photo is worth more than a thousand words? Hunnkatten is good at showing of its members on the web site, and if you pay it a visit you will recognize every single one on campus once it reopens.
https://www.collegiumalfa.com/ Collegium Alfa Collegium Alfa is a social club known to have order; this also goes for their web site. All of the information is easily accessible in the folder system and is designed simply and elegant. Here you will find everything you wish to know about the social club, from history and members to admission requirements and ambitions. The photo of the social club´s members is always in the background, and never lets you forget who´s web site you are visiting.
BB Cowboys
On BB Cowboys home page, we are met by smiling cowboys dressed in suiting shirts. The big question is whether these are the members from 2018. When I peek on the announcements, I in fact see that 2018 was the last time their web site was updated. Other than photos, there also lacks information on what the social club actually do as well as their history. Some of what the social club is up to, could maybe be found in their announcements, but there are only four. Whereas one of them is announcing that the web page is going to be updated. BB Cowboys are seemingly better at roasted pork than web sites. This is a two.
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TUNTREET https://www.overraevne.com/
Mannskoret Over Rævne Mannskoret Over Rævne´s home page is embossed with mountains, photos in gray and pictures of BEdårere. It is well explained what Rævne is, what they do and their characteristics are clearly portrayed. There is not as much information as you find with the other social clubs, but the information is concise. In addition, there are also photos of every present and former Rævnekar. At the bottom of the site, you will find links to their YouTube, Facebook and Pikekoret IVAR. Suitable.
Pikekoret IVAR Pastel pink is the first thing you see when you enter the web site of the Intense Voluminous Amorous Broads, Pikekoret IVAR. Like Rævne, they don’t have a lot of information on the site, but they do in a good way portray who they are and what separates them from other social clubs. Pictures of (almost) everybody within the social club is there, but oddly there were no photos of previous Ivarinner to be found. If you need more pinks and flowers in your life, this is the web site for you. (No link to Over Rævne, hmm…) A four on the dice.
Broderskapet Unity Broderskapet Unity´s web page is dark and elegant with an entirely black background, in contrast to their logo which catches the viewers eye upon entering. Unity has published a lot of information about themselves and their charity project. The board has their own folder and are depicted, but when you click on the folder for members, nobody comes up. Has Unity had an especially hard time during the corona pandemic or has the web master forgotten something? Information on more events than informational pre-games would also have been a plus. Unity gets a strong three.
Edition 01 Volume 76
TUNTREET Koneklubben Freidig
Womanly, bold, culinary and with a hot pink background following you wherever you go on their site. Koneklubben Freidig has done a good job with their web site, and it even has a web diary. They elegantly check of the boxes where the other social clubs have been criticized, except from lacking some history. Here you can find every present and former member. The social club´s ambitions are also presented. The cherry on top is still the web diary. Here there are announcements on the social club´s activities and cooking inspiration. A six.
Feminin & Fornem Feminin og Fornem has a greatly appealing cover photo with all of the social club´s members and the almost never previously photographed eika in the background. They have written splendid about their history, what they do, their vision and their ambitions. Unfortunately, it is difficult to read this web site as well because of the light blue color behind the text. This is likely an attempt at portraying the characteristic blue all over their web site. Sadly, not quite successfully. Moreover, it should be said that their work with charity is portrayed in a good way. Every Fornemm and former Frøken are also named, but only the Fornemme are pictured.
Gents Academy Lastly, we have Gents Academy. The social club where boys become men. The slogan “where boys become gentlemen” was unfortunately already taken by Hannkattforeningen when they were established. The front page is embossed with the social club´s members gathered for a serious photo in festsalen. Luckily, we can tell from other photos on their web site that they are not always this serious. Their announcements are a testament to 2020 being a dry year and there could have been updates on what they have been up to previous years. Every former and present member can be found, and they get an extra plus for the creative layout.
They get a weak four.
In conclusion, the social club´s web sites are better and more elaborate than expected. Many offer pleasant rundowns of the social club´s characteristics and traditions. I think I am going to keep visiting these web sites after the pandemic as well. Edition 01 Volume 76
BIKUBEN IS BUZZING WITH LIFE Iris van Brunschot Journalist & photographer Vetle Rakkestad Translator
The completely new meeting point «Bikuben» is now open on campus. I brave the cold weather to pay a visit a Wednesday at midday. What does this new exciting place have to offer for the students? A lot more than a cafeteria The first thing that comes to my mind is the buzzing life in the modern room in front of me. The large windows throw lots of natural lighting and makes a positive and relaxed atmosphere. Several students are already seated by the tables, but also workers and lecturers have found their places in the seating areas. Some of them have chosen to sit on the steps in «Amfiet», the amphitheatre to eat lunch. You easily feel welcomed at this new place, because you will find something for everybody; if you’re hungry, want social interaction, or have a large project to be delivered the next day. There are also different types of places to read, depending on your preferences. You can for example chose to book a group room or use the quiet area. Socially Amfiet may offer post-corona screening of films and concerts among other things. 10
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New heart of the campus Bikuben will be a natural gathering-point for all faculties. It will tie together both Adamstuen, the previous Ås campus and the new veterinary building by offering a social arena for all students to use on equal terms. The artwork around the new campus works as inspiration to the new gathering point. Katrin Schlegel’s Feeding on the Tree of Knowledge is a 3D-model based on lichens from the one and only Tuntreet on NMBU’s previous campus and is located on an enhancement outside the new building. The artwork hints to the upcoming colocation in Bikuben by tying together former and new students from all fields of study. The leader of the Student Parliament’s student board Tuva T. Lund says she’s happy to see the new place finished. «It’s a building with a lot of possibilities, and it’s completely up to the students to decide how they will use it. » It should be “buzzing with life” The director of administration Lars Atle Holm is also pleased with the result. He especially expresses that Bikuben initially is designed to gather students and employees on the campus, and says that the name
«Bikuben», or «The beehive» hints to the building’s intention; to be buzzing with life. Even though the project has been in danger of being shelved due to funding, the building was finally finished, and gives a completely new gathering point. Students from all faculties and programs can get the feeling of home in this new place. Honey on the menu? I meet chief architect in the Property Division, Kristin Kreul, at lunchtime. She explains that the multifunctional building is arranged for both corona-friendly socializing and events without restrictions in the future. On the first floor you will find five modern
group-rooms and several places to work shielded by lockers. «The group-tables upstairs are equipped with whiteboards and screens to connect to your PC», Kreul explains. There are also two classrooms in Bikuben; one room for up to 48 students on the first floor and a large auditorium on the ground floor. This is definitely a place made to fulfil the student’s needs. In the end of our tour, she shows me the artwork «Honningdogg» by Marte Johnlien, which are lamps hanging from the ceiling. The artwork is made using special techniques such as handblown glass attached to wood to give the impression of honey dripping from the ceiling. The artwork was originally a piece in the international art-contest in Deichman Main Library in Oslo, but NMBU was fortunate enough to get it to Bikuben. Delicious salad bar The sweet honey that seems to be dripping from the ceiling induces the appetite, and luckily Bikuben has a great share of good food. The chief of the cafeteria, Linda Fjell points out that they have a wide selection of vegetarian and vegan alternatives in the salad bar because they know its popularity from experience. «We will always try to meet the customer and think about what their wishes, » she tells me while refilling a bunch of fresh tomatoes. The new cafeteria utilizes self-service, but
Linda is really friendly and will be ready to help if needed. She has previously been working in «The economy cafeteria», and sees great potential for an even better selection in the new kitchen. In addition, the architects have ambitions to create a lovely outdoor area when the summer arrives, which will make the new gathering point even more attractive and central. During our conversation about sun and salad, an alarm rings, and fragrant potatoes are taken out of the oven. There is plenty of delicious food to choose from!
A warm welcome to everyone In the end of our conversation Linda underlines that everyone is welcome to Bikuben. From cafeteria and Amfiet to reading rooms and auditoriums; Bikuben has something for everyone. You can even try the roundtrip on skis which Tuntreet has made for you (side ...), where there is a lunch spot. The cafeteria is open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., so don’t hesitate to leave your dorm and take a look at the newest gathering point on campus. You won’t regret it! Precaution: Bikuben might be closed due to corona restrictions, find updated info on NMBU’s webpages. “Honningdogg” by Marte Johnlien
Edition 01 Volume 76
Utgåve 01 Årgang 76
CHRISTMAS IN QUARANTINE Elina Turbiná Journalist
I knew I would be spending my Christmas holidays in Ås. In the country where I am from, Latvia, the cases have been consistently tiptoeing around a thousand per day. Going home to eat some mayonnaise-filled salads and watch tacky New Year’s shows on TV did not seem to be a good enough reason to risk the health of my loved ones. So, I stayed here to attend the events organized by the university for us - hundred-something students, unable to travel home for the holidays. Thanks to SiT, we were able to enjoy an evening of “risgrøt” and “gløgg” outside the Clock Building on the 22nd of December, and later cook ourselves a fancy Christmas eve dinner. The university equipped us with a box of food, decorations, board games, and anti-bac. The four-hour preparation of six kilograms of smelly turkey and a beautiful game of Secret H*tler brought us, complete strangers, much closer! Not everyone got lucky enough to be with people on Christmas. My course mate
Pauline Hovland Illustrator
Hamilton, for instance, had to spend his Christmas at the Gardermoen Quarantine hotel. His celebration seemed less exciting. “The experience wasn’t bad so much as boring - Christmas was mostly spent on video calls with my family and partner, otherwise spending my time reading, watching Netflix, or playing games on my computer.” During his two weeks at the hotel, Hamilton also got into quarantine hotel food photography. “The only real indication that December 25th was even Christmas, was the ‘holiday’ dinner that was brought to us. I certainly missed my friends’ Christmas that we’d collectively done over the last 6 years, but not being with them in person has really reflected 2020 itself, in a form of isolation.” Another friend of mine, Fanny, had to change her plans last minute: she found out she had to quarantine in Oslo, instead of visiting her family in Hamar, because her coworker got covid-19. “It was very weird”, she told me over Zoom, “once the 25th arrived, everything was okay, but the days
before it, watching the holiday movies, andI’m almost starting to cry now, all families meeting together, it was just like - yeah, I’m not gonna do that this year.” Her days consisted of walking her dog, Tira, with her friend, making dinner and watching TV. “It was weird because when I went outside, the only light on my side of the street was the light in my room. In a way it was good, because it would’ve been worse seeing families in those windows having dinner knowing I’m not doing that this year.” We have learnt a lot through this experience. I now know that most foreigners enjoy Latvian Christmas music, Fanny learnt to never agree to help if the help is not appreciated, and Hamilton concluded that modern age makes isolation not so isolated. As Fanny said, “I hate 2020, and I’m not going to be a good person in 2021.” And to be honest, she made some fair points.
Edition 01 Volume 76
A battle in the learning arena
Oda Braar Wæge Illustrator
In a pompous press release, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (2017) stated that he would like to see an increase in the quality of teaching in academia, by holding an arena competition. “(…) a broad national competition arena for education”. NMBU must have misunderstood something, because currently we have nine winners from the university, and it has not been a single arena battle here! The toughest ones end up with the title qualified lecturer. The arena As disappointing as it is, the Minister of Education does not want the teachers to fight against each other in a deadly battle. The merit scheme intends to increase the status of education and is being awarded to applicants after a long and constructive process. Not all the favorite lecturers have won the title, and I asked Solve Sæbø, vice principal for education, why not? “This is not an award ceremony,” Solve started, “popularity competitions among the students already exist, like the award for best teacher of the semester”. NMBU likes to recognize those who have an outstanding pedagogical competence. This is about having a conscious relationship with teaching and of course having a researching attitude, but it is also about more than just the person. The chosen ones should in addition show collegial attitude, create a good working environment and share experiences to become as good as possible. Therefore, good colleagues are also required. So, what is a good lecturer? Isn’t that the charismatic professor everyone wants? “Allow me to tell you about an incredibly 14
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Bjørnar Djupevik Hagen Journalist
Pauline Marie Søndenå Translator
exciting document, completely unique in a Norwegian context; NMBU’s learning philosophy”. That’s how I perceived Solve, until he told me a bit more. It’s all active learning, feedback along the way, interactions between professors and students, as well as between the students. “A good teacher motivates and make sure that the teaching process is as good as can be”, he says. Is an accomplished lecturer a good lecturer? The question comes after hearing about two paths a lecturer can follow. The dry, theoretical pedagogy not fit for a student’s ear, and the natural talented one who randomly entertains the student while talking about the subject. Solve is convinced that the merit combines the two. The merit system should encourage people to consciously pursue pedagogy and adapt to the results. One should follow the learning philosophy and exchange opinions with fellow colleagues. A boring pedagogue who reflects on how students perceive the lessons will become better, and a charismatic teacher whit a clear plan will be more consistent. The gladiator The one who won in the competition arena of the Minister of Education, who collegially outcompeted the heads of his colleagues with his pedagogical wisdom, hewhose-name-everyone-wants-to-mentionbecause-he-is-so-ver y-talented-andentertaining, my personal favorite AND the person on top of the list of accomplished lecturers – Arne Auen Grimenes, had time for an interview. “I can’t teach anything”, he says, “I can only motivate others to teach themselves”. Even though Arne has spent all of his 40 working
years in teaching, he is clearly motivated by the real estate agent’s mantra “location, location, location”, or “motivate, motivate, motivate”, as he says. Arne sends me his pedagogical folder, the application letter to a merited teacher, to not spend too much time talking about why he received the award. It documents 40 years from the time he started as an assistant teacher, to working in high school and in projects with NRK, until he came to NMBU where he joined and established both national and European councils for physics teaching. He has written textbooks for high school and university level in Norwegian, because of the importance of getting a solid vocabulary in your mother tongue before moving on to a higher level. He has also contributed to nine thousand students learning about energy and hearing about NMBU through a project he helped create. Not to mention the studies and courses he has established and developed at NMBU. We still have plenty to mention, but we have to move on. The folder will have to wait, I guess FYS101 is the reason why you got merited? Arne looks at me through the phone, with a slightly frustrated look on his face. Okay, but I’ve heard that you’re pretty ruthless as a lecturer, with people coming injured out of the room. “I’ve always tried a lot of different things in my teaching and I like to keep the students excited. What’s more exciting than not knowing if you´re being carried out on a stretcher or walking out on your feet?” The incident referred to is when Arne shot a student with a bottle rocket the first day at work, so the blood splattered, but the lack of confusion creates suspicion that there have been several cases over the years. “It’s
TUNTREET not dangerous to make mistakes,” he says. “It’s about testing, finding out what works, but you should always do your best.” Arne has read every book of physics there is to read in the Western world, and he knows immensely well that this knowledge has to be supplemented with experiments and fun. The years in the arena taught him the Roman motto bread and circuses – the people get what they want; experiments every single lesson, and even an entire subject dedicated to experiments led by
students. “Let them eat cake, I say now”. “Or bamsemums”, he corrects, because he always finds an excuse to reward. The exercise machine There are also eight other accomplished lecturers this year who have done outstanding work. In the past year, teaching has been a high priority for all lecturers who have had to change their plan completely and do their best to educate. We have many lecturers to be grateful for at NMBU.
The accomplished lecturers are: Arne Auen Grimenes, associate professor, REALTEK Edvin Østergaard, professor, REALTEK Solveig Strangstadstuen, senior lecturer, REALTEK Charles Press, professor, VET Geir Lieblein, professor, BIOVIT Elin Kubberød, associate professor, HH Elin Børrud, professor, LANDSAM Morten Sørlie, professor, KBM Peter Alestrøm, professor, VET
DAMN STRAIGHT WE’RE SAD! Elina Turbiná Journalist Pauline Hovland Illustrator
The autumn semester was a trying time for students. The introduction of online and hybrid lectures, and the shift in socialization practices made most of us learn to adapt to a completely different university experience. Constant stress and anxiety about the new restrictions seeped through every event organized by the student organizations. The usual parties at Pentagon were now looked down upon not because of the, and believe me when I say this, utterly horrible electronic music they were playing, but because of the impending danger of infecting everyone. Some of us dealt with this situation by learning how to study from home, while others resorted to spending every day at school (shoutout to all the dead flies on the fourth floor of the Clock Building). This situation hit first-year students the hardest. Since they didn’t have enough time to socialize and secure their new connections, many students felt alienated from the student community. Spending weeks locked in our rooms, preparing for the exams, eating frozen pepperoni pizza for breakfast. When we don’t have a secure social life in place it is way too easy to isolate ourselves completely. We accidentally find 16
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ourselves just carrying our screens from one corner to another. But it does not have to be that way! Surely, the new restrictions make it very hard to stay on top of your stuff, however, we can still do things to make us feel better when we can’t visit campus or cafes for that sweet socialization. Go on walks in nature frequently. Remind yourself of an old hobby you used to enjoy and pick it back up again. Check up on your pals, arrange watch-parties or dance-parties (Spotify has a “Spotify Session” feature to share what you’re listening to with your friends). If you live with someone - do some fancy cooking or baking together! If you live by yourself give yourself a gourmet three-course meal. To quote Antoni from Queer Eye: “Food can offer a moment of pure emotional pleasure in an otherwise hard and difficult world”.
It doesn’t have to be big. Sometimes it’s doing that 50/10 study-break ratio, sometimes a Shrek movie marathon. If you find harmony between work and play, you’re doing great. Pat yourself on the shoulder. I’m proud of you. It is completely okay to feel unmotivated or tired, so do not shame yourself for feeling that way. Taking breaks and being vulnerable about your struggles is more important than ever. As always, you can share your concerns with the Student Life coordinator (marit.raaf@sias.no or 64966305), your study coordinators, SiT, student societies, friends, family, or even me. If you don’t feel like talking to your close ones, you can always message me via e-mail (twosketches@gmail.com) or drop a letter in my post box (541). We’ll get through this, I promise <3
Students are getting included in NMBU’s Drug Policy As a result of the SHoT-study (Students Health and Wellbeing Survey) from 2018, there has been developed a common drug policy for students and employees at NMBU. The new guidelines were approved December 8th, 2020, and is now a part of the university’s leader handbook. Herman Bjørnson Hagen Journalist
What does the policy entail? The drug policy of NMBU includes area of work, purpose and range; the attitudes and rules of NMBU. The purpose of the policy is, in short, to form a safe workand study environment for employees and students. Under the attitudes and rules of NMBU, several points are presented. “It is not acceptable to attend work or a study situation affected by drugs”, “Use of illegal drugs is unacceptable among students and workers” and “There is to be arranged drugfree, social arenas for both employees and students”, are some of these points. We spoke with AU(Student board)member, Tilde Birgitte Dalberg, and EHScoordinator at NMBU, Gro Holter, about the changes in the drug policy. Why was the new common drug policy necessary for students and employees at NMBU? “Earlier, there was no common drug policy for both students and workers at NMBU. After the SHoT-survey in 2018, the Learning Environment Committee at NMBU has worked on different measures to follow up on the survey, where one of the measures were to develop a common drug policy for students and staff at NMBU. This is important in order to form an including
Oda Braar Wæge Illustrator
Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Translator
and safe work- and study environment, and to promote safety and maintain a drug-free workplace. It is also essential in order for us to run active prevention, so that we can offer help early to students and coworkers who have drug problems”, Dalberg tells us over e-mail. “It is not a new drug policy, but it was broadened to also include students. There are few other changes to the contents. The drug policy includes alcohol and illegal drugs as well as abuse of addictive medical drugs. It makes demands of students, employees, and leaders in particular. At NMBU we care about running active prevention, so that we can offer early aid to students and colleagues with drug problems.”, Holter writes in an e-mail. What part have the students played in the development of the new policy? “The Rector assembled a working group that worked with a proposal for a common drug policy for students and employees. The working group was led by earlier deputy in the Working Committee of the Student Board, Ane Magnussen, and the deputy of Studentsamfunnet at the time
was also represented. The drug policy was also discussed in a number of committees and groups where students are represented before it was approved. Students have truly been an active part in developing the new policy, something that was important since the policy applies to both students and employees.” Dalberg writes. “There has been a desire from the students that NMBU should have guidelines on drug use that also applies to them. The purpose is to have a common set of rules for activities run by NMBU and on our premises, where both students and employees attend.” Holter writes. Now that NMBU’s drug policy also includes students, it will be interesting to see how it affects the results of the next SHoT-survey in 2022. It is hard to predict whether or not the policy will lead to changes in the drug habits and attitudes among NMBU students.
Edition 01 Volume 76
Oda Braar Wæge Illustrator
Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Translator
Saturday night, January 2nd, the government suddenly encouraged students to delay their return to campus. Tuntreet did a survey on how this affected students at NMBU. There were 223 responses to the survey.
Edition 01 Volume 76
Which faculty to do you belong to? 223 replies
Changes to subjects Sunday, January 3rd, we were told that all teaching would be held digitally. This sudden change led to people with course responsibility having to quickly adjust their courses. If we leave out those who had no January block (23.3% of the responses), only 19.2% had no changes to their course. 7% had their course cancelled, and the remaining 73.7% had a more digitalized course than planned. So, about 8 out of 10 students who had courses in the January block had their course altered.
Which year 223 replies
digitalized course. 4.7% (2/42) had no changes, and the remaining 7.1% (3/42) had no January block. Changes in the january block for cancelled travelers: 42 svar
Were there changes in your january block? 171 svar
Cancelled subjects Later came the message that all teaching that could be digital should be held digitally. This came after several courses were already cancelled or altered. Among those who had their courses cancelled (12 respondents), 50 % were from REALTEK, 33.3% were from BIOVIT, and the remaining two were from LANDSAM and KBM. They were all on their 3rd, 4th or 5th year. We still do not know what will happen to all the cancelled courses, but some of them have been moved to the spring parallel. Travel to Ås That the message from the government regarding travels was given a little too late is evident from a whole 32.4% responding that they were already in Ås. 35.6% in total went regardless, but 8.6% changed their means of transport. 18.9% cancelled their return. The remaining 13.1% weren’t going to Ås in the first place. In total, almost 2/3 of students ended up in Ås by the end of January.
The economy The majority were not affected economically by the changes. 2.7% (6/220) said they went because they could not afford a new ticket. In total, 10.5% suffered financial losses. Among these, 30.4% (7/23) had their losses covered by someone else, while 69.6% (16/23) had to pay for themselves. 56.5% (13/23) cancelled their trip, 30.4% (7/23) went with another transport, and the remaining travelled as planned or were already in Ås. Have you suffered from economic losses as a consequence of these restrictions? 220 replies
Travel situation for those with economic loss: 23 svar
Was your journey to Ås affected by the restrictions? 222 replies
Taking a closer look at those who cancelled their travel, 9.5% (4/42) had their course cancelled. 78.6% (33/42) had a more
These are just numbers We cannot draw any conclusions from these numbers. Nonetheless, they are interesting to consider. It shows that a lot was changed in a very short period of time. For about a third the message came too late, seeing as they were already in Ås. About 10% of the respondents suffered financial losses. They may not be many, but there were still people who were affected by the late message. Edition 01 Volume 76
Empty campus Åsne Sørlie-Nordnes Photographer
Photo: Margreta Brunborg
20 Edition 01 Volume 76
Edition 01 Volume 76
Skiing trails in Ås Like a white blanket the snow has covered the many fields and forests in Ås, and the skiing club “Skiforeningen” is reporting of excellent conditions in Follomarka. The forecasts are predicting long periods of cold weather, so the only thing to do is to get your skis out, steal some ski wax from someone in your dorm and get outside. To help you decide where to go, we are providing you with some suggestions to different routes. Petter Nielsen Journalist
Simen Walbækken Tangen Photographer and journalist
Sofie Palmstrøm Translator
The Vestby Trail Between Ås and Vestby there is a loop trail that is just over a mile. It starts at Åsgård primary school, heading south. After crossing the border to Vestby the route goes the north again. When you arrive at Vollebekkjordet, you can cross the field to get back to Åsgård primary school. The route has some uneven terrain through several woods, but it is pretty flat and you can get some good speed over many of the fields.
Revlin Trail og Kromjordet Trail Did you get to the south end of the Vestby route and want to go a couple of kilometres more? The Revling route and Kromjordet route is prepared by Vestby sports club (Vestby IL) and meanders through forests and fields. This is a nice extra round with several great descents towards Vestby. If you also want to purchase something from Holdbart (a discount store) or any of the other stores in Vestby, it is possible to choose routes that ends close to the entrances. Around Trampen
22 Edition 01 Volume 76
If the Vestby route is too short for your liking, the route that goes past Trampen might suit you well. This route is excellent for a longer Sunday trip. This route exits the Vestby route and proceeds down towards Østfoldbanen (the Østfold train track) where you have to take off your skis when crossing the bridge over the train tracks. Further along, the route continues through forests and over great fields where you can, with some luck, spot deers or other wild animals. On Sundays between 11 am and 3 pm the Trampen scout house is open, if the coronavirus infection situation allows it, and you can buy yourself a cup of coffee, a waffle or a soda. The trail is then headed north and ends at Ås high school.
Rustad field If you want to explore the areas east of Ås city centre, you can go skiing on the Rustad field. The field has a trail that is 3,3 kilometres long. Here you will find big open fields and it almost feels as if you are high up in the mountains considering how far you can see in all directions. From the Rustad field there are trails going south that crosses Stønerudveien and has small, nice downhills towards Bjørnebekk. Here the trail crosses Kroerveien and after a small trip through the forest you can choose to either keep going to Trampen or go back to Ås station.
The floodlit trail by the University Right next to NMBU there is a trail that crisscrosses through forest and cultural landscapes. If you take the longest alternative and manage to pick the correct path in all the crossroads, you will end up with a route that is a little more than 5 kilometres. It might be worth noting that parts of this trail are uneven terrain.
We hope this little overview of trails can be useful next time you are going on a ski trip. The trails mentioned are prepared by Ås municipality when they consider the conditions to be good enough, and there are many more trails to be found at skiforeningen.no if none of the mentioned trails seem tempting. Find a friend, make some toddy in a thermos and get outside. Have a good trip!
The floodlit trail to Askjum Forest If you get tired of all the uneven terrain on the floodlit trail, you can exit and head toward the Askjum forest. The trail is located just north of Ås church and leads to open fields north of Åsmåsan. The skiing trail continues to the bridge over Østfoldbanen and follows a cozy tractor road north to Grønnslett, before you end up next to Holstadveien. Just a little hike of a few hundres metres and you enter the trail network which starts at Rustadjordet.
Edition 01 Volume 76 23
Skating rinks in Ås Petter Nielsen Journalist Tord Kristian F. Andersen Photographer Sofie Palmstrøm Translator
January has arrived in Agrarmetropolen, accompanied by cold weather. Luckily for all those who are frustrated over closed gyms and are in need to get out of their dorms, the cold offers opportunities for outdoor activities. Eika came early Already January 5th, Eika sports center published a Facebook post insinuating that an ice skating rink was to be made on Lillebrand. The picture in the post showed the spray truck driving around. Three days later the ground had been sufficiently watered, and Eika could announce that the ice skating rink was open. The ice skating rink at Lillebrand is well lit, so you can go ice skating at all hours of the day. The ice skating rink outside Eika turned out to be very popular. At times there were almost too many people, and the space was occasionally cramped. Therefore, it was great when Ås county at the end of January managed to clear the snow from three lanes on Skogsdammen. If you do a small search on ice skating rinks in Ås on Facebook, you can also get updates on when the ice is watered so you can go when the conditions are best. Many rinks If you want to go ice skating but are in need to get away from your house mates for a while, there are several opportunities around Ås. In addition to Lillebrand and Skogsdammen, there are in fact ice skating rinks at Dysterlia, Brønnerud school and Sjøskogen school. If you really want to make sure you don’t bump into other students, you can also take the trip to Danskerud. Seize the opportunity To go ice skating is both a fun and a social activity. A great reason to get out of the dorm and into the sunlight. Remember to seize the opportunity now, you never know how long the cold allows the ice to stay.
24 Edition 01 Volume 76
The swans in Skogsdammen: Put the nesting platform back! The last two years there have been mute swans nesting in Skogsdammen. In an article published in Tuntreet (10/3) there is a claim that the pond is not suited for these birds because the young are dying, partly because they are hit by cars on the nearby road, and partly because they are caught by pikes. This argumentation is worth having a closer look at. First a little “mute swan history”: Significantly, as a result of hunting, the population of mute swans in the 1920s was reduced to a minimum in Scandinavia. In 1925 there were only 3-4 couples in Denmark. After the swans were protected and probably also because of milder winters, the populations have increased. In 1966 there were 2740 nesting couples of mute swans in Denmark. This means a total autumn population of 25 000-30 000 birds, non-nesting young birds included. Since 1966 the population has expanded immensely throughout Scandinavia. Today all the suitable nesting biotopes (eutrophic lakes) are occupied by established and strictly territorial birds. What is happening now is that also marginal biotopes are being used. Skogsdammen is one of these marginal biotopes, partly because the pond itself is small in comparison to the bird’s nutritional needs, and because there is a lot of human disturbances. The latter is something the birds get used to over time.
Mute swans have a big reproduction potential considering their big size. Often it can get up to 6-7 cygnets under good conditions. But the portion of nesting couples, together with litter size and cygnet mortality, is affected negatively by todays dense populations, and this is especially prominent in marginal biotopes. This is the reason why the swans in Skogsdammen only produced three cygnets in 2019 and one in 2020. In 2019 two cygnets disappeared right after hatching. I have no information stating that they were hit by a car. If the pikes in the pond are big enough to catch a cygnet is unknown, they might just as well have died in other ways. The cygnet in 2020 managed to survive despite of cars and possible pikes. By removing the nesting platform, one will not achieve anything other than the swans finding another marginal biotope (and pikes are everywhere). A great and successful effort was put in place both to the advantage of the swans and people’s enjoyment by arranging the nesting platform in Skogsdammen. It should be reinstalled, if not private then supervised by the university (the park). A potential, occasional sighting of a big white bird with young on or close to the road should be possible to handle by drivers going 40-50 km/ hour. It is also not necessary to feed the cygnet during autumn as it is meant to fly away. One more thing: the swans keep Skogsdammen free from waterweed! Olav Hjeljord
Sofie Palmstrøm Translator
Edition 01 Volume 76
The editors of spring 2021 caught red-han 26 Edition 01 Volume 76
Edition 01 Volume 76 27
28 Edition 01 Volume 76
Layoutansvarlig KS
Do you take pleasure in a well-composed magazine? How about becoming the next chief of layout? Take charge of a team of spirited layout designers, make good visuals and ensure everything is perfect in this attractive chief of commitee position. Experience with InDesign is favorable, but not neccessary.
Journalist - KomitĂŠmedlem
Engage the great wide world as one of Tuntreets journalists, and reveal everything both sweet and sour in the studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; daily lives. This is your chance to suggest and shape views as you so desire and point out circumstances and incidents of fellow students.
By Thomas
LONESOME MEMORIES night and day always present the sun bakes New Zealand and I gaze at the moon instead
THE BEE I fly in patterns of eight and wiggle my rump Forget-me-not 300m southwards Not far, but far for me The first time I scouted alone Or yes the first time I scouted in general We did the most part alone, but that’s how it is Or, we do live side by side a few hundred and the neighbour a few hundred But we don’t know eachother so well that we fly together I don’t know how I should even ask Hello, do you want to go on a scouting trip? No, why should I do that, half as effective. Love is for queens of course So I don’t know what the point would be, really.
they lie heavy in my bag chains ‘round my ankle memories and thoughts my deepest recollections unrewarding tiresome memories and regrets blown out of proportion take them from me leave me be lonesome under the moon in peace
A MORNING I tread the day good morning on yesterdays ground coffee Which ended up everywhere except the funnel It wakes my mind which wakes me up a bit but what should we be angry at really I ground the coffee by hand and prepare for the same treatment to the world One of the drawers have stuck and the coffee is getting cold while fixing it Nice to not be alone about being sour I think while I slurp it in and noticing that I am not alone about being bitter either Slices of bread crumbling up with taco sauce and we are out the door and halfway to school we meet someone with a big smile and suddenly she was not alone in having a good days’ start after all
In the drawer under the bed I await in the clutter only there when I receive attention
Spring Our gathering A meeting in body and spirit Differences between love and sex Similarities
comb me cut off all my hair it will not grow out again but that is okay just buy a new one for 20 kroner
Summer Like a pea flower The feeling of taking from the earth and putting something back The feeling of knowing it will end Autumn Reap me Take what is clear and let the rest hang Finish the process spread your seeds Fly away from me and prepare To the next, and the next Not me. Beautiful And complete Is still beautiful. Winter
Pauline Hovland Illustrator Benjamin Alexander Faulkner Translator
Edition 01 Volume 76
Two Beers with Helge Mathisen
30 Edition 01 Volume 76
“ Samfunnet, UKA and
NMBU´s filmdude nr.1
Sofie Bergset Janols Journalist
Margreta Brunborg Photograph
Chances are you´ve seen him before. Walking, sometimes nearly dancing, while he captures moments on tape. These clips really make up most of the films from Samfunnet and UKA, and a lot of the content from NMBU. But who is this man? Who is Helge Mathisen? Margreta and I meet Helge at Samfunnet. Trough the office wing, past a quiet bodega, into an empty Aud.Max., and up a way to steep staircase, we eventually find the editing room. When we enter, we find Helge working on one of his many projects. The sensation that Helge has an incredible control over his work comes instantly. I can really understand now how well the things Tord (TT-Editor-in-chief ) had told me beforehand fits the man; “Helge is Samfunnet, UKA and NMBU´s filmdude nr.1”. Film enthusiast at four years old When I ask where the interest in film comes from, Helge can tell me that its somewhat always been there. Some of the first things he can remember is his four-year-old self finding a screwdriver, using it to open av VHS-player and peeking inside. His father working as a cinema engineer might have had some influence, but the world of film and movies had fascinated him from the very first moments. In the living room of their family home at Espa, Star Wars and Jurassic Park where playing on repeat. When he, as most other children under 10 years, didn´t understand the English lines, it was easy to make up ones own. He tells how he entered his own world as “director of my own movies”. The years at Ås A teacher once told Helge that “The things you enjoy doing on your spare time, is not something you should make into a career”. An advice he for a long time listened to. When Helge first came to Ås in 2013 after completing military service, he started a bachelor in renewable energy. This study was the following year replaced by city- and regional planning studies, where he is currently. From 2017 to 2019 he worked at VitenSkolen as a part of Vitenparken where he worked with coordination, marketing and implementation of fun activities for children.
Celine Våga Translator
Første møte med Samfunnet The study offers were not what got Helge to choose NMBU. Not the beautiful campus or the convenient and accessible location of the school. When he as a 7-year old, on a school trip, had his very first meeting with Ås, it was Samfunnet who impressed him. The teachers who had arranged the field trip, had themselves studied at Ås, and wanted to bring the class inside Samfunnet. Aud.Max was huge compared to what Helge was used to at home. And the bodega gave promises of nights filled with interesting conversations, “you imagine all the world problems you could solve in there”. The environment here has shown to be a great fit for Helge. When I ask him what he likes the most about Ås, he mentions the words “open, free, safe and good”. The coolest thing is to just be whoever you are. If you´re weird, its cool. And even though it´s a cliché to say, he admits how liberating it felt to leave a quite closed and small community and move to a bigger place like Ås. Fra filminteressert til filmprodusent It was after UKA 2016 that Helge started to work on his interest in film and movies, and also worked during UKA 2016 as a filmvolunteer. A short time after his experiences from UKA he applied to a position at the learning center instead. It was here he started making films for NMBU. The advice eceived from his teacher those many years ago no longer made sense. He realized that making a living from an interest one loves was a good idea. “The energy you use on something that you´re passionate about, will be more properly canalized”. When mini-UKA and UKA 2018 came, Helge took a position of responsibility. He now worked every day during UKA 2018. In return of his workload, he got “an opportunity to try all sorts of things”. For instance, he got the chance to experiment with “earth-zoom-tools” on the film from the opening. More time with editing gave him an even more increased appetite for films:“It´s like you´re always on a voyage of discovery, that is when you get addicted”. Edition 01 Volume 76
Photo: Yanko Aung
Photo: Yanko Aung
Photo: Yanko Aung
Thus, he applied to the Film- and photography committee in 2019, where he currently works as a NK (next in command). He refers to his position as a his “creative playground”, where he both gets to test out new ideas and “show how good Samfunnet at Ås is”. In January 2020 he started the project to introduce podcasts to Samfunnet. What gradually started as Tuesday-refills on Soundcloud has now become Agarmetropodden on Spotify. Helge himself is not pod-responsible but has during January been the temporary substitute as pod-chief. Produktiv under pandemien It is clear to me that Helge is a person with a lot of projects going on. 2020 was not an exception. On the contrary. It actually became the most productive year Helge has had when it comes to the production of films. It all reached a climax in august, where his summer job consisted of making digital tours of NMBU. Then he had the responsibility of producing a digital matriculation. He also made UKA´s music video and put together the digital Graskurs. He was behind a great amount of the filmed content of the digital Graskurs, like the promotional film for the CRE8-conference, NITO, foresters´ association, the Film- and photography and Samfunnet. He was furthermore the chief of the film committee during UKA 2020, and also produced films here. Including the film from the opening weekend. I was not exaggerating when I guaranteed you that you most likely have seen one the films that Helge has made. Helge produced all together over 100 films and movies in 2020. Much of the reason for this great productivity comes from him increasing the efficiency of the system for input of raw material to film. It is clean, organized and fast. In this way the “recap” from the Dagny-concert could actually have been made in five minutes. But the key behind the productivity, I believe, must be the choice of lifestyle.
Photo: Yanko Aung
“Success breeds success” Helge meditates 10-15 minutes both morning and evening. And he is also an early riser. Not the usual early riser, but wakes up for the day between five and six in the morning (/night). “It´s important to feel like you´re the first one out”, Helge tells me. An early start to the day, followed by a great consumption of water and a workout. He lives by the motto: You have to start the day with success to be able to breed success”. His motto is his own but inspired by the saying “success breeds success”. In times where there is a lot to do and the days are long, Helge swears to powernaps. A powernap of “minimum 5 minutes” is important. I wonder if I have heard correctly, and surely, I have. Helge responds that he takes really effective powernaps. I´m most impressed. It´s clearly not just the film system he has improved, but also his bodys ability to fall asleep and recharge. A balance Powernap or not; Helge underlines that “everything can be done in periods”. If one worked intensely, one must also counter with equal amounts relaxation. And you have to have fun with the people around you, with your support system. He remembers back to the pre-corona-parties with the Film-and photography committee, before he concluded that not everything is professional and work. That it´s important to also loosen the grip sometimes. He admits that there is truth in the saying “work hard, play hard”, even though it´s a cliché. But movies and cliché´s belong together. In the same way as Helge Mathisen and film production. Something that we actually kind of already knew from the start. Towards the end of the interview, I´ve started to form an image of the man behind the films: A meditating early bird with many projects going on, and complete control of all of them. Furthermore, I have a feeling that Helge Mathisen, more than we are aware of, is an essential force which sculpts our impression of Samfunnet, UKA and NMBU.
32 Utgåve 01 Årgang 76 Photo: Magnhild Hummel
Kamera: Sony A7S III (not tested yet) Film: IMDb Top 250 (impossible to choose) Director: Denis Villeneuve Filmphotographer: Roger Deakins Filmcomposer: Trent Reznor og Atticus Ross
Regards to Helge
Poem from the old Vitenskolestyret We give our regards to our friend and we promise, this is not a summary as it was in the Vitenskolestyre where we played with guns, drones and acid The boy from Espa- a good lad with more handy abilities than most a charmer and a man of the woods that offers coffee by the fire And what a spark, a technological wonder not surprising he has hundreds of customers, yes, a spirited man is he always says yes to everything, what manliness When we ponder on the technological drone we must always take our phone out and he comes rushing on biycle, full speed handsome with beard and moustache. He is always there to document, he sneak the camera out in all weather, ready to film celebrities in nye roles, so that he no longer needs to selge the “worlds best buns”. It is closing on a decade since he came to the Agrarian Metropolis charmed many, both in the bodega and at school it is exciting to see what is planned for him for the Espa boy, now the veteran of the Studentsamfunnet. Regards Mari and Erlend
Regards from friends The creature called Helge, oftentimes Elge, is often seen running around Samfunnet with camera in hand, hunting for new victims to film. After a successful hunt, he retreats to his dark room to eat biscuits an ddrink Pepsi Max while the magic begins. It is a miracle that he doesn’t have diabetes (yet). His accomplishments says a lot about his iron will. Be it something new at Samfunnet, hammock trip, exercise, editing, work or at seldom times, school. Maybe he should get a camp bed at Samfunnet. Moose are social animals and seldom need encouragment to join in on the fun. They look at everything with a positive gaze and climbs all the hills. Ordinary days are never the same without Helge! Hugs from Magnhild and Anne Guro
Helge is a wonderful person and a true friend. He was one of the first people I met when I moved from New York City to a little town called Ås. He is always there for you when you need help, including the time I needed to be driven to the økonomi building to deliver 13 cooked turkeys during a desperate American Thanksgiving emergency. And he’s always the life of the party, pumping the music loud or getting people to dance. Despite attempting to be good at cooking, I would NOT leave him alone with your grill- RIP our balcony in Palisaden 2015! But no matter the occasion Helge makes the best of things, from road trips to long talks about your dreams, he’s the best person to talk about your troubles with. He’s equal parts dorky and cool, and you’ll always see him with a camera, making moments and shooting memories. So skål to Helge who has shared many more than 2 beers with me ;) Love Caroline and Martin XOXO
Utgåve 01 Årgang 76 33
Sofie Bergset Janols Journalist
On a stroll with Tuntreet Do you want to escape from your dorm and get some air? Are you tired
of the driven-up skiing trails round the fields? Are you
a gray student weekday. This is a trail of cultural ready to go your own way? We have and give you the ultimate break from features, exercises, food, play and fun. You will
and Milo. need: Clothing, skiing equipment, wallet, 1 slice of bread, possibly matches
Iris van Brunschot Journalist Simen Walbækken Tangen Photographer Celine Våga Translator
The trail, with the presumption of snowy weather.
Sprø-strekt løk We will start our stroll at Pen tagons mysterious artwork. After some journalistic digging we can now present both the nam e of the artwork and the artist: “Onio n”, by Aase Texmon Rygh (19 252019). What was it Rygh wan ted to express with this onion? Was she implying to the symbol ism of the many layers of an onion that has to be peeled to reach the core? Such as a student nev er can stop asking questions in their lust for knowledge? Or was she simply trying to inspire us to do a pre-skiing-stretch? We believe the last to be true.
34 Edition 01 Volume 76
Eika<3 pus we walk over the cam to On our way re a stop by Eika is whe , “Kjerringjorde” iration, necessary. Eika deserves both adm you all age our enc we and try, songs and poe to compose an anthem as such: Honourable Eika Over the field: Take off your Honour to you skies and run over the road. ? Applethieving, why should we do that Don´t walk up to the DairyWhen we can stand and admire you? cross. This reckless behavior -Sofie, 21 will also give you an adrenalinekick of a rare kind.
st be destroyed Everything perfect mu oy the g than to touch or destr What is more satisfyin tracks? ing ski of vered surface untouched and snow-co
Railing = Skiing ra mp Do you dare? Take a jump! “Can you stick the landing?” Warming! Don’t attem pt this on little snow /hard ground.
Worship Falsen Sing the titutional father. ns co e th , n” se al And also, Bow down for “F . It is important. ay pr u yo le hi w makes national anthem endorphins which es as le re ng gi sin at research shows th you happy.
Best before , but not b “O Christm ad after? as tr cleared away ee, O Christmas tree , wh ?”. We have far passed th y are you not Christmas. (But you st e 13. Day si ill keep a g nce ood shape after all!)
porary art On a “picnic” with contem is cooler canTh e. Hungry? Then don´t go her frozen shut, has it e not be opened. Not becaus orary art mp nte Co n. but because it´s an illusio hungry to nce ere ref at its most cruel. Maybe a ? get ud y-b cer students on a tight gro
Play tag while blin d on Blind Road When you lose a se nse, the others heigh ten. Breathe in the fresh air. Taste it! Li sten to the life arou nd you, the sound a landscape in wint of er hibernation. Feel the nature. Become one with your surro undings. You´re no w a wolf; “AOOO”. Smell your way to the prey, and attack.
Edition 01 Volume 76
A bit weird to play “Wolf and prey”? Play “Hide and seek” instead! Alternat ively: Plan out where you can hide in the terrain once summer comes and nature is more helpful at hiding you. Alternatively to the alternative: Go play “Shop” or “Café” in Bikuben.
Lichen of Life the Lichen of Walk herringbone style up to Knowledge, of e Tre the life, or Feeding from ed. This nam is ork artw as Kathrin Shlegels del of a -mo 3D ed arg enl brass sculpture is an not the , tree The . tree lichen found on the Tun ds as stan t tree Tun t? righ student paper. Cool, has t tha dge wle kno the a living witness to all ege coll al ltur icu Agr the been obtained here at the from d ecte coll en lich since 1864, and the of wth gro her furt the ize tree is meant to symbol in . After taking knowledge on this new campus bolism, you can sym the on the art and reflecting also cool, and is ich Wh ! ski down the mound ewhat. som ies, terfl gives you but
Stone-smooch really starting to get to Is the corona-drought stone on your path! you? Kiss a handsome
36 Edition 01 Volume 76
Get warm and cozy in side an indoor beehive Here you can buy a cu p of cocoa, waffles an d oranges! And Kvikk-Lunsj (whe n they´re not sold out). Therefore, we had to settle for the oranges, although we had been looking forwards to the chocola te.
Cohort-portrait! #Instapose #Vetbuilding #NMBU #Skiday #Break #StudentLife #mygf #bff #bb
High Five! Is “lockdown” starting to make you schi zophrenic? Do you feel like statues are talking to you? You´re not alone! Here we imagined ourselve s receiving a motivational speech from Gunvor Ner vold Antonsens open hand. “Wow! Look at you! You´ve dragged yourself from your dorm , skiid so far. Good one! High five!”
Wobbly sign d the name The rumors are… PB… An y´s confusion. remained… To everybod
Hill-intervals fo r the sporty on TIME TO BUR es N OFF YOUR LUNCH! GET SOME SPEED ! JUST DO IT ! DON’T GIVE UNTIL YOU´V UP E REACHED THE TOP!! 4 re Can be run as a ps. competition. R ecommended to before gravel is ru n spread over the snowy hillside.
Sheep, robot or Satan on stilts? What is this sheep? W here does it come from? Why does it have Achil les heels on fire? Why does it have spikes fro m its pelvis? Why a flo wer on the knee? Why wing s? Is it even a sheep? Ha s it been dissected in th e Veterinary building, and then put together? Ha s it risen from the dead ? Has it been at a carniv al in Venezia? Why is it standing on stilts? Is it a robot? We have so many questions. Fritz Røed, the artist which also is known for the famous artwork “Swo rd in stone” located in Hafrs fjord, has truly created art that fascinates, enga ge and provoke.
aug The sun wall on Frydenh ll. Take a break, look Take a breath at the sun wa . Life, is now. at the view and enjoy life omes short. If you count years, life bec s by fast. If you count days, life goe ts a while. If you count hours, life las But life lasts the longest ond... When you enjoy every sec - Per Kvalsund
Stick-bread Hungry again after the intervals? A lecture coming up soon, and no time to make a fire. We have got the quick-fix-solution.
Washing paradise skier. Wash your clothes in one sweaty a for Paradise machines. Remember: washing 1000 ens Skogvei of 30 degrees, wool program and Milo!
Disclaimer: None was injured during the reportage, and our mental health really is okay. Have a nice day. Thanks for reading! Edition 01 Volume 76
THE AGRICULTURAL HISTORY OF THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Pauline Marie Søndenå Translator Tord Kristian F. Andersen Journalist
Just before Christmas Tuntreet was lucky enough to receive a brand new edition of “Gårdsbruket ved Norges landbrukshøgskole”, by the writer himself, Erling A. Tveit. As the history lover I am, I’ve had a quick look through the book to pick out a few relevant and interesting stories from the time our university was an agricultural college.
From industrial revolution to agricultural college The book starts from the beginning, starting with the industrial revolution and the agricultural colleges established around the world and in Norway. The big question was how to further educate farmers; would seminars centrally or in the districts be a better choice? They finally decided to establish a new college, one of the reasons being how they could not It was decided that a new college was to be/ should be established. This was justified, among other things, by the fact that an affiliation with the university could not
allow practice. The choice fell on Ås Rectory due to its position, area, climate and soil. However, the purchase of the neighboring farm Vollebekk led to some drama. At one point the plan was to have a veterinary education in addition to agriculture. This may seem somewhat ironic in retrospect, but we now have over 150 years of hindsight they did not have at that time. In the end the school ended up with subjects such as agriculture, forestry and horticulture, geology, chemistry and surveying. In many ways, this forms the core of NMBU like we know it today. “Den høiere landbrugsskole paa Aas” was established in 1859. In 1897 the school was given status as a scientific college, with the five departments agriculture, horticulture, forestry, dairy farming and land change. Changing practice It’s interesting to look at how the agriculture changed with the conditions. We got a different shift plan, fertilization and feeding were improved and diseases were fought. This happened through experimenting, and shows that the school worked towards improving and develop itself from day one. It wasn’t enough to just learn the techniques that worked. You also had to improve them. The war also contributed to the history, like when horses were requisitioned by German occupation forces. The 150 years have also been affected by new buildings, demolitions, fires, reconstructions an expansion. A picture book for adults This is clearly a book with a lot of text, but what really brings me back in time, are all the old pictures, drawings and portraits. The chapter on tools and machines is especially interesting, showing devices I have never seen before, and its history and how they were used. Plants and agriculture Even though this book covers a lot of the school’s history, it is (as the title states) a book about agriculture and agricultural
38 Utgåve 01 Årgang 76
politics. And I have learned a lot. Now I know things about bracking, drainage and manage. Semen is an okay word to use about grain, cattle have pretty awesome names and Chernobyl plays a part affecting the goat’s milk. Weeds have also been a problem. No wonder why chemistry is such a big subject here, considering all the herbicides being used. NHL as an organization When we hear about the school’s past it is often in an educational context and how we have ended up where we are today. In the book turns this around, and I understand that money has always been an important factor. The questions are often about where to build, how many experiments you should have, how many employees you should hire, what kind of assignments they should get and how much you should pay them.
Photo from book; Villmoe fertilizerspreader. This simplified driving and allowed even spread. Photo: NMBU
Something that also brings me back in time is that all purchases that were made in the beginning are listed in specials. Suddenly NMBU feels 1000 years older. This changed, of course, when the Scandinavian currency changed to “kroner” and “øre”. The book’s 382 pages contains, of course, a lot more details about all of this. Nevertheless, this is some of the most concise literature I’ve read about NMBU’s development towards today. This book will for certain get a permanent place in Tuntreet’s bookshelf as an encyclopedia, and is recommended for anyone who is interested in NMBU or agriculture.
Edition 01 Volume 76
You can still enjoy your Christmas ribs with a clean conscience! Christmas is over. A time of lutefisk, lamb ribs and Christmas ribs. These last few years however, the Christmas ribs have been up for debate. Organizations and individuals keep pulling out the very worst single cases over and over, and brands the pig industry as a horrible industry. It is time for more facts, and less distorted images in this debate. As youths with an education related to agriculture it is extra interesting to follow the debate regarding livestock production. It is stained from a lot of misinformation. Today´s educations within livestock and 40 Edition 01 Volume 76
agriculture focuses greatly on welfare, ethology and sustainability. This is the foundation for good production possibilities. Additionally, the study for veterinary medicine has a raised focus on preventative work with animals. Animal studies has courses dedicated to animal welfare and everything we learn throughout our education is sculpted around the animals being in optimal health. This is forward-looking and considers a sustainable focus on breeding, nutrition, ethology and treatment. As the specialists of tomorrow, we think it is especially important to lift this forward, and we feel safe in that Norwegian
Thea Samskott Translator
farmers in every production will welcome the measures that are the very best for their animals. To be able to follow through with such measurements, the farmers and all agriculture are dependent on good programs for subsidies, economy and support from politicians and us consumers. These last years the pig industry has had a great focus on animal welfare. The most important measurement they have implemented is an animal welfare program for pigs. The program includes systematic work with animal´s welfare, to possibly best secure and document animal welfare for all
READERS LETTER Norwegian pigs. Every kind of pig handler in Norway are included in the program for animal welfare. The program requires some terms from the pig producers. The farmer has to have systematic routines, and document follow-ups on sick and hurt animals. In addition, there should be visits from a vet following up on farmers securing routines for pens for sick livestock and correct slaughter, food and water supply, housing and room around each animal, frequency of tail biting within the animals on the farm and registered at the slaughterhouse and usage of bedding and rooting material. There are also requirements for competence for every farmer who keeps pigs. There have long been strict terms regarding castration of pigs, which makes Norway’s castration practices one of the best in the world. Today, it is stated in the law that only trained veterinarians can castrate pigs. Norway is among the few countries in the world who require local anesthetics before surgical castration, as well as pain relievers post op. The alternative is a vaccine. It leads to the testicles shriveling, and this way prevents boar taint and poor taste in the meat. This vaccine is not 100% effective and with use the boars keep their libido much longer than with surgical castration. This leads to them being more uneasy and fighting more in the pen. Even though the industry has accomplished a lot, there are many measurements they still wish to implement to strengthen animal welfare. Amongst other things they want to keep working on there being clear
Marit Andrisdotter Kvam animal science student
consequences for farmers who don’t follow the regulations and better surveillance and follow ups through systematization and controls. The industry systematizing the data gathered through the animal welfare program to get a better outline of the development in animal welfare in the pig industry and make it easier for the slaughterhouses to pick up on farmers who don’t meet the requirements. Additionally, data from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority´s existing controls on the slaughterhouse should be used to follow up on the development of animal welfare. When it comes to straw and litter for the pigs, the industry is currently talking to Innovation Norway about subsidies to test new builds of pens, group sizing, areas for activity and areas for laying. Action provoking work is very important. Bad actions give bad behavior. Norwegian Agrarian Association and Norsvin have united to organize visiting rounds for farmers in the pig industry. The goal is to pay every farmer a visit. A pilot for visiting rounds was agreed upon and planned on starting this spring but is postponed due to the corona pandemic. Furthermore, the industry wishes to lift animal wellbeing as a theme for every organization within the industry, and to bring it up whenever farmers meet. An exciting research project taking place right now to promote animal welfare is DigiPig. This is a project where researchers work to create a supervision program that should be able to recognize negative and positive behavior amongst slaughter pigs.
Steffen Fjellestad veterinarian student
Bergljot Oldre veterinarian student
Such a program would alert the farmer with abnormalities through a mobile app and will boost animal welfare. With an alert system like this the farmers can early discover animals with problems and start preventative actions earlier than what they are able to today. This is an example of innovative research which it is exciting to bring to a workspace as students. We experience that our generation is divided when it comes to what is good animal welfare and how the development should progress. Unfortunately, fewer people have direct associations with today´s pig industry and agriculture in general. Even though research is important, dissemination of research might be even more important these coming years. There are many decisions politicians, organizations and consumers have to make, and they have to be based on sustainability and the bigger picture. The only thing remaining is to thank the pig farmers, and every other Norwegian farmer, who keep at it every day; for their animals, and to keep us fed. We, the coming generation in Norwegian agriculture are proud to take part in a forward-looking industry who wants the best for the consumers, farmers, and not least the animals. A lot has already been done and as we can tell there will be a lot of focus on animal welfare in the coming years. This ensures that you can eat Christmas dinner with a clean conscience. It is produced with care and love for the animals.
Henning Røyneberg bachelor in animal scienes - welfare and production
Edition 01 Volume 76
decade by decade:40s Tord Kristian F. Andersen Journalist
For many years Samfunnet i Ås had a dream about having their own paper printer for their members. In 1946 this dream was realized as Tuntréet (misspelled as Tuntèet in the first issue). Ever since, it has been an important source of discussion, entertainment and history thought its 75 years. Wait, has it become this old? There really seems like there is a jubilee to be celebrated every single year within the student scenery, and this year it is Tuntreets turn. ¾ centuries old have you turned, and that is why throughout this year I wish to dive deep into what the students were concerned about, decade by decade. With introductions out of the way, I would like to introduce you all to Tuntreet in the 40s! Tuntreets predecessors Ok, I lied a little. Firstly, I want to mention something about the origin, as the paper did not appear from thin air! Tuntreet was a product of long-term trials of getting a paper for Studentsamfunnet. Already in the 1870s Cometen was published. In the
Thea Samskott Translator
1880s Tutarhornet was printed. Moving on, in the 1890s they published Bonden. From 1900 Samfunnsavisen came around. This one was published for about 30 years, and these editions can still be found in the archives at Samfunnet. All this time it was unsure whether it was even possible to run a student paper, both with an editorial staff in mind but also economy as the body of students still was quite small. At least if you compare it to the body of students today! Another 15 years and a world war passed before the first edition of Tuntreet was printed. Today we think the student paper is given, but it is important to note that this is not the case for the first half of this last century. Post war vibes Less than a year after the atomic bomb was released over Japan (of which one can read about in issue 4 ´46) the first Tuntreet was published. What was the purpose? Then like now: “Tuntreet must and shall be a student paper!”. The name is never explained, but for outsiders, it refers to the big linden tree on the eponym smallholding on campus. In the first edition the student life was put into perspective with the remnants of the second world war. Commemoratory words for important student personalities, among them one of Samfunnets chairmen (today referred to as leader) who was shot by gestapo in 1944. Some discussion was tied to how to move on in this new world, along with new innovations such as the United Nations. Differences and equalities: What did they write about? Everything was not sad, and one can clearly tell that the student spirit persisted, then like now. Exclusive establishments such as Hankattforeningen, P.B. and Skogbrukerforeningen will ring a bell amongst many of you. It is equally exciting to read about social clubs that no longer
42 Edition 01 Volume 76
exists. Would you for example like to join Snuslaget N.L.H. Snus? The papers brought up all kinds of themes. Sports were clearly popular as it was written about sporting facilities, games, results and other issues NHLI (today NMBUI) cared about. As an organ of Samfunnet, it is natural that Tuntreet covers Sammfunnsmeetings and banquet nights. UKA is a big theme when it restarts in fall ´46. Agriculture is a reoccurring feature (who
would have thought??). The conflict between Norwegian nynorsk and bokmĂĽl resurfaced from time to time. The paper is not shying away from politics. Upon reading the 75-year-old texts I notice two things in particular. The features from abroad are the first. Would you like to hear about some Czech expressions? Learn more about how they live in Russia and easternEurope? Maybe even remote Africa? Then you could read just that. The other one is just a tiny detail, really, ideally just a corner in the issues. Marriage and engagements. Yes, there were actually so many who got
married or became engaged that this was a permanent feature. The editorial staff in nineteen-fortysomething... One can be truly impressed by the size of the editorial staff when looking at the first issue: Three. In addition to these, there was a business committee of two. The editorial staff grew and stabilized at about six people. Already back then double editors were a common sight. Other than these, including those mentioned above who later made way for an advertising manager, the positions were not listed. It was way more important
to list their fields of study: Forestry st., agric. cand, dairy st. and so on. Illustrators were occasionally credited. Past like present In many was reading about the past in the present makes me realize that the past was not black and white. There is a wash of awe that sweeps over you when you are allowed to read primary sources such as these, especially when you can relate to it this strongly. People were people, then like now, and with a few exceptions I would say the student spirit remains the same. I have also spoken to people who remember this period of Ă&#x2026;s history, these have in many ways confirmed this sensation for me. The deep continuity is very interesting, so follow along when I go through Tuntreet in the 50s!
Edition 01 Volume 76
Wrath of the cat For many, the day has not yet started, but I am on my way home from a real banger with Ivar and Rævne with games like “hit the ring”, “the shark approaches” and “stiff witch” all night long. Before the students awake from the nightmare of unannounced visits from the SiÅs caretakers I usually patrol the corridors at ABC to forget all the stuff Rævna and Ivar. When the students fall out of their filthy beds I rush in the first door to open. I take a quick look in the kitchen and jump on the table so everyone looks at me and gives me something to eat. There is alays one student who cares more about me than lectures, so I take a cowboystretchi n that students room before I head out for new adventures. I often stroll around to the Hankattloft, where there usually lingers some f--ing sickening smell that rips your nosehairs off, and there is much excitement in speculating on what sort of Arnardo circus business is going on top floor. Through the day, it is time for some physical activity, some real stomach drags. Eika is next, and nowadays there is a lot of passing bangs registered in my brain as students with real spirit in their skating shoes play hockey and fall down. After my exercise, my stomach rumbles, and I must get back to Pentagon quick to reach my cat anabolic window. This is the time a cat uses to find nourishment
44 Edition 01 Volume 76
Pusen Brede Cat
Benjamin Alexander Faulkner Translator
after an excercise. I usually saunter up the stairs, sweaty and horrible, to the Lærken, for there is always life and köenig excitement going on there. Song, dance and drama on the “tallerken” as I usually say. I swallow all the low-hanging fruits from the table, which by the way, is a goddamn huge car hood. Crazy stuff going up there, but it tastes fairly mmm. Through the evening, things happen and I’m in the modo for some excitement. Usually real good waffles going on by the ladies at the FF-house and that causes a rumpus on the planet, one almost gets more hungry by those waffles before the soon spew up again and you have to fill upp with delicious breezers and homebrewed cider that drops like granite in your gut. In the end, it is just too freaking creazy to be there and I ramble double-dance down to the Gents Academy where the wheyboys in vest and tie offer the best whiskey samples that turn out to be Jack Daniels with saccharine, yes, the ones you have in your coffee and it tastes really facking uncanny. It is really taking off, TIX on the speakers and TWIX in your back pocket. I need to go. When the lads fire up their cigars from Tobaksvagnen and engage “SJEIKEN 2015” on max volume, it is time to return. Back to my second home, ABC.
Can I...
From Wednesday the 3rd, a ring system will dictate the different corona measures. The municipality of Ås is within Ring 1 and we have to follow a set of measures. So what can one really do, and what are the limits? Based on a table from NRK, we have written a Corona Measures Pop Quiz. Test yourself and find out who you really are!
1. Visit a training studio?
0-5 correct: Do you know there is a pandemic going on?
2. Have max 5 guests at home?
5-10 correct: You have bought one packet of masks the whole period, and still have a few left.
3. Go to my cabin in another commune? 4. Attend sports and outdoors activities (children under 20?) 5. Attend sports and outdoors activities for adults outdoors?
10-15 correct: You have bought the plussubscription to Ås Avis and catch most news. All correct: It is your life’s work to catch everything, and you see all the press conferences.
6. Host a private arrangement for 10 guests outdoors? 7. Attend events outside your home?
9. Visit a shopping centre or mall? 10. Visit a restaurant or café? 11. Visit the library? 12. Grab a beer at the pub or sip wine to the food at a restaurant? 13. Receive physical education at higher education or university? 14. Drop the home office even though I have the possibility?
Answers 1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. No 6. No 7. No 8. Yes 9. No 10. Yes 11. No 12. Yes 13. Yes 14. No 15. No (Except where it hinders progress of study) 16. Yes
8. Attend a funeral?
15. Can I visit shops not part of a shopping centre or mall? 16. Yellow level at schools and kindergartens?
Edition 01 Volume 76 45
The Burst Bubble
It is chilly outside. Full moon. The snow rests in thin layers on the ground. The trees are covered in frost. I start shuddering if I stop moving. Few people at the shops. People look anxious, keeping their distance. Their faces are covered with masks. Their eyes are barely visible. In their glance, I feel pain, loneliness. Thoughts on what the future will bring. For how long must this last? I long for the south, to the heat. I am fed up with being covered. I want loving hugs and friendly smiles. People laughing and enjoying themselves. Closeness. I am alone. I try to lift my spirits. Be constructive. Think positive. Take one day at a time. Be present. Focus. Persevere. I have food, clothes and people who care about me. Family and friends. Colleagues and acquaintances. I am not alone, even though it feels like it. I live in a country where the government wants to provide for us. I live in a bubble. That is what it feels like. It is a way to cope. Isolation. Segregation. Strength in solitude. I watch TV-shows on the internet. They take me to other places. To other ages. I am a priest. I believe in closeness. I believe in God. I believe in people. I am not alone. There is a verse in the Book: “You have hedged me behind and before, And laid your Your hand upon me.” The moon yet shines. It is round and full. Soon comes the sun. A bird sings, though it is only January and many minus degrees. The birds fly in flocks. There are many people out and about. If I smile, maybe I will get a smile in return. Brighter days are yet to come. Surely, spring will show itself. Nothing lasts, nor will this. In time, we can embrace each other again. I am reminded by an old stanza from a song: Raise your head, young one. If a hope or two are gone. If a new one glimpses in your eye, soon comes a shimmer from on high. Sigurd Bakke Studentpriest NMBU Translated by: Benjamin Alexander Faulkner
Sigurd A. Bakke is the student priest at NMBU. You will find Sigurd’s office in the basement to the left in Urbygningen. The student priest is available if you should need somebody to talk to. He is available for drop-ins on wednesdays 11:00-15:00, and is also available for appointments on other days. Appointments can be made to sigurd.bakke@as.kommune.no
46 Edition 01 Volume 76
Board of Samfunnet A delayed happy new year everyone! «Kontorfløya» began the new year thinking 2021 could only get better but were quickly disproved a few weeks later. This was quite sad, but there’s nothing we can do about it, and that’s why we choose to look towards February and March with a positive mindset. It can only go upwards form here!
«Business Day», which will be arranged digitally on February 19. There will be presentations from different companies and opportunities to talk to them. Maybe this is where you find your summer job, or maybe you will meet the employer of your dreams? Check out their event on Facebook to keep yourself updated!
The planning of «Sprellfestivalen» has started and we believe that this will turn out great, regardless of the format. The general assembly is also being planned and will be held on March 22, so save the date. The format will most likely be similar to this autumn’s general assembly. There are many free positions – the whole UKEboard amongst others. If you’re a person fit for voluntary work and want to challenge and develop yourself, it’s time to think about the candidacy. The Business Committee are working on the last details for this year’s
We’ve had several digital events while Samfunnet has been closed, like «Draw & Sip» and «Kahoot-bonanza». It has been a huge success! Nothing can stop our quizmasters and they are ready to challenge anyone who wants to join on Thursdays. They have their own Facebook page, so make a quiz team with your dorm and join them. We will continue to arrange digital events until we can reopen Samfunnet to physical events. You can get our updates through our SoMe channels, both regarding the long-awaited reopening of Samfunnet and
Student parliament
Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Translator
our digital events, so make sure to follow us there. Maybe a bit of juicy content will be shared as well. We are also working on the plans for a cool cooperation concept with the Student Board. We believe that this will be exciting and fun and hope that you are as pumped as we are! Until we will meet and greet again, take care of yourself and those around you! I encourage everyone to send a smile and some love to friends and strangers. Together we can spread some joy during these unpredictable times.
Kindest regards,
Aleksander Mæland Munkejord Translator
The spring semester is upon us, and we’re headed towards brighter times! Not only is the sun going in the right direction, but the vaccination has begun, and we see light at the end of this pandemic tunnel. The year started abruptly when the government recommended us to not travel to our campus. We found it odd that this message came only a couple of days before the teaching was to start, and together with other student leaders we wrote readers’ letters to national medias to put this on the agenda. Minister of State, Henrik Asheim, said it himself: “Students are a group that it’s easy to impose restrictions upon, even though they aren’t necessarily the reason behind the spread of infection”. We are tired of being treated differently than the rest of the population, just because we’re “easy to impose restrictions upon”, and it’s important that we express our opinion clearly. There have been discussions amon workers and students lately, about the decision that was to be made in the University Board of whether the next rector is to be elected or employed. We have two student representatives in the Board, who have gotten very familiar with the case, and we in the Student Parliament have followed the discussion carefully. In the end it was decided that the next rector will be employed. We will be seeing a group of new international students this S T U D E buddy N T T Iweek N GisEbeing T planned. As spring, and an international
the international students will arrive at different times, the events are not planned to all happen in a single week, but rather spread throughout the beginning of the spring semester. All the events will of course be digital in the beginning, but we’re looking forward to seeing new students and wishing them a warm welcome! Because of the situation, the working committee (AU) have been working from home, and the office is closed. You can contact us if you have any questions, feedback or worries, and we’re glad to hold zoom-meetings if that’s desired. You can find our contact details on our website, studentdemokratiet.no. Student Parliaments will also be held digitally, and everyone is invited. Student parliament will be held on February 8th, and you can find information on how to attend on our Facebook page.
Edition 01 Volume 76
by Tilde SkĂĽtun
Word Search Apples Arrow Awesome Coconuts Eyeball Farmer Light Marker Mountains Mustache Pineapples Razor Rock
Answers in the next edition 48 Edition 01 Volume 76
SUDOKU 9 5 3
The goal of a nonogram is to shade in as many squares as indicated by the number in the column above, or on the row next to it. The numbers show how many shaded squares are connected. Two numbers show two “sequences”. Ther eneeds to be at least one empty square between each “sequence”. Th esquares with an “x” cannot be shaded in. This will result in an image if done correctly!
8 7
8 7
7 1
8 2
9 3
2 3
1 5
9 1
2 9
Two stars need to be placed in each box, row and column. The stars can not be adjacent, not even diagonally. Tips: remember to mark the boxes the stars cannot be placed in; around other stars, or on a row or box where there are already two boxes.
4 1
9 8
4 6
1 9
2 4
7 6
6 5
9 8
Edition 01 Volume 76
Foreningsprat Cheers FFD! Cheers Skriver! Cheers $paregris! NGA
Cheers Hunkatter! Cheers Qlturelle and Xklusive! Cheers Pusekatter! Cheers Tora and Thorvald! A new quotidian Year has creeped over the Agrarian Metropolis Yet, the Agrarian feels vacuous, and there are many commoners to behold from the Altan It is essential that we carry on, and have courage, surely, Samfundet will hear its Company. Cheers for optimism! Hunkatten has prevailed for 60 Years, and at rare Occasions new Studentresses new Oppertunity awaits for Admission to the oldest womanly Student Association in Norway and discover the true Meaning of Life Cheers for FFDs Benevolence! Unequivocally, there is no Doubt that the quotidian Year of 2021 will be capricious, yet we must remainastute, focus on the positive and keep an agreeable standing with one another, we shall see this through together! Cheers for our common struggle! Qultural regards FFD Mette, Skriver Erika, and $paregris 50 Edition 01 Volume 76
We dream of an embrace. That we do not forget what it feels like to be close to one We dream of soft knees swirling across the floor with one you hold dear, while the fiddle carries the tone We dream of friends and warm hands we hope we one day will see the rhythm of the musicianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s foot And that the storm we face one day has settled But in the meantime have a peek at our new logo
Hello everyone! Because of the Corona-situation we find ourselves in, with additional measures and restrictions, it is difficult for us to know when to plan rehearsals and auditions for new members. We assume things will calm down and be a little less restricted so we can all meet again., so we can welcome new song-loving students into our ranks, but until then we must wait in patience. Take care of one another, keep your distance and remember to wash your hands. Green and blue winter regards from Sangkoret Noe Ganske Annet.
DThe new year is here And we walk on our toes In hope of better times But under a new lock down we suffer We’ve got a new mutant Which is quite tenacious The vaccination is slow And the government we roast Erna blames the students When the travellers become the patients Digital education is the punishment But at least you can wear a night gown Our association has a revue to write But any writing trip remains out of sight Yes, Zoom is keenly in use this year But in autumn, we in Aud Max hope to stand We all have to hold out Keep at home, and do not go mad A walk might be sensible Even though it is a bit cold and sour Forfatterfrøken Emilie Pisani Ekeli Feminin & Fornem
January is past us and the Agrarian Metropolis is covered with a white veil of snow and frost, while we head for brighter and longer days. Even though the days may seem heavy and lonesome it is important to see the light at the end of the tunnel and that there is a hope for normal days ahead. Gents Academy is currently planning digital events for the semester, and how admission of new members will proceed this autumn. Gents Academy hopes the january block has gone well, and we wish you all an excellent spring parallell. Gents Academy Lord Ambassador The academy, with an infovors at the Agenda, followed by Whiskey Night. See you there!
Editor, journalists and photographer. Good cheers! After many late nights on the office desk, we in the PP have grown fed up with monotonous and shitty coronaissues to write about, but we see the light as in the anus of a blue whale which has just swallowed you. With the light and the decaying smell we meet at the end Utgave II - år 2020 of the road, we might just see summer coming. A summer with greener grass on the other side of this treachery we call a “studying” semester. For every passing day, it gets brighter, and let this light remind us of what my grand uncle said: “It don’t get no brighter without the rotation of the Earth around the Sun.” Oterwise, there is not much to tell from up here, from the WEAL(L)thy students place, also known as Eplehagen. Pusen Brede still grows fat from eating salami (#winterbody) and the students conduct loud evening parties in the well known square. VEL VEL untalented journalist USM Pomona Posten
Edition 01 Volume 76
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Pussycat I find it unfathomable that there is still no Telemark club! Odelsgirl from Sarps When does the Odelscatalog arrive? I have a worthy female candidate brrrr Clasern og Biltema have no heaters left. Kan SiÅs please turn the heat up or what read and reply to your emails you ape Lecturers are shockingly bad at answering emails. To every one of you out there, there is hope even though you haven’t checked your uni-email for a few months, that’s when you are at the same level of “the adults”. Grupperom Guri Really annoying when people book group rooms at sør to just sit there with headsets, should be meant for group work... regards frustrated fellow student that wants to discuss subjects Sletta Has anyone seen any “have you seen” lately?
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