1 minute read
Sautéed Broccoli Noodles
B r o c c o l i N o o d l e s
Ingredients 4 broccoli stalks 1 Tbsp. olive oil ½ large shallot; finely sliced 4 cloves garlic; finely chopped Salt and pepper, to taste Red pepper flakes to taste Sprinkle of parmesan cheese
1. Using the Handy Spiralizer with the Thin Cut Cone, spiralize broccoli into noodles and place into a medium bowl. 2. Heat up olive oil in Chef Series II Sauté pan, sauté thinly sliced shallot until tender on medium heat. 3. Add in chopped garlic and sauté until fragrant, or about 1 minute, being careful not to burn it. 4. Add in broccoli noodles and a drizzle of additional olive oil if needed, thoroughly combining with the garlic and shallot (a pair of tongs make this easier). 5. Sauté noodles until tender or about 3-5 minutes. 6. Season with salt, pepper, red pepper flakes and parmesan to taste