1 minute read
Spaghetti with Almond Pesto
S pa g h e t t i w it h A l m o n d P e st o


Ingredients Pesto ½ cup basil leaves ½ cup fresh parsley 2 Tbsp. mint 1 - 2 garlic cloves, peeled ¼ cup unsalted blanched almonds 3 Tbsp. olive oil ¼ cup freshly grated parmesan cheese ¼ cup hazelnut oil Pinch of cumin Salt and pepper, to taste
8 oz. spaghetti pasta 1 cup plum tomatoes, chopped
1. Place the basil, parsley, mint and garlic in the SuperSonic Chef
Compact and chop until desired consistency. 2. Add the remaining pesto ingredients and chop again. 3. Place pasta in Microwave Pasta Maker and fill with water to max fill line. Microwave on high power 12 minutes or until al dente. 4. Remove the spaghetti from the microwave, drain and place it immediately back in the Microwave Pasta Maker. 5. Stir pesto and tomatoes into pasta.