1 minute read
Butterscotch Pecan Shortbread Cookies
B ut t er s c o t c h P e c a n
S h o r t b r e a d C o o k i e s

Ingredients 1½ cups all-purpose flour ½ cup packed brown sugar ½ cup granulated sugar ⅓ cup chopped toasted pecans 1 (3.4-oz.) box butterscotch instant pudding 1 cup butterscotch-flavor pieces ¾ cup shortening ¼ cup softened butter
Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350° F/175° C degrees. Place the Silicone Baking
Sheet with Rim on a baking sheet or a cold oven rack for transferring to oven. 2. In a large bowl, mix together flour, brown sugar, sugar, pecans, pudding mix and butterscotch pieces. 3. Beat or stir in ¾ cup shortening and ¼ cup softened butter until crumbly. Use your hands to knead mixture until a dough forms. 4. Shape dough into 1¼-inch balls. Place 2 inches apart onto a
Silicone Baking Sheet with Rim. Flatten slightly, smoothing edges as necessary. 5. Bake for 7 to 9 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Cool for 2 minutes on cookie sheet. 6. Transfer cookies to a wire rack; cool.