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Cranberry Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
C r a n b er r y C h o c o l at e
O at m e a l C o o k i e s
Ingredients 2 eggs ½ cup packed light brown sugar ½ cup granulated sugar pinch of salt 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 4 Tbsp. unsalted butter, softened ½ cup peanut butter ½ cup white chocolate chips ½ cup dried cranberries 1 tsp. baking soda 2 cups old-fashioned whole oatmeal
Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350°F/175°C. Place the Silicone Baking Sheet with
Rim on a baking sheet or a cold oven rack for transferring to oven. 2. In a medium Thatsa Bowl, whisk eggs and both sugars. 3. Add salt, cinnamon, peanut butter and butter mix well. 4. Add chocolate chips, cranberries, baking soda and oatmeal to the
Thatsa Bowl and stir to combine with Silicone Spatula. 5. Drop batter by tablespoons onto Silicone Baking Sheet with Rim. 6. Bake 8–10 minutes. Let stand about 3 minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool.
C r i s p y B a k ed
C h i c ke n W i n g s
Ingredients 2 lb. chicken wings 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp. black pepper, freshly ground 2 tsp. sea salt 1 tbsp. parsley
* You can use any seasoning you desire
Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425°F/220°C. Place the Silicone Baking Sheet with
Rim on a baking sheet or a cold oven rack for transferring to oven. 2. Place all wings in a medium sized bowl. Drizzle the wings with the olive oil and toss well, making sure each wing is coated with a bit of olive oil. 3. Sprinkle the chicken wings with the pepper and salt, and toss well. 4. Arrange the wings in a single layer on the Silicone Baking Sheet with
Rim. Bake for about 40 to 45 minutes or until they’re golden crisp. 5. Sprinkle with more salt and pepper if preferred and garnish with some chopped parsley