1 minute read
Guacamole Shrimp Cornets
G u a c a m o l e S hr i m p
C o r n e t s

Ingredients 2 pastry sheets 2 Tbsp. melted butter 4 toothpicks Garnish 1 avocado, pitted and peeled 1 lemon, juiced 4 Tbsp. cream cheese salt and pepper ¾ cup shrimp, cooked and peeled Can substitute shrimp with cooked tuna or salmon. Chives (optional) Paprika (optional)
Directions 1. Cut each pastry sheet in 2 then fold each half in half to get a triangle. Brush the triangles with melted butter using the Silicone
Brush, roll them around each cone and secure them with a toothpick. 2. Place upright on the Silicone Baking Sheet with Rim placed on a metal baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes at 395°F/200°C. 3. Mix the avocado in the SuperSonic Chopper Extra with blade attachment with the lemon juice, cream cheese, salt and pepper. 4. Fold in the shrimp to the cream cheese, spoon into cones with a
Tablespoon. 5. Take off the toothpicks, sprinkle with chives and paprika, then serve.