1 minute read
Puff Pastry Cornet with Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse
P u f f P a st r y C o r n et
W i t h H a z e l n u t M o u s s e

Ingredients 2 puff pastry sheets 1 egg yolk 1 tbsp. water 4 tbsp. granulated sugar 1 cup heavy whipping cream ¼ cup powdered sugar 3 tbsp. chocolate hazelnut spread
Directions 1. Preheat oven to 400°F/200°C. 2. Cut strips of pastry using the Cutter and roll each strip around each
UltraPro Cornets. 3. In small bowl, make egg wash by mixing egg and water. Brush each puff pastry cornet with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar. 4. Place UltraPro Cornets on baking sheet and bake 10–12 minutes
Let cool 2–3 minutes and carefully remove. 5. Make filling by whisking heavy whipping cream with powdered sugar until stiff peaks form. Fold in hazelnut spread until well combined. 6. Fill each cornet with chocolate hazelnut mousse and serve.