Official Programme Festivities Sant Carles de la Ràpita 2014

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OFFICIAL PROGRAMME of the events to be held during our Town Festival from the 18th to the 26th of July 2014.

Friday 18 July At 6 pm in Carles III Square, "Pot Breaking" for Kids. Registration half an hour before the activity begins.

At 6 pm in Rosari St, a giant 42-square-metre plate of Iberian cured ham to enter into the Guinness Book of World Records. Portions will be sold at a price of 3.00 €.

At 8 pm in the Xiringuito de Mercedes (Carreró del Capri), country dancing demonstration. At 8 pm. Arrival of the “capllaçat” bulls (with long ropes tied to their horns) opposite the Town Hall, followed by a procession through the streets. At 9 pm. Rhythmic gymnastics exhibition in Garbí Park. At 9.30 pm at the skating rink, Figure Skating Festival. At 9.30 pm in El Cóc Square, performance by the students of the JAS Dance School. At 10.30 pm. Procession with the "Diabmonis" Devil Dancers from La Ràpita along the following route: Catalunya Av (Església Nova), Sant Isidre St, Constitució Av, Gorría St and Carles III Square, ending with a spectacle of fire. All participants in the procession are advised to take suitable measures to protect themselves and the public and private property along the route. Please read the safety instructions on the back of the programme.

At midnight in the Festival Area square, “Alfacs Sound Festival” for young people.

Saturday 19 July At 12.05 pm. “Bou embolat” bull running through the specially prepared streets. At 6 am. "Manyanita" dawn serenade at Bar Pepet. At 7 am. Departure from the roundabout in Carles III Square of the first “bou embolat” bull running through the town’s streets.

Route: Carles III Square roundabout, Sant Josep St, Sagrat Cor Av, Dr. Ferran, Esports, Sant Isidre St, Pare Castro Av, Gorria St, Carles III Square, Constancia St, Sant Isidre St, Catalunya Av, Codonyol Av, Valencia and Sant Isidre Sts and Catalunya Av and Codonyol St. Vehicle owners are recommended not to park along the bull running route.

At 8 am. Departure from the corner of Catalunya and Codonyol Avenues of the second “bou embolat” bull running through the town’s streets. Route: Catalunya Av – Codonyol Av, Barcelona and Sant Isidre Sts, Pare Castro Av, Gorria St, Carles III Square, Constància St, St. Isidre, Aurora, Aurora Lane, Carles III Square, Arsenal St, Dàrsena, St. Francesc, Sant Pere, Sta. Eulària and Bisbe Aznaron the corner of Camp St. Vehicle owners are recommended not to park along the bull running route.

At 11 am in the port, Festival of the Sea with “greasy pole”, etc. Note. Prior registration is obligatory to take part in the activities (greasy pole, etc.). You can register up to 10.30 am on the same day.

At 12 pm. Procession of “giants” and “big heads” with flageolet players. At 1 pm. Official town festival inauguration at the Town Hall, with the traditional rockets, sweets and bell ringing. At 4 pm in the Sports Pavilion, indoor football for girls and boys in the Benjamín, Alevín, Infantil and Cadete categories. Registration half an hour before the activity begins.

At 6 pm in the Town Hall, inauguration and prize-giving of the "In Memoriam Ramon Juan (Garrofero)" drawing competition exhibition. At 6 pm in the Casa del Mar, choral singing. At 6 pm. Street procession by the Agrupació Musical Rapitenca Band. At 7 pm. Street procession by the Sant Carles Bugle and Drum Band. At 10 pm in El Cóc Square, festival inauguration speech by the Rapitenc Mr ___________________. Followed by the proclamation of the 2014 Festival Heiress and Queen, the presentation of their Maids of Honour and a performance by the Rondalla Rapitenca. The ceremony will be presented by Núria Subirats. Following the speeches, there will be a firework display in Carles III Square, opposite the Parish Church. At 12.15 am in the Fair Pavilion square, dance in honour of the Festival Queen, the “Heiress” and their Maids of Honour to the music of LA PASARELA.

Sunday 20 July At 10 am in the Fair Pavilion (Els Alfacs Av.), the 18th Gathering of the Montsià Bobbin Lace Makers.

At 12 pm in El Cóc Square, the 2nd Gathering of Human Towers Groups in La Ràpita. At 6 pm. Assembly on the corners of Constitució Av, 12 d’Octubre and Jacint Verdaguer Streets for the procession of floats and the "Coso Iris". At 11.45 pm in the Fair Pavilion square, dance to the music of ATALAIA.

Monday 21 July At 11 am in Sant Isidre St, the 10th Waiters’ Race. From 9.30 am until the end of the race, Sant Isidre St (between the Catalunya Av roundabout and Constitution Av) will be closed to traffic.

At 11.30 am. Inauguration of the handicraft exhibition in the Casal Municipal del Jubilat. At 11.30 am. Street procession by the Agrupació Musical Rapitenca Band. At 12 pm in the Casal Municipal del Jubilat, gymnastics demonstration and choral singing. At 12.30 pm. Traditional entrance of the bulls through the specially prepared streets (bulls from the Fernando Mansilla Ranch, Torreblanca, Castelló). At 4.30 pm on the Garbí Park beach sea.

(between beach bars 1 and 2),

kite flying over the

From 5 pm to 9 pm. 32 YEARS OF MORRA IN LA RÀPITA. Town Festival Morra Championship in the Fair Pavilion, At 6 pm in the Cafeteria Lluc (127, St. Isidre Street), Town Festival Darts Championship. Individuals. At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, Presidente Tennis Open 2014. Classifying Stage. At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, Town Festival Mixed Paddle Tennis Open 2014. Classifying Stage. At 6.30 pm. Handing over of the keys to the pens for the official opening of the La Ràpita town festival bull running. At 6.35 pm. Bulls in the specially prepared area. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, the 10th “Ciutat de la Ràpita” Tennis Open. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, the 7th “Badia dels Alfacs" Paddle Tennis Open.

At 9 pm in Garbí Park, Party Fitness and Body Combat Exhibition. At 10 pm in the Skating Rink, exhibition by the Els Alfacs Twirling Club. At 10 pm in Garbí Park, gymnastics exhibition. At 10 pm in the bullring, “embolat” cart for kids. At 10 pm in the specially prepared area, “bou embolat” (bull with flaming horns). At 10 pm in El Cóc Square, “havaneres” (traditional seafaring songs) sung by the Orfeón Pau Casals, with hot rum toddy for everybody. At 11.45 pm in the Fair Pavilion square, the review “Nos hemos quedao en pelotas” (“We’ve Been left Stark-Naked”) by the Luís Pardos Theatre Company. At midnight on the road to the Municipal Swimming Pool, CARPA JOVE (Youth Marquee).

Tuesday 22 July At 11 am. Mussels for everybody in 12 d’Octubre St (Sindicat), organised by La Peña Alfacs. (*) Ticket price 1.00 €. On sale at the Town Hall during office hours. Please note that each person has to bring their own plate.

At 11 am in the old bullring (12 d’Octubre St), grand water throwing festival for children “aigua blaveta”. Note. Each participant has to bring their own bucket (with a plastic handle) and be dressed suitably for the festival. At 11.30 am. Street procession by the Agrupació Musical Rapitenca Band. At 12 pm in the old bullring (12 d’Octubre St), entrance of the carts for kids. At 12.30 pm. Traditional entrance of the bulls through the specially prepared streets. At 12.30 pm in the Fair Pavilion, Gymkhana for Kids. Those wishing to take part should register in advance by sending an email to or going to the Casal Cultural del Maset from 14 to 18 July, 9 am to 1 pm. Maximum team size of 8 and ages between 6 and 14.

At 2 pm in the Fair Pavilion, Lunch for Kids. Ticket price 3.00 €. Ticket on sale at the Casal Cultural “Maset” from 9 am to 1 pm between 14 and 18 July.

At 5 pm. Sponge Cake Competition at the Residencia l’Onada. Note. The sponge cakes should be brought ready made from home. A jury will pick the winners.

At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, Presidente Tennis Open 2014. Classifying Rounds. At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, Town Festival Mixed Paddle Tennis Open 2014. Classifying Rounds. At 6.30 pm in the Casal Cultural el Maset, the 3rd Children’s Karaoke Gala. At 6.30 pm. Bulls in the specially prepared area. Untamed bulls will be released. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, the 10th “Ciutat de la Ràpita" Tennis Open. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, the 7th “Badia dels Alfacs” Paddle Tennis Open. At 10 pm. Concert by the Banda Unió Musical Xertolina from Xert (Castellón) and the Banda de la Agrupació Musical Rapitenca in El Cóc Square, At 10 pm in the bullring, “embolat” cart for kids. At 10 pm in the specially prepared area, releasing of an untamed “embolat” bull. At 11.45 pm in the Fair Pavilion square, dance to the music of MÀGIA NEGRA. At midnight on the road to the Municipal Swimming Pool, CARPA JOVE (Youth Marquee).

Wednesday 23 July From 10 am to 1 pm in the Municipal Swimming Pool. Inflatable water attractions for children aged between 5 and 14. The children must be able to swim. Price 1.00 € per child. At 11 am in the Casal Municipal del Jubilat, trophy presentations for the guinyot, buti, domino, billiards, skittles, pétanque and siset competitions. (*) At 12.30 pm. Traditional entrance of the bulls through the previously prepared streets. At 2 pm in the Fair Pavilion, stew for everybody. Ticket price 2.00 €. On sale at the Town Hall during office hours.

Please remember that everybody has to bring their own plate, glass and cutlery and that only one portion per ticket will be served. From 5 pm to 9 pm. 32 YEARS OF MORRA IN LA RÀPITA. Town Festival Morra Championship in the Fair Pavilion, At 6 pm in the Cafeteria Lluc (127, St. Isidre Street), Town Festival Darts Championship. Doubles.

At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, Presidente Tennis Open 2014. Classifying Rounds. At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, Town Festival Mixed Paddle Tennis Open 2014. Classifying Rounds. At 6.30 pm. Bulls in the specially prepared area. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, the 10th “Ciutat de la Ràpita” Tennis Open. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, the 7th “Badia dels Alfacs” Paddle Tennis Open. At 10 pm opposite L'Eixam Cafeteria (96, St. Isidre Street), exhibition of the vehicles participating in the 9th Crazy Car Race. At 10 pm in the specially prepared area, releasing of untamed bulls. At 10 pm. 9th Crazy Car Race. During the race traffic will be diverted along alternative routes. At 10.45 pm in the specially prepared area, exhibition of “enfundada” cows. At 11.45 pm in Carles III Square, dance to the music of FESTIVAL. At midnight on the road to the Municipal Swimming Pool, CARPA JOVE (Youth Marquee).

Thursday 24 July All the rides and stalls in the funfair will cost 1.50 € during today. At 8 am in Bisbe Aznar St (Escorxador), start of the early morning batucada. At 9.30 am. Sausages for everybody in the bullring, Ticket price 1.00 €. On sale at the Town Hall during office hours.

At 11.30 am in Carles III Square (Town Hall), Puppet Workshop. At 12.30 pm. Traditional entrance of the bulls through the previously prepared Streets. . At 4.30 pm in Lluís Companys Square, the 3rd “Agustí Lin Memorial” Open Chess Tournament. Inscriptions half an hour before the competition starts. From 5 pm to 9 pm. 32 YEARS OF MORRA IN LA RÀPITA. Finals of the Town Festival Morra Championship in the Fair Pavilion, At 6 pm. Afternoon snack for everybody at La Torreta.

Ticket price 1.00 €. On sale at the Town Hall during office hours.

At 6 pm at the Football Pitch organised by the Esplai Xerinola. Traditional Games: el piso, bomb, “prisoner ball”, marbles, cards, etc. and a water gymkhana. Different water games in which the children have to pass tests to reach the end. Bring swimwear and old clothes. After the games we’ll go for a swim. At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, Presidente Tennis Open 2014. Classifying Rounds. At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, Town Festival Mixed Paddle Tennis Open 2014. Classifying Rounds. At 6.30 pm. Bulls in the specially prepared area, At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, 10th “Ciutat de la Ràpita" Tennis Open. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, the 7th “Badia dels Alfacs” Paddle Tennis Open. At 7 pm in La Guardiola (Constitució Av, 65), demonstration of Country Dancing. At 9.30 pm in the bullring, “embolat” cart for kids. At 10 pm in El Cóc Square, dancing exhibition. At 10 pm in the specially prepared area, “embolat” bull. At 10.45 pm in the specially prepared area, “embolat” cow. At 10.45 pm. Departure from the Town Hall of the Festival Queens and Maids of Honour from 1968 and 1984, accompanied by the Agrupació Musical Rapitenca Band. At 11 pm in the Fair Pavilion square, homage to the Festival Queens and Maids of Honour and a performance by the MONTESOL orchestra. The ceremony will be presented by Hernán Subirats. At midnight on the road to the Municipal Swimming Pool, CARPA JOVE (Youth Marquee).

Friday 25 July At 11.30 am in the Fair Pavilion, 48th HOMAGE TO THE ELDERLY. At 2 pm. During the fraternal lunch, the trophies for the billiards, skittles, pétanque and men’s and women’s cards competitions will be presented. (*)

At 5 pm. The Petit Comitè Cultural Association presents “We Are Not DJs” in Garbí Park (Punt de Trobada-Meeting Point). Twelve hours of uninterrupted music with twelve different guests with one thing in common: a passion for music far from the masses. At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, Presidente Tennis Open 2014. Classifying Rounds. At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, Town Festival Mixed Paddle Tennis Open 2014. Classifying Rounds. At 6.30 pm. Offering of flowers and fruit at Constitution Av on the corner of 12 d’Octubre St. At 7 pm. Offering of flowers and fruit in the Holy Trinity Parish Church. After the offering, Holy Mass will be said with the participation of the Orfeón Pau Casals. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, 10th “Ciutat de la Ràpita" Tennis Open. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, the 7th “Badia dels Alfacs” Paddle Tennis Open. At 9.30 pm in the Cafeteria l’Eixam, the 5th Town Festival Cards Open. Registration at L’Eixam up to 17 July or until all the places are filled. At 10 pm in the Skating Rink, exhibition by the Sant Carles Bugle and Drum Band. At 10 pm in El Cóc Square, the 32nd Festival of Rondalles (Serenaders). (*) At 11.45 pm in the Fair Pavilion square, dance to the music of LA FANIA. At midnight on the road to the Municipal Swimming Pool, CARPA JOVE (Youth Marquee).

Saturday 26 July At 7 am. Departure from the corner of Constància and Sant Isidre Streets of the “encapçallat” bull through the town’s streets. From the Villagrasa and Dilla de Vall-de-roures Ranches (Terol). Route: Constància St, Sant Isidre St, Constitució Av, Gorria St, Carles III Square, Constància St, Sant Isidre St, Rosari, Arsenal, Mare Déu Montserrat Square, Sant Francesc St, Espanya Square “Cós”, and Constància St on the corner of Sant Isidre St. Vehicle owners are recommended not to park on the route to be taken by the bulls.

At 9.30 am on Codonyol Av and the corner of Rosselló St, start of the 34th INTER-PROVINCIAL HORSE HAULAGE ALONG THE SAND COMPETITION.

At 9.30 am in Carles III Square (Town Hall), gathering and registration of participants for the children’s bicycle races with ribbons. At 10 am. Urban circuit cycle race. At 10.30 am in Sant Francesc St, the 1st CHILDREN’S BICYCLE RACE WITH RIBBONS. At 12 pm in the Fair Pavilion, dance with a La Ràpita aperitif. Ticket price 1.00 €. On sale at the Town Hall during office hours.

At 12.30 pm. Traditional entrance of the bulls through the previously prepared streets. At 4 pm in the Sports Pavilion, the 6th Streetball Mini-Basketball 3x3 Championship (ages 7 to 12). At 6 pm at the municipal skittle field, the 25th Inter-County Traditional Catalan Skittles Championship. At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, finals of the President Tennis Open 2014. At 6 pm in the Serramar Tennis Club, finals of the Town Festival Mixed Paddle Tennis Open 2014. At 6.30 pm in the bullring, bullfighting exhibition by the Pedro Dominguez Ranch from Funes (Navarra province). At 6.30 pm in the Sports Pavilion, the 10th Streetball 3x3 Championship Senior Category organised by La Ràpita Basketball Club. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, the 10th “Ciutat de la Ràpita" Tennis Open Finals. At 7 pm in the Johnny Montañes Sports Centre, the 7th “Badia dels Alfacs” Paddle Tennis Open Finals. At 7.30 pm at the Garbí Park lookout point, the 3rd “Ciutat de La Ràpita” Town Festival ’14” Body Combat Marathon. At 8 pm. Sardana dancing in El Cóc Square with the music of the Cobla Principal Rapitenca, the local Sardana Dance Group and the Tarragona Danza group. At midnight, Grand Firework Display on the Garbí Park beach. At 12.45 am in the Fair Pavilion square, dance to the music of VALÈNCIA.


Notes. The Festival Commission reserves the right to alter, modify or cancel any event in this programme. The Centre d’Ambulàncies Baix Ebre, S.L. will provide medical assistance at all events where it is necessary. The activities organised by the Esplai Xerinola on 24 July in the municipal sports facilities and those organised by the Associació Infantil i Juvenil Amics del Lleure on 22 July in the Fair Pavilion are aimed mainly at children aged between 3 and 14. When events are held in El Cóc Square it will be closed to traffic beforehand. You are therefore requested not to park there on event days. Residents of St. Sebastià, Constància, de la Cinta, de l'Àngel, Trav. Devesa, Calderón de la Barca, Trav. de l'Àngel and Migdia Streets are also reminded that on 20 July at five minutes past midnight a “bou embolat” will be held, and on 21, 22, 23, 24 and 26 July at 12.30 pm there will be an “entrance of the bulls”. For this reason you are requested not to park any vehicles in the area blocked off by the barriers. Under Act 34 of 1 October 2010 passed by the Department of the Presidency of the Catalan Autonomous Regional Government, children under the age of 14 are not allowed to attend the events involving bulls. Participation is also prohibited to all those who exhibit a lack of suitable physical or mental condition. On July 18 at 10.30 pm a fire-running procession will be held along the itinerary stated in the programme. For this reason the Festival Commission requests you to take the following safety measures: do not park vehicles in the street, keep doors and windows closed, lower blinds, protect shop windows and other glass and roll up awnings, do not hang out clothes or any other items such as flags, do not place any object that could obstruct the progress of the procession or the flow of pedestrians (flower pots, tables, chairs, etc.), do not throw any water until the procession has passed.


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