Catàleg turístic 2022 - Tourist Catalog 2022 - Torredembarra

Page 39


Torredembarra ha viscut de l’agricultura i de la pesca durant molts anys i ha creat un tipus de comerç enfocat a oferir productes frescos i de primera qualitat. El comerç tradicional, familiar i de barri ha sabut mantenir la qualitat dels seus productes i també ampliar la seva oferta comercial per adaptar-se a les demandes comercials i turístiques més actuals.

Torredembarra has depended on agriculture and fishing for many years and has created a type of trade that focuses on offering fresh, top quality products. This traditional, family-run and local form of business has successfully maintained the quality of its products while increasing its range to meet more up-to-date business and tourist demands.


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