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TA Message From The President & CEO
The Difference: Technology anD innovaTion
By Trish Christensenoday’s world cannot be lived or worked in without technology. Even for the simplest of actions like connecting to one another. Without text, email, voicemail, facetime, cell to cell calls we would be lost. The utilization of technology varies some by age and generation. The older stages of our society tend to lean into the basics only, where the younger adults lean more on doing everything from shopping, banking, and business to working out, meditating, journaling, and social influencing via their devices. The bulk of us live and work within the mix utilizing the tools we each individually need most and learn to adapt to incorporating so we can get our jobs done.
The key thing to count on with technology is how it is constantly evolving. It takes great minds, creative mindsets, and bold ideas to keep answering the demand for more. Innovation is really where greatness happens, and it happens all around us constantly here in our great community. The question is, do you know it and see it happening?
The diverse areas of innovation and technology taking place in and around Stanislaus County are contributing to the successes we are beginning to reap. Things such as:
City of Modesto’s Camp2Home initiative which offers a profound path to self-sufficiency for individuals seeking to rebuild their lives after experiencing homelessness. This is done through five vital initiatives: Outreach, Shelter, Job Training, Employment, and Housing.
Bay Valley Tech’s FREE code Academy. Their Modesto-based school strives to help students acquire adequate knowledge and skills to enter the tech industry.
Stanislaus 2030 is a public-private partnership launched to explore the drivers and enablers of our economy – traded industries, talent pipelines, innovation and entrepreneurship, infrastructure and governance.
Follow their work on childcare expansion through entrepreneurial spirit.
BEAM Circular, a hub for the circular bioeconomy here in our agricultural heartland. They are advancing economic opportunity and environmental solutions by transforming waste into opportunity.
Reed Family Companies includes “Innovation” as one of their key pillars. They provide a wide range of road construction and maintenance services, materials, and equipment in our region, nationwide, and oversees. They do so with environmental sustainability, stewardship, and safety at the forefront.
Our own Shop Greater Modesto, an e-commerce platform available to our local business community in Spanish and English. This is a free service established to help all our businesses grow and thrive by generating sales, finding customers, and sharing their services from our community and afar.
There are so many wonderful and brilliant initiatives building energy and effectiveness to elevate the prosperity of our local economy. I hope you take every opportunity to learn about these and others also making a difference for our community. There is also room for you to engage in and contribute to the work being done here. If you would like to learn more and are not sure where to start, feel free to contact The Modesto Chamber of Commerce and we will point you to the right resource partner. We are always happy to connect individuals to work and the partners that care about what you care about and are striving to make our community greater than it already is. Happy spring…
With warm regards,
TrishEach member of the Chamber is important, no matter the size of business. We desire for local businesses and organizations to succeed and thrive. To reach this goal we provide exposure, opportunities to engage with Regional Electeds and community partners, as well as networking with businesses and organizations across industries. We work to better our community by providing up-to-date education and training, certifying qualifying businesses as Green, and providing advocacy on City, State, and Federal levels. The Chamber is a family of dedicated professionals striving to make a difference in their business and way of life. Whatever your business needs are, we invite you to join us.
To execute our adopted mission we have developed an acronym that helps keep us focused. That acronym is “CARES: Community, Advocacy, Relationships, Education and Service.”
C - Community
At its heart, the Modesto Chamber is a community of like-minded business owners who share the vision for enjoying a thriving economy and creating and maintaining our community as a vibrant place to live, work and play. With over 100 years of history and experience in the Greater Modesto Area, we understand what it means to be a business owner and customer in our community, with featured events such as local and regional forums, Ag Aware, Harvest Luncheon, and Family Day. Chamber members get the opportunity to actively engage in and influence the community they live and work in.
A - Advocacy
The Modesto Chamber supports local businesses and is an active advocate for the common interest of its members. The Chamber has an Economic Development Committee and a Government Relations Council. These advocacy committees are dedicated and proactive in representing our members and community. They work to address business initiatives and relieve the regulatory burdens businesses face may face. The Chamber is also honored to certify local businesses and organizations through our California Green Business Network Stanislaus Program. Through this we create more conscientious and sustainable ways of life while lowering the cost of doing business for our community and future generations.
R - Relationships
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce specializes in building relationships and serving as the nexus to businesses, nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies. With over a dozen Committees, Programs, and Events in which our members can participate, the Chamber offers ample opportunity to meet and connect with other business owners in our community. As a relational organization, the Chamber works with its members to ensure the opportunity to connect and grow in every niche and industry to help build and cultivate long-lasting relationships among business owners and community partners alike.
E - Education
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce values education and offers members the opportunity to stay on the leading edge with new and emerging information and training that will set your business apart from the rest. In partnership with Modesto Junior College, the Chamber is pleased to offer an assortment of trainings applicable to any business or industry for credited completion through our Chamber University platform. Our Chamber also works with members to provide a platform to speak to their own industry expertise and invite other members to learn from those leading our local industries.
S - Service
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce offers its members a wide range of opportunities to promote and engage their business across industry and community lines. The Chamber Weekly E-Blast, Website, and our Progress Magazine provide opportunities to advertise and promote your business, keep up to date with articles about local businesses in our community, and stay in the loop about up-and-coming Chamber and community events. Our Chamber also offers indemand materials, such as Member contact list, Federal and State compliance posters, export document services, and so much more. Chamber members can also personalize their business profile within our website and have access to our Member-Only Information Center, where members can connect with other members, boost their social media presence, promote job postings, public events, and member-to-member discounts.
Mission stateMent
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to serving the greater Modesto Area, regional businesses and community prosperity through advocacy, collaboration, access to leaders, economic development, connectivity and business education.
executive coMMittee
Chairperson – Kirstie Boyett Zacharias, American
Leadership Forum- Great Valley Chapter
Immediate Past Chairman – Michael Gaffney, Pacific
Gas & Electric
Vice Chairman, Internal Operations – Pat Gillum, Patricia A. Gillum, CPA
Vice Chairman, External Operations – John Villines
board of directors
Garrett Ardis- Huff Construction Company Inc.
Phriekah DuHaney West- Kaiser Permanente
Brad Blakeley, Edward Jones Investments
David Halvorson Jr.
Debra Hendricks - Debra Hendricks Consulting
Amy Jefferies - Gianelli Nielsen
Rachell Le Viege - Lift-A-Hand Home Care Agency
Eric Mangal, Grimbleby Coleman CPAS Inc.
Brian McDermott
Kymber Miller- Sysco Central California Inc.
Michael Moradian Jr- Peace of Mind Control
Peggy O'Donnell, Mid-Valley Productions
Edgar Perez - F&M Bank
Jason Pineda, Freshpoint Inc.
Stephen Qualls-Central Valley League of CA Cities
Bill Robinson, Principal Financial Group
Kari Santos - I.J. Larsen Pumps
Christine Schweininger- Valley Builders Exchange
DeJeune Shelton- Modesto Junior College
Madhu Singh, Bank of Stockton
Kelly Tallent Martin
President & CEO Trish Christensen Modesto Chamber of Commerce tchristensen@modchamber.org

Stanislaus Green Team meeting
StanCOG- StanisCriuse
Jean Floretta & Shannon Silva
12:00pm – 1:00pm
*Register on website for lunch count
03 – GPS Counseling Center
12:30 – 1:00 PM
Nick Ortiz, Cal Chamber
12:00 P.M – 1:30 PM
*Register on website, in person & Zoom
rising professionals luch & learn
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
*Register on website
Stanislaus Green Team meeting
12:00pm – 1:00pm
*Register on website for lunch count
ambassador & Welcome Team
*In person & Zoom 8:00 A.M.
Government relations Council meeting
Jennings Imel, US Chamber of Commerce
*In person & Zoom 11:30 A.M. Register on website
Stanislaus Green Team meeting
StanCOG- Sarah Corrigan, Sales Executive with Commute with Enterprise
12:00pm – 1:00pm
*Register on website for lunch count
Women in Business lunch & learn
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
*Register on website
*See website for more detail.
Find Zoom Registry links and more at www.modchamber.org
Please note that calendar events and details are subject to change.


APRIL 9TH, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to rise and shine with CEOs at the Modesto Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Leadership Panel. Secure your spot now for a morning of inspiration, learning, and valuable connections!
The Rising Professionals Program, an initiative under the esteemed Greater Modesto Chamber of Commerce, is dedicated to actively engaging, empowering, and fostering connections among professionals at every stage of their careers within the Modesto region.
Venue Host sponsored by the Veterans Foundation 3500 Coffee Rd Suite 15, Modesto, CA 95355 bit.ly/4bOHHqN
Professional Development:
Offering tailored programs and resources to enhance the skills and knowledge base of rising professionals.

Facilitating meaningful connections with industry peers, mentors, and influential leaders
Providing opportunities for mentorship, where seasoned professionals can share their insights and guidance with emerging talent.


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
1114 J ST, MODESTO, CA 95354

Speaker: Sarah Corrigan Sales Executive, Commute with Enterprise

Gain valuable knowledge about sustainable commuting practices. Network with like-minded individuals passionate about environmental conservation and enjoy a complimentary lunch while engaging in informative discussions. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and contribute to a greener future! Mark your calendars and RSVP today.

Marrocova IT Solutions MeMber hIghlIghTS
Marrocova IT Solutions will be celebrating their official launch and membership to the Modesto Chamber of Commerce this year. Marrocova is a joint venture between longtime friends Boris Marroquin and Antonio Covarrubias. With over 30 years in combined IT experience, the goal of this business is to fill a gap with in the MSP industry. They’re closing a gap in the Central Valley by assisting small and medium sized businesses that fall outside of the typical demographic. Cyber Security has become a huge issue in the recent years. Finding a company that is knowledgeable and trustworthy is key to your business network's security. At Marrocova IT Solutions their clients are more than just clients. They're people and businesses treated like friends they want to see succeed. Both Boris and Antonio have been raised in the Central Valley. This helps them understand the culture and needs of the area. What makes them so effective, is the range of skill sets. As well as the ability to assist clients locally, nationally and internationally.
Using the latest in technology, Marrocova IT Solutions is a cost-effective way to have access to your very own IT department. They will manage and secure your network around the clock, provide end

user product support, hardware repair, and installation. If you are looking to expand your business, they will consult you on how current technologies can streamline processes and procedures. Thus, making your business as productive as possible.

Marrocova IT Solutions can assist a financial professional needing to secure their network and follow financial regulations to an industrial sized business with over 200 employees. With a broad portfolio in industries such as grocery market chains, auto body manufacturing, insurance, real estate, and various industries. Marrocova IT Solutions has the ability and knowledge to assist you with your IT service needs. Marrocova IT Solution’s responsibility is to be present and offer support through the complex world of IT.
In addition to answering questions you may have and offer guidance. This will enable you to focus on your business and matters at hand. The team is honest, friendly, and open minded to new ideas. Should you have any questions about the business or services, please feel free to contact Marrocova IT Solutions.

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Elevating Youth Empowerment: The Role of Online Digital Marketing in Tech and Innovation
Written by Kathryn Kim Ramos / Sisbro Innovation Website and Digital Marketing ConsultantIn the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and innovation, online digital marketing plays a crucial role in fostering the growth and empowerment of youth. As the digital realm continues to expand, young individuals are not just consumers but also creators, innovators, and entrepreneurs. This article delves into the significance of online digital marketing in nurturing youth engagement, fostering skill development, and empowering the future leaders of the tech and innovation sectors.
Technology and innovation are the driving forces in today's world, molding industries, economies, and societies. The youth, being digital natives, are at the forefront of this transformation, harnessing the power of technology to drive change, create solutions, and pursue their passions. However, the complexities of the tech landscape and the challenge of gaining visibility in a saturated digital arena can be overwhelming for young innovators and entrepreneurs.
Online digital marketing emerges as a potent tool for amplifying youth voices, connecting them with opportunities, and providing a platform for their ideas to thrive. For instance, the' Code for Good' campaign on Instagram, initiated by a group of young coders, garnered significant attention and support, developing several innovative tech solutions. Through social media platforms, websites, and digital campaigns, young tech enthusiasts can exhibit their projects, share their journeys, and connect with like-minded individuals and organizations. Social media platforms enable them to establish their personal brands, network with industry professionals, and access resources and mentorship opportunities.
One of the critical ways online digital marketing supports youth in tech and innovation is by providing access to knowledge and educational resources. Online platforms offer many tutorials, courses, and workshops on coding, programming, design, and entrepreneurship—all essential skills for success in the tech sector. Digital marketing campaigns can promote these resources, making them accessible to young people regardless of their geographical location or socioeconomic background.
Furthermore, online digital marketing helps young innovators and entrepreneurs gain visibility and recognition for their work.

By leveraging search engine optimization (SEO) methods such as keyword research and on-page optimization, content marketing strategies like blogging and guest posting, and targeted advertising on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, they can increase the reach and impact of their projects, attracting investors, collaborators, and customers. Digital marketing analytics offer invaluable insights into audience demographics, engagement metrics, and conversion rates, empowering marketers to fine-tune their strategies and fully enhance campaign effectiveness.
Moreover, online digital marketing facilitates access to funding and support for youth-led tech initiatives. Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, venture capital firms such as Sequoia Capital, and grant programs like the National Science Foundation often use digital marketing to promote funding opportunities and connect potential applicants. Through the strategic use of social media platforms, email marketing, and digital advertising, young innovators have the chance to increase awareness of their projects, secure investment, and forge partnerships with key stakeholders within the tech ecosystem.
In conclusion, online digital marketing is a powerful enabler of youth empowerment in the tech and innovation sectors. Giving young people access to knowledge, visibility, and opportunities gives them the tools and resources they need to thrive in a fast-changing digital world. As we keep tapping into the incredible power of technology, it's super important to invest in digital marketing efforts that back up young people's involvement and entrepreneurial spirit. This is key for sparking innovation and making awesome changes in society.
To enhance your company's online presence, whether it's creating a new website, updating an existing one, or seeking a virtual assistant for social media or phone support, visit www.sisbroinnovation.com. You can also contact Sisbro Innovation directly at (800) 291-9102 for further assistance.
Career inspiration Center: Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce Today
In the heart of Stanislaus County, a beacon of innovation and career exploration has emerged – The Career Inspiration Center. Since its establishment in 2021, the Career Inspiration Center has been at the forefront of guiding students towards four major career pathways: Technology, Health, Agriculture, and Manufacturing. This unique center offers handson learning experiences that not only educate but also inspire the next generation of workers.
The field trips to the Career Inspiration Center become a dynamic journey for students, filled with engaging activities that provide insights into the diverse career options within the four career pathways. To bridge the gap between classrooms and real-world industries, the center connects students with industry professionals via the Zoom virtual platform.
In recognition of the ever-changing landscape of the job market, the Career Inspiration Center has adapted its curriculum to reflect the evolution within the four major industry sectors. In the Technology pathway, students are immersed in the world of programming and computer science.

The cornerstone of this experience lies in Microsoft Makecode and the micro:bit – a top-rated programmable device that empowers students with hands-on coding and digital making skills.
The micro:bit serves as a gateway for students to program a range of devices, including the Elecfreaks XGO robotic dogs and Maqueen robots. This exposure to cutting-edge technology not only sparks curiosity but also lays the foundation for future tech leaders.
Healthcare and agriculture/manufacturing, too, have not been left untouched by the transformative power of technology. Students in the Health pathway interact with the Anatomage Table, a pinnacle in 3D anatomy visualization and virtual dissection tools. This technology, widely adopted by top medical schools globally, provides an unparalleled learning experience for students delving into anatomy and physiology.
In the Agriculture and Manufacturing pathways, the Career Inspiration Center embraces technological advancements to educate students effectively. Soil moisture reading through the micro:bit is one such example, allowing students to understand the impact of water levels on plant health. Virtual welding skills testing with Skillveri adds a layer of realism to the learning process, transforming manufacturing sector skills training into an immersive and measurable experience.
Since its inauguration, the Career Inspiration Center has touched the lives of over 3,000 students in Stanislaus County. With STEM jobs growing at a rate surpassing non-STEM-related jobs, the Career Inspiration Center continues to expand its reach and impact. The center's commitment to evolving with the needs of Stanislaus County and the future generation is evident in its dynamic programs and industry partnerships.

leMo arts & Culture Day
By Shyreen LloydIf a town was a body, then for Modesto, the arts, culture, and music of our town would be almost certainly its heart. And I can say with pride- what a strong heart we have. As someone who has frequented the downtown scene and tries to stay hip to the happenings, the day was still eye-opening. We genuinely have an abundance of people trying to inject beauty here- whether it be via music, graffiti murals, culinary bites, Almond Blossom Tours, children’s summer camps, and everything in between.
Regardless of who you may be, Modesto offers a dose of art and culture for anyone. There is a staggering amount of talent in the Valley- and that is just from people who feel comfortable enough to share their gifts with others. I can only imagine how many crafters, cooks, singers, painters, dancers, and Oscar-worthy actors we have that have never had that opportunity.
Led by local movers-and-shakers Kate Trompetter and David Rogers, our 8-hour tour of downtown Modesto- sponsored by Modesto Subaru- 2024’s Leadership Modesto class were able to walk through a bit of Modesto’s history, eat delicious

local foods, have a haiku battle, learn to (or at least try to) fold origami, be envious of local musicians’ enormous talents, participate in a drum circle, stand on the grand stage of the Gallo Center for the Arts, admire graffiti murals, an experience an impromptu operatic performance- and that doesn’t even cover everything!
Interested but don’t know where to start looking for something to spark your passion? Pop by Visit Modesto or pull up the Downtown Modesto Partnership’s webpage or snag the latest copy of The ModestoView. There is always something for everyone.
The arts and culture create community. “Community cohesion fosters a sense of belonging and societal commentary and advocates for urban revitalization” as said by Prospect Theater Founding Artistic Director Jack Souza. The reasons people move to big cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco aren’t for the traffic and astronomical rents- they do it for a vibrant arts scene. Well- guess what? We have quite the vibrant arts scene here right in town! We may have to work to activate the creative arts scene for Modesto, but it is here. And it is beautiful. As Jack also said- “Participating in the arts is just good for you.”
Modesto Irrigation District has various programs that can help your business unplug to conserve energy and plug-in to sustainability.
Modesto Irrigation District has various programs that can help your business unplug to conserve energy and plug-in to sustainability.
The power is in your hands.
The power is in your hands.
Energy Conservation
Energy Conservation