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Remote, hybrid, in-person. Today’s workforce needs care that effortlessly meets them where they are. More than ever, workforce health is a business strategy. Choose a leader who can help you navigate challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Learn more at kp.org/choosebetter
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A Message From The President & CEO
Here we go!
By Trish ChristensenJust like that the holidays are behind us. January has come and gone, and we are in the second month of a new year. Time flies, like it or not. It is important to look forward, both in the short term and long term, to maintain our balance of time demand and expectations. Just make a point to enjoy the adventure.
The excitement around the launch of the Shop Greater Modesto, California marketplace has been astounding! We believed we were bringing something fantastic to our local small business community, and the business community has proven their eagerness to take advantage of an opportunity such as this! We are incredibly grateful to the city of Modesto for believing in this as much as we did. They have been amazing to partner with as we bring this to fruition here.
Our 110th annual Soiree came and went in January and what a great time we had! I love the moments our members, member restaurants, and community members came together and filled a room with joy, laughter, food, appreciation, and smiles. This is always such an enjoyable event. Thank you to our sponsors; congratulations to our award winners; and much appreciation to our venue partners Modesto Center Plaza and Doubletree Hotel!
We are in the process of solidifying plans for a couple exciting new endeavors as well as our long-standing Ag Aware Luncheon. This is our annual scholarship fundraiser benefiting our local Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapters. I hope you register and attend. The information and insights shared never fail to inspire and the meal is excellent!
I wanted to talk a bit about Leadership Modesto, a program of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce. The class of 2023 graduated in December. This was the 40th year of the program. On their graduation night, they included a presentation to the benefactor of their class project, the Modesto Gospel Mission’s Volente Coffee Roasters. The class did a phenomenal job raising funds which will enable Volente Coffee Roasters to expand their mobile coffee services. Such a cool decision to support their program. Thanks to covid for creating the one and only two-year class (20/21), the class of 2024 is the 40th class of the program. I am happy to say I am a participant, and we are just back from the annual retreat. I can’t wait to see what comes next! Leadership Modesto is one of the originals, and most chamber leadership programs in the western region are modeled after ours. More to come as the year carries on. Watch for information about our 2024 annual directory. We will be formatting that throughout February. As always, watch for our eblasts and check our social media platforms and website for current updates on what we have going on, and what is coming next. There is never a dull moment at the Modesto chamber of Commerce.
I hope you enjoy the season… we are halfway through winter! Stay warm and connected to those who matter most.
With warm regards,
TrishEach member of the Chamber is important, no matter the size of business. We desire for local businesses and organizations to succeed and thrive. To reach this goal we provide exposure, opportunities to engage with Regional Electeds and community partners, as well as networking with businesses and organizations across industries. We work to better our community by providing up-to-date education and training, certifying qualifying businesses as Green, and providing advocacy on City, State, and Federal levels. The Chamber is a family of dedicated professionals striving to make a difference in their business and way of life. Whatever your business needs are, we invite you to join us.
To execute our adopted mission we have developed an acronym that helps keep us focused. That acronym is “CARES: Community, Advocacy, Relationships, Education and Service.”
C - Community
At its heart, the Modesto Chamber is a community of like-minded business owners who share the vision for enjoying a thriving economy and creating and maintaining our community as a vibrant place to live, work and play. With over 100 years of history and experience in the Greater Modesto Area, we understand what it means to be a business owner and customer in our community, with featured events such as local and regional forums, Ag Aware, Harvest Luncheon, and Family Day. Chamber members get the opportunity to actively engage in and influence the community they live and work in.
A - Advocacy
The Modesto Chamber supports local businesses and is an active advocate for the common interest of its members. The Chamber has an Economic Development Committee and a Government Relations Council. These advocacy committees are dedicated and proactive in representing our members and community. They work to address business initiatives and relieve the regulatory burdens businesses face may face. The Chamber is also honored to certify local businesses and organizations through our California Green Business Network Stanislaus Program. Through this we create more conscientious and sustainable ways of life while lowering the cost of doing business for our community and future generations.
R - Relationships
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce specializes in building relationships and serving as the nexus to businesses, nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies. With over a dozen Committees, Programs, and Events in which our members can participate, the Chamber offers ample opportunity to meet and connect with other business owners in our community. As a relational organization, the Chamber works with its members to ensure the opportunity to connect and grow in every niche and industry to help build and cultivate long-lasting relationships among business owners and community partners alike.
E - Education
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce values education and offers members the opportunity to stay on the leading edge with new and emerging information and training that will set your business apart from the rest. In partnership with Modesto Junior College, the Chamber is pleased to offer an assortment of trainings applicable to any business or industry for credited completion through our Chamber University platform. Our Chamber also works with members to provide a platform to speak to their own industry expertise and invite other members to learn from those leading our local industries.
S - Service
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce offers its members a wide range of opportunities to promote and engage their business across industry and community lines. The Chamber Weekly E-Blast, Website, and our Progress Magazine provide opportunities to advertise and promote your business, keep up to date with articles about local businesses in our community, and stay in the loop about up-and-coming Chamber and community events. Our Chamber also offers indemand materials, such as Member contact list, Federal and State compliance posters, export document services, and so much more. Chamber members can also personalize their business profile within our website and have access to our Member-Only Information Center, where members can connect with other members, boost their social media presence, promote job postings, public events, and member-to-member discounts.
Mission stateMent
The Modesto Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to serving the greater Modesto Area, regional businesses and community prosperity through advocacy, collaboration, access to leaders, economic development, connectivity and business education.
executive coMMittee
Chairperson – Kirstie Boyett Zacharias, American Leadership Forum- Great Valley Chapter
Immediate Past Chairman – Michael Gaffney, Pacific
Gas & Electric
Vice Chairman, Internal Operations – Pat Gillum, Patricia A. Gillum, CPA
Vice Chairman, External Operations – John Villines
board of directors
Garrett Ardis- Huff Construction Company Inc.
Phriekah DuHaney West- Kaiser Permanente
Brad Blakeley, Edward Jones Investments
David Halvorson Jr.
Debra Hendricks - Debra Hendricks Consulting
Amy Jefferies - Gianelli Nielsen
Rachell Le Viege - Lift-A-Hand Home Care Agency
Eric Mangal, Grimbleby Coleman CPAS Inc.
Brian McDermott
Kymber Miller- Sysco Central California Inc.
Michael Moradian Jr- Peace of Mind Control
Peggy O'Donnell, Mid-Valley Productions
Edgar Perez - F&M Bank
Jason Pineda, Freshpoint Inc.
Stephen Qualls-Central Valley League of CA Cities
Bill Robinson, Principal Financial Group
Kari Santos - I.J. Larsen Pumps
Christine Schweininger- Valley Builders Exchange
DeJeune Shelton- Modesto Junior College
Madhu Singh, Bank of Stockton
Kelly Tallent Martin
President & CEO
Trish Christensen Modesto Chamber of Commerce tchristensen@modchamber.org
Publisher: Modesto Chamber of Commerce 209.577.5757 • Progress@ModChamber.org www.ModChamber.org
Graphic design: 209 Magazine 209.634.9141 • www.209magazine.com
Printer: 209 Magazine 209.634.9141 • hvanderveen@209magazine.com
distribution: 209 Magazine 209.634.9141
advertising sales: crogers@oakdaleleader.com 209.845.4074
© Copyright 2021 Modesto Chamber of Commerce. Some parts of this magazine may be reproduced or reprinted, however, we require that permission be obtained in writing. 209.577.5757, Progress@ModChamber.org
staff: Administrative Assistant, Stephen Shaw Sustainability Coordinator, Jolene Camarena Events Coordinator, Felicia Lopez Membership Coordinator, Lizeth Rocha Staff Accountant, Jaime Lastra

Modesto ChaMber of CoMMerCe I ModChaMber.org
6 rising Professionals- Lunch & Learn 12:00 PM.- 1:00P.M. Register on Website
economic Development committee Register on website, in person & Zoom 12:00 P.M
ribbon cutting- bioLife Plasma Services 1700 McHenry Ave, STE 60B 10:00PM-10:30PM
Stanislaus Green Team meeting beam circular- Karen Warner 12:00pm – 1:00pm
*Register on website for lunch count
ambassador & Welcome Team
*In person & Zoom 8:00 A.M.
Government relations council meeting Joe Lopez, city manager- city of modesto
Measure H Update
*In person & Zoom 11:30 A.M. Register on website
President’s Day- Office closed
Women and business- Lunch & Learn 12:00pm -1:00pm Register on Website
economic Development committee
Register on website, in person & Zoom 12:00 P.M
rise and Shine with ceO’s 8:00am -9:00am Location TBD – Register on Website
ambassador & Welcome Team
*In person & Zoom 8:00 A.M.
Government relations council meeting
Jody hayes, chief executive Officer- Stanislaus co.
*In person & Zoom 11:30 A.M. Register on website
Women in business evening Social 5:00pm -6:30pm location D' Forno Cocina 918 13th St, Modesto, CA 95354
Stanislaus Green Team meeting StancOG- Staniscriuse
Jean floretta & Shannon Silva 12:00pm – 1:00pm
*Register on website for lunch count member market Day
9:00-AM -3:00PM – open to the public American Event Center 6436 Oakdale Rd, Riverbank, CA 95367
*See website for more detail.
Find Zoom Registry links and more at www.modchamber.org
Please note that calendar events and details are subject to change.
Martin Luther King Jr. second annual Unity March
hosted by silver square Lodge #66
In 1941 Phillip Randolph, a labor organizer, had the original idea of having a march to spread awareness about the job discrimination Black People faced during World War II.
He wanted a mass demonstration to spotlight economic inequality and to press for a new federal jobs program and a higher minimum wage. Phillip Randolph teamed up with the civil rights leader Bayard Rustin and called for 100,000 people to march in Washington DC.
In response to this potential march, President Roosevelt issued an executive order banning discriminatory hiring in the defense industry. Randolph and Rustin called off the march.
Fast forward: In the early 1960s Martin Luther King Jr began planning a march to encourage congress to pass a Civil Rights Act. President Kennedy had called for civil rights legislation in March 1963, but it had stalled in congress. So, Randolph and Martin Luther King Jr. decided to have a combined march, A march on Washington DC for jobs and freedom.

On the day of the march, approximately 250,000 people gathered at the Lincoln memorial in Washington DC with Martin Luther King jr. as the first speaker. Doctor King delivered his “I have a dream” speech. The result of that march was, on July 2, 1964, President Lyndon B Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This new law outlaws discrimination based on
Race, Color, Religion, Sex or National Origin. It also prohibits, unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, employment and public accommodations.
We celebrate this day NOT ONLY because it resulted in proving the social and economic condition of MILLONS of Black People, but also that of women and other minority groups.
Martin Luther King Day IS an EXAMPLE of what can be accomplished WHEN we are
Organized, moving in the same direction, Focused and Energized.
Just as a laser beam IS POWERFUL BECAUSE all its photons are organized, moving in the same direction, FOCUSED on a target and energized.
Unlike ordinary light, which is chaotic, UN-organized, NOT FOCUSED or energized … Thus, lacking useful power.
On January 16, 2023, Prince Hall Lodge Silver Square #66 conducted its first annual MLK March in Modesto, CA to
Golden Valley Health Centers Improving Lives In The Community
What are your health goals for 2024? If you are like most people, you start the year with a list of resolutions only to abandon them by the end of January!
At Golden Valley Health Centers, we don’t set resolutions, we set intentions that are meant to last and improve the lives of our people in our community. This year our intentions center on greater access to care for our patients, top quality services, and an organizational culture that is unmatched.
We hope this is your healthiest year and we want to help make sure it is. Making good health your priority isn’t as hard as you might think. Just start with preventative care.
For parents, ensuring a healthy start for your children is as easy as checking in with your pediatrician about childhood preventative care. Well child visits for patients 0-17 years old are important to monitor a child’s health, growth, and normal development. Keeping up on physicals and immunizations, and making sure toddlers get lead screenings are things caregivers need to keep top of mind.
For expectant parents, prenatal and postpartum exams are critical. Prenatal exam visits take place during the first trimester of pregnancy and help maintain the health of the mother and baby. Postpartum exams should be scheduled within the first few months after baby is born to check up on the health and recovery of the new mother.

Women should get annual mammograms, as well as regular cervical cancer screenings. All adults over 18 need to make sure they schedule annual physical exams which check on the patient’s overall health and offer providers the chance to schedule screenings, tests, and other needed care.
In addition, a dental checkup should be scheduled every six to twelve months. Studies have shown that oral health is closely linked to your overall health. For example, gum disease has connections to diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. That’s why your dentist checks for signs of gum disease and oral cancer at every checkup. Regular preventive dental checkups help ensure issues are caught and treated as early as possible. They also prevent more expensive treatments later on.
For some it can be hard to make time for a dental or medical appointment. But fortunately healthcare is changing and adapting to meet the on-the-go lifestyle. We offer virtual appointments and some of our clinics allow walk in appointments that make it easy to pop in when it’s convenient for you. Visit us online for more information on services and clinic locations to help you stick with your goals and make this your healthiest year yet.

divert - Protecting the Value of foodtM
By Chris ThomasSince 2007, Divert has been dedicated to Protecting the Value of FoodTM through waste prevention, recovery and conversion into renewable energy. The company works with prominent retailers like Kroger, Albertsons, Safeway, Target and CVS to mitigate wasted food through a mix of infrastructure and technological solutions such as artificial intelligence (AI), reverse logistics, anaerobic digestion facilities and analytical tools.
Divert operates 13 facilities across the U.S. and works with over 5,400 retail stores. Divert works across the retail food supply chain, implementing training protocols, sensors, and neural networks to track food and gather data about what is wasted and why. Divert provides insights that enable retailers to change behaviors and ultimately reduce waste. For inedible food, Divert created the first FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)-compliant reverse logistics process to aggregate wasted food and transport it to one of Divert’s anaerobic digestion facilities at no additional cost and with negative carbon intensity. Divert’s facilities also have the ability to accept wasted food from other commercial wasted food generators such as waste haulers, restaurants, and agricultural or industrial producers.
At these anaerobic digestion facilities, before it’s digested, wasted food is processed through a proprietary depackaging system to remove unwanted contaminants –such as wrappers, stickers and rubber bands – that make commercially generated organics unsuitable for composting. Divert’s facilities capture the biogas naturally released during anaerobic digestion, which is captured and purified into renewable natural gas.

All edible food is rerouted to local food banks for donation. Divert has facilitated over 12.5 million pounds of food donation since 2007. In that same period, they’ve processed over 2.3 billion pounds of wasted food.
Last year, Divert broke ground on an integrated anaerobic digestion facility in Turlock, California. The 65,000 square foot facility will be fully operational in the summer of 2024 and will employ approximately 40 individuals. At full processing capacity, the facility will be able to offset up to 23,000 metric tons of CO2 a year, equivalent to removing 5,000 gas-powered cars from the road annually.
The next step for Divert is expanding its footprint across the U.S. Fueled in part by its $1 billion infrastructure development agreement with Enbridge Inc. Divert plans to reach 30 facilities within 100 miles of 80% of the population by 2031. Once this goal is reached, Divert will be able to manage around 5% of all wasted food in the U.S.

The Modesto Symphony Orchestra Association (MSOA) is proud to announce that Rylan Post, concertmaster of the Modesto Symphony Youth Orchestra (MSYO), has been appointed concertmaster for the Mariposa Yosemite Symphony Orchestra, located in Mariposa, California. He will be the fourth concertmaster in the organization’s 21-year history and the youngest at the age of 15.
Conductor and Mariposa Yosemite Symphony Orchestra Founder, Les Marsden announced the appointment in early December 2024, emphasizing Post’s artistic maturity, technique, and tone quality. Born and raised in Merced, Post began taking lessons from violinist Caitlin Hunsuck Serpa at the age of three. Post joined the MSYO at the age of 10 in 2018, and currently serves as concertmaster for the MSYO Symphony Orchestra. Post also has been featured as a soloist during the MSYO’s 2020-2021 Virtual Season.
“I’ve grown up not only as a musician, but as a person as well over the years I’ve been in MSYO.
Modesto symphony Youth orchestra Member Named stanislaus Community foundation announces opening
Each year, Stanislaus Community Foundation and its partners award over $300,000 in scholarships to over 150 local students through our Scholarship Program. The program offers financial assistance to Stanislaus County residents pursuing higher education at an accredited college, university, or vocational college through multiple scholarship funds. These scholarships have been established by generous donors, including individuals, families, organizations, and businesses from our community.
The 2024 scholarship period is open now through March 1, 2024, with awards ranging from $500 to $3,500. Through Stanislaus Community Foundation’s online application system, eligible applicants are matched with available scholarships, providing a centralized process for students seeking financial aid. Only one online application is required to apply for all scholarships. In general, students qualify if they:
• Are a Stanislaus County resident
• Are currently enrolled or plan to attend an accredited two or four-year college, university or vocational college
The memories, experiences, and friendships we’ve built here at MSYO are something so unique and precious, and I’m sure I’ll cherish them as long as I play music.” says Rylan Post. “I’d like to express my gratitude to all of the parents, music educators, and MSO/MSYO staff for supporting our musical journey. I can’t wait to share our beautiful selections with those who love the music as much as we do.”
Post will be performing as concertmaster of the MSYO’s Symphony Orchestra at their Spring Concert on February 10, 2024 at the Gallo Center for the Arts.
The MSYO comprises two orchestras with students from grades 5 through 12 and is led by a deeply engaged leadership team. Their Spring Concert will feature works by Mozart, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, and more.
Learn more about the MSYO at ModestoSymphony. org/about-msyo.
• Plan to be a full-time student
Scholarship recipients are selected based on multiple factors, including their Student Aid Index, family history and merit, with certain scholarships targeting students with specific interests and/or areas of study.
“Scholarship support helps students start and finish college,” said Marian Kaanon, President and CEO of Stanislaus Community Foundation. “Investing in their potential not only transforms their lives – it also strengthens our community.”
Since 2002, Stanislaus Community Foundation has awarded more than $2 million to 1,700 local students.
Interested students can apply online by visiting stanislauscf.org. Applicants may review eligibility criteria for each award before they apply.
For more information, please email Jessica Tapia at jtapia@stanislauscf.org. Individuals and companies interested in opening a scholarship fund to support local students can contact Melissa Van Diepen, Chief Philanthropy Officer at mvandiepen@stanislauscf. org.
Intrinsic elements
Intrinsic Elements will be celebrating 14 years in business this year, and 14 years as members of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce. One of the first business decisions Susie Fagundes and Michelle Powers made, as co-owners of this unique and successful gift store, was to join the Chamber. It takes a village to create a small startup business, and they both knew it, so joining the Chamber happened even before the doors were opened for business.
The perfect location, 1214 J Street in downtown Modesto, popped up for rent just as the two had decided that this store would, in fact, become real. They had been toying with the idea for several years, and that location becoming available felt like a sign that this was the moment to get going.
For most of the first year, nearly every day, they were asked "What were you thinking?".
Michelle and Susie started this store during one of the worst economic downtime's in recent history, April 15, 2010! On tax day!
Here it is, almost 14 years later and this cool store just keeps on growing and has taken on its own unique personality.
The owners say "we just had to find out what our customers wanted, and that still keeps changing, plus, we have amazing and loyal customers, and we are so grateful to be able to say that we have the most amazing team anyone could ever ask for!" One of the most loved features of the store is their staff. The Store manager, Jesika has been there since before day-one, as she helped get the store stocked and ready to open.
You can find a gift for just about anyone and everyone, at Intrinsic Elements. If you check out their reviews on social media, you'll find raves galore!
Whether you are shopping for yourself, or a special gift, the entire staff is knowledgeable, kind, and caring. The store's gift wrap is well recognized and appreciated throughout our community.
Beside gifts, crystals, gemstones, jewelry, candles and many other items, they offer ongoing group, and private, classes for meditation and expanding consciousness.
Susie and Michelle are certified Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation Teachers, certified Reiki Master Teachers, ECC Practitioners, and both have Theta Healing certifications as well.

We hope you will stop in to support this unique, locally owned, downtown Modesto gift store.
Susie and Michelle are grateful for our Modesto Chamber of Commerce, and in 2013, Susie was honored to receive the Ted Shields Welcome Team Member of the year award, and then in 2019 they received the Small Business of the year award,
They still remind each other of the questions they asked each other 14 years ago about going forward to create Intrinsic Elements. They asked each other, "If not us, who. If not now, when?"
Congratulations Intrinsic Elements!

Congratulations to this month ' s milestone mem B erships
70 + years
Jensen & Jensen Attorneys
60 + years
Cumulus m edi A
40 + years
Kemper C pA Group, llp
Centr A l C Atholi C h i G h sC hool y osemite Community Colle G e d istri C t
e mployment d evelopment d epA rtment
30 + years
Best Western t o W nhouse l od G e
m o-C A l o ffi C e s olutions
sAtAK e us A i n C
m odesto Gospel m ission
20 + years
d ire C t Appli A n C e
7/11 mAteri A ls, i n C
h ome W ood v ill AG e m o B ilehome Community m o C se Credit u nion
Bri G hter s ide
20 + years
A s tep A B ove f loorin G , i n C e xpress e mployment p rofession A ls
GreenWor K s Commer C i A l
J A nitori A l s ervi C es & t h Ats r i G ht evs
pAtri C i A A. Gillum, C pA
Green r u BB er-Kennedy A G . m etrolist s ervi C es, i n C .
10 + years
s tep Aside p est mA n AG ement, i n C
s prin Gh ill s uites B y mA rriott i ntrinsi C e lements
s tAte fA rm i nsur A n C e
l odi Asso C i Ation of r e A ltors, i n C . s tA nisl A us Coun C il of Governments ( s tA nC o G)
5 + years
ms West e nterprises d BA Certified Collision Center
s ylvA n u nion sC hool d istri C t t rophy Wor K s, i n C
A CA demy m ort GAG e Corpor Ation s tifel i nvestment s ervi C es Cer A mi C G A r AG e
1 + years
l i G hthouse p sy C holo G i CA l s ervi C es... A Be AC on of l i G ht i n C .
1 + years
Ashley h omestore
t uolumne m e-Wu K t ri BA l tA nf Golden vA lley h e A lth Centers
Burly's C A liforni A Bistro, i n C
dA le Commons
City m inistry n et W or K
G A r C i A B A il Bonds
B Ay p o W er
Ameri CA n l e A dership f orum - Gre At vA lley Ch A pter
C entr A l vA lley A sso C i Ation of re A ltors
f or t he p eople p u B li C i nsur A n C e Ad J ustin G
sW in G le, vA n eG mond & h eitlin G er
s tA nisl A us County p oli C e A C tivities l e AG ue ( pA l )
Ameri CA n e vent Center
f irst C A pitA l m ort GAG e i n C
d ul C e m i A C AK es
p ete's m ovin G s ervi C es ll C
f irst 5 s tA nisl A us
G A rden City h e A lth CA re Center

PRESIdENT’S cLub CirCle Of influenCe
Elit E
E & J Gallo Winery
Kaiser Permanente
K E yston E
AIM Property Management
Beard Land and Investment Co.
Capax-Giddings, Corby, Hynes, Inc., a HUB
International Company
Doctors Behavioral Health Center-DMC
Doctors Medical Center
Mape's Ranch/Lyons' Investments
Pacific Southwest Container, Inc.
Physician Referral Service-DMC
Blue Diamond Growers
Crystal Creamery
Doubletree by Hilton Modesto
Fiscalini Cheese Company
Frito-Lay Co., Inc.
IHeart Media
Modesto Irrigation District
Modesto Nuts Professional Baseball
Sutter Health Valley Area
Sysco Central California Inc.
E nthusiast
Alpine Protective Solutions
American Chevrolet
American Medical Response
Astound Business Solutions Powered by Wave
Atherton & Associates, LLP
Audi Modesto
Bank of Stockton
Benchmark Engineering, Inc,
California State University, Stanislaus
Care One Home Health and Hospice, Inc.
CareOne Home Health
Central Valley Automotive
Central Valley Nissan
Central Valley Volkswagen Hyundai
Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino
Clark Pest Control
Collins Electrical
Del Monte Plant #1
Dhillon Healthcare Group
English Oaks Nursing & Rehabilitation
Exceed GPR & Locating, LLC
F&M Bank
Flowers Baking Co. of Modesto, LLC
Food Maxx
Gianelli Friedman & Jeffries
Gilton Solid Waste Mgmt, Inc.
Golden Valley Health Centers
Grover Landscape Services, Inc.
Infiniti of Modesto
International Paper Co.
JS West & Companies
Legacy Home Care
Maxx Value Foods
Mocse Credit Union
Modesto Toyota
O'Brien's Market
Oak Valley Community Bank
Opportunity Stanislaus
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Pepsi Bottling Group
PMZ Real Estate
Residence Inn by Marriott Modesto North
Rizo-Lopez Foods, Inc.
Rose Bouquet
San Joaquin Valley College
Save Mart Supermarkets
Seva Hospice
Solecon Industrial Contractors
Stanislaus Food Products Co.
Stifel Investment Services
Storer Coachways
Sutter Gould Medical Foundation
Swingle, Van Egmond & Heitlinger
The Century
The Parks Group
TSM Insurance & Financial Services
Turlock Irrigation District
Union Bank
US Bank
Valley BMW
Valley Children's Healthcare
Valley First Credit Union
Valley Lexus
Varni Brothers Corporation
Vintage Faire Mall/Macerich Company
Warden's Office Products Center
Winton-Ireland, Strom & Green Insurance Agency
Yosemite Foods Inc.
Mike Gorrasi Consulting
Mike Gorrasi Consulting specializes in delivering tailored solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises, focusing particularly on family or closely held operations. Mike’s expertise lies in facilitating effective communication within businesses, employing a direct yet empathetic approach to ensure all stakeholders feel valued and heard.
"As a family business succession strategist, I help you pass on your legacy to the next generation smoothly and peacefully," Mike states. With his extensive experience in leading teams and navigating challenging conversations, he guides businesses towards aligning their goals, increasing profits, and achieving a harmonious work-life balance.
Mike's approach revolves around ensuring that family businesses thrive while preserving the integrity of
relationships. "Whether you seek a comfortable retirement or wish to remain actively involved," he emphasizes, "I ensure that your family business flourishes, fostering both prosperity and harmony."

With an illustrious career in Minor League Baseball marked by transformative leadership and a commitment to nurturing family legacies, Mike Gorrasi stands as a beacon of guidance for businesses seeking seamless succession and sustained growth.
Visit www.mikegorrasi.com for a free business consultation.
Rojas Photography - Executive and Business Headshots!
Hello, my name is Alfonso, and I am the executive headshot and branding photographer. I specialize in creating stunning headshots that help you display confidence. Rojas Photography, a headshot and branding photography service that began in 2023, due to a need that focuses on executives and business professionals. Every day, over 5 billion people use the internet. It's imperative you have professional headshots conveying confidence and competency in your professional industry. Let’s face it, whether you have your own business or you run the stock markets on Wall Street, you have the professional responsibility to showcase a professional polished look for your audience.
With over a decade of experience teaching Sunday School at Abundant Life Christian Center, biblical teachings were a priority to every lesson. Engaging with high school students every week, I, too, learned from them. It wasn’t long until I realized kids were missing an important ingredient. Even though I didn’t speak about it every Sunday; I referenced it frequently. The kids attending every Sunday knew what that “one thing '' was. Soon I realized this was not isolated to young people; adults, too, were missing this “one thing”: CONFIDENCE.
What does confidence have to do with Rojas Photography? Reflecting on conversations with fellow business leaders, they would cringe at the topic of taking photos. Many would say that they felt the need to perform when a camera was facing them. Most people don’t like it, even some people hate it. I began the quest to figure out what caused this.
I realized it has nothing to do with the individual, yet the photographer. The photographer was the problem. They did not

cultivate an environment that focused on the individual. Going technical for just a moment—the correct power ratios for strobes can be set, the ability to understand the exposure triangles, as well as having the ability to use and understand the inverse square law. Yet, none of those things focus on the most important element: people. So only when we, as photographers, really understand people and how to make them feel comfortable are we able to extract images that convey confidence. I vowed that every individual in front of my camera would have this experience.
So you ask, what is an executive headshot session at Rojas Photography? Rojas Photography creates an atmosphere that allows for space to decompress and release anxiety, physically and emotionally from the day. Once settled and relaxed, together we will pick out 3-5 of the best outfits that compliment you. Coaching you along the way, we draw out expressions that are truly authentic portraying confidence, approachability, and professionalism. Each photo is then reviewed by you during the session. This key aspect of the session allows you to pick out the desired look for your respective industry. Creating images that make you feel good about yourself is a craft. It is not just about the images you receive, yet the experience you feel while being photographed.
Additional information about Rojas Photography can be found at RojasPhotography.net.
You can also send me an email at Alfonso@RojasPhotography. net
roberta rodriguez: Shaping The future Of Window Tinting In Modesto
By Lex ToroIn the heart of Modesto, a name that stands out for excellence in window tinting has been making a significant impact for over two decades: Roberta Rodriguez, the dynamic owner of Modesto Window Tint. Roberta's journey from an inexperienced beginner in the industry to becoming a leading figure in professional window tinting is a story of inspiration. Over 20 years ago, Roberta embarked on a venture in the world of window tinting, a field then filled with uncertainty and challenges. Little did she know that her modest beginning would rapidly blossom into a thriving business and an influential career.
Located on McHenry Avenue, Modesto Window Tint by #YourTintGirl isn't just a business; it's a community landmark, a testament to Roberta's dedication to her craft and her clients. What distinguishes Roberta is not just her unparalleled expertise in automotive, commercial, and residential window tinting. It's her unwavering commitment to customer service, the impeccable quality of her work, and her ability to develop a strong, supportive team. Her establishment has become more than just a service provider; it's a community staple, reflecting the values and spirit of Modesto itself.
But Roberta's impact extends beyond her business.
A true community advocate, she cherishes the connections she makes, greeting each person with a warmth that turns first-time clients into lifelong acquaintances. Her humility as a business owner, combined with her eagerness to constantly deliver

exceptional results, sets a high standard in the industry.
Recognizing the importance of passing on her knowledge, Roberta launched the California Tint Academy a year ago. Her vision was clear: to empower individuals with the skills and
insights needed to excel in window tinting. The academy has been a resounding success, launching numerous careers and setting a benchmark in professional training.

Roberta's impact isn't confined to Modesto. Her reputation has taken her across the United States, attending various industry events and showcasing her expertise. Her presence at these events not only elevates her stature but also brings a spotlight to Modesto, highlighting the city's contribution to the window tinting industry.
Roberta Rodriguez is more than just a business owner; she's a visionary, a community leader, and a pioneering figure in window tinting. Her story is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and a deep-seated desire to give back to the community. In a world where the sky's the limit, Roberta is soaring high, taking Modesto Window Tint - and the entire window tinting industry - to unprecedented heights.

Be Ready to be a Buyer!
My most frequently asked question these days is “When is a good time to buy a home?” My answer is always the same. If you find a home that meets your needs and you can afford the monthly payment, then NOW is a GREAT time to buy.

During my 26 years as a mortgage lender, I have seen many changes, up and down, in the market. Rates will always fluctuate, and home prices will always change. Buying now allows for a you to begin gaining equity in your home, with the ability to refinance into a lower interest rate once rates improve. For a firsttime homebuyer, owning your home allows you to control the narrative of your house payment. For renters, the monthly rent can increase over time, or the landlord could choose to sell. Then a renter would be contending with the current rate of rents.
The most crucial factor to remember is that having your financing pre-approved and in place is the key to being a competitive buyer in the market. I always suggest that a buyer obtain a mortgage pre-approval up to 6 months before they are ready to move forward with purchasing their home. It is a strategic move that can shape the entire homebuying experience. This step allows for a buyer to understand their budget, increase their negotiating power and ensuring a smooth transaction.
There are many loan programs available that most buyers are not even aware of. From down payment assistance to using funds to buy down your interest rate, knowing your options empowers you in the process. Determining what programs you qualify for and which options suit your goals and needs can open up many opportunities.
Buying your home is such an important milestone and I am here to take that journey with you. Now could be your best time to buy your home. Let’s figure it out together.

The Digital Revolution in Industry and ManufacturingNavigating the Online Marketing Landscape
By Kathryn Kim Ramos, Sisbro Innovation Website and Digital Marketing ConsultantReal estate development and infrastructure are crucial sectors that drive economic growth, create jobs, and shape how we live and work in Modesto and Stanislaus County. At the same time, managing a business's online presence has become equally critical, as it significantly influences customer behavior, brand perception, and the ability to compete in the digital age. This article explores the intersection of real estate development, infrastructure, and managing a business's online presence, highlighting the importance of integrating these elements to succeed in today's market.
Real estate development encompasses a wide range of activities, from acquiring land and financing projects to constructing and selling properties. It requires a deep understanding of community and market trends, regulatory environments, and the needs of potential occupants. On the other hand, infrastructure development involves constructing and maintaining essential services such as roads, bridges, utilities, and public transportation systems. These projects not only support the physical requirements of real estate developments but also enhance the quality of life for communities and the attractiveness of locations for business and residential purposes.
Local Knowledge + National Resources The Best of Both W rlds
Our partnership with HUB International has made it possible to offer our clients more than ever before. The combination of our local knowledge and expertise along with the resources of one of the nation’s premier insurance companies allows us to bring you creative and cost-effective solutions that can make a world of difference to you and your business. Call us today and find out what we can do for you.

The success of new real estate and infrastructure projects in Modesto and Stanislaus County increasingly depends on leveraging digital technologies and managing a robust online presence. For developers and infrastructure companies, this means utilizing digital platforms, websites, and social media and other to showcase projects, communicate with stakeholders, and engage with potential buyers or tenants. A robust online presence can significantly increase visibility, strengthen brand value, and deliver insightful data through analytics. This allows businesses to make well-informed choices and customize their services or products to align with customer preferences and requirements.
In managing a business's online presence, adopting a strategic approach that aligns with the company's overall objectives is essential. This requires the production of superior, pertinent content that connects with the intended audience and mirrors the business's values, capabilities, and character. Using SEO tricks is super important to make sure people looking for info on real estate or infrastructure projects can easily find your content. Social media is a great way to chat directly with folks, helping businesses create connections, get feedback, and build a community vibe around their projects.
Plus, with VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) tech getting easier to use, real estate and infrastructure companies can really step up their online game. These cool tools let potential buyers or renters check out places and projects without leaving their couch, making it feel like they're right there, mixing the online and real worlds together.
The synergy between real estate development, infrastructure, and managing a business's online presence is vital for success in the modern economy. By embracing digital transformation, companies can enhance their competitiveness, attract investment, and meet the evolving needs of their customers. As the digital landscape continues to grow, staying ahead in managing an online presence will be crucial for those in the real estate and infrastructure sectors to thrive and make a lasting impact.
To enhance your company's online presence, whether it's creating a new website, updating an existing one, or seeking a virtual assistant for social media or phone support, visit www. sisbroinnovation.com. You can also contact Sisbro Innovation directly at (800) 291-9102 for further assistance.
Legislation Changes Could Mean Liability To Property Owners
With all the legal changes and impacts of new laws on the rental market, selfmanagement of properties may become a liability for landlords who do not stay current with legislature changes. New Bridge Management, a residential property management company serving San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Merced counties, keeps abreast of the changes, minimizing liability for landlords.

This new version of TPA made changes to just cause eviction for owner occupancy as well. Evictions for just cause under owner occupancy will not be permitted when there is a vacant unit on the property.
Homeownership rates in California are the second lowest in the country, according to 2016-2020 estimates from the American Community Survey. Statewide, only 56% of households own the home they live in, compared to 65% in the rest of the country. Only New York has a lower rate (55%). With an increasing number of voters being renters vs homeowners, there is no wonder that more laws are being passed to protect tenants.
AB 1482 went into effect on January 1, 2020, rendering the rental market under rent control in California. Since then, amendments and other laws have modified the Tenant Protection Act (TPA). SB 567 is a new version of the TPA that will go into effect on April 1, 2024. This new version incorporates mobile home protection, additional regulations for no fault evictions and it creates private right of action for tenants against landlords and the attorney general will be permitted to bring action against a landlord.
A notice to vacate must contain the names of occupants and their relationship to the owner and occupants must move in within 90 days and remain in possession for 12 months. If they do not, the unit goes back to tenant at same rent and owner must reimburse moving costs.
Another law affecting the rental market is regarding the security deposit collected from tenants. Beginning July 1, 2024, security deposit maximum will equal to one month rent. There is an exception to this rule. The exemption is permitted if the landlord is a natural person or a LLC in which all members are natural persons and the landlord owns no more than two residential units with rental properties that collectively include no more than four dwelling units offered for rent.
Reducing liability is not the only goal for New Bridge Management. The company increases profits for landlords by reducing the number of days vacant on the market and controlling costs. To learn more, visit www.newbridgemanagement.com.

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40 years of Chamber Membership
As we commemorate 40 years as a member of the Modesto Chamber of Commerce, the Employment Development Department Workforce Services Branch, reflects on its impactful initiatives that have helped shape California’s employment landscape for jobseekers and employers alike.
Representing an essential element of the America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM (AJCC) network, our local Modesto office specializes in the facilitation of job fairs and resource events. We also provide a variety of employment service workshops that provide resources ranging from resume building to interview preparation. To further support our community, we offer personalized services such as resume critiquing and mock interviews. These invaluable tools equip jobseekers with insights to showcase their strengths effectively, instilling confidence as they embark on their employment journey. Additionally, our job fairs and resource events serve as excellent opportunities for job seekers to foster direct connections with prospective employers.
Our dedication extends beyond these events with our other programs. In recognition of the sacrifices made by our veterans, we take great pride in serving veterans through our veteran’s program. The Jobs for Veterans State Grants program has staff members who are veterans themselves and provide individualized career and training services to eligible veterans. We also hold an annual “stand down” event for the veteran homeless community, reaffirming our commitment to addressing the challenges faced by those who have served our nation.

In recognition of California’s migrant and seasonal farmworkers as the heart of the state’s agricultural community, our Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker Outreach Program has outreach workers who travel to areas where farmworkers work, live, and gather. These workers make sure farmworkers receive helpful information about job opportunities, farmworker labor rights, and supportive services available through the AJCC offices.
In support of our youth, we offer programs to help young adults prepare for success in the classroom and to enter the workforce. This includes the Youth Employment Opportunity Program that helps at-risk youth between the ages of 15 and 25 achieve their educational and vocational goals. Our peer advisors share similar experiences and work as mentors and career coaches, and provide supportive services, career coaching, employment preparation and training.
We express gratitude to the jobseekers, employers, and community partners who have been integral to our success. Looking ahead, the Employment Development Department, Workforce Services Branch remains unwavering in its mission to connect individuals with meaningful employment opportunities.
Make your mark.

Some businesses are content to have no other online presence than a Facebook page, and never think of how that looks to customers. While Facebook is a wonderful complement to a company website, it is by no means a realistic replacement. And not everybody has a Facebook account anymore.
Let us help you build your new website. Visit us at 209multimedia.com/webdesign to get started.