The Best Quality of Life Studying, developing and renewing the field of health and well-being
Marjut Putkinen, Dean:
”The best quality of life is based on the opportunity for each resident of Southwest Finland to lead a healthy, worthwhile life. To support this, we have put developing well-being at the core of our activities.”
We develop well-being Our research, development and innovation (RDI) activities invent and develop new practical solutions. We cooperate with Finnish and international organisations, the public sector, associations and the residents of Southwest Finland. Our research groups work to promote and develop well-being in the region, concentrating in producing user-oriented solutions. Our strengths include high-quality expertise in different fields, implementing the ideas in practice and refining the solutions according to the customer’s needs. These are supported by our multidisciplinarity, our abundance of experts and our open international cooperation network. We combine learning and applied RDI activities with the development needs of working life in our region. Our students’ creative and innovative ideas are merged with their teachers’ top expertise and the experience of project professionals. In our research groups, we promote applied research and development activities. TUAS students are a creative and versatile resource of our RDI activities, and project activities are an integral part of teaching at TUAS.
Health promotion The changes in the demography, lifestyles and living and work environment creates new challenges for the promotion of health and well-being. With our research, development and teaching activities, we develop innovative operating models and practices in cooperation with different actors. The actions promote the mental, physical and social health of people, in addition to job control and competence.
Art as a part of a good life Culture and arts increase health and well-being. Art promotes and enriches versatile thinking, imagination and understanding. Art encourages us to act. It constructs our identity, while strengthening social togetherness and inclusion. Our goal is to establish the well-being benefits of art as a component of service structures that support well-being.
Increasing inclusion Social inclusion encompasses all opportunities for health, education, work, income, housing and social relationships. Participation is one of the paths to experiencing inclusion. We work together with organisations and the third sector to increase well-being.
We adopt and produce knowledge and skills to create innovative modes of operation and services. Contact us and we can get started!
Photo: Tero Wester
Developing social and health care services and processes We participate in the local, regional and national development work of social and health care services and processes in cooperation with partners from working life. We develop and implement new, customer-based methods and digital services together with municipalities, government organisations, hospital districts, associations and companies. We also develop the competence of organisations and their staff.
Well-being tourism People need to relax, feel good and have physical and mental balance to offset the constant rushing of everyday life. Because free time is increasing and the population is ageing, there is a growing need for wellbeing tourism services. We develop regional well-being tourism products in cooperation with local organisations.
Our competence areas: • • • •
Health promotion Art as a part of a good life Increasing inclusion Renewing social and health care services • Well-being tourism
Katariina Felixson, Lecturer:
”We focus on development targets related to the guidance, rehabilitation and employment of the adult population.”
Active Adulthood – enhancing work and occupational performance We focus on issues related to the guidance, rehabilitation and employment of the adult population and on the multiprofessional promotion of work and occupational performance. Our modes of operation and areas of interest are • the physical, mental and socio-economic welfare of the adult population and studying differences in well-being • promoting the well-being of work communities and employees • integration, special questions on immigrants and culturally sensitive work in the fields of social service and health care • residential areas and their bearing on the health and well-being of residents • developing working practices and modes of operation in career planning and guidance • questions on social, professional, educational, and functional rehabilitation. Research Leader Katariina Felixson +358 40 355 0538
Our current projects include • • •
REGI – Reacting to Growing Immigration VerkkoSova – Adjustment training online A Hundred Apple Trees – Multicultural Finland
Our partners include • • •
The Centre of Excellence on Social Welfare in the Southwest Finland (VASSO) The Baltic Region Healthy Cities Association The Finnish Institute of Migration
Helena Malmivirta, Lecturer:
”We strengthen the ability to function by creating a new kind operational culture together with the ageing and the aged.”
Active Ageing Our research group is aware that remaining active is the best way to produce resources that promote your health and well-being. Constant and life-long learning create the basis for functioning in today’s digitalising and changing environment as well as situations in everyday life. At the core of our research, development and innovation activities are exposing and utilising the unused and hidden competence and resources of the ageing and aged population to promote their own health and well-being. Our knowledge and skills base is attached to multidisciplinary gerontological competence. The framework of our research and development activities is based on promoting a positive attitude on ageing as well as developing service and operating models that promote life-long learning and competence according to our themes. As designers and organisers of education, we conduct research and development work to implement studies in age management and novel work with the aged that emphasises active ageing. The interests of our research group include • lifelong learning, constant learning • pedagogy and guidance with older people • the culture of ageing • volunteer work. Research Leader Helena Malmivirta +358 40 3550 536
Our current projects include • • •
HASIC – Healthy Ageing Supported by Internet and Community Palliare SIPPE – Promoting Social Inclusion of the Elderly through Well-being Parties
Our partners include • • •
University of the West of Scotland Tallinn Health Care College Alma Mater Europaea Evropovski Center, Slovenia
Riitta-Liisa Lakanmaa, Lecturer:
”We develop expert competence in the health care field with the help of new innovations and teaching methods. We focus on the digitalisation of the health care field.”
Clinical Expertise in Health Care Our research group promotes applied research and development activities to improve the different competence areas in health care in a client-oriented manner. We aim to increase multiprofessional competence and develop the quality of the clinical teaching of educational organisations. The aim is to develop the expertise in health care with the help of various new innovations and teaching methods. We focus on innovating tools for the development of expertise in health care and studying impact, for example, with the teaching methods of gamification and simulations. In the future, our research group will focus on utilizing the digitalization of health care, eHealth and telemedicine in developing expertise in health care for the benefit of the patient. At the moment, our research group works in close cooperation with, for example, engineers in the field of well-being technology. Our modes of operation and areas of interest are • increasing clinical expertise in health care • utilizing the different applications of health technology in health care and nursing of different patient and client groups • developing medication expertise • reflecting upon patient safety and ethical questions in health care • increasing competence in maintaining the ability to function and rehabilitate • combining different fields of operation and competence and multiprofessional working. Research Leader Riitta-Liisa Lakanmaa +358 44 907 4580
Our current projects include • •
ICU competence INEC – Increasing Ethical Competence in Midwifery Education and Practice
Our partners include • • • •
Hospital District of Southwest Finland City of Turku Tallinn Health Care School Bern University of Applied Sciences
Pia Suvivuo, Principal Lecturer:
”We actively take part in the local, regional and national development of the services and education in the field.”
Our current projects include • • •
VOITTO RUORI The Career Path
Our partners include • • •
THL – National Institute for Health and Welfare University of Turku Hospital District of Southwest Finland
We actively participate in the local, regional and national development of services and education in the field. We are involved in international research and development work in co-operation with working life.
Developing Social and Health Care Services and Processes Our research group is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary group of experts in the research, development and education of social and health care and rehabilitation services. The large national reforms of the social and health care service system, the demographic development and the opportunities created by new technology challenge the service system and the related organisations to develop their services, service processes, competence and management. There are multiple development targets in the reform of services, development of quality and increasing impact on both national and regional levels.
In our development work, we aim at methodologically new and innovative solutions, such as utilizing information technology in the services. An example of this is eHealth. Our central themes include • promoting client-orientation • service guidance and service design • developing service processes and operating models • quality of services • results orientation and impact • management, human resources management and well-being at work • future social and health care services • eHealth, eWelfare, well-being technology and IT services as part of developing the service system • developing the competence, learning and teaching of staff in social, health and rehabilitation service organisations. Research Leader Pia Suvivuo +358 40 3550 407
Eeva Timonen-Kallio, Lecturer:
”We look for new forms of family services and operational models as well as new professional competence, emphasising the importance of early support and preventative work.”
Empowering Children and Young People Our research group studies and develops the multiprofessional competence of family work, youth work, child protection and early education and good research-based practices. With the help of practices developed by us, professionals in the field of social and health care are increasingly able to support and strengthen the wellbeing of children, young people and their families and their growth into social inclusion. Our project planning is based on multiprofessional, cross-sectoral innovation activities. We look for new forms of service, modes of operation and professional competence. Our projects emphasise the importance of early support and preventative work. In addition to the functionality of basic services, it is important to pay attention to the inclusion of children, children’s communities and creating their own culture in the everyday growth environment in day-care, school, youth work, their residential area, citizens’ activities and as clients in health care. Inclusion means involvement, impact and care and gaining access to jointly built well-being. We are involved in a project run by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), building a research and development strategy on child protection in higher education institutions in Finland. We work in close cooperation with the universities of applied sciences’ network in the development and planning work of specialisation education in child protection. Research Leader Eeva Timonen-Kallio +358 44 9074 546
Our current projects include • • •
ACUCARE – Acute Team in Youth Psychiatric Services Targeted to the Residential Care MOMU – Moving Towards Multiprofessional Work SALLI – enhancing exercise in early childhood education
Our partners include • • •
THL – National Institute for Health and Welfare Manchester Metropolitan University City of Raisio, family services
Hannele Lampo, Lecturer:
”We develop new solutions, modes of operation and competence to promote the well-being of people and smooth everyday life.”
Functional Everyday Life and Accessible Environment Our research group develops competence, innovative solutions and novel modes of operation. They promote the well-being and self-directed coping, equality and inclusion of people in everyday life, work and leisure time. We study the actions and coping of people in their living environment, their opportunities to use the constructed and natural environment and participate in their development. We study, e.g. the accessibility of the constructed environment and the usability and reachability of products and services. We develop new solutions, modes of operation and competence to promote the well-being of people and a smooth everyday life. Accessibility means, for instance designing and building the environment and producing services such that everyone, regardless of their age, gender, health and social, mental or physical ability to function can act in the environment and use the services. An accessible operating environment does not distinguish people based on their ability to function. Good housing is a central starting point of an independent life. The accessibility and safety of housing, reachable living environments and functional services are central prerequisites for an independent life. In the future, the ageing of city dwellers increases the importance of accessibility even more. Accessibility is a quality factor in housing. An accessible constructed environment and a good reachability of services improve the quality of life and, especially for those with functional disabilities and the aged, create prerequisites to lead an independent and self-directed life. A high-quality living environment and nature promote well-being.
An accessible living environment. Solutions that support an independent life have to reach beyond the walls of the home, the entire living or operating environment. The aim is to benefit the various means of planning and designing living environments and the new information and communications technology to significantly improve the independence of people and promote equality and quality of life. For example, the home, residential building and its surroundings, the traffic connections, transportation and services form a chain of functions. Only the accessibility and reachability of all parts of the chain can enable the independence and freedom of choice of disabled persons. Research Leader Hannele Lampo +358 44 9074 545
Our current projects include • •
Liikuntaa tukeva leikkipuisto kaikille 2015-2017 – a playground that encourages physical activity KuntoArvi
Our partners include • • •
City of Turku Disne Oy Premode Oy
Camilla Laaksonen, Lecturer:
”Our research group has several ongoing projects related to lifestyles, the prevention of accidents and infectious diseases as well as decreasing health differences.”
Health Promotion Our research group is a multidisciplinary expert in health promotion. We develop novel, research-based, ethically sustainable contents and methods of health promotion. Changes in the demography and lifestyles, novel environments, social structures and global health risks produce considerable challenges to health promotion. The World Health Organisation (WHO) outlines that health promotion is not limited to a specific health problem or behaviour, but rather that it has to be extended widely in different demographic groups, health risk factors, illnesses and environments to be effective. In Finland, the focus areas of health promotion are related to lifestyles and the healthiness of the living environment, cleanliness, safety and accessibility, preventing accidents and infectious diseases and in decreasing the health differences between different demographic groups. Our research group is running or preparing several projects related to lifestyles, the prevention of accidents and infectious diseases and to decreasing health differences.
Our current projects include •
Research Leader Camilla Laaksonen +358 40 5428 083
E-menthe, coordinated by Tampere University of Applied Sciences Taikusydän, coordinated by Arts Academy at Turku University of Applied Sciences
Our partners include • • •
THL – National Institute for Health and Welfare City of Turku Hospital District of Southwest Finland
Ursula Hyrkkänen, Head of Education and Research:
”Our group develops innovative solutions, which can promote the management of modern work, competence, leadership and well-being at work.”
Well-being and Leadership in Future Work Our research group studies changes in work and working life, new ways of working and their impact on well-being. The development of communications technology changes our ways of working. The work of an increasing amount of people is not limited by the walls of an organisation or working from nine to five. Work can be done everywhere and all the time. We develop innovative solutions and modes of operation that can promote the control of modern jobs, competence, leadership and well-being at work. We study mobile, multi-location, virtual and distributed work and their impact on well-being, management practices and premises solutions. We develop management practices, models that promote well-being at work and new physical and virtual workspace solutions as well as modes of operation and tools for the use of our cooperation organisations.
Our current projects include • • •
Ready for working life Enhancing RDI competences Triple Jump for promoting innovations
Our partners include • • • •
Aalto University, WMW Research Group Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Diacor Firstbeat Technologies Ltd
The work of our group focuses on the following themes: • well-being and leadership in mobile and multilocation work • physical and virtual workspaces and solutions to support them • job crafting in new ways of working • managing work and recovery • balance between work and other life • promoting well-being at work and management practices in new approaches to working • coaching students on new methods of working. Research Leader Ursula Hyrkkänen +358 50 5985 467
Join our RDI groups in developing well-being in the region. Let’s find customer-friendly solutions together!
Committed to Development Work Turku University of Applied Sciences has for years been a significant actor in Southwest Finland. In the region, the education, culture, social and health care organisations cooperate to promote well-being and health. We want to offer up-to-date information and skills and to encourage life-long learning. Our research and development activities are expanding rapidly and support the regional development work throughout Southwest Finland. We are actively looking for new development challenges in cooperation with actors in the fields of education and social and health care. We have competent staff and enthusiastic bachelor’s and master’s degree students. You are warmly welcome to join the activities of our research groups!
Interested in project work? Contact us! Turku University of Applied Sciences Health and Well-being Ruiskatu 8, 20720 Turku, Finland
#ExcellenceInAction Turku University of Applied Sciences is a community of 10 000 experts – a technological university of the future and a developer of well-being. We educate practical top professionals. #Innopeda is an innovation pedagogical learning method developed by us. It is based on experimenting and sharing knowledge and expertise and on combining different viewpoints. The Innopeda method links teaching, research and development work with cooperation with working life.