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7. Appendix
In TWG4 the work on describing the Good Practices was divided into a few steps. At first, we described and discussed in our TWG4 meeting per region how the process of procurement takes place. Then we consulted with the stakeholders per region what are relevant topics in the process of introducing or upscaling the electric buses for Public Transport. To do so, we answered five questions per region. And from this awareness about the relevant topics, we addressed per region what are Good Practices we can deliver ourselves or what we think will help other regions. In this report, we bundle the Good Practices on the theme of procurement and tendering, that have risen up.
Example of a working method based on the same starting points:
- Mapping process of procurement; is about filling in the schedule, but you can also deliver a description of the process
-Five questions are about gathering insights: “Agreed that each region will fill in five questions to describe what is an important topic for the region. Please inquire with the concession provider and other stakeholders in your region:
1. How many e-busses are currently operational and how many e-busses are you going to scale up in the next ten years? In what kind of procurement process context? Describe by filling in the flowchart.
2. What is the main problem, obstacle or challenge in the current way of working that hinders the introduction of e-bus driving on a larger scale? Focus on the financial and legal field and on cooperation in the chain.
3. Who has the problem in your value chain? Please explain.
4. Which criteria are important for your region in distinguishing between good practices and not-so-good practices?
5. What are good practices and not-so-good practices in your region or country? Please describe.