Tusaayaksat – Jul/Aug 2006

Page 19




something new to hear about Volume 20 Number 4 July/August 2006 $2.50
JULY/ AUGUST 2006 TUSAAYAKSAT 2 How can I lear n what’s happening? • Infor mation meetings • One on one visits •Visits with community groups Where can I get more information? Phone toll-free: 1.866.372.8600 A•Possible changes to the natural and human environment •Proposed steps to reduce possible negative impact •Scientific and traditional knowledge Q What does the Joint Review Panel look at during its environmental review of the proposed Mackenzie Gas Project?
Contents Special Feature Nuitaniqsaq Qoliaq 8 Nellie on Tradition and Change 12 Siglit Translation of Tradition and Change 18 PARKS CANADA - Aulavik National Park 20 Beluga Jamboree-Tuktoyaktuk 21 Kingalik Jamboree - Ulukhaktok 22 Mad Trapper Rendezvous - Aklavik 23 Why do we like Jamborees? 34 Traditional Arts Program Youth Speak Up Notaqat Oqaqtut 6 Ulukhaktok Graduates! 17 Tommy McLeod 24 DRIMES 28 Starratt Super Stars! 30 IYC Rocks! 33 Recycling Colouring Contest Winners! In the News Tusaayaksani 4 Duane Smith Re-elected President of ICC 7 Aurora College Convocation 16 Music Lessons for Tuktoyaktuk 25 Inuvialuit Day 26 Aklavik Flood 29 Mary Kudlak wins National Volunteer Award 31 The Future of Reindeer Herding 32 Inuvik Petroleum Show something new to hear about Wendy Smith and her daughter Haley drum danced for students of SAMS School on Historica Day. Topsy Cockney Inuivaluit Communications Society, Executive Director Zoe Ho Albert Elias Renie Arey Zoe Ho Pat Dunn David Stewar t Zoe Ho Zoe Ho ICS Staff President Stan Ruben, Paulatuk Vice-President Foster Arey, Aklavik SecretaryTreasurer Sarah Rogers, Inuvik Jack Akhiatak, Ulukhaktok Joanne Eldridge, Sachs Harbour Jimmy Komeak, Tuktoyaktuk Willow Printers Publisher Editor Translation Reporter Contributors Photography Design, Layout & Typography Production ICS Board of Directors Printing Send address changes, letters to the editor & advertising enquiries to: TUSAAYAKSAT Box 1704 Inuvik NT Canada X0E 0T0 e-mail: tusaayaksat@northwestel.net Tel: 1-867-777-2067 Fax:1-867-777-2744 Canada Post Contract 40049465 On the cover: Skyla Kagyut from Ulukhaktok enjoyed playing on the ice during the Kingalik Jamboree!

Duane Smith is once again elected president of ICC Canada, which represents the world’s 155,000 Inuit. The organization advocates for Inuit rights and promotes their unity on an international level.

Duane Smith to Head

ICC-Canada For 4 More Years


OTTAWA , Tuesday, 20 June 2006 – The Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) Canada will be led by the same president who presided over the organization during the last four years. Duane Smith of Inuvik, NWT first took over the organization’s top position in Kuujjuaq, Nunavik in July 2002, the last time Inuit gathered together from Russia, Alaska, Greenland, and Canada for the ICC General Assembly.

ICC is the international body that represents the world’s 155,000 Inuit, promoting their unity and their rights. ICC-Canada is the body that advocates on behalf of Canadian Inuit on matters of international importance and is the representative body of ICC in Canada.

Violet Ford, a Labrador Inuk who was elected as Vice President of ICCCanada in Kuujjuaq, will also be serving another term. Mr. Smith and Ms. Ford have been committed for many years to promoting the rights of Inuit, and advocating on their behalf in numerous international bodies such as the United Nations.

Duane Smith was nominated by the Chair and CEO of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Nellie Cournoyea. In her nomination, Ms. Cournoyea states that Mr. Smith “has shown leadership, commitment and dependability in furthering the Inuit cause, both nationally and internationally” and that he “has proven to be an excellent ambassador for all Inuit”.

Both Mr. Smith and Ms. Ford will be formally elected by acclamation at the ICC Canada Annual General Meeting July 8 in Inuvik. Their elections are expected to be warmly welcomed at the ICC General Assembly the following week in Barrow, Alaska. Mr. Smith and Ms. Ford will, respectively, sit as Vice-Chair and Council Member on international body of ICC until 2010.

Right: Duane working with Eddie Dillon and Gerry Roy on the Access and Benefits information package for beneficiaries. Duane is also chairperson of the Inuvik Community Corporation.

JULY/ AUGUST 2006 TUSAAYAKSAT 4 In The News Tusaayaksani

Official Court Notice

The residential schools settlement process has begun. The healing continues.

The residential schools settlement process has started. First, through these initial notices, former students and their families will learn how to give their views on the fairness of the settlement. Then, Courts across Canada will hold public hearings. If all the Courts approve the settlement after those hearings, another notice will be distributed to explain how to get a payment from the settlement or be excluded from it.

Considering the 80,000 living Aboriginal people who are former students of the residential school system, the settlement provides:

1) At least $1.9 billion available for “common experience” payments to for mer students who lived at one of the schools. Payments will be $10,000 for the first school year (or part of a school year) plus $3,000 for each school year (or part of a school year) after that.

2) A process to allow those who suffered sexual or serious physical abuses, or other abuses that caused serious psychological effects, to get between $5,000 and $275,000 each. You could get more money if you also show a loss of income.

You don’t have to show you were abused to get a common experience payment, and you can get one even if you had an abuse lawsuit, and even if you settled it.

The Court Hearings Court


Ontario August 29-31

Québec September 8

You can object to the settlement if you don’t like some part of it. If you have an objection, you must by August 25, 2006, send an email to objections@residentialschoolsettlement.ca, write to Residential Schools Settlement, Suite 3-505, 133 Weber St. North, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3G9, or call toll free 1-866-879-4913. Be sure to explain why you are against the settlement, and include your name, the school(s) you attended, your address, and telephone number.

Saskatchewan September 18-20

Northwest TerritoriesOctober 3-4

Manitoba October 5-6

Nunavut October 10-11

British ColumbiaOctober 10-12

Alberta October 12-13

Yukon October 16-17

If you attended the Mohawk Institute in Brantford, go to the Ontario hearing. Otherwise, go to the hearing in your Province/Territory. If you live in Labrador, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or outside Canada, go to the Ontario hearing. The exact times and locations are in a detailed notice. To get one, contact:

3) Money for programmes for for mer students and their families for healing, truth, reconciliation, and commemoration of the residential schools and the abuses suffered: $125 million for healing, $60 million to research, document, and preserve the experiences of the survivors, and $20 million for national and community commemorative projects.



If you object, it will be considered at a settlement approval hearing. You may ask to speak at the hearing in the Court overseeing your claim. The hearing that affects you is generally based on where you now live (see the centre box).

As part of the settlement, the government will pay lawyers representing former students up to approximately $100 million in fees, plus costs and taxes. You don’t have to hire a lawyer to object, and you don’t have to hire and pay a lawyer to get a common experience payment once the claims process begins. Of course, you may hire y our own lawyer and pay that lawyer to object, speak for you at a hearing, or represent you with an abuse claim. Call 1-866-879-4913 with questions about the settlement, or go to www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca to read a more detailed notice or the settlement agreement.


Youth Speak Up Notaqat Oqaqtut

Fresh graduates

Denise and Adele

Okeena! Well done Ulukhaktok!

Graduation and beyond! Adele Okheena

Sometimes, you meet 18 year olds who have already found their direction in life. Adele Okheena is one of these rare people. “I want to become a teacher. We need more Inuvialuit teachers,” she said. The fresh graduate of Helen Kalvak School is now working in Ulukaktok’s Hamlet office. Her efficiency at work was amazing. She helped more than a dozen people within 15 minutes!

At the jamboree, she participated in almost all the games and still managed to volunteer as a score keeper. “In school, I was in the grad committee. I was with DEA for a year. I am a self-government youth representative, on the special events committee and in the youth council,” she said. “A lot of meetings, but I’m learning a lot.”

She was chosen to be valedictorian of her class, after a vote by teachers and fellow students. Did she know why? “They must think I am smart, very responsible…” Adele bursts into laughter. “Actually, it was pretty hard this year, I had a bit of a problem with Math. I was doing individual studies, and felt pretty scared about taking my departmentals. I asked my teachers for help. When I encounter obstacles, I try to take it step by step and think it through.”

“Graduation Day itself was nerve wrecking. We had a ceremony and a feast. I hated the hat with the tassels, my hair was getting flat!”

“I’ve gone to the same school from Kindergarten to grade 12! When I was younger I looked forward to leaving Ulukhaktok for High School, but I am glad in the end I chose to stay.”

“I’ve applied with Grant McEwan College and Aurora College. I want to come back to Ulukhaktok after college. When I was in school I volunteered with a teacher who taught grade 4 and 5. After that I liked working with little kids. They have a great attitude and like to giggle when they work.”

“I used to not like going to school, but being a teacher has changed my perspective of teachers. Now I want to go to more school!”

" Is it important to be cool in Ulukhaktok? To me, not really, it’s more important to be who you are.”

Congratulations Billy Joss! Tears of Joy for Verna Aleekuk! Travis Kuptana made us proud! Danny Taptuna and his wife, Denise Okheena are both happy graduates!


Criminal Justice

Leadership Certificate

Management Studies


Office Administration

Traditional Arts Program

Recreational Leaders Program

In The News
Above Photos by Renie Arey Photos right courtesy of Aurora College

Everyone is important, a parent looking after his or her children really well is just as important as a political leader. What you are doing is providing a good basis for the future. Healthy communities and education are very important .

Idon’t like to see anyone thinking that because you are a political leader, you are more important than a good parent, or a good teacher, because it’s how can we collectively put the resources behind society that matters.

Nellie preparing goose for the Inuvialuit Day feast.

Nellie speaks from the heart on the biggest challenges facing Inuvialuit, and the values and measures that will help to solve these challenges.

Inuvialuit, not unlike other aboriginal peoples are all struggling to maintain their identity, culture and traditional values. Throughout the land claims negotiations Inuvialuit settled on three goals that best reflected respect for the past, present and future.

These collective goals are:

(a) to preserve Inuvialuit cultural identity and values within a changing northern society;

(b) to enable Inuvialuit to be equal and meaningful participants in the northern and national economy and society: and

(c) to protect and preserve the Arctic wildlife, environment and biological productivity.

Everything that the Inuvialuit Corporate Group does can be measured against these goals. If we can meet these three goals then we can surely claim some success.

Many of our younger generation have not led a traditional lifestyle, however the traditional values are still the key to survival today - honesty, respect, caring, taking personal responsibility, becoming knowledgeable and learning how to laugh.

The difference today is that there are too many distractions. In the years past, there was just family or extended family. Families spent a lot of time together traveling in search of food. Families were absorbed with themselves as they had to learn all that their parents and elders could teach them. There was no government presence or

handouts, we are so privileged to have such a history of survivors.

Beginning during the whaling days, a series of events effected great change. Epidemics cut populations to a few survivors-despite all odds Inuvialuit did survive with strength and endurance. Inuvialuit marched on.

Traditional values are interpreted in many ways, the most disappointing interpretation is when an individual carries out a lifestyle that does not respect the land and the environment, stating his god given right to do anything he wants, accountable to no one. It paints a bad picture for those who are responsible – traditional values are built from generations past, it is not conveniently made up today to justify some irresponsible action. Our elders are available to give advice, it is important to really listen. Too often elders’ opinions are sought but not heard, that is disrespect.

Inuvialuit have a lot of successes

and continue to build upon them. The social impact fund to address impacts arising from the Mackenzie Gas Project will soon see moneys available to make some of the changes that have been talked and talked and talked about. The education of our youth has to be a priority – I look forward to actually getting some of the programs we very much need delivered.

Drug and alcohol programs can be finally addressed with the availability of the social impact funds.

Although we [IRC] can create many opportunities, success can only come when individuals decide it’s time for them to take advantage of the opportunities. I believe they can and they will.

9 Special Feature Nuitaniqsaq Qoliaq
Nellie enjoying time with her mother.

IRC’s Answers to FAQs

A. What is the rationale behind giving dividends to beneficiaries?

An individual share of profits from the resources of the Inuvialuit Land Claim Settlement is a fundamental objective of the IFA. The IFA provides two guiding principles:

1. “the Inuvialuit enrolled in the Inuvialuit Land Rights Settlement shall share equally in the benefits received by the various Inuvialuit corporations and distributed through the Inuvialuit trust;” [section 6.(4)(a)] and

2. “restrictions shall be placed by the IRC from time to time on any financial distributions from the Inuvialuit corporations to encourage the preservation of the financial compensation for the benefit of future generations of Inuvialuit.”[section 6.(4)(d)]

The board of directors of the IRC first adopted the Distribution Policy (Policy) in May, 1997. Until that time IRC had no policy governing the financial criteria, time or consistency upon which payments to beneficiaries were made. Distribution had been made without regard to the profit earned in the year or the future of the business institutions of the claim.

B. The objectives of the board in adopting this policy were:

1. The elimination of political motivation in the payment. Distributions are made at a fixed

rate, declared upon the approval of the annual consolidated financial statements and paid out immediately thereafter.

2. Beneficiaries have been encouraged to gain an increased understanding of the claim and its institutions. The performance of the business corporations directly relates to the financial compensation with beneficiaries receive.

3. Beneficiaries know when they can expect to receive a distribution.

4. Distributions are budgeted by the business corporations responsible for payment so the cash reserves necessary to pay the dividend are available when required.

C. Are beneficiaries living in the ISR entitled to more benefits than those living outside the region?

The simple answer is ‘no’. All beneficiaries are entitled to an equal share of distributions under the Distribution Policy and have access to all programs for beneficiaries such as the financial assistance provided by Inuvialuit Education Foundation or the Harvesters’ Assistance Program. The level of assistance may vary depending on an assessment of need but access is available to all Inuvialuit.

D. Why are only 42 directors allowed to vote in elections for the chairperson of IRC rather than an election by all beneficiaries of the claim?

Gayle Gruben, IRC Office Manager and Nellie work on everyday issues.

Series of photos (right): Nellie and her mother Maggie share the same good sense of humor.

The rules for the election of the IRC Chairperson are contained in the IRC bylaws. The bylaws are based on 2 provisions of the IFA [6.(1)(b) and 6,(4)(c)] which provide for a community corporation for each community “together to control IRC” and “[c]ontrol of each community corporation shall be vested in the Inuvialuit resident in that community”. The communities control IRC and the beneficiaries resident in the community control the community corporation.

The 42 directors are all 7 directors of the six community corporations. They are elected by the beneficiaries resident in their respective communities. The chairs of each of the six communities are members of the IRC board and the 7th member is the chairperson of IRC chosen by the 42. In this way, the community corporations “control” IRC consistent with the direction contained in the IFA.

Any change in the bylaws must be approved by at least 4 of the 6 communities. From time to time, changes to the method of electing the IRC Chairperson have been suggested, such as allowing all beneficiaries resident in the six communities to vote directly to elect the Chairperson. This proposal has so far failed to win support from enough communities to be adopted. The smaller communities in particular have believed that because of the very large differences in population among the six communities, control of IRC would be effectively exercised by one or two larger communities.

Special Feature Nuitaniqsaq Qoliaq

NNellie oqaqtoq uummatiminin Inuvialuit sivuniksainik sapujiniaqtuatigun, suangatiptalu ikayuutilu tutqiqsautiksait sivuniptigun.

Inuvialuili tajva inuuniaqpaktut sangiqsuklutik pitqusiqtik, ijusiqtik, inuusiqtiklu olapitqunagu. Taimani nunaningniarsimagamik Inuvialuit pingasunik ilitarsiyuat sivuniurutinik.

Tajva okuat nalunaitkutiksat:

(a) Inuvialuit pitqusiit suangatailu olapitqunagit;

(b) Inuvialuit ajigiiklutik ilauyuksat nunaptingni inuusiptingnilu: ovalu

(c) Monarilugulu olapitaililugulu niryutit,nuna,sila, imaq, nautchiallu.

Tungagivigilugit taapkuat pingasut Inuvialuit Corporate Group savaktuksauyut. Taapkuat sivuniurutit pingasut malirutkuptigit tajva illuriniarungnaqtugut.

Inugiaktut notaqavut inuusiqput malirujaigait, aglaan pitqusivulu suangativulu suli

ikayuutauvialuktut qangma- okuatigun: illuaqtukun inuuniarniq, pimaaringniq, piqpakutikun, inmiguarniq, illisarnirlu, qoviasuknirlu.

Allanguqtuaq qangma inugiaktunik olapiqusiqpalaaqluni. Ingilraan illagiit kisiani inuuniaqatigiikpaktuat anguniluklutik niqiksamingnik. Illagiit avingasuitut illurilutik taimani, avanmun illisautiblutik, angayuqaamingnin. Allanik ataniruangitugut qaichiyuksanik otaqisuitugut, qoyanavialuktuq tajva suangayunik sivuliruarapta.

JULY/ AUGUST 2006 TUSAAYAKSAT 12 Special Feature Nuitaniqsaq Qoliaq
Nellie-m amaamani nayuqsimaga qoviasuktuq.

NNellie: Kinaliqa nuitayuq, nutaqanik monaqsiyuat tajva ajigiituq angalachiyuanin ataniqpangnin. Ikayuqsimayutin sivuniksa notaqam apqusiurapku. Iluatun inuuniarniq amalu ilisarniq nuitaniqsauyut.

IIsumayuksaungitutin imana ataniqpaugavit tajva nuitaviktutin alanin. Qanoq itilaan atorupku tajva suqpak.

Arviqsiukiramik taimani inuusqput tutqiingasiyuaq allanguqluni. Aniarutim inuklivialugait- aglaan Inuvialuit sangivailutik yarailutiklu tajva makitayugut qangma suli.

Pitqusivulu suangativulu qanorliqaa qangiqsivagaat, illangit inuit nuna aturamijung suksarisuitkaat, imana issumabluni, tajva nunagiyara qanoqliqaa atolagiga, suqpasungituq. Nakuungitkaluaqtuq monaqiriktuanun pimaariktuanun- pitqusivut suangativulu sanayuatun itut sivuliptingnin, pinguaqsimangitkaat, nunalu imarlu silalu piuyariyaksaungitut. Inirnivut maani itut oqautilagaangatigut, tusaamalugit. Ilaani inirnirit ikayuqtigisukpakaluarivut aglaan tusaamasungitugut, iluangituq taimana.

Inuvialuit ayupsangaitut, notqayuitut suli. Ikayuutiksautit inuuniarun alanguqpan (Mackenzie Gas Project) toqlukuaq issagutikpan

Nellie-m kangoq sanaiyaqsimaga, niriqpaktuksat tajvani (Inuvialuit Day).

takunaqiniaqtuaq qanikun. Inuusiqput nakurualaqublugu, taamna oqariyauvaktuaq sivituyumik.

Sivulirmik notaqavut illisaqtuksauyut- niriukitka tamatkuat ikayuutit qiiliktavut.

Sigaaqlukunlu imikunlu illisaujiyuat tutqiumanikun savaaksat ikayuutit aulaqiniaqtut tamatkuat (money) qaikpata.

IRC tajva sanaiyainiaraluaqtuq tamatkuatigun, aglaan inuit inmingnik atoqaaratigit illurilaituq. Okpirigitka aglaan, piniarungnagaat.


IRC’m giujutait:

A. Suuq ova moneynakpakpat Inuvialuit?

Tamatkirlugit tajva ikayuqtaksariyait savaamingnin (Inuvialuit Land Claim Settlement) IFA nalunaitkutiruaqtuq malrungnik:

1. “Inuvialuit aglaksimayat makpiraanun (Inuvialuit Land Claim Settlement) ikayuqtauniaqtut ajigiiklutik atauchitun pitariyainin tamatkuat alagiit Inuvialuit angalatchiyuanik okuanin, Inuvialuit Trust;” (section 6.(4)(a) amalu

2. “money-t IRC-m tigumalangagait ilaani, Inuvialuit sivuniksaat issumagiblugu(section 6.(4)(d) IRC-m iksivayiit taamna (Distribution Policy) maligaksaq tutqiksagaat May 1997. Tajvunga aglaan IRC malirutaksaituq makpiraani Inuvialuit money-ksaitigun. Akilichivangniqtuat taimani issumaliurataratik illurilutik.

B. Sivuniurutait iksivayiit IRC-m ova:

1. Notqaqtilugit akiliusiaksait Inuvialungnun issumaliuqaaratik illurilutik. Akiliusiaksait nalunairmata makpiraani kisianik akilichilaitut.

2. Inuvialuit illisaquyauyuat kangiqsimariksitqublugit nunaptigun, ikayuutailu sukuliqaa. Qanoq iliuqtilaangit savaktipta (business corporations) nauchiuqaarlugit akilichilaitut Inuvialungnun.

3. Inuvialuit ilisimayut qakugu akinaktuksamingnik.

4. Qaitaksat nalunaiqsimagait makpiraanun

A. Suuq ova moneynakpakpat Inuvialuit?

Tamatkirlugit tajva ikayuqtaksariyait savaamingnin (Inuvialuit Land Claim Settlement) IFA nalunaitkutiruaqtuq malrungnik:

1. “Inuvialuit aglaksimayat makpiraanun (Inuvialuit Land Claim Settlement) ikayuqtauniaqtut ajigiiklutik atauchitun pitariyainin tamatkuat alagiit Inuvialuit angalatchiyuanik okuanin, Inuvialuit Trust;” (section 6.(4)(a) amalu

2. “money-t IRC-m tigumalangagait ilaani, Inuvialuit sivuniksaat issumagiblugu(section 6.(4)(d) IRC-m iksivayiit taamna (Distribution Policy) maligaksaq tutqiksagaat May 1997. Tajvunga aglaan IRC malirutaksaituq makpiraani Inuvialuit money-ksaitigun. Akilichivangniqtuat taimani issumaliurataratik illurilutik.

B. Sivuniurutait iksivayiit IRC-m ova:

1. Notqaqtilugit akiliusiaksait Inuvialungnun issumaliuqaaratik illurilutik. Akiliusiaksait nalunairmata makpiraani kisianik akilichilaitut.

2. Inuvialuit illisaquyauyuat kangiqsimariksitqublugit nunaptigun, ikayuutailu sukuliqaa. Qanoq iliuqtilaangit savaktipta (business corporations) nauchiuqaarlugit akilichilaitut Inuvialungnun.

3. Inuvialuit ilisimayut qakugu akinaktuksamingnik.

4. Qaitaksat nalunaiqsimagait makpiraanun savaktipta (business corporations), ilakuruaqaarata money-rmik.

C. Inuvialuit maani nunaptingni ituat angitqiyamik akiliniaqpagit?

Tamarmik Inuvialuit atauchitun ajigiiktumik akiliusiaqtuksat malirutaksakun (Distribution Policy) amalu ilisarvingnun anguniaqtununlu ikayuutaun tamainun ilaulayut tamatkuatugun (Inuvialuit Education Foundation amalu Harvesters’ Assistance Program).

Ikayuutaun ajigiikluni pilaitkaluaqtuq aglaan angmayuq tamainun Inuvialungnun.

D. Suuq ova 42-nguyut kisiita votiqpakpat sivuliqtiksaanun IRC-m tamaita Inuvialuit piyugarnagit?

IRC-m malirutaksaini ituq tajvuuna. Malirutaksat kangiruaqtut malrungnin IFA-mi (6. (1) (b) amalu ovani (6.) (4) (c). Tajvani aglaksimayuq tamaita (community corporation) inuuvingni “angalataksariyaat IRC”. Taimaasiin Inuvialuit inuuvingni ituat angalatpagait taapkuat (community corporation).

42-nguyuat katilutik 7-nik inulgit taapkuanin 6 angalachiyinin inuuvingnin (community corporation). Pukuktauyut tamarmik inuuvingminin. Sivuliqtauyuat

6-ni inuuvingni IRC-mun ilauyut, taamnaptauq 7-ngat ataniuyuq pukuktauyuq

42-nguyuanin. Taimana tajva taapkuat (community corporation) angalatpagat

IRC, malirulugu Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA).

Malirutaksat angiqtaulraratik sitamanik inuuvingnin alalilaitut. Ilaanni isumavaktuat tamaita Inuvialuit inuuvingni ataniksamingnik pukuqublugit. Taamna tajva angiqtausuituq suli. Inukitqiyat inuuviit isumablutik inugiaktuat kisiat angalachiniarmata.

Special Feature Nuitaniqsaq Qoliaq

Ukuat ilisarvingmun ilisariaqtuat taimani piyaksait isagutiyuq.

Ilisarvingmi inuuniaqtuat taimani piyaksait isaktuq. Sivullirmi, ukuani makpiraani quliaqtut, ilisariaqsimayuat taimani ilangitlu ilisarniaqtut qanuq isumammagaata piyaksaitigun iluarman. Aasiin, Uqaqtitaarviit Canadami n unangannikatimaqatiginiarait. Taima aasiin katimaruirumik tusaammanikkumik inuinnin Uqaqtitaarviitkut ilurrigumiung kisianik angirniarait, allanik makpiraaliurniaqtuat aglaglugit taiguqsanik ilitchuripkarlugit qanuq akiliusailayuat piyaksainin asu luunniin ilaliusilaitkumik uqallautiniarait.

Isumagiblugitlu Tan’ngungittuat inuuyuat qangma inugiaktilaaqtut 80,000tun ilisariaqsimayuat taimani ilisarvingmun, ukuanik pilayut:

1) Aktilaanganun $1.9 billiontun maniit “atdjigiiktumik inuusiruaqtuat” akiliniarait inuuniaqsimayuanun taimani ilisarvingmi. Akiliniarait $10,000tun sivullirmun ukiumun tadjvaniitkamik (asu av v angani ukiumi) suliptauq aasiin $3,000tun maningnik akililugit kingullingnun ukiunun (asu avvangani ukiumi) kinguvatingnun.

2) Ikayurniarait tamatkuat nangittuat piyuaqtuatlu suuyariyuatlu, asu allakun sapiqtuat isumaaluutiruaqlutiklu isumangni, pilayut maningmik $5,000min $275,00mun aglaan atausiq inungnun. Maningnik allanik pilayut uqallautigupkit akiksangaiqtuatin maningnik sumin.

Ilingnik takuuqtisilaitkitin qanuq suuyariyuatin taimani akiliusiaqtinnatin, pilagin akiliusiaq uqaqtitaarvikun piguvit sivuani, akiliusiaruvit uunniin tadjvannga pilayutin suli.

Uqaqtitaarviit Katimaviksait Ubluat

Iqaqtitaarviksaq Ublua




Iluarinngitkupku naaggailagin akiliusian. Iluarinngitatin, August 25, 2006ngutinnagu, aglaglugit qaritauyakun uvunga objections@ residentialschoolsettlement.ca, aglaglugit uvunga Residential Schools Settlement, Suite 3-505, 133 Weber St. North, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3G9, asu ququarlugit akiruanngittuamun 1-866-879-4913. Nalunairlugu suuq iluarinngitatin akiliusan, atqin ililugu, ilisarvik asu ilisarviit atingitlu ilisarvigiyatin, inuuniarviin, ququarviinlu.

August 29-31

September 8

September 18-20

Northwest TerritoriesOctober 3-4

Manitoba October 5-6

Nunavut October 10-11

British ColumbiaOctober 10-12



3) Maniit atuaksat ikayurviksainun taimani inuuniaqtuanun ilisarvingmi ilangitlu maminniatqublugit, ilumuurniq, quviasuqatigiitqublugitlu, umigviksaalu itqaumaviat sannaiyarlugu ilisarviitigun taimani nanginmata tadjvani: $125 milliontun maninniarutiksanun, $60 milliontun atuaksaq nautchiurutiksainun, aglagviksainunlu, tuvvaqulugitlu inuusingit taimani isumayungnairlugit, suli $20 milliontun maniit atuaksanun n unanun tamainnunlu inuuniarvingnunlu quviasugviginiarumik tuvvaqturviksaa isumaaluutait.

October 12-13

Naggairupkit, katimaniaqtusi uqaqatigiiglusi akiksatigun. Apiqsulayutin uqarukkuvit akiliasian munaqsaitigun katimavingmi Uqaqtitaarvium savagviani. Katimaviksatin nunanga aglaksimayuq uvani makpiraani naniitilaanga inuuniarviin qangma maliglugu (qitiqqaniittuaq aglait taigurlugit).

October 16-17

Ilisaruvit uvani Mohawk Institute Brandtfordmi, katimayaqturlutin Ontario katimavianun. Asu luunniin, ilauyaqturlutin nunangni katimavianun. Inuuniaruvit Labradormi, New Brunswickmi, Newfoundlandmi, Nova Scotiami, Prince Edward Islandmi, asu Kanatam silataani, katimayaqturlutin Ontariomun. Katimaviat aullaqqiviksait sumiitilaangatlu aglaksimayut nalunaivikluktut. Pisukkupsiung, ququarlugit:



Ilaliutilugu piyaksatin, kavamatkut akiliniaraat savaktit uqaqtitaarvingmi ikayuqtuat ilingnun akilaangatun akililayut $100 milliontun tamainnun atautchilugit, atuqtatlu maningniklu taxesniglu. Nakuuginngittan uqallautigupkit lawyerkunnik pisunngitkuvit sunngituq, suliptauq pisunngitkuvit suginngitaat akililaitkitin uunniin savautigumik ilingnun tutqiksaiyarnirmun akiliviksan. Ami, ilingnik pisukkuvit lawyernik ikayuqublutin akililagin ilipkuaqtutin isumaktun, ilingnun uqalayuq quliarlugit suuyarittauyuatin ilisarvingmi. Ququarlutin 1-866879-4913 apiqsuruaruvit piyaksatigun, asu luunniin www.residentialschoolsettlement.ca taigurlugit aglaangit kangiqsisukkuvit kiilu piyaksatigun.

INU-AB-S-SUM-SIG Uqaqtitaarvium Savagvianin Tusaayaksaq
Maminniarutiksaq ittuq

Music Lessons for Brighter Futures

“Welove playing music because it soothes the heart.” Frank Panaktalok said.

“We play mostly country rock, square dance music, jigs…” He’s the bass player in a band with Jasper Andreason (fiddler) and Andy Kimiksana (guitar player). They are the toast of Tuktoyaktuk; the community are happy that Brighter Futures funding has been allocated so the band can start a class for all who want to learn to play. “These guys have been playing together as a group for many years and it will be so cool to have their skills carried on to the next generation,” said Sheila Taylor.

Their sound is excellent, and I find myself tapping along and feeling relaxed. When Dennis Allen joined in the jam, the band of three was able to play along with any song he proposes. “We’ve got really good ears. We can pick up a song right away, especially Franko,” said Andy. “We’ve been jamming together for almost 5 years. We learnt from our uncles and mostly we

picked it up just by watching and learning.” They perform at square dances and travel out to Midway Lake sometimes to play. Their music was at the talent show in Tuk during the jamboree was as exuberating as the jigging contest itself!

“People approached us and asked if we can teach them how to play guitar, adults, and teenagers, everybody.” They decided to apply to Brighter Futures. They did not worry about paperwork but just approached the office for funding to teach at Kitti Hall.

Jasper and Andy said their abilities “runs in the family.” Their uncles used to play long ago so “We try to carry on, try to play.” They are rambunctious, and when I asked if their nephews going to continue on, they giggled. “Hope so, hope they try to play.”

“This is our first time teaching music to young people. Two years ago, we were part of a group that taught square dancing. We hope to get it going again, like the fiddlers before us who’ve passed on. Now we’re trying to teach this musical tradition. Amongst the younger people, there are lots of them that like hip hop but you still see them at the square dances.”

In The News Tusaayaksani
Andy Kimiksana, Jasper Andreason and Frank Panaktalok in a jam session, playing music that “soothes the heart”.

Hear me out, Tommy McLeod

Tommy McLeod, grade 5, has already made a name for himself in Aklavik and around the ISR. You might have heard his voice at lunchtime, on CBC north radio on Fridays. His stories are about “long ago” (when he was three or four) and more current ones about having fun on the land.

“My mum’s friend at work faxed CBC and they called me, so I told them a story on air, and lots of people called in and there were lots of compliments about me. One person from Ulukhaktok said they should have me on every week. I’ve been on for the last four months. They haven’t paid me yet, but I got a tuque.”

Tommy has a very open face, and when he grins, his eyes crinkle. He is not afraid to tell you “I’m a good shot and a good archer. Slingshot? I’m pretty good at that,” and “I always go up on stage for talent shows and jig (‘one foot is better than the other’).”

His dad, Ian McLeod, is very proud of his son. He laughs as Tommy teased, “Sometimes I go to work with my dad. I help him a lot, without me on that porcupine chase, he wouldn’t have caught any porcupine. He probably would have gotten three quills in his butt! I trapped them in a corner and grabbed his shoe that fell off his feet. I grabbed all the sticks and the cage and gently pushed them in.”

There is something precious about how happy Tommy is, and his fearless confidence. He could also become the target of bullies because he is so outstanding. “When I was real small, I ended up getting sent home because they were really bothering and teasing me and I elbowed them in the stomach. They started crying. I just ignore them now, but when I was small I did that kind of stuff,” he said.

When he grows up, he wants to become a game designer. He is drawing a comic series about “a kid who’s father owns a sword shop, and there is a cloaked guy Leon, who releases crystals with dark, evil “D” monster powers. The kid has to destroy Leon before

the ultimate beast is released and they destroy the world.” His favourite subject in school is Science Fair, and he can tell you how hydrogen and oxygen in the air react with magnetic fields and sunspots to make Northern Lights.

Youth Speak Up

His thirst for information has him going to public meetings about current events, where he even waits his turn to voice his concerns. “I went to a few meetings about the pipeline. That goes by McPherson, and it’s a big deal here but it’s mostly a McPherson topic. So let’s get some gas and we can go to Inuvik and Shingle, and it won’t cost as much because it will be a better supply. It’s a pretty good deal,” he said. Perhaps one day, Tommy’s voice will become strong and speak for the Inuvialuit!

Tommy likes to make funny faces.
Notaqat Oqaqtut
Tommy on the land where he traps squirrels.

A Busy Summertime the Western Arctic National Parks

Summer is the time when the national parks show themselves at their best and busiest. Flocks of birds return from their southern migrations; thousands of caribou are born to grow and travel with the herds; and hundreds of species of wildflowers bloom. Visitors come from all over the world to raft, canoe and hike in the parks.

It is also the busiest time for national parks staff. Everyone has to cram as much work as possible into the short field season. Research and monitoring projects, facility maintenance, visitor programs and educational camps all take place then. It is also when youth and community camps are held to bring people from the communities into the parks. Staff also carry out work in the parks to improve and maintain facilities, such as weather stations and radio repeater stations.

This year Parks Canada is doing a site assessment to develop a clean-up plan for the former Stokes Point (Bar-B) DEWLine Site in Ivvavik National Park. The 3-year project will be guided by a steering committee made up of representatives from the Aklavik Community Corporation, Aklavik Hunters & Trappers Committee, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation and federal government.

Summer is the time to celebrate as well! A big event for Parks Canada is Parks Day, celebrated every year. On Saturday, July 15th, celebrations of our parks will be held in Inuvik, Paulatuk, Sachs Harbour and at Shingle Point. artists will travel together to Ivvavik National Park to portray that

Gord Norberg from the Tuktut National Park Management Board helps Marlene Wolki from the Parks Canada office across a snow crevasse in the park. Photo credit: Parks Canada, Rob Buchanan Students from Aklavik with moose antlers. Photo credit: Parks Canada, Lynda Hutcheson Cottongrass in Aulavik Photocredit:ParksCanada,JamesMcCormick Purple saxifrage in Tuktut Nogait National Park Photo credit: Parks Canada, Christian The Arctic Tern

Did you know?

Aulavik National Park: Aulavik means: Place Where People Travel

12,275 square km on the north end of Banks Island


55 million years ago: Sharks in the Park! Alligators and lizards lived in what is now Aulavik National Park; trees grew there; and sharks swam around offshore.

1500 BC: People travelling in Aulavik after this time left tent rings, artifacts, and the bones of hundreds of muskoxen.

800 B.C to 1000 A.D: People seldom visited the northern half of Banks Island during this time.

1000 -1450 A.D.: Thule peoples travelled on Banks Island. They hunted whales and seals along the coast, and muskoxen inland.

1850: the H.M.S. Investigator, in search of the lost Franklin expedition under the command of Captain Robert M’Clure, became trapped in the ice at Mercy Bay and was abandoned in 1853.

1855 to 1890: Copper Inuit from Victoria Island travelled along the Thomsen River valley to salvage wood and metals from the site of the Investigator. As they travelled they hunted, leaving kill sites such as Head Hill.

The Head Hill site contains over 500 muskox skulls, 29 food caches, and 17 tent rings.

2001: Aulavik National Park was established through an agreement with the Inuvialuit and the community of Sachs Harbour.

Head Hill Archaeological Site © Parks Canada / Wayne Lynch

We jigged the night away!

A perfect sundog with five rainbows!

It was cold weather, but a great time!

Steve Cockney was the MC! Billy and Shane fundraised for DRIMES. Needle and Thread Contest! Elder’s Obstacle Race! Sledding fun! Roy Cockney signing up contestants! Delanie in the kid’s jigging contest!

Jean says healthy food is country food!

Princess, Prince, King and Queen of Kingalik Jamboree! A cod was caught during the Jamboree on ice! Mabel Nigiyyuk made delicious doughnuts! Judy Okheena having fun with the Kingalik! David Kuptana's golf skills are as good as his jokes! Kids played on the ice. Janine, Adele and Marlene found lots of krill! Kelly water skimming! Alice Umingmak drumming. Logan, Fred and Albert drum dancing. Alice and Travis doing a waltz! Agnes Kuptana had fun jigging! Traditional Dress Contest!


Watch for this Jamboree on the next season of SUAANGAN!

Why do you like Jamborees?

“Skidoo Races, they are fun to watch. All the jamborees are exciting.”

“I like to play hockey at the Jamboree.”

"I like the food, all the soups and pastries, mmnn I am getting hungry!"

“The togetherness and gathering. Meeting new friends and enjoying old friends. Just the friendliness of everyone. This is the second Jamboree I’ve been to. I’m enjoying every minute of it, the sunshine, enjoying the best of the traditional food.”

“Because you can play a lot of games and eat good stuff.”


races are pretty slow every year, so it would be good if people helped and get things done faster. I’ve been helping out for the past three years. The hundred mile skidoo race is the best race. It takes at least three to four hours around the track.”

“The gatherings and the games and the races and all the people, the friendliness.”

“The races, the jamboree, the muskrat skinning and the teaboiling…I like it all!”

Maybe in a couple years I might join!”

“It is very well organized. Way back, 50 years ago when I was just a young man, we never had skidoos, or trucks like this. We just walked. And we had little iglus, have a big fire and dog races sometimes. Now language is all changing to English too. Back then, we spoke in Inuvialuktun.”

Last night we had a dance until midnight, and many people stayed till 3 or 4am. I guess it’s going to happen every night at the jamboree.”

“Skiddoo races. They are fun to watch, very exciting!” “Because they go so fast!”

“I like the jamboree, every spring they do it in Macpherson too. I like this one in Inuvik too. I made tea boil, me and my partner. Pretty soon I’ll be 86. I used to make bannock and cut rats. I don’t get money but I don’t mind, just have fun, it makes me happy. Don’t know how long we’ll live, that’s why we do it. I really feel happy there’s a lot of people with us to do it.”

My favourite parts are tea-boiling, and running for King and Queen. I’ve been 2nd for almost the 8th year!”

“It’s been 49 years, and it gets bigger all the time! The younger people took it over and did a wonderful job. That’s what I like to see!”

It’s a great thing to have every year! I get to meet people from different communities. It doesn’t matter which Jamboree. I like them all!

Elijah Allen Ryan Rogers William Teya Noah Vittrekwa Curtis Hendrick William Allen & Shaelyn Allen Edward Lennie Eunice Mitchell Gerry Sharpe-Staples Bernice Furlong Julie Andre Tony and Lily Alanak Nolan Kasook “Skidoo races. Cockney Junior, “The Steve Cockney

D r a m a + M i m e = D R I M E

Youth in Tuktoyaktuk and Aklavik have a new way of hanging out. They do DRIME, which Jennifer Thrasher describes as “a lot of music and action”, “There’s no speech, only Christian music in the background and we do actions to the rhythm.” She mimes for us the action of injecting a needle into her arm, or pulling up the tab on a can of beer. Quite different from the mime you would expect.

The themes and actions in DRIME are contemporary and relevant to the problems faced by today’s youth. By miming instead of submitting to the actual act of substance abuse, others are able to see the story develop as an audience and make personal decisions about the consequences.

“DRIME has made us more open, more free. We learnt how to release ourselves from drugs and alcohol, family violence and peer pressure. All this has really helped the youth, and our youth participation is growing! We are inspired by our religion; it is Jesus who sets us free from all. There are all kinds of different DRIMES. There’s one called ‘The Heart’. It’s about relationships. A boyfriend cheats on his girlfriend, her heart gets broken, but she gives her heart to God, and when the boyfriend tries to come back, he can’t because Jesus is in her heart and she can’t get broken anymore.”

“We learnt all these DRIMES from the Salmon Arm Youth Group, they gave us a DVD and we practiced for about 2 weeks just before we went to Camp Yukon last year. We did some DRIMES there and it went over really well with the youth. We are expecting to do more DRIMES in other communities. We did it in Tuk last year and more and more people want to learn about it.”

Shane Gruben believes in DRIME as “it brings out a lot of confidence. It is fun to do. Say it’s Friday night and there’s nothing to do, no home work... You can go to church, do some DRIME, it’s almost like a workout routine.”

Jennifer said, “Two of our youth, Shaney Cockney, and Chelsey Jacobson were so inspired by the DRIMES that they made their own. It’s pretty neat, now we’re expecting more!”

The DRIME group has worked hard, selling food at the Jamborees, bakesales and canteens at dances, to raise funds so they can go to Camp Yukon again this year. We’ll hear more from them when they return!

Youth Speak Up Notaqat Oqaqtut

22nd Inuvialuit Day!

The front of the IRC is transformed into a carnival of celebration. Blue and white balloons with “Happy Inuvialuit Day” floated in the hands of young ones, their smiling mouths all pink and blue with cotton candy, while adults had lively conversations as they queued up for geese soup, muskox roast and burgers. Happy Inuvialuit Day!

It’s been 22 years since June 5, 1985, the day the monumental Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) was signed between the Inuvialuit and the Government of Canada. Inuvialuit still work hard everyday towards getting the basic principles of the IFA adhered to, (to preserve Inuvialuit cultural identity and values, to enable Inuvialuit to be equal and meaningful participants in the northern and national economy, as well as to protect and preserve Arctic wildlife and environment). It’s a well-deserved holiday!

One of the volunteers working the barbeques, Bernice Joe patiently cooks the delicious muskox and beef burgers for the seemingly endless line-up. She said, “This holiday is just about being together and celebrating, being happy for who you are. This is the 2nd year my office, the Joint Secretariat, is volunteering.”

Youth such as Wanda Joe and Shannon Ciboci said, “It’s wicked. Inuvialuit Day is when we celebrate our culture.”

Tyson Ruben and his pals are happy for a free day to play.

“It’s fun. It’s good to look at what there is to eat, and it’s a holiday of happiness, celebrating Inuvialuktun (our culture) and the land.” Elders and people from all over town also graced the occasion and shared in the happiness.

Tyson Ruben jumping for joy for a day off from school!
In The News Tusaayaksani
There were plenty of smiles, food and drum dancing all around!

Aklavik, June 1st. _ Knute Hansen, the Mayor lifted the State of Emergency declared due to flood conditions. Excessive flooding had occurred beginning the 24th of May, due to an ice jam up river. The Hamlet Council/Flood Committee made this decision after meeting with the superintendent of MACA, John Picek, Chris Beveridge, Environmental Health Officer and other officials from the GNWT. “The only concern we have at this point is to keep the kids out of the water, “ said Diana Black, SAO of the Hamlet of Aklavik “There were a lot of families that were really eager to come home. We tried to weigh the health risks against the wishes of the families, and decided it was fine.”

All the essential services such as the Health Center, water treatment, fire and RCMP became operational again, and municipal services such as water delivery, sewage pump-out and garbage pick-up became available again. All evacuees, who had been flown out to Inuvik to stay at the FOL (Forward Operating Location) site were returned home safely and regularly scheduled flights also were notified to resume.

Angus Tardiff came up with the 2nd emergency flight to the FOL site. “The whole thing was “pretty bad” and everything was soaked. They finished the clean up yesterday, but there is a lot of bacteria in the water from the sewage lagoon. People will have to drink bottled water. Both IRC and the Gwich’in band will provide bottled water to the people. I assisted elders with the evacuation. 17 planes were used the first day, and more the second day.” The flights were only 15 minutes per way, but medivac pilot Eric M. said it was quite stressful

26 In The News Tusaayaksani
Only the landing strip was visible from the air. Photos Left: Aklavik during the flood. (courtesy of Scott Crockett) Angus Tardiff



on the first approach, “all we could see was a runway surrounded by water. There was no room for error.”

Children who were evacuated did not seem to mind the flood as much, they described it as “cool”, especially since it was an excuse for a short break from school. Don Joseph and Isaac Kailek were happy to be at the FOL site, chasing each other down the hallway. “I like Inuvik!” Don said. “I am having fun! They have juice boxes here.” Other young evacuees also took the chance to swim in Inuvik’s swimming pool, enjoying the hot tub and a swim even an hour before they were scheduled to be transported home. “The flight was a little bit scary,” said Jessie Pascal. “In the flood, I saw some of my toys floating away.” They did miss members of their family that stayed behind in Aklavik though.

“The school had to shut down for a week,” said Velma Illisiak, principal of Moose Kerr School. “About 300 people were evacuated. It was mostly elders, those with chronic illnesses, young moms and kids that went on the 17 flights out of Aklavik. The school became a shelter, and there were volunteers and nurses on duty 24/7. There was a lot of good spirit and teamwork. The best thing was that it brought out the unity in the community.”

She said, “Floods like these occur almost once every twelve years, and have proven to be manageable. It’s not like a Tsunami. The river was monitored and the flooding was gradual. People get ready for it anyway.”

Flood conditions have caused trapper Wilson Melagana to move camp three times, but most Aklavik residents felt it was not as serious a flood as the one in 1992. Foster Arey, an Aklavik resident, described the flood as “lots of water and ice covering most of the town,” he also said animals will be affected.

Simey, Alisha Nickson, Don Koe, Jordon Illisiak, Silas Irish, Jessie Pascal has a good splash in the Inuvik pool. Don Joseph and Isaac Kailek playing football at the FOL site. Arctic Red Ferry Camp FOL Site in Inuvik, where evacuees were sheltered.

Mrs. Starrat’s class is pretty super. “These kids are famous, they are going places huh?” she said. “Lindsey won the Ducks award, Cole was a winner, the picture that he drew will become Christmas cards for the NWT. We have Leah, Tori, Melanie and Leon, 4 winners for the No Smoking Rap Song, and Evan’s song was chosen to go to the second level of the anti-smoking contest too.”

These students also wrote persuasive essays and were chosen to be torchbearers for the Canada Games. They were all part of a relay that spanned a kilometer.

“When the song was to go to the judging level the whole class helped practice and they were all in the video.” The video is now a traveling show, and was in Inuvik for three days. How do the winners feel about being superstars? “It’s cool!” said Shayna, while Leah was too modest to comment.

Mrs. Starrat said the students seemed to have no problem putting the song together. “I told them I drive in town every night, and I said if I saw them smoking I will put them over my knee and spank them,” she said. Whether it’s the fear of that, or the fact that the students really

seem to respect this teacher and their bodies, it is great news that all the students in SAMS Grade 5A have signed cards and pledged never to be a smoker.

Front: Lindsey Bodnar, Leah Bodnar, Tori Hendrick, Josephine Martin, Shayna Omilgoituk Back: Ryan Ballaskuzma, Preston Dosedel, Chris Carnogursky, Cole English-Traer, Dustin Rogers, Evan Lemieux (missing from the photo are Melanie Rogers and Leon Simon, who with Leah and Tori created the prize winning rap song) Torchbearers for the Canada Games.

National Outstanding Volunteer Award In The News Tusaayaksani

Mary Kudlak’s

family is very happy for her. “She’s always busy,” her son said, “helping others.” Mary is one of the winners of the 2006 National Outstanding Volunteer Awards.

“I learnt to volunteer from my grandfather and grandmother, the Manoyaks. They used to always help other people when they need help, and give food and clothing out to other people. Long ago when life was hard, and people didn’t have money, my grandfather used to give away a lot of food for winter so when other people needed food or was short of ammunition for rifles. When I grew up I saw it, so I guess it runs in the blood.In a way it was hard in the old days, but it was easier because people didn’t need to work for money. ”

“When people are sad or in trouble I go over to them and try to talk to them about it. When people are out on the land and people need to find them, I use my phone to let them call long distance because I know the need is there, they might be in trouble or their machines might be broken.”

She lived at camps as a child, but moved to Ulukhaktok with her family for education. She is 62 years old, and has a beautiful, ringing laugh.

Rhea Klengenberg, her grandchild wants to be a volunteer when she grows up too. “I want to start sewing when I grow up, so I can sew clothes for people when they need them.”

Mary Kudlak with her grandaughter Rhea (2nd from left) and friends at the Father’s Day Feast in Ulukhaktok.

Inuvik Youth Center Rocks!

“We’ve something for everybody tonight, alright?”

Hockey Hall of Fame superstar Bryan Trottier said to an eager crowd at the Inuvik Youth Center (IYC). He’s there to promote literacy with Sigmund Brouwer, a children’s book writer. Youth were wowed by the huge rock on Trottier’s hockey ring. Everyone tried it on! Those who went also received gifts of Brouwer’s novel about hockey and autographed posters of Trottier. “I’m here to promote literacy for life, and to show the kids that if you make some good choices, set some goals then things will happen. Everybody has an imagination and everybody can be creative!”

Britney Dillon, 10, won a Calgary Hitman bear in the lucky draw. She recommended everyone to read Superfudge, her favourite book by Beverly Cleary. Brouwer said, “Reading books is like watching a movie in your head. It’s like a daydream and reading will help with your writing classes too!”

Seemslike there is nothing but fun these days at the youth center. The organizers have done a fantastic job, getting sponsors like Schlumberger to bring up famous personalities; inspiring the youth to develop creativity and entrepreneurial skills with activities such as bake sales and jewelry sales. The youth designed, made and priced the jewelry themselves with guidance from Georgina Tong, IYC youth worker.

Bonnie Jacobson said it was fun finding the color combinations to make funky jewelry. She was also quite the salesperson and sold many items through gentle persuasion and at times total coercion! “You should buy them!” She would say when anyone is swayed by the design of a pair of earrings and looking her way.

The youth are also working together with community volunteers to create a better environment! IYC had a Spring Cleaning Party. The deck is now a brighter blue, all the better for hanging out in the summer sun. IYC also launched a Gardening Club for those who want to get their thumbs green! Join them every Tuesday at 5pm at the greenhouse.

Chantel Cockney with the Banana Bread before it all disappeared! Lori planted some carrots! Keith, Tia, Lori and Brittany having fun with soil! Johnny Kaglik trying on the NHLer Ring. Natasha Jacobson getting an autograph! Bonnie Jacobson selling handmade jewellery! Britney Dillon wins a Calgary Hitman bear!

The F uture of Reindeer Herding

The question of whether to continue the reindeer herding industry in the ISR needs to be answered, said government and IRC. Right now, the IRC is “holding the fort” financially and ITI is providing business support. Lloyd Binder, current owner of the reindeer herd, could not be reached for comment, but his father, Otto said an issue they are dealing with is lack of labour resources. “I’ve been looking for help, but not too many people want to do herding, because the oil companies are paying more”, he said.

Nellie Cournoyea, CEO of IRC said, “We’ve provided assistance to the project because there were Inuvialuit owning the herd in the past. There are various opinions regarding the reindeer and we have to come to a consensus. We are basically holding the fort, but we need to get a feeling from the community. What it comes down to is, you need money to pay the herders and to ship out antlers; and you need to commit to the work and time involved, whether in management or otherwise.”

“GNWT’s continued involvement with the herds depends on the amount of public interest in the project ”, said Roger Israel, ITI superintendent. Right now, ITI is assisting with the resourcing of financial services, contribution funds, permits for different jurisdictions and the sourcing of abattoirs and meat buyers. “Canada Agriculture has strict laws requiring certified abattoires and meat inspection, and that brings the cost up.”

Roger has been setting up public meetings and meetings with Hunters and Trappers committee to determine and solicit interest. So far, some individuals have expressed interest but there is no definite commitment.

He said there are some advantages in continuing with the herd. “With the decline in numbers of caribou, there may come a time when the community will want an alternate meat supply. “GNWT is trying to leave this door open and not burn the bridge by abandoning the herd.”

“The value of reindeer meat has increased. It is sold for $3.80/lb down south, and Kunnek Resources (Llyod Binder’s company) has reported that 2000 of the animals are in good health and that the number of females have increased by 80%.” There has not been any antler harvest for the last 2 years. Kunnek predicts the herd is sustainable and can grow to 3000 reindeer within three to five years.

Ever since the 1930s, when the government first brought the reindeer industry into Canada, the industry has changed hands a few times and gone through a fair share of successes and challenges. Many herders, however, have good memories of their experience. “It’s a nice feeling, being with animals,” said Otto. Adam and Annie Emaghok too recall it being “hard, yes, but it was a good time,” although their homes were just tents even during winter, life was simple and close to nature.

In The News Tusaayaksani
A herd at roundup stands quietly in a corral, August 1955. (photo by D. Wilkinson/NWT Archives)

The Inuvik Petroleum Show took place on the 14th and 15th of June at the Midnight Sun Recreation Centre in Inuvik. It was definitely a major event; Lear jets were seen landing at the Inuvik airport and the town’s hotels were all a bustle. Banners and flags flew, welcoming visitors to town. Conferences were held during which representatives of the Inuvialuit and Gwich’in; as well as of the oil industry spoke about the Mackenzie Gas Project. Topics covered included sustainable development, opportunities for aboriginal governments, companies and businesses, and successes so far of the ASEP (Aboriginal Skills to Employment Partnerships program). Social and economic impacts as well as the lessons learnt from oil and gas development in Northern Alaska was also discussed.

At the trade exhibition, there were many familiar faces from the IRC. “It’s a meet and greet session for industry and all the companies that want to work with them,” said Carol Arey, chair of the Aklavik Community Corporation.


Eddie Dillon said, “We are here to make our presence known in this region, and also to see who comes to the door and want to do business on our land. It’s also a good opportunity give others an idea all the subsidiaries that we have, and the services that we provide. We get to see what other companies are planning and to see the equipment they have at their booths. It’s a good networking opportunity.”

Andrew Greenland Jerome attended as a youth delegate, along with Tanya Snowshoe and other youth. They are actually finding it “very interesting”, even “cool”. Andrew said, “I’m just checking out all the companies associated with the oil and gas industries, learning about the pipeline, the jobs available and the equipment that’s used. I am interested in trucking, in Northwind and in Allan Services.”

For those interested in the speeches, please go to htto://www.inuvik.ca for the speaker’s notes.

Youth delegates Andrew Greenland Jerome, Morgan Hagen and Kelly McLeod spent their time at the Petroleum show talking to company representatives and learning about job oppourtunities. Carol Arey and her son checking out goodies given out at the booths. Bessie from IRC helping out with craft sales.

Chloe Kanayok, from Ulukhaktok, is the other proud Inuvialuit recipient of the Recycling colouring contest!

Recycling inspires young artists!

Dustin Arey,8

years old called his mom right away when he found out he won GNWT’s coloring contest. The contest promoted recycling. “How do you encourage people to recycle?” we asked him. “Just tell them,” he said. “Recycle to get money. I recycle a lot of bottles, my mom keeps the money for me.” His parents are Angela and Donovan. They must be proud of their son, who wants to be a policeman when he grows up. For now, he makes art with rubbish by putting a piece of paper on top of rubbish and rubbing a crayon over it to create interesting textures. He also has a cat, Whiskers, and his favourite words in Inuvialuktun is “Ququingmu lavik?” which means “Can I please go to the washroom?”

Youth Speak Up Notaqat Oqaqtut

Traditional Arts Program

Inside a trailer classroom, where the scent of smoky leather blends with that of coffee. Students of Aurora College's Traditional Arts Program gather around Margaret Nazon. They are all women, and like Margaret says, this trailer is equipped with "everything a northern woman needs", there is a myriad of colorful furs, hides, beads, braid and cloth piled high in the cupboards, and samples of the student's work adorn the walls and the artists themselves.

“You’re a designer,” Margaret said to her students, “You can make your projects the traditional way or try something different.” Here, students are encouraged to learn traditional skills like differentiating between different types of leather for making moccasins. Students run their hands along the brain-tanned leather - the edge is too wrinkly, it’s dryness appropriate for shoelaces, the softest parts are best suited for the pleats along the toe edge of the moccasin. Julia Ekpakohak made a traditional parka with no zipper, using coyote fur as its trim, and embroidery just like the kind on parkas her mother designed. “I miss her very

much,” she said, making the parka with her mother’s design was a way of connecting with her past.

The program blends traditional arts with modern marketing skills. “I’m getting comfortable with the outside world,” said Mary Okheena, who is taking this course although she an established print artist from Ulukhaktok. “I’m learning to use a computer to do marketing.”

“I never used to sew before, but once I learnt the stitches it was easy. We also learnt how to carve and weave baskets. There are a lot of seamstresses and artists in Ulukhaktok who need a place to do their work. What I am hoping to get from this course is to help the Ulukhaktok Women’s Co-op get back on its feet.”

Ruth Elanik is another student who sees deep value in this course. “I took a year off work because I’ve always admired other women who sew. With this course, I want to become an entrepreneur, a consultant and pass on this knowledge I’ve learnt.”

“I used to be a career development officer for the IRC. I talked to youth in different communities for a week at a time, counseling them and encouraging to have “a dream” and to go back to school. I would tell them each morning to bring something they’ve made or to speak a word in Inuvialuktun by the end of each day.”

Now, as a student, she enjoys being

Lillian Wright is wearing her artwork: a paperbead necklace and an embroidered leather vest. Ruth Elanik learning about leather. Learning to seperate beads the efficient way.

experimental, trying out different techniques to make something attractive. “On Fridays, we are given an item to take home to make into something else. We call it “the challenge” and it inspires creativity because we have to use recycled items. I used to take material for granted. This weekend I taught my nieces and daughters to make paper beads, their faces were glowing, it makes you feel good about yourself to do something creative.”

Lillian Wright, one of the students, likes how they have learnt to “take criticism and to price products.” These are practical skills that help decide whether an artist can make a living from their talents. “Sometimes we think we’re good, but others who see our work can tell you something you don’t notice. I’ve learnt to make sure I finish what I start, to be organized.”

“I hope this course will be on again next year. I hope to see more artists and seamstresses in the NWT, just like before.” The course is $1800 per semester, and some students have received scholarships and funding. However, it is possible that there will not be enough funding for the course to be carried out again next year. The students showed off their beautiful parkas at an elder’s tea and fashion show, where a mix of both the traditional and modern went confidently down the runway to much admiration and applause. We wish all of them the best as future working artists.

How to make a Paper Bead Necklace

1.Tear pages from a magazine, choosing colors you like

2.Using a stirstick, roll paper around it, and glue it up

3.Let dry, remove bead from stirstick

4.Make as many beads as you need

5.Use clear nail varnish to make beads shiny

6.String together and make necklace!

Julia Ekpakohak modelling parkas, one inspired by her mother’s design. Middle:Mary Okheena beading.

Sheba Selamio

“They never scold anybody and there was no alcohol at the time eh? They would all have fun, really have fun. They would run against each other, see who had the best dog team ,and see who would pack the most on their backs. They would play ball and in the evening compete each other on string games. They also played naapatchak (dart game). There were no Bingos or other stuff then. We didn’t know other games then.”


To Have Strength

Southern Feed

Thursdays at 5:30pm

Saturdays at 5:30pm

Northern Feed

Mondays at 10:30pm

Wednesdays at 9:30pm

Sundays at 5:30pm

Sheba was born in Wainwright

Alaska on Febuary 21st, 2006. She now resides in Aklavik.


All of Our People

Southern Feed

Tuesdays at 8am and 12pm

Thursdays at 4:30pm

Northern Feed

Tuesdays at 9pm

Fridays at 6:30pm

the rest of Shebaʼs story on the next season of Tamapta!
photos Courtesy of Canon Shepard

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