p.R.XnaXPllus roeSSJlae:
-William ShakespeareThe above quotation seems rather appropraite for a yearbook, in that it brings one to the realization that this simple truth describes life precisely as it is.
A yearbook is the student's souvenir of a year spent in school. Hopefully, it will also provide opportunity for reflection, soul searching, contemplating and review.
The 1978-79 edition of our yearbook is an anniversary edition as it marks the tenth year of operation for Samuel Hearne Secondary School. The School was officially opened on October 11, 1968 by the Honourable Jean Chretien, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Too, this yearbook is a tribute to those who have provided continuous, faithful and dedicated service throughout those years. In particular I refer to Mr.Coady, Mr. Robson and Mr.Lalonde.
" School, while providing the basic skills
~**Mr. Lalo~de ~as spent half of h~s l~fe one needs in the different subject areas, 'I ~n the Terr~tor~es. In 1959 he was ,one also provides a preparation for society. of the 32 ~eachers who came to,Inuv~k to It is our fervent hope that we have bothf, open the S~r Alexander MacKenue ,school. done well, and that those of you who will In 1968 he moved books and mater~als to be leaving us this year will attest to the Samuel Hearne Secondary School where that. he has been working for the last ten years. Previous to his coming to the Territories
In closing, I shall leave you with this he taught for a year in Montreal and for parting thought ---Obstacles are the two in Ontario. Although still considering' things you see when you take your eyes Cornwall, Ontario as his birthplace and off your goals. hometown he now calls Inuvik his home
B. H. Clarkson. where he and his wife Helen choose to Principal. t.. continue living and rear their two children, Ron and Theresa.
*** Mr. Robson came to Samuel Hearne in 1968 via Sir Alexander MacKenzie 1963, Fort Franklin 1962, Ft.Resolution 1961 and Lac La Martre 1959-1961. Saskatchewan 1958. Before coming to Canada in 1958, Mr. Robson taught for four years in his native England.
He and his wife consider themselves Northerners and their home Inuvik. Of their three children, only John Martin remains in Samuel Hearne, the other two, Clare and Gerard flew the nest several years ago.
"We know what we are, but we know not wilat we maybe."
FR rna"IP lInS
The task of producing a high school yearbook is a large one -it requires the co-ordinated and persistent effort of a large number of students
and teachers. This year's yearbook staff have not only completed a big job but they have done it well.
Since this is my last yearbook message, I wish to note that I have enjoyed very much working with the teachers, students and parents associated wi th Samuel Hearne and I wish them every success in the future.
Perhaps, William James, a famous psychologist, pointed the way for all generations and times as far as education is concerned when'he said:
Let no one have anxiety about the upshot of his education, whatever its line maybe. If he keeps faithfully busy each hour of the working day, he may safely leave the final result to itself. He can with perfect certainty count on waking up some fine morning to find himself one of the competent ones of his generation, in whatever pursuit he may have singled out.
1968-72 J. Mahar,
ttn :r0 oR,
Remembering yesterday
Thinking about today
Wondering about tomorrow
Wondering if tomorrow will be like today I think so
For tomorrow is just today twenty-four hours away.
Lorri1. Coral Rix, Jamie Stewart, Tim Hodges, Maureen Goo~/in,
2. Phillip Ross, HtMie MacLeod, Jeannie MacIntyre"
Ronda Biscope, Tony Bernhardt.
3. John Crawford, William Aleekuk, Cathy Moore, Suzanne
poirier, Arnold Ruben.
4. Donna Lennie, Lucy Norman, Dallas Eldridge, Albert
Ross, Elaine Kikoak.
5. Leonard DeBastien, Heath Isreal, Harry
Elias, Randy Aleekuk, Bobby Shingatok.
6. Tim Allen, Matt Coombs, Marlene
Villebrun, Cynthia Wagge, Fred
7. Clay Perreault, Kim Bernard Mervin Lipscomb, Gisele Jensen, Ethel Cardinal, Leonard Edwards, Anna May McLeod, Dianne Firth Richard Selamio.
Book, Essay, speech, story Read, write, erase, write Student, friend, teacher, Yell, curse, swear English, Math, Science, History Repeat, copy, quote, cite Study, Learn, Future Yech, reject, fair.
1. Beverlg Bernhardt, Bill Ruben, Timothy Lennie, Lori Greenland, Curtis Bunz.
2. Sharon Perrier, Eric Lester, Debbie English, Lana Binder, James Wolkie.
3. Danng Tarabas, Bonnie Kellg, Kellg Pollen, Roberta Cardinal, Jeri-Lgnn Yachneg. &
4. Mervin Joe, Jerrg Oscar,Frances Allen, Colin I Dag. Lisa Elliott.
5. Elaine Rousag, Jodg Irvine, Kag Johnsson, Dolphus Norris, Karla Henry.
6. Naddia Lennie, John Heath, penng Firth, Walter Andrew, Leslie Gordon.
7. Phillip Thrasher, AndgFarrell, Rosemary Allen, Billg Larocque, Leonard Haggstrom, Hans Lennie, Troy Amos, TommySimpson.
Topic, study, collect, fright Sweat, shudder, fears Stand, shake, stammer, recite Teachers, Students, Peers. A
1 Angie Thorne, John Shellenberg, Ester Allen, Steven Kelly.
2 Joanne Farrell, Wesley Pielak, Julie Brunt, Kevin Donnelly k"
3 Keith Lester, Janice Beare, Robert Firth, E! TammyKenny
4 Francis Ruben, Violet Nutik, Darryl Joe, Winnifred Tingmiak
5 Avis Raddi, Edgar Maring, James Ross, Stanley McDonald.
6 Clarence Loreen, Ernest Sydney, David Smith, Ricky Westall.
7 Esther Kikoak, Ruby Ruben, Mary Ann Rivers, Lori Simmons
8 Loretta Larocque, Pheobe Firth, Velma Dick, -' Donna Allenl
9 Tracy MacEachern, Martha Allen, Pheobe
Ruben, Verna Lester.
Cold Frost & Ice
Melting warm slush Brown mud Inuvik.
Tammy Kenny
MaJteh 18th
Wake~ed up by AiJt Cadet~. Got up at 7:00 a.m. Had bJteak6a~t. EJtne~t ~nd I eleaned up bathJtoom 60Jt ehoJte. Le6t 60Jt Mu~eum 06 Seienee and Teehnology aJtound 9:00. Welte going to go by bU.6, but lady ~aid it WM eheapeJt by taxi. Found out moJteex; pen~ive. Been theJte thJtee time~ ~o I walked aJtound and had ~naek~. A40und 12:00 went to BuJtgeJt King and had luneh -Big Mae, ~06t dJtink, ehip~ and apple pie. At t:OO went 4011eJt-~kating but I ju~t watehed. Called 'JtolleJt~kadiutfl'. TouJted the Plaee 06 Man Mu~eum. Had ~uppeJt at 6-7:99 at Mexieali Ro~ie'~. Food not bad, but hot. "]U.6t a eouple 06 bloek~." Vidn't 6ini~h ail the 600d, but waited 60Jt the Jte~t to 6ini~h. Went baek to Ho~tel. Stanley and I and new giJtl~ along with MuJtphy took bu~ to Hull aJtound 8:00. Got 066 in Hull, bought ~omething at a ~toJte. Got baek to Ho~tel aJtound 11:00.
-Mike AJtm~tJtongr neve~ ~aw anyth~ng l~ke what r ~aw la~t n~ght. The l~ght~ we~e ab~olutely ~ne~ed~ble. EdmontOK ~~ about two hund~ed t~me~ la~ge~ than rnuv~k. The Edmonton Youth Ho~tel ~~ ~n the eent~al pa~t 06 the ~ty. MaeVonald V~~ve ~~ a good plaee to .6ee the e~ty 06 Edmonton. F~am .theJl.e we -6awplaee.6 l~~e the MaeVanaLd Hatel, Pa~liament Bu.ild~ng4. CN Tawe~
1. Ja~s Gordon, PeggyKayotuk, Clay Foers, Sheila Dick
2. Cheryl Haggstrom, Fred Arey, Pauline CooIlbs" Mike Duggan,
3. Mike Armstrong, Kathy Hill Tony K1engenberg, Beatrice
4. Mae Cockney, Michael Leigh
Nadine Lennie, Gordon Oscar
5. RayLemieux, Kathy Learn
David Rutledge, Douglas
6. Michelle Goldsberry, Jimmy Conroy, Misty Benedict, Stanley Ruben
7. Rod Pie1ak, Paula Rousay, "" Michael McFadden, Patty
In the shaded valley.. I dream
Upon the snow topped mountain.. I dream
Beneath the oceans deep.. I dream
Upon the wings of an eagle.. I dream
Lying in the midst of reality.. I dream
In life ...I dream
For life is but a dream.
Hooking Offside Cross checking Killing, penalty Elbowing Yelling
Warm Spring
Wanting more, All dry, Rainy Afternoon, Misty days.
Snow melting, Passing time, Rat hunting, Icy roads, No more snow, Geese hunting.
L/R A. Lori Villebrun, Dave Elliott, TammyIrvine, Chris Larocque, Steve Hill, Debbie Yallee, Richard Lennie.
B. ~pprad Bourque, Kim Westall, Ron Fehr, Delores Collison, Dennis Jackson, Camellia Loreen, Eddy Cook.
C. Bonnie Clarke, Ron Melnyk, Shannon Bunz, Ron Eldridge, Todd Travis, Wayne Kakfwi, Jim Turner.
D. Steve Wasserman, Sue Hewitt, Terry Clarkson, April Rix, Darryl English, Gilbert Ruben, John Boudreau.
1st-Robert Albert, Lesley Pollon, Doug Conroy
2nd-Ruby Kendo;Chris Church, Lily Ann Ruben.
Teenagers drinking and smoking at a party late at night trying to escape reality.
The Intramural program was the responsibility of the P.E. 20/30 class. An Intramural Council was forrred in order to share the work. Seven sports and activities were included in the program; BaSketball, Volleyball, Indoor Soccer, Floor Hockey, Badminton, a Paper Airplane Competition and Show Down.
Mr. Dyke and his coaches -Kevin Coady, Clara Allen, Mike Roach and Joyce McRae brought two Indoor Soccer Teams to Whitehorse for their Annual Polar Games. Their hard work paid off as they returned wi th the trophies.
This year S.H.S.S. also hosted the N.W.T. Championships and trials for the Canada Winter Garres in wrestling. Inuvik won the N.W.T. Championships and also sent two wrestlers to the Canada Winter Garres. Norm Yakalaya and Fred Scribner stood our in these competitions. Fred also won S.H.S.S.'s first medal (bronze) ever in the Alberta Open Championships.
TWo teacher-student garres were also held this year in Basketball and Volleyball. Although the teachers narrowly lost both garres -"WAIT 'TILL NEXT YEAR!! "
To cap off a fine year, S.H.S.S. held its' fourth annual Track and Field meet. It was a huge success. Three quarters of the student body got involved and really helped make it a success.
Back Row L/R: Mrs.Goforth, Mr.Saliwonczyk, James Nerysoo, Norman Yakalaya, Eugene Pascal, Rob~n ~or~n, Charle~e Hansen, Kelly ~ Roach, Teresa Cheyney, Mr. R.lcc.l, R.lchard Ell.lott.
1111111L -
Middle RowL/R: Mr. Dyke, Miss Smith, Miss Carter, Mr. Overbo, Mr. King, David Hansen, Jerl Getz, Edward Coyen.
Front Row L/R: Mr. Chambers, Don Hilton., Todd Steven, Mr. Murphy Mr. Lalonde..I
Wrestling has arrived in the MacKenzie Delta~ As a result of wrestling competitions during January 11th, 12th and 13th, wrestling is now a recognized sport in the area. The Inuvik Wrestling Club, with financial assistance from the Inuvik Legion and Lions' Club, hosted the N.I~.T. Amateur Wrestling Association Championships and Trials for the Canada Winter Games. The end result was a complete success.
Back Row: LIR Coach Jim Ricci, Rick Wat:dington, Rick Travis, Gerry Perrier, James Nerysoo, Norman Yakalaya; 2nd Row: Keith Lester, Steven Hill, .Carl Scribner, Gordon Oscar; 3rd Row: Leonard Debastien, Fred Scribner, Jeff Stevens, Gilbert Ruben, Jerl Getz; Front Row: Timothy Lennie, RandyGraf.I
The medal standings for the N.W.T. Championship are as follows:
Jim RicciThis years success by the Inuvik Wrestling Club is a credit to our coach, Jim Ricci, whose perseverance and long hours spent coaching, gave his team the N.W.T. Championship.
Jim, who was this year elected as President of the Northwest Territories Wrestling Association, started the wrestling team only last year. After a fair showing with all first year boys, he came into this year with hopes of doing well again. We hope that we have not disappointed him. Next year he will be bus~' wi th his new responsibilities as President along with trying to build up a good team. From the I.W.C. to Jim Ricci, we say "thanks for a fine year."
Although the Annual S.H.S.S. school yard cleanup would not normally be classified as a Special Event, it is such a raritg to see the students picking up the mess they made throughout the gear that we were compelled to include a few pictures of the occasion.
The Samuel Hearne Deba.ters enjoyed a ! successful year. Johnson Billingsley, Rick Waddington and Shawn Murphy ranked in the top five of Territorial debaters this year. Rick Travis, Ann Johnsson and Meg Butters did yeoman service in the first C.B.C. Territorial I Finals held outside Yellowknife. These ~ finals, hosted by Inuvik, were agreed to be of as high quality as any ever held.
Our extramural activities included:
1. September -Camp Antler Workshop in Yellowknife for novice debaters, attended by Rick Waddington, Shawn Murphy and Johnsson Billingsley.
2. November -The Yellowknife Rotary Debates attended by Johnson Billin~ley and Shawn Murphy.
3. December --Tbe Western Canada Debating Seminar in Grande Prairie, Alberta, attended by Johnson Billingsley and Shawn Murphy.
4. February -In Inuvik, the C.B.C. Territorial Finals with participation by all debaters and over forty interested citizens and students of Inuvik.
5. April -The UN Model Assembly held in Kelowma, B.C. with the N.W.T. representative being Johnson Billingsley.
6. May -The National Student Debating Seminar held in St. John, N.B. attended by Shawn Murphy and Mr. Dyke, the N.W.T. coach.
We look forward to another successful year and entertain the expectation of adding a Speech Contest on a Territorial-wide basis to our program for next June.
"The people in Halifax ar~ friendly." Mary Louise Clement, "Peggy's Cove was great." Elsie Naedzo, Ft. Norman
"What I liked about Halifax was the way the people treated us." Rosemary Andrew, Ft. Norman.
"Wewent on a lot of tours and saw a lot of places which were very fascinating, : like Peggy's Cove, Citadel Hill and Harbour Tours." Camellia Loreen, Inuvik , "WhatI liked about our trip was just about everything." Evelyn Bullock, Inuvik. ! ,"The tours around the city of Halifax were very beautiful especially Citadel Hill i and the countryside to Peggy's Cove." Ruby Kendo, Artic Red River.
"I liked best the hockey game which was held at the Metro Centre with Halifax Voyageurs against Moncton, N.B." Clara Allen, Inuvik.
"Our far too short stay in Halifax was in one word "Fantastic"." Debbie McFadden,Inuvik.
"I really enjoyed the tours around Halifax." Valerie Gordon, Shingle point,YqJs:on. "The trip to Halifax was certainly a memorable one and I'm not sure manq would forget it!" Bernice Gaudet, Ft. Norman.
I" The Corps was founded in 1963 by C~pt. T.K. Robson and was a~filiated
W.lth the Loyal EdII¥:>nton Reg.lI1ent and
hence with the Third Battalion Prin'cess Patrica's Light Infantry.
Subsequently the Corps becaJre affiliated with the Royal Canadian Signal Corps through CFSInuvik. In late 1977 it was decided to rebadge the Corps to the affiliated units current badge.
During the time that the Corps has cbeen in existance it has been sponsored by McInnes (220) Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.
During the pasc few years the cadets , have been to Calgary, Victoria and Wainwright, Alberta. The function of the cadet movel1ent is to train young people in the areas of leadership, citizenship and self reliance. Many opportunities have been provided over the years for exchanges, citizenship tours and summer camps. 2749 RCACC has been closely associated with SAMS and latterly with SHSS.
The Commanding Officers have been:
T.K.Robson(1963-68); R.B.Lalonde (1968);
J.W. Blewett(1968-70); S.G. Dyke(1970-72);
R.W.Hall(1972-74); J.M.Heath(1974-76);
M.A.Cane '('1976 -present).
~O:?)~~~~~~Oo UG~[)~~ O({~
Samuel Hearne Secondary School would like to give a bi g thanks to everyone who has assisted us in our first 10 years by advertising in our Yearbook.
Thanks to:
EskImo Inn Arctic Painting
The Bay Cardinal Transports
Inuvik Dry Cleaners Eatons
Polar T. v.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Committee Original People's Entitlement
Northern Transportation Co. Ltd.
Arctic Plumbing
Place of Man
Ralph's ConfectIonary Pool Hall
Pat's Beauty Bar
Pacific Western Airways
Great Northern Airways
Territorial Construction & Supply
Tops Fine Foods
Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre
Raven's Nest Semmlers
R. D. R. Sports
Lion's Club
North Star Construction
, Aklavik Flying Service
,points North Services Ltd.
Royal Canadian Legion
Northward Airlines
Mac's News Stand
Yukon Construction Co
Jones Oil Sales Ltd.
Royal Canadian Army Cadets
Mack Travel
MacKenzie Hotel
Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
Northern Canada PCMer Col!lllission
Rexall Drugs
Super A Foods -Formans
MacKenzie Delta Construction
Edmonton Journal
Can't you see That I am different, No matter now you try I won't be like everyone else: ~
Veryl Elias, Kevin Coady Jessie Andrew, Riahard Wilkinson, Connie Ballas
Billy Getz, Sheila Donnelly, Leonard Selamio,Sherry Spring, Shawn Murphy.
James Illasiak, Charlotte Brady, Robert Poirier, Joyce McRae, Eddie Wright.
L to R Standing
Albert Ruben, Roger Isreal, Eddie Kolosak, Tony Bergevin,Floyd Roland, Freddie Trirrble, Debbie McFadden, Mike Roach, Lawrence Loreen, Shannon Goldsberry
L to R Front Row
Carl Scribner, Cathy Cockney, Nerysoo, Fred Scribner, Jeff Stevens, Bernice Gaudet, John Hill
Diane Kay, Jon Bullock, Patty Hewitt, Linda Gerry, Glen Wilkinson.
Donna Carpent:er, Paul
Komaromi, Johnson
Billingsley, Tory McKerral,
Linda Lint:on,Leonard Arey,
David Hansen, David Ballas
Norman Snowshoe,Leslie Moran
Helen Francis, Ricky
Nidi t:chie, Lillan Johnsson
William Firth,Troy McKerral
Martina Jacobson, Harold White, Ellen Alexie, Brian Smith, Lillian Vaneltsi
L/R -Rick Travis, Vi vian Edgi, Grace Loreen
L/R -Joyce McDonald, Sheila Vittrekwa, Norman Firth, Faith Gordon, John Francis
L/R -Lisa McDonald, Diane
'"'" Carpenter, Donna Allen t Raymond Irish, Gerry Perrier ..
L/R -Valerie Yakelaya, Billy Wolfe, Lgnn Greenland
L/R -Ronald English, Beverly Esau, Peter Lennie, Laurie Allen, Sarah Ann Dick ..
L/R -Endlg Semple, Helen Greenland,
Debbie Gordon, Rita Bergevin, t
Clifford Francis .3".; t
"M~~a WM a g.i6ted woman, ~he plJ~~e6~ed ~.tyle, intettiganee , beauty, ev~.th.ing a woman env.ied and a mande6.i.11.~d. HelLexqu.i..6de 6aee alone WM enough.to melt manlj a healLt. Blow..i.ngplta,iJL,[e wheat eoUtd not eompMe to .the ~06.t, genile ~Mne emitted 6.IWm.the loe/z.6 06 golden ha..LJ!o .that c.Meaded down upon helL bea.uU6u£iJJ MWtded ~houl.de1L6. The 6abuluoU6 bone ~.tJLudU/Le06 helL 6ac.egave helL an a.iIL 06 mlj~t~. H.igh cheek bone-6,~Ugh.tl.1j po.inted eh<.n, and.th.il1 deUeate no~e g.ive one a 6eeting 06 chant.ittlj. But.it ,i,6helL e/je6 .that dJLa.4JIjOU/Lattei'1.Uon .i.mmed<.a.tellj. Babyblue, 406.t M a peaee6ul ~k.y, and Ijet bUJLn.i.ngw,(..than .inten6.it1j IjOU c.an almo~t 6eel. F£awle6~ .ivoJuj ~Un a.dd6 to helL ~moldeJl.ing beautlj and an a.uIu106 ~op~uc.a.tLon eminate.6 6fWmhelL veluj ~oul. A bea.u.t£6ul woman.in helL enti~ ~ a jOIj to peILeeve and a pleMU/Le to hold. It ~ a ~hame .th~n, .that ~uch a devMta-ttng cJl.eatuAe exi.6u onllj .in .the tumuUuoU6 depfu 06 mlj .<.rrng.ina.t<.on.
Second Row: Velma Illasiak, Meg Butters, Darlene Koe, Teresa Cheyney, Jerl Getz, Charlene Hansen, Maria Arey, Brenda Peterson, Margaret Maring, Shari Setzer.
Bottom RCM: Annie Inglangasuk, Beverly Edgi, Ruthie Sittichinli, Donna Zubko, Leslie Stewart, Clara Blake, Debbie Greenland, Karen Patterson, Lisa Kochon
-TopTodd Stevens, James Nerysoo, Gina Firth, James Thrasher, Richard Wilkinson, Eugene Pascal, Brad Frank, Pete Bes, Jackie Tardiff, Don Hilton, Kelly Roach.Yesterday is gone and tomorrow seems so far away, what happened to the secure warm world I belonged to?
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