,2'ltiltetftat" ~ 11ted4~-
This yearbook provides all of us with a permanent record of activities and memories from the 1985/86 school experience. The stress and joys of striving for academic excellence can never be underestimated and will in time become a v~ry valuable aspect of any person's life.
r would like to congratulate all those who graduate this year from Samuel Hearne programs. Your efforts will be rewarded as you develope to your full potential and we wish you all the best in the future.
Roy Menaghthat little extra that creates such
The vision we all have for our school is to provide a challenging relevant educational service to all students that will prepare them for life in our very diversified society. My congratulat ion saare extended to the staff at Samuel Hearne for giving
an exciting educational environment.
Principal }ly best to you all in the 1986/ 87wishes
PI ' I M R b
ease sml e r. 0 son
t.'I13t C311you seriousl y sa y 3bout a guy who has
You're a loveable old coot a dog coming out of his ear and a Tasmanian devil
You like to catch us skippers for a Inas(~ot.But seriously, ",e asked T.K. for a
And t118Bgive us the boot V.P. mcssagc.Being a man of few words he replied
You are the kind of guy "It's a devil of a dog's life.'" ,
Wholikes to make us howl
You're our Vice-Principal
And you come with a scowl
Without you in our school
Life would be such a bore
You're always giving us trouble
But still we come back for more
Weall know you never smile
Well maybe once or twice
But then that is your job your job being the Vice
We all know your favorite words
The words you love to say.
But really it's okay
We still love you anyway.
Bill McLeodJust in on this news bulletin "Maria Hansen, secratary at large. Last seen talking on the telephone, making up absentee lists, typing and filing(where would the school be without her)." If you see Maria at any time, please contact us as soon as possible. (we need her).
!lack row: Mr.Menah,Mr.King,Mr.Dyke,Mr.Elliot,Mr.Lalonde,Mrs.Reeves,Mr.Warren,Mr.Gowans,Mr.Johns,Mr.McCallum,Mrs.Percy
Middle row: Ms.Collinson,Mr.Reid,Mrs.Walker,Mr,Braun,Mrs,Hanson,Mr.Roach,Ms.Minnhas,Mr.Robson,
Front row: Ms.Currie,Mr.Kwiecien,Ms.Rabn,Mr.Morrison,Ms.Dixon,Mr.Collins,Mrs.Webster-Cushley,Mrs.Warren
Are you sure your parents are ou
Cheryl Wright This can't be right! You lead! Danny Gresl Trevor McNabHAVEN'T I SEEN YOU SOMEWHERE BEFORE111111
Why didn't somebody tell me they were checking lockers today?
They say SEX makes you DEAF
, Dean Lemieux Stephanie lrlbacher Craig MaisonneuveWhen the teacher's away the students will play
"And this priceless art collection was once owned by Julius Caesar. , We bought 1.t from h1.m last May for $17.50."
Jamie Burrrabe (tEleb en "I
Once a year, October the 31st, people let their other selves emerge. It might be a witch, or a couple of cats, or just someone with a flair for sunrises, but on Halloween day the minds of many turn from school towell see for yourself.
Charles Dickens' Scrooge was presented through a combined effort of the English, Art, and Music departments for students and the public at Chris~~12S
Cast and crew smile proudly after completing their final preformance. There were times during the rehearsals ~ ! when they wished it could be over.
They ended wishing they could do it
allover again.
added a touch of professionalism by donating ho,urs of his time and expertise.
ART? --.
~10I~NING -
was a great success There was a great turnout!; from the community who enjoyed muffins and coffee as they observed the art display in the library. Music followed with the choir and band performing Christmas carols. After 9:00 a.m. when people still had not left for work, Scrooge came in to remind them of their duties and of his appearance in the Christmas Play coming soon.
S.P.P. is a program set up to guide the studies of students who were unable to finish school earilier in their lives. It was introduced to help get these k students into an atmosphere of learning. ~ Most of these students had been out of ,~ school for two or three years before
returning in the fall for this program.
Mr. Warren teaches the S.P.P. class for one half of the day.He teaches the. the academic skills they will need, including math,English, and social studies. Other skills are also taulht by Mr. Warren. He shows them how to fill out forms and applications, how to get along with the outside world, and how to get along with each other; in other words, the living skills they will also need.
The other half of their say is spent with Mr. Elliott. He teaches them shop and home maintenance skills. These include plumbing. electrical, and carpentary work. Mr. Elliott teaches ~ atudents to take tneir time when doing these jobs and to strive for perfection. He is also very proud of his students and sees a great potential for some of theJII to become tradesman. Mr. Elliott teaches these students the working skills they will
This year Theresa Lalondewas
Also this year three students given an all summer Immersion camp went to the A.C.L.A (Alberta trip, funded by the goverment. Cultural Linguistics Awards) ,in CalThis camp will consist of gary to compete against others in grade elevens from allover Canada speaking french. The goverment who will be going there to speak funded half of the expences, and french. This campwill offer the the french students of S.H.S.S. same activities as any other camp, raised the rest. camping. canoeing, swimming,
All though I'm sure the fishing, ect./ exept for one catch. students who went did their best, All the while Theresa is at this no awa,rds were won. They did, camp she will have to speak french. however, receive certificates: At the end of this program the grade for their efforts. elevens will be given a test, and Down in Calgary, the students if they pass, they will receive spent three days there, and they their grade twelve credits. said it was fun and wotth the
Theresa says she's glad to be experiance. . d ' going, an I m sure everone wishes her the best of luck.
Who says there's only three stooges?
This is one thing I like about these new economy models, there's just so muchroom. r~~
Did you know
AmongStudents ~o, .,~,J. r""" Thereis one
~--' Q Big Fear?
Whenit's time I To clean Lockers At the End of The Year!! BM
~ If you are able to guess whose locker "= this is, you'll win the prize!!!!!!!!
Rules to follow
'*@"""'@"II:~-li "',"',""'," , " 'n"n'!"""n",""',,!'!' @ "',,":":',,:,:n'I'
1. When possib1.e-s1 ide down a rope as fast as you can. This does great to produce that Burning sensation!
2. The next object of
race is to be the first one out the door. You will find these II conveniently placed under signs ! marked "EXIT".
4. Now we come to the final and most scary part of the evacuation. Everyone seems to be shivering right out of their pants(their jackets too, it seems).
3. Next we come across a group of boards placed downward systematically called stairs. It has been suggested that your feet would make better time then your back when going dowm these stairs.
Never, ever Crazy glue
bad. your hands to your pants!
I just flew in from breakand boy are my arms tired.
"And you all thought Chris took a plane to Regina"
"Can you see what I see?"
"Let me introduce to you my two science teachers Mrs. Lois Webster Kushley and Mr. Gordon Dyke."
This year's Science Fair produced an enthusiastic group of students from our school.
The competition lasted 5 weeks, in that time 80 students were hard at work building models and writing accompanying reports for judging, After long hours of work the projects were submitted on April 21 and displayed in the foyer of the school. The proud winners of grade 7 werp!in-thir.d plac~ with the exciting project entitled "PLANETS";Cindy Traer.With the project entitled "ECLIPSES",Grant Rivalin won second prize, Now (drum roll,please) the project "CONSTELLATION" Bradley Candow won first prize.A proud Mike Norwich won third prize in the Gr. 8 division with his projec~ entitled "ROCKETRY".THe exciting project called "THE EARTH" won second place with the creator being Garrett Rivalin. "THEMOONSOF JUPITER" won first prize by a proud Roberta Campbell.Each of these proud students won a plaque for their efforts.
I think all projects were
well done and I think they
all deserve a round of applause. 59
Sandi Marks A proud fellow Mike Norwich, winning third prize in the' grade eight division.The Men Who Died
There are menwho died years ago They died in the feilds where the popies grow
They died for Canada to make us free They died for us, you and me ,
They died to give us a better life
To make us learn, to make us strife
Till this day we remember the men who died With poppies and hope and so much pride
B1.l McLeod1
Friendship True
For a minute we can dream
And after a few seconds it's forgotten and gone.
For a lifetime we can cultivate beliefs
And with a contradictory incident
Consider them wrong.
For a few years we can build up a friendship
Based on dreams forgotten quickly
And beliefs soon thought untrue.
But even after the things that bring people together are gone Friendship remains, Allthough dreams and beliefs are found anew.
Stephanie IrlbacherWalking along the sunlight street, I stopped to view something at my feet. Aplastic poppy lay on the ground, I paid no attention to what I'd found. Stepping over it, someone cried out; Turning around I saw no one about.
Only the poppy, dirty and worn.
I heard a cry, I could have sworn.
Soagain I went on my way
Should we forget the wars they fought Downthe street on that beautiful day. and the lesson that was taught?
But still that mournful cry rang out, ThenI realized what it was all about.
Can we forget the sorrow and pain
That one little poppy, of the families, whose cries were more like rain?
Fromwhick I'd walked away,
Ofcourse was left from Remembrance Day. will we forget the men who fought?
Only then do most people mourn
For those who died in all our wars.
There is no way, surely not!
To forget would be a crime; Hoping I'd listen, praying I'd see, we should remember all the time. Thatunless we constantly remember,
Sothat poppy was warning me,
Not just on the 11th of November,
Forever remember the brave men who d1e~. Themistakes of our wars, Forever remember their families who cr1ed. Thehuman race will be no more.
Debbie Hartnett Kenneth LecoupeLiterary Award '~inners
This year the writers of our school emerged. Ten of our students worked and won a total of fourteen awards.
Trip Winners: This year five students won trips to Expo for their essays. Four of these winners won through a contest sponsered by Pacific Western Airlines. These students were: Karen English, Stephanis Irlbacher, Brigette Wolki, And Delores Selamio. The other trmp to Expo winner was Lucy Ross who won throughaa contest sponsered by Esse Resources. Gloria Anderson Won third in this Contest and won a portable walkman.
Remembrance Day Contest Winners: Four students won prizes in this contest. Stephanis Irlbacher won 1st place (intermediate) for her essay. Bill McLeod won 1st place for his poem (senior) and Debbie Hartnett and Kenneth Lecoupe won 1st and 2nd (intermediate) for their poems.
Gloria Anderson won a trip to Ottawa this year for her essay on Youth and the Economy. Because of the placin she got for her essay, she was a Canadian semi-finalis
Shawn Julian and Brigette Wolki both won trips to the Beaufort for their essays on what they would learn fro a trip to the beaufort. Unfortunatly, their trips wer cancelled so they were not ableto go.
Bill McLeod won an Honerable Mention for his short story "The Awakening of a Mind. This contest was put up by the Permanent Trust of Canada. Take Time
To Love
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Seems like just yestersay
You were playing in the yard.
Laughing out loud, singing away.
r couldn't wait 'till you'd stop growing; Your ankles just keep showing.
Then I decided to :hange my plans.
You needed some new clothes.
When r saw the police outside our house, I ran towards the door,
Expecting you to run outside
So I could embrace you, comfort you.
r woke up in the hospital later that day.
They told me what happened.
That mean, mean man.
Why? I ask myself again and again
Did he have to take you?
r can picture him ready to pounce.
Just like a lion on a mouse.
Oh my dear, helpless, child.
Did he plan this all along?
Di he know you'd be
Here today and gone tomorrow1
Michelle FriesenI knowThat peace of mind Is hard to find
In these trying times Of wars and crimes. I know.
Bill McleodGrol1ier Hall Girls
This year at Grollier Hall has been a good one even though many students had come and gone since the beginning of school. But many students in time of hardships that they had to put up with in Grollier stuck it out till the end of the year. So you can say we've had a successful year here at G.H.P. Although we are sorry to see a few of the students leaving this year we wish them well in the future. Although always looking foward to the coming years that Grollier has.
Grol1ier Hall Boys
This space was critically designed for me to be able to see if I could make no sense of anything and QG have it all in writing
Mr..Warren.Gayle Lyons.Theresa Lalonde.Stephanie Irlbacher. Carolyn Wachsmann
Daralynne Murphy.Geraldine Irlbacher.Alexandra Hill
Back row: Alexandra Hill.Robbie Petrie.Bradley Firth.Bradley Busch.Kevin Mitchener. Steven Suchodalski.Cameron Dalgetty.Tyler Moran.Brent Busch.Sea~ Rivalin
Middle row: Darren Murphy.Theresa Lalonde.Gayle Lyons
Front row: Bill Warren.Geraldine Irlbacher.Daralynne Murphy.Stephonie Irlbacher. Carolyn Wachsmann
row: TRACK & FIELD row:Because these guys were the Champion Soccer
team, we decided to see if anyone still
remembered who you all were. Can you
Reco g nize them?
If you can't, here's who they are:
Left to right: David Gowans, Dwayne Hansen ib~iM Greg Nasogaluak, Brian Dillon. )~1
left to right:Viola Arey,Verna Firth,Iona Nasogaluak Gayle Eyons,Carolyn Wachsmanleft to right:Miss Collinson,Noella Cockney,Marie Malagana,Cyndi H2marks for her speech on the future of Bananas.
aggregate debater trophy and theresa LaLonde won top
be prohibited in the N.W.T. Carol boudreau won the
smoking in the workplace. and whether alcohol should
Competitors debated on such issues as
debating competition at St. Patrick high school in
entire weekend participating in this years territorial
High school students from allover the N.W.T. spent an
Margaret Hill. Much was gained by this years debaters.
,Theresa Lalonde. Alex Hill. Karoline Irlbacher. and
" This years debating team was made up of Carol Boudreau
Brian McCarthy,Sean Gramlich, Richard Suchodolski,Weeden Rouse
Kenny Lecoupe,Mike Boyles
Robbie Petrie,Darrel Cooke
Derek Millier,Darren Murphy
Darren Murphy, Darrel Cooke,Sean Gramlich Mike Boyles,Derek Millier all received Gold medals at the N.W.T Championships Robbie Petrie,Bradley Jones got Silver medals and Richard Suchodolski and Brian McCarthy'received Bronze medals for their efforts.
Note: Sean Gramlich and Mike Boyles both placed 6th in their division at the Canadian School Boy Championships in Collingwood, Ontario
under the direction of coach Jeff Collins
This year the Carpentry class finished the storage shed we had started last year. For the next year we are looking forward to building an addition onto the Automotive shop as well as perhaps starting a new ski chalet for the Inuvil Ski Club, For his third year project Junior built a mighty fine coffee table (a christmas present for his future in-laws?). As well throughout the year the entire class has been climbing up and down setting up various types of concrete forming. New this year was the V.P. 10 program in which 3 classes ~tated through the Carpentry Shop (3! months at a time). Some of the students will be here next year.
The Walk
In support of participaction contest with Fort Smith, with the help of S.H.S.S. Inuvik won.
This year, Mr. Menagh held the second annual school walk. He gave the students 10 minutes in which to walk through town. This walk is taken for participaction and school spirit. As you can see, the object of this walk is to take up as much of the road as possible. Since no cars were overturned, the walk was a success.
~ntbt WtUtlut ,
EXPO '86
This year the students at Samuel Hearne AS MUCHFUN School were faced with an exciting contest AS I DID ON sponsored by Pacific Western Airlines and THIS TOUR OF organized by Mr. Morrison: The cha~lenge EXPO 86!!!!! our students were faced W1th was e1ther the making of a poster or writing an essay. Many students accepted this challenge and started preparing. They were quite excited and i could hardly await the results. Then the day i arrived and the winners were...(drum roll [ .please ." ~ ",,): the creative poster winners were'tlz3. Peter Andrew. Ricky Andrew.Tammy Horassi.Roy McCauley.The talented essay winners were:Janet Bahya. Paul Sullivan.Brigitte Wolke.Stephanie Irlbacher and Karen English. We also had two winners in our English dept. Lucy Ross and Gloria Anderson.This contest was sponsored by Esso and organized with the , help of Mrs. Walker. Congratulations to all ~
of you and I hope you all have a wonderful
time with many fond memories.
Sandi MarksMrs. Webster-Cushley encouraged the students to spring clean and bring their rummage. The sale was a fun grab-bag of a wild assortment.
The Visual's Crew
Senior Practical Program
Mr. Elliott-Kraig Hansen
Mr. Warren -Junior McNeely
Senior High Teacher awards i
Mrs. Currie Gloria Anderson I
Ms. Dixon-Annie Mackienzo '
Mr. Kwiecien-Carol Boudreau
Mr. McCallum-David Kasogaluak
Ms. Persy-Serena Edgi
Mrs. Reeves-Holly Walker
Mr. Roach-Theresa Lalonde
Mr. Reid-Noella Cockney
Mr. Taylor-Jamie Irvine
Mrs. Walker-Patricia Barnaby
Mr. Warren-Bradley Busch
Mrs.Webster-Douglas McLeod
Athletes of the Year
Junior-Female-Louise Reeves
-Male-Darryl Mitchener
Senior-Female-Cindy Hartnett
-Male-Steven Suchodolski
Junior High Awards
Most Improved
Bradley Jones-Allen Gorden
Ryan Bourque-Brian Dillon
Chantal Beesley-Angela Sarikas
Arleae Debastien-Craig Maisonneuve
Continous Effort
Marlo Hansen-Louise Reeves
Cory Wells-Kirk Maisonneuve I
Tina Lacerte-Patricia Sauve.
Melissa Cartwrign~
Most Outstanding
Bradley Candow-Garrett Rivalin
Richard Snider-Grant Rivalin
Lauze-Bobby Hunter
Awards Day '86
The Award's Day ceromonies were hosted by Mr. Morrison
organized by Mrs. WebsterCushley and Mr. Johns'
She h~ils fr~m Inuvik,was bo:n on Feb. 28,1968
~ Favorlte saYlng: Eeee, how slck
She plans to attend college
Last words:"It's worth._it"
Fondest memories: Grollier Arena
September of 84!, GRADPARTY!!! Good luck Esmeralda.
McDONALD,BrianFrazer (Big Mac,Brain)
Brian was born in Inuvik on January 22,1967
His future plans include being successful and rich but is "totally baffled" on how he is going to do it. He leaves us this message "Good-bye to all future Grads and to the Grads of 86" and "Good luck"'. His fondest memories were coming to school after Grad party.and attending our fine school.
Quintin comes to us from Cold Lake, Alta.He ~as born on October 5, 1968.Favorite sayings include ""Take a val ium", and "When the going gets tough, the tough get wasted" His future plans are to study brain surgery at the University of Transylvania and to join the 1988 Olympic team as a javelin catcher. He also intends to go into sound recording. Last words: Good -Bye!
Hartnett, Cynthia Lynn was born in Bermuda on May 14,1968. Her nicknames are Bunik and Butch and her favorite sayings are, "'Get lost." and "'No way!". Her future ambition is to finishUniversity and return to S.H.5.S. in time to teach the present grade 8"s p.e. Cindy's fondest memories are of the times spent with her freinds and some of the weird things they did. She leaves us with these last words, "I don't know what's out there but 1'. ready to find out."
NOKSANA,Blake (oil Burner)
Blake was born in Tuktoyaktuk on December 13,1968 His future plans or plan is to be a mechanic. He likes to say "Go black out somwhereelse" And he leaves us with these words ""THANKYOu".
Ellis, Heather Susanne was born in Ottawa, onto in April 13, 1968. Her favorite saying is, "Don't blame me.'" and her future ambition is to get a good job in Vernon, B.C. and someday own travel agency. Heather leaves us with these last words, "Good-bye and good luck."
SUCHODOLSKI, Steven was born in Fort Smith on February 13, 1969. Nicknames -Too many to name. Favorite sayingToo many to mention. Future Ambitions: None!
Last words: Goodbye Ma King! (Good Riddance)
Fondest Memories: Girls of S.H.S.S.
Marks,Sandra Dorothea was born in Wuppertal,West Germany on October 26,1967. You'll usually hear people calling her Sandi or Shorty.Her favourite sayings include "lam not short" and "Only the good die young". Her future ambitions are to take a year off school and then take a crack at University and always do a lot of travelling. Her last words are "It's certainly been an interesting semester right SHONA?!??!!!
Malegana, Telf ord was born in Inuvik, N..W.T on Febuary 23, 1967. He had no nicknames but does have a favorite sayin g "HEY-IT'S FRIDAY!" .' H1S ambitions are to make some money and then further his education.
Snowshoe Annie Rose was born in Inuvik, N.W.T. in April , 18, 1967. Her nickname is Kermit and she has no favorlte sayings. Her future ambitions are to take a year off and then continue her education. Annie says her fondest memories are "What memories", and leaves us with these 11' "
last words, "Good luck to next years grade s
Melnyk,Timothy Louis was born in Washington,D.C. Tim did'nt have much to say to us except his favourite saying was "I already gave to the retarded fund"
Irlbacher,Caroline Katherine was born on January 6,1969 in Mississauga,Ontario.People usually refer to her as Kad,Kat or Kadilin,her one favourite saying was "Oh No !!" Her future ambitions include going to College to study Journalism and become the first woman Sportscaster on Hockey Night in Canada,if that does'nt work out become an interior decorator. Her fondest me~ories include hanging out with Jimmy in Yellowknife,spending her time worrying about not graduating and then worrying about infact graduating Her last words to us are "NO MOREEXAMS!! I'M THROUGH!!"
Petrie,Robert James was born in Bermuda and his nicknames are MGuse or HEAD. His favourite sayinc;rs are "Hey Man" or "Hey Dudes". His future ambitions are to become VERY VERYRICH. Fondest memories for Robbie were SPARES and leaving school at 4 o'clock on Friday afternnons. His last words to us are "THANKGOD"
MITCHENER, Kevin Thomas was born in Inuvik on July 14, 1968. Future Ambitions: To be rich!
Fondest Memories: Tests! Ha! Hal
ROSS,PamelaElaine (Pam Roth)
Was born on December 15,1967 in Inuvik. She plans on going to college and dreams of becoming a millionaire and by the time she's 25 she'll own a 1amborghini and becoming the best charterd accountant there ever was and finally meeting David Lee Roth. She leaves us with these words, Finally I made it ,I graduated now you can graduate you children. GoOdluck to all the gradTS of 86 and to the future Grads. In the mean time Party hardy while you're young and you'll never grow old!!
Moran,Ty1er Arther was born in Fort Francis, Ont. on December 3, 1969. His nicknames ate "J,D." and Tyrone. Like all normal people, he has his favorite saying too. These would be "YOUGROO!" or "LET'S HUNTSOMEBUNNIES!" His future ambition is to finish University and get a Bachelors Degree in Engineering. Tyler's fondest memories are of leaving and meeting a sweet girl from Manitoba. He leaves us with these last words: "What do you meanI'm finished?"
Ross,Lucy Jean was born on June 30,1968 in Inuvik,N.W.T. and people usually refer to as Lou. Her favourite saying is "THAT'S ABOUTIT" Her future ambitions are to attend arctic College in Inuvik and go into a business Management Course. Her fondest memory was Mr. Dyke dancing around the class singing away trying to give us a better idea of what he's trying to teach. Her last words to us are "Goodbye,I'11 miss this school"
GORDON,Clayton Billy (The Joker)
Born in Inuvik on July 21,1966
His favorite sayings are:"No Shit","Get the F@$* out of here" Clayton wants to become a politieian or a 1awy-erand leaves us with these words "It's been hell, but I saw the light" His fondest memories are dying for his spare an4 GRADweekend.
Jones,Tammy Patricia was born on February 5,1968 in Inuvik, N.W.T. her nickname is Bob and her favourite saying is "HEY MAN!!" Her future ambitions include leaving Inuvik and get into Ryerson and take fashion merchandising in Toronto. tammy's fondest memories are the Laval French exchange Grad,Vacations and no school and her last words to us are: "Bye, Bye and Good Luck':
Scot~, Doug Arthur was born on August 12,1968 in Sudbury Ontario. Doug's favourite sayings are:" Don't let the sunshine spoil your rain" and "I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed!"" His future ambitions are to become an outrageously happy astronomer and his last words to us are" IT'S BEENREAL!!"
Firth,Verna Mae was born in Inuvik N.W.T. on November 8,1967 and most people cll her Yern or Nermal. Her favourite sayings are "OH NO!!" "TSK,TSK!!" and "THAT'S RIGHT AH!!" Her future ambition is to suceed in whatever she does. Her fondest memories were going to Socials class with Mr. Warren waiting outside the door looking at his watch checking to see if She was on time; (He never wore a vatchl) Her last words to us are:"Goodbye and good luck to you alII"
McRae, Claude Richard was born on September 9, 1967 in Lorettevi11e, Quebec. He has no nicknames but he does have his favorite sayings. These are: "Tide just me clothes immacu1ate.","How goes the war?" and" You cockroachl" Claude's fondest memories are Buisness 30 with Mr. King and putting together that bloody "Commkryerl" He leaves us wJth these last words, "If Jimmy Trimble can make it..."
Lewis,Holly V. was born on December 28,1968 in Frobisher Bay,N.W.T.
You'll usually hear people calling her Holly-Kins or Hol. "I can't wait till- is one of her favourite sayinqs and her future ambitions are to meet Sylvester Stallone and also to become a flight service specialist.Last words from Hol are It's over!!! RIGHT ON!!!
Kuptana,Donald Jr. was born on March 11,1966 in Inuvik, N.W.T. Everyone usually refers to him as Junior. His future ambitions are to try to become a guilified Journyman carpenter and his last words to us are "NO MOREHOMEWORK!I"
Traer, Gary Richard was born,~n March 31, 1967 in Morfon, New Brunswick. His favorite saying is, "Get lost holel" and his nickname is sprout. Gary's future ambitions-are to become rich and he leaves us with these last words, "It was worth itl"
Blake, Norma Jean was born in Ft. McEherson on Jan. 8, 1968. Her nicknames are G 0 E , you'll have to guess. Her favorite sayings are, wI-lie.", "am" and "Gee's". Her future ambitions is to finish school and become a child care worker. Norma's fondest memories are of sneaking out of the school to skip. She leaves us with these words."Thank God, it's over."
Eng1ish,Karen Elizabeth was bor~ on March 4,1968 in Inuvik,N.~~.T.
You'll usually hear people callJ.ng her Soffee or spacey and '; ... 1d " P llh .""" Lt ' her favourJ.te saYJ.ngs J.nc u e arty a t e tJ.me.. e s not and say we did!" or "Let's do it and say we did'nt" Karen's future ambitions are to go to work and never plan to far ahead. Her fondest memories are the day she came to school early j and the fun she had in grade 7 but most of all the Grad 1 party;she only wishes she could remember more.Her last words are: "It's been fun Mr. Menagh,I wish you the best of luck!!
Lennie, Robert Larson was born on December 30, 1967 in Inuvik, N.W.T. His nicknames are Yanta and Fur1y. His future ambition is to become rich and famouse the easy way. Robert asks what memories for his fondest memories, and his last words to us are, "Good luck to all I know."
Trimb1e,James Everett was born in AklavikN.W.T. on February 27,1968 and his nicknames are Jimmy,Jet and the late Mr. Trimble. His favourite sayings are "RIGHT" and
"LET'S GOFORCOFFEE!!" His future ambitions are ~o ~eco~e a cer~ified general accountant and of course a mJ.11J.onaJ.re. His fondest memories are coffee in Accounting 30 class ~~O'O."",q,. and also sleeping in class. His last words to us are " Goodbye and good luck,you'11 need it."
Cardina1,A1ma Rose was born on September 11,1968 in Inuvik N.W.T. Whenwe asked about her nicknames she told us that's for her to know and us to find out.Her favourite sayings include "WHOCARES?"I DON'T "IS THATRIGHT?" OR "IN YOURDREAMS!!" Whenasked about future ambitions she said " I let you know when I take the position in the art room as a teacher,then I'll show them how it's really done" Her last words to us are" THe very best to all the Grads of 87,88,89 etc.
Irvine, Jamie Shawnwas born is Moosjaw, Sask. His nickname ~ is Aurthor and his favorite saying is Catch ya 1ater,eh. Jamie's future ambition is to be a mechanic and he leaves us with these last words, "Bye bye kink." ~'"O'O,",.q,.
KELLY, Lynette Darlene a1ies(smiley or brat) She was born in Grandfal1s N.F.L.Don Mar.29 1968 F .., avorJ.te saYJ.ngs:"honeybunch","Hi there sweetie" In the future, she plans tofurther her education in Vernon,B.C. Last words: Mr.Morrison, You can take Physics and take Physics again! ,It's good to be back(just kidding) Her fondest memories of SHSSwere watching all her friends grow up into beautiful people. She sends all her best to the grads.
Carpender. Fritz. Fritz. unfortunetly. was not here
for his picture and left before filling out his Grad
Y'know someday graduate and I'll have the same bag to.
To the teachers:
To the Graduating class;
Your sentiments are taken well. Like every year.
It's time again.
We thank you for your kindness. For some to say goodbye.
You've shown us that you really care. We've gotten through. Perhaps you're not so mindless.
\ve're finally done.
Express a heavy sigh.
Acknowledgement you've given us. For working hard and long.
We're not alone. But you're the ones for whomwe've worked. We've had somehelp. We've made each other strong.
It's time to give not take.
Here's to the women.
Wetrust you are prepared to leave. ~ And the men. Make use of all those skills. : Who've been there for our sake.
The teachers jobs are not so easy. As they may appear.
In using books. log tables too. J And some. Electric drills.
Your talents do not stop at this. So they should have from we who've gained. As people you are great. A well deserved loud cheer. You represent this school quite well. And keep us up to date.
Wethank you all for everything. These lines have not been tricks.
With mild regrets we watch you go. Our thanks is from our hearts and souls Into the world you fly. ..
Quintin Gramlich
Wewlsh you best in all you do. But please stop in. say"Hi".
We like to keep in touch with you. To hear of each success. If we can be of further help. Rememberour address.
You aim for new horizons now. Build on your education. Make yourselves a happy life. In family and vocation.
Miss DixonAnd this charming photo was taken at our annual. rummagesale. Just,kidding Ren~. you look great
Calvin Pokiak
Liason Officer-Northern Affairs
Single & Twin Engine I.F.R. Aircraft Wheels, Sl~is,Floots
"24 Hour Service"
Fred Carmichael. Manager
Phone Bus.(403) 979-2220
Res. (403) 979-3031
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-Serving the North from INUVIK, N. W.T.