SHSS Yearbook – 1986-1987

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1986/87 Principal's Message -Yearbook

As we look through this yearbook we remember some of the good times and struggles of the 1986/87 school year. The joys as a student learning how to think critically and how to use one's talents ~ become important memories in one's life and this yearbook captures these critical moments with sensitivity and fun.

My congratulations to those students who have graduated this year. May your future be prosperous and full of happi.ness.

The vision of our school as a place where students can reach their maximum educational potential by preparing for further education or the work place is realized by the diligent, caring work of our teaching staff'. It is the extra effort by staff, students and parents that help to create the productive educational environment that exists at Samuel Hearne.

Best wishes to all in the 1986/87 school year.

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Incorporated" 4 ,. ~

Back row: Mr. Kelly

Mr. Dyke

Mr. Roach

Ms. Hayes

Mrs. Walker

Mr. Warren

Mr. Elliot

Mr. Lirette

Mr. Robson

Mr. Euwart

Ms. Minhas

Mr. Menagh

Middle ro'.l: Ms. Dixon

Mr. Kwiecien

Mr. Reid

Mr. LaLonde

Ms. Rahn

Ms. Collinson

Mrs. Reeves

Mrs. Hanson

Mr. Johns

Front row: Mr. King

Mr. Collins

Mr. Teddy

Mr. Johns

l'1r. McCallum

Mr. Taylor



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Darren Murphy -President

Brent Busch -Vice-President

Kim Norwich -Secretary

Brad Busch -Treasurer

Derek Millier -Social Convenor

"ffi Sean Rival in -Social Convenor

Theresa Lalonde -Member at Large

Annette Lester -Gr.l2 Rep.

Holly Walker -Gr.12 Rep.

Jamie Burr -Gr.ll Rep.

Shawn Carrothers -Gr.ll Rep.

Darryl Mitchener -Gr.lO Rep.

, Lawrence Neyando -Gr.lO Rep. '"

~~ Steven Loreen -Gr .10 Rep.

Ina Arey -Gr.9 Rep.

Rena Matchim -Gr.g Rep.

Grant Rivalin -Gr.8 Rep.

Cindy Traer- Gr.8 Rep.

Richard McLeod -(;r. 7 Rep.

Heidi Warren -Gr.7 Rep.

THE ROOST HOME OF THE "DEMPSTER BURGER" AND THr.:: "MONSTER BURGER'" INUVIK N.W.T. PHONE 979-272 Hours: ~1on. to Fri. 11:30-1:30pm ~ron. to Thurs. 5:00-1:00am '-,..; c'",. ":' 0'"' 200 .L ~. ,.;.: -;, v-: am SunJay 3:00-lil:OOpm TAKE-OUT OR DELIVERY

Clan of the Collins Cave

In anTc~ Age land lives a prehistoric people known as the Clan of the Collins Cave. These Cro-Magnon mammoth hunters act out their struggle for survival each day in a harsh and difficult environment.

The members of our Paleolithic hunting group are as follows:

Derek Millier -powerful, barrel chested hunter. Kills sab~e-tooth tigers with his bare hands.

Corrine Ferdinand -an attractive woman, Hunters from other clans travel many days to court her.

Faye Ballas -the clan's watch dog. She is always on the lookout for lost or late clan members.

Mellissa Russel -she is the keeper of the hearth. She cooks, cleans and extracts marrow from bones.

Erika Aviugana -our ailing clan member. Shehas missed many days of hunting due to her n~ggi~g arthritis.

Janie Lipscomb -swallowed by a wooly mammoth but spit back up again. She hasn't been the samesince.(nor has the wooly mammoth)

Kim Norwich -tall, blonde and slender. She is the artistic member of the clan and is forever painting on the walls.

Gary Kuptana and Andrew Charlie -both received severe injuries during a battle with the more robust Neanderthals.

Leonard Blake -our quiet cave member. He is not sure whether to stay with the clan or join a group of renegade wanderers.

Janine Gordon -the clan's dancer. She exhibits the strangely fascinating rhythmic movementsof the clan.

Michelle Kelly -the clan's medicine woman. Sheuses her wit to study animals and healitlg herbs and plants.

Kurt Tingmiak -has returned to the clan

The "Clan Leader"

Is this innocence, or what!?

~ after years of travelling the grassy Steppes- -, Hasrecently invented the spear thrower toaid in hunting.

"1!:",:,~~. -": c'-, 7.,;
"Derek . we love yoouu!! !" ",,", 1,.111/,,' ~.'
Gary Kuptana. Derek ~illier. Kurt Tingmiak. Kim ~orwich Michelle Kelly. Andrew Charlie. Janine Gordon. Fave Balias Leonard Blake. :1ellissa Russell. Corrine Ferdinand Janie' L o b ..9 lpscom .~. Coll1.ns

Miss Collinsons T.A.

This year we started out with 16 students. Gradually as the year progressed. that number was cut down to 14.

In grade 7 we have Terryll Dillon and Shelly Eagles. Terryll always used to be late, but now he!s there before anyone else. Shelly Eagles had to move to Manitoba in late February.

Our grade S's are lara Carnogusky, RAbWalters, ~radley Jones, Merle Hillier and Paul Sullivan.

lara, who is always sittin~ at the back of the T.A. is very quiet and shy. Sometimeswe don't even knowshe's

What can we possibl y there because she doesn't make a sound.

Bradley is the "harasser" of the T.A. A day doesn't gu except

s Tracy Orbell!!! by without him trying to torture a girl.

Merle is our "candyman" He supplies us with enough food to ~et us throu~h the afternoon.

Paul Sullivan always has a smile on his face, and makes us laugb when we're down.

Rob participated in curling this year, and went to Pine Point in December. He also took some time off school in December to go t:J Hawaii!!

Irene Firth was our only grade nine student, but she moved to Calgary about half way through the year.

This year we had Edna Gruben, Darryl Hitchener, Jody Pruden, Dawn Sulyma and Wanda Steen in grade 10.

Dsrryl is involved in basketball and seems to be just out of contention for the honer roll. Jody just arrived to Inuvik this year, and seems to be doing very well.

Dawnknows everything about everyone, and lets our T.A. in on the gossip each day.

Wanda Steen is involved with volleyball this year, and travelled to Yellowknife and Dawson with the Sr. Girls team.

Greg 1/asogaluak, David Prudon and Tracey Orbell are the grade ll's this year.

Greg is very quiet and always hel?s us with school activities.

David never passes a day without pestering Dawn --and he loves to go to the dentist!

Tracey Orbell is involved with vollyball, and also travelled to Yellowknife and Dawson with the Sr. Girls team.

Hiss Collinson, our T.A. advisor has provided milch fun and enjoyment this year. She loves to listen to oar gossip and plays volleyball w~th the Sr. Women.It was a pleasure

to have her as our advisor --we had fun! TtaceyOtbelL

, , ~ Miss collinson's T.A. ia i ! \ ~s.0'i--e A m
I '
Wanda Steen Robbie Walters Merle Millier Bradley Jones Miss Collinson. Dawn Sulyma. Darryl Mitchener. Tracey Orh~Ll. Jody Pruden. Paul Sullivan.David Pruden. Terryll Dillon \0

Mr. Dyke's Dynamite

Hey guys! Stay off the green! -I

I! -'
Back Row: Walter Andrew, Lorna Gruben, Ester Ross, Mar~e Malegana, Mr. Dyke Joe Francis, Kevin Blake, Burton Campbell, Greg Snowshoe
12 -
Front Row: Tina Garland, Agnes Allen, Annie Mackenzo, Helen Vital, Annette Lester, Darryl Cook


Our quiet little T.A. has secrets that would make your blood run cold. But these secrets are goinr, to be kept for the beholders.

Welll start with Mr Elliott, a humble old man, who always makes a joke or two for the morning. Students; David Lucas always makes sure our T.A. is in line, usually keepinr, Christine Firth from embarrassing the rest of the T.A.

Then comes the quiet kids like Umesh Sutendra, Franklin Carpenter, Kurt Stewart and Lynn Julian. We have a heavy eater in our T.A., Gary Lewis, always has something to munch on wether it be morninr, or afternoon.

Then the talkers come in, some of us have to speak up and get our two cents in. These people are responsible for the noise in our T.A., Marty LeCerte, Mia Kiehen, Shanon Amos, Kevin Rinas and Margaret Hill

Then we have two people that have no ( special traits or talk very much. They are Gerald Filatre and Jason Darrah. They keep pretty much to themselves and stay pretty quiet.

As you can see we have a pretty T.A. and pretty ordinary kids.

M R ELLIOT's TA '* .Jyt ~ .Jy1.~ '*" "
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Kurt Stewart, Umesh Sutendra, Shanon Amos, David Lucas, Gary Lewis, Mr. Elliott, Kevin Rinas Franklin Carpentar, Gerald Filatre, Lynn Julian
~~eet dreams of r,
uh, I mean, motorbikes...

Ms.Gable I Gans

My feet don't smell ~hat bad ao they?

The leader of the pack -Ms.Gables

With all the people coming and going, it has been a very exciting T.A. Those to leave include such infamous characters as Leslie Baton, Agnes Firth, Marty Kunnizzi, Donald Mcloed and Delores McNeely. Their places were soon filled by the late arrivals of Julia Gordon, Alex Lester, Lorraine Kowana and David Cockney.

Marty Kunnizzi missed us so much, however, that he returned for a secondsemester. He left again after a brief stay.,

Even our original T.A. advisor, Ms. Minhas left us, and was replaced by Ms. Gable.

Though some may come and some may go, our T,A, relies on the steady, and for the most part faithful attendance of Colin Allen, Sheila Aleekuk, Tim Cook, Jimmy Dillon, Tanya Edwards, Rosemary Gordon, Lisa Kenny, Teddy Rogers and Cheryl Sharpe.

Tim mugs with Mr.Warren for the camera. And Santa Claus I would like a Porsche,a hot tub, a gorgeous and rich boyfriend, a condo in california.

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A MEGAGRINfrom Rosemary

.Gowans~~mazing T.A.J~ ~

ChristinaKasook, peeking- Nick Hill,-?-, Anne- Margret White, Todd Metcalfe, peeking-?-, David Noxsana, ShawnLundTigen(in traction), Davie Krenzetuk, Mellissa Cartwright, Scott Nuyli, hiding- Dana Moran, Kurt Wainman, and at theend-Mr. Gowansaccthefamousstick ~ c

Weare now enter1ng warp speed-

If I throw it high enough maybe I can hit that raven

? I'

T.A. Period was a real blast this year, with a total of 14 students still with us.

This year our two grade sevens were as young and eager as ever. Brian "nine pound" Donnelly is living proof that perfection is possible. Poor Joni Cooke had a permanent expression of incredulousness from hours of listening to Brian extol his virtues.

Two of our grade 8's, Melissa Smith and Rodney Kolousuk were the same ss they've been for the psst two years.

Rodney tried for yet another year to be unnoticed at the back of the room while Melissa would wait religously by the door, making sure that every T.A. member within a 5 mile radius was marked present. Then there was Todd "live on the edge" Barnes. Todd usually just walks into T.A., goes screaming to the back of the room, snd sometimes getS into some pretty heavy meditation sessions.

Then there is the narly niners. We had 2 grade nines in 86-87; Danny spent most of his time taking candids of everything from the OTHER Danny to specks of dirt on the

window. Danny Wilson spent most of his time asking people

for gum, and atealing as many books from people as he could without getting caught.

We had 5 grade ten's in the T.A. this year. Tina Marks was the most cheerful, bubbliest, friendliest person who made everyone's day just by showing up. Lisa Donnelly, instead of following Tina's example of spreading good cheer, would

spend T.A. periods feverishly trying to cram 2 hours of last

nights homework into 5minutes. Iona Nasagaloak usually had all of her homework done, and sat for the most part, quietly in her chai.;, prohablv trvinR to fiRur.. out the me~ning of life.

John Vehus, our other grade ten student, has to be commended on

the skill he aquired of managing to run into the classroom every

T.A. period JUST before the buzzer sounded.

Of course, however, nothing could possibly take place until "me"

Stephannie Irlbacher arrived and announced "You can breathe now, I'm here'"

Then we had the loud and rowdy grade elevens all two of them

.,packed.lnto one tiny corner of the T.A. Kenny Reuben and Shane Debastlen would spend days discussing everything from politics to the big party last Friday night. They were usually joined by Barry Greenland, when he wasn't too busy taking attendance or getting ready to take off as soon as the buzzer sounded. It was.refreshing to have such an avid student among us.

Mlss Hayes was an extremely wonderful teacher advisor. I am pleased to conclu?e that she had no trouble at all adjusting to f the pattern of dally student-teacher relations, and had no trouble at all grasping the basic concepts of teacher advising. I'm sure

her s~ills wi~l ~mprovein


she Wlll obtaln In the ensulnR years.

the wealth of knowledge

It was a wild, excellent, nifty, rad, awesome, cool, narly and fun

school year. Have a Rreat summer --see y'all in September!!

Stephanie really didn't want her picture taken!

Miss Hayes T.A.
r acner, Martina Marks, Lisa Donnely, John Vehus, Danny Gresl, Donnely, Melissa Smith, Joni Cooke,
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improves h
teacher advising
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Danny Gresl eyes ~fr. Roaches,



~ ~ TA~

Mr. Johns' T.A.

So ~3r this year we have lost four people, Mark

and Bar~ie Eagles, Tina Steen, and Louise Reeves. Who

knows if we will lose any more. Our only ~rade seven is Tonya Touran~eau,she must be the quietest person in our T.A.(when she's not talkin~ of course)!. We

have three grade eights, Clari~.a Harry, who made it to

the Canada Games in ~ova Scotia for cross country skiing. Clayton Kaulbach,who made the Honour Roll,and Charlene K3~lik, Who is always r!!nning around making sure everybody's alive. Our grade nines are Doug Villenuve, The musician and comedian of our T.A., and Brian Dillon"your reKular macho man". Our only grade ten is Clyde Kikoak. who mi~ht make an interestin~ part of T.A. if he bothered to show up on time. Our ~rade elevens are David ~asogaluak, he's usually talkin~ about somethin~ when he's not giving Mr. Johns a hard time, Tanya Amos, our most light hearted member usually ha~ somethin~ to say about what's going on, and nn.!~ :ofcLecri, '.Jho made it to Dawson for a volleyball tournament with the S.H.S.S. junior mens team. he also made it on the Honour Roll in the second semester. Our only S.P.P. student is Richard Mackenzo. kno~'n as "Skippy" because everyday after T.A. he skips class tro go uptown for coffee.

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A-.ngest the beakers, p1anta and micrnacopes our TA group _eta in the Biology Lab. Weare usually fairly quiet in the morning, doggedly waiting for the 9.. M11 to found. By the afternoon, things usually liven up. Ricky Andrew is usually picking sway at Joanne Tutcho and Rosa Etchine11e, while Elizabeth Cardinal sita back and laughs. Shawn Carothers and Sheldon Lundrigan are likewise picking away at Anna1ee Furlong. Meanwhile Alex Grest. and Ot now are looking very cool, casually ta1kl"g Girl-Talk. Doreen Firth c"d. Bernice Joe are usually doodling ...y wi~ multi-colored pens on fancy writing paper. Darren Rogers is very quiet, for his Grade 7 pa1s.Jason Moore and Chris Dillon are no longer attending school. Also with our group until February was Margery Wikok, now back home in Coppermine. Our TA participated in a number of activities this pas!: year. We remain undeafeated at softball and vo11yba11; our main adversary being Hr. Johns and Ilia students. We're also had a couple of lunches; coke with pizza and coke with hot.dogs were popular with all. Everyone also recieved a nice gift exchange over Christmas.

As a group, we bid farewell to Ricky Andrew, ShawnCarothers and Anna1ee Furlong as they join the ranks of the Grade Twelves. The cest of us will be back in September, looking forward to an even better 1987-88.

Left to Right Back row: Darren Rogers, Alex Gresl, Shawn Carothers, Sheldon Lundrigan, Anna Lee Furlong, Ricky Andrew, Mr. Lirette.
Front Row: Ot Jankoed, Joanne Tutcho, Rosa Etchinelle, Bernice Joe, Doreen Firth.
Mr. McCaul ~\\ ~~
Grant Rivalin. Gordie Petrie. Jimmy Wilson. Delbert Manuel. Stanford Harry. Kraig Hansen
8 Look-Angela'a hair is NORMAL!! ~ The bionic Carol Norris! 'I' ~ . .. ~ , WoW! Jimmy's Wearlng !lot ley Crew in place. 22 EVERYDAY clothes!
Mr. McCaullim.Billv Omiloituk. Fay Aviguana. Nadine Koe. Roseanne Rogers. Angela Serikas. Joe Joe Steen. Walter S~lamio.

There "re " tot"l of eleven students in our T.A. There is Mr. Sean Rivalin who is IIn ori~in"l Murphy's An~el. Then there is Jamie Burr who is our m"n who participates in everything from acting to bein~ a set crew man to bein~ a camera man bIt most of all he is our little punkerl And I stress little! Cindy Traer. who is our quiet doorlady and a good ~irl who obeys-tiie" rules. Faye Castle who brings joy to the T.A. with hei' 5i1~:' soft lau~h and ready smile. Of course we hove a bookworUlI She is Priscilla Baton, our romantic lady. Then we have our Honor Rool student, who is Greta Frost. She is the one who is alw"ys E.!Yi~ to ~et someone to take the attendance down to the office. Ryan Bourque is our cute, little ~uy who carries ,,11 he needs in his backpack and doesn't need a locker except for storin~ his jacket and shoes. The Queen of our T.A. is Maureen "Moe" Cardinal. Unfortunately she quit' her job as the attend"nce taker, and made the rest of the T.A. suffer. Richard McLeod is the determindd young fellow who minds his own business. The newcorr,ers to this cool T.A. are Nit.'and her brother Dennis McNeil

who both came all the way from Baker Lake to be in our T.A. Unfourtunately we laso Carol R. Arey. She went home becaus~ she missed her ski-doo. The le"derof the pack is Miss Rahn whoencoura~es us to wake up "nd start the d"y with a smile. Our T.A. would like to wish everyone a happy summer. Until next time I hope you can find out who I am bec"use I am an undercover a~ent working for Rahn' s T.A.I

Si~ned X

Back row: Greta Frost, Carol R. Arey, Sean Rivalin. Front row:" Ryan Bourque, Faye Castle, Cindy Traer, Richard McLeod
4 '
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Jamie, abig ~uV like you should . h .kl no problem W1th t 1S pun .Ri~ard M~Leod is the main man!!



Development Corporation

I /c c~c --c4- j""... ~ c Cc/ Cc c .. c ~ nUVld U It

~!r. Roaches T.A.

This blurb is about Mr. Roaches T.A. This is a T.A. like no other! It's not boring and" it's not dead, but it's unique! How, youask? Well, let me tell you...

As youenter the class. you find busy bodies doing different sorts of things. We have a golf course -the only one in school! Wehave a dart board, which is used every spare minute. Whether or not any of the darts reach their destination is another question. Wealso have the latest in the top 40 hits of the 60's and 10's, whichare played on Mr. Roaches state of the art 8-track -only the best quality, of course.

Now,comesthe best, the students who make up our charming little T.A. First of all there is Mike Norwich, one of our models who enlighten us with his latest fashions, with help from Marlo Hansen andJessica Siek. WEalso have a "jockette" Heidi Warren, and a championDart thrower, Neil MacCauley. I'm not so bad at darts either, I (T.j. MacDonald) who thumbed to Fort Smith.

THere's also Chris, Micheal Coyen, Robert Cockney, Miles and CeraloJKikoak. Oh, I almost forgot Miss Hairspray '81,Charlene "Charlie" Doolittle.

Well, that's a wrap on our T.A. Ohyea, we're also special becausewehave a special boss, Mr. Roach, who sits while we take attendance.We do have respect for the manthough, because ,heresoects us --I think.

WeU, it's been real. Hope the best to Mr. Roach.

T.J. ,MacDonald,


Mr.loacb'. ~
i : Neil MacCauley, Mike Norwich, Heidi Warren
Gerald Kikoak Charlene Doolittle, Jessika Siek, Mr.Roach' TommyRoos ' Marlo Hansen, Miles Dillion '~"'""C
lnuvik was definately a hair-raising
ex perience f T J I or ..25


It's the best TA in the whole school! Ask just ;1nyone. How can we miss we h."e characters like...

Eva Arey:- ...that sweet little girl smiling at you throu!:h the library doors. Michelle Gruben: "I'd like to be stuck in Tuk instead of herel" Josie Grel!n: who looks so good with her glasses. but only one problem...she can't find them.

Trevor McNab: "Ah!!1 finally Grade Ten next year. No more D"T.'sl". April Bourque: she has her mother's brains, 'cause her father still has his. Oops! sorl~y Edith... Dale Blake: "Nobody's going to tell IJI! what to dol \.:ell... not everybody!"

Ro:: SherlJack: He finally located our gang in the G:;:-~"1,Fri,:ay morni:1gs. Ju1ie J.uant: ;,e will soon have a collection to buy her enough gum lnuvikMexico return... One good bubble and she wouldn't have to swim all the way...just float. Daralynne Murphy: Plans to be a model one day. Won't need a lawyer...knows her rights! .~d she is never wrong, ril~ht? David Gowans: Took a course on scaffolding...found out how to get up to the needs the 2nd course to get back down. Dello Hatchim: Say the opposite of what you want and he'll do exactly what you wanted him to do in the first place. Michel Lefebvre: Can't wait till next year. Seven Grade ll's moving out of our TA. No more harassment! Qlarles Aviugana: He says there's no chsrge for his two-bits advice. Hr. Laloruic: "You're later No gumI No lockers! Get back in here I Quiet!"

Mr. Lalonde's TA Dale Blake, Charles Aviguana, David Gowans, Roy Shermack, JuliL Quant, April Bourque, Michelle Gruben, Daraly~ne Murphy, Michel Lefebre, Deno Matchim, Eva Arey, Josle Green, Trevot Mc~ab.

m1en room 210 is opened for the day And Sylvia props the door up with a brush, '" Loretta',s here but sometimes far away; ~ : -Keep score!" yells Eddy in. his morning rush.

Each day our Brad swiQgs in, his tape on deck; ~/ Rodrick is there with Noel in whispers deep; 'So's Garrett who, with Jimmy by the neck, Would love to disrupt Bella's beauty sleep. Our Ron plays crib. and watches out for Sh~e: Now in runs Gladys singing out, "I'm here!' Dear Rhonda, Carey, Derek left again. Enough! We're only twelve for this year. ~Roll call is done; what's new today, you guys?" Says Walker as she stands and rolls her eyes.

Eddie Kaglik, RonKoneiczny, :1rs. Walker, Gladys Berube, I Brad Firth, Noel Lennie, Garret Rivalin, JiDlDY Cartwright, Whaat! Sylvia Liscomb, Bella Saowshoe, Rodcrick Simon
I ,
ROOM210 (Walker's Wonderg) have Ms. BerUDe in a cute outfit for the spring This is what I get for bccoming a teacher!

In our ',Jorld of total weirdness (~1r. !.;arren's i.A.)

,I'd,lik,: to mention some of the W').cd thin"s people do

~nst~nct~vely. Thev're call PET PEEVES!!! The bad but sill,' littl~ habits that you won't recover from until you recover from them.

Back to weirdness...our T.A. !!! I have here, each member of Mr. Warren's T.A. and their pet peeve. Enjoy.

For Jane }f~Gregor, bringing the wrong books for class is utterly frustrating, but normal for her.

Vicky Alexie's blushin~ is what makes our T..\. glow so brightly. A ~iggle here and there from Sherri Debastien is always welcome and goes well with the brightness. What a great ~~mbination.

Tanya Gruben loves losing her beloved watch. She always finds the most embarrassing times to find it, for. example, durin~ the auction at assembly.

Brandy Burbridge never seems to rememherwhat class she has next. Her only solution is to re-open her locker and checl,.

Sylvia Firth doesn't seem to have a pet pee've. Some people are so lucky.

Junior McNeely automatically for~ets how to stand up durin~ the lord's prayer each morning. Mr. Warren loudly reminds him though.

Vicky Bodner wouldn't have a pet peeve if she were on a debatin~ team. Since argu~~~ is her favourite pasttime.

Caran McCleod can't seemto keep her bind off boys. She also can't seem to keep her hands of the computer. By the way, the computer's name is Bill.

Chris Allen needs a new alarm clock (hint! hint!). He \.evermisses a late or he just misses.

Ruby Blake i~ locked into a state where she actually answers all of Mr. Warren's unanswerable questions.

Since Mr. Y~rren never seems to remember any students' names; his solution is to call them "whistle britches" and "Icabod". Don't ask, even 1 don't know!

In all we have a happy and outrageously weird T.A.Ii

Ruby Blake

Ir I
WMr arren ' s TA
28 29 .-
,..~~ I i i I
.Jy(. '* ~ '*
Tanya Edwards Patricia Rogers Derek Hansen Heather Roos Ain't she cute?! Sylvia Lipscomb
Lynn Julian
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. ,," Jason Mo ore
Josie Ruben Umesh Sutendra Richard McLeod
',..;J1 I "'" g~~j
Tbni Cooke
l , i ~ c""'$' co","' , ';, ,;" .;t,w
Debbie Dillon t, Doreen Firth Brandi Burbidge Eric ~cLeod
Dwayne Dick
.. ..':g,r .c.".":, C":'", " :"': ~
David NoksanaJr. Kelli Coote Jesssica Seik ~~lissa Smith Sindy Vansteinberg Noel Lennie Steven Charlie
Robert Walt.ers Faye Avlguana
34 a..~~--
Joanne Kailik
f t Jones 37
..Danny Gresel Nad~ne Koe Danny W~lson Ann Kolousok . Allen Gordon
i I i
Dean Lemieux Janie Lipscomb
Alex Gresl
Berverly Ross Heather Greenland Greta Frost
. .
~nnis Kenny IVErk Eagles Dolittle .Dana Moran
JCaren McLDed
William Gardlund Loretta Elias Tina Steen
~i~::::=,._~--=:=::. ,4 ~ f j; ~ '"""" ,.r~. '"","" 'f>' -" ->
see how far you can run in five seconds r'
Tanya Amos
Doug McLeod Scott Nyuli David Nasogaluak David Lucas Gary Apsimik Jenetta Heath Christine Firth
" ~~~,
te Kurt Stewart Shauna Kayotuk Margie Eagles .Kim Norwich Glad y s Berube Kenny Irvine Computer-whiz-Wanda
Margaret Hill Ruby Takazo Rosemary Gordon
',' :: ~""""'".'.'m" ,£
Stewart Gordon Shane Debastien Serena g1 Be . P Norman Robert SSle ower
., .r.-n t
Deno Matchlffi
1IIII1"YJY"\h 52
Blllle Wrl~! Dara ynne !'~~ y Tracey Orbell
, , I , OUR BEST wISHes AND CONGRATULATION TO THE GRADUAT1NG CJ..ASS or 8 6. 87 FROM. The ay Serving all the needs ofnorlherners- and industry in.the Inuv;k region. 1i}ubson's'!a~ (!:ompan~ \ c'It's hard not to think of Tht B'aY.~ Inuvik 979-2582 l
Deanna Aviguana Annette Lester Annie McKein~o Esther Ross
! I I j ! -J
TliRA CArlWT'i ~ht
oe Fro .Robbie Petrie Tr anClS Gary aer Darryl Cook Bill McLeod Joyce Blake Darren Murphy %"""TT .Helen Vital Greg Snowshoe Geraldine Irlbacher ~U.1lalJ.yHorrasl gare ge Brent Busch Carrie Gaur Tina Gardland
"*5 b .5.5.Jyt.'*" * Presents .. Jyt II-' ~ ' i a:rr -c ~: .(/) Q) -P" B: ~ ~ ~~ ~ rIJ BAND .IJ ~ ~" .
~ ~~~ 15tAnnual~ ~ Mini M,nHu nt Vf.J 87 ~ --!' 4 . hdS ."", .Like to ~Le!I touc e tewLe. Back off!!! !Wayoff!!!! -Sealed WLth a KISS~-
,,~ --1 11tu4ie (y~ ,",,~j~(~~~~'M. ',o;"""""!.-\~hrW I ~ j p *- @ @ *" * ..* '* . -}: .y. * ) .,.1 ~ ..lyt

Like, you mean the ball goes through the hoop!? was just here..

Mr. Warren 11 Tim Cook 9 Darryl Mitchener 8 Mike Seik 7 Nick Hill 12 Jodie "Ralph" Pruden 4 Alex Gresl Mr. Warren 13 Nadine Koe I. 9 Yvonne Doo1ittlel 14 Kim Norwich 10 Marlo Hanson 15 Ruby Blake 11 Angela Sarikas 7 Heidi Warren
72 ---"---


,...1 ~ ~ 74 -~- ~
The S.H.S.S. Junior Men's that travelled to Yellowknife (Top-Left to Right) Randy Hetchinelle,Davie Krengnektak,Charles Aviguana, Lawrence Menacho. (Bottom L~ft to Right}coach Mr. Gowans,Scott Nyuli,David Gowans,Garry Kuptana,Tammy Horassi,Dwayne Hansen.


~ " "'~ ' lfd""" ~ i"1 '1 I ' j c,~
I I I I , I I I I f* :
DarrenMurphy Darryl Cooke
Derek ~illier Jeff Collins (Coach) N.W.T. Team Wrestlers
rr I 75 ~-
Darryl showing off his talents

On January 12, Derek Mi1lier, Darren Murphy, Darryl Cooke, and Mr. Collins travelled to Sydney, Nova Scotia to compete in the Canada Winter for wrestling. At the games Derek placed 7 out of 12 Competitors in the 100 kg class. Darren Murphy plac2 8 out of 12 competitors in the 68 kg class. D~-ryl Cooke placed 1 out of 12 competitors in the 55 kg class.

At the Canadian charnpianship in Burnaby, B.C., Derek plamed 4 out of 5 in the Greco-Roman catagory. Darren did not place in the standings at the Canadians. ln the Freestyle catagory Derek placed 5 out of 10. Darryl did not compete in the

Canadians this year.

r ~-i ~ I
I: \~ij\ &f.L


The purpose of this walk was to participate in 15 minutes of physical exercise for Canada's National Fitness Day.

! 1 '" "'" I I ",!y' ,: 11 '",18. 78 -

Who said I look cute!

Hold on I'll bring the p1ywwod.

\ The work of the two missing boys. ~ ;cc ~/l~ Whosaid that ~k'" ..we can't v~ i~ 1'1"-# palnt. 7"I~';'-

I said get those corners,and get them fast. ..,...;

'r' i I

Workshops with artists and athletes

t j
Experienced volleyball player Rob "Skippy'! ; Meclling, from Yellowknife, held volleyball clinics for the studnets Mary Okheena, director printing shop, teaches il print -Holman Style
Audrea Loreen , pastel artist from Tuk and Inuvik, de~~nstrates her techniques to a senior high art class
C"", c t~ , --,.,c !' .".c ~
God loves me.


Notice anything wrong with William and Scott?


You need some help I

with your hair-Bill?

I , r ! I
II .11 . r e is ln~ 0 88 -,,-0, '--'" ." --~~

Yearbook Staff

Ms. Rahn(Who's the boss)

Kenny Ruben(Skipper)

Gladys Berube(Bubbles)

Doug McLeod(Browner 100%)

Wanda Steen(Lover Girl)

Carrie Gour(Ov~rtime)

Kurt Stewart (G~'ease Monkey)

Alex Hill(Peace Person)

Stewart Gordon(Spazz Boy)

Kim Norwich(High Tower)

David Lucas(Day Dreamer)

Gary Apsimik(Star Man)

Neil MacCauley(Big Mac)

Jim Clark(Mcphoo Brave)

Heather Greenland(Giggles)

1.1111111111 ~ " i I ';

ReadingYourWorld ~ ~

I draw a line to your tin foil eyes

And hope to turn you on

I sing a song full of purples and greens

You try to hear my silent words.

Your w~ird world is like a magazine, ~ So glossy, yet so dull.

But, I can only read the art~c1es.

The Secret

The Sea Of Life

My heart pounds, The words spoken, as I gasp for breath. The truth at last. My world crashes, "Don't leave again, like the waves of an untamed sea. Let that be... One moment I'm riding high, " , The secret past. looking down upon the world. Then the waves crash, The words came out, and more roll in. in a sudden rush.

Confused and tumbling, "He is my brother, I'm lost in the chaos. even if he isn't Wondering each time, Your son." if I'll come out on top. Or if the waves of confusion

An ash grey face will conquer. turned my way. And I will be lost in the sea I ran b1id1y. of life. The sec_ret past is now the future.


Nuclear War

The smokedrifts

Sun on My David Bowie Poster against the winds 0

The world shifts

I call it a sign and back ward spins

You say I'm crazy

I don't have the time

Human life

You call me lazy is now all gone

\. No man or wife

Wearily I drag to school ,~ to carryon

Sign in late .~

Feel the fool ~ God's greatest

Until... pride of all

I can see the streams of sunlight cascading on the gloss

Man's latest

We thought we

Ultraviolet merging perfectly were our gods yellow beams stream across.

Painted, smudged, locked away open window 'ti1 the day

Now we see we lost the odds

Now you sit

It rains in empty demure

And the sun stops

Man did not fit shining on my ~ why, we're not sure David Bowie poster.

IJ ~-~ ~ ~
~ J
~ ~ ~
90 ~~-~-- -



I was alone

My mind was free

But what I saw

Can I believe?

That what I saw

That dreadful night

Was it really

Within my sight?

~as it real?

What did I see?

I can't believe

In fantasy

I saw a g~ave

The earth dug out

Was I so braze?

To give a shout

Out came the dead

Dirt clotted hair

Then I saw you

You standing there

Your face was blank

Your eyes were red

It's meaningless

For you are dead

You came up close

I saw you grin

The air it smelt

It stunk like sin

Broken Dreams

~ A sun sets on t?e horlzon,

A small gull glldes slowly by. l

The waves lap onto the golden shore ~

Where a young girl sits and cries.

Her long white hair flows alive

Like the foam of the sea'a silver hair. ji'

Her empt~ :ears fight to strive

As they Joln the blue saphire water.

A~ agelong wave gains height and strength

Flercely roaring towards the sand.

She watches it build fron a distant land

Build in hope and love and trust.

The wave rushes in breaking apart,

It falls back grasping for a hold.

Lost love, hope, pain she thinks, fighting for a grip,

Only to shatter like a young girl's broken dreams.

Angela McInnes

The Dream

When you're livinl\ on the edl\e,

What can I do it's the stronl\ who feel the cutting knife

You're over me Paying the bil~s hasn't any thrJ.lls

I gave a scream

And join the spree

Selling horses cr,ates bitterness, Wake when y"u know the money won't last long Shattering hopes fall like splinters, Bill McLeod when he doesn't return You think he's I\one, but then, he returns al\ain

Spirits soar, but not for long, times are changing But unknown to you, Something is wrong

Running madly, you escape, fleeing from insanity of the stake Crowded rooms with an ominous stench, as you retreat, unlock your mind

Soc ia 1 Studie s Charging boldly, ycu defeat, but it's too late, The damage has been done

I flip the page,stare at the wall

Count the tiles on the ceiling

Pouring red, you feel th~ heat, you splatter on the tJ.nted streets

The ,sun shlnes ln my eyes

The pain is great when you realize.

Making patterns on the desk that it's burning steel,

Putting gold highlights in my hair Which steals your conciousness

The sun's ultraviolet rays

As you awaken, (Aha! An application of science class) you realize that the time has come, Dry a single tear Your mind will be at ease for nOw

""' 1 h I ."hentheconflictiscleared, will e t e cock tlcks

You return hcme,'

The teacher drone s proud, because your dream hasn't

A f h d d b .Chanlad at all.

scrape 0 a c alr rowne out y rust.t~.lg paper

The sun shines in my eye s

Now blinding me

I see you, your face, your eyes

lsee you everywhere.

Then someone pulls the shade to grateful sighs

And I return to page 91

And the American Revolution.

."~I_~ ~\lI'
* I~f~~{

The face was red, pure red, almost b1ending in with The Painted Man the background, the eyes were black and seemed, on the --p,..inting to glow bl:lck. The mouth was the worst of all. It was open. tho"gh when I hnd !!tarted the face it had bcen closed, and inside gleamed yellow teeth which

The m:ln came at four on Wedne!!day. He had seemed to glint in the studio light. phoned e,..rlier, that is someone h3d represented I closed my eyes 3S the last of the twelve tolls him because he was mute, and m3de an appointment r:lng. ~ heard Moloch get up. I had forgotten all with me to get his picture painted. The man on about him.

the pho~e h3d told,me not to ask too many questions

I told him to sit down, that I was not finished and,to Just do my Job. , .but I heard him getting closer. I implored him

His name was Mo~och Belval, I don t know wh3t it to !!it down and f3ked that I W3S still painting stands for, but Since he co~ld n?t tal. and could him. He came closer and I saw his sh3dow, the shape not hassle me J. began to paint him. f h g .0 is e3r W,1S wron

By SiX I had c?mpleted a roug~ sketch of Mr. He was behind the painting now and as he leaned Belval. I was tired and told him to be back at t 1 k t ' t d 1 over 0 00 a i."

my stu i? at one: the next "ay, He l~ft quiet y I saw the total blackness of his eyes and 3nd I waited until J. heard the car drive away, screamed a woman's scream. The face on the painting b~fore,I ~et myself ~hudder. He scared me, w~th was bad enough but the face in real life!! \ his peircing eyes WhiCh were as cold and emotionless as st~e~, It was also the way he looked, errie Bill McLeod and sinister, that made me dread the next day.

The Moloch had also wanted a red, instead of black or brown background to his portrait. This was the first time anyone had asked for a red background. I went to bed that night in trepidation, but not really expecting the dreams that came. Theywere wicked and horrible and though I cannot remeber them I know they had something to do with this man Moloch Belval, and, strangely anough, the colour red,

The next day, at one, the man c3me, ql\ietly sat down in his position and I began to paint him. Today I brol\ght out all the detail of his body and face. I did the hands and legs last because they were the hardest for me to do.

By five I wall exh.1usted from my painting and told Moloch to come back at five on Frid,..y because J. was busy for most of thnt day. Once again as I heard his carleave I shuddered, This time J. could feel something in the 3ir,

Again something surrounding me, something impending.

That night I went to bed and had a dre:lmless sleep. In the morning thol\gh, woke up in a

b£'d soaked with !!went. took a cold shower

and proceeded on with my day: s business~s. I

returned to my home and studio around five-

started painting. By nine A family's lost love and some blinding fear, had finished everything but his hands and face. My thoughts so confused don't know anymore. Now was my ch,1nce to study him. his f...ce, closely withour drawing any suspicion from him.

They ve reached for me but I ve closed the door. His face was hairless and with his large cheek I'm falling again; b?nes throwing ~ shadow o,:,er th~ lower pa~t of One wrinkled petal among the leave S. his face made him look ominous indeed. His eyebrows .., were brown, in contrast to his jet black hair,

Th1.S you can catr,1:1 me and seemed to hang over his eyes in a permanent

I've fallen too deep. hood. His jaw wa~ thin.and almost pointed and his reach for that rope mouth was closed in a kind of leer. began to work on his face and hands in the That leads to the heart. painting, by first putting in a rough. sketch. .I can' t ~rasp thin air; It's bro glanced at my watch a~d ~aw that it wljS ten-thirty.

Catch me please someone!

I now began to put detail into the hands and face and every few minutes I would look at him to make m fall1.n~, dY1.n~.,. sure nothing went wrong.

Don't leave me alone Soon, though, I stopped looking at Moloch and concentrated in a kind of frenzy °l the painting, I was putting the wrong colours o"his hands and Angela McInnes face took on a different shape.


J. looked at my watch. It was now eleven-thirty. "Half an hour, " I thought, though I don't know why. I beg3n to panic. ,,as nnt going to be done b:/ midnight. hurried. and by five to twelve was finished.

I leaned back in my chair and stared at the

picture in horror. The hands were claws and the skin was like that of a reptile.

At the end of each finger there was a razor sharp claw. I looked at the face and heard the town clock f strike twelve.

J co ,:
Right back into
circle of
Can't fl away this time
~. '
being late, and round For my w1.ngs are cl1.pped and p1.nned, no-one there. I'm falling again, decided to wait just in case Moloch was late too. Like a wounded hawk in the sky, I waited until eight, doing odd jobs around the Fate plays the cards and rolls the dice. studio, and was just about to leave when he came in. " ld ? He gave me a note saying he was sorry for his lateness. Where s the be that ho s me here. He S3t down and J. aga1.n,
thirty, mad at myself for
t ~:~.~.'.
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Ski To Live Live To Ski ."

~ "111111 -
i .I
Clarissa Harry skiing in the Canada Winter Games in Nova Scotia.


Graduates and Undergraduates

Increasingly, leaders of industry, government and local interest groups are -recognizing the importance of education. The future leaders of the North will be chosen from those who take the time to educate themselves. Involvement and participation in local affairs at whatever level will compliment your learning program. Be active, be aware and be sure the future is really for you.

G RA T ULA TI~}.I~ -
"'" ~
DRUMPublishers Ltd. Box 2660 Inuvik,N.W.T. ..: ...d~~!~~liil~~ XOEOTO =---,. Phone-979-2623 I 'I
r Ilfl L: ~E~~~~:S~D~~~~~E~~~P "'~ ~~\(~ ~'1"'()OJ.~~t.s M r'~~ ~()T ~..s.e-rr:s~~ ~~.$ lORETT A BALSOM ~ Owner / ~ ':'t" G P.O. BOX 1718 ~~~ ;!J,.I~I\..INUVIK. N.W.T. XOE OTO (403) 979-3434 (b 4f~ ,.5' ~~~, @2'lJ.R;1o1.,S ~ ~~,,"Io-~r.9;-.$ ~~o~ 1808 ~ Es~t.W~, ~.""~- '(i'. {J{o~)97.9.2pO "" =.=;;= == I ::::::::: !!!!!!~::::::, ::::::::: ::::::: Ii 118. I H 0 me II Hardware & "'91at&ttatioiU ~~Ja";~ / ::::::::: ~§ :::::::::~~~~~~~~j BEST WISHES TO ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF. i~~~~~;~ , , ~~iii~i~: NORM ' S BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD :iiii~~! I NUV I K :::::::: ::::::: ~ ~... :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!!!!!!!!~! -




Who's Who

... ~
Mr. King
Miss Hayes
Special thanks to ESSO for donating a projecting T.V screen to the S.H.S.S. computer class.



One humiliating thing about science is that it is; gradually filling our homes with appliances: smarter than we are.

Did Einstein ever feel this way? Look at those cows and remember that the greatest scientIsts in the world have never discovered how to make grass into mil Michael Pupin

S R. 1 d J ..,. .'" r.~ ~
~~ ,,' il , Getting down to business. 1 ; j Ar TunlilY ! alple just
a goodtime! ~ '\ .~~ Ouch! Poop-shoot 101

Who's the student?

He'll make somebody a good wife..

Don't look so stunned it's only a camera

~ ~., -.~ .., ..~i -
hh ; t' \
,i i , r:
. r'
l ;,

.went to Hay River to compete in the above 600 Kiwanis Music Festival. JudginR from the photos I think they enjoyed themselvesespecially Jimmy!

I I , !
The 1986-87 Band Trip to Hay River, N.W.T.
~ Thebandandchoir
I -


I now present the S.H.S.S foods class.

Do these students look like they will be our future chefs, or what?

Some day you might even be eRting in their,v~ry ownrestaurant.

Did I just hear that our cooking is better than the food over at the McDonald's? ~,.~!


I sure hope I did~nt put too many spices in that last meal, or I'll be cleaning for the whole year!

I think you better try and clean a little faster so we can have our class specialties~ 1M STARVED!

A school cooked meal sure beats a burgar and a coke at McDonald's!




When you think of feehion you think of Paria ! or London not Inuvik. Every town, however, has its fads or offbeat fasqion statements. Inuvik, for example, " Studente dress casually here because they are more comfortable and familiar with the echool due to the f~ct of its size, and there is not ee much peer preeeure as you would find in a

.larger, moreeouthemhighschool",eayeHr.Henagh when aeked about S.H.S.S. feehion. Studente aren't

...always the ones who make fashion etatements, teachers .: are involved ae well. For example, there is Mr. Warren who does not wear socks, Hr. Lumsden'e white coat, Mr. Dyke'e pink shirts, and Hr. Callins' Ralph Lauren Polo shirts. The female teachers of SHSSall have indiv~aual etatements to make from keeping up

with the latest faehions and creating their own looke. The next two pagee reflect Someof the fashion crazes at SHSS in the past year. There are hundreds of OChar., somaexample. are high top .neskers, acid wa.Ii'~een wear, overeiEed clothing, and bright long ehorte for the summer, but it would take a whole book just to talk about the fade so here i. a quick ekiml So enjoyl and remember:


AOne of the big events this year was the disapearance of three students hair. "They show originality and I respect them for being diferent", eays Hr. Henagh when asked to coDlllent on the three individuals. Others that were a.kad to comment did not all have the same reactions. One individual's coDlllent was "UGHI". Many peo~le that were asked,repliedbysaying,"It'sdiferentbut you Joullin't catch DIe with onel".

good old wreetling mat a favorite with "anybody whowasananybody"

mat before. to the

Volume 1 Issue 1 YVLUUIt:J. .L:~
_nyt1ma.thapartner.changed'~ ~~~~~~ c,-
Couplee rated high on the list; nor
~ (ff,rab 'S7 IIII ~ t~ "' \:" ~ ~ ~ .\ .., 81 I Meet Mr. Garb l Age. Can Esquire Life in a Northern TownI

The highest reward for a man'! toil is not what he gets for j but Mhat he becomes by it.

:::::::::::.1..1111 I . , i !
a jay Bulletin


It is not necessary to understand music; it is only necessary that one enjoy it.

; The history of a , country is written in its popular songs.

I'" ~,
Sigmund Spaeth

Laziness: An overwhelming love for physical calm.

Hard work~ An accumulation of easy things you did'nt do when you should have.

Duty: Something we look forward to with distaste do with reluctance, and boast about forever.

Okay, noW let's go PARTY!

, ~
J ,
J~ '7

The Grad party was held inside this yearfor the first time ever! The Lions Den was great to let us use their facilities, keeping everyone safe and warm. Casualties were kept to a minimum, except for Lorna Gruben, who may be killed when she gets home. Even selling the evidence won't help her! Carol Maring gor a first hand view of the ladies toilets, and swears she ahd a good time. Annette missed half the party, and caught up on last night's sleep, while cupid arrows struck Theresea Lalonde, Charlie Walters, and Burton Campbell will be forever known as "just a gigilo! II

A good time was had by all -to put it mildly! We hope next year's grads have

even half as much fun -just like we know . they W1.ll!

It's the

i r
i I ~ 7" '""":-~--. " .r AI

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born in (get this!) Chibougamau, Quebec

on Jan. 26, 1969. F

NICKNAME(S) Hole, Hollycakes

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "Suck my big toe!I'.

FUTURE AMBITION To eat as much as I want and not ga~n a POSSIBLE FATE To end up manager of the drug store.

FONDESTMEMORIES Being stopped by the police in Calgary for jay walking.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Dead men don't wear plaid."

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Lisa was born on February 3, 1969 in Hamilton, Onto


FUTUREAMBITION To become a special ed. teacher in the north. POSSIBLE FATE To get lost in the bush forever, with 25 kids.

FONDESTMEMORIES The first day of school in Inuvik.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Life's not fair!"


NICKNAME(S) Worchester

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "H-o-o-w cracked!"


POSSIBLE FATE To be the angel i~ Hell's Angels.

FONDESTMEMORIES Party's in room Ail.! in hostel.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "It's a jungle out here."

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born in Calgary, Alta. on Canada's birthday, July 1 in 1969.

.FAVORITE SAYING(S) "Get outta here!" "...,i:;' "

FUTUREAMBITION To circ Ie the earth and laugh at everyone. POSSIBLE FATE To end up collecting honey buckets for the town of Inuvik.

FONDESTMEMORIES Giving Mr. Dyke a hernia by hiding from him on the plane back from Toronto!

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Look out world, here I come! I'

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born in Inuvik, N.W.T. on October 27, 1968

NICKNAME(S) De -anna

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "Just kidding"

FUTUREAMBITION To be a stewardess and serve under age drinks!

FONDESTMEMORIES The Inuvik-Milton exchange.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Canadian Air, here I come!"I i; ~, --;i';'. ~.{-

NAME Holly Walker
NAME Lisa Ann Cartwright NAME Theresa Wasserman NAME Carol Boudreau NAME Deanna Rose Aviugana

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Joe was bo~n here in Inuvik on December

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "Too bad it's over!"

FUTUREAMBITION To take a break and then go to college.

FONDESTMEMORIES Getting D.T.'s from Mr. Robson.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Good Bye SHSS, Good luck Grad '88 -and have a good Grad party!"

BIRTHPLACE/DATE The world has never been quite the same since August 29, 1968 in Selkirk, Man.

NICKNAME(S) Red, Big Red, lliB, Billdo (ha, ha, ha!)

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "What the funny!"

FUTUREAMBITION To succeed greater than Stephan King.

POSSIBLE FATE To be a starving hack writer. (I hear Harlequin is looking for just the type!)

FONDESTMEMORIES Remebering the night before during the morning after. /, FAMOUSLAS WORDS 1'1 have done more math in one hour than ever

before -Doodle doodle dee Wubba Wubba Wubba!"

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Carrie crawled out of her shell on August 18, 1969 in Peace River, Alta.

NICKNAME(S) Care Bear, The Gour

FAVORITESAYING(S) "Hey babe! How's it goin'?"

FUTUREAMBITION To make the best sellers list by 21 and

be disgustingly rich!!

POSSIBLEFATE To end up plucking ducks on the Mackenzie!

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Let's not do this again some time real soon!"

BIRTHPLACE/DATE born in Inuvik N.W.T. cn May 17,1969

NICKNAME(S) Penelope


FUTUREAMBITION To be the best at what ever I end up do~ng.

POSSIBLE FATE To have to stay in Inuvik for the rest of my life!!


FAMOUSLAST WORDS "If your Grad party was half as gO?d as ours, you must have done someth~ng right!1 II'

NAME: Christina Ann Gardlund

BIRTHPLACE/DATEBorn on Feb. 17,1968 in Fort Churchill,Man.

NICKNAME(S)Bopper and Knoller

FAVORITESAYING(S) ",:ow sick!" "Gee whiz" "Your cool" "NAW!"

FUTUREAMBITION To be a settlement nurse.

POSSIBLEFATE To end up emptying bedpans and cleaning rooms.

FONDESTMEMORIES Going to the coffee shop, spares, and Melita.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Beware of me arid my needle."

! 8:=. ~
:.-I!, Y '",'i
NAME Carrie Gour
NAME Annette Lester

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born in Mississauga, Onto on Jan. 19,1970

N7CKNAME(S) Ger, Jellybean, Gera1dot, and Gerbaldine.

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "Right onski!"

FUTUREAMBITION To be better than I already am. (I can't get much better!)

POSSIBLE FATE With my luck it'll be something awful.

FONDESTMEMORIES Spares with ~ere58 (How much fun can it be?!,


BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born in our fair town on June 26, 1967

NICKNAME(S) Andy, Chuck

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "It's almost Friday again!"

FUTUREAMBITION To get my own shop.

POSSIBLE FATE To live in McPhoo.

FONDESTMEMORIES Going on work experience.


NAME M. Carol

// BIRTHPLACE/DATE Carol was born on Christmas Day in 1968, right here in Inuvik!

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "You know what I mean?" "I lie! 'I

FUTUREAMBITION To get rich without having to earn it.

POSSIBLE FATE Having to work all my life.

FONDESTMEMORIES Getting caught skipping with Joyce and Robert in junior high.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Make it even if it kills you -the Grad party's worth it!"

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born in Tuktoyaktuk on May 7,1968

NICKNAME(S) Glorettes, Glow


FUTUREAMBITION To become a doctor

POSSIBLE FATE To end up with 20 kids that make me run away to Bingo 3 nights a week.

FONDESTMEMORIES Being in Mrs. Walker's T.A.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Do not follow where a path may lead, go where there is no path,and leave a trail

NAME Geraldine Ir1bacher NAME Andrew Charlie Burton Campbell H.J. Maring NAME Gloria Lorretta-Anne Anderson
-'~ --"- '--~ ,;c.~._,~. ._;;

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Inuvik was ble~sed with Marie on

January 26, 1970.

NICKNAME(S} Mermie, Moose, Rosie, Rabbit, Mimi.

(pant pant)

FAVOURITESAYING(S} "eeeh! " "See you!" "I.just kid!" and "Dream on!"

FUTUREAMBITION To become a nurse.

POSSIBLEFATE To immunize all the people with AIDS!

FONDESTMEMORIES Volleyball tournaments (especially in McPherson!) and gcing to the coffelshop on my spares with my friends.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "It's been fun, and it's worth it.

GiJodbye all!"

BIRTI~PLACEIDATE Inuvik! (yes, really) on June 9, 1969

NICICNAMES Treeeese or Tree (yuk!:'

FAVOURITE SAYING(S) "Hey, you're cute--gotta car?" "Hc.y babe, what's wrong in your world?" and last but not least "Quit calling me Alex!"

FUTUREAMBITION To work at Safe~~y, and to save up 100 Zellars points!

POSSIBLE FATE To be a fashion consultant at Zellars.

FONDESTMEMORIES Hanging around with Steph in the wierdest plac"es, Spares at my house with Geraldine and telling Jimmy that he's not a skinner and that I don't care.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Down with capital punishment!!"

NAME Noella cockney

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Inuvik on December 24,1967

NICKNAME(S} Odie and Noey

FAVOURITESAYING(S} "No sh*11 ah!!"

FUTUREAMBITION To teach here at S-ameul Hearne (can you believe it?!)

PCSSIBLEPJ..TE To never get out of school

FONDESTMEMORIES Playing volleyball -111 !

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "If I can make it, anyone can make it!"

NAME Steven Junior Loreen

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Steven w~sn't born anyp1Rce in particular on July 27, 1966

NICKNAME(S} Stud, Juggie, and Jughead! FAVORITE SAYING(S} "I don'lt know!"

FUTURE AMBITION To be involved in carpentry, plumbing, or electrical work.

FONDESTMEMORIES Getting called Juggie, being a stud, and teasing Mr. Warren.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS,.I can't believe that after 20 years, I finally made it!"

NAME Deanna Marie Malegana
NAME Theresa Lalonde

BIRTHPLACE/DATE David fell out of the sky onto the steps of the Mackenzie in '69.

NICKNAME(S) John Holmes

FAVORITE SAYING(S) I'Gee it's bad!!"

FUTUREAMBITION To get my carpenters papers.

POSSIBLE FATE To end up in A.R.R.


FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Come to McPhoo and get away from the cold! I'

IRTHPLACE/DATE Born on August 7, 1967 in Fort Franklin, N.W.T.


VORlTE SAYING(S) "How Sick! !" "Make my day!"


AMBITION To go on to further schooling

OSSIBLE FATE To become a home care nurse.

ONDESTMEMORIES Definately skipping school and going for coffee!

OUS LAST WORDS "Thank God it's over!-

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born on Dec 1, 1967


FAVORITE SAYING(S) "It's almost Friday!"

FUTUREAMBITION To be the best carpenter in the N.W.T.

FONDESTMEMORIES Bugging Mr. Elliott and Mr. Warren.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "It's finally the end!"

BIRTHPLACE/DATE We don't know when Richard was born, but rumour has it that he was hatched by the

Mackenzie in Fort Franklin in '69.


FAVORITE SAYING(S) "It's almost Friday and time to party!"

FUTUREAMBITION To be a carpenter. ill

POSSIBLE FATE To have to bu1ld my own shop.

FONDESTMEMORIES Skipping, going for coffee and just B.S.'ing.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "I'm finally finished!"

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born in Aklavik on a special day in '68


FUTUREAMBITION To become Chief of Aklavik.

FONDESTMEMORIES Having coffee with my friends during spare.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "I made it ,and good luck to next years Grads .",

NAME David Clark Ruth Ann Mackeinzo NAME Wilfred McNeely Jr.
I i
NAMERichard McKeinzo
; j
NAME Esther Ross

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born on may 16.1969 in Fort Good Hope


FAVORITE SAYING(S) "Thank Cod it'$ Friday!"

FUTUREAMBITION To travel the world.

POSSIBLE FATE To have to run my own business.

FONDESTMEMORIES Skipping.going for coffee and just B.S.'ing

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "It's over. I did it. 'Yah'"

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born in Inuvik in April 2. 1967

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "Lord tundra Jesus! 'I

FUTUREAMBITION To be a carpenter.

FONDESTMEMORIES All them coffee breaks!


BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born in Inuvik on June 30.1969

NICKNAME(S) Kenneth. K.K.

FAVORITESAYING(S) "Is it Friday yet?"

FUTUREAMBITION To be a carpenter. possible

POSSIBLEFATE To work for a living.

FONDESTMEMORIES Skipping and going for coffee. FAMOUSLAST WORDS 'II finally made it."

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Born in the Tuk cabbage patch on Mar. 25. 1968

NICKNAME(S) Crazy. Loana. Bug Bug.

FAVORITE SAYING(S) I'Like this?" "Nokell "What?" 'lee heel' "Oh I'm sorry!"

FUTURE AMBITION To become a police officer.

POSSIBLE FATE To end up in the drunk tank.

FONDESTMEMORIES Making new friends at grollier. especially Evelyn and rooming with Bertha Butt. "No more pens. No more books. No more teacher's di.:; ty looks!"

BIRTHPLACE/DATEBorn on Har-ch 27.1968 in Inuvik.

FAVORITESAYING(S) -It's live in the carpentry world!"

FUTUREAMBITION To be a carpenter

O~ESTMEMORIES Going for coffee.

NAME Chester Kakfwi
NAME Charles Aviugana NAMEKraig Hansen NAME Lorna Gruben
NAMERandy Hetchinelle

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Brad was born in Saskatoon, Sask. on April 14, 1969.

NICKNAME(S) Malibu Brother (???)

FAVORITE SAYING(S) Yvonne, you're a b !

FUTURE AMBITION To be the greatest movie actor ever!

POSSIBLE FATE To take over Yvonnes street corner.

FONDESTMEMORIES Staying with Daralynne. (Anyone want to hazard a guess as to what


I FAMOUSLAST WORDS "Jimmy Wilson wiil one day be an ac tua I skinhead!"

BIRTHPLACE/DATE Brent was born on the same day as Brad! ! ! ! ! (Wow, huh?!)

NICKNAME(S) Eyeballs (hey, I only copy the stuff)

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "Let's party!"

FUTUREAMBITION To be just like Darren.

POSSIBLE FATE To be as cool as Jimmy Wilson.

FONDESTMEMORIES Moving away from Inuvik.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS !'This summer, the parties are at Ryan Donovan's!"

BIRTHPLACE/DATE This has to be kept a secret, but we will tell you that she was born in Fort Franklin.

FAVORITE SAYING(S) "Get lost Corrine!" "How sick!"

FUTURE AMBITION To be a home care aid.

POSSIBLE FATE To be blowing gum in front of Mr. Robson.

FONDESTMEMORIES Skipping and going for coffee.

FAMOUSLAST WORDS "I t 's been fun, and good luck Grad' 88 ."

NAME Brad Busch
NAME Brent Busch NAME Helen Vital
~ ~
,~ Charlie Walters
,~..~ ~
Joyce Blake
Darren Murphy Gregory Snowshoe
Kevin Blake

The 1986-1987 Awards Ceremonies



Grade Nine- Chris Lesieur

S\;l2.WI1 Jul ian

Grade Eight- Merl Millier

Cheryl Amingyiak

Grade Seven- Brian Julian

Teryll Dillon


Grade Nine- Michelle Kelly

Garrett Rivalin

Grade Eight- Grant Rivalin

Tina Lacerte

Grade Sev~n- Heidi Warren

Eric Mcleod



G d . R. h d S . d

ra e 1.Car n1. er

Female -Marlo Hansen

rial E . Mcl d .e -.r1C eo

Allen Gordon I

Grade Eight- Cindy VanSteinberg

Bernice Joe


Female -Ruby Blake

Male -Darren Murphy

Grade Sev.~n- Darren Rogers Stewart Gordon

Umesh Sutendra

HONORROLL- Mr. Maher PERFECTATTENDANCE-Ms. Dixon ~ Theresa Lalonde ~ Dwayne Dick -Carol B~udr~au -= Ma~lo Hansen Grant R1val1n ,f Ne11 McCauley Gordie Clark Melissa Cartwright:
122 ..=~~~~}~}}}£~-t8~~ {~{~ {~~~~E> ~


Academic -

First Year- William Charlie

Second Year- Chester Kakfwi

Most ImprovedRichald Mackenzo

-_1.111111111 ~ i:~
I I f 123 .
~h~~ter Kakfwi receives an award and a smile from Mr. Warren

Miss Dixon looks happy with her choice of Marie Malegana for her merit award

Mrs. Walker chuckles to herself after awarding Carrie Gour for Mr. Menagh congratu a es her talents in English

D Mcl d oug eo


Mr. Lumsden -Phillip Andre (carpentry)

Mr. Taylor -David Nasogaloak (automotives)

Mr. Roach -Theresa Lalonde (social studies)

Ms. Hayes -Serena Edgi (math)

Ms. Dixon -Marie Malegana (foods 30)

Mr. Reid -Yvonne Doolittle (carpentry/automotives)

Mr. Dyke -Carol Maring (english)

Mr. McCallum- Heather Greenland (social studies)

Mr. Kwiecien- Bill McLeod (math)

Mrs. Walker -Carrie Gaur (english)

Mr. Lalonde -Corrinre Ferdinand (typing/business)

Mr. Lirette -Carol Boudreau (science)

Bill McLeod is Ms. Collinson- Doug Mcleod (~hys. ed.)

recongnized by Ms. Beaulieu- Ann-Margret White (french) Mr. Kwiecien for his Ms. Rahn -Kim Norwich (art)


Carol Boudreau

math skills rece~ves an

A surprised award from Mr. Ann-Margret d

L~rette an

White is f . h tops ~t 0 w~t con~ratulated the All Round by Mr. Menagh S .. h ' ..en~or H~g for rece~v~ng an award

Carol Boudreau

Theresa Lalonde accepts a merit is congratulated awar~ from for her 2xcellent Yvonne Doolittle ~r. McCallum work in social receives her

Heather Greenla~d

stu ~es

d.award with

a huge sm~le

~ ~
i; V
124 ti ""--

M1DDLEROW:GrantRivalin, Herl Hillier, Carrie Gour, Chris Darren Murphy congratulates Lesieur, Michelle Kelly, Marlo Hansen, Heidi Warren athlete Ruby Blake

FRONTROW: Richard Snider, ::ric Mcleod, UmeshSutendra, Allen Gordon, Dwayne Dick, Ruby Blake, Serena Edgi


To all the award winners and a special thank you to Mr. Johns and Mr. Lalonde for organizing the award ceremonies.



Gordie Clark, Richard Mackenzo,

Neil McCauley, Doug McLeod

MIDDLEROW:HellissaCartwright, Corrine Ferdinand, Marie

. , I I
Stewart Gordon, Carol Boudreau, Tina Lacerte
: I I Walker
time out a caring MOM ~!J!'
I~ '"
r,. ~ ~
/ -, ~
125 L
Malegana, Bernice Joe, Cheryl Ami~ltyiak, Brian Julian Darren Rogers, Heather Greenland, ShawnJulian, Chester Kakfwi, Terryll Dillon

Miss Dixon looks happy with her choice of Marie

M,gley,ana for her merit award


Mrs. Walker chuckles to herself after awarding Carrie Gour for M h t t Mr. enag congra u a es her talents in English

D Mcl d oug eo



Mr. Lumsden -Phillip Andre (carpentry)

Mr. Taylor -David Nasogaloak (automotives)

Mr. Roach -Theresa Lalonde (social studies)

Ms. Hayes -Serena Edgi (math)

Ms. Dixon -Marie Malegana (foods 30)

Mr. Reid -Yvonne Doolittle (carpentry/automotives)

Mr. Dyke -Carol Maring (english)

Mr. McCallum- Heather Greenland (social studies)

Mr. Kwiecien- Bill McLeod (math)

Mrs. Walker -Carrie Gour (english)

Mr. Lalonde -Corrinre Ferdinand (typing/business)

Mr. Lirette -Carol Boudreau (science)

Bill McLeod is Ms. Collinson- Doug Mcleod (~hys. ed.)

recongnized by Ms. Beaulieu- Ann-Margret White (french)

, Mr. Kwiecien for his Ms. Rahn -Kim Norwich (art)


Carol Boudreau

math skills rece~ves another

A surprised d f awar rom Mr. Ann-Margret Wh.Lirette and

~te is ' f . h tops ~t 0 w~t

congratulated the All Round

by Mr. Menagh for ..Sen~or H~gh award


Carol Boudreau

Heather Greenlar-d eresa Lalo accepts a merit is conF:ratul Mr: awaru from for her 2xcellent Yvonne Doolittle to ~r. L~Callum work in social receives her

d' award with stu ~es a huge smile

rece~v~ng an
124 f. (1, ,


To all the award winners and a special thank you to Mr. Johns and Mr. Lalonde for organizing the award ceremonies.


---~~- -,
Stewart Gordon, Carol Boudreau, Tina Lacerte MIDDLEROW:GrantRivalin, Merl Hillier, Carrie Gour, Chris Darren Murphy congratulates Leaieur, Michelle Kelly, Marlo Hansen, Heidi Warren athlete Ruby Blake FRONTROW:Richard Snider, ::ric Mcleod, UmeshSutendra, Allen Gordon, Dwayne Dick, Ruby Blake, Serena Edgi
~"f:?~ ""t?~ ""t?~ ""t?~ "f:?<;; ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ :1 I ,,' Walkertakes time out acaring MOM II~ ~~~~~,~,~~'.f) 125 I 1:[1 .M-

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