Lost and Eound
Andrew Esua
Chauna Gruben
Joyce Greenland
Tina Baton
Lisa Dalby
Fred Seabrook
Tommy Blake
Angela Firth
Me! issa Kisoun
John Searle
Leo Peffer
Kr;st;an B;nder
Kenny Campbell Jamie Campbell
Alfred Charl ie
Jonathon Day
Na Dean Elanik
Gr~gory Drescher
Angela DeBastien
Janelle Frost Sylvia Gordon
Tony GordOtl
Matthew Sly k h u":,s
Jackie Simon
~~ayne Villeneuve
Royce Suchodolsk;
Kael,/11 \{(~aI3er .
Firth, Sally Benjamln
Char ene Goose,
Kikoak, Aaron
Furlong, S i 9 In0 r McLEOD, MARDY
Lennie, Crysta
Hansen, Peqer C;boc;" Katherine
Calvin Dick, SeablAook~ Garrett Christine Dalby.
Justin McNEELY,
NETA G,.een,
\" , E E--'-., .'~"d~.,,~~:;:.,.--,.,
Thes,e are some of the things that happened to students in 8<: dLling the :/ear and plLIS a -f:EW comment'=.
.Jon-F'al_ll -llJent to Yell ow~::nife for soccer and went to Edmortton to bLIY a new tt~uc~:: and drive bac~::.
"Jada-.. Went to Yell ow~::nife for a soc:c:et~ tournament arid go"t sl.!spended fOL!I~ time:;.
F'at.- Went to '(ell ow~;:rlife .for-' soccer, came in first, went to AI~ct ic Winte!'~ Games far soccet-., came in second.
Chr j,st i ne- ~Jent to Ye 11 ow~::nif e f or soccer, tri ed hard i rl schOI:>l , but hard1 y got anywhere.
~:::enny- Going on vC\cat ion on .]Lll y 1.
.:::arl a-' Went to Whitehot~se ,with thE dance '~roLlp. En,jo':.red rr,ys.el f in A~::lavi~:: witt', all my friends..
.]osh- Went to Yell ow~::nif e f or a so,=c:er toLlrnament ~ came in foLlrtrl.
Tara- ~Jent to RL\Ssi.:\ and had a good time, bLtt I dor.'t th i n~: I'd ever go again. Ma':ibe ,.iL\st to see a11 the peop 1e I met. (Es~1 i call y the CL!te guys I met.)
NI'::Jrthern-' Went to Winnipeg i:or F'RIDE. F'ass grade 8
;~r~ch i e- No comment
.].":1:':on- Werlt to Winnipeg for-' F'RIDE arid got a .job at the t'Jort herr, .
Edwin- I'm not irl this cla~,s.
[lunc,~I-I- Got a. private T.V. for Supel~Nintendo in my I~oom. That's it.
Tiarra- Went to Mazatlan, met Charl ie Milan.
Cr':.lstal- Went to F'hoeni:.:~ went to Yellow~::nife and Ha:/ Rivet~ for trac:~:: and fiel d and managed to pass grade eight withoLlt do i ng any wcr~::.
'Do{[y9I(aePeffer C/irist},{~tfa[ 9t£ataLie.9fanson !AJfritmljrem
!},{kfusd s/iingatot Midiae£ljoraon. Sean !ArcfIiDaltl
cuttis pafmer
Jason 'J(jng
~ ~agfi.t
Jason 'Bourque
LOO~! I swear,I sawits eyesmove.
I toU you once,I toU your twice. 9£0W~Itfl9£(j 09£PJ{~
--'~;~~~ \'« N ~~~,r,:1 CFeopatra Lives!
Back Row From Left to Right: Clint Ross, Jason Picek, Matthew Suchodolski, Blair Adams, Edward Arey, Erika Pittman
Middle Row: Elaine Alexie, Frederick Peterson, Charlie Villeneuve, Angus Steffanson, Tyler Waloshuk-Stephens, Bruce Ruben, Tony stewart
Front Row: Krystal Tsuji, Melissa Lennie, Ben Goose, Scott Gordon, Doris Day, Lisa Allen
The Old Time Dance At Kendall Island
A long, long time ago there lived a man who always loved to play the fiddle. One day he got together with a few of his friends and started a band. The name of their group was called The Kendall Island Good Time Band.
One day they wanted to have an old time dance, so they asked the people if they wanted to have an old time dance. Everyone agreed. First of all they needed a place to dance in so they picked the biggest log house as the dance hall. Many people used the dance hall such as the drum dancers and other dancing groups.
After a few years people started packing things up and moved to Inuvik, but the Elders stayed. People still went to visit them but they became lonely. The dance hall fell down because it was so old and worn out.
The Elders slowly began to die and their closest friends buriedthem. The rest of the Elders moved to Inuvik. And to this day in the clam nights you can still hear people laughing, dancing and banging their drums in the old dance hall.
Lisa Allen
Who Invented Soccer
The mouthy little guy didn't know when to shut his mouth. That damn rabbit would tease everyone and throw rocks and snowballs atthem. But one day the rabbit got cocky to the wrong animal. The rabbit started taunting and teasing the bears. The bears were getting really annoyed.
So one day the bear got all his buddies together and caught therabbit. They tied him up in a ball and started kicking the rabbit. They soon realized he could bounce. They had invented a new game which they called it, kick rabbit.
One day when they were playing, a Pangertongian saw them playing. He shot all the bears and stole the rabbit. The pangertongian changed the name of this game to soccer. And that is how soccer came to be.
By Clint Ross
Why Man Hunts Animals
Long ago man and animals roamed land together but the animals teased the men because they were so dumb. The men were very strong so they killed the animals that bugged them. ftfter years of this both parties became disturbed with the way this was occurring.
Man hated being dumb and the animals hated losing their families. So the smart group of the animals who were the owls, agreed to teach man to be smart if they stopped killing them, so man agreed.
years man became very smart and decided that he wanted revenge on all the animals. He made a potion which would make them dumb and then let them eat it. And that's the way things are.
By Tyler Waloshuk-Stephens
The stranger
It was a dark cold night in Inuvik when Felix, Geoff and Mario were walking home from soccer practice. All three of the boys were tired out because of a long hard practice. It was only nine o'clock but the long dark winter nights made it seem like the middle of the night. The wind was howling and snow was falling. Something was moving in the shadows of the bushes.
who's there?" shouted Geoff
Nobody answer so the boys kept on walking. The boys were just about at Mario's house except they just had to jump over autilidor. When they jumped over the utilidor something grabbed Scott from behind. It was something big and it was pulling Mario under the utilidor. Felix and Geoff grabbed both of Mario's arms and they pulled as hard as they could.
The thing let go of Mario, and Felix saw some large icicles hanging from the utilidor. Felix picked up a piece of snow and threw it at the ice. The icicle fell on the things head and it went back under the utilidor.
All of the boys ran to Mario's house and they were safe. never ever went that way again. The
By Jason Ficek
Bow The Pingo Got It's Name
Dedicated To My Aunt Mildred In Tuktoyaktuk
long ago deep in the Northwest Territories in the small town of Tuktoyaktuk, there lived a medicine woman, an evil medicinewoman, named Ukruque Pingo. She was mean and Aunkind. She wasn't always like this. At one time she was a kind and beautiful person until her brother bought her a magic book called Sgells from the Dark Side. She was obsessed with the evil book and the spirit warned her she would burn in hell if she ever harmed anyone with evil spells.
But she didn't listen, she put a spell on a whale and the whale crashed into a wooden boat and completely crushed it. A small family of four were killed instantly.
The spirit was sad that they had lost their lives and punished Ukruque pingo by burying her house with dirt which was then covered by grass. To this day the people call the little hills pingos.
By Angus Robert Steffanson
There was a family who went to lived out at White Fish station during the summer. The men and boys went whaling while the women and girls would stay behind to do the cleaning as well as watching the camp. Sometimes the women and girls went berry picking.
One afternoon when the women and girls were berry picking on the tundra they came to the place where the best berries grew. To their surprise they discovered a bear eating all the best berries.
The bear glanced at the women and girls,and then it started to run towards them. The women and girls started running back towards their camp. But quickly one women who had a gun shot at the beartwice. The bear fell to the ground. The women and girls remained still and watched to see if the bear might be still alive. To their surprise, it got up and then fell back to the ground dead.
That night as they were trying to sleep, the people at the camp could hear the dogs barking. The people thought that there were ghosts haunting their camping area.
A few nights later the spirits of the people who had been buried near the camp many years ago came to one of the kitchen of onecabin. These spirits sat down and had tea and bread. Before leaving they left a note which thanked the people for the food. After that they never bothered the camp again.
By Doris Day
Bobb'l -..\c.Of'l~an5en Braam de. (Ierk. M~lin4o. Coc.knei Cor-ei Canadian R\jol"l Laff'er~'{ c.h~rCl l<aliibClc.h Kaa\ik J~9po\ G'Ie.~l l.(orr'1te.+
Amber- Ro\fc. K"rno. Pokiak.. LIAI.:c,t"\cbr41h
I3I"\Gr\ lamb
514"lat\na.Simon Klrt Rubtn
Ste-Je. Smi+h
Inuvialuktun Awards
Grade 7
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Grade 8 ~
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Grade 9
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
French Awards
Grade 7
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Grade 8
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Grade 9
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Jamie Keevik
Ada Day
Royce Suchodolski
Edwin Amos
Tara Cardinal
Northern Beattie
Bruce Ruben
Lisa Allen
Angus Stefansson
Junior High Senior High
Jason King
Steven Baryluk
Department of Public Works
Math/Science Award
Grade 7 Grade 8
Grade 9
Kristian Binder
Katherine Ciboci
Chandra Kaulbach
Beaufort Delta Divisional Board of Education Awards
Art Brian lamb
Senior High Math/Science
David King
Leah Lennie
Matthew Slykhuis
Kaelyn Yeager
Crystal Fraser
Tiarra Davis
Crystal Lennie
Jason Bourque
Chandra Kaulbach
Clinton Ross
Bernadette Binder
Bryan Norrie
Craig Kaulbach
Physical Education Awards
Grade 7
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Grade 8
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Grade 9
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Jamie Keevik
Meagan Gordon
Matthew Slykhuis
Sheila Vittrekwa
Amanda Jerome
Northern Beattie
Melissa Lennie
Matthew Suchodolski
Chandra Kaulbach
Most Outstanding Senior High Male
David King
Most Out$tanding Senior High Female
Bernadette Binder
Imperial Oil Senior High Science Award
Bryan Norrie
Athletes of the Year
Meagan Gordon
Jason King
Bryan Norrie
Marc Lehmann
Gwich'in Awards
Grade 7
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Grade 8
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Grade 9
Most Improved
Most Outstanding
Continuous Effort
Willy Inglangasuk
Hiedy Lindsay
Alfred Charlie
Sheila Vi
Suzanna Simon
Jaclyn Firth
Randy Inglangasuk
Northern Stores All Round Studen
Royce Suchodolski
Johnny Simon
Greg Drescher
Leah Lennie
Effie Tesserna
Gayla Debastien
Christine Wright
Ryan Gordon
Frederick Peterson
Cheryl Kaglik
Grant Sullivan
Nairn Kruezi
Catheril1e Jorstead
Dale Sydney
Adam Bil1der
Richard Blake
Kristian Binder
Matthew Slykhuis
Meagan Gordon
Katherine Ciboci
Leslie Palmer
Patrick Lancaster
Curtis Palmer
Matthew Suchodolski
Chandra Kaulbach
Berna Binder
Melissa Bonnetp lume
Bryan Norrie
Russell Noksana
David King
Jason Smith
Victor Kisoun
Kaelyn Yeager
Christine Inglangasuk
Crystal Lennie
Amanda Jerome
Northern Beattie
Emelye Smith
Braam de Klerk
Jennifer Gordon
Maria Blake
Daniel Nogasak
Mary RoseVittrekwa
Craig Kaulbach
Brenda Wolki
Congratulations to all the students at Samuel Hearne Secondary School who were on the Honour Roll and the Honourable Mention List for the 19931994 school year. To be on the Honour Roll, junior high students must have an average of at least 79.5% in Language Arts, Math, Health, Social Studies, Science and Physical Education. Students on the Honourable Mention List had an average between 75% and 79.5%.
Matthew Slykhuis
Kristian Binder
Tony Gordon
Victor Kisoun
Cobus de Klerk
Meagan Gordon
Andrew Seward
Katherine Ciboci
Leslie Palmer
Crystal Fraser
Patrick Lancaster
Northern Beattie
Tiarra Davis
Michael Gordon
Jason King
Curtis Palmer
Clint Ross
Matthew Suchodolski
Jason Picek
Braam de Klerk
Harmeet Jagpal
Chandra Kaulbach
Brian Lamb
Devin Yeager
Jennifer Gorpon
Bernadette Binder
Steven Baryfuk
Bryan Norrie
Craig Kaulbach
David King
Royce Suchodolski
Kaelyn Y~ager
Janis Baryluk
Jolene Bourque
Peder Hansen
Crystal Lennie
Stephanie Moses
Laura Hicks
Josh Campbell
Jon Paul Picek
Jason Bourque
Rick Davis
Natalie Hanson
Emelye Smith
Tyler Waloshuk-Stephens
Erika Pittman
Jaclyn Firth
Myrna Pokiak
Corey Canadian
Luke McGrath
Stephen Smith
Desmond Schab
Letitia Pokiak
Mark Pittman
David Macintyre
Emma Wainwright
INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, June 16, 1994
Name: Colin Harold Allen
Birthdate: 09/08/73
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: AJr, Jay
Favorite Saying: How sad.
Pet Peeves: People who pop their gum
Most Memorable Moments: None
Future Ambition:To become a police officer
Possible Fate: None
Last Words: Good luck to future GRADS.
Name: Tena Lori Baryluk
Birthdate: May 30, 1976
Birthplace: Inuvik, N.WT.
Nicknames: "Mum"
Favorite Saying: "You're so cheap!"
Pet Peeves: Ning Pokiak when he gets into one of his moods! (miseries)
Most Memorable Moments: October 4, 1991 / January 7, 1994 in room 108 / April 22, 1994 / when my son James Ainsley was born August 27, 1993, and weekends in Mcphoo!
Future Ambition: To be a teacher
Possible Fate: To marry Richard James and have 19kids.
Last Words: I'm outta here!
Name: Adam Binder
Birthdate: May 27, 1976
Birthplace: Inuvik -Home of the champions
Nicknames: Chadwick, Ah-dumb
Favorite Saying: Yeah right! As if!
Pet Peeves: Sera Marie
Most Memorable Moments: Europe '92, Cruise '93, and my eighteenth birthday. Wow what a p;I1y!
Future Ambition: To be an international radio anoouncer
Possible Fate: Doing the Saturday Night Request Show in Inuvik forever.
Last Words: Please don't cry. I'm going that's true, but you m.ust get on with your lives and try to live wittJout my Godliness.
Name: Kathy Paula Chinna
Birthdate: July 21, 1975
Birthplace: Inuvik, N.WT.
Nicknames: N/A
Favorite Saying: "Just for Kicks"
Pet Peeves: School, mornings
Most Memorable Moments: G.H. riots. parties. Ireland 1992
Future Ambition: Become a travel agent
Possible Fate:
Last Words: In your face!
Name: Carmela Lisa Benson
Birthdate: June 14. 1976
Birthplace: Lac La Biche. Alta.
Nicknames: Carmie
Favorite Saying: Male chauvinist pig!
Pet Peeves: Sexism & menstrual cramps
Most Memorable Moments: Hot tub parties, Nfld., Quebec, and my babe -Randy
Future Ambition: Fight for human rights
Possible Fate: "Would you like a facial with that?"
Last Words: Peace. Believe in yourself. Don't drink and drive.
Name: Richard James Blake
Birthdate: May 4, 1975
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: None
Favorite Saying: "I ain't cheap"
Pet Peeves: When Grollier supervisors get on your nerves
Most Memorable Moments: April 22, 1994, my most memorable moments aren't too memorable,
Future Ambition: Work and make lots of money
Possible Fate: Living in Inuvik with Tina.
Last Words: See ya' around!
Name: Jason Gordon
Birthdate: Oct.1, 1975
Birthplace: Edmonton, Alta.
Nickname: Hammer "X"
Favorite Saying: Just Chillin
Pet Peeves:~ Work, Grollier, chores, and mornings!
Most Memorable Moments: Playing basketball at AWG /94
Future Ambition: To own Nike
Possible Fate: Selling Nikes at Foot Locker
Last Words: Food, sleep, hoops. Those are the only essentials you need. Oh yeah, a little "air" too.
Name: Michelle Gruben
Name: Delores Harley
Birthdate: July 25. 1973
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: Babygirl
Favorite Saying: Ha!!
Pet Peeves: Tests
Most Memorable Moments: Math classes
Future Ambition: Being successful
Possible Fate: No job. living by myself.
Last Words: Good luck!
Name: Sally Ann Mari Harrison
Birthdate: May 28.1975
Birthplace: Inuvik (where else?)
Nicknames: None
Favorite Saying: Black dog! & The Nerve!
Pet Peeves: People who have rotten kids and think that they are angels
Most Memorable Moments: The birth of my daughter Alyssa Kimberly on January 23. 1993
Future Ambition: To be a pediatric nurse
Possible Fate: To move to Aklavik and have 10 kids
Last Words: Party hard. but remember to study hard to. See ya!
Name: Greg Doncaster
Birthdate: September 4, 1976
Birthplace: Amherst, N.S.
Nicknames: Red, Thunder, Tuck
Favorite Saying: "I was sick, really"
Pet Peeves: Violent women
Most Memorable Moments: Coming back to this school, Europe '93, 18 Nervous Gumshoes, and playing SHSS basketball.
Future Ambition: Hollywood!
Possible Fate: Starving
Last Words: Have fun, it's all hassles from grade 12on.
Name: Patrick English
Birthdate: December 2, 1974
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: None
Favorite Saying: Quit
Pet Peeves: None
Most Memorable Moments: Meeting girl friend's parents.
Future Ambition: Don't Know
Possible Fate: None
Last Words: Quit
Shaun Firth
Name: Bobbie Jo Greenland
Birthdate: September 11, 1976
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: BJ
Favorite Saying: You never know
Pet Peeves: Mr. Button
Most Memorable Moments: Seeing G'N'R and talking to Slash March '93, drive from whitehorse Feb. '94, meeting Warren Steen in '93
Future Ambition: To run my own business
Possible Fate: Win the lottery
Last Words: Life goes on
Name: Angeline July Haynes
Birthdate: April15,1976
Birthplace: Vancouver, B.C.
Nicknames: Ange, Sput, Ungalina
Favorite Saying: That's disgusting!
Pet Peeves~ Being called cute all the time.
Most Memorable Moments: Being kissed on the head by a certain Romeo, "18 Nervous Gumshoes"
Future Ambition:To be a psychologist.
Possible Fate: To have to go see one.
Last Words: Don't forget that life is what happens while you're making other plans.
Donald Hendricks
Name: Molly
M. Button
Stephen Craig J Kaulbach
Birthdate: October 22, 1976
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: Forehead, Speedo Demon Racer
Favorite Saying: Fool! Yupsure!
Possible maybe no!
Pet Peeves: Notes, walking and more than that -running
Most Memorable Moments: Cruise '93, sleeping in class
Future Ambition: To become an engineer
Possible Fate: A bartender in an small one bar community
Last Words: May my life be colorful and full of success
Name: David King
Birthdate: February 17, 1976
Birthplace: Inuvik (whoop-dee-doo)
Nicknames: I am beyond nicknames
Favorite Saying: Pathetic mortals I shall rule
Pet Peeves: Humans and other lower life forms
Most Memorable Moments: All my moments are worthy of mention. Remember my time here: I will soon be in the history book.
Future Ambition: Planetary dictator
Possible Fate: Mental ward
Last Words: You are all blessed for having known me
Name: Claudine Dawn Kisoun
Birthdate: December 31, 1976
Birthplace: Calgary, Alta.
Nicknames: Babe, "Crash"!
Favorite Saying: Oh my God!, I don't think so'
Pet Peeves: People who chew with their mouth open. who breath through their nose real hard.
Most Memorable Moments: Spring '94
Future Ambition: To be an X-ray Tech
Possible Fate: To manage Northern
Last Words: Good luck to all GRADS!
Name: Dwayne Koe
Name: David Macintyre
Birthdate: March 2, 1976
Birthplace: Halifax, N.S.
Nickname: Dave
Favorite Saying: IllIyuk!
Pet Peeves: Mothers!
Most Memorable Moments: What else?
Future Ambition: Be filthy rich
Possible Fate: Married
Last Words: Don't blow it when you.re this close.
Name: Jason MacNeil
Birthdate: September 6, 1974
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: Mouth, Jay Jay
Favorite Saying: I'm not allowed to swear on this. ~
Pet Peeves: Sallie Harrison
Most Memorable Moments: Parties out at Shell Lake, holidays in Edmonton with my friends, Mr. Allen's class.
Future Ambition: Test drive 4 x 4's in Inuvik
Possible Fate: Being a full time Janitor at SHSS.
Last Words: Let's get pissed!
Name: Deron Noksana
Birthdate: February 7, 1974
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: None
Favorite Saying: Ah-oh
Pet Peeves: Homework
Most Memorable Moments: Winning Men's Open Class Ski-doo Race in Tuk.
Future Ambition: Go to college.
Possible Fate: Millionaire
Last Words: Bye, have fun partying without me.
Name: Ernest Pokiak
Birthdate: September 6, 1975
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: Ning
Favorite Saying: Hey Pluto
Pet Peeves: Every single person in school
Most Memorable Moments: The day I heard that literature is illuminating and elevating.
Future Ambition: To work in the field of aviation
Possible Fate: To be a memory
Last Words: Bye for what?
Name: Jason Smith
Birthdate: August 25. 1976
Birthplace: Mission, B.C.
Nicknames: Pretty Boy
Favorite Saying: RRRRAAAWWWAnimal
Pet Peeves: Authority figures and this town
Most Memorable Moments: When I was abducted by a UFO full of sex starved alien blondes. and we all went out to lunch.
Future Ambition: To become a totalitarian leader of military regime
Possible Fate: Becoming a statistic or the Anti-Christ
Last Words: "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum"
Name: Phillip Smithson
Birthdate: March 23, 1976
Birthplace: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Nickname: Flip, Issac
Favorite Saying: ya freak!
Pet Peeves: People who say -"Beer Jinx"
Most Memorable Moments: Being hit by a taxi and going to Europe in 1993
Future Ambition: Go to university, then work
Possible Fate: Coming back to Inuvik to teach
Last Words: Been there, done that, NAILED ITSHUT!
Name: Warren A. Steen
Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Nicknames: None
Favorite Saying: "Nothing" and "Why"?
Pet Peeves: Publicity
Most Memorable Moments: Love Daze
Future Ambition: Unknown
Possible Fate: Unknown
Last Words: Death alone can death can save
Name: Tina Ann
Marie Suchodolski
Birthdate: August 17, 19??
Birthplace: Edmonton, Alta.
Nicknames: M.M.
Favorite Saying: Typical male, shit happens
Pet Peeves: Men who think they are more dominant
Most Memorable Moments:April 26, 1994 I May 5, 1994
Future Ambition: Becoming a top .~ accountant above the rest
Possible Fate: Being rich and famous. Richer than Adam.
Last Words: I am woman hear me roar!
Name: Ian Lucky Teddy
Birthdate: June 16, 1974
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: Upian, It. Ruxpin. Tupac. Charlie Manson
Favorite Saying: I don't break laws. I make laws, I'm the law maker.
Pet Peeves: Kathy Chinna, she always annoys me.
Most Memorable Moments: When I first went to the ZOO. Being at the Canada Games.
Future Ambition: Good question
Working for the Phoenix Foundation, the Pentagon
Possible Fate: Being a business person for IOC
Last Words: Live fast, die young!
Name: Emma Marie Wainewright
Birthdate: November 25, 1975
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: Emmy. Babe
Favorite Saying: GEE!
Pet Peeves~ Jason MacNeil
Most Memorable Moments: Meeting Charles, getting to know Delores.
Future Ambition: Being Successful in life.
Possible Fate: Living alone.
Last Words: Good luck in the future GRADS!
Name: Brenda Wolki
Birthdate: 08/15/74
Birthplace: Inuvik
Nicknames: Flower, Bobbie
Favorite Saying: Shit
Pet Peeves: Ian calling me Flower.
Most Memorable Moments: Los Angeles
California '94 , Oklahoma '93 , Grad '94
Future Ambition: To be a social worker
Possible Fate: Own a flower shop
Last Words: Adios