Acorn foundation celebrating the first 15 years

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“When a person plants a tree under which they will never sit, then you know civilisation has come to that land.� Greek Philosopher


In 15 years Acorn has attracted 300 donor funds, with $21 million invested in perpetuity for our community. $4.6 million has been gifted to the community since Acorn’s inception in 2003. Acorn has helped over 200 local charities and expects to be making $1 million in annual grants by 2019. This is the story of how the Acorn Foundation has grown in 15 years to become a major contributor to community philanthropy in the Western Bay of Plenty.

FOREWORD I am pleased to write a foreword to this book celebrating the 15th year of Acorn, the Western Bay of Plenty’s own Community Foundation. From Acorn’s inception I was enthralled with the concept of leaving funds that would benefit the community and would be held in trust so that the benefit continued well after a donor’s death. It made sense that Acorn would manage those funds collectively, reducing administration costs to a minimum and ensuring maximum benefit. The Acorn Foundation now boasts 300 donor funds with $21 million invested in perpetuity and has helped over 200 local charities. All of this has been made possible by generous people in this community who want to make a difference and choose to give back. Often these are ordinary people who simply choose to do extraordinary things. They say there is nothing more fragile than a new idea and from that seed of an idea 15 years ago the Acorn Foundation has achieved so much and is now one of our community’s most significant assets. Little wonder it was once described by Sir Stephen Tindall as the shining light in community foundations in New Zealand. If this is what can be achieved in 15 years, just imagine the transformative difference the Acorn Foundation will continue to make to the many community organisations and charities in this region which are so deserving of this support.

The Western Bay of Plenty is an amazing place that has given so much to so many people. I encourage those of us grateful to live here to set up their own fund with the Acorn Foundation to take care of our community on an ongoing basis well into the future. With an increasingly complex society and more and more community needs, the old saying “It is better to give than to receive” has never been more true. As the Acorn Foundation states, its purpose is crystal clear: ‘connecting generous people who care with causes that matter – forever.’ On behalf of our city, and personally, I wish to congratulate and thank Nicky Wilkins, Glenn Keaney, the board of Trustees and the Acorn Foundation team, who work tirelessly for the good of this region, for all their vision and for all they have done to date. I wish them every success in the future.

Greg Brownless Mayor of Tauranga Founder of Legacy Funerals Trustee of Legacy Trust Tauranga

Greg Brownless

SOWING THE SEED The commitment to community funding was strong in the Bay of Plenty before Acorn, partly due to the work of social entrepreneur Peter Wyatt of the Compass Community Trust, which helped fund a variety of not for profit organisations, many of them based at the Tauranga Historic Village. Mr Wyatt had travelled to America to investigate community-based philanthropy. He suggested to Bill Holland, who was on the board of the Compass Community Trust, that Bill should attend the 2002 Community Foundation Conference in Atlanta and arranged a Mott Foundation scholarship to cover accommodation and registration. While in the USA Bill also visited Washington (on the first anniversary of 9/11) to meet with the Washington Community Foundation, then met with the trustees of a similar foundation in New York. “Philanthropy has always been very much a part of American culture,” Bill remarks. Bill discovered the New York Foundation had a clear preference for bequest-based giving, managing endowment funds where the amount bequeathed to the foundation was invested, with the return distributed to the community - substantial sums of it. Community Foundations generally charge 1% of the fund to cover administration costs; a figure which has since been adopted for Acorn’s lean operating budget. Bill came back all enthused and spoke to his neighbour, Neil Craig of Craigs Investment Partners, who was very supportive of the concept.

In 2003 the Acorn Foundation was established, a name which references the old adage, “Great oaks from little acorns grow”. Perfectly relevant when Tauranga has its own mighty oak tree in The Elms gardens. The very first endowment fund in the name of Edna Brown was significant but would not generate enough for the first year’s expenses. Each of the Acorn Board of Trustees dipped in their own pockets. They also held their first (and only) fundraiser, a highly successful media auction where parcels of advertising from all the local media were auctioned off to local businesspeople. “We had it at 6pm,” recalls Bill, “because we could not afford to provide a dinner.” They raised $85,000 of the $100,000 they had budgeted for. Stephen Town, then chief executive of the Tauranga City Council, introduced the Acorn board to Steve Bramley, a fundraising advisor, and could see the value in retaining him to mentor Acorn as, if as promising as it looked, the Acorn model would lift some of the community burden from the Council. Marketing was where it was at. “We firmly believed that everyone wants to be able to make a difference. We were also convinced that bequest giving was one way anyone who chose to could make that difference,” says Bill. They just needed to know how.

Bill Holland





Acorn funds help Get Smart to work successfully with youth, their families and parents/caregivers whose lives are affected by alcohol and other drugs.

The Seasons for Growth peer support programme is for children who are missing an important person from their life due to the death of someone close to them, the separation of parents, having a family member in prison, or other major family change. Acorn funding provides training for volunteers to run the programmes in several locations across the Western Bay of Plenty.

Traditionally shy and reluctant to ask for help, many Pacifica people living in Tauranga have been able to access important and often much needed services, thanks to the support and advocacy of the Pacific Island Community Trust.

“Knowing someone is there to listen and care. I understand more about me… how I can help myself in a situation where I feel suicidal or needing to drink to forget.”

“I don’t cry every night when I go to bed now.”

“My Dad is so thankful because we don’t know where we’d be without them.” - Daughter of a Tongan man needing dialysis 3 times a week in Hamilton

Credit: BOP Regional Council Toi Moana

Stephen and Margaret Tindall

CEMENTING A SOLID FOUNDATION Between 2003 and 2006 Acorn board members spread the word and donors trickled in. Several of the Trustees set up funds themselves. Bill Holland was often heard to start a conversation, “You might like to do what I’ve just done.” The appointment of Acorn by The Tindall Foundation in 2003 to be their Regional Funding Manager represented a huge endorsement of Acorn and a cash injection to kick start the distribution process. Having the Tindall funds to distribute was a boost to Acorn in these early days. They were seen to be making a substantial difference in the community which encouraged financial input from the community.

local foundations is based strongly on trust. “It has been an honour and a privilege to be associated with Acorn,” he says.

“I have often thanked Nicky Wilkins and Margot McCool for making us all look good.” He adds that people like the Acorn Foundation board and its many supporters are all acting in good faith for no personal gain and it’s people like that, and Foundations like Acorn, which foster community resilience.

The Tindall Foundation, started by Stephen and Margaret Tindall in 1994, supports families and social services throughout New Zealand, many via Community Foundations such as Acorn. Tindall had provided seed money to the Acorn Foundation once they had met the milestones set in place by Tindall to monitor a foundation’s progress to a solid sustainable base.

The Tindall Foundation also funded, in 2009, the first of a series of National Community Foundation workshops organised by Nicky Wilkins to upskill trustees of similar foundations throughout the country.

The Tindall Foundation’s General Manager at the time, Trevor Gray, had been ‘in the loop’ from the outset.

Trevor retains his relationship with Acorn and has consulted to them on strategic planning.

Trevor, who developed a close relationship with the Acorn team over his 12 years as General Manager of Tindall, acknowledges that the relationship between Tindall and

Trevor Gray

Nicky Wilkins

GENEROUS LOCAL DONORS GROW THE FUND During Craigs Investment Partners’ long association with Acorn they introduced some donors, notably Colin Toop, who named his fund in honour of his wife and son. His death in February 2006 marked a significant bequest to the Acorn fund. Each year around $50,000 is distributed on behalf of the Colin Toop Fund. “The aims and objectives of the Acorn Foundation fulfil my requirements exactly,” said Mr Toop. Eva Trowbridge was another early donor, one who saw Acorn as solving the problem of how best to ensure money accumulated by her family made a difference in the future. She and her sister married brothers. They all emigrated from England and neither couple had children. Eva was the last to die, leaving a legacy to assist in continuing education via the Eva Trowbridge Scholarship. Eva had no tertiary education herself and was a cleaner at the Tauranga hospital for 25 years, proving you did not have to be ‘rich and famous’ to make a difference through Acorn. The Eva Trowbridge Scholarship provides annually for a worthy adult student to further their career through study at the University of Waikato Tauranga campus. The first recipient,

Michaela Kamo, became an Immunisation Advocate for the Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation, helping keep children out of Tauranga Hospital, the very place Eva worked for so many years. By the end of 2006 the Acorn Foundation had attracted 24 endowment funds and had their first $1 million invested. The appointment of Nicky Wilkins as Executive Officer marked a turning point for the Foundation. Nicky was a genuine people person with a strong marketing background. Her role was very clearly the acquisition and management of donors. To start the ball rolling the board members each gave Nicky 10 names to contact. She and the board members visited people personally and took every other opportunity to speak to appropriate groups like Rotary and Probus. A five-year-plan set targets for donor funds and allocated a marketing budget. Another idea Bill picked up in New York became part of Acorn’s personal touch. A donor profile card, including a photo and a story of their life, is produced for every donor. As funds are distributed the beneficiary receives a card about the donor, which really personalises the gift.

Neil Craig

INVESTING AND MANAGING THE FUND Craigs Investment Partners have been Acorn’s Fund Managers from the beginning. The difference between managing a fund for a charitable trust like this and a personal one is that the IPS (Investment Policy Statement) is much more detailed. Neil Craig wrote the original ten-page IPS for Acorn which set out the rules and guidelines for investment, including the asset allocation. The advantage registered charities like Acorn have in New Zealand is that they are not taxed on income or capital gain, Neil points out. “Our investment policy takes account of the peculiar tax position in that it includes more bonds and financial instruments which will not be taxed at source.” The Acorn fund is overseen by Craigs Advisors, Reg Montgomery and Guy Malthus. Recommendations are made to the Acorn Foundation Investment Committee. This group meets regularly and are in constant email contact. “We give our large community funds like Acorn and the Waipuna Hospice Fund priority when it comes to capital raising opportunities that come along, and our focus is on keeping risk low and return as high as possible. The annualised compound return since the fund started in 2003 is 8.1%.”

Neil Craig says that from the first time he heard about the Acorn Foundation (“over a glass of wine with Bill Holland”) he could see the benefits to the community. He refers to Acorn as an “umbrella trust” providing a financial shield for other charities. When Craigs started managing the fund there was less than $50,000 in it. Now there is $21 million. After 15 years managing what is now a massive community asset, Neil Craig says the robust process of the very detailed IPS, the advisory committee and the supervision of the fund manager ensures that Acorn and the community are well served. Not only does Craigs Investment Partners manage the fund for nominal fees, they also recommend Acorn where appropriate. “Every community should have a foundation like this,” says Neil Craig, having walked the talk by committing Craigs Investment Partners to share sponsorship of Community Foundations of New Zealand with The Tindall Foundation for three years from 2017.

Greg Brownless

ACORN BECOMES A CATALYST Legacy Funeral’s owner, Greg Brownless, set up one of the earliest Acorn Foundation endowment funds. His sense that he had “enough” also prompted him to seek a way to use his assets to make a difference to his community in his own lifetime. The Acorn model sparked his interest in how it could be done and, after several discussions with Acorn Trustees, the solution was to transfer his business into a charitable trust with all the profits returning to the community. The Legacy Trust, under the trusteeship of Greg Brownless and Bill Holland, distributes funds twice a year. Since its inception in 2007 it has gifted $2.4 million in grants to over 400 community organisations. Legacy complements the work Acorn does and often gives to causes that don’t fit the Acorn Foundation criteria, particularly those which might benefit an individual in need. The Legacy Trust also supports the Acorn Foundation with annual contributions towards operating expenses. “Acorn is important in encouraging people to think of how they can contribute and give back to the community that has been good to them,” says Greg Brownless. The Tauranga HELP fund trustees recognised in the Acorn Foundation the answer to their dilemma. Tauranga HELP was established in the early 1980’s to create a secure supportive environment where victims of sexual abuse could be seen

by doctors and counsellors. Dr John Barr, the Police Medical Officer, and Norah Reid, who also helped establish Tauranga Women’s Refuge, were instrumental in training counsellors and in the purchase of a house in Fourteenth Avenue as their base. “We were continually raising funds to pay our counsellors,” recalls Norah. After twenty years it was still a challenge to cover costs, so the house was sold and a trust formed ensuring victims could still benefit. The other issue facing the trustees was succession planning; what to do when they were no longer in a position to administer the trust. They approached Acorn with the result that the HELP trust was wound up and the assets transferred to the Acorn Foundation as the Tauranga HELP Fund in July 2007 with specific mandate that proceeds should go to support women who had been abused. Acorn has distributed funds accordingly ever since, one initiative being three-year funding (from the Acorn Tauranga HELP fund and several other Acorn donors), of the role of a Frontline Advocate to work with police in domestic violence cases, assessing risk, and putting in place the appropriate care, including referral to agencies like Women’s Refuge, Shakti and BOPSASS (BOP Sexual Assault Support Services). A vital service when one in four women experience domestic violence in their lifetime.





The generosity of several donors allows Acorn to provide close to $40,000 annually, supporting the Salvation Army Community Ministries, whose Tauranga corps offers a range of vital services including counselling and assistance with food, furniture and clothing. Their Bridge programme also helps people whose lives have been affected by the harmful use of, or dependency on, alcohol or drugs.

While guide dogs are the most well-known service provided, the Blind Foundation also offers much more support for people who are blind or low vision to enable a life without limits. Services include counselling, support for living independently, access advocacy and creating community connections. Acorn assistance of around $18,000 per annum helps the Foundation to support many vision-impaired people to live the life they choose.

Providing palliative care each year for 1,000 patients and their families, Waipuna Hospice touches the lives of so many families in our region. Through donors’ tagged funding, Acorn provides over $45,000 each year to help Waipuna provide a range of highly skilled and specialised services both on site and in patients’ homes.

Norah & Arthur Reid

DECIDING WHO SHOULD BENEFIT FROM ACORN The allocation of funds – in line with donor requests and from applications to access the unrestricted donations – has always been a robust process, handled by Acorn staff and the volunteer Distributions Committee. Norah Reid, who helped set up the Acorn Tauranga HELP fund, was aware of the effectiveness of the Acorn Foundation, as she had been appointed to the first Distributions Committee in 2005. This social service powerhouse was also the first female president of Rotary, and had been on the board of, and then run, the Avalon Training Centre. She was awarded the Queen’s Service Medal in 1995. The Acorn Foundation funding philosophy appealed to Norah Reid immediately. “Having been on the other end of fundraising when you are constantly ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’ I could see the benefit of making funding sustainable in this way. I was blown away by the efficiency of the distributions process. We were presented with the paperwork, all the initial screening for meeting Acorn’s criteria already done.” Much of it under the auspices of Margot McCool.

We had some interesting visits!” The causes that stand out for Norah are those which improved the lives of children. Norah says she admired the robust system for giving them total confidence that funds were distributed aptly and well. “Of course, at first we never had enough money; often only able to give half the money that charities applied for.” The committee members’ wide-ranging knowledge of local organisations and the people on them provided valuable insights when making distribution decisions. Beneficiary organisations were held accountable with six monthly progress reports. As well as setting up one of the earlier endowment funds, the Reids were also connected with Acorn though Arthur Reid’s involvement in a medical scholarship.

Margot McCool joined Acorn in early 2008 as Finance and Distributions Manager, her title later changed to Operations Manager, responsible for the application and distributions process and for marketing. She proved the perfect complement for Nicky Wilkins, the two becoming increasingly admired and respected by the Acorn community.

Arthur Reid, a (now retired) haematologist was one of a group of Tauranga doctors who had established a fund in the memory of Dr John Mark, a well-known GP. The aim of the fund was to help medical students from the Bay of Plenty with scholarships to medical school. By 2007 many of the original committee members were retiring and it was felt it would be better administered by the Acorn Foundation. The trust was wound up and the assets transferred to the new Bay of Plenty Medical Students Scholarship Fund established with Acorn. In 2009 the assets of the BOP Post Graduate Medical Foundation Trust were added to this fund which is now helping train the next generation of doctors in this region, continuing the legacy of Dr Mark.

Margot worked closely with the Distribution Committee. Norah explains, “We studied each application and divvied up visits to those organisations we did not know well or at all.

Arthur and Norah have themselves made provision in their Wills for an endowment fund, through the Acorn Foundation.

Ros Granger

GIVING WHILE LIVING The introduction by the government of a 33.3% tax credit on charitable donations (with some conditions) effective April 2008 was a huge plus for Acorn. And one they promoted assiduously with the result that donor numbers jumped yet again. While the focus was on endowment funds, coupled with an initial donation to go towards administration, a comment from Pat Page highlighted another opportunity. “Why wait till we are dead,” she said, in relation to her husband Bob’s desire to set up engineering scholarships as an active solution to his disappointment when the national apprenticeship scheme ended. In 2010 the inaugural winners of the Page Acorn Scholarship were announced, benefiting eight apprentices over five engineering companies. Since then, $173,000 has been given to assist 39 engineering apprentices and the firms employing them. Ros Granger was another donor experiencing the satisfaction that generosity brings, establishing a fund in memory of her husband Bob, and commencing contributions immediately to enable young Western Bay of Plenty people to attend an Outward Bound course. In 1962 Bob Granger was instrumental in creating a local committee for the then fledgling Outward Bound School at Anakiwa. In 1997 he

became National President of the Outward Bound Trust and was a member of the International Outward Bound Board until his death in 2000. Ros was thrilled to be able to continue Bob’s legacy through the Acorn Foundation.

“I am one happy lady as I’m doing something to honour my husband, his favourite charity and the community.” Many donors now ‘give while they live’ in the knowledge that their benevolence will outlast them. Due to New Zealanders’ natural reticence, half of the first 20 donors asked to be anonymous. When the donors’ endowment funds hit the magic 100 in 2010 the Acorn team decided to celebrate. Prime Minister John Key agreed to speak at a breakfast where it was planned to have a display board with the names of the donors - not so easy when some did not want their names known. However, when they saw how many like-minded people had joined the Acorn ‘family’ all but three donors agreed to be named and honoured. One donor who did remain anonymous gave a donation of $300,000 to mark this milestone. This brought the invested donor funds to $4 million.

It was her love of golf which indirectly brought another donor to Acorn. Adrienne Coad was born in Tauranga, a foundation pupil of Green Park School and attended Tauranga Girls’ College. Adrienne has played golf since she was 15 and is one of the longest serving members of the Tauranga Golf Club, of which she recently became Women’s Captain. “I had read about Acorn and seen pamphlets about it at my lawyer’s office,” she says. However, it was a discussion with fellow golfer and Acorn Operations Manager, Margot McCool, that prompted her to set up a fund in 2013 which would make her an effective donor immediately. Adrienne had good reasons to allocate one third of her fund to Asthma and Respiratory Management BOP as her father had suffered from emphysema. Adrienne also had a disabled daughter who received a lot of support from CCS Disability Action so one third of her fund was allocated thus. The final third she left unrestricted.

“Margot suggested this, and I agreed as there are causes that need help which Acorn has much better knowledge of.” Adrienne’s Acorn fund began paying out to her nominated organisations in 2014. This generous citizen also gives privately to other charities, has sponsored an up and coming junior golfer and, on behalf of the Acorn Foundation, sponsored a ‘nearest the pin’ competition at the Golf Club. As well as raising awareness of the Acorn Foundation herself Adrienne has had Margot McCool, a very proficient golfer, speak to club members. The Tauranga Golf Club has set up its own endowment fund which members can contribute to. When it reaches the required $50,000 the club will benefit from the proceeds annually. Other groups and charities had already seen this as an effective way to get off the fundraising treadmill. The YMCA and Mount Maunganui Lifeguard Services have funds, set up

in 2011, which will entitle them to an annual cheque from Acorn to spend as they choose. “The Acorn Foundation is a most wonderful concept,” enthuses Adrienne, as she gains immense satisfaction from giving back to her community and knowing this will continue long after she goes. Roy and Mary McGowan moved to Tauranga in 2000. “I’ve lived in Tauranga longer than I’ve lived anywhere else,” says 92-year-old Mary who was born in Brunei, spent the war years at Chijmes convent in Singapore while her English husband-to-be was flying Spitfires. Roy was shot down, suffering damage to his face and especially his eyes. The former RAF Squadron leader was a member of the Guinea Pig Club - airmen who received experimental plastic surgery from the innovative Dr McIndoe. Mary met and married Roy a couple of decades after the war when he was based in Singapore as Regional Director Asia Pacific for IATA. They travelled a lot during his career and retired to New Zealand in 1982. Their friend Jeanne Round, who established the second Acorn fund, introduced them to the Foundation. Mary says, “Giving through the Acorn Foundation is a wonderful way to help. Acorn ‘keeps its ear to the ground’ which we think is very important as we don’t really know who needs money the most. We have been happy in New Zealand and want to give something back.” The McGowans set up their fund in 2008 and were later approached by Acorn to sponsor Dale Carnegie Scholarships which foster leadership and give students the confidence and skills to contribute and prosper in their careers and in the community. They have been delighted to see their fund making a difference especially as it aligns with their enjoyment of children and the value they place on education. Roy died in 2012 aged 92, soon after the scholarship was established. By 2017 183 students had completed the course and it is now offered to 27 young leaders annually.

Adrienne Coad


“To give away money is an easy matter and in any man’s power. But to decide to whom to give it, and how large and when, and for what purpose and how, is neither in every man’s power nor an easy matter.”

2003 Acorn Foundation established. Edna Brown’s endowment fund becomes the first Acorn fund. The Tindall Foundation appoints Acorn as their regional Funding Manager. First distribution of $30,000 on their behalf. Bill Holland is founding Chair and Bill and Sally Holland set up an endowment fund.

Nicky Wilkins employed as Executive Officer – her role later retitled General Manager.



Aristotle (Ethics, 300BC)

“We implicitly trust them to do right with our funds.” Tauranga HELP

Greg Brownless gifts Legacy Funerals to the community by setting up the Legacy Trust whereby profits from the funeral business will be returned to the community. Legacy Trust becomes and remains a staunch supporter of Acorn.

The Colin Toop Fund, in memory of Patricia and Clive Toop, represents a major bequest, at $1.03 million.

Bay of Plenty Medical Students Scholarship fund established by transfer of a fund established by a group of Tauranga doctors in memory of Dr John Mark.

“How could I best leave a legacy for local causes and some personal interests. The aims of the foundation fulfil my requirements exactly.” Colin Toop

Tauranga HELP trust (to give financial support to victims of sexual abuse), cements administration of their fund in perpetuity by transferring their assets to the Acorn Foundation as the Tauranga HELP Fund.

24 donor funds. $1 million invested.

Margot M and Distrib Operation


Acorn Foundation runner up i section of the Trustpower Com

Summerhill A1 Academy to off to learn valuable life skills fulfi and Chloie Blackley.

54 donor funds. $1.9 million invested.

The introduction of charitable donation increases incentive donations.

Over $200,000 dist community groups

133 donor funds. $5.7 million invested.

Inaugural winners of the Page Acorn Engineering scholarships announced, on behalf of Bob and Pat Page.

Prudent management by Craigs Investment Partners ensures the Acorn Fund weathers global financial storm.

in the Heritage and Environment mmunity Awards.

ffer teenagers the opportunity fils dream of Acorn donors David

f the 33.3% tax credit on ns, effective April 2008, for individuals to make lifetime

tributed to charities and throughout BOP.

Year starts with 68 funds with $2 million invested and ends with 80 funds.


McCool joins Acorn as Finance butions Officer, later retitled ns Manager.

Local farmer Bob Sutherland, bequeaths $800,000 for general charitable purposes which, invested by Acorn, will deliver around $40,000 every year, forever, to benefit the WBOP.

Acorn with support from The Tindall Foundation, facilitates the first National Community Foundation workshop in Wellington.

110 donor funds. $4 million invested.

2010 Acorn celebrates achieving 100 donor funds with a breakfast with PM John Key as guest speaker. The Eva Trowbridge Scholarship is awarded to Kate Flanagan towards her Bachelor of Teaching.

“When I am studying late at night, I feel I have Eva at my shoulder -like a guardian angel.” Kate Flanagan

Donor, Mrs Jeanne Round, dies aged 93 having nominated Waipuna Hospice as an annual recipient and requesting also that her fund provide assistance for young people with specific health or educational needs.

“I’ve had a wonderful life, and I just want to make other people’s lives a bit happier if I can.” Jeanne Round

Acorn’s first Outward Bound scholarship awarded on behalf of the Bob Granger fund set up by Ros Granger in the name of her husband who was National President of Outward Bound.

Sally Morrison takes over from Bill Holland as Acorn Chair. In October Acorn surpasses $1million in grants since its inception. Community Organisation of the Year at Westpac Tauranga Business Awards.

2011 Roy and Mary McGowan Fund set up to offer Dale Carnegie Scholarships for Year 13 WBOP students to develop leadership and life skills. Acorn helps charities help themselves. YMCA and Mount Maunganui Lifeguard Services are the first local organisations to set up their own endowment funds with Acorn Foundation.

200 donor funds. $9.4 million invested.

“We mak mak

2012 $373,000 distributed to 73 community groups in annual funding round.

172 donor funds. $6.7 million invested.

Acorn Board Chair Sally Morrison awarded Membership of the Order of New Zealand in the New Year Honours list in recognition of her lifelong community service and commitment to caring for the elderly and disabled.


In May Acorn celebrates 10 Years.

Establishment of the Acorn Oak Grove at Cambridge Park to honour donors who have died.

Community Foundations of New Zealand is established. Acorn is a foundation member, Bill Holland first Chair and Nicky Wilkins on the Board.

Distributions top $2.4 million since Acorn’s inception.

Acorn announces $120,000 commitment over the next three years to Kiwi Can, to actively engender strong values through fun, safe learning experiences for primary school children. This is the largest single grant made by Acorn to date. $30,000 grant helps take Plunket nurses into the 21st century; from pen and paper records to a fully digitalised system.


Acorn founder and former Chair Bill Holland awarded Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.


Glenn Keaney takes over from Sally Morrison as Acorn Chair.


$368,706 distributed including $64,126 on behalf of The Tindall Foundation.

230 donor funds. $13.5 million invested.

“Kiwi Can underpins all those things Acorn stands for – strong caring communities where everyone has a chance to live a positive fulfilling life.” Nicky Wilkins, Acorn General Manager

ke a living by what we get, but ke a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill

300 donor funds. $21 million invested.

Edna Brown’s original gift of $67,000 in 2003 has since generated grants worth $47,000 and her fund’s value is now $81,000.

2017 Acorn Foundation Fiction Prize awarded to Catherine Chidgey for her book The Wish Child. $3.6 million gifted to the community since 2003.

Endowment funds near $16 million. Since 2003 $3.6 million has been distributed on behalf of 55 donors.

ns top $500,000.

2016 Cooney Lees Morgan become the first corporate donor by setting up a fund supported by their partners and staff, furthering philanthropy as part of their business ethos. The first Acorn Foundation Fiction Prize is awarded. Acorn joins the ranks of the Australian Miles Franklin Award and the Man Booker Prize with a $50,000 award thanks to a donor who believes passionately in the value of good literature. The Fiction prize goes to author Stephen Daisley. Acorn funds first three years’ salary of a newly created Frontline Advocate to assist victims of domestic violence identified by Vital Signs® to be key priority.


Acorn initiates New Zealand’s first Vital Signs® survey.

Acorn has helped over 200 local charities. $19 million invested in perpetuity for our community. Annual grants grow to $854,000 in 2017, spread over 124 organisations.

Grant to SPELD to support specific learning needs in the WBOP changes local boy Tadgh Norgrove from problem child to honours degree student. Acorn funds interpretation service for new immigrants with no English, run by Multicultural Tauranga.

In May Acorn celebrates 15 Years, 300 donor funds, $21 million invested and anticipating annual grants to the community to reach $1 million. Marked with a dinner honouring donors and supporters and a tree planting ceremony at the Acorn Oak Grove.


Here we reflect on some of our key milestones along the way.





This prestigious prize is provided by an anonymous Acorn donor who is an avid reader and book lover.

The generosity of Acorn donors means that around $34,000 is available annually, helping St John to ensure that their ambulance fleet in the Western Bay of Plenty is fully equipped with all the latest equipment and devices that are critical to saving lives during an emergency.

Staff and volunteers work to support families who have been referred by the Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki. Even with a high level of support there are times when it becomes necessary for children and young people to leave the care of their parents. Wherever possible this care is undertaken by kin; however, where this is not possible foster care is provided by Open Home Foundation volunteer families, for as long as is necessary.

“The sum of $50,000 will be awarded to the top New Zealand fiction work annually, in perpetuity. This will make a difference not only to the receiving writer, but also to the literary fabric of New Zealand. It is a huge gift for us all, and creates a tremendous and lasting literary legacy.” - Nicola Legat, Chair NZ Book Awards Trust

Acorn has provided $34,000 support since 2012, to help provide appropriate training and support for volunteers.

Sally Morrison

RELATIONSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS In 2011 Bill Holland stepped down from Chairperson, having served the maximum trustee term of eight years. Sally Morrison was encouraged to take the Chair.

not to spread the word. Every board member had a huge network of friends and colleagues so of course we talked about Acorn a lot in the community.”

Sally remembers being approached by Bill Holland and Nicky Wilkins and told about the way the Acorn Foundation operated.

Part of growing the fund was honouring the donors, something Sally commends Nicky Wilkins for doing exceptionally well. Sally says she always felt privileged to meet the donors and to visit the beneficiaries and see first-hand the difference Acorn had made. She cites a group of special-needs children discovering self-expression though drama, and in the process developing simple life skills. Also, a family whose life was changed when their son got an insulin pump due to a donation to the Diabetes Society. “Seeing positive outcomes for recipients was such a validation for Acorn.”

“I instantly felt it had a thread I could identify with.” Sally became a board member in 2006, so was very familiar with the culture and the commitment of her fellow board members. “Becoming Chair was a huge responsibility,” she acknowledges. “However, I was able to look round the table and know I was part of a special group. All good people with no self-interest, all very aware of the trust placed in them to look after other people’s money.” Sally acknowledges her leadership style was different. “Bill was a man and a lawyer. I was a woman and a former nurse!” She appreciated the sound debate around the board table and the exceptionally enquiring minds of her colleagues. She also found mentors among the trustees, Matt Tustin for his insights as Chair of the Investment Advisory Committee; Tracy Rea, “always caring even though she was battling illness herself”; and Tony Mills, “who I admired for questioning everything.” She came to the Chair with the clear goal of taking the amount invested to $10 million under her watch. “It was achieved just after my term ended.” Sally puts Acorn’s success down to relationships. While growing the fund was clearly the General Manager’s role Sally says, “You became so passionate about what Acorn was doing it was hard

Among her many contributions was Sally’s Angels, a group she formed with friends who meet and put money in their Acorn account every month. “Our fund is the sort we can call on to meet a specific and perhaps urgent need. I just have to email the girls and get their blessing,” she says. In 2013, during her tenure as Chairperson, Sally Morrison made the New Year’s Honours list with Membership of the Order of New Zealand, in recognition of her lifelong community service and commitment to caring for the elderly and disabled. She stepped down in 2014 with 200 donor funds and within a whisker of that $10 million, handing the reins over to Glenn Keaney. “There is genuine value in a board regularly changing members. With Glenn came a new perspective, a new generation and a new set of relationships from which Acorn can only benefit.”


The tenth birthday of the Acorn Foundation in May 2013 was marked by paying tribute to all the wonderful people who had contributed to Acorn’s success. Donors, trustees, committee members and staff, plus representatives from corporate partners, community group endowment fund holders and local council members, joined for a lunch at Mills Reef, where the speakers were from causes which had benefitted from Acorn Foundation funding. The charities represented were BOP@Heart which supports families with infants requiring heart surgery, and CAP Budgeting Programme run by St Peters Care and Counselling, both groups which fly well under the radar of public awareness and would find functioning difficult without support from organisations like Acorn.

Donors who had died were also honoured by the establishment of the Acorn Oak Grove, an idea mooted by Margot McCool. The first 20 trees were planted by family and friends of those being remembered in a ceremony at the Oak Grove at Cambridge Park. In true community spirit the land was provided by the Tauranga City Council, the trees donated by Tauranga Tree Company and the ground prepared for planting by Arbor Care. As the trees mature the Grove is already becoming an asset to the city that will provide pleasure in the future. It will be enhanced by another planting ceremony as part of Acorn’s 15-year celebration, bringing the total trees planted to 35.

VITAL SIGNS® – MEASURING COMMUNITY HEALTH AND IDENTIFYING NEEDS With the Acorn Foundation rapidly growing into a major funding resource for the Western Bay of Plenty it became even more crucial to ensure funding was directed where it was needed most.

The first Vital Signs survey in 2015 became a reference point in the allocation of funding that year, clearly reflecting the Vital Signs score and the areas highlighted as most in need for community well-being.

Acorn’s General Manager Nicky Wilkins was instrumental in introducing Vital Signs, a tool developed by community foundations in Canada to identify trends, strengths and weaknesses in a region.

The second Vital Signs survey was released in early 2018.

The survey, in partnership with other funders and local councils, asked 1,500 households across the WBOP to measure the health and vitality of our region by grading key areas according to how well community needs are met, to identify issues facing the community and, on a more positive note, state the best things about living in the region.

“It has become invaluable in providing evidence-based research for our funding,” says Margot McCool.

Margot McCool

ACORN GOES NATIONAL AS SPONSOR OF FICTION PRIZE In 2016 the Acorn Foundation became the proud sponsor of the top literary prize in New Zealand, thanks to an anonymous donor determined to recognise and honour New Zealand fiction writing, raise the awareness of New Zealand literature and encourage our writers to continue their craft. The $50,000 Acorn Foundation Fiction Prize joined the ranks of the Miles Franklin Award for Australian literature and the international Man Booker Prize. Acorn has been entrusted to liaise with the NZ Book Awards Trust and to undertake the ongoing management of the award with the highest level of integrity.

The prize is awarded each year at the New Zealand Book Awards in May as part of the Auckland Writers Festival. Nicky Wilkins presented the first award in May 2016 to Stephen Daisley for his book, Coming Rain. The 2017 Acorn Foundation Fiction Prize went to Catherine Chidgey for The Wish Child.

Stephen Daisley & Nicky Wilkins

Matt Tustin

CORPORATE GIVING – THE BUSINESS OF DOING GOOD Cooney Lees Morgan was the first corporate to set up an Acorn fund. The establishment in 2016 of the Cooney Lees Morgan endowment fund was influenced by partner Matt Tustin who served as an Acorn trustee (two years as deputy chairperson), then as a member of the Investment Advisory Committee which he also chaired until 2016.

“I was fortunate to be at the helm post GFC and consequently the investment returns under our stewardship have been very healthy. The professionalism of the group just keeps increasing and we are very well advised by Guy and Reg from Craigs Investment Partners.” Matt originally heard about Acorn through colleagues, John Gooch and Katy Smith, who were trustees. “My first direct

involvement was when Nicky Wilkins asked if Acorn could use a photo of my family for marketing (resources were very limited then). That photo had a lot more reach than Nicky ever presented to me!” Impressed by the perpetual nature of Acorn as a proven model for community contribution and by the calibre of the board and management, Matt felt that corporates should get behind Acorn in a tangible way. The Cooney Lees Morgan fund is supported by firm and partner contributions and staff fund raising activities. “Like all oak trees the fund will take some time to grow but it will get there. We’ve had one funding round to date and staff engagement was excellent. We see this as a means to give back to our community.” Matt Tustin, who has made a substantial contribution to Acorn, personally and through his company, says an organisation like Acorn is important to our region. “Many people have philanthropic aspirations and Acorn provides a simple model to enable them to realise those – forever. I look forward to watching Acorn’s momentum continue to build in the future.”

Glenn Keaney

GOVERNANCE AND CREDIBILITY When Glenn Keaney took over from Sally Morrison as Chairperson in 2014 he represented, in her words, “a new generation”. Also, a generation very busy with careers and young families. Glenn, who is Managing Partner at KPMG, says while the role can be a busy one at times, he has enjoyed 20 years benefiting from life and business in the Bay of Plenty. “It’s about giving back to the community where I’ve been fortunate enough to have had many opportunities. Acorn makes a real difference to our community, which will make it a better place for all future generations (my boys included).” Glenn was approached to join the board as a trustee in 2011 and spent two years on the Investment Advisory Committee prior to taking the Chair role. He sees the mandate of the Board of Trustees (all voluntary positions with no remuneration) as ensuring Acorn is governed scrupulously with respect for the donors and beneficiaries, while maintaining the credibility of the foundation. In addition to the eight board meetings a year Glenn is in regular communication with the General Manager and keeps an overview of the work of the Investment Advisory Committee who meet four times a year and the Distributions Committee who are most heavily involved during the decision process leading to the announcement of grants in August. Trustees and committee members are selected by a mix of shoulder tapping, advertising and putting the word out in the wider community. “The trust deed requires that the trustee appointments are ratified by certain groups and individuals including the Waikato/Bay of Plenty branch of the New

Zealand Law Society, Western Bay mayor, Chamber of Commerce, and Tauranga City mayor. As we cover all of the Western Bay of Plenty, over time I would like to see more representation from the outlying areas,” says Glenn. Glenn derives satisfaction from the Acorn Foundation’s ability to “do great things” and to achieve even more in the future. “The way Acorn is growing, I can see that in the nottoo-distant future the foundation will be sitting comfortably next to TECT and BayTrust as a major community funder.” He is confident that Acorn has established a very firm foundation from which it will continue to gain momentum. “There is a highly developed sense of community in this region, and Acorn is a vehicle by which members of the community can contribute.” Considering a future when the fund might easily reach $100 million, $200 million and more, and whether any of the capital may ever be distributed, Glenn refers back to the people who make Acorn possible, the donors.

“The way Acorn evolves will always be in discussion with our donors and respect the wishes of those donors.” However, as the current Chairperson, he reiterates that the Acorn Foundation will not deviate from its commitment to philanthropy into perpetuity; by connecting generous people who care with causes that matter – forever.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Glenn Keaney (Chair) Nancy Hogg Graeme Horsley Lesley Jensen Jane Nees Anthony Ririnui Peter Tinholt Michael Attwood

PAST TRUSTEES Bill Holland Tony Mills Ngawa Hall Vern Pain Cheryl Adams Dean Wearne Peter Farmer Katy Smith Gary Gempton John Gooch Sally Morrison Tracy Rea Ross Paterson Carolyn Port Paul Washer Richard Cashmore Jan Hickson Matthew Tustin

2003-11 2003-10 2003-04 2003-08 2003-08 2003-11 2004-05 2004-07 2004-09 2006-10 2006-14 2007-14 2008-12 2008-15 2009-10 2010-13 2010-13 2010-16

INVESTMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Graeme Horsley (Chair) Anthony Ririnui Dean Camplin James Beale Beppie Holm

PAST INVESTMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Neil Craig Ken Collings Dean Wearne Barrie Owen Sir Peter Trapski Shirley Seales

2003-04 2003-09 2003-11 2003-12 2009-16 2009-15

DISTRIBUTIONS COMMITTEE Andy Cameron (Chair) Martin Steinmann Jo Gravit Theresa Tingey Lesley Jensen Marina Kawe-Peatolu Viv Edwards

PAST DISTRIBUTIONS COMMITTEE Alan Bickers 2003-05 Michael Ludbrook 2003-05 Cheryl Adams 2003-08 Kim Gillon 2003-10 Riri Ellis 2003-12 John Hannah 2005-10 Norah Reid 2005-12 Christine Fraser 2005-13 Jan Hickson 2010-13 Graham Cameron 2013-14 Nancy Hogg 2013-17 Murray Read-Smith 2014-16 Kerri Tilby-Price 2014-16 Peter Tinholt 2016-17


Coleman, Alistair

Gyde, Stan & Sylvie

Collard, Wendy

Haine Family

Cooney Lees Morgan

Hardy, Barbara

Aiken, John & Power, Ann

Cosnahan, Peter & Cole, Elizabeth

Hardy, Neville & Sonia

Alexander, Dave & Lou

Crane, Anne

Harper, Robert & Gladys

Alexander, David

Crawshaw, Zelda

Hempstalk, Arthur & Joy

Baird, Andrew & Natalie

Cross, Ian & Paula

Hickson, Jan

Barriball, Mark

Cross, Peg & Guy

Hilford, Kent

Barry, Ann

Cummins Family

Holdaway, Ken & Irene

Barton, Marty & Randy

Currie, Brian & Janet

Holland, Bill & Sally

Bay of Plenty Medical Students Scholarship

Davies Family

Holm, Beppie

Dennis, John & Renie

Hoogendoorn, Gerard

Dewar, Jane

Horsley, Graeme & Susan

Dewes-Hodgson, John & Sue

Hough, Helen

Dillon, Mary

Hunt, Keith & Rona

Doelman, Jan & Johanna

James, Jocelyn

Dryden, Maurice & Joan

James, Ossie & Elaine

Duncan, Mervyn & Theresa

Jarman, Claudia

Eaton, WR & JR

Jeffs, Les & Janice

Emergency Services Club

Jenkins, Colin

Ewart, Sheila

Jenkins, Vivienne

Farmer Family

Jensen Family

Ferrow, Glenn

Johnston, Jane

Findlay, Des

Katikati Acorn

Finlayson-Smith, Anna

Kershaw, Margaret (Peggy) & Erick

Fletcher, Anne

Knowles, Geoff

Freeman, Sefton & Mavis

Laing, Garth & Sara

Friis, Jeffrey

Laing, John & Philippa

Garrity, Robert & Nancy

Laurie, Raymond

Geddes, Mark & Fay

Legacy Trust

George, Malcolm & Coral

Little, Graeme

Gilbert, Roger & Claire

Lowe Family

Gillies, Geoff

Lucas, John & Hamerton, Deidre

Godfrey, D & R

Mackinder, Selwyn & Marilyn

Goodall-Copestake, Simon

Macrae, Elvira

Goodyear, Paul William

Maddison, Peter

Grammer, Garry & Kath

Marshall, AF & SC

Granger, Bob

Mawson, Evan & Mary

Grose, Michael & Jennifer

McCool, Margot & John

Bellerby, Meyric & Lyn Bickers, Alan & Jill Blackley, David & Chloie Bones, Graeme & Teresa Bowkett Family Bracks, Bill & Gwen Brown, Edna Brownless, Gregory Buckley, Graeme Burges-Short, Tony Burns, Beverly & Johnston, Anne Burrows, Lloyd & Dooley, Patricia Butler, George & Jill Byrne, Doreen Caird, Douglas & Louise Calver, Maryanne Calver, Rod Campbell, David & Susan Canham, Geoff & Fowler, Liz Carey, Richard Carmichael, Philip Cashmore Family Chancellor Family Chappell-Mathias, Joan Clarke, Judy & Graeme Clist, John Coad, Adrienne Coker, Jenny & Lynn

McCulley, Les & Shirley

Richardson, Shirley

Turner, Susan

McGillivray Family

Roadley, Patricia

Tustain, Christine

McGowan, Roy & Mary

Robinson, Beth

Venville, Christina

McGrogan, Frank

Rollo, Peter

Vercoe, Steven & Rosemary

McLeay-Rawiri, Cheryl

Round, Jeanne

von Blaramberg, Peter & Mary

McMillan, Dave & Lynley

Rudduck-Gudsell, Tracey

Wadsworth, Ted

McSporran, Christine

Schleinkofer, Rudi

Waldegrave , Brian & Heather

McWhinney, Norma & Joan

Scoular, Robin & Anne

Walters, Kevin & Jean

Medlicott, Jann

Scurr, Don & Diane

Ware, Gary & Marlene

Morgan, Tony & Jarman, Helen

Seton, Richard

Washer, Paul & Maryanne

Moring, Anne

Shaw, Betty

Wearne, DC

Morrison, Sally

Shaw, Jack

Wearne, Kevin & Lorraine

Mosen, Anita

Shepherd, Ray & Elva

Weatherley, Rob & Delwyn

Muggeridge, Gary & Sue

Simons Family

Webb, Kathy

Neilson, Ada

Simpson, Judith & Kassin, Ursula

West, Paul

Norfolk Community Health

Simpson, Alexander (& Ellie)

Whatmough, Alec & Susan

North, Brian & Michele

Simpson, Phil & Norma

Wilkins, Marcus & Nicky

Nowland, Rex

Slegh, Jetta

Williams, Kerry & Penny

O’Brien, John

Smith, Barry & Jackson-Smith, Ruth

Williams, RPS & Terry, AA

Oliver, Joy

Snelgrove, Glenn & Cherie

Woodman, Tony

Olsen, Geoff & Chris

Snodgrass, Margaret Graham

Wootton, Lorna

O’Neill, Graham

Sole, Neil & Vincent, Shirley

Zipper Club (Tauranga)

O’Reilly, Jack & Marlies

Steele, Jim & Barbara

PLUS 49 Anonymous funds

Owen, Ann

Steinmann, Martin & Estelle

Owen, Betty

Stockley, Merv and Lyn

Paddon, Dave

Sutherland, Joan

Page, Bob & Pat

Sutherland, Bob

Pain, Vern & Barbara

Sutherland, Mary

Parkins Cardiac

Sutton, Pamela & Ashley

Parsons, Tanya Memorial

Symons, Geoff

Pensabene, Karen

Tauranga Help

Plucke, Allan & Wendy

Tauranga Police CIB Charitable Trust

Port, Rob & Carolyn

Thompson, Dean & Beard, Claire

Preston-Thomas, Rei

Tingey, Joshua

Pritchard, Len & Ann

Tinholt Family

Ranstead, Mike & Shelley

Toop, Colin

Read-Smith, Murray & Gay

Treanor Family

Reid Family

Trowbridge, Eva

Richards, Raewyn

Turner, Sam & Nulma

COMMUNITY GROUP ENDOWMENT FUNDS Alzheimers Society Tauranga ARRC (Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation) Avalon (BOP) Bay of Plenty Multiple Sclerosis Society Bay of Plenty Rugby Union BOP Classic Aircraft Trust (Classic Flyers) Creative Bay of Plenty Diabetes Help Tauranga Get Smart Tauranga Good Neighbour Aotearoa Graeme Dingle Foundation House of Science Kidz Need Dadz ME/CFS Support Merivale Community Motor Neurone Disease (NZ) Mount Maunganui Lifeguard Services Otanewainuku Kiwi Trust Otumoetai Golf Club Sail for Life Tauranga Boys’ College Old Boys Tauranga Golf Club Tauranga Moana Nightshelter Trust Tauranga Performing Arts Competitions Tauranga Volunteer Coastguard Tauranga Women’s Refuge YMCA Tauranga


CCS Disability Action Tauranga

Lifewalk Trust

Citizen’s Advice Bureau Tauranga

Lifezone Church

Cool Bananas

Live For More

Age Concern Tauranga

Creative Tauranga

Maketu Coastguard

Alzheimers Society Tauranga

Cystic Fibrosis Association BOP

Maketu Volunteer Fire Brigade

Amnesty International Tauranga

Detour Theatre

ME/CFS Support Group BOP


Diabetes Tauranga

Merivale Community Inc

Anglican Care Waiapu

Elms Foundation


Aongatete Forest Restoration Project

Empowerment NZ

Motor Neurone Disease Association

Families Achieving Balance

Mt Maunganui Lifeguard Service

Family Attachment BASE & SAFE

Mt Maunganui Music School

Family Education Network

Multicultural Tauranga

Family Support Project

Multiple Sclerosis Society

Future Problem Solvers Trust

New Zeal

Get Smart Tauranga Drug & Alcohol Services

Nga Reanga e Toru Trust

Good Neighbour Aotearoa

NZ Garden & Arts Festival

Graeme Dingle Foundation Tauranga

NZ Heart Foundation - Tauranga

Grief Support Services Tauranga

Number Works ‘n Words

Beachaven Community House


Omanu Beach Surf Lifesaving Club

Bellyful Tauranga

Growing Through Grief Tauranga

Omokoroa Centre Trust

Bethlehem Community Church

Growing Through Grief Te Puke

Open Home Foundation BOP

Blind Foundation Tauranga

Habitat for Humanity Tauranga

Ora Trust - Lifeaplenty

BOP @Heart

Hawaiki Rising Voyaging Trust

Oropi Memorial Hall Committee

BOP Classic Aircraft Trust

Headway Brain Injury Association BOP

Otanewainuku Kiwi Trust

BOP Down Syndrome Association

Health & Educational Martial Arts

Otumoetai Sports & Recreation Club

BOP Sailing Academy Trust

Holy Trinity SPACE programme

Otumoetai Toy Library

BOP Sexual Assault Support Services

Homes of Hope

Pacific Island Community Trust

BOP Therapy Foundation

House of Science

Papamoa Beach Scout Group

The Boys Brigade

Institute for Child Protection Studies

Papamoa Family Services

Brave Hearts

Island Breeze

Papamoa Surf Lifesaving Club

Breakthrough Forum

Katikati Community Patrol

Papamoa Swimming Club

Breast Cancer Support Services Tauranga

Katikati Community Resource Centre

Papamoa Toy Library

Brookfield School

Katikati Maori Wardens

Parent to Parent Coastal BOP

Budget Advisory Service Tauranga

Katikati Neighbourhood Support

Parenting For Men

Camp Quality

Kauri Centre

The Parenting Place

Cancer Society Tauranga


Parkinsonism Society Tauranga

Canoe Slalom BOP

Kidz Need Dadz

People First NZ

CanTeen BOP

Life Education Trust WBOP

Philips Search & Rescue Trust

Catholic Family Support Services

Lifelink Community Trust

Pregnancy Choice

Arthritis NZ - BOP division Assistance Dogs NZ Asthma & Respiratory Management Society Auckland District Kidney Society - BOP region Autism Society Avalon Bay Conservation Alliance Bay of Plenty Young Fruitgrowers Upskilling Society

Prison Fellowship

Tauranga Art Gallery

Welcome Bay Community Centre

Propel Community Trust

Tauranga Christian Community Trust

Welcome Bay Community Charitable Trust

Pukehinahina Trust

Tauranga Civic Choir

Western Bay Heritage Trust

Puppet Vision Charitable Trust

Tauranga Community Foodbank

WBOP Mental Health Trust

Red Cross Tauranga

Tauranga Community Housing Trust

YMCA Tauranga

Riding for the Disabled Tauranga

Tauranga Hearing Association

Young Workers’ Resource Centre

Royal Forest & Bird Society Tauranga

Tauranga Historical Society

Youth Art Workshops Trust

Royal NZ Plunket - BOP

Tauranga Moana Night Shelter Trust

Youth Encounter Ministries Trust

Safe Surfer

Tauranga Moana Restorative Justice

Youth Mentoring Trust

Salvation Army Tauranga

Tauranga Performing Arts Competitions Society

Youth Search & Rescue

Scholarship - Arts Scholarships - Dale Carnegie

Tauranga Prisoner Aid & Rehabilitation Society

Scholarships - Engineering

Tauranga South Community Patrol

Scholarship - Mt Maunganui College

Tauranga Safe City

Scholarship - Otumoetai College

Tauranga Seniornet Club

Scholarship - Outward Bound

Tauranga Volunteer Coastguard

Scholarship - Sports

Tauranga Women’s Refuge

Scholarship - Tauranga Boys’ College

Tauranga Youth Development Team

Scholarship - Waikato University - Adult

Te Aranui Youth Trust

The Search Party Charitable Trust

Te Awanui Hauora Trust

Shakti Ethnic Women’s Support Service

Te Kanapu Meke Meke O Tauranga

SPCA Tauranga

Te Puke Baptist Church


Te Puke Community Care Trust

St Columba Presbyterian church

Te Puke Toy Library

St Enoch’s church

Te Puke Volunteer Fire Brigade

St John - Katikati

Te Puke Youth Trust

St John - Mt Maunganui

Te Reo Nga Rangatahi Trust

St John - Tauranga region

Te Runanga O Ngati Whakaue ki Maketu

St John - Te Puke

Te Tuinga Whanau

St Peters Anglican Church Katikati


St Peters House

T S Chatham

St Vincent de Paul

Te Pou Tahi


Victim Support Tauranga

Stroke Foundation Midland Region

Vincent House Trust

Summerhill A1 Youth Academy

Volunteering BOP


Waihi Beach Community Centre

Surf Lifesaving NZ

Waihi Beach Lifeguard Services

Swimming NZ - WBOP

Waipuna Hospice

Scholarship - Medical



ROTORUA Women’s Support Network Challenge Violence Trust Compass Community Foundation Waiariki Womens Refuge

Motor Neurone Disease Association of NZ NZ Book Awards Trust NZ Society of Genealogists


Riding for Disabled Waikato

Bethel House

Save the Children

Budget Advisory Service

SPCA Te Kuiti

Citizen’s Advice Bureau

St John - Otorohanga

Family Education Network EBOP

Otorohanga District & Community Charitable Trust

Growing Through Grief Whakatane

Pacific Leprosy Foundation

Matata Bluelight Ventures

Jezreel Women’s Support House Matata Community Resource Centre

OTHER REGIONS ON BEHALF OF THE TINDALL FOUNDATION TAUPO Therapy Centre Waiora Community House Budget Advice Family Financial Solutions Trust

KAWERAU Kawerau & Districts Ageing In Place Kawerau Bluelight Ventures Kawerau Scout Group Perry Outdoor Education Trust Te Huinga Social Services

REKA Trust Supporting Families Te Rangiwaiora o Maatatua Trust The Clothing Project Tumanako Hou Trust Whakatane Menz Shed Whakatane Neighbourhood Support Whanau Awhina Women’s Refuge

OPOTIKI Bluelight Ventures Opotiki Growing Through Grief Opotiki Opotiki Kiwi Can Whakaatu Whanaunga Trust

MURUPARA Whanau Support Services - Minginui Murupara Budget Advisory Service Te Awhina Support Services Murupara

Join us in sowing the seeds of tomorrow To us 15 years is just the start. There is so much more to do, so many more ways we as a community, can assist, support and nurture those community organisations and charities that are working so hard to make a difference in our region. Our support is only possible because of the immense generosity of the people who are choosing to make a difference by leaving a gift in their Will. We call these incredible individuals our Acorn donors, and we thank them profoundly for what they have done. As we continue to grow and do more for our community we encourage more people to join us. If you haven’t already considered leaving a gift that will benefit future generations of people who live in our beautiful region, then we invite you to join us in building a foundation for our community’s future. - The Acorn Foundation

Words by Liz French. Design and compilation by Tuskany Agency. Printed by Kale Print.

Connecting generous people who care with causes that matter - Forever

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