TVV Magazine: December 2022

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The queen of sports

Over the years, a vision has been spreading and it has become very evident during 2022 It is a simple and non participatory perspective of the sports world that seeks to isolate athletes; to lock them in the modern coliseum of entertainment and turn them into kind of slaves of our money and downtime

For as long as I can remember, professional athletes have been punished when they attempt to participate in the public sphere "You're an athlete, do your thing", "don't talk about it, you might get punished" or hundreds and hundreds of preconceived ideas that force us to idealize professional athletes, elevating them to the rank of mythological, perfect, and successful beings the brands sponsoring them would have us believe they are

Nothing so erroneous and dehumanizing as that

This is wrong because professional athletes, no matter how many medals or physical prowess they manage to achieve never escape the most basic human condition: vulnerability

Sometimes they consciously undergo an impressive physical strain, which is sometimes reduced by the even more important psychological and emotional strain; blows inflicted in their daily professional life by athletic commissions and federations that cling to an old vision of the world

Why do we find conversations about the mental health of our athletes uncomfortable?

Or why do we have to shirk the responsibility to push, change or adjust the rules to ensure greater freedom, health, and safety for them?

Even with all these views, sports have found a way to stay relevant in international social conversations and human rights advocacy From the raised fists of Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the Mexico '68 Olympics to the various conversations generated by the restrictive rules of the Qatar World Cup Sport in all its dimensions is another form of analysis of our reality

It is in this spirit that we present this December issue. The magazine with which we say goodbye to a fantastic 2022 and with which we seek to honor one of the main interests we have as a team: the dissemination of information and analysis of cases related to sport and cannabinoids

Personally, I am very excited that since day one until now (on the eve of our first year as a communication project) sports have been a fabulous way to break the myth; to show that beyond the stigmas that prohibition imposes on consumers there are real benefits for countless people who have benefited from marijuana around the world

A positive and global vision that I am very proud to collaborate on

With that said we hope you enjoy this issue very much And be ready for next year, because at Tu Vida Verde Magazine we have lots and lots of projects, topics to talk about and amazing people to connect with in 2023

Good vibes, green life, and lots of love for y'all!

Contact Us hablemos@tuvidaverde com creatividad@tuvidaverde com +52 (55) 6783 9958 Powered by: Milagro Pharmaceuticals President / Charlie Bravo Media Director / Salvador Vega Style Corrector / Clau Ocaranza Editors / Alejandro Piña, Iván López Mateos, Paola Galante, Gary "Toke" Thompson, Psycho Memes, Cynthia Olivieri, Gaby Arellano and Simona Rubio Special collaborations: José Ubaner Diaz y Alejandro Gutierrez Art and Design / Axel Delgado and Susana Romero Photographers / Mr Pipe, ELV TJ Translation / Araceli Zetina Advertising / Iván Núñez Social Media / Axel Delgado Sales Director México / Fernando Flores Sales Director Colombia / Johnny Torres Sales Director US / Andrew Simon Available in Copyright Notice COPYRIGHT December 2022 Year 01 number 11 TU VIDA VERDE© is a monthly publication protected by the Copyright Laws of Mexico and by the UCC Universal Copyright (Geneva and Paris Convention) Stock images used in this issue are fully licensed for commercial use and distribution Reproduction printing or distribution of this copy without permission is prohibited

Hijo de Dos Caras Juan Manuel Téllez Oswaldo Olivas

11 Puff of Medicine

TVV Profiles

Lino Montes: Olympic athlete and ambassador of responsible consumption in high performance sports
06 Industry Voices
A look at the
of the
in the
of sports and the evolution of its restrictions in the 21st century Prohibition phenomena that continue to affect millions of athletes today,
23 42
Qatar and
Fashion Weedkend The incredible creations of the hemp designers during two days of green carpet The consumption of hemp seed is being reassessed as an international trend A historical power source but that in this 2022 may be the key to legalization 34 Non-Psychoactive An analysis of the novelties of cannabis regulation in Mexico and the direct implications for athletes in this country 19 Underground Cover 27 News 12 D'Khanna presents us with an assessment of the stars from his mystical cannabis prism 45 Astrocanna
Nutritionist Quetzal Pineda explains the importance of proper nutrition and the benefits of incorporating a CBD enhanced diet
restriction policies Also look for the summary with everything that happened at the Fashion Weekend in
Mexico City




I was in my daily news reading (every day I get informed about the world of sports) when I came across an article about how Sha'Carri Richardson was excluded from the Olympic Games after testing positive for THC, a fact that reminded me of my beginnings as a professional wrestler and how I was also sanctioned for my cannabis use This was due to the policies on substances maintained at that time by the most important company in the wrestling industry in the world: the WWE

It all started in 2012, when I had just signed a contract with this company as one of their developing talents In this industry and with an upcoming opportunity, the daily challenge was to go higher and higher, both in physical, mental and even theatrical preparation

Just as in any job (or in life itself) stress was present During my time in WWE, I was subjected to a very high level of stress and demands, both physical and mental This is because practically your whole being belonged to them at that time

I already knew about the existence of the Wellness Program (very common in professional leagues or high performance sports in the United States); an initiative in which, basically, if you tested positive for any of the "bad" substances on their list you were suspended for 30 days without pay

Obviously as an active cannabis user I tested positive for THC When I returned from my suspension period, I came to sense that the management mindset changed Something in their perception of me had been altered,
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Something in their perception of me had been altered regardless the quality of my work or the excellent athletic performance shown there As a result of this discomfort I reached an agreement to terminate my contract and go my own way as an independent wrestler

Seeing athletes of the highest quality who do not hide their consumption such as Michael Phelps (Olympic swimmer with 28 medals 23 of them gold) or Usain Bolt (the man who broke the limits of human speed) motivated me to open my path in independent wrestling while seeking to change people's vision of the plant

Thanks to the fame I began to acquire for my talent I traveled to other countries and that helped me to open my perspective on high performance athletes and their relationship with cannabis

Today I'm glad that in this industry there are examples of professional fighters like the Stoner Brothers who get in the ring and share a joint with the audience as part of their show

lad that WWE's g the presence of to the extent of support the 420

It's also important to mention that while cannabis was off limits to talent at the time it was always lurking behind the scenes in some way

Like the time at Wrestlemania 27 (event where my brother Alberto el Patron faced Edge for the world championship) it was nothing more and nothing less than Snoop Dogg who shared with me a smoke of the flowers he was carrying with him An unparalleled experience that I will tell you about in detail on a future occasion
07 Participate and win a professional mask! Hijo de Dos Caras invites our international readers to participate in a raffle to win one of his professional masks. Click on the link and follow him on Instagram to know the bases. We send it to you anywhere in the world! I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 1 1


In recent years, Colombia has become an important reference for the production of medical cannabis, generating investment, employment and innovation in the Colombian countryside In this context, Greenlab was born, a venture of young Colombians that seeks to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of thousands of people through the cultivation and production of medical cannabis

Greenlab offers value added cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, prioritizing environmental sustainability and caring for the surrounding communities

However this company's work goes beyond the conventional as it is combining NFT technology with its Cannabis products NFTs are digital artworks that have a certificate of authenticity associated with them using blockchain technology the same technology used in cryptocurrencies

We decided to bet on NFTs because in the last year these digital assets have managed to capture the attention of many people and each time the adoption of this technology grows more and more

This project aims to use technology to create an international community that sees the Cannabis plant as a generator of change and Colombia as a world reference in its production

occasion, Greenlab officially launched its collection of digital works called 'Space Resistance' whose theme quickly aroused the curiosity of the public

It is about a group of astronauts who travel to space to ensure the survival of the Cannabis plant (because If this plant can't grow freely on Earth, we'll take it into space) The message is clear: Cannabis will continue to grow to improve the lives of millions of patients around the world "

The launch of the collection took place in New York's iconic Times Square

We chose Times Square to hold the official launch as this is where the world's most recognized NFT collections are screened We wanted to be present on this stage to gain international visibility and for Colombia to become a reference by combining NFT technology with Cannabis crops

Although the challenges are great we are convinced that this is a step we must take to promote this technology which is revolutionizing the way companies interact with their customers I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s


Despite little or no legislative and regulatory progress on cannabis in Mexico, enthusiasm for participating in any issue, project, venture or idea related to the plant is on the rise

Everything indicates that there is no political will for the current government to approve any important cannabis reform, but this has not been a limiting factor for the consolidation of all kinds of efforts throughout the country to advance in marijuana related issues with a pragmatic vision that the development of the industry is something that can no longer wait

During 2023 investments in ventures that directly involve the plant for adult use will still be a great legal risk in Mexico Although consumption is legal since the General Declaration of Unconstitutionality of 2021 production and distribution are still a criminal and federal offense The entrepreneurs of friendly spaces for cannabis consumers must also be alert because no one guarantees that at any moment they will receive a visit from the National Guard

Despite the above there are many areas in which individuals and companies (who want to explore what cannabis is and how much they can do) can make progress during 2023 Particularly regarding education and awareness of the plant

In Mexico some uses of marijuana have been part of the culture for more than a century but the country generally lacks scientific knowledge about cultivation production and all aspects of the value chain that will allow a real Mexican cannabis industry to form

The knowledge exists it is available from cultivators in California and other U S states where production has been legal for decades There are also growers with Colombia's agricultural experience where an industry for medical purposes was legalized a couple of years ago

In Mexico it is not yet possible to grow cannabis or hemp plants on a large scale legally but there are legal mechanisms to grow small crops for scientific research purposes an issue that will be key for the future of this sector

Everywhere in Mexico there are people and organizations doing something related to the cannabis plant: growers, lawyers, activists, entrepreneurs enthusiasts and more There are so many areas of opportunity around cannabis that there are still so many people who will enter the sector in some way

Hence the importance of creating common ground based on scientific knowledge the advantage of our proximity to the United States and access to the current experience in South American countries 09
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C A N N A B I S ( C B D )



Nutrition is essential for all people, so as to have good lifestyle, energy and vitality Therefore, it is always important to know the food properties and how they impact on our organism as this can prevent chronic degenerative diseases Having a good diet allows us to have optimal health and, if we already suffer from a disease to control it through proper nutrition

When the athlete has a good dietary control it improves his training performance At the same time it keeps the body's tissues in optimal conditions and regulates metabolism In order to achieve success, the athlete must have motivation and discipline in his daily life which are essential to promote maximum performance in his activities (and one of the ways to do this is with a good attitude)

Proper nutrition will add various benefits required to perform the correct metabolic functions Therefore, it is important that athletes go to a specialist in nutrition and learn how to eat the right way to reach their goal Each discipline or activity requires a personalized diet, adapted to the needs of the athlete and the objectives he/she wants to achieve The key is in the quality and quantity of food required to stay healthy and avoid diseases

Therefore, your diet must have all the macro and micronutrients Carbohydrates are key nutrients to provide energy and are given depending on the training of each athlete Foods with high protein content are also essential for muscle development so you should control their intake in the right amounts

Vegans can obtain protein from vegetable sources and in the same way, lipids (fats) provide the body with more energy in small quantities than carbohydrates It is always good to remember that a balanced nutrition is going to provide well being to everyone

Nowadays in modern nutrition, cannabis is a very important element, since it is a plant with a chemical substance approved as a medicine and has been proven to benefit people's health It promotes muscle relaxation, reduces inflammation and fatigue after sports activity

The contribution of CBD through supplementation helps the athlete to avoid anxiety and stress as well as working as an antioxidant This cannabinoid will boost the immune system and will stimulate the body's production of anti stress hormones CBD also helps us to regenerate muscle tissue faster and serves as an anti inflammatory, which causes less fatigue

The advantages of CBD for athletes are very positive and beneficial Do not hesitate to consume this great option as a supplement with proper dosage and under the supervision of a specialist trained in medical cannabis 11 D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 1 1


Not even a day passed since the Qatar 2022 World Cup was inaugurated for authorities to make the first major seizure This happened last Monday November 21 when the host country's security forces seized two thousand pills of the painkiller tramadol, as well as half a kilo of hashish in the suitcase of a passenger who landed at Doha's Hamad International Airport "Customs at Hamad International Airport foiled the smuggling of tramadol and hashish The customs officer became suspicious of a passenger's luggage, so he inspected it and found 1990 tramadol tablets and 464.5 grams of hashish" said the institution in a brief statement posted on Twitter

About the consigned substance, it is an opioid analgesic that has effects on pain perception It is considered a drug that can cause strong dependence and one of the most widely used products in the United States Former Liverpool goalkeeper Chris Kirkland recently mentioned in the international media that he fell into a deep depression due to tramadol abuse

Qatar is the fourth smallest country in the so called Arab World In its 11,686 square kilometers of territory the act of possessing, consuming or selling drugs is prohibited Possession of very small quantities or even residues of marijuana cocaine or other substances can result in very severe penalties under the law: fines of between 26,000 and 80,000 dollars, up to 20 years in prison or in some cases even the death penalty

Smoking or vaping in public spaces is also prohibited, a rule that keeps the region free of this kind of technology
Qatar'spolicieshavebeencharacterizedbybeinghighlyrestrictiveagainst touchinganysubstanceforconsumptionthatisnotcontemplatedinits religiouscode Image:CanvaStock Theabuseoftramadolisaconsequenceoftheprohibitionsthat high performanceathleteshavefortheuseoflessaggressive substancessuchascannabis Image:CanvaStock

One of the most coercive places in the world as host of a tournament that celebrates the union and friendly competition between nations

This outlook is expected to be radically contrasted for the next tournament in 2026, when Mexico, the United States and Canada will merge for the first World Cup to feature three host nations A totally opposite side to the prohibition since in these three countries there are important advances towards a federal regulation of the adult recreational use of marijuana Canada regulated the plant throughout its territory since the end of 2018 while the United States already has 21 states that voted in favor of the legal use of cannabis In Mexico, the most significant progress was made by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, an authority that declared as unconstitutional the prohibition of the recreational use of the plant and its derivatives.

And although the green panorama in soccer stadiums is still far away North America will have the unique opportunity to demonstrate that prohibitions are a thing of the last century

AmongthecontroversiesthathaveframedtheworldtournamentinQatararehumanrightsviolations Alargepartoftheinternationalcommunity,especiallythesectors fromwhichthedefenseofthesepoliciesisfought,stronglycriticizedtheorganizationofthisinitiativeintheArabworld Image:iStock
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Cannabis and yoga have more in common than you might think Both have their origins in India, and that is where Ganja Yoga was born the practice that combines the consumption of marijuana with the tranquility and healing that yoga seeks to generate with its postures and breathing observation

"For many centuries the plant has helped people on a spiritual level and that is the goal of yoga as well," explains Kelly Beker co founder and executive director of the Cannabis Education Guild and yoga teacher

Following marijuana legalization in several countries, mainly Canada, the practice of Ganja Yoga has become popular to the extent that there is a debate as to whether Ayurvedic texts originating in India consider that the plant gets along well enough with yoga There are those who defend that cannabis was already accepted by ancient medicine as a pain reliever but it should always be used with caution so as not to numb the senses to the point that yoga loses its sacredness

However, it is also true that thanks to legalization, more and more people are coming out of the closet about the idea of mixing cannabis and yoga, as yoga is thought of as a health practice while the use of marijuana is stigmatized It's very wrong to segregate the two and think that yoga is good for your health and cannabis is just a drug," Kelly points out

Even so, Kelly indicates that Ganja Yoga is not to be done all the time and under any scenario, unless it is a purely medical indication In an interview for TVV Magazine, she comments that just as yoga and cannabis are a practice and a plant of sacred origins, the combination of both should be preserved in the same way, even if it is part of a therapy for professional and high performance athletes 15 D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 1 1

"I think it's a matter of knowing when the time is right for you. Having two hours, turning off your phone, lighting some candles and making it a sacred experience versus just thinking 'oh, now I have to consume ganja to experience yoga or I won't enjoy it because then you can turn a sacred ritual into a vice It needs to be intentional and not every day"

So within a ritual framework yoga and marijuana can share and enhance each other's effects In a regular Ganja Yoga class, Kelly initiates by letting people consume and converse In the case of edibles a space of time is given for them to take effect

Then by the time the class is halfway through people feel more relaxed and calm, more present, and more mindful of their breath and movements In the end the goal of yoga to find peace and get to know oneself better, is facilitated by the relaxation brought about by cannabis

Therefore, for those who want to try this combination, Kelly recommends enjoying listening to the body and letting the sensations guide the exercise, without thinking about mental impediments and the voices that say you can't do it In meditation and yoga there is what is known as 'the inner monkey' those intrusive thoughts and ego that distract from the practice Ganja Yoga is one way to quiet them more easily

"I feel that at the end of the class in the second meditation people's energy changes At the end of the class, people can stay or go, consume what's left of the product and we open to questions and answers about the practice and its effects" Kelly says

Ganja Yoga is not limited to the use of marijuana during yoga practice In fact, a more popular way to get started is with CBD

Currently, Kelly conducts sessions with CBD or 4:20 friendly at the facilities of one of the most successful dispensaries in Toronto, Canada A practice that has accompanied her since her first time in India, and whose knowledge she now passes on to people who want to benefit from the therapeutic effects of the popular plant in North America

For athletes, regular users or people with injuries, medical conditions or pain (many times the latter are important impediments to the practice of yoga), the specialist recommends going into an experience that will allow them to listen to and enjoy their body while helping strengthen it through the conscious activation of the endocannabinoid system

Participate in the virtual class that Kelly will offer for all readers of Tu Vida Verde Magazine. Click on this button and register for the class that will be held this coming December 12 at 7pm (EST)
Do you want to live the Ganja Yoga experience?
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Currently,theGanjaYogacommunityisgrowingincountrieswhereregulation advances Images:CourtesyKellyBeker
Regulation: The outlook for Regulation: The outlook for Regulation: The outlook for cannabis in Mexico and cannabis in Mexico and cannabis in Mexico and its use in sports its use in sports its use in sports

Since 2021, when the regulation of the General Health Law on sanitary control for the production and medicinal use of cannabis and its pharmacological derivatives was approved, conditions allowed for the revaluation of the plant as a subject of study in Mexico's main research centers.

This created an important opportunity for marijuana in the country: the possibility of promoting the manufacture of medicines under the control of the health authority (Cofepris) However more than a year after these new regulations there are still important obstacles for the production or importation of the raw material so the market is really frozen

This generates great tension in the world of sports, since the international trend is towards the permissible use of cannabinoids as a tool for sports medicine

"As far as the legislature is concerned, we have a regulation for the medical use of cannabis that was published in January last year However, it has not yet been able to be applied due to several contradictions that existed, or the lack of harmony it maintained with other types of laws on import and export issues So, it has been a bit difficult to get the industry going " said Moisés Acuña lawyer and cannabis activist in an interview for Tu Vida Verde Magazine

Cannabis is the second most consumed recreational substance in the world and is prohibited by the World Anti Doping Agency However recreational use is widely known among high performance athletes such as Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt or Connor McGregor Internationally there have been progresses such as the valuation of CBD as an element that is not worthy of sanction

"The use of cannabis in sport is something that I feel will grow and will be sustained because at the end of the day it helps It allows athletes to perform better, not from the point of view of a steroid, but to improve recovery; to take care of some of the pains or some of the causes such as stress that you put on your body due to exercise It is also much healthier than pharmaceutical alternatives such as naproxen or ibuprofen," he says

Cannabinoidusageinthesportsworldcouldmeananimportantareafor thedefenseofconsumerrights


Current legislation on cannabis

Cannabis in sports is not mentioned in any legislation It does not exist because the issue is approached solely from the point of view of scientific studies or what anti doping agencies decide to do with the evidence.

Since it is an issue of international interest the discussion is being oriented towards promoting new policies to guarantee users greater legal certainty and suitable frameworks for acquiring the plant (for whatever purpose) For users to take advantage of the norms or laws at their disposal is to take a firm step towards regulation

Currently in Mexico it is possible to file an injunction with the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) under the constitutional scheme of free development of personality a rule designed to avoid the criminalization of cannabis users

"Let's start filing protective actions, because that way an industry is created and they (the authorities) are going to have to get their act together and they are going to be forced to regulate People think that you regulate and then the industry is created, but in this case you have to create the industry so that they see the need to regulate," explained Moises, who has been smoking marijuana since he was 19 years old

However the will of users is not enough and the specialist affirms that the construction of good legal schemes that truly work and are up to the country's needs must be monitored

"It is important to take an example of what has not worked in other places, because in order to make things better, many times it is regulated with prohibitionism in mind; then you find yourself with nonsense such as California A state that spent 20 years from '96 to 2016 selling medical cannabis but it was illegal to grow You have medical dispensaries but not how to supply them

What I am sure of is that it is a matter of political will " And that sentence by Moisés Acuña, sums up the problem of cannabis regulation during this 2022.
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as been a journey of self-discovery and health. A plant that can and should be used by high performance athletes around the world.

José Lino Montes was well known to the World Anti Doping Agency The Yucatecan weightlifter's tremendous strength kept him as the best Mexican weightlifter from 2010 to 2015 His competition feats reached at times to record lifting three times his weight above his shoulders marks that besides taking him to the 2012 London Olympics also meant many anti doping controls

The scene was always the same: step off the competition podium and wait in the anti doping waiting room until he felt the urge to urinate then go to the urinal (almost hand in hand with a responsible officer) to collect a sample "I knew fellow lifters of my generation who smoked quite a bit (cannabis) and I would even warn them that if they didn't stop, one day they could get in trouble in testing with WADA. In that sense, the truth is that I was quite cautious," confesses the lifter in an exclusive interview for Tu Vida Verde

In Tekax, municipality of Yucatan, where he is originally from, there was not much talk about cannabis "In Mexico they instilled in me that mentality that smoking marijuana was wrong and I grew up for a long time with those thoughts You would hear from adults that people got crazy or aggressive when they smoked " Jose Lino reveals that his first experience with the plant was for his 24th birthday in April 2013 during a personal camp he did in the United States.

"The first time I smoked marijuana I felt very relaxed I didn't feel aggressive at all on the contrary: I felt quite calm I also felt chills in my feet and a roller coaster like feeling of going up and down The effect must have lasted maybe an hour " Lino considers himself an open minded person more so than the generations of lifters before him That's why he preferred to try it cautiously in an environment far from home and with people he trusted, so that he could finally get out of the doubt and no one else would tell him how it felt Some of his acquaintances recommended it to him to rest on weekends help him with his muscle pains and recover faster

"I had other methods and one of them was that I used to smoke quite a lot of tobacco and physically I felt very bad when I quit. I did it because I was competing in a very small category and I had to look for ways or methods to lose weight fast; I did it to calm the anxiety of wanting to eat and be able to make the weight," explains the weightlifter

After his participation in the London 2012 Olympic Games his career took a very strong downturn as he faced quite a few problems with the Mexican Weightlifting Federation After those moments of glory Lino suffered depression and anxiety after losing scholarships and sports agreements, which were the basis of his livelihood. "I've always liked to drink, I won't deny it. But as a result of the problems I had, I started to get too addicted, so I also recognize alcohol as a substance that generates a very high addiction with much more harmful side effects than marijuana," he said

The problems with the federation in Mexico made him move to other places and that is why he was able to go to the United States to train for a couple of months Many things came together in his life and it was there where he dared to give the plant a brief opportunity as part of his athletic preparation "When I returned to Mexico from that trip everything went back to normal and I didn't use it again because I recovered athletically and the WADA rules were very clear at that time: marijuana was prohibited during and outside of competition," says the athlete known in his community as the "Hercules of Tekax"

After flying low for a while, Lino resumed his sporting level and forgot about using ganja for a while The pain and stigma of going to buy it or even asking with whom (knowing that many people knew him) was too much of a burden to stay away from cannabis for a while

"Imagine back then testing positive for marijuana my face was going to fall off in shame People weren't going to put me down as a pothead or a dope fiend and I was an Olympic lifter Maybe if there had been more openness about cannabis during my career, maybe things would have been different Especially because of the mental health issues that a lot of athletes suffer from and people don't even go through here that we live in depression and anxiety Something that doesn't let you be at your best I believe that the plant is very good for combating stress and demotivation problems", he emphasizes

José Lino Montes, who at times was "The Strongest Man in Mexico" is currently in the state of Arizona working for a construction company in the area of carpentry Before ending the interview he shows through the screen a joint that one of his roomies bought him in a legal dispensary in Arizona, which is one of the 21 states in the U S where the legal regulation of adult and recreational use of cannabis is a reality.

"Before at the High Performance Center where I came from in the city of Merida, my classmates and I used to get together to raise money to eat, now the new kids get together to raise money to buy marijuana We used to do beer at the most, but these new generations are now doing marijuana and it is incredible how much the people's chip has changed regarding the acceptance of cannabis in the last few years", he ends smiling while he lights up the joint he is about to smoke

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On November 10, 2022, the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) celebrated its 23rd anniversary Since its conception in the Lausanne Declaration on Anti Doping in Sport in the late 1990s, the world’s governments and the sports community have charged it with one mission: to lead a collaborative international movement to achieve doping free sports

Prior to its creation cannabis was banned only in some sports and the decision on whether cannabinoids contained in this plant were allowed or not (through anti doping controls and tests) was left to the sports federations of each country, resulting in a ban that for many years was considered lax against marijuana with a limited number of athletes being tested or even sanctioned for violating anti doping rules related to THC


It was in 2004 ahead of the Athens Olympics that the World Anti Doping Code came into force the central basis for harmonizing policies and regulations related to substance use within sports organizations and among public authorities around the world From that moment on the document created by WADA became the cornerstone for around 700 sports organizations and one of the most important of them was the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

For this organization, prohibition began in 1967 on the eve of the Mexico '68 Olympic Games, with the publication of the first list of prohibited substances, as well as its first controls applied to high performance athletes From then on, it would become the standard of prohibition and the best example of strict doping protocols

Within this standard imposed in its Code cannabis was prohibited and stigmatized for more than 15 years Every athlete both in and out of competition, had to think twice before introducing even a little THC into their system It was during these years of strict prohibition that one of the top Olympic medalists Michael Phelps brought the discussion back to the international sports table

The demand of the competitions, the accumulated injuries or the stigmas of the "trap" continue to be triggers for the consumption of dangerous substances for athletes Alternatives that on many occasions have to consume in secret due to multiple prejudices Image: Canva Stock
Thesportsworldexperiencesacensorshipagainstcannabis,thisdespitethefactthatitsconsumptionisnot consideredanenhanceroftheabilityofathletes Imagen:CanvaStock

The photo published in 2009 by the British tabloid "News of the World", which showed Phelps smoking in a water bong is considered one of the most controversial images that exist in terms of high performance athletes and their relationship with the controversial plant A photo that proposed a new narrative: the Olympic champion who preferred ganja over medals A picture that sought to destroy the swimmer's career and in a way it did

Phelps was suspended for three months by the United States Swimming Federation; the Kellogg's brand did not renew his advertising contract and most regrettably, his reputation both as an athlete and as a person was destroyed in the eyes of public opinion The world at that time was not ready for a conversation about cannabis and high performance disciplines

Today Michael Phelps is still smiling, just as he was smiling on the podium with all his medals around his neck But this time it is not the gold that makes him smile, but the recreational legalization of cannabis that continues to advance in the United States and the barriers of sport that continue to be broken The latest achievement in this regard came in the last mid term elections, where Maryland (the champion's home state) was the most recent state to say yes to recreational cannabis

Dopingscandalscontinuetodestroythecareersofathletesaroundtheworldinsteadofgeneratinggreaterempathyorshifttowardsinternationalpolicies toprotectthequalityoflifeofhighperformanceathletes Image:CanvaStock 29 D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 1 1
In 2009, the Olympic multi medalist sparked controversy when a photo of him was spread smoking in a bong Image: @m phelps00 / News of the World

Theplantin tomorrow'sgames

Milestones that have shaped the discussion and have led to a clear conclusion: marijuana does not influence sports productivity However although this is well known and even supported by a good part of the international sports community the plant and the athletes who consume it remain outside the biggest sporting event, the Olympic Games

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) organizes and oversees the modern version of this event A committee that in terms of substance control is governed under the guidelines of the World Anti Doping Agency However, in recent years, the efforts and pressure have been positive in favor of the plant

After the London 2012 Olympic Games the IOC raised the threshold for a positive marijuana drug test from 15 nanograms per milliliter (in urine concentration tests) to a tolerance of up to 150 This new parameter is an attempt to ensure that consumption during competitions is detected but not in the days or weeks before

However controversial cases continue to occur as recently happened to the American sprinter Sha'Carri Richardson, who was suspended for 30 days and missed the Tokyo 2021 Olympic 100m race after testing positive for cannabis In the universe of cannabis for sports, CBD and THC (the most popular cannabinoids contained in the plant) have a diverse range of uses that are beneficial for athletes when consumed before or after competition stages But when it comes to the supposed criteria as an enhancer of athletes capabilities strict criteria exist such as Dr Franchek Drobnic, a consultant in Sports Medicine at the medical service of F C Barcelona, who states that the ergogenic implications of marijuana (a process that improves energy production and gives the athlete a benefit) are considered more of a disadvantage:

"It is clear that it cannot be considered an ergogenic drug, but, perhaps quite the opposite That is why the consideration of a positive result in a doping control is due to its social and health implications and not to its activity on performance," he commented in an article published in the magazine of the Spanish Federation of Sports Medicine

The world of high performance sport is made up of a small number of athletes, as they require many hours of daily training A life dedicated to physical activity involves diets sleepless nights travel and the wear and tear inherent to the profession Therefore, athletes, scientists and people dedicated to research, are in a constant search for improvement Therapies and treatments that help performance in a natural way and above all muscle recovery

In the mental and emotional aspects, athletes are subjected to high levels of stress and fatigue due to the intensity of the competitions The pressure involved in the pursuit of a qualifying record or even the search for funding or sponsorship Nowadays, the reality faced by high performance athletes is impossible to ignore, and the effects that the mind can have on the body have led sports superstars to turn to psychologists or therapists to work hard on their emotions


Given the evidence that cannot be left aside, it is necessary to look at cannabis as a possible tool the protagonist of a sports revolution, or the key to a better quality of life in high performance sports.

For a drug, substance, or method to be added to the World Anti Doping Agency's Prohibited List, it must meet two of the three inclusion criteria:

a) It poses a health risk to athletes b) It has the potential to enhance performance c) It violates the sport's ethos

In 2011 WADA published a document called "Cannabis in sport: anti doping perspective" where it explained its medical, scientific, and legal view of why the plant should always be banned during competition A criterion that remains in force and that the Agency currently justifies in this way:

a) Cannabis poses a health risk to athletes because: "Athletes who smoke cannabis in competition may endanger themselves and others due to increased risk taking, slower reaction times, and impaired executive function or decision making "

b) Cannabis has the potential to enhance performance because: "Based on current animal and human studies, as well as athlete interviews and field data cannabis may enhance performance in some athletes and sport disciplines "

c) Cannabis violates the spirit of sport because: "The use of illicit drugs that are harmful to health and may have performance enhancing properties is not consistent with the athlete as a role model for young people around the world

Ambiguous answers that leave out the evidence that the properties of the plant act on the organism by binding to the receptors that make up the Endocannabinoid System It harmonizes mood movement, appetite and cannabis based treatments have proven effective against pain They have also been shown to have wide ranging effects on memory and perception
Image: @carririchardson
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Image: Canva Stock



Thanks to the participation of our readers, wewereabletocelebratethefirsteditionof this initiative that seeks to make visible the workofawholeyearintheglobalindustry

Winners Winners


A unique personality leading one of the fastest growing brands in the industry. During this year, the Tyson name became synonymous with cannabis around the world.


Despite the censorship or prohibition she networks, An conquered the international co self cultivation t


The fight for Colombia took p And that is Becerra has connected wills possible.


A disruptive prod thought we kn CBD. Without so extract of the concentrate



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A trip to a dystopian reality where
kannabynoids return
precious green food.
Internationally known for he cannabis creations, Meliss reaffirmed her position as th queen of high-end edibles thi year.

Whether eaten raw or powdered, the high nutritional value of hemp can benefit anyone

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the term "superfoods" or "superfoods" has been used as a marketing strategy to get people to consume foods that are not very common in their diets But unlike all those foods that global marketers push as something new, the consumption of hemp seeds or hemp has been considered sacred or highly valuable since ancient times

The earliest records of people cultivating hemp date back almost three thousand years in the Central Asian region According to some Buddhist writings Prince Siddhartha Gautama Buddha ate only cannabis seeds for three years before reaching enlightenment Other accounts indicate that he did so for six years before announcing "the four noble truths," however the only recognized truth is the undeniable outpouring of benefits to the human body from eating hemp seeds

Whole or powdered hemp seeds are a plant protein rich food containing good amounts of all the essential amino acids One hundred grams of hemp seeds ns approximately 35 grams of protein and is to digest due to its high amounts of fiber which to have a better digestion Cannabis seeds also essential nutrients such as: calcium, iron, zinc, horus potassium vitamin E and good fats such ega 3 and 6

mportant to clarify that, in this state, the seeds do ontain THC, so eating them will not have any oactive effect so anyone can consume them ut worrying about alteration of consciousness ntly their acquisition is 100% legal and they can rchased in some supermarkets, in stores that sell upplementation products or online The two most on presentations are whole seeds or in powdered and they regularly come from the United States, Canada and Mexico

ugh both presentations are made with a single ngredient which is the cannabis seed there are differences between whole seeds and protein er:

g p g g

Its price is more economical

Protein powder

Higher percentage of protein Higher percentage of fiber Lower percentage of omega 3 and 6 Higher price

Compared to whey based proteins, hemp protein has a much lower protein value, however, the health benefits of opting for a "green protein" are much better Whey proteins contain no fiber or healthy fats and if they contain allergens, they can cause stomach inflammation, gas and in some cases acne In addition to the large environmental impact caused by the production of these types of processed foods

Consuming whole or powdered hemp seeds is an excellent food option for vegans or vegetarians and also those who cannot eat gluten it is a very easy way to enrich their diet Other benefits of eating cannabis seeds a

Contains large amounts of iron

It strengthens the stomach and intestinal flora

Its high arginine content helps the cardiovascular system

It cleanses and does not affect the liver

It maintains or helps to lose weight

It is time to take advantage of the green revolution to find in cannabis seeds a diet that will guide us towa enlightenment 35 D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 1 1

What could be better than killing two birds with one stone: eating healthy and enjoying the properties of cannabis in the same dish. One that not only looks delicious, but contains an olive oil infused with cannabinoids of the highest quality An herbal blend whose analgesic effects will help with the recovery process and post workout anxiety

To get the oil to infuse properly (without the potent chlorophyll taste of the plant) the first thing we will need to do is wash the cannabis in hot water for 10 minutes Then we are going to strain the water and repeat the process until the waste water is no longer green In a container or bowl, we will place the washed and dried plant with the oil, leaving it to heat in a bain marie style for 3 hours Once the 3 hours have elapsed, strain again to preserve the oil and remove the remains of the plant. We reserve it until it cools down and after a few hours our oil will be infused


ken breast a of choice: macaroni, spaghetti, tagliatelle coli ry tomato e wine and pepper ed olive oil


ook the pasta in a pot with hot water until it is al te, always following the indications on the label

ing this time we take the opportunity to seal the cken breast in a pan with the infused oil After a few utes add a splash of white wine and let it cook for a more minutes

d the broccoli cherry tomatoes peas and basil Let it and serve the pasta with a good portion of breast r dish should have a little bit of everything) At the 39 D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 1 1

Sidra Natural Seca Monstruo de Agua

Como a muchas otras culturas y personas, nuestra pasión por la fermentación sigue guiando nuestra creatividad. Explorar los matices y sutilezas de distintas creaciones fermentadas, nos ha llevado a increíbles lugares. Desde 2019, comenzamos un programa de barricas (y un sendero de aprendizaje) para elaborar sidras, sidromieles e hidromieles

Durante este nuevo camino, hemos experimentado con diferentes frutas y mieles características de nuestra región, como manzanas, ciruelas, guayabas, piñas y distintas mieles, entre muchas cosas más, llegando a diferentes resultados, aromas y sabores

Cuando recibimos 200 kilos de manzana a cambio de cerveza, después de hacer un post en Instagram para hacer intercambios de ingredientes con nuestros seguidores @carlos romero nos contactó porque tenía un campo donde cultivaban manzanas de manera regenerativa en Zacatlán de las Manzanas, Puebla.

En #MonstruoDeAgua, siempre tuvimos el interés y las ganas de hacer una sidra Cuando recibimos las manzanas pintas de Zacatlán, nos dimos a la tarea laboriosa de prepararla Para su confección se necesitan muchas manos, mucho tiempo y mucha paciencia, pues implica lavar los ingredientes, rayarlos, prensarlos, y después el largo y silencioso tiempo de fermentación

Para ese lote literalmente prensamos las manzanas a mano y desarrollamos dos versiones Una en acero inoxidable y la otra en barrica de madera Para la primera, usamos una levadura comercial especialmente diseñada para sidras; y para la segunda, utilizamos una levadura que nosotros mismos aislamos de las ciruelas y frambuesas del #JardínDelAxolote. El mundo de la fermentación es muy amplio y, aunque es un procedimiento inherente a la cerveza, existen muchos otros caminos para desarrollar bebidas deliciosas.

Esta sidra que ustedes pronto probarán es la culminación de muchos aprendizajes de la cervecería, como lo es el uso de fruta como ingrediente principal, el trabajo con fuentes alternas de azúcar y del desarrollo de nuestros propios microorganismos para uso exclusivo de nuestras bebidas Se trata de una bebida 100 por ciento mexicana, una sidra a la vez muy cervecera pero sobre todo muy Monstruo De Agua que abrirá a nuevos horizontes y área

Esperamos que d amos hacerla.

The Weed Trade Show (WTS) 2022 took place from November 11 to 13, where the vision of the organizers managed to provide the event with a social perspective focused on 3 topics related to cannabis: legal, medical and industrial

In this third edition of Weed Trade Show, cannabis was the protagonist with more than 300 national and international brands that came together to offer products ranging from lighters, vapes, food and all kinds of paraphernalia and services

One of the things that made the convention more attractive was that anyone could enjoy the event whether they were a consumer or not, as WTS was created with the idea of informing debating and exposing society to the enormous benefits of cannabis and its relationship with improving the quality of life

The cannabis topic covers many aspects of the consumer's life, from nutrition, recreational, medicinal or therapeutic use, therefore the organizers conceived Weed Trade Show with the idea of offering a valuable space for any spectator: "We thought about the public completely unrelated to the development of cannabis, including the patient, in search of products with regulatory standards and quality Even the regular consumer looking for paraphernalia or devices, of limited availability in local businesses", as José Luis Pérez, CEO of WTS, pointed out

Part of the idea of how Weed Trade Show was conceived was to create environmental awareness as an industry, so part of the program included a recycling point, organized by the Conciencia station where you could bring materials for recycling and subsequent treatment A way to bring attendees closer to the socially conscious vision of the event

Fashion Weedkend did not stop, and for two nights the convention was endowed with the glamour and creativity of its catwalk, with an audience that delighted under a cloud of freedom smoke Casuals, pajamas, evening gowns, hats and swimsuits made with hemp proved that the fashion industry is ready to embrace the 420 revolution

Wonderful outfits good music and an audience that took the opportunity to show off their own designs was part of the atmosphere that was experienced during this first exhibition 43 D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 1 1


Sagittarius settles overhead with the last influx of this year's magic. Opportunities to grow, cultivate and enjoy reflective spaces with the right elixir.

We find ourselves in one of the most interesting lunar transits of the year. All with a strong influence heading towards the arrival of Sagittarius. During this period, our friends under this sign will receive the energy of renewal that will make them restless and alert. Prepared for the new challenges they are looking at for the following year. But be careful because changes of plans and lack of rhythm could be triggers for important changes in their mood during the month. For that reason, a selection of flowers with sativa effects will be ideal to say goodbye to 2022 with gratitude and peace of mind. Take advantage of your fire sign to light a candle, or exchange lighters with someone. It will be a great reach out and will help attract positive transmutation energy to your environment.

Learn to bring affection to your moments of consumption. Stability, tranquility and security are in your character and it is advisable that you give yourself space to collect them in your moments with the plant. Let it teach you the way to become master of your emotions and, when you are ready, experiment with higher doses of edibles. Controlling, but above all understanding the sacred effects of Ganja on your organism will allow you to appreciate the nature of your being in another way.

Take advantage of this time to give it a festive touch (in the broadest of senses). It's time for a get together that will help you nurture your most sociable area. Let yourself be pampered and dare to experience a meeting or get together within the #420 circuit. Prejudices will not be present and the presence of the energy of freedom will favor collective participation and will benefit those under this sign who work from cannabis activism.

If during this month you seek to share your emotions, give the plant and its knowledge as a vehicle of communication with your loved ones. It's time to talk, offer knowledge or give flowers to all those who from your perspective deserve a dose of tenderness. I recommend you to give CBD as a gift during the Christmas season and observe the change in your family members as they learn to benefit from its regular consumption. Being a transit of high contrasts, those born under this sign may experience discomfort that will translate into friction at work.

The end of the year is a peculiar season for people born under this sign. But particularly during this closing of the year, Aries will be pressured by money matters. If the goal is to save, your cannabis consumption should be adjusted. Try buying gummies or try the consumption of micro doses of oils with concentrations of 20mg. You will have more prolonged effects that will not be interrupted by the feeling of wastefulness or unproductiveness during this season that will be very present.

It's time for entrepreneurship. For Taureans who are new to the cannabis sector, doors will open and the path to start or participate in a fresh project looks very interesting for 2023. But if you are a Taurus with a venture underway, the time to grow is now. Take up the energy of the star emanating a blue flame in the winter vault: seek it out, learn its name and invoke it to guide you toward connections that represent new investment opportunities.

The road has been heavy, but you close this lunar transit with good news by the end of the month. During this period make it your goal to forge a joint from scratch: paper, filter and a gram of whatever flower you have on hand. Do it all yourself, with time and without the support of any complicated apparatus. Use that cigarette as an offering of love to your inner self. Reserve it for the end of the month when the energy of Venus connects with the antenna of your happiness. Remember: you are the hybrid flower that activates the unexpected in this universe.

It's very exciting when the energy of romance favors the more withdrawn signs. Could it be the cold or could it be the nostalgia of the season? We don't know, but for all those born under the sign of the crab the ideal pretext must be a joint at home. You, that special person and some good smokes that awaken the fibers of seduction. For all those who are already in a couple, keep in mind your affective responsibility and do not let desire cloud your judgment.

The lion withdraws during the winter, but does not cease to influence respect in the December sky. Competition, good luck in games or negotiations will flow, but the intensity can cause imbalances in health. In this opportunity to know and prevent, treatments with cannabinoids can be perfect allies. Approach specialists in the 420 medical field to bring your endocannabinoid system up to date... as if it were an advanced software update.

The ground is fertile for planting. During this month, the stars give clear clues that the act of self-cultivation will become very sobering. If you have live plants, interact with them and find the hidden metaphors they hold for you. It is a period of contemplation, but also of concrete and resolute action. Enjoy the harmony of your character with the December weather and try steaming, smoking an extract and letting its herbal perfume refresh your sacred space.

December is a time of errands and agreements for the realization of your projects. Don't be afraid to say no, even if it involves a joint. Your responsibility and effort are about to reach that magical stage where they are transformed and harvested like indoor flowers. Your sign oriented towards impartiality will allow you to evaluate your work team with certainty and imbue your day to day life with a dose of justice. If you are curious, try to get closer to the effects of indica flowers.

With an unexpected or somewhat volatile year, the Scorpio withdraws but doesn't stop observing. And just as in nature itself, in its backward motion it readies its sting, ready to react. December has prepared an extra dose of strength for the Scorpio, which with a punctual and orderly consumption of cannabis (away from the idle or improvised uses of the plant) can provide extra clarity for decision making. Time to recognize the people around you and to recognize yourself as a valuable element of existence. Exercise the muscle of self criticism and let yourself be nourished by the energy of your nuclear family.

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