TVV Magazine: January 2023

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JAN 2023 JAN 2023 ISSUE 12 ISSUE 12


"Starting is easy, but keeping up is not" An elementary reality that we could clearly appreciate during the recently extinct 2022 A year in which the various sectors that make up the international cannabis community (regardless of the region or the progress of its regulations) faced significant challenges and obstacles

Expectations contradictions; stigmas or laws that were not transformed into actions (projects that remained half-baked or were promoted only to attract votes) But, above all, the lack of certainties combined with widespread ignorance were some of the factors that made it very difficult to promote projects related to the plant anywhere in the world.

A period of high contrasts which as well as revealing a greater openness towards the acceptance of hemp and marijuana as a source of multiple resources, also showed us one of its darker sides: this enormous breeding ground for corruption, fraud and exploitation

Cases that generated a terrible precedent such as the international scam of Juicy Fields or some other apparently harmless cases (such as the spread of false information about the plant or bad investments), show us that there is no victory assured, but quite the opposite: there is much work ahead and part of that work lies in professionalizing the knowledge we have about the world of cannabis

Responsibility, understanding of the causes and rights; clear and truthful information, as well as the generation of new narratives around the plant will be crucial to overcome the onslaught of prohibition during this 2023

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this special issue, which marks the beginning of our second year as a communication project

An exercise in which we managed to gather (through interviews and questionnaires) the opinions of 100 people from 4 countries: Canada, Colombia, United States and Mexico Regions where cannabis is a reality in one way or another

Voices that in the statistical exercise yielded very interesting data for decision making, but that also make up a kind of "almanac", which we hope will be useful for anyone seeking to enter the fascinating world of cannabis during this new period

It is clear to us that now more than ever, the ongoing work and support among the many areas of interest surrounding marijuana (which, by the way, for this edition we count 23), will ensure that the cannabis movement grows stronger in every region of the planet

So welcome to our first issue of 2023 A year in which we will continue to contribute from our trenches and support the creation of bridges of understanding At the end of the day, what it is all about is to collectively sow the seeds of a better tomorrow

Good vibes, green life, and lots of love for y'all!

Copyright Notice January 2022 Year 02 number 12 TU VIDA VERDE© is a monthly publication protected by the Copyright Laws of Mexico and by the UCC - Universal Copyright (Geneva and Paris Convention) Stock images used in this issue are fully licensed for commercial use and distribution Reproduction printing or distribution of this copy without permission is prohibited Contact Us hablemos@tuvidaverde com Available in creatividad@tuvidaverde com +52 (55) 6783 9958 Powered by: Milagro Pharmaceuticals President / Charlie Bravo Media Director / Salvador Vega Style Corrector / Clau Abascal Editors / Alejandro Piña, Iván López Mateos, Paola Galante, Gary "Toke" Thompson, Psycho Memes, Cynthia Olivieri, Gaby Arellano and Simona Rubio Special collaborations: Art and Design / Rodrigo "Haki" Alonso and Axel Delgado Photographers / Mr Pipe, ELV TJ Translation / Araceli Zetina Advertising / Iván Núñez Social Media / Axel Delgado Sales Director México / Fernando Flores Sales Director Colombia / Johnny Torres Sales Director US / Andrew Simon Cannabis Drinks A championship like no other in which cannabis drinks are a fundamental element 22 Psycho Memes A great year to find your spirit animal and light the smoke with your loved ones Astrocanna D'Khanna and her analysis of the stars for 420 users 31 37 Activism 11 Medicine and Research 18 Communication 27 Spirituality 33 Art and Entertainment 15 Sustainability 20 Politics 32 Feminism 34 INTERACTIVE INDEX TOUCH LEAF TO TO START
of this
you to
What can we expect?
edition take
Interactive Index


At Tu Vida Verde Magazine we decided to survey 100 people across 5 countries to try to find out what the year 2023 would bring in the big picture of the cannabis world

In a random exercise, we asked respondents to answer questions about the reality of the plant from a regional and international perspective. We also asked them to choose 3 areas of interest from a list of 23 sectors that will see a lot of activity this year.

In this special issue you can enjoy a tour of all the visions, projects, causes, purposes and opinions that this hundred or so personalities were able to share with us.
We asked We compare We analyze
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TVV Magazine and Canva Stock Images
Moderate progress, with opportunities for a specialized sector The doors for cannabis and businesses derived from it seem open from the international scene A good opportunity to seek an alliance with similar sectors in other parts of the world Moderate 49.3% Fast 24% Slow 16% Atastandstill 10.7% Moderate 38.7% Slow 33.3% Atastandstill 18.7% Fast 9.3% AreasofInterest 0 10 20 30 40 Medical Recreational Agriculture Activism Art Sustainability Sports Technology Entrepreneur Politics Marketing Justice AT WHAT RATE IS THE INDUSTRY DEVELOPING GLOBALLY? For more than half of those surveyed, the international outlook is good, with progress in multiple directions
areas of interest The world of cannabis is often considered to be divided into 3 sectors: industrial development, medicinal application, and recreational uses However, for this exercise respondents were given a choice of 3 out of 23 areas of interest related to the plant AT WHAT RATE IS THE INDUSTRY DEVELOPING IN YOUR REGION? Regardless of the level of progress in the regulations of each country, the bulk of the respondents had a less encouraging outlook for their regions Uncertain progress, with gaps in the laws
From the local point of view, the laws that facilitate the creation of an open and safe market for the plant do not yet exist The same phenomenon of lack of homologation in federal laws and that generates a series of particular problems in each country
R e g i o n s Human Rights Education Companies Entertainment Spirituality Feminism Fashion Politics Sustainability Technology Underground Activism Agriculture Art Science Communication Sports Industry Research Justice Recreational Marketing Medical
Canva Stock Images

Activism Activism and Human and Human Rights Rights

The battle for legalization continues even in countries like the United States, where local laws favor the use, production and distribution of cannabis in at least a third of the territory, but on a national scale the brakes and contradictions remain

For this reason, the year 2023 presents itself as a new opportunity to revalidate the causes and unite the struggles for the liberation of the plant across the 5 continents

"I would like the most relevant issue to affect human rights and respect for people, but the reality is that the monetary issue continues to rule and we must be very careful because this issue of high economic need as well as beneficiary it could affect many communities

It is going to have to continue working for a long time on how women relate to the plant Cannabis is a gateway to destigmatize our consumption and the decisions we make about our bodies”, commented the activist and human rights defender, Erandeny Gy, in an interview for Vida Verde Magazine,

"If we do not have a regulation with a human rights perspective, we will continue to be violated as cannabis users" @erandeny gy Image J a n u a r y 2 0 2 3 | I s s u e 1 2 11
Erandeny Gy / Activist and Avocate Human Rights
are cannabis users
4% of the global population

Pepe Rivera Plantón 420

For the member of Plantón 420 in Mexico City, next year what we will see is a greater organization of the cannabis community in Mexico, this because there will be no law

"People are tired of waiting We have been waiting for three years, if not more, and what we are going to see is that people are going to start organizing through permits in the clubs They are going to start designing different strategies and different experiments so that a legal strategy that is viable can be made. We are going to see that, as there will be no legal market, people will start to self-supply under the right to free association to exercise the free development of personality It will be a matter of seeing how individual rights are applied to how they can be exercised collectively", he commented to TVV


From his point of view, one of the most interesting issues of global activism will be developed in the United States, as he affirms that a strong contradiction will be faced after Biden's pardon before the mid-term elections.

"As long as the classification of THC in the United States is not changed, people will continue to be put in jail. The important thing is to see how cannabis will be reclassified at the federal level and the easiest thing in my opinion would be for them to recognize the medicinal value at the federal level"

In Mexico, the activist affirms that perhaps more progress can be seen by 2023, especially in the country's capital, since together with the movement they have found creative solutions within their own strategic litigation, such as zones exclusively for smoking based on the General Law on Tobacco Control and including them in Article 28 fifth section of the Civic Culture Law of the CDMX

"That gives you a space to protect the right to childhood where already all smokers go to an exclusive smoking space "

Alejandro Piña Photo

In full swing:

Companies Companies

Product quality, design and traceability were some of the most valued attributes in brands by international consumers during the past year Trend that companies that join the cannabis market must take into account for this 2023

From the consumer side, there is a challenge that has always been a problem: coming out of the cannabis closet. The need to keep the love for marijuana and its derivatives hidden from public view is a persistent problem even in countries where legalization has already advanced

For this reason, no matter where they are in the world, consumers of this type of product will continue to evaluate the discretion, style (from packaging to communication) and transparency that cannabis brands provide, with positive points for this 2023

In the international sphere, this year will bring new challenges for the sector, since estimates of economic potential (calculated at 100.4 billion dollars by the end of 2026, according to data from Prohibition Partners) continue to collide with the prohibitionist policies that keep cannabis on chains in most parts of the world

A year of learning and challenges, but also of active work of education and accompaniment of the sectors that fight for the liberation of the plant An ideal opportunity for businesses that know how to pay attention to brands that are growing all over the world.
Zänä / Art, Recreational, Medical
Cortesía: Cookies Kaphacann Canopy Growth

Art Art

The expansion of the mind towards psychoactive horizons Art within the cannabis universe is presented as an escape valve for consumers, but at the same time the plant serves as a source of inspiration for countless creators And examples of this are everywhere

Many consider Cinema Verde to be about ecology, but it is rather an approach of awareness, openness and activism towards cannabis from a unique project of its kind. An initiative that goes beyond smoking and watching movies, as the idea is born from debate and reflection; from the need to generate a community space and to contribute to the generation of a new understanding of what cannabis means

"The strength of cinema is in the message Cinema subjugated me and captivated me; when I realized that it is the only way we can capture all the arts at the same time. If we see this way of being high and watching films it gives us this opening to have more communication with people that we had never seen before and that we may never see again, it opens consciences", Luisa Pineda told us before the end of 2022

Currently the work team is very small, in reality it is only Luisa and many colleagues who support her when there are events in Mexico, but the goal is to take it to a more professional level: to form a large work team, to be present at more events and to have a monthly billboard The ideal would be to have a fixed space, but at least we are looking to have more presence in other events

Cinema Verde seeks to provide consumers with the approach that cinema can be used as a tool for socio-cultural reflection A year of work where the film industry managed to attract more and more people interested in reflecting on these issues which will drive the opening of the responsible consumption of cannabis

Revista para adolescentes Atrevida
"The art area, since with cannabis many artists are inspired to create unique works"
Eduardo / Agriculture, Spirituality, Medical TVV SURVEY
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Courtesy: Cinema Verde Images

José Luis Pérez

Weed Trade Show

WTS arrived to promote new formats, dynamics and a whole new face of the cannabis industry in Mexico. A platform that during 2022 showed that there is an important commercial muscle despite the lack of regulation A huge area of opportunity that, for this year that begins, plans to expand into the international experience

"The projection for next year is to be more educational We want to have a much more significant series of presentations and we are already talking with some international personalities to be able to integrate them into the agendas," says José Luis Pérez, CEO of WTS.

For 2023, the expo will have the participation of industry representatives from countries such as Australia, France, Italy and the United States Something that will favor the stimulation of the local market

"We are delighted to be able to put Mexico at the forefront of this industry, because we have always been. And although we have not managed to have the right regulations or growth, we have already demonstrated that the industry exists

From his perspective, education in conjunction with legal mechanisms for consumer protection (known in Mexico as amparos), are the right way to generate more pressure for the construction of new laws on the matter

"Let's imagine that instead of there being hundreds of protection documents in the country, there were millions That's the most important way to push for the right regulatory initiative Get the government to say 'ok there are two million (or three or four million) consumers: we have to regulate', because there is a need But if there are only 200 or 300 amparos, that's where we really hit a wall "

Courtesy: WTS Image

Medical Medical

For Dra. Maria Fernanda Arboleda, by 2023 it is necessary to promote access to cannabinoid-based medicines because from her perspective and despite the fact that we have been in Mexico for almost two years of having a medicinal regulation, we are still unable to guarantee that patients today can have the treatment they deserve

In an interview for Tu Vida Verde, the specialist added:

"In 2023 the perfect trinomial that I propose in the medicinal area for there to be truly quantifiable advances is: the education of patients and health professionals, access to safe treatments and progress in clinical research Without this we will continue without answers and with many detractors saying that cannabis is useless, we are still in the infancy of cannabis research and only in the last 5 to 10 years has there been some progress so that through research we can really understand the therapeutic effects," she said in an interview for Tu Vida Verde.

Regarding the stigmas that will remain, the specialist affirms that the shadow of ignorance of the plant or the discrediting of its therapeutic effects will remain, so it is very important to promote educational work "It is true that nowadays there may be cannabis consumption disorders, that is why it is also very necessary to talk about responsible consumption and that can only be achieved through education with educational campaigns or public health programs and that is what will be very helpful to close the gaps in terms of stigma prejudices and myths," she said
Enrique / Science, Recreational, Medical Harold Guevara Castillo / Science, Business, Medical TVV SURVEY Alejandro Piña Photo

Sports Sports

"Toque y Rol started with a more fun idea, but we are already planning to make a very big tournament for next year. It has become quite a community within the industry, where basically it has been bringing together jiu-jitsu and cannabis," René Diosdado told us in an interview for Tu Vida Verde Magazine

In a competition they had this year, about 150 people attended For the tournament to be held in the first quarter of the year, more than twice as many people are expected to participate. A good turnout is expected, since it is an event where there is not only martial arts and marijuana, but it offers a new vision of the integration of substances with high performance sports

"It is not a profligate obscenity where everyone is smoking," clarifies Diosdado Gallardo, who states that there are courses in jiu jitsu, children's and women's self-defense in addition to extraction and self-cultivation courses

The idea is that by 2023 the door will be more open and those stigmas of what the plant can become as a protagonist will be removed At some point, specialists affirm that regulatory agencies will be opening up to the consumption of cannabinoids, and although there are still sports that are hooked to social stigma, part of the advantages of generating this type of project is to generate a new awareness about the interaction of substances in athletic disciplines
Mariano / Communication, Sports, Educa María Lizeth Rave / Research, Medical, Techno
Image J a n u a r y 2 0 2 3 | I s s u e 1 2 19
TVV SURVEY @diosdadobjj mma

Stephen Clarke Heavengrown

Imagine a multidisciplinary community of openminded individuals; people who come together from all over the world to help create effective solutions to combat climate change, this through the use of plants as building materials

The idea is to demonstrate that with organic materials such as hemp fibers decent homes can be materialized This project exists and is called Heavengrown, a company whose first challenge for 2023 is to make people understand where these inputs come from

"The first thing they ask you is if you can smoke your house," Stephen Clarke, cofounder of the project, told us in an exclusive interview for Tu Vida Verde Magazine

"Today the world is changing a lot, there are more and more people in the world who have this understanding and knowledge of sustainability; how materials work, thermicity, among other elements

And in certain regions such as the Mexican Caribbean or regions like Oaxaca, a duality is happening: a lot of knowledge is arriving, but not all the necessary regulations are being applied for proper sustainability," he said

For this reason, with a view to next year, he assures that the nearest challenge is for people to know the benefits of the plant and to be able to change the whole perspective of things because he assures that with the hemp plantation in one hectare you can build, if you do very well, two houses of 100 square meters.

Currently there are parts of the world where this vision is taking shape, such as in the state of Texas, where Clarke assures that in a short time they will be leaders in the production of hemp seed and textiles for biocomposites, bioplastics or housing "A few years ago, you could get six months in jail in Texas for a joint Another case is Thailand, where a few years ago they were cutting people’s heads off and now even recreational use has been legalized. Everything is changing," the cofounder said.

Cannabis drinks


C A N P R O V I D E .

Text and Image

The second edition of the Cannabis Drinks Championship had an atmosphere worthy of that beautiful duality that only marijuana and alcohol can provide.

The combination of the plant with alcoholic beverages is a powerful combination for the body and mind that must always take special care since its elaboration, since between ethyl degrees or mg of marijuana can produce forces equivalent to an explosion for the palate and the head

The contest included different types of beverages such as wine, mead and distillates. But not surprisingly, the beverage with the highest number of registered participants was beer. In Mexico alone, the annual per capita consumption of beer went from 55 to 68 liters between 2014 and 2019, which means that each Mexican consumes just over a liter of beer a week , this according to the report "Knowing the beer industry" conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) and the National Chamber of the Beer and Malt Industry.

The importance of this type of event lies in the fact that there are already expert artisan beer creators and tasters. The same as in cannabis, that is why the choice of judges (two cannabis and two alcohol experts) was important to give certainty to the event, in addition to the fact that they were not allowed to see the packaging to achieve objectivity.

One beer after another passed through the judges' palates, but the high point of the event came when a cannabis entrepreneur, who also participated with a beer, talked a little with the judges and opened a debate on the problems of chromatographing the doses of marijuana and having the exact data to use in cannabis gastronomy.

This is the main problem faced by consumers and producers: How much THC does the product I am going to consume have and what type of plant do I use? And this dilemma dilutes the few options that have the monetary capacity to evaluate all these aspects, but the conclusion was reached that the greater t investment that has to be made to provide accura data to the consumer, the greater the visibility of t product: quality comes from having things clear wh it comes to cannabis and alcohol.

Moisés Luna, organizer of the event, assured that t biggest challenge he faces for next year is t diffusion to cover wider niches and markets a expand this type of events among the community. J a n u a r y 2 0 2 3 | I s s u e 1 2 23 D i c i e m b r e 2 0 2 2 | N ú m e r o 1 1

Beyond the lights and fun that cannabis culture offers us, there are underlying themes in the universe of the plant Global and urgent discussions that will guide the agendas of rights defenders during this 2023

How do we manage to break the old narratives imposed by the prohibitionist vision? A question that is worth asking every year, since misinformation, deception and irresponsibility are part of the daily life of marijuana in the world.

For this year, the focus of attention will be concentrated on three phenomena: exploitation, environmental impact and the criminalization of cannabis consumers

The need to establish informed dialogues and have critical means for the analysis of drug policies will become very evident during this new period.

Canva Stock Images Oswaldo O. / Comunicación, Empresas, Industria TVV SURVEY

Consolidated as one of the most important communication platforms in Spanish, Revista Cáñamo will start this 2023 with a simple bet: keep up the good work and continuously adapt through time. A recipe that has led them to become one of the longest-lived publications in the industry, with 300 published issues that represent 25 years of work

"We continue with the effort to spread information about the plant, with the purpose of educating society so that they make informed decisions and that they lose their fear of a plant that should not have to be prohibited", says Julio Zenil, in an interview for TVV Magazine

In the case of the project in Mexico, Julio highlights the great efforts that have been made to bring communication and new forms of understanding to important places such as the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic Unfortunately, the efforts have not been able to penetrate the barrier of insufficient political will, which is why the necessary legislation for this country has yet to be passed However, thanks to technology and collaboration with the most relevant voices of the cannabis community, communication efforts will be enhanced as never before during this 2023. For projects like Cáñamo, this means new formats and the opening of spaces of interest.

"We are about to start a podcast in January We are going to invite you to listen to it and watch it, because we will be interviewing the most important players in the cannabis industry from a very human perspective They are going to tell us about the experiences they have had in the different areas in which they develop around cannabis By getting to know the faces, activities and trajectories of the people who are dedicated to this, we will be able to b k down these stigmas," he says

Regarding the outlook for printed publications in the digital world of 2023, the producer of Expoweed recognizes that the media is experiencing a major crisis due to costs and also to the supply of knowledge that e through social networks And it is for that very reason that the act of publishing in physical becomes an a resistance.

"We consider it important to have a printed medium as a prestigious support for the whole effort of "normali what is being done And without any desire to belittle efforts, there are many digital media outlets today So, tryi preserve the printed media is a quite titanic task in these times, but we consider it important to maintain it"

Courtesy Cáñamo Images
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JJustice ustice

"First as Mexican lawyers we must assume the responsibility that if there is a cannabis law and that this can already be a specialization within our legal framework, it is not only a matter of laws but it is recognizing a human right which is the free development of personality More lawyers are needed to start doing strategic litigation on cannabis, if we make community also in the legal issue with associations and companies that seek to recognize the right to health, self-consumption, self-cultivation and another fundamental human right which is the right to work based on the fifth constitutional article we can appropriate as a Mexican society of this industry",

Manolo considera que este 2023 uno de los temas que tendrán mayor difusión es la cuestión del cáñamo

"We consider under our metrics that it is already possible that there is a law in this regard, because hemp is legal to sell, transport or transform with some legal strategies ( ) In 2023 we must appropriate consumption, because in Mexico the recreational use of Cannabis is something that is very much ours, just as comparable to the consumption of tequila or mezcal. Consumption is not bad but there is still a great stigma from our own people " he commented

Manolo Castro, a lawyer specializing in legalization, shared with Tu Vida Verde a perspective on the importance of building new legal frameworks for this year
Zara Snapp / Political Scientist Activism, Human Rights, Feminism

"La Doperia was born so that people can express themselves, and can wear one of our T-shirts with some of our minimalist designs with their favorite substance, so that others on the street can distinguish it and say: hey, let's do that together," said Gabriel Zagorin, creative director of this project, which is a clothing company inspired by cannabis and various psychoactive substances

He assures that the objective of La Doperia is not to encourage or promote the culture of drug use, since that is the responsibility of the consumers themselves However, they seek to contribute to destigmatize through a task that is often overlooked: generating community

Their vision as a brand goes through the rebelliousness of drug consumption and for this 2023 their main contribution will be to promote the expansion of the fashion industry For this reason, they will soon release winter season products while promoting style in the most important cannabis events of the year

Fashion Fashion

Revista para adolescentes Atrevida
Rich Karou / Business & Personal Consultant Spirituality, Marketing, Medicinal Warren Cudney / Science, Medicinal, Technology
J a n u a r y 2 0 2 3 | I s s u e 1 2 29
Martin Simon / CEO Milagro Pharmaceutic Spirituality, Sustainability, Technolo



The meme section team also had access to the results of the TVV 2023 survey on cannabis use.

Through advanced software, managed to anticipate the three types of personalities that will predominate among consumers and transform them into highly valuable digital art.

The most sociable being you will find this year Always willing to share his weed and to be charming.

It consumes and cultivates in solitude, although if you grab it in a good mood it can give you good advice. He doesn't like to fight

Although he is apparently very eloquent and even profound, sometimes he forgets to breathe and you have to help him

NFT 2023 2023
MAGAZINE TVV MAGAZINE Guess which of these people left the weed at home

Politics Politics

For Amaya Ordorika of the Reverdeser project, the time to involve the cannabis community in the exercise of political rights is now "We are heading towards a very long pre-electoral process and it is a key moment to position the cannabis issue in the public agenda so we must manifest ourselves as a sector of society that is part of the democratic process and that has to be taken into account by those who are running for electoral positions and that is something we must assume with great responsibility as users and people interested in the industry or in human rights, in the end we all share that without a substantial legislative transformation everything remains limited cut off or in a legal uncertainty".

The specialist affirms that we are regulating in a political, social and economic context in which prohibitionism has already generated impact and many damages, so we have to be able to think of a regulation that can recognize and make those damages visible and actively try to repair them

"Regulating from a vision of transitional justice that has certain principles and pillars that are truth and memory, non-repetition, reparation of the years and justice, our regulation models have to start from these notions In what context do we want to smoke a joint? In this context of violence, human rights violations and uncertainty or in a context where we are focusing all public policies towards peace building and damage reparation; from the fight for drug policy and the end of prohibitionism we can fight for peace building", she said

Amaya adds that one of the biggest challenges we have as a cannabis community is to recognize ourselves as part of a broader psychoactive community and to break our own stigmas because there are many cannabis users who judge users of other plants and psychoactive substances. By continuing to sustain this rhetoric and narrative, the stigmatization and criminalization of cannabis use is legitimized. The best way to confront this is to demonstrate that we are active participants in the construction of peace in our country and that we actively work for the respect of human rights we recognize our identity as users and from there we seek this social transformation Much of the cannabis movement has preferred to maintain a separation of these demands from peace building "
Courtesy Reverdeser Image

Spiritual Spiritual

the ancestral people of North America, apiscuill (cannabis or en medicine") is a sacred plant A valuable resource that, as l as healing physical and emotional wounds, can also be a way ring justice back to our land.

know that a very strong industrialization is coming for the ds and farmers Farmers who come from generations of igenous communities, who have been marginalized and ed to work with this sacred plant," says Hector Benton, sident of Naciones Ancestrales A C and Cannativo in an rview for TVV Magazine

m his perspective, 2023 will bring with it new forms of anization within the scheme of civil associations, integrated representatives of native people All this attached to the rcise of the legal scheme of Usos y Costumbres

elieve that these organizations can give the native people the ortunity to be able to work on a proper industrialization. Of rse we need support and arguments; bodies to be able to trol and organize in a recommendable way, since the genous communities know that it is possible to create a nabis cooperative of farmers", he affirms

Hector, for this 2023 the most important issue around nabis in Mexico is not about psychoactive use, something he s not see as viable given legal paralysis around the issue of ulations at the federal level For him, the urgency of climate nge and the alternatives that exist within the industrialization cannabis to contribute to the welfare of the planet is a topic that should drive agendas during this new year

"I broadly believe that first the issue of a major climate change that is coming in front of us has to be touched upon. To able to work with the topic of the 2030 agenda and to be working hand in hand with various governments in articulation of federal or state laws In this way we want to green the countryside or even plant in the desert; to be able to it with hemp or kenaf, which are two plants that can help us in this emergency

"The indigenous communities have the need to first help the planet before helping the pocket of any businessman mother earth comes before any money That is why we are here precisely because our grandparents made the decision we could share their medicines and be able to share this information To generate these alliances and make every understand that (the legalization of cannabis) is not something that is going to do harm, it is a sacred medicine that be trusted We as associations companies and movement move with our hearts in our hands and walking with our he in our hands is walking barefoot on this earth"
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Chicks vs Stigma

In your opinion, what will be the area of greatest interest for women around cannabis during this 2023?

I think 2023 will come loaded with a lot of female growth from different angles On the one hand, we will have women who are more aware of the plant and its applications in their daily lives, there will be much more interest in knowing about the possibilities that the plant offers in their physical and mental health. Women's liberation in conjunction with the current social and economic status is also associated with the generation of independence in our decisions and in also depending on our autonomy to provide our families with what is necessary for their health

On the other hand, women's enterprises will have more initiative to start taking another course, maturing the projects, preparing for a formal market Although the laws in Mexico are not changing at the rate we would like, we have the United States preparing legislation at the federal level which should make us reconsider the early or distant legalization in Mexico, leading our businesses towards a legal strategy with which can survive and stand out in a legal market


I believe that the priority cannabis issues in our country continue to be: eliminating criminalization and providing access to legal medicines that add to our flawed and incomplete medical law Both elements continue to add to the fact that many women, especially caregivers, may continue to be afraid of losing their freedom or that their children will be taken away from them when seeking to provide a medical alternative such as cannabis, since for many medical diagnoses the plant is the best choice. The absence of changes in the penal code continues to be the greatest source of stigma, since users or caregivers who provide cannabis medicine are still seen as people who are acting outside the law and are still considered criminals, as people who They should be behind bars. It is imperative to change the legal history in our country to leave autonomy to caregivers, doctors and patients, also providing access to quality medicines that do not put the treatments of those who need them at risk

TVV Magazine Photo
matters are still pending or what are the urgent issues to attend in the cannabis industry?

I am surprised that in the last 5 years we see a radical change in the image of the plant, especially in young people, there is an increase in the adaptation of the plant to the current culture, we see it socially and also in fashion, music , and recreational spaces, however the idea that people have of the plant continues to be plagued by misinformation and stigmas, the most important of which (based on my personal experience) are the following:

That you are not productive for society What causes addiction problems? It is for recreational use only That it does not help health (this is thanks to the enormous number of CBD products that do not meet the necessary quality to have therapeutic effects and that do not have dosage monitoring)

And I would add a final stigma that I consider new at this time, which is an over-romanticism of the plant, making many people believe that this is like a miracle product or that it can solve all your problems, leading a consumer to irresponsible use or uninformed that sooner or later loses interest in these types of alternatives for health

Much progress has been made in recent years in seeking to educate the population in the best way, but attending to such a marked human need in recent years, added to the romanticism of the plant, leads us to a black hole where we can lose credibility of our struggle. So, as communicators and/or believers in the plant's potential, we must be very careful about what we say, and as producers and businessmen, our priority must be quality and have legal strategies that protect the final consumer

The green fight continues!

Sha / Deportes, Espiritualidad, Medic TVV SURVEY J a n u a r y 2 0 2 3 | I s s u e 1 2 35
What are the stigmas people face when talking about cannabis in 2023?
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The energy of renewal that 2023 brings with it is anticipated in the firmament. An important year for changes, for progress, for alliances and for making free decisions in the cannabis universe. Four moons, four crucial seasons and important moments to live in accordance with the planetary influence.

Capricorn enters with an influence that reminds us of the exhale impulse. The threads of fate will be in your favor and you will feel the empathy of the wind and water signs around you in your closest circle.

If you have not yet come out of the cannabis closet, take advantage of the year's natural outbursts to stimulate the sense of selfdiscipline that characterizes this sign, or those in concordance with its north node.

Before moving forward, let go of mental burdens and seek a more contemplative consumption. The brightness of the stars will soothe any inner tides during this new period.

Music will be an important tool for you this month. Explore, discover and be captivated by those sounds that feel like a purr. The influence of the first full moon of 2023 (which will occur this January 6) will benefit you if you find the right rhythm. Return to your roots and activate the mystical powers of the plant with a preparation of cannabis and natural tobacco.

Self-care is important and so is rest. A reminder to all those born under this sign, as 2023 looks to be a year full of challenges that can enhance the incubation of stress. And just as fish don't swim in freezing waters, in highly demanding environments Pisces can experience different types of paralysis. Get closer to CBD and discover its potential in your body, mind and intuition.

Ready for a change in your personality, of course you are. It's something that those born in this sign are used to during these periods, with a keen sense of continuity and strength that will be beneficial to those around you. Go out, listen to your friends and give them support (from advice to a joint). Clarity and the glow of empathy run through you in this new beginning.

Lov ant the y ces of consumption. It is time to wrap the heart in a green halo, to soothe and heal the wounds that 2022 left on it. There are important dates for you: the 7th, the 15th and the 27th. Try to maintain discipline on these days and write down your thoughts. Try vaporization instead of combustion.

You are one step away from accomplishing a task that will feel like the last piece of a long puzzle. But don't rush. Think that even after rolling a joint it pays to let it rest. Life is made up of little glimpses and in the value of patience you will find the wisdom that will allow you to have an incredible 2023.

Vulnerability is fleeting and the beginning of this new year will grant you a dose of strength translated into something you may not have considered: creativity. Stimulating it will be your task, especially during the first full moon of the year. Power plants will be your companions in case you are looking for a psychonautical experience.

Jus rn under the sign of the lion during the beginning of 2023. A year of balances between the spiritual world and matter. Ideal for outdoor activities or to attend conventions and cannabis fairs. The lion has a particular strength in legal activities, which is always necessary for the advancement of new and better laws for the 420 sectors.

You g g y eem like a disorientation, but in reality, it is a rearrangement influenced by the energies of the ruling planets. Virgo strengthened and during this month you will begin to feel the effects of 2023 as if it were a new strain. Quiet contemplation and travel with groceries are tools to reveal the new pieces on your board.

Reconnecting with your family circle during the holidays can generate some noise. Remember not to put too much weight on the scales of melancholy and make sure you have strong supports for all your projects. Sometimes, those who love us are the ones who share with us the sacred circle of the everyday, amidst fumes of health and prosperity.

The starlight of the January vault will pierce those born in this sign through the prism of art. Projects will be born and the seeds that are sown in this beginning of the year will give harvests with abundant flowers. The Scorpio emerges with dexterity towards 2023 and is accompanied by the influence of fire, represented by a bright sun or by the warmth of the puff of a blunt on some special occasion.

Continuity and firm steps. The sense of responsibility and teamwork are characteristics that will remain present for much of the first quarter of the year. The moons, loaded with intention, will give you nights of comfort and good rest. Ideal to experience lucid dreams enhanced with indica flower oils.

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