Kaliningrad: Visions of the Future. Urban development of the city centre.

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Kaliningrad: Visions of the Future Kaliningrad: Visions of the Future Urban development of the city centre

Documentation of the international Symposium 15-17 June 2005 in Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad: Visions of the Future Urban development of the city centre Documentation of the international Symposium 15-17 June 2005 in Kaliningrad

Location Conference Centre at the Ocean Museum - Naberezhnaja Petra Velikogo 1 Kaliningrad/Russia

Promoter Municipal Authority Kaliningrad, Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Kaliningrad/Russia Öffentlicher Verband "Kaliningrader Kulturkontakte", Hamburg/Germany

Management OOO "Nikor-Projekt" GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia D&K projektentwicklungsmanagement, Hamburg/Germany

Moderators Dr. Vladimir Renevic Krogius, Moscow/Russia Prof. Peter Zlonicky, Munich/Germany

With kind support of Öffentlicher Verband "Kaliningrader Kulturkontakte", Hamburg/Germany Kaliningrad Branch of the Russian Union of Architects, Kaliningrad/Russia Dr. Christina Weiss, Minister of the Chancellor's Office, Representative of the Federal Government for Culture and Media (BKM), Berlin/Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Berlin/Germany





Contents Contents

1 Foreword 1.1 Opening address of the Symposium, held by Tatiana L. Kondakova 1.2 Opening address of the Symposium, held by Prof. Dr. Dieter Biallas

4 5 6

2 Introduction


3 Lectures 3.1

15 15

First Day 15.06.2005


Lecture 1 – Tatiana L. Kondakova Current state of development of the city centre/problems of the centre



Lecture 2 – Olga V. Krasovskaya Visions of the Future, Tasks of the present and roots of the past



Lecture 3 – Dr. Werner Möller Actualisation of the European City



Lecture 4 – Oleg I. Vasjutin Historical and development stages of Königsberg/Kaliningrad



Lecture 5 – Prof. Marcin Orawiec Transformations



Lecture 6 – Prof. Irina V. Belinzeva Stylistic peculiarities of architecture in Königsberg in the 13th - 20th century



Lecture 7 – Venzel T. Salakhov History and contemporaneity in the planning pattern of Kaliningrad's city centre



Discussion – First Day


Second Day 16.06.2005



Lecture 8 – Prof. Gennadij M. Fedorov Geopolitical aspects of the relationships between the European Union and Russia – The place of Kaliningrad and the Oblast in the context of economic and cultural relationships



Lecture 9 – Prof. Sergej D. Kozlov Investment projects and their influence on the planning structure of the centre of Kaliningrad



Lecture 10 – Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Bloech Location factor architecture and other economic location factors





Lecture 11 – Dr. Elke Knappe Kaliningrad – a strong partner in the Baltic Region?



Lecture 12 – Flemming Frost Strategy of urban projects



Lecture 13 – Dr. Otto Flagge Analysis of urban structures



Lecture 14 – Olga V. Mezey Königsberg/Kaliningrad – Wandering centre in the context of transformation of transport communications



Lecture 15 – Prof. Dr. Eckart Güldenburg (held by Julius Ehlers) Structural changes of ports – a chance for urban development?



Lecture 16 – Daniel Luchterhandt “Building civil society” – Experience from St. Petersburg



Dicussion – Second Day


Third Day 17.06.2005



Lecture 17 – Jochen Brandi and Andrej Derbenkov Traces of history and future images of the island city on the River Pregel



Lecture 18 – Prof. Peter Zlonicky Continuity and inconsistency – Experience from Berlin



Lecture 19 – Anna Brunow-Maunula Methods of controlling the townscape of Helsinki



Lecture 20 – Dr. Sergey V. Semenzov On the principles of retaining the urban genetic code in the process of reconstruction and development of the city






4 Summary












1 Foreword

Foreword 1



1.1 Opening address of the Symposium Tatiana L. Kondakova Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Guests! It is my pleasure to welcome you at our symposium. This meeting is a good sign for the development process of our city. In preparation of the 750th anniversary of the city, we are doing a lot of construction work, and have acquired a taste for it. At the same time we are beginning to understand that besides the tasks of the moment, it is necessary to start a comprehensive development project in the historic part of the city. We are going to speak about the development of the central part of our historic city, about the current state of the city, and how we would like to see it in future. I hope we will all share our experiences and ideas about the direction the administration and professionals will have to take to make the most wonderful dreams come true, for the city and its inhabitants.





1 Foreword

1.2 Opening address of the Symposium Prof. Dr. Dieter Biallas I am a representative of the working group Kulturkontakte Kaliningrad which has provided the impulse for this symposium and also secured the financing by the two German institutions that significantly contributed to this symposium. We also managed to engage the cities of Gdansk, Hamburg, Kiel and Rostock to participate in the programme. Please allow me to briefly introduce the working group. Kaliningrader Kulturkontakte was set up in the first half of the 1990s with the aim of opening a window of dialogue between Kaliningrad and the West – especially Germany. To us, this seemed necessary at that time because of the rightwing political forces that endeavoured to exploit the chances in the post-perestroika era to spread dangerous, and to some extent revanchist, ideas that certainly are contrary to the prevalent wish for intercultural dialogue and reconciliation. The idea came in the guise of private initiatives. Our working group wanted to prevent the spread of such ideas in the Kaliningrad Region, and instead, commence a dialogue to overcome the fronts of the Cold War seeking reconciliation of our peoples. Core members of the group were Mrs Gräfin Dorothea Razumovsky, Renate von Metzler, Haug von Kuenheim and myself. We organised several art exhibitions, state-aided and privately funded, a film festival and meetings of Russian and German artists in Kaliningrad and in Germany respectively. Here, in Kaliningrad, 12 painters met on the ship Vitjas and in Lich, near Frankfurt, 12 sculptors met – Germans and Russians in equal numbers. These projects are both state-funded and funded by private sources in Germany. After several years the rightwing influence ceased and numerous links were established between the Kaliningrad region and its western neighbours, especially Scandinavia and Germany. Our initiative was no longer the only one and the group gradually withdrew. The imminent anniversary of the city gave cause to think about whether the working group could contribute, a kind of birthday present to the city. We decided to give an impulse to the discussion on the urban development of Kaliningrad that should build on the thought that had previously gone into the subject, and to encourage contacts to western urban planning partners. In talks with the city council and private partners in Kaliningrad the proposal was developed to facilitate an information trip by a delegation of Kaliningrad experts to meet experts in the cities Gdansk, Hamburg, Kiel and Rostock. The choice of cities was determined by two main factors: all are located on the Baltic Sea or are former Hanse towns, and all suffered from massive destruction in the Second World War and a difficult period of reconstruction. The trip was a great success. Our second proposal was related to this symposium. We suggested a meeting of experts form the neighbouring countries right here in Kaliningrad in order to establish a dialogue with the numerous local experts. Also the public should be involved in the discussions about the future of the city.


The role of the working group was mainly to win the participation of the above-mentioned cities and to organise the outstanding financing of the German contribution for both these events. We managed to gain the cooperation of GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fßr Technische Zusammenarbeit) and the State Minister for Culture and Media of the German Federal Government, Dr. Christina Weiss. We mobilised a total of 200,000 Euro and contributed to enlisting German experts to partake in the preparation and realisation of the symposium. We believe that this contribution is an answer to the wish voiced by large sections of the population – that the citizens will claim the city as their own by tying into its history and linking it to the present and future, thereby creating a homeland for themselves. In this respect our efforts are a small contribution to heal the wounds left by the war and its aftermath, the wounds of disavowal and hostility in the years 1939-1945 and in the post-war period in the whole of Europe. I hope this symposium will be a great success and would like to thank the German institutions that have contributed to the financing the cities of Gdansk, Hamburg, Kiel and Rostock for their expert and financial contributions the Russian partners who worked on this project and helped finance it the experts from the East and West for their participation and contributions and you, for being here and for your attention.

Thank you.





2 Introduction

Introduction 2



For more than half a century the urban community of Kaliningrad, its architects and engineers have been facing the problem of shaping the vision and image of the centre of the city. The City of Königsberg/Kaliningrad has developed for almost 750 years, it is characterised by distinctive architectural ensembles, squares and parks that reflect cultural traditions and art-historical and aesthetic trends of the various epochs and historical episodes. Tragic events of World War II caused catastrophic damage to the cultural fabric of the old city. Entire layers of the historical foundations of the existing urban area were razed to the ground. The city centre was particularly badly affected. The political consequences of the War resulted in changes in the indigenous population and in the transformation of the urban planning culture of the city. During the post-war period the urban community endeavoured to restore the life of the city. Originally the city was reconstructed without changing the structure and its street network. Later the urban fabric that had grown over centuries was abandoned. As a consequence of the psychological and emotional condition of society after the cruelties of the War, the ideological line was the absolute neglect of the former architectural and urban pattern of the city centre. It was decided to build quite another socialist city – Kaliningrad – to replace the old Königsberg, in which the memory of the centuries-old history of the place would be erased gradually. Finally, these directives resulted in the decision to demolish the damaged buildings in the historical quarters. The most dramatic alterations took place in the city centre: whole districts were cleared, the city and its street network extended, standard mass-construction implemented in microrayons, which was the directive state policy on architecture and town planning for a longtime. The redevelopment of the city centre had to serve the ideological confrontations of the past. However, an adequate solution was not found and its appearance remains unfinished. After the demise of the ideological age, land use and urban design issues merely cause dissatisfaction. In the context of the changes on the political map of Europe and in the economic system of Russia, the civil society of this enclave – the Kaliningrad Region – faces the challenges of new times. The tasks include the development of Kaliningrad as a Russian city within the realm the European Union. The authorities of the city are now faced with the necessity of identifying recent and current processes within the city's development, to formulate new aims for the social, cultural, architectural and artistic vision of the historical settlement. To achieve this, a new comprehensive plan of the city was commissioned. Several scientific forums, cultural exchanges and contacts with many experts from European cities took place. The main idea of the discussions was the further development of the city, which no longer was to follow the course of destruction and erasure of the former townscape and buildings, but their sensitive inclusion into a new environment, taking into consideration the continuation of all current developments. An active dialogue is being held between the community of Kaliningrad and organisations of former citizens of Königsberg.





2 Introduction

The present Symposium is held within the framework of the 750th anniversary celebrations of the city and is supported at highest state level. At the organisation committee's meeting on the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Oblast and 750 year anniversary of the foundation of Königsberg, on 20 October 2004, the decision was made to hold an international festival, “Kaliningrad Visions”. Initiators of the Symposium are the Department of Architecture and Town Planning at Kaliningrad City Hall, the Kaliningrad branch of the Russian Union of Architects and the association “Kaliningrader Kulturkontakte” (Germany), with the friendly support of the Representative of the Federal Government for Culture and Media, Dr. Christina Weiss, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ).

Object of the Symposium The focus of the Symposium is the centre of Kaliningrad within the historical ring of the second rampart fortification: Gvardejsky Prospect, Yunosheskaya Street, Rakitnaya Street, Lithuanian Rampart, Kalinin Prospect and Zheleznodorozhnaya Street including the adjoining “green belt” areas.

Tasks of the Symposium The international Symposium has the following objectives: - To induce discussion among the invited specialists, based on the analysis of the current situation, problems and development potential of the inner city; to find the best methods and draw up possible development scenarios of the central part of Kaliningrad; - To form a circle of creative professional groups and specialists who are not indifferent to the fate of the city and who, in the interest of development prospects, will participate in the forthcoming international competition for the development of Kaliningrad. Results of the Symposium will serve the organisers and the local authorities as a basis for drawing up a programme for the international competition for the development of the inner city of Kaliningrad.

Current state of the area The core of the city, the geographical and compositional centre, has not been developed. Previously approved projects have not been completed yet. The focal point and main elements on the huge empty space in the city centre are the major transportation routes crossing the city on two levels, Leninskiy and Moskovskiy Prospects, and the “House of the Soviets”, built in the Brutalist style, that was never completed. The historical buildings in the inner city were lost, the land is now open space. The infrastructure and the urban design of these areas is minimal. The only surviving building is the Cathedral that has been partially reconstructed. It is an island within an area of historical destruction.


Natural and artificial water areas are found in the centre. Their function is purely recreational, except for the harbour section of the River Pregel. The flood plain of the river is natural in character. Numerous urban functions are not linked to the water's edge. In the inner city, within the area of the second defensive rampart, the main characteristics of the radial planning system are preserved. The existing town gates and the green belt on the site of the old ramparts form the historical planning framework until today. The historical urban structure was destroyed. The newly developed squares and spaces are clearly too large for the existing buildings. The vehicular traffic system in the centre of the city is unsatisfactory, the situation close to breaking point. The centre is overloaded with transit traffic in a north-south direction caused by the absence of special relief routes and only few bridges across the River Pregel. Railway terminals are located on opposite ends of the city centre. Congestion of the city led to the deterioration of the environment. Strong west-east winds sweep along the open valley of the river unhindered by buildings, causing aerial erosion and thus worsening the microclimate of the city. This is mostly felt in winter. Pedestrian traffic and links into the densely populated quarters are unordered. Urban design standards of pedestrian pavements and traffic safety are low. Residential areas within the city centre are of pre-fabricated concrete construction typical of the Soviet period. The road network of these areas was extended contrasting the historical street system. Building densities were reduced according to environmental regulations at that time. Institutions and service industries are evenly distributed and generally focused on trade and entertainment. Administrative functions and retail trade centres are located along the main traffic routes, Leninskiy Prospect, Mira Prospect and Victory Square. Their chaotic locations do not comply with standards of accommodation and care of the local population. At the intersection of Leninskiy Prospect and the green belt, two unfinished projects from the early 21st century can be found: Victory Square and the square at the Southern Railway Station. On Victory Square a public, administrative, religious and trade centre is currently being developed, leading to a displacement of functions from the core of the city. The pre-fabricated concrete buildings along the main roads are monotonous in appearance. Existing historical buildings are disharmonious and a neutral transition to newly built areas is lacking. Technical conditions of historical buildings are unsatisfactory as these are not maintained or refurbished. Pre-war housing stock and the first generation of mass-construction pre-fabs are evidently falling derelict – the lack of technical maintenance led to deprived living conditions. Some of the open spaces are of historical origins, others were created on vacant sites after the demolition of existing buildings. The quality of existing mature trees from before the war is low,





2 Introduction

new planting has been added to compensate this. Many trees are over mature or diseased, and there are numerous areas of uncontrolled vegetation. Technical supply networks of the city have been partially renewed, but still need considerable investments for modernisation and reconstruction. The underground service networks in the historical core have mostly not been exploited, as the area is not built up. Their condition needs be examined and documented.

Main urban problems of the city The main urban and spatial problems of the inner city of Kaliningrad can be listed as: - Non-existent or insufficiently distinguishable city centre as a place of historical origin and development; - Lack of specific plans for the city centre both in detail (micro scale) and as general concepts and proposals. This also applies to the appropriate relation of the “inherited” and the “contemporary”; - Insufficient coordination of transportation issues between the architectural proposals and the functions of the centre. The general condition of the inner city requires the formulation of an urban doctrine. The greatest challenge in this is the creation of an individual image for the city. There are two different planning approaches: The reconstruction of the lost city centre and the search for new forms. The result will directly depend on the cultural understanding of the investors. Analysis of the urban aspects leads to the following conclusions, questions and tasks that need to be addressed in solving the problems of the inner city of Kaliningrad: - The approach to history and appreciation of the place. The interrelation of history and the contemporary in terms of planning and actual building: Further disintegration or continual integration of modern urban design? - Kneiphof Island: Possible historical reconstruction and revitalisation of the local quarter within the limits of the island location, with extensive areas of historical buildings and existing underground infrastructure, as an object of urban archaeology. - Functional zoning of the city centre, its composition and structure. What functions may be or need to be implemented in the centre of Kaliningrad? - Architectural and artistic design of the inner city and its periphery: artistic image of the centre, urban system, silhouette of the city. - Scale of building development in the inner city: interrelation of scales of man-made and natural landscapes – balance and dislocation. Is it possible to make the city centre of Kaliningrad comfortable? - Transportation planning in the centre: Solving problems by redirecting transit traffic or by building high-speed thoroughfares; reorganising north-south traffic flows; completion of the inner ring. Structuring pedestrian traffic – pedestrian areas; segregation of pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic. - Re-establishing the links between urban land uses and the river and the image of the city on the waterfront. Bridges in the centre – was it right to give them up? Is it possible to reclaim the romantic appeal of “Euler's solution”?


- Optimisation of green open spaces, revitalisation of historical green spaces and the revival of urban recreational functions. Relation of open and built up spaces in the inner city. - Ways of creating a regional style of architecture for Kaliningrad: orientation on historical association, the architecture of the Baltic states? Adopt the international contemporary style or vernacular architecture? - Ways of modernising concrete pre-fab quarters: demolition or reconstruction, increasing densities or return to historical building types. - Creating an inner city that is attractive to tourism: transition of single sites into complexes of different historical epochs and events, related to history, culture and European historical figures. - Founding of a school for restoration and the education of experts specialised on local culture; links to schools in neighbouring countries. Improvements in the field of preservation and maintenance of historic monuments.





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3 Lectures

First Day 3.1

First Day 15.06.2005


Lecture 1 – Tatiana L. Kondakova Current state of development of the city centre/problems of the centre


Lecture 2 – Olga V. Krasovskaya Visions of the Future, Tasks of the Present and Roots of the Past


Lecture 3 – Dr. Werner Möller Actualisation of the European City


Lecture 4 – Oleg I. Vasjutin Historical and development stages of Königsberg/Kaliningrad


Lecture 5 – Prof. Marcin Orawiec Transformations


Lecture 6 – Prof. Irina V. Belinzeva Stylistic peculiarities of architecture in Königsberg in the 13th - 20th century


Lecture 7 – Venzel T. Salakhov History and contemporaneity in the planning pattern of Kaliningrad's city centre


Discussion – First Day





3 Lectures

Lecture 1 3.1.1 Lecture 1 –

Current state of development of the city centre/problems of the centre Tatiana L. Kondakova


Current state of development of the city centre/problems of the centre My presentation is not going to be entirely traditional. I would like to tell you about my own objectives and about the objectives the citizens have set before their authorities. I hope to hear your opinions on whether my understanding of the problems of the city is similar to yours. What was the incentive for conducting this Symposium? We believe that it was a public necessity caused by the citizens' dissatisfaction with the conditions of the urban environment in the historic part of the city. Only fifteen years have passed since 1990, but a lot has changed. In the first place – the citizens have claimed their environment. People's requirements have grown not only in a material sense, but also in the spiritual realm. When we meet our colleagues in mainland Russia, we often hear that in Kaliningrad, unlike in many other regions, there is an established civil society. It certainly is an exaggeration, but we nevertheless agree with the fact that we actually have forces that express the ideas of the urban community, including public claims made to the authorities. These public claims have quickly moved from the purely material to the spiritual, to the realm of culture and life styles in the modern city. That is why we are now talking about the cultural heritage, about the city's history, and also about our role in making and sustaining this history. In the discussions on the built development, its conveniences, buildings, courtyards, entrance ways and flats, the views expressed by the citizens are a direct response to the condition of the city. Unfortunately, negative impressions prevail. It seems to me that in the course of our Symposium it is necessary to determine possible trends of development, and change and restoration of the built environment in the historic city centre; this would not only allow a rational utilisation of land resources but would reconnect the torn fabric of history. This is the main objective. Kant put it succinctly, “Upwards does not always mean high into the air”. These are very significant words that one should recall while considering the urban development. This is an activity that has both a material and an ideal component – benefit and beauty on the one hand, and huge capital investment on the other. We all feel nostalgic for a city in which none of us have lived. We all have a certain mental picture of this city: based on photographs, maps that are available today, and on the existing urban geography. In our understanding it was an ideal city. An unconscious desire emerges, to restore what has been lost. But should these ideas be distributed?

How can the city develop? When preparing for today's Symposium, I read letters, translated into Russian, of travellers who had visited the city. I was struck by a letter dated 1931, in which a traveller wrote that it was





3 Lectures

impossible to cross the centre of KÜnigsberg, that there was little vegetation and that something should be done with the lakes. That letter could have been written today. Today, we want the city centre to meet all our requirements. What should be done first? Where does the decade-long journey start onto which one would have to embark to solve the problems one by one? What we would like to do, is to develop the historic city in a way that it can be combined with modern claims. When we asked our architects' opinion about how they would like to see our city, we received a huge variety of ideas: these include a theatre in the historic building tradition to super modern buildings in the high-tech style. Everyone should see something of relevance to him in the city, and everyone should find what he needs. But there must be something in common, to unite everyone. Convenience and attractiveness of the redeveloped city centre is the final aim which we will pursue in our creative work. This is what I would like to talk about, and hear your opinions, so that the ideas expressed today can be formulated into statements and tasks. We believe that the time has come for the city to talk about its role, not only in the context of our country, but also the whole of Europe. I would like excellent professionals to take part in the development of the city. In the coming years we want to conduct an international competition for the development of the city centre. A brief must be written for this competition. I believe that the success of the competition will, to a great extent, depend on how the brief will be formulated. A positive result will, on the one hand, depend on the planners’ understanding of the project and, on the other hand, on the degree to which the public’s demands are reflected in the programme. Today, we are unable to answer all questions, but I hope that we will find answers that will help us to move on, as a result of our meeting. After my presentation you are going to hear the presentation of the author of the city's masterplan. It is an important document. The significance of the work that has gone into compiling this document will become apparent when working with it. While developing, restoring and redeveloping the old centre, the city should not lose its face, it should retain its historic, economic and cultural features that make it significant, both for Russia and for the whole of Europe. I would like to ask all those present to share their experience, knowledge and opinions with my colleagues and myself so that our endeavour may succeed. Your work will be embodied in the future of the city, which we will jointly decide on and that will be appreciated by future generations.


Personal Profile Resume

Name Tatiana Lazarevna Kondakova Origin Kaliningrad/Russia Profession Architect, Lawer Main profession field Municipal services in control of urban development planning Main subject Urban zoning and land register zoning, architecture and urban planning, normative and statutory control of urban development





3 Lectures

Lecture 2 3.1.2 Lecture 2 –

Visions of the Future, Tasks of the present and roots of the past Olga V. Krasovskaya


Visions of the Future, Tasks of the present and roots of the past This year Königsberg-Kaliningrad celebrates its 750th anniversary. Considering its complicated, and, at times tragic history, recognition of the fact of a continuous 750-year history is a significant event in itself. The first visit to the Kaliningrad Oblast in the early 1980s and first impressions are easy to remember: an amazing railway station of red-brick with covered platforms reminding of the film “17 Moments of Spring”, and the surreal view of the gothic Cathedral ruins side by side with the unfinished concrete bulk of the Soviet administrative monster. At that time it was impossible to imagine that the Kaliningrad Oblast would be open for international tourism, the Cathedral would be restored, the Lenin monument “removed for restoration” and the new church raised on the square (former Hansa Platz) right in front of the City Hall. It was hard to imagine – but we see it happening now. The international Symposium “Town planning development of the Centre of Kaliningrad” was held in the wake of the city's 750th anniversary events. It is dedicated to the issues and ideas for the development of Kaliningrad and its centre in the 21st century. It was extremely interesting and important that from the very beginning of the conference a wide range of questions concerning the place and role of the Kaliningrad Region and its capital in modern society were raised. It is significant as the town planning ideas present strategic ideas concerning deep socio-economic and political processes of the modern world. As head of the authors' group that developed the Urban Masterplan of Kaliningrad, I was asked to state the central points of the project and formulate the main problems concerning the centre of Kaliningrad and approaches to solving these. The first aspect was the accurate formulation of strategic ideas and development aims for the whole Kaliningrad Region, because without this basic stage, the best architectural ideas will remain mere visions. The geopolitical situation of the Kaliningrad Oblast has a specific character as the region is separated from the main territory of the Russian Federation by other independent states. Surely isolation of the Region from the mother country causes a lot of difficulties, such as breakdown of the traditional economic ties, difficulties in transportation, problems of goods transit, tariffs, job placement and competitiveness of economy etc. But! Taking a look at the modern map of Europe it is obvious that the exclave situation of the region surrounded by EU countries also implies a number of potential advantages for the Kaliningrad Oblast and Russia as a whole.

I. The Region 1. The utilisation of strong points of the region's geographic locations – creating a “Region of Cooperation”, the place where representatives of different nations could enter into cooperation in the widest sense – human, economic and cultural. The task of expansion of cooperation between the RF and the EU can, and must be intensely implemented in the Kaliningrad Region and its capital Kaliningrad.





3 Lectures

2. Communications – inclusion of the Kaliningrad Oblast and Kaliningrad in the international transport corridor system – the problems of development of transport infrastructure, borders, tariffs and determining the role of Kaliningrad port in the system of international traffic. 3. Tourism as a tool of cooperation and economic development.

II. The City The priorities of the Kaliningrad town planning strategy are formulated in the Urban Masterplan: - Legal decision-making – developing a package of regulating documents: the Masterplan, the plan of historic and cultural monument conservation zones, rules of land tenure and building, other standard acts, public hearings procedures etc.; - Openness of the city – accordance of spatial opportunities for cultural, economic and political cooperation, creating territorial conditions for investment, reservation of the territories for a wide range of activities, access to information; - Cultural self-identification (discovering the regional cultural phenomenon and individual architectural image of the place in the world, the Baltic Region and Russia); - Urban environment – a secure and friendly, convenient for life, ecologically safe and beautiful city. Solutions of the Masterplan of Kaliningrad are aimed at providing this town planning strategy. Let us dwell on the most important points of the project. 1. Sustainable economic development Orientation of the city on the multifunctional pattern of economic development determines the necessity of reserving territories for transportation, financial, business, commercial, scientificeducational, manufacturing and research-and-production units as well as health care, culture, sports and administrative institutions. The following measures are proposed: creating commercial and business areas along the main radial transport directions and the ring road; modernisation of the port area; development of innovation techniques – reservation of the territories for industrial and business complexes – techno-depots; creating an international fair and exhibition complex. 2. Ecology of the city Realisation of a range of measures aimed at improving the city environment – planning, air and water protection, technical, technological etc. General ecological compatibility of urban activities. Reorganisation of industrial areas and transformation of a number of industrial units to serve social, business and residential functions. 3. Forming a natural ecological frame of the city Kaliningrad has unique opportunities of creating the image of a “green city” and to return to the former reputation of one of the best-furnished European cities. Among the measures outlined are development of the city and suburban green and recreational areas; reconstruction of the architect Schneider's historical greenbelt and recreation area of the Lower and the Upper Lakes, Max Ashman Park, green vales of rivers and springs; preserving the “green diameter” – the ecosystem of the River Pregel; creation of “green wedges” as buffers between residential areas.


1 | masterplan

4. Transport Comprehensive development of the transport infrastructure and public conveyances. Development of the external transport system – redevelopment of the airport Khrabrovo; redevelopment and building of the external transport routes, promoting the removal of transit traffic from Kaliningrad; redevelopment of the port area, developing water communications and tourist and sports boats maintenance infrastructure; building terminal and logistic complexes etc. Developing pedestrian areas and bicycle routes. Development of public conveyances including ecologically safe electrical transport. Reconstruction of the existing transport infrastructure – the network of roads, streets, passages and transport structures. Constructing transport relief roads (first of all for the elevated bridge), ring roads, new bridges and road junctions. Optimisation of traffic, equipping stations with park and ride facilities on the land of railway terminals and stations and main approaches to the centre. Establishing a system of underground car parks. Improving carriers stock, introducing ecological standards. 5. Reconstruction and development of residential areas Comprehensive reconstruction and furnishing of the existing micro-districts and neighbourhoods; building new accommodation in consideration of interests and means of all social levels of the population, implementing social housing programmes; development of new residential areas – construction of service facilities, organisation of reliable transport services, technical infrastructure of the new residential areas; promoting expressive architectural design for residential buildings. The planned volume of the housing programme proposed by the Masterplan is 4.5 million square metres.





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6. Development of social infrastructure The standard of living and quality of life of city dwellers depends in many respects on the city's social components. Thus active development steps are proposed for public spaces and service projects – health care, education, sport, culture and trade in all administrative districts of Kaliningrad; establishing residents' centres; creating pedestrian zones and squares; arranging multifunctional service zones along the main entrances into the city. 7. Development of tourism Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing sections of the world economy. Proposed measures include development of all main constituents of the tourism infrastructure – areas and projects as tourist attractions, transport maintenance, all kinds of services and information facilities, a network of hotels for various categories of tourists, improving quays and other recreational spaces. The general condition of the successful development of tourism is a safe, green, convenient and beautiful Kaliningrad. 8. Modernisation of technical systems Providing the energy and ecological safety of the city and region; modernisation and reconstruction of supply systems and leading technical structures; building modern sewage systems and rainwater drainage; orientation on resource-saving policy; package of engineering measures for the preparation and improving of urban areas.

III. The Centre The centre is the major element of the city, the focus of both positive and difficult qualities of the urban environment. The success (or failure) of designing a city centre is greatly determined by the extent to which the measures are specific and focused. The urgent problems are: - Absence of a concept for the centre supported by all participants of the process, as well as no definite aims for the development, function and shape of the central area at the current allocation of building land; - Absence of a balance of public and investment interests, virtually spontaneous building of numerous commercial projects not taking into account the problem of car parking, pedestrian traffic, complex service systems; - Transport congestion – “north-south” transport streams cross the central part of the city since there are no relief roads; public transport is limited and the citizens are forced to depend on private motorised traffic which increases the volume of traffic even more; lack of pedestrian areas and car parks – the centre is for transport and not for pedestrians; - The city does not use its waterfront – the quays are not used for water tourism, recreation, promenades, the hydrologic system (the Upper and the Lower Lakes, River Pregel, minor streams) are in a bad condition; - Unsatisfactory quality of the environment and ecological situation in the centre – there are few public open spaces, the number of green spaces is reduced, investors build on green areas, residential buildings and courtyards are in a bad state; extremely high levels of air pollution in the centre as a result of motor traffic and industrial emissions.


The principal conceptual points concerning the rebuilding and development of the city centre are formulated in the Urban Masterplan. The territory within the historic inner city is earmarked as a special multifunctional area for the entire city centre. It should mainly take on a series of functions – cultural, commercial, business, representative, tourist, residential, informational and others. Multifunctionality, cultural and environmental diversity are indispensable conditions of the city centre. The following main direction of a comprehensive reorganisation of the city centre are outlined in the project: - Revival of the historic and cultural significance of the central zone, restoration of historic and cultural monuments; creation of architectural and spatial designs that are appropriate to the human scale; - Reconstruction and architectural design of the main urban focus in the centre – Central Square, Victory Square, Kalinin Square, reconstruction and improvement of the city's main street – Leninsky Prospect; - Dominant locating of public and business sites, cultural entertainment and trade projects in the central zone; - Reconstruction and improvement of the existing housing areas in the central area; - Reconstruction of the existing street and road network, building of new bridges and roads in order to remove transit traffic from the city centre, building modern car parks (multilevel, integrated into building complexes, including underground car parks) and pedestrian areas; - Comprehensive improvement of open spaces and planting in the centre, rehabilitation of historic green spaces, improvement and rehabilitation of natural areas at the Lower and the Upper Lakes; - Design of architecture and landscape, and comprehensive improvement of quays and the waterfront along the branches of the River Pregel, facilitating of landing stages and arranging sports and tourist boats maintenance. - Reconstruction of the main urban focal points and central areas. Central square (the area of the former Royal Castle) Serious town planning mistakes were made on this site. These are the demolition of the Royal Castle and construction of an administrative building on its foundation that has remained unfinished for over ten years. The Masterplan proposes to create a public business and culture centre on the site of the Central Square with special historic (archaeological) tourist facilities. The Royal Castle (reconstructing parts of the Royal Castle is possible), the archaeological layers should be protected as a historic monument. The architectural urban development strategy for the square and the adjacent areas should be determined by a design competition. Immanuel Kant Island (Kneiphof) The proposal is to organise a discussion engaging both professionals and the public on the alternative urban concepts for the island, which was a self-contained unit within the town for centuries. The Masterplan puts forth the idea of regenerating the historical environment of the island and restoring the historical fabric, the character and scale of buildings. Architectural solutions can





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2 | Land use plan

be diverse – ranging from the restoration of a number of historical buildings to modern architectural imagery at the scale of the historical streets and squares. Also possible is a combination of reconstructing historical buildings and retaining green open spaces in other parts. It is essential that the island, which was and is the cultural, material and spiritual centre, is the starting point of acquaintance with modern Kaliningrad, should rise as the genuine spiritual and cultural centre of the city. Decision-making and the definition of investment intentions should take place on the basis of a design competition brief. Victory Square Victory Square and adjacent public areas are the contemporary administrative, business, commercial and transport centres of Kaliningrad. The proposal is for a continuation of the architecture and reconstruction of this complex public area. The main measures are the development of the road junction with traffic at different levels; extensive use of underground car parking; completion of the Cathedral; reconstruction of the Central Market area; restoration of historical buildings (House of Technology of the former East-Prussian Fair etc.), improvements of open spaces, reconstruction of the concert hall Rossiya, reconstruction and improvement of the North Railway Terminal. The South Railway Terminal Square (Kalinin Square) Important is the design of a multifunctional public centre for transport, business and commerce, an “Open City� (hotel, shops, offices, representatives' offices of transport companies, tourist information, car rental, entertainment). The fundamental urban measures are the reconstruction of


the square including vehicular access at different levels; a green pedestrian area; reconstruction of railway and bus terminals; measures to optimise the organisation of public transport at the railway station; construction of underground car parks. Leninskiy Prospect Leninskiy Prospect is the main street of the city. It is part of the top priority redevelopment zones. Proposed is the modernisation and redesign of the typical post-war buildings, inserting new buildings of different functions into existing buildings, increasing the number of storeys of existing buildings and adding lofts, architectural improvements of crossroads, construction of car parks, comprehensive improvement of streets and courtyard spaces, redevelopment and design of squares. It is important that not only the building fronts are included in the comprehensive urban redevelopment measures, but also those near to the main road.

IV. Development of the modern city centre in its historical context The subject of the Symposium, “Town planning development of the centre of Kaliningrad”, is closely associated with an understanding of the roots, the “genetic code” of the place, mentioned in other presentations. It should be noted that the development of the Masterplan of Kaliningrad and definition of development points in the city centre, took place in conjunction with the project of dividing the city into protection zones for the cultural heritage of Kaliningrad. This project, according to RF legislation, is an indispensable condition of urban development activities and the treatment of land in historical surroundings. The aim of the project is the modern urban development of Kaliningrad in the context of traditional European culture, the definition of protective measures and the tasks of creating a modern open city. For the realisation of these aims the significance of the historical territories of Kaliningrad need to be classified. Within these territories different protection zones for objects of cultural heritage are distinguished and special regulations for urban development activities established that is derived form the value of the city environment and the value of individual historical and architectural features of the historic territories. Protection regulations (town planning regulations) should improve the condition of the historic stock and link modern town planning with the conservation of the historic and cultural heritage of Kaliningrad. Beside the general conservation tasks of the cultural heritage in historic cities, Kaliningrad, as a city occupying a special position within the Russian Federation, is at present faced with the specific task of creating a unique modern architectural image, as this task was neglected in the post-war period. The search of its particular image and the process of cultural self-identification by the urban community is a complex, delicate and personal task. It should be noted that it only became possible to address this problem in a “non-ideological context” after 1991.





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Spatial planning is one of the tools for improving our life. With all the different views and opinions, urban environment is the result of a dialogue between various social groups. The problem of the current development of the city and its centre comprises many issues and affects the residents of Kaliningrad. The views and ideas of the urban community and among specialists of the “properâ€? development of the city may differ significantly. It is important that the urban development of Kaliningrad is accurately described and implemented in the interests of the urban community as a whole. In our view, the subject of searching a spatial form for the centre of KĂśnigsberg-Kaliningrad, as the heart of an open Russian city with ancient European roots, is one of the most intriguing and fascinating tasks of modern urbanistics.


Personal Profile Resume

Name Olga Vjaceslavovna Krasovskaya Origin St. Petersburg/Russia Profession Architect Main profession field Master planning for cities, senior project architect Main subject Masterplan for the City of Kaliningrad, project of conservation zones of cultural heritage of the City of Kaliningrad, building control in the City of Kaliningrad





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Lecture 3 3.1.3 Lecture 3 –

Actualisation of the European City Dr. Werner MĂśller


Actualisation of the European City In recent years the significance of the European city has been the topic of a growing debate. On the one hand, much effort is put into city centres to ensure the conservation and reconstruction of spatial and architectural elements that bear witness to past epochs. These activities range from exact reconstruction to so-called critical reconstruction, and to the introduction of architectural and urban references alien to the locality. On the other hand, the end of the European city is proclaimed in professional debates. Arguments oscillate widely between the search for identity, loss of face, scale, tourism, globalisation, transformation and new lifestyles.

1 | Design of the ideal city form the treatise of Filarete, around 1465

2 | Town centre of Siena

The question of which type of the European city is referred to is hardly ever asked. Generally reference is made to ancient Greece or the ideal urban plan of the Renaissance and the picturesque historic city centres of different European epochs, to set the atmospheric background to current economic, planning or architectural projects or, at best, as a reference to the lost sense of proportion and scale. Apart from the prerequisite of built and spatial beauty the term “European city� rather stands for the exemplary organisation of economic, cultural and legal matters by urban society, in constant competition with other cities. This civilising pursuit of balance and prosperity in the European city was to be mirrored in the design of the city, and not vice versa. It was a flexible system of exchange of goods and knowledge, communication and migration, whose strength and stability constantly had to be pitted against changing economic, political and social conditions. Changing demands and utilisation patterns finally determined the appearance of the European city – from compact city to urban sprawl. However, the fragility of this civil framework really was, and is, expressed also in the large number of wars and racist disputes within Europe. The wholesale idealisation of the European city has another downside since its history is inseparable from European colonisation of the world, starting with the conquest of Antiquity or the discovery of the New World, leading up to the industrial age. Looking at it matter-of-factly, the much praised model of the European city is less the embodiment of Arcadian beauty and dignity rather than an expression of the imprint of European hegemonic thought.





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3 | Founding plan of Caracas, around 1560

In this context, today's reference to the term “European city� is more of an emotional anchor, an expression of longing for a putative ideal state, in times of immeasurable change and transformation. From this mental perspective a comparison to the late 19th century is permissible, when the equilibrium of society was severely threatened by uncontrollable growth of the cities. Today it is global competition and the individualisation of society that dominates local, regional and national development, and that shakes our view of the future. In the course of this competition the recalling of past virtues has spawned some odd quirks in Germany. One example is the desire to revitalise the centre of Braunschweig: after many futile

4 | Braunschweig Castle prior to its destruction in WW II


5 | Demolition of Braunschweig Castle, watercolour by Karl Schmidt, 1960

6 | Site of the former Braunschweig Castle after demolition

attempts in the 1950s, to reconstruct and find new uses for the war-damaged castle – such as the seat of the Technical University and later a conference centre including cinema and hotel – the ruin was demolished in 1960, on the basis of a democratically reached decision by the city council. The area was developed, according to the urban planning ideals of the time, into a caroriented and green city centre. As a relic the past fragments of the old castle now furnish the new lake in the city park. To improvement the city centre of Braunschweig and enhance its competitiveness with commercial developments in the periphery and with neighbouring towns, a competition for a large ECE

7 | Open space design around Braunschweig Castle Arcades, 2004

8 | Ground floor plan of Braunschweig Castle Arcades, 2005

9 | Computer simulation of Braunschweig Castle Arcades, 2003

10 | Model of Braunschweig Castle Arcades, 2005





11 | ECE-Center Brünn (Czech Republic), opened 2005

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12 | ECE-Center Klagenfurt (Austria), opened 2004

13 | ECE-Center Wetzlar (Germany), opened 2005

centre on the site of the former castle was held in 2003. The always present latent desire for the reconstruction of centrally located historic buildings destroyed in the World War II, was taken up and the reconstruction of the castle facade – the entrée to the shopping centre – incorporated in the competition design. In conjunction with the existing efficient traffic system of the area, planned and installed in the 1960s, representatives of the city of Braunschweig and the managers of ECE speculated for a new quality of urban recreation and the representation culture of shopping. This concept had previously been successfully applied in the extended use of railway stations or newly constructed inner city malls, such as ECE centres – and the trend continued uninterrupted. New to Braunschweig is the radical rededication of the castle motif, a symbol of centralistic temporal power turned show-facade of a modern shopping palace. Even public debate against the project seems to have been employed in advertising creating much public response. The history of the castle district in Braunschweig is an example of how the architectural and spatial changes in function of the city centre is an expression of the changing values of urban society of the 20th and early 21st century – and how difficult it is, reflecting the past, to fall back on the architectural and spatial achievements of the European city. Another attempt to stop the move from the city to the periphery, and to compact inner city areas once again, is to offer housing near the centre on “green landscape” sites. Amidst residential areas from Wilhelminian times, one of the metaphors of the European city of the 19th century, “city houses” appear on derelict industrial land or large infill sites, typical suburban terraced housing estates of different styles. This trend can also be detected in the transformation of old indus-


14 | Town houses in Leipzig (Plagwitz), 2005

15 | Town houses in Leipzig (Schleusig), 2005

16 | Town houses in Leipzig (Schleusig), 2005

trial buildings and the refurbishment of housing in the Wilhelminian style: Specific suburban forms of single-family homes are implanted into old structures under the theme of “loft living” or “living in the Wilhelminian style”. Next to the traditionally more neighbourly form of living in tenement blocks with a shared stairwell, the private house now has two to three storey maisonette flats, ideally with a separate entrance, integrated garage and private garden. These two examples alone, the ECE centre as the new city centre and the high, individual demands related to urban living, make clear the drastic new spatial and social configurations that determine the restructuring of the “European city” in the age of globalisation and individualisation.

Perspectives for the European city Next to massive restructuring processes cities were exposed to in the last decades, awareness of the long recognised problems of European population development is now increasing – and these problems will be more pressing for the prospects of the European city with growing urbanisation and competition. Until recently increased mobility, flexibility and youth culture were seen as an inseparable entity, and a guarantee for success in the context of global competition. Europe and its cities can no longer ignore the fact that, in parallel to the ongoing transformation following the fall of the iron curtain and the enlargement of the EU, it must start thinking about an aging and decreasing populations. Even cities that are still growing are faced with the acute problem of over-aging of their population.





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These are aspects of the “European city� that most of all require a process of rethinking in civil society, and concentration on their very own potentials from which concrete spatial and architectural solutions should be derived. Current endeavours to palliate, such as to compensate the lack of population growth by increasing migration, sound cynical in the wake of rising racism alone, as does the euphoric presumption of the prospects of unhindered mobility in old age based on excellent health care.


Personal Profile Resume

Name Dr. Werner Mรถller Origin Leipzig/Germany Profession Work placement at Thonet GmbH, study of Graphic Design and Painting as well as History of Art, New German Literature and European Ethnology at Philipps University in Marburg/Lahn Main profession field Publicist and curator Main subject Modern Movement, 20th and 21st century





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Lecture 4 3.1.4 Lecture 4 –

Historical and development stages of KĂśnigsberg/Kaliningrad Oleg I. Vasjutin


Historical and development stages of Königsberg/Kaliningrad The historical development stages of the city of Königsberg-Kaliningrad are a certain decoding of cause and effect and development principles of an urban system as a territorial and spatial temporal entity, resulting from the effect of various external and internal historical factors. The existing system of periodisation is based on the idea of a continuous change of town planning cultures, when one town planning culture is gradually replaced by another. In spite of the tragic losses and further dramatic consequences for the whole artistic and building civilisation of the city, the existing sequence of stages is, until now, considered the basis of the urban development anatomy of the city.

Stage I: 1255 The first town planning stage starts from the change of the geographic fate of this area and is closely connected with the general historical processes of cultural-political and economic character that took place in Europe. That is why Königsberg is an integral part of the general formation process of new towns in Europe (according to K. Bucher, approximately 400 new towns were established in Germany in the 13th century). In 1255, the military and political will of the Order, its spiritual-missionary feat and wish for landscape changes were realised in the founding of the Castle of Königsberg, close to the historical trade route leading to Zamland. Thus, the Castle's place within the system of the Order of castles in Prussia was determined. The choice of the location for the city was in the best Vitruvian traditions, and the first stage was fixed in character from the start. With the founding of the Castle, the nucleus of the town was placed, its reference point fixed as the zero coordinate. The direction of the town's future development grid was also determined. The angle (f) of the vector axis (B) towards Rome and Malta probably meant orientation towards, and fixation of, the metaphysical beginnings, links to the mother country – the Latin Empire. Territories and settlements received new names, the proto landscape of the future city was given Latin names. Thus, the area in front of the Castle was given the name “insula major” (I), the future Löbenicht “insula inferior” (II), and Kneiphof Island was called “insula advocati” (III). A dam was built for the power supply for the economy of the Order, the resultant Castle pond the first manmade landscape feature of the future city. The first stage took place against the background of the Rhine-Roman period, and its characteristic imagery is closely connected with the key landscape (Berg – mountain) that gives the name to the future city. Thus, with the change of the historical and cultural landscape in 1255, the change of the town planning cultures took place – from the Prussian ancient settlement of Tvangste to the Latin colony of Königsberg. The genetic code of the first stage is Latin metaphysics.





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1 | Stage I: 1255

Stage II: late 13th century to the end of the 16th century This stage of development covers a period of three centuries, including both the time of the Order and the period of formation of a new administrative and political system that became the Duchy of Prussia in 1525. The key event of this stage is the formation of three self-sufficient urban units and three types of medieval law – the towns of Altstadt (1286), LÜbenicht (1300), Kneiphof (1327) and, in 1340, their joining the system of European integration, the Hanseatic Union. The common town planning culture of the three towns (archetype) genetically corresponds to the town planning typology of Roman military towns of the 2nd century AD (Lambesis, Timgad, Gerasa) that were based on the regular plan of Hippodamus. As a result of the Christian reconsideration of the regular grid plan, it was subsequently interpreted as a repetition of the Latin cross. The use of this phenomenon in the planning of the town made it possible to attain missionary, protective, ritual and sacral aims. At this stage the first measuring scale of the city was determined. Its diameter was approximately 500 m, and the dimension of each town was immediately connected to the spatial unit of the landscape on Kneiphof Island, and proportional to it. The development of the infrastructures of the three European Medieval towns with their own town halls, markets, churches, fortresses, ramparts, gates, bridges and outskirts determined the cha-


2 | Stage II: late 13th century to the end of the 16th century

racteristics – the castle as the defensive and dominant unit which rules over a dense regular pattern of structurally linked and complementing Western European towns. At this time the most important architectural/urban development pair was constructed, the Castle and Cathedral, giving rise to the specific silhouette of the towns. In terms of style, the second stage includes Gothic and the early Renaissance, its genetic code is the imperial Ancient Roman regularity.

Stage III: early 17th – mid 19th century The main historical event immediately connected to the third stage of the development of the town, determining its structure, was the establishment of the royal, political and economic capital of Prussia. In 1724, this resulted in the union of the three independent towns of Altstadt, Kneiphof and Löbenicht into a single Königsberg. This led to the extension of the general urban module of the city. As a result of a new defensive initiative in response to the new status of the city, new ramparts were constructed and the development space of the town fixed in a second dimension. Its diameter was approximately three kilometres and its construction implemented in two phases. In the first construction phase (1626-1843) a simplified system of ramparts was created. The insufficient density of the inner city influenced the geometry of the fortifications that did not reach the ideal length of its circumference.





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3 | Stage III: early 17th – mid 19th century

In the second phase (1843-1862) the system of ramparts was essentially completed. The density of the inner city formed the perimeter of the ramparts into a better shape – that of a circle, dimensioned according to the rules of fortification art at the time. The special feature of the urban culture of this period is the two-part composition of the spatial structure of the city comprising two types of grids: - Type I – urban structure of the Hippodamus plan in the central part of the city; - Type II – radial structure of the inner city that developed on the basis of historical, natural and trade routes leading to the Castle. This period is characterised by the architectural and urban planning multiplicity of the city environment – new building types, squares, open spaces, landscapes etc. are established. A large stylistic capacity of the stage is reflected in the combination of the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Classicism (the style “Zopf”) and Biedermeier. In the context of this multiplicity, the seven Königsberg bridges can be distinguished as a cultural occurrence that acquired a new quality – the phenomenon of “urban planning mathematics” (Euler's formula). The characteristic image of the third stage of the city's development is as follows: the horizontal space consisting of a dense urban core and a strong natural landscape component that corresponds to the notion of “provincial capital character”. The genetic code of the stage goes back to the aesthetics of the mathematical culture of the Renaissance.


Stage IV: late 19th – early 20th century The fourth stage of development started against the background of the industrial revolution that had just begun and determined a new quality of life. The motorcar, railway and tram drastically changed the concept of speed (movement), resulting in a new perception of space. By the end of the 19th century Königsberg, a town-fortress surrounded by defensive ramparts and a historically typical radial-circular structure and densely built up, had exhausted its possibilities and reached a critical point in its development. Hence, by the beginning of the 20th century the situation is characterised by the move to areas beyond the fortifications. With the change of the city's military and defensive doctrine its third scale was determined. From 1905 to 1908, 17 suburban territories with the total area of 2.530 hectares were merged with the city. The territorial and spatial fixation of the third scale of the city was the construction in 1890 of a new defensive belt consisting of 12 forts. The special feature of the urban planning culture of the fourth stage is the prevalence of a northwest direction in the city's development. An innovation of the urban development of these areas was the new ideology of the garden city. This gave rise to a trend of deurbanisation that resulted in the disintegration of the urban environment of Königsberg. But intense development of modern transport infrastructure projects in the city compensated for the possible consequences of this negative process, and as a result it determined urban mobility and provided access to new territories. With the appearance of new districts of Amalienau and Maraunenhof two typologies of urban Königsberg emerged. The first is a dense and closed, radial-centric inner city, and the second is open, consisting of districts with independent urban grids and self-contained coordinate directions. One of the new planning features was the use of a fan-shaped urban grid. The stage can be characterised as the decentralisation of the city, dualistic contrasting and division of the city environment into past and present, the archaic and the contemporary. The stylistic specificity lies in the processing of the old aesthetic experience, i.e. Eclecticism (Historicism and stylisation) and Neo-Classicism. The genetic code of the fourth stage is the regularity of E. Howard's garden city.

Stage V: first third of the 20th century The symbolism of the town planning processes of the fifth historical stage in the city development can be viewed as the realisation of the third spatial and temporal concept (Z. Gidion) – interaction and mutual penetration of internal and external spaces. In 1910, part of the old ramparts of the inner city were demolished. As a result two “towns” were united, the old inner town within the ramparts and the new outer town that had reached the significance of an independent entity. This was possible because public communication centres had established at junction (A, B) which included architectural ensembles of a new compositional





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4 | Stage IV: late 19th – early 20th century

and stylistic type. That is, the interaction and mutual penetration of two urban mega-forms took place. With the emergence of the main urban diameter of the city as a continuation of the “cardo”, a large urban module (1.200 m) was developed, also as a system of parcelling the nodes within the main city diameter, even though its vector orientation was changed in the process. Thus, the urban planning culture of the stage can be characterised by transition from mono-centrism to polycentrism. After the ring of the old ramparts had lost its original function, its adaptation brought a new urban quality – a landscape green belt and parks for the city. During this period the infrastructure of the railway and port was considerably strengthened. New industrial harbours were constructed that corresponded to the new dimension of the rapidly developing city. In the city the functional theme began to dominate as an aesthetic principle with the transition from the Art Nouveau to Bauhaus. The stage can be characterised as a free (second) wind of the city with new green lungs, democracy of architecture and urban spaces with freedom of movement and the aesthetics of openness and continuity. The genetic code of the stage is Cubism (visual revolution).


5 | Stage V: first third of the 20th century

Stage VI: “Project towns” designed Königsberg of the 1930s and Kaliningrad of the 1950s This historical stage was not completed, but it is undoubtedly of great value since it shows the attitude towards the city under radical conditions of further development in as much as characterising certain similarities in the approach to urban development of different civilizations at this particular stage of history. This period demonstrates the “power and might” of the states in the creation of “form and style” in the city under different conditions in the totalitarian regimes. The shared urban culture of the two states lies in the “organisation and regulation” of the shape of the city, aspiration for a certain ideal and its symbolism. In this respect they are close to each other. The scales of new masterplans are of equal value, and, in their proportions enough to completely change the appearance, the character and the status of the city. The differences are only in the methodologies of the design approach. The German design period is characterised by succession and the sustainable development of the idea of polycentrism within the historical and cultural urban symbolism of the Latin cross. Its genetic code is the continuation of the imperial Roman tradition. The Soviet town planning culture can be characterised by change (replacement) of the architectural and urban symbols and a return to the monocentrism of the radial-circular town planning system. The genetic code of this town planning culture is the colonial transfer of the town planning forms of Moscow and St Petersburg.





6 | Stage VI: “Project town” Königsberg of the 1930s

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7 | Stage VI: “Project town” Kaliningrad of the 1950s

Stage VII: Second half – late 20th century After turning from the capital of East Prussia into a Russian provincial city Kaliningrad fitted the category of a province, as in the Roman Empire the word meant “defeated country”. In the consideration of this stage one should start with the notion of a “trophy city”, with the understanding that something “foreign” became “our own”. The urban and architectural colonisation that followed a short period of adaptation resulted in different relationships between such categories as “native-foreign”, “old-new”, “past-future”. At the very beginning of the 1950s, an independent urban unit was allotted for the representational purposes in the destroyed townscape – Stalingradsky Prospect (now Mira Prospect). The result of reconstruction activities in this area was a scenario of Stalinist monumental Neo-Classicism. At first the reconstruction was conducted on the basis of the historically grown urban structure – that is why two types of city environments developed at that time: the urban quality of the German time supplemented with the quality of the Soviet period. However, the masterplans for the city developed in the 1960s denied the city's historical planning context that had evolved over centuries. And the All Union architectural competitions conducted in 1964 and 1974 proposed models for new planning resolutions. As a result an ideological set was adopted that completely ignored all previous architectural and urban culture of the city. At first this resulted in two totally different cities in one location, leading to a clash of their respective cultures, and further, to the complete change of the planning morphology, scale, character and image of the city. The basis of the proposal of the new Soviet city was the earmarking of 85 hectares of open space in the city centre that was traversed by two urban routes (Moskovsky and Leninsky Prospects) and the manifestation of the new dominant symbol (House of the Soviets).


With the onset of mass industrial construction the socio-economic experiment of architecture started. This promoted the dictatorship of standardisation and standard construction, which, in turn, determined the new principles of urban development. Buildings all constructed of a type and at one time replaced the ensemble architecture of the streets and squares. With the continued spread of residential quarters of this ideology over the entire city, the parcelling of spaces was significantly increased and led to the considerable expansion of the city. The variety of forms and spaces of the historical city was destroyed. Formation of such a “new socialist city” that was fundamentally different from the existing historical prototypes became the architectural and urban planning ideology of the dramatic period, starting in the late 1950s and continuing, with some transformations, into the present. Thus, the denial of West European culture, unwillingness to understand and accept the historical city, the lack of archives and the ideological taboo of the subject of Königsberg until recent times, gave rise to the next stage – the war between Kaliningrad and Königsberg. This did not involve direct destruction and demolition but redevelopment. All this finally led to a tragic outcome in the harmonious continuity of the cities. The genetic code of the seventh historical stage of the urban development of the city is Soviet Modernism. The International Congress of Architects that took place in Barcelona in 1995 was held under the symbolic and topical motto: “The past, the present and the futures”. Strangely enough, the motto was often incorrectly translated – the last word was translated as the future. Indeed, if there is only one past, only one present, there could be several futures. It is all up to us. It seems that we are currently on the verge of the eighth town planning stage. What is it going to be like? The town planning doctrine of the eighth stage should give the answer to this question. That is why I am going to raise this issue for further discussion. The town planning doctrine should, first of all, objectively diagnose the city on the basis of the assessment of the existing situation, should determine the 'territory' of architecture, formulate the main principles of the regional architectural and town planning policy, its strategy and tactics. It should propose to the profession architectural and planning methodologies and technologies. The doctrine should also contain aims and objectives, main directions, stages of development of town planning and architecture, as well as the tools of their implementation. For the town planning doctrine it is important to develop a characteristic image for the city – a certain line of association that relates to the image of the townscape. The content should be a concept programme for all the regional architectural and urban planning activities that can only be implemented on the basis of a systematic approach.

Result There could be three main proto-conceptual vectors of urban development. The first seems the most familiar. It focuses on the continuation of the construction of Kaliningrad as an artificial and abstract city, not at all connected with the local regional characteristic, an ag-





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9 | Evolution of Kaliningrad

gressive outpost in the Baltic. In this case, both external and internal conditions can be forecast – all the possibilities of integration will be closed for us, and the ongoing difficulty and permanent tension of the situation will take up most of the inner resources. The second vector would be a revival of the old KÜnigsberg. It is incredibly difficult, archaic and reminds of childish maximalism. In this case one could dream a little, but except for the incorporation of fragments imitating the past, this would be dishonest towards history. The third vector follows. We settle on the cultural uniqueness of the city among many historical cities in Russia and Europe, and declare the harmonious succession of the cities KÜnigsberg and Kaliningrad, and act according to the chosen course. The professional concepts and develop-

8 | Stage VII: Second half to late 20th century


ment technology will show how this should be done. They will undoubtedly be based on the historical-cultural component of the city and region. This vector seems to have a future. Considering the evolutionary chain of the development stages of the city it is necessary to emphasise the urban destruction that was done during the seventh stage. That is why the aim of the eighth stage is to heal the wounds and to establish a harmonious link, not only to the seventh stage but to all previous stages, which will promote the sustainable development of the city.

Personal Profile Resume

Name Oleg Ivanovic Vasjutin Origin Kaliningrad/Russia Profession Architect Main profession field Project planning and journalism Main subject The cultural link Kรถnigsberg/Kaliningrad





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Lecture 5 3.1.5 Lecture 5 –

Tranformations Prof. Marcin Orawiec


1 | Rheinpark Süd – Night-time perspective

Transformations Rheinpark Süd, Düsseldorf In the year 2000, OX2architekten were commissioned by IDR GmbH to examine the future potentials of the 100 hectare Reisholzer Hafen site in Düsseldorf to raise public awareness and political interest for one of the last remaining continuous development areas to the south of the city. The in part visionary character of the proposal provided an impulse for discussion about the future of the partly industrial area and inspired the future-oriented urban planning development of the harbour.

2 | Rheinpark Süd – Site plan





3 Lectures

3 | O.Vision – Perspective

O.VISION – the city for people and their health The special attraction of the urban design scheme for the 60-hectare site of the former coalmine in the centre of the Ruhr Basin for the client Projekt- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Oberhausen, was the multifaceted chances for the modernisation of society, economic dynamics and technical progress and innovation. The O.VISION project combines these challenges in one central theme of fundamental significance: “People and their health”. The appearance of the arena in the urban context embraces the presentation and display of the ideal human condition as well as the observation and control of people's actions.

4 | O.Vision – Site plan


5 | Schanzenstraße – Perspective 1

6 | Schanzenstraße – Perspective 2

Schanzenstraße The scheme was awarded second prize and is a comprehensible and expressive gesture designed at an urban scale, which is detached from the existing industrial fabric. Confident and consequently linear the future media district in Cologne will be developed into an independent and distinct urban neighbourhood.

7 | Schanzenstraße – Site plan





8 | Wesseling – typical sketch

3 Lectures

9 | Wesseling – Model

Wesseling The urban design concept is based on three macro-structures composed in a radial arrangement. The large differences in scale compared to the immediate surroundings are addressed within these units and thus facilitate a fitting transition between the different ensembles. On one side we find the dominant image of the three blocks which are of a similar scale to the industrial structures. On the other the breakdown of the blocks towards the interior into units of use, dimensioned according to the requirements, provides a transitional zone to the scale of the residential areas.

10 | Wesseling – Site plan


Personal Profile Resume

Name Marcin J贸zef Orawiec Origin Aachen/Germany Profession Architect Main profession field/ Main subject Townplaning, Architecture and Design





3 Lectures

Lecture 6 3.1.6 Lecture 6 –

Stylistic peculiarities of architecture in KĂśnigsberg in the 13th - 20th century Prof. Irina V. Belinzeva


Stylistic peculiarities of architecture in Königsberg in the 13th - 20th century The architecture of Königsberg developed over centuries along the artistic characteristics of the Baltic south coast. The Medieval Brick Gothic of the 16th century was replaced by the Renaissance in its European version, known as Mannerism and found in the transition from the Middle Ages to modern times in the regional schools of Northern European countries. In the 17th – early 18th century the architecture of the city saw phases of Baroque and Classicism in their Dutch form. The second half of the 18th century, the French influence was noticeable. Historicism in Königsberg in the 19th century showed itself in its pan-European form. One example of this style is the new building at Königsberg University, built by F. Stüler in the Neo-Renaissance style. Art Nouveau buildings are mainly concentrated outside the city centre, in the villa district (Amalienau, now Kutuzov Street). In the 20th century the architecture of the city followed the popular European styles – the Bauhaus style of the 1920s and the concept of reconstruction of the city of the period of the totalitarian regime (urban development project of 1938). The specific feature of development in Königsberg is a certain conservatism that is manifested in the preservation of the medieval urban structure of the city centre that remained almost unchanged up to the beginning of the 20th century. Besides, a certain time lag was observed, caused by the city's remoteness from the main artistic centres of Europe. At the founding of the city in 1255, a plan after Hippodamus, resembling a grid structure, formed the base. The most regular was the plan of the Old City that extended in an east-westerly

1 | Town plan of Königsberg by Jochim Bering, 1613





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2 | Fragment of the epitaph – Königsberg in the guise of Jerusalem

direction along the river, coinciding with the trade routes established in ancient times. The Langgasse (now Moskovsky Prospect) ran across the entire city connecting two opposite gates. On both sides of, and at equal distances from, the main street were two parallel streets intersected by roads at right angles (Ill. 1). The founding of towns on pagan territory conquered by the crusaders was not only for practical reasons of increasing trade or taking agricultural lands, but also had spiritual motifs that justified hardships and deprivations which were inevitable while settling in foreign countries. Only the sacred city of Jerusalem and its respected divine prototype that had just been lost by Christians, but was still remembered by many knights, could serve as an urban ideal for the knights of the Teutonic Order. As is generally known, the urban planning rules of the Middle Ages are steeped in images of the sacred city of Jerusalem. The images of the urban form of the Divine Jerusalem influenced worldly architecture. It seems probable that the crusaders, while colonising conquered lands in north-eastern Europe and in the founding of new settlements, pursued the example of the lost city that had not forfeited its sanctity. According to the Apocalypse, at the time of the old Jerusalem's decline conditions emerge for the establishment of the new earthly Jerusalem (Apocalypse, 3, 12). Perhaps the towns founded in the Baltic by the Order were a variation on the subject of the reconstruction of Jerusalem on earth. There is a lot of evidence that testifies to the connection between the idea of Jerusalem – both earthly and divine – and Königsberg. In the 19th century an ancient castle called Jerusalem was located not far from the Prussian Königsberg. A Russia traveller wrote in


the early 19th century, “Jerusalem is situated at the distance of three quarters of an hour from Königsberg (...). The place name has a special origin. To be admitted to the Order, German knights had to crusade (conduct pilgrimages) to Jerusalem, as the city was the original object of the Order. After they lost holy graves they were unable to perform their vow but at least they tried to keep their word. That is why the Knights built a palace in this area, called it Jerusalem and soothed their conscience by arranging pilgrimages there and having fun conducting tournaments.” (1) In the 14th-15th century crusades to Prussia were extremely popular among the European knights including those who were not members of the Teutonic Order. Trips to Königsberg and participation in military operations against pagans were considered a special achievement and privilege and were comparable to a pilgrimage to Rome, Jerusalem or Santiago de Campostela. In Prussian Königsberg knights from all over Europe – from England, Scotland, northern and southern Italy, Aragon, Portugal, Germany – spent their time at feasts, hunting and tournaments while waiting for the beginning of campaigns against eastern pagans – Prussians, Lithuanians, Slavs (who had been christianised by that time). Hans Nimpch's (1476-1556) epitaph that is kept in the Museum of Varmy and Mazur in Olshtyn (Poland) testifies to the connection between Königsberg and the image of the Divine Jerusalem. It used to be kept in the northern nave of Königsberg Cathedral. It is a simple composition including a painted image of a crucifix in an architectural frame. The most interesting feature in this memorial is the city of Königsberg with its typical towers and church spires in the background in the form of the earthly Jerusalem. The painting is by Henry Königswiser (around 1530-1583), a court artist of Duke Albrecht, the most outstanding painter of Königsberg in the 16th century. He had been trained in Wittenberg by Lukas Cranach, the famous master of the Northern Renaissance in Germany, who praised him immensely in his letters to the Duke. (2) (Ill. 2) During the further urbanisation near the already established coastal city of Königsberg, new urban developments, called “New Town”, were successively added to the old town. Every newly built New Town had its own administration (town council), trade organisations and even professional specialisation. Along with the relative political and economic independence the New Towns were determined by the presence of their own urban structure in the form of a perpendicular streets pattern, which deliberately did not match the basic pattern of the old town. The new towns were surrounded by their own town walls that were erected even on the side of the adjacent old districts. The presence of considerable limitations initially put the New Towns in the secondary position. Only two of the New Towns – the main part of Gdansk and Kneiphof in Königsberg (that was originally called New Town), due to their favourable location and the settling of merchants here, became serious competitors to the Altstadt – the old town of Königsberg. Löbenicht was in a less favourable position, its development disturbed by the proximity of the Prussian settlement Lipze. An important stage in the history of the formation of the spatial structure of Königsberg is the construction of the defensive ramparts (1624-1636) that enclosed the city into a kind of single artistic and compositional unit. Comparing the appearance of Königsberg of the 17th century and the first plans for the construction of Petersburg, one will notice certain similarities between the





3 Lectures

3 | Town plan of Königsberg by Suchodolez Mladschij, 1740

principles of formation of the spatial structure of the two cities. This was manifested in the concepts for the fortress of Petersburg (1703), in planning of Vasilievsky Island by D. Treseni (1714), in the projects of the masterplan by J.B.A. Leblond (1717), as well as in other proposals concerning the new capital (Ill. 3-4). The most notable similarity is the choice of location for the town. Like Königsberg, St. Petersburg was located not far from the sea, in an area with three large islands in a river. The natural analogies were strengthened by the use of the planning principles. On the former plans of Königsberg of the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century, and in the well-known project of St. Petersburg by J.B.A. Leblond, a regular city is introduced, divided into separate districts by the arms of the river and enclosed in an oval of fortifications with projecting battlements. Several similar details can be distinguished in the planning of Königsberg and St. Petersburg. Both cities have a citadel closes the main river. In Königsberg, it is situated on an artificial island where the river leaves the city, while in St. Petersburg the citadel is located, mirror-inverted, where the river comes into the city, on a natural river island. On Zayachy Island in the River Neva, by the order of Peter the Great in 1703, an “earth fortress” was first built with six bastions that was later replaced by a stone fortress. The idea of Peter I of a regular urban pattern on Vasilievsky Island is interesting. The island was going to be populated by merchants and artisans. This was also done in Kneiphof. St. Petersburg's district of “New Holland” – the customs territory and an area for the storage and drying of shipbuilding timber – also has its analogues in Königsberg. In the 17th century, the Dutch occupied four fifths of the shipping area in Königsberg; there was


4 |Town plan of St. Petersburg by J.B.A. Leblond, 1717

a special wharf for ships from Holland – Hollenderbaum. The Russian Tsar Peter I lived in this area, he was well aware of the customs regulations of Königsberg and frequently mentioned the necessity to adopt some of these. Numerous records testify not only to the visual impression that Königsberg made on Peter the Great, who welcomed all foreign influences, but also to the role of Königsberg's immigrant citizens in the construction of the first regular Russian fortresses. Thus, J. Stelin noted that: “the fortress St. Petersburg was initially founded on two earth banks and later by Johann Kirschstein from Königsberg.” (3) In Baltic cities districts of equal form were divided into separate blocks divisible by a certain measure of length: the old kulma measuring cane (4.32 m) or new kulma cane (4.707 m) (Ill. 5). A stone model of the measure of length of 4.32 m was embedded into the east wall of the temple in Kulma. Residential buildings of three to four storeys, their narrow facades facing the street, and an acute-angled end pieces, occupied most of the districts. An average height of the buildings from ground floor to the eaves was also regulated and was approximately 30 “feet”, or about 8.6 m. The city buildings were similar in type, of equal height and width, erected along the “red line” forming a corridor-like street. Minor differences in the details of the facades did not play a significant role in the arrangement of the area that was enclosed by buildings, like by a wall. A row of the similar compositional units was a specific feature of the medieval street. (Ill. 6)





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5 | Ordnance survey map of Königsberg, 1815

Plots allotted to the citizens were called “inheritance” (Erben). There were full and half “inheritances” and the so-called shacks (Buden). The average width of one site intended for construction of a shack was the size of two measuring canes, while for the construction of a shack it was only one cane (generally 4.707 m). The width of construction sites differed, and no regularity was identified regarding the alternation of single-module, one and a half or two and two and a half module plot. In Königsberg the plots were two new measuring canes on average, i.e. 8.6 m wide and four to five canes deep, i.e. 17.2-21.5 m. The building usually occupied two thirds of the plot, the rest of the area was intended for the inner courtyard with a well. Initially the method of building was timber-frame construction, which can be explained by the wealth of building materials, timber and clay. It is assumed that colonists had introduced the timber-frame building technique from the Northern Germany, while wood had always been the main construction material in Prussia. Roofs were covered with available materials – rush, thatch and boards. The historical buildings of timber-frame construction in the Baltic were located on the peninsula Ambarov – Lastady in Königsberg, up to World War II. In the 14th-15th century, rich citizens started to build their houses of brick. Each of the three neighbouring towns – the Old City of Königsberg, Löbenicht-Königsberg, Kneiphof-Königsberg, had its own building regulations. One of the oldest manuscripts of Königsberg, dated 1394, contained building regulations that had been adopted in Löbenicht in 1385. (4) The document mainly regulated the so-called neighbourhood rights that were important in the context of an increasing lack of space in the rapidly growing town.


6 | Development of facades in Baltic coastal towns, 1400-1900

After 1525, during the reign of Duke Albrecht in Königsberg, the Renaissance developed in the form of Northern Mannerism that had been brought from Holland (second half of the 16th century to the beginning of the 17th century). A great influence of Dutch culture was felt in Northern Germany, Denmark and in Baltic coastal regions, as early as the 15th century. This increased further in the second half of the 16th century. Dutch Protestants oppressed by the Spanish Catholics, searched for shelter in large and rich port cities in Northern Europe – also in Königsberg, that had had close trade links to the Netherlands for a long time. In 1530, more than 4.000 Dutch Protestants arrived in tolerant East Prussia and settled in the capital and international port of Königsberg. New tastes in the urban construction were taking shape under the influence of the ducal court with its artistic aspirations oriented to the European capitals. Duke Albrecht and the subsequent rulers of East Prussia rendered special patronage to the artists – representatives of the Northern Mannerism movement who had come from the Netherlands. Numerous historical sources and artistic monuments, most of which have been lost, testify to this fact. Due to the Dutch masters a certain artistic unity appeared “on the areas stretching as far as Holland and coastal provinces of Germany in the west, surrounding Denmark, Southern Sweden, Northern Poland and running further east as far as Riga and Tallin” (5). Establishing their workshops in the coastal cities of Northern Europe, the representatives of Northern Mannerism disseminated drawings and artwork possessing unique original features in their artistic language. Strange grotesques, fantastical figures of people, animals and plants are intertwined, growing





3 Lectures

into one another. Elaborately decorated “ears” and other kinds of ornaments made up the basis of the new European style. Used as examples were the albums of Vredeman de Vris and Cornelis Floris engraved by Jeronim Kock in Antwerp at the end of the 16th century. The albums by Vredeman de Vris were used as “catalogues” of different types of forged ornament and drawings of grotesques. Examples of compositional combinations of complicated ligature of figurative and ornamental images were borrowed from Cornelis Floris. Both artists worked in Königsberg. The Dutch made gravestones for Duke Albrecht and his wife Duchess Dorothea (1549, 1570). The epitaph to Duke Albrecht, complex in its concept and artistic forms, the remains of which could still be seen after the war on the east wall of the chorus building, was created by the famous Dutch artist Cornelis Floris. He probably also crafted the gravestones for the Duchesses Dorothea and Anna. The sculptural composition of the monument to Margravine Elizabeth, Duke Albrecht's wife, was made after 1547 by Willem van den Block from Mekhelen who studied at Cornelis Floris' studio in Königsberg for 14 years. Design of the Hall of Muscovites in the 16th century (the name was later transferred to a different building of the castle) was also done by the Dutch artists. The Renaissance style, in the form of Northern Mannerism borrowed from the Netherlands, dictated new patterns of design of both portals and interiors of the castle as well as of residential houses (Ill. 7, 8, 9, 10). Representational facades had rich sculptural ornaments in the form of masks, heads, animal and plant motifs that were made under the influence of Cornelis Floris whose patterns had spread along the coast, or created directly in his Königsberg studio. By the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th century, building in Königsberg adopted a different style that can be named either as Classicist Baroque or Baroque Classicism. It was mainly based on different Dutch examples. In the towns of the south coast of the Baltic Sea, where Protestantism had prevailed as early as the first quarter of the 16th century, the problem of building new churches arose. Protestant church building in the Baltic Region was not extensive due to the number of large-scale Medieval religious sites that had been adapted to Protestant services during the period of Reformation. The consecration of the first reformatory church in East Prussia took place in the presence of Frederic III and his court on 22. January 1701, on the first Sunday after an important event – the joining of the Prussian Duchy to the German Reich. Built according to the plans of the Berlin architect Johann Arnold Nering, the church is a complex spatial composition in a north south orientation. The plan of the church followed the New Church in The Hague, built by an unknown artist in 1649-1655. The unfinished tower of Königsberg Castle Church was also based on the early buildings of the Netherlands – Zunderkhirkhe (architect Hendrick de Keiser, 1603-1611) and Vesterkhirkhe (unknown architect, 1620-1631). Castle Church combined Gothic remains (stone stellar vaults of the apsis and the tower that also served as a belfry), Baroque compositional techniques in the form of the transverse interior space and massive columns in the lower part of the tower and other classic details. The appearance of Gothic forms in the 17th century can be explained by the Renaissance of the church scholasticism and a wide spread of mysticism. (Ill. 11, 12, 13)


7 | Portal of Königsberg Castle- south entrance to courtyard, 1551

8 |Portal of house no. 27 Langgasse on Kneiphof – early 17th century

A characteristic example of the local style, besides the church in the Castle village (1690), is the town hall of the Old Town. German researchers assume that A. Schlüter designed the ceiling of the hall on Kneiphof Island (the town hall was destroyed). The town hall, built in 1695-1696, was in the style of a rather modern town house (Ill. 14). It is assumed that the French artist, Jean Baptist Broebes, who was born in Paris and studied there, built it. After he had been expatriated from France as a Huguenot, he worked on the construction of the town hall in Bremen. In 16921697 he was involved in the construction of the fortress in Pillau near Königsberg. The stylistic analysis of the sculptural decoration of the ceiling confirms the assumption about the authorship of the famous master A. Schlüter (Ill. 15, 16, 17). Perhaps, the first acquaintance of Peter I and Andreas Schlüter took place in May 1697, during his two months' stay at the “Grand Embassy” and at the visit of the Tsar himself. A. Schlüter's arrival in Königsberg at that time could have been connected with the moulded decorations of the town hall ceiling that were completed around 1697, or later. At that time A. Schlüter was in the service of Brandenburg Elector Frederick III. (the future Prussian King Frederick). The buildings of the Middle Ages survived in Königsberg for a long time, occupying quite a large area of the city centre. In the 18th century, many city manors were built within the earth ramparts that had been built of a large diameter to accommodate future expansion. The design of palaces followed the leading stylistic trends of the European architectural fashion – of the late Baroque and reserved early Classicism. Here, the general European style acquired its typical regional





9 | Residential building in Bergstrasse, in the Old Town of Königsberg – early 17th century

3 Lectures

10 | Residential building in Junkerstrasse on Kneiphof, 1654

features of the local upper Baltic artistic tradition – the use of the expressive material brick, and a preference for high tiled roofs etc. On the vast areas of the inner city, and instead of the shabby or burnt medieval buildings, appeared new palaces and apartment buildings for government officials. The classicist manors, built in the Saxon or French tradition with Rococo elements, were retained in Königsberg up to World War II. They were Saturgus' manor in Lastady, the Royal Palace in Königstrasse, the Dennhoff manor in Bergplatz, Walenrode manor etc. The Russian architect and gardener, A. Bolotov, described in his memoirs the park at the estate of the merchant Saturgus. Built in the Roccoco style with many motifs, quaintly cut trees, espaliers, fountains, conservatories, menagerie and cabinet of curiosities. The park was laid out in 1753 on the site of an existing garden of the early 18th century. It is possible that impressions of the park had an impact on the future activities of the famous landscape gardener. Changes in the appearance of the city in the 19th century were brought by the ruin and subsequent reconstruction of the church in the Old Town. Due to the soft ground the church subsided, the west tower leaned, the pillars and vaults cracked. The church had to be demolished, and a square was built in its place that was later named after Kaiser William. A new church was built in the Old Town nearby, on the site of the old theatre, by the famous architect F. Schinkel in the Neo-Gothic style (consecrated in 1845).


12 | Plan of Königsberg Castle Church, 1690

11 | Castle Church of Königsberg, 1690

13 | Königsberg with Castle Church in background

During the 19th century, the appearance of some of the streets in the inner city changed. The net of small curved streets was straightened in parts. The ramshackle medieval buildings were replaced new houses in the style of Historicism of the 19th century, abundantly decorated with NeoGothic and Neo-Renaissance details. The University building (by F. Stüler, student of F. Schinkel) and related clinics and institutes were constructed in this style on the main square Parade Platz in 1842-1862. The unity and integrity of the naturally developed historical and architectural environment of the city was destroyed by the aesthetic concepts of ideal construction in the 19th century. Stylised buildings in the sense of European “history” replaced the historic environment to form new streets. The widening and changing of streets had positive effects, since improvement works were conducted in the districts, old ditches filled, standing water cleaned and sewage systems constructed. The drawback of redevelopment around the Castle was the destruction of the historically important medieval city, as well as modernisation and conversions of the remaining facades and the construction of numerous commercial buildings. In the course of extension works of trading companies the house where I. Kant lived was demolished in 1893. Extensive construction activities after World War I were resumed in Königsberg only at the beginning of the 1920s. These were initiated by H. Lomeier (1881-1968) who was elected First Mayor. He implemented the concept of turning of the whole of the Königsberg agglomeration into a garden city. The hesitation regarding the construction of the city centre reflected the Soviet development in the post-war period. The post-war structural and planning systems for the centre of Kaliningrad were divided into options. One proposed the relocation of the centre of Kaliningrad to one of the





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14 | Königsberg Town Hall on Kneiphof, 1695

15 | Ceiling decoration at the Town Hall 1696-1697, A. Schlüter

16 | Fragment of ceiling decoration at the Town Hall 1696-1697, A. Schlüter

17 | Detail of ceiling decoration 1696-1697, A. Schlüter

inner city districts, others even a completely new city centre across the entire area of the historical town. The development of the architectural image of the city was initially based on the differentiation of the cultural heritage into “own” and “foreign”, into “suitable” for the socialist construction and “unsuitable” for the political endeavours. In the late 20th century appreciation of the historic architecture followed, in the context of the “modernised” creative techniques of postmodernism. Regarding the stylistic changes in the image of the architecture of Königsberg/Kaliningrad, four main stages can be distinguished; each of these was connected with a change of a certain leading paradigm. The medieval city was an embodiment of the concept of recreation of a Divine Jerusalem on the earth. In modern times (16th-18th century) the architectural style was inspired by the concept of creating a powerful secular state based on Protestantism and borrowing artistic impulses from the Dutch and later from the French culture. In the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, one of the leading paradigms was the idea of national patriotism that manifested itself in different forms ranging from basically progressive appeal of the period of Romanticism in the early 19th century to the Medieval heritage, to national socialism in the pre-war and war periods. The second half of the 20th century, when the city became capital to a Russian region, was marked by the idea of establishing a new socialist city on the ruins of the devastated “German presence” (Ill. 18). After perestroika and the city's opening in the 1990s, the need arose to formulate a new spiritual concept for the city, which can be expressed as “Kaliningrad – a city with European roots and traditions, and a European future”.


18 | Post-war project in the centre of Kaliningrad, 1950s

Notes: 1 Rosenwahl P.: Bemerkungen eines Russen über Preußen und dessen Bewohner, gesammelt auf einer im Jahr 1814, durch dieses Land unternommen Reise. – Mainz, 1817. p. 147-148 2 Dethlefsen R.: Die Domkirche in Koenigsberg in Pr. nach ihrer jüngsten Wiederstellung. – Berlin, 1912. p. 61 3 Stelin J.: Aufzeichnungen über die schönen Künste in Russland. M., 1990. T.1 4 Hauke: Das Buergerhaus in Ost- und Westpreussen. Tuebingen. 1967 5 Bialostocki Jan.: Obszar nadbaltycki jako krajobraz artyctyczny w XVI wieku. Bialostocki Jan. Refleksje i syntezy ze swiaya sztuki.-Warszawa, 1978 6 Gause F.: Königsberg in Preußen. Die Geschichte einer europäischen Stadt. Leer, 1989

Personal Profile Resume

Name Prof. Irina Viktorovna Belinzeva Origin Moskau/Russland Profession PhD Science of Art Main profession field History of Art and Architecture Main subject Urban planning and architecture in Kaliningrad and in the Kaliningrad Region, architectural history of Königsberg.





3 Lectures

Lecture 7 3.1.7 Lecture 7 –

History and contemporaneity in the planning pattern of Kaliningrad's city centre Venzel T. Salakhov


History and contemporaneity in the planning pattern of Kaliningrad's city centre

The town planning activities in the centre of Kaliningrad, both design and building, had been aimed at creating a new image of the city until the 1990s. But the urban fabric of the city that had evolved over centuries was not taken into consideration; the appearance of places that had survived and the anthropogenic landscape were destroyed. As a result the cultural trend and urban traditions of development of the city centre were broken. The changes took different forms in the various parts of the city centre, but its core changed drastically. A new core was developed based on the town planning doctrines of the 1960s-1970s. Their grand scale failed to withstand the test of time and the economy of the cold war period. At present the centre has lost its old image but has not acquired a new one. In the course of time the mistakes of socialists doctrines in the development of the new city centres became visible – the gigantic scale, the narrowness of functions and dispersion of the construction with buildings isolated from the city environment. When perestroika reforms were started in Russia and the ideology ceased playing the dominant role in architectural decision making in the development of the city centre. The dissatisfaction with its current state induced the authorities and architects to search for a different way to develop the centre. Central areas and the core were included in the process of town planning activities of the new masterplan for the city. The community again has to look for ways of developing the image of the centre. One of the best and proper ways of designing the centre is returning to the successive development of the city in consideration of the surviving elements of cultural heritage. As such one can consider historical buildings as well as the urban elements of the cultural heritage, but also the changes that have taken place in the city core. So, what is this heritage and what means can be used for the creative development of the centre?

The object of protection of the contemporary cultural heritage of the city of Kaliningrad The historical heritage of the city of Kaliningrad is both numerous and various. It comprises items that make up cultural heritage of different peoples of Europe – Lithuanians, Poles, Germans, Prussians and Russians. However, the degree of their preservation, comprehension, concentration, integrity and complex character differs depending on the area of the city. The particularity of the monuments' location in the city is their distribution across all the districts. At that, the number and the value of items of cultural heritage in the city centre is lower than the number, state of preservation and integrity of monuments in the peripheral areas. In the medieval core of the city the pattern of planning and building was lost and is represented with only one structure, the Cathedral – a historical and architectural monument of the 14th century.





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The inner city has partially retained its planning pattern, as well as all the main transport routes and some historical buildings including several rare integral town planning elements. The second defensive rampart framing the area of the inner city has been preserved to a great extent. The spatial connection and integrity of the fortifications can be clearly seen in the planning pattern of the city. Its system comprises all the elements (though to different degrees of preservation) of the Prussian fortification school of the mid 19th century. They were either retained in their original form or adjusted for recreational needs of the population after the fortification had lost its main function. The peripheral areas of the city beyond the ramparts have mainly retained their layout and the integral building pattern. All the post-war town planning activities in these areas were conducted with regard to the layout and the building pattern. Though one can see some discordant decisions of fragmentary inclusion of standard housing and other buildings in the pattern of the historical site. Different areas of the city have different conservation grades for the objects of protection. Within the Medieval city core the objects of protection include the following: - Town plan of the territory; - Monuments of architecture and town planning; - Archaeological cultural layers; - Proportion of spaces – open, built up, green spaces; - Elements of the natural landscape – relief of river banks and the riverbed, Kneiphof Island etc. Within the inner city the objects of protection include the following: - Monuments of architecture and town planning; - Retained layout; - Retained system of streets, squares and open spaces; - Views, areas of compositional influence, architectural nodes and accents; - Areas of possible cultural layers; - Retained integral town planning entities – districts, streets, building complexes.

Methodology of preservation and development of cultural heritage of Kaliningrad In different historical areas of the city centre different methods of conservation or redevelopment of historical monuments, culture and places of interest can be applied. In the historical core of the city the method of regeneration of the historical environment can be applied, on the basis of the historical plan and recreation of the buildings according to preserved iconographic material. If this is not available the stylistic imitation of buildings is also possible. The degree of the possible implementation of the method can be determined after the complete archaeological excavation of the sub-structure of the medieval core of the city. The Cathedral and the riverbanks can serve as a scale for the design limitations and decisions. In the inner city the method of revalorisation of the built-up area can be applied – the programme of the restoration of its buildings, recreation and revitalisation of the lost architectural, composi-


tional and utilitarian values. The main direction of the town planning activities in this area is the rehabilitation of the distorted environment, “pulling together” of the torn pattern of the city within the main compositional and planning axes. The retained architectural and urban monuments, the red lines of the historical built-up sites indicate the scale. Due to the lack of historical buildings in the city core and the scattered locations of some architectural and urban monuments in the inner city, Kaliningrad needs a special methodology for its conservation activities. The basis of this methodology should be the conservation of the historical heritage and the reconstruction of the lost heritage that is the bearer of genetic features of the area. The objective can be attained using the method of binding frames, while the planning activities can be carried out in the whole city. But the form of activities is subject to special regulations – strict regulations applied only to conservation issues. The rest of the infrastructure can be considered as peripheral to the of actions. For the city of Kaliningrad the method can be used in the following forms: - Identification and consolidation of the compositional and planning axes with spatial nodes and focuses that should possess the qualities of invariability and stability in time, should contain sites representing the values of the epoch and create an environment of historically recognisable sites of the city; - The built-up areas between them should be considered as a neutral territory for construction activities regulated by the planning rules. The objects of historical heritage that form islands within these territories are the criteria on which the regulations are based. Since the most important urban elements that determine the perception of its artistic image are the three components the plan, the centre and the silhouette, it is proposed to identify and to construct frames of the city that are stable in time and space- the planning frame, the compositional frame and the silhouette frame (dominant). The frames with their symbolic elements, nodes and focuses are restricted by firm regulations and thus protected in urban development terms. The aim is the conservation and restoration of the fields of perception of the historical building fabric. The space between them makes up the neutral environment for construction. Special town planning regulations would govern limitations on scale, height, layout, style, colour and materials. Linear-spatial frame of the city of Kaliningrad The linear-spatial frame of the city has established since the 14th century and developed without any drastic changes until the middle of the 20th century. Historical trade routes with prevailing north-south, west-east directions, and commercial centres served as the basis of the frame. The direction north – south was formed by two roads leading from the amber coast to the south, as far as the Mediterranean. The direction west-east was shaped by the waterways and roads from the Baltic Sea coast to the Baltic States and Russia. The topography, safety and convenience of the area caused all the roads to cross near the hill Tvangste at a fortress and ford across the river. With the fortification of the Order Castle and





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development of adjacent towns, the trade routes were consolidated by bridges, fortified city gates and trade squares etc. The first defensive belt, established in the 17th century, secured the main routes of communication by building new city gates. Before the beginning of the 20th century there were eight of these routes. After the main road in the south was constructed to the city district of Ponart, the number of roads increased to nine. At that stage of evolutionary development of the spatial frame until the middle of the 20th century, the routes of communication formed two converging bow-shaped chords in the meridional and latitudinal directions. The space formed at their crossing point was the medieval core of the city, crowned by a powerful dominant, the Royal Castle (Ill. 1). In the second half of the 20th century, during the Soviet period of the city's development, the main directions of communication did not undergo any significant changes. Moreover, the roads received a clearer geometrical shape due to the demolition of the ruined buildings and the straightening the roads. Most of the roads in the city core were changed but still passed through the city gates. The routes of communication accentuated the open squares. Their position and combination changed several times in the course of the city's development until the early 20th century. The city centre was formed by four squares situated two by two as a suite on the main roads to the west and east of the Royal Castle. They were Hezekusplatz and Wilgelmplatz on the west side and M端nzplatz and Schlossplatz on the east side. Along the radial axes of the main roads alternating squares at an irregular rhythm were situated at the junctions or in their lobbies. All the circular rays ended in open squares at the city gates. From the mid-20th century on, the rhythm and location of the squares on the main roads changed drastically. The changes were most significant in the historical city core. The rhythm and the scale of small and pleasant squares in the centre were replaced by gigantic open spaces devoid of buildings. At the same time the roads coincided with the directions of the historical routes (Ill. 2). The squares along the main roads were partly retained, some new ones were built in the context of reconstruction works along the roads. In some cases they clearly improved the urban situation of excessively built-up districts of the inner city (southern part of Leninsky Prospect, Bagration Street, Moskovsky Prospect, Klinicheskaya Street etc.). The view of the open spaces at the city gates has been completely retained (Ill. 3). The particular feature of the city of Kaliningrad is the unchanged appearance of the existing frame at the development of the railway network. In the mid-19th century, the defensive function of the town wall was still intact and the city could be entered through railway gates, without using the main roads. Until the end of the 19th century the city was a closed system. The junctions of transit routes were located outside the ramparts.


1 | Linear-spatial frames Königsberg, 1938

2 | Linear-spatial frames Kaliningrad, 1996

The fort belt, built in the late 19th century, gave rise to the construction of the third ring road. Its inclusion in the planning structure of the city was a further successive development step of the spatial frame. The planning nodes that were formed at the junctions of main roads with the ring road created the external outlines of the frame. The outer borders of the city are still being shaped. The forts could assimilate this role due to their specific function – the hidden position within the landscape. Compositional frame The dominant axes of communication and active compositional zones within the city in which buildings and complexes of public, cultural, historical and symbolic significance are concentrated form the compositional frame of Kaliningrad. The elements of the frame of the city core were formed by the incremental increase of planning structures of the medieval towns Altstadt, Löbenicht and Kneiphof. Each of them had borders, walls, compositional axes and emphasis. The first premise forming the compositional frame of the city core was the construction of the common outer town wall surrounding the three towns and adjoining the citadel – the Royal Castle. A marked compositional axis was formed, north-south (cardo) and west-east (decumanus) that united the compositional axes and nodes of some towns. The common compositional dominant of the settlement was the Royal Castle. The next step towards the development of the compositional frame was the construction of a system of defensive ramparts with town gates. This consolidated a huge area comprising towns and





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3 | Former town gate

suburban areas. The roads to the gates formed the compositional axes that gradually turned into routes of the exposition of compositional nodes and dominants: street junctions, squares with public buildings and complexes with dominant buildings (Ill. 4). Due to the outline of the city ramparts, designed by I. Schtraus, a professor of mathematics from KÜnigsberg University, the city was radial-centric in plan. The Castle became the compositional centre of the whole city. This significance was underlined by various elements of the composition – both natural and architectural. The spatial influence and visual connection to the castle determined the general of the character city, let alone its socio-political status of the residence of the power sovereign. The modern compositional frame of Kaliningrad had been developing for approximately three hundred years, retaining in time and space the main directions of the compositional axes, nodes and emphases. Its basis is the compact plan of the inner city. The type of development resulted in the spatial integrity and compositional completeness of built-up areas, whose borders were the defensive ramparts with emphases in the form of city gates. The texture of the built-up areas that grew in the early 20th century beyond the ramparts did not display these characteristics. The extensive new areas and low growth rates of the town prevented the development of the compositional subject of the town centre. Perhaps, the changing of artistic and stylistic tastes of the community hampered its development. Each district developed locally. The architectural and artistic image of the place, the compositional zoning of some settlement types should be noted.


4 | Compositional frames Kรถnigsberg, 1938

5 | Compositional frames Kaliningrad, 1966

The third ring of the town was also complete in plan, but it lacked compositional emphases and dominants. It was formed by military forts, whose large mass and vast areas were hidden in the natural landscape. The post-war stage of the city development is characterised by the loss of integrity of the historically developed compositional system of the centre. The disintegration of the fabric of built-up areas and elimination of the over-ground infrastructure resulted in the loss of urban landmarks and scale of the area. The further reconstruction of the built-up areas was conducted without taking into consideration historical planning, which was ignored on principle. As a result the compositional centre of the city was lost, though its natural component was preserved. Designers understood the importance of a component of emphasis in the centre and tried to create new dominants in the form of the House of the Soviets and Central Square. However, the isolated position, remoteness from current every-day life and gigantic scale of open spaces failed to create a compositional core compatible with the historical centre. At the same time, all the dominant compositional axes, nodes and borders of the compositional structure of the inner city have remained (Ill. 5). The silhouette frame The city's silhouette was characteristic of European cities. Since the Middle Ages the dominants in every city were the church spires and the Order Castle towering above. The local dominants of city halls and palaces of the upper class echoed them.





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6 | KĂśnigsberg, 1729

With the growth of cities the number of dominants marking the new settlements increased. Engravings of the 17th and 18th centuries display a picturesque silhouette (Ill. 6). All through the history of the city the bell tower of the Royal Castle was a dominant feature. Steeple tops of churches were clustered around it. Since the territories of cities and suburban areas were not large, the dominants were densely clustered. Although later the height of average buildings in the city was extended to five or six floors, the church spires and the new religious buildings of other confessions invariably towered above the horizontal line of the silhouette. The church dominants of later suburban settlements were situated quite far from the city centre. Their location was more isolated, and they were less dense due to the extensive areas of new city districts. By the beginning of the 20th century, the developed silhouette of the city looked as follows. The city centre had the highest density of dominants. Their location created a varied picture of visual perception points. According to the degree of density they could be divided into three zones. The first zone includes the highest dominants of the city core of the highest density. The zone displays a concentration of two groups of dominants. To the west – from the highest vertical lines of the city, spires of the Altstadt Church and the Castle tower, and four church spires and churches of other confessions in the east. They seem to balance one another in the thick of the other dominants. The second zone comprises the historical dominants of the districts within the defensive ramparts. The line of density of their visual links makes up a hexahedral figure. Each face is a certain perspective frame of the visual perception of the zone silhouette. The third zone comprises the dominants of the peripheral areas of the city. The lines of their outer visual links make up a scalene quadrangle. It forms four perspective frames of perception of all the dominants of the city (Ill. 7). The most favourable viewpoint representing the typical silhouette of the city is the valley of the River Pregel flowing in a west-east direction, and the view from the plateau in the south. These lines of visibility consecutively open up images of the silhouette of the city.


7 | Dominant frames Kaliningrad, 2005

The analysis of the pictures of various perspectives of the silhouette shows that the dominants are clustered in four parts of the city. Dominants in the northern part of the city, near the elevated Tvangste hill, are especially picturesque. They dominate the whole city and can be seen from both close and remote viewpoints. The middle group of dominants is composed of the spires at Kneiphof and Lomse. They are situated in the low-lying area, in the range of the visual axis opening the city panorama in a westeast and east-west direction. The southern group of dominants is made up of the spires of dominants in the Haberberg district situated on a plateau above the river valley. The prevalent dominant here is the spire of the Haberberg Church terminating the compositional north-south axis and counterbalancing the additional axis of the powerful dominant of the Castle tower. Another characteristic panorama of the city silhouette opened up from the south. From the plateau at the suburb Haberberg a picturesque view of the river valley and its north bank with Tvangste hill could be observed. The dominants of the silhouette were densely clustered around the strong vertical line of the Castle tower, smoothly falling to the suburbs of the inner city. In the early 20th century, on the west side of the panorama, new dominants of industrial buildings of the sea port were developed. Their height and weight exceeded the historical dominants of the city centre, but they were of a comparable scale in the silhouette due to their remoteness from the centre. The silhouette extended towards the open waters of the bay.





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During the post-war reconstruction of the city the historical silhouette changed disastrously. The overwhelming majority of the dominants of the city core, of the centre and the inner city were gradually lost. The modern silhouette of the city, being flat in the centre, does not correspond to the topography of the area and the functional zones of the territory. The modern town planners understood the compositional meaning of the highest spot in the city and tried to create a new dominant – the House of the Soviets. But its scale and weight are in no proportion to the huge new square around it. There are no other dominants or buildings supporting it, as there used to be (Ill. 10). The present city centre needs urban planning measures which are adequate to its position and meaning. The direct reproduction of the old dominants is hardly possible. But it is possible to borrow the context of the historical silhouette and create new dominants characteristic of the location, clustering and panorama of high-rise points. Ths is helped by the formerly built-up sites of the old historical dominants – the Royal Castle, Altstadt Church, the central post office, Burg Church, Löbenicht Church, Sackheimer Church and other dominants of the city and local significance.

Conclusions Based on the analysis conducted, the following succession scenario of the historical identification of the area can be proposed for future town planning activities in the city of Kaliningrad: 1. For the historical city core – regeneration of buildings on vacant sites, on the basis of the historical town plan and the increase of densities in the “loose” areas with the inclusion of historical and modern “island” developments. 2. For the city centre – return to the principle of row construction within the inner city with the selected regeneration of the street scale and the increase in densities of “loose” areas with an urban development pattern, open or in rows. 3. For the city silhouette – recreation of the general city dominants of the centre on vacant sites associated with the symbolic image of the area. It is important that redevelopment take place on the exact spots of the former dominants and that their composition within the environment is recreated rather than literally reproduced from historical designs.


Personal Profile Resume

Name Venzel Takievic Salakhov Origin Kaliningrad/Russia Profession Architect Main profession field Urban planning and residential developments, conservation of cultural heritage, building conservation Main subject Conservation of cultural heritage in Kaliningrad





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Discussion 3.1.8

Discussion – First Day

The city and its region Kaliningrad – a European city? - How can the wish be realised for Kaliningrad to become a more beautiful and liveable city? - What elements and qualities should the urban environment have? - Kaliningrad could become a Russian city under European influence – which elements/ aspects of both cultures need to be considered? - Strengthening of the subsidiary principle. Participation of all players in urban development processes! - How can the identification of citizens with their city be strengthened? - How can a general open-mindedness of the public regarding the development of the city be achieved? - How can many players, especially the public, be integrated into the planning process? - Visions must become mission statements. Strengthening of the cultural and economic significance for Europe! - What could be the character of Kaliningrad, the region between Russia and Europe? - How can other European neighbouring states, other than Russia and Germany, be integrated into the development processes of Kaliningrad? - How can the economic situation of Kaliningrad be improved in order that investors initiate development projects? - Courage of self-reliance and active future marketing of the strengths and potentials.






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Second Day 3.2

Second Day 16.06.2005


Lecture 8 – Prof. Gennadij M. Fedorov Geopolitical aspects of the relationships between the European Union and Russia – The place of Kaliningrad and the Oblast in the context of economic and cultural relationships


Lecture 9 – Prof. Sergej D. Kozlov Investment projects and their influence on the planning structure of the centre of Kaliningrad


Lecture 10 – Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Bloech Location factor architecture and other economic location factors


Lecture 11 – Dr. Elke Knappe Kaliningrad – a strong partner in the Baltic Region?


Lecture 12 – Flemming Frost Strategy of urban projects


Lecture 13 – Dr. Otto Flagge Analysis of urban structures


Lecture 14 – Olga V. Mezey Königsberg/Kaliningrad – Wandering centre in the context of transformation of transport communications


Lecture 15 – Prof. Dr. Eckart Güldenburg (held by Julius Ehlers) Structural changes of ports – a chance for urban development?


Lecture 16 – Daniel Luchterhandt “Building civil society” – Experience from St. Petersburg


Discussion – Second Day





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Lecture 8 3.2.1 Lecture 8 –

Geopolitical aspects of the relationships between the European Union and Russia – The place of Kaliningrad and the Oblast in the context of economic and cultural relationships Prof. Gennadij M. Fedorov


Geopolitical aspects of the relationships between the European Union and Russia – The place of Kaliningrad and the Oblast in the context of economic and cultural relationships The future planning decisions and architectural appearance of Kaliningrad depend, to a great extent, on the success of the socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad Region and its appeal to migrants, the influx of whom affects population growth of both the Region and its administrative centre. The demographic potential of the city and its development, as well as the dynamics of the population in the suburbs of Kaliningrad as a centre of the urban agglomeration, are important factors influencing planning decisions. This influence is both direct (taking into account the necessity of housing and public facilities) and indirect (via increasing the production of goods and services, growth of general wealth and corresponding increase in the city's budget, parts of which are spent on the development of municipal services). At present, Kaliningrad is the pole of the region's economic development. 45% of the region's population and the same percentage of housing are concentrated here, as well as 78% of industrial production, 77% of retail trade turnover and 68% of house building. The city's enterprises provide 92% of the national income. The unemployment rate is rather low and salaries are 30% higher than in the rest of the region. The role of the Kaliningrad Region in the economy of the country and the prospects of the socioeconomic development of the region are assessed ambiguously. Therefore, the forecasts concerning the regional centre differ. Scenarios that are at present being developed by both Russian and international experts are subject to geopolitical and geoeconomic interests. As a reflection on the cooperation “throughout the region” of various actors with regional, federal and international interests, these scenarios differ to a great extent. The scenario of the Russian outpost in the Baltic represents one pole. Another is the separatist idea of the “fourth Baltic republic” with suggestions of creating the euro region of “Prussia” and the plea to organise a Russian-European condominium in the region. The places between these poles are taken by various versions of less tendentious regional strategies (an ordinary region as part of the Russian Federation, Special Economic Area receiving federal support, a region with a different special economic regime, the official strategy of the “region of cooperation”). The Kaliningrad Region, as a Russian exclave in the Baltic and at the same time an enclave within NATO and the EU, depends in its development and vital functioning of the relationships between Russia and Byelorussia, Lithuania, Poland and the EU. The balance of Russian and EU interests determines the success of a regional strategy. Today, Kaliningrad is one of the important centres of international contacts and the object of various projects developed by both Russian and international experts. The EU enlargement to the East and the region's turning into an enclave within the EU has led to a number of political, economic and social problems. The solving of these will reflect the true extent of the development of the international cooperation between Russia and its Western European partners. The experience of Kaliningrad, both positive and negative, may be helpful in the adjustment of Russian foreign economic and political strategies.





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1 | Abutting Baltic states

Under conditions of a publicly declared partnership between Russia and the EU, the settlement of political, legal and economic issues emerging in the Kaliningrad Region in connection with the EU enlargement, is of great importance. It serves as an indicator of both parties to move from political declarations to action. At the same time, the solving of burning international and legal issues (including technical ones, such as the visa problem) is not end in itself, but the precondition for rapid economic development of the Kaliningrad Region, as the region of cooperation between Russia and the EU in the 21st century. The cooperation between Russia and the EU in the Kaliningrad Region is not starting from scratch. The mechanism of the Free, and later of the Special Economic Zone has, in fact, already turned the region into an experimental area of international interaction where (on the initiative of the Russian party) new integration mechanisms are being polished. Approximately 2,300 joint and international enterprises have established in the Region, contributing to the development of foreign economic activities. Numerous international projects are being realised which help to improve production and the social infrastructure that is necessary to draw investment. Cross-border cooperation with Poland and Lithuania, the new members of EU, has also increased during the last few years. This process includes interaction through the euro regions “Baltics”, “Neman”, “Saule” and “Sheshupe”. Scientific research contacts with Germany have been revitalised. The Region started taking part in projects of interregional Baltic cooperation, including the EU “Northern Dimension”. Cooperation in Kaliningrad is one of the elements of a wider partnership between Russia and the EU. The Union has granted about 40 million Euros for various TASIS projects in the Kaliningrad


Region since 1991. From 2004 to 2006, the region will receive approximately 50 million Euros in the course of the TASIS programme of technical cooperation. The EU has actually rejected the idea of signing a special treaty on the Kaliningrad Region, proposed by a number of Russian representatives. It was suggested to carry on collaboration within the general relations between Russia and the Union (though the decision to establish a special committee on the Kaliningrad Region was made, it has not been set up yet). The EU supposes that Kaliningrad exporters benefit from its enlargement, as the EU customs duties are lower than Polish and Lithuanian import duties. Actually, the main obstacle for export to Lithuania and Poland is not high duties, but the absence of competitive goods in the region that would meet the standards of EU. So lowering export duties to the neighbouring countries will hardly eliminate the inconveniences connected with the rise of prices and complications of communication with “continental� Russia in the near future. In assessing Russian propositions to establish a special trade regime for Kaliningrad and the EU, the Union pointed out that as Kaliningrad is an integral part of Russia, giving it a special status (e.g. free trade area or customs union) would cause difficulties. It may generate political and legal issues. Besides, Russia according to the European Commission, will hardly grant Kaliningrad the necessary autonomy. That is why the EU is not sure the region will need a special regime (in other words, the idea is actually rejected, though in a gentle manner). The parties should, as soon as possible, come to a mutual understanding on the Kaliningrad Region and the integration of Russia into the all-European region, which has been declared the most important objective common to both Russian and the EU. Russian interests can be conventionally divided into federal and regional. The first group includes retaining the Kaliningrad Region as part of the Russian Federation and in the all-Russian economic space. This is to become an indispensable condition in any discussion on the prospects of regional development. Federal interests in the region are also of military and strategic significance, presupposing support of Russian military positions here, at a level sufficient to provide national safety. Furthermore, the Kaliningrad Region is able to fulfil significant all-Russian economic functions. However, taking into account the level of realisation of the regional development programmes, the federal centre has not yet determined the functions of the region in the all-Russian division of labour. The economic significance of the region in the long-term prospective is connected with the use of its geographical advantages, which are not yet recognised by the federal authorities. That is why the region should start a number of new projects aimed at satisfying federal and interregional interests. These could be the use of ports, forming a complex of consignment warehouses and corresponding organisation of international logistics, complex processing of extracted amber, agricultural products, development of seashore resorts, creating a Russian-international technopolis depending on the regional and federal scientific and technical potential with a complex of





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2 | Region Kaliningrad 2000-2010

export-oriented enterprises. These projects should be planned from the point of view of economic and social effectiveness of their realisation in the Kaliningrad Region (including comparison to other similar projects in various regions of the country). This will raise the awareness of the federal authorities regarding issues of regional development. Federal interests were formulated in the federal target programme “The Kaliningrad Region – development up to 2010” aimed at “creating conditions for the sustainable socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad Region based on expanding export-oriented enterprises and achieving a standard of living comparable to that in the neighbouring countries”. Securing geostrategic Russian interests in the Baltic Region includes: - Development of Kaliningrad as a large transport centre in the RF through modernisation of the transport infrastructure; - Securing the power supply of the region through the reconstruction and construction of new sources of power; - Improving the ecological situation, achieving the normative level of major environmental conditions. The tasks at federal level are the following: - Transformation of the regional economic structure towards export orientation; - Improving the Special Economic Zone as the mechanism of developing the economy of the region and its integration into the world economy, development of an effective system of SEZ management with the participation of federal and regional authorities; - Developing the telecommunication infrastructure; - Improving tourist and recreational facilities; - Structural reorganisation of the amber industry. Taking into account the EU enlargement, the Kaliningrad Region should build a system of crossborder economic relations with the neighbouring countries in the context of their integration into the EU structures. If this is not done, the geopolitical and geoeconomic situation of the district will substantially decline. Regional interests are versatile. First of all, the region is interested in the reorganisation of its economy, which should match the new geopolitical reality. That is why local authorities welcome


both Russian and international investments into specialised industries. However, it is obvious that investment should suit specific interests of the region, such as social and ecological ones. It is hardly surprising that the experts disapproved the projects of building oil-export harbours and giant ports that would damage the ecosystem of the region. At the same time, the sectors meeting the everyday needs of the population require particular attention at a regional level. These provide foods, industrial and consumer goods, commercial and housing services, health care and education. It is the task of the regional authorities to secure budgetary financing of non-commercial organisations and creating favourable conditions for business development. The EU acknowledges unconditionally that Kaliningrad is an integral part of the Russian Federation. Its joining the Union separately from the whole of the country is impossible, since the EU does not enter into negotiations with individual parts of states. According to the EU, its enlargement influences the neighbouring countries positively, including Russia and the Kaliningrad Region, which can make good use of the new potential of its geographical situation. The EU emphasises that the development of the Kaliningrad Region is the responsibility of Russia and the region itself. Nevertheless, in view of the EU enlargement and in the context of the “Northern Dimension� policy, the Union expressed willingness to assist economic and social development. As it is pointed out in the European Commission reports, the Union is ready to discuss and settle issues concerning Kaliningrad within legal-organisational mechanisms, provided by the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. In our opinion, the EU should take part of the responsibility for the region's development, as the enlargement to the East changes its the external conditions. This responsibility should not be limited to providing funds, which largely return to Europe anyhow, through foreign experts' and consultants' salaries, equipment supplies, and so on. The issue is of a political nature and should not rest with technical details, as is sometimes the case with our partners (for example, their position concerning the transit visa problem). Regarding the economic cooperation of Kaliningrad, the Russian and EU approaches coincide in two crucial points: economic isolation of the region should not be tolerated; the region's potential creates promising opportunities for cooperation between the RF and the EU. In addition to this, Russia considers the region as its Special Economic Zone where many legal procedures (customs, tax, registration) are simplified, making the region more attractive to domestic and international investors. Both new and traditional economic ideas and technologies (such as international concessions) can be approved here. In particular the regulations of World Trade Organisation, which Russia will soon enter, can be worked out in the Kaliningrad Region. Of course, the capacity of Kaliningrad's home market does not give grounds to consider it a substantial factor for the economy of the whole country. The region is developing as a transit centre and a place for assembly enterprises working to substitute import into the RF. Export production with its favourable prospects also presents certain significance.





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For foreign investors the region can be attractive not so much in terms of the export-oriented production, but rather in terms of its convenient location allowing access to extensive Russian markets. This implies establishing joint ventures on the basis of both existing and newly created enterprises. On the assumption that labour forces will be freed in the course of restructuring the economy, and that it is highly qualified and comparatively cheap, the new enterprises can be provided with local staff. The research carried out by scientists at Kaliningrad University in cooperation with Moscow and international experts created the basis for work on the strategic principles of regional development taking into account the regional, federal and international interests that come together in the region. This research is reflected in a number of monographs and articles written by A. P. Klemeshev, S. D. Kozlov, M. A. Tsikel, V. P. Zdanov, Yu. M. Zverev, T. R. Gareev, G. M. Fedorov and others. I would like to note the article “The New Economy of the Kaliningrad Region” published this year in 2 of “Voprosy ekonomiki”, the monographs “the Island of Cooperation”, “The Special Territory of Russia”, “The Kaliningrad Region: Strategy of Cooperation”, “From Isolated Exclave to the Corridor of Development: the Alternatives of the Russian Exclave in the Baltic”, “The Effectiveness and Perfection of the Mechanism of the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region” and “Formation of the New Economy of the Kaliningrad Region” published in 2002-2005. The titles speak for themselves. Our conclusion is as follows: the region undoubtedly has all the preconditions for accelerated development. Realisation depends on the mutual activities of both local and federal authorities in accordance with the region's development programme that presupposes its remaining part of the Russian economic space, while actively developing external links and participating in the Baltic economic space. These ideas formed the basis of the strategy of the “region of cooperation” that is being implemented in the Kaliningrad Region. It should be developed and improved. A comprehensive approach, taking into account all the various intertwining interests in the region, presupposes the elaboration of the following documents and measures in order to create an institutional basis for sustainable development. At the regional level it is necessary to improve regional legislation and to lower administrative barriers for the development of entrepreneurship. At the federal level it is advisable to develop federal policy regarding the Kaliningrad Region. Its main elements are the “Law on the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region” and the Federal Target Programme “Development of the Kaliningrad Region for the period up to 2010”. At the international level it seems expedient to conclude an agreement between the RF and the EU on the conditions for securing vital functions and development of the Kaliningrad Region as a region of mutual cooperation (it is necessary to convince the EU that such an agreement is expedient), as well as to conclude other agreements and treaties with the Baltic Sea States and Byelorussia. The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement could be the basis for signing a special agreement between the RF and the EU. The initiative of signing such an agreement is supported by the


3 | National linkage of Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad Regional Duma. A number of proposals were formulated in the “Strategy of the socioeconomic development of the Kaliningrad Region as a region of cooperation for the period up to 2010” that was elaborated by the regional administration in collaboration with researchers from the I. Kant State University of Russia and other research centres of Kaliningrad and Moscow. The corresponding proposals have been put forward to the European Union by the Russian Government. Besides covering the conditions of passenger and cargo transit via EU countries for securing vital functions of the Kaliningrad Region, the agreement could address other aspects that are of mutual interest. Thus, considering the duty free import of goods from abroad (first of all, from the EU countries) to the Kaliningrad Region, Russia should insist on opening the EU market for Kaliningrad goods (at least to an equal amount as goods imported from EU countries). Besides, the exclave position of the region and the changes brought by the EU enlargement have worsened the conditions and increased the cost of cargo and passenger transportation between the Kaliningrad Region and other Russian regions. International law of the EU countries stipulates repair of the possible economic damage caused by its activities. The EU, judging by the publications and officials' speeches, is not yet ready to sign an agreement with Russia on the Kaliningrad Region but prefers to work within the established and nonburdensome format of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and technical assistance within the TACIS programme. It is significant that the European Union has not officially responded to the Russian proposal of turning the Kaliningrad Region into a “pilot region” of cooperation between Russia and the EU in the 21st century. Neither has there been a response to the “Strategy of the socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad Region as a region of cooperation for the period up to 2010”. These ideas have not been rejected, they have just been “overlooked”. However, it should be noted that the Russian federal centre seems to be satisfied with the existing format of cooperation. As a result both Russia and the EU do not solve the problems of the Kaliningrad Region as a whole, but consider them “as they appear” which is often too late, causing a string of crisis situations. Nevertheless, we proceed on the understanding that the present political difficulties are temporary and all the existing problems will be solved for our mutual benefit. This will be the sign that





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the European Union really considers Russia an equal partner and is ready for further the development of a close cooperation. An indication of the EU to pursue such a strategy would be their consent to sign a special agreement securing vital functions of the Kaliningrad Region and its development as a region of mutual cooperation. In our view, the Kaliningrad Region could play a similar role in the relationships between Russia and the North Atlantic Alliance (as an aside: in the summer of 2004 a joint Russia – NATO exercise was held in the Kaliningrad Region). The Kaliningrad Region could play an important role in the approval of the EU – Russia cooperation in various spheres: in the elaboration of the concept of the common European economic space, in the energy dialogue and the dialogue in the transport sphere, in the interaction in the field of telecommunications and engineering technologies. The geoeconomic approach helps to determine the region's prospective specialisation. In this respect the Kaliningrad Region can be considered a leader among other Russian regions, which could help the Russian economy to occupy a position of greater potential within the world labour division, compared to the present state. This is favoured by the current pattern of the regional economy and the region's geographical position close to Russia's main trading partners, as well as by the strategy of development of the Kaliningrad Region as “region of cooperation”. A well-known fact is that the essence of the geoeconomic approach is active involvement in the international labour division and thus occupying the most favourable positions. In any national economy there are economic entities that are part of the internationalised reproduction nucleus, and there are also non-internationalised parts (outside the general context of world development but serving as one of the sources of development of the national reproduction nucleuses). The state of the internationalised nucleuses determines the place of the country in its struggle for the world income, i.e. the income on a world scale from external economic activities that is generated when the goods and services produced within these nucleuses, using all kinds of national resources, are sold. The state's income directly depends on its position within the international labour division, i.e. on the availability of the internationalised reproduction nucleuses providing access to the world income. That is why the state has to play a significant role in their formation, in promoting the development of their branches by allocating loans for purchasing imported equipment, guarantees and insurance on loans, beneficial taxation of income and property, introduction of accelerated depreciation etc. One of the specific ways is the mechanism of the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region. The regions that are best prepared for the innovations in the economic sphere should act as the poles of development. The Kaliningrad pole of integration should play a more active role in Russia's winning favourable geoeconomic positions. It is widely believed that energy, aerospace, metallurgy and innovation are prospective fields for the formation of the Russian nucleuses. However, it is equally important, in our view, to consider the necessity of entering the market of consumer goods (at least on the domestic market, where the international competitors are prevalent at the moment, and a gradual penetration the world market). In this respect the Kaliningrad Region, in its specific geopolitical position, provides the


unique opportunity to serve as a pole of development of such production activities (as presently exercised). Perhaps, this is the origin of the Russian government's policy regarding the new law on the SEZ. It presupposes the reorientation of the regional economy from import-substitution to export production, and also the role of the region as Russia's contact territory. But this chosen approach should be given proper substantiation. Even now the participation of the Kaliningrad Region in the internationalised nucleuses is higher that in most of the other Russian regions. Import-substitution and export production make up the basis of the industry. Servicing the external economic activities of the other regions is of great significance. But one can assume that since the added value in the import-substitution is quite small, it could service “foreign” but not Russian nucleuses. However, the “upper stages” of technological processing, of importing raw materials and semi-finished products, are present in the region. This can be considered as quite beneficial and a progressive direction of the region's specialisation. An actual drawback of the established pattern of the region's economy is the significant share of its non-internationalised sector and its weak links with the internationalised nucleuses. Strengthening of the role of the Kaliningrad Region as a prospective “corridor of development”, promoting the integration of Russia in the global economy, meets all-Russian as well as regional interests. This direction should become the basis for a regional strategy ensuring sustainable and dynamic development of the Kaliningrad exclave. It seems equally important to determine the place of Kaliningrad within the cultural interaction between Russia and foreign Europe. The recently published book by the Rector of the University A.P. Klemeshev, “Russian exclave under the conditions of globalisation”, emphasises an important role of the region located on the border between two civilizations: Russian and western. Will a new “velvet” curtain appear as a consequence of Hantington's hypothesis on the clash of civilizations, or will the cultures penetrate and enrich one another? Kaliningrad and the region are doing a lot for the development of cooperation in this sphere (the Council of Europe Awards to the city testify to this fact). Cooperation in the field of education is successful, as well as in the sphere of social work. Kaliningrad undoubtedly has all the preconditions to become a centre of contacts, international exhibitions and conferences, the number and quality of which are constantly growing (the present forum testifies to this fact as well as the forthcoming celebration of the city's jubilee). The realisation of a successful regional strategy makes the issue of a rational spatial organisation of the region's territory a pressing one. Actual steps in solving these problems were planned at the end of 2004 in the comprehensive masterplan of the town planning development of the territory of the Kaliningrad Region and its parts (our region is among the first Russian regions to do such work). A masterplan for the recreation zone on the seaside has been designed and masterplans for a number of cities and towns in the region are being worked on. A comprehensive plan of nature conservation in the Kaliningrad Region has been developed, landscape planning projects are being carried out (they are conducted by researchers from the University in cooperation with other specialists, including experts from Irkutsk where similar work has been done and the support from the German Environment Foundation and researchers from Berlin Technical University). The strategy of regional development perfectly fits the general strategy of the Baltic Sea countries in the course of the TACIS project “Seagull-IIRC”.





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The development of the city of Kaliningrad should be coordinated with the development of the whole of the western part of the region (Bagrationovsky, Gurievsky, Zelenogradsky districts, sea and bay coastal towns). This area practically corresponds to the nearby suburban area of Kaliningrad, the Kaliningrad agglomeration with a population of 690,000 (73% of the total population of the region). Within it several sub-zones can be identified. 1. The city of Kaliningrad and its suburbs: industrial and transport sub-zone of the north coast of Kaliningrad Bay (Svetly, Vzmorie), Kolosovka – Khrabrovo, Gurievsk – Vasilkovo, southern suburbs – the villages of Nizovie, Severny, Yuzhny, Pribrezhny. Based on the degree of development of internal demographic and socio-economic links, the whole of this area could be included within the city boundaries of Kaliningrad. The other areas to the west of the region are included in the sphere of influence of Kaliningrad: 2. Seaside resort sub-zone (Primorie – Zelenigradsk – Rybachy); 3. Seaside defensive and industrial zone (Baltyisk – Donskoye); 4. Immediate border to Poland (Ladushkin – Mamonovo, Bagrationovsk); 5. Agrarian inner part of the Kaliningrad peninsula also with good potential for used for tourism. Although in the recent years statistics have not recorded significant migration of people to Kaliningrad, we believe that the situation will change in the near future. The population figures, including people of Kaliningrad who are capable of work, are going to decline rapidly due to the specificity of the age structure of the population. Housing reserves will be available for people coming into the city. At the same time, new jobs in connection with the revival of the economy will sooner be created in Kaliningrad rather than in the other settlements of the region. We believe, that two thirds of those migrants coming to the cities and towns of the Kaliningrad Region (both from other regions and from rural areas of the region) will be heading for Kaliningrad in the near future. With the lack of migration and maintaining the current birth rate and death rate the population of Kaliningrad will be rapidly declining. This will be in the region of 5,000 people annually during the first five years, and 4,500 people annually during the subsequent five years. The number of the people who are able to work will be rapidly decreasing, and within ten years will have declined by more than 30,000. If the inflow of migrants amounts to 2,000 people a year, the labour resources will be decreasing by 8,000 in 2005-2010, and by 19,000 in 2010-2015. The data in the table below reflect the trend of different age groups of the population in per cent as to 2005, assuming the migration of 3,000 people annually: Population








Younger than 18 years old




At an age capable of work




Retirement age




Tab. 1: Forecast of age and sex structure of the urban population of the Kaliningrad Region (assuming a migration balance of 3,000 people a year and increase in life expectancy), in % as to 2015


In order to maintain the number of people at an age capable of work up to the year 2015, the migration inflow in 2005-2010 should increase to 4,500-5,000 people a year, and in 2010-2015 to 7,000-8,000 people annually. In principle this is possible both with the increase of the inflow of migrants from other regions and from inner regional migration, and mainly from rural areas. At present, the number of the rural population is considerably higher than it was in the early 1990s, though the employment rate in agriculture is lower. There also are some potential reserves in the increase in mobility of labour resources in suburban areas. However, one should anticipate a probable decline in both the population and the labour resources of Kaliningrad when forecasting the development of the city's economy. Thus, the system of interconnected and complimentary documents of spatial planning in the region is manifested in the masterplan of the city of Kaliningrad. Strategic and spatial planning is joined into a single entity that promotes dynamic development and rational allocation of the economy.

Personal Profile Resume

Name Prof. Gennadij Michajlovic Fedorov Origin Kaliningrad/Russia Profession Economic geography Main professional field Regional development, spatial planning Main subject Geopolitical problems of the Kaliningrad Region, economic and social development, territorial planning, functional zoning





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Lecture 9 3.2.2 Lecture 9 –

Investment projects and their influence on the planning structure of the centre of Kaliningrad Prof. Sergej D. Kozlov


Investment projects and their influence on the planning structure of the centre of Kaliningrad The two companies, “Baltic Construction Corporation” and “Baltic Investment Corporation”, which I run, have been given the honour of being organisers, owners and contractors in the implementation of the two large projects in the centre of Kaliningrad. The first project, “Kaliningrad-750”, is the construction of a business centre comprising a hotel and an underground car park (the total area of K-750 is 45,000 sq. m.). The second project is the construction of a shopping centre, business centre and exhibition centre – “Trade House Zentralny” (total area 21,000 sq. m.) – on the site of the famous ruined “House of Machinery” (formerly part of the East German Fair by architect Hans Hopp). The amount of investment for the first project (the investor is RGS – Nedvizhimost) is estimated at over 40 million Euros, and for the second project (the investor is the commercial bank BIN) the amount is approximately 10 million Euros. It is planned that the first part of the centre “Kaliningrad-750” will be completed for the jubilee of the city. It involves a huge amount of engineering works and the construction of an underground car park beneath a square and fountain. The building shell of the Trade Centre will be completed in August 2005, and by the beginning of July most of the fitting works will have been done. The implementation of these projects, and other by our colleagues' construction projects in the centre of Kaliningrad, testifies to the fact that after the loss of the historical buildings of the city, and of many years of arrested development in the area adjoining the House of the Soviets, the investment flow was inevitably directed to the formation of a new private sector, administrative and religious centre in the area of Victory Square. The driving force behind the process was the adoption of the concept of building a city centre, by the City Hall and City Council in the late 1990s. This concept was designed the architect O.V. Kopylov. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is intended as the dominant of the centre. Its construction promoted the development of the sites around the Cathedral and also determined the architectural appearance of the buildings, to some extent even their functions. This is the reconstruction of the historical destiny of a unique place that combined administrative functions (the magistrate), trade and exhibitions (the whole area from City Hall to the House of Machinery), religious buildings (churches in Ivannikov and Partizanskaya Streets), recreational (landscape and parks in the fortification belt) and cultural (Arts Hall). It is predetermined by the

1 | Visualisation of Christ the Saviour Cathedral and shopping centre Kaliningrad 750

2 | Former House of Technology





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3 | Bird's eye view of construction of Christ the Saviour Cathedral and shopping centre “Kaliningrad-750”

4 | Bird's eye view visualisation of Christ the Saviour Cathedral and shopping centre “Kaliningrad-750”


retained system of transport communications, trade and religious traditions of the existing area that was the centre of public and business life of Königsberg in the 1920s-1930s. The increasing attractiveness for investment of this part of the city, bounded by Teatralnaya Street, Leninsky Prospect, Chernyakhovsky, Proletarskaya and Ozerov Streets, Sovetsky Prospect and Victory Square, is determined by a number of macro and micro economic factors. Firstly, this means an actual increase in the standard of living and consumer potential of the population. Secondly, favourable legislation is in force: in Russia the Special Economic Zone, and on a regional level the law for the support of investment in the form of capital investment, and on a municipal level the package of laws on investor support. Thirdly, administrative support of projects was given by the City Council, by officials at City Hall, and most importantly, by the Mayor Mr. Yu. A. Savenko, who took responsibility for the controversial, large-scale reconstruction of the city centre. Fourthly, a simultaneous consolidation of efforts of several investors facilitates the solving of difficult infrastructure problems (power supply, water and heat supply, sewerage), making the investment area even more attractive. The contribution of the participants of our two projects in the development of the network and improvements of the urban environment is approximately 300 million Roubles. More than half of this amount has already been allocated to solving the city's problems. Fifthly, changing the architectural environment of large areas and solving engineering issues will enable the development of adjoining areas. And finally, while developing a new centre – “Kaliningrad-750” – we are at the same time reconstructing the ruined monuments, such as Hans Hopp's House of Machinery in the style of Bauhaus. As a result, the attractiveness for tourist will increase which will improve the economy of the city. The further prospects of development of the new administrative, public business and religious centre of Kaliningrad will, in my view, be dependant on the movement towards the Upper Lake. Chernyakhovsky Street will be redesigned and should be widened into a main road. It is important that heavy traffic is removed from Baranov Street. The old-fashioned and low quality residential buildings that now face Chernyakhovsky Street are doomed to de demolished. It is clear that the prices for flats in those building are going to be quite high which may cause problems to the investor. The present shops already look like shrines to unbridled capitalism of the early 1990s. The former stables of the Kirasirsky Regiment (now the food market) are unlikely to be an attraction in the city. It is impossible to retain the Central Food Market and the buildings in Chernyakhovsky Street in their present state. We are aware of how similar problems were solved in Moscow, Minsk and other Russian cities. Modern complexes with parking areas have been built that perfectly fit the contemporary architectural environment.





5 | Extract from street map

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6 | Original building of grocery market

Underground development projects in the city can have considerable economic, social and ecological effects. It should be made obligatory to construct underground car parks while developing the area above for recreation. In this respect the architectural solution found for the “Kaliningrad750� project is exemplary. The first part of the complex will be completed for the jubilee of the city. As a result of the considerable profits made by investors and owners of large units in the city centre, the buildings could be linked to one another via pedestrian routes, elevated walkways and underground passages in the same way as it is done in large cities of the world, such as Toronto and Montreal. However, it will be difficult to bring together the investors' efforts without proper coordination from City Hall. While restoring and developing the area as a new public, business and religious centre, everything should be done for the revitalisation of its recreational potential. It seems obvious that a good pedestrian area must be built between Victory Square, Verkhnee Lake and Yunost Park, where Mrs. Putin is implementing her wonderful project. The function of a park in Schneider's green belt, from Garazhnaya Street to Proletarskaya Street, should be restored: it is necessary to build pedestrian paths, to restore small architectural objects, and, of course, landscape work needs to be carried out on extensive areas of the park. The inclusion of a children's playground on the theme the style of Hoffmann's fairy tales would be desirable. The stream in the park needs special attention. It should be both cleaned and restored, and along the Trade House Zentralny it should be culverted to create a new architectural and landscape complex connecting the park with trade and service spaces. Baranov Street should be pedestrianised between Gorky Street and the crossing at Proletarskaya Street. We made proposals for improvements of the park and a new recreation area between Gorky and Partizanskaya Streets, but this was turned down on grounds of the ecological survey. I would like to believe that the attitude that investors are only interested in profits will finally subside. We are also Kaliningradians, like everyone else living here. We are dreaming of a beautiful, pleasant city to live in, and we are doing our best to transform it into a modern European city, and in many respects even a capital city. We want this to take place in a time span of two to three years. In fact, it is the creation of a new business, spiritual and cultural centre of Russia, a showcase of the success of present-day Russia within the European Union. Based on modest calculations the total volume of investment to take place in the next years in this area could amount to 250-300 million Euros, if the corresponding administrative support is provided. This, in turn, will create new long-term investment possibilities for the development of the city in the future.


Personal Profile Resume

Name Prof. Sergej Dmitrievic Kozlov Herkunft Kaliningrad/Russia Profession Economist, Finance expert, Professor of Law, PhD Political Science Main professional field Mobilisation of investments, construction, urban development Main subject Building the public centre “Kaliningrad-750”, reconstruction of the inner city of Kaliningrad, the trade house “Centralnyj” (formerly “House of Technology”)





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Lecture 10 3.2.3 Lecture 10 –

Location factor architecture and other economic location factors Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. JĂźrgen Bloech


Location factor architecture and other economic location factors Since 1994, Venzel Salakhov and Andrej Derbenkow from Kaliningrad as well as Jochen Brandi and Jürgen Bloech from Göttingen have, in a Russian-German working group, studied the old fabric and future potentials of the war-ridden Kneiphof Island in Kaliningrad (Königsberg), the site of the cathedral. Working with the group are interested partners from the Russian Immanuel Kant University in Kaliningrad that is joined in a cooperation agreement to Georg-August University, Göttingen. The development potentials of the central area of Kneiphof Island are of particular interest that could help to elucidate the special importance of the site to citizens and visitors. Intense discussion on whether Kneiphof Island should be built upon began as early as 1990. In this discourse we pledged for a new Kneiphof on old foundations in the vicinity of the cathedral. The cathedral today lies isolated and could be given back its cultural setting by the reconstruction of the (now Russian) buildings for philosophy and humanities. The area around the cathedral could also become a park for contemplation with a “philosopher's path” which is a worthy approach to the grave of the great philosopher. This was the context in which the idea was born to bring back the books of Kant's library, together with modern international literature, to a location close to him. The director of the State and University Library Göttingen, Elmar Mittler, has made a valuable contribution to the development of this concept.

Location factors and their function in the development of city and region Visitors to the city immediately notice the architectural fabric. This fabric often dominates the first impression and influences the visitor before he can have other experiences. In terms of tourism architecture can become a major location factor. This approach is an interesting starting point when thinking about architecture as a location factor in conjunction with the future design of Kaliningrad. In doing this, the train of thought should consider economic as well as cultural aspects that are linked to architecture. Location factors are specific influences that may be defined differently in different places and recognised by business people, institutions and the citizens alike. This poses the question of whether architecture too can be mapped as a location factor. A site-related survey will mainly ask about the advantages and disadvantages of the city and region regarding the settlement of businesses and institutions. This approach looks at the socalled hard location factors that are expected to bring direct economic benefits. These are tax advantages, cost of land, availability of qualified workers, transportation network, legal system and others.





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Soft location factors have other characteristics (also compare ThieĂ&#x;en, 2005, p. 10 ff.). They affect people's behaviour through sympathy and well-being and their preferences for spending time in a particular place. There is no clear delineation between hard and soft location factors. Certain soft location factors have strategic potential in terms of attractiveness to tourism or to culture conscious management. These may consider the cultural potential of a city in their choice of business location that will offer an attractive environment to sophisticated and highly qualified staff. This perspective on the attractiveness of location, determined by soft location factors, bears in mind that private people close to executive members of staff - and their happiness - will influence the decision to want to work in a company located in an attractive location. In turn, excellent executive managers are an important potential for successful companies. City and municipalities that are aware of the influence of location factors will carry out measures to improve the attractiveness of the locality. Access and transportation networks will be expanded and improved, for example, to reduce travelling time and costs for industrial companies and logistics firms. Land for the relocation of industries is set aside. Cultural facilities are enhanced to increase the diversity and quality of the soft location factors. Thus numerous activities are aimed at preparing local location factors for the future development of the region.

Location factor architecture, potential for the city Looking at architecture as a soft location factor will also consider the position of architecture in the historic development of the city as well as a part of the general cultural strategic potential. The historic development of a city entails that buildings, cultural facilities and infrastructure including parks and gardens, are constantly being created, transformed or conserved. In the course of many decades the resultant townscape is the expression of the citizens' cultural appreciation. Outside visitors will either be attracted by the architectural overall picture or repelled.

Interaction of architecture and other location factors The development of the central areas of the city is of specific importance in the development of Kaliningrad. The comprehensive plan for the city will propose architecture that will provide access to the international transportation network via specific stations such as harbour, airport, possibly


motorways and the railway station. Here architecture and logistics will work together in creating those potentials. In addition the link of infrastructure facilities for the city logistics (compare Eckstein, 1992) will require the cooperation of architecture, urban planning and logistics planning. Such building projects and their cross-linking will improve the hard and some of the soft location factors of Kaliningrad. An area of particular value which requires cautious architecture, is Kneiphof Island. It is located in the centre of the city of Kaliningrad and also was the former centre of Königsberg. The cathedral, constructed in the 14th century is now the only building on the island. At the cathedral is the last resting place of the great philosopher Kant. The Russian-German working group has examined ideas and concept to establish an international library in proximity to the cathedral. The cathedral island and Kant's grave are elements of the urban cultural system that deserve to be taken out of their isolated position. The significance of Kant, as the founder of a philosophical revolution will be emphasised if his philosophy can be studied and discussed in his immediate surroundings. Emphasising his significance would simultaneously be the augmentation of the entire city as a central place. The architectural concept for Kneiphof Island could improve its cultural meaning by developing the island as a place for contemplation and, for example, making philosophy and the history of philosophy the focal point by creating a philosopher's path for historical philosophers with stations for contemplation. Adjacent to the cathedral a philosophical and international library could be built in the style of Kant's old university, of a sufficient size to host international scientific congresses. The director of Göttingen library, Prof. Dr. Elmar Mittler, supports the library concept in Kaliningrad and has said: With a new building the “books could return to their former location” and find a final home in which the existing books and new acquisitions could be stored, expertly protected and looked after. Possible extensions could be built in rows of houses in a southwesterly direction along the cathedral. Access to the library would be across the existing Honigbrücke from the east; later the reconstruction of other bridges to the island would follow. A repository building could be developed on the old foundations along the lines of a modern “warehouse” with a supporting structure to suit the special constraints of Kneiphof Island. The urban archaeologist Wenzel Salachov proposes to expose the foundations and cellars still hidden beneath the existing ground level and thereby “securing the evidence of the old buildings”.





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Summary Architecture is one of the soft location factors which have an indirect but long-lasting effect on the economy. Architecture is an attractive and harmonious composition comprising service industries, production and citizens. Economic success is also advanced by architectural culture. Literature: - Thießen, F.: Zum Geleit: weiche Standortfaktoren – die fünf Sichtweisen. In: Thießen, F., Cernavin, M., Führ, M., Kaltenbach, M. (Ed.): Weiche Standortfaktoren, Berlin 2005, p. 9-34 - Bloech, J., Ihde, G.B. (Ed.): Vahlens Großes Logistiklexikon, Munich 1997 - Eckstein, W.: 1992


Personal Profile Resume

Name Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Bloech Origin Tranßau, Ostpreußen/Germany Profession University Professor, University of Göttingen Salaried Professor at the Immanuel Kant Russian State University Main professional field/ Main subject Strategic planning, logistics, business studies





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Lecture 11 3.2.4 Lecture 11 –

Kaliningrad – a strong partner in the Baltic Region? Dr. Elke Knappe


Kaliningrad – a strong partner in the Baltic Region? The perception of the Kaliningrad Region as a partner in the Baltic Region was rather one sided for a long time – it had the status of a closed region, and was known as the base of the Baltic fleet. Only after the break up of the Soviet Union did the region and its capital Kaliningrad emerge from this shadow.

Economy of the region The opening of the Kaliningrad Region was the beginning of some fundamental political and economic changes in the city and the region. Opening the borders to foreigners also brought the region to the attention of its former inhabitants – the Germans began to visit their former home and this meant – also for today's inhabitants – a confrontation with the German past. The administrative centre of the region is Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg), a city dominated by post-war residential developments. The historic context of the town was hardly acknowledged and the construction of prefabricated high-rise buildings has changed the inner city beyond recognition. Another particularity is that residential and industrial zones are in close proximity (Ill. 3). A reduction of the quality of life by noise pollution, dust and odours is (still) tolerated by the citizens; short travelling distances to the place of work playing an important part. A popular residential area is located to the northwest of the city, where many dwellings were constructed on vacant land since 2003. Construction is primarily financed by private investors and the num-

1 | Kaliningrad, Housing and industry 2002





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2 | Kaliningrad Region, Housing

ber of social housing projects of the state has significantly decreased (KlemeĹĄev and Fjodorov 2004). This means that the less well-off citizens live in the cheaper neighbourhoods to the south of the city. Generally it can be noted that, despite of private investment, the area of living space per inhabitant is not very large (Ill. 4). The illustration further shows that the majority of construction development, except for in the city of Kaliningrad itself, is taking place in Rayons Selenogradsk and Bagrationowsk, i.e. in the west of the region and near its capital. Russian development is concentrated mainly in Rayon Selenogradsk because of its beautiful landscape and a high quality of life in the town of Selenogradsk. Illustration 5 shows the long lasting trend of residential development in the centre of the region and in the west, while the east only shows little building activity. In economic terms the opening of the Kaliningrad Region meant the option for a new start along the principles of a free market economy. On 25.09.1991 the State Duma of Russia agreed the free trade zone “Jantarâ€? (amber). This paved the way to making the region attractive to foreign and Russian investors. It turned out, however, that the free trade zone took over the function of a transhipment hub where many trading companies registered merely to import their goods taxfree and sell these at a good price to other regions in Russia. This brought no economic advantages, neither for Kaliningrad Region nor for the city. In 1996 the Federal Law on the Special Economic Zone was passed. This, in a modified form, created the framework that was to ensure that foreign capital would settle here. Illustration 1 shows that the foreign direct investments of 10.7 million US $ were not very high, in spite of special concessions. The total foreign investment was 32.4 million US $ in 2004 (Ill. 2). The main


3 | New public housing development 2004

reasons for this are the instability of law, changes of the law at short notice, a lack of infrastructure and the fact that foreigners may not buy land, but only lease it. A further reason for the slow increase of direct investment is the weak economy of the region itself. Although after 1998, the year of the rubel crisis, the economy saw an upturn and sectors such as energy industries and engine construction developed at a fair pace (Table 1), these activities were not sufficient to make the entire region attractive. For a long period of time agriculture was the dominant land use of the region, but has now lost its leading position; privatisation was carried out half-heartedly and many farmers now produce for themselves rather than the market. On the other hand, the retail sector has developed greatly and the modern supermarkets of the national chains such as Vester, Viktoria, Semja dominate the retail market in the cities. other countries 2% Poland 6%

other countries 8.3%

Poland 2.6%

Cyprus 21.3%

Germany 11% Germany 11.4%

Lithuania 46% Great Britain 11.6% USA 16.5% Great Britain 35%

Switzerland 12.6%

Lithuania 15.7%

total: 10.7 Mio. US $

4 | Share of foreign direct investment 2004

5 | Share of foreign investment according to countries 2004





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Holzverarbeitung, Zellulosegewinnung





















Table 1: Economic structure of the Kaliningrad region (ratio of sectors in %)

Kaliningrad – a transportation hub The region of Kaliningrad itself is relatively easily accessible, but to live up to the claim of being the hub of east-west trade, the road network is insufficient – important are the long distance routes. Illustration 6 shows the Via Haseatica, which is meant to be the link from Lübeck to St. Petersburg. This road includes a section of the former autobahn Berlin – Königsberg. Another section already built on the Russian side has not been opened because construction work on the Polish side is not finished. A further problem of the Via Hanseatica lies in the border crossings between Poland to the Kaliningrad region and from the Kaliningrad region to Lithuania. Long cues form at the borders despite of some modernisation works that have been carried out, making goods traffic even more cumbersome. The result is that the majority of goods traffic travels on the Via Baltica, and thereby bypassing the region of Kaliningrad. The claim of being the hub of transportation has not been realised, which is expressed in the goods trade figures of the year 2004 (Ill. 7). The majority of trade is by rail; of greatest international importance is the broad gauge line Kaliningrad-Kaunas-Minsk-Moscow. Other international connections serve Gdansk and St. Petersburg daily. A through coach travels daily on the standard gauge track between Kaliningrad and Berlin. Shipping has the second largest traffic volumes. Kaliningrad harbour is linked to the Baltic Sea via a 40 km sea canal and is virtually ice-free. At the end of the canal the outer harbour of the city of Baltisk is an important Russian navy base in the Baltic. The main problems of Kaliningrad harbour are the outdated facilities and the long approach through the sea canal. In contrast to other Baltic ports, e.g. of the Baltic States, Kaliningrad harbour has no specialisation. It is a multi-functional place of transhipment for general goods and bulk cargo. Several options are being discussed regarding the future development and modernisation of the harbour infrastructure: a general redevelopment of Kaliningrad harbour or the development of a new large port directly on the Baltic coast in the bay of Primorskaja, and also the utilisation of the free capacity of the navy base in Baltisk.

Kaliningrad – cooperation space in the Baltic Region The location of the Kaliningrad Region in the centre of the European Union is not just a logistic


6 | Road network of the Baltic Region

problem regarding the connection of the region to the motherland Russia, it also has significant development potential which should not be underestimated. The region of Kaliningrad is the partner of several Euroregions (Ill. 8) and is thus closely linked to the development of the Baltic Region. Close economic relations to neighbouring Lithuania have led to extensive Lithuanian investments making Kaliningrad one of the largest producers of refrigerators in Russia. Looking after the heritage of Kant and the resolute development of the University of Kaliningrad are factors contributing to the strengthening of Kaliningrad's role as a site for science and research. The European Union has also contributed, by means of comprehensive projects, to emAir 1.1; 0%

Water (Inland-) 929.6; 28%

Street 374.7; 11%

Railways 2059.3; 61%

Data in 1000t total: 3.36 Mio. t

7 | Share of foreign investment according to countries 2004





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8 | Kaliningrad Region – Euro Regions

phasising and subsidising the bridging function, rather than isolating the Kaliningrad Region: This has happened mainly with the help of development projects in areas supported by private finance, cross-border cooperation and the development of the harbour, environmental protection, health and education, and the increase in efficiency of the local self-administration. The willingness of the region to increase cooperation with its neighbours in the European Union is clearly discernable. This will contribute to the strengthening of the existing economic and cultural potential of the region and assess its value. The claim of the Kaliningrad Region to be a bridge linking Russia to the European Union receives a solid base, and it can develop into a strong partner in the context of a Baltic cooperation. Literature: - Klemešev, A. P. und G. M. Fjodorov (2004): Ot isolirovannogo eksklava k koridoru razvitija. (Von der isolierten Exklave zum Entwicklungskorridor). Kaliningrad - Knappe, E. (2004): Kaliningrad aktuell (=Daten, Fakten, Literatur zur Geographie Europas, H. 7), Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig - Zverev, J. M.(2004): Problemy i perspektivy razvitija promyšlenosti Kaliningradskoj oblasti (Problems and development perspectives of industries in the Kaliningrad region), In: Vestnik 6, p. 27-36


Personal Profile Resume

Name Dr. Elke Knappe Origin Leipzig/Germany Profession Agronomist Main professional field/ Main subject Shifts in land utilisation and settlement development in Eastern Europe





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Lecture 12 3.2.5 Lecture 12 –

Strategy of urban projects Flemming Frost


Strategy of urban projects 4 Q-books for Universitetsholmen in Malmö – From shipyard city to university town The present discussion about urban development revolves around understanding processes, developing strategies and carrying on a debate about the interrelationship among the various players in the planning process; this attitude has been crucial in our work for the development of Universitetsholmen in Malmö. In connection with the redevelopment of Universitetsholmen, from shipyard to a projected university area ready to accommodate 15,000 students, a dialogue guided by the architects was set into motion. Embedded herein were a number of initiatives aimed at qualifying the users, politicians and appointed officials to take part in the making decision process. A test of the volume proposals in relation to the overall plan resulted in the clarification of the prospective urban architectural framework of Universitetsholmen in relation to the rest of Malmö's urban areas. The four Q-books develop and lay down a strict urban architectural framework for the future development of Universitetsholmen, to ensure, over the course of time, the individual specific identity and quality of the areas. With regard to urban planning and construction, Universitetsholmen is rendered the object of an ongoing discussion, which, with the help of a three-dimensional model, is conducted on three levels: the urban level, neighbourhood level and urban architectural level. The four Q-books lay down guidelines for the following urban areas and are organised according to the different areas of responsibility within the city's administration:

1 | Q-Book 1





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2 | Q-Book 2

Q-book 1: overall urban strategy – secures the overall urban architectural strategy for the development and land use of Universitetsholmen. Q-book 2: the city's floor – sets guidelines for streets, open plazas, parks and infrastructure. Q-book 3: the city's building structure – sets guidelines for the urban and building structure. Q-book 4: art in the public space – sets guidelines for the role of art in the public realm.

3 | Randers Barracks 1

4 | Randers Barracks 2

Randers Barracks – An urban development strategy for Randers Barracks The site is transformed from a restricted barracks quarter to a new centre for the surrounding residential and business areas. New urban spaces such as streets, plazas and parks are introduced as the setting for public life and to improve the appearance of the neighbourhood. A green recreational strip with housing forms a link to the former exercise grounds, an area of great potential as a recreational space for the city.


5| Analysis of the inner harbour of Copenhagen 1

6 | Analysis of the inner harbour of Copenhagen 2

Copenhagen's Inner Harbour – Harbour analysis Copenhagen's inner harbour is undergoing intensive development. A number of rather distinctive large-scale projects are beginning to form a new context for the harbour, which poses a challenge to the urbanity and identity of neighbouring areas. The project makes its mark on the urban context of the city, the interurban zone and the harbour becoming the basis of a new understanding of urban areas and the harbour. The interurban has evolved in the space between the city and the harbour – two very different spaces – and comprises an accumulation of functions, which are too large for – or too awkwardly disposed in relation to – the city, but too small or irrelevant for the harbour. A special language of harbour architecture has come into being using its own idioms. Its scale is related to function, challenging the scale of the city. In the interchange between these three contextual situations of different scales, the point of departure is established for a new urban understanding and a new understanding of the harbour. The project is based on the formation of a 3-D computer model, which is employed as an operational and didactic implement in the formation of a comprehensive, unified urban development strategy, in which the infrastructure and supporting contributions from different interest groups are correlated with the architectural proposals. The goal is to engender a wider awareness about the potential of the land in Copenhagen's harbour and to provide insight and understanding prior to the necessary decision making process. A series of volume studies investigate the quality of proposed urban structures sited on the banks of the harbour and across its water areas. The course of the waterway through the city is not seen just as a narrow river, but rather as a ramified and more multifarious dissolution of the city's edge along the water. When a new connection is inserted, places that have hitherto been perceived as the city's blind spots will suddenly become points of transit. Such new transit points ignite and vitalise these sections of the city. New patterns of movement appear and, unexpectedly, places that were previously perceived as being far apart are interconnected.





7 | Porcelænshaven Residence 1

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8 | Porcelænshaven Residence 2

Porcelænshaven Residence Reconstruction of Porcelænshaven – The new buildings Based on the historic significance of the site and its buildings as a testimony to Copenhagen's industrial development, the factory buildings are converted into about 200 new homes. The lofty industrial spaces, with their particular construction and character, contain apartments and terraced housing of a simple design, while typical local materials and construction methods inspired the design of the new buildings.

9 | Bergen Sjöfront 1

10 | Bergen Sjöfront 2

Transformation of the harbour area in Bergen, Norway The project is a vision for the future development of a cultural axis in Bergen that unites innovation and tradition. It encourages initiatives that support the cultural axis in the area. Guidelines were formulated for its future development, emphasising the Nøstet shipyard as a place in Bergen with clear global references – where the present has left its marks.


Personal Profile Resume

Name Flemming Frost Origin Copenhagen/Denmark Profession Architect Main professional field/ Main subject Urban planning and landscape architecture Editor of SKALA Magazine for Architecture and Art, 1985-1994 Professor of Architecture at Lunds University, Sweden, 1998-2001 Guest Professor at Pratt University in New York, USA





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Lecture 13 3.2.6 Lecture 13 –

Analysis of urban structures Dr. Otto Flagge


Analysis of urban structures by the example of Kiel: destruction and phases of reconstruction Kaliningrad and Kiel have a shared past: their near total destruction in the World War II. The port city of Kiel is located at the southern end of Kiel Fjord on the Baltic Sea. The aerial photograph (Ill. 1) illustrates the incision of the deep water port into the centre of the city, which initially developed on the west bank. Around 1940, Kiel was a strategic location of the German armament industry (ship building) with approximately 300,000 inhabitants. Allied bombardment started as early as 1940, and by 1945 about 80% of the city had been destroyed. Illustration 2 gives an impression of the extent of the destruction. Illustration 3 shows the scene of devastation in the city. The sites that initially could not be built upon were planted with trees (Ill. 4) to make the temporary surroundings more bearable. Plans for the reconstruction of the city started at the beginning of the war. This, in combination with a competition, led to the rapid development of an urban concept that formed the basis for reconstruction. Concepts of fundamental structural change designed in the course of the competition were not pursued. The historic town plan was the basis for all reconstruction proposals for the city centre to the west of the Fjord. In keeping with the Zeitgeist, transport-oriented plans

1 | Kiel Fjord





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3 | Destruction of inner city of Kiel

4 | Open spaces with temporary tree planting

2 | Extent of destruction of Kiel after the World War II

were implemented, including road-widening schemes and the opening-up a few new street corridors. Trade and service industries were the anticipated land uses of the inner city. Illustration 5 (view north from the railway station) shows how the formerly small-scale pattern of buildings was transformed into a clear building block pattern, without disturbing the urban scale. New, linked open spaces break up the previously densely built-up city centre. Completely destroyed industrial areas on the east side of the Fjord were rebuilt for commercial and industrial use during the years of the so-called German “economic miracle�. Illustration 6 shows an example of a newly constructed machine factory from the initially prosperous 1960s. The first phase of Kiel's reconstruction measures was completed in the second half of the 1950s. Retaining the basic structure of the road and canal networks allowed for rapid reconstruction of the city centre while making structural improvements. Plots were amalgamated, new open spaces created and the opening of the city towards its waterfront improved. Germany's first pedestrian precinct was built. There was ample opportunity for building modern architecture. Initially, the new road spaces managed to accommodate the rapidly and continually increasing traffic loads. Car parking spaces were implemented in phases, some as multi-storey car parks. However, by the 1970s the capacity limits of the reconstructed urban fabric became apparent. The attempt to introduce an elevated pedestrian level in parts of the city centre (from the railway station to the north) at the beginning of the 1970s was only a partial success. Around the same


5 | Adaptation of the urban fabric (view north from railway station)

6 | Factory Buckau-Wolf, 1963

time it became evident that existing retail space in the city centre was not sufficient for its sustainable development. Plans for the reorganisation of the southern inner city (periphery of the station) to accommodate a large shopping centre on two levels were made and implemented in the 1990s. The commercial and industrial areas constructed on the east bank of the Fjord in the 1960s proved not to be sustainable and partly fell derelict. Structural changes in the port economy also necessitated a new planning approach. The logical consequence at the end of the 1990s was to develop a planning concept that linked the derelict land to the east of the water (“Hörn”) to the city centre to the west of the water. Illustration 7 shows the general disposition of land. At the top left one can see the round of the “second old town”, partially surrounded by water. The retail areas of the inner city extend from that point on the west side of the Fjord up to the area south of the station. This is where the (pedestrian and bicycle) bridge crosses the water, linking the district Gaarden in the east, beyond the industrial dereliction, directly to the city centre. The derelict industrial areas themselves and peripheral zones on the waterfront are declared a “formal redevelopment area”. This received special rights to enable rapid new urban development. The special rights relate to the possibilities of land acquisition by the city and to controlling the price of land. In addition, the legal position brings special financing opportunities (split financing between city/federal state/federal government) for site clearance and infrastructure measures. Sale of the newly structured building plots, cleared of all contamination, will follow. In the northern part of the site a new ferry terminal was constructed now handling the largest ships.





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8 | Masterplan Hörn

9 | Sketch of Masterplan Hörn

7 | Waterfront Kiel – city to the water

Further south, the recently prepared areas are mostly earmarked for service industries, with a small residential part. Illustration 8 shows the masterplan for the southern “Hörn”. The planning process was organised in several stages of increasing detail, some will have competitions. Each stage was discussed with the citizens, always before the council meetings made binding decisions. During this undoubtedly complex process many images were drawn and models built to explain the relevant planning stages to the public and also to those involved in the design. For the implementation of the redevelopment measures, and to take the pressure off the municipal authorities, a body of trustees of the city was appointed. Illustration 9 shows an aerial sketch of the potential implementation of the masterplan. Illustration 10 shows the elevation of the newly constructed ferry terminal. Illustration 11 the view from the east onto the new bridge between the totally refurbished main railway station and the shopping centre beyond, constructed in the 1990s. Illustration 12 shows the view south onto the new waterfront promenade on the east side of the Fjord, and illustration 13 the first completed building with its “water square”, the stepped southern bank of the “Hörn”. For the development area “Hörn” it was important that the city had ownership of the derelict areas. This was the only way in which to develop new public open space – especially the waterfront promenade – and, after consultation with the plans of private investors, reorganise the land into ideal plots and sell it. One critical comment would be that the currently weak German econo-


10 | Hörn Bridge and view to Kiel main station

12 | Hörn Campus

11 | Promenade with view to Hörn Campus

my has led to a slower development of the “Hörn” than originally anticipated. Contracts between the city and investors make no difference when firms go bankrupt. Nonetheless, the development area “Hörn” has opened opportunities for the city, which will have a strong impact on its urban future. The experience from Kiel can be summarised as follows: - Grown urban fabric requires sufficient scope for change. - Urban planning objectives must be clearly defined for all the different detail stages to set a framework for public and for private investors. - Municipal plans must incorporate the state and political levels. - Intense public participation at all planning stages is the precondition to ensure an implementation process free of conflict. - Development areas must be closely linked into the neighbouring zones. - Urban planning projects must leave flexibility for detail. - Building land should not be sold to investors unless binding agreements on the projects have been made and their implementation is bound by contract. This requires special agreements, e.g. on the cost splitting of transitional zones from private to public land. If, finally, the experience from Kiel is transferred to the initial situation of Kaliningrad, this would mean that: - Prior to a competition for the design of Kaliningrad's city centre around the cathedral, a clear brief must be developed and agreed on a political level. These must start to define what





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should be publicly funded and what should be privately funded. - The development of scenarios can be helpful in the decision making process on a political level. - All development concepts for Kneiphof Island need to incorporate the areas on the periphery of the island. - Private investors only finance projects that pay-off in the long-run. The implications of this fact require that some projects must remain in the public sector, if one is to find the right solution for Kaliningrad's sensitive central island location around the cathedral.


Personal Profile Resume

Name Dr. Otto Flagge Origin Kiel/Germany Profession Urban planner and municipal planning consultant Government building officer of Kiel (retired) Main professional field/ Main subject Urban development and urban refurbishment with projects in Mainz, London, Bonn, Leverkusen and Kiel





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Lecture 14 3.2.7 Lecture 14 –

Königsberg/Kaliningrad – Wandering centre in the context of transformation of transport communications Olga V. Mezey


Königsberg/Kaliningrad – Wandering centre in the context of transformation of transport communications The objective of my paper is not to offer a recipe of what should be done to the centre of Kaliningrad, but first of all to consider the causes of its appearance, to analyse the transformation as well as to trace its development and “wandering” along the area that is now marked by the second defensive ring of the former city fortifications.The paper is a research attempt that aims at comprehension, comparison and systematisation of the interconnections and mutual influences of the city centre and the urban transport communications, and finally, to find the possibilities that open up for the entire city when the right balance of transportation in the city centre is achieved. The content of the paper is, to a great extent, based on the work of several groups of Kaliningrad architects that have made proposals for the development of individual parts of the centre (within the context of improvement of the transport situation: in the central, commercial and administrative zones of the city) – Victory Square, Central Market, Chernyakhovsky Street, the square of the South Railway Station. The collaborators in the paper are Alexander Nevezhin, Oleg Vasjutin and Anatoly Seljutin. The paper is aimed at showing and explaining the phenomenon of the wandering centre of the phantom-city Königsberg, and at helping Kaliningrad in the reconciliation of history and contemporaneity. In the late 1980s, the historical archives of the city were opened to the public. The possibility arose to speak openly about the history of the city and to search for approaches to protect the surviving cultural heritage. The overlapping of historical and contemporary layers, especially within the inner city in the second ring of the fortification, is delightful and cause for contemplation and observation. One starts to compare the problems and to understand. One tries to find ways of merging the past, present and future. With the aim of revealing the pattern of change in the city centre in time and space, I, like Oleg Vasjutin, have divided the development of Kaliningrad into stages. The first stage: The core of the development of the entire centre of the future Königsberg is the appearance of the Order Fortress on Tvangste Hill. The basic factor determining the location was the waterway, the River Pregel, as well as the trade route from Germany. The function of the centre was established for military and administrative reasons (Ill. 1). The second stage: The formation and development of the three towns in this area. This significance of the Castle was lost. Each city built independent centres. These centres had different functions: administrative, commercial and spiritual. At that time waterways were increasing in significance and commerce expanded rapidly. External factors, such as the condition of streets and roads, were gaining in importance, i.e. the transport structure started developing. This process was later continued in the street network of each of the towns, Kneiphof, Altstadt and Löbenicht (Ill. 2). The third stage: The structural development of the town centre that had already been united under the name of Königsberg started after 1724. The city grew within the second rampart ring of





1 | Stage I – Statement

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2 | Stage II – Three cities with town halls, main trading places and a spiritual centres

defensive fortifications. What were the characteristics of the centre at this stage? During this period three previously independent centres of the three towns grew and were united into a single multi-functional central core of the city. Its main function, besides its administrative and spiritual roles, was commerce. The new function of education was introduced with the founding of Königsberg University. The water transport communications developed and acquired even greater significance. Traffic flows from the outside increasingly influenced the city's structure within the ring, and as a result a circular system of the inner streets was formed (Ill. 3). The fourth stage: The construction of the third defensive ring was a significant step in the development of Königsberg. The second ring lost in importance and its area turned into a green belt. The centre of the city of Königsberg also changed. As the city grew and spread, its centre also

3 | Stage III – 1724-1866


4 | Stage IV – After 1912

5 | Stage IV – Radial ring structure, historical core, present linear centres

had to grow. Two squares were built at the South and North Railway Stations. This clearly testified to the growing importance of the new mode of transportation, the railway. The railway was gradually extended and started competing with water transport. Road traffic was also important. But one could detect within the structure of the centre that the historical core was still of great significance. The two linear centres of north-south orientation extended to the newly built squares. The structure of the fourth stage of development of the city of Königsberg and, in particular of its centre, is a linear with a centric pattern in the historical core. In the centre the pre-war Königsberg had a large historical core with different land uses. The direction of further development was towards the north-west, towards the new residential areas. What were the characteristics of the transport network? Railway and water transport were still of great importance, but it was decided to close the first transport ring. The aim was to solve the emerging conflict of transit traffic by directing it around the central core of the city (Ill. 4, 5). This was the state of the city transport structure of the city of Kaliningrad in the post-war period up to the 1960s. The central part was almost free of construction; the city centre was moved north. In the course of the formulation of the urban policy it was suggested to move the centre to the present Mira Prospect and Karl Marx Street. The fifth stage is the period of post-war destruction of the old city centre and the formation of the new city. The ruins of the lost historical centre were not touched for a long time. The city lived beyond the inner city. Only one through road linking the north and the south of the city crossed this area. The ring around the central part of the city had not been completed. The historical core of the city center completely disappeared, it was replaced by an open space. The functions of the centre, commercial, administrative, cultural, sports and recreational, were concentrated within the area stretching from the square at City Hall (Victory Square) to the former cinema Skala on the park and near Queen Luisa Church. The sixth stage covers the 1970s. These are the years of Soviet socialist town planning development. As previously stated, the principles of town planning of that time presupposed a certain gigantism. The centre of Kaliningrad was to return to the site of the historical core, the former site of the Castle. A gigantic square was envisaged with no attractions except some fountains and flowerbeds. A Sports Centre appeared, and a sculpture park was established on Kneiphof Island, near the ruined Cathedral. These three large, flat spaces that attempted to represent the func-





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6 | Stage V – After the destruction of the war – 1960s

tions of the city centre replaced the historical centre. There were also the linear centres, in the south reaching as far as the square at the South Railway Station, offering few public attractions. In the north, the linear centre reached as far as the square at the monument to the Motherland, next to City Hall and the cinema. Victory Square also was a gigantic area, an unordered urban ensemble of historical buildings of the 1920s-1930s that remained unchanged until recently (Ill. 6). The seventh stage covers the 1990s up to the present day and displays the following features in the central part of the city: the former core of the city was enlivened with the reconstruction of the Cathedral. However, the area is still an open space lacking public facilites. The territory that was left of the town of Altstadt looks the same; an open space devoid of attractions. The Sports Centre on the embankment of the River Pregel, the World Ocean Museum, public areas (shops, recreation) on Verkhnee Lake, the University and the linear centre along Leninsky Prospect are growing and different service facilities, mainly commercial, are being built there. The ground, first and second floors are transformed from residential to non-residential uses. The area around the Central Market is developing rapidly. The city centre is expanding, as it had previously done, beyond the second ring (now Gvardeisky Prospect) towards Mira Prospect in the north-west. A new spiritual centre and a commercial area along Chernyakhovsky Street at the Central Market were developed. The prevalent functions of the city centre are commerce and business (offices). Among the transport systems the most significant is the roads network. The railway network has temporarily


7 | Stage VI – 1970s

lost its importance. So, what can be said about the modern transport system? There is a welldefined ring where Moskovsky Prospect joins Gvardeisky Prospect. It looks broken, which does not encourage transit traffic bypassing the centre. The elevated bridge across the River Pregel, at 9 April Street in a north-south direction has not yet been completed (Ill. 7). Having analysed all the previous stages of formation of the city centre, the state of the transport structure, and the location of the city centres in KĂśnigsberg and Kaliningrad, conclusions can be drawn that testify to the problems. These are listed categorically. The first problem is that the water areas are ignored. The river is not of importance to the central part of the city. This contradicts the fact that for centuries this was the main factor in shaping the city. The second problem is the area extending in a north-south direction. This includes the modern Leninsky Prospect, the linear centre of Kaliningrad with many public services. It is also the main transit route from the north to the south. I would like to draw attention to the total incompatibility of the two functions: transit traffic and city centre (by transit I mean inter city communications between the north and the south parts of the city). Chernyakhovsky Street is in the same situation. It has already been established as the main commercial street of the central trading zone of Kaliningrad, which, is located on the ring road taking all the traffic from the centre. This is a burning problem of traffic congestion. The third problem is the ring not being closed and the wish to relieve this route, at least partially, from through-traffic in the central area. The north-south chord (9 April Street) does not give rise to any conflict since the city centre is moving westward. The east part of the ring does not have





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8 | Aerial view of Kneiphof

many public services and it is traditionally considered less of a centre, i.e. it does not fulfil the specific functions of a centre. The fourth problem is area around the ring at Leninsky Prospect and Teatralnaya Street. Its centre is the defined by City Hall and the cinema on one side, and the monument to the Motherland on the other. This area is characterised by a difficult traffic situation, as it is located on the large junction on the city ring at the access to the north-south transit route. This route is also the main road of the city of Kaliningrad. A lesser problem is the access of Moskovsky Prospect onto the ring. There are further problems at the egress of the South Railway Station and main roads outside the ring. I would like, once again, to emphasise the problem of Moskovsky Prospect. It completely cuts off the waterfront from the north-western part of the centre, and leaves no possibility of uniting the two. The situation will remain unchanged unless Moskovsky Prospect is rerouted at ground level rather than being aligned above or below ground (Ill. 8 – aerial view). Illustration 8 clearly shows how the elevated bridge is depriving the island Kneiphof of a chance to develop. Firstly, the scale of the city today does not correspond to that of a city with the population of 400,000. Secondly, the buildings near the elevated bridge are less than perfect. For many years several groups of specialists have worked on trying to solve the transportation problems in the central part of Kaliningrad. The latest studies that we have conducted as a group brought us to the conclusion that the whole of the central part of Kaliningrad within the ring should be considered since the problem cannot be solved partially (Ill. 9).


9 | Problems of the present condition of the city centre of Kaliningrad (Stage VII – 20th/21st century)

Following the analysis of all previous development stages of the centre we came to the following conclusions. With the radial-circular system, the transit ring must be closed. Within the entire city area the streets should double up as they used to in the past. They should not be too wide, but must have a good traffic flow capacity for all traffic conditions. The central streets should remain as such but transit traffic through the actual centre should be removed. The issue of the section of Moskovsky Prospect and the elevated bridge should be solved. In that one needs to find solutions for vehicular traffic and pedestrians in order to join the north and south parts of Kneiphof Island with the rest of the territory. It is evident that the area of the former historical core remains a white spot on the map, as was the intention. At present I have no recipes for what, and to what extent, should be or could be built upon, and where open spaces should be located. I believe the answer will be found in time. We are not ready yet. The aim of the symposium is to gradually formulate specific questions to obtain detailed answers to the most important issues. Regarding the remaining traces of the centre, which I have described as wandering, I would like to say the following: It is the origin of the city. At present excavations of the Royal Castle foundations are being conducted. The area of the historical core of the city ( the former three towns) is the open space at Kneiphof and Altstadt. The linear centre of the city underwent further deve-





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lopment along the north-south axis, and further along the north-west, bypassing the former historical core and both arms of the river, the Old Pregel and the New Pregel. And finally the following questions should be posed: 1. How compact or extensive should the future centre be? 2. Should the historical core be left as open space, and to what extent? 3. Should the centre be developed along the riverbank towards the port? I propose that these fundamental questions are put to the participants of the ideas competition for the further development of the centre. Later they should be included in the programme of the future architectural and town planning competition for the realisation of the centre of Kaliningrad.


Personal Profile Resume

Name Olga Viktorovna Mezey Origin Kaliningrad/Russia Profession Architect Main professional field Urban development planning Main subject Masterplans, residential developments, community facilities and transportation planning





3 Lectures

Lecture 15 3.2.8 Lecture 15 –

Structural changes of ports – a chance for urban development? Prof. Dr. Eckart Güldenberg (held by Julius Ehlers)


Structural changes of ports – a chance for urban development? The far reaching structural changes in maritime traffic and port economy have altered the harbour landscapes throughout the world; in many European port cities extensive areas of urban land are falling derelict. Shipbuilding and maritime traffic are the two major economic factors of the “maritime cluster� comprising transhipment/storage, port and shipping related public facilities, port related industries, fishing trade and maritime recreational facilities.

Changes in the shipbuilding industry Globalisation and high-technology in the shipbuilding industry are the characteristics of a changing shipbuilding industry: On the one hand, demand and production of world-wide shipbuilding is still growing on a high level. On the other hand, product innovation and new production methods have led to a concentration on a diminishing number of efficient companies. Also global relocation, mainly to East Asian countries (Japan, Korea and China), and a dramatic decline in employment has led to the dereliction of extensive dockyards, often located in the centres of European port cities. Modern shipbuilding is primarily based on installation and systems engineering. Research and development is focused on minimising pollutants, energy technology, innovative vehicles and new driving power concepts. The ultra-modern production engineering of dockyards is supplemented by an increasing independence of location of the supplier industry. Despite the highly developed technology sector and the rationalisation and cooperation efforts, German and European shipbuilding has little hope for the future in the absence of international agreements controlling or preventing competition for capacity and subsidies. The downward trend in European shipbuilding is towards repairs, up-grading and conversion jobs, and also specialised and navy shipbuilding. In terms of port development this means a reduction in land occupied by the shipbuilding industries, or even the closure of docks, and a lasting spatial deconcentration of the supply industries.

Changes in maritime traffic Characteristics of changes in maritime traffic are technological and organisational changes in maritime transport and transhipment like increasingly larger ships, the specialisation and standardisation of transport, the mechanisation of cargo transhipment and the intermodal transport, especially of containers. The requirements for the development of ports are primarily new terminals with a sufficient depth of water and short access to the sea, specialisation on particular goods, efficient transhipment facilities and large docks, expansive storage capacity and good access to rail and road for transportation to the hinterland.





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Special conditions and restrictions apply to Baltic maritime traffic and the ever-increasing size shipping units and economics of scale. These are the often restrictive water depths at the access points to the Baltic Sea (Kiel Canal max. 9 m), or on the detour via Skagerrak and the Great Belt (20 m), but most of all limited depths of navigation channels and of all the docks of the south-eastern Baltic Sea ports. Large seafaring container ships of the panmax class (approximately 5,000-8,000 TEU) cannot call at any of these ports. Transhipment capacity, manoeuvring space and the service capacity of these ports are also still insufficient. This makes the ports of Bremerhaven and Hamburg important hubs for Baltic container shipping, where containers are loaded onto feederships (capacity max. 1,500 TEU, generally 500-800 TEU) specially suited to the Baltic Sea. Another reason for the extensive use of the so-called feederships is the lack of economic centres and densely populated agglomerations, and the low population numbers in the hinterland of most ports. Short-sea shipping is thus dominant in the Baltic Sea, typified by high transport frequencies and relatively low or reduced loads and smaller ships, good punctuality and flexibility to ensure paired journeys and return freights. Furthermore, highly frequented sea-crossing corridors on the straits are dominated by ro-ro ferries. Alternative land-connections rarely exist, if at all. The transformation of the Soviet Union and the integration of Poland and the Baltic States into the EU has opened new economic relations with lasting implications for the role and organisation of maritime traffic in the Baltic Region.

Structural changes of Port Cities Port cities are trying to compensate the structural changes affecting maritime traffic, shipbuilding and seaport industries, as well as the resultant loss of employment, by introducing revitalisation projects in disused harbour areas and by building new, efficient ports. These considerations must include the opportunities arising from naval disarmament and the vacating of ports and waterfronts formerly used for military purposes, found in nearly all the port cities represented here. The dereliction of harbours opens opportunities for urban development. New mixed uses can be introduced while the city centres, harbours and waterfronts, are re-integrated spatially and in urban design terms. Harbour areas, previously inaccessible to the public, noisy and dangerous, will provide links within the urban fabric and access to the water's edge. The city's waterfront can now be experienced by its citizens.


The question is whether it is possible to analyse, in a comparative study of several Baltic ports, the development of harbour areas falling derelict in the course of structural changes of the maritime economy, and how this is can be achieved. The object is to gain insight in urban design processes and methodical issues that are all equally relevant and of interest to these cities. The general conditions of structural changes of the port economy, such as containerisation, deindustrialisation and military disarmament, apply to most ports in the south-eastern Baltic. However, neither the socio-economic parameters, nor financial resources, nor the actual local conditions, nor the planning and building traditions, are the same for all Baltic ports. Structural change occurs quite unsimultaneously. In contrast to their past function, or rather their role in a planned economy of division of labour, the harbours of the former German Democratic Republic, Poland, the Baltic States and Russia are now in open competition with one another. The determining factors in redefining their individual harbour function are the specific local conditions in the context of an increasingly international trade and transport association in the Baltic. The emerging economic complexity and transnational sea and land routes can be either privileging or disadvantageous to the port cities. The local conditions for transit traffic to large cities which are easily accessible, or densely populated regions in the hinterland and/or terminating and originating traffic in relation to the number of inhabitants as well as production and distribution in each particular catchment area play an important role in the relocation of port cities in the context of competing cities in the Baltic. In how far the chances of structural change in ports are utilised, the regeneration of abandoned harbour areas exploited for future urban development, also depends on the planning and building tradition of each city. This reflects the formative process of public opinion, the consent or dissent of conflicting interests. The resources and market positions of investors, as “global players”, and planners, as “local actors”, are different. While business decisions primarily pursue quick profits, the city needs to consider mid-term to long-term urban development perspectives. These result in lines of conflict between the sometimes self-governing port authorities that endeavour to attract businesses, and the municipal planners and implementation authorities that act in the public interest. Lines of conflict may also arise between the social needs of the local population and the superior political urban planning requirements. Several examples can be quoted, of contradictions between social, sustainable urban development policies and the municipal politics pursuing the necessity of budget consolidation by opting for dubious short-term solutions in establishing businesses.





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These existing conflicts and contradictions hinder integrated planning strategies for derelict urban harbour areas and waterfronts. In most large Scandinavian port cities, such as Oslo, Copenhagen, Malmo, Stockholm and Helsinki, structural changes of harbour functions and the maritime economy have progressed far. Hence the questions at hand can be discussed with reference to examples of completed schemes and existing proposals for waterfront urban development projects (WUD). Helsinki is exemplary of relocating its entire modern port facilities to Vuosaari. This site has good access from the sea and excellent infrastructure links to the city and the hinterland. The “Vuosaari Harbour Project” is equipped with the latest container transhipment facilities, has extensive distribution and production areas, and comprises new residential development. Relocation of existing facilities is a precondition for urban planning measures to successfully integrate and regenerate abandoned port areas in cities, as in Katajanokka, Ruoholahti and Herttoniemi. Land is freed by the redevelopment of these central sites and can be made available for new uses, such as service industries, housing, public utilities and open space. But also the land uses of the harbour are reorganised in consideration of appropriate locations for specialised labour: disused shipyards, warehouses and port-related business enterprises are closed or relocated to make way for modern ro-ro ferry terminals, cruise terminals or marinas. In Helsinki economic structural changes and urban renewal of derelict port areas are carried out simultaneously – at breath-taking speed and to high urban design standards. This is mainly due to Finland's economic drive, penetrating markets with great innovation potential and assuming an entrepreneurial role between western and eastern Europe. Helsinki is an area of economic growth facing continuous pressure on housing caused by the internal migration of the Finnish population. The annual average of a growing migration population in Helsinki was 3,000 people in the past years. The public authorities have largely managed to finance the non-profitable investments of revitalising derelict port areas (e.g. demolition, landfill, new waterfronts, access). At the same time development costs of new ports and residential areas (outer and inner local public infrastructure, expansion of the Metro etc.) are met. Other reasons for the successful transformation of Helsinki's urban development are the highly developed Finnish planning and building tradition, a disposition of much of the land by municipal or government bodies, well-established distribution of work, and cooperation of private investors and public authorities and relocation of polluting facilities and technical infrastructure into granite beneath the ground. The German Baltic ports of Flensburg, Kiel, Lübeck, Rostock and Stralsund are in the middle of this development process. A large proportion of the reallocation projects on their waterfronts and of harbour-related land uses have been planned in concept, some have already been implemented. A comparative study should also include the functional changes of selected port cities in Poland (Szczecin, Gdynia, Gdansk), the Baltic States (Klaipeda, Riga, Tallinn) and Russia (St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad).


Adaptation processes of harbours The following adaptation processes to the changing requirements of maritime traffic and transhipment of goods can be observed. In ports located inland on rivers, development is partly being relocated to the estuaries. In Germany this applies to Lübeck on the River Trave and Rostock on the Warnow. It also applies to the Polish ports of Szczecin on the River Oder, to Gdansk on the Mottla and to Russian Kaliningrad on the Pregolya. Consequently Travemünde, Warnemünde and Swinoujscie are in a superior position. In Gedansk the north port is built directly on the coast – land for expansion is available. Regarding Kaliningrad – although located on the mouth of the River Pregolya and linked to the Baltic Sea via an approach canal across the Vistula lagoon, 43 km in length – the question of a possible increase in importance of the port at Baltijsk, sited directly on the Baltic Sea, needs to be examined. Some of the south-eastern port cities of the Baltic were established directly on the coast of the open sea. In Germany these include Kiel, in Poland Gdynia, in the Baltic States Tallinn, in Russia St. Petersburg and in Finland Helsinki. Brought about by structural economic changes, these port cities are also subject to reorganisation, new land uses, relocation of port facilities and the maritime economy, thereby opening new opportunities for urban development. In St. Petersburg the modernisation of the harbour facing the Finnish bay is progressing, while simultaneously new ports are being developed, e.g. the landfill in front of Wassilij Island for cruise ships. The Russian Baltic ports of Primorsk/Vyborg and Ust Luga are developed at the same time. Riga and Klaipeda are characterised by the fact that they have developed along the course of the River Daugava and the Curonian lagoon to the Baltic Sea respectively. For Riga – where the harbour functions extend along the River Daugava, from the city centre to the mouth on the Baltic Sea, one fundamental question arises: should development concentrate on a new outer port directly on Riga Bay, or on decentralised development of specialised port facilities and business locations, along the River Daugava, in compromise with all other urban development.

Questions on the structural changes of ports Thorough preparation and interpretation must precede the substantiated comparison of past developments in several cities, their development potentials, relevant urban design considerations and plans, and their implementation. First and foremost this the following questions need to be asked. 1. Conditions What are the geographic, topographic and hydrographical site conditions characterising city and port development? What are the historical and economic requirements of the city and port development? Which is the historical relationship of city and harbour, especially in ports located in inner city areas or old town centres, and what new opportunities arise?





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2. Development of maritime economy In how far do the site conditions of the port meet new requirements of maritime traffic regarding water depth, container storage, container traffic and other infrastructure? What are the characteristic changes of the industrial port economy? What are the prospects for shipyards and shipbuilding (any specialisation, retreat to repair yards, closures of all shipyards and termination of shipbuilding)? Are there any raw material industries (oil refineries, petro-chemistry etc.) and what is their ability of adapting to changing environmental conditions? Are the oil tanker terminals linked to oilproducing regions via pipelines? Are existing power stations in keeping with the latest technological developments, or are there plans for relocation? 3. Urban design objectives What are the proposals of masterplans, structure plans, strategic plans and other development plans for the waterfront and port development areas, particularly regarding to the allocation of new ports areas, and the regeneration and reallocation of land uses in disused ports? 4. Implementation How far has the relocation of port facilities and the maritime economy to new sites progressed? What are the new infrastructure projects, and what traffic routes to the hinterland are there? In how far could the remaining industries and power stations etc. be adapted to meet new environmental standards? What new land uses could be established in disused areas and on derelict harbour sites? 5. Parameters of implementation What is the role of existing planning laws and land laws? What is the availability of land? Is there a limitation to private rights of use on ownership of buildings on public/government owned land? Can proposals governed by public law be implemented? What is the relationship of public planning proposals to private initiatives and the private sector? What role do developers' companies play and how are they governed or organised? In how far is the financing of the redevelopment of former harbour areas dependant on public funding by the municipality, the State, or the EU? In how far can the allocation of specialised land uses be implemented, or rather, is there competition between different port development projects? 6. Urban design questions on Kaliningrad How is the demand for operational port areas in Kaliningrad evaluated?: - How restrictive are the existing hydrographical site conditions (limited water depth of 8.2 m in the docks and the approach canal, approximately 43 km in length) for the development potential of the harbour of Kaliningrad (e.g. for modern container traffic and raw materials)? Is the possible development of certain functions at the sea port of Baltijsk an alternative to Kaliningrad? - Which of the port functions (including port affined industries and commercial businesses) have development potential, also for Kaliningrad?


- Which areas of land, docks and traffic infrastructure is suitable or necessary? Which of these can be made available for reallocation in the context of urban redevelopment ? - In how far can the central trade location of Kaliningrad be improved by better access from the hinterland to the motherland, and links to the European road and rail network? – notwithstanding the possibility of increasing industrial production of goods by special agreement with the EU and/or the establishment of a free trade zone? - Looking at it from another angle, it needs to be examined if there is a demand for alternative land uses in the existing port areas of Kaliningrad. Does demand exceed the available land in the inner city and along the banks of the River Pregolja, earmarked (for a change of use) for housing, mixed use, administration, offices, commerce, culture, leisure and local recreation? And are the harbour areas (beyond the railway bridge) suitable for these uses? - Would the location of these particular waterfront and harbour sites be especially suited to these uses? - What infrastructure and ecological conditions would have to be considered? Literature: - Buchhofer, Ekkehard: Die Rolle des short-sea-shipping in den TINA-Verkehrsnetzen des Ostseeraumes, in: Europa Regional, Heft 2/2003 - Schubert, Dirk: Umbau von brachfallenden Hafen- und Uferzonen, in: HANSA International Maritime Journal Heft 4/2001

Personal Profile Resume

Name Prof. Dr. Eckart GĂźldenberg

Name Julius Ehlers

Origin Kiel/Germany

Origin Rostock und Itzehoe/Germany

Profession Urban Planner

Profession Urban Planner Architect

Main professional field/ Main subject Housing, urban and regional planning

Main professional field/ Main subject Urban structure plans, integrated urban development and regional plans, urban regeneration, urban design, residential development plans, conversion concepts





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Lecture 16 3.2.9 Lecture 16 –

“Building civil society” – Experience from St. Petersburg Daniel Luchterhandt


“Building civil society” – Experience from St. Petersburg It may seem a little odd for someone from Hamburg, in Kaliningrad, to report on recent developments in St. Petersburg, a metropolis of 4.7 million inhabitants faced with major challenges. But in the sense of a unifying Europe it is considered necessary to understand the processes and the motives behind the developments. And furthermore, St. Petersburg is an extremely attractive city.

Transformation process St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad are as different as can be, but both cities are in the middle of a dramatic transformation process that could hardly be more radical or more complex – not just in terms of urban planning and urban design but chiefly in economic, social, institutional and political terms. The change of system naturally had a considerable effect on urban planning. It is no longer “easy” to plan and build cities – as it was at the time of the General Plan of Leningrad in 1960, which proposed the extension of the city with a residential belt and put this into practice. Today, planning is the interaction of different players and their individual interests. Politics and administration have lost much of their influence. They have to reposition themselves, redefine their roles and grow to fill them. Planning needs to be increasingly strategic. Planning is more and more the steering, moderation and bringing together of different interests – with the aim of finding a mutually acceptable solution. Planning is becoming increasingly more like quality management. The difficulty lies in the definition of one's own values and collective values, and to keep these on course during the process, that is, not to arbitrarily/heedlessly dismiss the proclaimed aims. Because of the complexity of the transformation processes and the high speed at which they occur planning is not always an enviable task and challenge. It touches the inherent personal convictions of the planner and sometimes forces him into a radical rethink. It is clear that this does not happen at the push of a button. The following will look at in how far St. Petersburg has dealt with its own transformation process in past years and how different planning procedures were used to bring together heterogeneous interests.

Urban regeneration and urban development in St. Petersburg The development challenges of St. Petersburg are of an essential nature. They mainly are: 1. renewal of the historic inner city with conservation and refurbishment of existing historic structures and reclaiming public space 2. development of the local economy especially trade, tourism and new services 3. improvement of living conditions and housing. UNESCO estimated the cost of the complete renewal of the historic inner city at 30 million dollars. While Kaliningrad is concerned with the reconstruction of its historic centre, St. Petersburg





1 | A changing city – comprehensive redevelopment of the urban infrastructure

3 Lectures

2 | Not everything can be done overnight: Transformation needs time

has to constantly struggle for the upkeep of its existing buildings – architectural monuments as well as “profane” buildings, parks and open spaces, technical infrastructure or keeping pace with the constantly growing vehicular traffic. It seems obvious that the city will not handle this effort just with its own resources. Consequently the strategy is to provide stimuli for private investment. The city has concentrated on key projects that should improve the business climate and attractiveness to tourism. Apart from the restoration of important buildings and ensembles (Hermitage, Peter-Paul Fortress etc.) the main concern is the reclamation of urban spaces, as public space for interaction and as private/semi-private space for people to withdraw. Around Nevskij Prospect far reaching changes have taken place in the last years. New pedestrian areas, expensively designed squares and new lighting has created a pleasant environments of a high quality. With the new design of Haymarket as an important traditional trading place, the formerly dangerous area

3 | Old world of experience in new splendour: Mall on Nevskij Prospekt


4 | New world of experience and new luxury: a new shopping centre at the Metro station Vladimirskaj

5 | “How long will this go on for?”: An apartment means enhancement of the living conditions

6 | New perspectives of living: Successors to prefabricated homes

dominated by the mafia is now safe again. It is this site that was declared an “investment zone” in the context of an investment strategy offering favourable conditions (tax advantages) and state subsidy for follow-on projects. The development of public spaces made a major contribution to the stimulation of the local economy. New uses, in turn, will lead to the intensified use of urban spaces, especially in summer. This also applies to the new courtyards that significantly improve the residential area along Nevskij. Privatisation and the refurbishment and reconstruction of old apartments in the city centre are progressing slowly. More important for St. Petersburg are the dynamic changes on the periphery and in its green areas where in excess of 2 million square metres of privately financed housing of different standards was built. Many people, however, have the basic need for a home, supply of water and electricity, and safe housing. Compared to the initial situation considerable renewal has taken place – for urban society and for individuals.

“Building civil society” On my first visit to St. Petersburg in the autumn of 2003 – contrary to all pessimistic predictions of my colleagues – I met the openhearted staff of the Department of Urban Design and Architecture. The deputy head, Viktor Polishuk, provided me with plans and information on current projects, was available for interviews and further cooperation. His work on a new General Plan he accompanied with the – in my view remarkable – statement: “We want to build civil society here.” Civil society! In the classical order it is the third sector apart from state and market. It describes the realm of public life that is based on self-organisation and the individual. Initiatives, societies and associations are an expression of a civil society that operates in the sphere of market and state but without becoming part of it (because these would then pursue different aims from those of a civil society). The functioning society is founded on shared values based on laws and a constitution, and also the respect of its people. And at the same time, civil society is the expression of the democratic self-conception of society.





7 | The pass to membership in civil society

3 Lectures

8 | “Together we can do anything” – Finding support for blind faith in authoritarian structures

What contributions can urban planning make in the development of civil society, what role can it play? The chance lies in the discourse of society. The desired living conditions for the future, values and standards are subjects related to planning. They concern questions ranging from the layout and furnishings of homes, architecture and neighbourhood, to the functional structure of cities and to other general questions of urban living. To organise this discourse in the triangle of power of state, market and civil society, and to derive at spatial solutions is an important contribution in the transformation of the overall urban situation.

Procedure In democratic societies transparent procedures are the only way to reach “clean solutions”. Because there is not one model solution that will be to the mutual agreement of all, a clearly structured, cleanly applied and fair procedure should be conducted for the legitimisation of the result. District 130 The extent and complexity of the task of renewal require innovative planning and development strategies. Limited financial resources will result in an increasing number of model projects that are meant for copying. The conception of District 130 was preceded by, in my opinion, an exceptional procedure that significantly contributed to the quality of the project. Starting point was a competition that did not search for competing solutions for a certain site, but asked planners from St. Petersburg to submit a proposal for the site of their choice. The aim was to exemplify the diverse tasks of urban renewal and find an integrated solution for these. The project combined the restoration of the ailing technical infrastructure, including contaminated soils, with the design of land freed by demolition and its financing through the sale of four building plots. The new pedestrian zone is to extend retail areas around Nevskij and illustrate the interaction of technical matters, urban quality and economic feasibility. The project also contributed to the international transfer of knowledge. Sennaja Ploshad The results of urban development in St. Petersburg illustrated above are said to have been carried out according to the official rules and planning procedures. However, it still remains to be


asked if it would not have been more appropriate if, especially in the case of the Haymarket (Sennaja Ploshad) project, the former municipal architect had not done the design in his own practice, or, if instead, several independent schemes should have been worked on in the course of a competition. Architect of the design and regulatory authority in one person is not considered to be a confidence-building situation, even though the outcome could have been worse. Strategy plan 1997 A remarkable procedure was the one related to the development of the strategy plan in 1997 when the city started thinking about controlling its development after many years of planning lethargy. It was a complex process in which all groups of society, from politics and administration, economy, science and citizenship discussed the aims and tasks of St. Petersburg and documented the result in a plan. The city also involved the citizens in the associated action “Moj Gorod� when asking them to participate in formulating the strategic development of the city. This meant a learning process for the entire urban society and was an important signal to the citizens. The result was in integrated plan, which represented an important step in the writing of the almost completed General Plan. A procedure of such perspective has not been carried out in the city since; regrettably not even in the context of the current exhibition of the General Plan where involvement is limited to the formal participation procedures. New Passenger Harbour Competition The development of a new ferry terminal in front of Wassili Island is one of the recent challenges

9 | Project Kvartal 130: integrated renewal creates new quality in the city centre





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10 | State planning: Redevelopment of Haymarket has brought improvements

the city will face. The project is to be largely financed by private investors. St. Petersburg has held an urban planning competition to provide ideas for the new territory. In a transparent procedure several alternative schemes, and the design selected by the jury were made public. This kind of procedure is generally considered as positive. In view of the fact that at the same time projects by the name of “Sea façade” or “Sea cascade” are being completed and people will soon move into the apartments that have a view of the sea which could then be lost, it seems that more consideration of their interests would have been better. The results show a clear preference for the interests of investors; and occasionally complete ignorance of the existing fabric and neighbourhood. In terms of the discourse of urban society competitions can only be the beginning.

11 | Sennaja Ploshad – the most lively square in town

12 | Deep roots: Peter the Great as the ideal master planner of St. Petersburg


14 | The project “Morskoij Kaskad and Morskoij Fasad�

Mariinskij II The final positive example of St. Petersburg is the invited international competition for the Mariinskij Theatre organised on the initiative of the artistic director of the Gergejev Theatre. The competition was mainly noted for its openness and effort to publicly discuss the schemes within the city. Of less importance is the jury's decision in favour of the design of Dominic Perrault, rather than the broad discussion on new architecture in the historical urban context on the one hand, and legitimisation of such a decision by an independent jury on the other. The procedure also had an exceptional feature: the entries were exhibited prior to the jury session and its decision, giving citizens the opportunity to comment on each of the schemes. Unfortunately it is not known in how far the suggestions and objections of the public influenced the jury – but the decision for Perrault

13 | Maximum economic exploits at the expense of first-rate homes and quality of life





15 | Project Mariinksij II

3 Lectures

16 | More faith in future generations: Not only outward support of change!

at least seems to be sustainable. (But rumour has it that it is very difficult for him to set up an office as a foreign “businessman�). Gummersbach The early public participation at the Mariinskij Theatre has inspired planners in Gummersbach to try this in a procedure for a large industrial site in a town near Cologne. They succeeded in convincing the Chamber of Architects, although such deviations are generally not permitted by the competition regulations. More than 500 people visited the exhibition within three days and made qualified comments about the entries. It was observed that the citizens explained the proposals to one another and discussed the potentials of the town. These comments will leave an impression for the jury of what will be feasible in the town. And suddenly it became possible to discuss a previously rejected shopping centre in its urban context, and the conditions for its realisation. Fronts are broken.

Learning from St. Petersburg! Literatur: - Goldhoorn, Baart (2002): St. Petersburg, Project Russia Vol. 26 - Leontief Centre (1998): St. Petersburg City Center Rehabilitation, St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg City Rehabilitation Project (2004): http://fisp.pgdg.ru, Zugriff 4.11.2004


Personal Profile Resume

Name Daniel Luchterhandt Origin Hamburg and Dortmund/Germany Profession Spatial Planning Main professional field Urban planning, urban development, informal planning procedures Main subject Current urban development of St. Petersburg and other East European metropolises





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Discussion 3.2.10 Discussion – Second Day Economy and investment A strong city needs a strong region! - How can both city and region be strengthened? The Kaliningrad area should be transformed into a corridor of development. - What effects will this have on the morphology of the city? - What options does the city have for negotiations with the Government? The labour market is increasingly dependent on migration. - What social conditions are to be expected in the city? - How will the housing market develop? - How much time does the city have for the pre-emptive relieve of tension? Large projects are catalyst of urban development. - What is the context? - New developments in the north: effect on the existing centre? - How can contracts ensure the separation of private and public interests? Kaliningrad needs to develop a specific profile, boost its strengths. - What potentials do the city and the region have? What are the implications of the confined boundaries of the city? - Isolation or partnership? Network of the Euro regions? - Contractual agreements between the Government and the European Union? Concept for a city? - Intellectual cultural centre? How to facilitate quality architecture?

Infrastructure of the city Rethink planning. - Clearly defined objectives. Write scenarios. Set priorities. - Design and implement small sites in a mosaic-like manner, consider links into adjoining sites. - Make procedures transparent, facilitate public debate. Conversion of the harbour – a chance for the city. - How does one transform the harbour while maintaining employment? - How can the flow of goods be based on the division of labour? - How can tourist ships moor in a central location in the city? Priority: the development of the city centre. - Its role as a central location for retail trade?


- How can out-of-town development be controlled (green field retail developments)? Function as an administrative centre? Redevelop transportation system. - How to take transit traffic out of the centre, relief of the inner city? - How can the centre of the city be redesigned? Develop key projects. - Central task: Design of public spaces. - Environment for private investments! Create a pleasant environment! Set up networks! - Kaliningrad, with its region and cooperating cities, is strong. Draw up contracts. - Secure balance of strengths and weaknesses. Uphold social justice. - Look after existing assets! - What to do in case of insolvency? Set up a round table at the end of the Symposium!





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3 Lectures

Third Day 3.3

Third Day 17.06.2005


Lecture 17 – Jochen Brandi and Andrej Derbenkov Traces of history and future images of the island city on the River Pregel


Lecture 18 – Prof. Peter Zlonicky Continuity and inconsistency – Experience from Berlin


Lecture 19 – Anna Brunow-Maunula Methods of controlling the townscape of Helsinki


Lecture 20 – Dr. Sergey V. Semenzov On the principles of retaining the urban genetic code in the process of reconstruction and development of the city







3 Lectures

Lecture 17 3.3.1 Lecture 17 –

Traces of history and future images of the island city on the River Pregel Jochen Brandi and Andrej Derbenkov


Traces of history and future images of the island city on the River Pregel Topography eastward – westward It is said that on city excursions one should, whenever possible, approach harbour towns from the sea – that is by boat. The study of the first beginnings of cartography show that very early on extremely accurate information on the depth of water and coastlines was available in order to reach the coast safely. The old trade routes to the Amber Coast across the Baltic Sea towards the former city of Königsberg, the Kaliningrad of today, reveal a landscape that has always been described in colourful terms and in a special light. A “double coast” emerges as the ship finds its way into the narrow opening of the Visula Lagoon near Pillau (Baltisk): a succession of spaces from the expanse of the sea to the enclosed lagoon, into the mouth of the River Pregel (Pregolja), upriver into the transition from harbour to city. Controlled, constructed embankments dividing to form a natural island within the city – the so-called Kneiphof. Further east, towards Insterburg/Gumbinnen (Tschernjachowsk/Gussew), the river disintegrates into an archaic water landscape of still and flowing currents. In some places the banks dissolve into reeds and marshland. In this distinctive topography one encounters the biography of the town, now 750 years old, founded by crusaders of the German order. If, in the minds eye, one changes direction and turns downstream, one follows the route along which the East-Prussian population fled during the last months of the war, in the spring of 1945. They were headed for the open sea, where they hoped to be saved.

1 | Kneiphof, city island and the cathedral on the River Pregel





3 Lectures

Since then Königsberg is a Russian city, now celebrating its 60th anniversary. It is the westernmost, ice-free harbour of Russia with the political vision of an “open gate to Europe”, the socalled oblast, now an enclave in the Baltic Region, enclosed by Poland and Lithuania.

City trilogy at the mouth of the river Pregel Königsberg (Ill. 1) comprised three formerly independent towns – the island town of Kneiphof in between the old and the new Pregel rivers, the old part of town and castle on elevated ground, and the crafts people's town of Löbenicht upriver. This historic centre was razed to the ground by the bombings of August 1944 and during the battle in the spring of 1945. The last witness of the “erased city” is the Gothic cathedral on Kneiphof island, as if Königberg's great son, the philosopher Immanuel Kant, who is buried by its side, had taken the church under its wing. Here, on this densely built-up island in the mouth of the River Pregel, the first building of Königsberg university (Collegium Albertinum) stood, whose European history of research and teaching is continued by the Russian university that now has adopted the name of Immanuel Kant.

Kneiphof – empty space? The island has remained unpopulated and derelict since the end of the war in 1945, and exactly this is where its unique cultural chance lies – in not being easily available for the fast building projects of investors, out of scale with the surroundings, as seen on the opposite bank (Ill. 2). This has left time and space to think about the future of Kneiphof and to discuss its prospective appearance by means of several alternatives.

2 | View of the city island Kneiphof, Kaliningrad around 2000


One obvious alternative would be to leave the derelict island, traversed by an elevated road bridge, in its do-nothing state, an open space. But this topos of a formerly independent town deserves to be examined in terms of its cultural and urban values – or in terms of the economic criteria of Jürgen Bloech, “hard and soft location factors”. The first building proposal was put forward by the young Kaliningrad architect Yuriy Zabuga who had just finished his studies in the 1980's. His scheme, at the time considered to be courageous, not historicising but modern in design, opened the necessary discussion on the repopulation of the island in the River Pregel.

Old town plan – new buildings A more recent alternative was worked on by a Russian-German collaboration in the mid-1990's that tried to build on the historic town plan of old Kneiphof in a “critical reconstruction” (Ill. 3). Not the two other neglected areas, the old town and Löbenicht, which were rebuilt, but only the vacant Kneiphof island offers the opportunity – as the Kaliningrad urban archaeologist Venzel Salakhov put it – to decode the “genetic code of the sunken city” and its rich history of culture and trade, and lost human scale. Buildings restricted to four-storeys in height, tracing the former alignments and edges of squares, would represent the continuation of culture and urban planning across the desolated island, to remind of the past life on Kneiphof. Old streets, squares and courtyards have been covered in a 1.5 metre layer of rubble since 1960, letting the old cathedral appear sunken. Beneath this layer the foundations, cellars and ground floors still exist. To expose this historic layer and make it accessible to the citizens would mean to publicly discuss the fate of this town, with “raised or down-turned thumb”. In the context of the exposed spatial information one would find convincing arguments for this historic topos to be given back its former dense and urban life. This could, transform the town centre, the only remaining possible location for this transformation of the old (and only seemingly sunk) European town, into a new European model city (Ill. 4), which is currently politically claimed by the Russian government and the population.

Invisible urban layers – terra incognita In this context it is reminded (Ill. 5) of the proposals to conduct excavations by Kaliningrad archaeologists on Kneiphof, possibly starting in the vicinity of the cathedral and former Albertina University. While information on the old town plan and parcelling of land is available in the archives, deep excavation, that is exposing the elevations of the former hidden cellars beneath ground level, would lead to a layer that will reveal the fragmented town. The exposed lowest layer of Kneiphof should not just become a museum. Its geometry creates spatially fascinating opportunities for old basements to receive a newly constructed first floor above, perceiving this as a whole and utilising the “time lagged layers” as public and private space. A new sophisticated architecture with a “frugal footprint” – i.e. supporting structures – would be placed above the foundations and cellars, thus leading back to the historic roots, the “scale and pattern” of Kneiphof.





3 | Historic town plan of Kneiphof before 1945

4 | The “new Kneiphof�, a citical reconstruction of the old town plan


3 Lectures

5 | Sketch section

Return of books to Kneiphof? Which parts of the island Kneiphof could accommodate old and new life and who will be first to find the way back to the area around the cathedral? For some time now the old books of the Albertina, as well as those of the reputed Wallenrodt Library that was partly located in the cathedral have been considered. These books are now spread across the world, and in some places inadequately stored. It seems obvious that this cultural treasure should be brought back to its place of origin, first of all to guarantee their conservation? In kind consultation with the director of the University Library at Göttingen, Professor Elmar Mittler, a project was developed to set up a repository for these “homecoming” books which would, in time, be expanded into a modern library at Russia's Kant University – above the foundation walls of the old Albertina. The concentration of these valuable cultural assets in the vicinity of the cathedral would result in people soon following the books – one possible step on the way of regaining foothold on Kneiphof. Since “Historisches ist nicht, das Alte allein festzuhalten oder zu wiederholen. Dadurch würde die Historie zugrunde gehen. Historisch handeln ist das, welches das neue herbeiführt und wodurch Geschichte fortgesetzt wird.” (“The historical is not merely recording or repeating the old. This would lead to the demise of history. To act historically is to effect the new and thereby continuing history.”) Karl Friedrich Schinkel.





3 Lectures

Genius Loci on Kneiphof – speculation If one could engage the great son of this European city to partake in this discourse and ask him about topos and logos, he would possibly give us this piece of advice to take with us: “Ein künftig unbebauter, stadtentleerter Kneiphof wäre nur ein Friedhof um mein Grab. Ein wiederbelebter Ort des Wissens würde dagegen an Büchern und Arbeitstisch festhalten, die mir – ohne Königsberg je verlassen zu haben – hier zur eigenen Welt geworden sind.” (“A future undeveloped, vacant Kneiphof would be the cemetery around my grave. But a revived place of knowledge would hang on to books and desk, which have – without ever having left Königsberg – become my own world.”)


Personal Profile Resume

Name Andrej Derbenkov

Name Jochen Brandi † November 2005

Origin Kaliningrad/Russia

Origin Göttingen/Germany

Profession Long distance captain

Profession Architect

Main professional field Local history and landscape history, journalism

Main professional field/ Main subject Architecture, urban design and landscape projects International competition achievements (in USA, Russia, Senegal, Turkey, Vietnam, a.o.) European Steel Design Award 1976 Publication: LANDSCAPE – determined city

Main subject Urbanistics, history of the Kaliningrad Region





3 Lectures

Lecture 18 3.3.2 Lecture 18 –

Continuity and inconsistency – Experience from Berlin Prof. Peter Zlonicky


Continuity and inconsistency – Experience from Berlin A comparison with Kaliningrad Berlin is different. Berlin is larger, is a capital city. Berlin was shop window for the development of East and West. Berlin has seen some rapid development after reunification, but neglected some districts. Berlin today is in a critical phase of transformation. What do the two cities have in common? Kaliningrad and Berlin have similar historical references. Both cities build bridges – territorial between East and West. The most important bridges were built by the spirit of enlightenment and the sciences in the nineteenth century, culture and art in the early twentieth century. Berlin destroyed economic and cultural bridges in the war started by the National Socialists, and ultimately caused the destruction of both cities.

Town Plan The destruction of Berlin did not start with the bombardment of 1943 to 1945, but with the demolition of entire districts for the grand axes planned by the National Socialists. The radical restructuring of the traditional urban framework and the demolition of a total of 73,000 flats were to make way for the proposals of Hitler and his chief architect Speer to put up representative buildings for the “Third Reich”. Aim was to make Berlin the world capital and to proclaim it as “Germania” after a world exhibition in 1950.

1 | The great north-south axis and the “Hall of the People” (exceeding 300 metres in height, compared to the old Reichstag in the foreground) from the design of Albert Speer (1941)





3 Lectures

2 | Plan of the inner city prior to demolition in the war black: existing buildings; light blue: construction sites; mid-blue: almost completed projects; blue-violet: Government buildings; ochre-yellow: new public spaces

3 | Plan of the inner city after reunification black: existing buildings; light blue: construction sites; mid-blue: almost completed projects; blue-violet: Government buildings; ochre-yellow: new public spaces


4 | current plan of the inner city black: existing buildings; light blue: construction sites; mid-blue: almost completed projects; blue-violet: Government buildings; ochre-yellow: new public spaces

The “cold war�, the development of West German and East German governments – especially the construction of the wall, led to Berlin being a divided city. Looking at the town plan after reconstruction, it becomes apparent that two ideologically competing proposals have the same basic concept. The town plan should be retained in principle, the city should be more open, less dense, more green; the city should be a representative place, but also a place to live. Reunification set off a building boom in Berlin. Even before the decision for the new capital was made (1991) old and new landowners secured the best sites for themselves (Potsdamer Platz). The development of the capital was initially planned as a comprehensive new construction project, the restraint of decreasing resources led to the conversion of the existing fabric.

5 | Brandenburg Gate 2005, pictures of a destroyed square 1945





3 Lectures

Today, Berlin is a shining city that is especially attractive to young people – and it is also a city that is in the middle of a severe economic and financial crisis. Investments in the hinterland weaken inner city areas. Inhabitants move to the periphery. The birth rate is decreasing, like in all German cities. Also the financial strength has adapted to the general situation – Berlin has lived beyond its means for too long. Public infrastructures and difficult neighbourhoods and their social problems have been neglected, such as the industrially produced new estates of the 1970s/80s.

Strategies Among the numerous contributions to the urban development of Berlin, the following three concepts show innovative development options that reach beyond the city. In the social and cultural crisis of the 1980s Berlin developed a system of “cautious urban renewal” by the example of the neglected district Kreuzberg. In collaboration with residents' groups, especially with active young people, it was possible to save the “broken city”. Kreuzberg still has problems today, but the built environment and the infrastructure have been modernised, disadvantaged inhabitants are largely integrated. Immediately after reunification an active senator set up the “city forum”. Over the space of three years players in the field of urban planning in Berlin met twice monthly for two days: representatives of the political parties, economy, trade unions and environmental groups, building societies and tenants, urban planners and architects. Each group was allocated a “bench”. Additionally there was a “bench for interjectors”: independent citizens, artists and writers. The senator re-

6 | Objectives of cautious urban renewal of the district Kreuzberg


7 | Berlin Study, Strategies for the city; title page of the publication

sponsible for urban development and the environment participated in all meetings, but saw his role as “first listener”, only contributing to the discussion when it was in danger of going off the subject. The Berlin City Forum was the model for many similar forums in other German cities. The “Berlin Study” combines different strategies for the development of the city. It was composed by independent scientists and politicians who developed programmes for “twenty-first century society”. These strategies focus on integrative politics for the city and its districts. They strive for social peace as a prerequisite for economic development. The “critical reconstruction of the city” was the constant motif of urban planning in Berlin since the late 1980s. Adherence to the historical town plan, preference of “urban parcel planning”, reference to classical building heights and design of structured facades were the guiding principles of urban development that was determined by an understandable desire to recreate the traditional townscape, but which also led to the immobilisation of the town, displaying little willingness to take risks with new architecture. The reconstruction of public spaces was successful and in the best tradition of the model of the European city.

Building blocks in a new Berlin Reunification, invoked by all West German governments and hoped for by many citizens' groups, also from East Germany, has taken politicians and the city of Berlin by surprise: there were no concepts for the time of reunification. At least common infrastructure was rebuilt within a short period of time. However, the traces of the common history – of the divided city – were demolished

8 | Public space Unter den Linden; title page of the publication of the Senate office, ca. 1996





9 | The Berlin wall as art and as reminder, only retained in a few places

3 Lectures

10 | New building on Potsdamer Platz, view from Leipziger Straße

along with the Berlin wall. The “wall in people's heads” is still present in the minds of the citizens of Berlin and it is up to the young generation to overcome this. During the initial period that lacked a concept large firms helped themselves: Daimler Benz, Sony and others bought the rights to implement large scale urban development projects in the city centre. The buildings on Potsdamer Platz, and now also on Leipziger Platz, display a new scale that is appreciated by businesses and visitors to the city, but not by the people of Berlin. The “Schloss debate”also is an answer to the new scale of the city: at least in the centre it should be possible to reconstruct historic urban spaces. The reconstruction of the palace itself is a problem: it strengthens the tendencies to erase the history of the last seventy years. The former “Palace of the Republic”, the modern East German Parliament building, would have to be demolished. Proposals for new uses have not been put forward. Fortunately there are no prospects for realisation. Pariser Platz on Brandenburg Gate is still loved by the people of Berlin and tourist for being the salon of the city. Frozen with the rigid regulations of “critical reconstruction”, it would today be an empty square – if the new Academy of Arts had not opened up its controversial glass façade onto the square. For a few weeks now it has been a lively space in the centre of the city.

Handling remembrance With the reunification of the city, important memorials of the post-war period were taken on, as for example the monument of the Soviet army. They will also be protected in future.

11 | Historic centre of the city, view of the “Palace of the Republic”; title page of advertising brochure


12 | New Academy of Arts in its old location, Pariser Platz 4

It took 60 years to build memorials for the murdered European Jews in Berlin. Only a few weeks ago the Holocaust Memorial was opened, a large field of steles that deliberately avoids indoctrination, letting each visitor, based on his own experience and knowledge, reflect the most severe cultural inconsistency that emanated from this city. People who use it in a multitude of ways now have adopted the site as a public open space. The project “Topography of Terror�, an institution to come to terms with the history of the perpetrators of the Nazi regime, has not been realised until now. Misgivings that the construction of the memorial is stalled in the interest of surviving perpetrators are not without reason. The smallest memorials are the paving stones set into the footpaths in front of the houses of former Jewish citizens. They remind of names and dates of those residents who were driven away or murdered. A growing number of citizens are involved in this individual way of coming to terms with history. A growing number of stones in many of Berlin's streets are expression of the wish to come to grips with a past that has been suppressed for a long time.

Which Berlin experience is of interest to Kaliningrad? Not wanting to transpose proposals for Berlin onto other cities, it is however possible to generalise the experience. If at all from Berlin, some of the Berlin strategies and projects can be used as building blocks for the model of the European city. In this sense they can be generalised – as Berlin has learned from many other European cities.

13 | Memorial for the murdered Jews in Europe

14 | Stumbling blocks: Reminders in front of the houses of residents who were driven away or murdered





3 Lectures

The search for the lost centre is the topic of many debates in European cities. In Berlin, where two centres developed during the period of the wall, the aim is to find one common centre. Is it enough to rebuild the historic facades? Is there such a thing as a common intellectual centre? What determines the identity of the city? “Critical reconstruction” is an attempt to reproduce some of the essential elements of the European city: public spaces, streets and squares, a typical building pattern, including heights and densities. Does this have to be combined with a strict set of rules? What are the acceptable exceptions? Large building projects are gaining in importance in European cities – they are landmarks, evidence of the strengths of a city. Is the economic strength not also dependant on the social, the cultural climate of a city? Apart from traditional infrastructures, are not soft infrastructure elements such as environment, design quality, the cultural and social conditions important? Are not the economically successful city on the one hand, and the social city on the other, two inseparable sides of the coin? The city has to be read like an open book of history. There are large signs and numerous small traces of memory of good and also of awful times. Are these memories to be shaped by the municipal institutions alone? If the city is the project of its citizens – should they not have the opportunity to actively participate in the process of remembrance? Sometimes it is the debate on strategy for a project that is more important than the product itself. Every city must provide levels for such a debate – levels that are carried by the commitment of the people. They offer the forum for a joint learning process, for formulating public opinion, for strengthening civil society. Can the international urban development forum in Kaliningrad strengthen public debate on the further development of this European city?

15 | The Symposium in Kaliningrad


Personal Profile Resume

Name Prof. Peter Zlonicky Origin Munich/Germany Profession Architect with a focus on urban planning Main professional field/ Main subject Urban development and urban design, cautious urban renewal, development aid in the Near East, in North and West Africa, evaluations in Rumania, in Haiti and Brazil, cooperation with Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. Research mainly in the field of social compatibility of large projects and the future development of urban districts.





3 Lectures

Lecture 19 3.3.3 Lecture 19 –

Methods of controlling the townscape of Helsinki Anna Brunow-Maunula


Methods of controlling the townscape of Helsinki Why present Helsinki at a seminar about Kaliningrad. Helsinki is young and there are only few historical layers. The city is at present holding a strong position as a growing economic, administrative and cultural city. One interesting aspect of Helsinki is that it can be conceived as a physical manifestation of a democratic welfare state.

History On the 750th anniversary of Kaliningrad Helsinki has just celebrated its 450th anniversery. Helsinki, however, was not built in stone until after 1810. Frequent fires, mainly caused by battles between the Russians and Swedes, destroyed much of the urban fabric of earlier times. The historic centre, built between 1820-50, was financed by the Russian Tsar Alexander I. The town plan was conceived by Johan August Ehrenstrรถm and its buildings drawn by the German architect Carl Ludwig Engel (Ill. 1). This centre still gives the towscape its identity and scale, although the population of Helsinki has grown from 15,000 in 1850, to 555,000 in the year 2000. The capital of Finland has, for a long period of time, been a growth pole (Ill. 2), mainly due to internal migration brought about by changes in economic conditions. The urban development of Helsinki has gained attention not because of exceptional solutions or spectacular projects, but because of its high urban qualities.

Urban Qualities Municipal steering and democratic control of development have always had a relatively strong and independent status. I state a few of the reasons: - The city, together with the municipality and the state, has always been a significant landowner and taxes have been comparatively high. - In the capital, the demand for developable land and development rights has always been sufficiently high to keep the power in the hands of the regulating bodies. - In Finland, corruption, which generally gravitates towards this sector, is almost non-existent.

1 | Helsinki 1877, painting by Oskar Kleineh





3 Lectures

2 | Helsinki Masterplan 2001

Consequently, decisions regarding city planning have been in the hands of democratically elected bodies while professionals have carried out the actual planning. The tax income has been steady, even though the city is constantly struggling with a cash deficit. The following has contributed to some of the urban qualities: Helsinki has a well-functioning infrastructure Depending on the political majority, the focus of investment shifts between public transport and private cars. The result is that while we plan for the extension of a Metro line we build extensive multi-storey car parks in the city centre. Both are needed (Ill. 3). Everyone has a roof over his or her head; most people own their own home After the World War II, Finland faced a major period of transition. New housing was in great demand in industrial areas. The government wanted to promote frugal money management among the citizens, but there were further political reasons why people were encouraged to become homeowners. A housing policy, which still prevails, was started by a system of reasonably priced loans and inexpensive building technology (Ill. 4). The influx in population to the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is great, and the demand for housing is constant. The majority of high-rise housing development is subsidised by the government, and targeted at the private market. The government still regulates the conditions for the allocation of housing and controls prices. One of the problems of this situation is the resultant uniform residen-


Private vehicular




3 | Transportation 1986-2004

4 | “Säteri” Prefabricated panel construction


Regional railway




5 | “Arabia� Residential block

3 Lectures

6 | Library in Kuusankoski

tial solution, where architects have to put in much effort to try giving the buildings an individual finish (Ill. 5). Public space and sites for public buildings are safeguarded in the masterplan. Not only concert halls, theatres and museums but also schools, libraries, health and day-care centres have played an important role in creating the identity of the townscape. The city has generally taken care of public construction works (Ill. 6). Only recently the need to develop concepts for private sector finance has emerged; this has many reasons, including a shortage of resources. It should be mentioned that the Church still plays an important role. New churches are built with separate tax money. Local plans generally allocated space for commercial development in excess of that required by property developers. Nevertheless, the steering of developers' wishes has succeeded in Helsinki, but this is no longer so beyond the city boundaries (Ill. 7). Even the neighbouring towns are competing for newcomers by allowing considerable deviations from their local plans, or by amending detailed local plans in conflict with the masterplan.

Controlling the building process New legislation In Finland the control of land use and building is based on legislation. Legislation is modelled on


7 | Office building for Stakes and Senate Properties

other Northern European countries – you will be familiar with the general principles of these acts and regulations. The new Land Use and Building Act was adopted in 2000. It includes reforms that required decades of preparation. The biggest changes in land use legislation were in the area of national planning. - Many of the differences between rural and urban areas were abolished. - The preparation of detailed local plans was transferred from county level to the municipalities. - It was stipulated that a certain proportion of the increase in land value, that is, added value brought about by additional development rights, is made payable to the municipality. - The opportunities for citizens to participate in the process were also increased. - Demolition permits were among the reforms of building legislation. - Requirements for sustainable development and for the right of citizens for a good living environment were incorporated in the new Land Use and Building Act.

Building legislation is complemented by regulations, and the city's own guidelines and decisions. The principal instruments to enforce and monitor the regulations are the process of zoning and granting building permits.

City Planning Department Helsinki has invested considerably into local planning. The City Planning Department has almost one hundred employed architects who prepare and control the implementation of projects. Both the planning department and the private sector also commission consultants to prepare draft plans. In both cases, further development and detailed planning are carried out largely behind closed doors in the City Planning Department. A democratically elected body, the City Planning Committee, approves the plans, and representatives of political parties can assert influence on these decisions. Citizens can, with justified arguments, delay or stop processes by filing a complaint about a project (Ill. 8).






3 Lectures


selection process for land area to be developed


approved master plan

initial sketch plans

exhibition & discussion forums on draft plan

work programme

draft plan

programme & schedule

public participation & assessment


draft plan

draft plan to Planning Committee

proposed plan - revisions & public comments

proposed plan

proposed plan to Planning Committee for approval

proposed plan on-deposit

proposed plan to City Board

plan approved by City Council

approved plan

proposed plan may be returned to Planning Committee for revision

network diagram of the detailed planning process

8 | Urban planning process

Building Control Department The department has over one hundred employees in total, handling permits required even for small-scale construction projects. Formerly, anyone could apply for building permission. Currently, an applicant is required to prove that he or she has the necessary professional skills for the task. The department's principal function is to check that the projects comply with the plans and meet requirements. The town planner may have added a number of guidelines on the appearance of the buildings, and the regulation department ensures that these are followed. This may apply to the retention of part of an old building, integration in the existing environment or design guidelines for achieving uniformity in a newly built area.


The building supervisor has the right to present his or her views on issues of design and appearance, which are handled by the Cityscape Advisory Board. The democratically elected Building Committee has the final say on building permits. The standard practice is to abide by the opinion of the presenting official of the Building Regulation Department.

Influencing the building process Cityscape Advisory Board The Cityscape Advisory Board operates under the Building Regulation Department. Its members include the highest-ranking officials of the department, the City Planning Department and two outside experts, who are invited as members and generally represent the best of the architectural profession. During its life of almost five years the board has earned great respect within the building industry, even though it is a voluntarily appointed body. This achievement stems from the board's considerable professional expertise enabling it to make clear long-term policy decisions – despite the fact that it has to tackle questions of appearance, which are subjective by nature. The highest-ranking official responsible for planning issues is the Deputy Mayor for City Planning and Real Estate, who has set up an unofficial body, the Urban Planning Academy, as his own advisory body. Its invited members include professionals and representatives of related fields. Depending on the issues dealt with, he may also invite pertinent decision makers to the meetings. The Finnish Architectural Policy The Finnish Architectural Policy is a new instrument for creating a better built environment. It is very much a tool of today, a tool for finding ways of nurturing good environments without overburdening public sector spending. Therefore, we must find new ways to increase awareness. We must have influential figures representing players in various fields more visibly committing themselves to the nurturing of good environments alongside their own goals. We must promote the creation of networks between existing resources and willing voluntary decision makers. The main objectives of the policy: The Finnish Architectural Policy Programme charts the central development and maintenance measures with regard to what makes a good built environment, and condenses them into 24 actions (resolutions) mainly aimed at players in the public sector. In most cases the responsible body is clearly specified. The programme has three strong tendencies: Strengthening the expertise and specialist organisations; producing obligations and willingness that guarantee a good cultural quality of the built environment; increasing participation and information related to the rights and responsibilities of citizens.





9 | Myyrmäki Church

3 Lectures

10 | Viewing tower at the zoo in Helsinki

The main objectives, originally expressed as 24 actions, are: - to create opportunities for the realisation of the constitutional rights of citizens to have a good environment, - to facilitate the citizen´s rights and his/her responsibilities for his/her own environment by promoting architectural education and public awareness, - to set high standards for public building and property management, - to set an example for the whole construction sector, - to encourage the use of procedures that will enhance architecture and high quality building, - to promote innovation through architectural education, research and development work, - to improve the care of our architectural heritage and development of the built environment as part of a broader approach to cultural history and architecture. The City of Helsinki has begun preparing its own Architectural Policy, including the general goals mentioned earlier, as well as specific proposals for action. The Architectural Policy Programme, approved by the City Council, should not just impose restrictions on the building industry but also motivate its players to invest in a better-built environment. Architectural competitions A significant percentage of notable buildings in Finland have come about as a result of architectural competitions since 1876. Finland has a most successful record of realising winning competition entries and satisfied clients (Ill. 9). The reason for this lies in the way competitions are carried out.


A professional body advises clients on how to write clear programmes that abide by our rather strict rules. But above all, the long and thorough judging process in which two professional judges, chosen by an independent body or by the invited competitors, are much in charge of the result. The jury consists of about ten members from different fields, but the two “chosen� professionals are in charge of analysing all entries, presenting them to the other members of the jury, identifying the criteria as a result of discussions, and obtaining necessary calculations or expert opinions. This process goes on for about eight or ten weeks in which four or five jury meetings are held. The aim is to guarantee that the client really gets the best schemes and a solution that he wants to continue with. There has never been a problem in keeping the authors of the entries secret during the whole process. Other instruments Important discussions about architecture and the townscape of Helsinki are held in different institutions in the capital: the Aalvar Aalto Academy, the Building Information Foundation and the Architects' Society. The renowned department of Architecture at the Helsinki University of Technology is a valuable resource in shaping the future identity of our capital (Ill. 10).

Personal Profile Vita

Name Anna Brunow-Maunula Origin Helsinki/Finland Profession Architect Main professional field/ Main subject Architecture and Urban planning Guest professorship at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, 1995-96 and at the College of Visual Arts, Hamburg 1999-2002





3 Lectures

Lecture 20 3.3.4 Lecture 20 –

On the principles of retaining the urban genetic code in the process of reconstruction and development of the city Dr. Sergey V. Semenzov


On the principles of retaining the urban genetic code in the process of reconstruction and development of the city The issues of retaining the historical heritage of any city and the possibilities of developing the city as a whole (on an urban planning scale and in its architecture) are two sides of a medal. The reality is constantly setting urban development tasks while retaining its historical heritage and gives examples of attempts to retain history within modern development. All historical cities have developed over centuries. They all possess their specific characteristics that are revealed in the uniqueness of the urban frame (building system), in the system of functional and environmental zoning, in the system of ensembles and outstanding buildings, in the historical context of the ordinary urban fabric, in the peculiarities of stylistic unity and variety of the urban environment. These peculiarities can be seen in the specific urban genetic code of each city. The urban genetic code is not only discernible in each particular building (planning, compositional, stylistic, image and other features of buildings, structures, even complexes and ensembles), but also in the design rules of the entire city environment that developed over centuries, unique to every city, including the construction rules of each particular building in the context of development of an individual city. Unrestrained and uncontrolled modern development is harmful for any historical city (Paris, Berlin, London, St. Petersburg, Moscow etc.) just as indiscriminately retaining absolutely everything that survived from the past. Each city has its own specific measure of the historical and the new that allows it to develop rather than destroy the historical urban, architectural and cultural basis. This measure is determined by maturity and the system of community requirements, political will of the authorities, and expertise of the professionals. The historical heritage is determined by the system of monuments, objects of protection and the system of conservation areas. The analysis of development of the world architecture shows that modern buildings remain upto-date and attract attention for 20-30 years at the most. Then comes the inevitably stage of fundamental re-evaluation of their urban significance within the changed systems of values. Most of them are found to be of no value and are (often even obligatorily) replaced by new ones. That is why all over the world masterpieces of mass industrial construction are being cruelly and dauntlessly pulled down. Even retaining the many urban ensembles, squares and avenues that appeared in capitals and large cities in the 1960s-1970s, built in the fashionable then style of Le Corbusier is questioned. And many older buildings, houses, and ensembles, which are less pretentious, are generally held in higher cultural, public and professional esteem. Moreover, they are unique and possess specific features. In order to maintain the historical image of the city it is necessary to retain the most important urban, architectural and historical cultural objects – the highest bearers of this historical tradition. One of the generally acknowledged methods of retaining our heritage is the protection of historical monuments, the creation of conservation zones of various types (attractions, conservation areas, protected areas, areas with building regulations, areas of vertical limitations etc.). But this proves to be insufficient. Contradictions between the requirements of modern development and those of retaining historical buildings are found practically everywhere. The problems





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of modern urban developments are often solved by means of satisfying modern demands on city life (according to norms, requirements, town planning regulations) and within the system of modern protection measures (protection of individual buildings, system of protected areas, historical and architectural plans, urban protection areas etc.). But it proves not to be effective. Recklessness, contradiction and deficiency in this approach can be seen in the demolition of historical centres of Moscow, Stockholm, Berlin and Kaliningrad, for example. Even the creation of different conservation areas around individual old buildings does not prevent them from being destroyed. This approach works perfectly well for single buildings, but it fails to work for the whole urban environment. General problems of conservation and simultaneous urban development are predetermined by the problems of conservation and development of the urban genetic code of a particular historical city. This does not only mean retaining specific buildings, but to a greater extent retaining urban territorial rules of the formation and development of cities. For instance, the three-hundred-year-old history of St. Petersburg shows that the basis of its development had been the principles of regularity and measure, a clear rule for the process of urban development. Initially, under Peter I and during Anna Ioannovna's reign, these strict planning regulations were introduced (they were even expressed in figures, with well-defined zoning and a clear system of codes). The progress of St. Petersburg was based on principles and interconnected parallel development of architecture and property rights, and design principles of its cultural field. Admittedly, the most important feature of modern St. Petersburg is not only the presence of a considerable number of outstanding architectural monuments, but first and foremost, its unique historical urban context, unique town planning regulations, unique town planning rules of the whole city environment. For St. Petersburg this piecemeal approach of retaining individual monuments is absolutely insufficient, even if the immediate environment is retained. The conservation of nearly 8,000 buildings, complexes and ensembles fails to save St. Petersburg's historical context. The piecemeal approach to conservation and restoration cannot ensure the protection of the uniqueness of the whole urban environment. The example of St. Petersburg shows that in order to preserve its individual historical and modern character (the unity of the historical and the new), it is necessary to apply the design rules of the urban environment in the whole city, and the entire St. Petersburg agglomeration. Naturally, it is more difficult to implement the design rules for the environment rather than preserving its individual elements. As expected, it is only possible to ensure the compatibility of historical buildings with modern architecture within the design rules of the urban environment. As a comparison, in medicine it was discovered long ago that only genetically related organs, tissues and cells are biologically compatible. It is doomed to failure if one tries to combine genetically incompatible organs, tissues and cells – great efforts will be needed not to destroy the immunity of the whole organism. If we consider a city as an organism, the placing of genetically incompatible elements (buildings, structures, ensembles, complexes, roads, squares, blocks of extrinsic buildings etc.) will inevitably lead to the destruction of the historical city. If instead of the historical construction with clear spatial characteristics (density and configuration of streets, embankments, canals and squares, functional zoning, density, height and number of storeys, stylistic, architectural and silhouette characteristics of the construction etc.) open spaces are formed, this is also destructive within the context of the city. In all historical cities many of such incompatible objects have been created. This problem is typical of any historical city that attempts not only to preserve its historical monuments but also to progress. The key terms of the issue are as follows: conservation (of buildings,


structures, complexes, ensembles, elements of the historical environment, monuments of historical heritage, objects of urban conservation and protection areas), development (of buildings, structures, complexes, ensembles, elements of the historical environment, the city on the whole), historically formed design rules of the urban environment, urban genetic code. Unfortunately, the issue is not legally secured. The town planning code (of 2004) and the law “on the protection of the historical heritage of the Russian Federation� (2002) do not provide ways of solving the problem. In fact this rests with the personal experience, expertise and intuition of designers. This experience is not always positive, especially if professional issues are mixed with pride and politics. So how can the problem be solved? Without denying established approaches, it is also necessary (in quantitative and qualitative terms) to discover an individual urban code of the city, for example of Kaliningrad. This code must be included in the system of planning legislation and planning documentation (such as masterplans, surveying projects, possibly restorable planning projects and building projects, pivotal historical and architectural plans and in systems of conservation measures, town planning regulations), as well as in the system of project documentation (through architectural plans and architectural restoration projects, holding of competitions, in tender documentation, in the conservation obligations etc.). The characteristics of the urban genetic code can be expressed in empirical, evaluative data, as well as in precise quantitative and qualitative indices. The urban genetic code can only be discovered on the basis of research of all the stages of development of a city as a whole and peculiarities of its historical and modern buildings. A. The main system peculiarities of the urban genetic code are as follows: - Spontaneity of design or creation and development according to masterplans; - Degree of control over the city's development exercised by the authorities and professionals; - Degree of presence (absence) of planning regulations, formulated and approved rules and regulations; - Typology of the urban environment on the whole and its peculiarities (agglomeration, megapolis, city, settlement, system of settlements, etc.); - Degree of regularity and irregularity of the urban environment; - Urban and general cultural significance of the city or settlement in question. B. The characteristics of the urban genetic code: - Urban framework (hierarchy, typology, specific planning regularities, planning parameters, specific alignments, configuration of main traffic routes, squares, canals, roads, etc); - Urban fabric (hierarchy, centricity, functional regularities and peculiarities, system and peculiarities of dividing into blocks, groups of blocks, suburbs, districts, planning areas, zones, surveying system, allocation of planning zones for different purpose etc.); - Environmental zoning and characteristic regularities of each zone (or district); - Architectonics of the urban environment (polyrhythmic of urban emphases and zones, characteristic heights, building densities etc.); - Rules of territorial interaction of elements of the urban framework and urban fabric; - System of urban dominants and town planning background; - System of vertical dominants; - System and typology of visual links (fields, corridors, zones, axes, networks, etc.);





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- Most important bearers of the urban characteristics that require unconditional preservation; - Incompatible bearers of urban characteristics that require immediate changes. C. Object characteristics of the town planning genetic code: - Specific historical buildings, constructions, complexes, ensembles, their historical, compositional, planning, stylistic and other peculiarities; - Rules of territorial interaction of the object elements (buildings, constructions, complexes, ensembles); - Significant bearers of object characteristics that require unconditional preservation; - Strictly incompatible bearers of object characteristics that require immediate changes. In practice, at this stage all historical cities develop the characteristics of the genetic code, but without discovering the rules of their territorial interaction. A single step approach of revealing, describing and preserving them prevails without taking into consideration their interaction in the specific urban context. And the main system peculiarities and urban characteristics of the genetic code are hardly considered. As an example, the analysis of the main system peculiarities of the urban genetic code of St. Petersburg is included. St. Petersburg was initially established according to a special town planning programme, the Russian variant of a world capital. Up to 1917, the building and improvement of St. Petersburg had been considered one of the most important national issues. The reforms in St. Petersburg were conducted along with reforms in all of Russia. The town planning and architectural activities in the capital on the River Neva in the 18th to early 20th century were mainly conducted under the personal control of the emperors and empresses. Peter the Great rejected the direct copying of both Russian and west European towns. The searches for analogies in urban form and architecture in Amsterdam, Paris, Venice, London, Moscow etc. showed that St. Petersburg does not have any direct parallels in world architecture. One can only discover single elements of town planning, architecture, building construction, legislation, system of management from other cities and schools that were inimitably combined in St. Petersburg. The city absorbed mainly Russian and West European practice transforming it into a unique combination of specific St. Petersburg architecture of a specific St. Petersburg spatial scale. St. Petersburg, an unprecedented large, regular city, was created in the conditions of the predominance, both in Russia and in Western Europe, of the medieval town planning tradition with picturesque curved streets, non-geometric plans and unregulated construction. Small regular towns, fortresses, country estates and castles were still rare. The development of St. Petersburg and its town planning and architectural features is a phenomenon in the world's urban planning and architectural theory and practice. During the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century, St. Petersburg was not only an unprecedented urban experience for the architects of the world, but also an object of imitation in the town planning practices of many countries. It can be stated that in the 18th century and the early 19th century, St. Petersburg was the world's testing ground for town planning and architectural ideas. Many ideas of Western European architects remained unrealised in the West, but were first implemented in St. Petersburg and then returned to Western Europe as realisable and implemented projects deserving of European imitation. Mass reconstruction of the West European cities of the 19th century according to the rules of regularity was conducted not only on the basis of theoretical ideas of West European treatises


and local experiments, but also under the influence of the actual practice of St. Petersburg's grand regular town plan. St. Petersburg' s town plan is a worldwide phenomenon. The urban genetic code of St. Petersburg was actually developed in the course of three centuries. Peter the Great laid the most important principles of its development. Under the reign of the tsar-reformer's followers the crystallisation of the main planning principles of the city was continued. At present the issue of preserving the urban genetic code of the city and the whole of the agglomeration is pressing since current activities will result in the destruction of the code.

The main system peculiarities of the urban genetic code of St. Petersburg Unity of the capital city and its outskirts, their formation according to a single spatial programme From the very beginning in 1703, a huge agglomeration began to establish, but not the city. The city, its near and remote suburbs (fortification, industrial, noblemen's manors, peasants' dwellings), the system of reserved forests and areas, the road system, natural waterways and manmade canals, the integrative system of administration of the capital city and the province, integrative town planning, architecture, property legislation – all this was aimed at the creation of a capital agglomeration, but not a city in its own right. Peter the Great determined its initial spatial parameters: from Oranienbaum to Kronstadt (in the west) to the mouth of the River Volkhov (in the east), from Sestroretsk and Toksovo (in the north) to Krasnoe Selo and Sarskaya Myza (in the south). In time the borders of the agglomeration changed, but the principles of the coordinated development of the city and its outskirts remained unchanged. Succession of development of the city and the whole of the agglomeration The territory on which St. Petersburg was founded was not uninhabited. The city and most of its suburbs and roads were formed on the basis of existing settlements of the 13th and 14th century that had outlived the Novgorod, Moscow and Swedish development periods of the Neva area. Many modern neighbourhoods and districts of St. Petersburg, and most of the suburbs are located on pre-Petersburg settlements; hundreds of kilometres of pre-Petersburg roads became city avenues and streets. In the area of the modern Greater St. Petersburg more than 400 settlements existed for centuries. In the nearby outskirts there were about 600 settlements. Besides, the development of the city itself was successive in character. Often the ideas formulated by experts were implemented decades later by a new generation of architects. The first ideas for the design of the city centre and sub-centres of the capital on the River Neva, that still exist, were expressed by J. B. A. Leblond (1717). The first villages, similar to the principles of the fashionable garden city of the early 20th century, were built on the banks of the Neva from 1739-1740, when villages for regiments of the life guards were established. The first ideas for constructing a dam for the railway from Lisy Nos via Kronstadt to Oranienbaum go back to 1844-1846. Cyclicity of development of the city and the agglomeration At different times the development of the city and the entire agglomeration was based on different principles that successively replaced one another. The three main types, three main strategies of the spatial development of the areas can be distinguished into the strategy of extensive development, strategy of intensive reconstruction and strategy of compositional improvement of the city and its outskirts. These strategies successively replaced one another, showing cyclical (nonlinear) characteristics of development of the city and of the agglomeration. The strategy of exten-





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sive development (by means of maximum development of earlier rural areas and extension of the city borders) was implemented in 1703-1761, 1802-1815, 1836-1879 and 1917-2004. The strategy of intensive reconstruction (within the stabilised city borders and the borders of the suburbs) was prevalent in 1762-1801 and 1880-1900. And the strategy of compositional improvement of the city and the outskirts (with the maximum development of the ensemble character of the entire urban environment and establishment of the main ensembles of the city and of significance to the whole of Russia) was implemented in 1816-1836 and 1901-1916. Each strategy type of city development has its own special type of masterplan, special systems of legislation, special systems of city administration and regulation. City development on the basis of masterplans The design of masterplans and main programme documents of the territorial and organisational structure of the city was obligatory for 300 years. Often, especially in the 18th century and early 20th century, masterplans did not only determine the strategies of spatial development of the city, but also predetermined changes of borders and administrative division within the city, changes in the system of the city administration, of the town planning, architectural, construction and property legislation. Masterplans complimented each other, and grew one out of the other. As the analysis of the world's urban planning shows, the elaboration and implementation of masterplans was a compulsory condition for a world capital city. In the 18th century and beginning of the 20th century, establishment and development of St. Petersburg – Petrograd, and the design of its masterplan were considered a matter of national significance. The reforms in St. Petersburg were part of the all-Russian reforms and were implemented under the personal control of the emperors and empresses. All 19 masterplans for the city were a continuous and successive series of town planning ideas for the development of St. Petersburg – Leningrad – St Petersburg. In accordance with different development strategies of city, different types of masterplans were designed and implemented. Among the masterplans of extensive development are the following: a set of masterplans, imperial approved by Peter the Great, for several districts of St. Petersburg (1712-1715, 1718-1724); a set of imperial approved masterplans for several districts, areas and complexes of St. Petersburg elaborated in the Commission on St. Petersburg's construction, in the headquarters of the Life Guards regiments, in the Chief Police Office (1735-1746); “Plan of the capital city of St. Petersburg” (I.F. Truskot, 1748-1749); a set of imperial approved masterplans of individual peripheral areas of St. Petersburg drawn up in 1805-1836 (also in the “Committee on the construction improvement and hydraulic works”); a set of imperial approved masterplans of individual districts of St. Petersburg (1840-1879); a project of regulation of Leningrad (1925); Masterplan of Leningrad (L.A. Iliyn and others, 1926-1934); Masterplan of Leningrad (L.A. Iliyn and others, 1935-1936); Masterplan of Leningrad (N.V. Baranov, A.I. Naumov and others, 19381939); Masterplan of Leningrad's reconstruction (N.V. Baranov, A.I. Naumov and others, 19441948); Masterplan of Leningrad's development (V.A. Kamensky, A.I. Naumov, G.N. Buldakov, V.F. Nazarov, G.K. Grigorieva, 1958-1967); Masterplan of Leningrad's and Leningrad region's development (G.N. Buldakov, V.F. Nazarov, G.K. Grigorieva and others, 1980-1987). Among the masterplans of the intensive reconstruction periods are the following: “Master drawing of St. Petersburg” by J.B.A. Leblond (1717); “New plan of the capital city and fortress of St. Petersburg” (A.V. Kvasov, 1765); “New plan of the capital city of St. Petersburg” (1776); “New plan of the capital city of St. Petersburg” (1792, edited in 1796); “Design plan for the regulation


of the city of St. Petersburg” (1880); “Plan of the city of St. Petersburg and regulation of streets until January 1, 1909” (1909). Masterplans for compositional improvements of the area are the projects of the “Committee on improvement of all the constructions and hydraulic works in St. Petersburg and adjoining areas” (1816-1836), the plan of regulation of Petrograd (I.A. Fomin and others, 1919-1923). An initiative to develop a masterplan was also proposed by L.N. Benua, F.E. Enakiev, M.M. Peretyatkovich, N.E. Lansere (“Plan of St. Petersburg’s transformation”, 1910). Development of the city and agglomeration on the basis of the town planning regulations, “model projects”, standard and individual design, under the complete control of architects Almost from onset in 1712, a strict system of clear, well-defined (with quantitative parameters) town planning regulations was introduced in St. Petersburg. Simultaneously the policy of individual design of large projects (buildings, structures, ensembles) and standard mass building following “model projects” was introduced. Regularity of the urban system, geometrical character and density of the street network One of the most outstanding features of St. Petersburg is the rule of straight roads and a geometrical grid. From 1703, the young city was developed on the principles of picturesque, nonlinear planning. After 1712, by decree of Peter I, the reconstruction of built-up areas was started using straight streets and canals. Since the time of J.B.A. Leblond's (1717) project the rule of geometrically well-defined squares was introduced. The network of new villages acquired clear geometrical outlines and special – typical only of St. Petersburg – building densities, avenues, streets, canals and squares. The optimal network of urban roads was purposefully created for St. Petersburg, governed by a specific size of cells or blocks between the routes. This development differed considerably from the principles of the formation in other cities around the world. This principle of regularity, geometricity and special density became one of the main design principles of the planning frame of St. Petersburg. “Sloboda”(village) character of the area The territories of the city in all periods of its development were built up with separate, local compositions of slobodas of different sizes. This principle also goes back to the times of Peter the Great, but was manifested during the reign of Anna Ioannovna and Elizaveta Petrovna. Almost all the territories of the historical city were formed according to the sloboda principle. The ensemble character of the design of area Deliberate inclusion of the city and the whole of the agglomeration of the Neva area in the single ensemble. A most important feature of the urban environment of St. Petersburg is its ensemble character. Ensembles that emerged at different periods and are of different compositional styles formed a hierarchical multi-level system of ensembles in the city and its suburbs, in the course of time. The main ensembles in the city are its main squares and the main Neva area. Since the times of Peter the Great, the Neva (from its source to the mouth) and Kronstadt Bay displayed the main ensemble elements of the city itself and the main compositional elements of the whole of the agglomeration. The system of vertical dominants The system of vertical dominants of the city has almost always been one of the most important elements of the capital environment that was created purposefully and professionally. From





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1710-1712, Peter I formulated the design rules of the system of vertical dominants in the city. The axes of “prospects” and streets are aligned to vertical dominants: church cupolas, towers and spires of public, industrial and residential buildings. In the 1730s to 1740s, the spatial system of vertical dominants was developed, based on the principle of the “field of perception” with verticals two to five times higher that the urban buildings of one to two storeys that could be seen from almost any spot. After the transition of the 1770s to the solid fire walls and increase in the average number of storeys from two to three or four (from the 1820s), and later five to six storeys (from the 1890s), the principle of the “field of perception” ceased to function. In the second half of the 19th century architects deliberately switched over to the principle of “corridors of perception” and started creating a system of turrets, bay windows or similar emphases. The old vertical dominants and new vertical emphases formed a single spatial multi-level system. Up to the 1950s, these general principles of accentuation remained. The rejection in the 1960s of the vertical dominants led to the spatial disorder of the whole of the industrial city, resulting in a clearly perceptible discomfort of the city environment. Regularity and regulation of building neighbourhoods Gradually a single principle for the regular layout of neighbourhood blocks and building within the blocks was formed in the city. Under Peter I, the rule of building along red lines was formulated. The outer buildings did not yet occupy the whole of the front of the block and fences with gates were built along the red line. J.B.A. Leblond proposed to implement the principle of outer buildings along the red line, but using fire walls along the embankment of the Neva. Regulations governing the height and number of storeys were also introduced, as well as a differentiation of permitted types of buildings according to their materials in the whole territory of the city and the suburbs. From the end of the 1730s, during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, regulation of building within the neighbourhood blocks was introduced. From the 1770s, under Catherine II, the rule of solid brick fire walls of a fixed height along the red lines in the area from the Neva to the River Fontanka was introduced (after J.B.A. Leblond). Even in areas of regulated timber construction building rules applied. The following principle of construction was gradually developed and existed up to the end of the 19th century: brick buildings were constructed in the city centre, brick and timber buildings in the suburbs, timber mass construction in the outskirts. In 1919-1920, a new principle was introduced: solid brick fire walls (or solid perimeter walls) of different styles in the centre of the city; brick buildings, possibly not of the fire wall type, detached multi-storey buildings with landscape elements in the periphery; and detached buildings (cottage type) surrounded by countryside outside the city. This principle was followed until the end of the 1950s. The construction of the perimeter type was always applied in the central territories of the city. In the inner city (even in the newly developed large sites) the construction of the fire wall was compulsory, for example, on Suvorovsky Prospect, on Bolshoy Prospect of Vasilievsky Island. Rows of housing were constructed on the outskirts of the city and signified the peripheral character of the area. From the 1960s, with the transition to industrial methods, all development construction was of the row housing type. Practically not a single new route has been added to the centuriestested rules of construction of central routes of St. Petersburg. Multi-style arrangement of the city environment Since the times of Peter I, attempts were made to create a mono-style urban fabric. They were continued during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, Elizaveta Petrovna, Catherine II, Alexander I and Nicolas I. In pictures and engravings the city looked perfect, but actually applied to whole of the city the mono-style was monotonous in appearance. But in 1842-1843 the monarch prohibited the construction of buildings of a single style. With the simultaneous increase of building in the


city (tenfold by 1880) the multi-style construction (of the epochs of Historicism, Modernism, NeoClassicism) retained the principles of regularity (the construction was done along the red lines with fire walls of a limited height), but it ensured diversity in the city environment. This period of multi-style construction formed almost 90% of the historical environment of St. Petersburg, so highly praised all over the world. A return to the mono-style principle was implemented in the industrial construction in new blocks in the second half of the 20th century, with all its negative consequences. Urban and suburban types of sites Rules of laying out urban, outskirts and suburban blocks into plots. The urban neighbourhoods had a clearly regulated division into residential and non-residential areas. The sizes of plots had been standardised since the early projects of D. Treseni and J.B.A. Leblond, and they were finally grouped and specified during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, at the end of the 1730s. The plots were supposed to be rectangular (residential use) or non-rectangular (for public uses), 20-30 meters wide along the red line and half the length of the block. Borders of the urban plots during the 18th and 19th century were stable. The plots in outskirts and suburbs, used as country estates, for industrial purposes, or as green areas, did not have to conform to the standard size. After they were incorporated into the city, plots were often changed from the suburban type into urban types and urban construction rules applied. An example is the following: during the transformation of the suburban River Fontanka into a canal (1780-1790) the suburban dacha sites were replaced by plots for urban layouts. Urban plots were the most important cells of the environment and the chief bearers of St. Petersburg's unique urban scale. They determined the front, the dimensions and the height of the buildings along the streets, densities and cellularity of the historical buildings blocks. In the course of comprehensive refurbishment works in the second half of the 20th century, survey boundaries were abolished. This practice and the construction of modern out-of-scale buildings led to the destruction of the fundamental basis of the urban environment of St. Petersburg and its historical plots. System of gardens and parks as one of the most important elements of the urban environment In 1715, the proposals for Vasilievsky Island by D. Treseni included gardens in the urban environment. In the 18th century and beginning of the 19th century, the creation of public gardens and parks in the city was obligatory. During the times of intensive mass construction in St. Petersburg in the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, parks and public gardens were laid out on any vacant piece of land under control of the emperor, governor and the city duma. The gardens and parks, not only in the suburbs but also in the city itself, were and still are one of the most important spatial systems of St. Petersburg. System of canals in the city and in the suburbs Among the most important elements within the urban framework and the entire agglomeration is the system of navigable canals and water culverts extending from Oranienbaum to the Ladoga area. The greatest canal-building activities were conducted under Peter the Great (numerous realised canals and proposals that were not implemented in the area of the future St. Petersburg, a canal along the south shore of the bay of Finland, Ladoga canal, Kronstadt canal, Ropshinsky and Ligovsky canals, proposals for constructing canals up to Sarskaya Myza), during the reign of Catherine II (Kryukov and Ekaterininsky canals, River Fontanka, canal ditches within the city boundaries and along the borders of the outskirts) and during the reign of Alexander I and Nicolas I (Obvodnoy canal).





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System of town planning regulations and functional spatial height limitations Any construction in the city, in the outskirts and in the suburbs was conducted on the basis of well-defined town planning regulations. The first regulations were introduced in the reign of Peter the Great. They formed part of the masterplans and were obligatory for all builders, including members of the imperial family. The emperor himself controlled all kinds of building activities and redevelopment in the city centre. Dynamism of spatial trajectories of formation of the centre and the main functional zones. The successive development and enlargement of the city and its suburbs led to the relocation of its most important components. The spatial structure of the city is dynamic. For example, the main administrative centre was moved from Troitskaya Square on Gorodskoy Island (St. Petersburg) to the spit of Vasilievsky Island and later to the Admiralty. Gradually and considerably its borders expanded up to the 1930s, when it was attempted to move it further south to the crossing at Mezhdunarodny Prospect and Tsentralnaya Dugovaya Street. In the 1940s it was again located in the area of the Palace Square. The trajectory of the port is as follows: canal at the Kronwerk, division into military and commercial ports (Kronstadt and Galernaya harbours), north wharf of the spit of Vasilievsky Island, separation of the specialised bread and forestry ports, establishment of the sea port in the area of Gutuevsky Island, separation of the outer harbours in Oranienbaum and Luzhskaya Bay. The zones of the nearby suburban dacha areas are as follows: Summer garden and the island (until the 1710s), then the banks of the Moika, of Karpovka, Chernaya river (until the 1750s), of Fontanka (until the 1780s); the areas along the Petergoff Road and the banks of the River Neva, tsar manors and manors of high officials in all suburban districts. The elitist residential areas of the city were located in the following sites: embankment near Troitskaya Square on Gorodskoy Island (until 1712), the area of the future Shpalernaya Street (1712-1716), the spit of Vasilievsky Island (1716-1721), Palace Embankment (1720-1760s), extension of the borders of the elitist residential area along Angliyskaya Embankment and along Nevsky Prospect (1760-1800s), then the elitist residential area was transferred across Fontanka to the zone of Furshtatskaya, Zakharievskaya, Sergievskaya Street (1800-1880s), development of new areas on St. Petersburg Island and along the modern Prospect of Decabrists (1890-1900s), establishment of the elitist residential areas on Mezhdunarodny and Suvorovsky Prospects (1940-1950s). In a similar way one can trace the trajectory of spatial transfer of almost all significant town planning elements. “New Holland�, for example, was located in a different place before 1737, namely on the site of the arena of the Horse Guards Regiment. The legislative succession of the city development A consistent town planning legislative base for the city and its outskirts was being constantly and successively developed since the times of Peter the Great. It had been in force continuously, until the end of the 1930s when a transfer to a new system was made. Many of the decrees by Peter the Great were supported by the legislation of Anna Ioanovna, Elizaveta Petrovna, Catherine II. These decrees were included in the Complete Laws of the Russian Empire, in the Code of Law of the Russian Empire, became paragraphs and chapters of all the editions of the Construction Statute and Task Regulations. The transfer at the end of the 1930s to the system of building codes (SniP) broke down the continuous successive line.

Conclusions The urban genetic code of St. Petersburg has been developing for centuries and retains its continuity to the present. It has been acknowledged as one of the highest achievements of town plan-


ning art of the world. The historical centre, historical outskirts and landscapes of St. Petersburg and its agglomeration were made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989. Retaining the genetic code, even under conditions of new mass construction and mass standard buildings, will be a requirement for preserving the individual character (based on the historical development) of St. Petersburg. The destruction of the genetic code, even if hundreds and thousands of individual monuments are saved, will only help retain single monuments, but not St. Petersburg as a complete historical and urban ensemble. The focus on a few fashionable, glossy buildings is the fundamental danger in maintaining the city's genetic code.

Personal Profile Resume

Name Dr. Sergey Vladimirovic Semenzov Origin St. Petersburg/Russia Profession Architect Main professional field Urban planning, reconstruction and restoration of the historical environment Main subject Masterplans, planning control, local planning and building construction, historical and theoretical research





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Recommendations 3.3.5


As a conclusion to the International Symposium the participants formulated the following recommendations:

1. Broaden the scope of the central topics In the further development of the City of Kaliningrad discussion of the following topics seems of particular importance: - The joint development of city and region. - Securing and linking water and landscape areas within the city. - Maintaining existing residential areas, improvements of residential environments. - Demographic development, the effect of increased immigration on the economic and social life in the city. - Relieving the city centre from private motorised traffic, improvement of local public transport, securing the tramlines, improvements for pedestrians and also for cyclists. - Enhancing the attractiveness for tourism. - Securing the “genetic code”, the identity of the city.

2. Select spaces for the development of the city centre The participants of the Symposium recommend the prioritised treatment of the following spaces: - The extended inner city, also in its relation to the periphery of the city. - The inner urban area of the harbour. - Historic Kneiphof, the island and adjacent areas. Development within these areas should be assigned priorities.

3. Establish further procedures: - The diverse findings should be collected in a report and published. - The next step can be the preparation of a first workshop in which the topics (1) and spaces (2) are looked at in context and first ideas should be developed. Participants in the workshop should be mostly university students and young architects/urban planners from Kaliningrad. - Following the workshop a further symposium should assess the results and establish the basis for a subsequent competition. - The competition should – corresponding to the position of the City of Kaliningrad and its geographic links – be an international competition. The participants in the symposium recommend that the political committees of the city should concern themselves with these recommendations and the subsequent report. They request the representatives of the City of Kaliningrad to open up the spaces required for a positive development of this endeavour.






4 Summary

Summary 4

Summary of the Symposium


Summary Russian organisation committee's summing-up of the results of the international Symposium “Kaliningrad: Visions of the future – Urban development of the city centre”

The promoters of the international Symposium held in the City of Kaliningrad, on the initiative of the Directorate of Architecture and Urban Design of the City Council in cooperation with the Arbeitskreis Kulturkontakte Kaliningrad Hamburg, issue the following statement. Essential aspects are: - An international charter for the preservation and reconstruction of monuments and sights (Venice, 1964) and for the protection of historical cities (Washington, 1987); - The existing friendly relations of Kaliningrad to European partner cities and their creative cultural circles of architects; - The pursuit of a “region of collaboration” in Kaliningrad, between the European Union and the Russian Federation, as stated in the Federal Target Programme, Comprehensive Territorial Scheme, proposal for a new Masterplan for the city, and also in the declarations of public organisations; - The pursuit of the integration of work and the creative collaboration with architects from European countries, in accordance with the current principles of stable development and upholding the common values of the cultures and peoples; The intention of organs of local selfadministration to discuss, within the extended circle of Russian and international experts, questions concerning the condition and perspective for the development of the centre of Kaliningrad. The object of this measure is to evaluate the situation and to jointly draw up recommendations for further action. The questions stated in the programme of the Symposium was examined and discussed, announcements and reports heard, and discussions held. As a result the following statements can be made: - The location and significance of Kaliningrad, as a historic Russian city that is closely connected to the history and culture of a number of European nations, are unique. - The active involvement of Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad Region in the systems of international economic and cultural affiliations between the countries of the Baltic Region, and the inter-personal relations of all their inhabitants, should be promoted. - The strategic economic objectives of the Kaliningrad Region are the development of a transportation node of international importance, an international centre of commercial cooperation, a research and production centre and a culture-tourism link. A considerable part of this potential is centred in Kaliningrad. - Priorities of strategies of the urban development of Kaliningrad, as stated in the new Masterplan for the city are: Open-mindedness of the city for development initiatives, setting up a





4 Summary

legal framework for urban development decisions, pursuit of a specific cultural identity, creating a high-quality urban environment. A number of problems in the area must be considered in the course of formulating urban development policies, making decisions on the preservation and utilisation of the rich cultural inheritance of the city and in the context of its central location. These problems must be carefully examined in order to develop comprehensive solutions. They are: - the historical centre that was affected during World War II, the inner city area where all buildings were lost, now is an vast area with unfinished buildings; - insufficient usage of the huge infrastructure and investment potential of the spaces in the city centre that could be increased significantly with the development of an ordered overall proposal for the area. - the absence of a contemporary design concept for the city centre that is endorsed and supported by all players. The lack of understanding for the necessity of securing the balance between public and private investment interests in the reconstruction and new development of the centre. In consideration of these conditions the participants and the chairmen of the Symposium formulated recommendations, on the basis of which the organisation committee has composed the following notes on solving existing urban planning problems. These are presented to the local public and the decision makers: - Issues of the urban development of the city centre shall be examined in the context of the strategic development objectives of the region as a centre of international cooperation between countries within the Baltic Region. - Strategic decisions on the urban and architectural design of the city centre shall be made on the basis of the international competition, which should address international interests and the urban scale. - Multifunctionality of the city centre shall be achieved by creating unique sites that accommodate federal, regional and urban functions, and that are appropriate to the relevant scales. - The construction of the centre, its design and architectural image, shall be devised in a dialogue between the various social groups and associations of the urban public. - The development of the city centre shall be continued in the spirit inherited, by securing the harmonious interaction of the cultural inheritance that needs to be preserved and contemporary architecture. Further, the principle of preservation and restoration of existing sites of the cultural inheritance should be upheld; they are the temporal and spatial determinants of the city. - A decree shall be issued on waiving the right to build on the vacant sites in the historical centre until a land use plan, as a basis for the international competition, has been released. - Existing housing stock and the typical concrete pre-fab blocks in the centre, that no longer meet constructive, operational, social, economic and aesthetic demands, shall be modernised. - In the reconstruction of areas with existing buildings in the centre of the city, the historical building pattern should, if possible, be implemented, i.e. blocks, narrow street frontages, enclosed spaces with small squares and open spaces.


- Sites in the city centre that require a special form of development and building in terms of functional, historical and other criteria shall be earmarked, to facilitate a variety of settings and a harmonious interaction between different types of townscape. - The traffic congestion in the city should be relieved by rerouting transit traffic onto roads by passing the centre, and also by construction diametrical routes on different levels. This will ensure the long-term realignment of traffic flows outside the centre. - Areas for a separate pedestrian network, independent of vehicular traffic, should be allocated within the city centre. In addition, cycle paths should be constructed. - Buildings in the city centre are to embrace the River Pregel to extend the urban environment towards the waterfront and open opportunities for water related tourism and recreation as well as the establishment of a service infrastructure. - The focus should be on working out scenarios that are primarily concerned with the balanced, successive, functional development of problem sites in the urban centre. These include: 1. The area on Zentraljnaja Plostschdj, the natural core of the city and its administrative, commercial, cultural and tourist focus. The idea is the reestablishment of its primary function in the urban system and the intensification of the usage of surrounding areas by concentrating in it important buildings for the authorities, service industries, trade, recreation and culture. 2. The area on Plostschadj Pobedy, now a significant administrative, public, commercial and religious centre in modern Kaliningrad. The idea is to further develop the multifunctionality of the site. 3. The area on Kneiphof Island, the node and interface between the districts on the left and right banks of the River Pregel that is now to be developed into a centre for cultural education and tourism. The idea is to reconstruct historical buildings around the Cathedral, thereby creating a symbolic zone of the lost medieval town, with parks as local recreation areas. 4. The area on Nishnij Prud and Werchnij Prud, representing a homogenous landscape unit as part of a unique, interesting, natural, ecological system within the city that is a public open space of general urban significance. Measures to protect the site need to be taken and private development of inappropriate projects must be prevented. 5. The area at South Station, the centre of the left bank of the Pregel, accommodating transportation, commerce and trade functions and thereby relieving functions of the centre and around the Plostschadj Pobedy area. In recent years the interest of investors and contractors in the centre of Kaliningrad has grown rapidly. Participants in the Symposium are of the opinion that delay of decisions on drawing up a comprehensive proposal for the design of the centre of the city will lead to irreversible processes (scattered buildings), foregoing the opportunity to develop and implement a unified, well-balanced urban concept. Presently the urban public is faced with the task of determining the direction of the development of the city centre in the 21st century and to actively control its fate in this new era of history. This responsible task requires the combined intelligence, know-how and material resources of all potential players in the urban processes – organs of the state and the municipality, the business world political parties and public organisations, and the entire population.





4 Summary

The following short-term (two-year) measures for the implementation of the ideas and recommendations delivered by participants at the Symposium could be: 1. The planning and implementation of a workshop for the conceptual development of the entire city centre and its most difficult zones – with the help of the creative powers of invited, international architects and experts. 2. Setting up an exhibition of the proposed concepts, public debate on these proposals, and a continually updated, publicly accessible database holding information on the task and the development potentials of the city centre. 3. Holding an international competition for the reconstruction and development of the city centre of Kaliningrad.

25 June 2005 Kaliningrad







Participants Participants

Caroline Ahrens D&K projektentwicklungsmanagement, Hamburg/Germany Aleksey M. Arhipenko OOO “+4”, Kaliningrad/Russia Prof. Irina V. Belinzeva Fine Arts Institute, Moscow/Russia Prof. Dr. Dieter Biallas Transparency International Deutschland (TI-D) / Deputy Lord Mayor (retired), Hamburg/Germany Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Bloech University of Göttingen, Göttingen/Germany Jochen Brandi † November 2005 Architects Jochen Brandi, Göttingen/Germany Anna Brunow-Maunula Architects Brunow & Maunula, Helsinki/Finland Ivan D. Chechot PRO-RT Institute, St. Petersburg/Russia Tatiana N. Chekalina Kaliningrad State University, Kaliningrad/Russia Natalia I. Chepinoga OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia Uwe Drost D&K projektentwicklungsmanagement, Hamburg/Germany Julius Ehlers AC-Planergruppe Julius Ehlers, Itzehoe/Germany Alexandr I. Epifanov Institute of Federal Architects, Moscow/Russia Vadim G. Eremeyev Architect, Kaliningrad/Russia Dr. Veniamin G. Eremeyev “Rosprojekt“, Kaliningrad/Russia Prof. Gennadij M. Fedorov Kaliningrad State University, Kaliningrad/Russia Dr. Otto Flagge Municipal Planning Consultants, Kiel/Germany Flemming Frost Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark


Konstantin K. Gembitskiy Administration, Association of Municipalities of the Kaliningrad Region, Kaliningrad/Russia Sergej V. Gnedovskiy Union of Architects of Russia, Moscow/Russia Pavel M. Gorbach Architect, Kaliningrad/Russia Jana Grabowski D&K projektentwicklungsmanagement, Hamburg/Germany Aleksey B. Gubin Local History Society of the Kaliningrad Region, Kaliningrad/Russia Valeriy D. Gubin Territorial Administration of Orel Region, Orel/Russia Sergej A. Gulevskiy OOO “+4”, Kaliningrad/Russia Silvia S. Gurova International Department of Kaliningrad City Hall, Kaliningrad/Russia Hans-Heinrich Hansen Department of Urban Planning in Kiel, Kiel/Germany Dr. Andrej P. Klemeshev Kaliningrad State University, Kaliningrad/Russia Dr. Elke Knappe Leibnitz – Institute of Regional Geography, Leipzig/Germany Tatiana L. Kondakova Chief Architect of Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad/Russia Dr. Sergej M. Kopychina-Lorens Institut “Kaliningradgrazhdanprojekt”, Kaliningrad/Russia Dr. Valentin S. Korneyevets Kaliningrad State University, Kaliningrad/Russia Prof. Sergej D. Kozlov Regional Duma, Kaliningrad/Russia Olga V. Krasovskaya NPF “Enco“, St. Petersburg/Russia Dr. Vladimir R. Krogius Institute of Reconstruction Works INRECON, Moscow/Russia Dr. Helena G. Kropinova Department of Socio-cultural Services and Tourism, Kaliningrad State University, Kaliningrad/Russia






A. P. Kudrjavtsev Architectural Academy, Moscow/Russia Prof. Vladimir I. Kulakov Archeology Institute of the RAS, Moscow/Russia Valeriy V. Kuzlianov Deputy Chief Architect of Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad/Russia Dr. Sergej V. Lebedihin Architect, Kaliningrad/Russia Daniel Luchterhandt University of Technology Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg/Germany Prof. Jury S. Matochkin Regional Duma, Kaliningrad/Russia Olga V. Mezey OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia Dr. Werner Möller Bauhaus Foundation, Dessau/Germany Alexander V. Nevezhin Architect, Kaliningrad/Russia Dmitriy Ofitserov International Relations Department of Kaliningrad, Regional Administration, Kaliningrad/Russia Prof. Marcin Orawiec OX2architekcts, Aachen/Germany Alexander V. Popadin Freelance Writer, Kaliningrad/Russia Victor I. Pustovgarov Administration of Kaliningrad Region, Kaliningrad/Russia Venzel T. Salakhov “AO BUDIMEX”, Kaliningrad/Russia Alexa Saure D&K projektentwicklungsmanagement, Hamburg/Germany Yuriy A. Savenko Mayor of Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad/Russia Anatolij N. Seljutin Architect, Kaliningrad/Russia Sergej V. Semenzov Research Institute of St. Petersburg and the Northwest Region, St. Petersburg/Russia


Prof. Sergej I. Sokolov “Giprogor” Institute of Urbanistics, St. Petersburg/Russia Prof. Sergej Y. Tsiplenkov Kaliningrad Sociological Centre, Kaliningrad/Russia Vjacheslav S. Uvarov Institute “Kaliningradgrazdanprojekt”, Kaliningrad/Russia Oleg I. Vasjutin Architect and Urban Planner, Kaliningrad/Russia Jurij I. Zabuga Architect, Kaliningrad/Russia Elke Zlonicky Urban Planning Practice, Munich/Germany Prof. Peter Zlonicky Urban Planning Practice, Munich/Germany






Illustration Illustrations

Lecture 2 – Olga V. Krasovskaya 1 | Masterplan No source 2 | Land use plan No source

Lecture 3 – Dr. Werner Möller 1 | Design of the ideal city form the treatise of Filarete, around 1465 Source: Benevolo, L.: Die Geschichte der Stadt, Campus Verlag – Frankfurt a. M./New York, 8th Edition, 2000, p. 577, Ill. 882 2 | Town centre of Siena Source: Benevolo, L.: Die Geschichte der Stadt, Campus Verlag – Frankfurt a. M./New York, 8th Edition, 2000, p. 350, Ill. 567 3 | Founding plan of Caracas, around 1560 Source: Benevolo, L.: Die Geschichte der Stadt, Campus Verlag – Frankfurt a. M./New York, 8th Edition, 2000, p. 675, Ill. 1002 4 | Braunschweig Castle prior to its destruction in WW II No source 5 | Demolition of Braunschweig Castle, watercolour by Karl Schmidt, 1960 No source 6 | Site of the former Braunschweig Castle after demolition No source 7 | Open space design around Braunschweig Castle Arcades, 2004 Source: City of Braunschweig and ECE Projektmanagement GmbH &Co.KG 8 | Ground floor plan of Braunschweig Castle Arcades, 2005 Source: City of Braunschweig and ECE Projektmanagement GmbH &Co.KG 9 | Computer simulation of Braunschweig Castle Arcades, 2003 Source: City of Braunschweig and ECE Projektmanagement GmbH &Co.KG 10 | Model of Braunschweig Castle Arcades, 2005 Source: City of Braunschweig and ECE Projektmanagement GmbH &Co.KG 11 | ECE-Center Brünn (Czech Republic), opened 2005 Source: ECE Projektmanagement GmbH &Co.KG 12 | ECE-Center Klagenfurt (Austria), opened 2004 Source: ECE Projektmanagement GmbH &Co.KG 13 | ECE-Center Wetzlar (Germany), opened 2005 Source: ECE Projektmanagement GmbH &Co.KG 14 | Town houses in Leipzig (Plagwitz), 2005 Author's photograph, 2005 15 | Town houses in Leipzig (Schleusig), 2005 Author's photograph, 2005 16 | Town houses in Leipzig (Schleusig), 2005 Author's photograph, 2005


Lecture 4 – Oleg I. Vasjutin 1 | Stage I: 1255 Source: Oleg I. Vasjutin, Kaliningrad/Russia 2 | Stage II: late 13th century to the end of the 16th century Source: Oleg I. Vasjutin, Kaliningrad/Russia 3 | Stage III: early 17th – mid 19th century Source: Oleg I. Vasjutin, Kaliningrad/Russia 4 | Stage IV: late 19th – early 20th century Source: Oleg I. Vasjutin, Kaliningrad/Russia 5 | Stage V: first third of the 20th century Source: Oleg I. Vasjutin, Kaliningrad/Russia 6 | Stage VI: “Project town” Königsberg of the 1930s Source: Oleg I. Vasjutin, Kaliningrad/Russia 7 | Stage VI: “Project town” Kaliningrad of the 1950s Source: Oleg I. Vasjutin, Kaliningrad/Russia 8 | Stage VII: Second half to late 20th century No source 9 | Evolution of Kaliningrad Source: Oleg I. Vasjutin, Kaliningrad/Russia

Lecture 5 – Prof. Marcin Orawiec 1 | Rheinpark Süd – Night-time perspective Source: OX2architekten, Aachen/Germany 2 | Rheinpark Süd – Site plan Source: OX2architekten, Aachen/Germany 3 | O.Vision – Perspective Source: OX2architekten, Aachen/Germany 4 | O.Vision – Site plan Source: OX2architekten, Aachen/Germany 5 | Schanzenstraße – Perspective 1 Source: OX2architekten, Aachen/Germany 6 | Schanzenstraße – Perspective 2 Source: OX2architekten, Aachen/Germany 7 | Schanzenstraße – Site plan Source: OX2architekten, Aachen/Germany 8 | Wesseling – Typical sketch Source: OX2architekten, Aachen/Germany 9 | Wesseling – Model Source: OX2architekten, Aachen/Germany 10 | Wesseling – Site plan Source: OX2architekten, Aachen/Germany






Lecture 6 – Prof. Irina V. Belinzeva 1 | Town plan of Königsberg by Jochim Bering, 1613 No source 2 | Fragment of the epitaph – Königsberg in the guise of Jerusalem Source: Jager, E., Schreiner, R.: Das alte Königsberg. Veduten aus 400 Jahren – Regensburg-Grünstadt, 1987 3 | Town plan of Königsberg by Suchodolez Mladschij, 1740 No source 4 | Town plan of St. Petersburg by J.B.A. Leblond, 1717 No source 5 | Ordnance survey map of Königsberg, 1815 Source: Kartensammlung des Herder-Instituts, Marburg 6 | Development of facades in Baltic coastal towns, 1400-1900 Source: Material Gdansk, Polen 7 | Portal of the Königsberg Castle – south entrance to courtyard, 1551 No source 8 | Portal of house no. 27 Langgasse on Kneiphof – early 17th century No source 9 | Residential building in Bergstrasse, in the Old Town of Königsberg – early 17th century No source 10 | Residential building in Junkerstrasse on Kneiphof, 1654 No source 11 | Castle Church of Königsberg, 1690 No source 12 | Plan of Königsberg Castle Church, 1690 No source 13 | Königsberg with Castle Church in background No source 14 | Königsberg Town Hall on Kneiphof, 1695 No source 15 | Ceiling decoration at the Town Hall 1696-1697, A. Schlüter No source 16 | Fragment of ceiling decoration at the Town Hall 1696-1697, A. Schlüter No source 17 | Detail of ceiling decoration 1696-1697, A. Schlüter No source 18 | Post-war project in the centre of Kaliningrad, 1950s No source

Lecture 7 – Venzel T. Salakhov 1 | Linear-spatial frames Königsberg, 1938 Source: AO BUDIMEX, Kaliningrad/Russia 2 | Linear-spatial frames Kaliningrad, 1996 Source: AO BUDIMEX, Kaliningrad/Russia


3 | Former town gate No source 4 | Compositional frames Königsberg, 1938 Source: AO BUDIMEX, Kaliningrad/Russia 5 | Compositional frames Kaliningrad, 1966 Source: AO BUDIMEX, Kaliningrad/Russia 6 | Königsberg, 1729 No source 7 | Dominant frames Kaliningrad, 2005 Source: AO BUDIMEX, Kaliningrad/Russia

Lecture 8 – Prof. Gennadij M. Fedorov 1 | Abutting Baltic states No source 2 | Region Kaliningrad, 2000-2010 No source 3 | National linkage of Kaliningrad No source

Lecture 9 – Prof. Sergej D. Kozlov 1 | Visualisation of Christ the Saviour Cathedral and shopping centre “Kaliningrad-750” No source 2 | Former House of Technology No source 3 | Bird's eye view of construction of Christ the Saviour Cathedral and shopping centre “Kaliningrad-750” No source 4 | Bird's eye view visualisation of Christ the Saviour Cathedral and shopping centre “Kaliningrad-750” No source 5 | Extract from street map No source 6 | Original building of grocery market No source

Lecture 11 – Dr. Elke Knappe 1 | Kaliningrad, Housing and industry 2002 Source: Knappe, E.: Kaliningrad aktuell (=Daten, Fakten, Literatur zur Geographie Europas, H. 7), Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde – Leipzig, 2004, p. 29 2 | Kaliningrad Region, Housing Source: Knappe, E.: Kaliningrad aktuell (=Daten, Fakten, Literatur zur Geographie Europas, H. 7), Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde – Leipzig, 2004, p. 58






3 | New public housing development 2004 Source: Sozialno-ekonomiceskoe polo enie Kaliningradskoj oblasti v 2004 godu (The sozio-economic situation in the Kaliningrad Region 2004) – Kaliningrad, 2005, 4 | Share of foreign direct investment 2004 Source: Sozialno-ekonomiceskoe polo enie Kaliningradskoj oblasti v 2004 godu (The sozio-economic situation in the Kaliningrad Region 2004) – Kaliningrad, 2005, 5 | Share of foreign investment according to countries 2004 Source: Sozialno-ekonomiceskoe polo enie Kaliningradskoj oblasti v 2004 godu (The sozio-economic situation in the Kaliningrad Region 2004) – Kaliningrad, 2005, 6 | Road network of the Baltic Region Source: Knappe, E.: Kaliningrad aktuell (=Daten, Fakten, Literatur zur Geographie Europas, H. 7), Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde – Leipzig, 2004, p. 37 7 | Share of foreign investment according to countries 2004 Source: Sozialno-ekonomiceskoe polo enie Kaliningradskoj oblasti v 2004 godu (The sozio-economic situation in the Kaliningrad Region 2004) – Kaliningrad, 2005, 8 | Kaliningrad Region – Euro Regions Author's illustration

Lecture 12 – Flemming Frost 1 | Q-Book 1 Source: Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark 2 | Q-Book 2 Source: Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark 3 | Randers Barracks 1 Source: Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark 4 | Randers Barracks 2 Source: Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark 5 | Analysis of the inner harbour of Copenhagen 1 Source: Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark 6 | Analysis of the inner harbour of Copenhagen 2 Source: Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark 7 | Porcelænshaven Residence 1 Source: Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark 8 | Porcelænshaven Residence 2 Source: Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark 9 | Bergen Sjöfront 1 Source: Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark 10 | Bergen Sjöfront 2 Source: Juul and Frost architects, Copenhagen/Denmark

Lecture 13 – Dr. Otto Flagge 1 | Kiel Fjord Source: Planning materials of the Urban Planning Department, Kiel


p. 130

p. 47

p. 52

p. 20

2 | Extent of destruction of Kiel after World War II Source: Planning materials of the Urban Planning Department, Kiel 3 | Destruction of inner city of Kiel Source: Jensen, J.: Kieler Zeitgeschichte im Pressefoto, Wachholtz Verlag – Neumünster, 1984 4 | Open spaces with temporary tree planting Source: Jensen, J.: Kieler Zeitgeschichte im Pressefoto, Wachholtz Verlag – Neumünster, 1984 5 | Adaptation of the urban fabric (view north from railway station) Source: Planning materials of the Urban Planning Department, Kiel 6 | Factory Buckau-Wolf, 1963 Source: Jensen, J.: Kieler Zeitgeschichte im Pressefoto, Wachholtz Verlag – Neumünster, 1984 7 | Waterfront Kiel – city to the water Source: Planning materials of the Urban Planning Department, Kiel 8 | Masterplan Hörn Source: Planning materials of the Urban Planning Department, Kiel 9 | Sketch of Masterplan Hörn Source: Planning materials of the Urban Planning Department, Kiel 10 | Hörn Bridge and view to Kiel main station Source: Planning materials of the Urban Planning Department, Kiel 11 | Promenade with view to Hörn Campus Source: Planning materials of the Urban Planning Department, Kiel 12 | Hörn Campus Source: Planning materials of the Urban Planning Department, Kiel

Lecture 14 – Olga V. Mezey 1 | Stage I – Statement Source: OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia 2 | Stage II – Three cities with town halls, main trading places and a spiritual centres Source: OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia 3 | Stage III – 1724-1866 Source: OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia 4 | Stage IV – After 1912 Source: OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia 5 | Stage IV – Radial ring structure, historical core, present linear centres Source: OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia 6 | Stage V – After the destruction of the war – 1960s Source: OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia 7 | Stage VI – 1970s Source: OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia 8 | Aerial view of Kneiphof No source






9 | Problems of the present condition of the city centre of Kaliningrad (Stage VII – 20th/21st century) Source: OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia

Lecture 16 – Daniel Luchterhandt 1 | A changing city – comprehensive redevelopment of the urban infrastructure No source 2 | Not everything can be done overnight: Transformation needs time No source 3 | Old world of experience in new splendour: Mall on Nevskij Prospekt No source 4 | New world of experience and new luxury: a new shopping centre at the Metro station Vladimirskaja No source 5 | “How long will this go on for?”: An apartment means enhancement of the living conditions No source 6 | New perspectives of living: Successors to prefabricated homes No source 7 | The pass to membership in civil society No source 8 | “Together we can do anything” – Finding support for blind faith in authoritarian structures No source 9 | Project Kvartal 130: integrated renewal creates new quality in the city centre No source 10 | State planning: Redevelopment of Haymarket has brought improvements No source 11 | Sennaja Ploshad – the most lively square in town No source 12 | Deep roots: Peter the Great as the ideal master planner of St. Petersburg No source 13 | Maximum economic exploits at the expense of first-rate homes and quality of life No source 14 | The project “Morskoij Kaskad and Morskoij Fasad” No source 15 | Project Mariinksij II No source 16 | More faith in future generations: Not only outward support of change! No source

Lecture 17 – Jochen Brandi und Andrej Derbenkov 1 | Kneiphof, city island and the cathedral on the River Pregel No source


2 | View of the city island Kneiphof, Kaliningrad around 2000 No source 3 | Historic town plan of Kneiphof before 1945 No source 4 | The “new Kneiphof”, a citical reconstruction of the old town plan No source 5 | Sketch section No source

Lecture 18 – Prof. Peter Zlonicky 1 | The great north-south axis and the “Hall of the People” from the design of Albert Speer (1941) Source: Durth, W.: “Deutsche Architekten” 2 | Plan of the inner city prior to demolition in the war Author's illustration 3 | Plan of the inner city after reunification Author's illustration 4 | Current plan of the inner city Author's illustration 5 | Brandenburg Gate 2005, pictures of a destroyed square 1945 Author's photograph, 2005 6 | Objectives of cautious urban renewal of the district Kreuzberg Author's illustration 7 | Berlin Study, Strategies for the city; title page of the publication Author's reproduction 8 | Public space Unter den Linden; title page of the publication of the Senate office, ca. 1996 Author's reproduction 9 | The Berlin wall as art and as reminder, only retained in a few places Author's photograph, 2003 10 | New building on Potsdamer Platz, view from Leipziger Straße Author's photograph, 2003 11 | Historic centre of the city, view of the “Palace of the Republic” Author's reproduction 12 | New Academy of Arts in its old location, Pariser Platz 4 Author's photograph, 2005 13 | Memorial for the murdered Jews in Europe Author's photograph, 2005 14 | Stumbling blocks: Reminders in front of the houses of residents who were driven away or murdered Source: Nina Zlonicky, 2005 15 | The Symposium in Kaliningrad Source: Elke Zlonicky, 2005






Lecture 19 – Anna Brunow-Maunula 1 | Helsinki 1877, painting by Oskar Kleineh No source 2 | Helsinki Masterplan 2001 Source: Urban Planning Department, Helsinki 3 | Transportation 1986-2004 Source: Urban Planning Department, Helsinki 4 | “Säteri” Prefabricated panel construction No source 5 | “Arabia” Residential block Source: Jussi Tiainen 6 | Library in Kuusankoski Source: Jussi Tiainen 7 | Office building for States and Senate Properties Source: Jussi Tiainen 8 | Urban planning process Source: Urban Planning Department, Helsinki 9 | Myyrmäki Church No source 10 | Viewing tower at the zoo in Helsinki Source: Jussi Tiainen

The editors have, up to the production deadline, endeavoured to find all copyright owners of illustrations. Persons and institutions who could not be located, and who would like to assert their rights for illustrations printed, are asked to contact the publishers.







Imprint Imprint

Publisher/Organisers Municipal Authority of Kaliningrad, Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Kaliningrad/Russia Öffentlicher Verband “Kaliningrader Kulturkontakte”, Hamburg/Germany

Concept/Design D&K projektentwicklungsmanagement Hohe Brücke 1 / Haus der Seefahrt D-20459 Hamburg Telefon 0049 40 36 09 84-0 Fax 0049 40 36 09 84-11 E-Mail info@drost-klose.de Uwe Drost, Alexa Saure, André Westendorf

OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH 236006, g. Kaliningrad, Moscowski Prospekt 12 Telefon 007 401 34 22 93 Fax 007 401 34 20 52 E-Mail mezey@mail.ru Olga Mezey, Dr. Helena Kropinova, Venzel Salakhov

Organisation/Editorial Staff D&K projektentwicklungsmanagement, Hamburg/Germany Uwe Drost, Alexa Saure, Anniki Stuhr, André Westendorf OOO “Nikor Projekt” GmbH, Kaliningrad/Russia Olga Mezey, Natalia Chepinoga Municipal Authority, Kaliningrad/Russia Tatiana Kondakova, Valeriy Kuzlianov Kaliningrad State University, Kaliningrad/Russia Gennadij Fedorov, Dr. Helena Kropinova Architects, Kaliningrad/Russia Venzel Salakhov, Oleg Vasjutin, Jurij Zabuga Freelance Editors, Kaliningrad/Russia N. Martynjuk, A. Sokolova


Translation Russian-German/German-Russian Margarita Beck, Elena Depken, Elena Gordeeva, Zanna Glotova, Jana Grabowski, Olga Peteshova, Vladimir Ryzkov Russian-English Natalja Andreeva, Elena Kostyk, Anna Samojlova German-English/English-German Caroline Ahrens

Photographs Olga Mezey, Venzel Salakhov, Alexa Saure, Natalja Yagunov, Prof. Peter Zlonicky

Notes on dissemination This brochure is published for the purpose of public relations of the Municipal Authorities of Kaliningrad. Political parties, or their candidates and helpers, may not use this brochure for canvassing purposes during election campaigns. This applies to all elections. Not allowed is the distribution at election events, information booths of political parties and the inclusion, printing or posting of party political information or advertisements. Passing on the brochure to third parties for the use of election canvassing is also prohibited. Irrespective of the time scale of elections, this brochure may not be used in any way that could be construed as partiality of the publishers towards any political group. These restrictions are valid irrespective of the channel of distribution, i.e. irrespective of the way, and in what quantities, this information has reached the recipient.



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