Feb marsh

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for the Marsh Delivered FREE to 10,300 homes in TN28 & TN29

Feb/Mar 2015

THE WALNUT TREE ALDINGTON Old Smuggling Inn, Steeped in History

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Belmont Sandbanks Care Group offers care for people in delightful settings in coastal Kent and East Sussex. We provide specialist care for people in these areas via our services which include Residential Care, Day Care Services, Respite Services and Home Care Services. Belmont Sandbanks Care Group consists of Madeira Lodge, Sandbanks and Edendale ZKLFK RÎ?HU VSHFLDOLVW dementia care for the elderly. Madeira Day Services is a day centre within the grounds of Madeira Lodge, RÎ?HULQJ FDUH DQG VXSSRUW WR ROGHU SHRSOH ZLWK GHPHQWLD DQG RWKHU PHQWDO KHDOWK SUREOHPV ZKR PD\ OLYH alone or be cared for by others. There is a registered mental nurse and dementia clinic available through our GD\ VHUYLFHV WR RÎ?HU FOLQLFDO VXSSRUW DQG VXSHUYLVLRQ IRU VWDÎ? VHUYLFH XVHUV DQG IDPLOLHV DW DOO RI RXU VLWHV ΖQ DGGLWLRQ WR WKH UHVLGHQWLDO DQG GD\ FDUH VHUYLFHV %HOPRQW 6DQGEDQNV DOVR RÎ?HUV DVVLVWHG +RPH &DUH Services. Our skilled care assistants and domestic assistants can come to your home to help with your LQ KRXVH FDUH :H RÎ?HU SHUVRQDO DQG GRPHVWLF FDUH LQ WKH KRPH DQG D ZLGH UDQJH RI VHUYLFHV SOHDVH IHHO IUHH to discuss these options with us. &RPELQHG RXU VHUYLFHV SURYLGH D VSHFWUXP RI FDUH IRU WKH HOGHUO\ ZLWK GHPHQWLD :H DOVR RÎ?HU D GLYHUVH UDQJH RI FRPSOLPHQWDU\ VHUYLFHV IRU IDPLOLHV 8QOLNH PDQ\ UHVLGHQWLDO FDUH EXVLQHVVHV ZH GR WKLQJV YHU\ GLÎ?HUHQWO\ E\ RÎ?HULQJ D ZLGH UDQJH RI FDUH VHUYLFHV WR VXSSRUW WKH ORFDO FRPPXQLW\ WKHVH LQFOXGH

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$V DQ RUJDQLVDWLRQ ZH WRRN WKH GHFLVLRQ WR RÎ?HU D PRUH URXQGHG FDUH VXSSRUW V\VWHP WR KHOS DOO WKRVH FDULQJ for people with Dementia. With Belmont Sandbanks you need not only come to us for residential support but for full support, whether it be living with us or at your own home. Thank you.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. T: 01797 366810 E: info@belmontsandbanks.co.uk W: www.belmontsandbanks.co.uk

Welcome Hi everyone, Welcome to our first edition for 2015, I hope you all had a great Christmas and the new year is being kind to you. The Christmas break provided the opportunity for a much needed rest, but with the year barely off the starting blocks my annual break is now a distant memory. Whilst working on this month’s edition, I stopped to answer the phone and noticed rain water lapping at the back door. There’s nothing like an imminent flood to get the adrenaline going so I sprang into instant panic mode and ran around the garden like a headless chicken for a while (in leaky boots). By the end of the day, soaked through, weary from building dams and sweeping water, my previously lazy brain is now fully back in working order and I’m ready to tackle the rest of the winter. I hate to wish my life away, but roll on Spring time! This year The Village Directory is 10 years old. Thinking back that’s a lot of deadlines, and

Apr/May Issue Deadline 1st March sleepless nights, especially at the beginning! I’m proud to say that a number of advertisers have been with me for most of that journey and I’m sincerely grateful for their loyalty. The Walnut Tree Inn in Aldington actually featured in my very first edition back in July 2005 and 10 years on is still very much a part of the The Village Directory family. I’m afraid Dolly & Tinkaboo are on holiday this month so Henry Hedgehog is looking after Kid’s Corner for them while they are away. They’ll be back soon! Until next time, have a great month!

~ Debbie T: 01233 720488 e: info@thevillagedirectory.co.uk e: events@thevillagedirectory.co.uk w: www.thevillagedirectory.co.uk

Total Build S.E

Aඅඅ Aඌඉൾർඍඌ ඈൿ Bඎංඅൽංඇ඀ Wඈඋ඄ Uඇൽൾඋඍൺ඄ൾඇ

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Caring All Together on Romney Marsh (CARM) is a registered charity providing support to older people. Their aim is to reduce social isolation and enhance the well-being of older people in our community. Services are delivered by a team of over 100 dedicated volunteers: Meeting Points are coffee mornings with a little extra – people meet for chats, drinks, games and outings. Our Memories Matter delivers reminiscence sessions to those in care settings and Befriending matches isolated clients with volunteer visitors for company and socialising. The staff team are building on these successes and launching a range of services to help even more isolated people. Telephone Befriending links clients with volunteers for a weekly phone call. The purpose of the call is reduce the clients’ loneliness and provides them with an opportunity to talk about whatever they want without feeling uncomfortable and it is ideal for clients who don’t want someone in their home but are still lonely or require additional support.

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February is here again. It seems like only yesterday we were bringing in the New Year. And within a few days Arts Hour, presenter, Clive Looker, will be celebrating Valentines Day. Where do the days go? Talking of the New year. Many readers will have made new year resolutions to live a fitter, healthier life but as is always the case, many of those good intentions have been shelved until next New Year. But you

Group Befriending is aimed at those who prefer a small social get-together rather than one to one. A volunteer facilitator drives members to one of the clients’ home on a monthly basis for socialisation. This is fantastic for those looking to establish those informal networks that are often lost with the loss of mobility and onset of poor health. Family Connect is a project using computers to connect people with friends and family who they can no longer visit. Equipment and support is provided by a co-ordinator and new user-friendly technologies allow easy messaging and video calling with loved ones. Emma Wiltshire, Development Co-ordinator of CARM said ‘We know through research, both locally and nationally, that there are a great deal of lonely people in our community. We hope our new services will help enhance people’s well-being through social contact’. CARM are always looking for volunteers and are open to referrals for all of their services so if you, or someone you know wants to know more please contact their office. Call 01233 758122 or email office@carmromneymarsh. org.uk.

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don’t have to shelve your fitness plans, what you need is a dose of Angela Briar-Stephenson and Jan Mulligan, for Angela and Jan host ‘The Weekly Wellbeing Show’, otherwise known as ‘Who Cares Wins’. If you really care about yourself, An and Jan can guide you through a health, fitness and wellbeing programme. Although the programme is broadcast every Monday at 12 noon, it matters not a jot that you miss it, as you can tune in to Channel Radio’s ‘Listen Again’ slot for the next seven days following the broadcast. This is only one of a wide selection of programmes on Channel Radio, many of which can be heard on Channel Radio’s ‘Listen Again’ service. For a full schedule go to www. channelradio.co.uk/programme-schedule/ and see what it can offer you?

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Advertise Here £24 per edition plus vat or monthly payments of £12 plus vat

Call: 01233 720488 e: info@thevillagedirectory.co.uk

the garden

Preparing for Warmer Weather by Pippa Greenwood

The combination of the poor weather in February and the very fact that gardens tend to be at their least appealing this month, means the chances are yours is receiving nothing much more than a fair helping of neglect at the moment. But spring isn’t far away so get your gardening gloves on for a bit of preparation.


Start by clearing up any remaining fallen leaves, broken twigs. Twigs and woody debris are best binned or burned or perhaps even heaped up in the corner of the garden to act as a sheltering spot for wildlife, but fallen leaves, and the top growth of herbaceous perennials, can be added to the compost heap. When it comes to tackling herbaceous or flower borders, don’t make things look too clean and tidy, as you may well cut down on the protection that faded top-growth can provide. I tend to leave most of the remains of herbaceous plants in place until spring, but the most ugly, straggly or unkempt bits could certainly be cleared up now. Keep a particular look out for slugs and snails and collect them up while they are snoozing!

It is too early in the year to cut your lawn and indeed you should try to keep off it as far as possible, but you can clear twigs and leaves and cut back any weeds which have grown faster than the grass itself. You can use any pots or other containers which have been left around the garden to create spots of colour and interest by clearing them out, using fresh compost and then replanting them. If you choose temporary winter plantings such as winter flowering pansies or pompom winter daisies, then these can simply be removed when it is time to replant with summer bedding. Scrubbing down the outer surfaces of pots and containers will also help to clean them up again, because by now they have invariably accumulated a good helping of algae and soil and can look quite a mess. Check fruit trees for signs of any dead shrivelled fruit still on the branches and cut these out, as they often harbour brown rot disease and can cause a lot of problems in the future. However these definitely shouldn’t be composted - bin or burn any you find.

Use a stiff brush to clear off surface debris from your terrace or patio and then once it is clear, if it still looks in need of a bit of a facelift, use the stiff brush or yard broom to scrub it over thoroughly. Provided freezing weather is not forecast, wash it over with a few buckets of water. A trip to your local garden centre is bound to give you plenty of ideas for what’s looking good this month. Some of my favourites include the small trees or shrubs which have a delicious fragrance during the winter months. These include winter sweet, hamamelis (witch hazel) and sarcococca. You can now buy pots of snowdrop bulbs which are not far from flowering so ‘cheat’ a little and pop a few of these into the ground. Winter flowering heathers and winter flowering pansies can also be used to great effect right now. Visit Pippa’s website www. pippagreenwood.com for ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ veg growing system , biological controls, fleece, copper tape and lots more besides.

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RSPB Dungeness News Winter Work Programme Work in the New Year has seen the coppicing of a willow plot along the willow trail. This is the second year of a 25 year rotation plan which is aimed at creating a structural and diverse habitat within the willow with the aim of therefore increasing the biodiversity of the site. Future work will focus on willow removal within the reedbed, as well as reed cutting. By cutting blocks of reed on rotation, it helps regenerate the reedbed by stimulating new reed. By creating this structural diversity,

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Sheep release onto the wider shingle The sheep are now free roaming across the shingle from the entrance to Burrowes, New Excavations and Hookers. The sheep will be out on the shingle until mid March, they are there to graze the rough patches of grassland found around the shingle and reserve that would otherwise become thick and rank and would outcompete any plants/flowers, some of which are rare/specialised to Dungeness. It is also a step back into history as this was how the entire peninsula used to be managed (but on a much larger scale!) before urbanisation of the point and the power station was built. Wildlife Highlights Recent highlights include: Kingfisher sightings have increased and can usually be spotted from Hanson and Scott hide. 6 female red headed smew’s are regularly seen on Burrowes. Great white egrets can still be seen daily around the reserve. A range of waterfowl have been recorded including pintails, and large numbers of shoveler, wigeon and teal. Tree sparrows are regularly sighted on the feeder at the front of Boulderwall farmhouse. For full listings of our recent sightings, including dates and locations last seen, you can visit our Recent Sightings page at www.rspb.org.uk/ dungeness


we hope to increase the biodiversity of the reedbed, as well as increasing important reed edge habitat, which is beneficial for key species including both bitterns and bearded tits.

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the home

Home & Interiors How to create romantic style at home plainest of fabrics, and since a little goes a long way there is no need to break the bank to achieve the desired effect.

Who wouldn’t fall in love 14 with romantic style? Feminine, delicate and ohso pretty, this is a timeless look that will work in all styles of home, from a bijoux city apartment to a grand country pile, says Katherine Sorrell Make your home a haven from everyday worries with a romantic decorating style that takes you worlds away from the busy bustle of modern life. It’s a look that is eternally charming and appealing, pretty as a picture, soft and dreamy and completely irresistible. The first ingredient? Sumptuous fabrics, of course. Think lacey trims around the edges of pillowcases, napkins or cushions, or even entire panels

(especially vintage or antique) hung across a window or thrown over a bed. Gorgeous. Sheers are also perfect for this look. Employ organza, chiffon, tulle, georgette and voile in opulent swathes and gathers, and layer them with crisp cottons and linens for interest and appeal. Since how things feel is just as important as how they look, add some deliciously soft and tactile fabrics such as angora, mohair or cashmere, or perhaps warm and snuggly wool or felt. Choose floral patterns that look as if they’re worn or faded (definitely not digitally printed or modern in style) – you just can’t beat classics such as roses, hydrangeas, peonies and the like, especially when they’re hand-drawn or blockprinted. Decorative details are important, too: embroidery, borders, ruffles and scalloped edgings will enhance even the

As for furniture, try to steer clear of very dark and heavy pieces, instead opting for simple, country-style or shabby chic furnishings in natural pine or else painted in pale and pretty colours. You may wish to go to town in the bedroom with a canopied or half-tester bed (if you’re on a budget, simply hang generous amounts of hemmed, sheer fabric from a hoop above the bed for a similar effect), combined with blissfully beautiful bed linen: perhaps crisp white cotton edged with drawn threadwork and topped with a vintage chintzy eiderdown or satin quilt. In the living room, opt for a plump and (of course) comfortable sofa, chaise longue or armchair in a traditional style, piled with cushions and bolsters trimmed with lace, embroidery or buttons, while in the kitchen an old-fashioned dresser is just the thing, piled with vintage patterned crockery. No romantic home would be complete without atmospheric lighting, which is best achieved by combining a variety of light sources – a central chandelier perhaps, together with a selection of wall and table lights, the latter small and graceful rather than large and imposing. If you are in a crafty mood, you could embellish

the home a plain card or fabric shade by adding a gathered fabric edging, lace trim or ribbon bow. And don’t forget that twinkly fairy lights and a selection of candles or tea lights (preferably scented) will really add atmosphere to your home. And speaking of finishing touches, what else can one do to make this look come together flawlessly? In general, choose surface finishes that are shiny and reflective, from mirror to pearl, polished metal to glazed ceramics. Accessorise with fine china teacups and cake stands, delicately etched glassware and bone-handled cutlery. One or two heart-shaped pieces add to the effect – perhaps a lavender bag, mirror, picture frame or soap dish – as will a scattering of small ornaments, from birds and animals to female figures.

Last, but definitely not least, add flowers everywhere possible, in vases and milk bottles, jam jars and other informal containers. Roses or ranunculas, alliums or asters – informal arrangements of old-fashioned blooms with a lovely scent will be sure to bring romance to any home. Image: These embellished cushions have a gentle and romantic feel. From £19.99, all Retreat Home, tel 01628471056; www. retreat-home.com.

ROMANTIC STYLE AT A GLANCE Pale colours and faded patterns Glass droplet chandeliers Venetian mirrors Rose petals Lace and ribbons Etched glass Vintage teacups Curly metal furniture

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Coupling Roses are red and violets are blue, most poems rhyme… but they say marriage is the end of romance, so this one doesn’t. We’ve put together a collection of books for the big V-Day celebrations that focus on what happens after you and your love have been together for a while. Is there really such a thing as ‘happily ever after’? Or this this the beginning of the end?


A Spot of Bother - Mark Haddon The secrets, hopes and disappointments of our ordinary lives come into question in Haddon’s great novel about one family and the couples within it. George and Jean have been married for decades, but their daughter Katie, divorced, is now getting remarried, to someone who has ‘strangler’s hands’, according to her brother. Jean’s trying to keep her affair under wraps and George has discovered a strange lump or lesion and decides he’s definitely on his last legs. It’s all a bit of a pickle really and a highly amusing game of who’ll end up with whom. Couples - John Updike It’s a bit naughty, this one. But it’s a classic, so you can’t be frowned upon for reading it! It focuses on the promiscuous lives of ten couples living in a small Massachusetts town during the 1960s and reading it is like stepping back into the decade of free love and experimentation. It’s full of historic references and mixes fact and fiction incredibly well. The group of married, fairly well-off thirty-something year old couples are taking full advantage of new methods of contraception and more liberal attitudes. Updike’s novel questions whether it’s a new utopian society, or whether they’re actually in a hell of their own making. Us - David Nicholls Women marry men thinking they can change them; men marry women hoping they’ll never change. Douglas would be quite happy to grow old and die together,

but for Connie, that sentiment means their relationship is already dead in the water. She announces she’s going to pack her bags and leave him, but is persuaded by Douglas to make one final trip together. He’s got a master plan to reignite the spark and is pinning everything on this one holiday. Sounds like a fool-proof plan… The Children Act - Ian McEwan High Court Judge Fiona May presides over family cases, whilst her own home life is crumbling about her. Her husband’s asked her if they can have an open marriage and it doesn’t go down all that well. When he leaves, she is left questioning her own belief system and what it means to be dignified and respectable. On the work front she’s tackling the case of a teenage boy whose parents won’t permit a medical procedure that could save his life, because of their religious beliefs. She’s struggling to get a grip while her world falls apart around her and it’s truly compelling writing as she battles in the courtroom and on the home front. Juliet, Naked - Nick Hornby When you’ve been around the block and back again, several thousand times, perhaps it’s time to move on. Annie’s been playing it safe and settling for Duncan and now she’s getting restless for some of that dramatic love she’s always dreamed of; the kind that sweeps you off your feet. The only trouble is she’s more likely to end up blown off her feet in the windswept Northern town of Gooleness. Does the excitement she craves lie with

the American rock star who emails her… or does she need to look elsewhere? The Rosie Project - Graeme Simsion Ok, so here’s a last one that’s been thrown in because we think it’s absolutely marvellous and because it features 39 year old Don Tillman’s ‘Wife Project’: the most scientific approach to finding a missus that you’re ever likely to come across. If you thought eHarmony asked a lot of questions, wait until you fill in Don’s questionnaire. He’s tall, dark and handsome, but he also seems to have undiagnosed Asperger’s Syndrome. This professor of genetics hasn’t found his ‘other half’ and so devises a series of questions designed to filter out the undesirables. Enter Rosie. She’s everything he’s not looking for, and yet she might just be perfect for him. You will fall in love with the frustrating character that is Don Tillman and you’ll be rooting for the old ball and chain to be secured by the end of the novel. Proof there really is someone out there for everyone.

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village directory When Responding to Adverts


Cake and Bake Plum and Almond Tart Served with thick cream, custard or ice cream, this tart makes a delicious warming winter pud. You can use other fruits if plums are not available –try chunks of apples or pears or Armagnacsoaked prunes for a special occasion. 18

Ingredients: • • • • • •

175g self-raising flour 100g unsalted butter, chilled and diced 50g ground almonds 3 tbsp caster sugar 1 small egg, beaten 50g natural marzipan, chilled and grated • 4 large plums, stones removed and quartered • 2 tbsp flaked almonds, roughly chopped • 2 tbsp Demerara sugar

TIP If you don’t have an oblong shaped flan tin use a 20cm round loose-based fluted flan tin instead.

Serves 6 Ready in 1 ¼ hours, plus chilling

1. Sift the flour into a bowl, add the diced butter and, using your fingertips, rub the fat into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the ground almonds. Remove ¼ of the mixture and chill in the fridge. 2. Add the caster sugar and beaten egg to the remaining mixture and mix to a soft, slightly sticky dough. Using floured hands press the dough into the base and up the sides of a 28 x 10cm oblong loose-based flan tin (see tip). Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. 3. Preheat the oven to 180C, 350F, Gas Mark 4. Scatter the grated marzipan in the chilled flan case and top with the plum quarters (skin side up). Stir the flaked almonds and Demerara sugar into the reserved breadcrumb mixture and scatter over the plums. 4. Bake the tart in the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes, or until crisp and deep golden brown. Leave to cool in the tin for 10 minutes. Remove the tart from the tin and slice and serve.


Kඈඋ඄ൾඋඌ Sൺඎඌൺ඀ൾඌ, Sൺඎඌൺ඀ൾ Mൾൺඍ, Sඎൾඍ Pඎൽൽංඇ඀ඌ & Sൺඎඌൺ඀ൾ Rඈඅඅඌ Sඎ඀ൺඋ Fඋൾൾ, Gඅඎඍൾඇ Fඋൾൾ & Wඁൾൺඍ Fඋൾൾ Pඋඈൽඎർඍඌ Hൺආ Oඇ Tඁൾ Bඈඇൾ, Cඈඅൽ Mൾൺඍඌ, Rඈඅඅආඈඉ Hൾඋඋංඇ඀ඌ, Lඈർൺඅඅඒ Bൺ඄ൾൽ Bඋൾൺൽ Aඇൽ Rඈඅඅඌ Eඇ඀අංඌඁ, Cඈඇඍංඇൾඇඍൺඅ & Vൾ඀ൾඍൺඋංൺඇ Cඁൾൾඌൾඌ Hൺආඉൾඋඌ - Rൾൺൽඒ Mൺൽൾ & Mൺൽൾ Tඈ Oඋൽൾඋ Fඋඈආ £9.00

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Single Oven £35.00 Small Oven/Grill £17.00 Large Oven (90cm wide) £42.00 Hobs from £12.00 Extractors From £12.00 AGA’S, Ranges Priced Accordingly

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Paneer & Mixed Vegetable

Coconut Curry Serves 4

Ready in 45 minutes

This filling vegetable curry can be made with any mix of vegetables you have to hand. Serve with steamed rice or crusty bread and some cooling natural yogurt.


Bring a pan of water to the boil. Add the carrots and boil for 5 minutes until almost tender adding the cauliflower and broccoli florets for the last 2 minutes. Drain well and set aside.

Ingredients: • 2 small carrots, peeled and • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • •

thinly sliced 100g small cauliflower florets 100g small broccoli florets 1 tbsp vegetable oil 225g paneer cheese, cubed 150g mushrooms, wiped and sliced 1 large onion, peeled and chopped 2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed 2cm piece root ginger, peeled and grated 1 red chilli pepper, deseeded and chopped, plus extra sliced chilli to garnish 1 tbsp Thai red curry paste 400ml can coconut milk 150g frozen peas 2 tomatoes, roughly chopped Squeeze of lime juice Fresh oregano leaves, to garnish

Heat the oil in a large deep frying pan over a medium heat. Add the paneer and mushrooms and stir-fry over a high heat for 3-4 minutes until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add the onion to the pan and fry very gently for about 10 minutes until soft and golden. Add the garlic, ginger and chilli and fry for a further 2-3 minutes then stir in the Thai paste and cook for 1-2 minutes until fragrant. Pour in the coconut milk and bring to the boil then reduce the heat and return the paneer and mushrooms to the pan along with the drained vegetables, peas and tomatoes. Stir well and simmer gently for 4-5 minutes. Add the lime juice and season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve garnished with sliced red chilli pepper and oregano leaves.


Paneer is an Indian vegetarian cheese which has a firm texture and goes particularly well with spices and garlic, chilli and ginger. You can use drained and cubed tofu instead, if preferred.

RYE BAY FISH Shane & Terry Haddon Local Hastings Old Town Fishing Family / Mostly Local Fish First Prize Winners with Time & Leisure Magazine

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Dusty’s Fruit & Veg - Dymchurch Seasonally Kentish 07525 712903

Local Markets Ashford Farmer’s Market First Sunday of every month from 10am to 2pm in the lower High Street. Challock Challock Memorial Hall, Blind Lane. 1st & 3rd Friday of each month 1pm to 4pm Contact Pauline Hickson 01233 740979 The Barn Shop Traditional Market Challock - 2nd & 4th Saturday of month 10am – 2pm Contact 01233 740237 Charing Farmer’s Market Charing Church Barn 9 -11.30 every Thurs morning Contact 01233 740176 Egerton Every Friday 2 - 4.30pm Millennium Hall


Hot & Cold Food & Drink Also Traditional Pie, Mash & Liquor

OPENING HOURS Monday to Thursday: 8.00am – 4.00pm Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm Saturday: 9.00am – 5.00pm Sunday: Closed Dymchurch Road, Hythe (next to jet petrol station)

In Season: February Fruit


Rolvenden - 01580 240763 Every Thursday 10am -12 noon St Mary’s Church and the Village Hall

Apples Pears

Rye Farmers Market Every Wednesday at Strand Quay 10am - 1 pm (12pm Oct - April)

Artichoke Beetroot Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Chard Chicory Greens Kale Leeks Marrow Onions Parsnips Potatoes Shallots Swede Turnips

Clams Haddock Hake Halibut John Dory Lemon Sole Mussels Oysters Turbot

Rye Market Every Thursday, Cattle Market Car Park. Early till around 3pm (depending on weather)

Rye Country Market Formerly WI Market Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hill. Every Friday 10am -11.30am Tenterden Country Market Every Friday 9.30am -11.30am St Mildred’s Church Hall, Church road. Wittersham Market Every Tuesday Village Hall 9am. - 11am Tel: 01797 270757


Salad Wye First and third Saturday of every month on the Village Green in Wye. Tel: 07804 652156 www.wyefarmersmarket.co.uk

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MAKE A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION Help a Child Discover the Joy of Reading Reading is essential in today’s world. Unfortunately many children struggle to learn to read for all sorts of reasons – one in seven children in England left primary school last year behind in their reading and one in six adults in the UK has a reading level below that expected of an elevenyear-old. Beanstalk is a national charity that gives oneto-one literacy support to children in primary schools in Kent who have fallen behind with their reading.

back to your local community. Why not make this your resolution this year? No previous experience is required as full training and support will be provided throughout your time with us. Volunteers are needed in this area as well as right across Kent. To find out more, please call the Ashford office on 01233 637645 or the Maidstone office on 01622 662026 or email us at kent@beanstalkcharity.org.uk. To see more information you can visit www. beanstalkcharity.org.uk ~ Thank You

Each Beanstalk reading helper works with three children for a year, spending half an hour individually, twice each week. The sessions are relaxed and fun – chatting, playing games to build confidence and reading together. By becoming a reading helper, you’ll give a child the one-to-one attention they need to build their confidence and help them catch up with their reading. You’ll give them a chance to learn at their own pace and adapt your sessions to suit them. Volunteering as a Beanstalk reading helper is extremely rewarding, makes a lasting difference to children’s lives and is a great way to give something




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Working From Home: Is It For You? Top 10 Things To Consider Before You Start


Do a search on Google for the specific term “work from home UK” and it will return around 857 million results. It’s clearly a popular subject and since broadband became widely available in 2004, the growth in this market has been phenomenal. Indeed it is estimated that 2.8 Million businesses now operate full time from home; that 1400 people start a business every week; and that home businesses contribute £284 billion to the economy each year. Many, many businesses operate successfully from a spare room; sadly many others fail. So before you take the plunge and give up the day job, consider if your business passes these sanity checks.

Budget for growth All businesses start from £0 revenue, and most from a negative figure by the time they’ve paid their startup costs. If your business builds up really slowly – say just a few £s every month – you’ll be bankrupt and fed up before it really gets going. You might have left a job with a big redundancy payout or you might actually need the money

straight away. But setting up your own business is hard work and if you can’t pay yourself for months, you are likely to become disillusioned.

Watch your overheads Overheads have to be paid regardless of whether you have any business. If you are paying for stock, leases, loans or equipment rental you need to factor this into your monthly budget.

Is there a market for what you want to sell? A classic mistake is to think ‘there must be a huge market for this because nobody else does it/ makes it’. Possibly, but it’s more likely that there isn’t a demand in the first place. For your first business you really are better to go into a market where you know money is being spent rather than trying to create the market from scratch.

How many customers do you need? There are so many tales of people who start a business, win one big profitable customer who brings in 80% of the revenue month after month, only for it to go horribly wrong when the big customer changes supplier. Far better to have lots of customers

on your list. If you have fifty customers, even a loss of five of them won’t seriously impact your business. However, clearly it’s going to take a while to build up a base of that many businesses.

Will your customers buy again? When you get the first few people buying from you, the ideal business model says that sooner or later they’ll want to use you again. There are plenty of people making money where they do have to start again e.g. conservatory sales companies attract very little repeat business, but each sale is very high value. However, for your work from home ’lifestyle’ business, it’s far better to have some customers who come back again and again. It will make your life less stressful and your business more successful.

How will people find out about you? Treat this as a launch and do as much initial marketing as you can find the time for and can afford. Advertising in this magazine (of course!), notice boards, Google adwords, social media, emailing, networking, the school gates… anything and everything you can think of.

the home Do you have the space? Try not to let your business spill into the general living space. Not only is this encroaching on your family’s home, but it’ll mean you’ll feel you can’t ever get away from work. A spare room is ideal of course, but if not, then a filing cabinet where you can tuck everything away at the end of the day does at least mark out the boundaries.

Going ahead? So you have your plan in place, here are some early pitfalls to avoid. Don’t chase everything A real danger in your early days is that you chase after every piece of business, no matter how small, and discount like mad to ensure you win it. Be discerning and be firm on your prices. If you have time to spare it’s better to spend it on marketing for better quality leads.

Don’t be distracted by ‘brand marketing’ A classic mistake made by many new business starters is to spend a fortune headed paper, glossy brochure, top quality business cards or any other costly brand awareness products. Maybe later, but right now focus on the type of marketing which delivers real live leads, rather than expecting people to call because they like your expensive logo.

customers you have that covered, but if you communicate mostly by email, make the effort to join a few industry forums and local social groups. Finally, a word of warning. If you do start your own business, it’s a legal requirement to register with HMRC as self-employed – make it top of your action list.

Your own business...but not on your own Whether you are the most sociable person going, or a bit of a loner, spending all day, every day with nobody to speak to is not healthy. Even if you just need someone to discuss an idea with or some support for what you are doing, contact with other people - ideally doing the same as you is really important. If you see your


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village directory When Responding to Adverts

L i v e Ja z z

What’s On Fe b r u a r y 1 5 T h e Fo l k e s t o n e J a z z C l u b A t T h e To w e r To B o o k C a l l : 0 1 3 0 3 2 7 7 1 7 5 Thur February 5th 8 30pm £12 The World Famous HUMPHREY LYTTELTON BAND Yes this is the official & original Humphrey Lyttelton Band. All having played in the band with Humph with the exception of the trumpeter - who is doing a marvellous job since the sad loss of Humph - But the band plays on, playing those great mainstream numbers of the past in their own identifiable style of the one & only Humph. We can say welcome back to Folkestone - as the last time that this band played in the area was in a marquee ! ! ! at The Opening of The Channel Tunnel. Tonight’s Line Up JIMMY HASTINGS Saxes ROBERT FOWLER Saxes RAY WORDSWORTH Trombone. MIKE (Magic)HENRY Trumpet TED BEAMENT Piano. JOHN REES-JONES Double Bass ADRIAN MACINTOSH Drums THIS IS ANOTHER JEWEL IN THE CROWN at The FJC Thur February 12th 8 30pm £10 Multi Award Winning Jazz Vocalist ANITA WARELL makes a welcome return with her All Star Trio ROBIN ASPLAND JEREMY BROWN STEVE BROWN Piano Double Bass Drums Tues February 17th 8 30pm £10 “ When Neale meets Steele “ ALLISON NEALE alto & flute & NAT STEELE vibes This is a well tried & tested outfit that have been playing their swinging style to audiences at all of the top London jazz clubs & now its the FJC. Plus Plus Another Amazing Top Quality Rhythm Section. ROB BARRON piano JULIAN BURY double bass STEVE BROWN drums Thur February 26th 8 30pm £12 THE BLUE NOTE PROJECT The vibrant music of The Blue Note Project recalls the 1960s Blue Note as immortalised by the ground braking musicians like Art Blakey. Joe Henderson. Wayne Shorter. Freddie Hubberd & Horace Silver. So this is a great example of Our Kind of Music -performed by a sextet of some of the UKs finest musicians. KELVIN CHRISTIANE Saxes. NICK MILLS Trombone MARTIN SHAW trumpet . LEON GREENING piano JEREMY BROWN double bass. MATT HOME drums THIS IS “ THE JAZZ LOVERS FEAST “ The Folkestone Jazz Club is a non profit making jazz club. Run by & for people with a like minded interest in OUR KIND OF MUSIC Derick Woodland 01303 260330

Friday 6th February - Weald U3A – Come and be entertained by Bernard Locketts presentation ‘ The Musical Theatre of Gilbert and Sullivan’, at The Zion Baptist Church, High Street Tenterden, TN30 6BB at 2.30 p.m. “Gilbert &Sullivan – England’s cultural theatrical heritage”, (£3 entry). The Weald U3A is for the dynamic over-50s, there is a wide choice of interest groups. These groups aim to provide leisure, creative and educational opportunities in friendly sociable surroundings. Please see our website www. u3asites.org.uk/weald or contact Roger Berman, 01233 850859, email: rogroger@tiscali.co.uk

Monday 9th February - Ashford Music Society presents THE THORNE TRIO, Ilid Jones (oboe), Esther Sheridan (clarinet), and Alexandra Callanan (bassoon). The Thorne Trio is an established wind group formed in 1999, comprising graduates of the Royal College of Music.The Trio has won a number of awards which included the Anglo-Czech Music Competition. As a result, they travelled to Prague where they gave a recital in the Martinu Hall at the Liechtenstein Palace. When they come to Ashford they will be performing a very varied and interesting programme of music for wind instruments. Venue: The Norton Knatchbull School, Hythe Road, Ashford, TN24 0QJ Time: 7.30 p.m. Tickets: £12 (Adults) and £3 (Students) Contact: Brenda McCormack on 01233 622971 or Hilary Pittock on 01233 623700.

Pilgrims Hospices Rainbow Ride and Stride Sunday 22nd March 2015- 10.30am Back by popular demand, the Rainbow Ride and Stride will be taking place for the 2nd year running! Join us for a springtime cycle ride, dog walk or ramble along the scenic Great Stour Way from the Pilgrims Hospice in Canterbury to Chartham village hall and back. The route is a total of 8 miles long, however people are encouraged to take part in as little or as much as they would like! Decorate yourself, your dog, your bike, scooter or pushchair in your brightest rainbow colours- with prizes being given for the best fancy dress. Refreshments and cake will be served at Chartham, and don’t forget to put your hand print on the wall to show you’ve finished! This is an event for everyone; families, friends, children and dogs.

what’s on


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We want to see everybody there in every colour of the rainbow; red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue! For further details see www.pilgrimshospices.org £5 in advance, £7 on the day Contact: rosie.bell@pilgrimshospices.org


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the home

Hobbies Get Ready For The Cycling Revolution By Kate McLelland

When Graham Flavell moved to rural Dorset to begin a new job, he decided to take up cycling as a way of exploring the countryside. For many years he continued to enjoy low-key, leisurely bike journeys: discovering more about the local area and enjoying the occasional family holiday on two wheels.


In recent months, however, Graham’s commitment to cycling has undergone something of a revolution. He is now one of the many thousands of people in the UK for whom cycling has become a serious hobby, and he currently cycles up to 140 miles each week with a few like-minded friends. Graham says: “We meet twice a week and I enjoy the camaraderie of cycling in a group. It was hard when I started, but I’ve been amazed how my fitness has improved over the last six months.” So where do you start if you have decided to take up cycling for the first time? It really depends on what kind of cycling appeals to you. Will you be using your bike for transport, for leisure or for competition? Budget is another important factor. Not everyone can afford to buy models such as the new, lightweight carbon framed

bicycles, which can cost up to £1,000. An old bike can fit the bill (provided you’re not competing in the Tour de France or planning any off-road trekking), but if you’re buying second hand it’s advisable to get your bike serviced to ensure that it is roadworthy. If you’re not sure what type of bicycle you need - and there are a bewildering variety of models out there - a specialist cycling shop should be able to help. Alternatively Guardian journalist Helen Pidd’s book The Complete Guide to Everyday Cycling (published by Penguin) offers a practical, illustrated guide to buying and riding a bike for the first time. Once you have bought your bicycle, you’ll need to acquire some basic skills. How to signal, how to ride in traffic, how to do an emergency stop and even how to change a tyre: these are all essential things to learn before you before you set out on a busy road. The British Cycling website (www.britishcycling.org. uk) allows you to search for a local Bikeability course, designed to teach you the skills you need to ride confidently on today’s roads. Britain’s network of cycle lanes

and paths is steadily growing, and cycling is now a much safer activity than it used to be, although urban cyclists often complain of cycle lanes being too narrow, or the layout stopping abruptly. Rural roads offer their own challenges, but after a lifetime’s cycling along country lanes Graham Flavell says that the drivers he has met are generally respectful. Sport England claims that over 2.1 million people currently cycle on a weekly basis in the UK and in the autumn of last year the government published a draft version of its Cycling Delivery Plan for consultation, giving details of a 10-year strategy that includes the ambition to double the amount of cycling activity on Britain’s roads by the year 2025. The government is keen to promote this plan because cycling not only benefits our mental and physical health, it also protects the environment by cutting down on carbon emissions. Graham Flavell agrees there are really no better reasons to get on your bike!

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Clubs & Societies Royal British Legion New Romney meet 2nd Wednesday each month at New Romney Bowls Club, Sussex Road New Romney at 7 p.m. contact 01797 361807 01797 361020 We are a small Duplicate Bridge club meeting each Tuesday at The Old School, New Romney at 6pm. New Members/visitors are sure of a friendly welcome, however, the club is not suitable for beginners and it is regretted that we are unable to offer Host services.For further information and modest table rates please contact Mrs. Pauline Welsh on 01797 363073. Keep Fit Have Fun Move to Music St, Mary’s Bay Village Hall, Jefferstone Lane. Thursday 10.15 11.15am. First class free then £4. Phone 01797 320 201 E-mail chrisdavis2711@ hotmail.co.uk. Walk and Talk Would you like to get more active in the company of others? Then meet David at the Romney Marsh Day Centre, Rolfe Lane, New Romney at 10am for a 1 hour walk every Tuesday. More info at www.doverdistrictvolunteering.org.uk The New Romney History Society meets at the Old School in New Romney, fourth Monday of the month, (except Aug and Dec), most meetings involve a guest speaker and time for discussion and research. New Romney Bowls Club Come on out, the greens are great! Full facilities available from coaching to playing to suit any level. Bar and social programme throughout the year. With two mats and all week available you should have no problem finding time to play! Contact Roy on 01797 364886 Dymchurch Active Retirement Association (Synara) We meet at St Mary’s Bay Village Hall on the first Wednesday of the month. All enquiries to Kay Walker (Secretary) 01303 873542.

St Marys Bay Short Mat Bowls Club Plays At The Village Hall Jefferstone Lane Sundays Morning 10:30/13:00 Tuesdays Afternoon 2:00/5:00 Wednesday Evening 7:30/10:30. St. Mary’s Bay Camera Club Meet on Thursday evenings at St. Mary’s Bay Village Hall. Contact 01303 873984.Yearly subscription £35 plus 50p per meeting attended to help with hall hire costs and tea with biscuits. 1940’s Dancing Lessons, Every Wednesday, incl. Lindy Hop, Charleston, Balboa & Collegiate Shag. For beginners and improvers, at St Mary’s Church Hall, Ashford Town Centre TN23 1QG from 7pm– 9.30pm. Cost £6.00 Tel 01233 860564.No partner required. Tai Chi Beginners Class Thursday’s at 1.30pm St Mary’s Bay Village Hall Annex For details contact Emma on 07587 167756

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health & beauty

Beauty Hot Hair Tips

by Helen Taylor

For Your Body Shape Yes, this sounds a little strange, but certain hairstyles definitely suit some body shapes more than others. Here’s why: If you carry more weight, then long or short sleek styles are best, because a straighter style works to thin and lengthen the face. Avoid any full styles that add bulk around your face.


Image courtesy of Paul Mitchell

Your hair can have a massive impact on the way you look and feel so find a flattering style to make the most of the good bits and disguise the elements of your face and body you don’t like. For Your Face Shape Round faces suit styles that are layered and cut into, that frame the face without making it look rounder. Very thick one length hair won’t be flattering, so if your hair is

long keep the length but lose some of the volume. Long faces need a style that helps to shorten the appearance of the face. A textured chin length bob is a good option, so is adding a fringe to your current style. Oval faces are thought to suit any hairstyle, so enjoy trying out any and every style you fancy. Square faces need to soften their angular features by choosing a style that’s layered and soft to frame their face. Avoid heavy fringes and bobs. Triangular faces are similar to oval shaped faces, which means that they’ll suit almost any style.

If you are thinner than you’d like to be choose a style that will add volume to your face. You can achieve this by adding layers to your hair, blow-drying your locks to create lift and volume and choosing curly or tousled styles.

Problem Solvers We’ve all got aspects of our face that we’re not so keen on, here’s how to hide them: “I hate my big nose” Drawing attention away from your nose is the key to helping disguise it. Choose styles that are voluminous and lifted at the crown, this means that when you’re seen in profile your nose will appear smaller. A centre parting is a definite no-no for you, as it draws attention straight to the nose, so opt for a side parting instead.

health & beauty “My forehead is too big” Disguising a high forehead is easy, all you need is a fringe. Choose whatever kind you like; layered, heavy or wispy. “My ears are big and they stick out” Opt for a style that covers your ears and adds volume around that area, so that your ears are concealed. This can be achieved with both long and short styles. “I have a weak/receding chin” Don’t go for very short styles, keep the length below your chin and choose layers to frame your face and jaw line.

Turn Back The Clock The right hairstyle - and colour - will instantly make you look younger:

Take a fresh look: many of us make the mistake of keeping our hair in the same style that we had when we were younger, but as we age our face changes and needs a style that will best flatter it as it is now. That’s why it’s important to try out a new look every few years.

brighten your face with a multitude of lowlights and highlights. You’ll be amazed at the results.

Shorter styles tend to be more flattering as we age, and the serve to ‘lift’ our facial features. Long hair looks fabulous when you’re 25, but not so good when you’re 55, because the lengthy tresses tend to drag your face down. The correct colour: solid, block colours just aren’t flattering as you age, so cover greys and soften and


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health & fitness

Hypnotherapy by Julie Murray B.A.Th.H, CNHC,B.A.(Hons) CQSW

Hypnotherapy has existed for many many years, there are in fact records of hypnosis being used to help people as far back as 1550 in ancient Egypt.


I first experienced hypnotherapy myself when I kept failing driving tests. It worked! I wished afterwards that I'd had it sooner but the result was enough to convince me that this was what I'd like to do. When the time was right, I studied for a year and qualified. I have always worked with people and I work in a clear and non judgemental way, which is of course, confidential. I love hypnotherapy because it can help with almost any change a person wants to make. It is a very relaxing process which allows the conscious part of the brain to rest and the subconscious part to be available for messages to be suggested. Within each session the client remains aware of what is being said or suggested. The feeling of relaxation is wonderful and this is just part of the process. No hypnotherapist would make their clients do something they did not want to do. If you really want to make a change in your life I can help you do this.

What can hypnotherapy help with? Anything you want to change from, fears, stopping smoking, anxiety, stress, sleep difficulties, relationship issues, low self esteem, panic attacks, weight loss, exam/test nerves and much more. Today's lifestyles create a lot of stress and expectations which can lead to all sorts of difficulties and problems. Let me help you. 'If you really want to make that change in your life, or need help with particular issues, let's work together to achieve your goal. Call to discuss further, ask any questions or simply book an appointment on: 07773502399.

Julie Murray Hypnotherapist

Qualified and experienced in helping with a variety of issues including • Anxiety • Weight Loss • Smoking Cessation • Fears • Low Self Esteem • Exam Nerves • Driving Test Anxiety • Relationship Difficulties • Stress Related Problems and much more. To discuss in confidence and book an appointment call Julie on:

07773 502 399 www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk

health & fitness Homeopath & Bowen Therapist R o m n e y M a r s h O s t e o p a t h s Supporting Good Health in Women, Children & Babies

Cassandra Dry 0795 605 2382 www.cassandradry.uk


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Tel: 07979 397207 E: boonpakmassage@aol.com Home Visits & Vouchers Available

 TREATMENTS From Mon to Sat 9am- 8pm

Advertise Here £42 per edition plus VAT For Full Coverage of The Marsh Via Royal Mail Discounts for Long Term Bookings Monthly Direct Debit Available

Tel: 01233 720488 Email info@thevillagedirectory.co.uk

Transitions by Ian Ludlow at LPA Services

The current UK population is living longer than any generation that has gone before. This phenomenon is causing us all to rethink our lives. My name is Ian Ludlow and I was born in 1953 and my life expectancy at that time was 76 years; in 2015 it is now 83 and I haven’t done anything to deserve an extended period of life on this planet or prepare for this from a wealth or health viewpoint. My pension payments will be reduced by the Assurance Company Actuaries to cover the longer life expectancy and the NHS do not have the resources to cover any long term health issues I might experience.


This all seems to have crept up on us over the last 15 years and I will admit I was not the first in the queue to make the necessary adjustments to cater for these changes… were you? No matter what generation you belong to, it’s time to make life affecting transitions to help ourselves and our families. I believe every family should have the means and resources available to them to look after individual members who need care and support in their later life and when it matters most. So, what kind of transitions should we all consider to ensure family members have a life of dignity, respect and a sense of selfsufficiency both emotionally and financially? I have spent many years investigating the key health and financial elements we can all address to prepare ourselves and our family for the transitions needed to cater for this new world of longer life.

My approach is holistic as well as practical; changing one element alone does not solve all the issues that are likely to be encountered. This has meant activities such as becoming a Dementia Friend; arranging health and financial Powers of Attorney; safeguarding the family home by changing the way it is owned; assessing all safety aspects for elderly family members who wish to stay in the family home… especially if they are on their own; and many more. You may have put one of these elements in place already but without a full overview and assessment of all aspects you may be leaving yourself and your family vulnerable to external influences that can easily reduce the quality and standard of living you have spent so much of your life working towards. In 2008 my wife and I started our business which is based in the historic town of Faversham and specialises in helping families to counter the issues caused by the fact that we are all living longer. We have first hand experience of helping our own parents in various ways to take away the burden and worry they feel when trying to deal with legal, financial, health and technical issues. To find out how we achieve this and for more information, please call Ian or Jo Ludlow on 01795 503 184 or email us at info@lpaservices.co.uk

TRANSITIONS at LPA Services Brogdale Farm Office Brogdale Farm Brogdale Road Faversham Kent ME13 8XZ

01795 503 184

Pengelly & Rylands FAMILY SOLICITORS For friendly advice in times of need • Family, Children & Divorce (Fixed Fee appointments available) • Elderly Client Care • House Sales & Purchases • Equity Release • Wills & Probate • Commercial

email: info@lpaservices.co.uk www.lpaservices.co.uk

Please call us on 01580 762248 39/41 High Street, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BJ www.pengelly-rylands.co.uk


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Specialist Household Insurance for the Romney Marsh and Ashford area. Guaranteed to beat your renewal premium by 15% Please quote Marsh 15, subject to terms and conditions. Friendly local advice

01797 362007 www.marshinsuranceservices.co.uk Authorised and regulated by the financial conduct authority no:- 474741

Puzzle Time



Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9, with no repetition! That’s all there is to it, you solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic there’s no maths involved and no adding up. It’s fun. It’s challenging. It’s addictive!

TARGET Excellent: 60 or more words Good: 48 words Fair: 40 words





Quick Crossword Across 7. Not occupied (6) 8. Musical dramas (6) 9. Vehicle for hire (4) 10. Opposite (8) 11. Not as dark (7) 13. Old coin (5) 15. Regularly (5) 17. Culinary herb (7) 20. Very cold (8) 21. Relax (4) 23. Large fight (6) 24. Hinder (6)

Down 1. Mother (4) 2. Disappear (6) 3. Piled up (7) 4. Connects (5) 5. Closer to (6) 6. Railway coach (8) 12. Casual (8) 14. Haggle (7)













13 14





19 20


16. Votes for (6) 18. Scratch (6)



19. Repairs (5) 22. Fizzy drink (4)


Advertise Here £42 per edition plus VAT For Full Coverage of The Marsh Via Royal Mail

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Velux Windows


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useful information Parish Councils:

Emergency Police Neighbhd Team Ashford & Tenterden Crimestoppers


Out of Hours Doctor William Harvey Hospital

0845 4349655 01233 633331

Samaritans www.samaritans.org

08457 90 90 90

Electricity: Southern Electric EDF Energy Gas: Natural LPG

Brenzett Brookland Burmarsh Dymchurch Ivychurch Lydd Town Council Newchurch New Romney Town Council Old Romney St Mary in the Marsh Snargate

101 0800 555 111

0845 770 8090 0800 783 8866 0800 111 999 Details on tank

Doctors Surgery Brookland Village Hall Surgery 01797 223230

New Romney Oak Hall Surgery Church Lane Surgery

Dymchurch 42

Orgarswick Surgery Martello Medical Practice

Citizens Advice Bureau Alcoholics Anonymous Ashford Volunteer Centre Age Concern

01233 626185 0845 7697555 01233 647 422 01233 668 765


CARM 01233 758122 01797 362 106 E: office@carmromneymarsh.org.uk 01797 364756 W: Www.carmromneymarsh.org.uk 01303 872293 08443 878343

Macmillan Cancer Support W: www.forget-me-nots.co.uk

Parkinson’s UK, Ashford Branch Contact Mike Wharrad

Veterinary Surgeons Cinque Ports Veterinary Associates Sambrook & Partners

Shepway District Council

01797 344415 01797 344464 TBC 01303 872708 TBC 01797 320999 01303 873754 01797 362348 01797 363260 01303 874341 01797 344358 01303 853000

01797 321771 01797 363177

East Kent Strokes

01233 623520 01233 840448


SE Kent Multiple Sclerosis Soc. 07767 326138 Royal British Legion 01233 620 167

New Romney Community Warden Gareth Roberts

Puzzle Solutions

0777 339 6751


Wordwheel: DISTORTED


If any of the above information is incorrect please let us know by calling 01233 720488. Thank you Disclaimer: Every care is taken to ensure this directory is as accurate as possible but the publishers do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from errors or omissions.

National Train Enquiries www.nationalrail.co.uk Bus Enquiries Arriva Bus Enquiries (Travel Line) 0871 200 22 33 (Customer Services) 08456 00 22 99

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01303 874527 0774 9369 861 Pearl Sharland 01797 344121


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01303 873215

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Aldington Area: Aldington, Mersham, Bilsington, Bonnington, Brabourne Lees, Smeeth, Sellindge, Stanford & Stowting.


TN26 Area: Appledore, Hamstreet, High Halden, Bethersden, Hothfield, Shadoxhurst,Woodchurch, Warehorne.

Tenterden & Rye: Tenterden, St Michaels, Wittersham, Rye, Pladen.

New Installations Re-wires Additional or replacement Lights, sockets etc Mobile 07761 695101 Email – tinafrancis1@aol.com Newchurch, Romney Marsh, TN29 0DH

Sucklifts Cesspool Emptying Service ~ Est 1986 ~ Accredited Engineer British Water

High Pressure Jetting Service and Repair to Sewage Treatment Plants

01233 840624

The Marsh: Romney Marsh from Dymchurch to Dunguness. Please note this is a summary of the towns and villages covered, we reach EVERY home and business within each postcode area.

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