Lean back, enjoysome pampering,finally take some time foryourself.Assoon as youget here,you’llknowyou’vecometothe right place, because we’reall eager to give youa warm welcome and providing high-quality services. Whatever type of holidayyou’re looking for, we’vegot the right accommodation foryou: from a luxurious stay at afive-starhotel with aspa to cosy and charming holidayflatswith apool or even an elegant room in ahistoric mansion or castle. Relax, put your feet up and enjoyyourfreetime.
Be on the lookout,enjoybeing activeoutdoors andimmerse yourself in nature.Eppan’s panoramic landscape speaks foritself: nestled among rolling vineyard hills, bordered by seemingly endless forests and striking mountain ridges, our countryside is aparadise foractiveguests and nature lovers. Using your accommodation of choice as astarting point is agreatway to go out and explore the wonderfuland diverse range of sports activities, relaxing promenades and lush vegetation this region has to offer
Relax and unwind, take adeep breath, feel great inside and out. Find your perfect holiday accomodation in Eppan on the South Tyrolean Wine Road and look forwardtoa pleasant holiday.
Break awayfromyour daily routine, cherish the joyofbeing together and create magicalmoments with your family.You’vebeenlooking forward to it forsolong,and now it’sfinallyhere, your well-earned holiday. It's the perfect opportunity foryourfamiliy to spend time together.Whatkind of accommodation would suit youbest? Ideally, aplace where youfeel genuinely welcome as afamily.Family-friendly hotels know whatchildren like andfamiliesneed:playgrounds,entertainment andlotsofspace and opportunities to runaround and have fun.
Discover regional products, tastetraditional dishes,savourexquisite wines. The Eppan region appeals to allyoursenses andoffers allkinds of delicacies: seasonaltreatswillsweeten your stay,and Eppan’s vintners and master distillers arereadytoserve youexcellent wines and spirits. South Tyrol’s largest wine-growing community boasts high-quality wines and premium spirits forgourmets and connoisseurs alike. Special tip: A‘Holidayonthe Farm’provides aunique opportunity to experience farmlifeand witness the demanding harvest seasonand the large variety of agricultural products.
Worthseeing in Eppan
Eppan'slake scenery
The twolakes of Montiggl in the middle of dense forests exert amagical attraction on localsand visitorsalike at anytime of year.The twolakes sparkle out of the deep green forest liketwo steel-blue sapphires. Abird's eyeview,however,only gives an idea of the uniquerecreationalzone thatopens up around the twolakes.The large Montiggl lakeattracts visitors withapublic swimmingpool “Lido Montiggl”, adiving tower, aspacious sunbathing lawn and comprehensive amenities for both young and old.
The fairytale LakeCastle of Montiggl is located on the idyllic shores of the large Lake. The castle was built around 1888 by Josefvon Zastrow,a guest from Germanywho also owned AichbergCastleand bothMontiggl lakes. The medieval style of the castle fitsinperfectly withthe landscape around the lake. 15 years after thecastle was built, the entireestatebecame the property of the municipality of Eppan. The castle is well known forthe manypicturespainted therebythe artist Max Sparer (1886 -1968).
The warmest bathing lakeinthe Alps, just afew kilometers from Eppan. Thelakeis216 meters above sealevel and gives its name to theVernatsch grape wine grown in the area. It is filled into ashallow basin thatispartofanold abandoned riverbed of the Adige. Its deepest pointisthereforeonly 5.6 meters deep,whichmeans thatthe largest natural bathing lake in South Tyrol warms up quickly
Eppan's castle world
The keep is impressivewithits pentagonal shape, some of which datesback to the 12th century. Ahighlight in terms of arthistoryisthe castle chapel, known forits Romanesque frescocycle. It is oftenreferredtoasthe “Sistine Chapel of the Alps”The archery course next to the Castle is open daily, except Wednesdays, and invites young and old to “hunt” with bow and arrow in the woods surrounding Hocheppan Castle. Hocheppan Castle is home to atavern, that servesboth hot and cold traditional dishes.
Boymont was founded around 1235, when the Tohop of Trento allowed HenryofLagesteltobuild anew castle on the Boymonthill. It is assumed thatthe name means something likeoxmountain.Heinrich vonLagestelwas arespected ministerial in the entourage of Count Ulrich vonEppan, the lord of Hocheppan Castle fromove Boymont.Today,the Boymont castle ruins arehome to acastle tavern, which offers hot and cold traditional dishes.
Castle Korb is located just below the ruins of Boymont Castle. Probablythe most striking featureofthis castle is the broad, squareresidential and defensivetower from the 13th century. Originally,the tower was only lined with decorative battlements,but todaythese arealso coveredbya pyramid roof. Korb Castle was likely built around the same time as theBoymont castle ruins, as the name “deCorva”, meaning “ofKorb”,ismentioned forthe firsttime around 1236.The Lords of Korb were ministerials of theCountsofEppan, which is probably whythey settled so closetoHocheppan Castle.
The creativeheartofthe entiremuseum conceptbeats within the historic walls of Sigmundskron Castle, complemented by amodern structure made of steel and glass. Pictures, sculptures, symbolic objects, and relics illustrate thesignificance of the mountains formankind. The MMM Firmian is aunique meeting place offering magnificent insights and views. The heartofthe MMM Firmian at Sigmundskron Castle near Bolzano focuses on theinteraction between man and mountain.
Active vacation in Eppan
Eppan on theWineRoad invites Youtoexplore spectacular tours and offers greattips. The region in South Tyrol offers breathtakinglandscapes, idyllic vineyardsand is an Eldorado for mountain bikeenthusiasts. With countless trails and challenging climbs, Eppanisthe perfect destination foradventurers on two wheels.With 300 km of forest trails,acyclepathacross the Adige Valley and beyond, hilly vineyard landscapes and steep mountain roads -thereissomethingfor everyone. In addition to the scenic advantages of Eppan'sbikeparadise, the mild climate is aparticular highlight.Allowing Youtoride Your bike year-round and simply set off whenever Youlike.
Fragrant forests, glistening lakes, and hilly vineyards makes South Tyrol's southern region ahiker's paradise. The villages of the vacation municipality of Eppan on the Wine Road entice visitors with countless attractivehiking advantages. Kilometers of forest trails, dreamlikelandscapesand mild temperatures inviteyou to go on exciting exploratorytours.Whether short walks, challengingtours or leisurely family hikes-there is something forevery tastewhen hiking in Eppan. Allyou have to do is step outside the door and you'rerightinthe middle of the magnificent natural landscape.
Eppan and its surroundings offer some of thebest views for golfers. Here, the eyetruly plays apart. In abeautiful natural setting,itiseasytoface anychallenge on the golf course. The mostbeautiful days of the year aremeant to be enjoyed, and fortrue golf lovers, this is only possible if their favoritesport is not neglected. It's agood thingthatthereare numerous golf courses in and around Eppan on the Wine Road thatare well worth playing.Withfantastic panoramas as abackdrop,you caneasily improve your handicap
Pike,perch, tench,eel, carp,and manymoreawait youinthe waters around Eppan. Fishing means fresh air,switching off from everyday life- simply pure relaxation. Afishing dayticket, valid forbothMontiggl lakes, costs €20.00 +€ 10.00 deposit The deposit is refunded when theused dayticket is returned to the issuing office. Returning the daytickets is essential forour associationfor the compilation of catchstatistics and management plans.
Beachvolleyballisapopularleisuresportthatbringsthebeachvibe to Eppan, the Runggsportzone featuresa facility with twobeach volleyballcourts in theRungg sports zone. This trendsportcan also be playedonthe field at theHotel MandelhofinGirlan |Eppan,wherethereare also goals forbeach soccer Forinformation and reservations at the Runggsports zone, contactRoland Antholzer on +39335 592 9320 or by emailat antholzer@rolmail.net.Toreserve acourtatthe Hotel Mandelhofcall: +390471 662477
Tennis is agreat waytodevelop speed, strength and fitness. Take advantageofthisopportunity in Eppan to tryout new tennis strokes and strategies or to learn this popular sportas abeginner.Spend greatmoments with family or friends on the numerous tennis courts in Eppan! The Runggtennis club is one of the largestand mostsuccessful in SouthTyrol. There areseven courts available -six claycourtsand one hard court. Four of them arecovered in winter,allowing Youtoenjoythe sport even in the colder months
High mountainpasses in fascinating nature parks, challenging serpentines with panoramic views,winding mountain roads, a sense of tradition and aMediterranean lifestyle -South Tyrol has everything youneed foranadventurous motorcycle vacation. The vacation region of Eppan is locatedinthe heartofthis biker's paradise. Set off from Eppan on countlesshalf-dayand full day trips. We highly recommend ascenic round trip without along journey:conquer the Mendel Pass road on your motorcycle.
Matschatsch Viewpoint
Überetscher RidingStable Gand Berg
Wild Mann-Bühel
Sportzone Rungg
Gleif Chapel
Shooting range Museum Schloss Moos-Schulthaus
Montiggl Eislöcher
Großer Montiggler See
Kleiner Montiggler See
St.Michael Bus Station
Penegal Viewpoint
Gantkofel Viewpoint andBergner Kreuz
Ascent Furglau
Eppaner Höhenweg
Ascent Kematscharte
Boymont Castle
Hocheppan Castle
Korb Castle
Eppaner Grafenweg& 3-Burgen-Wanderung
Dom auf dem Lande
Messner Mountain Museum Sigmundskron Castle
Train Station
Meran-Bozen with chapel
Freudenstein Castle
Golf course
Event Highlights in Eppan
10. -25. May2025
Eppan Humor promises an unforgettable experience full of laughter and good humor once again this year! Look forward to world-class cabaret artistswho will delight youwith their wit and charm. Foryounger guests, thereisanexciting children's theater and an fun-filled Kids Day, offering plenty of entertainment. In addition, the "Goschthaus" theaters inviteyou to convivial evenings whereculinarydelightsand entertainmentharmonize perfectly. Letyourselfbecarried awaybythe numerous highlights and enjoycarefree hours in Eppan!
12. April &25. October 2025
South Tyrolean quality andcreativity come together in Eppan. SelberGMOCHT standsfor craftmanship and innovation. This uniquemarketplace enablescreative South Tyroleans to present and selltheir homemade products. Get to know the talented people behind the products and strollthrough the stalls. Jewelry, sewing, ceramics, drawings, wood crafts,herbal products, locally produced food and allkindsoftreasures are waiting foryou.
July -August2025
Discover our stores, experience unique gastronomic highlightsand enjoya varied programwith bands, street artand local clubs. Explorethe offerings of Eppan merchants and restaurateurs, while food trucks offerdelicious treats. Enjoythe impressiveperformances of street artists and let yourself be carried awaybybands thatprovide the perfect soundtrack. Whether young or old, locals or guests -“Long Wednesday”unites everyone in acelebration of joie de vivreand urban flair
MidJuly 2025
During the Wine CultureWeeksinSt. Pauls |Eppan, wine is celebratedinits most beautiful form. Fornine days, everything in the idyllic alleyways of the wine village revolves around thenoble drop.The series of events has been delighting wine connoisseurs, cultureloversand discerning palatesfor morethan 25 years. Wine, culture and enjoyment -St. Pauls | Eppan offers the perfect conditions forthis with its vast vineyard landscape, elegant wineries, inviting Gasthofs and restaurants, picturesque alleyways and manycultural treasures.
May-September 2025
Enjoycozyevenings and traditional music at its best The evening concerts belovedbyboth guests and locals. The St.Michael's Citizens' Band, the St.Pauls, Girlan andFrangartMusic Bands, theSt. Michael's Women's SingingGroup,the Girlan Men's Choral Society andthe St.Michael's Church Choir accompany theaudienceona musicaljourney throughthe castles, lakes and vineyards of Eppan and offermelodious “music nights”inenchanting locations!
19. October 2025
Around 180 castles, palaces, and manor houses have been counted in the municipality of Eppan. Several years ago, the ideawas emerged to fillsome of these oldwalls and courtyards with life:once ayear, in the fall,after the harvest,with culinarydelights and delicacies. The Eppan and South Tyrolean music and traditional dance groups enliven these historic walls and courtyards with avaried repertoire.
28.November 2025- 06. January2026
Experience the enchanting Christmas magic in St Michael| Eppan. TheglowofChristmas lightsilluminatesthe square, while the smallyet exquisite Christmas marketinvites visitors to linger.Inthe midst of this festiveatmosphere, youcan discover unique treasures crafted by talentedSouth Tyrolean artisans. We areparticularly proud to featureexhibitors from SelberGMOCHT Südtirol at theChristmas market- a platform whereskilled South Tyroleans present their lovingly craftedpieces.
Tourist Tax: wasintroduced in South Tyrol on 1st January2014.Revenues from the Tourist Taxwillbespent on tourist facilitiesand organisations. The Tourist Taxislevied on establishments thatprovideaccommodationona per-guestand per-overnight stay basis. The amount of this municipal taxdependsonthe categoryofthe establishment and is charged as follows:
- 3,00 Euro forestablishments categorised as 4-star,4-star“Superior”and 5-star
- 2,50Euro forestablishments categorised as 3-star and 3-star “Superior”
- 2,00 Euro forall other establishments i.e. commercial accommodation providers categorised as up to twostars, “Holidayonthe Farm”establishments, Privateelandlords and camping as up to four stars. Childrenunder 14 years of ageare exempt from the tax. The Tourist Taxispayable upon departure and will be shown separately on each bill.
/Private AignerhofinGaid
aaa Hotel AngerburgBlumenhotel
Gaider Weg7
Gaid 335808 7811 walcher.markus@rolmail.net
Unteralberweg16St. Michael 0471 662107 info@hotel-angerburg.com
•cable cars Ritten, Kohlern, Mölten, Vöran and Meransen
•Ritten’snarrow-gauge railwayand the funicular tothe Mendel
•PostAuto Switzerland between Mals andMüstair(CH)
Not included: special lines, nightliners, long-distancetrains (e.g. Eurocity,Intercity,Railjet,Frecciarossa, Italo), Alpine lines: Alpe di Siusi (lines 10, 11, 12), Alpine lines summer months: (439,442, 444)
ATTENTION: The SGP mustALWAYSbevalidated! The SGP with the QR code mustbevalidatedatthe startofeach journeybyscanning the QR code. Fortrain journeys,itmust be validatedbeforeboarding.The SGP is validasa ticket on thePostbus 811Mals-Müstair and VVTbus 273Mals-Kajetansbrücke. Children under 6yearsdonot requireanSGP
Time table südtirolmobil App
Deeply rooted fromer multifaceted, just likethe landscape that surroundsthem.
Eachregion has its own wine.Each wine its own story. Each storythe personality of its narrator.
The diversity of the wineries andvineyards andtheir products unites EPPANWEIN with whatmakes the wines of Eppan so special: the connection of the winegrowers with the landscape andtheir commitment to millennia-old tradition.Situatedbetween the Montiggl Lakes and the Mendelkamm, with 300 days of sunshinea year anda unique terroir,the largest wine-growingareainSouth Tyrol, Eppan,isthe region's ambassador of enjoyment.Each winery stands forthe highest quality standards, individual craftsmanship and great passion -together they represent the vinifiedsoul of the municipality of Eppan. Strongincharacter, closeto nature and incomparable.