Grace Amazing
108 Glories of Śrīla Gour Govinda Swami

Amazing Grace - 108 Glories of Srila Gour Govinda Swami
This publication was printed by the kind donation of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eglem.
Quotes from the books and lectures of Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda are copyrighted © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.
Image of Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda courtesy of The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc. Used with permission.
First Edition (soft-bound) 5,000 copies - 2023
ISBN: 978-0-645-09739-9
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Çré Gour Govinda Swami Añöakam: Çré Kälakanta Prabhu (18.02.1959 - 20.01.2017).
Cover design & Layout: Maïju-medhä devé däsé.
Editing: BV Paramärthé Swami, BV Çuddhädvaité Swami, Guru-çakti däsa, Jagat-pati däsa, Maïju-medhä devé däsé, Navadvépa Candra däsa, Nimäi Paëòita däsa, Räghava Paëòita däsa, Svarüpa däsa and Tarun Kåñëa däsa.
Many thanks to the following devotees for their contribution: Arjun Kåñëa dasa (Gadäi-Giri), BV Çrauté Mahäräja (France), Caitanya Candra däsa (Gadäi-Giri), Jagadéça Paëòita däsa (Australia), Janärdana däsa (UK/Spain), Janeswar däsa (, Kratu däsa (Kolkata), Umäräëé däsé (Våndävana) and Vaijayanté-mälä däsé (Våndävana)
Also, my deep gratitude to everyone that I have interviewed over the past 32 years, for their assistance with regards to the life of our beloved Gurudeva Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. Some of this information also appears in this publication.
This is a non-sectarian publication of the glories of a very great Vaiñëava-sädhu - Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja.
108 Glories of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami
Compiled by Nimäi Paëòita däsa
With our deepest gratitude we present this publication as a humble offering on the auspicious occasion of the 94th Divine appearance of
Tridaëòi-sannyäsé Oà Viñëupäda Paramahaàsa Parivräjakäcärya 108
His Divine Grace Çré Çrémad Gour Govinda Swami
Tattva Vicära Publications
16 September 2023, Murwillumbah, Australia.
This publication is a very brief introduction to the divine life of His Divine Grace Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja.
It is based on a compilation from interviews with his family members, disciples (çikñä and dékñä), followers, well-wishers, godbrothers, godsisters, sädhus from various sampradäyas and several branches of the Brahmä-Mädhva-Gauòéya-sampradäya: sannyäsés and äcäryas. It also includes quotes from his spiritual master His Divine Grace Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda. Additionally, there are quotes derived from interviews with mystics, psychics, and those that are fully conversant with the Vedic science of sämudrika, which is the science of how to recognise the thirty-two symptoms present in the body of a mahä-bhägavata.
Your very lowly servant,
Nimaé Paëòita däsa.After the disappearance of Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda, the ISKCON movement suffered in various ways in the absence of their powerful spiritual leader. Unfortunately, the great dilemma was that although Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja was personally present at that time, he was hidden in Orissa from the general devotees in the movement worldwide. He was the one person who had the adhikära and spiritual purity to rejuvenate the movement in genuine spirituality, and he could have guided all the devotees to the sublime destination of the lotus feet of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu.
My first encounter with Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja was hearing a Çrémad-Bhägavatam class and I was overwhelmed by his presence, his enthusiasm, his effulgence and sweet demeanour. He was obviously a bona fide Vaiñëava of the highest order, and to see and hear from him naturally inspired the urge to associate with him and take shelter at his lotus feet.
This publication is a wonderful opportunity to remember the unlimited glories of His Divine Grace Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja. It encapsulates in brief the sweet reminiscences of the
charming and divine nature of His Divine Grace. Such a paramavaiñëava rarely appears in this world and this short publication easily allows us to become absorbed in his glories.
The lowly servant of the Vaiñëavas,
BV Paramärthé Swamikäïcanaà sutanuù gämbhérya vadanaà muëòita çiraà gairika dharanaà laläöe gopé-tilaka sundaram kaëöhe puñpa-mälayä çobhitaà bhakta-jana-cita sparçitaà vande çréla gaura govinda svämine namo namaste
“I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja, whose bodily colour is like gold. He is very grave, his head is shaved, and he dresses in saffron with gopé-tilaka beautifying his forehead. A beautifully fragrant flower garland surrounds his neck, attracting the hearts of all devotees.”
parityaktaà sva-dhanaà yauvana-jévanaà sukhaà vibhavam indriya-lälasaà tathä grämya-vartä ca varjitä nidrähärädi vijitaà sadä hari-kértana priyaà vande çréla gaura govinda svämine namo namaste
“I offer my respectful obeisances to the lotus feet of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja, who likes to glorify Çré Hari by describing Vedic literature (çästra), by noting the essence of çästra, and by chanting hari-näma always. For this he has given up wealth, family members, youth, material happiness, sense gratification, topics other than Kåñëa and has also given up sleeping and eating.”
pürëa guru-kåpä gaura-kåpä ca kåpä govindaà vä krpä-traya mürtimanta gaura govinda svämi nämni rädhä-kåñëa yasya hådaye baddha nityaà paraà bhägavataà vande çréla gaura govinda svämine namo namaste
“Çréla Gour Govinda Swami has achieved the full mercy of Lord Gauräìga Mahäprabhu, Lord Govindadeva and Çréla Prabhupäda. He is the embodiment of the mercy of these three personalities and he is known as Gour Govinda Swami. By the mercy of Lord Gauräìga, his name is Goura. By the mercy of Lord Govinda, his name is Govinda. By the mercy of Çréla Prabhupäda (his spiritual master) he is svämé (one who is fully in control of his senses and mind). Hence Rädhä and Kåñëa have been bound up in his heart. I offer my respectful humble obeisances unto his lotus feet.”
nänä-çästra vyäkhyä nipuëe devänäà pariveñöitaà janänäà maìgala käriëe dhéraà patitaà pävanaà präptaà ya saù paramparä hari-padaika sevakaù vande çréla gaura govinda svämine namo namaste
“I offer my respectful humble obeisances unto the lotus feet of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, who is very expert in describing the Vedic scriptures, the injunctions and essence of the çästra. When he does so the demigods surround him to hear those nectarean descriptions. He is wise and brings all-auspiciousness to the people, being a deliverer of all the fallen souls. Having accepted the real disciplic succession, he engages himself, always, in the service of Lord Hari.”
çréla prabhupäda preritehi pradänärthaà kåñëa-näma kåpärëave dhåtvä avatérëa kalau déna-täriëe cintayanta mäà pada-rajaà nitya-däso ‘haà vande çréla gaura govinda svämine namo namaste
“Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda has sent his dear disciple, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, here [Bhubaneswar] to distribute the holy name of Çré Kåñëa. He appeared, with an ocean of mercy, to deliver the most distressed and degraded souls of this age of Kali. Myself being one of the most degraded souls, please think of me as a speck of dust at his lotus feet. I am his eternal servant. I offer my respectful obeisances unto his lotus feet.”
hari-näma rasämåta päna-rata sadä sarvadä vitaraëaà hari-näma mahauñadhi baddha-jévänäm roditi ca hådaya yasya jévänäà duùkhaà dåñöyä vande çréla gaura govinda svämine namo namaste
“I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja who is always busy drinking the nectar of the holy names of Kåñëa and distributing that nectar to the conditioned souls, declaring it to be the supremely perfect medicine to cure all diseases in this material ocean of miseries. His heart is crying seeing the distressed condition of the living entities.”
paramahaàsa äcärya svadäna mädhurya lélämåtaà patitoddhäraëe yati-veçaà çiçya çiçya karoti pälayati ye guru-äjïä iti sa vandhya sadä sarvadä vande çréla gaura govinda svämine namo namaste
“I offer my respectful humble obeisances to the lotus feet of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja, who is, without doubt a paramahaàsa. He accepted sannyäsa only to deliver the fallen souls by accepting them as disciples, according to the orders of his spiritual master Çréla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda. A spiritual master like him, who follows the orders of his spiritual master, should always be worshiped.”
hådaya pavitraà darçana yasya vasudhädi térthaà småti labheta çré kåñëa-näma ca vaiñëavottamam deväù vai gäyanti guëa yasya praëamämi sadähaà vande çréla gaura govinda svämine namo namaste
“I offer my respectful humble obeisances unto the lotus feet of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja, by whose mere darçana one can purify his heart and one’s residence becomes a tirtha [a holy place]. His mere darçana makes one chant the Hare Kåñëa mahä-mantra. He is a Vaiñëava of the highest calibre [uttamaadhikäré]. The demigods continuously glorify him. I offer my respectful obeisances always, unto his lotus feet.”
kälakäëöha däsa viracitaà gaura govinda svamy-añöakam acirät sa labheta bhaktià paöhati ya tri-sandhyam
“This ‘Çré Goura Govinda Svämy-añöakam’ has been composed by Kälakaëöha däsa1. One who recites this svämy-añöakam in tri-sandhyä (morning, noon & evening) will – without doubt –achieve bhakti very soon.”
1. Kälakaëöha prabhu (18.02.1959 - 20.01.2017) was an early, dedicated, and learned disciple of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. He was only interested in Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s sevä, to the extent that he voluntarily lived the life of a gåhasta renunciate, totally disregarding, and disinterested in, his own bodily comforts.
He composed the Çré Gour Govinda Swami Carita, a book in Bengali verse about the life of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. The first chapter of this book is Çré Gour Govinda Swamy-añöakam in the Sanskrit language.
1. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was born on 2 September 19291 at 7.30 am in a Vaiñëava family from the Gadäi-Giri village of Orissa (Odisha).
2. Once, in 1929 the renowned astrologer and mystic, Nityananda Khadiratna, from Dhenkanal, came to GadäiGiri2 and stayed for two days. While he was in Gadäi-Giri,
1. This day is also the same day and month that His Divine Grace Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura took his birth in this world some 91 years earlier (1838). One astrologer was even noted as saying that Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura come again (quoted from an interview with Lägudi däsa 1990. In that interview he said that they took Çréla Gour Govinda Swami to many astrologers).
2. Gadäi-Giri is the famous village of the maternal family of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja. The village of the most famous kértanéyas in Orissa.
For centuries this small village of Gadäi-Giri, situated remotely in Orissa has been flooded with the sound of kértana Great devotees have taken birth in the Giri dynasty in order to satisfy the Supreme Lord’s desire to hear sweet kértana. This Gadäi-Giri kértana cannot be learned like a dramatic or musical performance; it is inherent of one born into the Giri family. The family is famed for their great devotion to the Lord and their wondrous kértana.
he met the newly born Çréla Gour Govinda Swami and his mother, and said:
“…This boy is full of devotion. He is very intelligent. He will marry, obtain government service, and in his middle age1, he will renounce family life and become a sädhu. He will obtain higher knowledge and because of that he will occupy an important place in the line of sädhus. He will build temples. He will make Gopäla Jéu’s place bright…”
The astrologer then said, “…Kåñëa (God) Himself has sent this child from His eternal abode, to preach His message and to deliver the fallen conditioned souls…”
Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja: I can remember from when I was very young that my grandfather, my father and all my uncles had a çikhä, would put on Vaiñëava tilak after bathing and wore kaëöhi-mälä. They were all Vaiñëavas and they were always chanting Hare Kåñëa.
3. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s family was not just any ordinary family, but a Vaiñëava family who are the most famous kértanéyas, mystics and renunciates in Orissa.2
Çuddhädvaité Swami: Çréla Gour Govinda Swami told me, in November 1991, that on his mother’s side, his ancestors were all pure devotees.3
1. Bearing in mind he said middle age. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was 44 when he left family life. That was his middle age.
2. Recalling his childhood Çréla Gour Govinda Swami said: “...The first thing I could remember as a child were the songs of Çréla Narottama däsa Öhäkura sung by my uncles from Gadäi-Giri. My uncles knew kértana; they were great kértanéyas...”
3. That means from his grandfather, Çré Bauri Bandhu Giri (1870-1939), and back: Çré Gadai Giri, who founded the village in 1695, Çré Gopal Giri [1720–1805], Çré Dinabandhu Giri [1745–1830], Çré Abhiram Giri [1770–1860], Çré Bhagat Charan Giri [1795–1877], Çré Bhikari Giri [1825–1908], Çré Govinda Giri [1845–1933] & Çré Bauri Bandhu Giri. And also, his, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s uncles, Çré Jagannatha Giri
4. The famous family Deity Gopäla Jéu4 came of His own accord to Gadäi-Giri from Våndävana to one of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s ancestors (Gopal Giri) who desired to worship Him. This Deity is to this day still worshiped in Gadäi-Giri. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was quoted as saying, “...When I meditate, I see this deity always...”
The beautiful family Deity Gopäla Jéu
and Çré Gopinath Giri. For more information on the encapsulated glories of this very famous and exalted kértanéya family from Orissa please see the publication, “Always Embraced by Kåñëa”. Volume One, which is the authorised biography of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja, Chapters One, Two & Six.
4. For more information on this topic please see the publication, “Always Embraced by Kåñëa”. Volume One, which is the authorised biography of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja, Chapters One, Two & Six.
5. There has been a constant link between the Kings of Puré (who are coming in the line of Mahäräja Pratäparudra, an associate of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu) and the maternal family of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, from the Gadäi-Giri village of Orissa, since the seventeen-hundreds.
6. The current King of Puré is Gajapati Mahäräja Dibyasingha Deva. He would visit Çréla Gour Govinda Swami regularly. When he saw Çréla Gour Govinda Swami he would pay obeisances to him. The residents of Puré lodged a complaint to the King, that the King of Puré must not pay his obeisances to any sädhu. The king’s reply was, “...I know this, but when I see this sädhu (Çréla Gour Govinda Swami), he reminds me of Lord Jagannätha. He is the moving Jagannätha, and therefore I must pay my obeisances to him...”
7. There is an open invitation that still holds to this day, from the seventeen-hundred’s and is written in the register of the Temple of Lord Jagannätha - the Madäla-païji - for the kértana party from Gadäi-Giri village to come at least once in a year to perform kértana for Lord Jagannätha in Puré.
Vedic Culture, Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavism and the Ś ā stra
8. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami never broke the principles of Vedic culture.
9. He always remained detached from the comforts and conveniences of this world.
10. He was trained in Kåñëa Consciousness from his childhood by his exalted family members.
11. He was taught to chant the Holy name from the age of two by his esteemed Grandfather, Bauri Bandhu Giri, who was a pure Vaiñëava from birth and famous kértanéya. In the local area all the residents saw him as mahä-bhägavata [a highly advanced devotee, who has no material vision] and paramahaàsa [a great swanlike personality, who knows how to engage everything in the service of the Lord].
12. He was taught the Çrémad-Bhägavatam from the age of six by his esteemed Vaiñëava father, Isvara Manik Däsa.
13. From the age of eight he was accompanying his uncles on kértana throughout the local villages, and sometimes the kértana would go on for twenty-four hours.
14. He was taught the Çré Caitanya-caritämåta from the age of twelve by his uncles Gopinatha Giri and Jagannatha Giri.
15. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami lived in that famous village Gadäi-Giri from a very young age and learned kértana and Sanskrit there and excelled in this language.1
16. From the age of seventeen he began a systematic study of the four Vedas, the 108 Upaniñads and the eighteen Puräëas; a study that he continued from that age to when he left family life at the age of forty-four. He compromised on his duration of sleep so as to maintain this çästric study program.
17. He met his wife on the day of the marriage, he had had no prior contact with her, and at the marriage ceremony he saw her for the first time in his life. His parents and the parents of his wife-to-be arranged his Vedic marriage.
18. As a gåhasta, he would work all day as a teacher and study the çästra into the late hours of the night, only sleeping up to two or three hours each night.
19. As a gåhasta he had a checklist of 27 vows he would go through each day; below are a few of these vows:
a. How many hours did you sleep?
b. At what time did you get out of bed?
c. How many mäläs of japa did you chant today?
d. How many Bhagavad-gétä çlokas did you read today or learn by heart?
1. Plus, he was taught all major Gauòéya Vaiñëava bhajans, from very young.
e. How long did you spend in the company of sädhus (satsaìga) today?
f. How many mantras did you write today?
g. How long did you spend today in the study of religious books?
20. He had memorised the whole Gétä. He would chant one chapter of the Gétä each day and on Ekädaçé he would fast the whole day and chant the full eighteen chapters of the Gétä. It is important to note this was all done prior to joining ISKCON.
21. He was thoroughly proficient in all the çästras.
22. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami had never been to a movie theatre to watch mundane movies.
23. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami did not watch television. In a lecture he mentioned the following:
“...What kind of world is this anyway? It seems to be just like a magic lantern show that I saw at a carnival, wherein so many shadows and optical illusions dance magically before the eyes. [One may think] “I feel great attachment and identification with such a world”, and thus day after day passes by fruitlessly, without any purpose whatsoever.
What sort of saàsära [literally means the material world] it is? This is only a TV show, only a cinema show,
only shadows, and you have developed a relationship with shadows, developed attachment to shadows, to that which is unreal and temporary. The consequence of this is unlimited misery and wasting your valuable time in this human birth...” (Çrémad-Bhägavatam 8.24.4-5, 24 March 1993, Bhubaneswar)
And Çréla Gour Govinda Swami quoted this verse many times to illustrate this very point:
ye hi saàsparça-jä bhogä duùkha-yonaya eva te ädy-antavantaù kaunteya na teñu ramate budhaù
“An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery, which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kunté, such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does not delight in them.” (Çrémad Bhagavad-gétä 5.22)
24. He did not listen to the radio.
25. He did not read mundane newspapers and magazines, until after he met Çréla Prabhupäda, who instructed him to read the newspaper, in order to be informed of what was going on in society, then he would daily read it.
26. He had never entered a bar or hotel to drink alcohol or to take any type of intoxication. He never took any form of intoxication.
In a talk he gave to his students, in his gåhasta-äçrama, as a school teacher, in 1971 he said:
“…In this age of scientific invention, the age of fashion and false notions, people are acting according to their own sweet will. Evil habits of all sorts have cropped up in all. Nowadays a friend greets another friend not with the names of God, but with a packet of cigarettes or a peg of whisky. My dear children, bear it in mind, alcohol is a deadly poison that destroys the brain cells and nerves. Another evil habit is smoking, which is very common all over the world. Smoking brings nicotine poisoning of the whole system. The other evil habits are chewing betel, drinking strong tea and coffee etc. Therefore, I advise you to shun the bad company of smokers, drinkers and vulgar people, always…”
27. He was celibate until he married, and as a gåhasta he followed the highest Vedic standard and set a perfect example in married life (upakurväëa-brahmacäré).
28. He never ate meat.
29. He never gambled.
30. He was always pure and had perfect behaviour, and all this before he even met his spiritual master and joined ISKCON.
31. In his book, The World Famous Gour Govinda Swami and the Village Gadäi-Giri, Fakir Caran Kanungo writes:
“...In 1971 we, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami [who was then a householder] and myself, both went in February to the Himalayas [foothills]. We had a meeting with a sädhu who foretold the future of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. That sädhu said, in 1974 you must leave your home and your most cherished desire will be fulfilled. You will utilise all your power and ability for the use of God’s [Supreme Lord’s] service. Devotees will feel very much fortunate by reading your life story and they will come under your feet for help and advice. At the time of distress and danger your love and purification will be the only solace for hundreds of souls and you will be famous among great saintly persons. You will be the best among the devotees, you will be an äcärya, a great åñi and you will show the path of perfection to many. In the end you will return to Goloka Våndävana, your eternal home...”1
32. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami gave up family life of wife and seven children, on Räma-navamé, 1 April 1974. He handed over the responsibility of his family to his younger brother Kripasindhu Manik whom he had educated and brought up as his own son. Then he wandered throughout India seeking a bona fide spiritual master who could give him sannyäsa and entrance into the preaching mission of Mahäprabhu.
1. When Fakir Caran Kanungo saw all that the sädhu from the foothills of the Himalayas had predicted come true before his very eyes, he was shocked. And then he decided to write a book about it.
33. At the time of meeting Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda (15 September, 1974 at midday) he was already proficient in the Mahäbhärata, Rämäyaëa, Bhagavad-gétä, Çrémad-Bhägavatam, Çré Caitanya-caritämåta and many, many other çästras, and he knew many languages.
34. His most revered dékñä-guru is Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda,1 the Founder Äcärya of the International Society for Kåñëa Consciousness.
35. When he joined the ISKCON movement he did not arrive at an established temple; but at a construction site in Rämaë Reti Våndävana under the guidance of and in the direct association of Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda. He was then sent by his spiritual master to the remote jungle of Orissa to build and open a temple. This area still had tigers, elephants and bears roaming wild. The land was also infested with snakes and scorpions. He did this all alone!2
36. “We were all Prabhupäda’s soldiers; we were all from mleccha [meat eating] families. We were from the West, taking drugs, you know, we were really out of it people. I always see my
1. “...Çréla Prabhupäda has been training me for many, many lifetimes...” stated by Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja. Cited by Räghava Paëòita däsa and Govinda Bhakata däsa (now Äçrama Mahäräja,) 26.08.2020 Rädhäñöamé.
2. Caitanya Candra däsa: Yes, it is true, there were wild animals there and the place was like a jungle. Not so many houses were built and people were afraid to move around there during the night.
This has also been verified by Bhupati däsa & Jagjivana däsa. Both are long-time residents of this area and born in Orissa.
relationship with Prabhupäda like that: I will always be a soldier. That is what soldiers do: they work hard, but Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was not a foot soldier; he was special, he had a special connection with Prabhupäda.” (From an interview with Guëärëava däsa - ACBSP)3
3. Guëärëava prabhu also said, that Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was the first at maìgala-ärati, and he never saw him sleep or eat. He said it was as if he did not eat or did not sleep.
37. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s life’s ambition was fulfilled when he was awarded sannyäsa by his own revered spiritual master His Divine Grace Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda in Çré Våndävana Dhäma on the occasion of the Räma-navamé Festivities in 1975. After Çréla Gour Govinda Swami accepted the sannyäsa order, a number of GBC and senior followers of Çréla Prabhupäda complained, “Why has he [Gour Govinda Swami] been given sannyäsa? He is a new man”. Çréla Prabhupäda replied to this criticism by saying, “He is not a new man, you are all new men, Gour Govinda Swami is a devotee from his birth.”1
38. “...Then of course I met for the first time His Holiness Gour Govinda Mahäräja. I could immediately appreciate that here is a true Vaiñëava. His whole appearance, his humility, his tone of voice, everything about him made me feel relieved and happy to be in his company. He was not like the other ISKCON sannyäsés…” (Devadharma däsa ACBSP, first devotee to arrive in Bhubaneswar to assist with the project).
39. “I was in Bhubaneswar with Gour Govinda Swami, and for a six-month period there I did not see him sleep; he was always serving.” (Abhinandana däsa - ACBSP)
1. For more information on this topic please see the publication: Våndävana 1975 Image left: Çréla Gour Govinda Swami after accepting the sannyäsa order.
Śrī R ā ma-navamī
40. Çré Räma-navamé, was a very special day for Çréla Äcärya Öhäkura Gour Govinda Swami because;
a. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami left family life on Rämanavamé of 1 April 1974.
b. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami formally received sannyäsa at the Räma-navamé festivities in 1975.
c. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami moved onto the ISKCON property in Bhubaneswar on Räma-navamé 1976 and into the hut where he lived and performed his bhajan.
d. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami first initiated disciples on Räma-navamé in 1985.
e. The Deities of Çré Çré Rädhä-Gopénätha were installed on Räma-navamé in 1995 by Çréla Äcärya Öhäkura in the Lotus Temple of ISKCON Bhubaneswar.
41. Çréla Prabhupäda said “…Oh! Gour Govinda Swami, he is so sincere [spoken in Bhubaneswar 1977] ...”
42. Çréla Prabhupäda also wrote in one letter: “…Gour Govinda Mahäräja … He is a very good preacher and ideal Vaiñëava…” (Letter 30 July 1977, ACBSP)
43. Çréla Prabhupäda said Kåñëa sent him [spoken in Våndävana January 1977].1
44. In Mäyäpura 1979, he entered into a state of bhäva and prema; the likes of which had never been witnessed within ISKCON to date.2
1. Our most worshipable ISKCON Founder-Äcärya Çréla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda confirms, “…Kåñëa sent him...”
“If Kåñëa sends someone to this world, should we not consider that a great benediction on the world? 95% of ISKCON treated him like he was non-existent and insignificant and still may be the case… Still do. Most bhaktas did not even see him or hear of him. In a time of great spiritual confusion and upheaval in the society we needed him, but he was hidden from the majority. He came from Kåñëa, to fulfill Çré Kåñëa’s desire. Time to revisit His Divine Grace Çréla Gour Govinda Swami and inquire as to why the Supreme Lord sent him. For what specific purpose. And consider deeply how it relates to us individually as well as collectively.” (by Rasa-maïjaré-devé däsé)
2. For more information on this topic please see the publication: Mäyäpura 1979.
45. In Mäyäpura 1979, the kaviräja (Äyurvedic doctor)/mystic Çré Näräyaëa Rämänuja däsa, from the Çré-sampradäya, observed Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja and said, “...If Kåñëa does not take him, then he will become a rare personality, a great preacher, an äcärya! Everyone will see...”
He Was in Bh ā va
46. In that same year, 1979, Çré Çrémad B. R. Çrédhara Mahäräja (disciple of Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda) said of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, “...such ecstasy, such bhäva, you have never seen in your life. Leave him alone. He is OK. He is OK... This is very high Vaiñëava, very high Vaiñëava...”1
47. In Mäyäpura 1979, Çréla Akiïcana Kåñëa Däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja (disciple of Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda) arrived to see Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, and stated that he was in bhäva and was a mahäbhägavata.
48. In Mäyäpura 1979, Çréla Akiïcana Kåñëa Däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja also stated that Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was in Kåñëa-lélä and he paid obeisances to him. [Bearing in mind it was common knowledge in ISKCON that Akiïcana Kåñëa Däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja was known everywhere as a paramahaàsa and akiïcana. It is astounding to read about his glorious life!]2
1. For more information on this topic please see the publication: Mäyäpura 1979.
2. For more information on this topic please see the publication: Mäyäpura 1979. Persons privy to this bhäva and prema lélä of Çréla Äcärya Öhäkura Gour Govinda Swami were amongst others: Bhakti Caru Swami, Bhägavata däsa [now Mahäräja], Devadharma däsa and Laguòé däsa.
49. His çikñä-guru (in rasa-tattva) is Çréla Bhakti Caran däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja, disciple of Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami said of his çikñä-guru that he never came down from bhäva. 1
50. He took a vow never to drink milk ever again.2
51. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was definitely the diamond under the haystack. We who lived with him knew of his advanced status. Others in ISKCON thought him just some simple country Vaiñëava gentleman, but did not even know his name. When we went to Mäyäpura for Gaura-pürëimä, sadly he was not even scheduled to give a single class [that period was between 1978-1980]!
Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was actually qualified to take disciples from all over the world. He was qualified spiritually to lead us after Çréla Prabhupäda had left. He was the most advanced and realised of all the devotees of ISKCON, to our best knowledge, but he was neglected by them at the time.
(From an interview with Tamohara däsa in Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India in 1997)
1. For more information on Çréla Bhakti Caran däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja, please see Appendices One and Two, of this publication.
2. Between 1978 & 1980 Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was mainly drinking milk for his meals. One devotee complained bitterly that he was drinking so much milk, so Çréla Gour Govinda Swami said, “...Alright I will not drink milk again, ever...” And for the rest of his manifest pastimes on this earth abstained from drinking milk what-so-ever (1978-1996).
52. In 1980 the Rämänuja brähmaëa, astrologer and mystic, Çré Badri Näräyaëa Rämänuja däsa1 (disciple and secretary of Çré Lakñman Rämänuja Jeeyar Çréla Äcäryadeva), had said on his first glimpse of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja, that he could see an effulgent personality, who had all auspicious markings on his body, the symptoms of a mahäbhägavata.
Çréla Gour Govinda Swami wanted to go to Çré Raìgam to collect the information that Çré Rämänuja Äcärya had collected on sannyäsa and present it as a book to all sannyäsés of ISKCON. As many were falling down [and still are], and did or do not have a proper understanding of this äçrama. So, he said to Çré Badri Näräyaëa däsa, “...Badri, you will take me to Çré Raìgam...”
53. One of the foremost astrologers in Orissa Tirthananda Däsa2 said of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, “...he is from Vaikuëöhaloka, the kingdom of God,3 not this material world...”
54. He spoke on siddhänta-rakñaëa - how to protect the siddhänta.
1. Çré Badri Näräyaëa Rämänuja däsa was trained in the four Vedas, the Upaniñads, the Puräëas, palmistry, astrology and the Sanskrit language. He was also trained in the ancient science of the ‘Geometry of the Body’, Sämudrika-çästra (or full body analysis), he is able to see the symptoms of a mahä-bhägavata. (For more information on this topic please see the publication: In the Association of Pure Devotees, Chapter Eleven)
2. Tirthananda Däsa just happens to be the uncle of Çré Badri Näräyaëa Rämänuja däsa.
3. Tirthananda Däsa also said that Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was from Guru-loka, the planet of the spiritual masters. In other words the guru is from the spiritual realm.
55. He spoke on sampradäya-rakñaëa - how to protect the sampradäya.
56. He spoke on the four sampradäyas. 4
57. He spoke incessantly on the need for a living sädhu-guruvaiñëava. 5
4. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami quoted these three verses and said that they are the most important verses on the sampradäya:
Çréla Baladeva Vidyäbhüñaëa in Prameya-ratnävalé, quoting the Padma Puräëa has said,
sampradäya vihénä ye manträs te niñphalä matäù ataù kalau bhaviñyanti catväraù sampradäyinaù
çré-brahma-rudra-sanakä vaiñëaväù kñiti-pävanäù catväras te kalau bhävyä hy utkale puruñottamät
“Unless one is initiated by a bona fide spiritual master in the disciplic succession, the mantra he might have received is without any effect. For this reason, four Vaiñëava disciplic successions, inaugurated by Lakñmé-devé, Lord Brahmä, Lord Çiva, and Sanat-kumära, will appear in the holy place of Jagannätha Puré in Orissa and purify the entire earth during the age of Kali.”
rämëujaà çréù své-cakre madhväcåyaà caturmukhaù çré-viñëu-sväminaà rudro nimbädityaà catuùsanaù
“Lakñmé-devé chose Rämänujäcärya to represent her disciplic succession. In the same way Lord Brahmä chose Madhväcärya, Lord Çiva chose Viñëu Svämé, and the four Kumäras chose Nimbärka.”
5. “...If Kåñëa showers His mercy onto some fortunate person, He Himself appears as guru and teaches bhakti. This is bhägyavän. Therefore, guru is known as kåñëa-kåpä-
58. He spoke constantly on the need for sädhu-saìga. He urged everyone almost incessantly regarding the imperative requirement of taking constant sädhu-saìga. He instilled upon his audiences that sädhu-saìga is imperative, not optional.
59. He spoke incessantly on the need for a çikñä-guru.
60. He spoke incessantly on:
a. préti-äçraya – the abode of love.
Which are all the gopés headed by Çrématé Rädhikä.
b. préti-viñaya – the object of love.
Which is Çré Kåñëa Himself.
c. préti-dharma – love and affection for one and all.1
Which is the mood and the process of Çré Gauräìga Mahäprabhu.
61. He never abandoned the service his spiritual master had requested of him:
a. Translate Çréla Prabhupäda’s books into Oriya.
Çréla Gour Govinda Swami would not eat until he had translated at least a verse and purport of Çrémad-Bhägavatam every day, which meant sometimes whilst travelling he would not eat at all until the evening.
çré mürti: the mercy of Kåñëa, kåñëa-kåpä, has assumed a body. That is guru. Guru is mürtimän-kåñëa-prasäda, guru is an embodiment of Kåñëa’s mercy. If someone gets such a guru, he is considered most fortunate, bhägyavän...” (Taken from the book Çré Guru makes Kåñëa Appear in your Heart, Chapter Four by Çréla Gour Govinda Swami.)
Much on this topic has been covered in the book In the Association of Pure Devotees 1. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami said, “…one cannot have love and affection for one and all until he has love and affection for Çré Kåñëa Himself…”
b. Build the Kåñëa-Balaräma Temple in Bhubaneswar. The temple was completed on Çré Nityänanda Öhäkura’s appearance 1991.
c. Train and make disciples.2
Which he did until his last breath in this world. His last spoken words being a one-to-one-and-a-half-hour discourse on why Mahäprabhu stayed in Puré, and then he left this world.
jijïäsuù çreya uttamam çäbde pare ca niñëätaà brahmaëy upaçamäçrayam
“Therefore, any person who seriously desires real happiness must seek a bona fide spiritual master and take shelter of him by initiation. The qualification of the bona fide guru is that he has realised the conclusions of the scriptures by deliberation and is able to convince others of these conclusions. Such great personalities, who have taken shelter of the Supreme Godhead, leaving aside all material considerations, should be understood to be bona fide spiritual masters.” (Çrémad-Bhägavatam 11.3.21)
2. “...Çréla Gour Govinda Swami was a perfect disciple of Çréla Prabhupäda. He was a Gauòéya Lion Teacher that preached strongly pure bhakti in the moods of our Äcäryas. He was supremely protective of ISKCON and Çréla Prabhupäda’s mission and teachings. He did everything in his power to steer the intelligence of ISKCON’s management and sannyäsé monks to follow and study Vaiñëava-siddhänta and lélä deeply especially that of Lord Caitanya and Çréla Prabhupäda’s moods for Him...” (Quoted by Rüpa M. Cameron, Vyäsa-püjä, 08.09.2021)
amäyayänuvåttyä yais tuñyed ätmätma-do hariù
“Accepting the bona fide spiritual master as one’s life and soul and worshipable deity, the disciple should learn from him the process of pure devotional service. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, the soul of all souls, is inclined to give Himself to His pure devotees. Therefore, the disciple should learn from the spiritual master to serve the Lord without duplicity and in such a faithful and favourable way that the Supreme Lord, being satisfied, will offer Himself to the faithful disciple.”
(Çrémad-Bhägavatam 11.3.22)
sarvato manaso ‘saìgam ädau saìgaà ca sädhuñu dayäà maitréà praçrayaà ca bhüteñv addhä yathocitam
“A sincere disciple should learn to dissociate the mind from everything material and positively cultivate association with his spiritual master and other saintly devotees. He should be merciful to those in an inferior position to him, cultivate friendship with those on an equal level and meekly serve those in a higher spiritual position. Thus, he should learn to deal properly with all living beings.” (Çrémad-Bhägavatam 11.3.23)
çaucaà tapas titikñäà ca maunaà svädhyäyam ärjavam brahmacaryam ahiàsäà ca samatvaà dvandva-saàjïayoù
“To serve the spiritual master the disciple should learn cleanliness, austerity, tolerance, silence, study of Vedic knowledge, simplicity, celibacy, non-violence, and equanimity in the face of material dualities such as heat and cold, happiness and distress.” (Çrémad-Bhägavatam 11.3.24)1
Also, our beloved Gurudeva said regarding guru:
“…Without accepting a spiritual master, you may be doing some bhajana. Many people are doing bhajana They say, ‘Yes, I am doing bhajana’, but thereby they are not pleasing Kåñëa. Kåñëa will not be pleased because they are not doing under the guidance of a spiritual master. He knows how to please Kåñëa because he is the most intimate associate of Kåñëa …” (Lecture on C.c. Antyalélä 3.266, Paris – 19 July 1986)2
62. Sädhus and äcäryas from different sampradäyas, and different branches of our sampradäya would come to see him. Many were paying full daëòavats to Çréla Gour Govinda Swami.
1. Mr. D.K. Sashi: The greatness of the spiritual master is known to the world through the disciple’s behaviour. His Holiness Gour Govinda Swami’s disciples that I have met in my life are so good in tattva, behaviour and dealing with others. I did not ever have the chance to meet Mahäräja, but I can associate with Mahäräja through his disciples. Keep up the good work. Deeply appreciate your kindness towards someone arrogant like me, by melting my heart. (Taken from Tattva Vicära Publications, Facebook page, 24 February 2021)
2. In the Çrémad-Bhägavatam it is written:
näham ijyä-prajätibhyäà tapasopaçamena vä tuñyeyaà sarva-bhütätmä guru-çuçrüñayä yathä
[Çré Kåñëa to Sudämä Brähmaëa:] “I, the Soul of all beings, am not as satisfied by ritual worship, brahminical initiation, penances or self-discipline as I am by faithful service rendered to one’s spiritual master [guru-sevä].” (10.80.34)
63. Çréla däsa (ACBSP): I heard Çrépäd Tripuräri Swami say this when they made Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja a guru. “Now ISKCON has one bona fide guru.”
This statement is a unique glorification of Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja from a historical perspective at the time of so much controversy (1985). I am quoting (to my best memory) what I directly heard from Çrépäd Tripuräri Swami. I was in Mäyäpura at the time at the conclusion of the GBC meetings which had just approved Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja as an initiating spiritual master.
64. He was the author of many research papers on the siddhänta of the Gauòéyas.1 And, he translated almost every single book that his spiritual master, Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda had written, into the Oriya language. No technology was used what-so-ever for translation work; it was all done by hand with pen and paper. This in itself is an amazing feat.2
65. He lived in a small thatched hut the entire time while collecting donations for building, and later maintaining the massive Kåñëa-Balaräma Temple which Çréla Prabhupäda founded.
66. He spoke ten to fifteen thousand hours of lectures [at least], in Oriya and English; and sometimes in Hindi.3
1. Three of the most famous were Guru Tattva, Näma Tattva and Jéva Tattva.
2. He began the Hindi translation of his spiritual master’s works in September 1974.
3. Editor’s comment: I am currently editing a lecture [09.05.2021] for an up-coming publication we are about to print. Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda’s purport is one third of a page; Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s lecture on this verse and purport is thirty-three pages long, and he quotes more than fifty (50) scriptural references. And this is just one lecture. This is indicative of the amazing flow of nectar [amåtera taraìgiëé] present in his lectures.
Çréla Gour Govinda Swami inside his humble thatched hut translating the books of his most beloved Gurudeva. (Image left)
Image below: To the right is Çréla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda’s bhajan-kutir and to the left was Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s residence, which became his samädhi in 1996. This holy tértha was very brutally destroyed in 2018 by the joint action team of Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) and Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC). Çréla Gurudeva’s siddha-deha (perfected spiritual body) was during that time transferred to the Småti Mandir on the property.
67. He departed India more than twenty-three times to travel the world and preach.
68. He was humility personified. As a foremost follower of Mahäprabhu he embodied this verse:
tåëäd api sunécena taror iva sahiñëunä amäninä mänadena kértanéyaù sadä hariù
“One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly.” (Quoted, Cc. Ädi 17.31)
69. He would, seated on the vyäsäsana, roar like a lion, whereas at other times, he was simple like a child.
70. On numerous occasions devotees testified that he could read their minds, for instance whilst speaking hari-kathä, he would answer people’s questions that they were formulating in their minds; and before they could even present their question verbally, he had already answered it.
71. A very special feature of his preaching was that he would often sing, not quote or chant, but sing the verses, of Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, Çré Caitanya Bhägavata, the songs of Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura and Çréla Narottama-däsa Thäkura in the middle of his lectures.
72. He would, prior to speaking the Çrémad-Bhägavatam, glorify the Çrémad-Bhägavatam for twenty to thirty minutes and then he would begin his lecture.1
73. He would call the Çré Caitanya-caritämåta a post-graduate study, and that it is not for one and all. It is for post-graduate students. Prior to speaking on it, he would glorify that great work for twenty to thirty minutes and then begin his lecture.
74. He would speak hari-kathä between 2 to 5 hours at one time.2
75. Çré Çrémad Gour Govinda Swami was most concerned about the well-being of his disciples and followers. He was also very concerned for those who were not his disciples and followers and about the whole mission (ISKCON) of his Guru Mahäräja. His mission was to support and compliment the mission of his own Guru Mahäräja, ISKCON’s Founder Äcärya His Divine Grace Çréla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda, in three ways:
a. Preach to the preachers. It gave him so much pain to see devotees falling down and going away. (For instance, many left the mission when they saw that their so-called gurus were fallen; and had lost faith in it.)3
b. He wanted to show how absolutely everything the devotees need is in Çréla Prabhupäda’s books as there were persons saying that Çréla Prabhupäda only gave
1. Please see the Songs and Verses booklet for further information on this topic visit:
Once in the USA our beloved Gurudeva was told, prior to beginning his class, that the class should go for 15 minutes. Our beloved Gurudeva replied, “…my introductory glorification of the Çrémad-Bhägavatam goes longer than that...”
2. There was no transcendental subject matter that he could not speak on.
3. Please see Guru Tattva booklet, available at, pages 14 - 20.
the A-B-C of spiritual teachings. It caused Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja so much pain in his heart to hear this. He wanted to reveal to them that this was not the truth and to silence them.”1
c. He wanted to show how everything [all tattva-siddhänta] was available in ISKCON and that devotees did not have to go elsewhere for higher teachings.2
76. He was able to melt the hardest hearts by his sweet and immersive hari-kathä.
77. Following Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda’s personal instructions he tolerated and co-operated with those who were unjust, ruthless and who tried to work against him; whilst he was relentlessly working to resurrect their fallen mentality.
78. He completed the building of the Çré Çré Kåñëa-Balaräma Temple and installed the deities in 1991, for Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda’s last founded, and established 108th project.3
1. Author’s note: Therefore, he spoke extensively and deeply on the purports of his spiritual master, His Divine Grace Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda. Those who actually took the time to listen to his lectures were amazed, and also those who are reading his books, listening to his lectures and viewing his DVDs with English subtitles at this present point in time, are also amazed that such a person was amongst us.
2. Author’s note: Çré Çrémad Gour Govinda Swami, mentioned these points a number of times, however in Germany in 1993 he was asked by one sannyäsé godbrother, “... why have you come...” And Çré Çrémad Gour Govinda Swami’s answer was the above three points.
3. It is directly after this event that His Divine Grace Çré Çrémad Gour Govinda Swami spoke to a very few devotees, in his room, with no tape player recording, and said: “Prabhupäda did not want me to be a guru in ISKCON, he wanted me to be the äcärya of ISKCON, after he left this world. But I would not do it because I knew they would beat me.”
79. He inaugurated the yearly Ratha-yäträ Festival in Bhubaneswar (1991).
The Āc ā rya from Ś r Ī Ra ṅ gam
80. The Äcärya from Çré Raìgam, [the head of the Çré Vaiñëavas]
Çré Lakñman Rämänuja Jeeyar Çréla Äcäryadeva1 (19302012) came to visit Çréla Gour Govinda Swami at the time of the Ratha-yäträ in Bhubaneswar (1991). He said of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami:
a. He paid full daëòavats to Çréla Gour Govinda Swami on his first sight of him.
b. “He indeed did have the auspicious markings on his body of a mahä-bhägavata, which verified what his disciple, Çré Badri Näräyaëa Rämänuja däsa, had recognised many years earlier.”
c. “The birthmarks on the body of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami represent different avatäras (incarnations) of the Lord, such as Varäha, Matsya, and Kürma.”
d. Then he went on to say, “He is a çaktyäveça-avatära, a spiritually effulgent personality… a mahä-bhägavata of the highest order.”2
1. In 1971, Çré Lakñman Rämänuja Jeeyar Çréla Äcäryadeva became the Äcärya of the Çré Sampradäya based in Çré Raìgam, a responsibility he fulfilled until he left this world in 2012. He was a naiñöika-brahmacäré (remained celibate throughout his whole life). Çré Lakñman Rämänuja Jeeyar had tens of thousands of disciples and he gave sannyäsa to twenty-two of them. These sannyäsés also initiate, and thus he has also tens of thousands of grand disciples who call him their “Great Grand Gurudeva”.
He was educated in the four Vedas, the Upaniñads, the Puräëas, the Sanskrit language, the ancient Vedic arts of astrology, palmistry, and the ‘geometry of the body’, sämudrika-çästra – the ancient Vedic art that sets out in detail the measurements of all particular bodily constructions and asserts that the conditioned souls are categorised under a different scale than liberated souls. Thus, giving him great insight to the glories of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. (For more information on this topic please see the publication: In the Association of Pure Devotees, Chapter Twelve)
2. As quoted in the Bhaktivedanta purports:
e. He also said that such a person is very rarely seen on this earth planet.
Nimäi Paëòita däsa: There were also other things that he mentioned about our Gurudeva. He and his secretary/ disciple were very shocked that the ISKCON people et al., were criticising our Gurudeva. This Äcärya of Çré Raìgam was a great mystic as well. Such people are very rare these days. He visited our Gurudeva five or six times and stayed at the Bhubaneswar Guesthouse. He visited him whenever he travelled north; the reason he visited him is because he knew he was a mahä-bhägavata (also very rare on planet Earth). He also encouraged his senior men, whenever they travelled north to get our Gurudeva’s association.
Nimäi Paëòita däsa: It was a major event for the Äcärya of Çré Raìgam to come up to see our Gurudeva and say all these things about him. An Äcärya from a totally different sampradäya with tens of thousands of his own disciples. It is not the NORM! They showed our Gurudeva great respect, sadly however many of his contemporaries could and did not.
“...When a person is firmly fixed in devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is described as véra-vrata, fully determined. Such a devotee increases his ecstasy in devotional service more and more. Thus, as soon as he remembers Lord Viñëu, his eyes fill with tears. This is a symptom of a mahä-bhägavata...” (ÇrémadBhägavatam 5.17.2 purport)
“...When one has attained the topmost position of mahä-bhägavata, he is to be accepted as a guru and worshiped exactly like Hari, the Personality of Godhead. Only such a person is eligible to occupy the post of a guru...” (Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, Madhya-lélä 24.330 purport)
“...He is the guru, or spiritual master for the entire world, a devotee on the topmost platform, the mahä-bhägavata stage, and a paramahaàsa-öhäkura, a spiritual form only fit to be addressed as paramahaàsa or öhäkura...” (Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, Madhya-lélä 25.9 purport)]
81. Choudhary Jagannath Prasad, Official of the Government of Orissa has stated, “...I was greatly influenced by Çréla Prabhupäda and Gour Govinda Swami, by their way of preaching... Gour Govinda Mahäräja was a most cultured man and he was expert in the writing of Çréla Prabhupäda’s books...”
82. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami inaugurated Päda-yatra in Orissa (1992) and participated in it yearly.
83. In Spain 1992, amidst a massive, enduring drought he made it rain by performing gaura-kértana!
84. He never criticised anyone, not even those that criticised him, nor those who were not his well-wishers.
85. He never purchased any luxurious items for himself. All the money he collected went to building temples and printing his spiritual master’s books.
86. He built a wonderful Lotus Temple in Bhubaneswar dedicated to Çréla Prabhupäda for his Centennial celebrations, in 1995.
87. In October 1995 Çréla Gour Govinda Swami visited Bali, Indonesia. He stayed for ten days and spoke on the ÇrémadBhägavatam for that period. He covered one Canto each day speaking three and a half hours in the morning and three and a half hours in the evening. Thus, giving a summary of each Canto from 1-10, each day.
88. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami left this world in the sacred holy place Çrédhäma Mäyäpura (9 February 1996, the divine appearance day of Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda) whilst delivering the deepest hari-kathä. After speaking about the eye-to-eye union of Rädhä and Kåñëa he said, “please excuse me, I cannot speak anymore”; then he laid on his bed while looking at a picture of his beloved Deity Gopäla Jéu and instructed his disciples, “näma koro, näma koro! - have kértana, have kértana!”
When His Divine Grace Çréla Gour Govinda Swami left this world the following three symptoms manifested:
(1) His body glowed.
(2) It gave off a sweet fragrance.
(3) It remained limp, soft and with no rigor mortis at all.
These are not the symptoms of a conditioned soul. They are the indications of a mahä-bhägavata.
89. He was the saint of ISKCON and he was a saint prior to joining ISKCON.
90. Çréla Bhakti Promoda Puré Goswami Mahäräja1 (disciple of Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda) stated on 10 February 1996, that Çréla Gour Govinda Swami is sad-guru, 2 topmost spiritual master; most perfect spiritual master.
He also stated, after hearing the miraculous way he left this world, “…never had anyone left his body in such a wonderful way, not even Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu nor in the future would it be repeated...”
At this point in time Çréla Bhakti Promoda Puré Goswami Mahäräja was highly revered and the senior most Vaiñëava on planet earth, 99 years of age and was a very good friend of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja.
91. The deity maker Professor Bipra Charan Mohanty declared that Çréla Gour Govinda Swami did not conform to any known category of a conditioned soul, and that he did not have the normal bodily construction of any such souls. He said:
1. Çréla Bhakti Promoda Puré Mahäräja was visited that day by three senior ISKCON GBC, sannyäsés, and was notified by them of the disappearance of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. Above is his answer.
2. “...Çréla Gour Govinda Swami is sad-guru...” Sad-guru means head of the mission, äcärya
I may also add that when Çréla Gour Govinda Swami initiated one of his own sons, his former wife from his gåhastha-äçrama also wanted to take initiation. However, our Gurudeva said that it is not possible to initiate one’s own wife. So, he sent a message with Svayambhu prabhu to the family that she should go to Çréla Bhakti Promoda Puré Mahäräja and take initiation from him. This I have verified with our Gurudeva’s wife from his previous äçrama
“...Gour Govinda Swami does not fit into the category of a conditioned soul, he is a mahä-bhägavata...”
Bearing in mind Professor Bipra Charan Mohanty was one of the foremost deity makers in India and knew the science of how to make deities. He knew who is a conditioned soul and who is not. He had the çästra to support his claims.3
3. The late Professor Bipra Charan Mohanty, a retired principal of the govermentrun Khalikot Art College, was commissioned by the disciples of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, to sculpt the two vigrahas. Bipra Charan Mohanty was a traditional çilpa, or sculptor, who was trained to understand the specific measurements of vigrahas and images, based on the ancient Sanskrit çilpa texts. In fact, he was the winner of national and international awards for his artistry. He had previously been commissioned by the Government of India to produce models of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru which are exhibited in Delhi. (For more information on this topic please see the publication: In the Association of Pure Devotees, Chapter Fifteen).
92. GBC minutes on Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s leaving:
[13.] Resolved that we the undersigned members and servants of the Governing Body Commission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, today, the 11th of February, 1996, in Çrédhäma Mäyäpura at the ISKCON Çré Mäyäpura Candrodaya Mandir, express our profound bereavement on the passing of our dear Godbrother and fellow Governing Body Commissioner His Divine Grace Oà Viñëupäda Çré Çrémad Gaura Govinda Goswami Mahäräja, the beloved disciple of ISKCON Founder/Äcärya His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda.
Çré Çrémad Gaura [Gour] Govinda Goswami Mahäräja dedicated his life to fulfilling Çréla Prabhupäda’s order to spread Krishna consciousness throughout the world and specifically among the people of Orissa. He translated Çréla Prabhupäda’s transcendental literature and fulfilled Çréla Prabhupäda’s desire for a Krishna-Balaram Temple in Bhubaneswar. He was not only a topmost devotee but he was also a great and learned scholar. In this time of their great grief, we pledge ourselves to the service of his disciples and followers who are determined to carry on his great service to the mission of Çréla Prabhupäda.
With feelings of separation we note that Çré Çrémad Gaura Govinda Goswami Mahäräja departed this world
February 9, 1996, on the auspicious Appearance day of Oà Viñëupäda Paramahaàsa Parivräjakäcärya Çré Çrémad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda, while reciting the pastimes of Lord Çré Kåñëa, in the holy dhäma of Çré Mäyäpura, at the ISKCON Çré Mäyäpura Candrodaya Mandir, the spiritual world headquarters of ISKCON, at the conclusion of a full day of unalloyed devotional service to his spiritual master, Çréla Prabhupäda. His departure shows all auspicious symptoms and his success fills our hearts with admiration. His life and disappearance pastimes shall remain a great inspiration to all members of ISKCON. (ISKCON GBC 1996 Resolution)
93. GBC and mürtis of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami.
ISKCON law states that no other mürtis, other than Çréla Prabhupäda’s, may be installed in the temple room; however, they have allowed mürtis of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja in the temples of Orissa (Odisha).
94. He is the äcärya, some say gupta-äcärya for ISKCON in succession after Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda, who is the founder äcärya. Thus, maintaining and allowing the sampradäya-praëälé, the flow of the spiritual lineage, from guru to çiñya – from spiritual master to disciple.
95. He has also been glorified by many senior Gauòéya Maöha members as the moon in ISKCON, shinning very brightly
[self-effulgent] amidst everyone else. The Self Effulgent Äcärya. 1
96. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja was not a conditioned soul joining a branch of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu’s movement to perform vaidhi-bhakti. He was a fully liberated soul, coming to this world to deliver the fallen conditioned souls. Thus, he takes his place in the sampradäya2 as an äcärya and saviour of the fallen, as all äcäryas do.
97. It is a well-known fact that any mystic, psychic, astrologer, palmist or those that knew Sämudrika (the science of how to read the auspicious marks on the body, especially the 32 symptoms of a mahä-bhägavata)3, as well as sädhus, Vaiñëavas and Äcäryas throughout India, that met Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja could see that he was a great mahä-bhägavata devotee.
1. Ekaç candras tamo hanti na ca tära-sahasrasaù: “If there is one moon in the sky, that is sufficient for illumination. There is no need of millions of stars.”
“...The spiritual master is not actually happy if the disciple brings him money, but when he sees that a disciple is following the regulative principles and advancing in spiritual life, he is very glad and feels obliged to such an advanced disciple...” (Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, Ädi-lélä 7.91)
2. In the words of Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda: “...And ‘disciplic succession.’ We have used this word. Not that discipline is finished by one man, no. It will continue to go by succession. That is perfect...” (Room Conversation with disciples - July 1, 1974, Melbourne)
Author’s note: by succession, means sampradäya-praëälé. The on-going flow of the sampradäya.
3. païca-dérghaù païca-sükñmaù sapta-raktaù ñaò-unnataù tri-hrasva-påthu-gambhéro dvätriàçal-lakñaëo mahän
“There are thirty-two bodily symptoms of a great personality [a mahä-bhägavata]: five of his bodily parts are large, five fine, seven reddish, six raised, three small, three broad and three grave.” (From the Sämudrika-çästra)
98. The teachings of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja are still inspiring Vaiñëavas as well as many aspiring Vaiñëavas, some twenty-seven years after his divine disappearance. The test of time has proven that the words of the sädhu-vaiñëavamahäjana are eternal and will continue to inspire many, for many generations to come.
99. “He was very learned and he had come in a true and august devotee family. His fathers and mothers were Vaiñëavas in our line. From boyhood he was brought up in the line of the Vaiñëavas. Even before he joined ISKCON he was of that pure Vaiñëava spirit. So, he was so humble. He was a true Vaiñëava. He was in the same line in which Swaméjé [His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Çréla Pradhupäda] was. I have read his books. So, he was in the rägänuga way of doing bhajana, for which Caitanya Mahäprabhu had come. In this world rägänuga Vaiñëavas are very, very rare. I honour him as a pure Vaiñëava, and he surely was. So, I am giving my puñpäïjali to his lotus feet.” (Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedanta Näräyaëa Gosvämé Mahäräja 1921-2010)4
100. From his life and emphasis we know Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja’s mission was not limited to building a temple and a guesthouse, although he is also glorious for that; however, his glory goes far beyond that. As well as clearing all the misconceptions of the main fundamental tattvas, he came to distribute the very rare gift of kåñëaprema. This is the main internal cause for which Gauräìga
4. From the publication: Sädhu-saìga is the Birth Place of Bhakti (Gopal Jiu Publications & Krsna Kathamrta).
Mahäprabhu appeared, to fulfill His three internal desires, to taste that prema Himself and to distribute to one and all.1
101. “I was then intensely praying to Çréla Prabhupäda to send me some genuine sädhu to help me. I then met Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja [1985], and I was so impressed by his devotion, knowledge and saintly character. I approached him for çikñä and he plainly told me that since I was praying to Çréla Prabhupäda for help, Prabhupäda had told him to help me. When I asked him, after having been accepted as a çikñä disciple, what was the etiquette how to deal with the çikñä-guru, he answered that, ‘…do not see me as anyone special; you were praying to Prabhupäda and he asked me to help you…’ I took çikñä from him for ten years [19861996].” (Çrépäd BV Çuddhädvaité Swami - ACBSP, France)
102. So, that was a wonderful time in Puré [1977 with Çréla Prabhupäda and Çréla Gour Govinda Swami]. Then we went back to Bhubaneswar and it was very austere, passing stool in the open paddocks, bathing under a pump and eating in the open, sleeping on the ground. For us Westerners we were really finished. It was really difficult. I think that bodily distress was so great that it really clouded the intelligence at that time, it was so austere!
In retrospect, for Gour Govinda Mahäräja to stay there on that piece of land, living in that mud hut and building that wonderful temple under such harsh conditions, he must be a great Vaiñëava! This is not a normal occurrence. The vision for the temple was Gour Govinda Mahäräja
1. No. 100 is taken from an article written by our godbrother Janärdana däsa (SGGS) UK/Spain.
and Çréla Prabhupäda and no one else was into it.” [From an interview with Jayadharma däsa (ACBSP) Cooroy Qld. Australia, December, 1991]
103. “…Gaura [Gour] Govinda Maharaja was an elderly Indian disciple of Bhaktivedanta Swami and Vaishnava by birth, thus more senior, learned, exemplary, and inspirational than the younger Westerners who comprised the majority of ISKCON’s gurus...” (The Hare Krishna Movement, The Post Charismatic Fate of a Religious Transplant, by Edwin F. Bryant Ph.D. and Maria L. Ekstrand Ph.D.)
104. “When Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja was present in this world I was not so fortunate to have his darçana. I was raised in the Gauòéya Maöha. One day I received his book ‘Embankment of Separation’ [1996 edition]. When I started reading this book, I became so amazed to understand that Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja is totally in the mood of our Gauòéya Vaiñëava dhära. He knew exactly why Kåñëa became Gaura-avatära and accepted the dress of sannyäsa, he described so precisely and beautifully - by reading all this, my heart became so much moved. Later on, when I saw his videos, I was amazed to see how strong, straightforward and bold he was! He knew perfect siddhänta, he was completely detached from this world and fully dedicated to his Gurudeva. He is a true follower of Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Mahäräja and our Çré Rüpänuga Guru-varga. He understood their moods and therefore is a true äcärya, a rasikä Vaiñëava, and a well-wisher to all. I offer my repeated, respectful puñpäïjali to his lotus feet.”
(Umäräëé däsé [Umä Didi] 1933 - 2023 - Våndävana)
105. “…I could not help but notice during the meeting [for the annual GBC meetings for gurukula related matters, 1996] that while some of the devotees present did not seem to be aware of Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja’s spiritual stature, whenever they turned to him to ask for his opinion, they respectfully folded their palms before addressing him. They did not do that with anyone else. He had been a controversial person, famous for fearlessly stating, with irrefutable evidence from Çréla Prabhupäda’s books and other çästras, that it is not possible for the jéva to fall from Vaikuëöha. He emphasised again and again the importance of pure sädhu-saìga and of accepting a pure guru, one that is fully
conversant with çästra, realised in the Absolute Truth, and totally devoid of material attachment (Çrémad-Bhägavatam 11.3.21). Like any bona fide representative of the Truth, he never hesitated to speak the truth, caring not if it resulted in his being bereft of followers, position or wealth. In this way, by his single-pointed attachment to Kåñëa and his utter detachment from anything material, he was a true shelter for all…” (Vaijayanté-mälä däsé - Våndävana)
106. “…I will never forget the wonderful evening class I heard with a small group of devotees in which His Divine Grace Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja elaborately told the pastime of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu’s sannyäsa lélä. He explained all the moods of deep separation experienced by the associates of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu and the profound philosophical significance of Mahäprabhu’s renunciation. He was the true inspired messenger of that great compassionate golden avatära and highlighted the historical significance of this great event. Hearing such topics, from such a sädhu made an indelible impression on the heart of those who were present…” (BV Paramärthé Swami - Australia)
107. A disciple of Çréla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda, known as Çrédhara däsa from the USA had stated this about his God-brother Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja:
“…I met His Holiness Gour Govinda Mahäräja on a number of occasions and I was always struck by his depth of sincerity and devotion to Çréla Prabhupäda and his mission. I always thought His Holiness Gour Govinda Mahäräja to be like some Vaiñëava sädhu right out of the pages of Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura’s Jaiva Dharma. He
108 Glories was very humble, pure, simple, renounced and fixed on remembrance of Rädhä-Kåñëa and Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu and all of His pure devotee followers; an assembly to which he belonged…”
108. “...One of the great qualities of Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja is his childlike simplicity. He was straightforward and he had a very friendly nature. Without any difficulty you could relate with him in all circumstances. And he was extremely compassionate. From the scriptures we know that these are the qualities of a saintly person. The disciples and followers of Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja are extremely fortunate to possess such a wonderful saintly spiritual master...”
(Çrépäd Bhakti Svarüpa Dämodara Svämé Mahäräja - ACBSP 1937 - 2006)
In 1992, the day after Nityänanda Trayodaçé, the biggest festival in the Çré Çré Kåñëa-Balaräma temple in Bhubaneswar, I was chanting japa at the feet of a campaka tree next to Çréla Guru Mahäräja’s hut when I noticed an old person entering into the temple compound, leaning on a younger person who seemed to be his disciple and was half-carrying him, holding him under his arm. An unusual thought came in my mind, “Oh! He looks like some äcärya!”
At that time, I saw Nruhari däsa who was close to the entrance offering his daëòavat praëäms to that person. It confirmed to me that this was no ordinary man. When Nruhari prabhu got up from offering his obeisances, I asked him if he knew who was that saintly-looking elderly person. He answered to me that he was a Godbrother of my spiritual master, Çréla Prabhupäda. Çréla
Guru Mahäräja had repeatedly told us that the guru’s Godbrother should be offered the same respect as the guru, so I immediately threw myself like a stick on the ground to offer my daëòavat praëäms to him. When I got up, he was maybe two metres away from me. When my eyes met his, I saw that they were brimming with tears. I felt like he was trying to communicate with me from another plane of reality, trying to reach me from another dimension. I suddenly started to uncontrollably shake and the holy name came spontaneously on my lips. That name was sweeter than anything I had ever experienced before in my entire life. It felt like the sweetest nectar flowing from my throat. That name tasted so sweet that I was putting my hand in my mouth as if I wanted to catch it. I was going mad and tried to pacify myself, “Do not lose it, bäbä, do not go berserk!” I was holding one of the pillars next to Guru Mahäräja’s hut as if it was an anchor to remain in reality and not be swept away in madness. Torrents of tears were gushing from my eyes. I had never cried like this before. My body was shaking. It was not me who was chanting the holy name. It was like I was being chanted through!
Then Guru Mahäräja came out of his hut. Due to his crippled leg, it usually took two devotees to help him bowing down to give daëòavat praëäms in the temple room, but there, without anyone’s help, he dived towards the feet of that sädhu. When he got up, he turned to me and asked me to bring a chair for the elderly saint and I ran to fetch one. When I brought it and wanted to take it inside the hut, Guru Mahäräja took it from my hands and gently pushed me out and closed the door, saying,
“wait, wait.” I was still in some kind of trance, trying to connect again with reality. I thought, “I need to offer some service to that saint!” As it was very hot, I thought I would shelter him from the sun with a small umbrella I had.
After some time, maybe around twenty or thirty minutes, the door of the hut opened and the sädhu came out, helped by Guru Mahäräja, who told me, “He wants to offer his obeisances at the temple.” I asked him, “Should we carry him on that chair like on a palanquin?” Guru Mahäräja said, “No, he won’t go up the steps. He will simply bow down at the bottom.” I helped the sädhu walk towards the temple, holding the umbrella over his head and feeling thrilled at his contact. I helped him take off his sandals and bow down, then lifted him again and fitted his sandals to his lotus feet. He then looked at me again and asked me, “Hindi jante? Do you speak Hindi?” I mumbled, “tora tora, just a bit” before shaking and crying and chanting again uncontrollably. Then he looked at me with great compassion, opened his arms and hugged me to his heart, held me in front of him one moment, his glance into my eyes, then hugged me again. I felt as though loads of metal-like anarthas fell from my heart when he hugged me. I was in trance. Then he turned to a couple of Western devotees which were present and also hugged them.
As the sädhu was retracing his steps towards the entrance of the temple, helped by his disciple, Guru Mahäräja came towards him and, as he was going to bow down the sädhu prevented him, hugged him to his heart, then caressed his face and held his chin like one does to a child. Even though Guru Mahäräja was a mountain of devotion, learning and affection, indeed a very impressive personality, “Who is doing this to my guru? He is so exalted, yet this sädhu is treating him like a small child! On what level must he be?” Then the sädhu left the temple compound.
As we were going back towards Guru Mahäräja’s hut, I told him what had happened to me and said that this sädhu must be an uttama-adhikäré Vaiñëava because, as it is mentioned in Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, just by seeing him I started to chant the holy name spontaneously.
He said, “Yes, he is always in bhäva, he never comes down. He is an ocean of mercy. Yesterday, you were all praying for Nityänanda Prabhu’s mercy, so today Nitäi sent His man. Mercy comes as a person. The other day, when you saw me take the car, I went to his place, in his village. And today he has come.”
I asked, “So is he your çikñä-guru?”
He answered, “Yes. When I was alone here for a long time, I used to go sometimes to Cuttack to associate with some Gauòéya Maöha sannyäsés, but one day they said something derogatory about my Gurudeva, Çréla Prabhupäda Mahäräja, so I never went back there. Then, late one evening, this sädhu came to my
door in a high stage of bhäva and from him I learned rasa-tattva. You see, in this life I did not have much association with my Gurudeva and I had no time to learn this from him. I saw him as Prabhupäda Mahäräja coming in that form, sending him to me to teach me. That sädhu told me that he was an Oriya bäbäjé disciple of Çréla Sarasvaté Öhäkura. He narrated to me that he was doing his bhajana on the banks of Çré Rädhä-kuëòa in Vraja. He had been feeling acute pangs of separation for some time and one evening, he felt desperate and could not tolerate those pangs anymore, so he decided to end his life by drowning in the kuëòa at midnight. As he was entering the water, a sädhu [or siddhapuruña] appeared from nowhere and stopped him, hugging him to his chest and sending a ray of bhäva into his heart. At that very moment, he decided to go back to his native place, Orissa, and walked to Mathurä and boarded a train. As soon as he arrived in Bhubaneswar, somehow, he came here directly from the train station. He stayed here with me for a few days.”
Over the years, I have managed to tell that story of that amazing encounter with this unconventional sädhu without being overwhelmed by too strong emotions, but as I am typing this text, although it happened almost thirty years ago, my throat is choking with intense emotion of separation from him and Guru Mahäräja, and I cannot control my tears. It is bittersweet. May I remain always engaged in the service of the Vaiñëavas.
We were sitting next to Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja’s bhajana-kuöira, when all of a sudden Jayantakåd prabhu (now BV Çuddhädvaité Swami) became aware of the presence of a sädhu who just happened to enter into the temple compound of the Bhubaneswar Çré Çré Kåñëa-Balaräma Mandir. Jayantakåd prabhu started chanting the Hare Kåñëa mähä-mantra uncontrollably, and walked towards the sädhu to meet him.
At the same time Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja came out of his kuöir to greet the Vaiñëava who had just arrived and whose name was Çréla Bhakti Caran däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja, a disciple of Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda. Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja took the sädhu inside his kuöir but told Jayantakåd to stay and wait outside.
After sometime, the sädhu came out and walked towards the temple. Due to some physical incapacity, he was not able to
climb the staircase to take darçana of the Deities but he slowly bent his old body down to offer his präëaàs. Then he turned and walked towards five of us, who were lined up, expecting some mercy from him. Jayantakåd was first and I was in the third position. The sädhu asked him if he was speaking the Oriya language, Jayantakåd answered something like not really or very little. When the sädhu asked Jayantakåd prabhu if he was speaking Oriya, I was struck with wonder. I looked in his eyes and I became fascinated by his voice. He was very sweet speaking, as if his voice was coming from beyond this world, and his looking was definitely not from this world either. I felt he was allowing his voice from another world to reach us where we were.
Then the sädhu opened his arms and embraced Jayantakåd, touching both his shoulders. Immediately Jayantakåd cried profusely due to the contact of the sädhu, then he did the same to the next devotee and that devotee cried also. I was next and was wondering if this was also going to happen to me. Then when I entered in the opened arms and touched the sädhu’s right side, a flow of tears gushed from my eyes, then entering his left side accentuated even more the flow of my tears coming out. The same thing happened to the next two devotees.
Then the sädhu moved slowly towards Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja’s bhajana-kuöér. Guru Mahäräja came out just at this moment. At that point, something incredible happened: Guru Mahäräja leaned his head on the sädhu’ s chest, then the sädhu caressed his face and held his chin in his hand while looking
deeply in his eyes. It was wonderful to witness. Then slowly he turned towards the entrance of the temple to return to his place.
At that time Jayantakåd approached Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja and asked him who was this Vaiñëava and especially if he was one of his çikñä-gurus that he mentioned during his classes. Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja said, “Yes, he is one of my çikñä-gurus, he taught me rasa-tattva. He is always situated in bhäva (bhäva-avasthä1) and never comes down from it, therefore he is not preaching but gives his mercy the way he did with you. In fact, Çréla Bhakti Caran däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja was coming every year to the Kåñëa-Balaräma Mandira to meet Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja in order to bless him before going to Mäyäpura for the GBC meetings.
One or two months later, we met some friends and told them this story, and inevitably while speaking we would feel so much feelings from its remembrance. We would cry without control and our body would sometimes be shaking. It happened to me once many years later while telling this story; I also started to cry uncontrollably. It left such a transcendental impression on
1. Bhäva-avasthä: When the jéva attains his original spiritual identity (svarüpa) then his sädhana-bhakti matures to ripeness. In this stage hlädiné-çakti, or the Lord’s pleasure potency, endows him with mädhurya-rasa as he aspires to become a protege of one of the eternal associates of Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa in Vraja. Even in this world, he obtains the unalloyed service of the supreme embodiment of sublime bliss and he experiences ineffable exultation. This transcendental treasure is of unsurpassable value to the jéva. (Jaiva Dharma, Chapter 22)
us that when we tell this story to the devotees on Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja’s tirobhäva [disappearance] or ävirbhava [appearance] tithis the audience is so thankful to us for sharing this wonderful story.
Çréla Guru Mahäräja ké jaya!
“…I can refer you to one who is most highly competent of all my god-brothers. This is B.R. Çrédhara Mahäräja, whom I consider to be even my çikñä-guru, so what to speak of the benefit that you can have from his association. He is living in Navadvépa, and if you like, I can give you [a] letter of introduction as well as I will send him [a] letter to allow you to stay there with him…”
(Letter to: Hrsikesa—Los Angeles, 31 January, 1969, 69-01-31)
“…Another photograph that he [Çréla Prabhupäda] kept in the early days at the Rädhä Dämodara Temple was of Çréla Çrédhara Mahäräja. There was his gurudeva’ s photo and also this one. I asked, ‘Who is this devotee? I have not seen him before.’ He told me that this was his godbrother, a very deep scholar of Mahäprabhu’s aim, from whom he had received much knowledge. He said he was a great master, his çikñä-guru.
I saw that it was a black and white photo of this tridaëòé-svämé standing on an äsana. It was a miniature size that he used for his bhajana. There were also photos of Çréla Gaurakiçora däsa Bäbä, Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura, and Çré Jagannätha däsa Bäbä. Çrédhara Mahäräja’s photo was on the left side…” (Vänaprastha Years From 1954 - Çréman Gopal Chandra Ghosh, interview from the book Our Çréla Prabhupäda a Friend to All - Mülaprakåti däsé, Early Contemporaries Remember Him)
I Was Fortunate to Have His Association väïchä-kalpatarubhyaç ca kåpä-sindhubhya eva ca [Çré Vaiñëava Praëäma]
Çréla Prabhupäda: Jaya oà viñëupäda paramahaàsa parivräjakäcärya Çré Çrémad Bhakti-rakñaka Çrédhara Mahäräja ki jaya!
Devotees: Jaya!
Çréla Prabhupäda: So, we are thinking we are very much fortunate to hear His Divine Grace Oà Viñëupäda Paramahaàsa
Parivräjakäcärya Bhakti-rakñaka Çrédhara Mahäräja. He is, by age and experience, in both ways he is senior to me. I am also I was fortunate to have his association since a very long time, perhaps since 1930 or something like that. At that time, he did not accept sannyäsa ... he just left home, vänaprastha. In his white dress he went to Allahabad.
[aside to Çrédhara Mahäräja:] Mahäräja, I think you remember this incident, when you went to Allahabad?
Çréla Çrédhara Mahäräja: Yes, I do….” (Mäyäpura Temple Inauguration, with Çréla Çrédhara Mahäräja, March 17, 1973, Mäyäpura)
Çréla Prabhupäda: Then—there are long history; it will take time—but I had the opportunity of associating with His Holiness. For several years I had the opportunity. Kåñëa and Prabhupäda liked it to prepare me. Çrédhara Mahäräja lived as a...
Çréla Çrédhara Mahäräja: a sannyäsé
Çréla Prabhupäda: [laughs] my house, some may say, for few years, so naturally we had very intimate talks, and he was my good adviser. I took his advice, his instruction, very seriously, because from the very beginning I know he’s a pure Vaiñëava and devotee, and I wanted to associate with him, and try to help him also in so many ways. He also tried to help me. So, our relationship is very intimate. After the breakdown of the Gauòéya Maöha, I wanted to organise another organisation, making Çrédhara Mahäräja [the] head…”
(Mäyäpura Temple Inauguration, with Çréla Çrédhara Mahäräja, 17 March 1973, Mäyäpura)1
1. Nimäi Paëòita dasa: When I was Gurudeva’s [Çré Çrémad Gour Govinda Swami] secretary he told me Çréla Çrédhara Mahäräja is very great, very learned, I have his books. Then he looked at me and said, “Do not criticise Çréla Çrédhara Mahäräja.” I answered, “I would not think of it Gurudeva.” Another time Gurudeva said, “Çréla Çrédhara Mahäräja is my guru.”
The glories of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja may be found in the following publications:
1. Always Embraced by Kåñëa Kåñëäliìgita-vigraha
Volume One of the authorised biography of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja:
Part One - A Foreign Element in this Material World.
Part Two - Have you taken Sannyasa?
2. Encountering.
3. Gour Govinda Swami – Who Was He?
4. Just Try to Learn the Truth
5. Våndävana 1975
6. Mäyäpura 1979
7. In the Association of Pure Devotees
8. The Search for the Self Realised Soul
9. The Äcärya, the Brähmaëa and the Çilpé
10. The Exalted Bhakta Bhägavata
11. 108 Transcendental Splendours of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami
All the above titles are available at, www. and or please contact us on info@ or
The current King of Purī is Gajapati Mahārāja Dibyasingha Deva. He would visit Śrīla Gour Govinda Swami regularly. When he saw Śrīla Gour Govinda Swami he would pay obeisances to him. The residents of Purī lodged a complaint to the king, that the King of Purī must not pay his obeisances to any sādhu. The king’s reply was, “...I know this, but when I see this sādhu (Śrīla Gour Govinda Swami), he reminds me of Lord Jagannātha. He is the moving Jagannātha, and therefore I must pay my obeisances to him...”