Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu

Our Dear GOD-brOther ÇrépäDa Caitanya CanDra prabhu
Part One of this publication is from a lecture by Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja, The Vision We Should Develop When Guru Leaves.
Comments by Kåñëa Prema-rüpa däsa are from an article entitled: The Bright Moon who Illuminated the Darkness of my Heart.
Presented here in Part Three of this publication Çrépäd Caitanya Candra Prabhu’s Life in Brief, has been compiled from details gathered by his dedicated disciples and followers.
Every effort has been made to trace or contact all copyright holders. The publishers will be pleased to make good any omissions or rectify any mistakes brought to their attention at the earliest opportunity.
Layout and Graphic Design: Harinämänanda däsa & Maïjumedhä devé däsé.
Cover Design: Maïjumedhä devé däsé.
Editing: Guru-çakti däsa, Jagat-pati däsa, Lakñmaëä devé däsé, Maïjumedhä devé däsé, Navadvépa-candra däsa & Nimäi Paëòita däsa.
Orissa Correspondent: Arjuna Kåñëa däsa (Gadäi-Giri).
Collated and Compiled by: Nimäi Paëòita däsa.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu

by Nimäi Paëòita däsa

Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu with his most beloved Śrīla Gurudeva, Śrī Śrīmad Gour Govinda Swami

Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu has instructed that an unalloyed devotee should consider himself a servant of the servant of the servant of the Supreme Lord.
nāhaṁ vipro na ca nara-patir nāpi vaiśyo na śūdro nāhaṁ varṇī na ca gṛha-patir no vanastho yatir vā kintu prodyan-nikhila-paramānanda-pūrnāmṛtābdher gopī-bhartuḥ pada-kamalayor dāsa-dāsānudāsaḥ
“I am not a brāhmaṇa, I am not a kṣatriya, I am not a vaiśya or a śūdra. Nor am I a brahmacārī, a householder, a vānaprastha or a sannyāsī. I identify Myself only as the servant of the servant of the servant of the lotus feet of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the maintainer of the gopīs. He is like an ocean of nectar, and He is the cause of universal transcendental bliss. He is always existing with brilliance.”
— Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā 13.80
This commemorative publication is sincerely dedicated to the memory of our dearly departed God-brother, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu, whose absence has left a profound void for those of us who remain here in his absence. He was very dedicated to our revered Gurudeva Çréla Gour Govinda Swami and was like a big brother to many of the foreign devotees who came to Bhubaneswar in those early days of the äçrama there. Also, after our beloved Gurudeva left this world, he worked tirelessly to complete many of the unfinished projects left for us by our revered Gurudeva.
The Introduction to this publication, which is one of the last pieces he wrote, intended as a forward for the biography of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, is a fitting introduction for this memorial. Included are eulogies from God-brothers, God-sisters and a few words from our esteemed friend from South India, Çré Badri Näräyaëa Rämänuja däsa from Çré Raìgam, South India, who is a well-known mystic and astrologer.
Unfortunately, with the departure of Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu, we have lost a personality who possessed a wealth of information and knowledge, especially regarding the teachings and pastimes of our beloved Gurudeva Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, to whom he demonstrated exceptional and exemplary dedication.
Your lowly servant, Nimäi Paëòita däsa.

Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu,Vyasa-püjä, 2020

My Prayers Seemingly Went Unanswered
By Çré Badri Näräyaëa Rämänuja däsa (Çré Raìgam)
It is reported by many devotees that Caitanya Candra prabhu felt compelled, without any apparent reason, to analyse his own horoscope to anticipate any forthcoming events. Upon thorough analysis, he discovered that the planet Saturn had entered a critical phase in his life cycle, signifying the end of his life. He openly discussed this matter in his classes and took immediate steps to finalise any pending matters that had been unreasonably delayed and required his personal attention. Additionally, he initiated plans for future temple development projects.
Unexpectedly, on February 18, 2024, he fell ill and was admitted to a private hospital in Cuttack City based on his doctors’ advice. One significant and important event that took place was that he performed ärati personally for our beloved Guru Mahäräja* thereafter he was taken to Cuttack Hospital for admission.
* Çré Badri Näräyaëa Rämänuja däsa (Çré Raìgam) is a psychic, astrologer and mystic. His dékñä-guru is Çré Lakñman Rämänuja Jeeyar - Çréla Äcäryadeva (1930-2012), who was the äcärya at Çré Raìgam 1971-2012. He was the chief disciple and secretary of the äcärya at Çré Raìgam. His çikñä-guru is Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja (19291996). Thus, he called Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja, Guru Mahäräja.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Due to the influence of Saturn, the treatment initially worsened his condition, leading to a decline in his health. An elderly ISKCON devotee, Dvija prabhu, who was a disciple of our beloved Guru Mahäräja, intervened upon learning of the situation. He transferred Caitanya Candra prabhu to a top-tier hospital in Bhubaneswar and engaged highly experienced specialist doctors to provide intensive care.
On March 28, I visited him in the ICU and observed that the vitality of his body had diminished. I learned these details from fellow devotees, his son, and Çrémän Haladhara Swami Mahäräja, who was present in the ICU. I fervently prayed before Çré Çrémad Guru Mahäräja, Lord Kåñëa and Balaräma for his recovery, spending over twenty minutes at his bedside in the ICU. However, my prayers seemingly went unanswered.
Feeling disheartened, I made a second attempt at prayer, yet met with no success. I informed the devotees that Saturn is not a fatal star and vowed to remove its influence before the approaching Saturday when its effects might intensify. Subsequently, I left the hospital and returned to my mother’s place.
Following my departure, Caitanya Candra Prabhu’s health deteriorated significantly. He was transported back to GadäiGiri by ambulance, where he remained alive for four more hours. Devotees conducted a final guru-püjä and darçana, after which the radiance of his body returned.
A Brief Overview of Events in Bhubaneswar
by Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Dear Nimäi Paëòita Prabhu,
Hare Kåñëa. Please accept my humble praëäma. All glories to Çréla Gurudeva. All glories to Çréla Prabhupäda.
You requested me to write a few words about the Western disciples of Gurudeva. After Gurudeva became the initiating guru in March 1985, the first Western disciple of Gurudeva was Våndävana Bihari däsa, who took initiation in February 1986. Following him, Puñkaräkña däsa and Yamuna devé däsé received initiation in April 1986, and Vraja-väsiné devé däsé, who later married Våndävana Bihäré däsa, took initiation in January 1988. Subsequently, Gurudeva fell ill, and during early 1989, Nimäi Paëòita däsa, Déna Bandhu däsa, and Jagat-pati däsa arrived in Bhubaneswar and stayed for some time to seek Gurudeva’s association, eventually taking initiation in April 1989 [Çré RämaNavamé].
In July 1985, Gurudeva travelled to Europe, and around July 1986, he journeyed to America. In October 1990, Gurudeva visited Australia, after which he travelled extensively to

Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, America, Europe, and later made two trips to South Africa. Through Gurudeva’s vigorous preaching of the Absolute Truth, many Western devotees were drawn to seek shelter at his lotus feet. However, Gurudeva always encouraged them to come to Bhubaneswar and enjoy the pleasant weather and surroundings, emphasising the peaceful atmosphere and cooling breezes at the Kåñëa-Balaräma Temple. He attracted devotees to stay there and listen to Bhägavatam daily.
Gurudeva’s relentless preaching in different countries inspired many devotees to seek his guidance. Even several disciples of Prabhupäda sought refuge at Gurudeva’s lotus feet. Many senior disciples of Çréla Prabhupäda had doubts and frequently approached Gurudeva for clarification, which he gladly provided, bringing them immense happiness. They found solace in Gurudeva’s
ISKCON Bhubaneswar
teachings and stayed either within or outside the Kåñëa-Balaräma Temple, renting houses nearby to regularly attend Gurudeva’s classes.
In 1995, Gurudeva faced challenges due to a lack of cooperation from Odia [Oriya] devotees. He expressed a desire to remain with his younger sons (Western disciples) and entrusted me with the care of the Western devotees. Gurudeva recognised the cultural and lifestyle differences between Western disciples and Odia devotees, yet he maintained equal vision and affection for all his disciples. Many Western disciples, after Gurudeva’s departure, shared that they stayed close to Gurudeva for his love, affection, and the pure hari-kathä they received, which they could not find elsewhere.
Unfortunately, upon Gurudeva’s passing, all of his Western disciples returned to their countries, but they continue to hold deep respect and honour for our Gurudeva to this day.
Thank you. Your servant, Caitanya Candra däsa (Temple President - Gadäi-Giri).

Çréla Gour Govinda Swami

The Vision We Should Develop When Guru Leaves
By Çréla Gour Govinda Swami
The Eye of Devotion
Devotee: “What happens when ...?”
Çréla Gour Govinda Swami: His instructions are there, vapu-rüpa, väëé-rüpa. Guru means pure devotee, Vaiñëava. Guru means very, very intimate associate of Lord Kåñëa. He is guru, spiritual master. When he is physically present, that is his presence is here, but in aprakata lélä when he disappears, at that time one should not think that guru is not there. He is always there. Kåñëa is always there. If you have the eye, you can see Kåñëa:
premäïjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santaù sadaiva hådayeñu vilokayanti yaà çyämasundaram acintya-guëa-svarüpaà govindam ädi-puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi (Brahma-saàhitä 5.38)*
* Translation: I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is Çyämasundara, Kåñëa Himself with inconceivable innumerable attributes, whom the pure devotees see in their heart of hearts with the eye of devotion tinged with the salve of love.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
If you have that bhakti-cakñu, the eye of devotion, and you have developed kåñëa-prema, then you can see Kåñëa everywhere, yäìhä yäìhä netra pade täìhä kåñëa sphure*. You look and see Kåñëa. How could Prahläda Mahäräja see Kåñëa in a stone pillar whereas his father could not?
tasyähaà na praëaçyämi sa ca me na praëayçati (Bhagavad-gétä 6.30) **
Kåñëa says, “He always sees Me. I always see him.” The spiritual master is always there. Do not think that he is not physically present, that he is not there. He is there. He is always there. If you have developed love for the spiritual master, if you have developed that eye, you can see him, you can talk to him and he is also present in this form (pointing to the book), väëé-rüpa, his instructions are there.
Tattva-vicāra not Aparā-vicāra
Kåñëa is always there, Kåñëa is always speaking, Kåñëa is always teaching. But how is He there, how is He speaking, and how is He teaching? One may put this question forward.
‘çästra-guru-ätma’-rüpe äpanäre jänäna ‘kåñëa mora prabhu, trätä — jévera haya jïäna (Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, Madhya-lélä 20.123)
How does Kåñëa speak? ‘Çästra-guru-ätma’, He speaks through çästra, Veda, Vedic scripture, because the Vedas come from
* Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, Ädi-lélä 4.84.
** Translation: I am never lost, nor is he ever lost to Me.
The Vision We Should Develop when Guru Leaves
Kåñëa. He is the source of the Veda. What He says in Veda is very difficult to understand. Especially it should be understood through tattva–vicära, that is the absolute consideration, not aparä-vicära, the apparent consideration. The Mäyävädés present the apparent consideration, quoting çästra as Vedic truth.
Assuming a Body
He Comes as the Spiritual Master
Then comes the question of guru. The guru comes, the spiritual master comes who is the representative of Kåñëa, a very dear devotee of Kåñëa, who is as the caitya-guru, who is seated in the heart of the body as the Supersoul. He is known as caitya-guru.
näyam ätmä pravacanena labhyo na medhayä na bahudhä çrutena yam evaiña våëute tena labhyas tasyaiña ätmä vivåëute tanuà sväm (Katha Upaniñad 1.2.23)
You cannot know that paramätmä-tattva, éça-tattva, through your own mundane scholarship, your own mundane intelligence - medhayä, or listening to many pravacanas of karmis, jïänés and yogés. Those who have never come under a bona fide disciplic succession are not devotees. You cannot know it. Katha Upaniñad says, näyam ätmä pravacanena labhyo na medhayä na bahudhä çrutena. Then how can you know? Yam evaiña våëute tena labhyas tasyaiña ätmä vivåëute tanuà sväm, ätmä here means Paramätmä, Supersoul, who is seated in everyone’s heart. Assuming a body He comes as the spiritual master, Himself, because He is caitya-guru, to teach paramätmä-tattva. Unless He says you cannot understand. Where does he appear? Who meets him? That’s another question.
Our Dear God-brother Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Ätmä here means Paramätmä, the Supersoul. Kåñëa teaches like that. The soul or individual person who is very, very inquisitive to know all this, who is very eager to know; the Paramätmä knows this, “Oh, now he is very eager to know Me so I must help him.” Therefore, He comes assuming the body of guru.
brahmäëda bhramite kona bhägyavän jéva guru-kåñëa-prasäde päya bhakti-latä-béja (Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, Madhya-lélä 19.151)
He is most fortunate, bhägyavän. By wandering through so many planetary systems, undergoing so many species of life, one who is fortunate enough meets a bona fide spiritual master. It is Kåñëa’s mercy, kåñëa kåpäte guru mile guru kåpäte kåñëa mile, it is by Kåñëa’s mercy that you will get the bona fide spiritual master and by the mercy of the spiritual master you will get Kåñëa. The Paramätmä arranges the meeting.
This is Kåñëa’s mercy that you will meet the spiritual master, and by attaining the mercy of the spiritual master you will get Kåñëa. Therefore, we must be very eager to know, and we must be very inquisitive like Dhruva Mahäräja was. He was very eager how to get the Lord. Hence, Närada Muni appeared before him. The Paramätmä arranged it, “All right, he is very eager now. You go and show him the path, help him.”
I Cannot Understand the Purport
Similarly, “Oh my spiritual master has disappeared. How can I be helped? Who will teach me? When you will be very, very inquisitive, how can I know? His väëé is there, instructions are there, books are there, but I cannot understand the purport. It is very difficult on my part to understand it, though väëé is there. Çästra has its kåpä.
The Vision We Should Develop when Guru Leaves
sädhu çästra kåpäya jadi kåñëonmukha haya sei jéva nistare mäyä tähäre chäòaya (Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, Madhya-lélä 20.120)
Çréla Kåñëadäsa Kaviräja Gosvämé has said this. Sädhu kåpä, çästra kåpä, kåpä means mercy. The çästra is also one of the incarnations of the Lord. Kåñëa-tulya bhägavata—vibhu, sarväçraya, the Çré Caitanya-bhägavata states this. Bhägavata-grantha, the scripture is like Kåñëa. He is vibhu. Kåñëa is vibhu, Supreme Lord. Bhägavata is also vibhu. We take shelter of the lotus feet of Kåñëa. We must take shelter of bhägavata, and grantha also. Kåñëa showers His mercy, grantha also showers his mercy. Sädhu showers his mercy. So sädhu-çästra-kåpä, sädhu’s kåpä, çästra’s kåpä. Then we will be attracted towards Kåñëa, sädhu çästra kåpäya jadi kåñëonmukha haya, sei jéva nistare mäyä tähäre chädaya then you are free from the clutches of mäyä. Grantha has its kåpä, scripture has its kåpä. This is one of the forms of the lord. And the instructions of guru are also kåpä. You will get guru-kåpä through his instructions, väëé.
Pray Fervently to Your Spiritual Master
One who is very, very eager, and very, very inquisitive, prays to the spiritual master, and prays to Kåñëa, “O my spiritual master, you have departed. You are not physically present. I cannot understand it. I am such an ignorant fool. I have no qualification. Though your instructions are there I cannot understand what you have said. Please help me.”
So guru, he will also come. Not in that form. He should come in the form of a sädhu, a very dear devotee, who is also very dear to your spiritual master. He is very intimate with your spiritual master. He may come in that form. Through him, this will be
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
revealed. Your doubts will be cleared. You can understand the tattva, purport. And one should think, “yes, my guru is teaching, he is instructing in this form, this sädhu.” Thereby you will be helped. Do not think that, “guru is not there. He has departed. What shall I do?” Pray fervently to your spiritual master. He must help you. In this way, we have been helped. This is my personal experience. And this is also the opinion of other great mahäjanas, äcäryas, they have also said this. This is the eternal process. Kåñëa is eternal, nitya çästratä, sanätana puruña, His teachings are eternal. The process is also eternal. It is always going on. But we should be very, very inquisitive. Inquisitiveness must be there, that we must have. Everything is there. One should not feel desperate. There is no pessimism in this process. It is all optimism. (From a darçana with Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, France, 18 July 1986)

Çré Çré Rädhä-Räseçvara äçrama, Bali, Indonesia, 2017

Gadäi-Giri, 2020

Çré Çré Rädhä-Räseçvara äçrama, Bali, Indonesia, 2016

PART TWO Homages
Our Departed Senior God-brother
A heartfelt tribute in respect of our departed senior god-brother goloka-niväsi Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu - hari bol.
My dear departed most senior god-brother, it is my message addressed to your sacred soul, please acknowledge the same being at the abode of the Lord Çré Kåñëa - Raìganätha Swami. Many of your God-brothers and sisters were very, very happy and relished your humble spiritual company since the celestial departure of our beloved Çré Çrémad Guru Mahäräja, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. No doubt surprisingly, you were one of the disciples and sacred soul who was spiritually chosen and specially blessed by His Divine Grace Çré Çrémad Guru Mahäräja and you fulfilled the emptiness created by the loss of your most respected beloved Guru Mahäräja till your last breath for which you will ever be remembered. In this situation, I urge the respected ISKCON administration authorities to select and install a highly spiritually elevated devotee from among the senior disciples of Çré Çrémad Gour Govind Swami Mahäräja or if anyone might have been blessed by you to carry out all the spiritual activities initiated and
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
left by you in the same manner or in a more advanced manner at the Gadäi-Giri Temple.
Hari Om Shanti! Hari Om Shanti! Hari Om Shanti! Hari bol, Hare Kåñëa your bereaved god-brother,
Badri Näräyaëa Rämänuja däsa (Çré Raìgam).
It Was Beyond Anything Materially Normal
A Vaiñëava’s heart is even concerned for the welfare of those who do harm to his body, disturb his preaching, try to defame him, envy him, criticise him, blaspheme him and cheat him in so many ways. Though so many obstacles may come to an elevated Vaiñëava, he just tolerates it and prays for those who have ill intentions.
Çré Caitanya Candra Mahäräja is such a Vaiñëava who I personally saw and heard during my time spent with him in Bhubaneswar. I received many good instructions from him on so many levels just like having an older wise dear brother.
Sometimes I would see so many guests, visitors and local devotees fill up his office and when he would look up to see who had just arrived there in the doorway, he was still very welcoming, even though the office was totally full.
He did not usually have breakfast until very late in the morning or afternoon due to the service he had been given by

our Gurudeva, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. Çré Caitanya Candra Mahäräja’s patience and tolerance were amazing whilst doing his best to please our Guru Mahäräja.
When I heard of Çré Caitanya Candra Mahäräja giving a Kåñëa conscious lecture in both Oriya and English whilst he was in hospital, in a very heavily sedated condition (not externally conscious) I thought it was beyond anything materially normal.
Practically the need to see him almost every day due to the service* I had been given by our Gurudeva was a blessing for me that I can never forget. He will be dearly missed by many.
All Glories to His Grace Caitanya Candra Mahäräja ké jaya!
Your servant, Jagat-paté däsa. (Australia)
* Jagat-paté prabhu was the Guest House Manager at ISKCON Bhubaneswar from end 1992 to 1995.
Caitanya Candra prabhu (centre) with Nimäi Paëòita däsa (left) and Jagat-paté däsa (right), 1990 Australia
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
namaù oà viñëupädäya kåñëa-preñthäya bhütale çrémate gour govinda swämin iti nämine
väïchä-kalpa-tarubhyaç ca kåpä-sindhubhya eva ca patitänäà pävanebhyo vaiñëavebhyo namo namaù
Our dear God-brother Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu, unfortunately, has left this world on 30 March 2024 in GadäiGiri, India.
His dedicated service attitude to our beloved Gurudeva Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja was unequalled. While still in his gåhastha äçrama, he was the Temple President of the ISKCON Bhubaneswar Temple* and simultaneously the Temple President of the Gadäi-Giri Temple**. After our beloved Gurudeva left this world, he concentrated all his efforts at the temple in Gadäi-Giri,
* ISKCON Bhubaneswar Temple, founded by Çréla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda, who laid the cornerstone on the auspicious day of Lord Nityänanda’s appearance on 2 February 1977. The temple was completed under the direction of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja on 28 January 1991, coinciding with the divine appearance day of Çré Nityänanda Öhäkura.
**Gadäi-Giri: The village is renowned for its legendary kértana performers in Orissa. For centuries, this remote village of Gadäi-Giri has resonated with the melodious sound of kértana. The Giri dynasty has witnessed the birth of great devotees whose sole purpose is to fulfil the Supreme Lord’s desire for sweet kértana. This unique Gadäi-Giri kértana cannot be learned like a theatrical or musical performance; it is an innate gift of those born into the Giri family. The family is celebrated for their profound devotion to the Lord and their enchanting kértana.
which was the home town of the ancient maternal family of our beloved Gurudeva Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. This Gadäi-Giri Temple is also the home of Çré Çré Rädhä-Gopäl Jéu, the famous family deities of the Giri family, who are the ancient ancestors of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami.
Managing both temples was difficult and time-consuming for Caitanya Candra prabhu, however, he did it. Bhubaneswar was his main residence, where he also slept in his office. Not too many TPs do that.
In fact, in 1994 our beloved Gurudeva Çréla Gour Govinda Swami said, “…Caitanya Candra is the only person I have to manage this Bhubaneswar Temple…”
In the early days of the ISKCON Bhubaneswar Temple Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu was the all welcoming, and very accommodating TP. He was especially understanding of the Westerners’ needs. I have worked under many TPs in ISKCON, but he was the best, the friendliest and like a big brother for us all.
He also carried out the duties of secretary for our beloved Gurudeva, assisting Gurudeva with the correspondence for his Western disciples, a service he carried out until the beginning of 1992. Unfortunately, he had to relinquish this service because the pressures of being Temple President were becoming too great. And that service was then handed over to another of our Gurudeva’s disciples.
Also, I may add that Caitanya Candra prabhu once told me that in his previous life he had been our Gurudeva’s father,
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
which I personally found hard to believe. But, Gurudeva himself confirmed this very statement. What can I say?
He extensively assisted Tattva Vicära Publications by doing background research for the biography of our beloved Gurudeva Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja and is listed in the credits as such.
Caitanya Candra prabhu also travelled to Bali for 23 years (1996 – 2019) and preached vigorously the siddhänta taught to us by our beloved Gurudeva Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. Regrettably, he had to discontinue his overseas travels due to health reasons.
He requested no samädhi, only cremation. That in itself was a very humble statement.
I offer my daëòavat praëäms to Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu, the great servant of our Gurudeva. He will be sadly missed by one and all.
With affection, Your lowly god-brother and friend, Nimäi Paëòita däsa. (Australia)
I am Forever in his Debt
I offer my respectful pranams to my dear senior godbrother Çrépäda Caitanya Candra däsa Prabhujé. I am forever in his debt.
I am inspired to share some memories of Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu, which is quite challenging given the depth of experiences. During our initial visit to Bhubaneswar in 1989, we quickly realised that the most welcoming and gracious among all the temple devotees was the Temple President, Çré Caitanya Candra Prabhu (whom I respectfully refer to as ‘Mahäräja’). Despite his role as the Temple President and the immense responsibilities that came with it, whenever we visited his office, he would greet us with a warm smile, often spending hours in our company. It seemed like Mahäräja was always there, no matter the time of day, showcasing remarkable dedication (it’s rare for temple presidents to be so dedicated that they sleep in their office!). Mahäräja always extended his kindness and warmth to all the Western devotees who came to Bhubaneswar to hear from our revered Çréla Gurudeva.
Fast forward to 1993 when my wife Sujätä devé däsé and I settled in Bhubaneswar. Almost every day, I found myself in Mahäräja’s room at some point. He never rushed me and always had time to offer advice, guidance, or just engage in friendly conversations. His availability and approachability left a lasting impression on me. During our time in Bhubaneswar, I observed how Gurudeva relied on Mahäräja to resolve significant issues. On one occasion, just before Gurudeva embarked on an overseas preaching tour, conflicts arose at the Gadäi-Giri Temple. Gurudeva entrusted Mahäräja with the task of resolving these issues, highlighting his trust and confidence in Mahäräja’s abilities. Mahäräja then assumed the responsibility of Temple President at both Bhubaneswar and Gadäi-Giri Temples during Gurudeva’s absence.
On a personal note, Mahäräja significantly aided me in my service during Gurudeva’s first trip to Africa in 1993. Thanks
Dear God-brother
Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
to Mahäräja’s support, I had the privilege of travelling with Gurudeva on that tour and subsequent ones as his personal servant, a role Mahäräja graciously stepped aside from to offer me the opportunity. I am deeply grateful to Mahäräja for this gesture, and I will always be indebted to him. Mahäräja was undoubtedly a remarkable soul, and his physical absence is a profound loss. I will forever cherish him as one of Gurudeva’s closest and most reliable associates.
Janeshwar däsa. (U.K.)

Caitanya Candra prabhu (centre) with Sundaränanda däsa (right), 2014 Sulawasi
He Means Everything to Me
I am deeply sorry; my mind is still blank and filled with sadness due to the departure of Çrépäda Caitanya Candra däsa Guru Mahäräja. He means everything to me, like an elder brother, father, my guide, and also my çikñä-guru.
Sundaränanda däsa. (Bali)
An Eminent & Revered Godbrother
Dear God-family, Vaiñëavas, and beloved disciples of Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Mahäräja.
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to our dear most Çréla Gurudeva, Çréla Prabhupäda, and Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Mahäräja.
The loss of Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Mahäräja, an eminent and revered Godbrother, has deeply affected us. To many of us, he embodied the divine mercy of our Çréla Gurudeva in a direct and profound way.
My first encounter with Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Mahäräja was in Bhubaneswar in 1991 during the inauguration of the Kåñëa Balaräma Temple. Although our interaction was brief, it left a lasting impression.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
In 1993, during Lord Nityänanda’s appearance day celebrations in Bhubaneswar, I had the opportunity to get to know him better. He was the temple president, and his warmth and hospitality were evident as he welcomed us with open arms, sitting on a simple mattress without the formalities of tables and chairs.
During initiation ceremonies, Çréla Gurudeva entrusted him with significant responsibilities, acknowledging his brahminical background and expertise in rituals and mantras. After Çréla Gurudeva’s departure, Mahäräja took on more duties, including overseeing the completion of projects like the Çré Çré RädhäGopäl Jéu’s Temple in Gadäi-Giri.
His leadership extended beyond Bhubaneswar, managing projects in Berhampur and overseas preaching tours that inspired countless devotees. Despite his seniority, Mahäräja displayed simplicity, humility, and genuine care for everyone.
I cherish the memories of sitting with him during programs in Britain, where he treated me with affection and respect. Our last meetings during Kärtika were particularly special, filled with love and shared devotion to Çréla Gurudeva.
Mahäräja’s passing has left a void, but his legacy of service and devotion continues to inspire us. His determination to serve and preach, even in challenging health conditions, sets an example for us all.
With deepest respect and gratitude, Navadvépa Candra däsa. (U.K.)
The Humility of Our Bhubaneswar
Temple President
namaù oà viñëupädäya kåñëa-preñthäya bhütale çrémate gour govinda swämin iti nämine
väïchä-kalpa-tarubhyaç ca kåpä-sindhubhya eva ca patitänäà pävanebhyo vaiñëavebhyo namo namaù
When I think about my senior godbrother, His Grace Caitanya Candra Prabhu, I remember him as the very calm and capable temple president of Çré Çré Kåñëa-Balaräma Mandira, Bhubaneswar. He was always kind to me when I lived there and so helpful to any devotees visiting from overseas.
I recall his concern when any devotee became unwell, and he was expert in homeopathy and would give medicine to help. On padayäträ in 1993, I had painful blisters and was limping. He was so humble that he bent down to check my feet, popped the blisters with a safety pin and then Advaita Äcärya prabhu (now H.H Bhakti Präëa Gopénätha Mahäräja) put plasters on them. Whilst this may sound like a small thing, Çréla Gurudeva would sometimes joke about senior devotees in general saying, “Don’t you know who I am? I’m the temple president. Pay obeisances to me”, so the humility of our Bhubaneswar temple president sorting out the blisters of a new bhaktin from England was indicative of his understanding and surrender to our Gurudeva’s teachings on humility.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Caitanya Candra prabhu was an expert cook. One time when we were on a näma-haööa preaching program near Balasore, he invited us all to his house and prepared delicious prasäda for all of the devotees. He also showed us his Çäligräma-çélä deities which were worshipped by his wife as Prabhu was serving in Bhubaneswar.
I remember with fondness how Caitanya Candra prabhu dealt with all devotees and especially how nice he was to the children. He was patient and understanding as (coming from the West) we tried to learn the Vaiñëava etiquette that, having taken birth in a brahmin family in Odisha, he knew so well. I feel fortunate that he was the priest for my initiation and marriage and performed the yajïas in the way that Çréla Gurudeva instructed.
Caitanya Candra prabhu travelled later in life to continue to faithfully spread the teachings we had heard from Çréla Gurudeva and to spread the glories of Çré Çré Rädhä-Gopäl Jéu. Seeing him in the UK and hearing him read from the detailed notes he took from Çréla Gurudeva’s classes he had heard was very special. It is sad that I will not see him again if ever I can go to Gadäi-Giri in the future.
I offer my respectful obeisances to him. Your servant,
Guëacuòä däsé. (U.K.)

Remembering His Grace Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
namaù oà viñëupädäya kåñëa-preñthäya bhütale çrémate gour govinda swämin iti nämine
namaù oà viñëupädäya kåñëa-preñthäya bhütale çrémate caitanya candra prabhu iti nämine
Remembering His Grace Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu, my revered senior god-brother and çikñä-guru. I sometimes called him mahäräja but preferred prabhu because it seemed less formal and he told me he also preferred it.
I first met Çré Caitanya Candra Prabhujé in 1992 in Çré Mäyäpuradhäma. He was with other god-brothers in Gurudeva’s room in the conch building.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Gurudeva had requested to speak with us after his darçana class one evening. After asking about our plans in India, he invited us to visit Bhubaneswar and asked Caitanya Candra prabhu to give us a letter to stay in the guest house which he promptly did.
A week later I met Caitanya Candra Prabhu again in Bhubaneswar after he returned with Gurudeva from Mäyäpura. I found him always very approachable, pleasant, helpful and kind.
Every time since whenever I visited Bhubaneswar I had very nice meetings with him whereby he would give essential advice and help for our stays and trip. He conducted my initiation fire yajïa in 1994.
After Gurudeva left in 1996 Prabhujé took the role of managing Gadäi-Giri - Çré Çré Rädhä-Gopäl Jéu’s temple and overseeing the completion of the new temple for Gopäl which was begun by Gurudeva. As usual every year when we visited Bhubaneswar, we visited Gadäi-Giri.
In those early days there was a lot of construction whereby tremendous help was needed. There was a dearth of devotees and money coming in but Prabhu never seemed desperate, worried, anxious or bothered who was coming to stay or who was going to help and assist him in this wonderful project for Çré Çré Rädhä-Gopäl Jéu. He firmly believed and always said that everything is in Gopäl’s and Çréla Gurudeva’s hands. Even though so much money and help was needed he never asked anyone for anything!
The new temple opened in 1999 and I remember Caitanya Candra Prabhu doing an excellent job in organising the whole ceremony. Thousands of people attended. I am not sure if many Westerners were there but he had help from local god-brothers.

Çré Çré Rädhä-Gopäl Jéu
We continued visiting twice a year both Bhubaneswar and GadäiGiri for tirobhäva and Vyäsa-püjä.
Care of Gopāl
Both Prabhujé and the püjärés took great pride in dressing the deities. Gopäl and all deities were always gorgeously dressed in Våndävana style outfits daily and the altar always looked beautifully decorated.
The deities bhoga were also maintained to the highest standard with a variety of items cooked especially for räja-bhoga. No expense was spared in either of the above despite the temple’s low budget.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Whenever we would ask him what was needed for Gopäl before leaving UK, he would always put us on to the mätäjé managing the guest house and kitchen and Gopäl’s püjäré to discuss. He would never request anything for Gopäl, Gurudeva or the temple or himself. After speaking to the necessary devotees serving in Gadäi-Giri we would get some items from here and from shops in Bhubaneswar.
In addition, because he kindly allowed us to cook for Gopäl, a highlight of every trip to Gadäi-Giri was to stop on the way from Bhubaneswar to Gadäi-Giri and do some marketing of fresh produce for Gopäl. Priyä also got into the mood of this nectarian sevä and would use her own money to go to the market with me to purchase items for Gopäl. We would also market for Gopäl whenever we visited pürva-äçrama, Guru Mä and Aniruddha prabhu and his family. To this day in pürva-äçrama street every Thursday there is a market of fresh produce.
Having accepted Prabhu as our çikñä-guru since Gurudeva left in 1996 another highlight of our visit was hearing his kåñëa-kathä classes in English every morning. We also had the opportunity of sitting with him in his little office and speak about Gurudeva, sometimes I would see him several times a day/or evening as and when he was free. He never minded catching up on Gurudeva’s nectar. He knew we relished hearing from him.
We also kept in touch with Prabhu by telephone regularly since 1996 to clarify any questions and to ask for advice, guidance and direction. He never minded speaking to me where ever he was whether in Gadäi-Giri, Bahanaga, or Bharampur or in his car
travelling to and from Gadäi-Giri. If he was not available, he would give me a call back time.
Change of Āśrama
We eagerly travelled to Switzerland to be there for Prabhu’s first Vyäsa-püjä when he changed äçrama. Very wonderful program that day and also many lovely house programs as well as daily ÇrémadBhägavatam classes. We also visited Bali when he was there to get his association and hear wonderful kåñëa-kathä. He always spoke according to Gurudeva’s teachings and sang all the same bhajans which was so relishable.
Of course, after this change of dress and with so many disciples now and projects to oversee our relationship changed a bit in the sense that his time was spread among many now and he was less available which I totally appreciated but we always kept in touch by visiting or saw him when he visited the UK. He would either come here for prasäda and give darçana lecture to a few of us and his disciples; or we would have a house program and he would give a full lecture.
Kind, Humble and Compassionate
I remember in Bali I could not eat the local dishes, when Prabhu found out he invited us to where he was staying and we saw him personally cooking, with some assistance, a huge feast with all the trimmings. Coconut water was also served! Everything served in elegant manner. He would also request we ate with him when he was taking prasäda after programs at various devotee’s homes. He never treated us as junior to him although he was so much more senior to us.
Character and Behaviour
I saw a true and pure bona fide disciple of Gurudeva of excellent character, behaviour and etiquette, a disciple who one could receive both spiritual and practical guidance from. I feel indebted to Prabhu for his help and guidance and miss his association terribly.
In March 2009, at Çaraëägati Bhavän - Gurudeva’s house in Mäyäpura needed help urgently as there was no-one to take care of the project. It was just about to go to ISKCON Mäyäpura’s management to govern when Prabhu called to say that one of his disciples was happy to go there and manage the project. This he did and the project was under his care for seven years. During that time there was never any problems or issues. The project could have gone to Gadäi-Giri as no one else was taking care but Prabhu always said no he does not want anything in his name or under Gadäi-Giri. He was just happy to help out and manage fully and unconditionally!
Sometimes we may misunderstand each other but he always understood one’s mood and tried his best to accommodate everyone despite all the innumerable challenges he faced. He was running Gadäi-Giri single handedly as a manager, supervisor in all aspects of Gopäl’s care, overseeing all construction and having disciples to see to, conducting initiation, travelling to many countries to give essential support to his disciples and us all but still never desired anything for himself. Everything went on so efficiently! He was the perfect disciple to take care and look after Gopäl, manage GadäiGiri and all the other temples. It does not seem like anyone else could have done a better job given all the practical and financial difficulties and challenges.
Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Please accept my koöi daëòavat pranäms at your lotus feet.
All glories to Çréla Gurudeva, Çréla Prabhupäda and all glories to you!
Please accept my sincere appreciation and gratitude to you for your loving devotion to Gopäl’s seva and His temple affairs. Thank you for all the years of help, support, guidance, love and affection you have shown to myself and Priya. We could never repay you but hope that by continuing to do some little seva for Gopäl we might please you. For sure you have returned to Gopäl’s and Gurudeva’s abode in Goloka.
You are humility, simplicity, kindness and compassion personified, so on this very auspicious but sad time for us all, I beg forgiveness at your lotus feet for offences I have committed to you in my immaturity and ignorance. I pray to you to please be merciful and bless us with a drop of your spiritual determination, dedication and humility in serving Gopäl, Gurudeva and all Vaiñëavas.
Priya has added that: Mahäräja always had a calm, kind, loving and thoughtful way of interacting with devotees. Always smiling. Always approachable and found ways to make one feel welcomed.
In 2017, Priya invited Mahäräja to her home after marriage to give his blessings which he kindly did.
Your very grateful and fallen little sister/servants, Naliné devé däsé & Priya däsé. (U.K.)
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
We Will Miss You Dearly
My dear Guru Mahäräja, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Çréla Gurudeva and Çré Çré Rädhä-Gopäl Jéu.
I first met you in Bhubaneswar around 1991 or 1992. You were incredibly supportive to me during the difficult period after Gurudeva [Çréla Gour Govinda Swami] left this planet. Your instructions, guidance, and encouragement were invaluable to me. However, over the years, I distanced myself from devotees and the temple. It was when Lavaìga Mätäjé visited you in Switzerland and Gadäi-Giri that I noticed a profound change in her devotional mood due to your association. Lavaìga Mätäjé invited me to Switzerland, and it became clear to me that you were carrying forward Gurudeva’s mission. I never felt that you were any less powerful than Gurudeva himself, and there was no doubt in my mind that Gurudeva was speaking through you.
Witnessing the family, you had built in Switzerland under the guidance of Rasänanda prabhu filled me with immense joy and a sense of security once again. I deeply apologise for any offensive behaviour I may have exhibited in the past. I visited you in GadäiGiri with Kälindé and Gopäla, and then again with Gopäla alone. I had the privilege of visiting you multiple times in Switzerland, experiencing the affection of your devoted followers. Whenever I had a question, I trusted only your answers. I felt understood and cared for by you.
Your departure has left a profound void, and we will miss you dearly. I am grateful that you returned to Kåñëa’s abode in front

of Gopäl Jéu in Gurudeva’s temple. Your flawless departure has left an indelible mark on us all, and we will never forget you. You were exceptionally generous to me, even speaking hari-kathä in my house (Gurudeva’s house) numerous times, despite my unworthiness. All glories to you, Vaiñëava Öhäkura.
Your unworthy servant, Prétélakñaëa devé däsé. (U.K.)
Caitanya Candra prabhu with Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, 1990 Murwillumbah, Australia
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
His Complete Surrender to Śrīla Guru Mahārāja
I offer my obeisances to Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Mahäräja.
As a devoted servant of Guru Mahäräja*, Çrépäda Caitanya
Candra Mahäräja expertly served Guru Mahäräja, very attentive to Guru Mahäräja’s every need. What truly inspires me is Mahäräja’s complete surrender to Çréla Guru Mahäräja. Upon Guru Mahäräja’s request to assume full-time management of the Bhubaneswar temple, he promptly relinquished his job and relocated to the temple premises. Witnessing Çrépäda Caitanya
Candra Mahäräja engage in late-night japa sessions after fulfilling his daily management duties in Bhubaneswar was a common occurrence for me.
Under his stewardship, disciples of Guru Mahäräja, particularly those not native to Bhubaneswar, were exceptionally cared for.
Even after Guru Mahäräja’s departure, Çrépäda Caitanya
Candra Mahäräja continued to visit Bali at least once a year until the onset of the COVID pandemic, diligently nurturing devotees there and perpetuating Guru Mahäräja’s mission.
Your servant, Puñpa-gopäla däsa. (Singapore)
* Guru Mahäräja, Çréla Guru Mahäräja refers to Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja.
Considered that Time as Our Golden Years
namaù oà viñëupädäya kåñëa-preñthäya bhütale çrémate gour govinda swämin iti nämine
väïchä-kalpa-tarubhyaç ca kåpä-sindhubhya eva ca patitänäà pävanebhyo vaiñëavebhyo namo namaù
We met His Holiness Caitanya Candra Mahäräja for the first time in 1990 when our revered Gurudeva, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami Mahäräja, visited Singapore for the first time. Caitanya Candra Mahäräja was Gurudeva’s personal servant. It was a stopover from Bali to Singapore. I received the mercy to cook for them, and it just so happened that I had prepared a South Indian meal. That was the first time we met Gurudeva. It was at His Grace Senan prabhu’s home. Before that, we had never heard of Gurudeva. So obviously I did not know about dalma, chenna etc. But Gurudeva showered his mercy upon this fallen soul. Caitanya Candra Mahäräja told us later Gurudeva liked the prasädam.
During this first meeting our family developed some relationship with Caitanya Candra Mahäräja. We could easily communicate with him as he treated us as his own family members. He regularly travelled with Gurudeva. Through him we had the chance to learn more about Gurudeva and his transcendental qualities. Caitanya Candra Mahäräja guided us how to serve Gurudeva. We considered that time as our golden years, even though we did not fully utilise it, as we took it for granted.
Dear God-brother
Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
After Gurudeva’s unexpected disappearance from this material world our only solace was Caitanya Candra Mahäräja. We went to Bhubaneswar for the first time for Gurudeva’s 11th day disappearance observation [1996]. Caitanya Candra Mahäräja made all the arrangements for our stay and made us and another god-sister of ours Çrématé Kamala devé däsé most comfortable.
Our relationship deepened. Whenever we had doubts that needed to be cleared, he was just a phone call away. He always quoted from Gurudeva’s words. He was really a sat-çiñya. Whatever projects Gurudeva left behind to complete, Caitanya Candra Mahäräja did it and treated it as his life and soul. He was very dedicated. At the same time, he was vigorously preaching especially in Indonesia which was one of our Gurudeva’s favourite places. Mahäräja used to extend his visit to Batam and Malaysia which is near to Singapore. We took the opportunity to go and listen from Mahäräja. He was always there to guide us. He never treated us as inferior. For us he is superior as he serves Gurudeva personally and has full mercy. He shared some of the incidents that happened while he served Gurudeva personally, which he took as Gurudeva’s way of showering mercy.
All these years we were always looking forward to visit GadäiGiri to get association from Mahäräja. We visited many times. Our last visit was in 2018. In the class he is sometimes heavy and sometimes very simple. I noticed he had all the Vaiñëava qualities. He never complained about anything, except for his health. He became more sober in the last few years.
His disappearance is a great loss in our life and for ISKCON. In the natural calamity times in Orissa, he became the instrument of Rädhä-Gopäl Jéu to give shelter for the villagers. He is very dear
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
to Gopäl. I cherish the memories of my big god-brother and hope that he continually will shower his guidance upon me.
Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Mahäräja ké jaya! Lowly god-sister, Çubhänanä devé däsé. (Singapore)
You Were the Most Kind and Caring
Temple President
‘Radhe Radhe’. You were the most kind and caring Temple President when so many big and small Western families were living inside the guest house of the temple in Bhubaneswar. Always tolerant with twenty children around, along with their mothers and fathers who were just learning how to embrace Vaiñëava culture and Oriya culture. You were always diplomatic and tolerant. May you have gone directly to the lotus feet of our Gurudeva, your präëanätha [life and soul].
Brajeçvari devé däsé. (Rädhä-kuëòa)

Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu

Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu’s
Life in Brief
Early Life
Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu was born on 11 January 1947 at Balasore in the Indian state of Odisha [Orissa]. His parents called him Chinmai Kumar Mishra. Chinmaya’s father, Çré Rämaëatha Mishra, was a highly educated Brahmin who strictly adhered to the Vedas. He worshipped the deities every day at his home altar and ate exclusively viñëu-prasäda.
Rämaëatha Mishra was simultaneously a priest of the RädhäKåñëa Temple in the palace of a large landowner, a director of a Sanskrit school and a playwright. After his drama: Cäëakya vijayaà, (Chanakya’s Victory) was screened in Delhi, Rämaëatha Mishra received an award from the then-President of India, Räjendra Prasäda. Rämaëatha Mishra not only wrote and directed this drama, but also played a leading role in it. He was also the author of a number of other Sanskrit dramas and, as a Sanskrit scholar, received many government awards for popularising this ancient language.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Following his father and uncle’s example, Chinmai would conduct religious rites for others as a child and arrange hari-nämasaìkértana (the congregational chanting of the names of God), as well as celebrations of Ratha-yäträ, Jhulan-yäträ and public chanting of Çrémad-Bhägavatam. Along with his parents, he often visited the famous Kñéra-corä-gopénätha of Remuëä, near Balasore. When Chinmai grew up, he would sometimes bring pilgrims to this temple and the nearby samädhi of Çréla Mädhavendra Puré, who was a great Gauòéya Vaiñëava saint.
More than five hundred years ago, Gopénätha (Kåñëa), who is worshipped in this temple, stole a pot of khira (sweet rice) for Mädhavendra Puré. Since then, this Deity has been widely known as Kñéra-corä-gopénätha (Gopinatha – the deity that stole the pot of rice). Remuëä is also famous for having a samädhi of Çré Rasikänanda (a disciple of Çré Çyämänanda Prabhu), a prominent preacher of Gauòéya Vaiñëavism. Also, Çréla Çrédhara Svämé was born near Remuëä, who is the author of the oldest complete commentary on Çrémad-Bhägavatam.
And in Balasore itself, in the seventeenth century, lived another great äcärya, Çré Baladeva Vidyäbhüshaëa. He wrote a commentary on the Vedänta-sütra entitled Govinda-bhäñya, for which the devotees of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu worship him as Gauòéya vedänta äcärya (teacher of Vedänta).
The Bhagavad-gītā As It Is
As an ascetic Brahmin, Çré Rämaëatha Mishra was free from greed and the pursuit of material wealth. Therefore, his eldest son Chinmai started working quite early, helping his father provide for his family. In 1971, Chinmai married and later became the
Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu’s Life in Brief
father of three children; Bandana Mishra [female], Pinakee Mishra [male], Prabanjan Mishra [male]. In early 1983 in Bhubaneswar (Odisha state capital), Chinmai, who during that time was working as a personal assistant to the Director of the Machine Irrigation Corporation, came across a copy of the Bhagavad-gétä As It Is.
It is one of the oldest and well-known holy books – the Bhagavadgétä (literally The Song of God), with English translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda, who is the Founder Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). This and many other works of Çréla Prabhupäda have been translated from English into Oriya (or Odia, the main language of the state of Odisha) by his dear disciple Çréla Gour Govinda Swami (1929-1996).
Śrīla Gour Govinda Swami - Siṁha Guru
Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, is a great Vaiñëava sädhu-guru who was born in Orissa (Odisha). His mother’s family were the great kértanéyas who hailed from the Gadäi-Giri village the home of the very famous Deity of Gopäl Jéu. Both his parents came from Vaiñëava families. He spent many years in the GadäiGiri village, studying the Çré Caitanya-caritämåta, the Sanskrit language and the bhajanas of the Gauòéya Vaiñëava äcäryas. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, was a great renunciant, even in family life. He gave up society, friendship, home and the rest at the age of 44 and began wandering throughout India. Prior to meeting his spiritual master Çréla A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda, he had wandered India for six months looking for the right person to give him sannyäsa and entrance into the mission of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s command of the
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Gauòéya vaiñëava-siddhänta was unparalleled. When he sat on the vyäsäsana and spoke hari-kathä he was like a lion.
Chinmai Kumar Mishra Meets Śrīla Gour Govinda Swami
In March 1983, Chinmai first visited the ISKCON centre in Bhubaneswar and in June 1983, he met Çréla Gour Govinda Swami to ask him his questions on Bhagavad-gétä As It Is. In September 1983, Chinmai began to regularly attend Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s lectures on Çrémad-Bhägavatam. Soon he decided to accept Çréla Gour Govinda Swami as his spiritual master and began to perform various types of sevä (service to the Lord) under his guidance.
Since childhood, Chinmai had shown the qualities of a natural leader, in both spiritual and public activities. It has already been mentioned that during his school years he regularly organised spiritual programs. Later, from 1973 to 1983, he was the President of the Odisha State Machine Irrigation Corporation Employees Association and in-charge of the Secretariat of the Odisha Workers’ Coordination Committee.
Śrī Rāma-Navamī
On 30 March 1985, on the occasion of Çré Räma-Navamé, Lord Rämacandra’s appearance day, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami performed the rite of spiritual initiation for the first time, and Chinmai became one of his first disciples. He received the spiritual name Caitanya Candra däsa from Çréla Gour Govinda Swami. At the same time, the initiation of Chinmai’s wife took place. Çréla
Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu’s Life in Brief
Gour Govinda Swami gave her the spiritual name Kälavaté devé däsé.
Several months later, Caitanya Candra däsa, following in his father’s footsteps, organised, with the approval of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, a troupe of devotees to stage spiritual performances. At the request of his Gurudeva, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu from the years 1985 to 1995, staged performances and organised Janmäñöamé celebrations at the ISKCON Centre in Bhubaneswar.
Nimäi Paëòita däsa: In 1989, Caitanya Candra Prabhu conducted the yajïa for my initiation, and in 1993, he performed the yajïa for my wife’s initiation. Additionally, in 1993, he arranged and conducted the yajïa for our Vedic marriage ceremony. Then, in 1995, Caitanya Candra Prabhu led the yajïa for our first son’s anna-präçana (first grains) and naming ceremony (näma-karaëa). It is worth noting that he officiated most of the yajïas for our Gurudeva, and Gurudeva was present for all of them.
The President of the Temple
In 1988, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu, by his own will and fatherly blessings, retired from public service, as he decided to devote all his time and energy to helping his spiritual master in the construction of Çré Çré Kåñëa-Balaräma Temple at Bhubaneswar. Çréla Gour Govinda Swami appointed him as the President of this temple. Within less than two and a half years, the project was completed and on 28 January 1991 (on the occasion of Nityänanda-trayodaçé) the ISKCON temple was inaugurated at Bhubaneswar. Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu oversaw the Bhubaneswar temple until 1996.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Nimäi Paëòita däsa: One notable aspect about my god-brother Caitanya Candra Prabhu is that he lived a modest lifestyle. He did not indulge in luxurious cars, clothing, houses, sunglasses, watches, or any extravagant possessions. He was even still using the old jeep from Bhubaneswar Temple that they had discarded. He was so thrifty. And that jeep, was a bomb!
Nimäi Paëòita däsa: In 1991, just before Çré Räma-Navamé, I organised a trip to Gadäi-Giri. This decision stemmed from the profound reverence our revered Gurudeva, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, expressed for it, particularly during the interviews I conducted for his biography. Accompanying us was Svayambhü däsa (1935-2010), who embraced sannyäsa on 1 March 2004, and had been there numerous times, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu, a Vimuktatma däsa from Australia, and myself. It marked my inaugural visit to this sacred site. Interestingly, during our time there, Caitanya Candra prabhu confided, “This is my first pilgrimage to this renowned and sacred place.”
In 1993-94, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami started construction of a temple in Gadäi-Giri (Eastern Odisha), a village where his beloved Deities, Çré Çré Rädhä-Gopäl Jéu, are worshipped. He appointed Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu as the president of the temple, in addition to his duties as the manager of the Bhubaneswar temple. Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu led the construction of the ISKCON temple in Gadäi-Giri and served as the president until his last days on this planet.
Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu’s Life in Brief
Berampur, Bahanaga & Pattamundai
In 1996, at the behest of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, Caitanya Candra prabhu was the head of the ISKCON temple at Berampur (south Odisha). Later at the request of His Holiness Bhakti Svarüpa Dämodara Swami, then he took charge of the preaching centre at Bahanaga (north Odisha). Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu was also in charge of another temple branch of GadäiGiri, at Pattamundai (East Odisha).
Caitanya Candra Prabhu Moves to Gadāi-Giri
In 1996, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu moved to GadäiGiri village, which is in the Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha, and he still directed and sometimes acted in theatrical productions on the lives of famous devotees of the Lord like Çré Jayadeva Gosvämé, Çréla Mädhavendra Puré, Çréla Haridäsa Öhäkura, Bauri Dasya and others.
Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu served his spiritual master as the president of several temples, since 1990, as secretary and personal assistant. He has accompanied Çréla Gour Govinda Swami on missionary trips to Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Singapore and the United States. Following the departure of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu continued to visit Indonesia, Singapore and Australia regularly, inspiring devotees living there to remain at ISKCON. Also, since 2005 he has been preaching Kåñëa consciousness in Europe.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
The Title Ācārya Ṭhākura for our Gurudeva
Nimäi Paëòita däsa: The title ‘Äcärya Öhäkura’ that we use for our beloved Gurudeva, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, was given by Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu.
In late 1999, just before printing the original volume of Kåñëäliìgita-vigraha – Always Embraced by Kåñëa in paperback form, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu conveyed to me on the phone that our Gurudeva must be honoured with a title such as “Äcärya Öhäkura.”
I resonated with this title and sought consensus from other godbrothers at the time, and it was unanimously accepted. Thus, the title ‘Äcärya Öhäkura’ was born, thanks to the keen insight and dedication of Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu. Furthermore, our beloved Gurudeva, Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, granted me the freedom to use any honorific I deemed fit for him in publishing during my tenure as his secretary.
Sharing the Nectar of Kṛṣṇa-Kathā
Kåñëa Prema-rüpa däsa: My profound admiration for Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja initially led me to Odisha [Orissa] in the early stages of my journey in Kåñëa Consciousness in 2002.
Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu, being a close disciple of Çréla Gour Govinda Mahäräja, continued the tradition of sharing the nectar of kåñëa-kathä. During my year-long stay in the village of Gadäi-Giri, I had the privilege of immersing myself daily in hours of kåñëa-kathä. During my stay, I began seeking Prabhu’s personal association and discovered in him an extraordinary spiritual guide and much more.
2005 First Visit to Switzerland
Kåñëa Prema-rüpa däsa: These were Caitanya Candra prabhu’s opening words at the first program we organised for him at a yoga studio in Bern (Switzerland) back in 2005:
“... I have not come as a guru, a preacher, or anything like that. I simply have come to share some kåñëa-kathä that I have heard from my Gurudeva...”
In 2008, at the wish and guidance of Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu, a Gaura Bhakti-yoga preaching centre was opened in the Swiss city of Langenthal, which became another ISKCON temple. In addition to Switzerland, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu has repeatedly given lectures in Germany, Russia, England, and also visited Holland and Norway.
The Vānaprastha-āśrama
Inspired by his bhakti preaching, Vaiñëava qualities and impeccable conduct, devotees from different countries expressed their desire to become his disciples. In 2010, the ISKCON GBC agreed to a proposal to grant Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu the status of initiating spiritual teacher.
Kåñëa Prema-rüpa däsa: In 2010, the moment arrived when Prabhu consented to formally embrace the role of an initiating spiritual master.
In 2011, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu officially joined the vänaprastha-äçrama and since then began to host students.
Our Dear God-brother Śrīpāda Caitanya Candra Prabhu
Kåñëa Prema-rüpa däsa: When Prabhu arrived at Zurich Airport in the summer of 2011, he grasped my hands and said, “So, now this is the turning point!” Prabhu then took his oath in front of Çréla Prabhupäda at ISKCON Zurich and commenced accepting disciples.
By the beginning of 2018, more than four hundred aspiring Vaiñëavas had already received spiritual initiation from him.
Kåñëa Prema-rüpa däsa: His sincerity, care, and love for all of us never ceased to impress me. Despite his increasing number of disciples and followers, he remained remarkably humble, always identifying himself primarily as a disciple of his guru [sadä-çiñyathäki].* This humility was the cornerstone of his character – a humble servant of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami, Çréla Prabhupäda, and the paramparä (the disciplic succession). Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu’s sole desire was to serve Guru and Gauräìga with a pure heart, devoid of any personal agenda.
Since the late 1990s, Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu has given wonderful lectures on Çrémad-Bhägavatam, almost every morning, in which he delivers and explains the teachings of his spiritual master Çréla Gour Govinda Swami and the previous äcäryas. To preserve these teachings and make it accessible to a wide audience, students of Çrépäda Caitanya Candra prabhu have recorded his lectures, transcribed them and published them in book-form. Several such books have already been published in English, now they are being translated into Russian and other languages.
* Sadä-çiñya-thäki: This phrase literally translates to, ‘always remain a disciple.’ These words were frequently spoken by Srila Gour Govinda Swami.

Çrépäda Caitanya Candra Prabhu departed from this world in the famous Gadäi-Giri village on 30 March 2024, at the age of 77. The locals and esteemed members of Çréla Gour Govinda Swami’s maternal family regard Gadäi-Giri village as Gupta Våndävana or the hidden Våndävana.

Gadäi-Giri, 2019

Gadäi-Giri, 2016
Çré Çré Rädhä-Räseçvara äçrama, Bali, Indonesia, 2017