Nuclear Power

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From TV Without Frontiers ( Prof. Dr. Tanay Sidki Uyar Director, Marmara University New Technologies Research and Application Center President, EUROSOLAR Turkey Vice President, EUROSOLAR (European Association for Renewable Energy)

1. How do you comment the will of Turkish government to create a nuclear station in Akkuyu? Do you think that the destruction in Fukushima is able to affect the whole process? Do you believe that finally Turkey will implement the project?

I believe that building a nuclear power plant in Akkuyu or at any other location in our global prison is not a good idea.The cradle to grave costs of nuclear power plants are too high even if there is no accident. Calculated decommissioning costs of 19 nuclear plants in UK is 91 billion Pounds. Nuclear waste disposal is the biggest problem which keeps USA and Germany away from building new nuclear power plants. Citizens all over the world do not want to live next to nuclear power plants from which they need to be protected. German public risk assessment authorities calculated the possibility of having a Chernobyl scale accident in Europe as 16 %. With Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents this has been already proved. Turkey has huge resources of renewable energy and can reach to 100 % renewable energy utilisation in 5 years if energy end use efficiency measures are taken.

Destruction in Fukushima has already effected the process and the final approval has been delayed. Building a nuclear power plant is not an easy process and takes some time and practice in Turkey so far demonstrated that the will of the decision makers is not enough. Todays agenda is where to store the nuclear waste and who is going to pay the decommissioning and storage costs of planned nuclear power plants all over the world. Our priority is to stop the efforts to dislocate the obsolete fossil fuel and nuclear power plant technologies and their externalities to Turkey.The near term thread is storing the nuclear waste in Turkey. 2. What are the reactions of citizens in Turkey about Akkuyu project?

We as TURCEP (Environmental NGOs Platform of Turkey) are informing citizens since 1990s about the thread from nuclear power plants. We have convinced the Council of Ministers of Turkish Republic in 1999 to cancel the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant Construction. We have organised conferences all over Anatolia with our member organisations to inform citizens. The people who we have managed to address are aware of the thread and are against Akkuyu Project Implementation.

3. Are you persuaded that the production of nuclear power can not be safe, even though all measures are being taken?

The measures which are needed to protect the citizens from nuclear power plants is the main evidence that nuclear power can not be safe. The unsafety of nuclear power plants has been already demonstrated in USA, USSR and Japan with advanced technological talents and infrastructure capacities. 4. In general terms, which is your proposal concerning the most suitable model of energy production, nowadays? (If it is possible, please support your opinion with some statistics about the abilities of renewable energy sources.)

The priority is energy end use efficiency in industry, transportation, and buildings sectors. The second and final solution is using huge renewable energy resources with proven and cost effective

technologies of wind turbines, PV and biomass power plants and stoves in solidarity with efficient end use equipment and well insulated buildings.

As EUROSOLAR we are organising each year in Berlin International Renewable Energy Storage conferences to stimulate the related research for 100 % independence of humanity from fossil and nuclear energy. We believe that the solution is 100 % renewable energy. 5. Does Τurkey make progress in the sector of renewable energy? In this context, which is your opinion about Greece? In which direction could work so as to take advantage of its abilities and give an effective answer to the challenge of energy need?

I have prepared Turkish Wind Atlas in 1989. Today Renewable Energy Technologies are available in the commercial markets. The decison makers of the countries are not willing to move from the fossil and nuclear age to solar age and trying to show their final resistance to the global change. But the solution is forcing itself through the externalities of the obsolete Technologies to the solar revolution all over the world. Even the solar energy poor northern countries are trying to take under control the solar energy resources of Northern Africa and Middle East.


Sunjüt A.Ş. İstanbul-Hadımköy / 1,2 MW

Doğal A.Ş. Alize A.Ş. Çanakkale-Gelibolu / 14,9 MW Çanakkale-Ezine / 20,8 MW

Lodos A.Ş. İstanbul-G.O.P. / 24 MW

Anemon A.Ş. Çanakkale-İntepe / 30,4 MW

Ertürk A.Ş. İstanbul–Çatalca / 60 MW

Yapısan A.Ş. Balıkesir-Bandırma / 30 MW

Alize A.Ş. Tekirdağ-Şarköy Bores A.Ş. Çanakkale-Bozcaada / 10,2 MW / 28,8 MW Garet A.Ş. Çanakkale-Ezine / 15 MW

Teperes A.Ş. İstanbul–Silivri / 0,85 MW

Baki A.Ş. Balıkesir–Şamlı /90 MW Asmakinsan A.Ş. Balıkesir-Bandırma / 24 MW Akenerji A.Ş. Balıkesir-Bandırma / 15 MW

Kores A.Ş. İzmir-Urla / 15 MW

Borasco A.Ş. Balıkesir-Bandırma / 57 MW Alize A.Ş. Balıkesir-Susurluk / 20,7 MW

Ütopya A.Ş. İzmir-Bergama / 30 MW

Alize A.Ş. Mare A.Ş. İzmir-Çeşme / 1,5 MW İzmir-Çeşme / 39,2 MW Ares A.Ş. Mazı 3 A.Ş. İzmir-Çeşme / 7,2 MW İzmir-Çeşme / 30 MW İnnores A.Ş. Bergama RES A.Ş. İzmir-Aliağa / 42,5 MW İzmir-Aliağa / 90 MW

Soma Enerji A.Ş. Manisa- Soma / 88,2 MW Bilgin A.Ş. Manisa- Soma / 90 MW Doğal A.Ş. Manisa-Sayalar / 34,2 MW Deniz A.Ş. Manisa-Akhisar / 10,8 MW

Dares A.Ş. Akdeniz A.Ş. Muğla-Datça / 29,6 MW Mersin–Mut / 33 MW Ayen A.Ş. Aydın-Didim / 31,5 MW

Alize A.Ş. Manisa-Kırkağaç / 25,6 MW Sabaş A.Ş. Aydın-Çine / 22 MW

Tamamlanan tesisler Kısmi işletmedeki tesisler Yap İşlet Devret modelindeki tesisler

Rotor A.Ş. Osmaniye–Bahçe / 135 MW

Bakras A.Ş. Hatay–Belen / 15 MW

Belen A.Ş. Hatay–Belen / 36 MW Deniz A.Ş. Hatay–Samandağ / 30 MW

Kaynak: EPDK

Ziyaret RES A.Ş. Hatay–Samandağ / 35 MW

Marmara Üniversitesi Yeni Teknolojiler Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Web:; E‐posta:

Greece as any other country with huge renewable energy resources should stop immediately to transfer obsolete inefficient and dirty energy Technologies and plan the future of Greece energy system with the best available renewable energy Technologies manufactured locally in Greece. Sun is mainly responsible for life on Earth and today is also available to contribute further in details to supply 100 % of energy needs of Greece, Europe and the whole world.

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