How Do I Drive Free Traffic to My Website? – 5 Quick Steps to Start Driving Free Traffic Today

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How Do I Drive Free Traffic to My Website? - 5 Quick Steps to Start Driving Free Traffic Today “How do I drive free traffic to my website?” It’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? Countless website owners have been in your shoes. You design (or pay to design) a fabulous looking site, but it sits there idle until you can answer the question of driving traffic to your site. First, I am not going to sit here and paint a super rosy picture for you…this is the blood and guts of the internet business. Where the rubber truly meets the road and more often than not the men are separated from the boys (or the women from the girls…covering my butt, there!). There were countless times that I asked myself the same exact question and over the years through trial and error and buying and testing numerous programs out there, I have been able to come up with some answers. So allow me to share with you just a few tips that you may find will help get you on your way. OK…your site is built. Now what? Clearly your site falls into some specific niche, whether it be in the field of sports, or cooking, or health and fitness, or jewelry…whatever it is, it falls under some category. Step 1: Go to Google’s Keyword Tool and Do Some Keyword Research This step alone easily can comprise a whole series of articles and indeed perhaps even an e-book, but here is where you need to start. Using the free Google Keyword Tool, type in some keywords related to your site. If it is site about sporting goods, type in that phrase. The keyword tool will then present to you a listing of search terms related to that phrase and the amount of monthly search traffic Google receives for each term. Find terms that are in the mid-to-low range on the competition scale, but have decent search volume, say at least 1,000 searches per month. Step 2: Enter the Keyword Phrase in a Google Search in Quotes Using the example of sporting goods, you would find that the term “online sporting goods” returns a mid-level of competition and gets about 3,600 local searches per month. Take that term in quotes and enter it into a regular Google search. In this example you would find a return of 229,000 results. From there, edit the phrase into some variations of the term until you can find a result of 20,000 or less (for example the term “buying sporting goods online” returns 3,420 results). Step 3: Write an Article Using This Keyword Phrase

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