DCA Spring 2024 Newsletter

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SPRING 2024, Volume XLVIII, Number 1
News Magazine Top 100 Dogs based on AKC All-Breed Competition and RBIS through 12/31/22. The handlers or owners of these champions may have received Pro Plan dog food as Purina ambassadors. Purina trademarks are owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. NUTRITION THAT PERFORMS ® ProPlanSport.com EXCLUSIVELY AT PET SPECIALTY AND ONLINE RETAILERS BRED FOR CONFORMATION. BORN TO STAND OUT. OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS AND VITAMIN A TO NOURISH SKIN & COAT OPTIMIZES
Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 1


Cheryl Shultz

3817 Seven Oaks Drive Corona, CA 92881 (951) 279-8252


1st Vice President

Carl Holder

1130 Redoak Drive Lumberton, TX 77657 (409) 755-6569


Class of 2024

Georjan Bridger

P.O. Box 21352

Salem, OR 97307-1352 (503) 364-9695 artsrpassion@gmail.com

Walter Jones

165 N Cayman Isles Blvd. Englewood, FL 34223 (502) 419-7241 pedigreejones@gmail.com

Lorraine Simmons

250 Roxbury Road

Newville, PA 17241 (732) 598-4961


Dr. Dan Burke

8714 Via De La Gente Scottsdale, AZ 85258 (623) 707-7495


AKC Delegate

Larry Sorenson

112 Two Does Lane Clayton, NC 27550-8492 (919) 550-7631


2nd Vice President

Deneice Van Hook, DVM

W6932 E. Lone Elm Road Van Dyne, WI 54979 (618) 213-6016



Ken Levison

8155 E. Galinda Drive Tucson, AZ 85750-2420 (520) 722-9427


Class of 2025

Sandy Arnold

3709 E. South Court

Bloomington, IN 47401-4489 (812) 322-1842


Constance B. Fisher

3820 Crums Church Road Berryville, VA 22611-1962 (540) 955-4233


Monika Martin

4583 Kabletown Road

Charles Town, WV 25414 (703) 407-7327


Mary Olich Nie

7050 Freedom Blvd. Aptos CA 95003-9621 (831) 662-0146


Recording Secretary

Kathleen Lockyer

428 Salmon Road Brighton, TN 38011-7053 (360) 798-5642


Corresponding Secretary

Deborah Krieg

26550 Yearsley Road Raymond, OH 43067-9732 (973) 229-2390


Class of 2026

John Brading

85 Lonna Court Pittsboro, NC 27312-8792 (919) 542-2954


Debbie Melgreen

386 Knox Road 2300E Yates City, IL 61572-9328 (309) 369-8412


Cindy Niles

3062 S. Section Line Road Delaware, OH 43015-9531 (740) 362-6110


Janet Schwalbe 71 Valley Way Pendergrass GA 30567-3454 (706) 693-7142 reschwalbe@yahoo.com

As a puppy, I thought of Prince as an old soul. He was a biddable and well mannered pup, not particularly food driven, but he was up for anything we did. We were both learning and accomplished so much at a young age, including obtaining his grand championship and dual championship. Mission accomplished or so I thought…

We truly bonded through our activities, including rally, agility, obedience, coursing, tricks and scentwork. If asked Prince what his favorites were, it would be tracking, earthdog and field trials.

COVER No DCA publication, or any part therein, may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, either in magazines, media, or for advertising purposes, etc., without prior written permission from the Dachshund Club of America. Please contact Phyllis Rosinsky regarding the DCA Illustrated Standard. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
officers board of directors
Prince Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 2

CIRDC Articles from AVMA

Canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC), more familiarly known as “kennel cough,” is a highly contagious illness affecting the respiratory tract in dogs. Several different types of bacteria and viruses can contribute to CIRDC, and dogs can be infected by two or more of these organisms at the same time.

Legislation To Enhance The Review of New & Generic Animal Drugs

In the latest government spending bill, Congress included and passed legislation that reauthorizes the Animal Drug User Fee Act (ADUFA) and the Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act (AGDUFA).

DCA Receives 2023 AKC EDDY Award for Breeder Education

I’m pleased to announce that DCA was selected as just one of eight parent club winners of the AKC 2023 EDDY Award for outstanding breeder education with our Breeders Resource Library.

DCA’s AKC Delegate, Larry Sorenson, accepted the award on our behalf at the December 2023 Delegates Meeting. More than 50 parent clubs participated in the 2023 EDDY Award selection process. Page 16

Congratulations to Prince! Another Triple Champion!

A dual champion was my original dream for my new puppy, little did I know what he had planned for me. Prince’s sire and dam are both Grand Champion Dual Champions and that’s exactly how I chose our first goals. The goals changed a little along the way as I learned more about what dachshunds are capable of. I met so many inspiring people and their dachshunds along the way. I can’t remember exactly when I learned what a Triple Champion was, but I knew I needed to make that MY lifetime goal, and I was happy that my little Prince would be just the one to do it alongside me. Page 28

Proposed Changes to AKC Agility Regulations

The AKC Board of Directors meeting minutes for January 2024 created quite a stir among agility enthusiasts. To the surprise of many, a list of proposed changes to the AKC Agility Regulations was published on page 6 of the minutes. The folks at Bad Dog Agility conducted an interview with AKC’s Agility Director, Carrie DeYoung, regarding these proposals. I highly encourage you to subscribe and listen to the podcast - the link is at the beginning of the article.

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 3
6 Page 36 Advertisers Index 4 Letters To & From the Editor Corrections/Changes 4 HEALTH & WELFARE . . . . . . . . 6 –10 CIRDC, Legislation to Review Animal Drugs by AVMA Wearable Tech for Canine Athletes? by Sharon M. Albright, DVM, CCRT Link Between Respiratory and Digestive Diseases by Brian Consiglio Understanding Mitral Valve Heart Disease by Purina ProClub Cutting-Edge Cardiac Procedure by the University of MN DCA Board Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . 12 Nominating Committee Information for 2024 Annual Elections 13 Breeder Referral 13 DCA Raffle Information . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Letter From DCA Board President 14 DCA EDDY Award 16 by Debby Krieg ABOVE & BELOW GROUND 18 by Trudy Kawami Field Trial Results 20 OBEDIENCE IS A DACHSHUNDS WORLD Goal Setting 22 by Brenda A. Riemer Niya: 4000+ Field Trial Points! . . . . 24 by Cheri Faust Coordinating A Rescue Group 26 by Kathleen Fulenwider New Triple Champion Prince! 28 by Linda Alkema JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP 32 What if Junior Showmanship is Too Subjective by Ava Hata WEAVES & RETRIEVES. . . . . . . . . . 36 Changes to AKC Agility Regulations by Sharon McDonald Specialty Results 37 Appeasement, Is it the Answer? . . . . . 47 by Lee Connor Upcoming Specialties 48 Newsletter Policies 54 Nationals 2024 Information . . . . . . . IBC

Hi Members and Subscribers,

I hope many of our members & other dachsie afficionados are looking forward to attending Nationals this year! It promises to be special with many educational and fun events.

Please try to attend the DCA Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 9:00 AM in the Holiday Inn Ballroom at the Host Hotel.

Check the premium list on the DCA website for more information on all the events.

This spring issue contains the 2024 Membership Roster. Please contact Georjan Bridger with any address changes.

Congratulations to Linda Alkema and “Prince” for all the hard work & talent in obtaining a Triple Championship. It’s such an amazing accomplishment for our very versatile breed.

And more congrats to Sherry Ruggieri and “Niya” FC Tusoksori-Ugrszto Husniya CGC, on their record breaking 4000 Field Trial points!

Thank you to the team that put together the DCA Breeders Resource Library, AKC honored the club with an Eddy Award - article on page 16.

Sharon McDonald has graciously agreed to write quarterly articles on Agility for the newsletter, and Anne Rosenberg will be writing articles on Scent Work starting with the summer issue. Thank you Sharon and Anne for stepping up! Your experience in these venues are invaluable! Articles from members (or others for that matter) are always appreciated.

According to “ISSUU” our on-line publisher, the DCA Newsletter gets anywhere from 4001200 hits (views) per week. They have recently started sending these stats to me, and I’m pleasantly surprised that there are so many other dachsie lovers that are seeing it. Hint, hint - we could use more advertisers...design is included with the inexpensive cost of the ad.



John Wade & Louisa Baker Washoe Valley, NV


JoLee Edwards

Springfield IL

Sponsors: Melissa Fritz & Karen Osburn

Lili Gray

Downers Grove IL

Sponsors: Debby McNamara & Carolyn Henry

Jyl Scott Arcadia IN

Sponsors: Marietta Singleton & Ann Kraft

Jeanie Wilson Springtown TX

Sponsors: Brenda Nichols & Jeanne Lehrmann

Scarlett & Logan Wells: Junior Applicants

Blissfield MI

Sponsors: Carlos Puig & Diane Poranski

Estera Contreras Severn MD

Sponsors: Diane Miller & Therese Lancaster

Comments, in writing, may be sent toGeorjan Bridger, DCA Membership Chair P.O. Box 21352, Salem, OR 97307-1352 Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 4
SEE THE DCA NEWSLETTER DIGITAL VERSION https://issuu.com/twc910/docs/dca_winter_2023 They have crossed the bridge... David Harold Feagley Kenneth Fuchs Please contact the editor and DCA secretary if you know of one of our members that has recently passed away. Editor, Advertising Coordinator, Graphic Design, Layout and Production: Lynne M. Dahlén Contact: lynnechuck83@twc.com or 920-903-1588 ARTICLE CONTRIBUTORS Sharon M. Albright, DVM, CCRT, Linda Alkema, AVMA, Lee Connor, Brian Consiglio, Cheri Faust, Kathleen Fulenwider, Ava Hata, Trudy Kawami, Debby Krieg, Sharon McDonald, Purina ProClub, Brenda A. Riemer, Cheryl Shultz, University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center PRINTER/MAILING Sutherland Companies, Montezuma, Iowa The Dachshund Club of America Inc., The Dachshund Club of America Board of Directors, and the Editor of the Dachshund Club of America Quarterly Newsletter (magazine) are not responsible for the content of any advertisement, solicited or unsolicited editorials, letters or articles that may appear in the newsletter. The content of any advertisement, editorial, letter or article that appears in the Dachshund Club of America Newsletter is the sole responsibility of its advertiser or author. Ackby/Longdogia 11 Arnold/Jarbsy 19 Baldwin/Baldox 27 Brunner/Barkerville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Heymann/HiRoad Hounds 23 Holder/Candachs 35 Johnson/Greensboro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Jones/Sleepytime 1 Jumper/Cream Ridge 5 Love/Dachsmith Love 31 Purina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IFC Schmidt/Stardust 15 Letters to and from the editor Letters to and from the Welcome!

Laverne finished her AKC title under breeder judge Janet Schwalbe at the Lincolnland specialty in October with 4 majors. Look for Laverne as a special at DCA in St. Louis.

Bred, owned and handled by Dr. Shan Jumper shanjumper@gmail.com

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 5
CH Sunderhunds The Journey X CH Cream Ridge Oh Mirror in the Sky at Merrwitch

Welcome to the “Health and Welfare”segment of the Newsletter. It is hoped that DCA members will submit ideas for this section of the magazine as well as articles about experiences pertaining to the healthcare of their dogs that will be of interest to other readers.

Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex

Kennel Cough

Canine infectious respiratory disease complex (CIRDC), more familiarly known as “kennel cough,” is a highly contagious illness affecting the respiratory tract in dogs. All breeds and ages are susceptible. As the name “kennel cough” suggests, dogs at particular risk are those exposed to settings where multiple dogs are typically gathered or housed, such as kennels, shelters, and daycare facilities.

Several different types of bacteria and viruses can contribute to CIRDC, and dogs can be infected by two or more of these organisms at the same time. A few of the more commonly involved organisms include Bordetella bronchiseptica (a bacterium) as well as canine parainfluenza virus and canine adenovirus type 2.

Organisms that can contribute to CIRDC VIRUSES:

• Canine parainfluenza virus*

• Canine adenovirus type 2*

• Canine influenza virus (subtypes H3N2 and H3N8)**

• Canine respiratory coronavirus

• Canine herpesvirus-1

• Canine distemper virus*


• Bordetella bronchiseptica**

• Mycoplasma species

• Streptococcus equis subspecies zooepidemicus

*Protection available through standard vaccines.

**Protection available through additional vaccines.

What are the signs of CIRDC?

The classic sign of CIRDC is a frequent, honking cough that comes on suddenly. This cough has also been described as gagging or retching, and it can involve froth that looks like vomit. Coughing generally worsens with activity or exercise, which can irritate the airways. Even so, not all dogs with CIRDC will have a cough. Other common signs include sneezing and a runny nose or eyes.

In most cases of CIRDC, the illness is mild and dogs fully recover within 7 to 10 days. However, depending on the infecting organism(s) and the dog's ability to fight them, some dogs may develop more severe signs like lethargy, decreased appetite, fever, productive cough, and rapid or labored breathing, which can signal that bacteria have infected the lungs (bacterial pneumonia) and immediate veterinary attention is needed.

Dogs in which canine distemper virus is one of the infecting organisms may also have gastrointestinal signs (e.g., vomiting or diarrhea), hardened footpads, and, as the disease progresses, neurologic signs (e.g., head tilt or circling behavior). These dogs, as well as puppies and older dogs with other health problems, are at greater risk of severe disease, and even death.

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 6
send ideas, suggestions and articles to the Dachshund Club of America Newsletter Editor.

How is CIRDC spread?

Most dogs with CIRDC are contagious before they start showing signs. Because of this, the disease can be difficult to control. It can spread rapidly, leading to outbreaks—particularly in multiple-dog settings. Some CIRDC-associated organisms are also quite hardy, able to survive in the environment for weeks, making controlling spread of infection even more challenging.

Dogs can catch CIRDC through close or direct contact (e.g., licking or nuzzling) with infected dogs, breathing in cough or sneeze droplets from infected dogs, and exposure to dropletcontaminated items such as toys, bedding, people's hands, or water bowls. The risk of infection is especially high when dogs are in close contact with other infected dogs for long periods of time.

If you suspect your dog has CIRDC, it is important to stop the disease from spreading by keeping the dog away from other dogs until fully recovered.

Can cats become infected too?

Yes, some of the CIRDC-associated bacteria/viruses (e.g., Bordetella bronchiseptica, Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus, and canine influenza virus) can infect and cause illness in cats.

Do infected dogs need to avoid people too?

Not usually. Only one CIRDC-associated organism—Bordetella bronchiseptica—is known to infect people, and cases of dog-tohuman transmission are extremely rare. Most reported cases have been in severely immunocompromised people.

How is CIRDC diagnosed?

The first step to diagnosis is a visit to the veterinarian. If you suspect your dog might have CIRDC, it's a good idea to first call your veterinary clinic—before taking your dog in to be seen—and describe any signs you've noticed. Veterinary staff will recommend next steps to help your dog get the attention he or she needs, without infecting other patients. Most dogs with mild CIRDC will improve fairly quickly, so there's no need for diagnostic tests in those cases. Instead, your veterinarian will make a "presumptive" diagnosis of CIRDC by thoroughly examining your dog for signs of illness, ruling out other causes of cough, and asking questions about exposure to other dogs or multiple-dog settings. Your veterinarian may also know about other cases of CIRDC in the area, which can strengthen suspicions.

the eyes and submit those samples for lab testing to confirm infection and identify the specific bacteria/viruses involved. Less commonly, blood tests may be recommended.

How is CIRDC treated?

There is no special drug for dogs with CIRDC. The treatment approach depends on how sick the dog is. Most mildly affected dogs will quickly make a full recovery with basic supportive care aimed at avoiding situations that promote coughing and irritate airways. This means encouraging the dog to rest and avoiding excitement and neck leashes. Dogs with more severe illness may benefit from nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications (to reduce fever and inflammation) and fluids (to treat dehydration). Antibiotics are not usually necessary or recommended unless there are signs of bacterial pneumonia, including illness that lasts more than 10 days. In rare instances, dogs with severe disease may also need intensive supportive care, such as oxygen supplementation.

How can I protect my dog against CIRDC?

The best way to protect your dog against CIRDC is to keep his or her vaccines current. Vaccines not only reduce the chance of your dog becoming ill, they also make your dog less likely to develop severe disease or spread the infection to other dogs. This is why many facilities and events where dogs are routinely gathered, such as dog shows, training centers, and boarding facilities, require that dogs have certain vaccines.

Standard (or "core") canine vaccines are highly effective against some CIRDC-associated

• Remember, dogs can be contagious and still look perfectly healthy.

• Keep your dog away from toys and food and water bowls used by dogs outside your household.

• Stay informed by asking your veterinarian or checking news or internet resources about places or geographic regions where CIRDC, or more specific respiratory infections like canine influenza, have been reported.

• Delay or avoid travel with your dog to places where outbreaks are occurring.!


MU study supports strong link between respiratory and digestive diseases during swallow study, 75% of dogs with respiratory disease had one or more digestive tract abnormalities.

While the respiratory and digestive systems of canines have previously been studied independently, researchers at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) have been investigating the interplay between disorders in either of these systems for the last decade. One of their most recent studies supports a strong link between the two systems, finding that 75% of dogs with respiratory disease lacking gastrointestinal (GI) signs had one or more co-existing digestive system abnormalities.

The findings, which can advance the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in canines, indicate that both dog owners and clinicians should attempt to identify and closely monitor for potential digestive issues in dogs with respiratory disease, even when the dogs do not appear to have trouble swallowing, regurgitate, or vomit.

On the other hand, testing is recommended when multiple dogs are affected (as in outbreaks), or if your dog seems to be getting worse despite supportive treatment. In those cases, your veterinarian will collect swab samples from the throat, nose, and/or edges of

viruses and are recommended for all dogs. For optimal protection against common respiratory infections, an annual intranasal vaccine against Bordetella, canine adenovirus type 2, and canine parainfluenza is recommended for dogs of certain at-risk groups, including those whose lifestyles expose them to multiple-dog settings. Where canine influenza is known to be circulating, an injectable canine influenza vaccine also is recommended. Your veterinarian will help you decide which vaccines your dog needs to stay healthy as possible.

For further protection against CIRDC, here are some other tips:

“Dogs that come into our clinic with signs of respiratory disease, such as coughing or difficulty breathing, may often have issues in their upper aerodigestive tract,” said Carol Reinero, a professor in the CVM who led the study. “This makes sense because it is in that area where those pathways cross, a healthy dog should breathe in and not swallow or swallow and not breathe in, but when that goes haywire they can develop disease, including the potential for swallowing too much air or getting food or water into the lungs.”

In the study, a video x-ray was taken while each dog was eating and drinking in a natural

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on next page...
Bordetella Bronchiseptica, image from Wikpedia

Respiratory Digestive Issues

continued from page 7...

position (while standing) to look for abnormalities in swallowing or movement of material into or back out of the animal's stomach.

In the study, which included 45 dogs with respiratory clinical signs without GI signs and 15 healthy dogs as a control group, a video x-ray was taken while each dog was eating and drinking in a natural position (while standing) to look for abnormalities in swallowing or movement of material into or back out of the animal’s stomach. The findings showed that the dogs with respiratory disease were far more likely to have abnormalities such as accidental breathing of food or fluid into the lungs, a condition known as aspiration, gastroesophageal or extraesophageal reflux, and trouble swallowing than control dogs.

Studies such as this one highlights the fact that this link between the respiratory and GI disorders, also known as aerodigestive disorders, has been underrecognized for many years. These patients are one of the reasons why Reinero and Aida Vientós-Plotts, who are both veterinarians with specialty training in internal medicine, cofounded The BREATHE Clinic in 2022.

BREATHE, an acronym for Bringing Respiration and Aerodigestion Toward Health, is a subspecialty clinic within the CVM that aims to help patients with both respiratory and aerodigestive disorders.

The findings showed that the dogs with respiratory disease were far more likely to have abnormalities such as accidental breathing of food or fluid into the lungs, a condition known as aspiration, gastroesophageal or extraesophageal reflux, and trouble swallowing than control dogs.

“When patients come in for evaluation, we ask very specific questions about a pets’ environment, diet, whether or not their cough is associated with eating or drinking, or if their pet drops food when they eat, among others,” said Vientós-Plotts. “The answers to these questions can help inform our recommendations for additional diagnostic tests that allow us to provide a comprehensive plan for each individual patient.”

Studies such as this one highlights the fact that this link between the respiratory and GI disorders, also known as aerodigestive disorders, has been underrecognized for many years.

The doctors explained that depending on the situation, management strategies that can help

improve the quality of life for patients can include changes in diet, water alternatives, surgery, or recommendations to gain or lose weight.

“Sometimes we might recommend switching from kibble to canned foods or adjusting the macronutrients for more or less proteins or fats,” said Vientós-Plotts. Vientós-Plotts added that French bulldogs and other flat-faced or ‘squashed’-faced breeds are far more likely to have both respiratory and GI issues than most dog breeds.

“This is because their respiratory tissues are squashed in a much smaller area, so the holes to bring air in are smaller,” Reinero said. “As they struggle to breathe, this can cause reflux or herniation of their stomach, and they also tend to get very excited about eating so they may forget to breathe until they are mid-swallow, potentially causing food or liquid to get into their lungs.”

According to the American Kennel Club, the French bulldog was recently ranked as the most popular dog breed in the United States, overtaking the Labrador retriever, which held the top ranking for the previous 31 years.

While this study assessed a wide variety of small and large breeds with different facial conformations and found a global connection between respiratory and digestive disorders, it underscores that aerodigestive disorders appear to be common and could occur in any pet dog.

“Videofluoroscopic swallow study abnormalities identify aerodigestive disorders in dogs with respiratory disease versus healthy controls” was published in Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Funding was provided by the Canine Health Foundation. Coauthors on the study include Jennifer Howard, Megan Grobman and Teresa Lever.!

MU College of Veterinary Medicine

Wearable Tech for Canine Athletes?

Agility is one of the most popular dog sports in the world. The American Kennel Club manages over one million agility entries and United States Dog Agility Association affiliated groups conduct over 1,000 days of agility events each year!

These amazing canine athletes jump, weave, and turn through a series of obstacles fighting for the fastest time among competitors in their jump height group.

As with any sport, intense physical activity can expose our beloved canine athletes to the risk of injury. Just like human athletes, they face challenges like inadequate conditioning, repetitive movements, and imperfect form, which can put stress on their bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In human sports medicine, wearable technology is increasingly being used to track activity, improve performance, and even

prevent injuries. Dedicated agility dog owners and handlers want that same advantage for their canine athletes.

The research team sets up for data capture. With funding from AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) Grant 03068-A: AGILE (AGility Innovations Leveraging Electronics) - An Initial Study of Technology for Quantifying Canine Agility-specific Activity, Dr. Arielle Markley, a canine sports medicine specialist at The Ohio State University, is working to meet that need. She and her team at Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Akron are developing wearable sensors that can recognize and measure dog movements common in agility training and competition. Plus they plan to develop an app that uses that wearable tech information to help agility teams optimize their performance and minimize the risk of injury.

“Right now, we know very little about the risks of injury and how to prevent them in agility dogs,” Dr. Markley says. “In order to be able to understand, treat, and prevent injuries we have to have the technology to monitor dog activity in a detailed way. We are working to develop technology that can monitor canine performance so that we can detect things like overtraining and fatigue, with the hope that this technology can be used to keep our canine athletes and working dogs safe and injury-free.”

The team developed a custom circuit board that can be worn on the collar of a dog performing agility. Initial data proved that the wearable tech was able to discriminate which agility obstacle the dog was performing at any given time. Investigators have also started developing the accompanying app that will allow agility handlers to measure training progress and hopefully detect possible injuries before they become severe or chronic.

Thanks to the help of volunteer agility teams around the Columbus, Ohio region, data collection and analysis are well underway. “I think one of the most exciting things so far was when we got the data from the first weekend testing our new sensor,” Dr. Markley said. “We could see visible differences in the data plots between the different agility activities. So not only does the sensor work, but with machine learning we should be able to detect even smaller differences between movement patterns than we initially expected. The biggest challenge is that we almost have too much data!”

Initial findings from this research will be presented at the 9th International Conference on Canine & Equine Locomotion (ICEL) in the Netherlands and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. This work represents an important step to help maximize performance and prevent injury in canine athletes and working dogs. CHF and its donors have been committed to these goals since the early days of canine sports medicine and rehabilitation –funding research that benefits the physical, mental, and emotional health of service dogs, search and rescue dogs, agility dogs, and more.

In the fast-paced landscape of canine agility,

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 8

wearable technology is emerging as a gamechanger that keeps our canine athletes at the peak of their performance, ensuring they leap, weave, and turn with joy, while staying safe and injury-free. Stay tuned for more updates about this groundbreaking work benefitting all dogs at www.akcchf.org.!


October 12, 2023 - In the latest government spending bill, Congress included and passed legislation that reauthorizes the Animal Drug User Fee Act (ADUFA) and the Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act (AGDUFA). The legislation is up for reauthorization every five years and is essential to ensuring a predictable roadmap to market for innovative animal drugs and generic animal drugs.

The AVMA-endorsed law utilizes the collection of user fees to enhance the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine's

Understanding Mitral Valve Heart Disease

Research to learn more about two canine health conditions, degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD) in small-breed dogs and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA), is producing better understanding that may one day lead to better care for affected dogs.

Recognizing Signs of DMVD

Chris and Renee Coney are Chihuahua lovers. “Dexter,” who turns 14 in July, is their second pet Chihuahua. When the smooth coat Chihuahua was diagnosed with a heart murmur three years ago, the couple, who live in Turner Falls, Mass., did not know what to expect. Their spunky Dexter couldn’t have heart disease, they thought.

As it turned out, learning about Dexter’s heart murmur meant the Coneys could help monitor the dog’s health and look for signs of the slow, progressive degenerative mitral valve disease, also known as chronic valvular disease. If necessary, medications could be given to help manage the fluid in the lungs and the arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeats, which often accompany the disease. The best part was learning that Dexter might never develop the severe form of the disease that requires medications.

(FDA CVM) review of pioneer and generic animal drugs. During the reauthorization process, the AVMA provided verbal and written comments to the FDA CVM highlighting the potential of these

with connective tissue problems, such as luxating patella and collapsing trachea, and because the mitral valve has a lot of connective tissue, it is possible these conditions are somehow related.

Believed to be a polygenic disorder involving many genes, DMVD is transmitted by carrier dogs to their offspring. Besides Chihuahua, other affected breeds are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, Japanese Chin, Lhasa Apso, Miniature and Toy Poodle, and Norfolk

programs to fill the need for veterinarians to have more safe and effective animal drugs at their disposal.

“Building a robust pipeline of innovative new animal drugs and ensuring a strong generic industry is vital to veterinary medicine," said Dr. Lori Teller, AVMA Immediate Past President. "As a result of the legislation, we will have access to more safe and effective animal drugs to treat the animals under our care. It was an honor to testify before Congress on this important issue and it highlights how critical it is for veterinarians to be part of the discussion during the legislative process. The AVMA is grateful to lawmakers for recognizing how these user fee programs support animal welfare by increasing the number of affordable, safe, and effective treatment options readily available to veterinarians.”

blood, but as the disease progresses, they begin to thicken, contract and lose flexibility.

Terrier. Cavaliers, which have the greatest risk, develop an early-onset form that progresses rapidly.

DMVD affects 30 percent of small breeds over the age of 10. Most owners do not learn their dogs have DMVD until they reach the advanced stage. Coughing, tiring after exercise and a rapid respiratory rate clue them in that something could be wrong. The reasons small breeds are prone to the disorder are a mystery. Because the affected breeds have other diseases associated

Located between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart, the mitral valve helps regulate the flow of blood in and out of the heart and prevents a back flow from going into the atrium. The mitral valve is made of thin flaps of tissue, or valve leaflets, attached by long, tendon-like structures, the chordae tendineae, to the muscles of the left ventricle. These valve leaflets open and close to regulate the flow of

When the mitral valve functions correctly, blood in the left ventricle is pumped to the body as the heart contracts. As the mitral valve degrades, it cannot close properly and small amounts of blood leak back into the left atrium. Over time, the valve degrades until the heart can no longer compensate. Stress from the leak causes the heart to enlarge, eventually resulting in congestive heart failure. In severe cases, the chordae tendineae may rupture, damaging or causing the complete collapse of the mitral valve.

Deciphering the Disease Process

Mark Oyama, D.V.M., DACVIM-Cardiology, professor of clinical studies and chief of cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania, has been investigating in dogs with DMVD the role of a neurotransmitter called serotonin that is important in maintaining normal cardiovascular functions throughout the body. Oyama and his colleagues have reported that dogs with DMVD had more serotonin in their blood than dogs without disease. The research, which was published in 2009 and 2013 in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, suggests that serotonin signaling may play a role in the progression of early stages of DMVD.

“Higher levels of serotonin are associated with higher levels of glycosaminoglycan, one of the pathological molecules that is common in DMVD valves,” Oyama says. “Serotonin is found not only in the brain and nerves but also in blood platelets and the heart. It is interesting that high serotonin levels are found in the heart and

Earlier this year, Dr. Lori Teller testified before the House and Energy Commerce Committee to emphasize the importance of reauthorizing the ADUFA and the AGDUFA to the veterinary profession.! continued on next page...

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 9
Image by Glasslyn Vets, Sawmill Yard, Macroom, Co. Cork, Ireland. P12EY80

Understanding Mitral Valve Heart Disease

continued from page 9...

platelets of dogs with DMVD because other studies have shown that high serotonin can damage the valves.”

Similar comparative research at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine involves studying the mechanical differences of the heart and mitral valve of normal dogs and those with DMVD. N. Sydney Moise, D.V.M., DACVIM, professor of medicine and cardiology section chief, hypothesizes that since DMVD affects small-breed dogs, the same genes that affect size or bone structure may also affect the heart contributing to the disease.

“The stress on the leaflets of the mitral valve may be different in dogs that have a higher rather than lower prevalence of severe valvular degeneration,” Moise says. “The altered stress could trigger other factors that accelerate degeneration. The disease is likely multifactorial involving genetics, mechanics and aging.”

The Moise laboratory found altered function in mitral valve cell cultures. This research was published in 2012 in the Journal of Veterinary


A trio of dogs sharing a heart condition has been given a chance at a longer life thanks to a new surgical procedure performed at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center (VMC).

The procedure seeks to treat mitral valve disease, a form of heart disease that is extremely common in dogs. In fact, about 90 percent of small breed dogs will develop the disease by age 13, according to Dr. Chris Stauthammer, head of the VMC’s Lewis Small Animal Hospital Cardiology Service. In humans, the condition is treated through open-heart surgery, valve repair, or even heart transplants. In dogs, it’s a different story as these treatment options often are not viable due to their high mortality rate and high costs.

“We've been able to modify this disease process and kind of slow things down with medications but have never been able to address the primary problem or, certainly, fix it,” Stauthammer says.

Now, the Lewis Small Animal Hospital’s cardiology team can treat the disease by implanting a medical device called a ValveClamp, or V-Clamp, through a procedure known as a transcatheter edge-to-edge repair.

The mitral valve of the heart is small in size but can cause large problems if it fails to do its job properly. Located between two chambers of the heart—the left ventricle and atrium—the valve is composed of two tissue flaps that come together to prevent blood from flowing backward as the heart pumps.

Cardiology. Moise and her research team are now evaluating echocardiograms, or ultrasounds, of the hearts of high-risk smallbreed dogs between 1 and 2 years of age and a group of low-risk large-breed dogs. “By observing how the valves move, we hope to detect differences in their motion, and thus recognize stress levels of dogs at high risk versus those at low risk for this disease,” she says.

There is no cure and limited treatment options are available for dogs with DMVD. To help manage the disease, veterinarians prescribe medications on an individual basis to help slow its progression. Dogs may be given:

• diuretics, such as furosemide and spironolactone, to help remove excess fluid from the lungs

• an ACE (angiotensin-converting-enzyme) inhibitor to help prevent enlargement of the heart and congestive heart failure by relieving strain on the heart and lowering blood pressure

• pimobendan to dilate blood vessels and improve the strength of the heart muscle

Oyama and his research team are looking at pharmaceuticals that could potentially block the effect of serotonin on the mitral valve. They also

When the mitral valve’s flaps don’t seal completely when closed, blood leaks back into the atrium. This leakage, known as mitral regurgitation, forces the heart to work harder to pump blood. If left untreated, this disease can lead to congestive heart failure, other significant heart dysfunction, and patient death.

The V-Clamp is implanted in the heart using minimally invasive surgical methods. An incision is made into the abdomen to gain access to a patient’s heart. Another incision is made into the heart wall, and the clamp is inserted using a catheter. The V-Clamp staples the two valve flaps together, allowing the valve to open and close as normal but preventing or decreasing the amount of regurgitation.

About 90 percent of small breed dogs will develop the disease by age 13, according to Dr. Chris Stauthammer, head of the VMC’s Lewis Small Animal Hospital Cardiology Service.

“The V-Clamp conveys a great deal of stability to the mitral valve,” Stauthammer says. “It lessens the amount of leakage and also seems to prevent it from progressing further.”

The cardiology team performed its first set of V-Clamp surgeries in February and March, 2023. The surgeries followed training with cardiology peers at Colorado State University and the device’s manufacturer, Shanghai Hanyu Medical Technology Company. The trio of patients—Louie and Royal, both Cavalier King Charles spaniels, and Mia, a Chinese crested dog—are recovering well from their procedures.

Both Louie and Royal’s owners were aware of the breed’s predisposition to heart disease. Louie’s owner Debbie Orenstein, who had lost a previous spaniel to mitral valve disease, was heartbroken to learn he too had the disease in 2021 but was hopeful when his care team

are evaluating the effect of a new diuretic in helping to manage dogs with the disease.

“This new diuretic has the potential to be more effective at treating and then preventing the recurrence of heart failure and fluid accumulation in the lungs or abdomen than existing diuretics,” Oyama says. “This diuretic is less likely to build up resistance by the patient, and thus may be more effective and safe. We are interested in learning whether this diuretic can improve a dog’s quality of life and longevity. “Many dogs will never develop the severe form of the disease that causes the clinical signs requiring medications. A relatively small percentage will have progressive heart enlargement and be at risk for heart failure.”

After being diagnosed with DMVD in 2011, Dexter remained asymptomatic for a year and then was given medications to help manage the condition. The almost 14-year-old Chihuahua continues to live a spunky, fulfilling life. “I think Dexter is an example of how this disease can be managed successfully,” says owner Renee Coney.


determined he would be a good fit for the VClamp procedure.

Royal received his diagnosis several years ago and has been a regular visitor of the Card-iology Service after his condition worsened, says his owner Margot Nesbitt. His care team also thought he could benefit from the treat-ment.

“During one of Royal’s visits, the team mentioned a new procedure they were exploring and tested Royal to see if he would be a good candidate,” Nesbitt says. “The team was fantastic at providing easy-to-understand data, explaining the procedure, outcomes, and risks.”

After undergoing successful procedures, Louie and Royal are slowly returning to their normal lives. Their recoveries require lots of rest and limited activity.

Louie is a registered therapy dog, and Orenstein looks forward to his return to his job—sitting calmly as children read to him in schools and libraries. As a kind and unflappable dog, it’s a role he’s well-suited for, and Orenstein is happy he’ll be able to spend more time doing it thanks to the V-Clamp procedure.

“My husband and I could not be more grateful to Dr. Stauthammer and to everyone who has given Louie the opportunity to extend his life and to enable him to keep doing what he does and to be part of our family,” she says.

Royal also is getting back to his favorite activities, including snuggling with humans and his sister, enjoying time by the river and lakes, and donning his winter exploring gear. Nesbitt is grateful for the improvement to his health and quality of life that the procedure has brought.

“Their technical expertise and—equally important—deep, genuine care for Royal will always be cherished,” Nesbitt says. “The team cares for his total health and well-being like he is a family member, which has been the greatest gift.” !

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 10

Petal finished her Championship off in style with 3 group placements at her last show of 2023.

Look for this little spitfire at select shows and specialties in 2024.

Owners: Heather Ackby & Denise Waldo

• www.LongdogiaDachshunds.com

• Breeders: Denise Waldo & Debbie James

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 11



Saturday, July 8, 2023

Four Points by Sheraton Hotel Chicago, Illinois

Brought to order: 8:55 AM

Roll Call

Members Present: Denny VanHook, Janet Schwalbe, Monika Martin, Cheryl Shultz, Carl Holder, Kenneth Levison, Lorraine Simmons, Connie Fisher, Mary Olich Nie, Larry Sorenson, Wally Jones, Georjan Bridger, Randy Eltringham, Dan Burke, Sandy Arnold, Cindy Niles, Debby Krieg, Kathleen Lockyer,

Members Absent: Vicki Spencer

Guests Present: Mary Jones, Deedy Sorenson

Minutes of Last Meeting on March 21, 2023, approved as submitted.

Ratification: Approved without objection

Rationales of bylaws revisions ballot

Luis Sosa to judge Smooth Variety at the 2024 Board Host Show.

Madison Area DC to host the 2024 National Field Trials.

Foy Trent as Superintendent for the DCA 2024 National and Host Show Specialties; Obedience and Rally Trials.


PRESIDENT: Cheryl Shultz

Sheila Parish ordered a supply of sunburst medallions with the new DCA logo. DCA will save $1100.00 by pre-paying. Sheila also reported the cost of the 5˝ plaques has increased from $119.00 to $129.00.

Without objection the Board will take business out of order to accommodate a presentation by the Pedigree Database Committee.


Debby Krieg

There have been no nominations for the AKC National Championship judges from DCA Board for Dachshunds.

AKC progeny reports will be accepted with ROM applications pending the ROM committee report.

DCA will apply for the AKC EDDY by Sept. 1, 2023. The EDDY award is for breeder education.

CRUFTS ELIGIBILITY: Motion: Eligible winners will be awarded certificates of qualification for CRUFTS at the DCA National Specialty.



The 990 Tax Form was pre-distributed to the board members via email.

DCA membership is declining resulting in a decline of assets. There has been a 15% decline in assets. Currently DCA is subsidizing the cost of 5˝ plaques by 37% which will go to 45% due to the increase in the plaque price.

Several ideas were discussed to increase

revenues and decrease costs. The DCA National Advisory Committee was asked to consider ideas and come back to the Board with recommendations.


At the last AKC Delegates Meeting it was voted on and passed to allow delegates who are judges to charge a fee for judging as well as receive expenses.


Georjan Bridger

Without objection, the Board moved into Executive Session.

New member applications presented.

MOTION: To approve all new applicants APPROVED Georjan will notify new members. The re-instatement fee of $10.00 for members who have let their membership lapse will be placed on the website.

TRIATHON: Connie Fisher

MOTION: Separate Rally from Obedience, add Endurance to Earthdog and add Scent Work. APPROVED



The following was presented through video and conversation.

Old information will be moved over to the new system.

New dogs will be added to the database upon breeder request and after screening by the administrators of the system.

Rollen Boone is the new vendor being recommended.

Training will take place through a series of Zoom meetings.

Fees are paid by DCA. It is free to breeders. Users may be DCA members or non-members.

MOTION: The Pedigree Date Base Committee will move forward with the presented DCA Pedigree Data Base as presented. APPROVED


Motion: The DCA National Specialty Committee recommends the DCA Board increase DCA National Specialty judges’ travel allowance from $500.00 to $800.00. APPROVED


AKC PUREBRED PRESERVATION BANK: Mary Olich Nie and Larry Sorenson

Information presentation from AKC. No action was taken.

ROM Program: Connie Fisher

Proposal to add a 3 point major conformation win to the Quantitative requirements of the ROM program, and to add the Endurance Earthdog (EE) Title or Master Excellent (MXE) Title to the Qualitative requirements of the ROM program.

MOTION: Send the proposal as presented to the

standing ROM Committee for a recommendation. APPROVED


Sandy Arnold No Report



Janet Schwalbe

Changes were made to the activities. The schedule will be placed in the Newsletter and on the Website.


Randy Eltringham

Local Field Trials held in DCA’s name.

MOTION: Apply the same criteria for field trials as conformation shows. Clubs must use their 8 field trials before coming to DCA for a DCA trial. APPROVED.


Process for electing judges for the DCA Host Show 2025: Debby Krieg

MOTION: On a one-time basis for the 2025 Host Shows. Judges will be selected from the group of judges nominated for the 2025 National Show. ADOPTED

Number of shows for the DCA Nationals.

MOTION: The DCA Nationals will have two Host Shows and the Nationals. MOTION FAILS

MOTION: The 2025 Nationals will have one Host Show on one day and additional performance and companion events to be investigated.


Wally Jones will be the 2025 Nationals Chair.


CONFORMATION proposed as follows:

First Entry: $40.00

Additional entries for same dog: $30.00

Regular puppy and Bred by Exhibitor Puppy: $35.00

Regular Bred by Exhibitor: $40.00

Adult Bred by Exhibitor: $40.00

Sweeps at National Specialty Only: $20.00

Parade of Veteran at National Specialty Only: $20.00

Juniors: Free

MOTION: Adopt fees as presented. ADOPTED


First Entry (Regular, Preferred & Optional

Titling Classes: $40.00

Obedience Class as Additional Entry: $30.00

Obedience Brace as Only Entry (National Specialty Only) $40.00

Obedience Brace as Additional Entry (National Specialty Only) $30.00

Obedience Team (National Specialty Only) $80.00

Veteran Obedience (National Specialty Only) $30.00

Rally Classes: $40.00

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 12

Rally Classes as Additional Entry: $30.00

MOTION: To accept fees as presented. ADOPTED


First Entry per Dog: $40.00

Second Entry per Dog: $20.00

Third Entry per Dog: $20.00

Fourth Entry per Dog: $20.00

MOTION: To accept fees as presented. ADOPTED


Intro to Quarry (Non-Regular Class) $20.00

Regular Classes (Novice, Junior, Senior & Master)


Endurance (Senior & Master at same event)


MOTION: To accept fess as presented. ADOPTED


All regular Classes: $35.00

MOTION: To accept fees as presented. ADOPTED


The current description on the AKC website is

incorrect. A letter from the parent club is required to make corrections.

Breeds in Which Color May be a Condition of a Class

PROPOSED CHANGES FOR THE AKC website: Longhaired and Smooth Varieties Only: Red; Black and Tan and Any Other Allowed Color. Wirehaired: No division by Color. The Dachshund Club of America must Divide the Open Standard & Miniature Classes in the Smooth and Longhaired Varieties by the previous colors. Local Dachshund Clubs may divide the Smooth and Longhaired varieties by the previous colors.

Breeds and Varieties in Which Weight May Be a Condition of a Division of a Class

PROPOSED CHANGES: Dachshunds (All three varieties): Miniature - 11 lbs. & under at 12 months of age or older. Open standard: any eligible Dachshund


Madison Dachshund Club asked to use the DCA plan for both Field trials.



MOTION: Move to rescind giving DCA Board of Director trophies for BOB, BOS/BOB and HIT ADOPTED

Without objection the three-headed medallion will no longer be awarded to the Select Dogs and Bitches at the National Specialty due to 5˝ plaques now being awarded to Selects.

REQUEST FOR SUPPORTED ENTRY FOR MORRIS ESSEX: The request to support the Dachshund entry at the Morris Essex show in 2025 was discussed. No action was taken.

JUNIORS: Sandy Arnold provided and update.

NEXT MEETINGS DATE: In October or November to be determined. Possible location sites: Phoenix, Los Vegas


According to the DCA bylaws, Article V, Section 3, the DCA Board of Directors, at the January 4th Board meeting, selected a Nominating Committee for the 2024 Annual Elections.

Members of the committee are:

Chairman, Cindy Niles (Ohio) robinwoodwires@yahoo.com

Emi Pedrazza (California)

Ann Wlodowski (North Carolina)

Melissa Heymann (Illinois)




Cheryl Rueckert (Michigan) cheryl.rueckert@neenah.com


Karen Murray (Texas)

Trudy Kawami (New York)



The Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating one candidate for each office and each vacant position on the Board of Directors, then submitting the slate of candidates to the membership for voting later this year. Anyone interested in running for a position should contact any member of the Nominating Committee no later than June 1st, 2024.

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 13
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PUPPIES?? Please contact Cindy Niles, DCA Breeder Referral, if you have any dogs for placement or upcoming litters. robinwoodwires@yahoo.com 740-815-2631

To the DCA Membership,

Preparations are in top gear as we get ready for our 2024 National Specialty. Many members have been hard at work for months to make this a DCA to remember. We’ve decided to mix things up a bit this year with a few surprises thrown in to make it even more interesting.

Our National events will kick off on April 20 -21st with our National Field Trial followed by two local club trials hosted by the Madison Area Dachshund Club in Roscoe, IL. Three and a half weeks later things transition to Purina Farms where the Dachshund Club of St. Louis will host the National Earthdog Test and a Dachshund Club of St. Louis Earthdog Test the weekend of May 18th – 19th.

We will officially welcome everyone with an opening night reception on Monday, May 20th, at the Holiday Inn. As always it’s a great way to start Nationals week by visiting with friends while relaxing and enjoying refreshments. Be prepared for some additional fun with games and prizes added to the evening’s entertainment.

We have a very full week that includes two Agility trials, three specialties including the National and three Obedience and three Rally trials. Breed education is always a cornerstone of DCA week and this year there is an outstanding lineup. On Wednesday evening Paw Print Genetics will hold a seminar on the genetics of coat and color in our breed. On Thursday morning following the Annual Meeting the DCA Health & Welfare Trust is sponsoring a presentation by Dr. Nicolas Jeffrey PhD on a potential new treatment for Intervertebral Disc Disease. Thursday afternoon is set aside for the Judges’ Education Seminar and a Juniors Workshop on grooming.

Something new this year will be complimentary afternoon snacks served at the Purina Event Center starting on Wednesday with our annual Ice Cream Social. You will also want to check out the DCA Ways & Means booth, the DCA raffle, the DCA Health & Welfare Trust booth and all of the vendors.

The DCA Board Meeting will be Tuesday evening at the Holiday Inn one hour after judging and all members are welcome. If you plan on attending, email Debby Krieg, at daybreakwires@yahoo.com to insure we have enough seating. Our Annual Meeting will be Thursday morning at the Holiday Inn starting at 9:00 am. There will be interesting agenda items you’ll want to hear about.

As you can see, there will be a lot to enjoy this year. You can find more details on all of the above events on the DCA website, DCA Facebook page and in the corresponding premium lists. I hope you can join us this year. It’s going to be fun.

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 14

Skyler returned to the show ring after two litters and finished her GCH with 4 Specialty BOS wins, a supporting show BOV, and a BOS to BOB.

From her 1st litter out of CH Stardust Black Lightning von Skaer (Vinny):

; CH Stardust Just Because Liebwin Von Lutz CGC TKN (Levi) (Titled On 9/30/23 with a specialty BOW!)

; FC Stardust Just One More @ Sunlight, BCAT (Viktor) (Titled On 10/13/23 - competed in 4 trials, he is also major pointed!)

; Stardust Just My Style (Wynn) (She has 2 specialty majors and 2 Best in sweeps!)

From her 2nd litter out of CH Stardust Way2Go von Skaer (Waylon):

; FC Stardust I Made You Look, CGC, TKN (Maia) (Titled on 10/12/23 - completed in 6 trials, age 9 months!)

; CH Stardust I Have a Crush on You (Crush) (Titled on 11/27/23 won his CH with majors of 4, 5, 5, 5 at just 11 months.)

Thank you to all the owners for competing with these youngsters!


Anne Schmidt AKC: 100291
GOLD AKC Breeder of Merit
Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 15

I’m pleased to announce that DCA was selected as just one of eight parent club winners of the AKC 2023 EDDY Award for outstanding breeder education with our Breeders Resource Library.

DCA’s AKC Delegate, Larry Sorenson, accepted the award on our behalf at the December 2023 Delegates Meeting. More than 50 parent clubs participated in the 2023 EDDY Award selection process.

Prior to the creation of the Library, we concentrated our breeder education efforts on in-person seminars and panel discussions during our National Specialty week. But we came to realize that we weren’t doing enough to reach the breeders who never attended a National Specialty or were not attending the National on a regular basis. Since as a parent club we’re not only responsible to educate our member breeders, but Dachshund breeders as a whole, we recognized the need to take advantage of technology to expand our outreach. Through the efforts of the former Public Education committee, Sandy Arnold, the late Fran Colonna, Larry Sorenson, and me came the idea of the Library – a collection of on demand learning for Dachshund breeders across all levels of experience. The

The Dachshund Club of America 2023 EDDY Award

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 16
Library sits on the DCA website in a section dedicated to education (www.dachshundclubofamerica.org/breeders-resource-library/) and is available to both DCA member breeders and non-member breeders. Debby Krieg Carlos Puig Lexa Richmond Larry Sorenson Sandy Arnold Maggie Peat & Tom Sikora

Because breeding is a blend of art and science, so is the content in the Library, which we organized in five sections.

The first section includes a series of articles on the Dachshund and

• breeding basics like Understanding the Dachshund Front, Choosing Stud Dogs as well as profiles of notable breeders.

• called ‘Breeding to the Standard.’ The course uses our Illustrated Breed Standard along with quizzes to highlight the key attributes of the breed and why producing dogs with those attributes is a critical job all breeders have, to ensure we preserve the Dachshund as a multi-purpose hunting dog.

Next is a section of interactive learning featuring a course we created

Our Video section is one we expect will continue to grow. It currently

• features breeder interviews and panel discussions along with a twopart series on the Dachshund front. Thank you to DCA member breeders Maggie Peat, Tom Sikora and Lexa Richmond who developed these learnings independently and allowed us to include in the Library. We’ll continue to expand our video offerings with more sessions on Dachshund anatomy and movement, along with more interviews and panel discussion with top breeders.

The Workshop section includes an in-person session that’s typically

• offered at our National Specialty. Thank you to DCA member breeder Carlos Puig for his development of this workshop in 2023. We’d also like to offer this session across the country in partnership with our local Dachshund clubs.

The last section of Breeder Tools gathers the things that breeders may

• want to access quickly; everything from the Breed Standard, Pedigree Database, our Register of Merit Program, or an email link to send suggestions on additional content they’d like to see.

Since the Library is dynamic, we’re always talking with breeders to understand their needs and add to the Library accordingly. For example, we plan to expand our offerings with at least two virtual workshops in 2024. First up is the introduction of a new pedigree database and training breeders on its expanded features. Second, in the fall, there will be a session on evaluating breeding stock using an evaluation kit from our Illustrated Breed Standard. We’ll continue to build out virtual breeder interviews, panel discussions, and have interesting speakers lined up for inperson sessions at the National Specialty which we will record for ongoing reference. Lastly, we would like to formalize a Breeder Mentoring program to help newer breeders with everything from evaluation of breeding stock, reading pedigrees, health testing, whelping and puppy rearing.

We hope that breeders who haven’t yet been to the Library take time to visit. It’s been built by breeders for breeders, and we welcome suggestions to make the Library a valuable resource to advance individual breeding programs that help to preserve our wonderful breed.

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 17

In 1668 Christoph Dietrich von Bose, a minor noble and magistrate in the town of Plauen, Saxony, commissioned a local painter, Felix Eimermann, to portray his red smooth-coated Dachshund, Tachs. Tachs stands facing left in profile. Above the dog are four lines in the elaborate Gothic script favored for formal announcements at that time.

The translation reads:

Through the grace of grand princes, I was a gift to Master Bosen to serve him faithfully, so long as I lived. I hunted hares, I followed the scent of badgers.

Because of this I was named a Badger (Tachs) myself.

The original German is more evocative having both meter and rhyme:

Durch hohe Fürsten Gnad war Ich Herr Bosen Geben, zu seinen treuen dinst, so lang Ich würde leben, die Haasen jagte Ich, Ich suchte Tachsen Farth, deswegen Ich auch selbst ein Tachs genennet ward.

The inscription is an epitaph, the painting a memorial to a much loved dog.

The portrait of Tachs, in what seems to be its original frame, is the earliest image of a Dachshund yet known. (The much-reproduced late medieval woodcut often cited is too stylized to be useful.) The painting of Tachs precedes Oudry’s portrait of the Dachshund Pehr (1740) by 80 years. It is an important document of our breed providing not only the name of the dog, but his owner, the date of the painting and the location where it was made. It allows us to see the breed in the cultural setting where it was developed. This wealth of early information about Dachshunds and their owners is precious.

While “Tachs” might not win at Westminster or Crufts today, we can recognize the general build, the smooth slope of the skull, the muzzle with its minimal stop, and the long line emphasized by the tail. That head and those eyes are so familiar! What strikes the eye as odd now are the white feet and the touch of white on the chest, under the loin and on the tip of the

tail. These are, however, normal canine markings that even with several centuries of selective breeding still can pop up unexpectedly. We can wince at thick neck and the knuckling over of the forelegs, a characteristic that is a disqualification in our standard, but both features also are not unknown in modern times. Taken together with the slight graying on the flews we have a portrait of a steady, experienced working Dachsie who was valued and honored 350 years ago.

faster dogs. He valued the personal connection with his dog as we can see in the epitaph.

The description of Tachs’s activities echoes exactly what the Dachshund still does today, both in North America and in Europe – Tachs hunted The portrait of Tachs in what seems to be its original frame is the earliest image of a Dachshund, preceding Oudry’s portrait of the Dachshund Pehr by 80 years. It is an important document of our breed providing not only the name of the dog, but his owner, the date of the painting and the location where it was made. This allows us to see the breed in the cultural

We rarely see Dachshund depicted in Baroque hunting scenes which usually focus on the princely game, deer and boar. The high nobility hunted these animals with elaborate displays of wealth and status, with beaters, musicians and outdoor picnics afterward. And it was the high nobility who could pay for the large paintings of these hunts. The family of Christoph Dietrich von Bose, though highly educated and having much real estate, was not of this social level. They were rather literate, cultured administrators, serving many princes, both in Saxony and

setting where it was developed. This wealth of early data is unparalleled.

Hare above ground and badger below. In North America we substitute the Eastern cottontail or the jack rabbit (a North American hare) and the woodchuck (ground hog) for the European quarry, but the actions are the same. The Dachshund was – and is – the only hound that goes to ground. Tally ho, Tachs. You were a fine dog!!

The Eimermann painting of Taks is not (yet) in a museum, but is on the art market with the London art dealer Rafael Valls.(Valls specializes in landscapes and animal images.) The painting first appeared about a decade ago, and was exhibited at the great international art fair (TEFAF) in Maastricht, the Netherlands. (TEFAF exhibits are strictly vetted for quality and authenticity.) It came onto the market from France, where it was in a private collection.

Poland, over two centuries. Family members were well-regarded for their knowledge and humility. So it is not surprising that Christoph Dietrich hunted hare and badger with a Dachsie, and not deer or boar on horseback with bigger,

I have tried to interest the AKC’s Museum of the Dog in the painting. They deemed its value as historical rather than aesthetic, and declined to pursue it. However, they would happily accept it as a donation. It would be most unfortunate if it disappeared back into private hands, instead of being available in a public institution for all Dachshund fanciers to see. If only Iris were still with us!

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Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 19

Correction: Metropolitan Washington

Dachshund Club

6/1/2023 (Originally published in the Autumn 2023 Newsletter)

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute

Alice Moyer and Monica Gally

Best Open/Absolute Miniature Dreams Pour Another Shot of Rum Chata MLC

Barbara Sharrah

Dachshund Association of Long Island 9/30/2023

Total Number of Starters: 42

OAAD Starters: 6

Judges: Teddy Moritz, Michael Pitisci

1st Tarlyn’s Emperor Fillip

Kim Seipel

2nd CH Tarlyn Makes the Mark with Lorica

Jessica Campbell

3rd Shadach’s Rocky Mountain High

Barbara Trebisky

4th Willow Springs Ev-Ry Sweetheart

Anne rosenberg

NBQ GCHB Doxwood Lorica’s Opus

Magnum @ Siddachs MW, CGC

John Merriman & Jessica Campbel & Lorne Campbell

OAAB Starters: 13

Judges: Eric Pepe & Sherry Ruggieri

1st CH Lilly Field Little Miss

Edie Pearl

John Tirado

2nd GCH Doxwood Lorica’s Olympia @ Siddachs MW, CGC

John Merriman & Jessica

Campbell & Lorne Campbell

3rd Willow Springs Ev_Ry Sassy Girl

Anne Rosenberg

4th Our Gang’s Bless My Heart MLD

Barbara Trebisky

NBQ Willow Springs Fiona

Anne Rosenberg & Cyndi Branch

Field Champion Dog Starters: 8

Judges: Eric Pepe, Carrie Hamilton

1st FC Zeus von Moosbach- Zuzelek


Larry Gohlke

2nd FC Kivaar a Keleti Tuz, JE, CGC

Sherry L. Ruggieri

3rd FC Boulder vom Nordlicht

Larry Gohlke

4th FC Harley Hooper vom Bienerwald

Christina Loew

NBQ FC Rilke von Lowenherz

L. Whistance-Smith

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 15

Judges: John Merriman, Jessica


1st FC Lilly Field Little Miss


John Tirado

2nd FC Uschi von Lowenherz

L. Whistance-Smith

3rd FC Longtime’s Halo vom Nordlicht

Cheri Faust

4th FC Tusoksori-Ugraszto Husniya, CGC, ROMX

Sherry L. Ruggeri

NBQ FC Fanika od Vevody Huberta

Christina Loew

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

John Merriman & Albert I. Rowe

Best Open

CH Lilly Field Little Miss Edie



FC Lilly Field Little Miss Maybelline

Dachshund Association of Long Island 10/1/2023

Total Number of Starters: 40

OAAD Starters: 8

Judges: Sherry Ruggieri & Teddy Moritz

1st CH Tarlyn’s Makes the Mark with


Jessica Campbell

2nd TownFarm’s It Just Took a Minute

Michael Pitisci

3rd Shadach’s Rocky Mountain High

Barbara Trebisky

4th Bolt von Salix

Trudy Kawami

NBQ CH Laus Alit Artes Velturis

Debra Rowe

OAAB Starters: 6

Judges: Debra Rowe & Isaac (Ike)


1st FC Trilllum von Lowenherz

Christina Loew

2nd Saytar’s Black Cherry von Salix, CD, BCAT, NF, RA

Maryanne Santomauro

3rd FC Apple Hill’s Salsa ML

Carrie Hamilton

4th CH Lorica’s Red Delicious

Jessica & Lorne Campbell

NBQ CH Doxwood Lorica’s Olympia @ Siddach’s

John Merriman, Jessica & Lorne


Field Champion Combined Starters: 26

Judges: Michael Pitisci & Carrie Hamilton-Lukow

1st FC Uschi von Lowenherz

L. Whistance-Smith

2nd FC Tusoksori-Ugraszto-Husniya


Sherry l. Ruggieri

3rd FC Hidden Cedar’s Double Ur Fun

Paul Rourke

4th FC Hatteras Frisco Rowe ML, RI, CA, BCAT

Albert & Debra Rowe

NBQ FC Rilke von Lowenherz

L. Whistance-Smith

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

John Tirado & Albert I. Rowe Best Open/Absolute

FC Trillum von Lowenherz

Laurel Highlands Dachshund Club 10/12/2023

Total Number of Starters: 54

OAAD Starters: 8

Judges: Diane Sennett, Heidi Meyer

1st Waldhundl von Lowenherz

Gail Binder

2nd CH Tarlyn’s Emperor Filip MS

Kim Seipel

3rd GCH Baldox Johnny’s Next in Line MS

Rita Kepner


NBQ CH Leoralees Deb-N-Air

Cisco Kid MS

Debra and Albert Rowe and Marietta Singleton

OAAB Starters: 16

Judges: Monica Galley, Kathleen Johnson

1st CH Stenlees I Got Stripes Anne

Stacy Barton

2nd Shadach’s Golden Aspen ML

Diane Sennett

3rd Jalyses’s Sweet Potato Pie ML

Sweet P

Jaime Sexton

4th Jalyse’s Koala Bear ML

Jaime Sexton

NBQ Old Hanover Shadach’s Caaret ML

Diane Sennett

Field Champion Dog Starters: 14

Judges: Dave Kerr, Chrissy Post

1st GCHB DC Duchwood’s When I

Was Your Man MS JE

Kathleen Johnson

2nd FC Jalyse’s Home Run ML JE

Jaime Sexton

3rd FC Rilke von Loewenherz

Laurel Whistance-Smith

4th GCHB DC EJ’s Fancied Up Solo


Trevor and Kim Drake

NBQ FC Tucker’s Infinite Possibilities



Stacy Barton and Megan Bonus

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 16

Judges: Denny Palko, Terri C. Post

1st DC Jalyse’s Hampshire

Jaime Sexton

2nd FC Diddydox a Beautiful July Morning v. Hoppledachs CA FDC


Heidi Meyers

3rd FC Jalyse’s Teddy Bear v Wilderness Run ML

Jaime Sexton

4th FC Jalyses’s Fire on the Train ML


Jaime Sexton

NBQ FC Deb-n-Air Tiz the Law

Debra and Albert Rowe

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Chrissy Post, Denny Palko

Best Open

Waldhundl von Lowenherz

Best Field Champion/Absolute GCHB DC Duchwood’s When I Was Your Man MS JE

Laurel Highlands Dachshund Club 10/14/2023

Total Number of Starters: 49

OAAD Starters: 7

Judges:Kathleen Johnson, Carrie Hamilton

1st CH Tarlyn’s Emperor Fillip MS

Kim Seipel

2nd GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red

Bee MS

Rita Kepner

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 20
http://www.dachshundclubofamerica.org/field-trial-result-submission/ Only those results submitted through this site will be published. continued on page 34...

Penny completed her show year in October with a pair of great Best of Variety wins in the sunshine! At the Dachshund Club of California specialty, under breeder-judge Mr. Jerry Cerasini, she wins Best of Variety - and at the Desert Valley Dachshund Club specialty under breeder-judge Mr. Ken Levison she is also Best of Breed!!!

A big thank you to these respected breed specialists for the fantastic honors!!

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 21
(GCH Barkerville Bow Street Runner X GCHS Barkerville Aula Palatina)
Ted H. & Karen Brunner www.barkervilledachshunds.com 604.538.8512

This is usually when I report on the AKC Classic, but my schedule interfered with my reaching out and following up to those who participated in the event. Instead, let’s talk about what people tend to do on January 1: Goal Setting! Yes, a resolution can be thought of as a goal. More specifically, how can we use goal setting to increase our motivation to train and to increase the dog’s motivation to perform?

On the surface, goal setting appears to be simple. Make a goal and then it will magically happen. Alas, like so many other things, we must be proactive to make it happen. For this article, let’s focus on the goals we want to set versus the ones we should not set.

Let me backtrack a moment. Years ago, some of us in applied sport psychology would consult with coaches about the goals they wanted to set for their team. Nothing makes a football coach go red in the face faster than telling them that winning is not a goal. Why is this?

If I set a goal to win, how does that goal help me? It doesn’t. If I set my goal as to earn a CDX, how does it help me? It doesn’t. Same with HIT, MACH, RACH, etc. You can keep your titles in the back of your mind, but let’s look at how we can set goals that will get us to where we want to be when we train and when we show.

Your goal must be measurable. For example, it’s one thing for me to say that I want a better recall. What does this mean? For the novice obedience recall, the dog must stay where you leave it, come promptly when called, front, and then finish. How can we set a goal and then subgoals for the recall?

Goal: To improve the novice recall

Subgoal 1: Improve my dog’s attention on me as I walk away.

Subgoal 2: Improve the front.

Subgoal 3: Improve the finish.

For each subgoal, I would then write out 5-10 steps on how to achieve it. For subgoal 1, I could train with a mirror so that I can see if the dog is focusing on me as I walk away. I can use games to build focus, and I can set this subgoal as achieved in training when the dog stays tuned to me 5/5 times. Then I would practice this at training buildings, matches (if possible), and other locations. If my dog isn’t watching me, my dog is not going to do a good recall. I would do the same for fronts and finishes.

Each one would have subgoals of how to am going to train the skill, and then I might first look at 5/5 perfect fronts in training, and then in new places set the bar first at 3/5 and then 5/5 for fronts.

Hopefully you can see the key to goal setting: Training items you can control. Once you have the skills needed, then the large goals in the background (titles) will be achieved. Goal setting helps you to plan your training. And don’t forget to set some goals for you. These goals could include footwork, learning rally signs, learning how to do a back cross in agility, and more.

Last, do not forget to reward yourself when you reach a goal. We are great at rewarding our dogs, but we forget to reward ourselves. Whether it’s a candy bar, a new collar for the dog (which is really for us), or a nice dinner, reward yourself for each subgoal you achieve. Setting goals will help you to not only reach your goals but will increase your motivation. One last item about goal setting: Write them down. Goals are achieved at a much higher rate when they are written.

Have a wonderful year of training!!

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 22

“Autumn” finished quickly, at 13 months, selectively shown from the Bred By Exhibitor class with 3 majors and 2 BOV’s from the classes. She finished at the first of the 4 Desert Valley Dachshund Club shows and had continued success as a move-up the rest of the weekend.

Thank you to the following judges that awarded her during DVDC:

Breeder-Judge Carol Spritzer (WB, BOW, BBX in Specialty (New Champion)

Breeder-Judge Dr. Ronald Spritzer (AOM)

Tracey Isaacson (BIS Sweeps)

Breeder-Judge Ken Levison (AOM)

Breeder-Judge Lexa Richmond (AOM)

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 23
Autumn was bred by: Sandy Arnold-Jarbsy Dachshunds and Melissa Heymann-HiRoad Hounds She is owned by: Melissa Heymann, Sandy Arnold, and Lotus Sapitula

Sherry Ruggieri and Living the Dream

It seems like just a few years ago that I was watching and waiting for the outcome of the duel between two Midwest field champions as they teetered on the brink of a new milestone – 1,000 lifetime field champion points. When FC Ilsa v Dorndorf L passed that magic number on March 22, 2003, it was an awe-inspiring time for me, and I imagine there were lots of tears and congratulations all around. The sound barrier had been broken.

The following year, TC Sadsack the Cupid Clone MW ME and a dog named Oscar with a Cinderella story joined Ilsa with 1,000 points. When FC Longtime’s Oscar von Zimmer JE passed away in January 2007 after only 5½ years of field trialing, his lifetime total set a new record at 1,944. That record stood for six years, until FC Danika vom Nordlicht TD MXE2 SXE2 EE2 CGCU set a new record of 2,000 points in 2013. Four years later, she would raise the bar to over 3,000 points.

Another event was taking place in 2003 that most people probably didn’t notice – Sherry Ruggieri went to her first field trial. In 2005, she took the judging seminar and had her first judging assignment in 2006. In 2007, Sherry made her first appearance in the Top 20 with FC Augden von Moosbach-Zuzelek RE ME finishing at #8, and she has been a regular fixture in the annual rankings ever since. A story about Sherry and field trials wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Auggie! Sherry was running some good dogs that were competitive, but she wanted something more –she wanted to be the best.

Smart and willing to learn, Sherry’s research brought her to a litter being born in Central Europe. In 2012, she flew to Hungary and brought a wirehair, female, puppy home. When Niya was 5 months old, Sherry ran her in a blood tracking test under the undisputed blood tracking authority, John Jeanneney. When John told Sherry, “she’s going to be a good one”, it set the stage for what was to come.

Born on leap year day 2012, Niya started and finished

her field championship in the Fall of that year, along with garnering 79 points from the field champion classes. Her second year in the field brought her to the #2 spot on the Top Ten list, and in 2014 the dream became a reality – Niya was #1. She would repeat as #1 in 2017, 2018 and 2022.

When Niya passed 1,000 points at just 3 years of age, new goals started to form. The next 8 years would be a blur of statistics and accomplishments – passing 2,000 points, seeing Danika’s 3,000-point record in the rear-view

feelings of sadness that it can bring, there will always be younger, stronger, talented dogs coming into the sportand of course, that is

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 24


the brink of a new milestone. That day came on October 21, 2023, at the Metropolitan Washington Dachshund Club field trial in Carrolltown, Pennsylvania with a 3rd place in the Field Champion Bitch stake of 27. The world may never be the same now that we’ve walked on the Moon!

Thank you to Sherry Ruggieri for asking me to contribute my thoughts and perspective on her journey with Niya. Congratulations, my dear friend – may you continue to live the dream! !

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 25

What I LearnedHave About Coordinating A Rescue Group

The years heading up the DFW Dachshund Rescue Foundation program has been a continuing period of insight and learning regarding the “ins and outs” of rescue program management. I thought I would take a moment here at the end of 2023 to share some of the insights I have gained over the years.

• The number of dogs in a rescue program does not drive the number of successful adoptions. Many programs constantly focus on telling people how many dogs they take in, but fail to inform the public about how many actual successful adoptions occur. Having a large number of dogs in our program does not increase the number or frequency of adoptions. The number of quality adoptive homes is relatively small compared to the number of dogs that need help at any one time, so a lot of rescue is patience. Patience and the ability to care for the

dog until that excellent “forever” home comes along.

• There is a big difference between a “rescue group” and a “sanctuary” group. These are two very different types of programs and require different approaches to management and financing. A “sanctuary” group takes in animals that are

...there are good rescue groups out there, but they must have a clear mission statement and strong financial support along with excellent volunteers to succeed in the long term.

generally not adoptable (i.e., generally those that are too old for adoption) and cares for them permanently via foster homes within their organization. Groups that provide sanctuary care can easily cross the line into animal hoarding because they often do not have clear limits as to how many sanctuary animals they can realistically manage. Our group does now have five sanctuary dogs; four are senior dachshunds and one is a younger female dachshund with an unusual liver defect. The foundation pays for their vet care (but no heroic care; just routine care and medications, etc.) and each of those dogs is in an individual foster home where he or she receives quality, loving care. We will not take any more than five into our sanctuary program because that’s what we can manage, foster home and expense wise.

A “rescue” group generally focuses on accepting dogs into their program that are adoptable once needed (and fixable) medical issues are addressed, including (of course) spay/neuter, vaccinating, heartworm testing, parasite testing and microchipping. Groups that try to provide both “rescue” and “sanctuary” care can easily become overwhelmed. Sadly, these days investigated hoarding cases sometimes involve rescue groups. Often these are groups that try to do all sanctuary care or some mixture of rescue and sanctuary care and that do not set limits on how many dogs their program can realistically manage. An article that appeared some years ago in a dog publication quoted a trainer as saying, “rescue is the new puppy mill”. That is a sad commentary. Of course, there are good rescue groups out there, but they must have a clear mission statement and strong financial support along with excellent volunteers to succeed in the long term.

• It is important to listen to your actual adopters in regard to what type of dogs they will consider adopting. It makes no sense to take in dogs that the majority of your adopters will not consider adopting. In talking with people over the years consistent themes emerge:

1. Adopters that come to a Dachshund rescue group are nearly always looking for a purebred dachshund, not a mix. They become frustrated with rescue groups that are not reliable in distinguishing between dachshunds and mixed breed dogs. One adopter commented, “if a Dachshund rescue group can’t accurately identify the breed they purport to work with, why should I trust anything else they have to say?”

Our group has had a few mixes over the years, but we are careful to identify them as mixed breed dogs.

continued on page 30...

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 26
Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 27

Sometimes a dog comes into your life that changes everything you thought you knew. For me, this little dog was Prince. I knew that when I went in search of my first show dog, that I wanted a dog “to do all the things” –conformation and field trials for sure. I was competing in field trials and a couple other sports with my other dachshunds. We were having a ton of fun and I learned more about how versatile our breed was. I met Robin LaFrance and eventually requested to be on her waitlist.

Unfortunately, 7 years ago, my dog Ripley had to have emergency back surgery. That same week I was notified by Robin that there was a puppy that was potentially a good match for what I wanted. It really wasn’t a good time for a puppy, it really wasn’t. After some serious pondering, Prince came home to me.

A Dual Champion was my original dream for my new puppy, little did I know what he had planned for me. Prince’s sire and dam are both Grand Champion Dual Champions and that’s exactly how I chose our first goals. The goals changed a little along the way as I learned more about what dachshunds are capable of. I met so many inspiring people and their dachshunds along the way. I can’t remember exactly when I learned what a Triple Champion was, but I knew I needed to make that MY lifetime goal, and I was happy that my little Prince would be just the one to do it alongside me.

As a puppy, I thought of Prince as an old soul. He was a biddable and well mannered pup, not particularly food driven but he was up for anything we did. We were both learning and accomplished so much at a young age including obtaining his Grand Championship and Dual Championship. Mission accomplished, or so I thought…

We truly bonded through our activities, including rally, agility, obedience, coursing, tricks and scentwork. If asked Prince what his favorites were, it would be tracking, earthdog and field trials. It was because of Prince’s abilities and accomplishments in earthdog, I decided to become an earthdog judge.

I really appreciate the Dachshund Club of America for their promotion and recognition of the versatility of our breed. We have been

lucky enough to compete at national events numerous times and even won Triathlon Dog of the Year twice.

Onto our Triple Championship: I knew that Prince had what it took to be a Champion Tracker. He was an absolute natural at tracking and that soon became our favorite activity. Any chance we had to track - we did!

We failed our first attempt at TDX because of critters. Who puts a young prey driven dachshund on a track near earthdog dens and brush piles and expects another outcome?? After another 2 attempts in bad weather, Spring 2021 was our successful pass!

Prince taught me so much, but I also learned as much as I could as well. I attended seminars, read books and took classes. I met a lot of friends through all of our sports, but my close tracking friends were essential. Thank you to every person that laid a track or trained with us.

Early 2023, Prince had a severe reaction to a vaccine that took us off from training for everything. It was a very sad time for me as our usual activities, even hiking, were on hold. Nothing was normal, Prince handled it better than I did, which was surprising with his drive, I was thankful for the off switch. As soon we could, we started up with tracking again but the summer was hot.

Normally I wouldn’t have entered such a high level test with the lack of recent training time. We entered back to back VST and got into both that fall! I relied on my knowledge of our strong foundation and natural talent in tracking. I knew we could do every part of it even if we were rusty. First VST we failed at the first corner after a long first leg. I went home and read a short book recommended to me on mental management.

The following week was our next attempt at the VST. It was a beautiful day, we drew the last track, but I maintained composure and wasn’t nervous. When it was our turn, Prince was on fire and blew me away. Before I knew it, we passed the VST, completing our Champion Tracker title. This made Prince a Triple Champion and my dream come true! That title comes with much appreciation to everyone that has provided friendship and advice along the way, especially every instructor we learned from. And of course, a big thank you to Robin, his breeder.

What next? We are working on competition obedience at the open level and we will definitely do some scentwork, also planning on a little earthdog for fun. We continue to occasionally track because we both love it so much and possibly back to do some more agility or rally!!

Prince is owned, trained, handled and loved by Linda Alkema

MRBISOH GCHS DC OC’s Mon Beau Petit Garcon MS JE X GCH DC OC’s Ms Decadent Cherry Chocolatta Edition MS RN FDC MX MXB MXJ MJB OF T2B ACT1 SWN SEA CGC TKI Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 28
Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 29

Dachshund Rescues

continued from page 26...

2. For the most part, adopters want to adopt a dog that is 7 years of age or less simply because they want to have as many years as possible with their new adopted companion. They have often just gone through the loss of a beloved senior dog; so taking on a new adopted dog that will pass away in a few years is not something they are willing to do.

3. Adopters do not want to adopt a dog that has already suffered a back injury requiring back surgery. The majority of adopters we have talked to over the years considered this a definite “no”. However, adopters were clear that if their adopted dog LATER had a back problem they would obtain immediate treatment, including surgery if necessary and alternative and follow-up care such as acupuncture.

4. Adopters definitely do not want to adopt a dog with temperament issues. Dogs that are people-aggressive, dog-aggressive or fearaggressive are not dogs that people wish to have in their homes. Adopters are not going to trust a rescue group if this is the type of dog the group intends to adopt out to the public. Responsible rescue groups do not “out-source” dogs to the public under the guise of an adoption that will later require behavioral euthanasia due to unsafe behavior.

• Respond to applications made by potential adopters promptly and courteously. We are consistently surprised to hear from adopters how often they had waited weeks for even one call from a rescue group after submitting their application. People appreciate being treated respectfully.

• Home visits are essential in making sure that a prospective home is a good and suitable match for a particular rescue dog and new owners. The home visit may uncover problems that need to be fixed—such as a gap in the fence that needs to be repaired before a dog can go to his/her new home. It also allows us to see if there is that “click” between the potential new owner and a particular dog. Home visits are also a great time to educate people about quality dog foods and talk about training and dog performance sport options.

• By quietly listening and watching what other rescue groups do in the DFW and national arena, you can gain good insight into what approaches work and what approaches do not work when it comes to rescue programs.

• The rescue program needs a director who will be responsible for making decisions but who can delegate the work among others. Trying to take on the whole job and refusing help from others will result in burnout and frustration. Finding and making good use of volunteers is essential.

• A rescue program needs committed, caring foster parents with diverse experience and backgrounds. We are fortunate to have foster parents with backgrounds that include animal rehab, fostering previously with other groups, fund raising, legal issues, technical writing, and many other areas of skill.

• Be positive and supportive of your volunteers and let them know regularly that their work is valuable and critical to the success of the organization.

• Communicate clearly with your rescue veterinary staff and say “thank you” a lot! Share happy rescue adoption stories and pictures; this means a lot to these wonderful professionals and encourages them to keep working with our group. Also, taking up homemade baked treats to the veterinary staff is another way to show appreciation!

Prepare handwritten thank you notes when the vet staff has had to deal with a particularly challenging rescue dog.

• Pay your veterinary clinic promptly. Sad to say, sometimes rescue groups do not do this. They end up having large bills that they

then find difficult to pay. This can leave a vet clinic holding the bag and the clinic then will then be reluctant to work with other rescue groups in the future. We are glad to see that more recently vet clinics are setting firm boundaries with rescue groups about payment of bills and refusing to work with groups that have a poor payment history.

• Encourage those volunteering in the rescue program to continue balancing their work in rescue with other interests and outlets in their lives. Nothing burns people out faster than single-minded focus on dog rescue to the exclusion of everything else. Very few people enjoy the company of a zealot!

• Enjoy and savor the positive interactions you can have when involved with a rescue organization. Yes, you encounter some people who are terrible dog owners and there are times that you see and hear some very upsetting things. However, we have also meet people who are facing very difficult times in their lives and who are so appreciative of our group accepting their dog into rescue for re-homing purposes.

The rescue dogs themselves are wonderful and seeing them blossom as they receive needed veterinary care and training to prepare for new homes is a true joy. We also meet great potential adopters who are interesting and delightful people! Thanks to DFW Dachshund Rescue, we have had the opportunity to visit some interesting homes all over the DFW Metroplex and in a few surrounding areas as well. We have created a loyal group of adopters that have returned repeatedly over the years to adopt because they have had a great experience with DFW Dachshund Rescue.!

It’s easy to focus on the negative in life, but the best choice is to, as the song says, “accentuate the positive”!

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 30
Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 31


What if junior showmanship is too subjective?

How many ways are there to cut a pie? How many ways are there to show a Dachshund? How about how many ways are there to show any dog? The truth is, while there may only be a few ways to cut a pie, there are endless ways to show a dog. I commonly hear from juniors and their parents that they wish there was some sort of standard for junior showmanship judges to follow in the ring.

In my opinion, no standard could be broad enough to represent and encompass the knowledge that each individual may have about their dog or breed and yet specific enough to fairly guide a judge in their search for their Best Junior.

A written standard for junior showmanship is like a book about dog training… I have never read a book that taught me how to train dogs better than a dog has taught me how to train a dog. That’s because these are not step-by-step processes! Of course, we can apply knowledge from these written standards to the real-world but in order to start building, we have to have a solid foundation first.

follow the advice given.

Though I decided to show tails on an individual dog-bydog basis, I always took her point of view into consideration at upper level all-breed shows. Occasionally, I’d show the tail to check the mark but usually presented my dog on the line without holding the tail.

First, breeds have to be represented in order to be understood. Dachshunds have been growing in popularity in junior rings for the past few years. As the parent club, DCA has done a great job at holding breed-specific clinics at national specialties, recognizing their future breeders/ owners/handlers, and supporting junior handlers in general. I’ve started to see judges understanding breed-specific handling techniques in regards to Dachshunds and always make sure to appreciate their eye and thank them. After all, if we don’t teach them, how would they know?

A written standard for juniors would limit the never ending ways there are to show a dog and still wouldn’t fix the subjectivity that many kids encounter within the ring. Instead, we should focus on judges’ education and encourage junior handlers to diversify their handling. Having specialist knowledge yet all-breed hands is a great goal to have for any aspiring junior handler and its application will set them apart in many ways.!

So the question is now: How do we address subjectivity in junior showmanship? Ultimately, style is a huge portion of how junior showmanship is judged. I remember walking into the ring under Denny Mounce as a young junior and her first piece of advice to me was to always show the tail on a Dachshund. Her comment reminded me that judges have style preferences and it’s up to the junior to analyze if the technique would compliment their dog and decide if it’s best for them to

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 32
Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 33
Thank you,
Club and Breeder Judges! And
(CH Grandgables Thorny Thicket ML X GCHB Sandachs X Factor at Greensboro ML)
Hoosier Dachshund
thank you, BISS GCH Sandach’s Dancing Thru
ML. Forever Grateful!
Breeder Judge Mary Olich Nie Breeder Judge Maggie Peat
Cissy Johnson Greenzboro@aol.com 770-354-6821
Breeder Judge Ken Hagmueller

Field Trial Results

continued from page 20...



NBQ CH Laus Alit Artes Velturis

Debra and Albert Rowe

OAAB Starters: 16

Judges: Pat Warble, Diane White


1st Invictus Jozy Quervo JE RATN

Michael and Kim Huster

2nd CH Old Hanovers Greta von Goblin of Doxhollow

Kate Black and Linda Beamer

3rd Jalyse’s Sweet Potato Pie ML

Jaime Sexton

4th Jarbsy’s Drive Me Wild v HiRoad

Terri Post

NBQ Caristeda Marvel’s Mystique

Terri C. Post and Cheryl B.

Holman DVM

Field Champion Dog Starters: 12

Judges: Denny Palko and Chrissy Post

1st FC Jalyses’s Home Run ML JE

Jaime Sexton

2nd FC Tucker’s Infinite Possibilities

Stacy Barton and Megan Brown

3rd FC VHH’s Tell Me Without Telling

Me You Are Otto

Trevor and Kim Drake

4th GCH DC Old Hanover’s Harlequin

Kate Black, Linda Beamer, and K. Scheiner

NBQ FC OC’s To the Moon and Back


Michael and Kim Huster and Robin LaFrance

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 14

Judges: Jaime Sexton and Chrissy Post

1st Rufa Dachs Tatiana Running in the Lavender Fields

Karl and Jonell Frantz

2nd FC Diddydox a Beautiful July Morning v Hoppeldachs


Heidi Meyers and Pamala Hopkins

3rd FC Trillium von Lowenherz

Christina Loew

4th Fanika od Vévody Huberta

Christina Loew

NBQ FC Diddydox the Bright Morning Star

Heidi Meyers and Pamala Hopkins

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Kathy Johnson and Carrie Hamilton

Best Open

Invictus Jozy Quervo JE RATN

Best Field Champion/Absolute

FC Jalyses’s Home Run ML JE

Laurel Highlands Dachshund Club 10/15/2023

Total Number of Starters: 49

OAAD Starters: 8

Judges: Chrissy Post, David Kerr

1st GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee


Rita Kepner

2nd Lorica Spellcaster

Jessica and Lorne Campbell

3rd CH Old Hanover’s Chasin’

Shadach ML BCAT

Dianne Sennett

4th GCH Doxwood Lorica’s Opus


John Merriman, Jessica and Lorne Campbell

NBQ CH Laus Alit Artes Velturis

Debra and Albert Rowe

OAAB Starters: 15

Judges: Heidi Meyers and Ike Rowe

1st Shadach’s Golden Aspen ML

Diane White Sennett, Linda Beamer

2nd Rufa Dachs Natasha Running in the Tulips

Karl and Jonell Frantz

3rd LaBrosa’s Reason to Smile SL


Lana Kovarik, A. and S. Cosby

4th Jarbsy’s Drive Me Wild v Hi Road

Terri Post

NBQ Miniature Dreams Achieving the Impossible Dream BCAT CGC TKN

Barbara Sharrah

Field Champion Dog Starters: 10

Judges: Jaime Sexton and Carrie

1st FC VHH’s Tell Me Without Telling

Me You Are Otto

Trevor and Kim Drake

2nd FC Harley Hooper vom


Christina Loew

3rd DC Lorica’s Escamillo at Doxwood CGCA TKN

Pam and Mark Mechler

4th GCHB DC Duchwood’s When I Was Your Man MS JE

Kathleen Johnson


FC OC’s To the Moon and Back MS RATQ BCAT JE

Michael and Kim Huster

Field Champion Bitches: 16

Judges: Kathy Johnson, Denny Palko

1st FC Fanika od Vévody Huberta

Christina Loew

2nd FC Railway & Laurelrocks

Psalms of Praise at Vhh NE CA


Jennifer Hartman

3rd DC Jalyse’s Hampshire Hound ML


Jaime Sexton

4th FC DIddydox the Bright Morning

Star v Apple Hill

Heidi Meyers and Carrie Hamilton


FC Deb-N-Air Tiz the Law

Debra and Albert Rowe

Judges for Best Open/Field


David Kerr and Debra Rowe

Best Open

GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee


Best Field Champion/Absolute

FC Fanika od Vévody Huberta

Metropolitan Washington

Dachshund Club 10/19/2023

Total Number of Starters: 63

OAAD Starters: 10

Judges: Sherry Ruggieri, Julia Stock

1st GCHB CH Doxwood Lorica’s Opus

Magnum @ Siddachs

John Merriman, J. & L. Campbell

2nd Lorica Spellcaster

jessica & Lorne Campbell

3rd VHH’s How Will They Know

Danielle Cook

4th Duchwood’s Little Black

Baron MS

Sandra J Russell

NBQ GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red

Bee MS

Rita Kepner & Rickj Kepner & Laura Abbott Licht

OAAB Starters: 15

Judges: Heidi Meyers, Debbie Senkbeil

1st Hoppledach’s Mye Fireflies In The Garden

Pamala J. Hopkins & Sandi Myers & Ken Hagmueller

2nd Duchwood’s Chimes Of Freedom MS

Sandra Russell

3rd Miniature Dreams Acheiving The Impossible Dream ML

Barbara Sharrah

4th Jeric’s Dancing In The Rain W

Michele Bertot

NBQ CH Lorica’s Red Delicious MW

Jessica & Lorne Campbell

Field Champion Dog Starters: 14

Judges: Dave Kerr & Ken Hagmueller

1st FC Seve Vom Nordlicht

Debbie Senkbeil & Laurie


2nd FC Diddydox Mr. Big Lights Up

The Sky v Hoppledachs

Heidi Meyers

3rd FC Kolja A Keleti Tuz

Lori Isaacson

4th FC Zeus Von Moosbach-Zuzelek SW

Cheri Faust

NBQ FC Tucker’s Infinite Possibilitie

Stacy Barton & Megan Bonus

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 24

Judges: John Merriman & Deb Rowe

1st FC Briarwire’s Trial By Fire MW

Stacy Sullivan & Stuart Milsaps

2nd FC Keeva A Keleti Tuz

Sherry Ruggieri

3rd FC Diddydox A Beautiful July

Morning v Hoppledachs

Heidi Meyers

4th DC Stars With Stripes Anne

Stacy Barton

NBQ FC Lorica’s Kismet Sparks The Fire MW

Pam & Mark Melcher

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Sherry Ruggieri & Carrie HamiltonLukow

Best Open/Absolute

Hoppledach’s Mye Fireflies In The Garden, Taylor

Best Field Champion

FC Briarwire’s Trial By Fire MW

Western Pennyslvania Dachshund Club 10/20/2023

Total Number of Starters: 76

OAAD Starters: 9

Judges: Stacey Sullivan Jamie Sexton

1st VHH’s How Will They Know MW

Danielle Cook

2nd GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee


Rita Kepner & Rick Kepner & Laura Abbott Licht

3rd GCHB CH Doxwood Lorica’s Opus

Magnum @ Siddachs MW CGC

John Merriman, J. & L. Campbell

4th Duchwood’s Rafferty Rules MLP

Sandra Russell

NBQ Old Hanover Shadach’s Little Red One

Kim Drake

OAAB Starters: 23

Judges: Monica Galley Deb Rowe

1st CH Old Hanovers Greta Von

Goblin of Doxhollow ML

Kate Black

2nd Duchwood’s Chimes of Freedom MS

Sandra Russell

3rd Miniature Dreams Admiring the Impossible Dream ML BCAT CGC


Barbara Sharrah

4th A Dream Is Like A River JE BCAT



Chelsea Cibella

NBQ Jalyse’s Sassy ML RE NAD NJP



Sheila Bridges

Field Champion Dog Starters: 16

Judges: Karen Jones Dennis Palko

1st VHH’s Tell Me Without Telling Me

You Are Otto MW

Trevor and Kim Drake

2nd FC Diddydox Mr. Big Lights Up

The Sky V Hoppledachs JE CA TD

Heidi Meyers

3rd FC Kivaar a Keleti Tuz JE CGC

Sherry L. Ruggieri

4th FC Averdachs Full of It ML


Dr Lyn Meredith Averitt DVM

NBQ FC Duchwood’s Picture

Perfect BCAT

Rebecca McLusky

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 28

Judges: Rebecca McLusky, Dave Kerr

1st FC Longtime’s Halo vom

Nordlicht JE BCAT FITB

Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 34
on page 40...

Owner Handled by Carl & Candy Holder candachs@aol.com

Breeders: Penelope Neil, Lorraine & David Simmons

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 35
Standard Smooth Dachshunds

Proposed Changes to AKC Agility Regulations

The AKC Board of Directors meeting minutes for January 2024 created quite a stir among agility enthusiasts. To the surprise of many, a list of proposed changes to the AKC Agility Regulations was published on page 6 of the minutes. The folks at Bad Dog Agility conducted an interview with AKC’s Agility Director, Carrie DeYoung, regarding these proposals. I highly encourage you to subscribe and listen to the podcast which can be found at: https://baddogagility.com/episode-331-inside-lookat-akcs-new-agility-proposals-with-carrie-deyoung/

The following is what was posted in the minutes. Carrie notes that these recommendations were derived mostly from feedback from agility field reps and judges. The portions below noted in italics is a brief summary of Carrie DeYoung’s explanation of the intent.

The comments are not verbatim and include my understanding after listening to the podcast and chatting with local agility Club members.

Agility Updates January 2024

• No longer require the Pause Table in the Excellent and Master Standard classes. This is certainly the most talked about proposal. Most exhibitors in my own Club are eager to eliminate the pause table, especially since it is not included in the big Invitational nor Nationals tournaments. Still some are opposed as they feel the table gives them time to catch up to the dog and breathe. In the interview, and you must listen for yourself, Carrie states that the minutes just grabbed the headline without mentioning all the other documentation behind the recommendation. The bottom line: the table IS GOING AWAY for Excellent and Master Standard classes. It will remain in Novice and Open classes as a control element. Note that the table is not even an OPTIONAL equipment for Excellent / Master clasess.

• No longer require a “Bar” jump in any courses. This raised a lot of questions. Aren’t all jumps “bar jumps”? Well, nope. To clarify, a “bar jump” in this context is a jump with two bars. Presently a course is required to have at least on jump with two bars. This proposal eliminates that as a course design requirement. The two-bar jump will remain optional.

• Only allow one time use of the tire obstacle in a course.

The Board reviewed several recommended changes to the Agility Regulations that are meant to expand opportunities for exhibitors, make an event run more efficiently, and update technical equipment requirements for safety and to reflect current course designs. The recommendations cover the following topics:

• Allow For Exhibition Only (FEO) in all classes.

Presently FEO is allowed in FAST, T2B, and ISC. The initial “test” of FEO has proven successful and popular based on feedback from exhibitors. An examination of time added to a trial day via FEO exhibitors proves to be negligent. Clubs will still have the choice of whether to offer FEO or not.

• Reduce wheeling of Open courses to one time.

• Increase the course yardage allowed for 8- & 12-inch heights (and corresponding Preferred heights) for the Excellent and Master levels. This proposal will allow course designers the opportunity to spread out courses. Based on course time calculations, sometimes the yardage allowed for large dogs proves to be too long of a course for small dogs and exceeds the akc allowable course time for 8’s and 12’s. It’s very technical and you are encouraged to listen to the podcast for a more comprehensive understanding.

This is mostly coming from a safety perspective.Sometimes the approach and departure of taking a tire 1st pass may not be a safe approach and departure on the 2nd pass. Additionally, this is a unique obstacle and AKC feels you only need to demonstrate proficiency once.

• Allow the use of a Wall Jump in Excellent and Master classes to add obstacle variety.

Apparently this came from feedback from Clubs requesting this obstacle.It is not required.

• Increase course yardage allowed in Jumpers with Weaves at the Excellent and Master levels for all heights (and corresponding Preferred heights).

This is along the same lines as increasing yardage for 8’s and 12’s in Standard courses. This recommendation comes from feedback from course designers and reviews of data by AKC.

AGAIN – this is a summary of my understanding of the proposals and what I learned listening to the podcast. For better understanding and to hear Carrie DeYoung first hand, I highly recommend listening to the full podcast.

The AKC Board will again review these changes in the April 2024 meeting and implementation dates are to be determined.

Stay tuned!!

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 36

Metropolitan Washington

Dachshund Club

October 8, 2023

Breed Judge: Mrs. Andra O’Connell

Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Smooth 16, Wirehair 17, Longhair 28


WD/BOW Dikerdachs John

V. Diker, R. Kovarik

RWD Briardach’s Midnight Believer

L. Morano, P. Martin, M. Martin

WB Shadach’s Golden Aspen ML

D. Sennett, L. Beamer

RWB Jarbsy’s Spoiler Alert

S. Arnold

BOV GCHB CH Galewinns Dream

Come True @ Sandachs MLD

R. Kovarik, B. Sandoval, P. Gale, S. Gale

BOS GCH CH Dikerdachs Leora

V. Diker

SELD GCHG CH Kenmar’s Don’t Stop Me Now

D. Kulesa, M. McCullough

SELB CH Old Hanover’s Greta Von

Goblin Of Doxhollow ML

K. Black


WB Speechless Don’T Mess With Texas

J. Frank, S. Michel

RWB Ceekat’s Sweet Tiramisu @ Our Gang MS

K. Kline, N. Prouty

BOV GCHG Dachsmith Love’s Iris Nt

E. Carrington Lyon, The Estate of Iris Love, A. Radice

BOS GCHG Turningpt Tony Two Bags

First Knock Of The Night

M. Ricks, R. Eltringham

SELD GCH Sandwood Stand By Me-SS

J. Fowler

SELB GCH Sunrise-Xo Japev Little Bit Of Witchery MS

P. Guthrie, V. Colon


WD Freestyle’s Any Way You Want It MW

J. New

RWD Friedox Black Tie Optional MW At Tournesol

L. Holland, M Holland, B. Friedman

WD/BOW Alegna’s Francine Nevarez MW

A. Lloyd, F. Nevarez

RWB Newdachs Scarlett Letter MW

J. New

BOV GCHP3 CH Leoralees Lets

Boogie With Barstool MW

M. Singleton, R. Addison, M. Tipple

BOS GCHB Dollidachs Enchantress W

M. Ricks

SELD GCHS Alegna’s What It Is Now MW

P. Vining, C. Vining, A. Lloyd, F. Nevarez

SELB GCH Ceekat’s She’s The One That I Want @ Our Gang MW

K. Kline, N. Prouty

BOB GCHB CH Galewinns Dream Come True @ Sandachs MLD

BOStoBOB GCH Dikerdachs Leora Metropolitan Washington Dachshund Club

October 8, 2023

Breed Judge: Mr. Fred Vogel

Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Smooth 18, Wirehair 15, Longhair 26


WD/BOW Briardach’s Midnight Believer

L. Morano, P. Martin, M. Martin

RWD Dikerdachs John

V. Diker, R. Kovarik

WB Windcatcher’s @ Elysian Everythings Comin Up Roses

J. Georgeanne, D. Sams

RWB Glenarrif’s Faithfully

J. Mann, W. Mann, S. Menard, L. Fetters

BOV GCHG Kenmar’s Don’t Stop Me Now

D. Kulesa, M. McCullough

BOS GCH Dikerdachs Leora

V. Diker

SELD CH Sleepytime’s Bennie & The Jets @ Stardox Ml RN JE CGC

L. Simmons, D. Simmons

SELB CH Old Hanover’s Greta Von Goblin Of Doxhollow ML

K. Black


WB Speechless Don’T Mess With Texas

J. Frank, S. Michel

RWB Ceekat’s Sweet Tiramisu @ Our


Only those results sent in to the DCA Website Specialty Results Submissions OR directly to the editor via e-mail will be published in the newsletter. Submit your results to:

http://www.dachshundclubofamerica.org/ specialty-result-submission/


Gang MS

K. Kline, N. Prouty

BOV GCHG Dachsmith Love’s Iris Nt

E. Carrington Lyon, The Estate of Iris Love, A. Radice

BOS GCHG Turningpt Tony Two Bags

First Knock Of The Night

M. Ricks, R. Eltringham

SELD GCHG Regaldox Imperator

Caesar Marcus Aurelius


H. Tomey, J. Hoy

SELB GCH Legibach With A Little


L. Fisher, G .Middings, P. Leone


WD Freestyle’s Any Way You Want It MW

J. New

RWD Friedox Black Tie Optional MW At Tournesol

L. Holland, M. Holland, B. Friedman

WB/BOW Alegna’s Francine Nevarez MW

A.. Lloyd, F. Nevarez

RWB Newdachs Scarlett Letter MW

J. New

BOV GCHS CH Alegna’s What It Is Now MW

P. Vining, C Vining, A. Lloyd, F. Nevarez

BOS GCHB CH Dollidachs

Enchantress W

M. Ricks

SELD GCHP3 Leoralees Lets Boogie With Barstool MW

M. Singleton, R. Addison, M. Tipple

SELB GCH Doxwood Lorica’s Olympia At Siddachs MW

J. Merriman, J. Campbell, L. Campbell

BOB GCHG Dachsmith Love’s Iris Nt

BOStoBOB GCHS CH Alegna’s What It Is Now MW

Dachshund Fanciers Association of Berks County

November 18, 2023

Sweepstakes Judge

Mrs. Cynthia Upton

Sweepstakes Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Longhair 3, Smooth 1, Wirehair - 5

Longhair BOV

CH Gledi Best Zippo

Kelly Polizzi

Longhair BOS

Wildwynn American Honey ML

Kelly Polizzi

Smooth BOV

Usonia The Hard Way Every Time V Lowdown

Therese Lancaster & Barbara

Waldkirch & Dr. Joan Eversole

Wirehair BOV

CH Millenia Cause I

Know I’m Nice

Maureen & John Shankwiler & Kurt P. & Diane Miller

Wirehair BOS

Usonia Roller Derby Queen V Lowdown

Bonnie Biancardi

Best in Sweepstakes

CH Millenia Cause I Know I’m Nice

Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes

Usonia The Hard Way Every Time V Lowdown

Breed Judge:

Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro

Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Longhair 16, Smooth 18, Wirehair 15


WD/BOW Nouvelle’s Function Of A Rubber Duck At Prestige

Jessica Campbell

RWD Ulysses Rude

Kelly Polizzi

WB Keliaire Galewynns

Crossword Puzzle

Kim Lamontagne & Pam Gale

RWB Kenmar’s Nothing But A Dream MLD

Marianne McCullough & Gail Webb

BOV GCH Dikerdachs Leora

Valerie T. Diker

BOS GCHG Stonybrook’s Phinito

Ted & Barbara Durvin

SELD GCHG JT’s Famous In A Small Town Of Nantucket ML CGC

Rhoda H. Weinman

SELB DC CH Old Hanover’s Greta Von

Goblin Of Doxhollow ML

Kate Black


WD/BOW Canis Formula Bacco

BOV Janice Warder & Jesse Barringer

RWD Passport Nine In The Afternoon SS

Jessica Nielsen & Christopher


WB Dreamin”S Rock Me Like A continued on next page...

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 37

Specialty Results

continued from page 37

Hurricane MS

Twig Bousfield

RWB S-Doris

Yuliya Shevchenk

BOS CH Vie Libre D’soffi Beauty

Twig Bousfield

SELD CH Sunrise-Xo Apple Airpod MS

Patricia Guthrie & Valeria

Hernandez Colon

SELB GCHB Speechless Stella

Brillante Di Silverado

Janice Warder


WB Willowood-Sandale


Maarie Pelletier

RWB Jay-Roy Elite Cover Girl

Robyn Hand & Ron Britton

BOV GCHS Tarlyn Piee Of My Heart

Millenia MW

Kurt & Diane Miller & Tara

Krieger Hartman & Sandra Krieger

BOS Willowood-Sandale


Maarie Pelletier

SELD GCHS Alegna’s What It Is Now MW

Chris Vining & Paul Vining & Angie Lloyd & Tete Nevarez

SELB CH Millenia Your So Vain

Kurt Miller & Diane Miller

Houston Dachshund Club

December 1, 2023

Sweepstakes Judge: Lucretia Coonrod

Sweepstakes Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Smooth 2, Wirehair 3, Longhair 1

BOV Longhair

Billboard’s Rev Me Up @ Legacy Lam MLC

Amanda Bumert

BOV Smooth

Bessdach Secrets Out

Marina Renee Lara DVM, Gary Guidry & Letty Guidry

BOV Wirehair

Crestviews Tyme To Ante Up MW

Debi K Ferrante

Best in Sweepstakes: Bessdach Secrets Out

Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes:

Billboard’s Rev Me Uo @ Legacy Lam MLC

Breed Judge

Rev. Rick Martin

Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Smooth 11, Longhair 19, Wirehair 18


WD Pramada Koradox

Rannygazoo SL

Margaret Pea,t Thomas Sikora,

Oscar Martinez

RWD Billboard’s Rev Me Up @

Legacy Lam MLC

Amanda Bumert

WB/BOW Winksmore’s I’m Calling

Daddy SL

Kim Vidrine, Michael Winkler

RWB FC Hoppledach’s Mye Fireflies

In The Garden

Sandi Myers, Pamala J. Hopkins, Ken Hagmueller

BOV Gch Walmar-Solo’s MPH SL

Kathleen Coleman & Dave

Fulenwider & Kim Vidrine

BOS CH Dorae’s Queen Of Hearts V


Steven Garza & Nancy Colson

SELD DC Dorae Play The Game V Corrbelle

Sandi Myers, Nancy Colson, Ken Hagmueller


WD Duchwood’s Little Lion Man MS

Louisa Baker

WB/BOW Stardox Nothin But A Hound

Dog Of Candachs

Carl & Candace Holder

RWB Bessdach Secrets Out

Marina Renee Lara DVM, Gary Guidry & Letty Guidry

BOV GCHG Bessdach’s Que Sera Sera V Bren-DachS SS

Jeanne Lehrmann & Renee Lara DVM

BOS CH Bessdach Winning Solves


Renee Lara DVM

SELD CH Dublin Creek Makin’ Em

Salty At Fairdachs

Jennifer Fairchild


WD FC Epiphany’s Fireblade V Invictus BCAT

Laura Jean Isaacson

WB/BOW Crestviews Tyme To Ante Up MW

Debi K Ferrante

RWB FC Epiphany’s Built For The Wild MW

Wendy Nugent.

BOV CH Harewood Raisin The Bar V Raydachs W

Shirley Del Castillo Adam & Madeline Peterson

BOS GCH J-Walk’s Mission Impossible V Raydachs SW

Shirley Del Castillo & Judy Walker

SELD GCHS Kadell’s Ruler Of The Race Track W

Laura Reynolds & Catlin & James Cahill

SELB GCHS Hunu She’s A Bad Girl


Marie Dorris, Rhonda Kenney

BOB CH Harewood Raisin The Bar V Raydachs W

BOStoBOB CH Bessdach Winning Solves Everything

Best Junior Handler

Paige Ryan

Dachshund Fanciers of Southwestern Washington

December 2, 2023

Breed Judge: Ronald Lukens

Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Smooths 18, Longhair 16, Wirehair 14


WD/BOW Serenity’s A New Hope w Dachstar

Tanya Essman, Ken Sprague, Wendy Snyder, Clint Werner

RWD Royalaire’s Moscow Mule SL

Jordin Misfeldt-Wallis, Kyle Wallis

WB Lookinglass Piece of my Heart


Carolyn Menges, Keith Menges

RWB Royalaire’s Strawberry

Daquiri SL

Jordin Misfeldt-Wallis, Kyle Wallis

BOV GCHB Elysian Alpha Centauri V

Pramada Koradox SL CGC TKN

Christine Hanneman, Donna


BOS CH Von Kue’s Lady Wing

Walker SL

Carol D Kuechle

SELD GCHS DC Royalaire’s I’m

Dreaming of a White Christmas


Jordin Misfeldt-Wallis, Kyle

Wallis, Julie Nielsen

SELB GCH CH Mt Red Car Ruby.

Cheryl Cantwell, Stephen Cantwell


WD Canis Formula Bacco

Janice Wardner, Jessie Barringer

RWD Nouvelle Cool Story Bro SS

Brian and Michelle McGaugh

WB/BOW Nouvelle Long Story Short SS.


Brian McGaugh, Michelle McGaugh

RWD Kinderteckel’s Fully Caffeinated

Katherine Forester, Kaarin

Axelsen Forester, Kristin CihosWilliams

BOV Nouvelle Likely Story SS

Brian McGaugh, Michelle McGaugh

SELB GCHB CH Nouvelle Deep Dark

Secret SS

Michelle McGaugh, Brian McGaugh


WD/BOW Derby Shire of Hathor Farm SW

BOS Jean M Dieden, Vivian

Christiansen, John Christiansen

RWD Nouvelle The Big Unit SW

Brian McGaugh, Michelle McGaugh

WB Lucia Fall’s Naughty Choice.

Cindy McLaughlin

RWB Nouvelle Doing Something

Unholy SW

Brian McGaugh, Michelle McGaugh

BOV GCHS CH Nouvelle Bring It On


Michelle McGaugh, Brian McGaugh

SELD CH KFW Moonstone in the Sky with Diamonds MW TKN

Susan Cleary, Michelle Kutzler

BOB GCHB CH Elysian Alpha

Centauri V Pramada Koradox


BOStoBOB GCHS CH Nouvelle Bring It On


Dachshund Club of Metropolitan Atlanta

December 2, 2023

Breed Judge

Fred Vogel



WD/BOW Bacchanal’s Moscato MLC

Joy Hess

RWD Landd Flash Frozen Owners

Larry & Deedy Sorenson

WB Royall T’S Luckdox Sing of Mercy SL

Lynn & Royall Tyler, Lucia

Mitchell, Anna Hines

RWB Huntaks Royal Dream

Kimberly Lanum

BOV CH Smoke Rise’s Tell Them We Are Rising SL

Kimberly Lanum

BOS GCH CH Landd Against the Wind Jenmar

Larry & Deedy Sorenson

SELD GCHS CH Harewood Royall T

Son of a Biscuit SL

Adam & Madeline Peterson & Lynn Tyler

SELB GCHS CH Royall T’s Mercy

Mercy @ Luckydox SL



Lil Deschutes Gimme Three

Steps MS

Debi Ferrante

WB/BOW Brownwood Diagram Rumors

Flying SS

Jerry Cerasini & Roger Brown

RWB Westdach’s What a Sight to See @ JOCO

Caitlyn Johnson

BOV GCHG Dachsmith Love’s Iris NT

Elinore Lyon, Iris Love, AnneImelda Radice

BOS GCH CH Kurzebeine MS Von the Final Punch

Ashley Myers

SELB CH Passport the Namesake SS

Doreen Beale



Willow Springs EV-RY Three

Dollar Bill SW

Cyndi Branch

RWD Eastwind Garth

Kaye Atkinson

WB/BOW Shana’s Truly a Tinkerbell

LeAnn Shank, Cindy Brown

RWB Dry Creek Priestess Ru at Curuamor MW

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 38
(Per Coat)
28, Smooth 18, Wirehaired 22
Entry Numbers

Jonn & Beverly Frank & Phillip & Cheryl Moran

BOV GCHG CH Harewood Swipe

Right Raydachs SW

Adam & Madeline Peterson & Gretchen Jungermann

BOS GCHP3 CH Leoralees Lets

Boogie with Barstool MW

Michael Tipple & Marietta


SELD CH T2G Handsome is V Hathor


Robert & Gail LaBerge, Karen

Mann, Jean Dieden

SELB GCH CH Dixiedachs Dancing in the Dark SW

Jim & Diane Faulkner

BOB GCHG Dachsmith Love’s Iris NT

BOStoBOB CH Smoke Rise’s Tell Them We Are Rising SL

Best Junior Handler

Zoe Brewer

Dachshund Fanciers of Southwestern Washington

December 3, 2023

Breed Judge

Carol Pyrkosz

Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Smooth 20, Lonhairg 17, Wirehair 14


WD/BOW Serenity’s A New Hope w


Tanya Essman, Ken Sprague, Wendy Snyder, Clint Werner

RWD Lookingglass Adventure is Out There SLD

Monique Linz, Raymond Linz

WB Huntaks Lucky Star

Donna Same, Christine Hanneman, Jane Coleman

RWB Royalaire’s Lemon Drop SL.

Jordin Misfeldt-Wallis, Kyle Wallis

BOV GCHB CH Elysian Alpha

Centauri V Pramada Koradox


Christine Hanneman, Donna Sams

BOS CH Von Kue’s Lady Wing Walker SL

Carol D Kuechle

SELD MTJasper Park Express

Allison Wilsey, Gavin Lorenzen

SELB GCH CH Mt Red Car Ruby

Cheryl & Stephen Cantwell


WD Road Less Travelled in the Sky with Diamonds

Jessica Lundgren

RWD Nouvelle Cool Story Bro SS

Brian and Michelle McGaugh

WB/BOW Nouvelle Long Story Short SS

Brian McGaugh, Michelle McGaugh

RWB Kinderteckel’s Fully Caffeinated

Katherine Forester, Kaarin

Axelsen Forester, Kristin CihosWilliams

BOV Nouvelle Long Story Short SS

Brian McGaugh, Michelle McGaugh

BOS Road Less Travelled in the Sky with Diamonds

Jessica Lundgren

SELB GCH Highstandard Spanish Dancer

Mrs. Catherine Gemkow


WD/BOW Derby Shire of Hathor Farm SW

BOS Jean M Dieden, Vivian Christiansen, John Christiansen

RWD Nouvelle The Big Unit SW. Brian McGaugh, Michelle McGaugh

WB Nouvelle Doing Something

Unholy SW

Brian McGaugh, Michelle McGaugh

RWB I Spy Eavesdropper V Inverness W

Selma McNamara, Laura Myles

BOV GCHS Nouvelle Bring It On SW BCAT

Michelle McGaugh, Brian McGaugh

SELD CH KFW Moonstone in the Sky with Diamonds MW TKN

Susan Cleary, Michelle Kutzler

SELB GCH CH Hathor Farm’s Bird of Paradise SW

Jean M Dieden

BOB GCHS Nouvelle Bring It On SW BCAT

BOStoBOB GCHB CH Elysian Alpha Centauri V Pramada Koradox SL CGC TKN

Dachshund Club of Metropolitan Atlanta

December 3, 2023

Breed Judge: Jane Fowler

Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Longhair 26, Smooth 19, Wirehair 22


WD Bright Creek I’VE Got a Crush on You

Ginger Van Dam

RWD Bacchanal’s the Macallan MLD

Doreen Beale

WB/BOW Glenarrif’s Faithfully

June Mann & Shirley Menard

RWB Royall T’s Luckydox Sing of Mercy SL

Lynn & Royall Tyler & Lucia

Mitchell & Anna Hines

BOV GCHG CH Lockshire V Splendor Farm Messenger of Strength SL

Thomas & Kathleen Lockyer

BOS Twelfth Night Standing Ovation Three Penny Opera

Bob & Sue Astley & Anne Carson

SELD GCHS Harewood Royall T Son of a Biscuit SL

Adam & Madeline Peterson & Lynn Tyler

SELB GCH Landd Against the Wind Kenmar

Larry & Deedy Sorenson


WD Lil Deschutes Gimme Three Steps MS

Debi Ferrante

WB/BOW Brownwood Diagram Heard it Through the Grape Vine

Jerry Cerasini & Roger Brown

RWB Bacchanal’s Wynter

Wonderland MSD

Doreen Beale

BOV CH Passport Sarah Smiles SS

Doreen Beale

BOS GCH Kurzebeine MS Von the

Final Punch

Ashley Myers

SELB GCHB Woodshafen Tarabon

Simply Irresistble

Carol L McKenney


WD/BOW Briarpatch Gift of Gab MWCP

Bonnie Ross & Denise Nickerson

RWD Shana’s Mighty King Joe

LeAnn Shank & Cindy Brown

WB Infinite’s Blueberrylicious V

Leoralee MWD

Marietta Singleton

RWB Shana’s Truly a Tinkerbell

LeAnn Shank & Cindy Brown

BOV GCHG CH Harewood Swipe

Right Raydachs SW

Adam & Madeline Peterson & Gretchen Jungermann

BOS GCHS Usonia the Shores of Normandy V Lowdown

Barbara Waldkirch ,Therese

Lancaster, Daniel Onoszko

SELD CH T2G Handsome is V Hathor


Robert & Gail LaBerge, Karen

Mann, Jean Dieden

SELB GCH CH Dixiedachs Dancing in the Dark SW

Jim & Diane Faulkner

BOB GCHG CH Lockshire V Splendor

Farm Messenger of Strength SL

BOStoBOB GCHG CH Harewood Swipe Right Raydachs SW

Best Junior Handler

Zoe Brewer


January 13, 2024

Breed Judge: Gloria Kerr

Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Longhair 26, Smooth 26, Wirehair 4


WD/BOW Galewinn’s Gold Standard

David and Lani O’Flynn

RWD Lockshire’s Cash’s Scratch SL

Kathleen and Thomas Lockshire

WB Entitydach’s Daisy Me Rolling

Ashley Myers

RWB Hoppledach Fable’s Charlie.S

Sexy Angel

Crystal Sims & Pamala J


BOV Lockshire V Splendor Farm Lady

Liberty SL

Thomas & Kathleen Lockshire

and Kelly McKinney

BOS GCH Littl Fut Invisible Kiss

Ashley Myers

SELD CH Royal T’s Mercy Reigns At Luckydox SL

Lucia Mitchell and Lynn Tyler

SELB GCG Hoppledachs Water Lillies

Pamala J Hopkins


WD/BOW Bessdach Sorry I’m Salty

Janie Gilkison Lara and Marina

Renee Lara DVM

RWD Duchwood’s Obsidian MS


Sandra J Russell

Bright Creek’s Bare Naked Lady At HIckory Dox

Mrs. Kathryn Elaine Beard & Mr. Ernest Wayne Beard

RWB Bessdach Secrets Out

Marina Renee Lara DVM, Gary

Guidry & Letty Guidry

BOV CH Canis Formula Bacco

Janice Warder & Jessie Berringer

BOS CH Bessdachs Everyone Loves A Winner

Cindy Boysen & Marina Renee

Lara, DVM

SELD GCHS DC Blueprint Such A Flirt MS

Amanda and Ammon Baron

SELB DC Duchwood’s Luna

Love Good MS

Sandra J Russell


WB CT Hathor Farm’s Lucknow

Mischief Managed MW BN RN

RWB Crestviews Tyme To Ante Up MW

Debi K. Ferrante and Sarah Holland

BOV GCHG Donatello

Vom Jager-Burg MW

Donna Starr-Gimeno

BOS GCHS Hunu She’s A Bad

Girl MW

Marie Dorris & Rhonda Kenney

BOB CH Canis Formula Bacco

BOStoBOB Lockshire V Splendor Farm Lady

Liberty SL

Best Junior Handler

Laken Caroline Pasek


January 14, 2024

Breed Judge: Linda Hurlebaus

Total Entry Numbers (Per Coat)

Longhair 26, Smooth 20, Wirehair 4


WD/BOW Wildwynn’s Keeper Of The Tyme

Laken Carolyn Pasek

RWD Lockshire’s Cash’s Scratch SL

Kathleen & Thomas Lockyer

WB Royal T’s A New Song From Luckydox SL

Lucia L. Mitchell & Lynn Tyler

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Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 39

Field Trial Results

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2nd FC Jalyse’s Fire On The Train ML

Jamie Sexton

3rd FC Diddydox A Beautiful July

Morning V Hoppledachs CA


Heidi Meyers & Pamala J. Hopkins

4th FC Diddydox The Bright Morning

Star V Apple Hill MS

Heidi Meyers & Carrie Hamilton

NBQ FC Invictus Jozy Quervo JE RATN

Michael and Kim Huster

Judges for Best Open/Field


Best Open: Dennis Palko, Jamie Sexton

Best Open

VHH’s How Will They Know MW

Best Field Champion/Absolute

FC Longtime’s Halo vom

Nordlicht JE BCAT FITB

Metropolitan Washington Dachshund Club 10/21/2023

Total Number of Starters: 74

OAAD Starters: 6

Judges: Christian Stock, Monica Galley

1st Old Hanover Shadach’s Little

Red One

Kim Drake

2nd GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red

Bee MS

Rita Kepner & Rick Kepner & Laura Abbott Licht

3rd Lorica Spellcaster MW

J. & L. Campbell

4th Old Hanover’s Black Ice At Shadach

Lisa Willoughby & Diane Sennett

NBQ Duchwood’s Rafferty Rules MLP

Sandra Russell

OAAB Starters: 27

Judges: Sherry Ruggieri, Carrie Hamilton-Lukow

1st Jalyse’s Fancee Charme ML

Sheila Bridges

2nd Jalyse’s Wagons A Blazing ML

Jamie Sexton

3rd CH Lorica’s Red Delicious MW

J. & L. Campbell

4th A Dream Is Like A River

Chelsea Cibella

NBQ GCHB CH Champagne Von Links v Raab SL

Mary Ellen Byrne & Lucy Granowicz

Field Champion Dog Starters: 14

Judges: Jamie Sexton & Sandi Myers

1st FC Seve Vom Nordlicht

Debbie Senkbeil & Laurie Rutherford

2nd FC Kivaar A Keleti Tuz

Sherry L Ruggieri

3rd FC Diddydox Mr. Big Lights Up

The Sky v Hoppledachs

Heidi Meyers

4th FC VHH’s Tell Me Without Telling

Me You are Otto MW

Trevor & Kim Drake

NBQ FC Rufa Dachs Oberon

Karl & Janell Frantz

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 27

Judges: Debbie Senkbeil & John


1st FC Katja A Keleti Tuz

Stan Knoll & Sherry Ruggieri

2nd FC Longtime’s Halo Vom


Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke

3rd FC Tusoksori-Ugraszto Husniya

Sherry Ruggieri

4th FC Keeva A Keleti Tuz

Sherry Ruggieri

NBQ FC Lorica’s Kismet Sparks The Fire MW

Pam & Mark Melcher

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Carrie Hamilton-Lukow & Jessica


Best Open

Jalyse’s Fancee Charme ML

Sheila Bridges

Best Field Champion/Absolute FC Seve Vom Nordlicht

Western Pennyslvania Dachshund Club 10/22/2023

Total Number of Starters: 60

OAAD Starters: 7

Judges: Sandi Myers, Ken Hagmueller

1st GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee


Rita Kepner & Rick Kepner & Laura Abbott Licht

2nd Duchwood’s Rafferty Rules MLP

Sandra Russell

3rd Old Hanover’s Black Ice at Shadach

Lisa Willoughby & Diane W. Sennett

4th CH Leoralees Deb-N-Air Cisco

Kid MS

Debra & Albert Rowe & Marietta Singleton

NBQ GCHB CH Doxwood Lorica’s Opus

Magnum @ Siddachs MW CGC

John Merriman & J & L Campbell

OAAB Starters: 18

Judges: Rebecca McLusky, Ike Rowe

1st Duchwood’s Chimes of Freedom MS

Sandra Russell

2nd CH Halley Von Links V Raab SL



Mary Ellen Byrne & Lucy Granowicz

3rd CH Old Hanovers Lights Up The Past ML

Kate Black & Linda Beamer

4th Rufa Dachs Natasha Running In The Tulips

Karl & Jonell Frantz

NBQ Jeric’s Dancing in the Rain W BN


Michele Bertot

Field Champion Dog Starters: 16

Judges: Stacey Sullivan Carrie Hamilton-Lukow

1st FC Seve Vom Nordlicht CGC TD

Debbie Senkbeil & Laurie Rutherford

2nd FC Kivaar a Keleti Tuz JE CGC

Sherry L. Ruggieri

3rd FC Wilbur Banx Rowe MW RN


Debra Rowe

4th FC Keszito a Keleti Tuz CGC


Sherry L Ruggieri

NBQ FC Diddydox Mr. Big Lights Up

The Sky V Hoppledachs JE CA TD

Heidi Meyers

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 19

Judges: Dennis Palko Ike Rowe

1st FC Eternal’s She’s on Fire MW


Stacey Sullivan & Stuart Millsaps

2nd FC Tusoksori-Ugraszto Husniya


Sherry L. Ruggieri

3rd DC Rufa Dachs Liberty Born On

The Fourth Of July

Karl & Jonell Frantz

4th FC Hiden Cedars Read Btween

The Lines MSB

Debbie Senkbeil & Laurie Rutherford

NBQ FC Hoppledach’s Mye Fireflies In

The Garden

Sandi Myers, Pamala J Hopkins & Ken Hagmueller

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Ken Hagmueller, Deb Rowe

Best Open

Duchwood’s Chimes of Freedom MS

Best Field Champion/Absolute

FC Seve Vom Nordlicht CGC TD

Buckeye Dachshund Club 10/27/23

Total Number of Starters: 40

OAAD Starters: 6

Judges: Jamie Sexton, Kathy Johnson

1st GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee


Rita Kepner & Rick Kepner & Laura Abbott Licht

2nd CH Cedarhurst Lil’ Fritz


Pamela Giles

3rd W/H

4th W/H

NBQ GCH DC Caristeda Applejax’s Carbon Copy BN RN TKN CGC

Terri C. Dickmann & Cheryl B.

Holman DVM

OAAB Starters: 12

Judges: Ken Minerley, Pam Giles

1st Jalyse’s Sweet Potato Pie ML

Jamie Sexton

2nd Jeric’s Dancing In The Rain W BN


Michele Bertot

3rd Jalyse’s Koala Bear ML

Jamie Sexton

4th GCHB CH Jarbsy’s Feel It Still BCAT

Sandy Arnold & Melissa


NBQ GCH CH OCs Love Me Tender MS

Robin LaFrance

Field Champion Dog Starters:12

Judges: Darrel Blanton, Thomas Duffey

1st OC’s To the Moon and Back MS


Michael & Kim Huster & Robin


2nd DC OCs Theres One In Every Box


Robin LaFrance

3rd DC Jarbsy’s Brother I’m Never A

Fairytale JE SWN CGC

Chris K Moore & Sandy Arnold

4th GCHB DC Duchwood’s When I Was Your Man MS JE

Kathleen Johnson

NBQ ABS GCH DC Jarbsy’s Let the River Run CA DCAT

Sandy Arnold

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 10

Judges: Darrel Blanton, Sandy Arnold

1st FC PACH Harlequin Jalyse

Pandora V Dominos ML CDX SE

Jamie Sexton

2nd FC Diddydox The Bright Morning

Star V Apple Hill MS

Heidi Meyers & Carrie Hamilton

3rd FC Tusoksori-Ugraszto Daring


Kenneth L. Minerley

4th FC Longtime’s Halo vom

Nordlicht JE BCAT FITB

Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke

NBQ FC Jalyse’s Teddy Bear v

Wilderness Run ML

Jamie Sexton

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Heidi Meyers, Thomas Duffey

Best Open/Absolute

GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee


Best Field Champion

FC OC’s To the Moon and Back


Buckeye Dachshund Club


Total Number of Starters: 50

OAAD Starters: 7

Judges: Jamie Sexton, Samantha Fox

1st GCH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee


Rita Kepner & Rick Kepner &

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 40

Laura Abbott Licht

2nd Reuben XXVIII

Kyla Aheimer

3rd Jarbsy’s Plot Twist

Chris K Moore, Sandy Arnold

4th GCHS Leoralee’s The Riches @ Krissydox MW FDC SNC ATT FCAT3

Krista Lynn Williams

NBQ GCH Kordachs and OC’s Mon Petit



A. Janelle McCord

OAAB Starters: 14

Judges: Ken Minerley, Kathy Johnson

1st Jalyse’s Koala Bear ML

Jamie Sexton

2nd Jarbsy’s Drive Me Wild v Hi Road

Terri C. Post

3rd Caristeda Katniss of Hunger Games

Terri C. Post & Cheryl

B. Holman DVM

4th Jalyse’s Tic Tic Boom ML

Jamie Sexton

NBQ GCHB OC’s Hard Headed Woman

@ Kordachs MSD BCAT SWA


A. Janelle McCord

Field Champion Dog Starters: 16

Judges: Darrel Blanton, Ben Marley

1st FC Zeus von Moosbach-Zuzelek


Cheri Faust

2nd DC Jarbsy’s Brother I’m Never A

Fairytale JE SWN CGC

Chris K Moore & Sandy Arnold

3rd FC OC’s To the Moon and Back


Michael & Kim Huster & Robin LaFrance

4th GCHB DC Duchwood’s When I

Was Your Man MS JE

Kathleen Johnson

NBQ FC Jalyse’s Home Run ML

Jamie Sexton

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 13

Judges: Darrel Blanton Pam Giles

1st FC Longtime’s Halo vom

Nordlicht JE BCAT FITB

Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke

2nd FC Invictus Jozy Quervo JE RATN

Michael and Kim Huster

3rd FC Caristeda V Dackeldorf Two

Bitch Bourbon

Terri C. Holman

4th DC Jarbsy’s Hallelujah Cohen

C. Dickmann & Sandy Arnold

NBQ FC Tusoksori-Ugraszto

Daring Zelda

Kenneth L Minerley

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Ken Minerley, Janelle McCord

Best Open

Jalyse’s Koala Bear ML

Best Field Champion/Absolute

FC Longtime’s Halo vom

Nordlicht JE BCAT FITB

Buckeye Dachshund Club


Total Number of Starters: 36

OAAD Starters: 6

Judges: Ken Minerley, Heidi Meyers

1st GCH CH OCs Independent Flame

V Talisman ML

Rebecca Armstrong & Robin LaFrance

2nd CH Cedarhurst Lil’ Fritz


Pamela Giles

3rd GCHS Leoralee’s The Riches @ Krissydox MW FDC SNC ATT


Krista Lynn Williams

4th Jarbsy’s Plot Twist

Chris K. Moore, Sandy Arnold

NBQ GCHB Kordachs and OC’s Mon

Petit Beau Beau MS BCAT SCN


A. Janelle McCord

OAAB Starters: 9

Judges: Jamie Sexton, Pam Giles

1st Jeric’s Doing What Comes

Naturally S

Michele Bertot

2nd Caristeda Katniss of Hunger Games

Terri C. Post & Cheryl B.

Holman DVM

3rd Jeric’s Dancing In The Rain W BN


Michele Bertot

4th GCH CH OCs Love Me Tender MS

Robin LaFrance

NBQ GCHB OC’s Hard Headed Woman @ Kordachs MSD BCAT SWA


A. Janelle McCord

Field Champion Dog Starters: 9

Judges: Darrel Blanton, Sandy Arnold

1st FC Zeus von Moosbach-Zuzelek


Cheri Faust

2nd FC OC’s To the Moon and Back


Michael & Kim Huster & Robin


3rd FC Diddydox Mr. Big Lights Up

The Sky V Hoppledachs JE CA TD

Heidi Meyers

4th FC Earnest Von Lowenherz

Kenneth L Minerley

NBQ DC OCs Theres One In Every Box


Robin LaFrance

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 12

Judges: Darrel Blanton, Kathy Johnson

1st FC Jalyse’s Teddy Bear v

Wilderness Run ML

Jamie Sexton

2nd FC Longtime’s Halo vom Nordlicht JE BCAT FITB

Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke

3rd FC Jalyse’s Must Be Worth A

Trillion Bucks ML

Jamie Sexton

4th DC Jalyse’s Hampshire Hound ML


Jamie Sexton

NBQ FC Diddydox A Beautiful July

Morning V Hoppledachs


Heidi Meyers, Pamala J Hopkins

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Sandy Arnold, Janelle McCord

Best Open

GCH CH OCs Independent Flame

V Talisman ML

Best Field Champion/Absolute

FC Zeus von Moosbach-Zuzelek


Dachshund Club of Santa Ana Valley 11/25/2023

Total Number of Starters: 36

OAAD Starters: 10

Judges: Haley Priest & Kristin CihosWilliams

1st Ezekiel Vom Donau Ries

Suzanne Hickman-Smith

2nd GCH MoonLight’s Summer

Nights W

Celli Jones

3rd Stouthearted Bufo Rufo ML

Erin Shaw

4th GCH MoonLight’s King of My

Heart W

Celli Jones

NBQ Busy B Tyax My Shadow

M. Berman

OAAB Starters: 15

Judges: Janet Hicks & Denise Miesner

1st CH Mountainwoods Miss Bee

Haven MS

Luanne & Dennis Duus

2nd Uma Von Der Furstenau

Suzanne Hickman-Smith

3rd CH MoonLight’s Diamond Girl W

Celli Jones

4th Kinderteckel’s Three-Ring Circus

Brittany Ransom

NBQ GCH MoonLight’s Queen of Hearts


Celli Jones

Field Champion Combined Starters: 11

Judges: Linda Castaneda & Dawn


1st FC OC’s Flying Jeep MS RI FDC


Chris & Denise Miesner

2nd FC Carrdox TraLee of Dublin


Kristi Nielsen

3rd FC Ezri Mercy Miesner RN FDC



Chris & Denise Miesner

4th FC Glenavan Firecracker SWA


Nancy Stanley Waud

NBQ GCHB DC Rare Treat’s It’s Good

To Be King

Haley, Michael & Douglas Priest

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Linda Castaneda & Dawn GordonPerine

Best Open

CH Mountainwoods Miss Bee

Haven MS


FC OC’s Flying Jeep MS RI FDC


Sierra Dachshund Breeders Club of LA County 11/26/2023

Total Number of Starters: 38

OAAD Starters: 13

Judges: Maggie Craig, Michael Priest

1st Ezekiel Vom Donan-Ries JE, Suzanne Hickman-Smith

2nd Stouthearted Rufo Rufo ML

Erin Shaw

3rd GCH Moonlight’s Summer Nights W

Celli Jones

4th GCH Moonlight’s King of My Heart

Celli Jones

NBQ GCH Moonlight’s Aldebran RisingMW

Cellie Jones

OAAB Starters: 13

Judges: Linda Castaneda and Lisa Griggs

1st GCH Moonlights Queen of Hearts W SHH

Celli Jones

2nd GCH Pramada Koradox I Call Her Sir

Irene Munoz

3rd Uma Von Der Furstenan SE

Suzanne Hickman-Smith

4th Ruby Slipper Once Upon A Lullaby

Maggie Craig

NBQ CH Rare Treats Here Comes My Girl

Dawn Gordon-Perine

Field Champion Combined Starters: 12

Judges: Luanne Duus and Dawn


1st GCH DC Rare Treat’s It’s Good To Be King

Haley Priest

2nd FC WIldwood’s Endearig Roary Primo MW

Nancy Gimblett

3rd DC Kadell’s With Luck In My Eyes CGC

Valerie Barnd

4th FC Hidden Cedar’s No More Promises

Lisa Griggs


Chris and Denise Miesner

continued on next page...

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 41

Field Trial Results

continued from page 41...

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Dawn Gordon-Perine and Luanne Duus

Best Open

Ezekiel Vom Donan-Ries JE

Suzanne Hickman-Smith


GCH DC Rare Treat’s It’s Good To Be King

Haley Priest

Golden Gate Dachshund Club 12/2/2023

Total Number of Starters: 29

OAAD Starters: 10

Judges: Monica Alvarez, Marianne


1st Ezekiel Donau-Ries

Suzanne Hickman-Smith

2nd GCH Moonlight’s Summer Night W

Celli Jones

3rd Busy B Tyax My Shadow

Miriam Berman

4th GCH Longdogia’s Howling At The Moon

Connie Schubert

NBQ Ev-Ry Low Rider at Lorica MW

Kristi Nielsen & Danica Nielsen

OAAB Starters: 13

Judges: Vicki LePenske, Jerry Price

1st Lea’s Just a Red Robin Bob

Bobbin at Rivercliff MW

Chris Schulke

2nd CH Moonlight’s Diamond Girl W

Celli Jones

3rd CH Encore’s I’ve Got a Tiger By The Tail

Jennifer & Jason Anderson

4th Ruby Slipper Out of the Night

Maggie Craig & Tim Durland

NBQ Ruby Slipper Once in a Lullaby

Maggie Craig & Tim Durland

Field Champion Combined Starters: 6

Judges: Monica Alvarez & Vicki LePenske

1st GCH DC Stop This Crazy Thing MW

Denise & Dana Gehring

2nd DC Valentine’s Queen W

Denise & Dana Gehring & Celli Jones

3rd DC Kinderteckel’s Excalibur

Kristen Cihos-Willliams & Emi


4th FC Sunday’s Coming of Kotate Hills

Patricia & Gerald Price

NBQ CH Carrig’s Doodle My Shadow

Miriam Berman

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Monica Alvarez & Vicki LePenske Best Open/Absolute

Ezekiel Donau-Ries

Minnesota Dachshund Club 12/2/2023

Total Number of Starters: 66

OAAD Starters: 19

Judges: Rick Schwarz and Sherry


1st Bearvalley’s Neo Brown Bear

Tara Normand

2nd Carnasserie Bobeau Pimento

Glenda Robertson-Wade

3rd Duchwood’s Under Pressure

Patricia Debarros-Kari

4th Could I Have This Dance @ von Schaafmeister

Wendy Shaffmaster Mcquiston

NBQ Duchwood’s Chef R’s Roux

Randy David

OAAB Starters: 14

Judges: Cliff Shrader, Dawn Penland

1st Invictus Branded As Tough V

Hidden Cedars MSB

Gloria LaTour

2nd SWS Biggest Little Dog In The World

Samantha Tully

3rd Hidden Cedars Holds All the Secrets MS

Gloria LaTour

4th Kinder’s Victory in the Galaxy V Invictus

Laura Isaacson

NBQ CH Duchwood’s Let Freedom

Ring MS

Sandra Russell

Field Champion Dog Starters: 17

Judges: Laura Knoll, Alicia Young

1st FC Seve Nom Nordlicht CGC

Debbie Senkbeil and Laurie Rutherford

2nd FC Einstein Vom Waidwark JE

Michelle Wilson and Isabelle Ingraham

3rd FC Zeus von Moosbach-Zuzelek


Cheri Faust

4th FC Longtime’s Milo Vom

Nordlicht JE

Rick and Jane Schwarz

NBQ FC Kolja A Keleti Tuz

Laura Isaacson

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 16

Judges: Shawn Nies, Sandra Russell

1st FC Katja A Keleti Tuz

Stan Knoll

2nd FC Keeva A Keleti Tuz JE CGC

Sherry Ruggieri

3rd FC Duchwood’s Waiting For A Girl Like You MS NE JE CGC

Alice Carter

4th FC Tusoksori-Ugraszto Husniya


Sherry Ruggieri

NBQ FC Duchwood’s Lights Up The Night MS

Alice Carter

Northern California Dachshund Club 12/3/2023

Total Number of Starters: 30

OAAD Starters: 10

Judges: Linda Castaneda, Janet Hicks

1st GCH Moonlight’s Summer Night W

Celli Jones

2nd Ezekiel Vom Donau-Ries

Suzanne Hickman-Smith

3rd GCH Moonlight’s King of My Heart W

Celli Jones

4th GCH Moonlight’s Aldebaran Rising

Celli Jones

NBQ CH Moonlight’s Ascent of Denali W

Celli Jones

OAAB Starters: 13

Judges: Marianne Lovejoy, Nancy

Stanley Waud

1st CH Encore I’ve got a Tiger by the Tail

Jennifer & Jason Anderson

2nd Lea’s Just a Red Robin Bob

Bobbin at Rivercliff MW

Chris Schulke

3rd Buenavista Notorious

Red Beaded Girl

Monica Alvarez

4th GCH Pramada Koradox I Call her

Sir L

Irene Munoz

NBQ Kinderteckell’s Cirque da Soleil

Kristin Cihas-Williams/Emi


Field Champion Combined Starters: 7

Judges: Marianne Lovejoy, Cathy Lovejoy Wheeler

1st CH Carrig’s Doodle My Shadow

Miriam Berman

2nd CH Kadell’s With Luck in My Eyes

Valerie Barid

3rd DC Moonlight’s Valentine

Queen W

Denise Gehring, Dana Gehring,

Celli Jones

4th GCH DC GRD’s Stop This Crazy Thing MW

Denise Gehring, Dana Gehring

NBQ CH Mountainwoods Miss Bee

Haven MS

Dennis & Luanne Duus

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute: Marianne Lovejoy, Cathy Lovejoy Wheeler

Best Open/Absolute

CH Encore I’ve Got a Tiger by The Tail

Total Number of Starters: 72

OAAD Starters: 10

Judges: Carolyn Lewis & Kathleen Johnson

1st CH Von Schaafmeister’s Your Mama Don’t Dance

Wendy Shaffmaster McQuiston

2nd Sunlight’s Gold Rush, BCAT, Phyllis Meseroll & Michael


3rd Liberty Dachs Valhalla Rho

Kaleb Wade

4th CH Could I Have This Dance @ Von Schaafmeister

Wendy Shaffmaster McQuiston

NBQ Dynadaux Tennesee Whiskey MS, Joan Britt & Cyndy Senff

OAAB Starters: 14

Judges: Mike Nothstein & Cliff Shrader

1st SWS Biggest Little Dog In The World

Samantha Tully

2nd Hoppledach’s Charlie’s Tough


Pamala Hopkins & Crystal Sims

3rd EZ Goings Diamond and Lace MW

Judy Todd & Robbie Loyd

4th GCHB Short Shadows Dollidachs

Come Up and See Me Sometime

Carolyn Lewis & Christopher


NBQ Thrasher Lone Star Texas Rose

Charles Jeffries

Field Champion Dog Starters: 28

Judges: Phyllis Meseroll & Ashley Dodd

1st FC Seve Vom Nordlicht CGC

Debbie Senkbeil & Laurie Rutherford

2nd FC Stars With Stripes Cock A Doodle Doo MSB

Marshall Tully

3rd FC Loki Vom Nordlicht TD

Linda Snyder

4th GCHB DC Duchwood’s When I Was Your Man MS JE

Kathleen Johnson

NBQ DC Zephyr Thur Hidden Cedars


Ed & Val Higgenbotham & Laura Isaacson

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 20

Judges: Nike Nothstein & Ashley Dumas

1st FC Knobydox’s Willa Mae Von

Briar Patch BCAT

Laura Knoll & Dylan Duncan

2nd FC Katja A Keleti Tuz

Stan Knoll & Sherry Ruggieri

3rd FC Tusoksori-Ugraszto Husniya


Sherry Ruggieri

4th TC Duchwood’s Tipsy Tart MS BN



Alice Carter

NBQ FC Longtime’s Halo Vom

Nordlicht JE BCAT FITB

Dallas Fort Worth Dachshund Club 12/9/2023

Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 42

Kathleen Johnson & Phyllis Meseroll

Best Open

CH Von Schaafmeister’s Your Mama Don’t Dance

Best Field Champion/Absolute

FC Seve Vom Nordlicht CGC

Dallas Fort Worth Dachshund Club 12/10/2023

Total Number of Starters: 58

OAAD Starters: 8

Judges: Dawn Penland & Rick Schwarz

1st Sunlight’s Gold Rush BCAT

Phyllis Meseroll & Michael


2nd CH Could I Have This Dance @ Von Schaafmeister

Wendy Schaffmaster McQuiston

3rd Hoppledach’s Days Hunky Hero

Pamala Hopkins

4th Q-Tip Midnight Marauder

Kerstin Thompson

NBQ Liberty Dachs Valhalla Rho

Kaleb Wade

OAAB Starters: 7

Judges: Phyllis Meseroll & Kathleen Johnson

1st EZ Goings Diamond And Lace MW

Judy Todd & Robbie Loyd

2nd Thrasher Lone Star Texas Rose

Charles Jeffries

3rd SWS What Happens In Vegas MS

Samantha Tully

4th Hoppledach’s Charlie’s Tough


Pamala Hopkins & Crystal Sims

NBQ CH Royall T’s Have A Little


Ashley & Stephen Dumas & Lynn Tyler

Field Champion Dog Starters: 27

Judges: Stan Knoll & Mike Nothstein

1st GCHB DC Duchwood’s When I

Was Your Man MS JE

Kathleen Johnson

2nd FC Bearvalley’s Neo Brown Bear

Tara Mormand

3rd FC Seve Vom Nordlicht CGC

Debbie Senkbeil & Laurie


4th FC Kolja A Keleti Tuz

Laura Isaacson

NBQ DC Indiana Jones Aus Der

Wutzelgrube CDX BN RA TDX OA


Shawn Nies

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 16

Judges: Shawn Nies & Ashley Dodd

1st FC Duchwood’s Lights Up The Night MS

Alice Carter

2nd FC Lady Of The Lake Aus Der Wutzelgrube ME RATI BCAT, Larry Gohlke & Cheri Faust

3rd FC Katja A Keleti Tuz, KJ

Stan Knoll & Sherry Ruggieri

4th FC Vanna Rouge V Dorndorf L

Cliff Shrader

NBQ FC Duchwood’s Waiting For A Girl Like You MS NE JE CGC

Alice Carter

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Dawn Penland & Shawn Nies

Best Open/Absolute

Sunlight’s Gold Rush BCAT

Best Field Champion

FC Duchwood’s Lights Up The Night MS

Dachshund Club of Santa Ana Valley Inc. 12/30/2023

Total Number of Starters: 22

OAAD Starters: 6

Judges: Haley Priest & Nancy Stanley Waud

1st GCH MoonLight’s Summer Nights W

Celli Jones

2nd Saffron’s Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates MLD

Connie & Stephanie Schubert & Samantha Nicole Stone

3rd GCH MoonLight’s King Of My Heart W

Celli Jones

4th GCH Longdogia’s Howling At The Moon ML

Connie & Stephanie Schubert

NBQ CH MoonLight’s Ascent of Denali W

Celli Jones

OAAB Starters: 6

Judges: Sue Rucker & Emi Pedraza

1st Uma Von Der Furstenau W SE

Suzanne Hickman-Smith

2nd GCH Pramada Koradox I Call Her

Sir L

Irene Munoz

3rd Roserun’s Mary Jane’s Last Dance At Rare Treats

Haley & Michael Priest

4th GCHMoonlight’s Queen Of Hearts W HH SH

Celli Jones

NBQ GCH Moonlight’s Summer Time W

Celli Jones

Field Champion Combined Starters: 10

Judges: Marianne Lovejoy & Vicki LePenske

1st DC Kadell’s With Luck In My Eyes W CGC SWN TKN FitB, Valerie Barnd

2nd GCH Kinderteckel’s Double Dutch

Kristin Cihos-Williams

3rd FC Glenavan Firecracker

Nancy Stanley Waud

4th FC Benway’s Got To Be

Sumbuddy’s Girl MS


Sue Rucker

NBQ DC Mountainwoods Miss Bee

Haven MS

Luanne & Dennis Duus

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Marianne Love joy & Vicki LePenske

Best Open/Absolute

Uma Von Der Furstenau W SE

Sierra Dachshund

Breeders Club of Los Angeles County 12/31/2023

Total Number of Starters: 32

OAAD Starters: 8

Judges: Sue Rucker, Dawn Gordon-Perine

1st GCH MoonLight’s Summer Night MW,

Celli Jones

2nd GCH Longdogias Howling At The Moon ML

Connie Schubert

3rd Kinderteckel’s Hot To Trot

Elissa Warrantz

4th GCH MoonLight’s Aldebaran, Celli Jones

NBQ Busy V Tyax My Shadow

Miriam Berman

OAAB Starters: 12

Judges: Luanne Duus, Lisa Griggs

1st GCH CH Pramada Koradox I Call Her Sir L

Irene Munoz

2nd Roserun’s Mary Jane’s Last Dance at Rare Treats

Haley Priest

3rd Rare Treat’s Here Comes My Girl

Dawn Gordon-Perine

4th GCHB Schoolhouse Wild Is The Wind

Emalia Pedraza

NBQ GCH MoonLight’s Summer Time W

Celli Jones

Field Champion Combined Starters: 12

Judges: Marianne Lovejoy, John Ruege

1st DC Victory At Newcastle Upon Tyne FDC CGC

Nancy Gimblett

2nd GCH DC Jinderteckel’s Double Dutch

Kristin Cihos-Williams

3rd FC Wildowoods Endearing Roary Primo MW SE

Nancy Gimblett

4th DC Mountainwood’s Miss Bee


Luanne Duus

NBQ GCH DC GRD’s Stop This Crazy Thing MW

Denise Gehring

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Marianne Lovejoy, John Ruege

Best Open

GCH MoonLight’s Summer

Night MW


DC Victory At Newcastle Upon Tyne FDC CGC

Golden Gate Dachshund Club 1/5/2024

Total Number of Starters: 27

OAAD Starters: 7

Judges: Gerald Price & Patricia Price

1st CH Mountainwoods Glorious Purpose

Luanne & Dennis Duus

2nd GCH MoonLight’s King of My Heart

Celli Jones

3rd CH Moonlight’s Ascent of Denali, Denali

4th Duchwood’s Little Lion Man

Louisa Baker

NBQ Busy B Tyax My Shadow

Miriam Berman

OAAB Starters: 9

Judges: Linda Castaneda & Marianne


1st CH Encore’s I’ve Got A Tiger by the Tail

Jennifer & Jason Anderson

2nd Ruby Slipper Out of the Night

Maggie Craig & Tim Durland

3rd Kinderteckel’s Three Ring Circus

Brittany Ransom & Monica Reed

4th CH MoonLight’s Diamond Girl

Celli Jones

NBQ Shonleh Ferns Phoebe

Sharon Curry

Field Champion Combined Starters: 11

Judges: Louisa Baker & Steve Shultz

1st GCH DC GRD’s Stop This Crazy Thing

Denise & Dana Gehring

2nd FC Ezekiel vom Donau Ries JE

Suzanne Hickman-Smith

3rd FC Uma von der Furstenau SE

Suzanne Hickman-Smith

4th FC Wildwood’s Endearing Roary

Primo SE

Nancy Gimblett

NBQ DC Mountainwoods Miss Bee


Luanne & Dennis Duus

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Louisa Baker & Steve Shultz

Best Open/Absolute

CH Encore’s I’ve Got A Tiger by the Tail

Northern California Dachshund Club Inc. 1/7/2024

Total Number of Starters: 24

OAAD Starters: 8

Judges: Tim Durland, Janet Hicks

1st Ev-ry Low Rider at Lorica MW

Kristi Nielsen, Danica Nielsen

2nd CH Kotate Hills Captain Nemo V Edelweiss

Patricia & Gerald Price

continued on next page...

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 43

Field Trial Results

continued from page 43...

3rd GCH Moonlight’s King of My Heart W

Celli Jones

4th CH Moonlight’s Ascent of Denali W

Celli Jones

NBQ Busy B Tyax My Shadow

Meriam Berman

OAAB Starters: 7

Judges: Lou Baker, Steve Shultz

1st GCH Moonlight’s Summer Time

Celli Jones

2nd EH Encore I’ve Got a Tiger

By the Tail

Jennifer & Jason Anderson

3rd Ruby Slipper Out of the Night

Maggie Craig, Tim Durland

4th Kinderteckel’s Three Ring Circus

Brittany Ransom, Monica Reed

NBQ GCH MoonLight’s Queen

Hearts W

Celli Jones

Field Champion Combined Starters: 9

Judges: Tim Durland, Janet Hicks

1st GCH MoonLight’s Summer Night W

Celli Jones

2nd CH Kadell’s With Luck in My Eyes

Valerie Baird

3rd CH MountainWoods Miss Bee

Haven MS

Luann & Dennis Duus

4th Victory at Newcastle Upon Tyne

Nancy Gimblett

NBQ Wildwood’s Endearing Roary

Primo MW

Nancy Gimblett

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Tim Durland, Janet Hicks

Best Open

GCH MoonLight’s Summer Time


GCH MoonLight’s Summer Night W

Dachshund Club of Santa

Ana Valley Inc. 1/13/2024

Total Number of Starters: 29

OAAD Starters: 8

Judges: Janet Hicks & Michael Priest

1st GCH MoonLight’s King of My Heart W

Celli Jones

2nd EV-RY Lowrider At Lorica MW

Kristi Nielsen & Danica Nielsen

3rd BISS GCHB Doxwood Lorica’s Opus Magnum at Siddachs

John Merriman

4th Kinderteckel’s Hot To Trot

Elissa Warantz

NBQ CH Ascent of Denali

Celli Jones

OAAB Starters: 11

Judges: Luanne Duus & Denise Miesner

1st Ruby Slipper Out Of The Night

Maggie Craig & Tim Durland

2nd Kinderteckel’s Cirque du Soleil

Kristin Cihos-Williams & Emi


3rd Roserun’s Mary Jane’s Last Dance At Rare Treats

Haley & Michael Priest

4th Ruby Slipper Once In A Lullaby, Maggie Craig & Tim Durland

NBQ GCH Just A Lil’ Long & Low Apple Of My Eye MW

Pat & Curtis Montgomery and Justine Espinoza

Field Champion Combined Starters: 10

Judges: Haley Priest & Dawn Gordon-Perine

1st Hidden Cedars No More Promises

Lisa Griggs

2nd DC Mountainwoods Miss Bee

Haven MS

Luanne & Dennis Duus

3rd FC TraLee of Dublin Creek

Kristi NIelsen & Maria Morris-Burke

4th DC Kadell’s With Luck In My Eyes W

Valeria Barnd

NBQ FC OC’s Flying Jeep MS RI FDC


Chris & Denise Misener

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Haley Priest & Dawn Gordon-Perine

Best Open

Ruby Slipper Out Of The Night


Hidden Cedars No More Promises

Sierra Dachshund Breeders Club of Los Angeles Co 1/14/2024

Total Number of Starters: 29

OAAD Starters: 6

Judges: Marianne Lovejoy, Kristin


1st BISS GCHB Doxwood Lorica’s

Opus Magnum @ Siddachs MW CGC

John Merriman and J. & L.


2nd CH Moonlight’s Ascentof Denali

Celli Jones

3rd CH Mountainwoods Glorious Purpose

Luanne & Dennis Duus

4th EV-RY Low Rider Ar Lorica MW

Kristi Nielsen & Danica Nielsen

NBQ GCH Moonlight’s Aldebaron

Rising MW

Celli Jones

OAAB Starters: 11

Judges: Sue Rucker, Lisa Griggs

1st Roserun’s Mary Jane’s Last Dance at RareTreats

Haley and Michael Priest

DFWDC Field Trial

Saturday February 3, 2024

2nd Raretreats Here Comes My Girl

Dawn Gordon-Perine, Haley

Priest, Joe Perine

3rd Kinderteckels Cirque De Soleil

Kristin Cihos-Williams, Emi


4th Ruby Slipper Once In A Lullaby

Maggie Craig & Tim Durland

NBQ GCH MoonLight’s Summer

Time W

Celli Jones

Field Champion Combined Starters: 12

Judges: Linda Castaneda, Marianne Lovejoy

1st GCH DC Kinderteckels Double


Kristin Cihos-Williams, Emi


2nd DC Mountainwoods Miss Bee

Haven MS

Luanne And Dennis Duus

3rd Fc Tralee Of Dublin Creek

Kristi Nielsen, Maria


4th FC OC’S Flying Jeep MS

Chris & Denise Miesner

NBQ DC Victory At Newcastle Upon


Nancy Gimblett

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Linda Castaneda, Marianne Lovejoy

Best Open

BISS GCHB Doxwood Lorica’s

Opus Magnum @ Siddachs



GCH DC Kinderteckels

Double Dutch

Dachshund Club of America 2/2/2024

Total Number of Starters: 62

OAAD Starters: 16

Judges: Laura Knoll, Ashley Dodd

1st Bodhisattva Vom Dornerhaus

S. Patricia Merritt, Layne B.


2nd Duchwood’s Under Pressure MS

Patricia Debarros-Kari

3rd Hidden Cedars Fire Away V

Invictus BCAT

Laura Isaacson, Gloria LaTour

4th Q-Tip Midnight Marauder CAA


Kerstin Thompson

NBQ CH Duchwood’s Mack The

Knife MS

Sandra Russell

OAAB Starters: 15

Judges: Lori Isaacson, Debbie Senkbeil

1st Duchwood’s Exhilaration MS

Sandra Russell

2nd Daria Vom Dornerhaus Daria S

Patricia Merritt, Layne B. Merritt

3rd CH Blueprint The First Flirt MS

Amanda Barron & Ammon Barron

4th Duchwood’s Risky Romance MS

Sandra Russell

NBQ Juniper Hill Brocade

Dawn Penland & Michelle Wilson

Field Champion Dog Starters: 14

Judges: Pam Bethke, Stan Knoll

1st FC Venedy Rouge V Dorndorf L

Cliff Shrader

2nd FC Kolja A Keleti Tuz

Laura Isaacson

3rd FC Vimy Ridge Von Lowenherz

Scot Davidson

4th FC Seve Vom Nordlicht CGC

Debbie Senkbeil & Laurie


Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 44
Photos by Nancy Overesch & Clif Shrader

NBQ FC Zeus von Moosbach-Zuzelek


Cheri Faust

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 17

Judges: Bill Dyer Cliff Shrader

1st FC Longtime’s Halo vom Nordlicht JE, BCAT, FITB

Cheri Faust & Larry Gohlke

2nd FC Longtime’s Yahtzee vom Nordlicht, NE

Cheri Faust

3rd FC Katja A Keleti Tuz

Stan Knoll & Sherry Ruggieri

4th FC Eternal’s She’s on Fire MW, MHH, TKA

Stacey Sullivan & Stuart Millsaps

NBQ FC Knobydox’s Willa Mae Von

Briar Patch BCAT

Laura Knoll and Dylan Duncan

Dallas-Fort Worth Dachshund Club 2/3/2024

Total Number of Starters: 69

OAAD Starters: 17

Judges: Shawn Nies and Laura KnollDuncan

1st Hidden Cedars Fireaway v Invictus

Laura Isaacson & Gloria LaTour

2nd CH Could I Have This Dance @ von Schaafmeister

Wendy McQuiston

3rd Bodhisattva vom Domerhaus

Patricia Merritt

4th Duchwood’s Rafferty Rules MLP

Sandra J. Russell

NBQ Duchwood’s Little Black

Baron MS

Sandra J. Russell

OAAB Starters: 16

Judges: Cliff Shrader & Rick Schwarz

1st Daria vom Dornerhaus

Patricia Merritt

2nd Duchwood’s Exhilaration MS

Sandra J. Russell

3rd Bearvalley’s Tina Turner

Christi Emmons, Tara Normand

4th Epiphany It Could Be, It Might Be, It Is! MW

Ashley Dodd

NBQ Duchwood’s Glamour Girl MS

Sandra J. Russell

Field Champion Dog Starters: 34

Judges: Susan Fuller and Mary Powell

1st FC Zeus von Moosbach-Zuzelek


Cheri Faust

2nd FC Seve vom Nordlicht CGC TD

Debbie Senkbeil and Laurie Rutherford

3rd DC Hoppledach’s Laci’s Standing


Pamala Hopkins

4th DC Indiana Jones aus der Wutzelgrube CDX BN RA TDX OA



Shawn Nies

NBQ FC Tabasco Rouge v Dorndorf


Andrew Shrader

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 34

Judges: Laura Isaacson and Ashley


1st FC Seiko von Dorndorf L TD CGC

Laura Knoll-Duncan and Tina Knoll and Anna Knoll

2nd FC Longtime’s Halo vom Nordlicht JE BCAT FITB

Cheri Faust

3rd Wilderness Run’s Aquila in the Sky ML

Julie A. Springfield

4th FC Briarwire’s Trial by Fire MS


Stacey Sullivan and Stuart Millsaps

NBQ FC Katja A Keleti Tuz

Stan Knoll and Sherry Ruggieri

Judges for Best Open/Field


Cliff Shrader and Susan Fuller

Best Open

Hidden Cedars Fireaway v Invictus

Best Field Champion/Absolute

FC Zeus von Moosbach-Zuzelek


Dachshund Club of Santa Ana Valley Inc. 2/3/2024

Total Number of Starters: 18

Combined Starters: 9

Judges: Sue Rucker & Dawn GordonPerine

1st Kinderteckel’s Cirque du Soleil, Kristin Cihos-Williams & Emi Pedraza

2nd GCH Pramada Koradox I Call Her Sir L

Irene Munoz

3rd CH Encore’s I’ve Got A Tiger By The Tail

Jennifer & Jason Anderson

4th Kinderteckel’s Three-Ring Circus

Brittany Ranson

NBQ EV-RY Lowrider At Lorica

Kristi Nielsen & Danica Nielsen

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 45 continued on next page...

Field Trial Results

continued from page 45...

Field Champion Combined Starters: 9

Judges: Linda Castaneda & Denise Gehring

1st FC Ezri Mercy Miesner RN FDC


Chris & Denise Miesner

2nd FC TraLee of Dublin Creek

Kristi Nielsen & Maria MorrisBurke

3rd FC OC’s Flying Jeep MS RI FDC


Chris & Denise Miesner

4th GCH Kinderteckel’s Double Dutch

Kristin Cihos-Williams & Emi


NBQ FC Roserun’s Mary Jane’s Last Dance At Rare Treats

Haley & Michael Priest

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Linda Castaneda & Denise Gehring

Best Open

Kinderteckel’s Cirque du Soleil


FC Ezri Mercy Miesner RN FDC


Dallas-Fort Worth Dachshund Club 2/4/2024

Total Number of Starters: 61

OAAD Starters: 15

Judges: Susan Fuller and Cliff Shrader

1st Duchwood’s Under Pressure MSP

Patricia Debarros-Kari

2nd CH Could I Have This Dance @ von Schaafmeister

Wendy McQuiston

3rd Duchwood Rafferty Rules MLP

Sandra J. Russell

4th Duchwood’s Mack the Knife MS

Sandra J. Russell

NBQ CH Hoppledach’s Days Hunky


Pamala J. Hopkins and Ken Hagmueller and Sandi Myers

OAAB Starters: 14

Judges: Shawn Nies and Laura KnollDuncan

1st Duchwood’s Exhilaration MS

Sandra J. Russell

2nd Invictus Branded As Tough v

Hidden Cedars MSB

Gloria LaTour and Laura Isaacson

3rd Bearvalley’s Tina Turner

Christi Emma’s and Tara


4th Duchwood’s Glamour Girl MS

Amanda Barron and

Sandra J. Russell

NBQ Juniper Hill Brocade

Dawn Penland, Michelle Wilson

Field Champion Dog Starters: 16

Judges: Alicia Young and Stan Knoll

1st FC Zeus von Moosbach-Zuzelek


Cheri Faust

2nd DC Indiana Jones aus der Wutzelgrube CDX BN RA TDX OA


Shawn Nies

3rd DC Credere’s Gunnery Sergeant

Windspirit MW SE SCN SIN


Charles H. Snider

4th DC Hoppledach’s Laci’s Standing Ovation

Pamala Hopkins

NBQ FC Longtime’s Milo vom Nordlicht


Rick and Jane Schwarz

Field Champion Bitch Starters: 16

Judges: Alicia Young and Stan Knoll

1st FC Longtime's Halo vom Nordlicht

Cheri Faust

2nd FC Hoppledach’s A Year Without Rain

Pamala J. Hopkins

3rd FC Katja A Keleti Tuz

Stan Knoll and Sherri Ruggieri

4th FC Longtime’s Yahtzee vom

Nordlicht NE

Cheri Faust

NBQ FC Briarwire’s Trial by Fire MW


Stacey Sullivan, Stuart Millsaps

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Laura Isaacson and Stan Knoll

Best Open

Duchwood’s Under Pressure MSP

Best Field Champion/Absolute

FC Zeus von Moosbach-Zuzelek


Sierra Dachshund Breeders Club of Los Angeles Co

Inc 2/4/2024

Total Number of Starters: 12

OAAD Combined: 6

Judges: Sue Rucker, Emi Pedraza

1st CH Encore’s I’ve Got A Tiger By The Tail

Jennifer and Jason Anderson

2nd CH Moonlight’s Diamond Girl W

Celli Jones

3rd Kinderteckel’s Three-Ring Circus

Brittany Ranson

4th EV-RY Low Rider At Lorica

Kristi Nielsen and Danica Nielsen

NBQ GCH Pramada Loradox I Call Her

Sir L

Irene Munoz

Field Champions Combined Starters: 6

Judges: Haley Priest, Dawn GordonPerine

1st FC Tralee Of Dublin Creek

Kristi Nielsen and Maria MorrisBurke

2nd GCH DC Kinderteckel’s Double Dutch

Kristin Cihos-WIlliams and Emi


3rd DC Kadell’s With Luck In My Eyes W

Valerie Barnd

4th DC Victory At Newcastle Upon Tyne

Nancy GImblett

NBQ GCH DC Grd’s Stop This Crazy Thing MW, CGC

Denise and Dana Gerhing

Judges for Best Open/Field Champion/Absolute:

Dawn Gordon-Perine, Emi Pedraza

Best Open

CH Encore’s I’ve Got A Tiger By The Tail


FC Tralee Of Dublin Creek

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 46

We have now been in our new home, Australia, for over six months and I can confirm that, yes, time certainly does fly!

Friends and family are often keen to ask, “So, how’s it going? What’s life like?” And my honest response is, “It’s pretty much the same as back in the UK but with nicer surroundings and better weather!”

The thing is, no matter where you move to and no matter how far you go (and you can’t really get much further than Tasmania!), the mundanity of life soon kicks in; you still have to work, shop, pay bills, etc.

The problems one faces in the US and UK–cost of living crisis, rising fuel costs and high taxes–also affect us here in Australia.

And the same principle applies to the dog world; the problems stifling the pedigree dog community in the US/UK are the very same ones we are looking at ‘down under’.

Interestingly, one of the most divisive current issues here is of ‘designer dogs’. The streets and beaches are literally filled with them. To see a pedigree dog is a head-turning rarity indeed.

heartless pedigree dog breeders.

They were further endorsed and promoted by celebrities, doggy personalities and celebrity vets. The messaging quite clearly worked. I often get talking to their owners and I’m fascinated by what I hear back.

“We chose a teacup-doodle because Izzy has allergies…”

“With Doodles you just don’t get all the inherited diseases you get with pedigree dogs…”

“They are just so much healthier than purebreds…”

“We didn’t want a cookie-cutter dog; we wanted something a lil different…”


is it the answer?

mechanisms of immense cruelty (a system that should be brought down) and that ‘breeder’ was a word that simply couldn’t be trusted.

I’ve seen numerous breeders, with years of knowledge and experience, being openly mocked and derided online (sometimes by vets) when they’ve dared to give an opinion…

It always struck me as very strange that the folks who pour assiduously over every packet and carton in the store, checking that their meat is grass-fed and that their eggs are free-range, are the very same people who pay no heed to the provenance of a household companion who will (hopefully) be with you for fifteen or so years. And, just over a year or so later, I started being told of the immense numbers of these crosses being abandoned. I heard of numerous temperament issues and, even more commonly, coat issues… Dog grooming friends told me just how difficult a number of these dogs were to maintain, how they were prone to knots and tangles, with the coat falling midway between the two parent breeds. The worst kind of coat…

Now, I will just say this before I proceed; I’m all for freedom of choice. If you want a Cockerpoo/Doodle, providing you’ve done your research and go to a responsible breeder, you go right on ahead and get one. I have always questioned why, if you passionately want a ‘mix’, then why not go to the shelters? I’ve also wondered why the ‘anti’ have never made a big thing about such hypocrisies. However, over the years I have made many such interesting observations about the ‘designer dog’ phenomenon.

When it first bubbled up, I was writing a column for Dog World (UK) and, whilst many of my fellow columnists refused to touch the subject (probably quite wisely!), Sheila Atter and (over at Our Dogs) the still, very much missed Robert Killick, were among the few who were brave enough to put their heads above the parapet and comment on the madness unfolding around them and warning of what was to come.

Sadly, we have all been proved right. Egged on by a compliant, anti-pedigree media, the ‘virtues’ of the ‘hypoallergenic’ healthy doodles and poos filled numerous magazine articles around the world and were heavily featured on popular daytime TV programs. Buying one proved that you were a good person; your virtue clearly displayed at the end of a lead and putting one in the eye of all those wicked,

That last one in particular made me smile as, fairly soon into the fad, the larger-sized and black dogs were deemed far less desirable than the small or medium apricot, chocolate brown ones, which now massively predominate–but, of course, looks aren’t important to these folks, so we’re told!

Week in, week out, our triumvirate tirelessly worked to successfully take down all the myths surrounding these dogs (like the ones about them being hypoallergenic and far healthier) but, of course, we (through the pages of the dog press) were quite often preaching to the converted.

The marketing ploy as well as the breeding boom continued.

The profile of these crosses rocketed; they mushroomed onto adverts, appearing in popular dramas and TV shows–all well and good–but, as their visibility increased, people (looking for a dog) were consistently told that pedigree ‘papers’ were worthless, that Kennel Clubs were

Strangely enough, mainstream media remained (and continue to remain) tight-lipped about this and the burgeoning rescue problem. It’s surprising when you consider just how gleefully they reported on (the alleged problem) of abandoned Frenchies, Chihuahuas and other breeds.

Now why exactly would that be?

But this was just the tip of a very nasty iceberg. What those cheerleaders for ‘mixing it all up’ probably didn’t realize at the time was that they were creating the perfect conditions for the worst kind of exploitation; destroying the puppy buying public’s requirement for a pedigree/registration (and thus some trail of accountability/traceability) has allowed anyone to jump on the ‘Doo and Poo’ bandwagon. You can breed your bitch twice a year, mate her to her son and breed her until she drops. She isn’t on any registry–no one even knows she exists–so who’s ever going to find out? You don’t even need a large rural property (like the puppy mills of yesteryear) as you can set up in a basement or empty shop…

And our modern ‘must have it NOW’ culture has also played right into these abusers’ hands. I’ve had friends–intelligent professional people who have read all my articles warning of impulse buys–who, despite this knowledge, will one day randomly message and say…‘You are

continued on next page 56...

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 47
image from thegoodypet.com

Louisville Dachshund Club

March 15, 2024

Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center

937 Phillips Lane Louisville, KY

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Louisville Dachshund Club

March 16, 2024

Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center

937 Phillips Lane

Louisville, KY

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Dachshund Fanciers

Association of Berks County

March 16, 2024

York Interstate Fairgrounds Rt 74 Carlisle Ave., York, PA

Dachshund Fanciers

Association of Berks County

March 16, 2024

York Interstate Fairgrounds Rt 74 Carlisle Ave., York, PA

Metropolitan Baltimore

Dachshund Club

March 17, 2024

York Interstate Fairgrounds Rt 74 Carlisle Ave. York, PA

Dallas-Ft Worth

Dachshund Club

March 22, 2024

Will Rogers Memorial Coliseum 3400 Crestline Rd, Fort Worth, TX

Web Site: http://www.dfwdachshund.com

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Closing Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Event Chair: Vicki Spencer

2650 Holland Drive, Owensboro, KY 42303 lorindol@roadrunner.com • 270-316-0051

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Event Chair: Laura Abbott-Licht 1020 Indian Trail, Lawrenceburg, KY 40342 petalpshr@bellsouth.net • 502-741-3964

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Event Chair: Nancy Dougherty

P.O. Box 121, Lewisville, PA 19351-0121

ndoughe982@aol.com • 610-207-5990

For additional information contact:

Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., Superintendent P.O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610-0898 (610) 376-1880• info@raudogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Event Chair: Nancy Dougherty

P.O. Box 121, Lewisville, PA 19351-0121

ndoughe982@aol.com • 610-207-5990

For additional information contact:

Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., Superintendent P.O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610-0898 (610) 376-1880• info@raudogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Event Chair: Therese Lancaster 3010 Mandela Ct., Port Republic, MD 20676-2225 lowlodndachs@gmail.com • 301-247-0671

For additional information contact:

For additional information contact:

Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., Superintendent P.O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610-0898 (610) 376-1880• info@raudogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Event Chair: Ms. Lexa Richmond 124 Oakhurst Drive, Bedford, TX 76022 hialeahdachshunds@gmail.com • 432-210-9666

For additional information contact:

Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., Superintendent P.O. Box 25764 Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0764

• (405) 427-8181 mail@onofrio.com

Events Approved by AKC per their website as of 2/19/2024

Only those events approved by AKC before this publication is printed are listed.

Contact the Event Chairs of these events with any questions.

AKC National Owner-Handled Series


Breed: (L) Mrs. Lorraine Simmons

(S) Mrs. Lorraine Simmons

(W) Mrs. Lorraine Simmons

AKC National Owner-Handled Series


Breed: (L) Dr. Kenneth H. Levison (S) Dr. Kenneth H. Levison (W) Dr. Kenneth H. Levison


Breed: (L) Mrs. Priscilla A. Gabosch

(S) Mrs. Priscilla A.Gabosch

(W) Mrs. Priscilla A. Gabosch

Hound Group: John P. Wade

NOHS Hound Group: Jerome Elliott

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.

Judges: Breed: (L) Mr. Gary R Fisher

(S) Mr. Gary R Fisher

(W) Mr. Gary R Fisher

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information

Judges: Breed: (L) Mr. Neil T. McDevitt

(L) Mr. Neil T. McDevitt

(L) Mr. Neil T. McDevitt

Hound Group: Mrs. Christie Martinez

NOHS Hound Group: Kimberly Norton

Judges: Breed: (L) Bryan Martin

(S) Bryan Martin

(W) Bryan Martin

Junior Show: Bryan Martin

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 48

Dallas-Ft Worth

Dachshund Club

March 22, 2024

Will Rogers Memorial Coliseum

3400 Crestline Rd, Fort Worth, TX

Web Site: http://www.dfwdachshund.com

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Dachshund Club of New Jersey

March 22, 2024

New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center

97 Sunfield Ave., Edison, NJ

Entries for this event are limited to: 100


Club of New Jersey

March 23, 2024

New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center

97 Sunfield Ave., Edison, NJ

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Dachshund Association of Long Island

March 24, 2024

New Jersey Convention and ExpositionCntr

97 Sunfield Ave. Edison, NJ

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Golden Gate Dachshund Club, Inc.

April 12, 2024

Lodi Grape Festival Grounds, 413 Lockeford St.

F.K.A. National Wine Show Pavilion, Lodi, CA

Web Site: http://www.goldengatedachshundclub.org

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Golden Gate Dachshund Club, Inc.

April 12, 2024

Lodi Grape Festival Grounds, 413 Lockeford St.

F.K.A. National Wine Show Pavilion, Lodi, CA

Web Site: http://www.goldengatedachshundclub.org

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Closing Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Event Chair: Ms. Lexa Richmond

124 Oakhurst Drive, Bedford, TX 76022

hialeahdachshunds@gmail.com • 432-210-9666

For additional information contact:

Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., Superintendent P.O. Box 25764

Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0764 • (405) 427-8181 mail@onofrio.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Event Chair: Carrie Hamilton

9621 Bachelor Rd., Kutztown, PA 19530-8570 hamiltce@ptd.net 610-285-2469

For additional information contact:

Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., Superintendent P.O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610-0898 (610) 376-1880• info@raudogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Event Chair: Carrie Hamilton

9621 Bachelor Rd., Kutztown, PA 19530-8570 hamiltce@ptd.net 610-285-2469

For additional information contact:

Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., Superintendent P.O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610-0898 (610) 376-1880• info@raudogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Event Chair: Mrs. Diane Poranski

1144 Patricia Avenue, West Islip, NY 11795 dianeporanski@gmail.com • 631-291-03433

For additional information contact:

Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., Superintendent P.O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610-0898 (610) 376-1880• info@raudogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Event Chair: Miss Margaret Peat

280 Alta Vista Drive, South San Francisco, CA 94080 santaclaravalleykc@gmail.com

• 415-309-0103

For additional information contact:

C/O Tom Sikora, Event Secretary

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352

Closing Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Event Chair: Miss Margaret Peat

280 Alta Vista Drive, South San Francisco, CA 94080 santaclaravalleykc@gmail.com

Judges: Breed: (L) Victoria Thomas (S) Victoria Thomas (W) Victoria Thomas

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.


Breed: (L) Mrs. Constance Fisher (S) Mrs. Constance Fisher (W) Mrs. Constance Fisher

Judges: Breed: (L) Jerry Cerasini (S) Jerry Cerasini (W) Jerry Cerasini

All dates, times and addresses are as accurate as possible before the newsletter deadline date. Please consult the show secretaries or superintendents for any further information. continued on next page...

Judges: Breed: (L) Ms. Lynne Allen (S Ms. Lynne Allen (W) Ms. Lynne Allen

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.


Breed: (L) Patricia Taylor

(S) Patricia Taylor

(W Patricia Taylor

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.


Breed: (L) Mr. Ryan Lee Horvath (S) Mr. Ryan Lee Horvath (W) Mr. Ryan Lee Horvath

Junior Show Mr. Ryan Lee Horvath Central Ohio Dachshund Club, Inc.

April 19, 2024

Ohio Expo Center/Ohio State Fairgrounds 717 East 17th Ave., Columbus, OH

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Event Chair: Dave P. Temple

162 S Garfield Ave., Columbus, OH 43205 templedox@yahoo.com • 740-614-1046

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com


Breed: (L) Ms. Lexa Richmond

(S) Ms. Lexa Richmond

(W) Ms. Lexa Richmond

Junior Show: Ms. Lexa Richmond

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 49
• 415-309-0103
For additional information contact: C/O Tom Sikora, Event Secretary MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352


from page 49

All dates, times and addresses are as accurate as possible before the newsletter deadline date. Please consult the show secretaries or superintendents for any further information.

Central Ohio Dachshund Club, Inc.

April 19, 2024

Ohio Expo Center/Ohio State Fairgrounds

717 East 17th Ave., Columbus, OH

Central Ohio Dachshund Club, Inc.

April 20, 2024

Ohio Expo Center/Ohio State Fairgrounds

717 East 17th Ave., Columbus, OH

Central Ohio Dachshund Club, Inc.

April 20, 2024

Ohio Expo Center/Ohio State Fairgrounds

717 East 17th Ave., Columbus, OH

Central Ohio Dachshund Club, Inc.

April 21, 2024

Ohio Expo Center/Ohio State Fairgrounds

717 East 17th Ave., Columbus, OH

Florida East Coast Dachshund Club

April 26, 2024

South Florida Fairgrounds

9067 Southern Blvd.

West Palm Beach, FL

Web Site: http://www.floridaeastcoastdachshundclub.com

Florida East Coast Dachshund Club

April 26, 2024

South Florida Fairgrounds

9067 Southern Blvd.

West Palm Beach, FL

Web Site: http://www.floridaeastcoastdachshundclub.com

Florida East Coast Dachshund Club

April 27, 2024

South Florida Fairgrounds

9067 Southern Blvd.

West Palm Beach, FL

Web Site: http://www.floridaeastcoastdachshundclub.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Event Chair: Dave P. Temple

162 S Garfield Ave., Columbus, OH 43205 templedox@yahoo.com • 740-614-1046

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Event Chair: Dave P. Temple

162 S Garfield Ave., Columbus, OH 43205 templedox@yahoo.com • 740-614-1046

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Event Chair: Dave P. Temple

162 S Garfield Ave., Columbus, OH 43205 templedox@yahoo.com • 740-614-1046

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Event Chair: Dave P. Temple

162 S Garfield Ave., Columbus, OH 43205 templedox@yahoo.com • 740-614-1046

For additional information contact: MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Event Chair: Susan Halpin

7641 Apache Blvd., Loxahatchee, FL 33470-3124 purplemartins@me.com • 561-315-0408

For additional information contact:

Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101 • info@foytrentdogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Event Chair: Lauren May

180 Trinidad Drive, Merritt Island, FL 32953 laurenmay4136@gmail.com • 321-698-5165

For additional information contact:

Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101 • info@foytrentdogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Event Chair: Lauren May

180 Trinidad Drive, Merritt Island, FL 32953 laurenmay4136@gmail.com • 321-698-5165

For additional information contact:

Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101 • info@foytrentdogshows.com


Breed: (L) Hal T. Biermann (S) Hal T. Biermann (W) Hal T. Biermann

Junior Show: Patricia V. Trotter

Hound Group: Hal T. Biermann NOHS Hound Group: Mr. James A. Moses


Breed: (L) Mr. Thomas Alexander (S) Mr. Thomas Alexander (W) Mr. Thomas Alexander

Hound Group: Mr. Thomas Alexander

NOHS Hound Group: Jason Hoke

Judges: Breed: (L) Kenneth Hagmueller (S) Kenneth Hagmueller (W) Kenneth Hagmueller

Junior Show: Kenneth Hagmueller

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.


Breed: (L) Jason Hoke

(S) Jason Hoke

(W) Jason Hoke

Hound Group: Jason Hoke

NOHS Hound Group: Ms. Marie Ann Falconer


Breed: (L) Mrs. Karen C. Wilson

(S) Mrs. Karen C. Wilson

(W) Mrs. Karen C. Wilson

Junior Show: Chatham Napoli (p)


Breed: (L) Robert Schwalbe (S) Robert Schwalbe (W) Robert Schwalbe

Junior Show: Robert Schwalbe (p)


Breed: (L) Mrs. Janet M. Schwalbe

(S) Mrs. Janet M. Schwalbe

(W) Mrs. Janet M. Schwalbe

Junior Show: Mrs. Janet M. Schwalbe

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 50


Florida East Coast Dachshund Club

April 27, 2024

South Florida Fairgrounds

9067 Southern Blvd.

West Palm Beach, FL

Web Site: http://www.floridaeastcoastdachshundclub.com

Dachshund Club of Santa Ana Valley

April 27, 2024

Canyon RV Park

24001 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd., Anaheim, CA

Web Site: http://www.dcsav.org/

Cumberland Valley

Dachshund Club

April 27, 2024

Williamson Co. Ag. Park

4215 Long Lane, Franklin, TN

Web Site: http://www.c-v-d-c.com

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Cumberland Valley Dachshund Club

April 28, 2024

Williamson Co. Ag. Park

4215 Long Lane, Franklin, TN

Web Site: http://www.c-v-d-c.com

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Dachshund Club of Santa Ana Valley

April 28, 2024

Canyon RV Park

24001 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd., Anaheim, CA

Web Site: http://www.dcsav.org/

Florida East Coast Dachshund Club

April 28, 2024

South Florida Fairgrounds

9067 Southern Blvd.

West Palm Beach, FL

Web Site: http://www.floridaeastcoastdachshundclub.com

Florida East Coast Dachshund Club

April 28, 2024

South Florida Fairgrounds

9067 Southern Blvd.

West Palm Beach, FL

Web Site: http://www.floridaeastcoastdachshundclub.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Event Chair: Susan Halpin

7641 Apache Blvd., Loxahatchee, FL 33470-3124 purplemartins@me.com • 561-315-0408

For additional information contact:

Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101 • info@foytrentdogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Event Chair: Steve Shultz

3817 Seven Oaks Dr., Corona, CA 92881-0737 cherevee@sbcglobal.net • 951-314-8091

For additional information contact: Eileen A. Parr, Event Secretary 18780 Munsee Rd., Apple Valley, CA 92307-1426 (760) 946-9048 • parrkees@mac.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Event Chair: Miss Rebecca Mclusky

1223 Mount Vernon Lane • Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 rebecca.mclusky@comcast.net

• 352-339-1910

For additional information contact:

Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101 • info@foytrentdogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Event Chair: Miss Rebecca Mclusky

1223 Mount Vernon Lane • Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 rebecca.mclusky@comcast.net • 352-339-1910

For additional information contact:

Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101 • info@foytrentdogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Event Chair: Steve Shultz

3817 Seven Oaks Dr., Corona, CA 92881-0737 cherevee@sbcglobal.net • 951-314-8091

For additional information contact:

Eileen A. Parr, Event Secretary

18780 Munsee Rd., Apple Valley, CA 92307-1426 (760) 946-9048 • parrkees@mac.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Breed: (L) Mrs. Danelle M. Brown

(S) Mrs. Danelle M. Brown

(W) Mrs. Danelle M. Brown

Junior Show: Mr. Blake Christian Hansen


AKC National Owner-Handled Series

Breed: (L) Mr. Walter “Wally” M. Jones

(S) Mr. Walter “Wally” M. Jones

(W) Mr. Walter “Wally” M. Jones

Junior Show: Mr. Walter “Wally” M Jones (p) Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.


Breed: (L) Mr. Robert R. Frost

(S) Mr. Robert R. Frost

(W) Mr. Robert R. Frost

Junior Show: Mr. Robert R. Frost


AKC National Owner-Handled Series

Breed: (L) Frederick R Vogel

(S) Frederick R Vogel

(W) Frederick R Vogel

Junior Show: Carol Pyrkosz

All dates, times and addresses are as accurate as possible before the newsletter deadline date. Please consult the show secretaries or superintendents for any further information. continued on next page...

AKC National Owner-Handled Series


Breed: (L) Mrs. Anne M. Schmidt

(S) Mrs. Anne M. Schmidt

(W) Mrs. Anne M. Schmidt

Junior Show: Mrs. Anne M. Schmidt

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.


• 321-698-5165

Event Chair: Lauren May 180 Trinidad Drive, Merritt Island, FL 32953 laurenmay4136@gmail.com

For additional information contact:

Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101 • info@foytrentdogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday - April 10, 2024

Event Chair: Susan Halpin

7641 Apache Blvd., Loxahatchee, FL 33470-3124 phoenixwhippets@icloud.com

• 561-779-7669

For additional information contact:

Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101

• info@foytrentdogshows.com

Breed: (L) Thomas L. Kirstein (S) Thomas L. Kirstein (W) Thomas L. Kirstein

Junior Show: Thomas L. Kirstein


Breed: (L) Nicolas DeBedout

(S) Nicolas DeBedout

(W) Nicolas DeBedout

Junior Show: Marianne McCullough

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 51

from page 51

All dates, times and addresses are as accurate as possible before the newsletter deadline date. Please consult the show secretaries or superintendents for any further information.

Central New Jersey Hound Association

May 2, 2024

Best Western/Lehigh Valley Hotel

300 Gateway Drive Bethlehem, PA

Dachshund Fanciers of Southwestern Washington

May 4, 2024

Winlock WA Hound Grounds, 1377 Hining Road, Winlock, WA Web Site: http://www.dfsw.org

Entries for this event are limited to: 100


Fanciers of Southwestern Washington

May 4, 2024

Winlock WA Hound Grounds, 1377 Hining Road, Winlock, WA Web Site: http://www.dfsw.org

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Dachshund Club of St. Louis, Inc.

May 21, 2024

Purina Farms

300 Checkerboard Drive

Gray Summit, MO

Web Site: http://www.dachshund-stl.org/

Dachshund Club of America, Inc.

May 22, 2024

Purina Farms

300 Checkerboard Drive, Gray Summit, MO

Web Site:


Dachshund Club of America, Inc.

May 23-25, 2024

Purina Farms

300 Checkerboard Drive, Gray Summit, MO Web Site: http://www.dachshundclubofamerica.org

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Event Chair: Erica Jantos

224 S 3rd Street, Bangor, PA 18013 ericajantos@live.com • 206-427-3929

For additional information contact:

Erica Jantos, Event Secretary

P.O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610-0898 (610) 376-1880 • info@raudogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Event Chair: Claire L. Mancha

2121 SE Courtney Ave., Portland, OR 97222 claire@whiz.to • 503-516-6449

For additional information contact:

BaRay Event Services, Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 508., Burlington, WA 98233-0508 (360) 755-7086 dogshows@barayevents.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Event Chair: Claire L. Mancha

2121 SE Courtney Ave., Portland, OR 97222 claire@whiz.to • 503-516-6449

For additional information contact:

BaRay Event Services, Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 508., Burlington, WA 98233-0508 (360) 755-7086 dogshows@barayevents.com

Closing Date: Thursday, May 2, 2024

Event Chair: Kevin Fritz 1500 Parkspur Ln., Fenton, MO 63026 fritzfamily123@yahoo.com • 314-800-8376

For additional information contact:

Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101 • info@foytrentdogshows.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Event Chair: Mrs. Janet Schwalbe 71 Valley Way, Pendergrass, GA 30567 jmschwalbe@yahoo.com • 404-295-4414

For additional information contact:

Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101 • info@foytrentdogshows.com

AKC National Owner-Handled Series


Breed: (L) Mr. Jon Titus Steele

(S) Mr. Jon Titus Steele

(W) Mr. Jon Titus Steele

Hound Group Mr. Jon Titus Steele

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class.


Breed: (L) Mr. John Mayhall

(S) Mr. John Mayhall

(W) Mr. John Mayhall


Breed: (L) Marilyn Van Vleit (S) Marilyn Van Vleit (W) Marilyn Van Vleit


Breed: (L) Mrs. Andra O’Connell

(S) Mr. Robert J. Wlodkowski

(W) Diane Young McCormack

Junior Show: Diane Young McCormack


AKC National Owner-Handled Series

Breed: (L) Mr. Ryan Lee Horvath

(S) Mr. Luis F. Sosa

(W) Dr. Edna K. Martin

Obedience: Mr. Fred Buroff

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 52
Closing Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 Event Chair: Mrs. Janet Schwalbe 71 Valley Way, Pendergrass, GA 30567 jmschwalbe@yahoo.com • 404-295-4414 For additional information contact: Foy Trent Dog Shows, Superintendent P.O. Box C, Sturgeon, MO 65284-0397 (573) 687-2101 • info@foytrentdogshows.com AKC National Owner-Handled Series Points For Reserve Available Judges: Breed: (L) Ms. Sue L.
Show: Mrs.
See Inside Back Cover for Sweepstakes Info Midwest Dachshund Club May 25, 2024
Co Fairgrounds 2900 Lake St., Kalamazoo, MI Web Site: http://www.midwestdachshundclub.com Entries for this event are limited to: 100 Closing Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Chair: Kathleen Frizzell 2179 Wixom Trail, Milford, MI 48381 kathleen.frizzell@gmail.com • 248-535-9629
information contact: MB-F
Bennett (S) Mrs. Debbie L. Melgreen (W) Robert Schwalbe Junior
Debbie L. Melgreen
For additional
Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352
mbf@infodog.com AKC National Owner-Handled Series Judges:
Breed: (L) Patrick A Smith (p) (S) Patrick A Smith (p) (W) Patrick A Smith (p) ... UPCOMING SPECIALTIES ...continued


Western Pennsylvania Dachshund Club

May 25, 2024

Lawrence County Farm Show Grounds

Route 108 (5 miles east of New Castle)

New Castle, PA

Web Site: http://www.dachshund-wpdc.org/

Dachshund Fanciers of Central Virginia


21, 2024

Meadow Event Park

13191 Dawn Blvd, Doswell, VA

Web Site: http://dachshundva.org

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Dachshund Fanciers of Central Virginia

June 22, 2024

Meadow Event Park

13191 Dawn Blvd, Doswell, VA

Web Site: http://dachshundva.org

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Metro Washington Dachshund Club

June 23, 2024

Meadow Event Park

13191 Dawn Blvd, Doswell, VA

Web Site: http://dachshundva.org

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Metro Washington

Dachshund Club

June 23, 2024

Meadow Event Park

13191 Dawn Blvd, Doswell, VA

Web Site: http://dachshundva.org

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Columbine Dachshund Club

August 16, 2024

Island Grove Regional Park

501 N 14th Ave., Greeley, CO

Web Site: http://www.columbinedachshundclub.org/

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Central Iowa Dachshund Club

September 6, 2024

Iowa State Fairgrounds E 30th & Grand Ave. Des Moines, IA

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Closing Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Event Chair: Ann Gordon, c/o N. J. Roseberry 4164 State Route 151, Aliquippa, PA 15001 nroseberry@comcast.net • 724-312-2965

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Event Chair: Phyllis Meseroll

244 Mcbrydge Dr., Swoope, VA 24479-2335 jrzteckel@comcast.net • 609-712-0428

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Event Chair: Phyllis Meseroll

244 Mcbrydge Dr., Swoope, VA 24479-2335 jrzteckel@comcast.net • 609-712-0428

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Event Chair: Meredith Averitt

P.O. Box 38, Toano, VA 23168-0038 aversdachs@gmail.com • 757-810-8349

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Event Chair: Sandie Friend

3503 Bekah Ln., Glen Allen, VA 23059-4823 sandie1205@earthlink.net • 804-833-7939

For additional information contact:

MB-F Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 (336) 379-9352 • mbf@infodog.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Event Chair: Jennifer Carlson 15550 Bobby Ct. Peyton, CO 80831-6097 jcarlson40@hotmail.com • 719-200-5433

For additional information contact:

Ms. Jan D. Curtis, Event Secretary 2837 49th St., Evans, CO 80620-9516 (970) 396-6701


Closing Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Event Chair: Ms. M.A. Klein P.O. Box 194, Mitchellville, IA 50169-0194 makdoxies@yahoo.com • 515-554-0866

For additional information contact:

Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., Superintendent P.O. Box 25764 Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0764 • (405) 427-8181 mail@onofrio.com


Breed: (L) Sharol Candace Way

(S) Sharol Candace Way

(W) Sharol Candace Way

Hound Group: Ms. Sharol Candace Way

NOHS Hound Group: Mr. Robert J Shreve

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class.


Breed: (L) Mr. Dan J. Harrison

(S) Mr. Dan J. Harrison (W) Mr. Dan J. Harrison

Judges: Breed: (L) Michael Canalizo (S) Michael Canalizo (W) Michael Canalizo

AKC National Owner-Handled Series


Breed: (L) Mrs. Lorraine Simmons

(S) Mrs. Lorraine Simmons

(W) Mrs. Lorraine Simmons


Breed: (L) Thomas L. Kirstein

(S) Thomas L. Kirstein

(W) Thomas L. Kirstein

Hound Group: Jason Hoke

NOHS Hound Group: Mrs. Lorraine Simmons

AKC National Owner-Handled Series


Breed: (L) Robert Schwalbe

(S) Robert Schwalbe

(W) Robert Schwalbe

Junior Show: Robert Schwalbe

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.

AKC National Owner-Handled Series


Breed: (L) Robert Schwalbe

(S) Robert Schwalbe

(W) Robert Schwalbe

Junior Show: Robert Schwalbe

Obedience: Mr. Jeffrey Kern

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class.

All dates, times and addresses are as accurate as possible before the newsletter deadline date. Please consult the show secretaries or superintendents for any further information. continued on page 55...

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 53

Each issue of the Newsletter is published digitally through the ISSUU site approximately one month after the print edition is mailed. The link is on the DCA website home page: http://www.dachshundclubofamerica.org/

A digital proof, via e-mail, will be sent to advertisers before publication. A one-time change or correction will be allowed. Advertisers must respond to the editor within 1 week of receipt of the proof. The Dachshund Club of America, Inc. Newsletter is published by the Dachshund Club of America, Inc. Letters to the Editor will not be accepted for publication which exceed 1500 words in length. The Club expressly disclaims any liability for any statements contained in such letters as they are the statements of the author or authors and are not the statements of DCA, or its Editor. The Newsletter, as the voice of the parent club, shall not accept or print unsigned letters.

Design and layout is provided FREE OF CHARGE to advertisers.

Please send your ad text and pictures to lynnechuck83@twc.com for publication. Text - ideally send as a .txt or .doc file. Pictures - ideally send as a 300 ppi jpg file. “Print-ready” PDF files are also accepted for advertising. Please contact editor for layout specifications. Co-

s who are not DCA members will be shown on

Covers: The qualification for a DCA Newsletter cover shall include a dog that achieves an AKC Triple Championship OR becomes a 7-Way titled dog. The 7-Way titled dog is defined as achieving the following: (1) Mandatory – Bench Championship, Field Championship and titles in Earth Dog, Obedience, and/or Agility and (2) Two of the following: Titles in Rally, Trick Dog, Scent Work, Tracking and/or CAT.

VC Ads: DCA Member dogs are entitled to a complementary one color ad in the Newsletter. Ads must be submitted within 18 months from the date of receiving your DCA VC certificate.


please send information to our website via PayPal: http://www.dachshundclubofamerica.org/ about-dca/newsletter/

Additional Copies of Newsletter (if available) will be mailed 1st Class at $10.00 each. Multiple copy discounts are available. Please call editor for pricing. Correct addresses are most important, specifically your complete 9 digit zip code. Newsletters mailed by BULK MAIL (3rd class) with incorrect information will not be forwarded Be sure to notify the Newsletter Editor and the DCA Membership Chairman when you have an address change. Bulk Mail Newsletters not received by members or subscribers will not be replaced by the club.


$15.00 with your dues in January. First class delivery is guaranteed.

For membership applications and any change of address contact: Georjan Bridger DCA Membership Chairperson P.O. Box 21352 Salem OR 97307 503-364-9695 dcamembershipchairman@gmail.com

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 54 ADVERTISING RATES
SPACE RATE PER ISSUE (all ad prices include 1 picture) Full Page - One Color (black ink only) $100.00 Full Page - Two Color (black & 1 other ink color) $125.00 Half Page - One Color (black ink only) $70.00 Half Page - Two Color (black & 1 other ink color) $85.00 EXTRA PHOTOGRAPHS in Black or Two Color $10.00 Full Page - Full Color Includes 1 photograph $185.00 Half Page - Full Color Includes 1 photograph $95.00 EXTRA PHOTOGRAPHS in Full Color, Any size $25.00 DCA MEMBER MEMORIALS FULL PAGE 1/2 PRICE Whelping Box (black ink) No photographs $10.00 Quarter Page (black ink) $40.00 No photographs AD RESERVATIONS FOR PREFERRED PLACEMENT FOR INSIDE FRONT COVER AND BACK COVER ARE OFFERED ON A 1ST COME, 1ST SERVE BASIS. (CLUB SPECIALTY ADS ARE GIVEN PRIORITY). CONTACT EDITOR PRIOR TO DEADLINE. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING ONLY Dog related items & products, PDF files required. Contact Editor for rates on smaller ads. Payment must accompany ad Full Page (black ink only) $250.00 Full Page Full Color $325.00 DEADLINE SCHEDULES SPRING ISSUE JANUARY 15th SUMMER ISSUE APRIL 15th AUTUMN ISSUE JULY 15th WINTER ISSUE OCTOBER 15th
MUST be forwarded, via e-mail, to editor before ads can be published. If not using a credit card, checks or money orders, payable to DCA, Inc. MUST accompany all advertising copy. Send all articles and advertising to: Lynne Dahlén, Editor N961 Mayflower Road Appleton, WI 54913 lynnechuck83@twc.com 920-903-1588 DIGITAL
Non-commercial Advertising rates available to DCA members only
The Dachshund Club of America, Inc. Newsletter
When using a credit card to pay for advertising send your Credit Card Information to the DCA website via PayPal: http://www.dachshundclubofamerica. org/members/ Paypal receipts
Domestic Bulk Mailing: $40.00/year (no guarantee on delivery per USPS) First Class Mailing: $55.00/year Canadian/Mexican Mailing: $56.00/year Overseas Mailing: $76.00/year Major Credit Cards are accepted,
•FIRST CLASS NEWSLETTER MAILING• DCA Members: Domestic mail is sent at bulk mail
with no guarantee of delivery. To receive via first class mail please send



...continued from page 53

All dates, times and addresses are as accurate as possible before the newsletter deadline date. Please consult the show secretaries or superintendents for any further information.

Central Iowa Dachshund


September 6, 2024

Iowa State Fairgrounds

E 30th & Grand Ave.

Des Moines, IA

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Cascade Dachshund Club

September 7, 2024

Stanwood-Camano Community Fair

6431 Pioneer Hwy., Stanwood, WA

Web Site: http://www.cascadedachs.org/

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Cascade Dachshund Club

September 8, 2024

Stanwood-Camano Community Fair

6431 Pioneer Hwy., Stanwood, WA

Web Site: http://www.cascadedachs.org/

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Metropolitan Washington

Dachshund Club

October 6, 2024

Frederick County Fairgrounds

250 Fairgrounds Road, Clear Brook, VA

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Metropolitan Washington

Dachshund Club

October 6, 2024

Frederick County Fairgrounds

250 Fairgrounds Road, Clear Brook, VA

Entries for this event are limited to: 100

Specialty Results

continued from page 39

RWB Lockshire’s Byeu Freedom Of Speech SL

Megan & Michelle Rogers, Kathleen & Thomas Lockyer

BOV Lockshire V Splendor Farm Lady

Liberty SL

Thomas & Kathleen Lockyer and Kelly McKinney

BOS Royal T’s Mercy Reigns @ Luckydox SL

Lucia L. Mitchell & Lynn Tyler

SELD GCH Caldwell-Winfield’s March

4 Glory ML

Brandon Winfield & Jennifer Caldwell

Closing Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Event Chair: Ms. M.A. Klein

P.O. Box 194, Mitchellville, IA 50169-0194

makdoxies@yahoo.com • 515-554-0866

For additional information contact:

Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C., Superintendent P.O. Box 25764

Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0764 • (405) 427-8181 mail@onofrio.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Event Chair: Jean Dieden

3535 Swede Hill Rd., Clinton, WA 98236-8803 manager@animalhospitalbythesea.com


For additional information contact:

BaRay Event Services, Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 508, Burlington, WA 98233-0508 (360) 755-7086 • dogshows@barayevents.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Event Chair: Jean Dieden 3535 Swede Hill Rd., Clinton, WA 98236-8803 manager@animalhospitalbythesea.com 360-631-0329

For additional information contact:

BaRay Event Services, Inc., Superintendent P.O. Box 508, Burlington, WA 98233-0508 (360) 755-7086 • dogshows@barayevents.com

Closing Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Event Chair: Michele Ferreira

P.O. Box 12, Lovettsville, VA 20180 mwdc.info@gmail.com • 540-822-4360

For additional information contact:

Georjan Bridger, Event Secretary P.O. Box 21352, Salem, OR 97307-1352 (757) 566-8996


Closing Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Event Chair: Michele Ferreira P.O. Box 12, Lovettsville, VA 20180 mwdc.info@gmail.com • 540-822-4360

For additional information contact:

Georjan Bridger, Event Secretary P.O. Box 21352, Salem, OR 97307-1352 (757) 566-8996


SELB Hoppledachs Water Lillies

Pamala J Hopkins


WD/BOW Bessdach Sorry I’m Salty


Janie Gilkison Lara and Marina

Renee Lara DVM

RWD Duchwood’s Obsinian MS

Sandra J. Russell

WB Duchwood’s Glamor Girl MS

Sandra J. Russell

RWB Bright Creek’s Bare Naked Lady MS

Ginger & Rick Van Dam

BOS CH Bessdachs Everyone Loves A Winner

Cindy Boysen and Marina Rene

Lara, DVM

SELD GCHS DC Blueprint Such A


AKC National Owner-Handled Series

Breed: (L) Mrs. Janet M. Schwalbe

(S) Mrs. Janet M. Schwalbe

(W) Mrs. Janet M. Schwalbe

Junior Show: Mrs. Janet M. Schwalbe


AKC National Owner-Handled Series

Breed & 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy: (L) Mrs. Constance Fisher

(S) Mrs. Constance Fisher

W) Mrs. Constance Fisher

Please contact event secretary/superintendent or review premium list for Sweepstakes class and judge information.

AKC National Owner-Handled Series


Breed & 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy: (L) Mr. John Brading (S) Mr. John Brading (W) Mr. John Brading

AKC National Owner-Handled Series


Breed: (L) Eric Henningsen (S) Eric Henningsen (W) Eric Henningsen

Junior Show: Eric Henningsen

AKC National Owner-Handled Series


Breed: (L) Laura E. Abbott-Licht

(S) Laura E. Abbott-Licht (W) Laura E. Abbott-Licht

Flirt MS

Amanda & Ammon Barron

SELB DC Duchwood’s Luna Love

Good MS

Sandra J. Russell


WB Crestview’s Tyme To Ante Up MW

Debi K. Ferrante and Sarah Holland

RWB CT Hathor Farm’s Lucknow

Mischief Managed MW BN RN

Stephany Monteleone

BOV GCHS Hunu She’s A Bad GirlMarie Dorris & Rhoda Kinney

BOS GCHG Donatello Vom

Jager-burg MS

Donna Gimeno

BOB Bessdach Sorry I’m Salty

BOStoBOB Lockshire V Splendor Farm Lady

Liberty SL

Best Junior Handler

Layla Plana

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 55


continued from page 47...

going to hate me…’ alongside the photograph of an adorable Doodle pup.

The story is always the same.

They really wanted a purebred Poodle or Cocker but there just weren’t any around. However, there’s always a doodle litter nearby… One friend drove to a breeder of ‘teacup doodles’ and was confronted by an empty shop. She thought it rather strange but continued to proceed; at the back of the vacant store she was then shown the litter.

“They all looked happy enough and the mom was so friendly.”

So, she bought the pup home.

“I just couldn’t leave her there.”

This–admittedly gorgeous–brown bundle of curls immediately went down with digestive issues. The ‘breeder’ vanished and this muchloved dog has subsequently gone on to be a very costly and sickly pet.

But that same scenario can happen with pedigree dogs and breeders, yell the critics.

And they are, of course, quite right.

We have our own ‘bad apples’–far too many of them in fact–but the biggest cases of exploitation, cruelty and neglect within our ranks have usually been dragged out into the open by other dog showing folk, concerned for the reputation and health of their respective breeds. Their breeders can be traced and they will be banned from showing/registering pups, etc.

The same concerns are occasionally voiced by responsible elements of the ‘doodle/poo’ community, but mostly it’s a very disparate group, and those churning out sickly, maladjusted puppies often do so alone and flying very much under the radar.

There is currently one such case happening right here in Tasmania. A couple, Elizabeth and Paul Bartlett (of Tasmanian Labradoodles) are accused of ‘overbreeding their female labradoodles’ –facing 70 counts of breeding without ensuring they had less than two litters in any 18 month period.

The RSPCA alleges that one of the dogs, named Barbie, had six litters between October 2020 and September 2022.

Another bitch, Chanel, allegedly had four litters, again in under two years.

This has caused uproar among the pedigree dog showing and breeding community who have extremely strict and limiting rules imposed upon them and their breeding. Of course, this case isn’t unique to Tasmania; you can find similar operations right across Australia, America and the UK. All of them aided and abetted by the laissez faire ‘let’s mix it up’ approach to dog breeding heavily promoted by certain progressive individuals.

What a mess they’ve helped to create. “You don’t need an AKC pedigree/registration document…” has seen the multiplication of ‘boutique registries’, and the proliferation of dogs such as Merle Chihuahuas and Blue Frenchies which would have been completely

unheard of a decade or two ago.

And of course, the ‘designer dog’ craze isn’t solely limited to the cute and the fluffy. Spotting a gap in a very lucrative market, some have jumped on board creating, amongst others, Exotic Bulldogs and the XL Bully–once again flying under the radar. Many of these ‘breeders’ (just like a lot of those producing doodles) rarely take advantage of hip scoring, eye testing and other health and temperament checks. People will argue, ‘Yes, but your Doberman, Boxer, Rottweiler were the ‘designer dogs’ of their day. I completely disagree; these dogs were carefully bred by knowledgeable breeders with a clear purpose and function in mind.

The only thing the modern-day designer dogs are brought into the world for is…$$$. Resentment is quite clearly building here,

But, as I mentioned previously, the pedigree dog is now a rare sight, superseded everywhere by cute mongrels.

sparked by that Tasmanian case I mentioned. Australia has some incredible pedigree dogs and it’s blessed with talented, conscientious and extremely knowledgeable breeders. Many of you will of course already know this having sent dogs ‘down under’. I clearly see the American influence in a number of breeds. It’s been a wonderful and fruitful partnership.

But, as I mentioned previously, the pedigree dog is now a rare sight, superseded everywhere by cute mongrels.

Show entries are small even at the much vaunted ‘Royal’ shows.

Talking to people ringside they bemoaned the fact that they have no voice and that no one is defending their corner. They want to see support and promotion of pedigree dog breeding. I put their concerns to someone well-connected in the Australian dog scene and I was quite stunned by their reaction.

They replied that, “alienating the doodle community wasn’t a positive step forward,” and, in fact, we “should be far more open and encouraging of them…”

A number of years ago a high-ranking member of the KC made very similar proclamations of appeasement, even speaking of possible recognition…

I responded by asking a simple question. “Why do we actually need doodles and cockerpoos anyway?” I think they were a bit taken back by this question, so I clarified by stating the purebred Poodle is an incredible breed. It performs all the things the crosses can, comes in three sizes and, if bought from a responsible breeder, it’s generally long-lived and

remarkably free from health issues. Also being purebred, you know exactly what size your puppy is going to attain, you know exactly what kind of coat it’s going to have, and you pretty much know what kind of temperament it’s going to display.

Predictability is a boon in these uncertain times.

So why take a chance?

Why mix it up?

It’s never really made any sense, especially when you consider that most of the puppy buying public want a doodle that is more ‘poodley looking’–and breeders achieve this by now putting the doodles back to poodles. It’s complete and utter madness.

The ‘health’ argument can also no longer be used as doodle advocates will freely admit that these dogs suffer a plethora of inherited diseases; and a recent study admitted that the celebrated ‘hybrid vigor’ had been somewhat ‘overplayed’.

The very same defense can also easily be made for purebred labradors and cocker spaniels. So, if you like that ruffian, devil may care, curly look, why not buy a Spanish Water Dog, Lagotto Romagnolo, Portuguese Water Dog or a Pumi? Want something equally cute, smaller, suitable for apartment living? Why not a Bichon Frise, Havanese, Affenpinscher, Bolognese, Coton de Tulear or Lowchen?

Bred by a breeder who cares, who health checks and tests–you get a similar look alongside predictability!

Unsurprisingly there was no reply to my question.

This brings me to yet another contributing factor to our slow demise – apathy.

Far too many people, supposedly ‘on our side’, are just as content to sit on the sidelines grumbling rather than air their views in public, challenge the status quo, and start fighting back.

I’ve attended numerous shows here in Australia and the general public still has a great deal of interest and love for the pedigree but a number of breeders won’t sell a pup to anyone interested in showing/breeding (stating so in their ads) and a lot of pups are sold de-sexed (I’ll save my views on this contentious practice for another article!).

We really aren’t helping ourselves, are we?

I’ve encountered the very same ‘protectionist’ attitude in the UK when wanting to buy a pup sired by our champion Miniature Dachshund. The breeders were reluctant to sell to us because “we’d then be competition”. So, instead, these beautiful pups went to ‘pet’ homes!

If we want to avoid joining the Dodo, we really need to find our fighting spirit and start welcoming and encouraging newcomers. We need to promote all that’s good about our community and our wonderful dogs.

Appeasement should definitely NOT be on the agenda!!

Reprinted with Permission from The Canine Chronicle February 2024, Page 88

Dachshund Club of America Spring 2024 56

May 17

• Earthdog Practice. Purina Farms

May 18

• Dachshund Club of St. Louis Earth Dog


• DCA National Earth Dog

May 20

• Purina Move In

• DCA Host Agility Events

• DCA National Agility

• DCA Welcome Party

May 21

• DCSTL Specialty

• DCA Board Host Obedience & Rally

May 22

• DCA Board Host Show with NOHS by variety & Juniors

• 2nd DCA Board Host Obedience & Rally

May 23

• DCA Annual Meeting

• Guest Speaker

• DCA National Sweepstakes

• DCA National Rally Trial

May 24

• DCA National Specialty

• BOV - Smooth

• DCA National Obedience Trial

• DCA Awards Dinner

May 25

• DCA Junior Showmanship

• DCA Parade of Veterans

• DCA National Specialty

BOV – Longs & Wires Inter Variety

Guest Speaker

Dr. Nicholas D. Jeffery

IVDD research at Texas A&M

Hosted by DCA Health and Welfare Trust Fund

The Madison Area Dachshund Club will host the Dachshund Club of America 2024 National Field Trial April 20-21, at the Northern Illinois Brace Club in Roscoe, Illinois

Stakes will be run consecutively over the two days, with Open Bitches and FC Bitches likely running on Saturday, followed by Open Dogs and FC Dogs on Sunday.

Michael Nothstein and Stacey Sullivan have accepted the assignments to judge the FC Dog and FC Bitch stakes, and Wendy Snyder and Val Higginbotham have accepted the assignments to judge the Open Dog and Open Bitch stakes.

The Madison Area Dachshund Club will host two trials over three days April 22-24. It is anticipated that two trials over three days will allow stakes to be run consecutively. MADC is in the process of inviting judges for their trials.

At this time, it is anticipated that the annual awards dinner will be held on Sunday, April 21 at the club grounds.

Event Chair: Cheri Faust • cherifaust@gmail.com • 608-381-0831

DCA Judges 2024

Earth Dog

St. Louis Dachshund Club

IQ: Randy Eltringham

Novice: Alice Carter

Junior: Jody Dean

Senior: Lucy Shinkle

Master: Denise Faulkner


IQ: Denny Van Hook

Novice: Connie Fisher

Junior: Linda Schweitzer

Senior: Elizabeth Ellis

Master: Cindi Todd


DCA Host Shows

Ronda Bermke

DCA National Show

Ronda Bermke

May 17-25, 2024

Purina Farms, 200 Checkerboard Drive, Gray Summit, MO

Host Hotel - Holiday Inn Six Flags, Eureka, MO

$129.95 plus tax nightly

Room rate - standard room 2 queen beds, two room limit per reservation

$35 non refundable dog show fee

Reservations by phone only by 4/17/2024: 800-782-8108 or 636-938 6661 (mention DCA to secure room rate)

DCA Rally

DCA Host Show 1 – Fred Buroff

DCA Host Show 2 – Fred Buroff

DCA National –James Comunale


DCA Host Show 1 – Fred Buroff

DCA Host Show 2 – Fred Buroff

DCA National –James Comunale


St. Louis DC Specialty

Long – Andra O’Connell

Smooth – Bob Wlodkowski

Wire – Diane McCormack

Juniors – Diane McCormack

DCA Board Host Show

Long – Ryan Horvath

Smooth – Luis Sosa

Wire – Midge Martin

Juniors – Emi Pedraza

DCA National Specialty

Long – Sue Bennett

Smooth – Debbie Melgreen

Wire – Robert Schwalbe

Juniors – Debbie Melgreen

DCA National Sweeps

Long – Kathy Lockyer

Smooth –Walter Cunningham

Wire – Emi Pedraza

Facebook page
DCA Website
latest updates informationand
Check the DCA
for the
The Dachshund Club of America Newsletter Lynne Dahlén, Editor N961 Mayflower Road Appleton, WI 54913 Official DCA Website: dachshundclubofamerica.org

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