Douglas Bull Test Report
Doug Kerr
The test station’s 57th Annual Sale was held on March
The new test station season will begin with deliveries
27, 2021 east of Brandon, MB.
October 5-10, 2021. On test weigh-in will be October 31/November 1, 2021. 56 day weigh-in will be
60 Bulls were sold for an average of $3841
December 26, 2021 and 84 day weigh-in on January
18 heifers sold for an average of $2661
22, 2022. Off test is slated for February 19/20, 2022.
Six horses sold for an average of $7408
Semen testing will be the week of March 18, 2022.
This year there were three Maine-Anjou bulls sold.
Mark your calendars, the Manitoba Bull Test Sale will
Lot 502 consigned by Gilcroft Farms, Keith and Theo,
be March 26, 2022.
and Ron Gilbert of Campbellford, ON sold to Rodney Sauer of Carpio, North Dakota for $4250.
New this year, the test station is starting a younger bull development program. This program is to
Lot 503 considgned by Gilcroft Farms, Campbellford,
develop bulls born April, May and June of 2021.
ON so to Ian Leaman for $2900.
These bulls will be delivered in mid-November and put on a 112 day test starting in January. These
Lot 505 consigned by Badgerhill Maine-Anjou, Doug
younger bulls will go home for the summer and will
and Geri Kerr, Ninette, MB sold to Rodney Sauer of
be eligible for end of test sale in March of 2023.
Carpio, ND for $4500. The manager at the Test Station is Cody Nolan, he Breed average sale price for bulls were as follows:
has been with us since May 30, 2020. He can be
22 Angus averaged $3841
reached on cell phone at 204-573-4006 or at the test
11 Simmental averaged $4205
station at 204-763-4696.
5 Limousin averaged $4100 2 Salers averaged $2900
Our official name is the Manitoba Beef Cattle
3 Maine-Anjou averaged $3883
Performance Association. We are often referred to as
14 Shorthorns averaged $3432
the Douglas Bull Test Station or the Manitoba Bull
2 Charolais averaged $5000
Test Station.
1 Gelbvieh sold for $2800.00
Visit our website for more details: Bill Campbell’s Lot 203 sold for $7500 which was the high selling bull for the day. Visitors are welcome anytime.