Wonders New Edition ELL Scaffolded Shared Read for G2-6

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SHARED READ Unit 1 Realistic Fiction


Name Maria Celebrates Brazil

Maria has a dance practice today. Why do Mãe and Pai want her to practice?

Maria and her family are in their kitchen. “Please!” Maria begs. Maria does not want to go to practice today. Mãe speaks Portuguese. It is the language of Brazil. Mãe says, “You must practice. The parade is next week.”


Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


begs (suplica) asks in a strong way must (debes) need to next week (semana siguiente) in 7 days

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1 Main Question




Additional Questions

Where are Mãe and Pai from? Maria’s parents come from

Word Bank

does not Brazil parade must go


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2 Does Maria want to go to practice? She

want to go

to practice. 3 What does Mãe say about it? Maria

to practice.

4 Why is practice important? The

is next week.

Main Question 1 Revisited Maria has a dance practice today. Why do Mãe and Pai want her to practice?



2 Main Question


Maria does not want to go. Why does Maria feel this way?

“It’s not fair,” says Maria. Mãe says, “Maria, you must do the right thing.” “But Ana invited me to her house,” Maria says. COLLABORATE


Additional Questions

Word Bank

the right thing house fair invited

Her parents say Maria must practice. What does Maria say about it? Maria says it is not


2 Why does Maria feel this way? Ana

Maria to her .

3 Why does Mãe want Maria to practice? Mãe wants Maria to do . 3

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fair (justo) correct or good for everyone do the right thing (hacer lo correcto) do the correct or good thing invited me to (invitó) wants me to go to


3 Main Question The parade celebrates Brazil. Why is the parade important to the family?

“The parade is important,” says Pai. “People from all over come to see it. They try our food. They see how we dress. They see how we live. It is a chance to share our culture.”

Janet Broxon

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Main Question 2 Revisited Maria does not want to go. Why does Maria feel this way?


Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


all over (todas partes) many places try (prueban) taste for the first time share (comparten) show people culture (cultura) way of life and traditions




Additional Questions

Word Bank

Pai tells about the parade. Who comes to see the parade? People from

come to

all over culture lives try

2 What does Pai say the people do? People

their food. They

see how the family


3 What can the family share with other people? The family can share their .

Main Question 3 Revisited The parade celebrates Brazil. Why is the parade important to the family?

5   Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction

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see it.


4 Main Question


Maria worked hard for the parade. What did she and her friends do?

Maria says, “But I want to see Ana.”

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“You can see Ana anytime,” says Pai. “They are giving out costumes at practice today.”

anytime (en cualquier momento) another time have worked hard (trabajado duro) have done a lot of work colorful costumes (trajes coloridos) clothing with many colors for the parade

Maria thinks about her father’s words. She and her friends have worked hard. They practiced their dance steps. They made colorful costumes. COLLABORATE


Additional Questions

Word Bank

What happens at practice today? They give the

to the

children. 2 What does Maria think about? She thinks about the things said about the parade. 6

dance steps made her father costumes


3 What has Maria practiced? Maria and her friends have practiced their

for the parade.

4 What is another way the children worked hard?

their costumes.

Main Question 4 Revisited Maria worked hard for the parade. What did she and her friends do?

5 Main Question How do Maria’s feelings change?

Maria says, “I’ll go to practice. I want to dance my best at the parade.”


Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


my best (lo mejor posible) the best I can

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Maria and her friends



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One week later, people line the streets on parade day. Maria’s group knows each h dance. They move to the beat.



later (después) after line (forman una fila) stand on the side of

Additional Questions

Word Bank

practice dance the beat best parade

What will Maria do? She will go to


2 Why does Maria want to do this? She wants to be able to dance her at the


3 What do Maria’s group do at the parade? They know each

and .

Janet Broxon

move to


6 Main Question


Many people are at the parade. What happens at the end of the story?

crowd (multitud) group of many people points (apunta) aims takes a picture (toma una foto) snaps a photo with the camera is proud of (está orgullosa) feels good about

The crowd cheers. A lot of people came to watch the parade. A woman points a camera, so Maria smiles. Click! The woman takes a picture. Maria is proud of her hard work!


Additional Questions

Word Bank

cheers hard work picture

What does the crowd do? The crowd watches and 9

Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


Janet Broxon


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Main Question 5 Revisited How do Maria’s feelings change?


2 When does Maria smile? Maria smiles when a woman takes her


3 What is Maria proud of?

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Maria is proud of her


Main Question 6 Revisited Many people are at the parade. What happens at the end of the story?

Comprehension Skill Character, Setting, Events Name the characters, setting, and event in an important part of the story. A character is a person in a story. A setting tells when and where the story is happening. The events are what happens.

10   Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction




Word Bank

The story is about the Maria and her parents,


The characters are in their . It is one week before . This is the first


of the story. Mãe and Pai tell Maria to go to practice. This is in the story.

the first

2 Extension: Another setting is at the parade. It is People line the

later. .

The characters are and her dance group. They know each dance and move to

11    Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


characters event parade Mãe and Pai setting Maria kitchen the beat one week streets

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Comprehension Skill Revisited Character, Setting, Events Name the characters, setting, and event in an important part of the story.

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Reread Use the graphic organizer to write the characters, settings, and events as you reread “Maria Celebrates Brazil.” Graphic organizer is on the next page


Talk with a partner to summarize the events in the story.

12   Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction


Reread Use






Maria Mãe Pai

The family’s kitchen one week before the parade

Maria does not want to go to dance practice. Her parents say she must go.

13   Unit 1 • Realistic Fiction

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GLOSSARY Use the chart to write 4 glossary words.

Title Word/ Translation

Name Your Definition

Page Number

Your Sentence and Example

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