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Cover: Nathan Love, Erwin Madrid


Wonders New Edition Teacher’s Edition Grade K Unit 1 Adaptation Copyright © 2022 by McGraw-Hill Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Published by arrangement with McGraw Hill LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPYING, RECORDING OR BY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM MCGRAW HILL. Adapted from Reading Wonders Teacher’s Edition Grade K Unit 1 Original ISBN: 978-0-07-901774-1 Original MHID: 0-07-901774-6 Send all inquiries to: McGraw-Hill Education 1 International Business Park #01-15A The Synergy, Singapore 609917 When ordering this title, please use ISBN: 978-981-3311-21-3 Printed in Korea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Artec 26 25 24 23 22 21

Explore exciting Literature, Science, and Social Studies texts! READ about the world around you! THINK , SPEAK , and WRITE about genres!

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(t) robert cicchetti/Shutterstock; (c) Paul Souders/Photodisc/Getty Images; (bl) Rob Marmion/Shutterstock; (bc) Thomas M Perkins/Shutterstock; (br) vipman/Shutterstock

COLLABORATE in discussions and inquiry!

Unit 1 The Big Idea

Take a New Step

Weekly Concept......................................................................T4 Phonics: Mm...............................................................................T6 High-Frequency Words: see..............................................T8 Words to Know.........................................................................T9 Shared Read

I Can Nonfiction......................................................................T12 I Can, Can I? Fiction........................................................... T18 Grammar: Nouns...................................................................T24 Make Connections............................................................... T25 Write About the Text........................................................ T26


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Week 1 • Make New Friends


What can we learn when we try new things?..................................................... T2


Week 2 • Get Up and Go!


Weekly Concept................................................................... T28 Phonics: Aa...............................................................................T30 High-Frequency Words: we............................................ T32 Words to Know...................................................................... T33 Shared Read

We Can Nonfiction.............................................................. T36 I Can, We Can Fiction.......................................................T42 Grammar: Nouns...................................................................T48 Make Connections...............................................................T49


Write About the Text........................................................T50


Weekly Concept................................................................... T52 Phonics: Ss.................................................................................T54 High-Frequency Words: the...........................................T56 Words to Know...................................................................... T57 Shared Read

Sam Can See Fiction...........................................................T60 I Can See Nonfiction..........................................................T66 Grammar: Nouns................................................................... T72 Make Connections............................................................... T73 Write About the Text........................................................T74



Week 3 • Use Your Senses



Unit 1

The Big Idea


p e t S w e N a Take

Steve Glass/Getty Images

• Have students look at the photos on pages 2-3. • Ask: What are these kids doing? (The boy is learning how to ride a bike. The girl is learning how to swim. They are learning new things.) Have you tried doing these things before? (I can do both of these things.) • Read the title of the unit to students. Have students repeat after or choral read the title a second time. • Read aloud the Big Idea to students: What can we learn when we try new things? (We can learn if we like or don't like something.) Then ask them to discuss a time when they tried something they had never done before, such as riding a bike. Ask: How did it feel? (I was scary and fun at the same time.) As students relate experiences, invite them to discuss where they were, whom they were with, and what they learned from the new experience. Encourage them to give details to describe the people, places, things, and events. • Allow students to share their ideas.


Unit 1

Say Have partners greet each other by saying hello and telling their names. Give pairs time to complete the task. Talk Have partners talk about each photo. Ask: Have you done these activities before? (I have done these before. I learned to swim last year.) Give pairs additional time to share their connections with the activities in the photos.

The Big Idea

What can we learn when we try new things?

Say hello to your partner, and say your name. FatCamera/E+/Getty Images

Talk about each photo. Circle someone in each photo who is trying something new. Take a New Step

Circle Students can circle someone in each photo who is trying something new. Students should complete this independently. (They can circle the boy on the bike or the girl in the life vest.)


Take a New Step


Weekly Concept & Essential Question

Essential Question How can we get along with new friends?

• Have students look at the photo on page 4. • Ask: What are these kids doing? (They are playing together.) How do they feel? (They are happy.) How do you know they feel this way? (They are smiling.) Have you done this before? Encourage students to use complete sentences as they talk about the photo. • Play track 01. Students will first listen, and then repeat the Weekly Concept and Essential Question of this week. Have students repeat after or choral read the Essential Question a second time. Ask students to share their initial ideas about the Essential Question.

Talk About It • Read the Talk About It question: How are these friends getting along? (They are playing together.) Allow students some time to think before inviting them to share their ideas.



Weekly Concept Make New Friends



Talk About It How are these friends getting along?


Unit 1 • Week 1

Talk about how friends can get along. Use the photos and words to help you.





Student drawings will vary, but they should show some activity they can do with a friend, such as sharing toys or eating together.

Make New Friends

(bkgd) weedezign/Shutterstock; (l to r) FamVeld/Shutterstock; Africa Studio/Shutterstock; India Picture/Image Source; Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Draw one thing you can do with a new friend.


Talk • Have students look at the photos at the top of page 5. Ask: What is happening in the first photo? (A boy is helping his friend.) What is the word below the first photo? (help) Does the photo help us to understand what help means? Repeat for the other three photos and words. Ask: What is happening in the second photo? (The friends are sharing an umbrella.) What is happening in the third photo? (The friends are playing together.) What is happening in the last photo? (The friends are eating together.) • Have students look at the prompt at the top of page 5. Ask students to read the words with you. • After reading all 4 words, go back to the prompt and read with students: Talk about how friends can get along. Use the photos and words to help you.

• Give students time to discuss with their partners. Move around the classroom to check for understanding. Draw • Direct students to the second prompt on page 5. Tell students to draw one thing they can do with a new friend. Have volunteers share their drawings.

Make New Friends



Introduce /m/m • Have students turn to pages 6-7. • Play track 02. Students will first listen, and then repeat the word map. They will then practice writing the capital and lowercase letter Mm. • Say: The sound is /m/. The /m/ sound is spelled with the letter m. Say it with me /mmm/. This is the sound at the beginning of the word map. Listen /mmmap/, map. What is the name of this letter? (m) What sound does this letter stand for? (/m/)

Listen and repeat. Write the letter.




M m

(1) Straight down. Around and straight down. Around and straight down.



map Bardocz Peter/Shutterstock


6 (1) Straight down. (2) Go back to the top. Slant down, slant up. Straight down.


Listen and say the name of each picture.

Handwriting: Write Mm • Say the handwriting cues below as you write and identify the uppercase and lowercase forms of Mm. Then trace the letters on the board and in the air as you say /m/.





Unit 1 • Week 1

• Before moving to the second activity on page 6, say: Show how you wrote the letters M and m. Give students time to try again if they need. • Have students use their index finger to follow along with the recording as they read each word.

Guided Practice • Continue with the audio for the second activity. • Have students listen and say the name of each picture. • Engage students with the new words by asking them questions to identify the words. • Say: Let’s practice these words. Use your fingers to point to each word as you listen. • If available, have students practice writing each word on paper or invite students randomly to write one of the words on the board or large paper for the whole class.

map 2









ram Make New Friends


• (2) Tell students that you will say some words that have /m/ at the end and some words that do not. Have students say /m/ and ask them to raise their hands when they hear /m/ at the end of the word. Guide practice with the first word. him drum let some brim hat jam

• (1) Tell students that you will say some words that begin with /m/ and some words that do not. Have students say /m/ and ask them to raise their hands if the word begins with /m/. Guide students with the first two words, raising your hand after you say mop and keeping it lowered after you say dog. mop dog mud pig milk box mom mint

Make New Friends


High-Frequency Words

Model • Have students turn to pages 8-9. • Use Read/Spell/Write routine to teach the word. • Read Point to and say the word see. Say: This is the word see. Say it with me: see. • Spell Say: The word see is spelled s-e-e. Spell it with me. • Write Say: Let’s write the word in the air as we say each letter: s-e-e.

• Play track 03. Students will first listen, and then repeat the sentences. Have students use their pointer finger to follow along with the recording as they read each sentence.

Practice • After finishing the two given sentences, say: Let’s try making up new sentences using the word see. Invite students to make up their own sentences, I see ___… using things around the classroom. For example: I see a book. We see the teacher.


I can see me.

We can see the sky. (t to b) Milan Bruchter/Shutterstock; Hero Images/Getty Images

Guided Practice




Unit 1 • Week 1

Words to Know

Build Background


• Have students read the highlighted Words to Know, broom, chair, and drum with you. • Say: We use chairs every day, but how many of you use a broom? What do you use it for? Students might discuss using a broom as a way to help at home. • Ask: Has anyone played a drum before? What sound can a drum make? Invite students to tap their desks, legs, or the floor to make a drum sound.

broom Jan can use the broom.

I sit on the chair. drum Sam can play the drum. Make New Friends

(t to b) Mr.Music/Shutterstock; Mark Nazh/Shutterstock; galitsin/Shutterstock



Guided Practice • Say: Let’s listen to these sentences. • Remind students to use their pointer finger to follow along with the recording as they read each sentence. • Play track 04. Students will first listen, and then repeat the sentences.

Practice • After finishing the three given sentences, pause the audio and say: Let’s make up new sentences using the “words to know.” Invite students to make up their own sentences using the Words to Know. For example: I have a broom at home. Meg sits in her chair. I can play the drum.

Make New Friends


Words to Know

Build Background

T10 GKU1W1


We look at the map.

marbles (t to b) VP Photo Studio/Shutterstock; Ivan Calamonte/Shutterstock

• Have students turn to pages 10-11. • Ask them to read the highlighted Words to Know, map, marbles, mitt, and mop with you. • Say: Who here has seen or used a map before? What do you use it for? Students might discuss using a map as a way to find a place or get somewhere. • Say: Has anyone played marbles before? How do you play with them? Invite students to explain how to play with marbles if they know how. Explain that marbles come in two sizes and players try to move other people marbles out of the way. If available, show students some real marbles and allow them to hold them. • Say: Who has seen or used a mitt before? What game do you use it for? Students might discuss using a mitt to catch a baseball during a baseball game or practice. • Say: When would someone need to use a mop? Students might discuss using a mop as a way to clean a wet floor.


We play with the marbles.

Unit 1 • Week 1

Guided Practice

Shared Read

• Remind students to use their pointer finger to follow along with the recording as they read each sentence. • Continue the audio. Students will first listen, and then repeat the sentences.


I like my mitt.


Mom uses the mop.

Make New Friends

(t to b) Brock Jones/Image Source; Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock


• After finishing the four given sentences, say: Let’s make up new sentences using the “words to know.” Invite students to make up their own sentences using the Words to Know from pages 10 and 11. For example: The map is on the wall. I have marbles. The mitt is black. Our mop is in the kitchen.


Make New Friends


Connect to Concept

Shared Read

• Have students look at the photos on pages 12-17 before reading the story. • Ask: What do you see? Students should be able to share what they see on each page. • As students read this selection, have them look for details to help them answer the Essential Question: How can we get along with new friends?

Find Text Evidence

Read to find out what the boy can do.

I Can


Read and point to each word in the title.

Set Purpose • Have students read the first prompt with you: Read to find out what the boy can do.

• Read the second prompt with the students and complete the task: Read and point to each word in the title: I Can.

Aksinia Abiagam/Shutterstock

Print Awareness


Unit 1 • Week 1

Listen and Read • Play track 05 and have students follow along with their fingers as the story goes. Stop at the end of the story on page 17.

T12 GKU1W1


If time allows, show students movements to go along with each sentence. For example, for the sentence, “I can see the mitt,” have students point to themselves for “I can,” point to their eyes or pretend to look through binoculars for “see,” and the suggested gesture for “the mitt,” on page 13. This can be repeated for the whole story.

• Have students go back to page 13. • Tell students that now they will read the selection, and you will pause to ask them the questions in the blue column. • Remind students to use their pointer finger as they read the sentence. • Choral Read Have students chorally read with you. • Read Have students read on their own.

Shared Read Find Text Evidence

Underline and read aloud the word see. Circle and read aloud the word that begins with the same sound as map.

High-Frequency Words

(t) D. Hurst/Alamy; (b) Nancy Carlson

Circle the mitt in the photo.

I can see the mitt. Make New Friends



If time allows, show students a movement to indicate a ball and mitt. This could be a simple gesture like tossing a pretend ball into a pretend mitt like baseball players do when they are warming up before a game. Have students point to themselves to indicate "I can," and then to their eyes to indicate "see" before each gesture for the object.

• Have students underline and read aloud the high-frequency word see. Give students time to find the word and underline it.

Phonics • Have students circle and read aloud the word that begins with the same sound as map.

Comprehension • Have students circle the mitt in the photo.

Make New Friends


• Have students turn to page 14. • Remind students to use their pointer finger as they read the sentence. • Choral Read Have students chorally read with you. • Read Have students read on their own.

Shared Read Find Text Evidence

Underline and read aloud the word see. Circle and read aloud the word that begins with the same sound as map.

High-Frequency Words • Have students underline and read aloud the high-frequency word see. Give students time to find the word and underline it.

Circle the mop in the photo.

• Have students circle and read aloud the word that begins with the same sound as map. Give students time to find the word and circle it.

Comprehension • Have students circle the mop in the photo. Give students time to find the photo and circle it.

T14 GKU1W1

(t) indigolotos/Shutterstock; (b) Nancy Carlson




I can see the mop. Unit 1 • Week 1

If time allows, show students a movement to indicate a mop. This could be a simple gesture like standing and pretending to use a mop to clean the floor. Have students point to themselves to indicate "I can," and then to their eyes to indicate "see" before each gesture for the object.

• Have students move to page 15. • Remind students to use their pointer finger as they read the sentence. • Choral Read Have students chorally read with you. • Read Have students read on their own.

Shared Read Find Text Evidence

Underline and read aloud the word see. Circle and read aloud the word that ends with the same sound as jam.

I can see the drum. Make New Friends


• Have students underline and read aloud the high-frequency word see. Give students time to find the word and underline it. (t) dslaven/Shutterstock; (bl) Nancy Carlson; (br) indigolotos/Shutterstock

Circle the drum in the photo.

High-Frequency Words


Phonics • Have students circle and read aloud the word that ends with the same sound as jam. Give students time to find the word and circle it.

Comprehension • Have students circle the drum in the photo. Give students time to find the photo and circle it.

If time allows, show students a movement to indicate a drum. This could be a simple gesture like students pretending to play a drum with imaginary drumsticks. Have students point to themselves to indicate "I can," and then to their eyes to indicate "see" before each gesture for the object.

Make New Friends


• Have students turn to page 16. • Remind students to use their pointer finger as they read the sentence. • Choral Read Have students chorally read with you. • Read Have students read on their own.

Shared Read Find Text Evidence

Underline and read aloud the word see. Circle and read aloud the word that begins with the same sound as map.

High-Frequency Words

Phonics • Have students circle and read aloud the word that begins with the same sound as map. Give students time to find the word and circle it.

Comprehension • Have students circle the marbles in the photo. Give students time to find the photo and circle it.

T16 GKU1W1

(t) Lawrence Manning/Fuse/Getty Images; (b) Nancy Carlson

• Have students underline and read aloud the high-frequency word see. Give students time to find the word and underline it.

16 TPR

Circle the marbles in the photo.

I can see the marbles. Unit 1 • Week 1

If time allows, show students a movement to indicate a marble. This could be a simple gesture like holding a thumb tucked into the middle finger similar to the photo from page 10. Have students point to themselves to indicate "I can," and then to their eyes to indicate "see" before each gesture for the object.

• Have students move to page 17. • Remind students to use their pointer finger as they read the sentence. • Choral Read Have students chorally read with you. • Read Have students read on their own.

Shared Read Find Text Evidence

Underline and read aloud the word see. Circle and read aloud the word that ends with the same sound as jam.

I can see the broom.

Retell the text. Use the photos to help you. Make New Friends

• Have students underline and read aloud the high-frequency word see. Give students time to find the word and underline it.

(t) Comstock Images/Getty Images; (b) Nancy Carlson

Circle the broom in the photo.

High-Frequency Words


Retell • Have students use the text and photos to retell the story. Read the fourth prompt with the students and have them complete the task: Retell the text. Use the photos to help you. (Student answers will vary, but they should include the different things that the boy was able to see.) TPR

If time allows, show students a movement to indicate a broom. This could be a simple gesture like standing and pretending to use a broom to clean the floor. Have students point to themselves to indicate "I can," and then to their eyes to indicate "see" before each gesture for the object.

Phonics • Have students circle and read aloud the word that ends with the same sound as jam. Give students time to find the word and circle it.

Comprehension • Have students circle the broom in the photo. Give students time to find the photo and circle it.

Make New Friends


Connect to Concept

Shared Read

• Have students look at the pictures on pages 18-23 before reading the story. • Ask: What do you see? Students should be able to share what they see on each page. • As students read this selection, have them look for details to help them answer the Essential Question: How can we get along with new friends?

Find Text Evidence

Read to find out what the girl can do.



Read and point to each word in the title.

Set Purpose • Have students read the first prompt with you: Read to find out what the girl can do.

Print Awareness • Read the second prompt with the students and complete the task: Read and point to each word in the title: I Can, Can I?


Unit 1 • Week 1

Listen and Read • Play track 06 and have students follow along with their fingers as the story goes. Stop at the end of the story on page 23.

T18 GKU1W1


If time allows, show students movements to go along with each sentence. For example, for the sentence, “I can see the map,” have students point to themselves for “I can,” point to their eyes or pretend to look through binoculars for “see,” and then point to the drawing of the map for “the map,” on page 19. This can be repeated for the whole story, either by using the suggested gesture for the target word, or pointing to the picture on the page.

• Have students go back to page 19. • Tell students that now they will read the selection, and you will pause to ask them the questions in the blue column. • Remind students to use their pointer finger as they read the sentence. • Choral Read Have students chorally read with you. • Read Have students read on their own.

Shared Read Find Text Evidence

Underline and read aloud the word see. Circle and read aloud the word that begins with the same sound as mop.

High-Frequency Words

Circle the map in the picture.

• Have students underline and read aloud the high-frequency word see. Give students time to find the word and underline it.


I can see the map. Make New Friends


• If time allows, invite students to make a map of their home. Talk about how a friend might need a map to find their room or the bathroom from the living room.

• Have students circle and read aloud the word that begins with the same sound as mop.

Comprehension • Have students circle the map in the picture.

Make New Friends


• Have students turn to page 20. • Remind students to use their pointer finger as they read the sentence. • Choral Read Have students chorally read with you. • Read Have students read on their own.

Shared Read Find Text Evidence

Underline and read aloud the word see. Circle the chair in the picture.

High-Frequency Words • Have students underline and read aloud the high-frequency word see. Give students time to find the word and underline it.

Comprehension • Have students circle the chair in the picture. Give students time to find the picture and circle it.

I can see the chair. 20


T20 GKU1W1

Unit 1 • Week 1

If time allows, show students a movement to indicate a chair. This could be a simple gesture like pretending to sit in a chair or pulling a chair out for someone else to sit in. Have students point to themselves to indicate "I can," and then to their eyes to indicate "see" before each gesture for the object.

• Have students move to page 21. • Remind students to use their pointer finger as they read the sentence. • Choral Read Have students chorally read with you. • Read Have students read on their own.

Shared Read Find Text Evidence

Underline and read aloud the word see. Circle and read aloud the word that begins with the same sound as mop.

High-Frequency Words • Have students underline and read aloud the high-frequency word see. Give students time to find the word and underline it.

Circle Max in the picture.


Talk about what the girl is doing.

I can see Max. Make New Friends


Comprehension • Have students circle Max in the picture. Give students time to find the picture and circle it.

• Have students talk about what the girl is doing in the picture. Ask: What is the girl doing in the picture? (Student answers will vary, but they should include something about her working with Max to help solve the math problem.) TPR

• Have students circle and read aloud the word that begins with the same sound as mop. Give students time to find the word and circle it.

If time allows, show students a movement to indicate Max. This could be a simple gesture like having them imitate Max from the page. Have students point to themselves to indicate "I can," and then to their eyes to indicate "see" before the gesture for Max.

Make New Friends


• Have students turn to page 22. • Remind students to use their pointer finger as they read the sentence. • Choral Read Have students chorally read with you. • Read Have students read on their own.

Shared Read Find Text Evidence

Underline and read aloud the word see. Circle and read aloud the word that ends with the same sound as jam.

High-Frequency Words • Have students underline and read aloud the high-frequency word see. Give students time to find the word and underline it.

Circle Sam in the picture.

Phonics • Have students circle and read aloud the word that ends with the same sound as jam. Give students time to find the word and circle it.

Comprehension • Have students circle Sam in the picture. Give students time to find the picture and circle it.

T22 GKU1W1

Can I see Sam? 22 TPR

Unit 1 • Week 1

If time allows, show students a movement to act out the question on this page. This could be a simple gesture like shrugging. Pair with the other movements for “Can I” and “see.”

• Have students move to page 23. • Remind students to use their pointer finger as they read the sentence. • Choral Read Have students chorally read with you. • Read Have students read on their own.

Shared Read Find Text Evidence

Underline and read aloud the word see. Circle and read aloud the word that ends with the same sound as jam.

High-Frequency Words • Have students underline and read aloud the high-frequency word see. Give students time to find the word and underline it.

Talk about what the girl is doing.

Yes! I can see Sam.

Phonics • Have students circle and read aloud the word that ends with the same sound as jam. Give students time to find the word and circle it.

Retell the story. Use the pictures to help you. Make New Friends


Retell • Have students use the text and pictures to retell the story. Read the fourth prompt with the students and have them complete the task: Retell the story. Use the pictures to help you. (Student answers will vary, but they should include the different things that the girl was able to see or do.) TPR

Comprehension • Have students talk about what the girl is doing in the picture. Ask: What is the girl doing in the picture? (She is helping Sam with the books.)

If time allows, show students a movement to indicate “Yes” and Sam. This could be a simple gesture like cheering for “yes” and having them imitate Sam from the page.

Make New Friends



Model • Have students turn to page 24. • Explain that a noun is a naming word. A noun names a person or a thing. • Have students look at the photos and words in the box. Say: These words are nouns. What does the noun girl name? Is it a person or a thing? (person)

Activity A • Say: Look at the photos of people and things on the page for Activity A. • Read the prompt together: Circle the noun in each sentence. Say if it is a person or a thing. • Answers: 1. boy (person) 2. ball (thing) • After students have attempted, call on students to share their answers. • Ask: How do we know that the word boy is a noun? (Students should be able to say something about a boy being a person, and a person is a noun.)


(l to r, t to b) TRAIMAK/Shutterstock; Gelpi/Shutterstock; Christian Delbert/Shutterstock; Anton Starikov/Alamy; David Planchet/McGraw-Hill Education; Nimazi/Shutterstock

Guided Practice / Practice

A noun is a naming word. A noun names a person or a thing.







Circle the noun in each sentence. Say if it is a person or a thing. 1.


The boy can run.

person person

I have a ball.

thing thing

Say another noun that names a thing. Unit 1 • Week 1

Ask: How do we know that the word ball is a noun? (Students should be able to say something about a ball being a thing, and a thing is a noun.) Activity B • Move on to Activity B and read the prompt together: Say another noun that names a person or a thing. (Answers will vary, but students can name people or objects found in the classroom or community.)

T24 GKU1W1


Make Connections

Talk About It

Look at the photos. What are some ways to be a friend?

(tl) Ingram Publishing/Alamy; (tr) Gaetano Images Inc./Alamy

Circle the friends who are helping each other to learn new things. Draw a box around the friends who are playing a game together. Answer the Essential Question. How can we get along with new friends? Make New Friends


• Have students look at page 25. • Point to the first photo and say: What are these children doing? Repeat for the second photo. Students might respond that they are playing a game outside, or doing an art project together. • Read the first prompt with students: Look at the photos. What are some ways to be a friend? Give students time to think about their answers. Encourage them to use clues to support their response. Invite students to share their ideas. (Answers will vary: Friends play together. Friends help each other.) • Have students circle the friends who are helping each other learn new things. Give students time to think and answer independently. • Have students draw a box around the friends who are playing a game together.

Connect to the Essential Question • Direct students to the last prompt and read it together: Answer the Essential Question: How can we get along with new friends? Have students discuss what they have learned this week about how to get along with new friends. • Ask: What does it mean to get along with others? How do we do that? Can we use the stories or any of the words or pictures from other pages to help answer? (Student answers will vary, but they should include ideas such as helping or playing together.)

Make New Friends


Write About the Text

Analyze the Model Prompt • Have students look at pages 2627. • Say: We are going to practice writing about the text. First, we will look at an example. Then you will write on your own. • Say: Let’s read how Hector responded to a prompt. Read the prompt: How are the marbles and the mop different? • Explain that the first step in answering the prompt is to understand what information the prompt is asking for. Say: The prompt is asking Hector to look at the marbles and the mop in “I Can” and tell how they are different.

• Explain that Hector used evidence in the text and photos to take notes about the marbles and the mop. Then he used his notes to make inferences about what was not stated in the text.

T26 GKU1W1


Ken Cavanagh/McGraw-Hill Education

Find Text Evidence

I responded to the prompt: How are the marbles and the mop different?


Pages 12–17

Student Model: Informative Text

The marbles are round.

Describing Words I used the word round to tell about the marbles.

Unit 1 • Week 1

Analyze the Student Model Describing Words • Read the model and discuss the callouts. Have students use their fingers to follow along the model. • Say: Let's look at Hector's sentence: The marbles are round. • Talk with students about describing words. Read Hector’s idea: I used the word round to tell about the marbles. Have students use their fingers to trace the marbles on the page to show that they are round. • Explain: Hector looked at the marbles in the photo. He decided to use the word round to describe how the marbles look. (Trait: Word Choice)

Analyze the Student Model Clues • Say: Let’s look at Hector’s next sentence: The mop is long. Have students read Hector’s idea: I used the photo to figure out that the mop is long. • Ask: What describing word did Hector use in this sentence? Students should be able to identify the word long. • Talk with students about using clues. • Explain: Hector looked at the photo and figured out that the mop is long. (Trait: Ideas)


The word mop is the name of a thing. It is a noun.

The mop is long.

Clues I used the photo to figure out that the mop is long.

Your Turn



How can the boy and a friend play with the things in the story?

Make New Friends


Grammar • Ask: How does Hector use nouns in this sentence? Read the Grammar note: The word mop is the name of a thing. It is a noun. • Explain: Hector wrote the word mop. Mop is the name of a thing. It is a noun. (Grammar)

Your Turn • Direct students to the Your Turn prompt and read it together. Guide students to: - Use clues in the photos to infer things the boy and a friend could do with an item. - Use nouns, or words that name a person or thing. - Use describing words to tell about a noun. • Say: Let’s think about some ideas together to get started. What does the boy in “I Can” do to play? If the boy wanted to play with you, how would you play together? (Student answers will vary, but they should include ideas such as playing with the mitt and a ball, or a game of marbles that requires taking turns, sharing, or helping.) • Student workspace is provided in the Practice Book.

Make New Friends


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