Cover: Nathan Love, Erwin Madrid
Wonders New Edition Practice Book Grade 5 Volume 1
Adaptation Copyright © 2024 by McGraw-Hill Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
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Adapted from Reading Wonders Practice Book Grade 5
Original ISBN: 978-0-07-901700-0
Original MHID: 0-07-901700-2
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A. Choose and write the correct answers.
1. It was only a brief ____________ with a ghost, but it was enough to scare me silly.
a. spectacular b. cabin
c. encounter d. sheer
2. The turtles ____________ into the water as soon as we got close.
a. recorded b. live off the land c. dove d. naturalist
3. The acrobats gave a ____________ performance.
a. sheer
b. spectacular
c. rustling d. journal
4. She writes in her ____________ every night.
a. dove
b. impressed
c. journal d. awe
5. The largest pet cat ____________ is 120 cm long.
a. dove
b. encounter c. emphasis d. recorded
6. People used to ____________, but now they mostly buy food from stores.
a. sheer b. indicated c. spectacular d. live off the land
7. We watched the solar eclipse in ____________.
a. awe b. impressed c. emphasis d. naturalist
8. We looked up at the ____________ cliff and wondered how we would climb it.
a. rustling b. encounter c. sheer d. indicated
9. A ____________ can tell you a lot about the world around you.
a. naturalist b. dove c. cabin d. recorded
10. Everyone was ____________ by the poem I wrote. a. spectacular b. impressed c. journal d. woods
11. We will stay for a week in a ____________ in the woods.
a. live off the land b. naturalist
c. rustling d. cabin
12. There are many animals living among the trees in the ____________.
a. woods b. emphasis c. sheer d. awe
13. If you hear ____________ in your walls, you may have mice.
a. journal b. dove c. rustling d. emphasis
14. The red light ____________ that you should have stopped.
a. indicated b. recorded c. encounter d. impressed
15. We should put ____________ on the process of learning rather than grades.
a. cabin b. emphasis
c. naturalist d. awe
B. Write the words next to the correct meanings. Use the words from the box.
cabin impressed dove rustling
naturalist awe recorded journal
sheer encounter woods spectacular
1. adj. amazing or overwhelming
2. n. a person with an understanding of nature and local history
3. n. a brief meeting or exchange
4. adj. feeling respect or admiration for someone or something
5. n. a feeling of being greatly impressed
6. n. a small, simple building, usually made of wood and used as a home
7. v. jumped into water
8. adj. very steep such that it is almost straight
9. n. the sound made by short, quick movements
10. n. a forested area with dense tree cover
A. Circle and write.
1. Henry David Thoreau raised his pen to write his message / book ____________.
2. Thoreau could not write because his family’s house was too noisy / quiet ____________.
3. Outside of town, tall white pines / towers ____________ replaced the painted houses.
4. Thoreau thought he could live off the land / family ____________ and write his book.
B. Choose the correct answers.
1. What filled Thoreau’s ears as he tried to write at home?
a. Loud music filled his ears.
b. The sound of people reading filled his ears.
c. The barking of dogs filled his ears.
d. The chatter of guests filled his ears.
2. What would Thoreau need to find in order to write?
a. He would need to find a way to make the guests leave.
b. He would need to find a place of his own.
c. He would need to find material for his book.
d. He would need to find a way to block out the noise.
3. Where did Thoreau go after he left his house?
a. He went to Concord.
b. He sat in his backyard.
c. He walked out of town.
d. He went to the library.
C. Circle T (True) or F (False).
1. Thoreau enjoyed the sound of chatter in the next room. T F
2. Thoreau thought it would be nice to live close to nature.
D. Answer the question.
1. How do you avoid distraction when you’re trying to work?
E. Circle and write.
1. Ralph Waldo Emerson had a(n) idea / cabin ____________ to help Thoreau.
2. Emerson had bought some books / land ____________ near Walden Pond.
3. Thoreau built a cabin / treehouse ____________ in the woods.
4. Thoreau wrote that he had a great deal of loneliness / company ____________ in his cabin.
F. Choose the correct answers.
1. Who was Ralph Waldo Emerson?
a. He was a well-known writer.
b. He was Thoreau’s relative.
c. He was the person who sold Thoreau some land.
d. He was a famous environmentalist.
2. What did Emerson decide to do?
a. He decided to write a book about living off the land.
b. He decided to let Thoreau use some of his land.
c. He decided to live alone in the woods.
d. He decided to get a pet squirrel.
3. Who shared Thoreau’s cabin?
a. Ralph Waldo Emerson shared Thoreau’s cabin.
b. Thoreau’s family shared the cabin.
c. Woodland creatures shared Thoreau’s cabin.
d. A naturalist shared his cabin.
G. Circle T (True) or F (False).
1. Thoreau felt alone in his cabin. T F
2. Writing came easily to Thoreau in the woods. T F
H. Answer the question.
1. What favor has a friend done for you?
I. Circle and write.
1. Thoreau was a naturalist / builder ____________.
2. One afternoon, Thoreau tried to get a closer look at a lion / loon ____________ in the pond.
3. Thoreau thought the bird was looking / laughing ____________ at him as it kept coming up from the water somewhere else.
4. Thoreau wrote about his encounters in his journal / notebook ____________.
J. Choose the correct answers.
1. What did Thoreau notice in the woods?
a. He noticed the sheer sides of his cabin.
b. He noticed a howling laugh.
c. He noticed the behavior of animals.
d. He noticed a thumping against the floorboards.
2. What did Thoreau do when the loon dove under the water?
a. He made a howling laugh.
b. He jumped into the water with the loon.
c. He decided to catch the loon for his dinner.
d. He tried to guess where it would come up.
3. Why did Thoreau think that the loon was laughing at him?
a. He thought so because it quickly dove into the water.
b. He thought so because he could not catch up with the loon.
c. He thought so because it made prolonged howls.
d. He thought so because it perched on his shoulder.
K. Circle T (True) or F (False).
1. Thoreau was able to guess where the loon would come up.
2. Thoreau’s encounter with the loon ended when it began to rain.
L. Answer the question.
1. When have you interacted with a wild animal?
M. Circle and write.
1. Thoreau felt the loon had some mysterious power / laugh ____________.
2. Thoreau saw moles / snakes ____________ warm their nest with their own body heat.
3. Geese move to new pools / ponds ____________ at the season’s end.
4. Thoreau turned his journal entries into a movie / book ____________.
N. Choose the correct answers.
1. How did Thoreau’s thoughts about the loon change?
a. He thought it was silly, then mysteriously powerful.
b. He thought it was fast and clever, then a silly animal.
c. He thought it was having fun, but then he felt that it was mean.
d. He thought it was ugly, but then he saw how beautiful it was.
2. Why did Thoreau return to Concord?
a. He missed life in the city.
b. The red squirrels were upsetting him.
c. Emerson needed the land back.
d. He had done what he set out to do.
3. What happened as a result of Thoreau writing his book?
a. As a result, generations to come would know about Walden Pond.
b. As a result, Walden Pond was turned into a national park.
c. As a result, people knew where he had been for two years.
d. As a result, he paid back Emerson for his kindness.
O. Circle T (True) or F (False).
1. Thoreau learned much from the woods. T F
2. Thoreau lived at Walden Pond forever. T F
P. Answer the question.
1. Would you like to live on your own without other people?
Reread “A Life in the Woods” and complete the Cause and Effect chart.
Cause Effect
A. Complete the summary with the words from the box.
A Life in the Woods
The text is about a writer named _____________ David Thoreau. It describes his time at _____________ Pond. In 1841, Thoreau lived in Concord. He tried to _____________, but his home was too noisy. Thoreau wanted to live in the _____________. There, he could live in _____________ and write. Thoreau had a friend named Ralph Waldo Emerson. His friend _____________ land in the woods near Walden Pond. Emerson let Thoreau use his land because they were both _____________ in nature. Thoreau built a _____________ near Walden Pond. Thoreau lived alone there, but he didn’t feel alone. There were many animals near the cabin. His company included squirrels, a snowshoe hare, and a sparrow. Thoreau was a _____________, so he noticed the habits of the animals. One afternoon, he had an encounter with a bird called a loon. He wrote about the spectacular event in his _____________. Thoreau learned a lot about life in the woods. He felt _____________ by nature. He recorded information about the woods in his journal. Then he returned to Concord. He used his journals to write a book about _____________ on Walden Pond.
Henry write journal nature life interested woods cabin owned amazed Waldon naturalist
B. Read the summary and practice to orally summarize the story.
A. Choose and write the correct answers.
1. When she saw the sick cat, she ____________ that she wanted to be a vet. a. resembles b. companion c. explore d. realized
2. This business was ____________ one hundred years ago.
a. take a walk b. tramped c. established d. companion
3. We like to ____________ before dinner.
a. established b. tramped
c. resembles d. take a walk
4. We ____________ up the mountain and down the other side.
a. realized b. resembles c. tramped d. established
5. The knight’s ____________ traveled with him and recorded his brave deeds.
a. explore b. companion c. established d. tramped
6. A donut ____________ a bagel but tastes very different. a. companion b. tramped c. resembles d. explore
7. Let’s ____________ the forest to see what we can find.
a. explore b. take a walk c. resembles d. established
B. Choose the correct words for the meanings.
1. v. phr. go for a relaxing walk
a. take a walk b. tramped c. established d. realized
2. n. a person or animal that travels with another a. established b. resembles c. companion d. explore
3. v. built or set up
a. realized b. established c. tramped d. resembles
4. v. looks like
a. companion b. explore c. take a walk d. resembles
5. v. walked with heavy steps and with purpose
a. tramped b. resembles c. established d. explore
6. v. look through and discover new things about something a. companion b. realized c. explore d. established
7. v. knew something for the first time
a. resembles b. take a walk c. established d. realized
A. Circle and write.
1. Theodore Roosevelt had always been interested in the camps / birds ____________ of England.
2. Roosevelt decided to take a walk in the countryside with a book / naturalist ____________.
3. Roosevelt wrote about an encounter with a bird that impressed him in his autobiography / journal ____________.
4. When they reached Itchen, they tramped / rested ____________ for a few hours.
B. Choose the correct answers.
1. Where did Teddy Roosevelt go for the trip in the story?
a. He went to Yosemite.
b. He went to New England.
c. He went to visit the national parks.
d. He went to England.
2. What did Roosevelt want to see in person?
a. He wanted to see the birds of England.
b. He wanted to see the outdoors.
c. He wanted to see the countryside of England.
d. He wanted to see his friend who was a naturalist.
3. What did Roosevelt’s companion make at the end of their walk?
a. He made tea at an inn.
b. He made a journey to the valley of Itchen.
c. He made a list of all the birds they had seen.
d. He made an entry in his autobiography.
C. Circle T (True) or F (False).
1. Teddy Roosevelt took a trip to England to see birds.
2. The companions tramped around London to find birds.
D. Answer the question.
1. What would you like to travel to see?
E. Circle and write.
1. Roosevelt had never seen / heard ____________ either the blackbird, the song thrush, or the blackcap warbler.
2. Blackbirds hop all over the lawns like the American robin / thrush ____________ does.
3. Seeing and hearing these birds in the wild gave Roosevelt more information than any naturalist / book ____________.
4. In his years as president, Roosevelt worked to preserve birds / land ____________.
F. Choose the correct answers.
1. What bird most impressed Roosevelt?
a. The blackcap warbler most impressed Roosevelt.
b. The blackbird most impressed Roosevelt.
c. The robin most impressed Roosevelt.
d. The wood thrush most impressed Roosevelt.
2. What is NOT true about the blackbird?
a. Blackbirds are very abundant.
b. It is not as musical as the robin.
c. It is a fine singer.
d. It resembles the American robin.
3. What did Roosevelt’s travels show him?
a. They showed him that nature was beautiful yet dangerous.
b. They showed him nature offered humans protection.
c. They showed him that habitats had to be protected.
d. They showed him how much money could be made from the land.
G. Circle T (True) or F (False).
1. The blackbird is a fine singer. T F
2. The sites Roosevelt protected are now all gone. T F
H. Answer the question.
1. What can you learn from nature?
Writing Trait: Word Choice (Strong Words)
A. Read Sofia’s writing. Sofia used precise language to help create a clear picture in the reader’s mind.
Sofia’s Model
The excerpt shows Thoreau himself writing about the forest life around him, and this helps the experience seem more real. Thoreau’s writing allows readers to almost hear the loon laughing and feel the wind blowing, just as he did.
B. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the draft to help you think about what strong words you can add.
1. What vivid sensory details could describe the trees, nest, and birds?
2. What strong words and phrases could be substituted for “working outside,” “found,” and “came back”?
3. What words and phrases would show, rather than tell, what happened? What details would help the reader picture what is being described?
Draft Model
As I was working outside, I found a bird’s nest in our tree. It had baby birds in it. I could hear them. The mother bird came back and fed the babies.
C. Now revise the draft by adding strong words that will help readers better visualize the encounter with the birds.
My Revision