Mn august 2011

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A little magazine with big ideas for Primary School Moms


Fussy Eaters The truth about Sugar Kitchen Safety Upcycle Fun AllergieĂŤ in die Huis Domestic Worker Wisdom Kinderkamer Dekor Solar Heating Systems





Dear Mom,

Mom's Notes proudly gives you our fourth edition, in celebration of home. It's where our heart is! It is our vision to provide an interactive forum for Moms of Primary School aged children that may inspire, encourage, entertain and inform. We sincerely thank every mom who takes the time to read through our little magazine. Mom's Notes Magazine is exclusively distributed with the assistance and approval of 12 Lowveld Primary Schools in the Lowveld. We reach approximately 10 000 households this way. Since this magazine is for you, we invite you to visit our Facebook page and website. We would love to hear your comments, suggestions and thoughts. Feel free to send us your pictures too! Mom's Notes is TwoRedPens Publishing's labour of love. If you or a friend would like to submit an article, please contact us. Wishing you all the best for August, Mom's Notes Team Pssst: TwoRedPens also offer professional layout and publishing services for your school or business.




MomNo'stes publishing


Aktiwiteite: Kitchen Safety Bookclub for Kids a real Mom's Notes

9 4

Busy Hands: Upcycle Fun


DieĂŤt & Gesondheid: Fussy Eaters by Dietician Natalie Grobler The (Sugar Coated) Truth AllergieĂŤ in jou Huis Know Your Plastic Numbers

6-7 8 11 18

Mind Matters: Indoor Entertainment by Greg Crighton


Huis Werk: Home Truths Kinderkamer Kleur Green Paint Wool Carpets Brightspark! Solar Water Heating Systems Domestic Wisdom

10 12 13 14 14 15 16



MOM - Share your Notes with us! Find "MOMSNOTES" on FACEBOOK and 'like' our page. Visit our website: Email your thoughts & suggestions to:



Yes, no or maybe?

At the outset, it is important to note that video games and television are here, and they are here to stay. It is also critical to acknowledge that they have become a large part of young people’s lives. This is not to say that they are the beginning of the end for the health and well-being of all children. This article will not aim to tell you what is right and what is wrong, but rather to educate and inform so that good decisions can be made. One only needs to do an internet search on the effects of video games and television on the development of children to see how divided opinion on these matters actually is. The topic is an emotive one, and as such there is no ‘correct’ response. Some will tell you that television and video games encourage unsocial behaviour or promote aggression and violence, they will also say that they make children fat, or they cause Epilepsy, EXXIRXMSREP HMJ½GYPXMIW ERH EHHMGXMSR some even go so far as to say that television and video games cause brain damage. And of course, each of these claims is backed by some study done by some ‘reputable’ expert or institution. On the other hand however, many researchers have shown that video games and television can improve


attention and enhance cognitive skills, or they can develop social skills, they can develop language skills and visual-perceptual and motor skills, they improve problem-solving abilities and decision-making, they can develop self-esteem and motivation through achievement, video games can also enhance creativity and inculcate a taste for graphics, design and technology. Gaming and television have many positive and negative effects, and as a result, moderation is the key. Television and gaming can be used like any other experience in life, to teach what is good and what is bad, to know the difference between right and wrong. Choose wisely. Read up on the games your children are playing, or the programmes they are watching, and learn how these can be FIRI½GMEP XS ]SYV GLMPH´W HIZIPSTQIRX Turn your child’s television viewing and gaming into an educational experience; talk about it, write about it, read about it, develop vocabulary and comprehension. Use television and gaming as part of the discipline and reward structures that you use at home. Limit the time allocated to these activities, and most importantly, encourage physical and outdoor activities to maintain a balance. Greg Crighton Educational Psychologist

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ES A REAL MOM'S NOT kid s r fo ub cl bo ok


A good way to encourage your children to read – and to save money on books is to start a book club. I recently started one for my daughter’s grade at school and the girls have loved it! I decided to stick to girls only because books at the 8-10 age group are YHU\ JHQGHU VSHFLÀF EXW QRZ WKH ER\V DUH starting to feel left out so I am going to have to expand. First thing I did was ask each girl that wanted to join to bring a minimum of 2 books to school with both their and their moms name and cell phone number in. Once a few girls had joined we could start swopping and the girls loved it. One of the most important things I have found is to have a system to keep track of the books. My system consisted RI ÀUVWO\ KDYLQJ WKH QDPHV LQ WKH ERRNV Once someone joined I captured their details – with mom’s cell number of course! I keep a clipboard with the books so I can write down as I go. I also place a neon pink sticker on each book that is brought in and give it a number which I write down on my list so that I can track who brought which book. When a girl takes a book I write down the book’s number next to her name – this saves a lot of writing time (no long titles!). And when they return the book I cross out the number – simple but it works! I come to the school at a set time each week to swop – a break time is best. What I have found is that there are many different levels of reading ability but the girls have just brought books they are comfortable reading and swop those sorts of books. I am also getting to know what each girl enjoys and so can make recommendations. I have also created a special book mark for the club with some simple rules for looking after books. At the end of the school year I will collect and return all the books and start again in the New Year. Happy Reading! Tracy



WIN THE MEALTIME BATTLE One of the most common problems parents of younger children have is dealing with “fussy eaters”. 8LI QSWX WMKRM½GERX GSQTSRIRX SJ ±JYWW] IEXMRK² MW the power play between a child and their parents. What children put in their mouths is one of the few areas of their lives that they have some control over. If you’re constantly hovering over them at mealtime, cajoling, and counting calories, they will become even more resistant to eating. Just continue to offer a variety of healthy foods without making a big fuss. The most important thing is to maintain consistent food rules in the house at all times and do not offer alternatives. If a child rejects a particular food or meal that they have previously enjoyed, do not offer them a food alternative, particularly a sweet tasting one. For example, if your child starts rejecting vegetables, and you offer them milk as an alternative, your child will very quickly learn that if they do not eat their vegetables, they will get some milk. If you are offering your child a meal of a couple of different food types such as meat and different vegetables, with different tastes and textures, and they still reject them, it is likely they are not really that hungry. In this situation, take the food away and try again in an hour or so when the child requests food again. -J ]SY LEZI E JYWW] IEXIV GLIGO LS[ QYGL ¾YMHW XLI] are consuming. Children often consume a number of cups of juice and milk each day, which is providing all of their calorie requirements. It is no wonder they are not hungry! Remember, a maximum of 100ml of fruit juice and 400mls of milk a day is plenty for GLMPHVIR 0MQMX ¾YMHW [MXL QIEPW KMZI ô LSYV FIJSVI or after meals. HOW CAN I ENCOURAGE MY CHILD TO BE A GOOD EATER? 1. Keep calm: Offer your child nutritious foods, but let him decide how much he will eat. Parental anxiety will only exacerbate the problem.


BY NATALIE GROBLER As the mealtime develop into a battle ground between child and parent, the child can loose their appetite. Aim to praise good behaviour and ignore bad behaviour. 2. Keep to regular meal times: Offer three regular meals and two or three small nutritious snacks. Keep mealtimes to a maximum of 30minutes. Do NOT spend hours negotiating with your child during a meal. 3. Make meals interesting, fun and offer a wide variety: Give both a savoury and sweet course with main meals. This gives your child two opportunities to consume nutrients, and increases the variety of foods consumed. Nutritious puddings are a valuable part of the meal - always include one and don't use it as a reward for eating the savoury course. Eating the same meals day after day can quickly get boring, so offer your child a wide range of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, low fat milk products and whole grain foods. 4. Food shopping with kids: Let your child choose an item to buy from the supermarket, something they’ve never tried before. When they’re old enough, give them some money to buy a new food (also a great way of learning RYQFIVW ERH GSWXW 0IX XLIQ ½RH WSQIXLMRK RI[ JSV ]SY XS XV] XSS 9WI E WTIGMEP ±XV] TPEXI² to try new food items. Encourage your child to XV] SRI ±RI[² JSSH MXIQ IZIV] HE] 5. Food and kids: Research suggests that the chance of a child accepting a new food only increases after we’ve offered it to them more than eight times. If the answer is still ‘no’, try to mask your frustration, mention that it’s a shame because Granny or Daddy loves it, and you think they’re missing out. Make ‘taking a bite of everything on my plate’ in your child’s reward scheme and remember positive attention and praise are the best rewards.

NUTRITION If you’re cooking for a picky eater, try not to spend too much time preparing it. The less time you invest, the less frustrated you’ll feel if it goes, untouched, into the bin. 6. Reduce temptation: Try not to keep junk food around the house. That way, when your child does eventually feel hungry, there will only be healthy snacks available.

everything you need for ...

fussy eaters

7. Education: Involve your child in the preparation of healthy food and show them how food grows. Keep a vegetable garden and let them pick the vegetables from the garden for dinner every night. Explain that an apple from the tree is healthier and better for their growing bodies than an apple pudding for example.

ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ

Quick, Nourishing Healthy MEAL IDEAS: scrambled eggs with tomato, cooked ham and wholegrain toast Pasta with cheese or tomato sauce with grated carrots Jacket or sweet potato with cheese and / or baked beans LSQI QEHI ½WL ½RKIVW SV LSQIQEHI chicken nuggets with potato wedges meatballs with spaghetti / noodles with tomato sauce tuna with pasta and tomatoes shepherds pie (you can disguise a variety of vegetables).


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THE Sugar Coated TRUTH

As parents, we only want the best for our children. But nutritionists, dieticians and pediatricians agree that sugar alone is not the best nutritional choice in your kitchen cupboard. Nor are the packaged cookies and other junk JSSH XLEX GSRXEMR TVSGIWWIH ERH VI½RIH WYKEV However, despite popular opinion over the past decade—and wives' tales that have been around even longer—sugar in itself isn't harmful; it is not a poison that you have to ban from your household. In moderation, foods that contain sugar can be a reasonable addition to a wellrounded diet.

The problem emerges when sugar becomes a staple in a child's diet, replacing healthy foods that contain necessary nutrients.



-R JEGX ]SY [SYPH LEZI E ZIV] HMJ½GYPX MJ RSX impossible, time keeping your child away from sugar altogether. In addition to the obvious sweet and tempting treats such as candy and cookies, cakes and pies, sugar is found naturally in fruit and milk, and is an ingredient in many brands of yoghurt, tomato sauce, and salad dressings. Sugar not only adds sweetness to foods; it also plays a role in our ability to eat and enjoy food in many other ways. It creates texture and color to baked goods, adds body to yoghurt, balances the acidity in tomato products, and increases the boiling point and reduces the freezing point in foods. 7SQI SJ XLI X]TIW SJ WYKEV XLEX ]SY [MPP ½RH SR E food label include: Sucrose, which is common table or white sugar, is found naturally in sugar cane, sugar beets and, in smaller amounts, in some fruits. Fructose, the sweetest sugar, which combines with glucose to form sucrose. Glucose, slightly less sweet than sucrose. Lactose, or milk sugar. Your child's body treats all of these sugars— natural sugars in fruits and honey or processed sugars in candy and ice cream—the same way. Sugar is a carbohydrate, the body's main source of energy. Which means that sugar helps give your child the ability to run and jump and play, just like bread.


THE NEED FOR SWEETS Mother Nature plays a dominant, inextricable role in the sugar attraction, and it starts from birth. &VIEWXQMPO [LMGL MW XLI ½VWX TIVJIGX JSSH JSV children, is sweet, containing a perfect balance of fat, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and—the icing on the cake—sugar. Always consider that you would rather sweeten vegetables a little, than not have your child eat any vegetables, and as a result, miss out on valuable nutrients.

Nutritionists and pediatricians recommend that parents know what is in the foods that they feed their children, but don't get too caught up on any one line item on the label. Parents need to consider the balance between the need for nutrients and sugar content. Here are a few easy-to-implement ideas that will help you manage your child's sweet tooth:

Offer 100 percent juice (you can even cut it with water), juice contains sugar to please the sweet tooth, but also provides important vitamins and immunity-boosting antioxidants. Offer sweet treats occasionally, but never use them as a reward. If your child loves high-sugar brand cereals, pour out half the box, and replace it with a lower-sugar, more nutritious cereal such as WSQI X]TI SJ FVER ¾EOIW /IIT XLI QM\XYVI MR the Frosted Flakes box; image is everything!

Adapted from the article "The Scoop on Sugar" By Catherine Kedjidjian. Retrievd from


Kitchen Safety

Essential safety practices for chefs young and old


Baking/cooking together is a beautiful experience you and your kids will savour long after all the goodies are gone. But before you tie on those aprons and start mixing up wonderful memories, please be sure to review these essential safety practices with your junior kitchen staff. 1.

2. 3.





KEEP IT CLEAN Make sure your kids understand the importance of washing their hands thoroughly with soap and hot water before they start cooking. PROTECT HAIR AND CLOTHES If your kids have long hair, tie it up. Make sure they roll up their sleeves, and put on an apron. NO ADULT, NO COOKING Make sure your kids know they must always have an adult present in the kitchen. Also some tasks are simply not for kids: handling super-sharp cutlery. TREAT ELECTRICITY WITH RESPECT Your kids should know not to touch an electrical appliance when their hands are wet. Get them in the habit of checking [LIXLIV XLIMV LERHW EVI [IX FIJSVI XLI] žMT switches or handle appliance plugs. PRACTICE KNIFE SAFETY Teach kids to always use knives and other sharp objects with the sharp points facing down and away from their person. Always cut with the knife angled away from the body. Let them practice with a dull plastic knife. DON’T LEAVE POTS HANGING A pot handle extending over the stove edge is dangerous. Make sure your little chefs know to point pot handles inward, toward the middle of the stovetop.

ALWAYS CLEAN AS YOU GO A clean kitchen is a safer kitchen. Make sure your kids know if they spill anything, they must clean it up immediately. One splash of SMP SV [EXIV SR E OMXGLIR žSSV GSYPH QIER ER afternoon in the emergency room. As featured in Ideal Home. Photograph by Simon Whitmore Retrieved from

UPCOMING Â WORKSHOPS BAKING & CAKE ICING Always wanted to learn how to bake and decorate your own cakes? Well now is your chance! COOKING UNLIMITED KITCHEN is holding Baking and Cake Icing Workshops in August. KIDS COOKING What will you do with the children over the school holidays? How about enrolling them for cooking and baking classes at Cooking Unlimited Kitchen and let them learn new skills that are fun as well as useful. Cooking Unlimited Kitchen is offering the following:

Baking and Cake Icing Workshop between 23rd & 27th of August Baking and Cake Icing Workshop between 20th & 22nd September Children's Holiday Baking (7-10 year olds) on 27th & 28th September. Children's Holiday Baking (11-15 year olds) on 6th & 7th October. Domestic Cookery Course also available. Enquire about future dates.

Vouchers for these courses are also available. For further details contact us at: 3J½GI +PIRHE 1IKER 30 Waterfall Avenue; Riverside Industrial Park; Nelspruit We also make birthday cakes for those special occasions.



HOME TRUTHS Chas Everitt will always assist you in buying or selling your house. Here, they offer handy home truths for hassle-free housekeeping too!

MATERIAL THINGS For a fresh smelling fridge, keep a box Before you wear a new garment, put a SJ FEOMRK WSHE E GER ½PPIH [MXL GLEVGSEP little clear nail polish on the front and or dried coffee grounds or a cotton ball back of each button. Buttons will stay soaked in vanilla extract inside of it. on longer when their threads are sealed. Crumbled newspapers lining the vegetable Zippers won't stick if you rub them compartments of a refrigerator will keep with the edge of a bar of soap. veggies crisp. When laundering clothes, add detergent Refrigerate candles for several hours before XS XLI [EWLIV ½VWX 4SYVMRK HIXIVKIRX lighting; it will cause fewer drips. on clothing can cause fabrics to fade. KITCHEN KUDOS THE RESISTANCE Have you ever peeled garlic or handled it Apply spray starch to doors and and your hands smell to high heaven? The to painted walls along hallways and next time that happens, take any stainless WXEMV[E]W [LIVI ½RKIVTVMRXW EGGYQYPEXI steel bowl, pan or other stainless steel The coating will resist marks better. kitchen gadget and rub your hands on it. It Place a piece of white chalk in your will take away the smell of garlic. silver chest or jewel box to absorb Lemon extract will remove scuff marks moisture and help prevent tarnishing of from luggage. silverware and jewelry. Dry Mustard will remove onion odors from If you store your best silver in selfyour hands or cutting board. Rub in, then sealing plastic bags, it will tarnish much rinse off. more slowly. Place bay leaves in kitchen drawers and MR ¾SYV ERH WYKEV WEGOW XS OIIT GVE[PMRK FRIDGE & FREEZER FACTS insects away. *VII^IVW VYR QSVI IJ½GMIRXP] [LIR they're three-quarters or more full. ROLLED 'N READY Wiping the inside of the fridge with To keep your extension cords from getting vinegar helps prevent mildew because tangled, insert them into a empty toilet acid kills mildew fungus. paper roll to store. Retrieved and adapted from



Wat is ’n allergie? Jou liggaam reageer op ’n onskadelike stof (soos kos, katte, stuifmeel of stofmyte) en skei stowwe (soos histamien) af om daarvan ontslae te raak. Die reaksie op dié onwelkome “indringer” kan ’n gehoes, genies, loopneus, geïrriteerde en tranerige oë of ’n veluitslag wees. Nog simptome is ’n jeukende en/of toe neus, postnasale afskeiding, effense doofheid, kortasemrigheid,’n benoude bors en hoofpyn. Mopani aptekers stel 'n produk soos Deselex Stroop voor om hierdie simptome te verlig.

Die volgende toestande hou met ’n allergieë verband: Asma: ’n Siekte van die asemhalingstelsel met ’n sterk allergiese komponent. Sowat 99% van kinders met asma het die een of ander allergie. Simptome sluit in kortasemrigheid,’n droë hoesie en benoudheid. Ekseem: ’n Veltoestand wat een van die algemeenste vorms van allergieë is. Die simptome is ’n gejeuk en rooi uitslag, dikwels saam met klein blasies wat korse vorm. Eucerin of E45 room, beskikbaar by Mopani Apteek bied verligting vir ekseem. Rinitis: -R¾EQQEWMI ZER HMI RIYW WI WP]QZPMIW Dit kan seisoenaal (hooikoors) of reg deur die jaar voorkom. In Suid-Afrika het sowat 2 uit 10 mense (of 20%) rinitis, volgens die Allergie-vereniging van Suid-Afrika (Allsa). (Besoek www.allergysa. org.) Die simptome is ’n genies, lopende of verstopte neus, waterige oë en ’n jeukende neus, keel en oë. Texa tablette is 'n goeie keuse om rinitis simptome hok te slaan. Vra vir hierdie produk by die self-medikasie toonbank by Mopani Apteek. Hoe kan ek my rinitis met medisyne beheer? Anti-histamientablette, sout-neussproei (soos Sterimar) of mondelikse ontstumiddel en of vra jou dokter vir ’n kortikosteroïde-neussproei (Flonase neussproei). Anti-histamien-oogdruppels (Spersallerge oogdruppels) sus jou jeukende oë en hoes-suiglekkers jou seer keel (weens ’n post-nasale afskeiding).




Maak jou huis allergeen-vry

Seisoenale allergiese rinitis word deur grassade en stuifmeel veroorsaak. Chroniese rinitis weer deur onder meer huisstof, kakkerlakke, troeteldiere se velselle, droë speeksel en urine, muf en swamme, en irriterende chemiese stowwe. Allergieë is meer algemeen in subtropiese gebiede en aan die kus: Hoë humiditeit en hitte bevorder die aanteel van stofmyte, kakkerlakke en swamme. Ou huise het ook meer dikwels ’n probleem met dié “goggas”. Vind Maxforce IC by Mopani Apteek; 'n produk wat effektief ontslae raak van allergie-gewende insekte in die huis. Bad jou troeteldiere gereeld en verban hulle uit die slaapkamer; jy bring die meeste van jou tyd by die huis daar deur. Pulvex honde sjampoo, vir skoon en gesonde pelse, is ook beskikbaar by Mopani Apteek! Verwyder potplante (veral varings), wat spore en swamme berg. Swamme groei ook op droë rangskikkings (gooi uit!), in lugversorgers, storthokkies, vistenks en yskaste. Maak dit gereeld skoon. Was klere, beddegoed, matte en gordyne MR [EVQ [EXIV WS[EX ×' SQ ZER stofmyte ontslae te raak. Stofsuig ook jou huis gereeld. Mitefree sproei werk goed, en is beskikbaar by Mopani Apteek. Vries kussing- en strooikussingvullers oornag om stofmyte te dood.

Beste raad: Bespreek tog hierdie produkte met jou Mopani apteker voor jy of jou gesin dit gebruik. Aangepas uit "Haal die nies uit lente deur Lydia van der Merwe, SARIE - September 2008" ( Bron: Reken af met allergieë deur drs. François en Esther Retief, Lapauitgewers, 2004 en

Vir meer inligting oor allergieë en die beste raad vir verligting van simptome, praat gerus met die vriendelike aptekers by Mopani Apteek Crossing Winkelsentrum (013) 755 5500 of 11 Ilanga Inkopiesentrum (013) 742 2225.


Kleur kan 'n ingrypende effek op 'n persoon se bui en ingesteldheid hĂŞ.Waar sommige kleure kalmte en die gevoel van vrede bewerkstellig, kan ander kleure jou bloed vinniger laat klop en jou 'n energie-'inspuiting' gee! Hier is 'n basiese uiteenstetting van die sielkunde rondom kleur, alvorens jy 'n kleur kies vir jou kind se kamer.

BLOU is een van die gewildste verfkleur keuses. Die kleur is sinnoniem met vrede en kalmte. Dit kan selfs letterlik hartklop kalmeer! Kinders wat alleem in blou kamers speel is meer tevrede om rustig en alleen te speel. Kinders wat saam in blou kamers speel, sal dalk makliker speel sonder gestry of baklei. Wanneer blou gebuik word in 'n slaapkamer, kan blou help om jou kind rustig te maak vir middag slapies. Studies toon ook dat mens meer produktief is in blou spasies. Dit dui daarop dat 'n blou kamer jou kinders kan help om te studeer, of om te fokus wanneer iets aangeleer word soos die speel van n instrument. PINK is 'n gewilde kleur vir dogtertjies. Wanneer jy 'n rustige, kalmeerende en gemaklike omgewing wil skep is pink 'n goeie keuse. Kies GROEN as verfkleur vir jou kind, en jy sal 'n ontspannende tog verkwikkende spasie skep. As jou kind moeilik opstaan in die oggend, kan groen help om jou kind met energie uit die kooi te kry. Tog, as jou kind maklik senuweegatig raak, of opgewen raak kan groen ook help om jou kind te laat ontspan en onslae te raak van spanning. Dit is dus moontlik dat, wanneer jou kind jou raadop het met buierigheid en trane, 'n tydjie in 'n groen kamer jou kind kan kalmeer.


ORANJE is 'n kleur vol energie. Dit gryp en verrys 'n mens se aandag, veral wanneer dit in oormaat gebruik word soos op die mure van 'n vertrek. Indien jy jou kind se kamer rustig en kalmereerend wil maak, is oraje dalk nie die beste keuse vir die oorhoofse kleur muurverf nie. Aksent mure kan dalk gebruik word! ROOI is die mees energieke en opwindende kleur. Dis helder en lewendig, maar as 'n hoofkleur in jou kind se kamer sal nie 'n rustige spasie skep nie. Inteendeel, rooi kan selfs hartklop versnel, wat kinders kan opwen! Studies bewys dat rooi roekeloosheid kan aanspoor, en dus geaardheid kan beinvloed. GEEL mag dalk soos 'n veilige verfkleur vir kinderkamers klink,, aangesien meeste mense geel assosieer met geluk en vrolikheid. Dus sal jy dalk verbaas wees dat babas meer geneig is om te huil in geel kamers. Studies toon ook dat mense makliker hul humeur verloor in geel kamers as in enige ander kleur kamer, insluitend rooi.

Om die regte kleur verf te kies vir jou kind se slaap- of speelkamer kan 'n spektrum van dinge beinvloed; van hul temprament, tot hoe vinnig hul aan die slaap raak - of hoe maklik hul met ander kinders speel. So dink vir 'n oomblik dieper oor kleur voor jy 'n verfkleur vir kinderkamers kies. Geskryf deur Dee Jones. Aangepas van die webtuiste


'GREENER' Paint makes our surroundings more beautiful. But being a product that contains chemicals, it could be unhealthy. Awareness of global warming, climate change and health issues are reaching a critical mass and better, more environmentally sound ingredients and formulations are proving to be as effective as mainstream paints. Why is green such an issue and why should you care? Indoor air quality is more of an issue than most people realise. In many cities it’s been proven that the quality of the air we breathe inside is even more polluted than the air outside because of chemicals in household cleaning products, glues, fabrics, building materials, varnishes and paints. 8LI TEMRX MRHYWXV] MW QSZMRK JEWX XS ½RH FIXXIV VE[ materials to replace suspect constituents that have been routinely used in paint recipes. IS WATER-BASED PAINT BETTER? Many people believe that water-based paint is énvironmentally neutral'. It’s true to say that waterbased paints are generally more environmentally sound than oil-based (or solvent-based) products. But that’s over-simplifying a complex issue. It’s not just about whether paints are water-based or oil-based. It also makes a difference if they contain new generation colourants and other reformulated chemicals that are used as preservatives, binders, and so on.

HOME WORK Why choose ENVIROLITE? Every coating in the Envirolite range is rated according to its VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) content, based both on international standards. Knowing the VOC content of each product in our Envirolite range will help you to make better decisions. -R 7SYXL %JVMGE XLIVI MW RS SJ½GMEP VYPMRK SR VOC levels for paint. However, the Green Building Council of SA says that internal walls that qualify for a “Green Star” rating should have 16g VOC per litre or less. Midas Envirolite has taken things a step further, achieving Zero VOC with certain water-based topcoats. (By Zero VOC, we mean less than 1 gram of VOCs per litre. In other words, virtually negligible VOCs.) These coatings are able to maintain their low VOC content by making use of Glycol-free colourants, which LIPTW XS WMKRM½GERXP] VIHYGI TSWWMFPI LIEPXL hazards of paint. NO GLYCOL, NO APEO, NO FORMALDEHYDE In time Midas paints aim to eliminate Glycol, APEO and Formaldehyde from all their products. Currently, many Envirolite products not only have reduced or Zero VOCs, but have also been reformulated without these potentially hazardous chemical ingredients that are conventionally used as paint drying time retarders, preservatives and stabilisers. WHAT ABOUT LEAD? Lead is a thing of the past – there is no lead in any Midas paint products.

8S ½RH SYX QSVI EFSYX XLIWI MRRSZEXMZI products, ideal for childrens bedrooms for extra peace of mind, contact Paint & Place in Nelspruit.


Choose wool for your CHILD'S BEDROOM Wool is a truly unique carpet ½FVI QEHI F] REXYVI [MXLSYX ER] GLIQMGEPW -X MW REXYVEPP] [EXIV VITIPPIRX ERH ERXMWXEXMG [LMGL MQTVSZIW WSMP VIWMWXERGI ERH IEWI SJ QEMRXIRERGI Wool rugs provide a good choice for children rooms because they are hardwearing and easily cleaned. They also add beauty comfort and enjoyment to any room. Wool rugs are much safer in a child's room XLER W]RXLIXMG VYKW EW XLI] EVI ¾EQI resistant. Wool rugs are so durable they will last for many years and so with good care and maintenance could easily be passed down to siblings or from generation to generation. 1TYQEPERKE &PMRHW *PSSVMRK SJJIVW E FIEYXMJYP WIPIGXMSR SJ [SSP GEVTIXW MHIEP JSV GLMPHVIR W VSSQW -J [EPP XS [EPP GEVTIXW EVI XSS QYGL GSQQMXQIRX XLI] GER EPWS GVIEXI PSSWI GEVTIXW F] IHKMRK ]SYV GLSMGI SJ [IEZI TEXXIVR

Stockists of beautiful & practical wool carpets and much more!



Consider changing downlight globes to energy saving alternatives, such as LED globes. Although more expensive, they are WYTIV IRIVK] IJ½GMIRX

Switch off your microwave or any other appliances at the wall. Although small LED lights use small amounts of energy, switching these appliances off when not in use makes for a considerable saving over time.

Switching off your geyser when not in use MW RSX EP[E]W IRIVK] IJ½GMIRX 8LIVI EVI QER] JEGXSVW XLEX MR¾YIRGI ]SYV IRIVK] consumption when it comes to geysers. Some of these are: Geyser capacity Geyser element size Intervals of hot water use Number of showers Number of people in household As a general rule, you can lower your energy consuption by ensuring that all members of your family use hot water to shower or bath either in the evening or in the morning, in which case you can switch off and save!

When your geyser is switched on, ensure that you do not use the taps' hotwater YRRIGIWWEVMP] ½PPMRK XLI OIXXPI SV FVYWLMRK ]SYV XIIXL 'SPH [EXIV [MPP ¾S[ MRXS ]SYV geyser, activating the geyser's element.

Consider solar panels. These can be expensive, but pays for itself in the long run, as well as greening your home, and conscience.

Ask your electrician to check if you have a 3 phase electricity supply; in which case it could be "unbalanced". This means that the phases are not "using" equal amounts of power. The problem could be solved with simple re-wiring, although a comprehensive investigation is necessary before this is done.

Daylight switches can easily be incorporated into outside lighting, since these are easily left forgotten and burning.

Contact us for a quote today.

For more info contact: Tel: (013) 752 3082 Email: 14



Is your greatest concern reducing your electricity bill each month? Or are you looking for simple, practical ways to lower your carbon footprint by supporting a technology that reduces the greenhouse gas emissions into our atmosphere? Perhaps you aim to live off-grid, Eskom-free? Whatever your intention, solar water heating offers the perfect solution. Experts at solar heating systems, Solar Balance tells you what to look for when buying a solar geyser. “It makes sense to install a solar geyser for your home or business – the sooner you do so, the sooner you can begin saving on your electricity bill,” says Eugene van Staden from Solar Balance. YOUR REQUIREMENTS “It’s important to look at your hot water requirements before deciding what route to go with solar heating. The key is to invest in a product that best suits your WTIGM½G RIIHW ;MXL 7SPEV &EPERGI ]SY EVI RSX JSVGIH MRXS E SRI WM^I ½XW EPP WSPYXMSR ;I GER IMXLIV GSRZIVX your existing geyser or install a completely new solar geyser.” QUALITY Another important factor to consider, says Eugene, MW UYEPMX] ±)J½GMIRG] MW E ZMXEP GLEVEGXIVMWXMG XS PSSO EX when purchasing a solar water heating collector, as well as the durability of the collector. All our superiorquality systems come with a ten year warranty and are hail and frost resistant.” RETURN ON INVESTMENT The third factor to consider is cost. When buying a hot water system, you need to see a return on investment. ±7SPEV KI]WIVW WLSYPH TE] JSV XLIQWIPZIW [MXLMR E ½ZI year period. Always opt for a system that carries the SABS Mark of Approval and is registered with the Eskom Rebate Programme. “

(MH ]SY ORS[# % KSSH UYEPMX] GSVVIGXP] MRWXEPPIH W]WXIQ WLSYPH FI EFPI XS WEZI EX PIEWX SJ ER EZIVEKI LSYWILSPH´W IPIGXVMGMX] FMPP By choosing a Solar Balance solar geyser solution you are choosing a system registered on the Eskom Rebate programme. This offers you the assurance that our system is tested and approved by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) and enables you to qualify for a rebate. Heating your geyser by Heat Pump. Eco-friendly, a Heat Pump Water Heater can cut your water heating costs by up to two-thirds! With domestic units that heat tanks from 100 to 500 litres of water! Water temperature is adjustable by remote control from 40º to 60º.






One of the most crucial relationships for any working family would be to have a healthy and trustworthy work relationship with their Domestic Worker.They manage and maintain our most intimate possessions and clothing, they clean and keep our homes functioning, they prepare our meals and ensure that our homes are the places we can again be ourselves after expending our energy at work. Most importantly, they are sometimes required to look after our children and family members who cannot do so for themselves, and we rely on them to ensure that no harm befalls our loved one’s when we are not present. The employment relationship that exists between Private Households and their Domestic Workers, is one of the most neglected and ill-administrated employment relationships to be found in the RSA. Business Outsource Solutions, a company that provides Administration, Financial and Human Resource Services to its customers on an outsourced basis, also specializes in assisting Private Households in building and maintaining a healthy and trustworthy employment relationship with their Domestic Workers. The major issues they are usually called on to assist with are the following: EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT: The law requires that each Domestic Worker must have an Employment Contract. This contract does not have to be in writing, it can be a verbal contract, but the Domestic Worker must clearly understand all the terms and conditions. The problem with a verbal contract is that [LIR E HMWTYXI XLIR EVMWIW MX MW HMJ½GYPX JSV XLI Employer to prove that the Domestic Worker [EW E[EVI SJ XLI WTIGM½G XIVQW ERH GSRHMXMSRW SALARY: The Employer is obliged to pay the minimum salary as determined by the Dept of Labour for the area in which the Domestic Worker is employed. There is no requirement for the Employer to pay any transport allowances etc, and the Employer does this out of free will.



LEAVE: The law is very clear on the types and the days due. This also changes depending on whether a Domestic Worker is employed on a monthly, weekly or daily basis. The types and days due should be clearly WTIGM½IH MR XLI )QTPS]QIRX 'SRXVEGX ERH GPIEV VIGSVHW must be kept of all leave taken by the Domestic Worker. PAYMENT OF SALARY: All Domestic Workers, whether paid on a daily, weekly or monthly basis must receive a salary advice, at least once a month, that contains all the information as required by law. If a Domestic Worker is paid in cash or by cheque, it must be given to the Domestic Worker during working hours, at the place of work, and in a sealed envelope which then becomes the property of the Domestic Worker. The Employer should also let the Domestic Worker sign for receipt of the cheque or for the correct amount in cash. REGISTRATION AT UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FUND: If the Domestic Worker works for 24 hours or more per month at the Employer, the Employer must register as a Private Household and then register the Domestic Worker as an employee. The Employer is then obliged to contribute 2% of the Domestic Workers monthly salary to the UIF, of which 1% must be paid by the Employer and 1% by the Domestic Worker. The 1% contribution by the Domestic Worker can be deducted from the salary due.

Business Outsource Solutions has a full consulting and administrative system in place in order to assist Private Households in establishing and maintaining a healthy work relationship with their Domestic Workers.This includes the Employment Contracts, the structuring of WEPEVMIW (YX] 7LIIXW JSV XLI WTIGM½G [SVO XLEX QYWX be done by the Domestic Worker, monthly Attendance Registers, monthly Salary Advices, Leave and the processing thereof, UIF registrations and the monthly payment thereof, maintaining of all administrative details required and assistance with any disciplinary steps that must be taken. *SV E JVII GSRWYPXEXMSR SV WSQI EHZMGI SV JSV E UYSXEXMSR SR EPP XLI WIVZMGIW XLEX XLI] TVSZMHI (ISR .SYFIVX GER FI GSRXEGXIH EX SV WIRH LMQ ER I QEMP XS HISR$FM^SYXWSYVGI GS ^E %PXIVREXMZIP] XLIMV [IFWMXI GER FI ZMWMXIH EX [[[ HSQIWXMGWE GS ^E




Upcycling is the art of turning unused waste materials and items into more valuable items. If you love your planet, and I know you do, then instead of buying crafts materials, just use the ones that are already around your house....plastic bottles, bottle caps, cans, plastic bags, etc. Instead of throwing these materials into a trash heap MR E PERH½PP WSQI[LIVI PIEVR LS[ XS YWI XLIWI materials to make new, even better, items with.


Bottle cap ring from soda or water bottles Rhinestone stickers Optional - paint, glue, beads Cut a section of the bottle cap ring off with scissors. Add some rhinestones onto the bottle cap ring.You might want to glue them on even if they're stickers. This will ensure they don't fall off later. You can also paint the headbands and glue different embellishments to them.


KRAP BOEKIE Benodighede:

plastic milk/juice carton seal (picture above) glue seed beads acrylic gloss (optional)

,IVI W [LIVI ]SY GER ½RH XLI TPEWXMG seal, under the yellow cap. 1. Apply a thick layer of glue to the top of the plastic dome. 2. Place seed beads on top of the dome. Use a toothpick to position the beads where you want them. 3. Let dry 4. Brush a coat of Gloss acrylic over the beads (you could substitute with more glue). This will help keep the beads on the ring. Let dry. Slip onto ½RKIV

Ou tydskrifte, of geskenkpapier Skêr Krambinder Sny ongeveer 15 -20, 7cm x 15cm blokkies uit prente in tydskrifte. Kyk vir prente en bladsye wat baie plek toelaat om om te teken, krap en skryf. Sny nou nog een stuk papier 7cm x 30cm uit, en vou dit in die helfte. Plaas al die gesnyde stukke in die middel van hierdie grooter papier en bind die blaaie in 'n boekie met twee krammetjies. Siedaar! Ideaal vir langs die telefoon of in die kar om 'n teken-lus op te blus.

Mom’s Notes Readers:


upon presentation of this advert on your next purchase (excl. machines & classes). Voucher valid until 31 August 2011.

We stock a wide range of scrapbooking and cardmarking supplies, scrapbooking classes are also offered. 26B Rothery street, Nelspruit,1201 Cell: 082 376 1129 Email: Monday – Friday: 08h30 – 17h00 | Saturdays: 08h30 – 13h00


Mom, know your Numbers! Plastic #1:

Knowing what the codes on household plastics

(Polyethylene terephtalate PETE or PET). is helpful when it comes to recycling, ˆ disposable soda and water bottles but also help you to make healthier choices! ˆ usually clear. ˆ generally safe. ˆ porous surface allows bacteria to accumulate, so don't keep on reusing (Polystyrene). ˆ picked up by most curbside recycling programs. ˆ disposable plates and cups.

Plastic #6:

Plastic #2:

(High density polyethylene HDPE). ˆ most milk jugs, detergent bottles, juice bottles butter tubs, and toiletry bottles. ˆ usually opaque (not clear) ˆ considered safe ˆ picked up by most recycling programs

Plastic #3:

(Polyvinyl chloride PVC). ˆ food wrap, bottles for cooking oil, and plumbing pipes. ˆ PVC is a tough plastic but it is not considered safe to cook food near it. ˆ phthalates in this material–softening chemicalsinterfere with hormonal development. ˆ rarely accepted by recycling programs.

Plastic #4:

(Low density polyethylene LDPE). ˆ grocery & bread bags, some food wraps, squeezable bottles ˆ considered safe ˆ not often accepted by curbside recycling programs.

ˆ ˆ

evidence is increasingly suggesting that this type of plastic leaches potentially toxic chemicals, especially when heated. HMJ½GYPX XS VIG]GPI ERH QSWX VIG]GPMRK TVSKVEQW won’t accept it.

Plastic #7:

(Everything else). ˆ It’s a mixed bag, composed of plastics which were invented after 1987. ˆ Polycarbonate falls into this category, including the dreaded BPA. So do modern plastics used in anything from iPods to computer cases. It also includes some baby bottles and food storage containers which resist staining. ˆ Use of #7 plastic is at your own risk, since you don’t know what could be in it.You should dispose of any food or drink related product, especially for children, that is known to contain &4% -X MW HMJ½GYPX XS VIG]GPI TPEWXMG ERH QSWX curbside recycling programs won’t accept it.

To summarize, plastics #2, #4 and #5 are generally considered safe. Plastic #1 is safe too but should not be re-used due to the risk of growing bacteria. Any other plastic should be used with extreme caution, especially around food or drink.The risk is even greater when heating food. For microwaving in particular, remember that microwave safe Plastic #5: containers aren’t necessarily healthy. They (Polypropylene). ˆ yogurt cups and similar wide-necked containers just won’t melt. In general, it’s better to avoid microwaving plastic entirely and stick to glass. medicine bottles, syrup bottles, and straws. ˆ ˆ


considered safe Increasingly being accepted by curbside recycling programs.

Adapted from article written by Joe Barrios. April 1, 2009 Retrieved from

1 $6 . 2 2/ $ ) 7 (5 & $5 (



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